Page 1: 学 生 募 集 要 項平成29年度 April 2017 Admission 広島大学大学院教育学研究科(博士課程後期)

平成29年度 April 2017 Admission


学 生 募 集 要 項

Graduate School of Education (Doctoral Program)

Application Guidebook

〔 一 般 選 抜 〕 〔社会人特別選抜〕


[General Selection]

[Special Selection for Students in Employment] [Special Selection for International Students]


November 2016

広 島 大 学 Hiroshima University

Page 2: 学 生 募 集 要 項平成29年度 April 2017 Admission 広島大学大学院教育学研究科(博士課程後期)






Graduate School of Education (Doctoral Program), Hiroshima University [General Selection] [Special Selection for Students in Employment] [Special Selection for International Students] Application Guidebook











10.注意事項・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 5

出願・照会先・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 5

平成 29 年度広島大学大学院教育学研究科学生募集に伴う

試験成績(個人情報)の開示について ・・・・・6

広島大学大学院教育学研究科概要・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 7

Table of Contents 1. Number of Students to be Admitted and the Examination Venue・・・・・・・・・・9 2. Eligibility for Application ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・9 3. Application Procedure・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・10 4. Method of Selection ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・11 5. Announcement of Results ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・12 6. Admission Procedure ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・12 7. Special Coursework Exception for Students in Employment ・・・・・・・・・・12 8. The System for an Extended Period of Study・・・・・・・・・・・・・12 9. Student Dormitory ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・12 10. Notes ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・13 Application Submissions and Inquiries ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・13 Disclosure of the Personal Information on the Result of Entrance Examination in 2017・・14 General Information about the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University ・・・15

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専 攻 名 募集人員 試 験 場

教 育 学 習 科 学 専 攻 49名 広島大学大学院教育学研究科

【注】 募集人員には,社会人特別選抜及び外国人留学生特別選抜の若干名を含みます。なお,社会人とは「官



2.出 願 資 格



(1) 修士の学位又は専門職学位を有する者

(2) 外国において,修士の学位又は専門職学位に相当する学位を授与された者

(3) 外国の学校が行う通信教育における授業科目を我が国において履修し,修士の学位又は専門職


(4) 我が国において,外国の大学院の課程を有するものとして当該外国の学校教育制度において位



(5) 国際連合大学の課程を修了し,修士の学位に相当する学位を授与された者

(6) 文部科学大臣の指定した者

(7) 本学大学院において,個別の入学資格審査により,修士の学位又は専門職学位を有する者と同


(8) 外国の学校,上記の資格(4)の指定を受けた教育施設又は国際連合大学の教育課程を履修し,大

学院設置基準第 16 条の 2 に規定する試験及び審査に相当するものに合格し,修士の学位を有する


【注】 上記の資格(6)及び(7)により出願しようとする者は,12月7日(水)までに教育学研究科支





(1) 修士の学位又は専門職学位を有する者

(2) 外国において,修士の学位又は専門職学位に相当する学位を授与された者

(3) 外国の学校が行う通信教育における授業科目を我が国において履修し,修士の学位又は専門職


(4) 我が国において,外国の大学院の課程を有するものとして当該外国の学校教育制度において位



(5) 国際連合大学の課程を修了し,修士の学位に相当する学位を授与された者

(6) 本学大学院において,個別の入学資格審査により,修士の学位又は専門職学位を有する者と同


(7) 外国の学校,上記の資格(4)の指定を受けた教育施設又は国際連合大学の教育課程を履修し,大

学院設置基準第 16 条の 2 に規定する試験及び審査に相当するものに合格し,修士の学位を有する


【注】 上記の資格(6)により出願しようとする者は,12月7日(水)までに教育学研究科支援室(大


3.出 願 手 続

(1) 入学願書受理期間



(2) 入学願書受付場所

広島大学教育学研究科支援室(大学院課程担当) 〒739-8524 東広島市鏡山一丁目1番1号

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(3) 提 出 書 類


ア 入学志願票,受験票,



イ 学業成績証明書 出身大学(研究科)長が作成したもの。



中国教育部認証システム(中国高等教育学历证书查询 により以下の書類を取得



既卒者の場合……学歴証書電子登録票 (教育部学历证书电子注册备




ウ 修了(見込)証明書 出身大学(研究科)長が作成したもの。

エ 修士論文又はそれに準



修士論文の要約について,2,000~4,000 字で記したもの(交付の要旨を





オ 研究計画書


研究科で行おうとする研究の内容及びその計画について,2,000 字以内


カ 検定料 30,000 円 (国費留学生(日本語・日本文化研修留学生及び教員研修留学生を除









ゆうちょ銀行を含む各銀行 ATM からは振り込めませんのでご注意くださ









学の東広島地区運営支援部 共通事務室出納担当(直通電話)

082-424-7811 に連絡ください。

キ 返信用封筒 本人の住所・氏名を記入した封筒(長3定形,92円分の切手貼付,受


ク あて名票 交付の用紙を使用。

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ケ 所属長等の発行する





コ 住民票又は住民票記




サ 教育・研究業績等調書 社会人特別選抜に出願する者。


シ 証明書等 学業成績証明書,卒業証明書等記載の氏名等が,志願票等と異なる場合


ス 履歴書 外国人留学生。


【注1】 出願書類受理後は,志望専攻(分野)及び受験科目の変更を認めません。 【注2】 出願書類に不備がある場合は,受理しないことがあります。


【注4】「エ 修士論文又はそれに準ずるもの」が入学願書受理期間内に提出できない者はあらかじめそ









(4) 出 願 方 法 志願者は,提出書類を取りそろえ,入学願書受理期間内に必ず到着するように提出してください。 郵送の場合は,書留速達郵便とし,封筒表面に『教育学研究科願書在中』と朱書してください。 なお,1月10日(火)17時までに届かなかった郵便は1月7日(土)までの消印があるものに限り受理します。ただし,外国郵便を除きます。 直接持参する場合の受付時間は,9時から17時までです。

(5) 身体等に障害のある者の相談



ア 相談の時期 平成28年12月7日(水)まで

イ 申請書の記載内容

① 志願者の氏名,住所,連絡先電話番号(携帯電話がある場合は,携帯電話番号も併記してください。),出願予定の専攻・分野名

② 出身大学院名 ③ 障害の種類・程度(現に治療中の者は医師の診断書を添付) ④ 受験上特別な措置を希望する事項 ⑤ 修学上特別な配慮を希望する事項 ⑥ 出身大学院でとられていた特別措置 ⑦ 日常生活の状況

(6) その他注意事項 ① 出願書類受理後は,提出書類及び検定料は返還しません。ただし,修士論文等は合格発表後返却します。






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ケ 所属長等の発行する





コ 住民票又は住民票記




サ 教育・研究業績等調書 社会人特別選抜に出願する者。


シ 証明書等 学業成績証明書,卒業証明書等記載の氏名等が,志願票等と異なる場合


ス 履歴書 外国人留学生。


【注1】 出願書類受理後は,志望専攻(分野)及び受験科目の変更を認めません。 【注2】 出願書類に不備がある場合は,受理しないことがあります。


【注4】「エ 修士論文又はそれに準ずるもの」が入学願書受理期間内に提出できない者はあらかじめそ









(4) 出 願 方 法 志願者は,提出書類を取りそろえ,入学願書受理期間内に必ず到着するように提出してください。 郵送の場合は,書留速達郵便とし,封筒表面に『教育学研究科願書在中』と朱書してください。 なお,1月10日(火)17時までに届かなかった郵便は1月7日(土)までの消印があるものに限り受理します。ただし,外国郵便を除きます。 直接持参する場合の受付時間は,9時から17時までです。

(5) 身体等に障害のある者の相談



ア 相談の時期 平成28年12月7日(水)まで

イ 申請書の記載内容

① 志願者の氏名,住所,連絡先電話番号(携帯電話がある場合は,携帯電話番号も併記してください。),出願予定の専攻・分野名

② 出身大学院名 ③ 障害の種類・程度(現に治療中の者は医師の診断書を添付) ④ 受験上特別な措置を希望する事項 ⑤ 修学上特別な配慮を希望する事項 ⑥ 出身大学院でとられていた特別措置 ⑦ 日常生活の状況

(6) その他注意事項 ① 出願書類受理後は,提出書類及び検定料は返還しません。ただし,修士論文等は合格発表後返却します。






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(1) 筆 記 試 験(外国語) 2月20日(月)10時~11時30分 英語・ドイツ語・フランス語・中国語のうちから1か国語。配点は100点とします。 外国人留学生は日本語(ただし,教科教育学分野の自然システム教育学領域,数学教育学領域及び英

語教育学領域は,英語・ドイツ語・フランス語のうちから自国語以外の1か国語又は日本語)。外国人留学生特別選抜の筆記試験(外国語)については,段階評価を行います。 【注1】 一般選抜,社会人特別選抜において,外国語の試験成績が25点に満たない受験者は不合

格とします。 【注2】 筆記試験(外国語)については,英和・独和・仏和・中日辞書(電子辞書等を除く)1冊


(2) 口 述 試 験

2月21日(火) 9時~12時 「修士論文(又はそれに準ずるもの)及びその要約,又は教育・研究業績等調書」及び「研究計画書」


5.合 格 者 発 表






6.入 学 手 続

(1) 入学手続期間


(ただし,土曜日及び日曜日を除く。) (2) 納 付 金

入学料 282,000円 授業料 前期分 267,900円

(年額 535,800円) 【注1】 既納の入学料は,いかなる理由があっても返還しません。 【注2】 上記記載の金額は,平成28年4月現在のものです。入学時及び在学中に納付金の改定

が行われた場合には,改定後の納付金を納入することになります。 【注3】 本学大学院博士課程前期を平成29年3月に修了見込みの者は,入学料は納付しません。 【注4】 納付金の額及び具体的な納付方法等の詳細については,別途お知らせします。

(3) 提 出 書 類 入学届,誓約書,学生情報登録シート,写真票,修了証明書及び学業成績証明書(修了見込みで受験


7.現職教員等で教育方法の特例の適用を希望する場合 大学院設置基準第14条における教育方法の特例措置により履修を希望する場合は,あらかじめその

希望を入学志願票に明記してください。 なお,特例措置による履修方法は,受入予定指導教員の指導を受けてください。

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9.学生宿舎について 学生宿舎の入居者募集については,入居願の提出期限が平成29年2月上旬を予定していますのでご注意

ください。詳細については,下記の学生宿舎ホームページをご覧ください。 学生宿舎ホームページアドレス 学生宿舎についての問い合わせ先


電 話(082)424-5794

10.注 意 事 項 (1) 出願を希望する者は,志望する研究分野の教員にあらかじめ相談しておくことが望ましい。

教育学研究科の詳細については, で閲覧できます。 なお,質問等がある場合は,下記出願・照会先に問い合わせてください。 (2) 願書受理後は,提出書類及び検定料は返還しません。 (3) 受験者は,なるべく試験前日に試験場に行き,各自の試験室,試験に関する諸注意等を確かめてくだ



広島大学大学院教育学研究科支援室(大学院課程担当) 〒739-8524


電 話(082)424-6719

[email protected]

(1) 電話番号については,市外局番が同じ地域がありますが,東広島市以外の地域については,市外局


(2) 出願書類を郵便で請求する場合は,250円分の切手を貼り,郵便番号,住所,氏名を明記した返

信用封筒(角形2号)を同封の上,「教育学研究科 博士課程後期 ○○○選抜 願書請求」と,朱書し


(3) 気象等の影響で試験日時を変更する場合は,広島大学教育学研究科ホームページで発表します。


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1.下表に示す,個人に関する入試情報(以下「個人情報」という。)は,平成 29 年度広島大学大学院教育学研究科学生募集に伴う本学の一般選抜又は特別選抜(社会人特別選抜及び外国人留学生特別選抜)を受験した者(以下「開示申請者」という。)に限り開示します。

項 目 開 示 内 容

試 験 成 績


得 点 試験科目別得点

評 価 各試験科目等(口述試験等)の評価(段階評価を含む。)


(1) 入試情報開示申請書を次のいずれかの方法で入手してください。

① 窓口で請求してください。

② 返信用封筒(本人の住所・氏名を明記し,82 円分の切手を貼った定形封筒[長形3号封筒 120mm×



(2) 入試情報開示申請書に必要事項を記入した後,以下の書類を同封の上,平成 29 年 4 月 1 日から 5 月

31 日までの間に直接又は郵送で教育学研究科支援室(大学院課程担当)に申請してください。

① 必要事項をすべて記入した「広島大学大学院教育学研究科入試情報開示申請書」

② 平成 29 年度広島大学大学院教育学研究科受験票(コピー不可。開示の際,同封して返却します。)

③ 返信用封筒(長形3号封筒(120mm×235mm)に受験者本人の郵便番号,住所,氏名を明記し,392



(3) 教育学研究科では,入試情報開示申請書を受理した日から 30 日以内に,開示決定通知書を開示申請


試験成績(個人情報)の開示に関する申請・問い合わせ先 広島大学大学院教育学研究科支援室(大学院課程担当)

〒739-8524 東広島市鏡山一丁目1番1号 TEL(082)424-6719



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専 攻 専 攻 の 概 要 及 び 主 な 授 業 科 目














































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専 攻 分野 及び担当教員 名



(学習開発基礎・支援領域)井上 弥,岡 直樹,栗原慎二,鈴木由美子,

林 孝,樋口 聡,宮里智恵,山内規嗣,児玉真樹子,米沢 崇

(カリキュラム開発領域)朝倉 淳,伊藤圭子,植田敦三,木原成一郎,

木村博一,権藤敦子,○柴 一実,難波博孝,松浦武人,松本仁志,




竹林地 毅,林田真志



山崎博史,網本貴一,梅田貴士,木下博義,富川 光,松浦拓也,三好美織,


(数学教育学領域)池畠 良,小山正孝,下村 哲,寺垣内政一,影山和也

(技術・情報教育学領域)○田島俊造,田中秀幸,長松正康,藤中 透,




(国語文化教育学領域)佐々木 勇,佐藤大志,竹村信治,○田中宏幸,


(英語教育学領域)小野 章,築道和明,深澤清治,松浦伸和,

柳瀬陽介,兼重 昇, 西原貴之

(健康スポーツ教育学領域)上田 毅,沖原 謙,齊藤一彦,出口達也,


(人間生活教育学領域)今川真治,鈴木明子,村上かおり,横田明子,髙田 宏,


(音楽文化教育学領域)枝川一也,濵本恵康,三村真弓,伊藤 真,髙旗健次,

徳永 崇

(造形芸術教育学領域)内田雅三,菅村 亨,一鍬田徹,井戸川豊,蜂谷昌之,




金 愛蘭



滝沢 潤,中坪史典,久井英輔,吉田成章

[心理学分野]石田 弓,岡本祐子,杉村和美,杉村伸一郎,中條和光,服巻 豊,

宮谷真人,森永康子,湯澤正通,尾形明子,清水寿代,中尾 敬,中島健一郎,


[高等教育学分野]黄 福涛,大膳 司,秦由美子,藤村正司,○丸山文裕,

渡邉 聡,大場 淳,佐藤万知,村澤昌崇

注1.○印を付した教員は,平成29年3月末までに退職等の予定です。 注2.担当教員の研究内容等については,教育学研究科ホームページ(で


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The Graduate School of Education (Doctoral Program) seeks students who will be admitted in April,

2017, as follows. 1. Number of Students to be Admitted and the Examination Venue

Doctoral Program No. of Enrollment Examination Venue

Program in Education and Learning Science 49 Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University


The total number of new students includes successful applicants in the special selections for students in employment and international students as well as those in the general selection. Students in employment are “those who work in a public office, school, or company as a technical expert, educator, or researcher, and who will remain incumbent after admission”.

2. Eligibility for Application [General Selection] and [Special Selection for Students in Employment] Eligibility applies to those who meet any of the following criteria (or will meet one of the criteria by March 31, 2017): (1) Holders of a master’s or a professional degree; (2) Holders of an academic degree equivalent to a master’s or a professional degree conferred by a university outside Japan; (3) Those who have got an academic degree equivalent to a master’s or a professional degree in the educational system of another

country by completing in Japan a correspondence course operated by an educational establishment instituted in the other country;

(4) Those who have completed an applicable curriculum and got an academic degree equivalent to a master’s or a professional degree in an educational establishment that is located in Japan, that is recognized as offering graduate courses in the educational system of another country, and that is designated as such by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan;

(5)Those who have completed a course offered by the United Nations University and got an academic degree equivalent to a master's;

(6) Those appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan; (7) Those who are 24 years of age or older as of March 31 in 2017, and have been recognized through an individual admission

screening process by the relevant Graduate School of Hiroshima University as having academic ability equivalent to that of holders of a master’s or a professional degree.

(8) A person who has completed the curricula of a foreign school, an educational facility as designated in (4), or the United Nations University; passed a test and review as specified in Article 16 Section 2 of the Standards for the Establishment of the Graduate Schools; and is deemed to have academic ability greater than or equal to a master's degree.


Applicants falling under categories(6) or (7) are required to contact the Student Support Office in the Graduate School of Education and get instructions by December 7 (Wed).

[Special Selection for International Students] Eligibility applies to those who do not have Japanese nationality, and who meet any of the following criteria (or will meet one of the criteria by March 31, 2017): (1) Holders of a master’s or a professional degree; (2) Holders of an academic degree equivalent to a master’s or a professional degree conferred by a university outside Japan; (3) Those who have got an academic degree equivalent to a master’s or a professional degree in the educational system of another

country by completing in Japan a correspondence course operated by an educational establishment instituted in the other country;

(4) Those who have completed an applicable curriculum and got an academic degree equivalent to a master’s or a professional degree in an educational establishment that is located in Japan, that is recognized as offering graduate courses in the educational system of another country, and that is designated as such by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan;

(5)Those who have completed a course offered by the United Nations University and got an academic degree equivalent to a master's;

(6) Those who are 24 years of age or older as of March 31 in 2017, and have been recognized through an individual admission screening process by the relevant Graduate School of Hiroshima University as having academic ability equivalent to that of holders of a master’s or a professional degree.

(7) A person who has completed the curricula of a foreign school, an educational facility as designated in (4), or the United Nations University; passed a test and review as specified in Article 16 Section 2 of the Standards for the Establishment of the Graduate Schools; and is deemed to have academic ability greater than or equal to a master's degree.

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Applicants falling under categories (6) are required to contact the Student Support Office in the Graduate School of Education and get instructions by December 7 (Wed).

3. Application Procedure (1) Application Period

From January 4 (Wed) to January 10 (Tue), 2017 (with a deadline of 5 p.m.), excluding Saturday, Sunday and Public

Holiday The documents must arrive at Hiroshima University by the above deadline.

(2) Address for Submitting the Application Documents Student Support Office (Graduate Program) Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University 1-1-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8524 JAPAN (3) Application Documents a) Admission application form (Use the prescribed form.) b) Academic transcript and the certificate of (expected) graduation, issued by a university or college president, or dean

※ If you are a graduate or an expected graduate of a university in China (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau), please obtain the following documents by downloading it from the website for higher education qualification certificate verification by the Chinese Ministry of Education : “中国高等教育学历证书查询(CHSI)” (, and submit it to us together with the “毕业证书 (Certificate of Graduation) ” and “硕士学位证书 (Certificate of a Master's Degree)”. Be sure to check that there are 6 or more months left until the expiration date of the online verification at the time of its submission.

・ Graduates: Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate (教育部学历证书电子注册备案表) ・ Expected Graduates: Online Verification Report of Student Record (教育部学籍在线验证报告)

c) Master’s thesis (a photocopy acceptable) or the equivalent, and its summary (within 2000-4000 Japanese characters; use the prescribed form.)

d) Research proposal (Use the prescribed form; give an outline of your research proposal for our graduate school, within 2000 Japanese characters.)

e) Examination fee of 30,000 Japanese Yen (Not applicable for the Japanese Government Scholarship Students (excluding Japanese studies students and teacher training students), and for expected graduates from the relevant Graduate School of Hiroshima University as of March in 2017)

Fill out the applicant’s name in the two parts on the left side of the presented payment form, and both name (in both romaji and furigana) and address in the right-hand section (comprising the payment transfer receipt to paste on the admission application form, receipt for custody, and application form for payment transfer), and pay for the examination fee at a bank. (If applicants transfer the fee via Japan Post Bank or Japan Post Network (hereinafter referred to as “JP Bank”), you need to transcribe necessary information from the university format to the one prescribed by JP Bank. Please ask what to do in detail at JP Bank while showing the prescribed payment form. And also, please note that ATMs can not be used for transferring the fee at any bank including JP Bank.) Applicants must pay the transfer handling charge. Only payment receipts with a bank stamp dated on or before January 10, 2017 (the final day of the application period) shall be recognized as valid for an application document. Therefore, applicants are advised to check banking hours before making the transfer. The payment transfer receipt (money transfer certificate) should be attached to the admission application form to be submitted. Please contact the cashier of the Accounting Group, Hiroshima University (082-424-7811 for local calls from within Japan, or +81-82-424-7811 for calls from outside of Japan), if you don’t submit the application documents after paying for the examination fee.

f) Address sheet (Use the prescribed form.) g) Return envelope with the applicant’s name and address (standard size, 12×23.5cm, with an 92yen stamp, for sending the

Exam Admission Card) h) Foreign applicants residing in Japan must submit a Resident Record (or a Certificate of Entry in the Resident) issued by the

local government Mayor/Head. i) Those who apply for the special selection for students in employment must submit your educational and research work record

(Use the prescribed form.) j) Applicants who work in a school, public office, or company must submit the letter of acceptance (the prescribed form is not

required) for taking the examination by the Head of your organization, if you would like to take temporary leave from your workplace to enter into the Graduate School of Education, while remaining incumbent

k) In the special selection for international students, if applicants cannot submit the item c) mentioned above, they must submit their educational and research work record (use the prescribed form.)

[Notes] i) Foreign applicants must submit a curriculum vitae as well as other application documents. ii) Certificates or other documents written in a language other than Japanese must have a Japanese translation attached to the

original documents. iii) If the applicant’s name or other personal information are different from those in other certificates, please attached a document

which certifies the name change. iv) Graduates from the Graduate School of Education in Hiroshima University, and expected graduates as of March in 2017, do

not need to submit the item c) mentioned above. v) If applicants cannot submit “c) master’s thesis or the equivalent” during the application period, please inform us and get

instructions. vi) Any personal information (full name, date of birth, sex, etc.) acquired through this application shall be used for the purposes

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of admission selection, notification of the results, and entrance procedures. Hiroshima University shall manage the data of those who have been admitted for the purposes of student support (scholarship application, tuition waiver applications, etc.) and research (improvement of entrance exams, surveys and analysis of applicant trends, etc.). This data will not be used for any other purpose, nor provided to any third party. However, following agreement on the appropriate use of personal information, there may be cases whereby related use for data processing is entrusted to companies outside the university.

(4) Application Method

Applicants must submit all the above documents together within the application period. For mail submitters, the application should be posted by registered express mail with the words “Application Documents for the Graduate School of Education Enclosed” written in red on the envelope. Application documents delivered after 5 p.m. on January 10 (Tue) will be accepted only if postmarked not later than January 7 (Sat), except for international mails. The Student Support Office is available for applicants to bring your application documents directly from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (5) Application Method for Applicants with Physical Disabilities or Other Special Considerations

Applicants with physical disabilities or others who require special considerations when taking the examination or studying must submit an application form for advance consultation (there is no prescribed form). a) The application for advance consultation must be submitted by December 7 (Wed), 2016. b) The application for advance consultation must contain the following information: i) Name, address, telephone number (if available, write down mobile phone number as well) ,and the name of the research

fields to which will be applied ii) Name of the university or college from which the applicant graduated iii) Type and degree of disability (a doctor’s statement will be required for applicants currently under medical treatment) iv) Special considerations when taking the examination v) Special considerations when studying after admission vi) Special considerations provided at the prior university or college vii) Current situation in daily life (6) Notes a) The application documents and examination fee will not be returned for any reason after submission. However, master’s thesis

or the like will be returned after announcement of the result. b) Applicants will not be allowed to alter or amend their applied program (research field) and the examination subject after

submission. 4. Method of Selection [General Selection] and [Special Selection for International Students] The results of the academic ability examination (written and oral examinations), and the academic transcript in the graduate school where applicants graduated will all be taken into consideration in the evaluation to determine successful applicants. However, (expected) holders of a master’s degree in the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, will be evaluated based on oral examination and the academic transcript in the master’s program. And also, (expected) holders of a master’s degree who were admitted to a master’s program in the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, via the special selection for students in employment, will be evaluated based on the written examination (foreign language), oral examination and the academic transcript in the master’s program. [Special Selection for Students in Employment] The results of the academic ability examination (written and oral examinations), the academic transcript in the graduate school where applicants graduated and the educational and research work record will all be taken into consideration in the evaluation to determine successful applicants.

However, holders of a master’s degree in the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University (excluding those who were admitted to a master’s program via the special selection for students in employment), or those who were enrolled in a doctoral program in the past, will be evaluated based on oral examination, the academic transcript in the master’s program and the educational and research work record. (1) Written Examination (Foreign Languages) AM 10:00-11:30 on February 20 (Mon), 2017

For Japanese applicants, select one of four languages: English, German, French or Chinese. The score will be marked on a maximum of 100 points in the general selection.

International applicants whose major is in Science Education, Mathematics Education, or English Language Education of the Research Fields in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences, must select Japanese or one of three languages (English, German or French) other than their mother tongue. Other international students must take an examination in Japanese. In the special selection for international students, the score will be evaluated on letter grades.

[Notes] i) In the general selection and the special selection for students in employment, applicants will be rejected if their score is less

than 25 in the foreign language examination. ii) Applicants will be permitted to carry one paper dictionary only (English-Japanese, German-Japanese, French-Japanese, or

Chinese-Japanese dictionaries) in foreign language examinations (no electronic dictionaries will be permitted). Applicants are prohibited from bringing any dictionary to the Japanese examination.

(2) Oral Examination AM 9:00-12:00 on February 21(Tue), 2017 Oral Examination will be implemented focusing on “master’s thesis (or the equivalent) and the summary, or the educational

and research work record” and “research proposal”. The score will be evaluated on letter grades.

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5. Announcement of Results AM 10:00 (expected) on February 28 (Tue), 2017 A list of the ID numbers of successful applicants will be posted on the bulletin board at the main entrance and the website of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Notification of acceptance will also be sent to successful applicants by mail. The office will not accept inquiries by phone regarding the results of the examinations.

Please note that the announcement of the website will be provided as prompt but unofficial information. Official announcement will be made via the bulletin board and notifications of acceptance. 6. Admission Procedure (1) Deadline for the Admission Procedure

From March 6 (Mon) to March 13 (Mon), 2017 (with a deadline of 5 p.m.), excluding Saturday and Sunday The documents must arrive at Hiroshima University by the above deadline.

(2) Payment Admission Fee: 282,000 yen Tuition Fee: 535,800 yen per year (267,900 yen per semester)

[Notes] i) Admission fees will not be returned for any reason. ii) The above fees are listed as current for April 2016. Should the amount be revised at the time of, or after, enrollment,

students will be required to pay the revised fee. iii) Expected graduates from a master’s program of Hiroshima University as of March in 2017 don’t need to pay for admission

fee. iv) Details of the amount and procedures of payments will be notified separately.

(3) Admission Documents The admission documents to submit include the following: the document confirming entrance to the course; the “pledge” document, the student information registration document; the photo ID card; the graduation certificate; and the academic transcript (only for those who take the exam before graduation); a letter of approval regarding your admission from the head of your organization (only for those who enroll while working at a public organization or private corporation). 7. Special Coursework Exception for Students in Employment If applicants with careers as incumbent teachers would like to apply for the special coursework exception stated in Article 14 of the Graduate School Establishment Criteria, you must specify it on your application form. Applicants are advised to consult teaching staff in your research field about measures for coursework exceptions. 8. The System for an Extended Period of Study

For those who meet any of the following criteria, the system for an extended period of study enables you to complete your curriculum in a period exceeding the standard duration of studies in accordance with a prearranged schedule. (1) Applicants currently in employment (including a part time job) who have difficulty in securing necessary time for your study (2) Applicants currently in housework, childcare and nursing care who have difficulty in securing necessary time for your study (3) Applicants who are admitted by “the Phoenix Admission System”.

Tuition fees in this system must be paid in installments by dividing the total tuition fee amount for the standard period of your curriculum by the approved number of years of study.

For more details, such as the limit on the number of years allowed prior to graduation, please contact the Student Support Office (Graduate Program) in the Graduate School of Education. 9. Student Dormitory Please note that the application period for student dormitories closes in early February, 2017. For details, please visit the website for student dormitories. Website for student dormitories (only in Japanese): Inquiries about student dormitories: Student Services Group, Hiroshima University Tel: 082-424-5794(local calls from within Japan); or +81-82-424-5794(calls from outside of Japan)

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10. Notes (1) Applicants are advised to consult teaching staff in your research field in advance. Details of the Graduate School of Education

can be found on the website, (2) The application documents and examination fee will not be returned for any reason after submission. (3) It is recommended that applicants go to the examination venue on the previous day in order to confirm the location of the

examination room and read information about the examination. [Application Submissions and Inquiries] Address: Student Support Office (Graduate Program)

Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University 1-1-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8524, JAPAN

Tel: (082) 424-6719 (local calls from within Japan ); or +81-82-424-6719 (calls from outside of Japan) E-mail: [email protected] (1) Please note that you need to dial the area code (082) from areas other than Higashi-Hiroshima City, even though there are other

areas with the same area code. (2) To request application forms by mail, write “Request for Application Forms for the General Selection (or the Special Selection

for Students in Employment) in the Graduate School of Education (Doctoral Program)” in red on the envelope. And, enclose a return-envelope (standard size, 24cm×33.2cm) with your name, address and postal code written clearly, affix a 250 yen stamp and send your request to the address above. If you ask for the application forms from abroad, please enclose four international reply coupons (IRC) instead of a 900 yen stamp, and request it as mentioned above by mail.

(3) If the date and time of examination change due to the weather condition or other reasons, it will be notified on the website of Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University.

Website (in English):

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Disclosure of the Personal Information on the Result of Entrance Examination in 2017

for the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University

1. The following personal information on the result of entrance examination (herein after referred to as “personal information”) will be disclosed only for applicants in the General Selection or Special Selection (either for Students in Employment or International Students) for the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University (herein after referred to as “disclosure requester”) in 2017.

Item Disclosed Information

Result of


General Selection or Special Selection (either for Students in Employment or International Students)

- Score of each subject in the examination

- Examination results of each subject (oral examination etc) in the examination (including letter grades)

2. The procedure to request disclosure of personal information is as follows.

(1) Please request the application form for disclosure of personal information in one of the following two methods.

① To request the application form in person, please go to the Graduate School of Education Student Support


② To request the application form by mail from the Student Support Office (Graduate Program) of the Graduate

School of Education, the disclosure requester should write “Request for Application Forms for Disclosure of

Personal Information in the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University” on the envelope, and

enclose a return-envelope (standard size, 12cm ×23.5cm) with his/her own name, postal code and address and

82 yen’s worth of stamps affixed.

(2) Please fill out all the necessary information on the application form, and apply for the disclosure to the Student

Support Office (Graduate Program) of the Graduate School of Education by mail or in person with the following

items between April 1 and May 31, 2017.

① Application form for disclosure of the personal information (completed with all the necessary information)

② 2017 Examination admission card for the Hiroshima University Graduate School of Education (only the

original, not photocopies, will be accepted). It will be enclosed and returned at the time of disclosure.

③ One return-envelope (standard size, 12cm ×23.5cm) with the name, postal code and address of the disclosure

requester, and 392 yen’s worth of stamps affixed.

If there are any issues with the application, the Student Support Office will ask for the necessary correction.

(3) The Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, will notify the disclosure requester of the disclosed

information within 30 days of the application’s acceptance date. (The disclosed information will be posted by the


[Applications and Inquiries]

Address: Student Support Office (Graduate Program)

Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University

1-1-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8524 JAPAN

Tel: (082) 424-6719 (local calls from within Japan); or +81-82-424-6719 (calls from outside of Japan)

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General Information about the Graduate School of Education Hiroshima University

[Detail of Doctoral Programs]

Program Outline and Main Subjects

Program in Education and Learning Science

In a lifelong learning society, learning opportunities and outcomes should be ensured for anyone, anytime, and anywhere in responding to learners’ willingness and needs, regardless of age, development stage, career, or any other individuality. To realize a society enlivened by learners’ activities, we view education and learning as a united system, and established a new field of education and learning science into which educational studies, psychology, and curriculum and instruction sciences are organically integrated. This program aims at fostering those who promote and implement its theoretical, transdisciplinary, developmental, and cutting-edge research and education. Research into Learning and Curriculum Development Advanced Study in Learning and Curriculum Development Research into Special Needs Education Advanced Study in Special Needs Education Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Science Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Science Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Mathematics Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Mathematics Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Technology and Information

Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Technology and Information

Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)

Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Japanese Language and Culture

Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Japanese Language and

Culture Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in English Language Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in English Language Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Health and Sport Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Health and Sport Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Human Life Sciences Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Human Life Sciences

Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Music Culture Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Music Culture Education) Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Art Education) Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Art Education) Research into Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Advanced Study in Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Research into Education Advanced Study in Education Research into Psychology Advanced Study in Psychology Research into Higher Education Advanced Study in Higher Education Project Research Research into Teaching in Higher Education Research into Teacher Education Teaching Practicum I, II, III Teaching and Learning Portfolio for Teacher Educator Teaching Practicum into Higher Education Research I, II

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[Teaching Staff in Doctoral Programs]

Program Research Fields and Teaching Staff

Program in Education and Learning Science

[Learning and Curriculum Development] (Learning Development) INOUE Wataru, OKA Naoki, KURIHARA Shinji, SUZUKI Yumiko,

HAYASHI Takashi, HIGUCHI Satoshi, MIYASATO Tomoe, YAMAUCHI Noritsugu, KODAMA Makiko, YONEZAWA Takashi

(Curriculum and Instruction Development) ASAKURA Atsushi, ITO Keiko, UEDA Atsumi, KIHARA Seiichiro, KIMURA Hirokazu, GONDO Atsuko, ○SHIBA Kazumi, NAMBA

Hirotaka, MATSUURA Taketo, MATSUMOTO Hitoshi, YAMASAKI Takahito, IKEDA Satoshi, OHSEDO kazuki, TERAUCHI Daisuke, NAKAMURA Kazuyo, NAGATA Tadamichi, MATSUMIYA Nagako

(Special Needs Education) KAWAI Norimune, MUTAGUCHI Tatsumi, WAKAMATSU Akihiko, UJIMA Kazuhito, TANIMOTO Tadaaki, CHIKURINJI Takeshi, HAYASHIDA Masashi

[Curriculum and Instruction Sciences] (Science Education) ISOZAKI Tetsuo, KOGA Nobuyoshi, TAKESHITA Shunji, TSUTAOKA

Takanori, YAMASAKI Hirofumi, AMIMOTO Kiichi, UMEDA Takashi, KINOSHITA Hiroyoshi, TOMIKAWA Ko, MATSUURA Takuya, MIYOSHI Miori, YOSHIDOMI Kenichi

(Mathematics Education) IKEHATA Ryo, KOYAMA Masataka, SHIMOMURA Tetsu, TERAGAITO Masakazu, KAGEYAMA Kazuya

(Technology and Information Education) ○TASHIMA Shunzo, TANAKA Hideyuki, NAGAMATSU Masayasu, FUJINAKA Toru, WATANABE Kenzi, KAWADA Kazuo, KIMURA Akitaka, YATA Chikahiko

(Social Studies Education) IKENO Norio, KUSAHARA Kazuhiro, ○KOBARA Tomoyuki, SHIMOMUKAI Tatsuhiko, TANAHASHI Kenji, HATAKENAKA Kazuo, YUI Yoshimichi, KUMAHARA Yasuhiro

(Japanese Language and Culture Education) SASAKI Isamu, SATO Takeshi, TAKEMURA Shinji, ○TANAKA Hiroyuki, MASE Shigeo,YAMAMOTO Takaharu, KAWAGUCHI Takayuki, KONISHI Izumi

(English Language Education) ONO Akira, TSUIDO Kazuaki, FUKAZAWA Seiji, MATSUURA Nobukazu, YANASE Yosuke, KANESHIGE Noboru, NISHIHARA Takayuki (Health and Sports Sciences Education) UEDA Takeshi, OKIHARA Ken, SAITOU Kazuhiko, DEGUCHI Tatsuya, HIGASHIKAWA Yasuo, IWATA Shotaro, KUSAMA Masurao, KUROSAKA Shiho (Human Life Sciences Education) IMAKAWA Shinji, SUZUKI Akiko, MURAKAMI Kaori, YOKOTA Akiko, TAKATA Hiroshi, MATSUBARA Kiminori (Music Culture Education) EDAGAWA Kazuya, HAMAMOTO Yoshiyasu, MIMURA

Mayumi, ITO Shin, TAKAHATA Kenji, TOKUNAGA Takashi (Art Education) UCHIDA Masazou, SUGAMURA Toru, HITOKUWADA Toru, IDOGAWA

Yutaka, HACHIYA Masayuki, MINE Kazunami, YAGI Kentaro [Teaching Japanese as a Second Language] ○KURACHI Akemi, SHIRAKAWA Hiroyuki,


[Educational Studies] OGAWA Yoshikazu, KOGA Kazuhiro, SAKAKOSHI Masaki, SUZUKI Rie, SOYODA Hirofumi,NANAKIDA Atsushi, FUKAZAWA Hiroaki,MARUYAMA Yasushi, YAMASAKI Hirotoshi, YAMADA Hiroyuki, SANTOKI Makiko, TAKIZAWA Jun, NAKATSUBO Fuminori, HISAI Eisuke, YOSHIDA Nariakira

[Psychology] ISHIDA Yumi, OKAMOTO Yuko, SUGIMURA Kazumi, SUGIMURA Shinichiro, CHUJO Kazumitsu, HARAMAKI Yutaka, MIYATANI Makoto, MORINAGA Yasuko, YUZAWA Masamichi, OGATA Akiko, SHIMIZU Hisayo, NAKAO Takashi, NAKASHIMA Kenichiro, MORITA Aiko [Higher Education] HUANG Futao, DAIZEN Tsukasa, HADA Yumiko, FUJIMURA Masashi,

○ MARUYAMA Fumihiro, WATANABE Satoshi Patten, OBA Jun, SATO Machi, MURASAWA Masataka

[Notes] 1) Names marked as ○ are those who are expected to retire as of the end of March,2017. 2) Information such as the research interests of individual faculty members can be found on the website of the Graduate School of Education,

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