Page 1: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

www.casabug a t t i . i t

Page 2: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

what́ snew


Big City Life! è per noi la capacità di assorbire diverse influenze. La passione verso la cultura italiana come memoria creativa. La capa-cità di realizzare attraverso nuovi percorsi tecnici. La sintesi del ve-dere, gustare, toccare, sentire, annusare, che ci apre sempre nuove possibilità. Vivere insieme!Big City Life! is for us the ability to absorb different influences. The passion for Italian culture as a creative memory. The ability to achieve through new techni-cal routes. The synthesis of sight, taste, touch, hear, smell, will always open new possibilities. Living together! / Big City Life démontre notre capacité d’absorber les différentes influences. Notre passion pour la culture italienne comme mémoire créative. Notre facilité de produire par l’intermédiaire de nouveaux parcours techniques. Voir, goûter, toucher, sentir, découvrir et toujours synthétiser les nou-velles possibilités qui se présentent. Vivre ensemble! / Big City Life! ist für uns verschiedenster Einflüsse. Die Freude ander italieni-schen Kultur als kreatives Gedächtnis. Die Fähigkeit, mit neuen Techniken wege zu begehen. Die Synthes aus Sehen, Beichten, Hören, Berühren, Riechen und Schme-cken die uns immer wieder neue Türen öffnet. Zusammen leben!

01 Una posata sofisticata che si ispira al tema art déco può rendere la tavola forte e decisa: Optical é la nuova serie di Bugatti pensata per soddisfare l´esigenza di stile e personalità nell´ambiente privato, per un evento speciale o nel mondo della ristorazione. A sophisticated cutlery inspired by the art déco, can make the table strong and decisive: Optical is the new Bugatti series designed to meet taste of style and personality in a private environment, for a special event or in the restaurant concept.Une coutellerie sophistiquée inspirée par le thème art déco peut rendre la table forte et déci-sive: Optical est la nouvelle série Bugatti conçue pour répondre au besoin de style et de per-sonnalité dans la maison, pour un événement spécial ou dans le monde de la restauration.Ein stilvolles Besteck, das vom Art Deco-Thema inspiriert ist und dem gedeckten Tisch einen starken Ausdruck verleiht. Optical ist die neue Bugatti-Serie, die dem Bedürfnis nach Stil und Persönlichkeit nicht nur zu Hause, sondern auch bei einem besonderen Anlass, oder in der Gastronomie gerecht wird.

02 Il nuovo modello di posate Metropolis, in acciaio inox 18/10, rivela la sua linea sobria ed equilibrata con un tocco particolare e slan-ciato che esalta anche una tavola quotidiana. The new cutlery model Metropolis, in 18/10 stainless steel, reveals its minimal and bal-ance line with a particular and slender touch that enhances the daily table.Le nouveau modèle de couverts Metropolis, en acier inoxydable 18/10, révèle sa ligne sobre et équilibrée avec un touche spécial et élancé qui rendre élagenate la table pour tous les jours.Das neue Besteckmodell Metropolis aus Edelstahl 18/10 zeigt seine schlichte und aus-gewogene Linie mit einer besonderen und schlanken Note, die den gedeckten Tisch täglich glänzen läßt.

03 Capriccio è una nuova linea di posate in acciaio inox 18/10 dal disegno molto classico, perfetto per ogni occasione. Capriccio is a new line of 18/10 stainless steel cutlery with a very classic design, perfect for every occasion.Capriccio est la nouvelle ligne de couverts en acier inoxydable 18/10, qui avec son design très classique c’est parfait pour chaque occasion.Capriccio ist eine neue Bestecklinie aus 18/10 Edelstahl in einem extra klassischen Design, ideal für jeden Anlass.

04 La serie Aladdin si arricchisce di nuovi elementi speciali per l´occasione del regalo, belli e preziosi per arredare nei momenti di relax: la forchettina aperitivo, il mokino e il cucchiaino cuore.Aladdin series is enriched with new special elements for gift ideas, beautiful and pre-cious to emphasize moments of relax: the aperitif fork, the mokino and the heart spoon.La ligne Aladdin s’enrichit des nouveaux élements spéciaux pour l’occasion du cadeau, objets beaux et précieux pour décorer les moments relax: la fourchette à apéritif, le cuillère à moka petit et le cuillère à coeur.





Page 3: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Die Aladdin-Serie wird mit neuen und besonderen Geschenkideen bereichert. Kostbar in ihrer An-mutung, schaffen sie Momente der Entspannung: die Aperitifgabel, der Mokino und der Herzlöffel.

05 Nella serie Aladdin, a completare la ricchissima gamma croma-tica, si aggiunge il rosa, un colore che continua a fare tendenza.In the Aladdin series, to complete the very rich color range, Rose is the new born, a color that continues to set trends.Dans la série Aladdin, pour compléter la gamme de couleurs très riche, on ajoute la rose, une couleur qui continue de définir les tendances.Die schon reiche Farbpalette der Aladdin-Serie wird mit der Farbe Rose und einem weit-eren Trend bereichert.

06Melodia è la nuova serie di posate nata per stupire: una ghiera disegna-ta con arabeschi, linee morbide e ricercate evocano ambienti magici e da sogno. Melodia is the new series of cutlery created to amaze: a ring designed with arabesques, soft and refined lines evoke magical and dreamy environments.Melodia est la nouvelle sligne de couverts créée pour émerveiller: une virolle conçue avec des arabesques, des lignes douces et raffinées évoquent des moments magiques et rêveurs.Melodia ist die neue Besteckserie, die zum Schwärmen anregt: Ein mit Arabesken en-tworfener Ring mit weichen raffinierten Linien, die an magische Momente in verträumter Umgebung erinnern.

07 Kiss Cucchiaio Miele e Prendi&Spalma pensati per rendere più funzionale l´uso con il miele, la marmellata e i formaggi teneri, diven-tano l´ottima idea regalo per ogni ricorrenza.Kiss Honey spoon and Take&Spread designed to make more functional the use of honey, jam and soft cheeses, become an excellent gift idea for every occasion.Kiss cuillère à miel et prendre&tartiner, conçus pour être utilisés de manière plus fonctionnelle avec du miel, de la confiture et des fromages à pâte molle, deviennent la meilleure idée cadeau pour chaque occasion.Die Modelle Honey Spoon und Take & Spalma aus der Serie Kiss machen die Verwendung von Honig, Marmelade und Weichkäse ganz einfach. Eine hervorragende Geschenkidee für jeden Anlass.

08 La pinza Kiss è ideale per il ghiaccio ma è pensata anche per il finger food dell´aperitivo o per i dolci e i confetti, diventando il regalo perfetto per la bomboniera.Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift.La pince Kiss est idéale pour le glaçon, mais aussi pour le amuse-gueules de l’apéritif ou pour les biscuits et les confettis, devenant ainsi le cadeau idéal.Die Zange aus der Serie Kiss eignet sich ideal für Eis, ist aber auch für das Aperitif-Fingerfood oder für Süßigkeiten und Konfetti gedacht. Ein perfektes Hochzeitsgeschenk.

09 Tulipano è la linea di posate per chi vuole conferire un tono deciso alla propria tavola, con un occhio particolare alla tradizione e alla cura del decoro.Tulipano is the line of cutlery for those who want to give a decisive tone to their table, with an eye to tradition and to the decor.Tulipano est la ligne de couverts pour ceux qui veulent donner un ton décisif à leur table, avec un sens particulier de la tradition et du soin de la décoration.Tulipano ist die Besteckserie für alle, die ihre Tischkultur mit einem besonderen Augen-merk auf Tradition und Dekoration pflegen.






Page 4: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Emozione Italiana!

Bugatti progetta e realizza prodotti per la tavola e la cucina, posate e pic-coli elettrodomestici con una forte carica innovativa e un design originale e sofisticato. Da più di 90 anni le proposte di Bugatti si distinguono per lo stile unico, in cui l’alta tecnologia si fonde con il gusto italiano per le forme e i dettagli; i legami con il territorio e la tradizione artigianale convivono con lo sguardo aperto al mondo contemporaneo e ai suoi valori: dalla condivisio-ne alla sostenibilità ambientale. Grazie all’apporto di un ampio team di progettisti e designer, Bugatti pro-duce piccoli-grandi gioielli per la casa che interpretano desideri mutevoli e arricchiscono le abitudini e gli ambienti di vita. Bugatti rivoluziona il rito quo-tidiano “semplice e abituale” del vivere la casa, trasformandolo in un’arte, un regalo, un’emozione da scoprire ogni giorno!

Bugatti designs and manufactures products for the table and kitchen, cutlery and small household appliances that are highly innovative and have an original and sophisticated design. For over 90 years, Bugatti proposals have been di-stinguished by the unique style in which high technology blends with Italian taste for shapes and details; links with the territory and craft tradition live together with the eyes open to the contemporary world and its values; from experience sharing to environmental sustainability.Owing to the contribution of a large team of draughtsmen and designers, Bu-gatti produces small and large treasures for the home that interpret changing desires and enrich life’s habits and environments. Bugatti revolutionises the ‘sim-ple and habitual’ daily rite of experiencing the home, by transforming it into an art, a gift, an emotion to be discovered every day!

Bugatti conçoit et réalise des produits pour la table et la cuisine, des couverts et des petits appareils électroménagers ayant un caractère fortement novateur et un design original et sophistiqué. Depuis 90 ans, les propositions de Bugatti se distinguent par leur style sans égal, où la haute technologie se mêle au goût italien au niveau des formes et des détails ; les liens avec le territoire et la tradition artisanale cohabitent avec le regard ouvert vers le monde contemporain et ses valeurs, du partage à la durabilité environnementale. Grâce au travail d’un grand nombre de concepteurs et de designers, Bugatti produit des « petits grands joyaux » pour la maison, qui interprètent les désirs changeants et enrichissent les habitudes et les cadres de vie. Bugatti révolutionne le rite quotidien « simple et habituel » de la vie chez soi, en le transformant en un art, un cadeau, une émotion à découvrir chaque jour!

Bugatti entwickelt und produziert Produkte für den Tisch und die Küche, Be-steckgarnituren und kleine Haushaltgeräte, die sich durch ihre innovativen Lösungen und das originale anspruchsvolle Design auszeichnen. Seit über 90 Jahren setzen sich die Vorschläge von Bugatti dank dem einzigartigen Stil durch, bei dem sich die Spitzentechnologie mit dem italienischen Geschmack für Formen und Details verschmilzt; die Bindungen zur Region und Handwer-kstradition vereinen sich in dem offenen Blick auf die zeitgenössische Welt und auf ihre Werte, von dem Austausch von Ideen bis zur Umwelttragbarkeit. Dank der Unterstützung eines großen Planer- und Designerteams stellt Bugatti kleine bis große Schmuckstücke für den Haushalt her, die wandelbare Wün-sche interpretieren und die Lebensgewohnheiten und –räume bereichern. Bugatti revolutioniert den “einfachen und gewöhnlichen” Tagesablauf des Zuhauselebens, indem sie ihn in Kunst, in ein Geschenk oder in eine jeden Tag zu entdeckende Emotion verwandelt!



Page 5: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Bollitore elettronico/ Electronic kettle/ Bouilloire électronique / Elektronischer Wasserkocher

JACQUELINEwarmupyour style


Page 6: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


Page 7: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck

GLAMOURBugatti colours trend

BU blu notte

JU blu avio

7U azzurro cielo

MU verde mela

5U verde foliage

CV verde celadon

MA marsala

RG rosso granata

3U rosso

PP pink paradise

IU iris

RL rosa lotus

LU lilla

OU arancione

ME melon

6U giallo

DR oro

TA tabacco

GU grigio cenere

AU avorio

SL argento

NU nero fumè

BK black piano


Page 8: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

section A_A

PRO-TECHBugatti system Dish


Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck


colours trend
























Page 9: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


Page 10: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck

ALADDINthe masterofcolour

VM verde acqua

OM onice

NM nero

AM avorio

4M verde

7M azzurro cielo

FM fucsia

T tartaruga

1G pagliuzze dorate

Page 11: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck

2M blu

GM grigio

1M bianco

CS verde certosa

3S bordeaux

LM lilla

3M bordeaux


1G pagliuzze dorate

RM rosa


Page 12: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck


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Page 13: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


40 40s 41 42 43 44 47 49 50 51 52 53 17 56 59 61 62 65 66 68 70 71 76 95


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Page 14: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Bacchette riso. Cucchiaio riso da tavola. Pinza Multiuso - carne. Cuore, cucchiaino moka. Forchettina aperitivo. Mokino /Forbici Multiuso / Chopsticks. Asian rice spoon. Multipurpose - Meat tongs. Heart, moka spoon. Party fork. “Mokino“ moka spoon. Multi-purpose scissors. / Baguettes à riz. Cuillère asiatique à riz. Pince polyvalente - à viande. Cuillère à moka Cœur. Fourchette apéritif. “Mokino“, petite cuillère à a moka. Ciseaux à multiusage / Paar Chopstick. Reislöffel. Multifunktions - Kochzange. Herz, Mokalöffe. Aperitivgabel. “Moki-no“ Mokalöffel. Multifunktiosschere.



Page 15: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck

OptICALart dèco


Page 16: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck



Page 17: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


01 02 03MB 04 05 06MB 07 08 32MB 11 12 10 31 20 53MB 51 50MB


Page 18: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck




Page 19: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck






Page 20: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck



Page 21: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck



Page 22: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


Page 23: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Molla insalata. Apribottiglie. Pelatutto. Tagliapizza. schiac-cianoci. Cucchiaini moka e forchettine party. Cuore e sas-solina, cucchiaini moka / salad Tongs.Bottle opener. Peeler. Pizza cutter. Nutcracker. Moka spoons and party small forks. Heart & sassolina, moka spoon./ Pince à salade. Décapsu-leur. Épluche-tout. Roulette à pizza. Épluche-tout. Casse-noix. Cuillères à moka et fourchettes apéritif. Cuillère à moka Cœur et sassolina/ salatzange. Flaschenöffner. schäler. Piz-zaschneider. Nussknacker. Kaffeelöffel und Aperitiv Gabel. Herz und sassolina Mokalöffel.



Page 24: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Cucchiaio per miele. Prendi & spalma. Pinza per ghiaccio e dolci / Honey spoon. Take&spread. Tongs for ice and sweets / Cuillère à miel. Prendre&Tartiner. Pince à glaçon et patisserie / Honig und Marmeladelöffel. Zange für Eis und Konfekt



Page 25: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Apribottiglie / Bottle opener Decapsuleur / Flaschenöffner



Page 26: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Pelatutto. Apribottiglie. Pizza / Peeler. Bottle opener. Pizza cutter / Epluche-tout. Decapsuleur. Roulette pizza / Schäler. Flaschenöffner. Pizzaschneider



Page 27: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Sole/ Sun

Simbolo di energia positiva. Symbol of positive energy.

Cuore/ Heart

Il cuore è sinonimo di amore.Heart is synonymous with love.

Fiore/ Flower

Dillo con un fiore!Say it with a flower!

Pavone/ Peacock

Animale vanitoso ed eccentrico. Vain and odd animal.

Quadrifoglio/ Four-Leaf clover

Trovare un quadrifoglio è una Fortuna!Find a four-leaf clover is Luck!

Gufo/ Owl

Tra Magia e Mistero.Between Magic and Mystery.

set cucchiaini moka / 6 moka spoons / 6 cuillères à moka/ 6 Mokkalöffel

pORtAFORtUNAlucky coffee



Page 28: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Confezioni regalo-lista nozze / Giftbox-wedding list / Boite cadeau-listes mariage / Geschenkverpackung-hochzeitsgeschenklisten



Page 29: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

INCISIONI personalizate


Page 30: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Macchina per il caffé espresso / Espresso coffee machine / Machine a cafè / Espresso Kaffemachine




Page 31: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Frullatore elettronico / Electronic blender / Mixer élec-tronique / Elektronischer Standmixer



Bilancia e timer / Kitchen scales with timer / balance et minuteur. / Küchenwagen mit Timer




Page 32: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Bollitore / Kettle / Bouilloire / Wasserkocher


Page 33: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

spremiagrumi elettrico con caraffa in vetro tem-perato / Electric juicer with jar in blow tempered glass / Presse-agrumes électrique avec le bol réci-pient en verre soufflé tempéré / Elektrische Frucht-presse mit Karaffe aus gehärtetem Glas


the juicer

Tostapane / Toaster / Grille-pain



Page 34: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Bollitore elettronico / Electronic kettle/ Bouilloire électronique / Elektronischer Wasserkocher

VERAvery cool


Page 35: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


Page 36: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


Page 37: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck

ESSENZAlightsection A_A

PRO-TECHBugatti system

Dish wAsher

sAFeOU arancio

IU iris

3U rosso

MU verde mela

NU nero

AU avorio

6U giallo


Page 38: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Ceppo multiuso/ Multifunction knives block / Bloc couteaux multifonctionnel / Multifunk-tions - Messerblock

tRAttORIAnatural &



Page 39: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Ceppo + set 5 coltelli Ergo. Ergo Pakka -Trattoria / Knives block + 5 pcs set Ergo. Ergo Pakka -Trattoria / Bloc + Set 5 pc Ergo. Ergo Pakka. Trattoria / Messerblock + Set 5 teilig Messer Ergo. Ergo Pakka. Trattoria 41+49+50+84+86



Page 40: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift


Coltelli / Knives / Couteaux / Messer





Page 41: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

sempre nuovi accostamenti per arredare la tua tavola / Ever new mix&match arrangements to furnish your table / Des agencements toujours nouveaux pour décorer votre table / Immer neue Kombinationsmöglichkeiten den Tisch zu dekorieren.

Oliera 4 pezzi / Oil cruet set / Ménage / Menage (Öl, Essig, Salz und Pfeffer) - Taglieri / Chopping boards / Planches à découper / Servierbretter - Barattoli / Jars / Bocaux / Kü-chendose / Vassoio in acciaio inox / stainless steel tray / Plateau en acier inox / servier-platte aus Edelstah / Portatovaglioli / Napkin holder / Porte-serviettes / serviettenhalter /Portarotolo / Paper roll holder / Derouleur papier / Papierrollenhalter - Grattugia 3 in 1 / 3 in 1 Grater / Râpe 3 en 1 / 3 in 1 Küchenreibe - Macina sale e pepe / sale&Pepe Mill / Moulin sel et Poivre / salz-und Pfeffermühle

tRAttORIAnatural &





Page 42: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck


RG rosso granata

CV verde celadon

TA tabacco

AU avorio

6U giallo

OU arancio

IU iris

3U rosso

MU verde mela

NU nero

GU grigio cenere

LA acero

LM mogano


Page 43: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Posate / Flatware / Couverts / Besteck

pOSAtE pois



Page 44: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Centro tavola / Centrepiece / Centre de table / Obst-schale 38 x 30 x 16 cm



Page 45: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Centro tavola / Centrepiece / Centre de table / Obst-schale - Ø 40 x 10 h cm

FLORA weaving


Centro tavola / Centrepiece / Centre de table / Obstschale30 x 40 x 15 h cm


Page 46: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Bollitore acciaio inox / Kettle stainless-steel / Boulloire acier inox/ Wasserkessel aus Edelstahl - 1,4 lt - 47 fl.oz - Ø 16 x 21 h cm



Page 47: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Orologio da parete. Caraffa termica / Glamour wall Clock. Thermal carafe Horloge murale Glamour. Carafe thermique / Glamour Wanduhr. Thermoskanne 1,1 lt - Ø 15 x 32 h cm

GLAMOURcolourplay with


Page 48: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

secchiello ghiaccio con coperchio e pinza, dop-pia parete acciaio inox / Thermic ice bucket with lid and ice tongs; double wall stainless steel / Seau à glaçons avec couvercle et pince à glace, dou-bles parois en acier massif inoxydable / Eiskühler mit Deckel und Eiszange, doppelwandig aus Edel-stahl. - ø 17 x h 15 cm

secchiello champagne, doppia parete acciaio inox / Champagne cooler, Double wall stainless steel / Seau champagne, doubles parois en acier massif inoxidable / Doppelwandiger Getränkeküh-ler aus Edelstahl. - ø 21 x h 22 cm

Glacette termica, doppia parete acciaio inox / Wine cooler, Double wall stainless steel/ Glacette isotherme, doubles parois en acier massif inoxi-dable/ doppelwandiger Flaschenkühler aus Edel-stahl. - ø 14 x h 19 cm

Orologio da parete / Wall clock / Horologe mu-rale / Wanduhr - ø 32 cm

Oliera 4 pz / 4 pc oil-cruet set/ menage 4 pièces/ 4-teilig Menage - ø 17,5 x 14,5 x h 26 cm

Formaggiera / Parmesan-preserve jar / Serviteur fromage rape - confiturier/ Käse - Marmeladedose - ø 12 x h 9 cm

Porta tovaglioli/ Napkins holder/ Porta serviettes/Serviettenhalter - 12,5 x 12,5 x h15 cm

Barattolo con coperchio / Glass jar with lid/bocal rond avec couvercle/ Küchendose aus Glass mit Deckelø 11,5 x h 33 cm / 2 l - ø 11,5 x h 23 cm / 1,5 ltø 11,5 x h 18 cm / 1 lt - ø 11,5 x h 15 cm / 0,75 ltø 11,5 x h 11 cm / 0,5 lt

set 5 utensili in acciaio inox 18/10 con appen-dino acqua / Set 5+1 pièces ustensiles en acier massif 18/10 avec penderie acqua / Küchenhelfer Set 5-tlg im Gestell Acqua, Edelstahl 18/10 - 15 x 15 h 38 cm



Page 49: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Vassoi / Trays / Plateau / Servierplatte - 35 x 25 - 43 x 31 cm


Vassoi / Trays / Plateau / Servierplatte 38x27- 43x30 - 48 x34 cm



Page 50: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

Crystals from Swarovski ®

Crystals from Swarovski ® INDIVIDUAL




Page 51: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

visual communication: starsmilano,

photography: leo torri, mauro zanardelli,

monica spezia,jessica antonini,


styling: starsmilano

printing: tipografia pagani


La carta impiegata per la stampa di questo catalogo, nella sua composizione e nei processi di produzione rispetta l’ ambiente, è riciclabile, ecologica, libera da acidi e sostanze pericolose, priva di cloro elementare, ricavata da foreste sostenibili/The

composition and the production processes of the paper used to print this catalogue follow the environmental respect. The paper is recycled, ecological, free of acid and dangerous substances, without chlorine and obtained by environmental sustainability forests.



Page 52: regalo perfetto per la bomboniera. Kiss Tong is ideal for ice but it is also thought for the finger food of aperitif or for sweets and sugar almonds, becoming the perfect gift

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