dafeng-the hometown of milu deer

Dafeng-the hometown of Milu deer

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Dafeng-the hometown of Milu deer. Our friends Animals. 大丰市初级中学 王秀芹. Our pets. Talk about our pets. cat. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Dafeng-the hometown of Milu deer

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Our friends


大丰市初级中学 王秀芹

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Talk about our pets

I have a white . She has four wh

ite p_____ and a black-and-white t__

____. She likes to c__________ balls.

When she gets tired, she sleeps in th

e armchair. She miaows when she is

h______. She always h________ her

self in the cupboard.



ail hase/ catch



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My is a very special friend.His blue-and-green feathers _____________________________( 在太阳下看上去如此美丽 ). He is very clever and he _________________( 学着重复我说的话 ). He says ‘Hello’ when I ____________( 回到家 ). When he is hungry, he always _________( 敲 ) the cage door. When he is full, he _________( 快乐地唱 ).


look so beautiful in the sun

learns to repeat what I say

go back home

knocks on

sings happily

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Discuss:How to keep a goldfish

You should/must ......

You shouldn’ t/mustn’ t ...

1 Change the water every week.

2 Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot.

3 Put some stones at the bottom of the tank.

1Give it too much food.

2 Put your goldfish in the sun.

3 Take it out of the water.

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They have various pets!

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beautiful pets

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How many names of animals can you

remember? And can you spell them?

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What do you know about the animals?





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麋鹿,因为它头脸像马、角像鹿、颈像骆驼、尾像驴,因此又称四不像,以青草和水草为食物。体长达两米,重 300 千克。人口增长和农业的发展,侵占了麋鹿的生活地。人类的捕杀,严重影响了麋鹿的生存。

全世界也没有超过 2000 头 。 现在大都在江苏省大丰麋鹿国家 级自然保护区生活。

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The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among the world‘s

important wetlands. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu

Province.They are home for many different kinds of birds and

animals. The world’s largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve is in them.

More than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-

Crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some

in the Red-crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea


There is a lot of rain and sunshine,too.

They are really goodplaces for wildlife.

The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too

high nor too low.

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But some people want to change the

wetlands to make more space for farms and

buildings. This means there will be less and less space

for wildlife.

Luckily, more and more people are beginning to

realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife. Every

year, , many activities are held to tell

people more about wetlands.

Offering food and home for some special kinds of animal

s and birds is not the only reason why we need to protect

wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prev

ent flood.

on February 2nd

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Can you answer the questions? Try!

1. How’s the temperature in the wetland?

2. What is the use of the wetland?

3. When is the World’s Wetland Day?

It’s neither too high nor too low.

It provides food and home for wildlife and

also prevents flood.

It’s on February 2nd.

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What danger are wild animals facing?


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crane (鹤)

It’s terrible to see that.

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Our advice

1.The government must make laws to stop people from hunting them.

2. The government should build more and larger reserves.

3. All the people must protect the environment.

4. We can donate money to (World Wide

Fund for Nature).

5. We can donate money to the zoo to help

feed the animals.


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1. 有人按门铃的时候 ,Eddie 就会叫 .(7B P95)

2. 你不应当把你的宠物独自长时间放在家里。 (7B P99)

3. 如果农民继续攫取土地的话,大熊猫就会没有地方可住了。 (8A P71)

Eddie will bark /barks when someone rings the doorbell.

You shouldn’t leave your pet at home alone for too long.

If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will

have nowhere to live.

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4. 该地区为野生生物提供了食物和栖息地。(8A P76)

5. 我想捐钱给世界自然基金会 (WWF) ,因为我喜爱动物。 (8B P87)

6. 这部长达一小时的纪录片近距离观察了印度虎的生活。 (9A 65)

This one-hour documentary takes a close

look at the life of tigers in India.

I want to donate money to WWF because I love animals.

The area provides food and shelter for wildlife.

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你爱动物吗?如果你是一名动物爱好者,你就会观察动物或饲养动物。 众所周知,许多动物很聪明,它们是我们的朋友。令人难过的是,它们现在有危险。它们的居住地已变成了农田。猎人们因它们的皮、骨而猎捕它们,因为那些可以制成衣服和药。人们不知道他们在做违法的事。 动物的数量正变得越来越少,这对人类有着坏的影响。我们学生应该意识到保护动物的重要性。 拯救动物就是拯救我们自己。

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Thanks a lot.

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• Task reading• Do you like animals? If you are an animal love

r, you may watch animals or keep an animal.• As we all know, many animals are very clever.

They are our friends. • Sadly, they are in danger now. Their living spa

ce has become farmlands.Many hunters hunt them for their fur and bones. For they can be used to make clothes and medicine. People don’t know they are doing things against the law.

• The number of the animals is getting smaller and smaller now. And this has a bad effect on humans. We students must realize the importance of protecting animals.

• To save animals is to save ourselves.