destination jungle tots pre lesson plan spanish

Destinations: Jungle Tots/ Preschool; Spanish 1 | Page Week One Type English Spanish Survival Backward/ forward Atrás/adelante Colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple Colores: Rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul, morado How do you say __________? ¿Cómo se dice __________? Left/ right Izquierda/derecha May I go to the bathroom? ¿Puedo ir al baño? Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Repeat please. Repítelo, por favor. Stop, look, listen Detente, mira, escucha To jump Saltar To run Correr To walk Caminar Up/ down Arriba/Abajo What does _______ mean? ¿Qué significa _______? Where is the bathroom? ¿Dónde está el baño? Verbs to climb trepar Vocab picture la foto sloth el perezoso Suggested Lesson Outline 10 min Welcome - Introduce yourself and class expectations to parents and students - Give out materials and explain briefly about Lango Method and logistics to parents. 5 min Greeting - Sing Hello/ Good morning song - Introduce and welcome Cosmo 5 min ALMC Hot Potato 3-5 min Lango Workbook- Chapter 1 5 min Song Interlude - Spanish: Con Cosmo (With Cosmo) - French: La Fête (The Party) - Mandarin: Ni Yao Tiao Wu Ma (Do you like to dance?) 5 min ALMC Scavenger Hunt Back-up ALMC Obstacle Course 5 min Celebration- Parachute Play 3 min Closing - Sing Good Bye song Extension Activities Workbook: Making Lango Passport ALMC Follow the Leader SESSION PROJECT: Lango Passport- Help parents and students to make passports with their names and where they live. Encourage students to introduce their names in target language! Cultural Connection: What is your favorite animal? Why? Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior)) 1. It’s sharing day! The Lango Students share pictures. 2. Lucia loves sloths! 3. Silly Cosmo! He climbs the tree!

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learn in Spanish !


Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

1 | P a g e

Week One

Type English Spanish


Backward/ forward


Colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple

Colores: Rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul, morado

How do you say __________?

¿Cómo se dice __________?

Left/ right Izquierda/derecha

May I go to the bathroom?

¿Puedo ir al baño?

Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Repeat please. Repítelo, por favor.

Stop, look, listen Detente, mira, escucha

To jump Saltar

To run Correr

To walk Caminar

Up/ down Arriba/Abajo

What does _______ mean?

¿Qué significa _______?

Where is the bathroom?

¿Dónde está el baño?

Verbs to climb trepar


picture la foto

sloth el perezoso

Suggested Lesson Outline

10 min

Welcome - Introduce yourself and class expectations to parents and students - Give out materials and explain briefly about Lango Method and logistics to parents.

5 min Greeting - Sing Hello/ Good morning song - Introduce and welcome Cosmo

5 min ALMC Hot Potato

3-5 min Lango Workbook- Chapter 1

5 min

Song Interlude - Spanish: Con Cosmo (With Cosmo) - French: La Fête (The Party) - Mandarin: Ni Yao Tiao Wu Ma (Do you like to dance?)

5 min ALMC Scavenger Hunt

Back-up ALMC Obstacle Course

5 min Celebration- Parachute Play

3 min Closing - Sing Good Bye song

Extension Activities

Workbook: Making Lango Passport

ALMC Follow the Leader

SESSION PROJECT: Lango Passport- Help parents and students to make passports with their names and where they live. Encourage students to introduce their names in target language!

Cultural Connection: What is your favorite animal? Why?

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

1. It’s sharing day! The Lango Students share pictures.

2. Lucia loves sloths! 3. Silly Cosmo! He climbs the tree!

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

2 | P a g e

Materials (based on suggested ACL)


• Classroom expectations or Lango Code

• Survival phrases

• OPTIONAL: Vocabulary words for lesson

Standard Teacher Kit:

• CD Player

• Lango CDs

• Cosmo Puppet

• Colored cones, hoops, bean bags

• Parachute

Teaching Materials:

• Workbook

• Stickers

• Storylines

• Laminated images

• Flashcards

Art Supplies:

• Paper: Color, copy, and construction

• Pens/ crayons/ pencils

• Scissors

• Glue

• Accessories: Eyes, glitter, etc

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

3 | P a g e

Segment Materials Content

Welcome 10 min

• Poster: Classroom expectations

• Poster: Classroom reward system

• Poster: Survival phrases

• Lango CD and player

• At the door, welcome the students and parents saying “Hello” and asking students to sit in a circle.

• Once all students and parents are seated in the circle, turn off the radio and begin class.

• Introduce yourself to students. Explain where you are from, how you learned the target language, and why you’re excited to work with them.

• Ask students if they have ever learned the target language

• Go over guidelines and expectations, including the Lango Code. Establish a reward system. Tell parents what to expect in the class and how you can work together in class.

• Establish bathroom and water break protocol. Your plan will vary by location and resources.

• Inform students and parents that you will try to spend the entire class speaking the target language, and that you expect them to try and participate.

• Tell them that each day they will have a Phrase of the Day! Throughout the class, students will practice the phrase.

• Remind parents that students at this age often respond non-verbally for awhile before responding verbally…and that it is completely natural to do so.

• Put on your Target Language symbol (target language only time)

Greeting 5 min

• CD Player

• Lango CD

• Cosmo puppet

Transition to Welcome Song:

• Sing the Welcome Song (first verse and chorus) without music (You will likely want to sing it very lowly, repeat the lyrics several times with dramatic delivery- each word matches a movement.)

• Once the students are able to sing with you (more or less) add the music. Transition to Name Chant:

• Still in the circle, say “My name is …”

• Point one of the students and ask, “What is your name?”

• Encourage students to shout out their names and ask everyone to give a big cheer!

• Or bring Cosmo out after you said your name, and have Cosmo asks each student what his/her name is- have Cosmo shake their hands, hug them, or give them a kiss!

• For preschoolers, ask student ‘How are you?’ and use thumbs up/ down for responses. Transition to Cosmo:

• Once the Name Chant is complete, bring Cosmo out and introduce him to the students. Have Cosmo say ‘Hello” to the students.

• Cosmo should be very loving, silly, and interacts with students a lot!

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

4 | P a g e

• Offer students the opportunity to greet Cosmo with handshake, high/ low 5, fist pump, etc (note that returning students will jump to do this while newer students may not be ready to do this yet).

• Ask Cosmo what he wants to do and he’ll say he wants to play!

ALMC Hot Potato 5 min

• Colored bean bags or balls

Transition to ALMC Hot Potato

• Option I (for tots): Put colored balls or bean bags in a surprise bag and invite each student to draw one color out one at a time. Cheer and say how much you LOVE the color. Repeat each color several times before bringing out the next color. Help tots to pass around the colors and point to the colors on their clothes. Ask each tot to point to a color or two they just learned. Make sure both tots and parents understand the color before switching to the next. You can gently slide or roll the ball/ bean bag on the ground to create a sense of “tossing back and forth.”

• Option II (for preschoolers): Put colored balls or bean bags in a surprise bag, invite each student to draw one color out one at a time. Cheer and say how much you LOVE the color. Repeat each color several times before bringing out the next color. Help tots to pass around the colors and point to the colors on their clothes. Ask each tot to point to a color or two they just learned. Make sure both tots and parents understand the color before switching to the next. Start the game by passing one colored bean bag/ball at a time, gradually add more bean bags and encourage students to shout out colors! Make sure every student shouts out the colors correctly. (Be sure to create a sense of urgency and adventure!) for active students, you can stand up and play this game!

Once students have mastered colors, do the activity again but with the SLO’s for the day.

New Material Chapter 1 3-5 min

• Lango workbook

• Laminated images

Transition to Lango workbook

• Show students chapter 1. Use dramatic delivery to tell the story excitingly.

• Identify colors and objects in the book.

• Ask constantly where is red? Where is green? Where is the pig? Ask if the students love the river, jungle, or airplanes? Or invite students to pretend to fly like an airplane with you!

Song Interlude 5 min

• Lango CD

• Spanish: Con Cosmo

• French: Les Chiffres

• Mandarin: Do you want to dance

Transition to Song Interlude

• Start by inviting all the students to stand up and move around. Go through the key movements in the song several times before playing the song.

• Guide the students to dance, run, and jump around the classroom according to the song lyrics.

• End the song with everyone being tired (or just Cosmo) and have to sit back to the circle.

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

5 | P a g e

ALMC Scavenger Hunt 5 min

• Colored cones

• Laminated images of farm animals or colors

• Colored bean bags or balls

• Stuffed farm animals

Transition to ALMC Scavenger Hunt

• First introduce the SLO words that will be used in the game again by asking students to find them from a surprised bag.

• For tots, put objects throughout the room and “run, jump, walk, or fly” to the objects at each corners. Repeat the movements and he words over and over again while “hunting” throughout the room. Direct tots to run to an object and shouts out the name of the item!

• For preschoolers: Ask students to close their eyes or lay down with eyes closed for ten seconds while you hide everything in the room. Chant “where is___?” and lead the students to find the first one or two objects. Ask students to find other objects and bring them back to you. Encourage them to shout out the names of the objects with you.

• For mixed groups- you can put objects under the cones and ask students to guess and reveal where the objects are. Reinforce sentences such as “the ball is in red.” The monkey is in the yellow!”

Transition to Parachute Play (or back up ALMC):

• Ask students to return to the circle

• Bring back all items in the room to you, repeat the items again and say thank you. Back up ALMC Obstacle Course 5 min

• Colored hoops and cones

• Colored bean bags

Transition to ALMC Obstacle Course

• Demonstrate the movements you will be using during the course: colors, to jump, to walk, to stop…etc.

• For tots: Either put colored hoops apart and invite students to jump or walk through the hoops while you repeat the colors, or set up hoops as standing rings and students can crawl through the colors. Remember, repeat the colors as much as possible. For more active tots, you can set up four color hoops at four corners and direct them to run toward the hoops.

• For preschoolers: Set up two or three color hoops on the floor, and four colored bean bags at the end of the room, direct them to run or walk to the right color hoop, then jump to get the right color bean bag, then toss the bean bag to a hoop. Remember, you must demonstrate a few times before starting the game.

Celebration Parachute

• Lango CD

• CD player

• Parachute

Transition to ALMC Parachute Play

• Demonstrate the movements that will be used in the play several times before bringing out the parachute.

• Pull out the parachute and dance with the music!

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

6 | P a g e

Play 5 min

• Run through the play and ask students to help clean up.

Closing 3 min

• CD player

• Lango CD

• Musical instrument (optional) a little drum or tambourine

Transition to Closing

• Ask students if they are tired and tell them it’s time to say goodbye!

• Ask Cosmo if he is tired and he’ll say he is tired and sleepy!

• Turn on the radio to the good-bye song, have students to say goodbye to Cosmo with a hug, a kiss, high 5, or shake his hands!

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

7 | P a g e

Week Two Type English Spanish

Vocab airport el aeropuerto

Vocab moustache el bigote

Vocab truck el camión

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min

Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents on the key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing the welcome song - Introduce Cosmo and interact with students

5 min Review- ALMC Flyswatter

5 min

Song Interlude - Spanish: Con Cosmo (With Cosmo) - French: La Fête (The Party) - Mandarin: Ni Yao Tiao Wu Ma (Do you like to dance?)

5 min Lango workbook- Chapter 2

5-8 min ALMC Follow the Leader

Back-up ALMC Red light, green light

5 min Review: ALMC Speakeasy

5 min Celebration:

- Parachute Play (play an upbeat Lango song in the background.)

5 min Closing:

- Sing Goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Simon Says (Cosmo Says)

Workbook: For preschoolers, help students go through the Lango maze using left, right, up, and down. For tots, run/walk/dance around the classroom as if you are going through a maze!

SESSION PROJECT: Create a maze in the classroom (show parents how to do this at home) and lead the students to go through it identifying SLO’s along the way. Use whatever props you have available to create this life-size maze in the room (cones/ hoops/ etc) Once they are done, have them draw that maze (or have the parents help) to their passport book

Writing Prompt: N/A

Cultural Adventure: Use dramatic delivery to talk about airport experience: passport, big airplanes, saying goodbye…etc. Teachers can talk about airports in their own country.

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

1. The Lango kids are in an airplane. 2. “Welcome!” Says the man with a moustache.

3. The kids are in the truck.

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

8 | P a g e

Materials (based on suggested ACL)


• Classroom expectations or Lango Code

• Survival phrases

• OPTIONAL: Vocabulary words for lesson

Standard Teacher Kit:

• CD Player

• Lango CDs

• Cosmo Puppet

• Colored scarves

• Colored cones, hoops, bean bags

• Parachute

Teaching Materials:

• Workbook

• Stickers

• Storylines

• Laminated images

• Flashcards

Art Supplies:

• Paper: Color, copy, and construction

• Pens/ crayons/ pencils

• Scissors

• Glue

• Accessories: Eyes, glitter, etc

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

9 | P a g e

Segment Materials Content

Welcome 5 min

• Poster: Classroom expectations

• Parents cheat sheet

• Lango CD and player

• Play hello song in the background as students come in. At the door, welcome the students saying “Hello” and asking students to sit in a circle. Allow younger students to free play while waiting.

• Once all students are seated in the circle, turn off the radio and begin class.

• For Tots and Parents class, you can have stuffed toys out on the floor for students to free play before all students arrive.

• Put on your Target Language symbol (target language only time)

Greeting 5 min

• CD Player

• Lango CD

• Cosmo puppet

Transition to Welcome Song:

• Sing the Welcome Song (first verse and chorus) without music (You will likely want to sing it very lowly, repeat the lyrics several times with dramatic delivery- each word matches a movement.)

• Once the students are able to sing with you (more or less) add the music. Transition to Name Chant:

• Sit in the circle, say “My name is …”

• Point one of the students and ask, “What is your name?”

• Encourage students to shout out their names and ask everyone to give a big cheer!

• Bring Cosmo out after you said your name, and have Cosmo asks each student what his/her name is- have Cosmo shake their hands, hug them, or give them a kiss!

• For preschoolers, ask students “How are you?’ and use thumbs up/ down for responses.

• Ask Cosmo what he wants to do, and he’ll say he wants to play!

Review ALMC Fly Swatter 5 min

• Colored bean bags

Transition to Review, ALMC Fly Swatter:

• First make sure to go over all the colors and SLO words from last week several times before playing. Invite students to pick out one color bean bag at a time from a surprise bag, repeat the colors, make small chats about how much you love the color, and point the color out on their clothes and surroundings.

• For tots, put two or three beanbags on the floor at a time. Ask each tot to pick the right color when you ask him/her to. Then turn to the next tot ad repeat the process. Make sure to give all of them big cheers for playing the game!

• For preschoolers, put two or three beanbags on the floor to start with. Ask all students to put their hands on their heads. Count to three then ask them to “swat” the right color beanbag that you have shouted out. Chant “where is? Where is? Where is red?” as you repeat the game.

• Ask students to help clean up after the review session.

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

10 | P a g e

Song Interlude 5 min

• Lango CD

• Spanish: Con Cosmo

• French: Les Chiffres

• Mandarin: Do you want to dance

Transition to Song Interlude

• Start by inviting all the students to stand up and move around. Go through the key movements in the song several times before playing the song.

• Guide the students to dance, run, and jump around the classroom according to the song lyrics.

• End the song with everyone being tired (or just Cosmo) and have to sit back to the circle.

New Material Chapter 2 5 min

• Lango workbook

• Laminated images

• Cosmo Puppet (optional)

Transition to the workbook.

• Introduce the chapter using dramatic delivery.

• Ask students if they love or dislike the objects shown in the book.

• Invite students to pretend to be a truck or flying like an airplane with you! Remind students to use the SLO’s they’ve been learning in the book.

ALMC Follow the Leader 5-8 min

• Lango CD

• Stuffed animals

• Laminated images

Transition to ALMC Follow the Leader

• Have Lango songs played in the background (optional). Bring out a surprise bag with SLO images in the bag.

• Invite students to each take out one item from the bag and pretend to be the object in their hands.

• Ask students student to stand up and run, jump, fly, or walk around with you in the room pretending to be different animals or objects.

Ask students to help clean up and thank everyone for participating!

Back up ALMC Red Light, Green Light 5-8 min

• Lango CD

• Red and green scarves

• Transition to ALMC Red Light, Green Light

• Bring out a red and a green scarf and demonstrate the movements each represents: Red means stop, green means to jump forward, yellow means go slowly.

• Line all the students up in the back of the room. Demonstrate how to play the game several times before starting the game.

• Run through the game and give everyone a big cheer for participating!

• Ask students to help clean up and sit back to the circle.

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

11 | P a g e

Review Microphone! 5 min

• Colored cones

• Laminated images or Lango workbook

Transition to Review, ALMC Speakeasy

• Bring out the words you would like the students to review: from workbook, stuffed toys, or SLO images

• Shout out the words one at a time into the cone- using the cone as a microphone!

• For tots, say something into the cone first, then put the cone in front of the tot and encourage the tot to say the same word into the cone.

• For preschoolers, you can give each student one cone and ask them to follow whatever you are saying into the cone.

• Note! This is a great opportunity to prompt verbal response from students!

Celebration Parachute Play 5 min

• Lango CD

• CD player

• Parachute

Transition to ALMC Parachute Play

• Demonstrate the movements that will be used in the play several times before bringing out the parachute.

• Pull out the parachute and dance with the music!

• Run through the play and ask students to help clean up.

Closing 5 min

• Lango CD

• Musical instrument (optional) a little drum or tambourine

Transition to Closing

• Ask students if they are tired and tell them it’s time to say goodbye!

• Ask Cosmo if he is tired and he’ll say he is tired and sleepy!

• Turn on the radio to the good-bye song, have students to say goodbye to Cosmo with a hug, a kiss, high 5, or shake his hands!

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

12 | P a g e

Week Three Type English Spanish

Verbs to eat Comer

Vocab crocodile el cocodrilo

Vocab monkey el mono

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review- Hoop Jumping (place images in hoops to review)

5 min

Song Interlude - Spanish: Con Cosmo (With Cosmo) - French: La Fête (The Party) - Mandarin: Ni Yao Tiao Wu Ma (Do you like to dance?)

5 min Lango workbook- Chapter 3

5-8 min ALMC Obstacle Course

Back-up ALMC Leap Frog

5 min Review- ALMC Speakeasy

5 min Celebration: Parachute Play

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Scavenger Hunt (what is under the cones/ scarves?)

Work sheet from workbook: counting crocodile teeth with the students. Repeat numbers slowly and

Art Project: Draw a crocodile on paper without teeth! Invite students to draw teeth in its mouth and count them one by one!

SESSION PROJECT: Tell students we are going on a trip! Show them what you pack in your surprise bag! (Cosmo, book, pen, passport…etc.) Ask the students (and parents) to pack things into their imaginary bag as well. Draw items that they would pack (preschoolers: write the names of the items if possible)

Writing Prompt: N/A

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

1. Look, a crocodile! 2. The crocodile eats the sandwich. 3. The crocodile and the monkey are on top!

Materials (based on suggested ACL)


• Classroom expectations or Lango Code

• Survival phrases

• OPTIONAL: Vocabulary words for lesson

Standard Teacher Kit:

• CD Player

• Lango CDs

• Cosmo Puppet

• Colored cones, hoops, bean bags

• Parachute

Teaching Materials:

• Workbook

• Stickers

• Storylines

• Laminated images

• Flashcards

Art Supplies:

• Paper: Color, copy, and construction

• Pens/ crayons/ pencils

• Scissors

• Glue

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

13 | P a g e

• Accessories: Eyes, glitter, etc

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

14 | P a g e

Segment Materials Content

Welcome 5 min

• Poster: Classroom expectations

• Parents cheat sheet

• Lango CD and player

• Play hello song in the background as students come in. At the door, welcome the students saying “Hello” and asking students to sit in a circle. Allow younger students to free play while waiting.

• Once all students are seated in the circle, turn off the radio and begin class.

• For Tots and Parents class, you can have stuffed toys out on the floor for students to free play before all students arrive.

• Put on your Target Language symbol (target language only time)

Greeting 5 min

• CD Player

• Lango CD

• Cosmo puppet

Transition to Welcome Song:

• Sing the Welcome Song (first verse and chorus) without music (You will likely want to sing it very lowly, repeat the lyrics several times with dramatic delivery- each word matches a movement.)

• Once the students are able to sing with you (more or less) add the music. Transition to Name Chant:

• Sit in the circle, say “My name is …”

• Point one of the students and ask, “What is your name?”

• Encourage students to shout out their names and ask everyone to give a big cheer!

• Bring Cosmo out after you said your name, and have Cosmo asks each student what his/her name is- have Cosmo shake their hands, hug them, or give them a kiss!

• For preschoolers, ask students “How are you?’ and use thumbs up/ down for responses.

• Ask Cosmo what he wants to do, and he’ll say he wants to play!

Review 5 min

• Colored hoops

• Laminated images

Transition to Review

• Show the SLO images that you want to review one at a time. Make associations such “Do you love trucks?” “The airplane is biiiig!” or “This truck is yellow and red, I love red!”

• Encourage student to respond or repeat after you.

• Then put two colored hoops on the floor- say red and green. Direct each student to put the correct image into the corresponding colored hoops. You can simply tell them to “Put the truck in the red hoop, thank you!”

• Make sure to demonstrate a few times before starting the process.

• For more active students, you can put the hoops far way so the students run to the hoops.

• Ask students to help clean up after the review session.

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

15 | P a g e

Song Interlude 5 min

• Lango CD

• Spanish: Animals

• French: ??

• Mandarin: Teachers have many friends

Transition to Song Interlude

• Introduce the song using activity steps.

• Start by inviting all the students to stand up and move around. Go through the key animals and movements in the song several times before playing the song.

• Guide the students to dance, run, and jump around the classroom according to the song lyrics.

• End the song with everyone being tired (or just Cosmo) and have to sit back to the circle.

New Material Chapter 2 5 min

• Lango workbook

• Laminated images

• Cosmo Puppet (optional)

Transition to the workbook.

• Introduce the chapter using dramatic delivery.

• Ask student if they love or dislike crocodile, monkey, and to eat sandwiches!

• Invite student to pretend to be a monkey, crocodile or other animals they love- for preschoolers, this week you should focus on prompting verbal responses such as “I love monkey” or “I don’t love crocodile” or “crocodile is big, monkey is small.”


ALMC Obstacle Course 5-8 min

• Colored hoops and cones or beanbags

• Stuffed animals toys

• Laminated images

Transition to ALMC Obstacle Course

• Demonstrate the movements and repeat the words that will be used in the play several times before starting the course.

• Set up the course on the floor: for tots you can imply have two hoops, a few stuffed toys, and a cone in the end. For preschoolers, you can have three to four hoops, colored beanbags, and some stuffed toys.

• Demonstrate the game several times before starting.

• For tots, run inside of one hoop, run to get a stuffed animal, then either put it by the cone, or shout the name into the cone.

• For preschoolers, jump between hoops, get the beanbag, put it on the head and run to get a stuffed toy! (Be sure to adjust the difficulty according to your students’ needs.)

Ask students to help clean up and thanks everyone for participating!

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

16 | P a g e

Back up ALMC Leap Frog 5-8 min

• Lango CD

• Images or stuffed toys for jungle animals

Transition to ALMC Leap Frog

• Ask students to come up and form two lines (one line is ok.)

• Repeat the animal names that will be used in the game several times before starting the game.

• Demonstrate the game a few times before running the game. The first student in the line shouts out the name of the animal before handing it to the next student, so on and so forth...

• Run through the game and give everyone a big cheer for participating!

• Ask students to help clean up and sit back to the circle.

Review Microphone! 5 min

• Colored cones

• Laminated images or Lango workbook

Transition to Review, Speakeasy

• Bring out the words you would like the students to review, from workbook, stuffed toys, or SLO images

• Shout out the words one at a time into the cone- using the cone as a microphone!

• For tots, say something into the cone first, then put the cone in front of the tot and encourage the tot to say the same word into the cone.

• For preschoolers, you can give each student one cone and ask them to follow whatever you are saying into the cone.

• Note! This is a great opportunity to prompt verbal response from students!

• (You may want/ need to remind parents that kids really need to feel comfortable before they respond – so constant repetition is super helpful)

Celebration Parachute Play 5 min

• Lango CD

• CD player

• Parachute

Transition to ALMC Parachute Play

• Demonstrate the movements that will be used in the play several times before bringing out the parachute.

• Pull out the parachute and dance with the music!

• Run through the play and ask students to help clean up.

Closing 5 min

• Lango CD

• Musical instrument (optional) a little drum or tambourine

Transition to Closing

• Ask students if they are tired and tell them it’s time to say goodbye!

• Ask Cosmo if he is tired and he’ll say he is tired and sleepy!

• Turn on the radio to the good-bye song, have student to say goodbye to Cosmo with a hug, a kiss, high 5, or shake his hands!

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

17 | P a g e

Week Four Type English Spanish

Vocab dark oscuro

Vocab toucan el tucán

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review- ALMC Memory

5 min

Field Trip: Place images around the room, and identify them as they are passed

5 min Lango workbook- Chapter 3

5-8 min ALMC Art project: Create art based on Field Trip

Back-up ALMC Leap Frog

5 min Review- What’s behind my back?

5 min Celebration: Parachute Play

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Around the World

ALMC Parachute

ALMC Art Challenge

SESSION PROJECT: Draw what is in your backpack (make a backpack and fill it with what you think the Lango Kids had in it)

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

1. The jungle is dark. 2. Oh no, the toucan has the backpack! 3. The kids are on top of the crocodile.

Materials (based on suggested ACL)

Posters: Standard

Standard Teacher Kit: Standard

Teaching Materials: Standard

Art Supplies: Standard

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

18 | P a g e

Week Five Type English Spanish

Vocab anaconda la anaconda

Vocab thank you gracias

Vocab under bajo

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review- What’s behind my back

5 min

Student Choice

5 min Lango workbook- Chapter 3

5-8 min Cultural Connection: Do you like to swim? Who helps you swim?

Back-up Student Choice

5 min Review- ALMC Obstacle Course

5 min Celebration: Parachute Play

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Around the World

ALMC Parachute

ALMC Art Challenge

SESSION PROJECT: Draw what is in your backpack (make a backpack and fill it with what you think the Lango Kids had in it)

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

1. Oh no, Cosmo is under the water! 2. What a nice big anaconda. She helps

Cosmo. 3. Thank you snake. Thank you crocodile.

Materials (based on suggested ACL)

Posters: Standard

Standard Teacher Kit: Standard

Teaching Materials: Standard

Art Supplies: Standard

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

19 | P a g e

Week Six Type English Spanish

Verbs to throw tirar

Vocab banana el plátano

Vocab girl Niña (la)

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review- Go Fish

5 min

Musical Chairs/ Images

5 min Lango workbook- Chapter 3

5-8 min Art Activity: Draw your favorite meal/ food


Song Interlude

• French: Alouette/skylark

• Mandarin: Laoshi you henduo pengyou/the teacher has many friends

• Spanish: Órale, el Alfabeto/ The alphabet

5 min Review-Simon Says

5 min Celebration: Parachute Play

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Hot Potato

ALMC Follow the Leader

Cultural Connection: What is your favorite meal/ food?

SESSION PROJECT: Draw/ color a photo of a Tucan (write the vocabulary)

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

4. Wen says, “I’m hungry. The girl has a banana.

5. She throws the banana. Wow! 6. Look at Cosmo! He is sleepy.

Materials (based on suggested ACL)

Posters: Standard

Standard Teacher Kit: Standard

Teaching Materials: Standard

Art Supplies: Standard

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

20 | P a g e

Week Seven Type English Spanish

Verbs to be angry estar enojado

Verbs to fish pescar

Verbs to jump brincar

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review- Simon Says

5 min

ALMC Bean Bag Toss

5 min Lango workbook- Chapter 3

5-8 min ALMC Bean Bag Toss #2


Song Interlude

• French: Alouette/skylark

• Mandarin: Laoshi you henduo pengyou/the teacher has many friends

• Spanish: Órale, el Alfabeto/ The alphabet

5 min Review-Flyswatter

5 min Celebration: Parachute Play

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Red Light/ Green Light

ALMC Simon Says

Cultural Connection: Do you like to fish? What happens when you fish?

SESSION PROJECT: Draw/ color a picture of you and someone fishing. Be sure to draw the fish!

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

7. Wen is fishing. 8. Wen catches an angry fish. 9. The fish is scared. It jumps off the boat.

Materials (based on suggested ACL)

Posters: Standard

Standard Teacher Kit: Standard

Teaching Materials: Standard

Art Supplies: Standard

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

21 | P a g e

Week Eight Type English Spanish

Verbs to fall caer

Vocab goodbye adiós

Vocab parrot el perico

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review-ALMC Go Fish

5 min ALMC Red Light/ Green Light

5 min Lango workbook

5-8 min ALMC Role play (act out the story)


Song Interlude

• French: Alouette/skylark

• Mandarin: Laoshi you henduo pengyou/the teacher has many friends

• Spanish: Órale, el Alfabeto/ The alphabet

5 min Review-Simon Says

5 min Celebration: Parachute Play

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Art Costume (for final dance)

ALMC Hot/ Cold

SESSION PROJECT: Mimic each other, one person does something and the whole group does/ says the same thing.

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

10. The boat falls down. 11. Goodbye crocodile. Goodbye

anaconda. 12. Wen says “I’m hungry”. Someone says

“I’m hungry.” It’s a parrot! The kids all laugh.

Materials (based on suggested ACL)

Posters: Standard

Standard Teacher Kit: Standard

Teaching Materials: Standard

Art Supplies: Standard

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

22 | P a g e

Week Nine Type English Spanish

Vocab bridge el puente

Vocab frog la rana

Vocab head la cabeza

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review-Dance

5 min Lango workbook

5-8 min ALMC Role play (act out the story)

5-8 min ALMC Relay Race

Back-up ALMC Obstacle Course

5 min Review-Dance presentation

5 min Celebration: Parachute Play

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities

ALMC Musical Chairs

ALMC Mystery Character

SESSION PROJECT: Match animal sounds to the animals, write them down (or draw them)

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

13. There is the bridge. 14. Luc looks up. He sees a frog. Ribbit. 15. The frog is on Luc’s head!

Materials (based on suggested ACL)

Posters: Standard

Standard Teacher Kit: Standard

Teaching Materials: Standard

Art Supplies: Standard

Destinations: Jungle

Tots/ Preschool; Spanish

23 | P a g e

Week Ten Type English Spanish

Verbs to play (music) tocar (música)

Vocab instruments los instrumentos

Vocab picture la foto

Suggested Lesson Outline

5 min Welcome - Children free play - Brief the parents key words of the day

5 min

Greeting - Sing welcome song - Introduce Cosmo to interact with students

5 min Review-Speakeasy

5 min Lango workbook

5-8 min ALMC Art: Crown Making

5-8 min Student Choice

Back-up Dance

10 min Review: Pass out certificates and celebrate all the learning

5 min Closing:

- Sing goodbye song - Say goodbye to Cosmo

Extension Activities


ALMC Discussion

Chapter Storyline (Bold Italics= New; Italics = Prior))

16. Look at the fruit and instruments. The Lango kids play music!

17. Look, a sloth. Wen takes a picture. 18. Everyone is happy. The jungle is fun!

Materials (based on suggested ACL)

Posters: Standard

Standard Teacher Kit: Standard

Teaching Materials: Standard

Art Supplies: Standard