
Art1.abstract art : A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter. Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality. 2.abstract expressionism : A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting. Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s. 20 3.action painting : A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint. Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of the techniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas. 4.airbrush : A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form. The famous sexy robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush. deco A style dominant in the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by repetitive, ornamental, and highly finished curvilinear and geometric designs, esp. in synthetic materials such as plastics. 20 Mary attended high school in a building that was famous for art deco style of architecture. Mary nouveau A decorative style in which fluid, biomorphic lines and swirling motifs were emphasized. Beardsley prints produced in the late 19th century are a good example of the style of art nouveau. 19 7.avent-garde : Innovative art in advance of popular ideas and images, characterized by unorthodox and experimental method. The avant-garde home of the famous actress sold for millions.


8.Baroque An emotional, dramatic style of the 16th-18th century, anticlassical in form and spirit. 1618 Status and architecture from the Baroque have a dark, muscular, looming quality about them. 9.batik Painting on wax-treated cloth. Susan learned about batik in college. 10.Bauhaus A design school that promoted functional and geometric elements in design. Bauhaus school of design in Germany changed the way that the world thought about design. a 11.Byzantine adj. A term used to describe a style of art with strong religious content. The Byzantine era extended from the 13th century and went into the 16th century and was characterized by art with religious influence. 1316 12.calligraphy Handwriting or penmanship, esp. elegant or beautiful writing as a decorative art. Calligraphy has practically become a lost art in todays computerized society. 13.cartoon A full-size, preliminary painting or sketch for a completed work. Leonardo da Vincis cartoon of the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne hangs in the British National Gallery. 14.ceramics (1)The art of making objects such as pottery or clay. (2)The objects themselves. Savannah enjoys making ceramic pottery. 15.collage A composition of found objects, newspaper, and cloth over other material on a single surface. We used to make computer collages when I was in college by first pasting various items together2

and then using a video camera to transmit the image onto a computer screen. 16.composition Aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and effective arrangement of parts to form a whole. Matisse used color and shapes and worked back and forth until he felt he had achieved a balanced composition. art Electronically produced images displayed on video screen. Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public. 80 18.cubism A style of art that departs from traditional reality, and emphasizes multifaceted, simultaneous views of subject and distorted perspectives.(early 20th century) 20 Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism. 19.Dada A style (1915-1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes. 19151925 Dadaism asked what is art? and used humor and shock value as communicative elements. 20.drawing A picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil. The drawings of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York. 21.expressionism An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image. 20 Professor Bryer will be giving a lecture on expressionism tonight. 22.fresco A technique of painting directly on a wet, plaster surface. 3

We all marveled at the beauty of the 17th century fresco. 23.funk art A combination of painting and sculpture, deliberately messing and rough, often humorously depicting provocative subjects.(U.S., mid-20th century) 20 Jeson has been collecting funk art since the mid 1960s. 2060 24.futurism A style glorifying modern technology, speed, and the machine age. ( Italy, early 20th century ) 20 Art from the era of futurism can be identified by a combination of machine elements, cubism, and motion. 25.genre A realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life. Who is your favorite genre painter? 26.Gothic A style that emphasizes Christian imagery, brilliant color, and strong verticality in composition. ( 12th 16th century ) 1216 Jean dislikes Gothic art because it feels too religious. 27.gouache An opaque watercolor bound with gum. Do you like the quality of gouache in paintings? 28. graphic arts Those visual arts that are linear in character, such as drawing and engraving, esp. those that involve printing and printmaking. The computer is now enabling anyone to produce and design and experiment with graphic art. 29.hard-edge (adj.) A style characterized by geometric abstraction, a flat picture plan, perfection of a surface, and graphic precision.U.S., mid-20th century 20 Patrick Nagels hard-edge style of 80s women became one of the strongest images in the 20th century. 80204

30.history painting An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible. Temple Square in Salt Lake City has a visitor center filled with history paintings. 31.hyperrealism An extension of photorealism in which depiction of subject is indistinguishable from reality. (late 20th century) 20 The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challenges the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isnt. 32.impressionism A style emphasizing the depiction of light and its effects, with the act of seeing as its primary subject. (France 19th century Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements. Van Goghs impressionistic painting entitled Dr. Gachet was purchased for a world record $ 85 million by a Japanese investor. 8500 33.Kakemono A Japanese vertical scroll painting. Debbie purchased several kakemono scrolls during her year as an exchange student in Japan. 34.kinetic art Art characterized by the incorporation of painted and sculpted mechanical parts into an art piece that moves or creates the impression of movement. 20 Kinetic art can be seen in front of many office buildings built during the 50s and 60s. 35.landscape A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical. Paula travels to New Mexico each summer to paint western landscapes. 36.medium A liquid in which pigment is mixed to form paint; a type of paint of coloring matter used in painting. Its sometimes fun to look at a painting and try to figure out what medium the artist used. 5

37.Ming (adj)Characteristic of a highly academic classicism, esp. in porcelains. (China, 14th 17th centuries) 1417 Dr. Franks is an expert on porcelains from the Ming dynasty. 37.minimal art An abstract, simple, reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors. (U.S. mid-20th century) 20 Minimalism is characterized by space with very sparse design elements and helped launch the popular art slogan of less is more. 38.modernism A style that breaks with traditional art forms and searches for new modes of expression. Modernism became popular in the early part of the 20th century. 20 39.mosaic An illustration composed of small, colored stones or tiles set into cement. The new mall in town features a giant mosaic over the main entrance way. / ---southleaf 40.mural A large-scale painting, usually on a wall or ceiling. The McMullens have a giant mural painting along the hallway in their home. 41.neoclassicism A style modeled after proportion and restraint of Greek and Roman classical antiquity. (late 18th, early 19th century.) 1819 We knew that Mr. Samuels was into neoclassicism by the way that he had his courtyard decorated with nude statues. wave A combination of cartoon, graffiti, and performance art in a minimalist, unsophisticated style (late 20th century.) Theres a new wave art show currently on exhibit up at the local college gallery. 43.nude 6

The undraped human figure, sometimes allegorical. The nude has always played a powerful role in art throughout the ages. 44.oil paint Pigment mixed with drying oil, exp. linseed oil. You can buy a beginners set of oil paints for under $ 20. 20 45.op art A style with graphic abstraction and pattern-oriented optical effects (mid-20th century) 20 Riley and Vasarely are two noteable artists who made contributions in the illusory world of op art. 46.performance art Use of paintings, sculpture, and video in live theatrical performance by the artist. (late 20th century) 20 We watched a program that featured performance art on TV last night. 47.pastel A crayon made of color ground with chalk and compounded with gum water into paste, often of pale color. Degas is probably my favorite pastel artist. 48.perspective A system of realistically depicting three-dimensional objects or views onto two-dimensional, flat surfaces through convergent lines and planes. Perspective illustration provides a three-dimensional view of objects or views. 49.pictograph A picture symbolizing an idea or object, used as an early form of writing. Three men were arrested for vandalizing ancient pictographs found I the canyons of southern Utah. 50.pointillism Neo-impressionism characterized by the use of tiny, closely spaced dots or points of color that blend to produce a luminous quality. The painting Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Seurat is probably the most famous work of pointillism.7

51.pop art A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce, often reproduced exactly. (mid-20th century) 20 Roy Litchenstein, who helped start the movement in the 1950s, continues to rule the king of pop art into the 90s. 5090 52.primitivism A style with an unsophisticated, pretechnological, simple approach to form and content. The famous series of cut-outs by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism. 53.realism Art that depicts reality as it appears. I am in awe when I view realism such as the landscapes painted by 17th century Dutch artist Jan Vemeeer. 17 54.Renaissance (adj.)Art that is classical in form and content. (n.) revival of aesthetics of classical antiquity. (14th 17th century) 1417 Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists of today. Much of the greatest art in the history of the world was produced during the Renaissance. 55.rococo A style with ornamental, poetic, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes. Mrs. Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style. 56.sculpture The art of carving wood, chiseling stone, casting or welding metal, molding clay or wax, etc. into three-dimensional representations, as statues, figures, forms, etc. Mr. Rushmore which depicts images of 4 U.S. presidents in the Black Hills, South Dakota, is one of the most famous sculptures in America. 57.self-portrait 8

A depiction of an artists own face Artists self-portraits are usually very sought-after works of art. 58.still lift A realistic depiction of inanimate objects, esp. flowers, fruit, or domestic items. Cezanne is known for his unique still life paintings of apples. 59.surrealism A style using subconscious mental activity as its subject matter, characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery. The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism. 60.Symbolism A 19th century French movement that rejected realism and expressed subjective visions through evocative images. 19 Great art most always incorporates symbolism. art The use of filmed or videotaped material display alone or with other media.( late 20th century) 20 Video art has become a popular medium in todays art, especially in collages. 62.watercolor A paint which is mixed with water and used to create pictures; A picture which has been done with this type of paint. My uncle did a beautiful watercolor of a sunset while in Mexico.


Business63.account A record of financial transactions kept in a ledger. A bank account A customer or client Lets check the account again. How much is left in our bank account. This firm is our best account. 64.accounting A system and process of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance between assets and liabilities. You need to discuss that matter with the accounting department. 65.accumulation An addition to capital investments or stock from profits. What kink of accumulation are you getting on the ABC stock? ABC 66.affluence The condition of substantial wealth and economic power. Luxury cars are targeted towards the affluent segment of a population. 67.affiliate A business that contracts to work with another business. The ABC office supply company is one of our many affiliates. ABC 68.agenda A list of things to be done. Could you please fax me a copy of tomorrows agenda? 69.agribusiness The production and marketing of corps by large corporations as opposed to individual farms.


John was forced into bankruptcy when he lost millions of dollars he had invested in a poor agribusiness venture. 70.air-pocket stock Stock that falls sharply on bad news. Company stock sometimes turns into air-pocket stock upon the news of the companys CEOs serious illness or death. 71.annual report A financial report produced by the management of a corporation for shareholders the end of fiscal year. 72.asset A possession that can be turned into cash to cover liabilities We were forced to liquidate some of our assets to pay our debts. 73.automation The replacement of human laborers with computers and self-regulating machines Automation in factories will continue to eliminate more and more jobs into the 21st century. 21 74.balanced budget Spending that is equal to revenue, esp. in government. 75.bankruptcy The inability to pay ones debts; legal insolvency Many private companies are forced to declare bankruptcy when they begin to lose business to their competitors. 76.big business A term used to describe large corporations, as opposed to small individually or family-owned business. Darren wants to get into big business some day. 77.Black Monday October 19, 1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell a record 508 points in trading on the New York Stock Exchange. 19871019508 chip stock 11

A term used to describe high-quality stocks of financially sound corporations Mr. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks. A security issued by a corporation or public body and carrying a fixed rate of interest Whats the interest rate on these bonds? 80.boom A period of great economic activity and business expansion () The soft drink business always booms in the summertime. 81.boondoggle A wasteful business venture Our investment in water softeners was a boondoggle. 82.bottom line The final result or ultimate objective Whats the bottom line of your proposal? 83.boycott The refusal to purchase the products of an individual, corporation, or nation as a way to bring social and political pressure for change. Americans boycotted tuna several years ago until tuna companies guaranteed that they werent catching dolphins in their tuna nets. 84.budget A plan of expenditures based on anticipated revenues. How much do we have left in our budget? cycle Periodic rise and fall in economic activity U.S. retailers see the same basic business cycle every year and typically do most of their business during the Christmas season. 12

86.bust An informal term referring to a financial or economic collapse The economy is currently in a bust. 87.buying power Purchasing power The buying power of the dollar has steadily declined during the last twenty-five years. 25 Money, assets, or property used as a means of production or for investment Some futurists claim that human capital is a companys greatest asset. 89.capitalism An economic system based on private ownership and profit incentive People in some countries dont really understand the system of capitalism. cow An informal term for a business with a dependable source of income This product has always been a cash cow for our company. flow Fluctuations in a companys cash position Our company is currently having a cash flow problem. 92.CEO An acronym for chief executive officer. The highest executive officer of a company. chief executive officer Advertisers are using CEOs more frequently in their companys commercials because studies show that people trust and admire leaders. 93.Chapter 11 A bankruptcy code section that applies to a corporation going out of business which may require restructuring. Rumors are spreading that one of the big movie companies is filing a chapter 11. 94.commercialism 13

The practice and spirit of business in which the making of profits is emphasized. Many American dislike the commercialism that is associated with Christmas. 95.competition The rivalry between similar businesses for customers or clients. Competition in business is good because it generally results in better quality and lower prices for consumers. 96.conglomerate A corporation made up several companies that produce large quantities of output in a variety of industries. Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate. 97.consumerism 12 The consumption of goods and service. Inflation always hurts consumerism. The protection of consumers form poor products or misleading claims. The U.S. Food and Drug administration tries to regulate consumerism. 98.consumer price index A measure of the fluctuation in prices of common consumer goods and services over a fixed time period. The consumer price index is a good reference tool to use in order to learn how much the price of a specific item has changed over the last several years. 99.corporate ladder A series of steps in the organizational hierarchy of a company. Climbing the corporate ladder is not as popular as it used to be. 100.corporate raider A person, company, etc. that attempts to take over another company, exp. by buying up the stock of the target company. 101.cost cutting A reactive measure taken by companies esp. in hard times, in order to save money by eliminating waste or unnecessary spending.14

Companies in the 90s have been implementing a lot of cost cutting in order to become more efficient and competitive. 90 102.cost of living The average cost for the basic necessities of life Many employees expect a yearly cost of living increase in their paychecks. 103.creeping inflation The barely noticeable but persistent increase in prices. Creeping inflation continues to spread throughout the economy in the 1990s. 90 104.decline A period of reduced business activity. College students are not happy about the decline of job opportunities waiting for them when they graduate. 105.deficit A budget imbalance in which expenditures exceed income. Our company ran a deficit for the first three years before we started to make any profit. 106.deflation A decrease in the money supply, causing a sharp fall in prices. Consumers are always motivated by deflation. 107.demand The desire and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services. Marketers and advertisers are always looking for new ways to create demand for their clients products. 108.depression A severe, extended period of decline in business activity. Many older Americans remember the great depression of the 1930s. 109.deregulation A gradual removal of government control over business.15

Most business and industries approve of deregulation from government control. 110.distribution The marketing of merchandising. If a product doesnt have good distribution, it wont sell. 111.diversification The act of expanding business by increasing the number of goods produced or the number of services offered. Many fast food businesses are diversifying in an attempt to capture more customers form their competitors. 112.dumping The act of selling goods below cost to other nations to eliminate surpluses or offset competition. The U.S. has accused Japan of dumping mini-vans here in American. 113.economics The study of wealth and its creation, distribution, and consumption. Susan is majoring in economics at Harvard. 114.economy The organization of social and political institutions and business for production. National leaders must always worry about the state of the economy. 115.Fortune 500 500 A list of the 500 largest American corporations published annually by Fortune magazine. 500 Who are the top 10 companies on the Fortune 500 list? 50010 116.franchise A contract or license permitting a regional distributor to use the name and sell products of another company. Clancy is opening a new McDonalds franchise in London. 117.freeze The fixing of some economic factor, such as prices, employment, spending, etc.16

The government caused a price freeze at the gas pumps. 118.full employment An economic condition in which unemployment is deemed minimal and acceptable, usually under six percent. The condition of full employment is something that most countries rarely achieve. 119.glamour stock A stock in a new or rapidly developing industry that tends to rise quickly in price. John specializes in buying glamour stock, particular in media, and entertainment companies. 120.glas ceiling A term used to describe an invisible barrier that prevents women from entering the ranks of senior-level management. Many women in the 90s are protesting the glass ceiling that bars them form upper management in large corporation. 90 economy Worldwide trade, travel, competition, etc. Companies in the 1990s are thinking globally in order to stay competitive in the new global economy. 90 122.GNP An abbr. For gross national product. The total annual monetary value of all goods, services, and products sold on markets of national economy. gross national product What was Japans GNP in 1987? 1987 123.golden parachute A substantial compensation given to top executives as a severance bonus when they are terminated from the positions in the event of a corporate merger or takeover. CEOs typically receive a golden parachute when their companies are seized in a hostile takeover. 124.gray market A market in which scare goods such as computer chips are traded at above-market prices through17

irregular channels or by methods not illegal but usually not considered ethical. Our company is losing a lot of money to similar products being sold on the gray market. 125.greenmail The purchase, usually in secret, of a large block of a companys stock, thereby signaling a possible takeover attempt, and ultimately forcing the company to try to thwart the attempt by buying back its stock at a much higher price. The ABC company found themselves a victim of greenmail when they realized they had bought back their stock at a much higher price. ABC 126.hardball Slang for highly competitive or ruthless business practices. Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball. 127.hostile takeover The act of taking control of a company by buying up enough of its stock t gain a controlling interest. Last year the small airline company was bought up in a hostile takeover. 128.hyperinflation Rapid inflation and major shortages caused by panic buying. The fear of sudden natural disaster caused hyperinflation to occur in certain food markets because of panic buying by the public. 129.inflation A sustained rise in the price of goods and services. Has the rate of inflation dropped in the last six months? 130.junk bond A slang term for a high-risk bond that offers a high return but is considered to have a dubious backing. Michael Milken will always be synonymous with the term junk bond king. 131.labor-intensive 18

(adj.)A term used to describe production that uses more labor than capital. The parts are very labor-intensive which makes them very expensive. 132.leveraged buyout(LBO) A procedure by which an investor borrows money to purchase enough of a companys assets to gain a controlling interest, using the assets of the targeted firm as collateral. Sometimes a smaller company will use the technique of a leveraged buyout to takeover another company. 133.macroeconomics An economic branch dealing with broad aspects of the economy, esp. factors on a national level. Mr. Samuels is an expert in macroeconomics. share A percentage of total sales within a specific market by one company. The kelloggs company has over 50 percent of the market share for breakfast cereals 50 135.mass production The manufacturing of goods in large quantities using standardized parts and assembly lines. Mass production allows a lot of people to enjoy a particular product at a more reasonable price. 136.microeconomics The branch of economics that deals with single units of production and consumption. Microeconomics in the future will lead to more customization and specialization of products for consumers. 137.mogul Informal. A rich and powerful person in business or industry. We watched a television interview of an entertainment mogul who had amassed a fortune of over $ 100 million. 138.mommy track A career path in which a woman declines rapid advancement in order to spend time with her family. Millions of women in the 1990s are choosing the mommy track over climbing the corporate19

ladder. 90 139.monopoly A domination of the market by a single company. The breakup of monopolies creates competition, which leads to better quality and lower prices for the public. 140.oligopoly A market condition in which there are few sellers, enabling them to influence price and other factors. The U.S. auto industry is an oligopoly, because there are only three main producers. 3 141.Pac Man defense An attempt to prevent a hostile takeover in which a targeted company bids to take over the hostile firm. The out-throat 1980s made strategies like Pac Man defense essential to companies who wanted to survive a hostile takeover. 80 142.Paper profit An unrealized profit due to appreciation in value of something owned but not yet sold. Jacks business showed a paper profit last year simply due to the appreciation. 143.paradigm shift A term by a CEO to inform his company that there will be major changes made. The CEO of a major computer software manufacture announced a paradigm shift to his executives today. 144.Peter Principle A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence. The term Peter Principle has become quite popular among the American work force. 145.poison pill Any of various methods devised by a company to thwart a hostile takeover attempt, such as by issuing new stock or instituting a generous package of employee benefits, which would prove costly to a potential acquirer.20

146.power lunch A business lunch where food is an afterthought to intense dealmaking and negotiation. Were discussing the possibilities of a company merger over a power lunch this afternoon. 147.productivity A measure of ability to produce output from given input Productivity at the XYZ company was up slightly this month over last. XYZ 148.quality control Techniques used to eliminate defective products or to improve performance standards and practices. No company can afford to neglect quality control if they wish to remain competitive in the new global economy. 149.raw goods Materials gathered in original state from nature for use in production. Knowledge and information are becoming the most valuable assets to a company while raw goods are becoming less and less valuable. 150.recession A period of no growth in the national economy for at least six months. 6 A recession is characterized by a decreased demand for goods, increased unemployment, and decline in the gross national product. 151.recovery An increase in business activity following a recession or depression. Economists often disagree on whether the U.S. is in a recovery or not. 152.sanction Coercive economic restrictions placed on one nation by another. The two superpowers are currently negotiating trade sanctions. 153.service economy An economy that emphasizes services over industrial production.21

You can enjoy almost anything you want in todays service economy. 154.slump A decline in business activity. The car industry has been in a slump since the beginning of the year. 155.smokestack industry A term that refers to heavy manufacturing, such as steel or automobile manufacturing. Information and entertainment is replacing the smokestack industry as the new major methods of creating wealth in the economy. 156.socioeconomic A term used to describe the connection of social and economic factors. The study of socioeconomic factors is important in order to understand various groups within society. 157.stagflation A term that combines inflation and stagnation. A condition when inflation and high unemployment occurring together. Stagflation is a very unpopular buzz word in the business world. 158.stock exchange A market where securities are traded, such as the New York Stock Exchange. My friends works at the New York Stock Exchange. 159.stock market 12 A market in which stocks are bought and sold. The general condition of the sale of securities in a corporation. The Wall Street Journal gives a daily report of the stock market. and demand A basic economic law stating that as the price of a good increase, suppliers will be willing to produce more but consumers will demand less, so that price and quantity are both interrelated. 22

All products must follow the laws of supply and demand. 161.surplus A situation in which the supply of goods exceeds the demand, esp. at a given price. Smart consumers try to purchase items that are in surplus in order to get more for the same money. shelter An investment in certain business, activities, etc. that legally entitles the investor to avoid, reduce, or defer income taxes. Some business use tax shelters in an effort to reduce or defer their income tax. angst (A combination of technological and anxiety.) The fear of automation among consumers. technological anxiety The tech angst of many people makes them reluctant to put their trust in automated teller machines. 164.technological monopoly A condition in which a company has exclusive rights to a patented product or process. AT & T has a technological monopoly over a number of products and processes in the communications world. barriers Tariffs, quotas, and other regulations used by one country to discourage the importation of certain goods. The U.S. is poised to eliminate trade barriers with Mexico and other neighboring countries. deficit An imbalance in which a nations imports exceed its exports. No nation wants to run a continuous trade deficit with other countries. imbalance A condition in which a nations exports and imports and imports are not equal. The subject of trade imbalance is an ongoing debate between the U.S. and Japan. 168.trickle-down economics A theory that government financial incentives to big business will eventually benefit smaller23

businesses and general public. President Bill Clinton dose not believe that trickle-down economics works for the benefit of the nation. Several companies acting together to control production, pricing, and distribution of a product. The government has anti=trust laws that regulate against companies forming trusts in order to control product prices and distribution. 170.upward mobility The movement of an individual to ever higher levels of responsibility in a company. It was no surprise to the other workers that the bosss nephew enjoined such a great degree of upward mobility. 171.white knight A business that prevents a hostile takeover of another company by offering better terms. One of our affiliates acted as a white knight on our behalf and saved us from being the victims of a hostile takeover.


Computer172.abort To cancel or end a program or procedure while it is in progress. We decided to abort the program. 173.access The locating and/or obtaining of desired data. / Only authorized personnel can access these computer files. 174.artificial intelligence (AI) The branch of computer science that deals with using computers to simulate human thinking and to perform functions normally associated with human intelligence. Artificial intelligence has been the focus of much hype since the early 1980s and is widely expected to be achieved in the 21st century. 80 21 175.backup copy A copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage. Did you make a backup copy of that file? 176.batch A group of records or transactions that can be processed together. I've gotta finish this batch by tomorrow. 177.boot (up) To start up a computer, making it ready to operate. Just a minute, I'm waiting for my computer to boot up. 178.bug A mistake or malfunction that can occur in a computer program. For some reason, we've been experiencing some bugs in this particular program. 179.canned software Programs prepared by computer manufacturers that are in ready to use form and can used by many business and individuals.


WordPefect 6.0 is one of the newest items of canned software on the market. WordPefect6.0 180.character Any symbol, digit, letter, etc. that is stored or processed by a computer. An optical scanner can actually read characters and transfer them to the monitor screen of a computer. 181.clones A term used to describe a product that is a copy of another one, such as a computer clone. In the new global economy, there are dozens of computer clones on the market. 182.coding The writing of a list of computer instructions causing it to perform specific functions and operations. We are currently recoding all the computers in our office. 183.computerese Slang for computer jargon. Are you fluent in computerese? 184.computernik Slang for a person who spends a lot of time using computers. John hangs around with all the computernik. 185.crash A system shutdown caused by a hardware or software malfunction. Our system just crashed. leakage The illegal removal of data from a computer. Weve had no data leakage problems since weve installed our new security program. matrix Forming letters or characters from dots, as opposed to type. 26

Dot matrix printers are being phased out and replaced by printers that can produce clean type. 188.downtime The length of time a computer is down because of a malfunction. Sorry, youll have to come back later the computers are down. How much downtime did we log last month? highway The flow of TV and cable channels that will allow individuals to access a revolutionary variety of entertainment, news, communications, home-shopping, etc. Time Magazine featured a cover devoted to the new info highway in early 1993. 1993 190.infomaion overload A condition characterized by an excess of messages demanding attention, which leads to confusion and a loss of efficiency. Most of us are suffering from information overload in the 1990s. 90 191.information revolution A condition characterized by an excess of message demanding attention, which leads to confusion and a loss of efficiency. printer An output device that prints by spraying a thin stream of ink onto the paper. What brand of ink-jet printer do you use? 193.knowledge engineering The scientific study of integrating knowledge into computer systems to solve complex problems that would usually require human expertise. The next generation of computers will integrate knowledge engineering into their programming in order to solve complex problems in a way that more closely resembles human reasoning. 194.pixel The smallest display picture element on a video display screen. 27

The display screen of a computer contains thousands of tiny pixels that convey the images on the computer screen. piracy The duplication of commercial software without permission from the developer. The XYZ company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software piracy in Taiwan. 196.superconductor Material that has almost no resistance to the flow of electricity. The new technology of superconductors has advanced the world of communications by allowing more information to be sent in a much faster manner. 197.telecommuting Working at home and using a computer to communicate and interact with the office. More and more people are now telecommuting one or more days a week as opposed to going to the office everyday. 198.touch screen A computer that can be given commands by touching its display screen in the appropriate locations. Some restaurants have provided touch screen computers to enable their customers to order food via the computer without to tell someone. 199.user-friendly Hardware or software that is designed to help people become familiar with their computer by simple, easy-to-follow instructions. Computers must be user-friendly in order to be accepted by the public. 200.Virus Coded directions in software that can erase or replace files and operating software in a computer. A computer virus can sit undetected in a computer until it's automatically activated, as when computer's clock strikes a certain date.


Crime201.accomplice Any person who takes part in a crime. Tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime. business district A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc. Police are constantly arresting people over in the adult business district. 203.agricrime Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment. agricultural crime/ Farmers are losing thousands of dollars each year due to agricrime. 204.armed robbery The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party. Did you read about the armed robbery in this mornings paper? 205.arrest warrant A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime. The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect. 206.arson The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire. Police think the fire that burned down the old warehouse was an act of arson. 207.assassin A murderer. A person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person. Police are still looking for the assassin of the president candidate. 208.assault The act of attempting or threatening to harm another person. Mr. Green was assaulted while he was walking on 25th street. 25


209.attack dog A canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc. The officers attack dog has saved his life many times. 210.back-alley butcher Slang for abortionist. Demonstrators picked an abortion clinic with signs that said back-alley butcher. 211.bail Money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant while awaiting trial. Franks wife came down to the police station to bail him out. 212.ballistics The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets. A ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime. 213.blackmail The act of threatening to reveal personal information, esp. sexual scandals, in order to extract money. Linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor. market A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged. Gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market. 215.blood money Money that is paid as retribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc. The mafia paid blood money to have that man killed. 216.body bag A heavy-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse. The officer warmed the man to drop his gun or end up in a body bag. 217.bomb squad 30

A team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate bombs. The bomb squad was called in to deactivate the car bomb. 218.bootlegging The illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc. Three Mexicans were arrested for bootlegging firearms across the border. 219.break-in A burglar It looks like you are the victim of a break-in. 220.bribery The act of offering, giving, or taking bribes. The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery. 221.bucket shop (Also called telephone boiler room.) An office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing. () Crooks across the country are using bucket shops to scam older people. 222.bug To use electronic listening devices to listen in on the conversations of others. This office has been bugged. 223.bum rap An unmerited arrest Steve served six months jail time on a bum rap. 6 224.burglary The act of breaking into a home, building, etc. with the intent to steal from it. Burglaries in our town have been on the upswing. bangers Thieves who steal form automobiles. 31

Police caught the car bangers in the act. criminal A person who makes a living from crime. John was a career criminal until the day he got caught in the home of a policeman. 227.child abuse The physical and verbal mistreatment of children. The most unnerving thing about child abuse is the number of cases that go unreported. 228.chop shop A shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts. I watched a news program that tracked chop shops across the country. 229.cocaine A powerful stimulant drug. What is the street value of a pound of cocaine? cleaner A person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial credit information of others. Computer cleaners cost companies and financial institutions million of dollars every year. 231.con artist A person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes. Bob makes his living as a con artist. 232.con game Any fraudulent scheme My grandparents got burned in a con game. 233.convict A person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison. Mr. Welch is an ex-convict. 32

234.counterfeit To illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc. Police busted up a counterfeiting racket in Miami last week. fraud The attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment. That woman is wanted in 5 states for credit-card fraud. 5 236.crime of passion Murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover; Murder committed in the heat of rage. Crimes of passion seem to be popular material for TV infotainment programs. 237.Crime rate The number of reported crimes per specified number of the population. Which state has the highest crime rate in the U.S.? 238.criminal A person who has violated a criminal law. We are placing your son in criminal detention. rape A rape that is committed by a womans date. Date rape is the last thing that a young girl should have to worry about. 240.deadly weapon Any object, or instrument that is capable of being used to kill. It is against the law to carry a concealed deadly weapon. 241.death penalty Punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner. Three men have received the death penalty so far this year. 242.death row A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution. 33

This convicted killer has been on death row for 15 years. 15 243.defendant A person who has been charged with a crime The court found the defendant guilty of murder. 244.domestic violence Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating. Domestic violence is one of the most dangerous calls that a law enforcement officer has to make. 245.drug abuse The excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging ones health. It was obvious to see by looking at the needle marks on her arms that the young girl was a victim of drug abuse. 246.drug king (czar) The person who controls the production, transportation and selling of drug in an area. After two years of using an undercover operation, the FBI finally arrested the Cuban drug king. 247.drunk driving Driving while under the influence of alcohol. This is your second drunk driving offense this month. 248.edp crimes Electronic data-processing crime; criminal offenses committed using computer technology. The IRS investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year. 249.embezzlement The illegal misappropriation of funds entrusted to ones care. We have never had a problem with embezzlement at this bank. 250.first-degree murder Premeditated murder. The man was changed with first-degree murder in the death of his lovers husband. 34

251.forensic medicine The use of medicine in solving legal problems. Many crimes could not be solved without using forensic medicine. 252.forgery The act of creating a document, either written or printed, with the intent to defraud. Forgery also covers counterfeiting, or producing fake signatures, works of art, etc. 253. gamble To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc. Burt lost $ 3000 gambling in Las Vegas over the weekend. 3000 254.gang A group of people organized to achieve some common goal. Gangs are often involved in drugs, violence, money lending, prostitution, etc. Gangs often have automatic weapons more powerful than the police in many large U.S. cities. 255.hijack To seize control of an airplane, boat, automobile, etc. Terrorist just hijacked a plane to Cuba. 256.hit-and-run An automobile accident in which the driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself. The term hit-and-run may also be applied to such a driver. I was a victim of a hit-and-run accident on Monday. 257.hold-up The act of robbing someone at gunpoint. There was a hold-up at the bank over on 2nd street. 258.homcide The act of killing someone. Police are investigating the homicide of a prostitute. wire To electrically start a vehicle without using an ignition key.35

Seasoned crooks can hot wire a car in seconds. 260.impulse crime Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. that are done on an impulse. 261.juvenile delinquency Criminal behavior by adolescents and children. Some parents arent concerned about juvenile delinquency. 262.labor racketeering Corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor. The New York union leader was convicted of labor racketeering. 263.larceny The stealing of another persons property. Have you over been arrested for larceny? 264.libel Written defamation. The famous actress is suing the tabloids for libel. 265.Mafia A secret society that originated in Italy in the 1860s. The Mafia now widespread, and is focused on power and profit. 1960 The Godfather is a story about the powerful mafia families in New York. 266.mail fraud The using of the mail system to defraud the public. That mail-order company has been convicted of mail fraud. 267.manhunt An organized search to catch a criminal or an escapee. Police have organized a manhunt to capture the escaped convict. 36

268.mass murderer A murderer who kills many people. More and more mass murderers are popping up in the news these days. laundering The act of concealing the source of funds for the purpose of tax evasion and fraud. This restaurant is just a front for money laundering. 270.mule A person used to transport drugs or contraband from one place to another. Security officials in airports are finding an astounding number of people who are being used as mules. 271.organized crime A term used to describe underworld societies such as the Mafia who deal in crimes such as gambling, narcotics, and prostitution. This company is associated with an east-coast organized syndicate. 272.parole A conditional release of an offender from confinement before the expiration of his or her sentence. The offender is usually placed under the guidance of a parole officer. The victims family is nervous that the offender is up for parole. 273.penitentiary A maximum-security facility designed to detain prisoners serving long sentences. Lee is serving his sentence down at the penitentiary. 274.perjury The crime of willingly giving false information while under oath. If you lie while you are under oath, you can be found guilty of perjury. 275.pickpocket A thief who is skilled in stealing items from other peoples pockets. I had my wallet stolen by a pickpocket while I was on the subway. 276.pilice brutality 37

The act of using excessive physical force by police or other law enforcement officers. The infamous Rodney King beating in L.A. showed the public at how rampant police brutality is. 277.police corruption The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain. The mayor is working to put an end to police corruption in this city. 278.pornoshop A shop or bookstore that sells pornographic materials. The local pornshop has been shut down form selling materials to minors. 279.prison break An escape from prison involving violence by one or more prisoners. Two guards and two inmates were killed in a prison break in Texas, yesterday. crime Auto theft, burglary, larceny, etc. This section of town has been plagued with property crimes. 291.serial killer A murder who commits a series of killings, usually with distinct similarities in the murders. Doesn't it seems a little inappropriate to put serial killers on trading cards. 292.sin tax Tax that is imposed on cigarettes, liquor, gambling, etc. Many people complain about the sin tax in Utah. 293.skid row A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street. After his divorce, Mike became a drunk down on skid row. 294.slush fund Money that is used to bribe public politicians and other influential officials Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials.38

295.statutory rape Sexual intercourse with a female who has consented, but who is legally incapable of consent because she is underage. What is the penalty for statutory rape? 296.suicide pact An agreement between two or more persons to commit suicide together. The whole high school was shocked at the news of the two classmates who killed themselves in a suicide pact. 297.suicide season The Christmas season when many lonely people feel isolated and take their own lives. December is without question, the suicide season. evasion The illegal attempt by a taxpayer to avoid paying his or her taxes. Bill was found guilty of tax evasion and owes the IRS over $60,000 in back taxes. 299.vandalism The defacement or destruction of public or private property. Vandalism is a major problem in inner city schools. 300.vice squad Plain clothes policeman who work undercover to detect crime. Sean has been a member of the vice squad for nine years. 9 301.vigilante A person or group who takes the responsibility of a law enforcement officer into their won hands. The subway vigilante in New York was in the media for weeks. 302.war crime Crimes that violate the customs and laws of war. The retired officer was found guilty of war crimes when evidence was uncovered during a recent39

investigation. 303.white-collar crime Crimes committed by persons in businesses including expense-account padding, stealing office supplies, price-fixing, product fraud, etc. Businesses are losing millions of dollars, and products are more expensive due to white-collar crime.


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