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  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    Culture in a box

    An e-twinning Project

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    Capital / population

    There are 24municipalities inRunion island. The 3

    biggest Reunion citiesare Saint Denis, LePort, and SaintPierre.

    Saint Denis is thecapital with 140 773people

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    G reetings in your languageIn Reunion Island,most people speak two languages: Creoleand French. Here are greetings in both:

    G ood morning = Bonzour = bonjour

    What, what's happening = koi f = qu'est ce qui y a

    G oodbye = Nar mt sa = au revoir

    How are you =koman il = comment a vaWhat time is it = qu lr i donne = il est quelle heure

    Metropolitan = zoreille = mtropolitain

    What's that = kossaa = qu'est ce que c'est

    Lot of =un tacon = beaucoup

    G ive me = donne a mwin = donnez moi

    Kid = marmaille = enfant

    Friend = dalon = ami

    Where is the store = O u sa i touv magazin = ou se trouve cemagasin

    It's good = l bon = c'est bien

    'll have a drink = Alon bwar in nafr = allons boire un coup

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    Traditional Creole foodTraditional Creole foodWe can find many types of food in

    Reunion. There are traditionalfruits and vegetables. Here weuse rice, pulses,a meat or fishcurry and a spicy Creole relishfor the traditional meal . W e eatgoat carry with massal, somecurry ti jacque smokedchicken, pidgeon curry, bichique(young fish) curry, Creole spicesausage with yellow rice calledhere zambrocale , Creole

    wasp larva, tenrec curry...

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    Creole Recipe : spiced sausageCreole Recipe : spiced sausage

    Boil the sausage for 10minG et rid of the water

    Cut the sausage into slices

    Chop the onions and the

    tomatoesSlice the peppers (5-6)

    In a deep pan, fry the sausage,add the onions and fry until theyare golden brown

    Add the tomatoesCover and cook for 20 min

    Add the peppers

    Serve hot with rice and lentils (or other pulses)

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    Music from Reunion Island

    The music of the Reunion Island is a mixed music, themain sorts of which are the maloya and the sega.

    The maloya is originally sung by thehomesick slaves andcomplaining about the ill-treatment of their masters.

    The sga is a music which origins in the traditional dancesof Europe as the polka and the waltz associated with arhythmic of afro-malagasy origin .

    The traditional instruments are the kayamb, the roulr or the boron.

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    Traditions: Cock fighting

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    Traditions: Hunting wasp larva

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    Religions: Christianism

    Here the Christian biblical commandments traditions mingle withHere the Christian biblical commandments traditions mingle with"pagan". This is called Creole Christianity ."pagan". This is called Creole Christianity .Catholics are the majority (95%) today. Protestants are dividedCatholics are the majority (95%) today. Protestants are dividedinto four distinct groups: the Pentecostals, Adventists, theinto four distinct groups: the Pentecostals, Adventists, theEvangelical Church, Reformed Church official. Above you can seeEvangelical Church, Reformed Church official. Above you can seethe inside of a Churchthe inside of a Church

    There are three main religions in Reunion island: Christianism,Hinduism and Islam

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    There are may Hindus in Reunion Island.Most of themarrived from the South of India in the 19 th century after the abolition of slavery. Here is a view of a temple:

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    Throughout the year, Reunion Island is celebrating.

    Being a multicultural island , it is open to all religious festivals like Chinese New Year (February), Tamil New Year (April), Walking on Fire (May and August), Day of theSalette ( September), the Feast of the Virgin with Parasol( August).

    O ur island isnt only religious but we celebrate history too with Creole week(O ctober), the international trade fair of Mascareignes (November) and the mostimportant for all from Reunion its the celebration of the abolition of slavery(December 20).

    For food and local products, our island offers enthusiasts a lot of festivities as thefeast of fresh honey (January), the feast of the pineapple (July) and AgriculturalFair.

    And finally for music lovers, sports fans and others there is the festival of music, theSakifo (August), the Festival of Sport, the Water Festival, Rally, Mountain Racesand Automobile Tour of Reunion Island (August).

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    HistoryReunion island was discovered by the Portuguese in the early sixteenth

    century (1513).Mascareigne Island wasnt really exploited until 1642, by the Frenchcompany founded by Richelieu.

    A French stop on the route to India, the island became Bourbon in 1649.In the eighteenth century they started cultivation of coffee (encouragedby G overnor Mah De La Bourdonnais) and food crops and thecultivation of spices. Slaves imported from Africa provided work.It was called Reunion Island during the French Revolution.

    In 1841, a young slave, Albius, 12 years old, discovered a simple process of artificial fertilization of the vanilla flowers.

    Slavery was finally abolished December 20, 1848.

    In 1946, Reunion Island became the French department (974).In 1974 the CFA franc was replaced by the French franc. (EUR O will beplaced on the market at the same time as in the mainland on 1 January2002)

  • 8/8/2019 diapos de tous


    O rigins of the population

    In the early days of the colony, the majority of settlers came from westernand northern France. The proportion of whites changed dramatically over time. They were more numerous than blacks until 1715. The economicdevelopment of the island would then lead the black population tobecome a very large majority.The Malagasy first arrived Reunion Island at the beginning of

    colonization. The group of Malagasy slaves remained the largestthroughout the period of the Company. Subsequently, the importance of immigration Madagascar decreased. In 1826, over 62,600 blacks, therewere still 14,500 Malagasy

    The Indian immigration did not begin at the abolition of slavery. The firstprisoners were unloaded in 1672. In 1704, the Indians were 45 on theisland. In 1848, the Indians formed the bulk of the hired workers importedfor workforce and are mostly free cultivators. After the abolition of slavery, Indian immigration was high.