  • * -

  • * . .

    . .



  • * 1- : . 2- : .3- : .4- 5- 6- 7- : .8- : ( ).9-

  • * :

  • * .

    . .

  • * 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7-

  • * 1-: . . .

  • 2- . . .*

  • 3- : . . . 4- .


  • *

  • * 1- : ( SPC) ( )

    2- : ( )

    3- : ( .

  • * 4- 6 12 . (4 )

  • * Organizational Practices Quality Principles Employee Fulfillment Customer Satisfaction

  • *


  • *

    : .

  • * . (85 % .):

  • * ( )

  • *

  • * :- (1) :- (2) :- .

    (3) : -

  • *(4) :- .

    (5) :- .

  • *(6) :- .(7) :- .

    ************You might discuss: - the benefits and the limitations of quality circles - the impact of quality circles on workers - requirements for quality circles to be successful - implementation of quality circles in the U.S.*This slide simply introduces the four activities. Subsequent slides expand on each.*One might begin discussion of this slide by introducing the difference between leadership and management.

    The point should also be made, again, about the need for involvement and commitment throughout the organization.*Some students may find the notion of continuous improvement (Why cant we do it right the first time?) and employee empowerment (Doesnt this reduce or abrogate the role of the manager?) the most difficult to accept. If you have not done so already, this might be a good time to discuss each in some depth.

    The following slide may be used in a discussion of empowerment.*This slide can be used to form the basis for a discussion of empowerment. If you wish to discuss empowerment - begin by asking students to define the term. You may find students are already comfortable with the term, in which case the discussion can be rather short; or, you may find they have unrealistic expectations (or desires?) - in which case you may wish to pursue the discussion at greater length. It may be helpful to ask students to identify the benefits and pitfalls to both management and worker. (For example, empowerment requires workers to assume greater responsibility.)*Again, a point to be made here is the universality required to achieve TQM.*Again, a point to be made here is the universality required to achieve TQM.***

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