demystify seo

Demystify SEO Sorting Value from Hocus Pocus Drew Landis* Marketer, Strategizer, Developer, CV3 Breakerer, Geek International Greenhouse Company [email protected]

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Demystify SEOSorting Value from Hocus Pocus

Drew Landis*Marketer, Strategizer, Developer, CV3 Breakerer, Geek

International Greenhouse

[email protected]

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What is SEO?SEO: Search Engine OptimizationSEO is a set or the set of techniques by

which web pages are built, created, or formatted to rank as well as possible on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), and to entice users to engage those results

SEO has probably changed as much in the last two years as in the previous 5-10

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Why Listen to Me?Since “taking over”, has gone from about 2 million in online sales in 2008, to just under 10 million in 2013.

50% increase in total revenue from 2012-2013

60% increase in organic traffic since 2010up 25% just over last year

Professional CV3 breakerBecause I’m the one Nathan asked to be up

here, so :-P

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A Word to Non-GeeksIf you are an owner or other such decision

maker in your company, it is useful for you to know this stuff, but...

In most cases, you should not be the one carrying it out. There are professionals for that. They are worth it. Find one, pay one (well).

I then promise you can feel free to put a down payment on the luxury car of your choice.**I don’t actually promise.

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90% of consumers begin purchase research with Search

almost half of these are now mobilehalf of that is Local

SEO has the biggest ROI potential of any channel

Google is as Google doesYour customers expect it.

Why is SEO important?

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How Does Search Work?

Matt Cutts@mattcuttsHead of Webspam at Google

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The first rule......of Fight Club:

“Write and build content for people, not search engines.”

...of Fight Club SEO

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Examples of Bad IdeasKeyword Stuffing

if it doesn’t sound ridiculous when you read it then it’s prolly OK“We sell custom cigar humidors. Our custom cigar humidors

are handmade. If you’re thinking of buying a custom cigar humidor, please contact our custom cigar humidor specialists at [email protected].”

Hidden keywordsLink or Content FarmsPaid Links (that aren’t Google or other legit PPC

provider)Non-original, stolen, or duplicate content

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If you are not providing value to your visitor with the content on your page, then you are spamming the web and we will punish you for it.Google Sez…

“If you are not providing value to your site visitors, then you are

spamming the web.”#truthhurts

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How Do We Provide Value?Well-Structured PagesRelevant KeywordsOriginal ContentLegit Linking SchemesLocal & MobileReputationSite Speed

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Page StructureStarting at the TopURL structure

Target keywords in URL if possible, but drop the conjunctions 301 Redirect

CV3 Settings > URI RedirectsUse the HTML5 doctype

<html> or <!doctype html><head>

Use clear, helpful, and relevant Page Titles by using your target keywords

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<head> Structure, pt.2Home Page Examples

Bad: <title>home</title> or <title>default</title>Good: <title>Your Store | Keyword, Keyphrase, Super

Awesome</title>Category Pages

Be Specific - Men’s Leather Dress Shoes, not just Shoes<title>Category Name - Keywords | Your Store</title>

Product Pages<title>Product Name - Value Proposition | Your

Store</title><meta> Tags

<meta name=”description” content=”This is a description.”>No SEO value but often used as the “snippet” on the SERPs

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<head> Structure, pt.3<meta name=”keywords”

content=”keywords”>Keywords mostly irrelevant for SEO

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

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<head> Structure, pt.4Authorship (rel=”author”)

you get a nice little mugshot right on page #1 of Google to show your friends

Google is beginning to rank author’s of high reputation higher

increases click-through from SERPs<link rel="canonical" href=""/>specifies which version of a page is the one to be


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<head> Structure, pt.3Semantic Markup (Opengraph,

used to create “rich snippets” which greatly increase click-through on the SERPs

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Page Structure, <body>HTML5 tags

<header>, <nav>, <article>, <aside>, <footer>

keywords in heading - <h1>, <h2>, etc.section content appropriately

Contenttarget keyword in first paragraph of copy - <p>

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<body> Structure, pt.2Aim for 1-4% keyword density your own product descriptions

woot.comif you have a blog, it should be located at Text

<a href=”link”>Your Keyword</a> instead of <a href=”link”>Click Here</a>

Videosjust having video on the page, regardless of whether a

visitor clicks, increases conversions

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Choosing the Right KeywordsPage content is what search engines look at, so pick the most relevant 1-3 keywords/phrases and hammer them.

MAKE SURE YOU PICK THE RIGHT WORDSwhat would new customers usewhat about repeat customers?

Use keyword research tools to find new or better keywords

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Keywords, pt.2Google Keyword PlannerKeyword SpySpyFuUber Suggest

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Content is King (and Queen)Just call it Content Marketing

By far the most value added for your visitors.Original content is the single biggest

tactic you can pursue for long term SEO returns.

Content SourcesCustomer ServiceCompetitor’sTrade publicationsBlogs

set up a feed reader!

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Content is King (and Queen)

Social Mediafacebooktwitterg+

follow industry folksAge of content is a factor Google’s algo.

Find your stale content.Curation

Just fake actual content. Filtering is a service.

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I got Links and Links andLinks and LinksThe web runs on links.Check your incoming links.A successful link-building strategy is really a

content strategy.

blogfeedsinterlinkingresource pagesforums & member sitesasking (begging)

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Links, pt.2Be aware that link building is where people have gotten in trouble in the past couple years.

Penguin and Panda updatesWhat should I avoid?

anyone guaranteeing #1 rankinglink farmscontent farmsmass link submission

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What the Hell is SoLoMo?Social Local Mobile of Google searches involve location modifiers

best coffee orlando38% or shoppers use mobile for price comparison

70% of mobile searches result in action <1 hour

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SoLoMo, pt.2If you don’t have a mobile site, get one. This

year.Especially true if you have a brick and mortar.Mobile is really the wrong way to look at it.

Design should be “agnostic”Google has begun to factor mobile presence in

their algo.If you are not on Google+, get there.

not much going on, however there are many SEO benefits

much of this is local

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SoLoMo, example

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SoLoMo, pt.3If you don’t have a mobile site, get one. This year.

Just like the Internet was here to stay in 1997, mobile is here to stay now.

Google has begun to factor mobile presence in their algo.

I guarantee your competitors aren’t waiting.Social sharing buttons.

use the latest code, optimize itLocation Segmentation

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SoLoMo, pt.4You may not need all the social networks, but you need the right ones

Pinterest - projects & visualFacebook & twitter - curation, engagement,

customer serviceInstagram - showcase, gallery, add humanityGoogle+ - when you figure what you’re

supposed to do here, let me know

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Reputation & SpeedSpeed is something Google factors in their algo

a slow site is costing youfind out site speed best practices

minimize http:// requests, javascript to the footer, css sprites, image compression

It will work out better for you if you are an authority in your industry. Content is the way to do this.

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Final ThoughtsSEO is not magic. It is not voodoo. It is simply creating great content and sharing relevant information in a way that is easily decipherable by both man and machine.

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You either have none or a lot, which means I was either awesome or terrible. It’s hard to tell which.

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