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Etwinning-young scientists 2015-2016

• 2ο Skyros kinderganden


Τςαμπουνιάρθ Αναςταςία

Λειβαδίτθ Σοφία

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Etwinning 2015-16

Young scientist -program

Ρρόγραμμα- μικροί 2

programa -jovens cientistas

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1. MATERIAL- GOALS Assunto – materiais Φλθ – υλικά

2. Στερεά – υγρά – αζρια Sólido - líquido – gás Solid - liquid - gas

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τθ πρϊτθ μζρα, εξιγθςα ςτα παιδιά, πωσ κα κάνουμε ζνα πρόγραμμα φυςικϊν επιςτθμϊν. ζκανα μια απλι περιγραφι του προγράμματοσ. εγϊ ρϊτθςα αν τα παιδιά, αν τουσ αρζςει θ ιδζα μου για το πρόγραμμα, κι εκείνα απάντθςαν κετικά. τα παιδιά ενκουςιάςτθκαν με τθν ιδζα ότι κα κάνουμε πειράματα. κατόπιν, εγϊ ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά, να ηωγραφίςουν κάτι που φαντάηονται για το πρόγραμμα. τα παιδιά ηωγράφιςαν.

the first day, I explained to the children how to make a program of natural sciences. I made a simple description of the program. I asked if the kids if they like my idea for the program, they too responded positively. children were thrilled with the idea that we do experiments. then I asked the children to draw something they imagine for the program. children painted.

o primeiro dia, eu expliquei para as crianças como fazer um programa de ciências naturais. Eu fiz uma simples descrição do programa. Eu perguntei se as crianças se eles gostam da minha idéia para o programa, eles também responderam positivamente. crianças ficarão encantadas com com a idéia de que o que fazemos experimentos. então eu perguntei as crianças a desenhar algo que eles imaginam para o programa. crianças pintaram.

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Ζνασ άνκρωποσ που παίηει τφμπανο A man playing drum Um homem que joga o cilindro

Αυτό που τα παιδιά φαντάςτθκαν ότι είναι οι φυςικζσ Επιςτιμεσ O que as crianças que eles imaginavam ser as ciências naturais What children they imagined to be the natural sciences

Ζνα αεροπλάνο που πετά ςτον ουρανό An airplane flying in the sky Um avião voando no céu

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Μπάλεσ του μπάςκετ Basketballs Basquetebol

Οι λάμπεσ του ςχολείου As lâmpadas da escola The school lamps

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Θ βροχι που πζφτει από το ςφννεφο The rain falling from the cloud A chuva que cai da nuvem

Ο ουρανόσ βρζχει καραμζλεσ The sky raining candy O doces céu chover

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Ο αζρασ που φυςά The air blowing A sopragem de ar

θ καταιγίδα Storm the storm

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Ο ιλιοσ, θ βροχι και τα ςφννεφα Sun, rain and clouds Sol, chuva e nuvens

Ζνασ επιςτιμονασ που κάνει πειράματα Um cientista que faz experiências A scientist doing experiments

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Ο ιλιοσ The sun o sol

Ο αζρασ o ar The air

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Ζνα πλυντιριο, οι μπαταρίεσ A washing machine, batteries A máquina de lavar roupa, baterias

Ζνασ θλεκτρολόγοσ um eletricista an electrician

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we found on the internet the country of Portugal, and the Greek cities with which we will work in the program. We print a map of Europe, which we found on the internet, and uploaded in our class. also found in Greek map, the areas where schools are to be working in the program. we learned to say "hello" in Portuguese and we learned to say "hello" in English.

que encontramos na internet do país de Portugal, e as cidades gregas com o qual vamos trabalhar no programa. Nós imprimir um mapa da Europa, que encontramos na internet, e carregou na nossa classe. Também encontrado em mapa grego, as áreas onde as escolas estão a trabalhar no programa. nós aprendemos a dizer "Olá" em Português e aprendemos a dizer "Olá" em Inglês

βρικαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο τθν χϊρα τθσ Ρορτογαλία, και τισ ελλθνικζσ πόλεισ με τισ οποίεσ κα ςυνεργαςτοφμε ςτο πρόγραμμα. εκτυπϊςαμε ζνα χάρτθ τθσ Ευρϊπθσ που βρικαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο, και το αναρτιςαμε ςτθν τάξθ μασ. επίςθσ, βρικαμε ςτον Ελλθνικό χάρτθ, τισ περιοχζσ όπου βρίςκονται τα ςχολεία που κα ςυνεργαςτοφμε ςτο πρόγραμμα. μάκαμε να λζμε " καλθμζρα" ςτα πορτογαλικά και "γεια ςου", ςτα Αγγλικά.

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This is the map of Europe and here Portugal Este é o mapa da Europa e aqui Portugal

αυτόσ είναι ο χάρτθσ τθσ Ευρϊπθσ και εδϊ είναι θ Ρορτογαλία

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senhora, Portugal é desde uma extremidade da Europa eos Grécia, por outro. lady, Portugal is from one end of Europe and the Greece on the other.

κυρία, θ Ρορτογαλία είναι από τθ μια άκρθ τθσ Ευρϊπθσ και θ Ελλάδα από τθν άλλθ.

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Este é o mapa da Grécia e aqui está a nossa ilha, Skyros This is the map of Greece and here's our island, Skyros

αυτόσ είναι ο χάρτθσ τθσ Ελλάδασ και εδϊ είναι το νθςί μασ, θ Σκφροσ

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here's the Drama, in northern Greece aqui está o Drama, no norte da Grécia

εδϊ είναι θ Δράμα, ςτθν Βόρεια Ελλάδα

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aqui estão Serres, norte da Grécia here are Serres, northern Greece

εδϊ είναι οι Σζρρεσ, ςτθν Βόρεια Ελλάδα

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and here is Lasithi of Crete, in southern Greece. e aqui abaixo é Lasithi de Creta, no sul da Grécia.

κι εδϊ είναι το Λαςίκι τθσ Κριτθσ, ςτθν Νότια Ελλάδα.

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ηωγραφίςαμε και όλοι μαηί δθμιουργιςαμε μία αφίςα για το πρόγραμμα μασ. όλα τα παιδιά των ςχολείων, κα ψθφίςουμε για τθν αφίςα που κα υπάρχει ςτο logo του etwinning προγράμματοσ. θ δικι μασ αφίςα είναι ζτοιμθ!

Nós pintamos e, juntos, criar um poster para o nosso programa. todos os alunos vão votar para o cartaz que vai existir no logotipo do programa eTwinning. Nosso storm está pronto!

We painted and together we create a poster for our program. all schoolchildren will vote for the poster that will exist in etwinning program's logo. Our poster is ready!

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the colleague in the program Maria Papadopoulou, he proposed a text description of a scientist and the agreement of a good scientist. the scientist has eyes to observe. has a mind to make observations and hypotheses, has ears to hear the ideas of other scientists, has mouths to share ideas and revelations, he has hands to write comments, it has legs to explore the world around him. Carefully using tools such as microscope, glasses, notebook, magnets, lens. the agreement of a good scientist: 1. will hear and will follow all the main instructions. 2. will not touch anything if I do not allow 3. I will be using all the tools of the corner science responsibly 4. will notice much, am I and my friends safe.

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o colega no programa de Maria Papadopoulou, ele propôs uma descrição de texto de um cientista eo acordo de um bom cientista. o cientista tem olhos para observar. tem uma mente para fazer observações e hipóteses, tem ouvidos para ouvir as idéias de outros cientistas, tem bocas para compartilhar idéias e revelações, ele tem as mãos para escrever comentários, tem pernas para explorar o mundo ao seu redor. Cuidadosamente usando ferramentas como o microscópio, óculos, notebook, ímãs, lente. o acordo de um bom cientista: 1. ouvirá e seguirá todas as instruções principais. 2. Não toque em nada se eu não permitem 3. Eu vou estar usando todas as ferramentas da ciência canto de forma responsável 4. vai notar muito, sou eu e meus amigos segura.

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Θ ςυνάδερφοσ ςτο πρόγραμμα Μαρία Ραπαδοποφλου, μου πρότεινε ζνα κείμενο περιγραφισ ενόσ επιςτιμονα κακϊσ και το ςυμφωνθτικό του καλοφ επιςτιμονα. ο επιςτιμονασ, ζχει μάτια για να παρατθρεί. ζχει μυαλό για να κάνει παρατθριςεισ και υποκζςεισ, ζχει αυτιά, για να ακοφει τισ ιδζεσ των άλλων επιςτθμόνων, ζχει ςτόμα για να μοιράηεται τισ ιδζεσ και τισ αποκαλφψεισ του, ζχει χζρια για να γράφει παρατθριςεισ, ζχει πόδια για να εξερευνά τον κόςμο γφρω του. χρθςιμοποιεί προςεχτικά τα εργαλεία του, όπωσ μικροςκόπιο, γυαλιά, ςθμειωματάριο, μαγνιτεσ, φακό. το ςυμφωνθτικό του καλοφ επιςτιμονα: 1. κα ακοφω και κα ακολουκϊ όλεσ τισ οδθγίεσ τθσ κυρίασ. 2. δεν κα αγγίηω τίποτα, εάν δεν μου το επιτρζψουν 3. κα χρθςιμοποιϊ όλα τα εργαλεία τθσ γωνιάσ των φυςικϊν επιςτθμϊν με υπευκυνότθτα 4. κα προςζχω πολφ, για να είμαι και εγϊ και οι φίλοι μου αςφαλείσ.

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The colleague in Maria Papadopoulou program, offered us a text description of a scientist and the agreement of the good scientist. scientist, has eyes to observe. has a mind to make observations and hypotheses, has ears to listen to the ideas of other scientists, has mouths to share the ideas and the revelations, has hands to write comments, it has legs to explore the world around him. Carefully use tools, such as microscope, glasses, notebook, magnets, lens. the agreement of a good scientist: 1. will hear and will follow all instructions of Mrs. 2. will not touch anything if you do not allow me 3. will use all the tools of the corner science responsibly 4. will watch too, to be and me and my friends safe. O colega no programa de Maria Papadopoulou, me ofereceu uma descrição de texto de um cientista e o acordo do bom cientista. cientista, tem olhos para observar. tem uma mente para fazer observações e hipóteses, tem ouvidos para ouvir as idéias de outros cientistas, tem bocas para partilhar as ideias e as revelações, tem as mãos para escrever comentários, tem pernas para explorar o mundo ao seu redor. Cuidadosamente usar ferramentas, como microscópio, óculos, notebook, ímãs, lente. o acordo de um bom cientista: 1. ouvirá e seguirá todas as instruções da Sra 2. Não toque em nada se você não me permitem 3. usará todas as ferramentas da ciência canto de forma responsável 4. vão assistir também, de ser e eu e meus amigos seguros.

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no mesmo dia, expliquei aos pais de crianças no programa, e pediu sua ajuda na coleta de materiais. pais, no dia seguinte, eles trouxeram vários materiais, e criou um canto da ciência com as crianças.

the same day, I explained to the parents of children in the program, and asked them their help in gathering materials. parents, the next day, they brought various materials, and created a corner of science with the children.

τθν ίδια κιόλασ μζρα, εξιγθςα ςτουσ γονείσ των παιδιϊν για το πρόγραμμα, και ηιτθςα από αυτοφσ, τθ βοικεια τουσ, ςτθν ςυγκζντρωςθ υλικϊν. οι γονείσ, τθν επόμενθ μζρα, ζφεραν διάφορα υλικά, και δθμιουργιςαμε μία γωνιά φυςικϊν επιςτθμϊν μαηί με τα παιδιά.

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ΤΛΤΛΟΣ ΔΑΣΤΘΛΟΤΘΤΑΣ: φλθ, φλθ, διαφζρει και ποικίλει. ΕΝΝΟΛΕΣ: τα πάντα γφρω μασ είναι φλθ, ακόμα και ο αζρασ κι ασ μθν τον βλζπουμε. Θ φλθ βρίςκεται ςε 3 μορφζσ, ςτερεά, υγρά, αζρια ΔΕΞΛΟΤΘΤΕΣ: παρατιρθςθ, ταξινόμθςθ, επικοινωνία, διατφπωςθ λειτουργικοφ οριςμοφ ΣΤΟΧΟΛ: -Να αποκτιςουν τθ δυνατότθτα να διακρίνουν και να ταξινομοφν τα υλικά ςε ςτερεά, υγρά και αζρια. ΕΜΡΕΛΛΕΣ: καταςτάςεισ και μορφζσ τθσ φλθσ. 1.ςτερεό είναι κάκε ςϊμα με κακοριςμζνο όγκο και κακοριςμζνο ςχιμα. 2. υγρό, κάκε ςϊμα με κακοριςμζνο όγκο και ακακόριςτο ςχιμα. 3. αζριο , κάκε ςϊμα με ακακόριςτο όγκο και ακακόριςτο ςχιμα. ....τα ςτερεά δεν ζχουν πάντα κακοριςμζνο ςχιμα. υπάρχουν μερικά ςτερεά που είναι εφπλαςτα και μερικά ςε μορφι ςκόνθσ. μποροφμε να αλλάξουμε το ςχιμα των εφπλαςτων ςτερεϊν. τα ςτερεά ςε μορφι ςκόνθσ απλϊνονται και κυλοφν, κάκε κόκκοσ τθσ ςκόνθσ ζχει ςτακερό ςχιμα.

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TÍTULO DE ATIVIDADE: matéria, diferente e variada. Conceitos: tudo o que nos rodeia é matéria, até o vento e deixe-nos vê-lo. O material é em três formas, sólido, líquido, gasoso HABILIDADES: observação, classificação, comunicação, formulação de definição operacional OBJETIVOS: -Para Adquirir a capacidade de distinguir e classificar os materiais em estado sólido, líquido e gasoso. EXPERIÊNCIAS: situações e formas de matéria. 1.stereo cada corpo com um volume definido e forma definidos. 2. líquido, cada corpo com um volume definido e forma indefinida. 3. gás, qualquer corpo com um volume não especificado e forma indefinida. .... Sólidos nem sempre são uma forma definida. Há algum sólido que é flexível e parcialmente na forma de pó. podemos mudar a forma de sólidos flexíveis. sólidos em forma de pó e plaqueadas rolo, cada grão do pó tem uma forma constante.

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TITLE OF ACTIVITY: material, matter, different and varied. CONCEPTS: everything around us is matter, even the wind and let us see it. The material is in three forms, solid, liquid, gas SKILLS: observation, classification, communication, formulating operational definition OBJECTIVES: -To Acquire the ability to distinguish and classify the materials in solid, liquid and gaseous. EXPERIENCES: situations and forms of matter. 1.stereo every body with a defined volume and defined shape. 2. liquid, each body with a defined volume and indefinite shape. 3. gas, any body with an unspecified volume and indefinite shape. .... Solids are not always definite shape. There are some solid that is pliable and partially in powder form. we can change the shape of supple solids. solids in powder form and plated roll, each grain of the powder has a constant shape.

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ΣΤΑΣΕΛΣ ΡΟΥ ΕΡΛΔΛΩΚΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΑΡΟΚΤΘΣΟΥΝ ΤΑ ΡΑΛΔΛΑ: -να ςζβονται τα αντικείμενα που μελετοφν, -να αποκτιςουν επικυμία να ςυμμετζχουν ςε ομαδικά παιχνίδια και να ςυνεργάηονται - να εκτιμοφν τισ ιδζεσ των άλλων - να κατανοοφν ότι τα προλθπτικά μζτρα είναι απαραίτθτα για τθν

αςφάλεια του για τθν αποφυγι ατυχθμάτων ATTITUDES TO SEEK TO OBTAIN THE CHILDREN: -to respect the objects they study, -to gain a desire to participate in group games and collaborate to appreciate the ideas of others to understand that preventive measures are necessary for the safety to avoid accidents Atitudes para procurar obter a CRIANÇAS: -para respeitar os objetos que estudam, -para a adquirirem o desejo de participar em jogos de grupo e colaborar para apreciar as ideias dos outros para entender que as medidas preventivas são necessárias para a segurança para evitar acidentes

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ΔΑΣΤΘΛΟΤΘΤΕΣ. τα υλικά που ζφεραν τα παιδιά, τα οποία, αρχικά, τα βάλαμε χωρίσ να τα ταξινομιςουμε ςτθν γωνιά των υλικϊν. Τόνιηα ςτα παιδιά ςυνεχϊσ να προςζχουν τθν αςφάλεια τουσ, όταν χρθςιμοποιοφν τα υλικά και τουσ κφμιηα το ςυμφωνθτικό του καλοφ επιςτιμονα που είχαμε υπογράψει. Ρρϊτα ζβαλα τα ςτερεά υλικά κι ζδωςα λίγεσ μζρεσ χρόνο ςτα παιδιά να τα παρατθριςουν. Το ίδιο ζκανα και με τα υγρά, κακϊσ και μπαλόνια με αζρα. Τθν δεφτερθ βδομάδα, κι αφοφ τα παιδιά είχαν τθν δυνατότθτα να παρατθριςουν ελεφκερα όλα τα υλικά, ςυγκζντρωςα τα παιδιά και όλοι μαηί βλζπαμε ζνα ζνα τα υλικά . Ενκάρρυνα τθν παρατιρθςθ τουσ, προτρζποντασ τα παιδιά να χρθςιμοποιιςουν όλεσ τισ αιςκιςεισ τουσ ςτθν παρατιρθςθ. Ζκεςα προβλθματιςμό ςτα παιδιά για το αν οι ςκόνεσ και οι ποφδρεσ είναι ςτερεά. Ξεκίνθςα από τα ςτερεά υλικά και κατόπιν από τα υγρά. Στα ςτερεά υλικά ζδωςα τθ δυνατότθτα ςτα παιδιά να παίξουν με πλαςτελίνθ και πθλό, και να ανακαλφψουν τθν ευπλαςτότθτα τουσ. Ενκάρρυνα τα παιδιά να χρθςιμοποιοφν ζνα χωνί, για τισ μεταγγίςεισ των υγρϊν από δοχείο ςε δοχείο. Χρθςιμοποιοφςα τουσ όρουσ ςτερεό, υγρό και αζριο και ηθτοφςα από τα παιδιά να κάνουν το ίδιο.

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Atividades. materiais tendo filhos, o que, inicialmente, colocamos não classificar o material esquina. Enfatizar as crianças constantemente prestar atenção à sua segurança, ao utilizar materiais e lembra o bom cientista contrato que tinha assinado. Primeiro eu colocar os ingredientes secos e deu poucos dias as crianças a observar. Fiz o mesmo com os fluidos e balões com o ar. Na segunda semana, e após as crianças tiveram a oportunidade de observar livremente todos os materiais, reuniu os filhos juntos e assistiram um one-primas. Encorajei-os a observação, incitando as crianças a usar todos os seus sentidos para observar. I levantou preocupações em crianças se em pó ou em pó são sólidos. Comecei a partir dos sólidos e depois por líquido. Em materiais sólidos deu a oportunidade às crianças para brincar com plasticina e barro, e descobrir a sua maleabilidade. I incentivou os filhos a utilizar um funil para transfusões de líquido de um recipiente para outro. Eu usei a termos sólido, líquido e gás, e peça às crianças a fazer o mesmo.

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CTIVITIES. materials bearing children, which, initially, we put not classify the corner material. Emphasize children constantly pay attention to their safety, when using materials and reminds the contract good scientist who had signed it. First I put the dry ingredients and gave a few days time the children to observe. I did the same with the fluids and balloons with air. On the second week, and after the children had the opportunity to observe freely all materials, gathered the children together and watched a one materials. I encouraged them remark, urging children to use all their senses to observe. I raised concerns in children whether powder or powders are solid. I started from the solids and then by liquid. In solid materials gave the opportunity to children to play with plasticine and clay, and discover their malleability. I encouraged the children to use a funnel for transfusions of liquid from one container to another. I used the terms solid, liquid and gas, and ask the children to do the same.

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materials bearing children, which initially we put the without classify them in the corner of the material. τα υλικά που ζφεραν τα παιδιά, τα οποία, αρχικά, τα βάλαμε χωρίσ να τα ταξινομιςουμε ςτθν γωνιά των υλικϊν materiais de rolamento crianças, que inicialmente colocamos o sem classificá-los no canto do material

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Ταξινόμθςαν τα υλικά ςτθ γωνιά και φτιάξαμε μια τακτοποιθμζνθ γωνιά. Classified material in the corner and we made a neat corner. material classificado no canto e fizemos um canto limpo.

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ΔΛΑΤΥΡΩΣΘ ΛΕΛΤΟΥΓΛΚΟΥ ΟΛΣΜΟΥ Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να εξθγιςουν ςε κάποιον άνκρωπο που δεν ξζρει, πωσ κα αναγνωρίςει ζνα ςτερεό, ζνα υγρό και ζνα αζριο. Οι λειτουργικοί οριςμοί που ζδωςαν τα παιδιά ΣΤΕΕΟ: όταν πιάςεισ κάτι ςτο χζρι ςου και μπορείσ να το κρατιςεισ μζςα ςτο χζρι ςου χωρίσ να κυλάει είναι ςτερεό. Πταν ςκοντάψεισ πάνω ςε κάτι και το αγγίξεισ με το χζρι, ακόμα κι αν είναι μεγάλο αλλά μπορείσ να το αγγίξεισ και να το ακουμπιςεισ χωρίσ να κυλάει, τότε είναι ςτερεό. Άμα δεν ζχεισ χζρια, μπορείσ να το αγγίξεισ με το μάγουλο. ΥΓΟ: αν αγγίξεισ κάτι με τα χζρια και αυτό κυλάει κάτω και ςε κάνει μοφςκεμα είναι υγρό. Για να το πιάςεισ πρζπει να το ζχεισ ςε ζνα δοχείο. Δοχείο είναι ζνα ποτιρι, μία κανάτα, μία λεκάνθ. Το δοχείο να γυρνάει γιατί άμα είναι πιάτο κα χυκεί. ΑΕΛΟ. Πταν ανοίγεισ το ςτόμα ςου , και πάρεισ μια ανάςα, αυτό που μπαίνει μζςα και δεν το βλζπεισ, οφτε το νιϊκεισ και δεν πονάει, και δεν καταλαβαίνεισ ότι μπαίνει μζςα, και μετά από λίγο ςχεδόν αμζςωσ ξαναβγαίνει ζξω πιο ηεςτό από ότι ιταν όταν μπικε μζςα, αυτό είναι αζριο. ΑΕΛΟ: αυτό που ζχει μζςα το μπαλόνι και είναι φουςκωμζνο.

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VERSÃO definição funcional Eu pedi as crianças para explicar a um homem que não sabe, como reconhecer um sólido, um líquido e um gás. As definições operacionais dada crianças sólida: quando você pegar algo em sua mão e você pode prendê-lo em sua mão sem rolar é sólido. Ao colidir com um objeto e tocá-lo com a mão, mesmo que seja grande, mas você pode tocá-lo e tocá-lo sem rolar, então é sólida. Quando você não tem mãos, você pode tocar o rosto. LIQUID: se você tocar algo com suas mãos e ela flui para baixo e faz você encharcada. Para pegar deve ter um recipiente. Container é um copo, um jarro, uma bacia. Container está girando porque quando o prato será derramado. GAS. Quando você abrir a boca e tomar um fôlego, o que entra e não ver ou sentir-lo e não machucar, e não entendem que entra, e depois de um tempo quase imediatamente à tona novamente a mais quente do que era quando você entrou este é o gás. GÁS: o que está dentro do balão é inflado.

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VERSION FUNCTIONAL DEFINITION I asked the children to explain to a man who does not know, how to recognize a solid, a liquid and a gas. Operational definitions given children solid: when you catch something in your hand and you can hold it in your hand without rolling is solid. When crash into an object and touch it with the hand, even if it is large, but you can touch it and touch it without rolling, then it is solid. When you have no hands, you can touch the cheek. LIQUID: if you touch something with his hands and it flows down and makes you soaking wet. To catch must have a container. Container is a glass, one pitcher, a basin. Container is turning because when the dish will be spilled. GAS. When you open your mouth, and take a breath, what goes in and do not see or feel it and not hurt, and do not understand that enters, and after a while almost immediately surfaces again out hotter than it was when you walked in this is gas. GAS: what is inside the balloon is inflated.

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ΑΞΛΟΛΟΓΘΣΘ Ραιχνίδια: 1ο παιχνίδι Ζβαηα κάποια αντικείμενα μπροςτά ςτα παιδιά, παρατθροφςαν τα αντικείμενα και μετά με ζνα μαντιλι, ζδενα τα μάτια κάποιου παιδιοφ. Ζκρυβα κάποιο αντικείμενο πίςω από τθ πλάτθ μου, κατόπιν, ζβγαηα το μαντιλι από τα μάτια του παιδιοφ, και ηθτοφςα από το παιδί να βρει ποιο αντικείμενο λείπει. εμφάνιηα το υλικό και ηθτοφςα από το παιδί να μου πει από ποιό υλικό είναι καταςκευαςμζνο το αντικείμενο αυτό. EVALUATION Games: 1st game I put some items in front of children, observing the objects and then with a handkerchief, tied to a child's eyes. I hide an object behind my back, then I took the handkerchief from the child's eyes, and ask the child to find which object is missing. Displays hardware and ask the child to tell me from what material is made in this article. AVALIAÇÃO Jogos: 1º jogo I colocar alguns itens na frente das crianças, observando os objetos e, em seguida, com um lenço, amarrado para os olhos de uma criança. I ocultar um objeto atrás de mim, então eu pegou o lenço dos olhos da criança, e peça à criança para descobrir qual objeto está faltando. Displays hardware e peça à criança para me dizer do que material é feito neste artigo.

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2ο παιχνίδι: χϊριςα τα παιδιά ςε ομάδεσ και κάκε ομάδα είχε διάφορεσ αποςτολζσ. Θ πρϊτθ ομάδα να βρει τα υλικά πχ. από ξφλο, θ δεφτερθ ομάδα τα υλικά από μζταλλο. Θ Τρίτθ ομάδα τα υλικά με μικροςκοπικοφσ κόκκουσ, και να τα βάλουν ςε ζνα προκακοριςμζνο πανί, απλωμζνο ςτο χϊρο. Κατόπιν άλλαηα τα υλικά. Θ μια ομάδα ζπρεπε να βάλει ςτο πανί τα υγρά , θ άλλθ ομάδα τα ςτερεά, θ άλλθ τα αζρια (μπαλόνια ). Ρροςπάκθςα να ειςάγω όλα τα υλικά, ϊςτε να αξιολογιςω τθν ομάδα αλλά και το κάκε παιδί ξεχωριςτά. 2º jogo: eu dividir as crianças em grupos e cada grupo tinha diferentes missões. A primeira equipe a encontrar materiais, por exemplo. Wood, o segundo grupo de materiais metálicos. O terceiro grupo de materiais com grãos pequenos, e colocá-los em um pano predeterminado esticada no espaço. Então eu mudei os materiais. Um grupo foi colocado no pano molhado, a outra equipe sólidos, os outros gases (os balões). Eu tentei importar todos os materiais, para avaliar a equipe e cada criança separadamente. 2nd game: I split the children into groups and each group had different missions. The first team to find materials eg. Wood, the second group of metallic materials. The third group of materials with tiny grains, and to put them in a predetermined cloth stretched in space. Then I changed the materials. One group was put on the cloth wet, the other team solid, the other gases (balloons). I tried to import all the materials, to evaluate the team and each child separately.

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Αξιολόγθςθ μζςω ςχεδίου - Τα παιδιά ηωγράφιςαν ζνα ςτερεό, ζνα υγρό και ζνα αζριο ςτο ίδιο χαρτί, Α3.

- Assessment through project - - Children painted a solid, a liquid and a gas in the same paper, A3.

- Avaliação por meio de projeto - - Crianças pintado de um sólido, um líquido e um gás no mesmo papel, A3.

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ΤΛΤΛΟΣ ΔΑΣΤΘΛΟΤΘΤΑΣ: Θ ΜΑΓΛΣΣΑ ΤΘΣ ΥΛΘΣ( Ακρόαςθ αυτοςχζδιασ ιςτορίασ) ΕΝΝΟΛΑ: θ φλθ μπορεί να διαςπαςτεί ςε μικρότερα κομμάτια , το πιο μικρό κομμάτι τθσ φλθσ λζγεται μόριο και δεν μποροφμε να το δοφμε με γυμνό μάτι. TÍTULO DE ATIVIDADE: A BRUXA DA MATÉRIA (Assistir história improvisada) Significado: o material pode ser quebrado em pedaços menores, o menor pedaço de matéria referida molécula e não podemos ver a olho nu. TITLE OF ACTIVITY: The WITCH OF MATTER (Listening improvised story) MEANING: the material can be broken into smaller pieces, the smallest piece of matter said molecule and we can not see with the naked eye.

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1θ ενότθτα τα υλικά Μαθηςιακοί ςτόχοι δραςτηριοτήτων - Να εξοικειωκοφν τα παιδιά με διαφορετικά υλικά και με τισ ονομαςίεσ τουσ. - Να αποκτιςουν τθ δυνατότθτα να διακρίνουν τα αντικείμενα από τα υλικά από τα οποία αυτά είναι φτιαγμζνα. - Να αποκτιςουν τθ δυνατότθτα να διακρίνουν και να ταξινομοφν τα υλικά ςε ςτερεά, υγρά και αζρια. - Να εξοικειωκοφν με οριςμζνα χαρακτθριςτικά τθσ κάκε κατάςταςθσ που κρίκθκαν κατάλλθλα για τθν θλικία τουσ.

first section materials Learning objectives activities - To familiarize children with different materials and their names. - To acquire the ability to distinguish objects from the materials from which they are made. - To acquire the ability to distinguish and classify materials in solid, liquid and gaseous. - Get acquainted with some characteristics of each situation be adequate for their age.

primeira secção materiais Aprender atividades objectivos - Para familiarizar as crianças com diferentes materiais e seus nomes. - Para adquirir a capacidade para distinguir objectos a partir dos materiais a partir dos quais eles são feitos. - Adquirir a capacidade de distinguir e classificar os materiais em estado sólido, líquido e gasoso. - Se familiarizar com algumas características de cada situação ser adequado para a sua idade.

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Ενότθτα 1: Γνωριμία με τα υλικά Δραςτθριότθτα Διερεφνθςθ Γνωρίηω τα ςτερεά υλικά και μακαίνω τθν ονομαςία τουσ

Section 1: Meet materials Activity Investigation I know solid materials and learn their names

Seção 1: Conheça materiais Atividade Investigação Eu sei materiais sólidos e aprender seus nomes

pedras, materiais duros encontrado na natureza. Ele pode ser liso ou áspero, grande ou pequeno. pedras lisas em uma formiga pode andar em linha reta sem se cansar. pedras brutas têm subidas, descidas e falésias para formigas

stones, hard materials found in nature. It can be smooth or rough, large or small. smooth stones in an ant can walk straight without getting tired. rough stones have uphills, downhills and cliffs for ants

πζτρεσ, υλικά ςκλθρό, που βρίςκουμε ςτθν φφςθ. μπορεί να είναι λείεσ ι τραχιζσ, μικρζσ ι μεγάλεσ. ςτισ λείεσ πζτρεσ ζνα μυρμιγκι μπορεί να περπατιςει ίςια, χωρίσ να κουράηεται. οι τραχιζσ πζτρεσ ζχουν ανθφόρεσ, κατθφόρεσ και γκρεμοφσ για τα μυρμιγκια.

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Βγικαμε για λίγο ςτθν γειτονιά του ςχολείου, ςτθν πλατεία Μπρουκ, και παίξαμε με τα μαφρα βότςαλα του νθςιοφ μασ. Τα μαφρα βότςαλα, προζρχονται από τθν κάλαςςα του νθςιοφ, είναι μικρά, λεία και μπορείσ να ξαπλϊςεισ πάνω ςε αυτά. Saímos brevemente no bairro da escola, o Brook quadrado, e nós jogamos com seixos negros da nossa ilha. Os seixos pretos do mar da ilha é pequena, lisa, e você pode mentir sobre eles. We went out briefly in the school neighborhood, the square Brook, and we played with black pebbles of our island. The black pebbles from the sea of the island is small, smooth, and you can lie on them.

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Ρολφτιμοι λίκοι. Ο γεωλόγοσ του νθςιοφ κφριοσ Θλιόπουλοσ, ιρκε ςτο ςχολείο μασ και μίλθςε ςτα παιδιά για τουσ πολφτιμουσ λίκουσ. Είχε μαηί του διάφορα δείγματα πολφτιμων λίκων, τα ζδειξε ςτα παιδιά και μασ μίλθςε για αυτά τα υλικά κακϊσ και για τθν χριςθ τουσ. Precious stones. The island's chief geologist Iliopoulos, came to our school and talked to the children about gemstones. He had with him several samples gemstone, showed the children and talked to these materials and to use them

Pedras preciosas. Geólogo-chefe da ilha Iliopoulos, veio à nossa escola e conversou com as crianças sobre pedras preciosas. Ele tinha com ele várias amostras de pedra preciosa, mostrou as crianças e conversou com estes materiais e usá-los

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οη χαλαηίασ μοιάηει με γυαλί. αν το βάλουμε ςτο φωσ και τον παρατθριςουμε προςεχτικά και βλζπουμε να ςχθματίηεται αςτζρι με ζξι ακτίνεσ, ο χαλαηίασ είναι γυαλί και όχι αλθκινόσ κρφςταλλοσ Pink Quartz glass-like. if put to light and observe carefully and see forming star with six rays, quartz glass is not true crystal Quartzo Rosa vidro como. se colocar à luz e observar com cuidado e ver formando estrelas, com seis raios, vidro de quartzo não é verdade cristal

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Σελεςτίτθσ ζχει το χρϊμα του ουρανοφ. Το χρθςιμοποιοφν για να φτιάξουν ζνα μζταλλο που λζγεται ςτρόντιο. Το μζταλλο ςτρόντιο το χρθςιμοποιοφν για να δϊςουν κόκκινο χρϊμα ςτα πυροτεχνιματα.

Selestitis Ele tem a cor do céu. Eles usá-lo para fazer um mineral chamado estrôncio. Estrôncio metálico usá-lo para dar uma cor vermelha de fogos de artifício.

Selestitis It has the color of the sky. They use it to make a mineral called strontium. Strontium metal use it to give a red color to fireworks.

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Σμαράγδι. Ζχει πολφ όμορφο χρϊμα και είναι πολφ ςκλθρό. Με αυτό οι άνκρωποι καταςκευάηουν κοςμιματα.

Emerald. It has beautiful color and is very hard. With this people produce jewelry

Esmeralda. Tem a cor bonita e é muito difícil. Com este povo produzir jóias

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Σοδάλικοσ Με αυτόν οι άνκρωποι καταςκευάηουν περιδζραια και άλλα κοςμιματα κακϊσ και διακοςμθτικά αντικείμενα.

Sodalita Que as pessoas constroem colares e outras jóias e objetos de decoração

Sodalite That people construct necklaces and other jewelry and decorative objects

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Στιλβίτθσ Είναι πολφ λαμπερόσ πολφτιμοσ λίκοσ. οι άνκρωποι χτυποφν αυτόν τον λίκο και βγαίνει ςκόνθ. Θ Σκόνθ αυτοφ του πολφτιμου λίκου, χρθςιμοποιείτε από τουσ ανκρϊπουσ για να αφαιρζςουν κατάλοιπα πετρελαίου , για να κακαρίςουν τα μολυςμζνα νερά και για να κακαρίςουν τα βρϊμικα αζρια των εργοςταςίων.

Stilvitis It is very bright gemstone. people hit this stone and comes dust. The Dust of this precious stone, used by people to remove oil residues, to clean polluted waters and to clean dirty gases factories Stilvitis

É pedra preciosa muito brilhante. pessoas atingidas esta pedra e vem poeira. The Dust desta pedra preciosa, usado por pessoas para remover os resíduos de petróleo, para limpar águas poluídas e para limpar fábricas gases sujos

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Ρολφτιμοσ λίκοσ , μάτι του τίγρθ. Ζχει χρυςαφζνιο ι γαλάηιο χρϊμα. Υπάρχουν επίςθσ πολφτιμοι λίκοι με παρόμοια ονόματα. Το μάτι του γερακιοφ με χρυςαφζνιο χρϊμα, Το μάτι του βοδιοφ, με κόκκινο απαλό χρϊμα. Μερικοί άνκρωποι από τα παλιά τα χρόνια, πιςτεφουν ότι το μάτι του τίγρθ είναι φυλακτό, κυρίωσ ςτον πόλεμο, όμωσ αυτό είναι προκατάλθψθ.

Gemstone, eye of the tiger. It has golden or blue. There are also gems with similar names. The eye of the hawk with golden color, the eye of ox, red light color. Some people from the old days, believing that the eye of the tiger amulet, especially in the war, but this is bias. Gemstone, olho de tigre.

Tem dourado ou azul. Há também jóias com nomes semelhantes. O olho do falcão com cor dourada, o olho do boi, a cor da luz vermelha. Algumas pessoas dos velhos tempos, acreditando que o olho do amuleto tigre, especialmente na guerra, mas isso é preconceito.

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Ρολφτιμοσ λίκοσ Αμζκυςτοσ. Ζχει μωβ χρϊμα

Ametista Gemstone. É roxo

Gemstone amethyst. It is purple

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Χρυςόσ. Είναι μζταλλο. Μποροφμε να το επεξεργαςτοφμε, και να το κάνουμε λεπτό ςαν μια πολφ λεπτι κλωςτι. Το χρθςιμοποιοφμε ςτα κοςμιματα, ςτθν καταςκευι εικόνων και τα παλιά τα χρόνια ζφτιαχναν νομίςματα από χρυςάφι.

Gold. It is metal. We can process it, and do it as thin as a very fine thread. The use in jewelery, in making images and the old days they made of gold coins.

Ouro. É de metal. Nós podemos processá-lo, e fazê-lo tão fino quanto um fio muito fino. O uso em jóias, em fazer as imagens e os velhos tempos fazia de moedas de ouro.

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Αηουρίτθσ Δεν είναι πολφ ςκλθρόσ και ςπάει εφκολα. Με το μπλε χρϊμα τθσ, τα αρχαία χρόνια ζφτιαχναν υγρι μπογιά και ζβαφαν τισ πυραμίδεσ. Ο ηωγράφοσ Μιχαιλ Άγγελοσ ζβαλε αυτό το χρϊμα ςτον ουρανό τθσ Καπζλα Σιξτίνα.

Azurita Não é muito difícil e quebram com facilidade. Com a cor azul, os tempos antigos usado para fazer tinta líquida e pintado das pirâmides. O pintor Michelangelo Eu coloquei essa cor no céu da Capela Sistina.

Azurite It is not very hard and break easily. With the blue color, the ancient times used to make liquid paint and painted the pyramids. The painter Michelangelo I put this color in the sky of the Sistine Chapel.

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Από το γαλάηιο χρϊμα του πολφτιμου λίκου Αηουρίτθ ςτθν καπζλα Σιξτίνα

Since the color blue gemstone Azurite the Sistine Chapel Uma vez que a cor azul pedra preciosa Azurita da Capela Sistina

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Ο Μιχαιλ Άγγελοσ, ιταν ζνασ ςπουδαίοσ γλφπτθσ, ηωγράφοσ, αρχιτζκτονασ και ποιθτισ από τθν Λταλία. The Michelangelo was a great sculptor, painter, architect and poet from Italy. O Michelangelo foi um escultor grande, pintor, arquiteto e poeta da Itália.

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Από αηουρίτθ, θ μυκολογικι παράςταςθ ςε ψθφιδωτό, τθσ αρπαγισ τθσ Ρερςεφόνθσ από τον Ρλοφτωνα, που πρόςφατα ανακαλφφκθκε ςτον τάφο τθσ Αμφίπολθσ, αποδεικνφουν τθν πρϊτθ χριςθ του, από τουσ Αρχαίουσ Ζλλθνεσ

De azurita, representação mitológica em mosaico do rapto de Perséfone por Plutão, recentemente descoberto na tumba de Amphipolis demonstrar primeira utilização, pelos gregos antigos

From azurite, mythological representation in mosaic of the abduction of Persephone by Pluto, recently discovered in the tomb of Amphipolis demonstrate first use, by the Ancient Greeks

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Ρολφτιμοσ λίκοσ Τάλκθσ Υπάρχουν πολλά χρϊματα, όπωσ άςπρο, πράςινο, κίτρινο, καφζ και μαφρο. Δεν είναι ςκλθρό, όπωσ οι άλλοι πολφτιμοι λίκοι και κόβεται με το μαχαίρι. Άμα το τρίψουμε, χάνει τθν λάμψθ του. Εάν το πιάςουμε ςτα χζρια μασ, μοιάηει ςαν να ζχει λάδι. Αυτά τα υλικά, που εάν τα πιάνουμε ςτο χζρι μασ μοιάηουν ςαν να ζχουν λάδι, λζγονται λιπαρά υλικά Gemstone Talc There are many colors such as white, green, yellow, brown and black. It is not hard as other gemstones and cut with the knife. Upon the rub, we loses its luster. If you get down on our hands, looks like it has oil. These materials, which if we catch up to us look like they have oil called fatty materials

Gemstone Talco Há muitas cores, como branco, verde, amarelo, marrom e preto. Não é difícil como outras pedras preciosas e cortou com a faca. Após o busílis, que perde o seu brilho. Se você descer em nossas mãos, parece que tem petróleo. Estes materiais, que se pegar até nos parece que eles têm materiais graxos de óleo chamado

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Ο πολφτιμοσ αυτόσ λίκοσ, ζχει γαλάηιο και πράςινο χρϊμα, βρίςκεται ςτθν Βραηιλία, ςτον ποταμό Αμαηόνιο, για αυτό λζγεται Αμαηονίτθσ

Esta pedra preciosa, tem cores azuis e verdes, localizadas no Brasil, no rio Amazonas, chamada Amazonita This valuable stone, has blue and green colors, located in Brazil, in the Amazon River, so called Amazonite

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Φκορίτθσ Χρθςιμοποιείται ςτθν διακόςμθςθ αντικειμζνων. Με αυτόν τον πολφτιμο λίκο καταςκευάηουν φακοφσ για τθλεςκόπια και μικροςκόπια. Fluorite Used in decorating items. This gemstone manufacture lenses for telescopes and microscopes. Fluorita Usado na decoração itens. Essa pedra lentes de fabricação para telescópios e microscópios.

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Μπλε αχάτθσ Σχθματίηεται από τα θφαίςτεια, ζχει γαλάηιο χρϊμα . Κάποιοι άνκρωποι υποςτθρίηουν ότι φζρνει θρεμία και ςυγκζντρωςθ, όμωσ είναι προκατάλθψθ Ágata azul Formado por vulcões, é azul. Algumas pessoas argumentam que traz calma e concentração, mas é preconceito Blue agate Formed by volcanoes, is blue. Some people argue that brings calmness and concentration, but is bias

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ΞΥΛΟΟΡΑΛΛΟΣ Είναι ξφλο από κορμοφσ και κλαδιά δζντρων που ζχουν απολικωκεί. Απολικωμζνα δζντρα ςθμαίνει ότι υπιρχαν πριν εκατομμφρια χρόνια και πάνω τουσ ζπεςαν πολφ μικρά κομμάτια ςαν ςκόνθ από διάφορεσ πζτρεσ. XYLOOPALIOS They are wood logs and tree branches that have been petrified. Fossilized trees means that there were millions of years ago and fell on them very small pieces like dust from various stones.

XYLOOPALIOS Eles são toras de madeira e galhos de árvores que foram petrificados. Árvores fossilizadas significa que havia milhões de anos atrás e caiu sobre eles pedaços muito pequenos como o pó de várias pedras.

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Γεϊδεσ Χαλκθδονίου. Βρίςκεται ςε θφαίςτεια , δθμιουργοφν ςαν κυκλικζσ ταινίεσ από διάφορα χρϊματα GEODI Calcedônia. Localizado em vulcões criar tiras como circulares de cores diferentes GEODI Chalcedon. Located in volcanoes create as circular strips of different colors

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Λαδείτθσ. Είναι πολφ ςκλθρό. Χρθςιμοποιικθκε από τα πολφ παλιά χρόνια ςτθν Αμερικι και ςτθν Κίνα για τθν καταςκευι κοςμθμάτων. Αυτι είναι και θ χριςθ του ςιμερα. Iadeitis. It is very hard. It was used from very old times in America and in China for jewelery. This is the use of today. Iadeitis. É muito difícil. Foi usado desde muito velhos tempos na América e na China para a jóia. Este é o uso de hoje.

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Λςλανδικι κρφςταλλοσ Γυαλίηει. Αν το βάλουμε πάνω ςε άςπρο χαρτί ςτο οποίο ζχουμε γράψει μερικζσ λζξεισ, και κοιτάξουμε μζςα από το κρφςταλλο, οι λζξεισ κα εμφανιςτοφν δφο φορζσ, ςαν να ζχουμε δφο κακρζφτεσ. Χρθςιμοποιείται ςε μερικά μικροςκόπια.

Cristal islandês Pomadas. Se você colocá-lo em um Livro Branco sobre a qual escrever algumas palavras, e olhar através do vidro, as palavras aparecerão duas vezes, como se tivéssemos dois espelhos. Usado em alguns microscópios.

Icelandic crystal Polishes. If you put it on a white paper on which we write a few words, and look through the glass, the words will appear twice, as if we have two mirrors. Used in some microscopes.

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Ρόδο τθσ εριμου. Είναι φφλλα από κρυςτάλλουσ γφψου και κόκκοι άμμου τθσ εριμου. Μοιάηουν με τα πζταλα ενόσ τριαντάφυλλου. Τα ρόδα τθσ εριμου, είναι ςπάνια, για αυτό και πολφτιμα. Πταν ςτθν ζρθμο πιάνει βροχι για λίγθ ϊρα, αλλά πολφ δυνατι βροχι, ξεπλζνει τθν άμμο τθσ εριμου που ζχει πολφ γφψο. Θ γφψοσ διαλφεται από το νερό και μπαίνει ςτο χϊμα ςε βάκοσ μερικϊν μζτρων. Μετά κάνει πολφ ηζςτθ, και το νερό τθσ βροχισ που ζχει μπει ςτο χϊμα, βγαίνει ςτθν επιφάνεια και εξατμίηεται. Θ γφψοσ γίνεται κρφςταλλοσ. Πταν πζςουν κι άλλεσ βροχζσ οι κρφςταλλοι μεγαλϊνουν και μοιάηουν με τριαντάφυλλο.

rosa do deserto. Eles são folhas de cristais de gesso e grãos de areia do deserto. Eles lembram as pétalas de uma rosa. A roda do deserto, é raro, tão precioso. Quando o deserto fica chuva por um tempo, mas muito intenso chuva lava a areia do deserto é muito gesso. Gesso se dissolve na água entra no solo a uma profundidade de vários metros. Depois que ele estiver muito quente, e água de chuva que tenha entrado no solo, vem à superfície e evaporar. O gesso é de cristal. Se mais chuvas caem e os cristais crescem e se parecem com rosa.

rose of the desert. They are sheets of gypsum crystals and desert sand grains. They resemble the petals of a rose. The wheel of the desert, is rare, so precious. When the desert gets rain for a while, but very heavy rain washes away the sand of the desert is very plaster. Gypsum dissolves in water enters the soil to a depth of several meters. After it is too hot, and rain water that has entered the soil, comes to the surface and evaporate. Gypsum is crystal. If more rains fall and the crystals grow and look like rose

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Desert Rose rosa do deserto.

ρόδο τθσ εριμου.

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οδονίτθσ Ριρε το όνομά του από τθ λζξθ ρόδο, που ςθμαίνει τριαντάφυλλο. Πταν τον βρζξουμε με λεμόνι ι ξφδι, βγάηει φυςαλίδεσ. Βρίςκεται ςτθν ζρθμο Καλαχάρι τθσ Νότιασ Αφρικισ.

Rhodonite It took its name from the word rose, meaning rose. When the wetting with lemon or vinegar, puts bubbles. Located in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa

Rodonite Ele tomou seu nome da palavra aumentou, aumentou significado. Quando a molhar com limão ou vinagre, coloca bolhas. Localizado no deserto de Kalahari da África do Sul

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Ρολφτιμοσ λίκοσ Αλίτθσ

Ζχει άςπρο χρϊμα, μερικζσ φορζσ και κόκκινο. Σχθματίηεται από το αλάτι τθσ κάλαςςασ ςε πετρϊματα, και γίνεται κρφςταλλοσ. Λζγεται αλλιϊσ, ορυκτό αλάτι. Διαλφεται εφκολα ςτο νερό κι ζχει αλμυρι γεφςθ.

Gemstone Alic É branco, por vezes, vermelho. Formado por sal marinho em rochas e torna-se de cristal. Disse o contrário, sal-gema. Facilmente solúvel na água e tem um sabor salgado. Gemstone Alic It is white, sometimes red. Formed by sea salt on rocks and becomes crystal. Said otherwise, rock salt. Easily soluble in water and has a salty taste.

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Πολφτιμοσ λίκοσ λάπισ λάηουλι Ζχει μπλε χρϊμα και γυαλίηει. Κάποιοι άνκρωποι, ςε μερικζσ χϊρεσ του κόςμου πιςτεφουν ο πολφτομοσ αυτόσ λίκοσ φζρνει τθν αγάπθ και τθν ευτυχία, όμωσ αυτό είναι προκατάλθψθ Gemstone lapis lazuli Blue with glitters. Some people in some countries of the world believe in voluminous stone that brings love and happiness, but this is bias Lazuli de lapis Gemstone Azul com brilhos. Algumas pessoas em alguns países do mundo acreditam em pedra volumosa que traz o amor ea felicidade, mas isso é preconceito

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μαγνθτίτθσ Ζχει μαφρο λαμπερό χρϊμα. Τραβάει κάποια αντικείμενα κοντά του. Magnetita Tem uma cor preto brilhante. Desenhe alguns objetos perto dele. Magnetite. It has a black shiny color. Draw some objects near him

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Οψιδιανόσ Λζγεται και θφαιςτειακό γυαλί γιατί προζρχεται από τα θφαίςτεια, χρθςιμοποιείται από τα αρχαία χρόνια και με τον οψιδιανό οι άνκρωποι ζφτιαχναν κοςμιματα και εργαλεία για το κυνιγι, όπωσ μαχαίρια, βζλθ, τςεκοφρια. Μπορεί να γίνει πολφ μυτερόσ ςτθν άκρθ του. Obsidian Also called volcanic glass because it comes from volcanoes, used since ancient times and obsidian people were making jewelry and tools for hunting, such as knives, arrows, axes. It can become very spicate the edge. Obsidiana Também chamado de vidro vulcânico, porque vem de vulcões, usado desde os tempos antigos e pessoas de obsidiana estavam fazendo jóias e ferramentas para a caça, tais como facas, flechas, machados. Pode tornar-se muito spicate a borda.

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Ο οικιςμόσ Φυλακωτι ςτο ελλθνικό νθςί Μιλοσ, όπου καταςκεφαηαν εργαλεία από οψιδιανό. A liquidação Filakoti da ilha grega de Milos, onde fizeram ferramentas de obsidiana. The settlement Filakoti the Greek island of Milos, where they made tools from obsidian.

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Το ςπιλαιο Φράγχκι, κοντά ςτθν Ερμιόνθ, ςτισ ανατολικζσ ακτζσ τθσ Ρελοποννιςου, όπου βρζκθκαν τα πολφτιμα κομμάτια του οψιδιανοφ. Ο Οψιδιανόσ αυτόσ, ζχει θλικία 10.000 ετϊν και τον μετζφεραν οι κάτοικοι τθσ Ερμιόνθσ από το νθςί Μιλοσ. Θ Ανακάλυψθ αυτι κεωρείται ωσ θ πιο παλιά απόδειξθ για τθν μεταφορά αγακϊν από τθ κάλαςςα ςε οποιοδιποτε μζροσ του κόςμου. Ιταν οι αρχαίοι Ζλλθνεσ που πρϊτοι ανοίχτθκαν ςτισ κάλαςςεσ με φορτθγά πλοία, τθν εποχι ακόμα που ηοφςαν ςε ςπιλαια.

The cave Franchthi near Hermione, on the eastern coast of the Peloponnese, where found precious pieces of obsidian. That Obsidian, aged 10,000 years and taken the inhabitants of Hermione from the island Milos. This discovery is regarded as the oldest evidence for the transfer of goods from the sea anywhere in the world. It was the ancient Greeks who first opened the seas with cargo ships, at the time still living in caves.

O Franchthi caverna perto de Hermione, na costa leste do Peloponeso, onde encontraram pedaços preciosos de obsidiana. Que Obsidian, com idades entre 10.000 anos e levado os habitantes de Hermione da ilha Milos. Esta descoberta é considerada como a mais antiga evidência para a transferência de produtos do mar em qualquer lugar do mundo. Foram os gregos antigos que abriu pela primeira vez os mares com navios de carga, no momento em que ainda vivem em cavernas.

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Το ςπιλαιο Φράγχκι, όπου βρζκθκαν τα πολφτιμα κομμάτια του οψιδιανοφ Και ζνα ςχζδιο από τα πρϊτα πλοία ςτο κόςμο, με τα οποία ταξίδεψαν ςτο Αιγαίο για να φζρουν τον οψιδιανό από το νθςί Μιλοσ. Franchthi caverna onde foram encontrados preciosas peças de obsidiana E um projecto dos primeiros navios do mundo, com o qual viajou para o mar Egeu para levar a obsidiana da ilha Milos. Franchthi cave where they were found precious pieces of obsidian And a draft of the first ships in the world, with which traveled to the Aegean to carry the obsidian from the island Milos.

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Πυρίτθσ Ζχει χρυςαφζνια λάμψθ. Πταν το χτυπιςουμε με μεταλλικό αντικείμενο, βγάηει ςπίκεσ. Είναι πάρα πολφ ςκλθρόσ. Επειδι μοιάηει με το χρυςό, τον ονομάηουν και ψεφτικο χρυςό. Flint It has golden glow. When hit with a metal object, sent sparks. It's too hard. Because like gold, call him and fake gold Pederneira Tem brilho dourado. Quando bateu com um objeto de metal, enviou faíscas. É muito difícil. Porque como o ouro, e chamá-lo de ouro falso

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Φουξίτθσ Ζχει πράςινο χρϊμα.. Με τον φουξίτθ φτιάχνονται πολλζσ θλεκτρικζσ ςυςκευζσ και πόρτεσ για φοφρνουσ γιατί αντζχει ςτθν πολλι φωτιά.

Fouxitis Por fouxiti fez muitos aparelhos elétricos e portas para fornos porque resistir a uma grande quantidade de calor.

Fouxitis By fouxiti made many electrical appliances and doors to ovens because withstand a lot of heat.

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Χαλκοπυρίτθσ Από τον χαλκοπυρίτθ καταςκευάηουν πολλά επιςτθμονικά όργανα, δθλαδι εργαλεία που χρθςιμοποιοφν οι επιςτιμονεσ. Είναι πολφ ςκλθρόσ Chalcopyrite From chalcopyrite manufacture many scientific instruments, ie tools used by scientists. It is very hard Calcopirita A partir de calcopirita fabricar vários instrumentos científicos, isto é, ferramentas utilizadas pelos cientistas. É muito difícil

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Χιαςτόλικοσ Τον χρθςιμοποιοφςαν από τα πολφ παλιά χρόνια για φυλακτό. Πμωσ αυτό είναι προκατάλθψθ. Chiastolithos Ao utilizar o muito antigo anos amuleto. Mas isso é preconceito. Chiastolithos In using the very old years amulet. But this is bias.

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Γαλθνίτθσ Είναι ςπάνιο, ζχει γκρι χρϊμα και είναι πολφ βαρφ. Οι άνκρωποι τα πιο παλιά χρόνια, με τον γαλθνίτθ, ζφτιαχναν ραδιόφωνο. Ζπαιρναν ζνα μεταλλικό ςφρμα, μια κεραία, μια βελόνα, κι ζνα κρφςταλλο γαλθνίτθ και χωρίσ θλεκτριςμό ζφτιαχναν ραδιόφωνο. Galena It is rare, gray in color and is very heavy. People are the most ancient times, with galena, they made radio. They took a metal wire, an antenna, a needle, and a crystal of galena and without electricity were making radio.

Galena É raro, de cor cinza e é muito pesado. As pessoas são os tempos mais antigos, com galena, eles fizeram rádio. Eles levaram um fio de metal, uma antena, uma agulha e um cristal de galena e sem eletricidade estavam fazendo rádio.

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Αραγωνίτθσ Ζχει κρυςτάλλουσ. αν κοιτάξεισ τουσ κρυςτάλλουσ, είναι ςαν μικροί κακρζφτεσ που μπορείσ να δεισ το πρόςωπό ςου. Οι κρφςταλλοι αυτοί με τον καιρό μεγαλϊνουν. Υπάρχουν και ςτουσ ςταλακτίτεσ των καλάςςιων ςπθλαίων και ςτο κζλυφοσ των μαργαριταριϊν. Aragonite Ele tem meados de, pequenos cristais. se você olhar para os cristais são como pequenos espelhos que você pode ver seu rosto. Estes cristais crescem com o tempo. Há estalactites em cavernas e pérolas do escudo do mar

Aragonite. it has mid, small crystals. if you look at the crystals are like little mirrors that you can see your face. These crystals grow with time. There are stalactites in caves and sea shell pearls

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Αςβεςτίτθσ. Πταν βάλουμε πάνω του ξφδι, δθμιουργοφνται μικρζσ φυςαλίδεσ. Είναι μαλακόσ και χαράςςεται με μαχαίρι. Πταν το χτυπιςουμε αφινει ςθμάδι λευκοφ χρϊματοσ και χάνει τθν λάμψθ του. Calcita. Quando colocamos nele vinagre, criado pequenas bolhas. É macio e gravada por faca. Quando a greve deixa sinal branco e perde seu brilho. Calcite. When we put on him vinegar, created small bubbles. It is soft and engraved by knife. When the strike leaves white sign and loses its luster.

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Αιματίτθσ. Χρθςιμοποιικθκε από τον άνκρωπο του Κρο Μανιόν, τα πάρα πολφ παλιά χρόνια, για να ηωγραφίςει ςτο εςωτερικό των ςπθλαίων, κακϊσ και από πολλζσ φυλζσ τθσ Βόρειασ Αμερικισ, που παραςκεφαηαν βαφζσ για το ςϊμα τουσ Hematite. It was used by the man of Cro Magnon, the very old times, to paint inside the caves, and several tribes of North America, prepared paints their bodies Hematita. Ele foi usado pelo homem de Cro-Magnon, os muito velhos tempos, para pintar dentro das cavernas, e várias tribos da América do Norte, preparado pinta seus corpos

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Τοιχογραφία με αιματίτθ, ςτο ςπιλαιο Κρο μανιόν τθσ Γαλλίασ, όπου ηοφςαν οι άνκρωποι τα πολφ παλιά χρόνια. Mural com hematita, Cro Magnon caverna na França, onde as pessoas viviam há muitos anos. Mural with hematite, Cro Magnon cave in France, where people lived many years ago.

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Καπνίασ. Χρθςιμοποιείται για τθν καταςκευι κοςμθμάτων Smoky Quartz. Used for jewelery Smoky Quartz. Usado para jóias

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Κόκκινθ γφψοσ. Ζχει χαμθλι ςκλθρότθτα και διαλφεται ςτο νερό. Χρθςιμοποιείται ςτισ οικοδομζσ, ςτθν καταςκευι αντικειμζνων από κεραμικό και ςαν λίπαςμα από τουσ γεωργοφσ. Gesso vermelho. Ele tem uma baixa dureza e dissolvido em água. Utilizados na construção, a construção de objetos de cerâmica e como adubo pelos agricultores. Red plaster. It has a low hardness and dissolved in water. Used in construction, the construction of objects of ceramic and as fertilizer by farmers.

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Κόκκινθ ίαςπισ. Κεωρικθκε ιερι πζτρα από πολλοφσ ανκρϊπουσ τα αρχαία χρόνια. Ζφτιαχναν κοςμιματα και αντικείμενα ςτολιςμοφ. Στθν Αρχαία Αίγυπτο πίςτευαν ότι προςτατεφει τουσ νεκροφσ, όμωσ αυτό είναι προκατάλθψθ. Red jasper. It was considered sacred stone by many people in ancient times. They made jewelery and adornment objects. In Ancient Egypt believed that it protects the dead, but this is bias. Jaspe vermelho. Foi considerado pedra sagrada por muitas pessoas nos tempos antigos. Eles fizeram jóias e objetos de adorno. No Egito Antigo acreditava que ela protege os mortos, mas isso é preconceito.

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Κορνεόλθ Τθν αγαποφςαν πολφ οι βαςιλιάδεσ από τα πολφ παλιά χρόνια και τθν ζβαηαν ςτο ςτζμμα τουσ Carnelian Eles amavam os próprios reis dos tempos antigos e colocar em sua coroa Carnelian They loved the very kings of ancient times and put in their crown

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Λαβραδορίτθσ-Λαβραδόριο χρθςιμοποιείται για τθν καταςκευι διακοςμθτικϊν αντικειμζνων Lavradorio- Labradorite used for manufacturing decorative objects Lavradorio-Labradorite usado para a fabricação de decoração

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Ορεία Κρφςταλλοσ. Οι αρχαίοι Ζλλθνεσ πίςτευαν ότι ιταν νερό που πάγωςε ςε μια πολφ μακρινι εποχι. Πμωσ αυτό δεν είναι αλικεια. Είναι πολφ ςκλθρόσ και πολφ όμορφοσ πολφτιμοσ λίκοσ. Από τα πολφ παλιά χρόνια οι άνκρωποι καταςκεφαηαν κοςμιματα και διακοςμθτικά αντικείμενα.

Rock crystal The ancient Greeks believed that it was water that froze in a very long time. But this is not true. He is very tough and very beautiful gemstone. From ancient times people made jewelry and decorative objects.

O cristal de rocha Os gregos antigos acreditavam que era água que congelou em um tempo muito longo. Mas isso não é verdade. Ele é muito dura e muito bonita pedra preciosa. Desde os tempos antigos as pessoas faziam jóias e objetos de decoração.

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Ουνακίτθσ Χρθςιμοποιείται για καταςκευι κοςμθμάτων. Βρίςκεται κοντά ςτισ λίμνεσ και τα ποτάμια. Unakitan Usado para fazer jóias. Localizado perto dos lagos e rios. Unakitan Used for making jewelry. Located near the lakes and rivers.

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Γυαλί vidro glass

Ζδειξα ςτα παιδιά, τα μικρά γυάλινα ποτθράκια από τθ γωνιά των υλικϊν και ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά να μου πουν αν γνωρίηουν από ποιο υλικό είναι καταςκευαςμζνα τα ποτιρια. Τα παιδιά μου είπαν ότι είναι καταςκευαςμζνα από γυαλί. Το γυαλί ςτθν πόρτα του ςχολείου, ζνα παιδί το ζςπαςε πετϊντασ μία πζτρα, οπότε μάκαμε ότι το γυαλί είναι εφκραυςτο υλικό. Αντικαταςτιςαμε το τηάμι με ποιο χοντρό γυαλί, κι ζτςι ζμακαν ότι τα γυαλιά μπορεί να είναι ςκλθρά και πιο ςκλθρά. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να μου δείξουν αντικείμενα από γυαλί, που υπάρχουν ςτο ςχολείο μασ. Τα παιδιά μου ζδειξαν τα παράκυρα και τισ πόρτεσ.

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I showed the children, the little glass cups from the corner of the materials and asked the children to tell me if you know from what material made the glasses. My kids said they are made of glass. The glass on the school door, a child broke throwing one stone, so we learned that glass is a fragile material. We replaced the glass in what thick glass, so they learned that glasses can be hard and harder. I asked the children to show my glass objects that exist in our school. My kids showed windows and doors

Mostrei as crianças, os pequenos copos de vidro a partir do canto dos materiais e pediu às crianças que me diga se você sabe do que material feito os óculos. Os meus filhos disse que eles são feitos de vidro. O vidro da porta da escola, uma criança quebrou jogando uma pedra, por isso, aprendemos que o vidro é um material frágil. Nós substituímos o vidro em que espessura de vidro, para que eles aprenderam que os óculos podem ser difícil e mais difícil. Eu pedi as crianças para mostrar os meus objetos de vidro que existem na nossa escola. Meus filhos mostraram janelas e portas.

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Είδαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο εικόνεσ γυαλιοφ βιτρό και βρικαμε πλθροφορίεσ για τθν τεχνικι βιτρό. Μάκαμε ότι το βιτρό είναι χρωματιςτό γυαλί, που το κόβουν και καταςκευάηουν διακοςμθτικά αντικείμενα, παράκυρα, πίνακεσ ηωγραφικισ. Είδαμε εκκλθςίεσ όπου τα παράκυρα ιταν από γυαλί βιτρό. Vimos na Internet imagens de vitrais e encontrou informações sobre o vidro manchado técnica. Aprendemos que o vitral é colorido vidro, o corte e fabrico de objectos de decoração, janelas, pinturas. Vimos igrejas onde as janelas estavam manchadas de vidro. We saw on the Internet images of stained glass and found information on the technique stained glass. We learned that the stained glass is colored glass, the chopping and manufacture decorative objects, windows, paintings. We have seen churches where the windows were stained glass.

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Ηωγραφίςαμε γυάλινα ποτιρια , χρθςιμοποιιςαμε τθν τεχνικι ντεκουπάη με χαρτοπετςζτα, και τα διακοςμιςαμε με αλάτι We Painted glassware, we used the technique decoupage with paper towel, and decorate them with salt copos pintada, foi utilizada a técnica de decoupage com toalha de papel, e decorá-los com sal

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madeira. derivada de árvores. usá-lo para a fabricação de móveis, colheres, casas, tetos casas. a partir de madeira torna-se papel. devemos reciclar papel, não cortar árvores. É difícil e difícil de quebrar. material transparente, ou seja, se colocarmos diante de nossos olhos, não podemos ver o que está por trás dele.

wood. derived from trees. use it to manufacture furniture, spoons, houses, houses ceilings. from wood becomes paper. should we recycle paper, not cut trees. It is hard and difficult to break. transparent material, that is, if we put before our eyes, we can not see what's behind it.

ξφλο. προζρχεται από τα δζντρα. το χρθςιμοποιοφμε για να καταςκευάςουμε ζπιπλα, κουτάλια, ςπίτια, οροφζσ ςπιτιϊν. από το ξφλο γίνεται το χαρτί. πρζπει να ανακυκλϊνουμε το χαρτί, για να μθν κόβουμε δζντρα. είναι ςκλθρό υλικό και δφςκολα ςπάει. είναι αδιαφανζσ υλικό, δθλαδι, αν το βάλουμε μπροςτά ςτα μάτια μασ, δεν μποροφμε να δοφμε τι υπάρχει πίςω από αυτό.

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Τα παιδιά μίλθςαν για τισ ξφλινεσ καταςκευζσ των ςπιτιϊν τουσ, και για τθν ιδιαιτερότθτα των ςπιτιϊν του νθςιοφ. Ζφεραν φωτογραφίεσ από τα ςπίτια τουσ.

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As crianças falaram sobre a madeira de suas casas, e a especificidade das casas da ilha. Eles trouxeram fotos de suas casas

The children talked about the woodwork of their houses, and the specificity of the island's homes. They brought photos of their homes.

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Κάναμε δικζσ μασ ξφλινεσ καταςκευζσ κολλϊντασ ξφλα We made our own woodwork sticking wood Fizemos a nossa própria madeira madeira furando

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Κάναμε κολλάη με πριονίδια ξφλου Nós colagem com fiberboard We collage with fiberboard

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χαρτί αλουμινίου. ςτερεό υλικά. μαλακό, ευλφγιςτο και εφκαμπτο υλικό. το χαρτί αλουμινίου είναι αδιαφανζσ, δθλαδι εάν το βάλεισ μπροςτά ςου, δεν μπορείσ να δεισ τι υπάρχει πίςω από αυτό. το χαρτί αλουμινίου καταςκευάηεται ςτο εργοςτάςιο. ςτθν Ελλάδα, ζχουμε ζνα εργοςτάςιο αλουμινίου. το αλουμίνιο, προζρχεται από πζτρεσ που βρίςκονται μζςα ςτθ γθ και οι πζτρεσ αυτζσ λζγονται βωξίτεσ.

papel alumínio. materiais sólidos. material macio, maleável e flexível. papel alumínio é opaco, que se você colocar na frente de você, você não pode ver o que está por trás dele. papel de alumínio produzido na fábrica. na Grécia, temos uma fábrica de alumínio. alumínio, de pedras encontradas na terra e as pedras são chamados de bauxita.

aluminum paper. solid materials. soft, supple and flexible material. aluminum paper is opaque, that if you put in front of you, you can not see what's behind it. aluminum paper produced at the factory. in Greece, we have an aluminum factory. aluminum, from stones found in the earth and the stones are called bauxite.

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Είδαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο εικόνεσ με το μοναδικό εργοςτάςιο ςτθν Ελλάδα, που παράγει αλουμίνιο. Vimos as imagens on-line com a única fábrica na Grécia, produção de alumínio. We have seen images online with the only factory in Greece, producing aluminum.

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To πλαςτικό Ζδειξα ςτα παιδιά, διάφορα πλαςτικά παιχνίδια ςτθν τάξθ, και τουσ ηιτθςα να μου πουν από ποιο υλικό είναι καταςκευαςμζνα. Τα παιδιά μου είπαν ότι είναι από πλαςτικό. Το πλαςτικό είναι ζνα πολφ γνωςτό υλικό ςτα παιδιά και εφκολα το ξεχϊριςαν ανάμεςα ςε άλλα υλικά. Μετά τθν επίςκεψθ μασ ςτο μουςείο, ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά, αν βρικαν εκκζματα ςτο μουςείο από πλαςτικό. Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν ότι δεν υπιρχαν πλαςτικά εκκζματα ςτο μουςείο. Ρλθροφόρθςα τα παιδιά, πωσ το πλαςτικό, είναι υλικό που δθμιοφργθςαν οι άνκρωποι ςτα εργοςτάςια, τα νεότερα χρόνια και πωσ το πλαςτικό δεν υπιρχε τα παλιά χρόνια, οπότε δεν υπάρχουν εκκζματα από πλαςτικό ςτα μουςεία.

Plastic I showed the children, various plastic toys in the classroom, and I asked them to tell me by what material they are made. My kids said they are plastic. Plastic is a well-known material for children and easily stood out among other materials. After our visit to the museum, I asked the children if they found artifacts in the museum of plastic. The children answered that there were no plastic exhibits in the museum. I informed the children that the plastic material is created by the people in the factories, modern times and how the plastic was not the old days, so there are exhibits from plastic to museums.

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Mostrei as crianças, vários brinquedos de plástico na sala de aula, e pedi-lhes para me dizer o que por material que são feitos. Os meus filhos disse que eles são de plástico. O plástico é um material bem conhecido para as crianças e facilmente se destacou entre outros materiais. Após a visita ao museu, pedi aos filhos se eles encontraram artefatos do museu de plástico. As crianças responderam que não havia exposições plásticas no museu. Eu informei às crianças que o material plástico é criada pelas pessoas nas fábricas, os tempos modernos e como o plástico não era antigamente, por isso há exposições de plástico a museus.

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χωνί. πλαςτικά. ςτερεό υλικό. το καταςκευάηουν οι άνκρωποι ςε εργοςτάςια. δεν υπάρχει ςτθ φφςθ. τα πλαςτικά, μπορεί να είναι βαμμζνα ςε διάφορα χρϊματα. μπορεί να είναι διαφανι ι αδιαφανι. πολλά παιχνίδια μασ είναι φτιαγμζνα από πλαςτικό. οι ςακοφλεσ

επίςθσ είναι από πλαςτικό, και πολλά μπολ τθσ κουηίνασ. τα πλαςτικά, ζχουν πολλά ςχιματα. δεν ςπάνε εφκολα. μερικά πλαςτικά λυγίηουν, μερικά πλαςτικά δεν λυγίηουν. αν όμωσ

ηεςτακοφν, λιϊνουν εφκολα. είναι ςκλθρά, όμωσ μποροφμε να τα χαράξουμε με ζνα μαχαίρι. το πλαςτικό χωνί, το χρθςιμοποιοφμε για να βάηουμε υγρά από ζνα δοχείο ςε ζνα άλλο.

funil. plásticos. material sólido. as pessoas em fábricas de manufatura. não existe na natureza. plásticos, podem ser pintadas com cores diferentes. pode ser transparente ou opaco. Nossos muitos jogos são feitos de plástico. Os sacos são também feitas de plástico, e muitas taças da cozinha. plástico, eles têm muitas formas. Eles não quebram facilmente. alguns curva de plástico, alguns plásticos não dobrar. mas caso seja aquecido, eles derretem facilmente. É difícil, mas nós gravar-los com uma faca. funil de plástico, foi utilizado para colocar líquidos de um recipiente para outro

funnel. plastics. solid material. the people in factories manufacturing. does not exist in nature. plastics, can be painted in different colors. can be transparent or opaque. Our many games are made of plastic. The bags are also made of plastic, and many bowls of the kitchen. plastic, they have many shapes. They do not break easily. some plastic bend, some plastics do not bend. but if heated, they melt easily. It is hard, but we engrave them with a knife. plastic funnel, we used to put fluids from one container to another

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πλαςτικό μπαλόνι. με το πλαςτικό φτιάχνουν πολλά παιδικά παιχνίδια. μερικά πλαςτικά είναι ςκλθρά και μερικά πλαςτικά είναι μαλακά. το μπαλόνι, είναι μαλακό

πλαςτικό. αυτό λυγίηει εφκολα. Αν το τεντϊςουμε, αν το λυγίςουμε, αν το πατιςουμε, παίρνει διάφορα ςχιματα. τα πλαςτικά μπαλόνια μποροφμε να τα

γεμίςουμε με αζρα, και να παίξουμε με αυτά. υπάρχουν και πλαςτικά μπαλόνια που μποροφμε να τα γεμίςουμε με αζριο ιλιο. αν είμαςτε μζςα ςε ζνα δωμάτιο και

δζςουμε ζνα μπαλόνι θλίου με ζνα ςκοινί και κρατιςουμε ςτα χζρια μασ το ςχοινί και μετά αφιςουμε το ςκοινί από το χζρι μασ, τότε το μπαλόνι θλίου κα πάει ςτο ταβάνι και κα μείνει πάνω ςτο ταβάνι. αν κάνουμε το ίδιο με ζνα μπαλόνι αζρα, το μπαλόνι

αζρα δεν κα μείνει ςτο ταβάνι, αλλά κα πζςει ςτο πάτωμα.

Πλαςτικό – plastics

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plastic balloon. to make many plastic toys. some plastics are hard and some

plastics are soft. the balloon is soft plastic. it bends easily. If the stretch if the

bend if pressed, we take different shapes. plastic balloons we can fill with

air, and play with them. there are plastic balloons can be filled with helium gas. if

we are in a room and tie a helium balloon with a rope and keep the rope in our hands and then let the rope out of our hand, the helium balloon will go to the ceiling and will stay on the ceiling. if we do the same with an air balloon, air balloon will not stay on the ceiling but

will fall to the floor.

balão de plástico. para fazer muitos brinquedos de plástico. alguns plásticos são duros e alguns plásticos são macios. o balão é de plástico macio. ele se dobra facilmente. Se o trecho se a curva se pressionado, nós assumir diferentes formas. balões de plástico que pode encher com o ar, e brincar com eles. existem balões de plástico pode ser preenchido com gás hélio. se estamos em um quarto e amarrar um balão de hélio com uma corda e manter a corda em nossas mãos e, em seguida, deixar a corda fora do nosso lado, o balão de hélio vai para o teto e vai ficar no teto. se fizermos o mesmo com um balão de ar, balão de ar não vai ficar no teto, mas vai cair para o chão.

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kindergarten Kalloni and our partner in our Despina Chamalleli program sent with salt mail Mytilene. tested natural salt on baked bread slices and was very tasty meal το νθπιαγωγείο Καλλονισ και θ ςυνεργάτθσ μασ ςτο πρόγραμμα Δζςποινα Χαμαλλζλθ μασ ζςτειλαν με το ταχυδρομείο αλάτι Μυτιλινθσ. δοκιμάςαμε φυςικό αλάτι ςε ψθμζνεσ φζτεσ ψωμί και ιταν πολφ νόςτιμο γεφμα.. jardim de infância Kalloni e nosso parceiro em nosso programa Despina Chamalleli enviada com correio sal Mitilene. testado sal natural em fatias de pão cozido e era muito saborosa refeição ..

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Μπαλόνι με αζριο ιλιο, μπαλόνι με αζρα. Οι διαφορζσ τουσ. δεν μπορζςαμε να βροφμε ςτο νθςί μπαλόνια θλίου ζτςι είδαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο μπαλόνια θλίου που ςτζκονται ςτο ταβάνι. Balloon with helium gas, balloon with air. Their differences. we could not find the island helium balloons so we saw on the internet helium balloons standing on the ceiling. Balão com gás hélio, balão de ar. Suas diferenças. não conseguimos encontrar os balões de hélio ilha então vimos nos balões de hélio internet de pé sobre o teto

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Βρικαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο πλθροφορίεσ για το ιλιο Μάκαμε ότι το αζριο ιλιο πιρε το όνομα του από τον κεό Ιλιο των αρχαίων Ελλινων. We found on the Internet information about the helium gas We learned that the helium gas was named the Sun god of the ancient Greeks. we saw images of works of art from antiquity to the sun god of the ancient Greeks. Encontramos na Internet informações sobre o gás hélio Aprendemos que o gás hélio foi nomeado o deus Sol dos antigos gregos. vimos imagens das obras de arte da antiguidade para o deus sol dos gregos antigos.

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Είδαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο αερόπλοια με αζριο ιλιο, και αερόςτατα με αζριο ιλιο. Vimos nas aeronaves internet com gás hélio e balões com gás hélio We saw on the internet airships with helium gas, and balloons with helium gas

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tree leaves. solid material from nature. bends easily and can easily cut it into smaller pieces. this material is not transparent, that is, we can hide a small object behind it.

folhas de árvore. material sólido a partir da natureza. dobra facilmente e pode facilmente cortá-la em pedaços menores. este material não é transparente, ou seja, podemos esconder um pequeno objeto por trás dele.

φφλλα δζντρων. ςτερεό υλικό από τθ φφςθ. λυγίηει εφκολα και μποροφμε εφκολα να το κόψουμε ςε μικρότερα κομμάτια. το υλικό αυτό δεν είναι διαφανζσ, δθλαδι, μποροφμε να κρφψουμε ζνα μικρό αντικείμενο πίςω από αυτό.

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Καταςκευι με φφλλα. Τα παιδιά ζφεραν πολλά φφλλα και φτιάξαμε ζνα δζντρο κολλάη με αυτά. Construction with leaves. Children brought many leaves and we built a tree collage with them. Construção com folhas. Crianças trouxe muitas folhas e nós construímos uma colagem da árvore com eles.

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casca do tronco da árvore. material sólido a partir da natureza. breaks e dobra facilmente. material opacο.

peel from the tree trunk. solid material from nature. breaks and bends easily. opaque material.

φλοφδεσ από κορμό δζντρου. ςτερεό υλικό από τθ φφςθ. ςπάει και λυγίηει εφκολα. αδιαφανζσ υλικό.

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cozinhar pote de barro. argila construir o povo da terra e da água. É frágil, que

quebra facilmente. não se dobra. material opaco. um material sólido.

cooking pot of clay. clay construct the people of earth and water. It is brittle, that it breaks easily. does not bend. opaque material. a solid material.

μαγειρικό ςκεφοσ από πθλό. τον πθλό τον καταςκευάηουν οι άνκρωποι, από χϊμα και νερό. είναι εφκραυςτο, δθλαδι ςπάει εφκολα. δεν λυγίηει. είναι αδιαφανζσ υλικό. είναι ςτερεό υλικό.

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πιλινο μπολ. ο πθλόσ καταςκευάηεται από χϊμα και πθλό, ςτα κεραμοποιεία. ςτερεό υλικό, εφκραυςτο υλικό, δθλαδι ςπάει εφκολα. ο πθλόσ αφοφ είναι φτιαγμζνοσ από χϊμα και νερό, δθλαδι από λάςπθ, είναι μαλακόσ ςτθν αρχι και μετά τον ψινουν ςε

φοφρνο και γίνεται πιο ςκλθρόσ.

clay bowl. clay made from earth and clay in pottery. solid material, a brittle material, that is easily broken. clay since it is made of earth and water, ie mud is soft at the beginning and after the bake oven and becomes more fierce

tigela de barro. barro feitas de terra e argila em cerâmica. material sólido, um material frágil, que é facilmente quebrada. argila, uma vez que é feito de terra e de água, ou seja, a lama é suave no início e depois do forno para cozer e torna-se mais forte.

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Δραςτθριότθτα πλάςαμε πθλό και γνωρίςαμε τθν ευπλαςτότθτα του υλικοφ αυτοφ, όπου μποροφμε να του δϊςουμε διάφορα ςχιματα, και να γίνει πιο ςκλθρό όταν ςτεγνϊςει. atividade Forjada argila e conheceu a maleabilidade do material, que pode dar-lhe formas diferentes, e tornar-se difícil quando seca. Activity Forged clay and met the malleability of this material, which can give it different shapes, and become hard when dry.

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Βάψαμε πιλινα δοχεία και με χαρτοπετςζτα εφαρμόςαμε τεχνικι ντεκουπάη για διακόςμθςθ We painted clay pots and a napkin decoupage technique applied for decoration We painted clay pots and a napkin decoupage technique applied for decoration

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brick. We use it to build houses. easily broken. we can not bend it. the bricks to build the people in the potteries of earth and water.

tijolo. Vamos utilizá-lo para construir casas. facilmente quebrado. nós não pode dobrá-lo. os tijolos para construir as pessoas nas olarias de terra e água.

τοφβλο. το χρθςιμοποιοφμε για να χτίςουμε ςπίτια. ςπάει εφκολα. δεν μποροφμε να λυγίςουμε αυτό. τα τοφβλα τα καταςκευάηουν οι άνκρωποι ςτα κεραμοποιεία, από χϊμα και νερό.

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unhas. de metal. o metal é um material sólido duro. Eles não dobrar e não quebrar. os metais encontramos se você cavar muito fundo na terra. dos metais fazemos

ferramentas duras. o poder perfura a parede de concreto. esculpe madeira e vidro.

nails. metal. the metal is hard solid material. They do not bend and not break. the metals we find if you dig too deep in the earth. of the metals we make hard tools. the power pierces the concrete wall. carves wood and glass.

καρφιά. μζταλλο. το μζταλλο είναι ςκλθρό ςτερεό υλικό. δεν λυγίηει και δεν ςπάει. τα μζταλλα τα βρίςκουμε εάν ςκάψουμε πολφ βακειά ςτθ γθ. από τα μζταλλα φτιάχνουμε ςκλθρά εργαλεία. θ δφναμθ του τρυπάει τον τςιμεντζνιο τοίχο. χαράηει το ξφλο και το γυαλί.

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καουτςοφκ. ςτερεό υλικό, πολφ μαλακό. λυγίηει εφκολα. το καουτςοφκ, είναι ελαςτικό. προζρχεται από ζνα δζντρο που το λζνε καουτςοφκ δζντρο. ςτθν χϊρα μασ δεν ζχουμε καουτςοφκ δζντρα. ςτα εργοςτάςια φτιάχνουν ςυνκετικό καουτςοφκ.

χρθςιμοποιείται ςτισ πιπίλεσ των μωρϊν και ςτισ ρόδεσ των αυτοκινιτων. το ςκλθρό μζταλλο, για παράδειγμα θ άκρθ ενόσ μεταλλικοφ μαχαιριοφ, μπορεί να χαράξει το

μαλακό καουτςοφκ.

de borracha. material sólido, muito macio. se dobra facilmente. a borracha é borracha. Ele vem de uma árvore que eles chamam de seringueira. em nosso país não temos seringueiras. fábricas fazer borracha sintética. usado em chupeta do bebê e rodas de carro. metal duro, por exemplo, a ponta de uma faca de metal podem riscar a borracha macia.

rubber. solid material, very soft. bends easily. the rubber is rubber. It comes from a tree that they call rubber tree. in our country we do not have rubber trees. factories make synthetic rubber. used in baby pacifiers and car wheels. hard metal, for example the tip of a metal knife can scratch the soft rubber.

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καλϊδια. το εξωτερικό των καλωδίων που χρθςιμοποιοφν οι θλεκτρολόγοι, είναι καταςκευαςμζνο από καουτςοφκ, και το εςωτερικό των καλωδίων, από μζταλλο. τα καλϊδια χρθςιμεφουν για να περνάει από μζςα το θλεκτρικό ρεφμα. δεν αγγίηουμε ποτζ τα καλϊδια γιατί είναι επικίνδυνο. το καουτςοφκ, είναι ςτερεό, λυγίηει εφκολα, αλλά δεν ςπάει εφκολα.

cables. external cables used by electricians, made of rubber, and the inner cable, metal. cables used to pass through them, the electric current. Never touch wires because it is dangerous. rubber is solid, it bends easily, but does not break easily.

cabos. cabos externos utilizados por eletricistas, feitos de borracha, e o cabo interno, metal. cabos utilizados para passar através deles, a corrente eléctrica. Nunca toque em fios porque é perigoso. borracha é sólido, ele se curva com facilidade, mas não quebra facilmente.

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Ρροςκαλζςαμε ςτον ςχολείο μασ ζναν τεχνίτθ που φτιάχνει τα παραδοςιακά ςκυριανά παποφτςια των βοςκϊν του νθςιοφ , από καουτςοφκ και δζρμα. Ζχνθ πολφ παλιά που χάνεται ςτα βάκθ των αιϊνων.

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ηάχαρθ, ςτερεό υλικό, με μικροφσ κόκκουσ. παράγεται από ζνα φυτό που λζγεται ςακχαροκάλαμο. το καλλιεργοφν οι γεωργοί ςε χϊρεσ που κάνει πολφ ηζςτθ. ςτθν πατρίδα μασ δεν καλλιεργοφμε ςακχαροκάλαμο. διαλφεται ςτο νερό. ζχει πολφ γλυκιά γεφςθ. με τθ ηάχαρθ φτιάχνουμε γλυκά, παγωτά, καραμζλεσ και ςιρόπι. δεν κάνει να τρϊμε πολφ ηάχαρθ γιατί κα

χαλάςουν τα δόντια μασ.

açúcar, material sólido, com pequenos grânulos. É derivado de uma planta chamada cana. os agricultores que cultivam países é muito quente. em nosso país não crescer cana de açúcar. Dissolveu-se em água. Tem um sabor muito doce. açúcar fazemos bolos, sorvetes, doces e xarope. Eles não comem muito açúcar porque vai estragar os dentes.

sugar, solid material, with small granules. It derived from a plant called sugarcane. the farmers cultivating countries it is too hot. in our country we do not grow sugar cane. dissolved in water. It has a very sweet taste. sugar we make cakes, ice cream, candies and syrup. They do not eat much sugar because it will spoil our teeth.

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αλάτι, ςτερεό υλικό, ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ. ςτθ χϊρα μασ, ζχουμε πολφ αλάτι. ςτο νθςί μασ επίςθσ, ζχουμε πολφ αλάτι. το αλάτι υπάρχει ςτθ κάλαςςα. το αλάτι κάνει να είναι θ κάλαςςα αλμυρι. το νερό τθσ κάλαςςασ, όταν ζχει κφμα, βγαίνει ζξω, ςχθματίηει λακκοφβεσ με καλαςςινό νερό. ο ιλιοσ ηεςταίνει το νερό ςτθ λακκοφβα. το νερό, όταν ηεςταίνεται γίνεται αζρασ. ο αζρασ φεφγει ψθλά και μζνει μόνο το αλάτι μζςα ςτθ λακκοφβα. αυτό

λζγεται αλυκι. από τισ αλυκζσ οι άνκρωποι παίρνουν το αλάτι. το αλάτι νοςτιμίηει το φαγθτό. το αλάτι διαλφεται ςτο νερό, δθλαδι αν βάλουμε νερό ςε ζνα ποτιρι και ρίξουμε μζςα αλάτι, το αλάτι κα κρυφτεί και δεν κα

μποροφμε να το δοφμε.

salt solid material into small granules. in our country, we have a lot of salt. the island also have a lot of salt. Salt is the sea. salt makes the sea salty. sea water, when waves going out, forming puddles seawater. the sun heats the water in the puddle. water when heated turns into air. the air goes up and only salt remains in the puddle. it's called salt lake. from the salt marshes people get salt. salt relish eating. salt dissolves in water, ie if we put water in a glass and dropped into salt, salt will be hidden and will not be able to see it.

sal material sólido em pequenos grânulos. em nosso país, temos uma grande quantidade de sal. a ilha também tem um monte de sal. O sal é o mar. sal faz com que o mar salgado. água do mar, quando as ondas indo para fora, formando poças de água do mar. o sol aquece a água na poça. água quando aquecida voltas no ar. o ar sobe e apenas sal permanece na poça. ele é chamado de lago de sal. dos sapais pessoas ficam sal. comer relish sal. sal se dissolve na água, ou seja, se colocarmos água em um copo e caiu em sal, sal vai ser escondido e não será capaz de vê-lo.

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ποφδρα. ςτερεό, ςε πολφ μικροφσ κόκκουσ.

powder. solid, very small granules

em pó. sólidos, grãos muito pequenos

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ξερά φαςόλια. ςτερεό υλικό. όςπρια, όταν βράηουν με νερό, μαλακϊνουν και εμείσ μποροφμε να τα φάμε. τα φαςόλια τα

καλλιεργοφν οι γεωργοί ςτα χωράφια.

dried beans. solid material. legumes, when boiled with water, soften and we can eat them. beans cultivated by the farmers in the fields

feijões secos. material sólido. leguminosas, quando cozido com água, suavizar e podemos comê-los. feijão cultivadas pelos agricultores nos campos

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lentilhas. legume. planta. podemos encontrá-lo na natureza. os agricultores cultivam. material sólido. grânulos grandes. quando a

ferver torna-se suave e podemos comê-lo.

lentils. legume. plant. we find it in nature. the farmers cultivate. solid material. large granules. when the boil becomes soft and we can eat it.

φακζσ. όςπριο. φυτό. εμείσ βρίςκουμε αυτό ςτθ φφςθ. το καλλιεργοφν οι γεωργοί. ςτερεό υλικό. μεγάλοι κόκκοι. όταν το βράηουμε γίνεται μαλακό και εμείσ μποροφμε να το φάμε.

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Φυτζψαμε φαςόλια και φακζσ ςε πλαςτικά ποτιρια. Τα παιδιά ζβαλαν βαμβάκι ςτον πάτο ενόσ διαφανοφσ πλαςτικοφ ποτθριοφ και μετά το πότιςαν με λίγο νερό. Το βάλαμε ςτο παράκυρο τθσ τάξθσ και περιμζνουμε να δοφμε εάν κα φυτρϊςουν τα όςπρια. Φωτογραφίηουμε κάκε μζρα τισ μικρζσ μασ γλάςτρεσ και παρατθροφμε τισ αλλαγζσ του μικροφ ςπόρου. We planted beans and lentils in plastic cups. Children put cotton in the bottom of a transparent plastic cup and then watered with a little water. We put in the order window and wait to see if it will sprout legumes. We photograph each day our small pots and observe the changes of the small seed. Nós plantamos feijão e lentilha em copos de plástico. Crianças colocar algodão no fundo de um copo de plástico transparente e, em seguida, regada com um pouco de água. Nós colocamos na janela de ordem e esperar para ver se ele vai brotar legumes. Nós fotografar cada dia os nossos pequenos vasos e observar as mudanças da pequena semente.

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κόκκοι καφζ. ςτερεό υλικό. το φυτεφουν και το καλλιεργοφν οι γεωργοί. εμείσ, ςτθν χϊρα μασ δεν καλλιεργοφμε καφζ. το βράηουμε και οι μεγάλοι άνκρωποι πίνουν το ηουμί του.

grãos de café. material sólido. o plantio e os agricultores cultivam. nós, em nosso país não cresce café. ferver e grandes pessoas beber o caldo

coffee beans. solid material. the planting and farmers cultivate. we, in our country does not grow coffee. boil and great people drink the broth

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βαμβάκι. ςτερεό υλικό. μαλακό. το χρθςιμοποιοφν οι γιατροί. το καλλιεργοφν οι γεωργοί. είναι εφκαμπτο υλικό, δθλαδι μπορεί να λυγίςει. εάν κρατάμε το βαμβάκι ςτο χζρι μασ και κάποιοσ ρίξει νερό πάνω ςτο βαμβάκι, το χζρι μασ κα μουςκευτεί.

από το βαμβάκι δθλαδι, περνάει το νερό και το βαμβάκι δεν είναι αδιάβροχο. από το βαμβάκι ςτα εργοςτάςια οι άνκρωποι φτιάχνουν ροφχα. αυτά τα ροφχα είναι

μαλακά, και λζγονται βαμβακερά ροφχα.

algodão. material sólido. macio. usar médicos. os agricultores cultivam. material flexível, que pode dobrar. se mantivermos o algodão em nossas mãos e alguém jogar água sobre o algodão, a nossa mão vai ser embebido. de algodão, isto é, passa a água e o algodão não é à prova de água. de algodão para as pessoas fazem fábricas de roupas. essas roupas são roupas de algodão macio, e chamados.

cotton. solid material. soft. use doctors. the farmers cultivate. flexible material, that can bend. if we keep the cotton in our hands and someone throw water on the cotton, our hand will be soaked. of cotton that is, passes the water and the cotton is not waterproof. from cotton to people make clothes factories. these clothes are soft, and called cotton clothes.

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Αγγίξαμε διάφορα υφάςματα και νιϊςαμε τισ διαφορζσ τουσ, μζςω τθσ αφισ. Γνωρίςαμε το βαμβακερό φφαςμα, το μάλλινο φφαςμα, το μεταξωτό φφαςμα, το δερμάτινο φφαςμα. Μάκαμε ότι το μάλλινο φφαςμα προζρχεται από το μαλλί του προβάτου, το μεταξωτό φφαςμα προζρχεται από τουσ μεταξοςκϊλθκεσ, και το δερμάτινο φφαςμα προζρχεται από τα ηϊα. Nós tocamos vários tecidos e sentiu suas diferenças através do toque. Nós conhecemos o tecido de algodão, tecido de lã, tecidos de seda, tecido de couro. Aprendemos que o pano de lã de lã de ovelha, tecido de seda vem de bichos da seda e tecidos de couro proveniente de animais. We touched various fabrics and felt their differences through touch. We met the cotton fabric, wool fabric, silk fabric, leather fabric. We learned that the woolen cloth from the wool of sheep, silk fabric comes from silkworms, and woven leather comes from animals.

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λάδι ελιάσ. υλικό υγρό, παχφρευςτο, αδιαφανζσ. εάν βάλουμε ςε ζνα ποτιρι νερό και πάνω από το νερό λάδι, το νερό κα μείνει από κάτω και το λάδι κα μείνει από πάνω. αν βάλουμε όμωσ ςε ζνα ποτιρι νερό και πάνω από το νερό ρίξουμε ξφδι, το ξφδι δεν κα μείνει από πάνω από το νερό αλλά κα μπερδευτεί με το νερό και κα γίνει ζνα άλλο νζο υγρό, που κα ζχει και νερό και ξίδι μαηί. το υγρό αυτό, ζχει το χρϊμα του ξυδιοφ, μυρίηει όπωσ το ξφδι και είναι ξινό, όπωσ το ξφδι. επειδι το υγρό αυτό ζχει και νερό και ξφδι, μποροφμε να το λζμε ( νερό ξφδι ), νερόξυδο. το λάδι ελιάσ είναι το πιο καλό λάδι ςτον κόςμο. το βάηουμε ςτο φαγθτό και ςτθ ςαλάτα. με το λάδι

φτιάχνουμε ςαποφνια και καλλυντικά, κρζμεσ και φάρμακα. θ ελιά, είναι το ςφμβολο τθσ ειρινθσ.

olive oil. material liquid, viscous, transparent. if put in a glass of water and above the water oil, the water will stay at the bottom and the oil will remain on top. but if you put in a glass of water and over the water shed vinegar, the vinegar will not stay on top of the water, but will be confused with the water and become another new liquid, which will have water and vinegar together. this liquid, having the color of vinegar, smells like vinegar and sour, like vinegar. because this liquid has water and vinegar, we can say (vinegar water) neroxydo. olive oil is the most good oil in the world. put it in the food and salad. with the oil we make soaps and cosmetics, creams and medications. the olive tree is the symbol of peace.

azeite de oliva. material líquido, viscoso, transparente. se colocar em um copo de água e óleo acima da água, a água vai ficar na parte inferior e o petróleo vai permanecer no topo. mas se você colocar em um copo de água e vinagre sobre o galpão de água, o vinagre não vai ficar em cima da água, mas vai ser confundida com a água e tornar-se um novo líquido, que terão água e vinagre juntos. este líquido, tendo a cor de vinagre, cheiro de vinagre e ácido, como vinagre. porque este líquido tem água e vinagre, podemos dizer (água vinagre) neroxydo. o azeite é o maior bem de petróleo do mundo. colocá-lo na comida e salada. com o petróleo que fazer sabonetes e cosméticos, cremes e medicamentos. a oliveira é o símbolo da paz.

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Υγιεινό πρωινό φαγθτό, με ελιζσ του τόπου μασ. Αφοφ μάκαμε πόςο πολφ υγιεινζσ είναι οι ελιζσ, φάγαμε ελιζσ ςτο ςχολείο. Ρράςινεσ και μαφρεσ ελιζσ. Ρολφ νόςτιμεσ! Refeição saudável café da manhã com azeitonas do nosso país. Uma vez que nós aprendemos o quanto é saudável azeitonas, azeitonas comeu na escola. Azeitonas verdes e pretas. Muito saboroso! Healthy breakfast meal with olives of our country. Once we learned how much is healthy olives, olives ate at school. Green and black olives. Very tasty!

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μζλι. παχφρευςτο υγρό, κυλά αργά. πολφ γλυκό με ωραίο άρωμα και ωραία γεφςθ. οι μζλιςςεσ φτιάχνουν το μζλι ςτθν κυψζλθ.

honey. viscous liquid flows slowly. very sweet with nice aroma and tastes good. bees make honey in the hive.

mel. líquido viscoso flui lentamente. muito doce com aroma agradável e bom gosto. abelhas produzem o mel na colmeia.

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κερί. το κερί, είναι ςτερεό υλικό, μαλακό, αδιαφανζσ, ζχει όμορφο άρωμα, και το φτιάχνουν οι μζλιςςεσ. όταν το ηεςταίνουμε γίνεται υγρό και όταν κρυϊςει γίνεται ξανά ςτερεό. όταν είναι υγρό, μποροφμε να το βάλουμε ςε καλοφπια, και να πάρει όποιο ςχιμα ζχει το καλοφπι. όταν είναι ςτερεό, μποροφμε να το χαράξουμε με μια μεταλλικι πρόκα, ι και με ζνα μυτερό ξφλο, αλλά και με μία οδοντογλυφίδα. όταν ανάψουμε το κερί και αφιςουμε τθ φωτιά αναμμζνθ, το κερί λιϊνει, γίνεται υγρό.

wax. the wax is solid material, soft, transparent, has a nice flavor, and the bees make. when the heat becomes liquid when cooled again becomes solid. when wet, we can put it into molds, and take any shape has the mold. when they are solid, we can engrave with a metal nail or with a pointed wood, but with a toothpick. when lit the candle and let the fire lit, the wax melts, it becomes liquid.

cera. a cera é material sólido, macio, transparente, tem um sabor agradável, e as abelhas fazem. quando o calor se torna líquido quando resfriado novamente torna-se sólida. quando molhado, podemos colocá-lo em moldes, e assumir qualquer forma tem o molde. quando são sólidos, podemos gravar com um prego com um metal ou madeira pontas, mas com um palito. quando acendeu a vela e deixe o fogo aceso, a cera derrete, ele se torna líquido.

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δραςτθριότθτα για να διαπιςτϊςουν πωσ το κερί, όταν ηεςτακεί γίνεται υγρό και όταν κρυϊςει γίνεται πάλι ςτερεό. Ριρα ζνα κερί και το άναψα με ζνα ςπίρτο. Είπα ςτα παιδιά να παρατθριςουν το κερί και να περιγράψουν τι ςυμβαίνει ςτο κερί, ενϊ θ φλόγα ανάβει. Τα παιδιά είπαν πωσ το κερί λιϊνει. Φρόντιςα το κερί να είναι ςτρογγυλό, ϊςτε όταν λιϊνει, να ρζει μζςα ςτθν κοιλότθτα που ςχθματίηεται από το λιϊςιμο του. Τα παιδιά, μποροφςαν να δουν το λιωμζνο κερί. Κατόπιν ζςβθςα το κερί. Είπα ςτα παιδιά να ςυνεχίςουν να παρατθροφν το κερί. Τα παιδιά, μετά από λίγθ ϊρα, είδαν το λιωμζνο κερί να γίνεται ςτερεό.

atividade para determinar como a cera se torna líquido quando aquecido e resfriado novamente quando se torna sólido. Eu tomei uma vela e acendeu com um fósforo. Eu disse às crianças para observar a vela e para descrever o que acontece com a vela ea chama se acende. As crianças disseram que a cera se derrete. Tenho a certeza que a vela é redonda, de modo que quando derretido, a fluir para dentro da cavidade formada pela fusão. As crianças puderam ver a cera derretida. Em seguida, apagou a vela. Eu disse às crianças para continuar a observar a vela. As crianças, depois de algum tempo, eles viram a cera derretida se torna sólido.

activity to determine how the wax becomes liquid when heated and when cooled again becomes solid. I took a candle and lit with a match. I told the children to observe the candle and to describe what happens to the candle and the flame lights up. The children said that the wax melts. I made sure the candle is round, so that when melted, to flow into the cavity formed by melting. The children could see the melted wax. Then erased the candle. I told the children to continue to observe the candle. Children, after some time, they saw the melted wax becomes solid.

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Δραςτθριότθτα: προςκαλϊ ζναν μελιςςουργό του νθςιοφ να μασ μιλιςει για τισ μζλιςςεσ, το μζλι, και να γνωρίςουμε τον παραδοςιακό τρόπο καταςκευισ κεριοφ ζτςι όπωσ ζκαναν οι γιαγιάδεσ μασ. Με το κερί αυτό, ςτο νθςί μασ, οι γιαγιάδεσ ακόμα πάνε με αυτό ςτουσ ναοφσ των εκκλθςιϊν. Activity: we sent an invitation to a Melissourgos (beekeeper), the island, talk to us, bees, honey, and get to know the traditional candle manufacturing, as did our grandmothers. With this candle, to our island, grandmothers, go to the temples of churches. Atividade: nós enviamos um convite para uma Melissourgos (apicultor), a ilha, fale conosco, abelhas, mel, e ficar a conhecer a fabricação vela tradicional, como fizeram nossos avós. Com esta vela, para a nossa ilha, avós, ir para os templos de igrejas.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ μασ είπε πολφ χριςιμα πράγματα. ςτθν αρχι οι άνκρωποι, γνϊριςαν τθν μζλιςςα ςτθν φφςθ. Οι μζλιςςεσ ηουν ςε ςμινθ, δθλαδι πολλζσ μαηί και το ςπίτι τουσ λζγεται κυψζλθ. Ρριν αςχολθκοφν οι άνκρωποι με τθν μελιςςοκομία, δθλαδι να φτιάχνουν οι άνκρωποι ςπίτια για τισ μζλιςςεσ για να παίρνουν το μζλι, οι μζλιςςεσ ζφτιαχναν τισ κυψζλεσ τουσ ςε κοφφιουσ κορμοφσ δζντρων, ςχιςμζσ βράχων, ι κοιλότθτεσ ςε απόκρθμνεσ χαράδρεσ. Αργότερα οι άνκρωποι, άρχιςαν να ςυγκεντρϊνουν τουσ κοφφιουσ κορμοφσ των δζντρων, ςε ςυγκεκριμζνουσ χϊρουσ. Αυτά ιταν τα πρϊτα μελιςςοκομία.

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Our beekeeper told very useful things. at first the people experienced the bee in nature. Bees live in flocks, that many together and their home is called beehive. Before you engage people with the beekeeping, which is to make people homes for bees to get honey, bees were making their hives in hollow tree trunks, rock crevices, or cavities in steep ravines. Later people began to gather their hollow trunks of trees in specific areas. These were the first beekeeping.

Nossa apicultor disse coisas muito úteis. em primeiro lugar as pessoas experimentaram a abelha na natureza. As abelhas vivem em bandos, que muitos juntos e sua casa é chamado colméia. Antes de envolver as pessoas com a apicultura, que é fazer as pessoas casas para as abelhas para obter mel, abelhas estavam fazendo suas colméias em troncos ocos de árvores, fendas de rochas, ou cavidades em barrancos íngremes. Mais tarde as pessoas começaram a se reunir seus troncos ocos de árvores em áreas específicas. Estes foram os primeiros a apicultura.

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Τα πρϊτα ςπίτια που ζφτιαξαν οι άνκρωποι για να ηουν οι μζλιςςεσ και να παίρνουν το μζλι τουσ, ζγιναν πριν πολλά χρόνια. Τα πρϊτα ςπίτια που ζφτιαξαν οι άνκρωποι για τισ μζλιςςεσ τα ζλεγαν Βραςκιά και ιταν κυψζλεσ από ψθμζνο πθλό, και μοιάηουν με μια μεγάλθ γλάςτρα λουλουδιϊν. Μζχρι πριν λίγα χρόνια οι παπποφδεσ ςτθν Σκφρο το νθςί μασ, καταςκεφαηαν τζτοιεσ κυψζλεσ από πθλό. ςτο ανοικτό επάνω μζροσ τθσ πιλινθσ κυψζλθσ, τοποκετοφςαν ξφλινουσ πιχεισ, τον ζνα δίπλα ςτον άλλο όπου πάνω ςε αυτοφσ οι μζλιςςεσ, ζκτιηαν τισ κθρικρεσ τουσ.

Η τζχνη των βραςκιϊν είναι τόςο παλιά, που βρζθηκαν βραςκιά, όταν οι άνθρωποι ζςκαψαν για να βρουν αρχαίεσ πόλεισ κάτω ςτη γη. Αυτά τα παλιά πράγματα τα πάνε οι άνθρωποι ςτο μουςείο, και εμείσ τα βλζπουμε. Είναι αντικείμενα από τα πάρα πολφ παλιά χρόνια. Πριν από χιλιάδεσ παπποφδεσ και γιαγιάδεσ. Σε ζνα νηςί ςτην Ελλάδα, που λζγεται Κρήτη, βρήκαν πολλά βραςκιά. Στθ εικόνα βλζπουμε βραςκιά, ςε αναςκευζσ των αρχαιολόγων ςτθν Κριτθ

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As primeiras casas construídas pelo povo para viver abelhas e levar o seu mel, feita há muitos anos. As primeiras casas construídas pelo povo para as abelhas e foi dito bolhas Vraskia barro cozido, e parecido com um grande vaso de flores. Até poucos anos atrás, os nossos avós na ilha de Skyros, tais células fabricados a partir de barro. o topo aberto de uma célula de barro, colocado ripas de madeira, um ao lado do outro sobre onde estas abelhas estavam construindo seus favos de mel.

A arte de vraskion é tão velho, encontraram vraskia quando as pessoas cavaram para encontrar cidades antigas para a terra. Essas velhas coisas que as pessoas vão para o museu, e nós vê-los. Ele objetos desde tempos muito antigos. Antes de milhares de avós. Em uma ilha na Grécia, chamada Creta, eles encontraram muitos vraskia. Na foto vemos vraskia em refutações de arqueólogos em Creta

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As primeiras casas construídas pelo povo para viver abelhas e levar o seu mel, feita há muitos anos. As primeiras casas construídas pelo povo para as abelhas e foi dito bolhas Vraskia barro cozido, e parecido com um grande vaso de flores. Até poucos anos atrás, os nossos avós na ilha de Skyros, tais células fabricados a partir de barro. o topo aberto de uma célula de barro, colocado ripas de madeira, um ao lado do outro sobre onde estas abelhas estavam construindo seus favos de mel.

The art of vraskion is so old, they found vraskia when people dug to find ancient towns down to earth. These old things people go to the museum, and we see them. It objects from very old times. Before thousands of grandparents. On an island in Greece, called Crete, they found many vraskia. In the picture we see vraskia in refutations of archaeologists in Crete

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ μασ ζδειξε μία μικρι ξφλινθ κυψζλθ, που ο ίδιοσ χρθςιμοποιεί. Αυτά τα ξφλινα πλαίςια, ονομάηονται καντθνζλεσ. Ράνω ςτισ καντθνζλεσ οι μζλιςςεσ χτίηουν κελιά, δθλαδι δωμάτια. ο μελιςςοκόμοσ αφαιρϊντασ μια καντινζλα, μπορεί να ελζγξει το εςωτερικό τθσ κυψζλθσ, παρατθρϊντασ το ςμινοσ των μελιςςϊν, ελζγχοντασ για αςκζνειεσ, αν υπάρχει μζλι, αν οι μζλιςςεσ δουλεφουν, αν ζχουν φτιάξει βαςιλικά κελιά για να γεννθκοφν και άλλεσ μζλιςςεσ βαςίλιςςεσ, οι οποίεσ κα φτιάξουν το δικό τουσ ςμινοσ μελιςςϊν. Ρολλζσ μζλιςςεσ μαηί που ηουν ςτθν ίδια κυψζλθ, ονομάηονται ςμινοσ μελιςςϊν. Οι παπποφδεσ μασ ςτθν Σκφρο, μετζφεραν τισ κυψζλεσ, με τα γαϊδουράκια.

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The beekeeper showed us a small wooden cell, which he uses. These wooden frames, called kantineles. Over on kantineles bees build cells, ie rooms. the beekeeper removing a kantinela can control the inside of the cell, observing the swarm of bees, checking for diseases, if there is honey if bees are working, if they build queen cells to be born and other bees queens, which would make their own swarm of bees. Many bees living together in the same cell, called bee swarm. Our grandfathers in Skyros, transposed the cells, with the donkeys.

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O apicultor nos mostrou uma pequena cela de madeira, que ele usa. Estas molduras de madeira, chamado kantineles. Mais em kantineles abelhas construir células, isto é, os quartos. o apicultor a remoção de um kantinela pode controlar o interior da célula, observando-se o enxame de abelhas, verificação de doenças, se não houver mel se as abelhas estão trabalhando, se eles constroem células de rainha de nascer e outras abelhas rainhas, o que tornaria seu próprio enxame de abelhas. Muitas abelhas que vivem juntos na mesma célula, chamado de enxame de abelhas. Nossos avós em Skyros, transpôs as células, com os burros.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, τοποκετεί ςτθν κυψζλθ , τθν καντθνζλα. Είναι ξφλινα πλαίςια, όπου πάνω βάηουμε φφλλα κεριοφ. Εκεί πάνω οι μζλιςςεσ κα κτίςουν τα κελιά τουσ. Οι μζλιςςεσ μπορεί να είναι βαςίλιςςεσ, εργάτριεσ, ι κθφινεσ. Οι εργάτριεσ είναι κορίτςια, δθλαδι κθλυκζσ μζλιςςεσ. Οι κθφινεσ είναι αγόρια, δθλαδι αρςενικζσ μζλιςςεσ. Θ βαςίλιςςα είναι πιο μεγάλθ από όλεσ τισ άλλεσ μζλιςςεσ ςτθν κυψζλθ. Θ βαςίλιςςα, ζχει κεντρί, αλλά δε τςιμπάει. Οι εργάτριεσ μζλιςςεσ, ζχουν κεντρί και τςιμποφν μόνο εάν τισ πειράξουμε. Εάν δεν τισ ενοχλιςουμε, δεν τςιμποφν. Οι κθφινεσ δεν ζχουν κεντρί.

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O apicultor coloca a colméia, o kantinela. Molduras de madeira, onde colocamos em folhas de cera. Até lá as abelhas construir suas células. As abelhas podem ser rainhas, trabalhadores ou zangões. Os trabalhadores são do sexo feminino, ou seja, abelhas fêmeas. Drones são do sexo masculino, que as abelhas do sexo masculino. A rainha é maior do que todas as outras abelhas na colméia. A rainha tem ferrão, mas pica. As abelhas operárias, eles picam e picam apenas se deixado sozinho. Se não perturbá-los, nenhuma picada. Drones não têm ferrão.

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The beekeeper places the hive, the kantinela. Wooden frames, where we put on wax sheets. Up there the bees will build their cells. The bees may be queens, workers or drones. The workers are girls, namely female bees. Drones are male, that male bees. The queen is larger than all other bees in the hive. The queen has sting, but it stings. The worker bees, they sting and sting only if left alone. If we do not disturb them, no sting. Drones have no sting.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, μασ ζδειξε φωτογραφίεσ, από ζνα περιοδικό μελιςςοκομικισ, όπου υπιρχαν εικόνεσ που βοικθςαν πολφ τα παιδιά να κατανοιςουν τα λόγια του, και να καταλάβουν τισ περιγραφζσ που ζκανε. Εδϊ τα παιδιά βλζπουν μια εικόνα τθσ βαςίλιςςασ και πιο πάνω υπάρχουν μζλιςςεσ εργάτριεσ και κθφινεσ, ϊςτε τα παιδιά να ςυγκρίνουν μεγζκθ και χρωματιςμοφσ.

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The beekeeper, showed us pictures from a magazine beekeeping, where there were pictures that helped much children understand the words, and understand the descriptions did. Here the children see a picture of the queen and above are worker bees and drones, that children compare sizes and colors.

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O apicultor, nos mostrou imagens de uma apicultura revista, onde havia imagens que ajudaram muito as crianças a entender as palavras, e compreender as descrições fez. Aqui as crianças ver uma imagem da rainha e acima são abelhas operárias e zangões, que as crianças comparar tamanhos e cores.

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θ βαςίλιςςα γεννάει ζνα αυγό ςε κάκε κελί, δθλαδι ςε κάκε δωμάτιο τθσ κυψζλθσ, το οποίο κολλά ςτον πυκμζνα, ςτον πάτο δθλαδι του κελιοφ, όρκιο. Αν θ βαςίλιςςα αφιςει το αυγό ςε κελί κθφινα, τότε από αυτό το αυγό δεν κα βγει καμία μζλιςςα. Κα είναι ζνα ςκζτο αυγό. Αν το αφιςει ςε κελί εργάτριασ, τότε μζςα από το αυγό κα βγει μια μζλιςςα εργάτρια. Ρωσ γίνεται αυτό? θ βαςίλιςςα γεννάει ζνα αυγό ςε κάκε κελί, το οποίο κολλά ςτον πυκμζνα, ςτον πάτο δθλαδι του κελιοφ, όρκιο. Μζςα ςε 3 θμζρεσ το αυγό γζρνει. Από εκεί βγαίνει θ νζα μζλιςςα που ςτθν αρχι, λζγεται προνφμφθ και είναι ςαν μικρό άςπρο ςκουλικι. Οι μζλιςςεσ δίνουν πολφ φαγθτό ςτισ προνφμφεσ. Οι προνφμφεσ τρϊνε ‘μελιςςόγαλα’ και μεγαλϊνουν. Τρϊνε τόςο πολφ , τρϊνε 1.300 φορζσ τθν μζρα! 5 μζρεσ, οι μζλιςςεσ παραμάνεσ, φζρνουν φαγθτό ςτα κελιά για να φάνε οι προνφμφεσ. Μετά από 5 μζρεσ, οι μζλιςςεσ ςφραγίηουν, δθλαδι κλείνουν το κελί.

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a rainha bota um ovo em cada célula, ou seja, em todos os quartos da colméia, que adere a parte inferior, que a parte inferior da célula, de pé. Se a rainha deixou o celular zangão ovo, então este ovo não virá qualquer abelha. É um ovo simples. Se você deixar uma célula mulher trabalhadora, em seguida, através do ovo sairá uma abelha operária. Como é esta; a rainha deposita um ovo em cada célula, que adere à parte inferior, que a parte inferior da célula, que está. Dentro de três dias o ovo inclinado. De lá vem o novo abelha no início, chamado de larva e são como pequeno verme branco. Abelhas dar muito alimento para as larvas. As larvas comem 'melissogala' e crescer. Eles comem muito, comer 1.300 vezes por dia! 5 dias, abelhas babás, trazer comida para as células para comer as larvas. Após 5 dias, as abelhas selar, i.e. célula fechada. ;

the queen lays an egg in each cell, ie, in every room of the hive, which sticks to the bottom, that the bottom of the cell, standing. If the queen left the drone egg cell, then this egg will not come any bee. It is a plain egg. If you let a woman worker cell, then through the egg will come out a worker bee. How is this; the queen lays an egg in each cell, which sticks to the bottom, that the bottom of the cell, standing. Within three days the egg tilted. From there comes the new bee in the beginning, called larva and are like small white worm. Bees give much food to larvae. The larvae eat 'melissogala' and grow. They eat so much, eat 1,300 times a day! 5 days, bees nannies, bring food to the cells to eat the larvae. After 5 days, the bees seal, i.e. closed cell.

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Θ προνφμφθ ςτο ςφραγιςμζνο κελί αφοφ φάει όλθ τθν τροφι, μζνει ακίνθτθ με το κεφάλι προσ τθν ζξοδο του κελιοφ. Θ μζλιςςα βαςίλιςςα, είναι προνφμφθ 6 μζρεσ, θ μζλιςςα εργάτρια είναι προνφμφθ 7 μζρεσ και θ μζλιςςα κθφινασ, είναι προνφμφθ 9 μζρεσ.

Θ προνφμφθ ςιγά ςιγά γίνεται χρυςαλίδα. Θ χρυςαλίδα, αλλάηει 5 φορζσ το δζρμα τθσ. Πταν αλλάξει 5 φορζσ το δζρμα τθσ, τότε γίνεται νφμφθ. Μζτα από 16 θμζρεσ θ βαςίλιςςα, 21 θμζρεσ θ εργάτρια και 24 θμζρεσ ο κθφινασ, γίνονται μζλιςςεσ και βγαίνουν από τα ςφραγιςμζνα κελιά τουσ.

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The larvae in the sealed cell having eaten all the food stands still with his head towards the exit of the cell. The queen bee is larva six days, the worker bee larva is 7 days and the bee drone, larva is 9 days. The larva slowly becomes chrysalis. The chrysalis, changed 5 times the skin. When changed 5 times the skin, it becomes a nymph. After 16 days the queen, 21 days and 24 days worker drone, made out of bees and sealed their cells.

As larvas na célula selada ter comido todas as barracas de comida ainda com a cabeça em direção à saída da célula. A abelha rainha é larva seis dias, a larva de abelha trabalhador é de 7 dias e o zumbido da abelha, larva é de 9 dias. A larva se transforma lentamente crisálida. A crisálida, mudou 5 vezes a pele. Quando mudou 5 vezes a pele, torna-se uma ninfa. Após 16 dias da rainha, 21 dias e 24 dias zangão trabalhador, feito de abelhas e selado suas celas.

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Εδϊ βλζπουμε μια καντθνζλα με τα φφλλα κεριοφ, που κόλλθςε με μια ειδικι τεχνικι ο μελιςςοκόμοσ. Aqui vemos um kantinela com folhas de cera, preso com uma técnica especial o apicultor. Here we see a kantinela with wax sheets, stuck with a special technique the beekeeper.

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όταν ο μελιςςοκόμοσ ξεκινά να φτιάξει μια νζα κυψζλθ, παίρνει μια καντθνζλα, δθλαδι τα ξφλινα πλαίςια, και κολλάει τισ κθρφκρεσ ςτθν καντθνζλα, ςτερεϊνοντασ αυτζσ τισ κθρφκρεσ με ςφρμα. Τισ κολλάει με ζνα εργαλείο που λζγεται αρμαςτιρι. when the beekeeper starts to build a new hive gets a kantinela, ie wooden frames, and hang the combs in kantinela, clinching these combs with wire. The stick with a tool called armastiri. quando o apicultor começa a construir uma nova colméia fica um kantinela, ou seja,

molduras de madeira, e pendurar os favos em kantinela, conquistar esses pentes com fio. A vara com uma ferramenta chamada armastiri.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ βουτάει το εργαλείο αρμαςτιρι ςτο νερό για να κολλιςει το ςφρμα ςτθν καντθλζρα. O apicultor armastiri mergulha a ferramenta para a água para manter o fio de lustres. The beekeeper armastiri plunges the tool to the water to stick the wire on chandeliers.

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Εδϊ βλζπουμε το εργαλείο αρμαςτιρι που ζχει ζνα μεταλλικό τροχό ςτισ άκρεσ του. Είναι όλο μζταλλο, εκτόσ τθσ λαβι που είναι ξφλινθ. Ο τροχόσ, κυλά κατά μικοσ των λεπτϊν ςυρμάτων, και κολλοφν ςτθν καντθνζλα.

Here we see the armastiri tool has a metal wheel on the edges. It's all metal, except the handle is made of wood. The wheel, go along the thin wires, and sticking the kantinela.

Aqui vemos a ferramenta armastiri tem uma roda de metal nas bordas. É tudo metal, exceto a alça é feita de madeira. A roda, Kyllä ao longo dos fios finos, e aderindo a kantinela.

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Εκεί οι μζλιςςεσ φτιάχνουν τα κελιά, όπου θ βαςίλιςςα κα αφιςει τα αυγά τθσ. Há as abelhas produzem células onde a rainha vai deixar seus ovos. There the bees make cells where the queen will leave her eggs.

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When the beekeeper goes to the beehive to take care of the bees and get honey, wears a hat with netting on the face, clothing and gloves for protection from bee stings. Always pay attention, opening the lid of the hive not to hit by mistake the mom of bees, that the queen, and the other bees.

Quando o apicultor vai para a colméia para cuidar das abelhas e obter mel, usa um chapéu com panos no rosto, roupas e luvas de proteção contra picadas de abelha. Sempre preste atenção, abrir a tampa da colméia para não bater em erro a mãe de abelhas, que a rainha, e as outras abelhas.

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Πταν ο μελιςςοκόμοσ πθγαίνει ςτο μελίςςι του για να φροντίςει τισ μζλιςςεσ και να πάρει το μζλι, φορά καπζλο με δίχτυ ςτο πρόςωπο, ςτολι και γάντια, για να προςτατευτεί από τα τςιμπιματα των μελιςςϊν. Ρροςζχουν πάντα, ανοίγοντασ το καπάκι τθσ κυψζλθσ να μθν χτυπιςουν κατά λάκοσ τθν μαμά των μελιςςϊν, δθλαδι τθν βαςίλιςςα, αλλά και τισ άλλεσ μζλιςςεσ.

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Φορϊντασ το καπζλο με τα δίχτυ του μελιςςοκόμου. Vestindo o chapéu de um apicultor. Wearing the hat of the beekeeper.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, Πταν ανοίγει τθν κυψζλθ, φυςάει με το καπνιςτιρι, για να μθν επιτεκοφν οι μζλιςςεσ. Το καπνιςτίρι, ζχει μζςα καπνό.

The beekeeper when you open the hive, blowing with smokehouse, not to attack the bees. The kapnistiri, having means tobacco.

O apicultor quando você abre a colméia, soprando com fumeiro, não atacar as abelhas. O kapnistiri, que tem meios de tabaco.

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Ο καπνόσ αυτόσ δεν βλάπτει τισ μζλιςςεσ. A fumaça não é prejudicial para as abelhas The smoke is not harmful to bees.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ μασ δείχνει πωσ λειτουργεί το καπνιςτιρι. The beekeeper shows us how the smokehouse O apicultor nos mostra como o fumeiro.

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Οι κυψζλεσ ανοίγουν με ζνα εργαλείο που λζγεται ξζςτρο. Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, ςθκϊνει με το ξζςτρο το καπάκι τθσ κυψζλθσ, φυςϊντασ με το καπνιςτιρι.

Hives abertas com uma ferramenta chamada uma cureta. O apicultor, levante a tampa da célula raspador, soprando o fumeiro.

Hives open with a tool called a curette. The beekeeper, lift the scraper cap cell, blowing the smokehouse.

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The beekeeper when you open the hive, check if everything is okay in the hive. Observes the swarm of bees, check if there are any diseases, he observes the cells, and everything inside the cell. O apicultor quando você abre a colméia, verificar se tudo está bem na colmeia. Observa o enxame de abelhas, verifique se há alguma doença, ele observa as células, e tudo dentro da célula.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, όταν ανοίξει τθν κυψζλθ, ελζγχει αν όλα είναι εντάξει ςτθν κυψζλθ. Ραρατθρεί το ςμινοσ των μελιςςϊν, ελζγχει αν υπάρχουν αςκζνειεσ, παρατθρεί τα κελιά, και τα πάντα μζςα ςτθν κυψζλθ.

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Εδϊ , ο μελιςςοκόμοσ ζχει πάρει το μζλι από αυτιν τθν πλευρά τθσ καντθνζλασ

Aqui, o apicultor tem tirado o mel deste lado do kantinelas Here, the beekeeper has taken the honey from this side of kantinelas

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Ενϊ από τθν πίςω πλευρά τθσ καντθνζλασ, οι μζλιςςεσ ζφτιαξαν τθν κθρφκρα, και μόλισ ξεκίνθςαν να φτιάχνουν μζλι. While on the back of kantinelas, bees built the comb, and just started to make honey. Enquanto na parte de trás kantinelas, abelhas construiu o pente, e só começou a fazer o mel.

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Quando todos os favos preenchido com mel, as abelhas construir favos kantineles fora, e isso é um sinal para o apicultor que se tornou muitos, já não se encaixam dentro da célula. E assim o apicultor transporta-los em colmeias maiores.

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Πταν γεμίςουν όλεσ οι κθρφκρεσ με μζλι, οι μζλιςςεσ καταςκευάηουν κθρφκρεσ ζξω από τισ καντθνζλεσ, κι αυτό είναι ςθμάδι για τον μελιςςοκόμο, ότι γίνανε πολλζσ, δεν χωράνε πλζον ςτθν κυψζλθ. Κι ζτςι ο μελιςςοκόμοσ τισ μεταφζρει ςε μεγαλφτερεσ κυψζλεσ.

When all the combs filled with honey, the bees build honeycombs outside kantineles, and this is a sign for the beekeeper that became many, no longer fit into the cell. And so the beekeeper transports them into larger beehives.

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Θ κυρικρεσ που φτιάχνουν ζξω από τισ καντθνζλεσ, ςτθν αρχι ζχουν άςπρο χρϊμα, , όταν περάςει λίγοσ καιρόσ γίνονται κιτρινωπζσ, κι όταν περάςει πολφσ καιρόσ γίνεται καφζ χρϊμα.

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The kyrithres that make outside kantineles the beginning have white color, when you get some time become yellowish, and when a long time becomes brown. Os kyrithres que fazem fora kantineles o início têm cor branca, quando chegar algum tempo se tornam amarelados, e quando um longo tempo se torna marrom.

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Ραρατθροφμε προςεχτικά τισ κθρφκρεσ Observe atentamente os favos de mel Observe carefully the honeycombs

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Οι κθρικρεσ μοςχοβολοφν μζλι.

estes perfume favos de mel.

these honeycombs honey scent.

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Για τθν μεταφορά των μελιςςϊν ςε μεγαλφτερεσ κυψζλεσ, επειδι ζγιναν πολλζσ και δεν χωράνε ςτθν μικρι κυψζλθ, γίνεται με πολλι προςοχι από τον μελιςςοκόμο. Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, βρίςκει τθν βαςίλιςςα και τθν μεταφζρει με ζνα ειδικό δοχείο, ςτθν άλλθ κυψζλθ.

For transportation of bees in larger cells, because they were many and not fit in the small cell, made very carefully by the beekeeper. The beekeeper finds the queen and transfers it to a special container to another cell.

Para o transporte das abelhas em células maiores, porque eles eram muitos e não caber na pequena célula, feita com muito cuidado pelo apicultor. O apicultor encontra a rainha e transfere-a para um recipiente especial para outra célula.

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Εδϊ βλζπουμε αυτό το ειδικό δοχείο, από τισ δφο πλευρζσ του. Στο δοχείο αυτό μεταφζρουν οι μελιςςοκόμοι, τθν βαςίλιςςα μζλιςςα ςε άλλθ κυψζλθ.

Aqui vemos este recipiente especial, de ambos os lados. Neste navio efectuadas pelos apicultores, a abelha rainha para outra célula.

Here we see this special container, from both sides. In this vessel carried by beekeepers, the queen bee to another cell.

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Οι μζλιςςεσ και θ γφρθ των λουλουδιϊν. οι μζλιςςεσ ζχουν ςτο ςτόμα τουσ, κάτι ςαν προβοςκίδα, που ρουφοφν τθν γφρθ των λουλουδιϊν. Κζλουν τθν γφρθ για να φάνε, και να ταΐςουν τισ μζλιςςεσ ςτθν κυψζλθ. Ππωσ εμείσ οι άνκρωποι τρϊμε φαγθτά και πρζπει να τρϊμε για να ζχουμε δυνάμεισ, ζτςι και οι μζλιςςεσ τρϊνε. Τρϊνε γφρθ από τα δζντρα και τα λουλοφδια. Ζχουν ςτο ςτόμα τουσ, κάτι που μοιάηει με προβοςκίδα, και εδϊ ςτθν Σκφρο, το λζμε γοφςα. Με τθ γοφςα ρουφοφν τθν γφρθ. Τθν γφρθ, τθν μεταφζρουν με τα δυο μπροςτινά τουσ πόδια, μζςα ςτθν κυψζλθ για να φάνε και οι άλλεσ μζλιςςεσ. Οι μελιςςοκόμοι, τοποκετοφν, μία παγίδα ςτθν είςοδο τθσ κυψζλθσ για να μαηζψουν τα κομμάτια τθσ γφρθσ που ξεφεφγουν από τα πόδια των μελιςςϊν. Αυτζσ οι παγίδεσ λζγονται γυρεοπαγίδεσ, δθλαδι παγίδεσ για τθν γφρθ. Θ γφρθ, ζχει πολλζσ βιταμίνεσ , και είναι πολφ ωφζλιμθ να τθν τρϊνε οι άνκρωποι. The bees and pollen of flowers.

bees have in their mouth, something like proboscis, sucking the pollen of flowers. They want the pollen to eat, and to feed the bees in the hive. As we humans eat food and must eat to have powers, so the bees eat. They eat pollen from trees and flowers. They have in their mouth, something like proboscis, and here in Skyros, say tastes. With tastes suck the pollen. Pollen, transfer it with the two front legs, inside the hive to eat and the other bees. Beekeepers, place, a trap at the entrance of the hive to collect the pieces of pollen escape from the bees away. These traps are called gyreopagides, that traps pollen. Pollen has many vitamins, and it is very useful to eat people.

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As abelhas e pólen das flores. abelhas têm em sua boca, algo como tromba, sugando o pólen das flores. Eles querem que o pólen para comer, e para alimentar as abelhas na colméia. À medida que os seres humanos comem comida e deve comer para ter poderes, de modo que as abelhas comer. Eles comem o pólen de árvores e flores. Eles têm em sua boca, algo como tromba, e aqui em Skyros, dizem os gostos. Com gostos sugar o pólen. Pólen, transferi-la com as duas patas da frente, dentro da colmeia para comer e as outras abelhas. Apicultores, lugar, uma armadilha na entrada da colméia para coletar os pedaços de fuga pólen das abelhas de distância. Estas armadilhas são chamados gyreopagides, que intercepta pólen. Pólen tem muitas vitaminas, e é muito útil para comer pessoas.

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Ραρατθριςαμε προςεχτικά τθν γφρθ και δοκιμάςαμε τθ γεφςθ τθσ. Είχε πολφ όμορφθ οςμι Observou atentamente o pólen e provei o sabor. Ela era muito bonita cheiro Carefully observed the pollen and tasted the flavor. She was very beautiful smell

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Οι βαςίλιςςεσ μζλιςςεσ ηουν περίπου 3 χρόνια. Πταν καταλάβουν πωσ γζραςαν πολφ και πρζπει να δϊςουν τθν κζςθ τουσ ςε άλλεσ βαςίλιςςεσ μζλιςςεσ, τότε κάνουν μεγαλφτερα κελιά για να γεννθκοφν βαςίλιςςεσ μζλιςςεσ. Ταΐηουν τισ νζεσ βαςίλιςςεσ με βαςιλικό πολτό. Ο βαςιλικόσ πολτόσ, ζχει πολλζσ βιταμίνεσ. Τον βαςιλικό πολτό τον φτιάχνουν οι εργάτριεσ μζλιςςεσ, ωσ τροφι για τθ μελλοντικι βαςίλιςςα. Εκκρίνεται από ειδικοφσ αδζνεσ του φάρυγγα των εργατριϊν μελιςςϊν. Με τον βαςιλικό πολτό τρζφονται οι προνφμφεσ μελιςςϊν, οι οποίεσ κα γίνουν βαςίλιςςεσ.

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The queen bees live about three years. When you understand how much and grow old must give way to other queen bees, then make larger cells to be born queen bees. They feed the new queen with royal jelly. Royal jelly has many vitamins. In the make royal jelly worker bees as food for the future queen. Secreted by special glands in the pharynx of worker bees. With royal jelly bees feed the larvae, which will become queens.

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As abelhas rainhas vivem cerca de três anos. Quando você entender o quanto e envelhecer deve dar lugar a outras abelhas rainhas, em seguida, fazer células maiores para ser abelhas rainhas nascidos. Eles alimentam a nova rainha com geléia real. A geléia real tem muitas vitaminas. Nos make abelhas operárias geléia real como alimento para a futura rainha. Secretado por glândulas especiais na faringe das abelhas operárias. Com abelhas geléia real alimentar as larvas, que se tornará rainhas.

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το κερί είναι μια ουςία που παράγει θ μζλιςςα από τουσ κθρογόνουσ αδζνεσ, οι οποίοι βρίςκονται ςτθν κοιλιά τθσ. Από τουσ κθρογόνουσ αδζνεσ το κερί βγαίνει ςε λζπια, που θ μζλιςςα πιάνει με τα πόδια τθσ, τα φζρνει ςτο ςτόμα τθσ και τα πλάκει με τα ςιαγόνεσ τθσ για να ςχθματίςει τισ κερικρεσ.

a cera é uma substância produzida pelas abelhas a partir glândulas querogênio, que se encontram em sua barriga. Das glândulas querogênio cera vem em flocos, a abelha chega a seus pés, ela traz em sua boca e cria a mandíbula para formar os favos de mel.

the wax is a substance produced by bees from kerogen glands, which lie on her belly. Of the kerogen glands wax comes in flakes, the bee gets to her feet, she brings in her mouth and creates the jaw to form the honeycombs.

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Το κερί τθσ μζλιςςασ ζχει πολφ όμορφο άρωμα! The beeswax is very nice scent! A cera de abelha é muito agradável perfume!

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Αν ηεςτάνουμε ςε φωτιά τθν κθρικρα, κα λιϊςει. Κα γίνει από ςτερεό , υγρό. Ζνα παχφρευςτο υγρό. Οι άνκρωποι βάηουν αυτό το υγρό ςε ειδικά δοχεία, που λζγονται καλοφπια κεριϊν. Πταν κρυϊςει το υγρό κερί, κα γίνει ςτερεό και κα πάρει το ςχιμα του καλουπιοφ. Το βγάηουμε από το καλοφπι και φτιάξαμε κερί.

Se você se aquecer para disparar o favo de mel vai derreter. Será de sólido, líquido. Um fluido viscoso. As pessoas colocam esse líquido em recipientes especiais, chamados de moldes de vela. Quando a cera fria líquido será contínuo e vai tomar a forma do molde. Retire do molde e fizemos vela.

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If you warm up to fire the honeycomb will melt. It will be of solid, liquid. A viscous fluid. People put this liquid in special containers, called candle molds. When cool liquid wax will be solid and will take the shape of the mold. Remove from the mold and we made candle.

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Οι μζλιςςεσ φτιάχνουν και τθν πρόπολθ. Θ πρόπολθ είναι κολλϊδθσ ουςία, δθλαδι άμα τθ πιάςεισ κολλάει, όπωσ θ ρετςίνα των πεφκων που ζχουμε ςτθν αυλι του ςχολείου. Οι μζλιςςεσ μαηεφουν ουςίεσ από τα φυτά, τισ πθγαίνουν ςτθν κυψζλθ, προςκζτουν κερί και γφρθ. Και φτιάχνουν ζτςι τθν πρόπολθ, για να κακαρίςουν τθν κυψζλθ τουσ. Το χρϊμα τθσ πρόπολθσ μπορεί να είναι κίτρινο, πράςινο, πορτοκαλί, ςκοφρο καφζ. Π μελιςςοκόμοσ ζδειξε ςε εμάσ ςβόλο πρόπολθσ, ςε χρϊμα ςκοφρο καφζ. Ο μεγάλοσ γιατρόσ τθσ αρχαιότθτασ, ο Λπποκράτθσ, ζλεγε για τθν πρόπολθ ότι βοθκάει ςτα εγκαφματα. Κάποια παιδιά είπαν ςτον μελιςςοκόμο, ότι ζχουν βάλει αλοιφι με πρόπολθ όταν κάθκε το χζρι τουσ.

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The bees make and propolis. Propolis is a sticky substance, ie when the catch crashes, like retsina pine we have in the school yard. Bees gather substances from plants, go to the cell, add wax and pollen. And so they make propolis, to clean their hive. The color of the propolis can be yellow, green, orange, dark brown. Everything beekeeper showed us clod propolis, to dark brown. The great physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, said to propolis that helps burns. Some children said beekeepers that have put ointment with propolis when their hand was burned.

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As abelhas fazem e própolis. A própolis é uma substância pegajosa, ou seja, quando as falhas de captura, como retsina pinho que temos no pátio da escola. As abelhas colhem substâncias de plantas, vá para o celular, adicione cera e pólen. E assim eles fazem própolis, para limpar sua colmeia. A cor da própolis pode ser amarela, verde, laranja, marrom escuro. Tudo apicultor nos mostrou própolis torrão, ao marrom escuro. O grande médico da antiguidade, Hipócrates, disse a própolis que ajuda queimaduras. Algumas crianças disseram apicultores que puseram pomada com própolis quando sua mão foi queimado.

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Αλοιφζσ πρόπολθσ που φτιάχνει ο μελιςςοκόμοσ για τθν κεραπεία των εγκαυμάτων.

Pomadas própolis que faz com que o apicultor para tratar queimaduras. Ointments propolis that makes the beekeeper to treat burns.

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Τα προϊόντα που παίρνουμε από τισ μζλιςςεσ. Μζλι, κθρφκρα, γφρθ, πρόπολθ, κερί και το δθλθτιριο. Το δθλθτιριο βρίςκεται ςτο κεντρί των μελιςςϊν. Με το δθλθτιριο τθσ μζλιςςασ, κάποιοι επιςτιμονεσ που λζγονται χθμικοί επιςτιμονεσ, φτιάχνουν χριςιμα φάρμακα που βοθκοφν τον άνκρωπο.

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The products we get from bees. Honey, honeycomb, bee pollen, propolis, beeswax and venom. The poison is found in the sting of bees. The bee venom, some scientists called chemical art, make useful drugs that help humans.

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Os produtos que recebemos de abelhas. Mel, favo de mel, pólen de abelha, própolis, cera de abelha e veneno. O veneno é encontrado em a picada de abelhas. O veneno de abelha, alguns cientistas chamados arte química, tornar os medicamentos úteis que ajudam os seres humanos.

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Γνωρίςαμε επίςθσ τουσ εχκροφσ των μελιςςϊν.

Ο κθροςκόροσ

Θ αρκοφδα

Também conheci os inimigos de abelha. Os kiroskoros The Bear Also met the bee enemies. The kiroskoros The bear

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Οι ςκοφρκοι, μεγάλεσ ςφιγκεσ The skourkoi, large wasps O skourkoi, grandes vespas

Θ βαρρόα The varroa A varroa

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Το ςκακάρι O besouro The beetle

Τα μυρμιγκια Ants Ants

μεγάλεσ και μικρζσ κίτρινεσ ςφιγκεσ vespas amarelas grandes e pequenas large and small yellow wasps

Τα ποντίκια Mice Mice

Οι ςαφρεσ Lizards Lizards

Ο μελιςςοφάγοσ A abelha-comedor The bee-eater

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, μασ ζδειξε επίςθσ, τον παραδοςιακό τρόπο καταςκευισ κεριοφ των γιαγιάδων που με αυτό πιγαιναν ςτθν εκκλθςία. Μζχρι ςιμερα οι γιαγιάδεσ ςτο νθςί με αυτό το κερί πθγαίνουν ςτθν εκκλθςία.

The beekeeper also showed us the traditional candle manufacturing grandmothers that this was going to church. To date the grandmothers on the island this candle go to church.

O apicultor também nos mostrou a vela tradicional fabricação de avós que este estava indo à igreja. Até à data, as avós na ilha esta vela ir à igreja.

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Οι γιαγιάδεσ τα πιο παλιά χρόνια, φφαιναν ςτον αργαλειό, μαλλί προβάτου και το ζκαναν λεπτζσ κλωςτζσ. Αυτζσ τισ κλωςτζσ τισ ζφτιαχναν ζτςι, ϊςτε να γίνουν φιτίλι. Βρικαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο, πολλζσ εικόνεσ από αργαλειό.

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Grandmothers of the oldest years, weaved in the loom, wool and did fine threads. These yarns used to make the way to become wick. We found on the internet, many images from the loom.

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Avós da dos anos mais antigos, tecida no tear, lãs e fez fios finos. Estes fios utilizados para fazer o caminho para se tornar pavio. Nós encontramos na internet, muitas imagens do tear.

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Φτιάξαμε κεριά από φυτίλι, και κερί. Τυλίξαμε και δζςαμε τθν μιαν άκρθ του φυτιλιοφ ςε ζνα κατςαβίδι για να ςτερεϊνεται. Τθν άλλθ άκρθ του φυτιλιοφ, τθν κρατοφςαμε πολφ γερά. Fizemos velas pavio e cera. Nós envolvemos e nós amarramos uma ponta do pavio em uma chave de fenda para ser corrigido. Na outra extremidade do pavio, ela realizada com muito rigor. We made candles wick and wax. We wrap and we tied one end of the wick into a screwdriver to be fixed. At the other end of the wick, held her very tightly

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Με ζνα μαχαίρι κόψαμε όςο φυτίλι χρειαηόμαςτε, και πιζςαμε με δφναμθ τθν άκρθ από το κατςαβίδι ςτο κζντρο του κεριοφ που ζχει βγει από το καλοφπι, χωρίσ να ζχει κάποιο ςχιμα. With a knife we cut wick as need, and pushed with force the tip of the screwdriver in the center of the candle that has come out of the mold without having any shape.

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Com uma faca que cortamos pavio como necessidade, e empurrou com força a ponta da chave de fenda no centro da vela que saiu do molde, sem ter qualquer forma.

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Ανάψαμε το γκάηι.

Βάλαμε το κερί πάνω από τθν φωτιά. Τα παιδιά παρατιρθςαν ότι το ςτερεό κερί με τθν κζρμανςθ, ζλιωνε και γινόταν υγρό.

Nós transformaram no acelerador. Com uma faca que cortamos pavio como necessidade, e empurrou com força a ponta da chave de fenda no centro da vela que saiu do molde, sem ter qualquer forma.

We turned on the accelerator. With a knife we cut wick as need, and pushed with force the tip of the screwdriver in the center of the candle that has come out of the mold without having any shape.

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Ο μελιςςοκόμοσ, ζκοβε με ζνα μαχαίρι το υγρό κερί, που ζμοιαηε με ηυμάρι, και το τοποκετοφςε μζςα ςε ζνα πιάτο. The beekeeper, cut with a knife liquid wax, resembling dough, and placed in a dish. O apicultor, cortada com uma faca de cera líquida, assemelhando-se a massa de pão, e colocada num prato.

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Το κομμζνο με μαχαίρι κερί, ζμοιαηε με λεπτζσ φλοφδεσ.

A vela corte de faca, parecia uma casca fina.

The cut knife candle, looked like a thin peel.

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The same procedure several times until you get the amount of melted wax that we need. The cut knife candle, looked like a thin peel.

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Θ ίδια διαδικαςία, πολλζσ φορζσ, μζχρι να πάρουμε τθν ποςότθτα λιωμζνου κεριοφ που χρειαηόμαςτε.

O mesmo procedimento várias vezes até que você comece a quantidade de cera derretida que precisamos. A vela corte de faca, parecia uma casca fina.

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Το πιάτο γζμιςε. Ζνα πιάτο βακφ, είναι όςο κερί χρειάηονται θ γιαγιάδεσ ςτο νθςί μασ, για να φτιάξουν το κερί για τθν εκκλθςία. Συνθκίηουν από τα παλιά χρόνια να ζχουν αυτι τθ μονάδα μζτρθςθσ. Τα παλιά χρόνια μετροφςαν με ζνα πιλινο πιάτο.

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O prato está cheio. Um prato profundo é como a cera precisa dos avós na ilha para fazer a cera para a igreja. Acostumado desde os tempos antigos para ter esta unidade. Nos velhos tempos, eles contaram com um prato de barro.

The dish is full. A deep dish is as wax need the grandmothers on the island to make the wax for the church. Accustomed from ancient times to have this unit. In the old days they counted with a clay dish.

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Το πλάςιμο του κεριοφ κζλει δφναμθ και κάποιοσ να κρατά πολφ γερά τθν άκρθ του φυτιλιοφ. Εφκολθ όμωσ δουλειά, για τισ ςκλθραγωγθμζνεσ ςτθν φφςθ γιαγιάδεσ του νθςιοφ μασ.

The modeling of the candle power and wants someone to hold very tightly to the tip of the wick. But easy job for hardy in nature grandmothers of our island. A modelagem do poder de vela e quer alguém para segurar com muita firmeza à ponta do pavio. Mas fácil trabalho para Hardy em avós natureza de nossa ilha.

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Nosso cera começa a tomar sua forma final.

Our wax begins to take its final form.

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Το κερί μασ, αρχίηει να παίρνει τθν τελικι του μορφι.

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Σο κερί μασ, είναι ζτοιμο! Our wax is ready! Nosso cera está pronto!

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Αυτό το κερί οι γιαγιάδεσ του νθςιοφ το πλζκουν ςε δφο ςχιματα. Ανάλογα με το ςχιμα που κα δϊςουν ςτο κερί, δίνουν και το όνομα του. Esta cera avós da ilha de malha em duas formas. Dependendo da forma que vai dar a vela, dando o seu nome. This wax grandmothers of the island knit in two shapes. Depending on the shape that will give the candle, giving its name.

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Διπλάρι επειδι το πλάκουν ζτςι ϊςτε να φαίνεται ςαν να κρατοφν ςτο χζρι δφο κεριά. Το διπλάρι, ζχει δφο φιτίλια. Diplaris because the mold so it looks like they keep on hand two candles. The Diplaris has two wicks. Diplaris porque o molde de modo que parece que manter a mão duas velas. O Diplaris tem dois pavios.

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Διπλό ςτριφτάρι, με ζνα φυτίλι. Σο λζνε ζτςι, γιατί το ςτρίβουν δφο φορζσ. Giratório duplo, com um pavio. O que eles dizem, porque a virar duas vezes. Double swivel, with a wick. The so they say, because the turning twice. .

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Το κερί είναι ακόμα εφπλαςτο, κζλει λίγεσ μζρεσ , να γίνει πιο ςκλθρό. Τα παιδιά πιζηουν το φρζςκο κερί και καταλαβαίνουν ότι είναι εφπλαςτο, επειδι παραμορφϊνεται και βουλιάηει ςτο ςθμείο που το ακουμποφν με το χζρι τουσ, ςχθματίηοντασ μικρζσ λακκοφβεσ. The candle is still supple, wants a few days, become harder. Children pushing fresh wax and understand that is ductile, because it deforms and sinks to the point where the rest of their hand, forming small puddles. A vela ainda é flexível, quer de alguns dias, tornar-se mais difícil. Crianças que empurram cera fresca e entender que é dúctil, porque ele se deforma e pias para o ponto onde o resto da sua mão, formando pequenas poças. .

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Δοκιμάςαμε μζλι και μασ άρεςε πολφ θ γεφςθ του.

Nós Experimentado mel e nós amamos a gosto.

We tasted honey and we loved the taste.

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Αρχαία Ελλάδα και μελιςςοκομία. Διιγθςθ του μφκου τθσ ονομαςίασ που οι αρχαίοι Ζλλθνεσ ζδιναν ςτον Κεό του Ολφμπου Δία. Τον ζλεγαν και ο Μελιςςαίο , χάρθ ςτισ ιερζσ μζλιςςεσ που τον μεγάλωςαν μζςα ςτθν ςπιλια ςτο ‘’Λδαίο Άντρο’’ τθσ Κριτθσ. Είδαμε εικόνεσ από Τθν ςπθλιά του Δία ςτο διαδίκτυο. Ancient Greece and beekeeping. Narration of the legend of the name the ancient Greeks gave to the god of Olympus Zeus. His name and Melissaio, thanks to the sacred bees who grew up in the caves 'Ideon Andron' of Crete. We saw pictures of his cave of Zeus on the internet.

Grécia e apicultura antiga. Narração da lenda do nome dos antigos gregos deram ao deus do Olimpo Zeus. Seu nome e Melissaio, graças às abelhas sagradas que cresceram nas cavernas 'Ideon Andron' de Creta. Vimos fotos de sua caverna de Zeus na internet.

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Είδαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο μια φανταςτικι απεικόνιςθ του Δία, που βρίςκεται ςτο μουςείο τθσ αρχαίασ Ολυμπίασ. Vimos na internet uma fantástica exibição de Zeus, localizado no Museu de Olímpia antiga. We saw on the internet a fantastic display of Zeus, located in the museum of ancient Olympia.

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Γνωρίςαμε μια παράδοςθ των αρχαίων Ελλινων. Θ παράδοςθ λζει ότι ςτθν είςοδο του Κάτω Κόςμου, ο νεκρόσ ζπρεπε να ζχει μαηί του, μζςα από τον ποταμό Αχζροντα, μια μελόπιτα για να θρεμιςει τον τρομερό φφλακα του Άδθ, τον Κζρβερο. Είδαμε ςτο διαδίκτυο εικόνεσ από ευριματα των αρχαιολόγων, ςχετικζσ με τον μφκο αυτό των αρχαίων Ελλινων. Ζνα άγαλμα και ζνα αγγείο

Nós conhecemos uma tradição dos antigos gregos. A tradição diz que a entrada para o submundo, o falecido deveria ter sido com ele através do rio Acheron, um pão de gengibre para acalmar a terrível guardião de Hades, Cerberus. Vimos as imagens on-line dos resultados de arqueólogos, relacionadas com o mito dos antigos gregos. Uma estátua e um vaso

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We met a tradition of the ancient Greeks. Tradition says that the entrance to the underworld, the deceased should have been with him through the River Acheron, a gingerbread to calm the terrible guardian of Hades, Cerberus. We have seen images online of findings of archaeologists, related to the myth of the ancient Greeks. A statue and a vase

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Διιγθςθ του μφκου « Δαίδαλοσ και Ίκαροσ», των αρχαίων Ελλινων. Μάκαμε για τα φτερά που καταςκεφαςε ο Δαίδαλοσ από κερί κθρφκρασ μελιςςϊν για τον ίδιο και το γιο του, Μκαρο. Ο Δαίδαλοσ είπε ςτον Μκαρο να μθν πλθςιάςει τον ιλιο πετϊντασ πολφ ψθλά, γιατί θ ηζςτθ κα λιϊςει τα φτερά. Ο Μκαροσ όμωσ, δεν άκουςε τον πατζρα του, πζταξε ψθλά, ο ιλιοσ ηζςτανε το κερί και αυτό ζλιωςε. Ο Μκαροσ ζπεςε ςτθ κάλαςςα. Είδαμε το ςχετικό βίντεο ςτο διαδίκτυο ςτθν θλεκτρονικι διεφκυνςθ

Narration of the myth "Daedalus and Icarus" of the ancient Greeks. We learned about the wings built by Daedalus wax honeycomb for him and his son, Icarus. Daedalus Icarus told not to approach the sun flying very high, as the heat will melt the wings. But Icarus not heard his father flew, the sun warmed up the candle and it melted. Icarus fell into the sea. We saw the video on the internet at

Narração do mito "Dédalo e Ícaro" dos gregos antigos. Aprendemos sobre as asas construídas por Daedalus cera do favo de mel para ele e seu filho, Ícaro. Daedalus Ícaro disse para não se aproximar do sol voando muito alto, como o calor vai derreter as asas. Mas Ícaro não ouviu seu pai voaram, o sol aqueceu a vela e derretia. Ícaro caiu no mar. Vimos o vídeo na internet em

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Σηα αξραία ρξόληα δνύζε ζηελ Αζήλα έλαο ζπνπδαίνο αξρηηέθηνλαο θαη γιύπηεο: ν Δαίδαινο. Έθηηαρλε ζαπκαζηά έξγα θαη πνιύ σξαία αγάικαηα. Ήηαλ ν πξώηνο πνπ έθηηαμε αγάικαηα κε αλνηρηά κάηηα θαη κε ην ζώκα ηνπο ζε δηάθνξεο ζηάζεηο. Ωο ηόηε ηα αγάικαηα ήηαλ όξζηα κε ελσκέλα ηα πόδηα θαη κε θνιιεκέλα ηα ρέξηα ζην ζώκα. Τα αγάικαηα ηνπ Δαίδαινπ είραλ θπζηθή νκνξθηά θαη έκνηαδαλ αιεζηλά. Η θήκε ηνπ Δαίδαινπ έθηαζε σο ηελ Κξήηε, όπνπ εθεί βαζηιηάο ήηαλ ν Μίλσαο. Ο βαζηιηάο ηεο Κξήηεο θάιεζε ηνλ νλνκαζηό Αζελαίν λα θαηαζθεπάζεη έλα νηθνδόκεκα, ηέηνην πνπ λα κελ ππάξρεη άιιν παξόκνην. Πήγε ινηπόλ ζηελ Κξήηε ν Δαίδαινο θαη έθηηαμε έλα πνιύπινθν θηίξην, ην ιαβύξηλζν. Ήηαλ ηεξάζηην θαη ιακπξό αλάθηνξν κε 1.300 δηακεξίζκαηα, αίζνπζεο, δσκάηηα, απιέο θαη απνζήθεο. Ο βαζηιηάο Μίλσαο όκσο θνβήζεθε κήπσο θύγεη ν Δαίδαινο θαη πάεη ζε άιιε ρώξα λα θηηάμεη έλα παξόκνην αλάθηνξν κε ην ιαβύξηλζν. Γη' απηό ηνλ έθιεηζε καδί κε ην γην ηνπ Ίθαξν κέζα ζην παιάηη θαη δελ ηνλ άθελε λα θύγεη. Ο εθεπξεηηθόο Δαίδαινο άξρηζε λα ζθέθηεηαη κε πνηνλ ηξόπν ζα κπνξνύζαλ λα θύγνπλ από ην λεζί. Ο Δαίδαινο ηόηε δήηεζε λα ηνπ δώζνπλ θεξί γηα λα θηηάμεη ηάρα έλα σξαίν έξγν.

Με ην θεξί απηό έθηηαμε θηεξά, ηα θόιιεζαλ ζηνπο ώκνπο ηνπο θαη πέηαμαλ καθξηά. Σηνλ Ίθαξν είρε πεη λα κελ αλέβαηλε ςειά γηαηί ζα ιηώζνπλ ηα θέξηλα θηεξά από ηε δέζηε ηνπ ήιηνπ. Ο Ίθαξνο όκσο δελ άθνπζε ηνλ παηέξα ηνπ, αλέβεθε ςειά, ηνπ έιησζαλ ηα θηεξά θαη πλίγεθε ζηε ζάιαζζα θνληά ζε έλα λεζί. Από ηόηε ε ζάιαζζα πνπ πλίγεθε ν Ίθαξνο ζην αλαηνιηθό Αηγαίν νλνκάζηεθε Ιθάξην πέιαγνο θαη ην λεζί όπνπ ζάθηεθε Ιθαξία.


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O MITO DA Dédalo e Ícaro Nos tempos antigos, ele viveu em Atenas um grande arquiteto e escultor: Daedalus. Ele fez maravilhas e muito agradáveis estátuas. Ele foi o primeiro que fez estátuas com os olhos abertos e com seus corpos em várias poses. Até então, as estátuas estavam em pé com as pernas unidas e enfiou as mãos no corpo. As estátuas de Daedalus tinha beleza natural e parecia real. A reputação de Dédalo chegou a Creta, onde ele era o rei Minos. Rei de Creta, o famoso ateniense chamado para construir um edifício, de modo que não há outro como ele. Então ela foi para Creta, Dédalo e construiu um edifício complexo, labirinto. Foi palácio enorme e brilhante com 1.300 apartamentos, salões, quartos, pátios e armazéns. Mas o rei Minos temia licença Daedalus e ir para outro país para construir um palácio semelhante no labirinto. Isso \\\ 'isso acabou com seu filho Ícaro no palácio e não deixá-lo ir. O inventivo Dédalo começou a pensar como eles poderiam sair da ilha. Daedalus, então, pediu para dar cera para fixar supostamente um projeto agradável. A vela é feita asas, preso aos seus ombros e voou para longe. Em Ícaro que ela lhe disse para não ir para o alto, porque eles vão derreter as asas de cera do calor do sol. Ícaro não ouviu seu pai, subiu, suas asas derreteram e se afogou no mar perto de uma ilha. Desde então, o mar afogou Icarus no Mar Egeu oriental chamado Icarian Mar e da ilha, onde ele foi enterrado Ikaria.

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In ancient times he lived in Athens a great architect and sculptor: Daedalus. He made marvels and very nice statues. He was the first who made statues with open eyes and with their bodies in various poses. Until then the statues were standing with joined legs and stuck his hands in the body. The statues of Daedalus had natural beauty and seemed real. The reputation of Daedalus arrived to Crete, where he was king Minos. King of Crete, the famous Athenian called to construct a building, so that there is no other like it. So she went to Crete, Daedalus and built a complex building, Maze. It was huge and brilliant palace with 1,300 apartments, halls, rooms, courtyards and warehouses. But the king Minos feared Daedalus leave and go to another country to build a similar palace in the maze. That \ 'this ended with his son Icarus in the palace and did not let him go. The inventive Daedalus began to think how they could leave the island. Daedalus then asked to give wax to fix supposedly a nice project. The candle is made wings, stuck to their shoulders and flew away. In Icarus she had told him not to go up high because they will melt the wax wings from the heat of the sun. Icarus did not hear his father, climbed up, his wings melted and drowned in the sea near an island. Since then the sea drowned Icarus in the eastern Aegean Sea called Icarian Sea and the island where he was buried Ikaria.

THE MYTH OF Daedalus and Icarus

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ξφδι. λεπτόρευςτο υγρό, γιατί βγαίνει πρϊτο αν κάνει αγϊνα ταχφτθτασ με το μζλι και το λάδι. ζχει καφζ ανοιχτό χρϊμα, μυρίηει πολφ, και είναι ξινό. υπάρχει και

υγρό ξφδι με άςπρο χρϊμα. το ξφδι το φτιάχνουν από το κραςί. το κραςί το φτιάχνουν από τα ςταφφλια. το ξφδι διαλφεται ςτο νερό και το κραςί διαλφεται ςτο

νερό επίςθσ.

vinegar. thin liquid, because if he does comes first race with honey and oil. It is light brown color, smells a lot, and it is sour. there is liquid vinegar with white. vinegar made from wine. the wine is made from grapes. vinegar dissolves in water and wine is dissolved in water also.

vinagre. líquido fino, porque se ele faz vem primeira corrida com mel e óleo. É cor marrom claro, cheira muito, e é azedo. existe líquido com vinagre branco. vinagre feito de vinho. o vinho é feito de uvas. vinagre dissolve-se em água e vinho é dissolvido em água também.

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κραςί. υγρό υλικό. εάν ζνα παιδί κρατά ςτο χζρι του ζνα βάηο μζλι, και εάν ζνα άλλο παιδί κρατά ςτο χζρι του ζνα ίδιο βάηο με κραςί, και τθν ίδια ακριβϊσ ςτιγμι τα δφο παιδιά χφςουν τα δφο υγρά ςε δφο λεκάνεσ, και τα υγρά αυτά κάνουν αγϊνεσ ταχφτθτασ, τότε το υγρό κραςί κα κυλιςει γριγορα και κα φτάςει πρϊτο ςτθ λεκάνθ, ενϊ το υγρό μζλι κα κυλιςει αργά και κα φτάςει δεφτερο ςτθ λεκάνθ. νικθτισ ςε αυτόν τον αγϊνα ταχφτθτασ είναι το υγρό κραςί. τα υγρά που κυλοφν αργά ςαν το μζλι τα λζνε παχφρευςτα υγρά, ενϊ τα υγρά που τρζχουν γριγορα ςαν το κραςί, τα λζνε, λεπτόρευςτα υγρά.

wine. liquid material. if a child holds in his hand a honey jar, if another child holds in his hand a same jar of wine, and at the very moment the two children pour two liquids in two basins, and these fluids make racing, then the liquid wine will flow quickly and will reach first in the basin, and the liquid honey will flow slowly and reach second basin. winner in this sprint is the liquid wine. liquid flowing slowly like honey talking viscous liquids and liquids quickly run like wine, they say, Thin liquids.

vinho. material líquido. se uma criança tem na mão um frasco de mel, se outra criança segura na mão um mesmo pote de vinho, e, no momento em que as duas crianças derramar dois líquidos em duas bacias, e estes fluidos fazer corridas, em seguida, o vinho líquido irá fluir rapidamente e vai chegar primeiro na bacia, eo mel líquido irá fluir lentamente e chegar a segunda bacia. vencedor desta corrida é o vinho líquido. líquido que flui lentamente, como mel falando líquidos viscosos e líquidos executar rapidamente como o vinho, dizem eles, líquidos finos.

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ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ηωγραφίςουν ζνα ςτερεό, ζνα υγρό κι ζνα αζριο υλικό, όποιο κζλουν.

Eu pedi as crianças para desenhar um sólido, um líquido e um material de gás, o que eles querem.

I asked the children to draw a solid, a liquid and a gas material, whichever they want.

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το παιδί αυτό ηωγράφιςε ζνα μαρκαδόρο ωσ ςτερεό υλικό, λάδι μζςα ςε ζνα μπουκάλι ωσ υγρό και τον αζρα που βρίςκεται μζςα ςτο μπουκάλι, ωσ αζριο. τα παιδιά επίςθσ, ζνωςαν τισ τελείεσ, προςπακϊντασ να γράψουν τθν λζξθ..... υλικά. this child painted a marker as a solid material oil into a bottle as a liquid and air in the bottle, as a gas. children also joined the dots, while trying to write the word ..... materials. esta criança pintado um marcador como um óleo material sólido dentro de uma garrafa como um líquido e de ar na garrafa, como um gás. as crianças também se juntou os pontos, durante a tentativa de escrever a palavra ..... materiais.

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τραπζηι, ωσ ςτερεό, αρωματικό υγρό ( κολόνια ), ωσ υγρό, αζρασ μζςα ςτο μπαλόνι ωσ αζριο. table, as a solid, liquid aromatic (colon), as a liquid, air in the balloon is a gas. tabela, como um sólido, líquido aromático (cólon), tal como um líquido, o ar no balão é um gás.

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τοφβλο, ωσ ςτερεό, λάδι μζςα ςε μπουκάλι, ωσ υγρό και αζρασ μζςα ςε πλαςτικι ςακοφλα, ωσ αζριο brick, a solid, oil in the bottle as water and air in a plastic bag, a gas tijolo, um sólido, óleo na garrafa como água e ar num saco de plástico, um gás

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κοκαλάκι για τα μαλλιά ωσ ςτερεό, λάδι μζςα ςτο μπουκάλι ωσ υγρό και αζρασ μζςα ςε ζνα μπαλόνι, ωσ αζριο. hair clips as a solid oil in the bottle as the liquid and air in a balloon, as a gas. grampos de cabelo como um óleo sólido na garrafa quando o líquido e o ar em um balão, tal como um gás.

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ξφλο ωσ ςτερεό, νερό μζςα ςε ζνα ποτιρι ωσ υγρό, αζρασ μζςα ςτο μπαλόνι ωσ αζριο. A madeira como um sólido, num copo de água para o fluido, o ar no balão é um gás. Wood as a solid, water in a glass to fluid, air in the balloon is a gas.

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ζνασ μαρκαδόροσ, ωσ ςτερεό, ζνα γεμάτο με νερό ποτιρι ωσ υγρό, αζρασ μζςα ςε ζνα μπουκάλι, ωσ αζριο A marker, as a solid, a glass filled with water as liquid, air in a bottle, a gas Um marcador, tal como um sólido, um copo cheio com água como líquido, do ar em uma garrafa, um gás

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Μια μικρι πζτρα ωσ ςτερεό, ζνα μπουκάλι εντελϊσ γεμάτο με νερό ωσ υγρό κι ζνα μπαλόνι με αζρα, ωσ αζριο. Uma pequena pedra como um sólido, um frasco completamente cheio de água e um balão de arcomo um líquido A small stone as a solid, a bottle completely filled with water and a balloon with air, as a liquid

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Το εξωτερικό μζροσ ενόσ μπουκαλιοφ ωσ ςτερεό. Θ πορτοκαλάδα μζςα ςτο ποτιρι ωσ υγρό, το εςωτερικό ενόσ φουςκωμζνου μπαλονιοφ. The outer part of a bottle as a solid. Orange juice in the glass as the liquid, the interior of an inflated balloon A parte exterior de uma garrafa como um sólido. O sumo de laranja no vidro como o líquido, o interior de um balão inflado

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ζνα πλαςτικό τουβλάκι ωσ ςτερεό, νερό ςε ποτιρι, ωσ υγρό, μπαλόνι με αζρα, ωσ αζριο. a plastic as a solid brick, water glass, a liquid, a balloon with air, as a gas. um plástico como um tijolo sólido, vidro de água, um líquido, um balão com ar, como um gás.

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το εξωτερικό τμιμα ενόσ μπουκαλιοφ ωσ ςτερεό, το νερό μζςα ςτο μπουκάλι, ωσ υγρό, ο αζρασ μζςα ςε ζνα μπουκάλι το οποίο ζχει νερό ωσ τθ μζςθ, ωσ αζριο. ζχει νερό και αζρα. the inner portion of a bottle as a solid, the water in the bottle, as a liquid, the air inside a bottle which has water as the average, as a gas. is water and air. a porção interna de uma garrafa como um sólido, a água na garrafa, como um líquido, o ar no interior de um frasco, que tenha a água como a média, como um gás. é a água eo ar.

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μία πζτρα ωσ ςτερεό, το νερό μζςα ςε ζνα ποτιρι ωσ υγρό, ο αζρασ μζςα ςε ζνα μπαλόνι, ωσ αζριο. one stone as solid, water in a glass of a liquid, the air inside a balloon, as a gas. uma pedra como sólido, água numa taça de um líquido, o ar dentro de um balão, tal como um gás.

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τα παιδιά, ταξινόμθςαν τα υλικά ςτθν γωνιά. ζπαιρνα κάποιο υλικό, το ζδειχνα ςτα παιδιά, μου ζλεγαν τθν ονομαςία κάκε υλικοφ, τοποκετοφςαν τα ίδια υλικά μαηί, και φτιάξαμε μία τακτοποιθμζνθ γωνιά.

crianças, as matérias classificadas na esquina. Eu recebo algum material, eu mostrei para as crianças, me dizendo o nome de qualquer material, colocado os mesmos materiais em conjunto, e fazer um canto limpo.

children, classified materials in corner. I get some material, I showed it to the children, telling me the name of any material, placed the same materials together, and make a neat corner.

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fragile, earthen materials

frágeis, materiais de barro

εφκραυςτα, πιλινα υλικά




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Candle Vela κερί




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hard material nature natureza material duro ςκλθρό υλικό τθσ φφςθσ

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pequeno grão sólido solid small grain ςτερεά ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ

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solids with large grains sólidos com grandes grãos

ςτερεά με μεγάλουσ κόκκουσ

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Wood Ξφλο


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viscous liquids líquidos viscosos

παχφρευςτα υγρά

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líquidos suavemente gently liquids απαλά υγρά

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Για να κατανοιςουν τθν διαφορά ανάμεςα ςτα παχφρευςτα και ςτα ελαφριά υγρά, πρότεινα ςτα παιδιά να παίξουμε ζνα παιχνίδι. Το παιχνίδι αυτό, είναι ζνασ αγϊνασ δρόμου. Κα διαγωνιςτοφν μεταξφ τουσ, το μζλι και το ξφδι. Ροιοσ νομίηετε ότι κα φτάςει πρϊτοσ ςτο τζρμα? Το μζλι ι το ξφδι? Πλα τα παιδιά είπαν πωσ κα νικιςει το μζλι. Κι όταν ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά, να μου εξθγιςουν γιατί πιςτεφουν ότι κα νικιςει το μζλι, τα παιδιά απάντθςαν, επειδι είναι πιο νόςτιμο από το ξφδι και πιο γλυκό. Είπα ςτα παιδιά: το μζλι, και το ξφδι, το κακζνα είναι ςτο δοχείο του. Αν ζνα παιδί κρατά το δοχείο με το μζλι και κάποιο άλλο παιδί το δοχείο με το ξφδι, και ρίξουν τθν ίδια ςτιγμι, τα υγρά που κρατοφν ςτο χζρι τουσ, ςε δφο διαφορετικζσ λεκάνεσ, από το ίδιο φψοσ, ποιο υγρό κα πζςει πρϊτο ςτθ λεκάνθ το μζλι ι το ξφδι? Ροιο υγρό από τα δφο κα κυλιςει πιο γριγορα για να φτάςει πρϊτο ςτθν λεκάνθ, και ποιο υγρό κα κυλιςει πιο αργά και κα φτάςει δεφτερο ςτθν λεκάνθ? Τότε κάποια από τα παιδιά, είπαν ότι πρϊτο ςτθν λεκάνθ κα φτάςει το ξφδι. Ρρότεινα να κάνουμε ςτθν πράξθ αυτόν τον αγϊνα και τα παιδιά δζχτθκαν με χαρά, φωνάηοντασ ςυνκιματα για τθν δικι του ομάδα. Τα παιδιά λοιπόν, ανάλογα με τθν άποψθ τουσ, χωρίςτθκαν ςε δφο ομάδεσ, θ ομάδα μζλι, κρατοφςε ζνα χαρτάκι με το γράμμα Μ, και θ ομάδα ξφδι, με το γράμμα Ξ. Και ο αγϊνασ δρόμου μζλι – ξφδι, άρχιςε.

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To understand the difference between viscous and light liquids, recommend children to play a game. This game is a race. They will compete with each other, honey and vinegar. Who do you think will come first to the finish; Honey or vinegar; All children said they would beat honey. And when I asked the children to explain why I think they will beat honey, the children answered, because it is tastier than vinegar and more dessert. I said to the children: honey and vinegar, each is in its container. If a child holding the container with honey and another child container with vinegar, and throw the same time, the liquid holding in their hand in two different areas, of the same height, which liquid will be dropped first in the basin honey or vinegar; Then some of the children, said that in the first basin will reach vinegar. What liquid one will roll faster to reach first in the basin, and what liquid will roll more slowly and will reach the second bowl; I proposed to do in practice this fight and the kids received with joy, shouting slogans for the own team. The children then, according to their terms, were divided into two groups, the honey group, clutching a piece of paper with the letter M, and the vinegar group, with the letter O. And the race honey - vinegar, began.

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Para entender a diferença entre líquidos viscosos e leves, recomendar crianças para jogar um jogo. Este jogo é uma corrida. Eles irão competir uns com os outros, mel e vinagre. Quem você acha que vai vir em primeiro lugar para o acabamento; Mel ou vinagre; Todas as crianças disseram que iriam bater mel. E quando eu perguntei as crianças para explicar porque eu acho que eles vão bater o mel, as crianças responderam, porque é mais saboroso do que vinagre e mais sobremesa. Eu disse às crianças: mel e vinagre, cada um está em seu recipiente. Se uma criança segurando o recipiente com mel e um outro recipiente criança com vinagre, e jogar ao mesmo tempo, o líquido segurando na sua mão em duas áreas distintas, da mesma altura, que o líquido será descartado pela primeira vez na bacia mel ou vinagre; O que um líquido vai rolar mais rápido para chegar primeiro na bacia, e que o líquido vai rolar mais lentamente e vai chegar à segunda taça; Em seguida, algumas das crianças, disse que na primeira bacia chegará vinagre. Propus a fazer, na prática, essa luta e as crianças receberam com alegria, gritando palavras de ordem para a própria equipe. As crianças, então, de acordo com seus termos, foram divididos em dois grupos, o grupo de mel, segurando um pedaço de papel com a letra M, e do grupo de vinagre, com a letra O. E o mel corrida - vinagre, começou.

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Οχτϊ παιδιά πιςτεφουν ότι το μζλι κα φτάςει πρϊτο ςτθν λεκάνθ. ζξι παιδιά, ότι το ξφδι κα φτάςει πρϊτο ςτθ λεκάνθ. Ο αγϊνασ δρόμου άρχιςε.

Eight children believe that honey will arrive first in the basin. six children, that vinegar will arrive first in the basin. The race began.

Oito crianças acreditam que o mel vai chegar primeiro na bacia. seis filhos, que o vinagre vai chegar primeiro na bacia. A corrida começou.

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Σκζφτθκα να βάλω τα δφο υλικά ςε δφο ίδια δοχεία, όμωσ δεν υπιρχαν ςτο ςχολείο μασ. Ζτςι, χρθςιμοποίθςα τα υλικά, ςτα δοχεία που τα είχαμε τοποκετιςει μαηί με τα παιδιά ςτθν γωνιά φυςικϊν επιςτθμϊν. Το ξφδι ςτο μπουκάλι, το μζλι ςτο δοχείο. I thought I put the two materials in two identical containers, but do not exist in our school. So, I used materials, the containers that we put together with the children in the corner science. The vinegar in the bottle, the honey in the container.

Eu pensei que eu coloquei os dois materiais em dois recipientes idênticos, mas não existem em nossa escola. Então, eu usei materiais, os recipientes que colocamos junto com as crianças na ciência canto. O vinagre na garrafa, o mel no recipiente.

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Το πείραμα απζτυχε. Θ διαφορά των δοχείων, δυςκόλεψε τα παιδιά να κατανοιςουν τθν ταχφτθτα ροισ των δφο υγρϊν. Ρρότεινα ςτα παιδιά να ςκεφτοφν μία λφςθ, ϊςτε το πείραμα να είναι πιο δίκαιο. Αφοφ ζδωςα λίγο χρόνο ςτα παιδιά να ςκεφτοφν, ζνα παιδί πρότεινε κάτι: να βάλουμε ωσ τζρμα ςε αυτόν τον αγϊνα δρόμου των δφο υγρϊν, όχι τισ δφο μεγάλεσ λεκάνεσ, αλλά δφο πολφ μικρά ποτιρια. Να ςθμειϊςουμε ςε κάκε ποτιρι, μία γραμμι με ζνα μαρκαδόρο, και να ρίξουμε ςτα ποτιρια τα δφο υγρά. Πταν το κάκε υγρό φτάςει ωσ τθ γραμμι, τότε τα δφο παιδιά να ςθκϊςουν το ςθκϊςουν πάνω το ποτιρι που κρατοφν, για να δοφμε ποιοσ κα ςθκϊςει πρϊτοσ το ποτιρι του. Νομίηω ςιμερα γεννικθκε ζνασ νζοσ επιςτιμονασ. Ιμουν ζτοιμθ να ςταματιςω το πείραμα, και να το ςυνεχίςω τθν επόμενθ μζρα, βρίςκοντασ δφο ίδια δοχεία να βάλω τα υγρά, όμωσ θ πρόταςθ του παιδιοφ, ιταν θ αιτία να ςυνεχιςτεί το πείραμα, ακολουκϊντασ πλζον τισ οδθγίεσ του παιδιοφ που είχε αυτιν τθν ιδζα.

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O experimento fracassou. A diferença de recipientes, tornou difícil para as crianças a compreender a taxa de fluxo dos dois líquidos. Eu sugeri para as crianças a pensar de uma solução para que a experiência seja mais justa. Depois de um tempo eu dei as crianças a pensar, uma criança propôs uma coisa: para pôr cobro a esta corrida os dois líquidos, e não as duas grandes bacias, mas dois pequenos copos. Tomar nota em cada copo, uma linha com uma pena de marcador, e tirar os óculos dois líquidos. Quando todo o líquido atinge uma linha, em seguida, as duas crianças para levantar o elevador até a realização do copo, para ver quem iria primeiro levantar o seu copo. Eu acho que hoje um jovem cientista nasceu. Eu estava pronto para interromper a experiência, e para continuar no dia seguinte, encontrando dois recipientes idênticos para colocar os líquidos, mas sentença da criança foi a razão para continuar o experimento, seguindo mais as instruções da criança que teve essa idéia.

The experiment failed. The difference of containers, made it difficult for children to understand the flow rate of the two liquids. I suggested to the children to think of a solution so that the experiment be fairer. After a while I gave the children to think about, a child has proposed something: to put a stop to this race the two liquids, not the two large basins, but two small glasses. To note in each glass, a line with a marker pen, and take the glasses two liquids. When any liquid reaches a line, then the two children to lift the lift up the cup holding, to see who would first raise his glass. I think today a young scientist was born. I was ready to stop the experiment, and to continue the next day, finding two identical containers to put the liquids, but the child's sentence was the reason to continue the experiment, following longer the instructions of the child who had this idea.

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Σθμειϊςαμε με μαρκαδόρο, ςτο ίδιο φψοσ, τα δφο πολφ μικρά ποτιρια

We noted with a marker at the same level, the two small glasses

Notamos com um marcador no mesmo nível, os dois pequenos copos

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Δφο παιδιά κρατοφςαν τα δφο ποτιρια ςτα χζρια τουσ, και άλλα δφο παιδιά τα δοχεία με τα υγρά. Με μια ςφυρίχτρα, ζδωςα το ςφνκθμα τθσ ζναρξθσ, και τα παιδιά που ζριχναν τα υγρά μζςα ςτα δοχεία, παρατθροφςαν προςεχτικά τθ γραμμι ςτο ποτιρι, και ςταμάτθςαν όταν το υγρό που κρατοφςαν, ζφταςε ςτθ γραμμι.

Duas crianças que prendem dois vidros em suas mãos, e duas outras crianças recipientes com líquidos. Com um apito, eu dei o sinal para a abertura, e as crianças que jogaram líquido nos recipientes, observando cuidadosamente a linha no vidro, e parou quando o líquido contido, chegou à linha.

Two children holding two glasses in their hands, and two other children containers with liquids. With a whistle, I gave the signal for the opening, and the children who threw liquid in the containers, carefully observing the line in the glass, and stopped when the liquid held, reached the line.

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ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά: - Αν κάνουν τον ίδιο αγϊνα δρόμου, δφο άλλα υγρά, μζλι και νερό, ποιο από τα δφο υγρά

ρζει πιο γριγορα και κα φτάςει πρϊτο ςτθν γραμμι του τζρματοσ? - Το νερό, απάντθςαν όλα τα παιδιά. - Ζκανα και άλλθ ερϊτθςθ. - Ροιο από τα δφο υγρά το μζλι ι το λάδι κυλάει, ρζει πιο γριγορα? - Το λάδι, είπαν τα παιδιά. - Ζκανα και άλλθ ερϊτθςθ. - Ριο κυλάει πιο γριγορα το λάδι ι το νερό? - Το νερό, απάντθςαν όλα τα παιδιά. - Γιατί? Αυτό που το ξζρετε? ϊτθςα με απορία τα παιδιά. - Το λάδι είναι πιο χοντρό από το νερό, απάντθςαν τα παιδιά. Το πιο χοντρό υγρό, τρζχει

πιο αργά και το πιο λεπτό τρζχει πιο γριγορα. - το νερό ι θ πορτοκαλάδα κυλάει πιο γριγορα? ϊτθςα τα παιδιά. - Σε αυτιν τθν ερϊτθςθ, τρία παιδιά είπαν ότι θ πορτοκαλάδα είναι πιο παχιά και τρζχει

γρθγορότερα. Πλα τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά, εκτόσ από ζνα παιδί, είπαν ότι το νερό είναι πιο λεπτό, και τρζχει γρθγορότερα. Ζνα όμωσ παιδί, είπε ότι τα δφο αυτά υγρά, ζχουν το ίδιο πάχοσ και κα φτάςουν μαηί ςτο τζρμα, αν κάνουν αγϊνα ταχφτθτασ.

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I asked the children: Doing the same race, two other fluids, honey and water, which of the two liquids flow more quickly and will arrive first on the goal line; Water, answered all children. I had another question. Which one liquid honey or oil flowing, flow more quickly; The oil, said children. I had another question. More scrolls faster the oil or water; Water, answered all children. Why? What I know; I asked the children questions. The oil is thicker than water, they answered children. The thicker fluid runs slower and thinner running faster. water or orange juice flowing faster; I asked the children. In this question, three children said that orange juice is thicker and runs faster. All the other children, but one child, said that water is thinner, and running faster. But one child, said that these two fluids have the same thickness and will get together in the end, if you do sprint

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Perguntei aos filhos: Fazendo a mesma raça, dois outros fluidos, mel e água, qual dos dois líquidos fluem mais rapidamente e vai chegar primeiro na linha de meta; Água, respondeu todas as crianças. Eu tinha uma outra questão. Qual deles mel líquido ou óleo fluir, fluir mais rapidamente; O petróleo, disse que as crianças. Eu tinha uma outra questão. Mais rola mais rápido o óleo ou água; Água, respondeu todas as crianças. Por; O que eu sei; Eu pedi as crianças perguntas. O óleo é mais grosso do que a água, eles responderam crianças. O líquido mais espesso é executado em execução mais lenta e mais fino mais rápido. água ou suco de laranja fluindo mais rápido; Perguntei aos filhos. Nesta questão, três filhos, disse que o suco de laranja é mais espessa e corre mais rápido. Todas as outras crianças, mas uma criança, disse que a água é mais fino, e correr mais rápido. Mas uma criança, disse que esses dois fluidos têm a mesma espessura e vai se reunir no final, se você fizer Sprint

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Δραςτθριότθτα: επίςκεψθ ςτο μουςείο. Στόχοσ: να γνωρίςουν υλικά, τα οποία χρθςιμοποιοφςαν οι άνκρωποι τα παλιά χρόνια. Επιςκεφτικαμε το αρχαιολογικό μουςείο Σκφρου, και τα παιδιά παρατιρθςαν τα υλικά από τα οποία καταςκευάηονταν διάφορα αντικείμενα τα παλιά τα χρόνια. Στο μουςείο τα παιδιά παρατιρθςαν υλικά καταςκευαςμζνα από πθλό και τθν χριςθ τουσ. Υλικά από διάφορα μζταλλα ωσ εργαλεία, πολφτιμα μζταλλα, πολφτιμεσ πζτρεσ, μάρμαρο, πζτρεσ, και ξφλινεσ καταςκευζσ. Activity: visit to the museum. Objetivo: conhecer os materiais que as pessoas costumavam nos velhos tempos. We visited the archaeological museum of Skyros, and the kids noticed the materials of which manufactured various objects old days. In the museum the children noticed manufactures clay and use. Materials of different metals as tools, precious metals, precious stones, marble, stones, and wooden structures. Atividade: visita ao museu. Objective: to know materials that people used in the old days. Nós visitamos o museu arqueológico de Skyros, e as crianças percebeu os materiais dos quais fabricados vários objetos velhos tempos. No museu as crianças notado fabrica argila e uso. Materiais de diferentes metais como ferramentas, metais preciosos, pedras preciosas, mármore, pedras e estruturas de madeira.

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Κατά τθν ζξοδό μασ από το αρχαιολογικό μουςείο Σκφρου Ao deixar-nos do Museu Arqueológico de Skyros On leaving us from the Archaeological Museum of Skyros

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Σφονφλα από πθλό. Το ςφονδφλι είναι ςτρογγυλό και βαρφ ςϊμα που το ςτερεϊνουν ςτθ βάςθ του αδραχτιοφ για να διευκολφνει τθν κανονικι περιςτροφι του νιματοσ. Στθν Ελλάδα ζχουμε μια παροιμία για το ςφοντφλι. « Του ιρκε ο ουρανόσ ςφοντφλι», δθλαδι ότι κάποιοσ ηαλίςτθκε από απότομο χτφπθμα ι ότι ταράχτθκε πολφ από κάποιο απρόοπτο και δυςάρεςτο γεγονόσ.

Spindle whorls of clay. The spindles are rounded and heavy body that secure the base of the spindle to facilitate the normal rotation of the yarn. In Greece we have a Paros, one for the whorl. "He came heaven whorl", ie that someone stunned by sudden impact or very upset that some unexpected and unfortunate event.

Espirais do fuso de barro. Os fusos são arredondados e corpo pesado que fixar a base do fuso para facilitar a rotação normal do fio. Na Grécia temos uma Paros, um para a espira. "Ele veio céu whorl", ou seja, que alguém atordoado pelo impacto súbito ou muito chateado que algum evento inesperado e lamentável.

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Οικιακά ςκεφθ από πθλό. Household utensils of clay. Utensílios domésticos de barro.

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Βζλθ τόξων από μζταλλο. Τα χρθςιμοποιοφςαν κυρίωσ ςτο κυνιγι Setas arcos metálicos. O usado principalmente para a caça Arrows metal arches. The mainly used for hunting

Κοςμιματα από χρυςάφι μζταλλο. Κεραμικά επιχρυςωμζνα δοχεία ( ςυνδυαςμόσ πθλοφ και μετάλλου) Jewellery of gold metal. Ceramic plated containers (Combination of clay and metal) Jóias de metal dourado. Recipientes de cerâmica banhado (Combinação de barro e metal)

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Κοςμιματα ( πόρπεσ ) από χρυςάφι Κοςμιματα ( πόρπεσ ) από χρυςάφι μζταλλο. Jewellery (clasps) of gold metal.

Δοχεία αποκικευςθσ υγρϊν, από πθλό. Storage capacities liquids, from clay. Capacidades de armazenamento de líquidos, de barro.

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Κοςμιματα από χρυςάφι, μζταλλο. Jóias de ouro, metal. Jewellery of gold, metal.

ςφονδφλια από πζτρα. (για το αδράχτι) spindle whorls of stone. (for spindle) espirais do fuso de pedra. (por eixo)

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Ραιδικό παιχνίδι από πθλό. As crianças brincam barro. Children play clay.

Κοςμιματα από χαλκό μζταλλο Jewellery made of copper metal Jóias feitas de metal de cobre

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Στιλεσ από μάρμαρο, πζτρωμα από ορυκτά. Τα ορυκτά είναι πζτρεσ είναι πζτρεσ πολφ βακειά ςτθ γθ. Οι άνκρωποι παίρνουν αυτό το πζτρωμα από τθ γθ, το κόβουν και το ςκαλίηουν με ειδικά εργαλεία Colunas de mármore rock de fósseis. Pedras fósseis são pedras é muito profundo na terra. As pessoas se esta rocha da terra, cortar e esculpir com ferramentas especiais Columns of marble rock from fossil. Fossil stones are stones is very deep in the earth. People get this rock from the earth, cut and carve with special tools

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Ρζτρα. Οι άνκρωποι ςκάλιηαν τθν πζτρα και ζγραφαν γράμματα pedra. Pessoas pedra esculpida e escreveu cartas Stone. People carved stone and wrote letters

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Ριλινα δοχεία αποκικευςθσ υγρϊν. Clay liquid storage containers. Recipientes de armazenamento de líquidos Clay.

Από υλικό χρυςάφι, μζταλλο, κόςμθμα για το λαιμό. From material gold, metal, jewelry for the neck. A partir de material ouro, metal, jóia para o pescoço.

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Μπροφντηοσ μζταλλο. Ο μπροφτηοσ είναι ςαν να παντρεφτθκαν δφο άλλα μζταλλα, ο χαλκόσ και ο καςςίτεροσ και να γζννθςαν ζνα παιδάκι, τον μπροφντηο. Βρίςκονται όλα αυτά τα μζταλλα πολφ βακειά ςτθν γθ.

διακοςμθτικό αντικείμενο από πθλό argila objeto decorativo decorative object clay

Bronze metal. Bronze is like married two other metals, copper and tin and gave birth to a child, bronze. Are all these metals too deeply into the earth.

Bronze metálica. Bronze é como se casou com dois outros metais, cobre e estanho e deu à luz uma criança, bronze. São todos estes metais muito profundamente na terra.

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Δοχεία για υγρά, (νερό, κραςί, λάδι), από πθλό. Recipientes para líquidos (água, vinho, azeite), Clay. Containers for fluids (water, wine, oil), clay.

Καράβι, παιδικό παιχνίδι από πθλό. Boat, child's play clay. Barco, argila brincadeira de criança.

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TITLE ACTIVITIES – MOLECULES CONCEPTS: everything around us is made of matter, and even the air. The smaller piece of material, molecule, not visible to the naked eye. There are differences in the molecules of solids, liquids and gases. The molecules under certain conditions change form. SKILLS Observation, communication, query, formulating operational definition, interpretation of observation, prediction, interpret data and draw conclusions ATTITUDES: - respect the objects they study, desire for exploration, maintaining interest in long-term observations, desire to retries in case of failure, careful examination of the facts and conclusions, insistence on seeking solutions perseverance to complete the effort, desire to participate in teamwork and cooperate, desire to examine critically the effects of slavery and of others, to respect the views and assess the ideas of others, to respect the results of his inquiries, to understand that it becomes more convincing when documents the view with data, and when explaining the reasoning

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ATIVIDADES título – MOLECULES CONCEITOS: tudo à nossa volta é feito de matéria, e até mesmo o ar. Quanto menor peça de material, molécula, não visíveis a olho nu. Existem diferenças nas moléculas de sólidos, líquidos e gases. As moléculas, sob certas condições mudam de forma. HABILIDADES Observação, comunicação, consulta, formulação de definição operacional, interpretação de observação, previsão, interpretar dados e tirar conclusões ATITUDES: - respeitar os objetos que estudam, desejo de exploração, mantendo interesse em observações a longo prazo, desejo de novas tentativas em caso de falha, o exame cuidadoso dos fatos e conclusões, a insistência na procura de soluções perseverança para completar o esforço, o desejo de participar no trabalho em equipe e cooperação, o desejo de examinar criticamente os efeitos da escravidão e dos outros, a respeitar os pontos de vista e avaliar as idéias dos outros, a respeitar os resultados das suas investigações, a entender que ele se torna mais convincente quando documentos a vista com os dados, e ao explicar o raciocínio

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ΣΙΣΛΟ ΔΡΑΣΗΡΙΟΣΗΣΩΝ – ΜΟΡΙΑ ΕΝΝΟΙΕ: τα πάντα γφρω μασ είναι φτιαγμζνα από φλθ, ακόμα και ο αζρασ. Το πιο μικρό κομμάτι τθσ φλθσ, το μόριο, δεν είναι ορατό με γυμνό μάτι. Υπάρχουν διαφορζσ ςτα μόρια των ςτερεϊν, των υγρϊν και των αερίων. Τα μόρια, κάτω από οριςμζνεσ ςυνκικεσ αλλάηουν μορφι. ΔΕΞΙΟΣΗΣΕ Ραρατιρθςθ, επικοινωνία, υποβολι ερωτθμάτων, διατφπωςθ λειτουργικοφ οριςμοφ, ερμθνεία παρατιρθςθσ, Ρρόβλεψθ, ερμθνεία δεδομζνων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων ΣΑΕΙ: - να ςζβονται τα αντικείμενα που μελετοφν, επικυμία για εξερεφνθςθ, διατιρθςθ του ενδιαφζροντοσ για μακρόχρονεσ παρατθριςεισ, επικυμία να ξαναδοκιμάηει ςε περίπτωςθ αποτυχίασ, προςεκτικι εξζταςθ των γεγονότων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων, επιμονι για αναηιτθςθ λφςεων, επιμονι για ολοκλιρωςθ τθσ προςπάκειασ, επικυμία να ςυμμετζχει ςε ομαδικι εργαςία και να ςυνεργάηεται, επικυμία να εξετάηει με κριτικό πνεφμα τα αποτελζςματα τθσ δουλείασ του και των άλλων, να ςζβεται τισ απόψεισ και να εκτιμά τισ ιδζεσ των άλλων, να ςζβεται τα αποτελζςματα των ερευνϊν του, να αντιλαμβάνεται ότι γίνεται πιο πειςτικόσ όταν τεκμθριϊνει τθν άποψθ του με δεδομζνα, κι όταν εξθγεί το ςυλλογιςμό του

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Στόχοι: - να κατανοιςουν ότι τα πάντα γφρω μασ είναι φτιαγμζνα από φλθ, ακόμα και ο αζρασ. - να κατανοιςουν ότι θ φλθ μπορεί να κοπεί ςε μικρότερα κομμάτια, και υπάρχει το πιο μικρό κομμάτι τθσ φλθσ που δεν μποροφμε να το δοφμε, επειδι είναι πολφ μικρό.

objectives: - To understand that everything around us is made of matter, and even the air. - Understand that the material can be cut into smaller pieces, and there is the smallest piece of matter that we can not see because they are too small.

objetivos: - Para compreender que tudo à nossa volta é feito de matéria, e até mesmo o ar. - Compreender que o material pode ser cortado em pedaços menores, e não há o menor pedaço de matéria que não podemos ver porque eles são muito pequenos.

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Δραςτθριότθτα Ακρόαςθ ιςτορίασ: ο γίγαντασ και ο Τοςοδοφλθσ (μικρόσ νάνοσ ). activity Listening to the story: the giant and Thumbelina (Little Dwarf). atividade Ouvindo a história: o gigante e Thumbelina (Little Anão). para as necessidades do programa, eu escrevi minha própria história. Aqui você pode ler a primeira parte desta história. for the needs of the program, I wrote my own story. Here you can read the first part of this story. για τισ ανάγκεσ του προγράμματοσ, ζγραψα μια δική μου ιςτορία. εδϊ θα διαβάςετε το πρϊτο μζροσ αυτήσ τησ ιςτορίασ.

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o gigante e Thumbelina Era uma vez na terra de Thumbelina, veio um enorme gigante com fome. Put do Thumbelina para comer em um prato grande, uma deliciosa panqueca. O gigante, só vi a placa teve pena também, porque muita fome e esta foi uma pequena, muito pequena da waffle. Mas é a maior panqueca que já fizemos! Disseram Thumbelina. Mas o grande gigante com a barriga grande e grande boca era muito pequena panqueca, e certamente não vai saciar sua fome. O gigante tomou a panqueca para as mãos grandes, e cortado ao meio! Mas era tão pequeno as duas peças do pancake, você não vê! Uma então disse Thumbelina! Vou comer a panqueca. O Thumbelina levou a panqueca, cortá-la em pedaços ainda menores, e comeram tudo. O gigante perguntou Thumbelina. Desculpe, eu não entendi. Que você tanto tempo masoulages a panqueca; Certamente senhor gigante respondeu Thumbelina. Bem, eu nem sequer viu os pequenos minúsculos pedaços de panqueca, monólogo gigante! Minha própria grande é seu próprio pequeno! Disse Thumbelina! E invisível, o gigante respondeu! O menor pedaço minúsculo, de panqueca no mundo, eu não posso vê-lo!

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Depois veio o cientista do país de Thumbelina. O gigante perguntou-lhe: o que é que carrega. Microscópio, disse o cientista. E o que eles fazem isso; Perguntou uma voz com o gigante e Thumbelina. - Eu tenho que ver coisas muito pequenas, disse o cientista. E quão pequeno ele possa ser a menor parte da minha panqueca; Enviada pelo A Thumbelina! Tão pequena que, mesmo com um microscópio não pode vê-lo! o cientista respondeu. Mas eu sei que é o menor pedaço de panqueca. Como é; Eles perguntaram com o gigante eo Thumbelina. Bem, O menor pouquinho de panqueca, diz Boy molécula é; Enviada Thumbelina. Sim menino, disse o cientista sorrindo, rindo Por; Perguntou o gigante. Eu ri porque eu lembrei de algo. Algumas moléculas são muito vívida, brincalhão, não se reuniram em casa, correr rápido, não dócil, e eles fazem batota. O que são essas moléculas; Enviada Thumbelina. moléculas de ar, o cientista respondeu! os mais pequenos pedaços minúsculos de ar está indo, correndo, jogando, não pego, eles vão muito elevado, mais viagens! Deixe não vê-los também! Disse o cientista! Uma vez que o pendurada em um balão, mas o balão caiu em uma roseira, e um espinho picada balão. As moléculas de ar que estava no balão escapou, não vi, mas ouvi sua voz, me dizendo ... "você não pode nos pegar!".

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Todas as moléculas são tão vivas; Perguntou o gigante. -No! Respondeu o cientista. Algumas moléculas são tão tranqüila, não de manobra dificilmente o lugar. Eles se comportaram e obediente. E quais são essas moléculas; Enviada Thumbelina. as moléculas de sólidos, o cientista respondeu. Sólidos; O que é isso; Eles ficaram maravilhados eo gigante eo Thumbelina. Sólido, é uma bola, um livro, um botão, um cubo de gelo. Os menores os pedaços bem pequenos, ou seja, as moléculas são quase imóvel, apenas mova suavemente seus ombros, se reuniram perto próximos uns dos outros, e não deixar qualquer da sua posição. Isso vai ser muito cansativo, pensou Thumbelina! Como moléculas muito arrependido de sólidos não pode correr, voar, jogar! Eles parecem tão preso! Não é assim! Respondeu o cientista! Os sólidos são nossos amigos. Se as moléculas de bola não foram tão silenciosamente comportado, imobiliário, você não poderia jogar futebol! O que você quer; Ele estava correndo como moléculas de ar; Ou será que eles gostam das moléculas travessos escorregadias de líquido; Líquidos; O que é mais uma vez as moléculas do cientista senhor líquido; Que dano faz?, Perguntou Thumbelina

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Líquido, água, leite, vinho, azeite, disse o cientista. Estas moléculas,. Não se sentar na mesma posição, mova a uma curta distância, eles gostam de fazer slide, patinação, e todo o deslizamento, mais fluente, fluindo, fluindo. A fim de obter para baixo, você deve tê-los sempre em um recipiente, embora a captura com sua mão, correndo, jogando deslize me, no entanto, de todos os pontos, eu gosto de gases, disse Thumbelina. me no entanto eu gosto de líquidos porque eles deslizam, disse o gigante, e ele pensou um pouco ... mais uma vez, ele disse: - Mas o sólido, por que não se cansam de correr para pegar ... - - Então o cientista, olhando ao seu redor, não dê ouvidos a ninguém, ela disse conspiratório: - "Eu vou lhe contar um segredo, mas não é um mártir." Que segredo; Eles disseram juntos, a uma só voz, o Thumbelina eo gigante

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As moléculas de água durante o sono a bruxa da matéria, secretamente tomar o bastão mágico. e com esta varinha mágica transformou ... moléculas de ar, ... .. e ... e jogar a bruxa fica irritado, e grita. Gritando na frente de um espelho mágico, coloca a boca perto do espelho mágico, ela respira fundo, e exala o espelho. E, em seguida, chora, grita .... -e que ir moléculas de água, que eram de ar; Enviada Thumbelina. - Vai muito alto no céu, as nuvens estão viajando! E apenas as moléculas de água assumir a bruxa varinha mágica quando dorme; perguntou o gigante. Por que eles pedem; Você quer pegar você também a bruxa varinha mágica; Ele perguntou o cientista. Não, disse o gigante, eu não quero para se tornar um gás fora do azul!

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Bem, eu vou deixar você e esse segredo. Mas, não martirizados, porque acho que meu problema da bruxa, disse o cientista. - "Prometem um dois amigos, não diga nada na bruxa importa!" Eles prometeram bater palmas, a Thumbelina eo gigante. Em seguida, o cientista continuou a falar em sussurros, não ouvir o outro - e algumas moléculas de sólidos, eles sabem que a varinha mágica. Nem todos, alguns. E algumas moléculas de gás. A varinha mágica, por um lado, é vermelha e de ebulição, e do outro lado é azul e congela. Quando um sólido, o descanso no lado vrasteri da varinha mágica, a alta temperatura, o líquido se transforma em. Quando glide líquido no lado congelado da vara, baixa temperatura, torna sólida, mesmo quando molhado escorregadio no lado quente do pau, em seguida, fez gases. Os gases também quando esfriar, se tornam líquidos. Sir cientista para pedir mais uma coisa; Ele disse que o gigante. Não, se apresse! Onde sim vai acordar a bruxa da matéria, e gostaria de pedir! o cientista disse às pressas, e à esquerda! Muito ruim! Disse o gigante! Pity disse Thumbelina!

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the Giant and Thumbelina Once upon a time in the land of Thumbelina, came a huge hungry giant. The Thumbelina's put to eat at a large dish, a delicious pancake. The giant, just saw the plate took pity too, because very hungry and this was a tiny, much da small waffle. But is the largest pancake we've ever made! They told Thumbelina. But the big giant with the big belly and big mouth was too small pancake, and certainly will not satiate his hunger. The giant took the pancake to large hands, and cut in half! But it was so small the two pieces of the pancake, you do not see! One then said Thumbelina! Will I eat the pancake. The Thumbelina took the pancake, cut it into even smaller pieces, and ate it all. The giant asked Thumbelina. I'm sorry, I do not understand. That you so long eat the pancake; Certainly sir giant replied Thumbelina. Well, I do not even saw the little tiny pieces of pancake, monologue giant! My own big is your own little! Said Thumbelina! And invisible, the giant replied! The smallest, tiny piece of pancake in the world, I can not see it! Then came the scientist of the Thumbelina’s city. The giant asked him, what is it that carries. Microscope, said the scientist

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And what do they do this; Asked a voice with the giant and Thumbelina. - I have to see very small things, said the scientist. And how small it may be the smallest part of my pancake; Asked by the A Thumbelina! So small that even with a microscope can not see it! the scientist replied. But I know that it is the smallest piece of pancake. How is it? They asked with the giant and the Thumbelina. -Well, The smallest tiny bit of pancake, say molecule Boy is; Asked Thumbelina. Yes boy, he said the scientist smiling, laughing Why; Asked the giant. I laugh because I remembered something. Some molecules are very vivid, playful, not gathered home, run fast, not docile, and they do cheat. What molecules are these; Asked Thumbelina. air molecules, the scientist replied! the smallest tiny pieces of air is going, running, throwing, not caught, they go very high, more travel! Let not see them too! Said the scientist! Once the hung in a balloon, but the balloon fell into a rosebush, and a thorn pricked balloon. The molecules of air that was in the balloon escaped, not saw, but I heard their voice, telling me ... "you can not catch us!".

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All molecules are so vivid; Asked the giant. -O! No! Replied the scientist. Some molecules are so quiet, not wiggle hardly the place. They behaved and obedient. And what are these molecules; Asked Thumbelina. the molecules of solids, the scientist replied. Solid; What is this? They were amazed and the giant and the Thumbelina. Solid, is a ball, a book, a button, an ice cube. The smaller the smallish pieces, ie the molecules are almost immovable, just gently move their shoulders, gathered near close to each other, and do not leave any of their position. This will be very tiring, thought Thumbelina! How very sorry molecules of solids can not run, fly, play! They seem so imprisoned! It's not like that! Replied the scientist! The solids are our friends. If the ball molecules were not so quietly behaved, real estate, you could not play football! What did you want; He was running like air molecules; Or do they like the slippery mischievous molecules of liquid; Liquids; What is again the molecules of liquid sir scientist; What they do ?, asked Thumbelina. Liquid, water, milk, wine, oil, said the scientist. These molecules ,. Do not sit in the same position, move a short distance, they like to make slide, skating, and the whole slip, more flowing, flowing, flowing. In order to get down, you should always have them in a container, though the catch with your hand, flowing, playing slide me, however, from all points, I like gases, said Thumbelina. me however I like liquids because they slide, said the giant, and he thought a while ... again, he said: - But the solid, why do not tire to run to catch ...

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then the scientist, looking around him, do not listen to anyone else, she said conspiratorially: - "I will tell you a secret, but not a martyr." What secret; They said together, with one voice, the Thumbelina and the giant. - Molecules of water when asleep the witch of matter, secretly taking the magical stick. and with this magic wand transformed ... air molecules, ... .. and ... and throw the witch gets angry, and yells. Shouting in front of a magic mirror, puts his mouth close to the magic mirror, she takes a deep breath, and exhales the mirror. And then cries, screams .... -and that go water molecules, which were air; Asked Thumbelina. - Go very high in the sky, clouds are traveling! And only the water molecules take the magic wand witch when sleeping; asked the giant. Why do you ask? Do you want to get you too the magic wand witch; He asked the scientist. No, said the giant, I do not want to become a gas out of the blue!

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Well, I'll let you and this secret. But, do not martyred, because I find my trouble from the witch, said the scientist. - "Promise a two friends, do not say anything in the matter witch!" They promised hitting clapping, the Thumbelina and the giant. Then the scientist continued talking in whispers, not to hear the other one - and some molecules of solid, they know the magic wand. Not all, some. And some gas molecules. The magic wand, on the one hand, is red and boiling, and on the other side is blue and freezes. When a solid, rest on vrasteri side of the magic wand, the high temperature, the liquid transforms into. When liquid glide on the frozen side of the stick, low temperature, makes solid even when wet slippery in the hot side of the stick, then made gases. The gases also when cool, become liquids. Sir scientist to ask one more thing; He said the giant. No, hurry! Where to yes will wake the witch of matter, and would ask! the scientist said hurriedly, and left! Too bad! Said the giant! Pity said Thumbelina!

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Ακρόαςθ ιςτορίασ: ο γίγαντασ και ο Σοςοδοφλθσ (μικρόσ νάνοσ ). Μια φορά κι ζναν καιρό ςτθν χϊρα των τοςοδοφλθδων, ιρκε ζνασ πελϊριοσ πειναςμζνοσ γίγαντασ. Οι τοςοδοφλθδεσ του ζβαλαν να φάει ςτο ζνα μεγάλο πιάτο, μια νόςτιμθ τθγανίτα. Ο γίγαντασ, μόλισ είδε το πιάτο λυπικθκε πολφ, γιατί πεινοφςε πολφ κι αυτι ιταν μια μικροφτςικθ, τόςθ δα μικρι τθγανίτα. Μα είναι θ πιο μεγάλθ τθγανίτα που ζχουμε φτιάξει ποτζ! Είπαν οι τοςοδοφλθδεσ. Πμωσ για τον μεγάλο γίγαντα με τθ μεγάλθ κοιλιά και το μεγάλο ςτόμα ιταν πολφ μικρι θ τθγανίτα, και ςίγουρα δεν κα χόρταινε τθν πείνα του. Ο γίγαντασ πιρε τθν τθγανίτα ςτα μεγάλα του χζρια, και τθν ζκοψε ςτθ μζςθ! Πμωσ ιταν τόςο πολφ μικρά τα δυο κομμάτια τθσ τθγανίτασ, που δεν τα ζβλεπε! Ζνασ τοςοδοφλθσ τότε είπε! Κα φάω εγϊ τθ τθγανίτα. Ο τοςοδοφλθσ πιρε τθ τθγανίτα , τθν ζκοψε ςε ακόμα πιο μικρά κομματάκια, και τθν ζφαγε όλθ. Ο γίγαντασ ρϊτθςε τον Τοςοδοφλθ. Συγνϊμθ, δεν κατάλαβα. Δθλαδι εςφ τόςθ ϊρα μαςοφλαγεσ τθ τθγανίτα? Βεβαίωσ κφριε γίγαντα, απάντθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. Καλά, εγϊ οφτε καν ζβλεπα τα μικρά μικροφτςικα κομματάκια τθσ τθγανίτασ, μονολόγθςε ο γίγαντασ! Το δικό μου μεγάλο, είναι το δικό ςου μικρό! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Κι αόρατο, απάντθςε ο γίγαντασ! Το πιο μικρό, μικροφτςικο κομματάκι τθγανίτασ ςτον κόςμο, δεν μπορϊ να το δω! Τότε, ιρκε ο επιςτιμονασ τθσ Τοςοδουλοπολιτείασ. Ο γίγαντασ, τον ρϊτθςε, τι είναι αυτό που κουβαλά. Μικροςκόπιο, είπε ο επιςτιμονασ.

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Γελάω γιατί κυμικθκα κάτι. Κάποια μόρια είναι πολφ ηωθρά, παιχνιδιάρικα, δεν μαηεφονται ςπίτι, τρζχουν γριγορα, δεν είναι υπάκουα, και κάνουν ηαβολιζσ. Ροια μόρια είναι αυτά? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. τα μόρια του αζρα, απάντθςε ο επιςτιμονασ! τα πιο μικρά μικροφτςικα κομματάκια του αζρα, είναι φευγάτα, τρζχουν, πετάνε, δεν πιάνονται, πάνε πολφ ψθλά, όλο ταξιδεφουν! Άςε που δεν τα βλζπεισ κιόλασ! Είπε ο Επιςτιμονασ! Μια φορά τα ζκλειςα ςε ζνα μπαλόνι, αλλά το μπαλόνι, ζπεςε ςε μια τριανταφυλλιά, κι ζνα αγκάκι τρφπθςε το μπαλόνι. Τα μόρια του αζρα που ιταν ςτο μπαλόνι, ξζφυγαν, δεν τα ζβλεπα, αλλά άκουγα τθ φωνι τουσ, να μου λζει… «δεν μπορείσ να μασ πιάςεισ!». - Πλα τα μόρια ζτςι ηωθρά είναι? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. –οοοοχι! Απάντθςε ο επιςτιμονασ. Μερικά μόρια, είναι τόςο ιςυχα, που δεν κουνιοφνται ςχεδόν κακόλου από τθ κζςθ τουσ. Είναι φρόνιμα, και υπάκουα. Και ποιά είναι αυτά τα μόρια? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. τα μόρια των ςτερεϊν, απάντθςε ο επιςτιμονασ. –ςτερεϊν? Τι είναι αυτό? Απόρθςαν κι ο γίγαντασ κι ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. Στερεά, είναι μια μπάλα, ζνα βιβλίο, ζνα κουμπί, ζνα παγάκι. Τα πιο μικρά μικροφτςικα κομματάκια τουσ, δθλαδι τα μόρια τουσ, είναι ςχεδόν ακίνθτα, λίγο απαλά κινοφν τουσ ϊμουσ, μαηεμζνα κοντά κοντά το ζνα ςτο άλλο, και δεν φεφγουν κακόλου από τθ κζςθ τουσ. Αυτό κα είναι πολφ κουραςτικό, ςκζφτθκε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Ρόςο πολφ λυπάμαι τα μόρια των ςτερεϊν που δεν μποροφν να τρζξουν, να πετάξουν, να παίξουν! Μοιάηουν τόςο φυλακιςμζνα! Δεν είναι ζτςι! Απάντθςε ο επιςτιμονασ! Τα ςτερεά, είναι φίλοι μασ. Αν τα μόρια τθσ μπάλασ δεν ιταν τόςο ιςυχα, φρόνιμα, ακίνθτα, δεν κα μποροφςεσ να παίξεισ ποδόςφαιρο! Τι ικελεσ? Να ζτρεχαν ςαν τα μόρια του αζρα? Ι μιπωσ να γλιςτροφςαν ςαν τα ηθμιάρικα μόρια των υγρϊν? Των υγρϊν? Τι είναι πάλι τα μόρια των υγρϊν κφριε επιςτιμονα? Και τι ηθμιζσ κάνουν?, ρϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ

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Υγρά, είναι το νερό, το γάλα, το κραςί, το λάδι, είπε ο Επιςτιμονασ. Τα μόρια αυτά,. Δεν κάκονται ςτθν ίδια κζςθ, κινοφνται ςε μικρζσ αποςτάςεισ, τουσ αρζςει να κάνουν τςουλικρα, πατινάη, κι όλο γλυςτράνε, όλο κυλάνε, κυλάνε, κυλάνε. Για να τα πιάςουμε, πρζπει πάντα να τα ζχουμε ςε ζνα δοχείο, κι αν τα πιάςουμε με το χζρι μασ, κυλάνε, παίηοντασ τςουλικρα εμζνα πάντωσ από όλα τα μόρια, μου αρζςουν τα αζρια, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. εμζνα πάντωσ μου αρζςουν τα υγρά γιατί κάνουν τςουλικρα, είπε ο γίγαντασ, και αφοφ ςκζφτθκε λίγο, …ξανά, είπε: - Αλλά και τα ςτερεά, γιατί δεν με κουράηουν να τρζχω να τα πιάςω… - - τότε ο επιςτιμονασ, κοιτάηοντασ γφρω του, μθν τον ακοφςει κανείσ άλλοσ, είπε ςυνωμοτικά:- « κα ςασ πω ζνα μυςτικό, αλλά μθ με μαρτυριςετε». Τι μυςτικό? Είπαν μαηί, με μια φωνι, ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ. - Τα μόρια του νεροφ, όταν κοιμάται θ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ, παίρνουν κρυφά το μαγικό τθσ ραβδί, . και με αυτό το μαγικό ραβδί μεταμορφϊνονται …..ςε μόρια αζρα,….. και πετάνε … και θ μάγιςςα κυμϊνει, και φωνάηει. Φωνάηει μπροςτά ςε ζνα μαγικό κακρζφτθ, βάηει το ςτόμα τθσ κοντά ςτον μαγικό κακρζφτθ, παίρνει μια βακειά ανάςα, κι εκπνζει ςτον κακρζφτθ. Και μετά φωνάηει, φωνάηει…. -και που πάνε τα μόρια του νεροφ, που ζγιναν αζρασ? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - πάνε πολφ ψθλά ςτον ουρανό, γίνονται ςφννεφα και ταξιδεφουν! Και μόνο τα μόρια του νεροφ παίρνουν το μαγικό ραβδί τθσ μάγιςςασ όταν κοιμάται? ρϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. Γιατί ρωτάσ? Μιπωσ κζλεισ να πάρεισ κι εςφ το μαγικό ραβδί τθσ μάγιςςασ? ϊτθςε ο επιςτιμονασ. Πχι, είπε ο γίγαντασ, δεν κζλω να γίνω αζριοσ ςτα καλά κακοφμενα!

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Λοιπόν, κα ςασ αποκαλφψω κι αυτό το μυςτικό. Αλλά, μθ με μαρτυριςετε, γιατί κα βρω το μπελά μου από τθ μάγιςςα, είπε ο επιςτιμονασ. –« Υπόςχεςθ ζνα δφο φίλοι, δεν λζμε τίποτα ςτθ μάγιςςα τθν φλθ!», υποςχζκθκαν χτυπϊντασ παλαμάκια, ο Τοςοδοφλθσ κι ο γίγαντασ. Τότε ο επιςτιμονασ ςυνζχιςε μιλϊντασ ψικυριςτά, για να μθν τον ακοφςει άλλοσ κανείσ:- και κάποια μόρια των ςτερεϊν, ξζρουν για το μαγικό ραβδί. Πχι όλα, κάποια. Και κάποια μόρια των αερίων. Το μαγικό ραβδί, από τθ μια πλευρά, είναι κόκκινο και βράηει, κι από τθν άλλθ πλευρά είναι μπλε και παγϊνει. Πταν κάποια ςτερεά, ακουμποφν ςτθν βραςτερι πλευρά του μαγικοφ ραβδιοφ, θ υψθλι κερμοκραςία, τα μεταμορφϊνει ςε υγρά. Πταν τα υγρά γλιςτροφν ςτθν παγωμζνθ πλευρά του ραβδιοφ, θ χαμθλι κερμοκραςία, τα κάνει ςτερεά κι όταν τα υγρά γλιςτροφν ςτθν καυτι πλευρά του ραβδιοφ, τότε γίνονται αζρια. Τα αζρια επίςθσ, όταν κρυϊςουν, γίνονται υγρά. Κφριε επιςτιμονα, να ρωτιςω κάτι ακόμα? Είπε ο γίγαντασ. Πχι, βιάηομαι! Ππου να ναι κα ξυπνιςει θ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ, και κα με ηθτάει! είπε βιαςτικά ο επιςτιμονασ, κι ζφυγε! Κρίμα! Είπε ο γίγαντασ! Κρίμα είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!

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After hearing the story, I made questions on children to see, whether they understood the story The questions did the children: - You liked the story; - Who were the heroes of history; - Who hero of the story did you like most and why; - In which country were the events of history; - What do they put in the giant dish Thumbelina; - Ate the giant; Why? - Who finally ate the pancake; - What was holding the scientist and what he needed it; - What did the scientist for the molecules of solids; - What did the scientist for the molecules of the liquid; - What did the scientist for the molecules of gases; - Which molecules regrets the Thumbelina; why? What the scientist replied; - Which molecules liked to Thumbelina and why; - What the giant molecules liked and why; - What secrets the scientist told the giant and Thumbelina; - What he feared the scientist; - How do you imagine the witch of matter - How is the magic wand of the witch of matter; - What the witch in front of the magic mirror;

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Depois de ouvir a história, eu fiz perguntas sobre as crianças para ver, se eles entenderam a história As perguntas fizeram os filhos: - Você gostou da história; - Quem eram os heróis da história; - Quem herói da história que você mais gostou e por quê; - Em que país foram os acontecimentos da história; - O que eles colocaram no gigante Thumbelina prato; - Ate o gigante; Por; - Quem finalmente comeu o pancake; - O que foi que prende o cientista e que ele precisava; - O que o cientista para as moléculas de sólidos; - O que o cientista para as moléculas do líquido; - O que o cientista para as moléculas de gases; - Quais as moléculas lamenta a Thumbelina; porque; O que o cientista respondeu; - Quais as moléculas gostava de Thumbelina e por quê; - O que as moléculas gigantes gostou e por quê; - Que segredos do cientista disse à Thumbelina gigante e; - O que ele temia o cientista; - Como você imagina a bruxa da matéria - Como é a varinha mágica da bruxa da matéria; - O que a bruxa na frente do espelho mágico;

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Μετά τθν ακρόαςθ τθσ ιςτορίασ, ζκανα ερωτιςεισ ςτα παιδιά, για να διαπιςτϊςω, κατά πόςο κατανόθςαν τθν ιςτορία Οι ερωτιςεισ που ζκανα ςτα παιδιά: - Σασ άρεςε θ ιςτορία? - Ροιοι ιταν οι ιρωεσ τθσ ιςτορίασ? - Ροιοσ ιρωασ τθσ ιςτορίασ ςασ άρεςε πιο πολφ και γιατί? - Σε ποια χϊρα ζγιναν τα γεγονότα τθσ ιςτορίασ? - Τι ζβαλαν ςτο πιάτο του γίγαντα οι Τοςοδοφλθδεσ? - Ζφαγε ο γίγαντασ? Γιατί? - Ροιοσ ζφαγε τελικά τθν τθγανίτα? - Τι κρατοφςε ςτο χζρι ο επιςτιμονασ και τι του χρειαηόταν αυτό? - Τι είπε ο επιςτιμονασ για τα μόρια των ςτερεϊν? - Τι είπε ο επιςτιμονασ για τα μόρια των υγρϊν? - Τι είπε ο επιςτιμονασ για τα μόρια των αερίων? - Ροια μόρια λυπάται ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? γιατί? Τι απάντθςε ο επιςτιμονασ? - Ροια μόρια άρεςαν ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ και γιατί? - Ροια μόρια άρεςαν ςτον γίγαντα και γιατί? - Ροια μυςτικά είπε ο επιςτιμονασ ςτον γίγαντα και τον Τοςοδοφλθ? - Τι φοβόταν ο επιςτιμονασ? - Ρωσ φαντάηεςτε τθ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ - Ρωσ είναι το μαγικό ραβδί τθσ μάγιςςασ τθσ φλθσ? - Τι κάνει θ μάγιςςα μπροςτά ςτο μαγικό κακρζφτθ?

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crianças responderam corretamente às perguntas e eles disseram que amaram a história. a minha pergunta, como eles imaginam a bruxa da matéria, crianças, imaginado no vestido preto feito de gelo, não saindo ao sol para não derreter. também nunca vá perto do fogo, a não derreter o vestido. o imaginado, vindo do castelo, apenas no Inverno e verão de dormir em um grande frigorífico. descreveu corretamente a varinha mágica, e disse que as mãos do tempo sempre luvas resistentes ao fogo, não queimar as mãos e seu vestido quando tocar no lado quente da varinha mágica. à minha pergunta, o que faz a bruxa na frente do espelho mágico, as crianças responderam: - Ao olhar bonito - Os danos do pescoço das vozes e olhares se corou seu pescoço - Parece que corou de raiva - De frente para o dente está danificado. - Será que ele encontrar olhando para as moléculas de espelho do fluido escapado. então eu perguntei as crianças se eles queriam fazer o mesmo movimento no espelho, assim como a bruxa. isto é, para tomar uma respiração profunda e expire no espelho. crianças responderam positivamente, e expire no espelho, para ver o que acontece.

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children responded correctly to questions and they said that they loved the story. to my question, how they imagine the witch of matter, the children, the imagined black dress made of ice, not coming out in the sun to not melt. also never go near the fire, to the not melt the dress. the imagined, coming from the castle, only winter and summer sleeping in a large refrigerator. correctly described the magical wand, and said that the hands of time always gloves resistant to fire, not burn her hands and her dress when touching the hot side of the magic wand. to my question, what does the witch in front of the magic mirror, the children answered: - When looking beautiful - Hurts the neck of the voices and looks if blushed her neck - Facing the tooth is damaged. - Looks do blushed in anger - Does he find looking into the mirror molecules of the fluid escaped. then I asked the kids if they wanted to do the same movement in the mirror, as did the witch. that is, to take a deep breath and exhale on the mirror. children answered positively, and we exhale in the mirror, to see what happens.

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τα παιδιά απάντθςαν ςωςτά ςτισ ερωτιςεισ και είπαν πωσ τουσ άρεςε πολφ θ ιςτορία. ςτθν ερϊτθςθ μου, πωσ φαντάηονται τθν μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ, τα παιδιά, τθν φαντάςτθκαν με μαφρο φόρεμα από πάγο, που δεν ζβγαινε ςτον ιλιο για να μθν λιϊςει. επίςθσ, δεν πιγαινε ποτζ κοντά ςτθν φωτιά, για να μθν λιϊςει το φόρεμα τθσ. τθν φαντάςτθκαν, να βγαίνει από το κάςτρο τθσ, μόνο το χειμϊνα και το καλοκαίρι να κοιμάται ςε ζνα μεγάλο ψυγείο. περιζγραψαν ςωςτά το μαγικό τθσ ραβδί, και είπαν πωσ ςτα χζρια τθσ φορά πάντα γάντια που αντζχουν ςτθν φωτιά, για να μθν καίγονται τα χζρια τθσ και το φόρεμα τθσ, όταν ακουμπά ςτθν ηεςτι πλευρά του μαγικοφ τθσ ραβδιοφ. ςτθν ερϊτθςθ μου, τι κάνει θ μάγιςςα μπροςτά ςτο μαγικό κακρζφτθ, τα παιδιά απάντθςαν: - κοιτάηει άμα είναι όμορφθ - τθν πονάει ο λαιμόσ τθσ από τισ φωνζσ και κοιτάηει αν κοκκίνιςε ο λαιμόσ τθσ - κοιτάει το δόντι τθσ που είναι χαλαςμζνο. - Κοιτάηει μιπωσ κοκκίνιςε από το κακό τθσ - κοιτάηει μιπωσ βρει μζςα ςτον κακρζφτθ τα μόρια των υγρϊν που ξζφυγαν. τότε ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά, αν ικελαν να κάνουμε τθν ίδια κίνθςθ ςτον κακρζφτθ, όπωσ ζκανε θ μάγιςςα. δθλαδι, να πάρουμε μια βακιά αναπνοι και να εκπνεφςουμε πάνω ςτον κακρζφτθ. τα παιδιά, απάντθςαν κετικά, και εκπνεφςαμε και εμείσ ςτον κακρζφτθ, για να δοφμε τι κα γίνει.

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Δραςτθριότθτα – κουκλοκζατρο. Είναι θ πρϊτθ φορά που τα παιδιά προςπάκθςαν να παίξουν κουκλοκζατρο. Τα κατάφεραν πολφ καλά. Ζπαιξαν κουκλοκζατρο τθν ιςτορία τθσ μάγιςςασ τθσ φλθσ. Atividade - fantoche. É a primeira vez que as crianças tentou jogar fantoche. Eles fizeram muito bem. Eles jogaram história fantoche da bruxa da matéria.

Activity - puppet. It is the first time that kids tried to play puppet. They did very well. They played puppet story of the witch of matter.

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OΜΑΔΛΚΘ ΔΑΣΤΘΛΟΤΘΤΑ Στο πρόγραμμα μασ , τα παιδιά δθμιοφργθςαν κοφκλεσ με τον κφριο Επιςτιμονα , τον κφριο γίγαντα και τουσ Τοςοδοφλθδεσ. Οι ιρωεσ του παραμυκιοφ επιςκζφτθκαν όλα τα ςχολεία. Ο ενκουςιαςμόσ των παιδιϊν ιταν πολφ μεγάλοσ. Αποςτείλαμε το δζμα κατόπιν ςτο νθπιαγωγείο τθσ Μυτιλινθσ και ςυνεχίςαμε τθν ςυγγραφι τθσ ιςτορίασ με τον άγιο Βαςίλθ που ςυνάντθςε τουσ ιρωεσ τθσ ιςτορίασ μασ ςτθν Ονειροφπολθ. Ο Άγιοσ Βαςίλθσ ςε αυτιν τθν ιςτορία των παιδιϊν αρρϊςτθςε κι επιςκζφτθκε τον κφριο επιςτιμονα μιπωσ γνωρίηει κάτι που κα τον κεραπεφςει. Ο κφριοσ Επιςτιμονασ είπε πωσ μόνο τα παιδιά γνωρίηουν τι χρειάηεται. Ετςι όλοι μαηί ταξίδεψαν ςε ζνα μαγικό χαλί ςε όλα τα ςχολεία και τα παιδιά αποφάςιηαν τι υλικό κα χάριηαν ςτον Αγιο Βαςίλθ για να κεραπευτεί. Τα παιδιά από το νθπιαγωγείο μασ αποφάςιςαν να ςτείλουν ζνα λουλοφδι από φυςικό κερί μζλιςςασ, κι όταν το μυρίηει θ μοςχοβολιά του να τον κεραπεφει. Ηωγραφίςαμε και ςτείλαμε δϊρα ςτα παιδιά των άλλων ςχολείων και κάρτεσ με ευχζσ

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atividade de grupo Em nosso programa, as crianças criaram bonecos com Mr. Scientist, o Sr. Gigante e Thumbelina. Os heróis da história visitou todas as escolas. O entusiasmo das crianças era muito alta. Enviamos a encomenda no viveiro de Mitilene e continuou a escrever a história com São Noel conheceu os heróis de nossa história em Dreamland. Santa nesta história de crianças caiu doente e visitou o principal cientista você sabe algo que vai curá-lo. Mr. Scientist disse que só as crianças sabem o que é preciso. assim todos eles viajaram juntos em um tapete mágico em todas as escolas e as crianças decidir o material irá oferecer o Papai Noel para ser curada. As crianças do nosso jardim de infância decidiu enviar uma flor de cera de abelha natural, e quando o cheiro do cheiro para curá-lo. Pintado e enviaram presentes para as crianças de outras escolas e cartões de cumprimentos

group activity In our program, the children created dolls with Mr. Scientist, Mr. Giant and Thumbelina. The heroes of the story visited all schools. The enthusiasm of the children was very high. We sent the parcel at the nursery of Mytilene and continued writing the story with Saint Claus met the heroes of our history in Dreamland. Santa in this story of children fell ill and visited the principal scientist do you know something that will cure him. Mr. Scientist said that only children know what it takes. so they all traveled together on a magic carpet in all schools and the children decide what material will offer the Santa Claus to be cured. The children from our kindergarten decided to send a flower from natural beeswax, and when the smell the smell to heal him. Painted and sent gifts to the children of other schools and greetings cards

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Οι ευχζσ μασ ςε όλα τα παιδιά Our best wishes to all children Nossos melhores desejos para todas as crianças

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The children told their ideas, explaining what they would like to offer to humanity as scientists. We created a related videos on youtube. also making a video created by our wishes to Santa Claus

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As crianças contaram suas ideias, explicando o que eles gostariam de oferecer à humanidade como cientistas. Criamos uma vídeos relacionados no YouTube. também fazer um vídeo criado por nossos desejos para o Papai Noel

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Τα παιδιά είπαν τισ ιδζεσ τουσ, εξθγϊντασ τι κα ικελαν να προςφζρουν ςτθν ανκρωπότθτα ωσ επιςτιμονεσ. Δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα ςχετικό βιντεάκι ςτο youtube.

Δθμιουργιςαμε επίςθσ ζνα βιντεάκι με τισ ευχζσ μασ ςτον Άγιο Βαςίλθ

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δραςτθριότθτα μουςικοκινθτικι αγωγι μεταμορφωκικαμε ςε μόρια ςτερεϊν, υγρϊν, αερίων. τα μόρια των ςτερεϊν, μοιάηουν να χορεφουν ςε ηευγάρια. τα ηευγάρια βρίςκονται κοντά το ζνα ςτο άλλο. ασ δοφμε τι γίνεται ςε ζνα ηευγάρι μορίων. τα μόρια ςτζκονται κοντά, απζναντι το ζνα ςτο άλλο. πλθςιάηουν το ζνα μόριο το άλλο,, αλλά όχι πάρα πολφ, με ζνα μικρό απαλό βιμα. φςτερα αλλάηουν ξαφνικά γνϊμθ. είναι ςαν να προςπακοφν να απομακρυνκοφν πάλι ο ζνασ από τον άλλον. πριν όμωσ προλάβουν να απομακρυνκοφν πολφ, ζρχονται ξανά κοντά, μόνο και μόνο για να απομακρυνκοφν πάλι. γίνεται και πάλι το ίδιο, και ξανά, και ξανά. πλθςιάηουν απαλά, κι απομακρφνονται απαλά. χωριςτά, μαηί, χωριςτά, μαηί, ςαν να είναι ενωμζνα ςε ζνα αόρατο ελατιριο. αυτόσ είναι ο χορόσ τουσ. ποτζ δεν αγγίηει ο ζνασ τον άλλον, αλλά και ποτζ δεν ξεφεφγουν τελείωσ ο ζνασ από τον άλλον. κι όταν κοιτάηετε πολλά ηευγάρια μορίων μαηί να το κάνουν αυτό, μοιάηουν να ςχθματίηουν όλοι μαηί ζνα δίχτυ, αυτό ακριβϊσ το δίχτυ, το πλζγμα από μικρά μόρια που βρίςκονται πάντα μαηί, είναι που κάνει να είναι ςτερεό, ζνα ςτερεό ςϊμα. αυτό είναι που εμποδίηει τα ςτερεά αντικείμενα να καταρρζουν. Τα μόρια των υγρϊν, κινοφνται άτακτα, « γλιςτρϊντασ » το ζνα πάνω ςτο άλλο. κάνουν τςουλικρα, πατινάη, κυλάνε. όλο κυλάνε. για να τα πιάςουμε πρζπει πάντα να τα ζχουμε ςε ζνα δοχείο, αλλά αν τα αφιςουμε από το δοχείο που βρίςκονται, κυλάνε ςτθν γθ και απλϊνονται. Τα μόρια των αερίων, κινοφνται ελεφκερα, μακριά το ζνα από το άλλο, και πιάνουν όλο το χϊρο του δοχείου που βρίςκονται. τα μόρια του αζρα, τρζχουν, πετάνε, ταξιδεφουν ψθλά, κι ακόμα πιο ψθλά.

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atividade musicoterapia transformada em partículas sólidos, líquidos, gases. as moléculas de sólidos, gosto de dançar em pares. casais estão próximos uns dos outros. vamos ver o que acontece em um par de moléculas. moléculas que estão próximos uns contra os outros. se aproximando de uma molécula outra ,, mas não muito, com um pequeno passo suave. então de repente mudar a opinião. É como tentar remover novamente um do outro. Mas antes que eles caem muito longe, eles vêm perto novamente, apenas para ser retirado de novo. É ainda o mesmo, e mais uma vez, e novamente. feche cuidadosamente, e removeu delicadamente. separadamente, em conjunto, separado, junto, como se eles estão unidos em uma mola invisível. esta é a sua dança. nunca tocar uns aos outros, mas nunca escapar completamente uma da outra. e quando se olha para muitos pares de moléculas em conjunto para fazer isso, eles parecem formar juntos uma rede, que muito líquido a grade de pequenas moléculas que estão sempre juntos, é o que os torna sólida, um corpo sólido. isto é o que impede que objetos sólidos a entrar em colapso. As moléculas do líquido, se movem aleatoriamente, "deslizante" no topo um do outro. Eles fazem slide, patinagem, fluindo. tudo flui. para a captura deve sempre tê-los em um recipiente, mas se você deixar a partir do contentor situado, fluindo para a terra e se espalhar. As moléculas de gases mover livremente para fora uma da outra, e segurando todo o espaço do recipiente estão localizados. moléculas de ar, eles correr, voar, viajar de altura, e ainda maior.

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activity music-therapy transformed into solid particles, liquids, gases. the molecules of solids, like to dance in pairs. couples are close to each other. let's see what happens in a pair of molecules. molecules standing close against each other. approaching a molecule other ,, but not too much, with a small gentle step. then suddenly change opinion. It is like trying to remove again from each other. But before they fall too far, they come close again, only to be removed again. It is still the same, and again, and again. close gently, and removed gently. separately, together, separately, together, as if they are united in an invisible spring. this is their dance. never touching each other, but never escape completely from each other. and when looking at many pairs of molecules together to do this, they seem to form together a net, that very net the grid of small molecules that are always together, is what makes them solid, a solid body. this is what prevents solid objects to collapse. The molecules of the liquid, move randomly, "sliding" on top of one another. they slide, skating, flowing and plated on land, if the roll out of the container located. to the pre catch molecules of gas, move freely away from each other, and gripping the entire space of the container are located. air molecules, running, traveling high, fly.

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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Molecules sólidos molecules solids μόρια ςτερεϊν

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liquid molecules moléculas líquidas

μόρια υγρϊν

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liquid molecules moléculas líquidas

μόρια υγρϊν

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liquid molecules moléculas líquidas

μόρια υγρϊν

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liquid molecules moléculas líquidas

μόρια υγρϊν

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liquid molecules moléculas líquidas

μόρια υγρϊν

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moléculas de gás gas molecules μόρια αερίων

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moléculas de gás gas molecules μόρια αερίων

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moléculas de gás gas molecules μόρια αερίων

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moléculas de gás gas molecules μόρια αερίων

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moléculas de gás gas molecules μόρια αερίων

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atividade – pintura: Nós pintamos as moléculas de sólidos, líquidos e gases. activity – painting: We painted the molecules of solids, liquids and gases. δραςτθριότθτα – ηωγραφικι: ηωγραφίςαμε τα μόρια των ςτερεϊν, των υγρϊν και των αερίων.

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painting molecules in a solid, a liquid, a gas pintura moléculas em forma de um sólido, um líquido, um gás

ηωγραφίηοντασ μόρια ςε ζνα ςτερεό, ςε ζνα υγρό, ςε ζνα αζριο

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Ομαδικι εργαςία: ηωγραφίηοντασ μόρια με πινζλο Trabalho em equipe: pintura moléculas com escova Teamwork: painting molecules with brush

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Ενότθτα 3θ. Στόχοσ: να γνωρίςουν μερικζσ από τισ ιδιότθτεσ των ςτερεϊν, υγρϊν, αερίων. 1ο Ρείραμα υγροποίθςθσ βάλαμε το πρόςωπό μασ κοντά ςτον κακρζφτθ. πιραμε μια βακιά ανάςα και εκπνεφςαμε πάνω ςτον κακρζφτθ. εμείσ παρατθριςαμε ότι δθμιουργικθκε ατμόσ ςτον κακρζφτθ. όταν ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να δϊςουν μια εξιγθςθ του φαινομζνου, πολλά παιδιά είπαν πωσ όταν ο αζρασ κρυϊνει, γίνεται νερό. κι όταν ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά μου είπαν πωσ τα μόρια του αζρα που βγαίνουν από το ςτόμα μασ είναι ςαν να ακουμποφν το μπλε ( το παγωμζνο ραβδί ), τθσ μάγιςςασ φλθσ, και από αζρια μεταμορφϊκθκαν ςε υγρά..

3rd Session. Objective: to know some of the properties of solids, liquids, gases. 1ο liquefaction experiment put your face close to the mirror. we took a deep breath and exhale on the mirror. we noticed that steam created in the mirror. when I asked the children to give an explanation of the phenomenon, many children said that when the air cools, it becomes water. and when I asked my kids said that the molecules of the air coming out of our mouth is like touching the blue (ice stick), the witch matter and gases turned into liquid. I was very pleased because the fairy tale, the dramatization and the puppet show we played, helped children to understand the phenomenon of liquefaction

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1ο experimento liquefação colocar seu rosto perto do espelho. nós tomamos uma respiração profunda e expire no espelho. notamos que o vapor criado no espelho. quando eu perguntei as crianças para dar uma explicação do fenômeno, muitas crianças disse que quando o ar esfria, torna-se água. e quando eu perguntei a meus filhos disse que as moléculas do ar que sai da nossa boca é como tocar o azul (bastão de gelo), o assunto bruxa e gases transformado em líquido. Fiquei muito satisfeito porque o conto de fadas, a dramatização eo teatro de fantoches que jogamos, ajudou as crianças a compreender o fenômeno da liquefação

3ª Sessão. Objectivo: conhecer algumas das propriedades de sólidos, líquidos, gases.

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2ο πείραμα Ο αζρασ περιζχει υδρατμοφσ ϊτθςα τα παιδιά: τι κα γίνει αν βάλουμε ζνα άδειο ποτιρι και ζνα άδειο μπουκάλι μπφρασ ςτθν κατάψυξθ του ψυγείου? Το μπουκάλι είναι ςτερεό ι υγρό? Το ποτιρι είναι ςτερεό ι υγρό? Μιπωσ είναι αζρια? Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν ότι το μπουκάλι και το ποτιρι είναι γυάλινα ςτερεά υλικά που ςπάςουν αν τα αφιςουμε κάτω. Μετά από αυτιν τθν υπενκφμιςθ, βάλαμε το άδειο μπουκάλι και το άδειο γυάλινο ποτιρι ςτθν κατάψυξθ του ψυγείου και τα βγάλαμε μετά από είκοςι λεπτά τθσ ϊρασ.

segundo experimento O ar contém vapor de água Eu pedi as crianças: o que acontece se nós puséssemos um copo vazio e uma garrafa de cerveja vazia no congelador da geladeira; A garrafa é sólido ou líquido; O vidro é sólido ou líquido; É gases; As crianças responderam que a garrafa eo copo é de vidro quebrado materiais sólidos se deixar para baixo. Após este lembrete, vamos colocar a garrafa vazia e frasco de vidro vazio no congelador da geladeira e fizemos depois de vinte minutos.

2nd experiment The air contains water vapor I asked the children: what happens if we put an empty glass and an empty beer bottle in the freezer of the refrigerator; The bottle is solid or liquid; The glass is solid or liquid; Is gases; The children answered that the bottle and the glass is glass solid materials shattered if let down. After this reminder, we put the empty bottle and empty glass bottle in the freezer of the refrigerator and we did after twenty minutes.

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άφθςα το μπουκάλι και το ποτιρι, πάνω ςτο τραπζηι. Είπα ςτα παιδιά, να παρατθριςουν προςεχτικά το ποτιρι. Μετά από λίγο, τα παιδιά μου είπαν ότι ζβλεπαν ςταγόνεσ νεροφ, πάνω ςτο ποτιρι και ςτο μπουκάλι. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά, γιατί πιςτεφουν ότι ςυμβαίνει αυτό. Τα παιδιά δεν μποροφςαν να δϊςουν κάποια εξιγθςθ. Βοικθςα τα παιδιά, κυμίηοντασ τουσ το μαγικό ραβδί τθσ μάγιςςασ φλθσ. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά. Τι είπαμε ότι υπάρχει παντοφ ακόμα κι αν δεν τα βλζπουμε? - Μόρια του αζρα, είπαν τα παιδιά. - Υπάρχουν μόρια του αζρα πολφ κοντά ςτο ποτιρι? ϊτθςα τα παιδιά. - Υπάρχουν, απάντθςαν τα παιδιά. - Αφοφ υπάρχουν μόρια του αζρα πολφ κοντά ςτο ποτιρι, μιπωσ μερικά από αυτά τα

μόρια ακοφμπθςε κιόλασ το ποτιρι? - Ναι, είπαν τα παιδιά. Μερικά μόρια, κάνοντασ βόλτα ςτον αζρα, ακοφμπθςαν ςτο

ποτιρι. - Ασ φανταςτοφμε λοιπόν, ότι το ποτιρι μοιάηει με τθν παγωμζνθ πλευρά από το

μαγικό ραβδί τθσ μάγιςςασ φλθσ. Τι ζπακαν τα μόρια του αζρα που ακοφμπθςαν ςτθν παγωμζνθ πλευρά από το μαγικό ραβδί?

- μεταμορφϊκθκαν ςε μόρια νεροφ, απάντθςαν τα περιςςότερα παιδιά. - Γιατί λοιπόν παιδιά, βλζπουμε ςταγόνεσ νεροφ ςτο ποτιρι που είχαμε βάλει ςτο

ψυγείο? - Γιατί τα μόρια του αζρα, όταν κρυϊςουν γίνονται μόρια νεροφ, απάντθςαν τα


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I left the bottle and the glass, on the table. I told the children to carefully observe the glass. After a while, the children told me that they saw drops of water on the glass and the bottle. I asked the kids, because they believe that this is happening. The children could not give any explanation. I helped the children, reminding them the magic wand Witch matter. I asked the children. What we said is everywhere even if we do not see; Air molecules, they said children. There are air molecules close to the glass; I asked the children. There, the children answered. Since there are air molecules close to the glass, perhaps some of these molecules already touched the glass; Yes, they said children. Some molecules, strolling in the air, touched the glass. Let's imagine that the glass looks like the icy magic wand from the witch matter. What happened to the air molecules touched the frozen side of the magic wand; - Transformed into water molecules, they answered most children. So why children see water drops on the glass that we had put in the refrigerator; Because air molecules when are cool water molecules, they answered the children.

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Saí do frasco e do vidro, em cima da mesa. Eu disse às crianças para observar cuidadosamente o vidro. Depois de um tempo, as crianças me disse que eles viram gotas de água no vidro e no frasco. Eu pedi as crianças, porque eles acreditam que isso está acontecendo. As crianças não poderia dar qualquer explicação. Eu ajudei as crianças, recordando-lhes a matéria varinha mágica bruxa. Perguntei aos filhos. O que dissemos está em toda parte, mesmo se nós não vemos; Moléculas de ar, disseram as crianças. Há moléculas de ar próximas ao vidro; Perguntei aos filhos. Lá, as crianças responderam. Uma vez que existem moléculas de ar perto do vidro, talvez algumas dessas moléculas já abordado o vidro; Sim, eles disseram crianças. Algumas moléculas, passeando no ar, tocou o vidro. Vamos imaginar que o vidro se parece com a varinha mágica gelado da matéria bruxa. O que aconteceu com as moléculas de ar tocou o lado congelado da varinha mágica; - Transformado em moléculas de água, eles responderam a maioria das crianças. Então, por que as crianças vêem gotas de água sobre o vidro que tinha colocado na geladeira; Porque as moléculas de ar quando são moléculas de água fria, eles responderam as crianças.

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Βγάλαμε κι ζνα μικρό δικό μασ τραγοφδι για να το τραγουδάμε: Ο ηεςτόσ αζρασ Πταν κρυϊςει, γίνεται βροχι. Υδρατμοί, υδρατμοί.

nós escrevemos um pouco de música para cantar: Ar quente Quando esfriar, torna-se chuva. O vapor de água, vapor de água

we wrote a little song to sing: Hot air When cool, it becomes rain. Water vapor, water vapor

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Υδρατμοί ςτο παράκυρο τθσ τάξθσ μασ. Water vapor in our classroom window. O vapor de água em nossa janela da sala de aula.

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Ο αζρασ καταλαμβάνει όγκο Πείραμα: Σο βαμβάκι που καταδφεται χωρίσ να βρζχεται. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να φζρουν από το ςπίτι τουσ, ζνα μεγάλο μπουκάλι πλαςτικό αναψυκτικό ι από νερό, ζνα μικρό διαφανζσ πλαςτικό ποτιρι, κι ζνα κομμάτι βαμβάκι. Πταν τθν επόμενθ μζρα ζφεραν τα υλικά που τουσ ηιτθςα, ζκοψα τα μπουκάλια, εκεί που αρχίηει να ςτενεφει. Ζτςι δθμιουργικθκε ζνα βακφ, διαφανζσ δοχείο. Είπα ςτα παιδιά, να βάλουν νερό ςτα δοχεία τουσ, όχι όμωσ μζχρι πάνω. Κατόπιν είπα ςτα παιδιά, να βάλουν ζνα κομμάτι βαμβάκι, μζςα ςτο ποτιρι τουσ, να πιζςουν το βαμβάκι, ϊςτε να ςφθνωκεί μζςα ςτο ποτιρι, ςτο πάτο του ποτθριοφ. Κατόπιν είπα ςτα παιδιά, να γυρίςουν ανάποδα το ποτιρι τουσ, για να δοφμε αν ςτζκεται το βαμβάκι μζςα ςτο ποτιρι. Στα παιδιά που το βαμβάκι ζπεφτε από το ποτιρι, τουσ είπα να προςκζςουν περιςςότερο βαμβάκι. Ζκανα εγϊ πρϊτθ μια επίδειξθ ςτα παιδιά, ϊςτε να δουν το πείραμα, και ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά, να προςζχουν τον τρόπο που βάηουν το ποτιρι τουσ, μζςα ςτο δοχείο με το νερό. Τα παιδιά, ακολουκϊντασ τισ οδθγίεσ μου, βφκιςαν το ποτιρι, κατακόρυφα, με τα χείλθ προσ τα κάτω, ςτο νερό. Κατόπιν, βγάηουν το ποτιρι πάλι κατακόρυφα. Τα παιδιά, είδαν ότι το βαμβάκι ζμενε ςτεγνό. Ρριν τθν εκτζλεςθ του πειράματοσ από τα παιδιά, ηιτθςαν να μου πουν τθν πρόβλεψθ τουσ. Αν κα βραχεί το βαμβάκι ι όχι. Πλα τα παιδιά είπαν ότι το βαμβάκι κα βραχεί. Εκτελϊντασ το πείραμα τα παιδιά ανακάλυψαν ότι το βαμβάκι δεν βρζχεται. Το βαμβάκι μζνει ςτεγνό.

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Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ερμθνεφςουν το φαινόμενο αυτό. Βοικθςα τα παιδιά κάνοντασ τθν ερϊτθςθ:- τι υπάρχει μζςα ςτο ποτιρι? Βαμβάκι, απάντθςαν τα παιδιά. Μόνο βαμβάκι ι και κάτι άλλο που υπάρχει παντοφ και δεν το βλζπουμε? Αζρασ, είπαν τα παιδιά. Συνζχιςα: αφοφ λοιπόν ςτο ποτιρι υπάρχει αζρασ και βαμβάκι, όταν βάλω το ποτιρι μζςα ςτο νερό, τι κα μπει μζςα ςτο νερό? - Το βαμβάκι και ο αζρασ είπαν τα παιδιά. Ωραία λοιπόν, μζςα ςτο ποτιρι κα υπάρχει το βαμβάκι, ο αζρασ, κι αφοφ το βάλαμε μζςα ςτο νερό τι άλλο κα υπάρχει? ϊτθςα τα παιδιά. Νερό, είπαν τα παιδιά, άρα, είπα, ςτο βυκιςμζνο ποτιρι, κα υπάρχει: Νερό Αζρασ Βαμβάκι. ναι, απάντθςαν τα παιδιά. Συνζχιςα: μιπωσ μπορείτε τϊρα να εξθγιςετε γιατί δεν βράχθκε το βαμβάκι? ϊτθςα τα παιδιά. Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν ότι ο αζρασ δεν αφινει το βαμβάκι να βραχεί. Το εμποδίηει. Τα παιδιά βρικαν τθν ςωςτι απάντθςθ.

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O ar ocupa um volume Experiência: O mergulho de algodão sem se molhar. Eu pedi as crianças a trazer de casa, uma grande garrafa de plástico de refrigerante ou água de um pequeno copo de plástico transparente, e uma bola de algodão. Quando no dia seguinte trouxe os materiais Perguntei-lhes, eu cortei as garrafas, onde começa a estreitar. Por conseguinte, um recipiente de fundo, transparente. Eu disse para as crianças, colocar água em seus tanques, mas não até a borda. Então eu disse para as crianças, coloque um pedaço de algodão no interior do copo, para empurrar o algodão, de modo cunha no vidro na parte inferior do vidro. Então eu disse às crianças para virar de cabeça para baixo no vidro para ver se de pé de algodão no vidro. Para as crianças de algodão caiu do vidro, eu disse a eles para adicionar mais algodão. Eu fiz primeiro um show para as crianças, para que eles possam ver experimento, e pediu às crianças para assistir a forma como eles colocaram a taça, para o recipiente com água. Crianças, seguindo minhas instruções, mergulhou o vidro, verticalmente, com os lábios até a água. Em seguida, eles tomam o copo de volta na vertical. As crianças viram que o algodão estava hospedado seco. Antes de realizar o experimento por crianças, que ligou para dizer que a minha previsão. Se ele fica algodão molhado ou não. Todas as crianças foram informados de que o algodão será molhado. A realização do experimento as crianças descobriram que o algodão não é molhada. Algodão permanece seco. Eu pedi as crianças a interpretar esse fenômeno. Eu ajudei as crianças perguntando: - o que está no vidro; Algodão, responderam os filhos. Só algodão ou qualquer outra coisa que existe em todos os lugares e não ver; Air, disse às crianças. Eu continuei: Então, já que não há ar no vidro e do algodão, quando eu colocar o vidro na água, o que você entrar na água; - Cotton eo ar disse às crianças. Bem, então, no vidro haverá algodão, o ar, e depois de se colocar na água que existe mais; Perguntei aos filhos. Água, disse às crianças, então eu disse, o vidro submerso, haverá: Água Ar Cotton. Sim, eles responderam as crianças. Eu continuei: você agora explicar por que não o algodão molhado; Perguntei aos filhos. As crianças responderam que o ar não deixa algodão para se molhar. Impede. As crianças encontraram a resposta certa

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The air occupies volume Experiment: The cotton diving without getting wet. I asked the children to bring from home, a large plastic bottle of soda or water from a small transparent plastic cup, and a cotton ball. When the next day brought the materials I asked them, I cut the bottles, where it begins to narrow. Accordingly, a deep, transparent container. I said to the kids, put water in their tanks, but not to the brim. Then I said to the kids, put a piece of cotton inside the cup, to push cotton, so wedge into the glass at the bottom of the glass. Then I told the children to turn upside down in the glass to see if standing cotton in the glass. For children cotton fell from the glass, I told them to add more cotton. I first did a show for children, so they can see experiment, and asked the children to watch the way they put the cup, into the container with water. Children, following my instructions, plunged the glass, vertically, with the lips down to the water. Then, they take the cup back vertically. The children saw that cotton was staying dry. Before performing the experiment by children, they called to say my prediction. If it gets wet cotton or not. All children were told that cotton will be wet. Performing the experiment the children discovered that cotton is not wetted. Cotton stays dry. I asked the children to interpret this phenomenon. I helped the children by asking: - what's in the glass; Cotton, answered the children. Only cotton or something else that exists everywhere and not see; Air, told the children. I continued: So since there is air in the glass and cotton, when I put the glass into the water, what would you get into the water; - Cotton and the air told the children. Well then, in the glass there will be cotton, the air, and after we put in the water what else there; I asked the children. Water, told the children, so I said, the submerged glass, there will be: Water Air Cotton. Yes, they answered the children. I continued: do you now explain why not wetted cotton; I asked the children. The children answered that the air does not leave cotton to get wet. Prevents. The children found the right answer

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Το βαμβάκι ςτο πλαςτικό ποτιρι

Algodão em copo de plástico Cotton in plastic cup

Το παιδί, βάηει το ποτιρι με το βαμβάκι, κατακόρυφα μζςα ςτο πλαςτικό δοχείο. The child puts the glass with cotton vertically inside the plastic container A criança coloca o vidro com algodão verticalmente dentro do recipiente de plástico

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Βγάηουν το ποτιρι, αγγίηουν το βαμβάκι. Τα παιδιά διαπιςτϊνουν ότι τα βαμβάκι είναι ςτεγνό.

Eles levam o vidro, tocando o algodão. As crianças acham que o algodão é seco

They take the glass, touching the cotton. Children find that cotton is dry

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Είχαμε πολλά ποτιρια, αρκετι ποςότθτα από βαμβάκι και τα παιδιά ζκαναν πολλζσ φορζσ το πείραμα. Κάποιεσ φορζσ το βαμβάκι βρεχόταν. Τότε εξθγοφςα ςτα παιδιά, πωσ ζπρεπε να προςζχουν ϊςτε το βάηουν κατακόρυφα το ποτιρι μζςα ςτο δοχείο με το νερό. Στα παιδιά, άρεςε πολφ αυτι θ δραςτθριότθτα . Φυςικά, μετά θ αίκουςα ικελα ςφουγγάριςμα…. We had several glasses of sufficient quantity of cotton and the guys did a lot of times the experiment. Sometimes cotton raining. Then I explained to the children, I had to watch as they put the glass vertically into the container with water. In children, loved this activity. Of course, after mopping the room I .... Tivemos vários copos de quantidade suficiente de algodão e os caras fizeram um monte de vezes que a experiência. Às vezes, algodão chover. Então eu expliquei para as crianças, eu tive que assistir enquanto eles colocam o vidro verticalmente dentro do recipiente com água. Em crianças, amava essa atividade. Claro, depois de limpar o quarto que eu ....

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Για να εμπεδϊςουν το πείραμα του αζρα που καταλαμβάνει όγκο, βιωματικά, παίξαμε ζνα παιχνίδι. Ζνα παιδί, ζγινε το νερό ςτο ποτιρι. Ζνα άλλο παιδί, ζγινε το βαμβάκι μζςα ςτο ποτιρι, και ζνα άλλο παιδί, ζγινε ο αςτυνόμοσ αζρασ. Ζνα άλλο παιδί, ζγινε το νερό, μζςα ςτο δοχείο. Το παιδί – νερό, ξάπλωςε ςτο πάτωμα. Τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά μπικαν ςε ςειρά. Ο αςτυνόμοσ αζρασ, και το παιδί – βαμβάκι. Ο αςτυνόμοσ ςτεκόταν μπροςτά ςτο παιδί – βαμβάκι και το εμπόδιηε να αγγίξει το παιδί – νερό.

To consolidate the air experiment that occupies volume, experientially, we played a game. A child, was the water in the glass. Another child, became cotton in the glass, and another child, became the policeman air. Another child was the water in the container. The child - water, lay on the floor. The other children joined in series. The policeman wind and child - cotton. The policeman was standing in front of the child - cotton and prevented from touching the child - water.

Para consolidar a experiência de ar que ocupa o volume, experimentalmente, nós jogamos um jogo. Uma criança, foi a água no vidro. Outra criança, tornou-se o algodão no vidro, e uma outra criança, tornou-se o ar policial. Outra criança foi a água no recipiente. A criança - água, estava deitado no chão. As outras crianças se juntou em série. O vento policial e da criança - de algodão. O policial estava em pé na frente da criança - de algodão e impedido de tocar a criança - a água.

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Πγκοσ – μάηα Στόχοι: να κατανοιςουν τθν διαφορά μεταξφ όγκου και μάηασ. να πειραματιςτοφν με αντικείμενα ίδιου όγκου και διαφορετικισ μάηασ και το αντίςτροφο. να δοκεί θ δυνατότθτα ςτα παιδιά να διαπιςτϊςουν, πωσ όταν αλλάηει το ςχιμα των εφπλαςτων υλικϊν, δεν αλλάηει θ ποςότθτα τουσ, δθλαδι θ μάηα τουσ. να κατανοιςουν πωσ όταν αλλάηει το ςχιμα των δοχείων, μζςα ςτα οποία είναι τοποκετθμζνα διάφορα υγρά, δεν αλλάηει θ ποςότθτα τουσ, δθλαδι θ μάηα τουσ.

Volume - massa objetivos: compreender a diferença entre volume e massa. a experiência com o mesmo volume de objectos de massa diferente e vice-versa. para permitir que as crianças a descobrir que ao mudar a forma de material flexível não altera seu valor, ou seja, sua massa. compreender que quando se muda a forma dos recipientes, em que são montados vários fluidos, não muda a quantidade, isto é, massa.

Volume - mass objectives: understand the difference between volume and mass. to experiment with the same volume of objects of different mass and vice versa. to enable children to discover that when changing the shape of supple material does not change their amount, ie their mass. understand that when changing the shape of the containers, into which are mounted various fluids, does not change the amount, i.e. mass.

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τίτλοσ δραςτθριότθτασ: το πάω από εδϊ, το πάω από εκεί, τι μζνει ίδιο και τι αλλάηει ςε μια ςτιγμι?

ζννοια: Τα υγρά παίρνουν το ςχιμα του δοχείου ςτο οποίο τα τοποκετοφμε ενϊ τα ςτερεά ζχουν ςτακερό ςχιμα

δεξιότθτεσ: παρατιρθςθ, επικοινωνία, πρόβλεψθ, ερμθνεία δεδομζνων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων.

ςτόχοι: να κατανοιςουν τισ διαφορζσ των ςτερεϊν και των υγρϊν, ςε ςχζςθ με τθ μορφι και το ςχιμα τουσ, όταν τα μεταφζρουμε ςε μια διαφορετικι κζςθ ι ςε ζνα διαφορετικό δοχείο.

εμπειρίεσ: 1.ςτερεό είναι κάκε ςϊμα με κακοριςμζνο όγκο και κακοριςμζνο ςχιμα. 2. υγρό, κάκε ςϊμα με κακοριςμζνο όγκο και ακακόριςτο ςχιμα.

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Título da actividade: para sair daqui, ir a partir daí, o que permanece o mesmo eo que mudou em um momento; ou seja: o líquido toma a forma do recipiente no qual o lugar e os sólidos foram forma estável habilidades: observação, comunicação, previsão, interpretar dados e tirar conclusões. Objectivos: a compreender as diferenças entre sólido e líquido, no que diz respeito à forma e à forma, quando transferido para uma localização diferente ou num recipiente diferente. experiências: 1. O corpo de cada sólido com um volume fixo e forma fixa. 2. líquido, cada corpo com um volume definido e forma indeterminada

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Title of activity: to go from here, to go from there, what remains the same and what changed in an instant meaning: The liquid takes the shape of the container in which the place and the solids were form stable skills: observation, communications, forecasting, interpret data and draw conclusions. Objectives: to understand the differences between solid and liquid, with respect to the form and shape, when transferred to a different location or a different vessel. experiences: 1. every solid body with a fixed volume and fixed shape. 2. liquid, every body with a defined volume and indeterminate shape

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Χϊριςα τα παιδιά ςε μικρζσ ομάδεσ, και ηιτθςα από κάκε ομάδα: - Να βρουν ζνα μικρό ςτερεό υλικό που υπάρχει ςτθν τάξθ ( να ςυνεργαςτοφν μεταξφ

τουσ, και να αποφαςίςουν ποιο κα επιλζξουν). - Να τοποκετιςουν αυτό το ςτερεό υλικό που επζλεξαν μζςα ςε κάποιο άλλο ςτερεό

υλικό (να ςυνεργαςτοφν μεταξφ τουσ, και να αποφαςίςουν ποιο κα επιλζξουν). - I split the children into small groups and asked each group: - To find a small solid material present in the classroom (work together, and decide

which one you choose). - To put this solid material chosen in some other solid material (to work together, and

decide which one you choose). - Eu dividir as crianças em pequenos grupos e pediu a cada grupo: - Para encontrar um pequeno presente material sólido na sala de aula (trabalhar em

conjunto, e decidir qual deles você escolher). - Para colocar este material sólido escolhido em algum outro material sólido (para

trabalhar em conjunto, e decidir qual deles você escolher).

περιγραφι δραςτθριότθτασ activity description descrição da atividade

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Θ πρϊτθ ομάδα, μετά από ςυηιτθςθ επζλεξε να τοποκετιςει ζνα πράςινο πλαςτικό υλικό ( καράβι ), μζςα ςε ζνα πιλινο υλικό ( δοχείο ).

The first group, after discussion chose to place a green plastic material (boat) in a clay material (plate)

O primeiro grupo, após discussão optou por colocar um material plástico verde (barco) em um material de argila (placa)

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the second group decided to place a small yellow car in a transparent plastic cup. o segundo grupo decidiu colocar um pequeno carro amarelo em um copo de plástico transparente. θ δεφτερθ ομάδα, αποφάςιςε να τοποκετιςει ζνα μικρό κίτρινο αυτοκίνθτο, μζςα ςε ζνα διαφανζσ πλαςτικό ποτιρι.

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θ Τρίτθ ομάδα, τοποκζτθςε ζνα ξφλινο τουβλάκι ςε ζνα χάρτινο πιάτο.

the third group, placed a wooden brick on a paper plate.

o terceiro grupo, colocou um tijolo de madeira em uma placa de papel.

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θ τζταρτθ ομάδα, τοποκζτθςε ζνα χρωματιςτό ξφλινο τουβλάκι ςε ζνα μπλε χάρτινο πιάτο. o quarto grupo, colocados um de madeira tijolos coloridos em um prato de papel azul. the fourth group, placed a wooden colored bricks in a blue paper plate.

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Κατόπιν, πρότεινα ςε κάκε ομάδα, να τοποκετιςει το μικρό αντικείμενο, μζςα ςε ζνα διαφορετικό, υλικό. Θ πρϊτθ ομάδα, ζβαλε το πλαςτικό καράβι, ςε ζνα πλαςτικό μπουκάλι νεροφ, που ιταν κομμζνο.

Então eu sugeri a cada grupo, coloque o pequeno objeto dentro de um material diferente. O primeiro grupo, colocar o barco de plástico, uma garrafa de plástico de água que foi cortado.

Then I suggested to each group, place the small object within a different material. The first group, put the plastic boat, a plastic bottle of water that was cut.

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θ δεφτερθ ομάδα, τοποκζτθςε το κίτρινο αυτοκίνθτο που ιταν ςτο πλαςτικό διαφανζσ ποτιρι, ςε ζνα διαφανζσ κομμζνο πλαςτικό μπουκάλι.

the second group, put the yellow car that was in the plastic transparent glass, in a transparent plastic bottle cut. o segundo grupo, colocados carro amarelo estava em copo plástico transparente, em um corte de plástico transparente garrafa.

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θ τρίτθ ομάδα, τοποκζτθςε το ξφλινο τουβλάκι ςε ζνα πλαςτικό ποτιρι, μεταφζροντασ αυτό, από το πιάτο, όπου το είχαν προθγουμζνωσ τοποκετιςει.

o terceiro grupo, coloque o tijolo de madeira em um copo de plástico, levando-o a partir do prato, onde anteriormente colocado

the third group, put the wooden brick in a plastic cup, carrying it from the dish, where previously placed

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θ τζταρτθ ομάδα, τοποκζτθςε το τουβλάκι τθσ ςε ζνα πλαςτικό κουβά, αλλάηοντασ τθν κζςθ του από το χάρτινο πιάτο που ιταν τοποκετθμζνο προθγουμζνωσ.

the fourth group, the brick placed in a plastic bucket, changing the position of the paper plate that was placed earlier.

o quarto grupo, o tijolo colocado em um balde de plástico, alterando a posição da placa de papel que foi anteriormente colocado.

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Κατά τθν διάρκεια αυτοφ του παιχνιδιοφ, ηθτοφςα από κάκε παιδί, να περιγράψει τι παρατιρθςε, βοθκϊντασ το παιδί με ερωτιςεισ, όπωσ: -Τι παρατθρείτε ςτο ςχιμα του ςτερεοφ όταν το μεταφζρατε από το ζνα βάηο ςτο άλλο ι από τθ μια κζςθ ςτθν άλλθ? - Αλλάηει θ μορφι του? Αλλάηει το ςχιμα του? - Τα πάντα απαντοφςαν ςωςτά κάκε φορά. Καταλιξαμε ςτο ςυμπζραςμα, πωσ τα

ςτερεά, δεν αλλάηουν ςχιμα και μορφι, όταν τα μεταφζρουμε ςε ζνα άλλο βάηο, ι ςε μια άλλθ κζςθ.

- Durante este jogo, peça a cada criança para descrever o que eles observaram, ajudando a criança com perguntas como:

- -O Observe a forma do sólido quando transferidos de um frasco para outro ou de um local para outro;

- Ele muda a sua forma; Ele muda a sua forma; - Tudo respondidas corretamente cada vez. Conclui-se, que os sólidos não mudar de

forma e se formam quando a transferência para outro frasco, ou em outro local. - During this game, ask each child to describe what they observed, helping the child with

questions like: - -What Observe the shape of the solid when transferred from one jar to another or

from one location to another; - It changes its form; It changes its shape; - Everything correctly answered each time. We concluded, that the solids do not change

shape and form when transfer to another jar, or in another location.

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Συγκζντρωςα τα παιδιά ςτθν ομάδα και ηιτθςα από ζνα παιδί, να μεταφζρει με το πλαςτικό χωνί, ξφδι από ζνα πλαςτικό μπουκάλι, ςε ζνα άλλο πλαςτικό μπουκάλι κομμζνο ςε ςχιμα δοχείο, γεμάτο ωσ τθ μζςθ, με ξφδι. Τον παρακινοφςα να προςζχει τισ κινιςεισ του, ϊςτε να μθν πζςει το χωνί και χυκεί το υγρό. Τα κατάφερε πολφ καλά.

I gathered the children in the group and asked a child to carry with plastic funnel, vinegar from a plastic bottle into another plastic bottle cut shaped container filled halfway with vinegar. The urge to watch his movements, not to drop the funnel and spilled liquid. The ball very well.

Juntei as crianças no grupo e pediu uma criança para levar com funil de plástico, vinagre de um frasco plástico em um outro corte em forma de garrafa recipiente cheio até a metade de plástico com vinagre. O desejo de assistir seus movimentos, para não deixar cair do funil e líquido derramado. A bola muito bem.

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Επειδι όλα τα παιδιά ικελαν να μεταφζρουν το ξφδι, από το ζνα δοχείο ςτο άλλο, ενκάρρυνα όλα τα παιδιά να το κάνουν. Κάποια παιδιά επζλεξαν να παίξουν με το χωνί και τα υγρά παρζα με κάποιον φίλο τουσ, κι άλλα παιδιά μόνα τουσ. Χρθςιμοποίθςαν τρία διαφορετικά δοχεία, για να μεταφζρουν τα υγρά. Κάκε φορά ρωτοφςα τα παιδιά: τι παρατθρείτε όταν μεταφζρετε το υγρό από το ζνα δοχείο ςτο άλλο? Αλλάηει το ςχιμα του υγροφ όπωσ ςτα ςτερεά?

Porque todas as crianças que queriam transferir vinagre a partir de um recipiente para outro, incentivou todos os filhos a fazer. Algumas crianças escolheu para jogar com o funil e amigos líquidos com alguém outro, outras próprias crianças. Usaram três diferentes recipientes para o transporte de fluidos. Toda vez que eu perguntou às crianças: o que você observa quando você transferir o líquido de um recipiente para outro; Mudando a forma de líquido, como os sólidos;

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Because all the children they wanted to transfer vinegar from one container to another, encouraged all the children to do. Some children chose to play with the funnel and friends liquids with someone other, other children themselves. They used three different containers to transport fluids. Every time I asked the children: what you observe when you transfer liquid from one container to another; Changing the shape of the liquid as the solids;

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Τα παιδιά ζπαιξαν αρκετι ϊρα το παιχνίδι αυτό. Τουσ άρεςε να μεταφζρουν υγρά από το ζνα δοχείο ςτο άλλο. Τα παιδιά είπαν πωσ οι γονείσ τουσ ςυνικωσ δεν τουσ αφινουν ςτο ςπίτι να παίξουν με τα υγρά. Νομίηω πωσ πρζπει οι γονείσ να δείχνουν περιςςότερθ εμπιςτοςφνθ ςτα παιδιά τουσ. Τα παιδιά τα καταφζρνουν πολφ καλά. Οι μικροί επιςτιμονεσ είναι υπζροχοι!

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Children played a long time in this game. They liked to transfer liquids from one container to another. The children said that their parents usually do not get to play at home with fluids. I think parents should show more confidence in their children. The children are doing very well. The young scientists are wonderful!

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Crianças brincavam muito tempo neste jogo. Eles gostavam de transferir líquidos de um recipiente para outro. As crianças disseram que os pais geralmente não começa a jogar em casa com fluidos. Eu acho que os pais devem mostrar mais confiança em seus filhos. As crianças estão fazendo muito bem. Os jovens cientistas são maravilhosos!

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Τα παιδιά ςχεδίαηαν ςτο χαρτί, το διαφορετικό ςχιμα που το υγρό ζπαιρνε κάκε φορά, ανάλογα με το δοχείο. Αυτι θ δραςτθριότθτα, ιταν μία καλι ευκαιρία να μάκουμε τα ςχιματα επίςθσ.

Crianças plano no papel, a forma diferente que levou o líquido uma vez, dependendo do recipiente. Esta atividade foi uma boa oportunidade para aprender as formas também.

Children plan on paper, the different shape that the liquid took a time, depending on the container. This activity was a good opportunity to learn the shapes too.

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Τα παιδιά, παρατθροφςαν, αποτφπωναν το ςχιμα ςτο χαρτί, ζκαναν ςυγκρίςεισ, υποκζςεισ, ζβγαηαν τα ςυμπεράςματα τουσ κάκε φορά.

The children watched, impressed the shape on the paper, comparisons made, matters were making their conclusions every time.

As crianças assistiram, impressionou a forma no papel, as comparações realizadas, as questões estavam fazendo suas conclusões de cada vez.

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Σχεδιάηοντασ το δοχείο και το ςχιμα που πιρε το υγρό ςτο δοχείο.

Desenhando o recipiente e a forma que levou o líquido no recipiente.

Desenhando o recipiente e a forma que levou o líquido no recipiente.

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αξιολόγθςθ ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ηωγραφίςουν ζνα ςτερεό ςε ζνα πιάτο, και τθν τοποκζτθςθ του ςε ζνα άλλο πιάτο. ςτο ίδιο χαρτί ηιτθςα να ηωγραφίςουν ζνα ποτιρι με νερό, το οποίο το τοποκετοφν μζςα ςε ζνα μπουκάλι. avaliação Eu pedi as crianças a desenhar um sólido em um prato, e colocá-lo em outro prato. o mesmo papel que eu lhe pediu para desenhar um copo de água, que colocá-lo em uma garrafa. appraisal I asked the children to draw a solid in a dish, and placing it in another dish. the same paper I asked him to draw a glass of water, which put it in a bottle.

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ο κάκτοσ δεν αλλάηει όταν τον μετακινϊ από τθν γλάςτρα ςε μεγαλφτερθ γλάςτρα, ενϊ το νερό ςτο ποτιρι αλλάηει ςχιμα όταν το βάλω ςε διαφορετικό μπουκάλι. παίρνει το ςχιμα του δοχείου. the cactus does not change when you move it from the pot to a larger pot, while the water in the glass changes shape when put on a different bottle. It takes the shape of the container. O cacto não mudar quando o movimento da panela para um vaso maior, enquanto a água na forma de vidro mudanças quando colocada em uma garrafa diferente. Ele toma a forma do recipiente.

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θ ρακζτα του τζνισ δεν αλλάηει ςχιμα όταν από το χζρι μου τθ βάλω ςτο πάγκο. το νερό ςτο μπουκάλι αλλάηει ςχιμα, όταν το βάλω ςε ζνα αρχαίο αγγείο.

a raquete de tênis não muda de forma quando a mão colocar no meu banco. a água na garrafa muda de forma quando colocar em um vaso antigo.

the tennis racket does not change shape when the hand put on my bench. the water in the bottle changes shape when put on an ancient vase.

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το ελικόπτερο μου δεν αλλάηει μορφι και ςχιμα όταν από το κουτί του το βάηω ςτο χαλί για να παίξω, ενϊ το νερό ςτο ποτιρι αλλάηει ςχιμα όταν το βάλω ςτο φλαςκί. my helicopter does not change form and shape when the box I put the mat to play, while the water in the glass changes shape when put in the flask. meu helicóptero não mudar de forma e forma quando a caixa eu coloquei o tapete para jogar, enquanto a água no vidro muda de forma quando colocar no balão.

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το λουλοφδι ςτο πιάτο δεν αλλάηει ςχιμα όταν το βάλω πάνω ςτο τραπζηι ενϊ όταν μεταφζρω το νερό από τθν λεκάνθ ςτθν κανάτα , το νερό παίρνει το ςχιμα τθσ κανάτασ.

a flor na placa não muda de forma quando colocá-lo em cima da mesa e quando transportar a água da bacia o jarro, a água toma a forma do jarro.

the flower on the plate does not change shape when put it on the table and when convey water from the basin the jug, the water takes the shape of the jug.

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το τουβλάκι δεν άλλαξε ςχιμα όταν το μετζφερα από το πιάτο ςτο ποτιρι, ενϊ το νερό μζςα ςτο ποτιρι άλλαξε ςχιμα όταν το μετζφερα από το ποτιρι ςτο δοχείο. το νερό πιρε το ςχιμα του δοχείου.

the little brick did not change shape when conveyed from the plate in the glass, while the water in the glass has changed shape when conveyed from the glass in the container. water took the shape of the container.

o pequeno tijolo não mudam de forma quando transmitida a partir da placa em vidro, enquanto que a água no vidro mudou de forma, quando transmitida a partir do vidro no recipiente. água levou a forma do recipiente.

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Δραςτθριότθτα βφκιςθσ επίπλευςθσ. Ρειραματιςτικαμε με αντικείμενα, προςπακϊντασ να μαντζψουμε αντικείμενα που ξζρουν κολφμπι και αντικείμενα που δεν ξζρουν κολφμπι

Βφκιςθ – επίπλευςθ Στόχοι: να προβλθματιςτοφν για το ποια αντικείμενα βυκίηονται και ποια αντικείμενα επιπλζουν ςτο νερό, να κάνουν υποκζςεισ, να βγάλουν ςυμπεράςματα, να διατυπϊςουν λειτουργικοφσ οριςμοφσ βφκιςθσ και επίπλευςθσ.. Να προςκζςουν αλάτι ςτο νερό και να δουν τθν διαφορά βφκιςθσ του αυγοφ ςτο αλατόνερο

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Φυςικζσ ιδιότθτεσ των υλικϊν Στόχοσ: να γνωρίςουν τισ φυςικζσ ιδιότθτεσ των υλικϊν, όπωσ: οςμι γεφςθ χρϊμα απορροφθτικότθτα υδατοπερατότθτα ελαςτικότθτα ςκλθρότθτα ευκραυςτότθτα πλιρωςθ χϊρου

Physical properties of materials Objective: to know the physical properties of materials, such as: odor taste color absorption water permeability elasticity hardness brittleness space filling

As propriedades físicas dos materiais Objectivo: conhecer as propriedades físicas dos materiais, tais como: odor sabor cor absorção permeabilidade à água elasticidade dureza fragilidade enchimento espaço

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δραςτθριότθτα (ακρόαςθ ιςτορίασ) Το δωμάτιο των οςμϊν

activity (story listening) The room smells

atividade (história de escuta) O quarto aromas

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Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ, αποφάςιςαν να επιςκεφτοφν κρυφά, το παλάτι τθσ μάγιςςασ τθσ φλθσ. Είδαν τθν μάγιςςα να φεφγει με τθν ςκοφπα τθσ, και τότε μπικαν ςτο παλάτι. Άνοιξαν τθν μεγάλθ κρυςτάλλινθ πόρτα και βρζκθκαν μπροςτά ςε 8 δωμάτια. Κάκε δωμάτιο είχε μία ανοιχτι πόρτα. Σε κάκε πόρτα, υπιρχε μια πινακίδα. Στο πρϊτο δωμάτιο, θ πόρτα ζγραφε: οςμι. Στο δεφτερο δωμάτιο, θ πόρτα ζγραφε γεφςθ. Στο τρίτο δωμάτιο, θ πόρτα ζγραφε χρϊμα Στο τζταρτο δωμάτιο θ πόρτα ζγραφε: απορροφθτικότθτα Στο πζμπτο δωμάτιο θ πόρτα ζγραφε: Υδατοπερατότθτα

O Thumbelina eo gigante, decidiu visitar secretamente o palácio da bruxa da matéria. Eles viram a bruxa deixa com a vassoura, e, em seguida, entrou no palácio. Eles abriram a porta de cristal grande e encontraram-se na frente de 8 quartos. Cada quarto tinha uma porta aberta. Em cada porta, havia um sinal. Na primeira sala, a porta leia-se: odor. Na segunda sala, a porta estava escrevendo gosto. Na terceira sala, a porta estava escrevendo cor No quarto quarto o porta dizia: absorção A porta na quinta quarto escreveu: Permeabilidade à água

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The Thumbelina and the giant, decided to secretly visit the palace of the witch of matter. They saw the witch leaves with the broom, and then entered the palace. They opened the big crystal door and found themselves in front of 8 rooms. Each room had an open door. At each door, there was a sign. In the first room, the door read: odor. In the second room, the door was writing taste. In the third room, the door was writing color In the fourth room the door read: absorbency The door in the fifth room wrote: Water permeability

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Ο Γίγαντασ απόρθςε, γιατί δεν ιξερε τι ςθμαίνουν αυτζσ οι λζξεισ. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, απόρθςε και εκείνοσ, γιατί οφτε κι αυτόσ ιξερε τι ςθμαίνουν αυτζσ οι λζξεισ. Εςείσ παιδιά μιπωσ ξζρετε? Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ πρότεινε ςτον γίγαντα να επιςκεφτοφν τα δωμάτια, για να δουν τι υπάρχει μζςα ςε κάκε δωμάτιο. Ζτςι κι ζκαναν. Ρρϊτα μπικαν ςτο δωμάτιο, που θ πόρτα ζγραφε: οςμι. Και τι να δουν? Ραντοφ υπιρχαν μικρά μπουκαλάκια , γυάλινα και διάφανα, αλλά και βαηάκια ςκοφρα, κι ανοιχτόχρωμα, με καπάκια. Ιταν τόςα πολλά, που ζπρεπε να προςζχουν , να βαδίηουν αργά και πολφ προςεχτικά για να μθν ςπάςουν κάποιο μπουκαλάκι ι βαηάκι.

The Giant was surprised because he did not know what these words mean. The Thumbelina, and he wondered why not even he knew what these words mean. The Thumbelina giant suggested to visit the rooms to see what's inside each room. So they did. First they entered the room, the door read: odor. And what to see; Everywhere there were small bottles, glass and crystal, and jars of dark and light, with lids. He was so many that had to be careful, to walk slowly and very carefully not to break a bottle or jar.

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O gigante ficou surpreso porque ele não sabia o que essas palavras significam. O Thumbelina, e ele se perguntou por que nem mesmo ele sabia o que essas palavras significam. O Thumbelina gigante sugerido para visitar os quartos para ver o que está dentro de cada quarto. Assim o fizeram. Primeiro, eles entraram na sala, a porta leia-se: odor. E o que ver; Por toda parte havia pequenas garrafas, vidros e cristais, e jarros de luz e escuro, com tampas. Ele era tantos que tinha que ser cuidadoso, para andar devagar e com muito cuidado para não quebrar uma garrafa ou frasco.

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Ο Γίγαντασ πιρε ζνα μπουκαλάκι ςτα τεράςτια χζρια του. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, πιρε επίςθσ ζνα μπουκαλάκι ςτα μικρά χεράκια του. Ο γίγαντασ άνοιξε το μπουκαλάκι και μία απαίςια μυρωδιά απλϊκθκε ςτο δωμάτιο. Ρω πω! Τι άςχθμθ, τι απαίςια μυρωδιά είναι αυτι! Είπαν με μια φωνι ο γίγαντασ και ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!. Κλείςε το μπουκαλάκι γριγορα! Βρϊμιςε ο τόποσ! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! ο γίγαντασ ζκλειςε βιαςτικά το μπουκάλι, γιατί από το μπουκάλι που άνοιξε ο γίγαντασ ζβγαινε θ άςχθμθ μυρωδιά. Τότε άκουςαν μια τςιριχτι φωνοφλα! Χι χι χι! Ευχαριςτοφμε που μασ ελευκερϊςατε! Ο γίγαντασ κι ο Τοςοδοφλθσ κοίταξαν γφρω τουσ, αλλά δεν ζβλεπαν τίποτα! Ροιοσ μιλάει? Απάντθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Εδϊ! Εγϊ είμαι! Ζνα μόριο του αζρα!

O gigante deu um grande frasco em suas mãos. O Thumbelina, também tem uma garrafa em suas mãos pequenas. O gigante abriu a garrafa e um spread cheiro terrível no quarto. Wow! O mau cheiro horrível que este é! Eles disseram em uníssono o gigante e Thumbelina!. Fechar o frasco rapidamente! Sujado o lugar! Disse Thumbelina! o gigante apressadamente desligou o frasco porque a garrafa aberta a gigante veio o mau cheiro. Em seguida, eles ouviram uma voz estridente pouco! Off Off Off! Obrigado nos libertou! O gigante eo Thumbelina olhou ao seu redor, mas não viu nada! Quem fala; Respondeu Thumbelina! Aqui! Eu sou! Uma molécula de ar!

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The giant took a huge bottle in his hands. The Thumbelina, also got a bottle in his small hands. The giant opened the bottle, and a terrible smell spread in the room. Wow! What bad they smell horrible this is! They said in one voice the giant and Thumbelina !. Close the bottle quickly! Messed the place! Said Thumbelina! the giant hastily hung up the bottle because the bottle opened the giant came the bad smell. Then they heard a squeaky little voice! Off Off Off! Thank you freed us! The giant and the Thumbelina looked around them, but they did not see anything! Who talks? Replied Thumbelina! Here! I am! A molecule of air!

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Ανοίξατε το μπουκαλάκι και με ελευκερϊςατε! Μυρίηεισ πολφ άςχθμα! Είπε ο γίγαντασ! Και δεν μποροφμε κιόλασ να ςε δοφμε! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Είμαι αόρατο μόριο, όπωσ όλα τα μόρια του αζρα είπε το μόριο, μόνο να με πιάςετε μπορείτε, όπωσ με ζπιαςε θ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ και με ζβαλε ςε τοφτο το μπουκάλι, μαηί με τα αδζρφια μου. Ρωσ ςε λζνε? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. Με λζνε άςχθμθ οςμι, θ μαμά μου είναι μια ςάπια ντομάτα. Και πωσ γίνεται ςάπια μια ντομάτα? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ! Δεν ζχω χρόνο να απαντιςω! Ρρζπει να φφγω για να μθ με πιάςει θ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ! Το μόριο τθσ άςχθμθσ οςμισ, είπε: φεφγω τϊρα, από τθ χαραμάδα του παρακφρου. Σασ ευχαριςτϊ που με ελευκερϊςατε!

You opened the bottle and freed! You smell really bad! Said the giant! And we can already to see you! Said Thumbelina! I am invisible molecule, like all the air molecules, said molecule, just catch me you like grabbed the witch of matter and put me in this bottle, along with my brothers. What is your name? Asked the giant. My name is bad smell, my mom is a rotten tomato. And that is a rotten tomato; Asked the giant! I have no time to answer! I have to leave in order not to catch the witch of matter! The molecule of bad odor, he said: I am leaving now, from the crack of the window. Thank you freed!

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Você abriu a garrafa e libertou! Você tem um cheiro muito ruim! Disse o gigante! E já podemos vê-lo! Disse Thumbelina! Estou molécula invisível, como todas as moléculas de ar, disse molécula, apenas me pegar você gosta agarrou a bruxa da matéria e me colocou nesta garrafa, juntamente com os meus irmãos. Como dizer; Perguntou o gigante. Meu nome é mau cheiro, minha mãe é um tomate podre. E isso é um tomate podre; Perguntou o gigante! Eu não tenho tempo para responder! Eu tenho que sair para não pegar a bruxa da matéria! A molécula de odor ruim, ele disse: Eu estou deixando agora, a partir da fresta da janela. Obrigado libertou!

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Δεν μυρίηει τίποτα άςχθμο πια! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Είναι γιατί ζφυγε το μόριο τθσ άςχθμθσ οςμισ! Είπε ο γίγαντασ! Τότε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ είπε: κα ανοίξω και το δικό μου μπουκαλάκι! Ο γίγαντασ ζκλειςε βιαςτικά τθ μφτθ του! Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ άνοιξε το μπουκαλάκι που κρατοφςε ςτα χζρια του και ω! μια υπζροχθ μυρωδιά ξεχφκθκε ςε όλο το δωμάτιο! Άνοιξε τθ μφτθ ςου κφριε γίγαντα! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Ρλάκα κάνεισ! Δεν ανοίγω τθ μφτθ μου! Είπε ο γίγαντασ! Ρωσ ζγινε θ φωνι ςου ζτςι? Άλλαξε θ φωνι ςου είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! για μίλα λίγο ξανά! Τα τα τα –τι τι τι- το το το –τε τε τε- του του του! Είπε ο γίγαντασ! Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ γζλαςε πολφ γιατί ιταν τόςο αςτεία θ φωνι του γίγαντα! Μα πωσ άλλαξε ζτςι θ φωνι ςου απόρθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! ζλα τϊρα κφριε γίγαντα! Άνοιξε τθ μφτθ ςου!

Ele não cheira nada mau anymore! Disse Thumbelina! É por isso que ele deixou a molécula o mau cheiro! Disse o gigante! Então Thumbelina disse: vou abrir a minha própria garrafa! O gigante apressadamente fechou seu nariz! O Thumbelina abriu a garrafa que estava segurando em suas mãos e oh! um cheiro maravilhoso derramou todo o quarto! Abra o seu nariz senhor gigante! Disse Thumbelina! Você está brincando! Lá eu abrir o meu nariz! Disse o gigante! Como foi a sua voz tão; Mude sua voz disse Thumbelina! para falar um pouco de novo! A oo -o que Timoleon no tetra a logia quer de seu! Disse o gigante! O Thumbelina ri muito porque era tão engraçado voz da gigante! Mas como então mudou sua voz se perguntou o Thumbelina! Venha senhor gigante! Abra o seu nariz

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It does not smell anything bad anymore! Said Thumbelina! It's why he left the molecule the bad odor! Said the giant! Then Thumbelina said: I will open my own bottle! The giant hastily closed his nose! The Thumbelina opened the bottle he was holding in his hands and oh! a wonderful smell poured out all over the room! Open your nose sir giant! Said Thumbelina! Are you kidding! There I open my nose! Said the giant! How was your voice so; Change your voice said Thumbelina! to talk a little again! Te-te-te-to-to-to,ti-ti-ti, Said the giant! The Thumbelina laughed a lot because it was so funny voice of the giant! But how so changed your voice wondered the Thumbelina! Come on sir giant! Open your nose

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Ο γίγαντασ, διςτακτικά, άφθςε τθ μφτθ του και μφριςε βακειά! Τι υπζροχο άρωμα! Είπε. Θ φωνι ςου είναι μια χαρά τϊρα! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Για μίλα ξανά να ςε ακοφςω! Τα τα τα –τι τι τι- το το το –τε τε τε- του του του! Είπε ο γίγαντασ. Θ φωνι ςου ξανάγινε όπωσ ιταν πριν! Ραράξενο ! είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! ζπαιρναν κι οι δυό πολφ ϊρα βακιζσ ανάςεσ, γιατί από το μπουκάλι που κρατοφςε ςτα χζρια του ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ζβγαινε ζνα τόςο όμορφο, απαλό, μαγευτικό άρωμα!

The giant, reluctantly, left his nose and sniffed deeply! What a wonderful aroma! He said. Your voice is fine now! Said Thumbelina! To talk again to hear! Ta-ta-ta-te-te-te-to-to-to-said the giant. Your voice became again as it was before! Strangeness ! said Thumbelina! and they took the two hour long deep breaths because of the bottle he was holding in his hands the Thumbelina, came such a beautiful, soft, enchanting scent!

O gigante, com relutância, deixou seu nariz e cheirou profundamente! O que um aroma maravilhoso! Ele disse. Sua voz é bem agora! Disse Thumbelina! Para falar novamente para ouvir! A oo -o que Timoleon no tetra a logia quer de seu! Ele disse que o gigante. Sua voz tornou-se novamente como era antes! Estranho! disse Thumbelina! e tomaram as duas horas longas respirações profundas por causa da garrafa que estava segurando em suas mãos o Thumbelina, veio como um belo, suave perfume, encantador!

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Τότε άκουςαν πολλζσ απαλζσ φωνοφλεσ! «ευχαριςτοφμε, ευχαριςτοφμε», ζλεγαν οι φωνοφλεσ! Ροιοι είςτε και από ποφ ακοφγονται οι φωνοφλεσ ςασ? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! εδϊ! Εδϊ! Δθλαδι παντοφ ςτο δωμάτιο! Είμαςτε τα μόρια τθσ όμορφθσ τριανταφυλλζνιασ οςμισ! Ζχετε υπζροχο άρωμα! Είπε ο γίγαντασ! Ζχετε υπζροχθ οςμι! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Ευχαριςτοφμε και που μασ ελευκερϊςατε, και για τα καλά ςασ λόγια! Είπαν τα μόρια τθσ τριανταφυλλζνιασ οςμισ! Μπορείτε να φφγετε από τθ χαραμάδα του παρακφρου! Είπε ο γίγαντασ, να βγείτε ζξω ςτον αζρα, μθ ςασ πιάςει ξανά θ μάγιςςα! Φεφγουμε! Φεφγουμε! Είπαν τα μόρια τθσ όμορφθσ οςμισ! Ράμε ςτον ανκιςμζνο κιπο να βροφμε τθ μαμά μασ! Ροια είναι θ μαμά ςασ? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Θ μαμά μασ είναι ζνα κατάλευκο τριαντάφυλλο με εκατό φφλλα! Είπαν τα μόρια κι ζφυγαν βιαςτικά από τθ χαραμάδα!

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Em seguida, eles ouviram muitas vozes suaves! "Obrigado, obrigado", disse a voz! Quem é você e onde estão suas vozes sejam ouvidas; Enviada Thumbelina! Aqui! Aqui! Assim, em toda a sala! Nós moléculas bela triantafyllenias odor! Você tem um aroma maravilhoso! Disse o gigante! Você tem um cheiro ótimo! Disse Thumbelina! Obrigado nos libertou, e por suas amáveis palavras! Eles disseram odor moléculas triantafyllenias! Você pode deixar a fenda da janela! Ele disse que a gigante, vai ao ar, você não pegar novamente a bruxa! Deixamos! Deixamos! Eles disseram moléculas de cheiro lindo! Deixe o jardim de flores para encontrar nossa mãe! Qual é a sua mãe; Enviada Thumbelina! Nossa mãe é um branco puro levantou-se com uma centena de cartas! Eles disseram moléculas e saiu apressadamente pela rachadura!

Then they heard many gentle voices! "Thank you, thank you," said the voices! Who are you and where are your voices heard; Asked Thumbelina! here! Here! So everywhere in the room! We molecules beautiful rose odor! You have a wonderful aroma! Said the giant! You smell great! Said Thumbelina! Thank you freed us, and for your kind words! They said rose odor! You can leave the crevice of the window! He said the giant, going out in the air, do not you catch again the witch! We leave! We leave! They said molecules of beautiful smell! Let the flower garden to find our mom! What is your mother; Asked Thumbelina! Our mom is a pure white rose with a hundred cards! They said molecules and left hastily by the crack!

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Ράμε να φφγουμε κι εμείσ! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! πάμε να δοφμε και τι υπάρχει ςτα άλλα δωμάτια είπε ο γίγαντασ! Ζφυγαν προςεχτικά από το δωμάτιο τθσ οςμισ, μθν ςπάςουν κατά λάκοσ κάποιο μπουκαλάκι, και ζκλειςαν τθν πόρτα πίςω τουσ.

Let's go ! Said Thumbelina! go to see what is in the other rooms said the giant! They left the room carefully smell, not accidentally break a bottle, and closed the door behind them.

Vamos! Disse Thumbelina! ir para ver o que está nos outros quartos disse o gigante! Eles deixaram o quarto cuidadosamente cheiro, não acidentalmente quebrar uma garrafa, e fechou a porta atrás deles.

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Πταν τα παιδιά άκουςαν το παραμφκι ζκανα ερωτιςεισ για να διαπιςτϊςω εάν το κατανόθςαν . ερωτιςεισ όπωσ: -πότε μπικαν ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ ςτο ςπίτι τθσ μάγιςςασ? -από τθ υλικό ιταν φτιαγμζνθ θ αυλόπορτα τθσ μάγιςςασ? Ζχετε ξαναδεί τζτοιο υλικό? - πόςα δωμάτια είχε το ςπίτι τθσ μάγιςςασ? -ςε ποιο δωμάτιο μπικαν πρϊτα;? -τι βρικαν ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο? -τι πιραν ςτα χζρια τουσ ο γίγαντασ και ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? -ποιοσ άνοιξε πρϊτοσ το μπουκαλάκι του? -τι είχε μζςα το μπουκαλάκι του Τοςοδοφλθ? - τι είχε μζςα το μπουκαλάκι του γίγαντα? - γιατί άλλαξε θ φωνι του γίγαντα? -μπορείτε να αλλάξετε κι εςείσ τθ φωνι ςασ όπωσ ο γίγαντασ? Γιατί πιςτεφεται πωσ ςυμβαίνει αυτό όταν κλείνουμε τθ μφτθ μασ? -ασ αλλάξουμε τθ φωνι μασ όπωσ ο γίγαντασ κι ασ ποφμε με κλειςτι μφτθ τα τα τα τι τι τι το το το τε τε τε του του του. Ππωσ ο γίγαντασ, όλοι μαηί ρυκμικά. - πωσ ελευκερϊκθκαν τα μόρια των οςμϊν και που πιγαν?

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Quando as crianças ouviram o conto fez perguntas para ver se eles entenderam. Perguntas como: -Quando Entrou no Thumbelina e da casa gigante da bruxa; -from o material foi feito à porta da bruxa; Você já viu esse material; - Como muitos quartos tinha a casa da bruxa; -na qual quarto que entrou pela primeira vez;? -o que eles estavam nesta sala; -O que tem em suas mãos o Thumbelina gigante e; Quem abriu a primeira garrafa; -O que estava dentro da garrafa de Thumbelina; - O que estava dentro da garrafa do gigante; - Ele mudou a voz do gigante; -Você pode mudar e você a sua voz como o gigante; Pois acredita-se que isso acontece quando fechamos nossos narizes; vamos mudar as nossas vozes como o gigante e dizer abafado o o o que que que no te te te dele. À medida que o gigante, juntos ritmicamente. - Como as moléculas de odores e foi liberado;

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When the children heard the tale did questions to see if they understood. questions like: -When entered the Thumbelina and the giant home of the witch; -from the material was made the gate of the witch; You have seen such material; - How many rooms had the house of the witch; -in which room they entered first ;? -what they were in this room; -what they got their hands on the giant and Thumbelina; -Who first opened the bottle; -what was inside the bottle of Thumbelina; - What was inside the bottle of the giant; - He changed the voice of the giant; -you can change and you your voice like the giant; Because it is believed that this happens when we close our noses; let us change our voices as the giant and say muffled the to-to-to-ti-ti-ti-ta-ta-ta-te te te of him. As the giant, together rhythmically. - How the molecules released odors and went;

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Κατόπιν ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να μου πουν αν ζχουν εμπειρίεσ από όμορφεσ ι δυςάρεςτεσ οςμζσ. -Ζδειξα ςτα παιδιά, κάποια υλικά και με τα μάτια κλειςτά , για να απομονϊςω τθν αίςκθςθ τθσ οςμισ, ηιτθςα να μου πουν αν αναγνωρίηουν τισ οςμζσ, κι αν θ οςμι τουσ φαινόταν όμορφθ ι άςχθμθ

Then I asked the children to tell me if you have experiences of beautiful or unpleasant odors. -I saw to the Children, some materials and eyes closed, to isolate the sense of smell, I asked him to tell me if you recognize odors, though the odor seemed beautiful or ugly

Then I asked the children to tell me if you have experiences of beautiful or unpleasant odors. - I showed the children, some materials and eyes closed, to isolate the sense of smell, I asked him to tell me if you recognize odors, though the odor seemed beautiful or ugly

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Τα παιδιά, ζφεραν ντομάτεσ, τισ πολτοποιιςαμε και τισ βάλαμε ςε γυάλινο βάηο, με κλειςτό καπάκι, το οποίο το κλείςαμε με χαρτοταινία για να μθν μπαίνει αζρασ, κζλοντασ να γνωρίςουμε πωσ μπορεί να ςαπίςει μία ντομάτα. Crianças trouxe tomates, triturado e colocado em um frasco de vidro com tampa fechada, o que nós fechado com fita adesiva para evitar que o ar entra, querendo saber como pode um tomate podre. Children brought tomatoes, triturated and we put in a glass jar with closed cap, which we closed with masking tape to prevent air enters, wanting to know how can one rotten tomato.

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Το δωμάτιο των γεφςεων Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ κι ο γίγαντασ, ςυνεχίηοντασ τθν περιπλάνθςθ τουσ ςτο παλάτι τθσ μάγιςςασ φλθσ, άνοιξαν αργά και προςεχτικά, τθ πόρτα που πάνω ζγραφε «γεφςθ». The room of flavors The Thumbelina and the giant, continuing the wandering in the palace of the witch matter, opened slowly and carefully, over the door read "flavor." A sala de sabores O Thumbelina eo gigante, dando continuidade à peregrinação no palácio da questão bruxa, abriu devagar e com cuidado, sobre a porta ler "sabor".

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- Τι είναι αυτό που τα μικρά ματάκια του Τοςοδοφλθ αντίκριςαν? Τι είναι αυτό που τα μεγάλα κι ακϊα μάτια του γίγαντα αντίκριςαν? Ζνα τεράςτιο τραπζηι που τόςεσ πολλζσ λιχουδιζσ, μποροφςε να χορτάςει όλουσ τουσ φτωχοφσ του κόςμου. "Θ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ, μπορεί να τρϊει ότι κζλει", είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!" όχι ςαν και μζνα, που είμαι πάντα πειναςμζνοσ", είπε ο γίγαντασ!

O pequeno olhos de Thumbelina viu; Que grandes e inocentes olhos da serra gigante; Uma enorme mesa tantas iguarias poderia encher de todos os pobres do mundo. \ "A Bruxa de assunto, pode comer que quer \", disse Thumbelina! \ "Não gosta de mim, estou sempre com fome \", disse o gigante!

What small eyes of Thumbelina saw; What great and innocent eyes of the giant saw; A huge table so many delicacies could fill of all the poor of the world. \\\ "The Witch of matter, can eat that wants \\\" said Thumbelina! \\\ "Not like me, I am always hungry \\\" said the giant!

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Ο γίγαντασ όρμθςε με βουλιμία ςτο πρϊτο πιάτο που βρικε μπροςτά του. «Κα τθ κάνω ταράτςα,» είπε! Πμωσ, μόλισ ζβαλε τθ πρϊτθ μπουκιά ςτο ςτόμα του, « μπλιάχ! Βοικεια! Βοικεια! Είναι πικρό!» Φϊναξε ο γίγαντασ! . . Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, πιρε ζνα μικρό μικροφτςικο κομματάκι από τθν πιατζλα να δοκιμάςει κι αυτόσ, όμωσ μόλισ το ζβαλε ςτο μικρό του ςτοματάκι, -"μπλιάχ! Βοικεια! Βοικεια! Ζχεισ δίκιο κφριε γίγαντα Είναι πικρό! Είναι πολφ πικρό! Είναι πάρα πολφ πικρό!" Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!

The giant lunged with bulimia in the first dish that he found before him. "We'll do the roof," he said! But once you put the first bite in his mouth, "bliach! Aid! Aid! It is bitter! "Shouted the giant! . . The Thumbelina, took a little tiny piece from the plate to try and he, but just put it in his small mouth, - \ "bliach! Help! Help! You're right sir giant is bitter! It's very bitter! It's too bitter! \ "Said Thumbelina!

O gigante avançou com bulimia no primeiro prato que ele encontrou diante de si. "Nós vamos fazer o telhado", disse ele! Mas uma vez que você colocar a primeira mordida em sua boca ", bliach! Socorro! Socorro! É amargo! "Gritou o gigante! . . O Thumbelina, pegou um pequeno pedaço minúsculo da placa e ele tentou, mas simplesmente colocá-lo em sua boca pequena, - \\\ "bliach Ajuda Ajude Você é gigante senhor adequado é amargo É muito amargo É muito!!!!! amargo! \\\ "Disse Thumbelina!

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-"Ναι , είναι τόςο πικρό, που μου κυμίηει το φάρμακο που μου ζδινε θ γιγαντογιατρίνα θ Νίνα, όταν ιμουνα μικρόσ, κι ζκλαιγα γιατί δεν ικελα να το πιϊ, και θ γιγαντογιατρίνα θ Νίνα, με κυνθγοφςε ςε όλο το γιγαντοχωριό, και μου ζλεγε άμα δε το πιϊ, δεν κα πζςει ο πυρετόσ!", είπε ο γίγαντασ. " Και ςε ζπιαςε θ γιγαντογιατρίνα? " ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! " Με ζπιαςε," είπε ο γίγαντασ." Και τι ςου ζκανε? Σου ζδωςε το πικρό φάρμακο?", ρϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - " Ναι μου το ζδωςε, "είπε ο γίγαντασ. -" Κι ζγινεσ καλά? " - "Ναι, πζραςε ο πυρετόσ, αλλά ιταν πολφ πικρό το φάρμακο," είπε ο γίγαντασ. "Μερικζσ φορζσ, το πικρό γίνεται γλυκό, όταν είναι για το καλό μασ," είπε ο γίγαντασ. "Με ζςωςε θ γιατρίνα θ Νίνα και το πικρό το φάρμακο τθσ, γιατί είχα πολφ πυρετό!", είπε ο γίγαντασ.

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- \\\ "Sim, é tão amargo, que me lembra o medicamento que o meu médico deu Nina, quando eu era pequeno, e eu estava chorando porque eu não queria beber, eo médico Nina perseguidos ao redor da aldeia, e dizer-me quando eu bebo-lo, não vai cair febre! \\\ ", disse o gigante. \\\ "E ele pegou o médico; \\\", perguntou o Thumbelina! \\\ "Me pegou, \\\" o gigante disse \\\ "E o que eu fiz, eu dei o remédio amargo; \\\". Perguntou Thumbelina. - \\\ "Sim eu dei, \\\", disse o gigante. - \\\ "E você se tornou bem; \\\" - \\\ "Sim, a febre passou, mas foi a medicina muito amargo, \\\", disse o gigante. \\\ "Às vezes amargo é doce quando é para o nosso próprio bem, \\\", disse o gigante. \\\ "Com Nina salva médico e remédio amargo, porque eu tive uma febre também! \\\", Disse o gigante

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- \\\ "Yes, it is so bitter, that reminds me of the drug that gave me the doctor Nina, when I was small, and I was crying because I did not want to drink it, and doctor Nina hounded throughout village, and telling me when I drink it in, will not fall fever! \\\ "said the giant. \\\ "And he caught the doctor; \\\" asked the Thumbelina! \\\ "Caught me, \\\" the giant said. \\\ "And what I did; I gave the bitter medicine; \\\" asked Thumbelina. - \\\ "Yes I gave, \\\" the giant said. - \\\ "And you have become well; \\\" - \\\ "Yes, the fever passed, but it was very bitter medicine, \\\" the giant said. \\\ "Sometimes bitter is sweet when it is for our own good, \\\" the giant said. \\\ "With saved the doctor Nina and bitter medicine, because I had a fever too! \\\" Said the giant

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- " Άςε τϊρα τθ Νίνα τθ γιατρίνα, να δοφμε μιπωσ βροφμε τίποτα νόςτιμο να φάμε, γιατί πεινάω', είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, και πιρε ςτα χζρια του, κάτι που μφριηε πολφ όμορφα. Ιταν κίτρινο, ςκλθρό, και το ζκοψε με ζνα μαχαιράκι. Ζβαλε λίγο ςτο μικρό του ςτόμα και "μπλιάχ! ", Αναφϊνθςε! -" Κι αυτό πικρό"? Είπε ο γίγαντασ! -" Πχι αυτό είναι ξινό", είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! ζβαλε κι ο γίγαντασ, ζνα μικρό κομματάκι ςτο ςτόμα του! «μπλιάχ! Αναφϊνθςε ο γίγαντασ! Αυτό είναι ξινό, είναι πολφ ξινό! Είναι πάρα πολφ ξινό! Ζχεισ δίκιο", είπε ο γίγαντασ ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ! Τότε ο γίγαντασ, είπε! -"Αυτό πρζπει να είναι πολφ νόςτιμο"! Και πιρε μια τεράςτια μπουκιά, από κάτι ποφ ζμοιαηε με τυρόπιττα , μζςα ςε μια τεράςτια πορςελάνινθ πιατζλα. Πμωσ ," μπλιάχ! Αυτό είναι πολφ αρμυρό"! Είπε ο γίγαντασ!" Δεν τρϊγεται με τίποτα! ". Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, δοκίμαςε μια μικρι, μικροφτςικθ μπουκίτςα από το τυροπιττάκι, και "μπλιάχ!" Αναφϊνθςε! "Ζχεισ δίκιο κφριε γίγαντα! Είναι αλμυρό! Είναι πολφ αλμυρό! Είναι πάρα πολφ αλμυρο! Φτοφ φτοφ φτου! Μπλιαχ! Μπλιαχ! Μπλιαχ! ", Ζκαναν κι οι δυό μαηί, ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ!

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\\\ "Let now Nina the doctor to see if we find anything tasty to eat because I am hungry \\\ 'said Thumbelina, and took in his hands, which smelled very nice. It was yellow, hard, and cut with a knife. He put a bit in his small mouth and \\\ "bliach! \\\ "Exclaimed! - \\\ "That \\\ bitter"; Said the giant! - \\\ "No this is sour \\\" said Thumbelina! put and the Giant, a little bit in his mouth! "Bliach! Exclaimed the giant! This is sour, very sour! It's too sour! \\\ You're right, "said the giant Thumbelina! Then the giant said! - \\\ "This must be very delicious \\\"! And he took a huge bite of something that looked like cheese, in a huge porcelain platter. But \\\ "bliach! This is very salty \\\"! He said the giant! \\\ "Not eaten anything! \\\". The Thumbelina, try a little, tiny bites from tyropittaki and \\\ "bliach! \\\" Exclaimed! \\\ "You're right sir giant! It is salty! It is very salty! It is too too salty! Phew phew phew! Bliach! Bliach! Bliach! \\\" They're both together, Thumbelina and the Giant!

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\\\ "Vamos agora Nina médico para ver se encontramos algo saboroso para comer, porque eu estou com fome \\\ 'disse Thumbelina, e tomou em suas mãos, que cheirava muito bom. Era amarelo, duro, e cortado com uma faca. Ele colocou um pouco em sua boca pequena e \\\ "bliach! \\\ ", Exclamou! - \\\ "\\\ Isso amargo"; Disse o gigante! - \\\ "Sem este é azedo \\\", disse Thumbelina! colocar e the Giant, um pouco em sua boca! "Bliach! Exclamou o gigante! Esta é azedo, muito azedo! É muito azedo! \\\ Você está certo ", disse o gigante Thumbelina! Em seguida, o gigante disse! - \\\ "Esta deve ser muito delicioso \\\"! E tomou uma mordida enorme de algo que parecia queijo, em uma enorme prato de porcelana. Mas \\\ "bliach! Isto é muito salgado \\\"! Ele disse que a gigante! \\\ "Não comeu nada! \\\". O Thumbelina, tente um pouco muito pouco mordida, do tyropittaki e \\\ "bliach! \\\", Exclamou! \\\ "Você é gigante senhor mesmo! É salgado! É muito salgado! É também muito salgado! Ufa ufa Ufa! Bliach! Bliach! Bliach! \\\" Os dois estão juntos, Thumbelina eo Gigante!

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"Ράμε να φφγουμε" είπε ο γίγαντασ! "Εδϊ μζςα δεν τρϊγεται τίποτα! Τόςα φαγθτά και θ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ, δεν ξζρει να μαγειρεφει, ςαν τθν γυναίκα μου τθν κυρία γίγαντα. " - 'Είςαι παντρεμζνοσ?" Απόρθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! "Δεν το ιξερα! "Ναι ζχω και παιδάκια! " Είπε ο γίγαντασ! " Ρόςα παιδάκια ζχεισ?", ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? -"Ζχω 12 κορίτςια και δϊδεκα γιοφσ." -" Σοβαρά μιλάσ? "ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!" Και που είναι τϊρα θ γυναίκα ςου και τα παιδιά ςου?" - Στο ςπίτι μασ ςτθν χϊρα των γιγάντων. . Βγικα να κόψω ξφλα ςτο δάςοσ, αλλά χάκθκα, και ψάχνοντασ να βρω το ςπίτι μου, βρζκθκα ςτθν πολιτεία ςασ , τθν μικρι πολιτεία ςασ, κι ζκανα εςζνα φίλο!" -« εμείσ Είμαςτε φίλοι? "ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. -"Φυςικά και είμαςτε φίλοι! Οι πιο καλοί φίλοι του κόςμου," απάντθςε ο γίγαντασ! - Κφριε γίγαντα ,...... να ςε λζω........ πατζρα? Δεν ζχω οφτε μπαμπά, οφτε μαμά!"........ ο γίγαντασ ςϊπαςε για λίγο.... κι ο Τοςοδοφλθσ ςϊπαςε για λίγο.... Ο γίγαντασ ςκοφπιςε λίγο τα μάτια του και είπε:" Ζχω 13 γιοφσ τϊρα !

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\ "Vamos sair \", disse o gigante! \ "Em nada aqui não comi! Muito alimentos ea bruxa da matéria, não sabe cozinhar, como minha esposa senhora gigante. \" - \ 'Você é casado; \ "perguntou o Thumbelina! \" Eu não sabia! \ "Sim, eu tenho crianças! \", Disse o gigante! \ "Quantos filhos você começou; \", perguntou o Thumbelina; - \ "Eu tenho 12 meninas e doze filhos \". - \ "Você está falando sério; \", perguntou o Thumbelina \ "E isso é agora a sua esposa e os seus filhos; \" - Em nossa casa na terra de gigantes. . Eu fui para cortar madeira na floresta, mas se perdeu e tentando encontrar a minha casa, eu estava em seu estado, a sua pequena cidade, eu fiz você amigo! \ " - "Nós Somos amigos; \ ", Perguntou o Thumbelina. - \ "! Claro que estamos amigos Os mais bons amigos no mundo, \", respondeu o gigante! - Sr. gigante, para ...... ........ pai dizer; Eu não tenho nem pai nem mãe! \ "........ o gigante ficou em silêncio por um tempo .... eo Thumbelina ficou em silêncio por um momento .... O pequeno gigante enxugou os olhos e disse: \ "Eu tenho 13 filhos agora

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\ "Vamos sair \", disse o gigante! \ "Em nada aqui não comi! Muito alimentos ea bruxa da matéria, não sabe cozinhar, como minha esposa senhora gigante. \" - \ 'Você é casado; \ "perguntou o Thumbelina! \" Eu não sabia! \ "Sim, eu tenho crianças! \", Disse o gigante! \ "Quantos filhos você começou; \", perguntou o Thumbelina; - \ "Eu tenho 12 meninas e doze filhos \". - \ "Você está falando sério; \", perguntou o Thumbelina \ "E isso é agora a sua esposa e os seus filhos; \" - Em nossa casa na terra de gigantes. . Eu fui para cortar madeira na floresta, mas se perdeu e tentando encontrar a minha casa, eu estava em seu estado, a sua pequena cidade, eu fiz você amigo! \ " - "Nós Somos amigos; \ ", Perguntou o Thumbelina. - \ "! Claro que estamos amigos Os mais bons amigos no mundo, \", respondeu o gigante! - Sr. gigante, para ...... ........ pai dizer; Eu não tenho nem pai nem mãe! \ "........ o gigante ficou em silêncio por um tempo .... eo Thumbelina ficou em silêncio por um momento .... O pequeno gigante enxugou os olhos e disse: \ "Eu tenho 13 filhos agora

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-"Ρειράηει που δεν είμαι γίγαντασ"? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. -" πειράηει που δεν είμαι Τοςοδοφλθσ"? ρϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ! -"Ράμε να δοφμε και τα άλλα δωμάτια", είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Τότε όμωσ βρικαν μπροςτά τουσ, ζνα μεγάλο τεράςτιο ςακουλάκι με……"ω! "αναφϊνθςε χοροπθδϊντασ ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! "Είναι καραμζλεσ! Είναι καραμζλεσ! Τρα λα λα τρα λα λα! " -Ρερίμενε να βεβαιωκοφμε πρϊτα"! , είπε ςκεφτικόσ ο γίγαντασ. Ριρε μια καραμζλα, τθν ζβαλε ςτο ςτόμα του, και.... "ω! "αναφϊνθςε! "Είναι καραμζλεσ! Είναι καραμζλεσ! Τρα λα λα τρα λα λα! Είναι γλυκζσ! Δοκίμαςε Τοςοδοφλθ'! Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ είπε!" Είναι γλυκζσ! Είναι πολφ γλυκζσ! Είναι πάρα πολφ γλυκζσ! Επιτζλουσ και κάτι νόςτιμο ςε αυτό το παλάτι"! -"Μθ τρωσ πολλζσ καραμζλεσ! Κα χαλάςουν τα δόντια ςου", είπε ο γίγαντασ! -" Κα τθσ φάω όλεσ ", είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! -κα χαλάςουν τα δόντια ςου, και κα κάνουν τρφπεσ και κα πζςουν, και κα φοράσ μαςζλα', ξανάπε ο γίγαντασ!

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- \ "Será que isso importa que eu não sou um \ gigante"; Enviada Thumbelina. - \ "Mente Eu sou Thumbelina \"; perguntou o gigante! - \ "Vamos ver os outros quartos, \" disse Thumbelina! Mas, em seguida, eles encontraram diante deles, um grande saco enorme ...... \ "oh! \", Exclamou o salto Thumbelina! \ "É doces! É doces! Tra la la la la bonde! \" Esperar para ter certeza de primeira \ "! Ele disse, pensativo gigante. Obteve um doce, colocá-lo em sua boca, e .... \ "oh! \", Exclamou! \ "É doces! É doces! Tra la la la la bonde! É doce! Experimente Thumbelina \ '! O Thumbelina disse! \ "É doce! É muito doce! É muito doce! Finalmente algo saboroso neste palácio \"! - \ 'Não comer um monte de doces Você vai estragar os dentes \ ", disse o gigante! - \ "Você come todos os \", disse Thumbelina! -Você Estragar os dentes, e fazer buracos e queda, e uso de próteses \ ', disse antes do gigante!

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- \\\ "Does it matter that I am not a giant \\\"; Asked Thumbelina. - \\\ “does it matter I'm Thumbelina \\\"; asked the giant! - \\\ "Let's see the other rooms \\\" said Thumbelina! But then they found before them, a big huge bag ...... \\\ "oh! \\\" Exclaimed the bounce Thumbelina! \\\ "It's candy! It's candy! Tra la la la la tram! \\\" Wait to be sure first \\\ "! He said thoughtfully giant. He got a candy, puts it in his mouth, and .... \\\ "oh! \\\" Exclaimed! \\\ "It's candy! It's candy! Tra la la la la tram! It's sweet! Try Thumbelina \\\ '! The Thumbelina said! \\\ "It's sweet! It is very sweet! It's too sweet! At last something tasty in this palace \\\"! - \\\ 'Do not eat a lot of candy! You'll ruin your teeth \\\ "said the giant! - \\\ "I'll eat all them \\\" said Thumbelina! -You spoil your teeth, and make holes and fall, and wearing dentures \\\ ', said the giant again!

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Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ζφαγε μόνο μία καραμζλα, κι ακόμα μία. Ο γίγαντασ ζφαγε μόνο μία καραμζλα κι ακόμα μία. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ , παίρνοντασ ςτα χζρια του καραμζλεσ μζτρθςε καραμζλεσ, μζτρθςε 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ……ζωσ το 24. Ζβαλε 24 καραμζλεσ ςτθν τςζπθ του. -" Γιατί πιρεσ 24 καραμζλεσ"? Απόρθςε ο γίγαντασ. -' Για τα αδζρφια μου, τα γιγαντοπαιδάκια ςου, "είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. Τότε ο γίγαντασ, πιρε κι άλλεσ δφο καραμζλεσ. "τι τισ κζλεισ αυτζσ? Ρεριςςεφουν", είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. -" δεν περιςςεφουν, μία είναι για τθν γυναίκα μου, και θ άλλθ για τον κφριο επιςτιμονα τθσ Τοςοδουλοπολιτείασ," είπε ο γίγαντασ.

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The Thumbelina, ate only one candy, and even once. The giant ate only one candy and one more. The Thumbelina, taking in his hands candies candies measured, counted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...... to 24. He had 24 candies in his pocket. - \ "Why did you take 24 candies \"; Wondered the giant. - \ 'For my brothers, your children , \ "said Thumbelina. Then the giant took another two and candies. \ "What do you want them; leftovers \" said Thumbelina. - \ "No left over, one is for my wife and the other for the main scientist of little town , \" said the giant

O Thumbelina, comeu apenas uma doces, e até mesmo uma vez. O gigante comeu apenas uma doces e mais um. O Thumbelina, tendo em suas mãos Doces Doces medidos, contava 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...... para 24. Ele tinha 24 balas no bolso. - \\ \ "Por que você tomou 24 balas \\\"; Perguntou o gigante. - \\ \ "Para os meus irmãos, vossos filhos, \\ \", disse Thumbelina. Em seguida, o gigante tomou outro dois e doces. \\ \ "O que você quer que eles; sobras \\\", disse Thumbelina. - \\ \ "Não sobra, é para minha esposa e outro para o cientista principal da pequena cidade, \\\", disse o gigante

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Τότε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ζβαλε όλεσ τισ καραμζλεσ ςε ζνα ςακοφλι, και είπε ςτον γίγαντα να τισ πάρουν όλεσ. Ζτςι κι ζγινε. ο γίγαντασ πιρε το ςακοφλι, όμωσ δυςκολευόταν να το κουβαλιςει. " Είναι πολφ βαρφ το ςακοφλι", είπε ο γίγαντασ." εξάλλου, κα κυμϊςει θ μάγιςςα, όταν δει ότι λείπουν όλεσ οι καραμζλεσ. Δεν είπαμε ότι χαλάν τα δόντια"? Είπε πάλι ο γίγαντασ. -"Κζλω τισ καραμζλεσ για τα φτωχά παιδάκια", είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. Ο γίγαντασ, ζβαλε το ςακοφλι ςτον ϊμο του, και .....τι ζκπλθξθ! Ξαφνικά το φορτίο ζγινε τόςο ελαφρφ! Ο γίγαντασ είπε! "Τα μόρια τθσ καραμζλασ, πωσ ξαφνικά ζγιναν τόςο ελαφριά"? -" Κα ρωτιςουμε τον κφριο επιςτιμονα, όταν τον δοφμε", Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, φεφγοντασ από το δωμάτιο τθσ μάγιςςασ, τθσ άφθςε ζνα ςθμείωμα. "Κυρία μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ, ευχαριςτοφμε για τισ καραμζλεσ. Πςο για τα άλλα φαγθτά, να τα φασ μόνθ ςου! Υπογραφι , Τοςοδοφλθσ 13οσ γιόσ του γίγαντα.

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Em seguida, Thumbelina, ele colocou todos os doces em um saco, e disse ao gigante para levá-los todos. Assim aconteceu. o gigante pegou o saco, mas achou difícil de transportar. \ "É muito pesado saco \", disse o gigante \ "Além disso, a bruxa vai ficar com raiva quando você vê que todos os doces faltando Não dissemos que estragar os dentes. \".; Ele disse que a gigante de novo. - \ "Eu quero doces para as crianças pobres \", disse Thumbelina. O gigante, ele colocou a bolsa em seu ombro, e ..... o que uma surpresa! De repente, a carga era tão leve! O gigante disse! \ "As moléculas de doces, de repente, tornou-se tão leve \"; - \ "Vamos pedir o cientista principal, quando você vê o \" Disse Thumbelina! O Thumbelina, deixando bruxa quarto, deixou uma nota. \ "Lady bruxa da matéria, obrigado para os doces. Como para outras refeições, comer sozinho Assinatura, Thumbelina 13º filho do gigante!.

Then Thumbelina, he put all the candy in a bag, and told the giant to take them all. So it happened. the giant got the bag, but found it difficult to carry. \\\ "It is very heavy the bag \\\" said the giant. \\\ "Moreover, the Witch will get angry when you see that all the missing candies. There we said that spoil the teeth \\\"; He said the giant again. - \\\ "I want candy for poor children \\\" said Thumbelina. The giant, he put the bag on his shoulder, and ..... what a surprise! Suddenly the load was so light! The giant said! \\\ "The molecules of candy, it suddenly became so light \\\"; - \\\ "We will ask the main scientist, when we see the \\\" Said Thumbelina! The Thumbelina, leaving room witch, left her a note. \\\ "Lady Witch of matter, thank you for the candies. As for other meals, to eat by yourself! Signature, Thumbelina 13th son of the giant.

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Πταν τελείωςα τθν αφιγθςθ , ζκανα Ερωτιςεισ για να διαπιςτϊςω εάν κατανόθςαν τθν ιςτορία: -ςε ποιο δωμάτιο, μπικαν ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ? -τι είδαν μζςα ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο? -τι δοκίμαςαν πρϊτα ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ? Τι γεφςθ είχε? - τι κφμιςε ςτο γίγαντα αυτι θ γεφςθ? -ποιοσ ζδωςε ςτον γίγαντα φάρμακο όταν ιταν μικρόσ και γιατί? -τι δοκίμαςαν ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ μετά? τι γεφςθ είχε? - τι δοκίμαςαν μετά? Τι γεφςθ είχε? -τι βρικαν μζςα ςε ζνα μεγάλο ςακοφλι? Ρωσ αντζδραςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? πωσ αντζδραςε ο γίγαντασ? -τι γεφςθ είχαν οι καραμζλεσ? - πωσ ηιτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ να λζει τον γίγαντα? Γιατί? Τι απάντθςε ο γίγαντασ? Γιατί ο γίγαντασ ςκοφπιςε τα μάτια του? -πόςεσ καραμζλεσ ζφαγε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? πόςεσ ο γίγαντασ? -γιατί δεν ζφαγαν πιο πολλζσ καραμζλεσ? - πόςεσ καραμζλεσ ικελε να πάρει μαηί του ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? τι τθσ ικελε? Ρόςεσ καραμζλεσ ικελε να πάρει ο γίγαντασ? Τι τισ ικελε? - πόςεσ καραμζλεσ πιραν τελικά και που τισ ζβαλαν?

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When I finished the story, I asked questions to find out whether they understood the story: -in which room, the Thumbelina and the giant went; -what saw in this room; -what tasted the first Thumbelina and the Giant; What flavor was; - What reminded the giant this flavor; -Who gave the giant drug when he was little and why; -what tasted the Thumbelina and the giant after; What flavor was; - What tasted after; What flavor was; -what found inside a large bag; How reacted the Thumbelina; that the giant responded; were -what flavor candies; - That he asked the Thumbelina saying the giant; Why? What the giant replied; Why the giant wiped his eyes; -How candies ate Thumbelina; how many giant; -why did not eat many more candies; - How many candies he wanted to take with him the Thumbelina; what she wanted; How many candies like to get the giant; What the like; - How many candies finally seized and placed them;

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Quando eu terminei a história, eu fazia perguntas para saber se eles entenderam a história: -em que o quarto, o Thumbelina eo gigante foi; serra -o que nesta sala; -o que provou a primeira Thumbelina eo Gigante; O sabor era; - O que fez lembrar o gigante este sabor; Quem deu a droga gigante quando ele era pequeno e por quê; -o que provou o Thumbelina e depois o gigante; O sabor era; - O que provei depois; O sabor era; -O encontrado dentro de um grande saco; Como reagiu a Thumbelina; que o gigante respondeu; -Quais eram doces de sabor; - Que ele perguntou o Thumbelina dizendo que o gigante; Por; O que o gigante respondeu; Por que o gigante enxugou os olhos; -Como Comeu doces Thumbelina; quantos gigante; -Por que não comer muito mais doces; - Quantas balas ele queria levar com ele o Thumbelina; o que ela queria; Como muitos doces gostaria de obter o gigante; O que semelhantes; - Como muitos doces finalmente apreendidos e colocados-los;

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το ςακοφλι με τισ καραμζλεσ ιταν βαρφ ι ελαφρφ? Τι παράξενο ςυνζβθ? Ροιοσ κα εξθγιςει ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ και ςτον γίγαντα για αυτό το παράξενο ςυμβάν? -εςείσ πωσ εξθγείτε ότι ζγινε αυτό? Τι ζγραψε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ ςαν μινυμα ςτθν μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ? -πωσ νομίηετε πωσ ζνιωκε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ ςαν ζνα παιδί του γίγαντα? -πωσ νομίηετε πωσ ζνιωςε ο γίγαντασ που ο Τοςοδοφλθσ ικελε να τον λζει πατζρα? -δζχτθκε ο γίγαντασ τον Τοςοδοφλθ για παιδί του? -πόςα παιδιά είχε ο γίγαντασ? Ρόςα αγόρια και πόςα κορίτςια? -τϊρα πόςα παιδιά ζχει ο γίγαντασ? -που βρίςκεται τϊρα θ γυναίκα και τα παιδιά του γίγαντα?

o saco de doces foi pesado ou leve; Que estranho aconteceu; Quem vai explicar para Thumbelina eo gigante sobre este incidente estranho; -eseis explicar como ele foi feito; O que escreveu Thumbelina como uma mensagem para importa bruxa; -Como Você acha que o Thumbelina senti como uma criança gigante; -Como Você acha que ele sentiu o gigante que Thumbelina queria dizer a seu pai; -dechtike Thumbelina gigante para a criança; -Como Crianças teve o gigante; Quantos rapazes e quantas raparigas; -Agora Quantas crianças é o gigante; -que é agora a esposa e filhos do gigante;

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he bag of candies was heavy or light; What strange happened; Who will explain to Thumbelina and the giant on this weird incident; - You explain how it was done; What wrote Thumbelina as a message to witch matter; - How do you think he felt the Thumbelina like a giant child; - How do you think he felt the giant that Thumbelina wanted to say his father; - Accepted the giant Thumbelina for the child; - How many children had the giant; How many boys and how many girls; -Now how many children is the giant; -which is now the wife and children of the giant;

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Δραςτθριότθτα Στο τραπζηι, βάλαμε ποτιρι χυμό λεμονιοφ, πράςινο πικρό τςάι του βουνοφ, χυμόσ από φρζςκο λεμόνι, ηάχαρθ, αλάτι, μαςτίχα Χίου, φφλλα από φρζςκο δυόςμο. Σκζπαςα τα υλικά με αλουμινόχαρτο, ϊςτε να μθν φαίνονται και είπα ςτα παιδιά: ασ παίξουμε ζνα φανταςτικό παιχνίδι. Με τθ φανταςία μασ, ασ βρεκοφμε ςτο δωμάτιο γεφςεων ςτο παλάτι τθσ μάγιςςασ φλθσ. Αυτά εδϊ που είναι κρυμμζνα κάτω από το αλουμινόχαρτο, είναι υλικά που ζχουν διάφορεσ γεφςεισ. Ροιοσ είναι τόςο γενναίοσ, ϊςτε να δοκιμάςει και να μασ πει τι γεφςθ ζχουν? Τα παιδιά δοκίμαςαν τισ γεφςεισ, και τισ ονόμαςαν.

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Activity At the table, we put glass of lemon juice, bitter green mountain tea, fresh lemon juice, sugar, salt, mastic, leaves of fresh mint. I covered the material with aluminum foil so they do not look and I said to the children: let's play a fantastic game. In our imagination, we find ourselves in flavors room in the palace of the witch matter. These here are hidden under the foil, are materials that have different flavors. Who is so brave to try and tell us what they have taste; Children tasted the flavors, and called.

Atividade Na mesa, nós colocamos copo de suco de limão, chá amargo montanha verde, suco de limão fresco, açúcar, sal, aroeira, folhas de hortelã fresca. Eu cobri o material com papel alumínio para que eles não olhar e eu disse aos filhos: vamos jogar um jogo fantástico. Em nossa imaginação, nos encontramos em sabores quarto no palácio da questão bruxa. Estes aqui são escondidos sob a folha, são materiais que possuem diferentes sabores. Quem é tão corajoso para tentar e diga-nos o que eles têm gosto; Crianças provei os sabores, e apelou.

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Ραράξενθ θ γεφςθ τθσ Χιϊτικθσ μαςτίχασ. Ρολφ όμορφθ! Κυρία κζλω κι άλλθ! Και φυςικά είχα μαςτίχα Χίου για όλα τα παιδιά. Τα περιςςότερα παιδιά είπαν ότι θ γεφςθ τθσ ιταν πικρι ςτθν αρχι, μετά γλυκιά αλλά πολφ όμορφθ γεφςθ!

Gosto estranho de xios aroeira. Muito bonito! Madam eu quero ainda mais! E é claro que eu Mastic para todas as crianças. A maioria das crianças disse que o gosto era amargo no gosto em primeiro lugar, em seguida, doce, mas muito bonito!

Strange taste of xios mastic. Very beautiful! Madam I want some more! And of course I mastic for all children. Most children said that the taste was bitter at first, then sweet but very beautiful taste!

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όφθμα πικρό τςάι του βουνοφ, χωρίσ προςκικθ γλυκαντικοφ. Ρικρι γεφςθ Drink bitter mountain tea without sweetener. Bitter taste Beber chá amargo montanha sem adoçante. Gosto amargo

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Λίγο αλάτι ςτθν άκρθ του κουταλιοφ, αλμυρι γεφςθ και αμζςωσ πίνουμε πολφ νερό.

Um pouco de sal na borda da colher, sabor salgado e imediatamente beber muita água. A little salt on the edge of the spoon, salty taste and immediately drink plenty of water.

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Θ ηάχαρθ ζχει πολφ γλυκιά γεφςθ The sugar is very sweet O açúcar é muito doce

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Ζνα μικρό φφλλο δυόςμου. Ρικρι γεφςθ

Uma pequena folha de hortelã. Gosto amargo

A small mint leaf. Bitter taste

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Φυςικόσ χυμόσ από λεμόνι χωρίσ προςκικθ γλυκαντικοφ. ξινι γεφςθ. Lemon natural juice without added sweetener. sour taste Suco de limão natural, sem edulcorantes. gosto amargo

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Δραςτθριότθτα –ακρόαςθ ιςτορίασ- Το δωμάτιο των χρωμάτων Στόχοι: να αντιλθφκοφν πωσ τα υλικά διαφζρουν ωσ προσ το χρϊμα

Atividade -História Quarto de cores Objectivos: perceber que os materiais diferem em cor

Activity - History Room of colors Objectives: to realize that the materials differ in color

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Ο γίγαντασ άνοιξε αργά και προςεχτικά τθν πόρτα που πάνω ζγραφε «χρϊματα». Μόλισ μπικαν ςτο δωμάτιο των χρωμάτων, είδαν ζνα άδειο δωμάτιο. Δεν υπιρχε τίποτα μζςα. οι τοίχοι ιταν άςπροι. Μόνο αυτό. Οφτε ζπιπλα, οφτε τίποτα. Ζνα άδειο δωμάτιο. -καλά και γιατί λζγεται δωμάτιο των χρωμάτων? Απόρθςαν ο Τοςοδοφλθσ κι ο γίγαντασ. Τότε, ςαν κάτι να άκουςαν. -Σςςςςςσ….. είπε ο γίγαντασ…. κάτι άκουςα….. - κάποιοσ κλαίει? Κάποιοσ κλαίει, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - κάποιοσ είναι πολφ λυπθμζνοσ εδϊ μζςα. βλζπεισ κανζναν? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ τον Τοςοδοφλθ. Ρριν προλάβει να απαντιςει ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, κάτι πζραςε από μπροςτά τουσ. - Τι είναι αυτό? Ροιοσ πετάει? Είπε ο γίγαντασ. -κοίτα, μια νεράιδα, μια μικρι νεράιδα, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ.

The giant opened slowly and carefully over the door that read "colors". Once entered the room of colors, they saw an empty room. There was nothing inside. the walls were white. Only that. Neither furniture, no nothing. An empty room. -Good and he called the room of colors; Thumbelina and were amazed by the giant. Then, like something heard. -Sssssss ... .. Said ... giant. I heard something ... .. - Someone crying; Someone cries, said Thumbelina. - Someone is very sad here. see anybody; He asked the giant Thumbelina. Before she could answer the Thumbelina, something passed in front of them. - What is this? Who flies; He said the giant. -koita, a fairy, a little fairy, said Thumbelina.

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O gigante se abriu lentamente e com cuidado sobre a porta onde se lia "cores". Uma vez que entrou na sala de cores, eles viram uma sala vazia. Não havia nada dentro. as paredes eram brancas. Só isso. Nem móveis, sem nada. Um quarto vazio. -Boa E chamou a sala de cores; Thumbelina e foram surpreendido com o gigante. Então, como algo ouvido. -Sssssss ... .. Disse ... gigante. Eu ouvi alguma coisa ... .. - Alguém chorando; Alguém chora, disse Thumbelina. - Alguém está muito triste aqui. ver ninguém; Ele pediu ao gigante Thumbelina. Antes que pudesse responder a Thumbelina, algo passou na frente deles. - O que é isso; Quem voa; Ele disse que o gigante. -koita, uma fada, uma pequena fada, disse Thumbelina.

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- θ νεράιδα, ιρκε κοντά τουσ. Φαινόταν τρομαγμζνθ. Ιταν μικρι, ςαν τον Τοςοδοφλθ. Είχε λευκά φτερά, λευκό φόρεμα, λευκό ςτζμμα με λευκζσ κορδζλεσ ςτα μακριά τθσ μαλλιά, και κρατοφςε κάτι ςτο χζρι τθσ. -ποια είςαι εςφ? Νεράιδα είςαι? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. - κι εςείσ ποιοι είςτε? ϊτθςε θ νεράιδα. - είμαςτε ο γίγαντασ κι ο 13οσ γιόσ του γίγαντα, ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ο πρίγκιπασ τθσ μικρισ πολιτείασ, και πρίγκιπασ τθσ χϊρασ των γιγάντων, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - κόψε κάτι Τοςοδοφλθ…. είπε ο γίγαντασ. Δεν είμαςτε πρίγκιπεσ, είμαςτε δφο απλοί γίγαντεσ και Τοςοδοφλθδεσ, που ηθτάμε να ανακαλφψουμε τι κρφβεται ςτο παλάτι τθσ μάγιςςασ φλθσ.

- A fada, veio perto deles. Ela olhou assustado. Ele foi pequeno, como Thumbelina. Ele tinha asas brancas, vestido de branco, coroa branca com fitas brancas em seu cabelo longo, e estava segurando algo na mão. -O Que é você; Fada você; Perguntou o gigante. - E você quem você é; Perguntou a Fada. - Somos o gigante eo filho 13º do gigante, o Thumbelina, o príncipe de um pequeno Estado, e príncipe da terra de gigantes, disse Thumbelina. - Cortar alguma coisa ... Thumbelina. o gigante disse. Nós não somos príncipes, somos dois gigantes comuns e Thumbelina, pedimos para descobrir o que está escondido no palácio da questão bruxa.

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The fairy, came near them. She looked startled. He was small, like Thumbelina. He had white wings, white dress, white crown with white ribbons in her long hair, and was holding something in her hand. -who are you? Fairy you; Asked the giant. - And you who you are; Asked the Fairy. - We are the giant and the 13th son of the giant, the Thumbelina, the prince of a small state, and prince of the land of giants, said Thumbelina. - Cut out something ... Thumbelina. the giant said. We are not princes, we are two ordinary giants and Thumbelina, we ask to find out what is hiding in the palace of the witch matter.

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- είςτε καλοί ι κακοί? ϊτθςε θ νεράιδα. -Είμαςτε καλοί, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, δθλαδι όχι μόνο καλοί, είμαςτε πολφ καλοί, δθλαδι όχι μόνο πολφ καλοί, είμαςτε πάρα πολφ καλοί. -Εςφ είςαι καλι? Μιπωσ είςαι κακιά? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. - είμαι καλι, είπε θ νεράιδα. Δθλαδι όχι μόνο καλι, είμαι πολφ καλι, δθλαδι όχι μόνο πολφ καλι, είμαι πάρα πολφ καλι νεράιδα, είπε θ νεράιδα. - και ποιο είναι το όνομά ςου? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. -και τι είναι αυτό που κρατάσ ςτο χζρι ςου? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ με μεγάλθ περιζργεια. - με λζνε Ρολυχρόμθ, και είμαι θ νεράιδα των χρωμάτων, βαςίλιςςα τθσ χρωματοχϊρασ. - και γιατί ςε λζνε Ρολυχρϊμθ? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. - και πϊσ να με λζνε? ϊτθςε θ νεράιδα. - να ςε λζνε αςπροχρϊμθ, αφοφ όλα ςε ςζνα είναι άςπρα. Άςπρα φτερά, άςπρα ροφχα, όλα άςπρα.

- Você é bom ou ruim; Perguntou a Fada. -Estamos Bem, disse Thumbelina, que não só é bom, estamos muito bom, que não só é muito bom, estamos muito bom. Ser bom -Esy; Será que quis ímpios; Perguntou o gigante. - Eu sou bom ", disse a fada. Isso não só é bom, eu sou muito bom, que não só é muito bom, eu sou muito boa fada disse a fada. - E qual é o seu nome; Perguntou o gigante. -E o que é que você mantenha em sua mão; Enviada Thumbelina com grande curiosidade. - Polychromi a dizer, e eu sou a fada de cores, rainha do espaço de cor. - E por que dizer colorido; Perguntou o gigante. - E como me dizer; Perguntou a Fada. - Seja em asprochromi dizer, afinal te são brancos. Penas brancas, roupas brancas, tudo branco.

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Are you good or bad; Asked the Fairy. -We Are good, said Thumbelina, that is not only good, we are very good, that is not only very good, we are very good at. Being -Esy good; Did you wicked; Asked the giant. - I'm good, 'said the fairy. That is not only good, I am very good, that is not only very good, I'm too good fairy said the fairy. - And what is your name; Asked the giant. -and what it is that you hold in your hand; Asked Thumbelina with great curiosity. - Polychromi to say, and I am the fairy of colors, queen of color space. - And why to say colorful; Asked the giant. - And how to tell me; Asked the Fairy. - Be in asprochromi say, after all thee are white. White feathers, white clothes, all white.

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Τότε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ, ζβαλε τα κλάματα. - Ωχ! Γιατί κλαισ? Είπε ο γίγαντασ! - Ωχ! Γιατί κλαισ? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - - γιατί…γιατί….θ μάγιςςα τθσ φλθσ πιρε τα χρϊματα από τθν παλζτα μου, και με φυλάκιςε ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο. Δεν μπορϊ να φφγω και ςτθν χρωματοχϊρα τθν αγαπθμζνθ μου πατρίδα δεν μπορϊ να πάω. Τα χρϊματα μου χάκθκαν κι ζμεινε μόνο το λευκό χρϊμα ςτθν παλζτα μου. Κάποτε ιταν υγρό, όμωσ με τον καιρό ξεράκθκε κι ζγινε ςτερεό. - Ο Ταςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ, εξζταςαν προςεχτικά τθν παλζτα. Ρράγματι, υπιρχε μόνο ζνα λευκό χρϊμα, ξεραμζνο. - Αυτό κάποτε ιταν υγρό? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. - - ναι, απάντθςε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ, ιταν υγρό και με το πινζλο ζβαψα τουσ τοίχουσ, τα φτερά, τα ροφχα μου. Το υπόλοιπο χρϊμα, που είχε μείνει ςτθν παλζτα , με τον καιρό, ζγινε από υγρό ςτερεό, και δεν μπορϊ να βάψω τίποτα πια.

Em seguida, o colorido, pôs as lágrimas. - Oops! Por que eles estão chorando; Disse o gigante! - Oops! Por que eles estão chorando; Enviada Thumbelina. - - Porque ... porque ... .o bruxa assunto tomou as cores de minha paleta, e preso neste quarto. Eu não posso sair e espaço de cor no meu país favorito eu não posso ir. Minhas Cores pereceram e ficamos apenas a cor branca na minha paleta. Ela costumava ser líquido, mas ao longo do tempo, seca e tornou-se sólida. - O Tasodoulis eo gigante, examinou cuidadosamente a paleta. Na verdade, havia apenas uma cor branca, seco. - Esta era uma vez líquido; Perguntou o gigante. - - Sim, o colorido respondeu, ele estava molhado e com o pincel que eu pintei as paredes, asas, minhas roupas. O equilíbrio de cores que havia sido deixado na paleta, com o tempo, tornou-se sólido líquido, e eu não posso pintar mais nada.

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Then the fairy , put her tears. - Oops! Why are you crying? Said the giant! - Oops! Why are you crying? Asked Thumbelina. - - Because ... because ... .the matter witch took the colors from my palette, and imprisoned in this room. I can not leave and color space in my favorite country I can not go. My Colors perished and only stayed the white color in my palette. It used to be liquid, but over time, dried and became solid. - The Tosodoulis and the giant, carefully examined the palette. Indeed, there was only a white color, dried. - This was once liquid; Asked the giant. - - Yes, the colorful replied, he was wet and the brush I painted the walls, wings, my clothes. The color balance which had been left in the palette, in time, became liquid solid, and I can not paint anything anymore.

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δεν ζχει και τίποτα να βάψεισ εδϊ μζςα, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. ζνα άδειο δωμάτιο είναι. - - Α! όχι, κοιτάξτε! Εκεί ψθλά, ζχει μια μικρι πράςινθ φωλιά, τθ βλζπετε? - 0 γίγαντασ κι ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, κοίταξαν ψθλά, και είδαν μια μικρι πράςινθ φωλιά. Σε αυτι τθ φωλιά, ζρχεται από μια μικρι τρφπα του ταβανιοφ, κάποιεσ φορζσ ζνα μικρό πράςινο περιςτζρι, και μου κάνει ςυντροφιά. Αλλά δεν του αρζςει το χρϊμα του και κζλει να τον κάνω άςπρο, να μοιάηει με όλα τα άλλα περιςτζρια. Το κοροϊδεφουν όλοι γιατί ζχει πράςινο χρϊμα. Πμωσ εμείσ είμαςτε φίλοι. Είπε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ. Αν θ λευκι μπογιά μου ιταν υγρι, κα τον ζβαφα, και κανείσ δεν κα τον κορόιδευε, είπε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ.

there is nothing to paint here said Thumbelina. It is an empty room. - - A! not, look! Up there, it has a small green nest, you see; - 0 giant and the Thumbelina, looked up, and saw a small green nest. In this nest, comes from a small hole in the ceiling, sometimes a little green pigeon, and make me company. But he does not like the color and wants to make him white, it looks like all the other pigeons. The fun of it all is green. But we are friends. He said colorful. If my white paint was wet will the painted and nobody fooling said colorful.

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não há nada para pintar aqui disse Thumbelina. É uma sala vazia. - - UMA! nao olhe! Até lá, ele tem um pequeno ninho verde, você vê; - 0 gigante eo Thumbelina, olhou para cima e viu um pequeno ninho verde. Neste ninho, vem de um pequeno buraco no teto, às vezes um pouco pombo verde, e me fazer companhia. Mas ele não gosta da cor e quer fazê-lo branco, parece que todos os outros pombos. A diversão de tudo é verde. Mas somos amigos. Ele disse colorido. Se a minha tinta branca estava molhado será a enganar pintado e ninguém disse colorido.

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Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ, άκουγαν πολφ προςεχτικά τθν νεράιδα, και τότε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ είπε: ζλα μαηί μασ Ρολυχρϊμθ! Κα ςε ελευκερϊςουμε! - Κι αν με ψάξει ο φίλοσ μου το περιςτζρι και δεν με βρει? Πχι, κα λυπθκϊ πολφ, δεν πάω πουκενά, είπε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ. - Ο φίλοσ ςου, κα χαρεί που δεν κα ςε δει εδϊ μζςα φυλακιςμζνθ, κα ςκεφτεί ότι κάποιοσ ςε ελευκζρωςε και κα χαρεί! - - όχι είπε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ! Κα μείνω να περιμζνω το πράςινο περιςτζρι μου! Δεν ζχω άλλον φίλο! - - ζχεισ εμάσ Ρολυχρϊμθ! Είπαν με μια φωνι ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ! - Σκζφτθκα πωσ μπορείτε να με βοθκιςετε! Είπε θ νεράιδα χαροφμενθ!

O Thumbelina eo gigante, ouviu com muita atenção para a fada, e, em seguida, Thumbelina disse: Colorful se juntar a nós! Vamos libertar! - E se você olhar o meu amigo a pomba e não me encontrar; Não, muito infelizmente, não vai a lugar nenhum, disse o colorido. - Seu amigo vai ser feliz que você não vai vê-lo aqui na prisão, eu acho que alguém liberado e feliz! - - Não disse colorido! Vou ficar de esperar meu pombo verde! Eu tenho um outro amigo! - - Tem-nos colorido! Eles disseram em uníssono o Thumbelina eo Gigante! - Eu pensei que você pode me ajudar! Ele disse que a fada feliz

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The Thumbelina and the giant, listened very carefully to the fairy, and then Thumbelina said: Colorful join us! We will liberate! - And if you look my friend the dove and did not find me; No, sorry lot, not going anywhere, said the colorful. - Your friend will be happy that you will not see you here in prison, I would think that someone liberated and happy! - - Not told colorful! I will stay to wait my green pigeon! I have another friend! - - Got us colorful! They said in one voice the Thumbelina and the Giant! - I thought that you can help me! He said the fairy happy

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- -πωσ? ϊτθςαν με αγωνία και ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ. - - κζλω να φφγετε, και να μου φζρετε λίγο χρϊμα να βάλω ςτθν παλζτα μου. Λίγο μπλε, λίγο κόκκινο, λίγο κίτρινο χρϊμα, ςε υγρι μορφι, λίγο νερό κι ζνα κακαρό ςφουγγάρι. Αν μου τα φζρετε, κα μπορζςω να ελευκερωκϊ μόνθ μου, όταν κα ζρκει ο φίλοσ μου το περιςτζρι. - - και που κα τα βροφμε όλα αυτά? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. - - ςτο διπλανό δωμάτιο τθσ Απορροφθτικότθτασ, είπε θ νεράιδα. Ζχει μια ταμπζλα ζξω ςτθν πόρτα, κα τθ δείτε, είπε θ νεράιδα. - - να ςε ρωτιςω κάτι? Είπε ο γίγαντασ. Γιατί όταν ιταν εδϊ το περιςτζρι, δεν άνοιγεσ τθν πόρτα να φφγετε και να ελευκερωκείτε?

-how? They asked anxiously and Thumbelina and the giant. - - I want to leave, and bring me to put some color in my palette. A little blue, slightly red, slightly yellow liquid, some water and a clean sponge. If I bring them, I can liberate myself when I come my friend the dove. - - Which would find all of them; Asked the giant. - - In the next room of Absorbency said the fairy. It has a sign outside the door, you'll see, 'said the fairy. - - Let me ask you something? He said the giant. Because when he was here the dove, you open the door to leave and freed;

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-Como; Eles perguntou ansiosamente e Thumbelina eo gigante. - - Eu quero sair, e trazer-me a colocar um pouco de cor em minha paleta. Um pouco de azul, um pouco vermelho, líquido ligeiramente amarelo, um pouco de água e uma esponja limpa. Se eu trazê-los, posso libertar-me quando eu vir meu amigo a pomba. - - Que iria encontrar todos eles; Perguntou o gigante. - - No próximo quarto de Absorbency disse a fada. Ele tem um sinal de fora da porta, você vai ver ", disse a fada. - - Para te perguntar uma coisa; Ele disse que o gigante. Porque quando ele estava aqui a pomba, você abre a porta para sair e libertou;

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- - γιατί θ πόρτα δεν ανοίγει από μζςα, μόνο από ζξω, είπε θ νεράιδα. Εςείσ τθν ανοίξατε από ζξω, για αυτό μπορζςατε να μπείτε. - Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, κοίταξε πίςω του να δει τθ πόρτα. Θ πόρτα ιταν ακόμα ανοιχτι ευτυχϊσ. - Ο γίγαντασ και ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, βγικαν από το δωμάτιο, αφινοντασ ανοιχτι τθ πόρτα και υποςχζκθκαν ςτθν Ρολυχρϊμθ να επιςτρζψουν με τα χρϊματα και το ςφουγγάρι. - - ε! ξεχάςατε να πάρετε τθν παλζτα, για να τθν γεμίςετε με τα χρϊματα, είπε θ νεράιδα. Πμωσ, θ παλζτα, ζςπαςε ζτςι κακϊσ πιγε βιαςτικά ο γίγαντασ να τθν πάρει από τα χζρια τθσ νεράιδασ! Ο γίγαντασ λυπικθκε πολφ, και χαμιλωςε το κεφάλι. - Δεν πειράηει, είπε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ. Κα βρείτε δοχεία ςτο δωμάτιο τθσ απορροφθτικότθτασ, και να βάλετε εκεί τα χρϊματα. - Ο γίγαντασ, πιρε τθ παλζτα, και μαηί με τον Τοςοδοφλθ, άνοιξαν τθν πόρτα , που ζγραφε - «Απορροφθτικότθτα»

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Como a porta não abrir a partir do interior, somente fora, disse a fada. Você abriu do lado de fora, para que você possa entrar. - O Thumbelina, ele olhou para trás para ver a porta. A porta ainda estava aberta feliz. - O gigante e Thumbelina, eles deixaram o quarto, deixando a porta aberta para colorido e prometeu voltar com as cores e da esponja. - - E! esqueceu-se de obter a paleta para preenchê-lo com as cores, ele disse a fada. Mas a paleta, de forma apressadamente quebrou o gigante foi para tirá-la das mãos de fada! O gigante sentia muito arrependido, e baixou a cabeça. - Não importa, disse o colorido. Você vai encontrar recipientes na sala de absorção, e você vai entrar as cores. - O gigante, pegou sua paleta e, juntamente com Thumbelina, abriu a porta, o que ler - "Absorção"

Because the door does not open from the inside, only outside, said the fairy. You opened from the outside, so you could enter. - The Thumbelina, he looked back to see the door. The door was still open happily. - The giant and Thumbelina, they left the room, leaving the door open to colorful and promised to return with the colors and the sponge. - - E! forgot to get the palette to fill it with colors, he said the fairy. But the palette, so as hastily broke the giant went to get her out of the hands of Fairy! The giant felt sorry lot, and lowered his head. - Never mind, said the colorful. You will find containers in the room absorbency, and you will enter the colors. - The giant, took his palette, and together with Thumbelina, opened the door, which read - "Absorption"

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Μόλισ τελείωςα τθν αφιγθςθ τθσ ιςτορίασ, ζκανα ερωτιςεισ για να δω αν κατανόθςαν τθν ιςτορία. Οι ερωτιςεισ ιταν: -ςε ποιο δωμάτιο πιγαν τϊρα οι ιρωεσ τθσ ιςτορίασ? - τι υπιρχε μζςα ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο? -τι χρϊμα είχε το δωμάτιο? -γιατί το ζλεγαν δωμάτιο των χρωμάτων? -πωσ εςείσ φαντάηεςτε να είναι ζνα δωμάτιο χρωμάτων? -ποιον ςυνάντθςαν μζςα ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο? -ποια ιταν τα ςυναιςκιματα τθσ νεράιδασ? -πωσ ςυςτικθκε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? πωσ ο γίγαντασ? Ρωσ θ νεράιδα? -πωσ ζλεγαν τθν νεράιδα και ποια ιταν θ απορία του γίγαντα για το όνομα τθσ? -γιατί ζκλαιγε θ νεράιδα? -τι κρατοφςε ςτο χζρι τθσ θ νεράιδα? Τι είχε μζςα? πωσ ιταν παλιά το χρϊμα και πωσ τϊρα? -γιατί νομίηετε ότι το υγρό χρϊμα ξεράκθκε και ζγινε από υγρό, ςτερεό? Ρωσ πιςτεφεται ότι ζγινε ζτςι? -ποιοσ ιταν ο φίλοσ τθσ νεράιδασ και πωσ ιταν αυτόσ ο φίλοσ?

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I just finished telling the story, I asked questions to see if they understood the story. The questions were: -in which room now went the heroes of history; - What was in this room; -what color was the room; -because they said the room colors; -How do you imagine to be a paint room; -Who met in this room; -which were feelings of fairy; -How established the Thumbelina; that the giant; How the fairy; -How said the fairy and what was the question of the giant's name; -why cried the fairy; -what was holding in her hand the fairy; What was inside; He was old and color that now; -why do you think the dried liquid color and became liquid, solid; How it is believed to have been so; -What was the friend Fairy and it was this friend;

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Acabei de terminar de contar a história, eu fazia perguntas para ver se eles entenderam a história. As perguntas eram: -em que o quarto foi agora os heróis da história; - O que foi nesta sala; cor -o que foi o quarto; -Porque disseram as cores do quarto; -Como Você imagina ser uma sala de pintura; Quem conheceu nesta sala; -que eram sentimentos de fadas; -Como Estabeleceu o Thumbelina; que o gigante; Como a fada; -Como Disse a fada eo que era a questão do nome do gigante; -Por que chorou a fada; -O que estava segurando em sua mão a fada; O que estava dentro; Ele estava velho e cor que agora; -Por que você acha que a cor líquido secou e tornou-se líquido, sólido; Como acredita-se ter sido tão; -Qual Foi a Fada amigo e foi esta amiga;

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-τι πρότεινε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ ςτθν νεράιδα? -τι απάντθςε θ νεράιδα? -τι λφςθ ςκζφτθκε θ νεράιδα? -πωσ νομίηετε ότι κα μπορζςει να ελευκερωκεί θ νεράιδα αν τθσ φζρουν αυτά που ηιτθςε? - τι ηιτθςε θ νεράιδα από τον Τοςοδοφλθ και τον γίγαντα να τθσ φζρουν από το διπλανό δωμάτιο και ποιο ιταν το όνομα του δωματίου? -ποια χρϊματα ηιτθςε θ νεράιδα να τθσ φζρουν? - γιατί πιςτεφετε ότι ηιτθςε αυτά κι όχι άλλα χρϊματα? - πωσ λειτουργοφν οι πόρτεσ τθσ μάγιςςασ? Ζχουν κλειδιά οι πόρτεσ τθσ μάγιςςασ? - με ποιόν τρόπο ανοίγουν οι πόρτεσ ςτο ςπίτι ςασ, ςτο ςπίτι τθσ γιαγιάσ, οι πόρτεσ του ςχολείου? Ανοίγουν όπωσ οι πόρτεσ τθσ μάγιςςασ ι διαφορετικά? Σασ άρεςε θ ιςτορία, αν ςασ άρεςε τι ςασ άρεςε , κι αν δεν ςασ άρεςε τι δεν ςασ άρεςε.

-o que propôs Thumbelina na fadas; -o que respondeu a fada; solução -o que pensou a fada; -Como Você acha que vai ser capaz de libertar a fada se o vôo uma requerida; - O que é chamado a fada por Thumbelina eo gigante para o rolamento do quarto ao lado e qual era o nome da sala; -Quais cores solicitadas pela fada ao rolamento; - Por que você acha que eles pediram e não outras cores; - Que as portas da bruxa operar; As chaves são as portas da bruxa; - Como abrir as portas para a sua casa, na casa da avó, as portas da escola; Eles abrem como portas bruxa ou de outra forma; Você gostou da história, se você gostou do que gostava e se você não gostou do que você não gostou.

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what proposed Thumbelina in the fairy; -what replied the fairy; -what solution thought the fairy; -How do you think will be able to free the fairy if the flying one requested; - What is called the Fairy by Thumbelina and the giant to the bearing from the next room and what was the name of the room; -which colors requested by the fairy to the bearing; - Why do you think they asked for and not other colors; - That the doors of the witch operate; Keys are the doors of the witch; - How open the doors to your home, at grandma's house, the doors of the school; They open like doors witch or otherwise; You liked the story, if you liked what you liked and if you did not like what you did not like.

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Σο δωμάτιο τθσ απορροφθτικότθτασ Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ, άνοιξαν αργά και προςεχτικά τθν πόρτα που θ ταμπελίτςα ζγραφε «απορροφθτικότθτα». Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ζβγαλε το παποφτςι του. -« Ζ! Γιατί βγάηεισ το παποφτςι ςου, γιζ μου?» απόρθςε ο γίγαντασ. - πατζρα, γιατί που λεσ καλζ μου πατεροφλθ, φοβάμαι μθ κλείςει θ πόρτα και μείνουμε για πάντα μζςα ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο, κυμάςαι τι είπε θ νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ για τισ πόρτεσ? Πτι ανοίγουν από ζξω αλλά κλείνουν προσ τα μζςα?». -«κυμάμαι, κυμάμαι γιε μου», είπε ο γίγαντασ, κι ζβγαλε το μεγάλο παποφτςι του, το ζβαλε ςτθν άκρθ τθσ πόρτασ. Ζβγαλε και το άλλο του παποφτςι. «για να ςτερεϊνεται καλφτερα θ πόρτα», είπε ο γίγαντασ. -« κα βγάλω κι εγϊ το άλλο μου παποφτςι, για να ςτερεϊνεται καλφτερα θ πόρτα», πρόςκεςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, κι ζβγαλε και το άλλο του παποφτςι. - Ευτυχϊσ που δε φοράμε κάλτςεσ, είπε ο γίγαντασ. - ευτυχϊσ που δε φοράμε κάλτςεσ, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ .και γζλαςαν κι οι δφο, γιατί κυμικθκαν τα μόρια τθσ άπλυτθσ κάλτςασ ςτο δωμάτιο των οςμϊν.

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The room absorbency The Thumbelina and the giant, slowly and carefully opened the door to the tag read "absorption". The Thumbelina, took off his shoe. - "E! Why take off your shoe, my son; "wondered the giant. - Father, why I say dear daddy, I'm afraid not close the door and stay forever in this room, do you remember what he said the fairy colorful for doors; That opened from the outside but closed inward; ". - "I remember, I remember my son," said the giant, and took the big shoe, put it on the edge of the door. He took off the other shoe. "To better secure the door," said the giant. - "I will take off my other shoe to better secure the door," added Thumbelina, and took the other shoe. -Fortunately That you do not wear socks, said the giant. - Fortunately not wear socks, said Thumbelina .and laughed and both, because they remembered the molecules of unwashed sock odor in the room.

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A absorção quarto O Thumbelina eo gigante, lenta e cuidadosamente abriu a porta para a tag ler "absorção". O Thumbelina, tirou o sapato. - "E! Por que tirar seu sapato, meu filho ", perguntou o gigante. - Pai, por que eu digo querido papai, eu estou com medo não fechar a porta e ficar para sempre nesta sala, você se lembra o que ele disse a fada colorida para portas; Que abriu a partir do exterior, mas fechado para dentro; ". - "Eu me lembro, eu me lembro do meu filho", disse o gigante, e levou o grande sapato, colocá-lo na borda da porta. Ele tirou o outro sapato. "Para melhor garantir a porta", disse o gigante. - "Eu vou tirar o meu outro sapato para melhor garantir a porta", acrescentou Thumbelina, e levou o outro sapato. -Felizmente Que você não usar meias, disse o gigante. - Felizmente não usar meias, disse Thumbelina .e riu e tanto, porque eles se lembraram as moléculas de odor meia sujo no quarto.

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Το δωμάτιο τθσ απορροφθτικότθτασ, ιταν τόςο ακατάςτατο…. Ραντοφ πεταμζνα αντικείμενα από διάφορα υλικά. διαφόρων λογιϊν υφάςματα, μάλλινα, βαμβακερά, μια ξφλινθ ςκάλα, πολλζσ πλαςτικζσ ςακοφλεσ, ζνα ςφουγγάρι , ζνα πλαςτικό αδιάβροχο φφαςμα, μεταλλικζσ λεπτζσ ράβδοι, κι ζνα ξφλινο πιχθ, μία κόλλα, ζνα πινζλο, δφο πλαςτικά δοχεία, και ςτο βάκοσ, κάτι μεγάλα, τεράςτια δοχεία, τόςο ψθλά, που οφτε και ο γίγαντασ δεν τα ζφτανε για να δει τι ζχουν μζςα.

A absorção quarto era tão confuso .... Em todos os lugares descartados objetos feitos de diversos materiais. vários nologias tecidos, lã, algodão, uma escada de madeira, vários sacos de plástico, uma esponja, um tecido de plástico impermeável, de metal hastes finas, e uma barra de madeira, um adesivo, um pincel, dois recipientes de plástico, e à distância, algo grande, grandes contentores tão alto que nem mesmo o gigante não o suficiente para ver o que tem dentro. The room absorbency was so messy .... Everywhere discarded objects made of

various materials. various nologies fabrics, wool, cotton, a wooden staircase, several plastic bags, a sponge, a plastic waterproof fabric, metal thin rods, and a wooden bar, an adhesive, a paint brush, two plastic containers, and in the distance, something large, large containers so high that not even the giant not enough to see what they have inside.

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-«πω! Ρω! «Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, «εδϊ μζςα γίνεται χαμόσ»! - «καλά δεν κακαρίηει ποτζ αυτι θ μάγιςςα?» Ρρόςκεςε ο γίγαντασ. -«λοιπόν, ψάχνουμε τϊρα, ψάχνουμε τϊρα! Μθν αργοφμε»! Είπε πάλι ο γίγαντασ! « να χωριςτοφμε ςε ομάδεσ!», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, και να ψάξουμε ομαδικά, για ζχουμε καλφτερα αποτελζςματα»! -«ποιεσ ομάδεσ Τοςοδοφλθ?», απόρθςε ο γίγαντασ. «μια ομάδα εςφ και μια ομάδα εγϊ πατζρα!», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. -«για να κάνουμε μία ομάδα, πρζπει να είμαςτε τουλάχιςτον δφο ςε κάκε ομάδα», είπε ο γίγαντασ», «εςφ κι εγϊ, είμαςτε μία ομάδα, όμωσ, δεν υπάρχουν άλλοι δφο για να είμαςτε δφο ομάδεσ». -« ςωςτά», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! «τότε να ψάξουμε μαηί, γιατί ςαν ομάδα κα δουλζψουμε καλφτερα!», είπε ξανά ο Τοςοδοφλθσ.

"Say! Say! "Said the Thumbelina," here is doom! " - "Well never cleans this witch;" added the giant. - "So, we're looking now, we're looking now! Do argoume "! Again He said the giant! "To split up in groups!" Said Thumbelina, and to search a group, to have better results! " - "Which groups Thumbelina;" wondered the giant. "A group of you and a group I father!" Said Thumbelina. - "To make a group, we should be at least two in each group," the giant said, "" You and I are one group, however, there are no other two to be two teams. " - "Properly," said Thumbelina! "Then look together, because as a team we will work better!" He said again the Thumbelina.

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"Diga! Diga! "Disse o Thumbelina," aqui é desgraça! " - "Bem, nunca mais limpa esta bruxa;", acrescentou o gigante. - "Então, nós estamos olhando agora, nós estamos procurando agora! Faça argoume "! Novamente Ele disse que a gigante! "Para dividir-se em grupos!" Disse Thumbelina, e para procurar um grupo, para ter melhores resultados! " - "Grupos que Thumbelina;" perguntou o gigante. "Um grupo de você e um pai grupo I!" Disse Thumbelina. - "Para fazer um grupo, deve ser, pelo menos, dois em cada grupo", disse o gigante "," Você e eu somos um grupo, no entanto, não existem outros dois para ser duas equipes. " - "Bem," disse Thumbelina! "Então olhar juntos, como uma equipe, porque vamos trabalhar melhor!" Ele disse novamente o Thumbelina.

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ζψαχναν πιο πζρα, ζψαχναν και παραπζρα. ζψαχναν δϊκε, ζψαχναν κείκε, ζψαχναν πάνω, ζψαχναν κάτω, ζψαχναν ψθλά, ζψαχναν χαμθλά, ϊςπου…. - «Ρατζρα, πατεροφλθ! Κοίτα! Βρικα ζνα κακαρό ςφουγγάρι μζςα ςε όλθ αυτι τθ βρωμιά», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! ο γίγαντασ κι Τοςοδοφλθσ, πετοφςαν από τθ χαρά τουσ! Ψάχνοντασ, βρικαν και πιραν μαηί τουσ κι ζνα κακαρό πινζλο, και μια κανάτα νερό, όμωσ δεν μποροφςαν να βρουν πουκενά υγρό χρϊμα. Τότε ο γίγαντασ, ςκζφτθκε να ψάξουν μζςα ςε αυτά τα μεγάλα, τεράςτια δοχεία, που ιταν τόςο ψθλά, που οφτε κι ο γίγαντασ δεν ζφτανε για να δει τι ζχουν μζςα. - «Τθ ςκάλα! Κοίτα Τοςοδοφλθ! Κα ανζβω ςε αυτι τθ μεγάλθ ξφλινθ ςκάλα και κα δω τι υπάρχουν μζςα ςε αυτά τα μεγάλα, τεράςτια δοχεία!», είπε με χαρά ο γίγαντασ, - Ζτςι κι ζκαναν. Ο γίγαντασ, πιρε μια μεγάλθ ςκάλα κι άρχιςε να ανεβαίνει! - - «ςε κρατάω πατζρα!», Πλο φϊναηε από κάτω ο μικρόσ Τοςοδοφλθσ! - «Κράτα με γιζ μου, μθ πζςω «, ζλεγε γελϊντασ ο τεράςτιοσ γίγαντασ!

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Eles estão à procura de distância, olhando e além. Eles estão olhando para outra, procurando Keith, olhando para cima, olhando para baixo, olhando para cima, olhando para baixo, até que .... - "Pai, pai! Olhe! Eu encontrei uma esponja limpa em toda essa sujeira ", disse Thumbelina! o gigante e Thumbelina, voou de sua alegria! Durante a busca, eles encontraram e levaram com eles e um pincel limpo, e um jarro de água, mas eles não poderiam encontrar qualquer lugar tinta molhada. Então o pensamento gigante de olhar para estes grandes, grandes contentores, que era tão alto que nem mesmo o gigante não foi o suficiente para ver o que tem dentro. - "A escada! Olhe Thumbelina! Você subir neste grande escada de madeira e ver o que há nessas grandes, enormes panelas! "Ela disse feliz gigante, - Então eles fizeram. O gigante deu um grande escada e começou a subir! - - "Para segurar pai!" Todos gritou sob o pouco Thumbelina! - "Abraça-me o meu filho, não cair", disse ele rindo enorme gigante!

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They are looking away, looking and beyond. They are looking fro, looking for Keith, looking up, looking down, looking up, looking down, until .... - "Father, daddy! Look! I found a clean sponge in all this filth, "said Thumbelina! the Giant and Thumbelina, flew from their joy! While searching, they found and took with them and a clean brush, and a pitcher of water, but they could not find anywhere wet paint. Then the giant thought to look into these big, huge containers, which was so high that not even the giant was not enough to see what they have inside. - "The ladder! Look Thumbelina! You climb on this great wooden staircase and see what there is in these big, huge pots! "She said happily giant, - So they did. The giant took a big ladder and began to climb! - - "To hold father!" All shouted from under the little Thumbelina! - "Hold me my son, do not fall", he said laughing huge giant!

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- Ο γίγαντασ, ανζβαινε, ανζβαινε ςτθ ςκάλα, κι ο Τοςοδοφλθσ κρατοφςε, κρατοφςε τθ ςκάλα! Πταν ο γίγαντασ ζφταςε ςτο τελευταίο ςκαλοπάτι τθσ ςκάλασ, ζςκυψε το κεφάλι του μζςα ςτα μεγάλα, τεράςτια δοχεία, να δει τι ζχουν μζςα, αφοφ πρϊτα άνοιξε τα μεγάλα, τεράςτια καπάκια τουσ. ! Απίςτευτο! Ιταν τρία μεγάλα, τεράςτια δοχεία και το κακζνα από αυτά είχε μζςα του, κάποιο χρϊμα ςε υγρι μορφι. Το πρϊτο δοχείο, είχε κόκκινο χρϊμα, το δεφτερο δοχείο είχε κίτρινο χρϊμα, και το τρίτο δοχείο είχε μπλε χρϊμα! -«Τοςοδοφλθ! τα δοχεία αυτά ζχουν τα χρϊματα που χρειαηόμαςτε τρα λα λα, τρα λα λα!» Είπε τραγουδϊντασ χαροφμενοσ ο γίγαντασ! -«γιοφπι! Ζκανε χοροπθδϊντασ από χαρά ο Τοςοδοφλθσ.

The giant, rose, climbed the ladder, and the Thumbelina was holding, clutching the ladder! When the giant came to the last rung of the ladder, he leaned his head into the big, wide containers, to see what they have inside, having first opened its large, their huge caps. ! Incredible! Was three large, large containers and each of them had the means, a color liquid. The first container had a red color, the second container had a yellow color, and the third container had a blue color! - "Thumbelina! these receptacles are the colors we need measures la la, la la tram! "said the giant singing happy! - "Joop! He leaping with joy the Thumbelina.

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O gigante, aumentou, subiu a escada, eo Thumbelina estava segurando, segurando a escada! Quando o gigante chegou ao último degrau da escada, ele inclinou a cabeça para as grandes, recipientes de largura, para ver o que tem dentro, tendo primeiro abriu as suas grandes e enormes seus bonés. ! Incrível! Tinha três anos, grandes contentores grandes e cada um deles tinha os meios, um líquido de cor. O primeiro recipiente tinha uma cor vermelha, o segundo recipiente tinha uma cor amarela, e o terceiro recipiente tinha uma cor azul! - "Thumbelina! estes recipientes são as cores que precisamos medidas la la, la la bonde! ", disse o gigante cantando feliz! - "Joop! Ele pula com alegria o Thumbelina.

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- Ο γίγαντασ, ζβαλε το χζρι του μζςα ςτο κόκκινο δοχείο, πιρε λίγο κόκκινο χρϊμα με τα τεράςτια χζρια του,… .όμωσ που να το βάλει? Τα χζρια του ιταν κόκκινα, θ μπογιά ζρεε , Δεν μποροφςε να κρατιςει ςτα χζρια του το υγρό. Το υγρό, κυλοφςε, γλιςτροφςε, κι ο γίγαντασ, δεν μποροφςε να πιάςει τθν υγρι μπογιά. - τι να κάνω Τοςοδοφλθ? θ υγρι μπογιά τρζχει, πϊσ να τθ πιάςω? ρϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ τον Τοςοδοφλθ. - Τότε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, αμζςωσ είπε: « ο επιςτιμονασ, κυμάςαι τι είπε? Είπε πωσ τα μόρια των υγρϊν, . Δεν κάκονται ςτθν ίδια κζςθ, κινοφνται ςε μικρζσ αποςτάςεισ, τουσ αρζςει να κάνουν τςουλικρα, πατινάη, κι όλο γλιςτροφν, όλο κυλάνε, κυλάνε. Για να τα πιάςουμε, πρζπει πάντα να τα ζχουμε ςε ζνα δοχείο, κι αν τα πιάςουμε με το χζρι μασ, κυλάνε, παίηοντασ τςουλικρα». - μθ κυλάτε μόρια τθσ υγρισ μπογιάσ, μθ κυλάτε, φϊναηε ο γίγαντασ…

O gigante, ele colocou a mão no recipiente vermelho, ficou um pouco vermelha com mãos enormes ... .omos para colocá-lo; Suas mãos estavam vermelhos, pintura fluía, eu não conseguia segurar em suas mãos o líquido. O líquido fluiu, escorregadio, eo gigante não poderia pegar a tinta molhada. - O que fazer Thumbelina; corridas de tinta líquida, como pegar; Ele pediu ao gigante Thumbelina. - Então Thumbelina, imediatamente disse: "o cientista, lembre-se o que ele disse; Ele diz que as moléculas de líquidos. Não se sentar na mesma posição, mova a uma curta distância, eles gostam de fazer slides, patinação, e tudo mais deslize, fluindo, fluindo. A fim de obter para baixo, devemos sempre tê-los em um recipiente, embora a captura com a mão, fluxo, tocando slide. " - Moléculas não-rolo de pintura líquida, não rola, gritou o gigante ...

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The giant, he put his hand into the red container, got a little red with huge hands ... .omos to put it; His hands were red, paint flowed, I could not hold in his hands the liquid. The liquid flowed, slippery, and the giant could not catch the wet paint. - What to do Thumbelina; liquid paint runs, how to catch; He asked the giant Thumbelina. - Then Thumbelina, immediately said: "the scientist, remember what he said; He said that the molecules of liquids. Do not sit in the same position, move a short distance, they like to make slides, skating, and all glide, more flowing, flowing. In order to get down, we should always have them in a container, though the catch with your hand, flowing, playing slide. " - Non-roll molecules of liquid paint, do not roll, cried the giant ...

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Πμωσ, τα μόρια τθσ υγρισ μπογιάσ, ςυνζχιηαν να κυλοφν, να γλιςτροφν, να κάνουν τςουλικρα πάνω ςτα χζρια του γίγαντα, που είχα παςαλειφτεί ολόκλθροσ με κόκκινθ, κίτρινθ και μπλε μπογιά. Τότε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, πιρε δφο πλαςτικά δοχεία που βρικε πεταμζνα κάτω, και είπε ςτον γίγαντα να κατζβει από τθ ςκάλα και να πάρει τα δφο δοχεία να τα γεμίςει με νερό. Ζτςι κι ζγινε. Ο γίγαντασ κατζβθκε τθ μεγάλθ ςκάλα, πιρε τα δοχεία από τα χζρια του Τοςοδοφλθ, και να ξανανζβθκε τθ ςκάλα. Ζφταςε ωσ το τζρμα τθσ ςκάλασ. Θ ακρόαςθ του παραμυκιοφ ςυνεχίςτθκε, ενϊ παράλλθλα, ζβαλα μπροςτά μου και ςε ζνα τραπζηι τρία διαφανι πλαςτικά ποτιρια, τρία μπουκάλια με υγρι μπογιά, αναπαριςτϊντασ τισ κινιςεισ του γίγαντα.

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But the molecules of liquid paint, continued to roll, slip, slide to make up in the hands of the giant, with red, yellow and blue paint. Then Thumbelina took two plastic containers found thrown down, and told the giant to come down the stairs and pick up two containers to fill with water. So it happened. The giant came down the great staircase, took the containers from the hands of Thumbelina, and he find the ladder. He arrived as the end of the ladder. Hearing the tale continued while, I put in front of me at a table three transparent plastic cups, three bottles of liquid paint, representing the movements of the giant.

But the molecules of liquid paint, continued to roll, slip, slide to make up in the hands of the giant, with red, yellow and blue paint. Then Thumbelina took two plastic containers found thrown down, and told the giant to come down the stairs and pick up two containers to fill with water. So it happened. The giant came down the great staircase, took the containers from the hands of Thumbelina, and he find the ladder. He arrived as the end of the ladder. Hearing the tale continued while, I put in front of me at a table three transparent plastic cups, three bottles of liquid paint, representing the movements of the giant.

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Βοφτθξε το μικρό πλαςτικό δοχείο ςτο μεγάλο, τεράςτιο δοχείο, και το γζμιςε με μπλε μπογιά. Βοφτθξε το άλλο μικρό πλαςτικό δοχείο ςτο μεγάλο, τεράςτιο δοχείο και ζβαλε ωσ τθ μζςθ κόκκινθ μπογιά. Και μετά το γζμιςε με κίτρινθ μπογιά. Χαροφμενοσ, κατζβθκε γριγορα και χοροπθδϊντασ, τθ μεγάλθ ςκάλα , κι θ μπογιά ανακατευόταν κι ανακατευόταν…., και ζφταςε κάτω ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ.

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Dive small plastic container to large, huge tank, and was filled with blue paint. Dive another small plastic container in big, huge container and put it to the middle red paint. And then filled with yellow paint. Cheerful, descended quickly and bounce, the grand staircase, and the paint was involved and was involved ...., And reached down to Thumbelina.

Mergulhe pequeno recipiente de plástico para grande tanque enorme, e foi preenchida com tinta azul. Mergulhe outro pequeno recipiente plástico em grande enorme recipiente e colocá-lo à tinta vermelha meio. E, em seguida, cheio com tinta amarela. Alegre, desceu rapidamente e salto, a grande escadaria, ea pintura estava envolvido e foi envolvido ...., e estendeu a mão para Thumbelina.

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-«Τοςοδοφλθ, ζχουμε ότι μασ ηιτθςε θ νεράιδα. Το πινζλο, τθ κανάτα με το νερό, το κακαρό ςφουγγάρι, το μπλε υγρό χρϊμα και το κόκκινο υγρό χρϊμα, και το κίτρινο υγρό χρϊμα», είπε ο γίγαντασ. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ζριξε μια ματιά ςτα υλικά. « το πινζλο είναι εδϊ, θ κανάτα με το νερό είναι εδϊ, το κακαρό ςφουγγάρι είναι εδϊ, το μπλε υγρό χρϊμα είναι εδϊ, και…. - « Ωπα! Λείπει το κόκκινο χρϊμα! Λείπει και το κίτρινο χρϊμα! Αυτό είναι πορτοκαλί και όχι κίτρινο ι κόκκινο», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. -«το κίτρινο είναι κάτω, δεν φαίνεται, είπε ο γίγαντασ, αλλά το κόκκινο φαίνεται γιατί είναι πάνω πάνω. Για να δω!». Ο γίγαντασ, γοφρλωςε τα μεγάλα, ακϊα μάτια του και κοίταηε το πορτοκαλί χρϊμα ξανά και ξανά. Το κοίταξε μια, το κοίταξε δυο, το κοίταξε τρεισ, πράγματι. Το χρϊμα ιταν πορτοκαλί.

Οφτε κίτρινο οφτε κόκκινο. Ο γίγαντασ, δεν μποροφςε να το εξθγιςει αυτό. Ζριξε απογοθτευμζνοσ τθν πορτοκαλί υγρι μπογιά ςτο πάτωμα, και ξανανζβθκε τθ ςκάλα, κρατϊντασ τα δφο μικρά πλαςτικά δοχεία

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Thumbelina, que solicitaram que nossa fada. A escova, o jarro com água, esponja limpa, molhada cor azul e cor líquido vermelho, ea cor líquido amarelo, \\\ ", disse o gigante. O Thumbelina, olhou materiais. \\\ "O pincel é aqui, o jarro com água é aqui, a esponja limpa aqui, a cor do líquido azul está aqui, e .... - \\\ "! Cor vermelha faltante Opa cor em falta e amarelo Este é laranja em vez de amarelo ou vermelho, \\\", disse Thumbelina. - \\\ "O amarelo é para baixo, não mostrado, disse o gigante, mas o vermelho parece que ele está em cima Deixe-me ver \\\.!". O gigante, revirou os olhos grandes e inocentes e olhou para a cor laranja novo e de novo. A única olhou, olhou para os dois, os três pareciam, de fato. A cor foi laranja. Nem amarelo nem vermelho. O gigante não poderia explicá-lo. Ele jogou decepcionado pintura molhada laranja no chão, e ele ir novamente para a escada, segurando dois pequenos recipientes de plástico

Thumbelina, we have requested that our fairy. The brush, the jug with water, clean sponge, wet blue color and red liquid color, and the yellow liquid color, \"said the giant. The Thumbelina, glanced materials. \"The brush is here, the jug with water is here, the clean sponge here, the blue color liquid is here, and .... - \"Opa! Missing red color! Missing and yellow color! This is orange rather than yellow or red, \"said Thumbelina. - \"Yellow is down, not shown, said the giant, but the red seems he is on top. Let me see!\". The giant, rolled her big, innocent eyes and stared at the orange color again and again. The one looked, looked at the two, the three looked, indeed. The color was orange. Neither yellow nor red. The giant could not explain it. He threw disappointed orange wet paint on the floor, and he go again to the ladder, holding two small plastic containers

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Γζμιςε με κόκκινθ μπογιά, το άδειο δοχείο, και ςυμπλιρωςε με κίτρινθ μπογιά, το μικρό δοχείο που είχε μζςα τθν μπλε μπογιά. Σίγουροσ πια, πωσ όλα τα ζκανε ςωςτά και κρατά ςτα δυο του χζρια και ςτα δφο μικρά δοχεία τα τρία χρϊματα που ηιτθςε θ νεραιδοφλα, κατζβθκε χοροπθδθτά τθ ςκάλα τραγουδϊντασ τρα λα λα τρα λα λα. Πταν όμωσ ζφταςε κάτω και κοίταξαν μαηί με τον Τοςοδοφλθ τα δυό δοχεία, διαπίςτωςαν πωσ ςτο ζνα δοχείο θ μπογιά ιταν κόκκινθ ενϊ ςτο άλλο δοχείο, θ μπογιά ιταν …πράςινθ….

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Filled with red paint, the empty container and fill with yellow paint, the small container was through the blue paint. Confident anymore, that all did well and keeps his two arms and two small containers three colors requested by the Fairy, he descended the stairs singing caper measures la la la la measures. But when it came down and looked along with Thumbelina the two containers, they found that in a container the paint was red while the other container, the paint was green ... ....

Preenchido com tinta vermelha, o recipiente vazio e encha com tinta amarela, o pequeno recipiente foi através da pintura azul. Confiantes mais, que tudo fez bem e mantém os dois braços e dois recipientes pequenos três cores solicitadas pela Fada, ele desceu as escadas cantando medidas alcaparra la la la la medidas. Mas quando ele desceu e olhou juntamente com Thumbelina os dois recipientes, eles descobriram que em um recipiente a pintura era vermelho, enquanto o outro recipiente, a pintura era verde ... ....

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. …. Ο γίγαντασ γοφρλωςε τα μάτια και κφμωςε τόςο πολφ. «Τίποτα δεν κάνω ςωςτά», ζλεγε. «Πλα λάκοσ πάντα τα κάνω. Πλα λάκοσ….». Κι ζκλαιγε… κι ζκλαιγε.. με λφπθ και κυμό για τον εαυτό του. -« μθ κλαισ, μθ κλαισ ςε παρακαλϊ Ρατεροφλθ, μθ κλαισ», ζλεγε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. όμωσ ο γίγαντασ ιταν πολφ απογοθτευμζνοσ. Τα δάκρυα του γίγαντα ιταν τόςα πολλά, που ζπεφταν ςτο πάτωμα κι εκεί που ζκλαιγε ςχθματίςτθκε μια μικρι λιμνοφλα. Κοίτα, κλαισ τόςο πολφ, που τα δάκρυα ςου ςχθμάτιςαν μια μικρι λιμνοφλα, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ ςτο γίγαντα.

Έβαλα ζνα πήλινο δοχείο, το γζμιςα με νερό και είπα ςτα παιδιά να φανταςτοφν ότι αυτή είναι η μικρή λιμνοφλα που ςχημάτιςαν τα δάκρυα του γίγαντα.

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O gigante revirou os olhos e ficou irritado tanto. "Nada fazer isso direito", disse ele. "Tudo o que eu estou fazendo tudo errado. Tudo errado .... ". E eu chorei ... e chorou .. com tristeza e raiva de si mesmo. - "Não chore, não chore por favor, papai, não chore", disse Thumbelina. Mas o gigante era muito decepcionado. As lágrimas gigantes foram tantos que caiu no chão chorando e foi formado um pequeno lago. Olha, você está chorando tanto que as lágrimas lhe formou um pequeno lago, disse Thumbelina na gigante.

The giant rolled his eyes and got angry so much. "Nothing do it right," he said. "All I'm doing everything wrong. All wrong .... ". And I cried ... and cried .. with sadness and anger at himself. - "Do not cry, do not cry please daddy, do not cry", said Thumbelina. But the giant was very disappointed. The giant tears were so many that fell on the floor crying and there was formed a small pond. Look, are you crying so much that tears you formed a small pond, said Thumbelina in giant.

I put a clay pot, filled it with water and told the children to imagine that this is the small pond that formed his tears giant.

Eu coloquei uma panela de barro, encheu-o com água e disse às crianças que imaginem que este é o pequeno lago que se formou seu gigante lágrimas.

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Ο γίγαντασ, κοίταξε τθ λιμνοφλα, και ςυνζχιηε να κλαίει. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ , άφθςε το ςφουγγάρι του μζςα ςτθ λιμνοφλα, και τραγουδοφςε μιπωσ κάνει τον γίγαντα να χαμογελάςει.

O gigante olhou para o lago, e continuou chorando. O Thumbelina, deixou uma esponja dentro da lagoa e cantar faz sorriso gigante.

The giant looked at the lake, and continued crying. The Thumbelina, left a sponge inside the pond and singing does make giant smile.

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Ο γίγαντασ χαμογζλαςε, ςκοφπιςε τα δάκρυα του, και κοίταξε ξανά κάτω να δει τθν μικρι λιμνοφλα δακρφων. Πμωσ, θ λιμνοφλα δεν υπιρχε πια, υπιρχε μόνοι ζνα βρεγμζνο ςφουγγάρι.

Ρου πιγαν τα δάκρυα μου? Φϊναηε ο γίγαντασ. Κζλω τθ λιμνοφλα με τα δάκρυα μου για να τα πάρω μαηί μου. Είναι θ πρϊτθ φορά που κλαίω και κζλω να δείξω ςτθν αγαπθμζνθ μου γυναίκα τθν κυρία γιγαντίνα τα δάκρυα μου. Εμείσ οι γίγαντεσ δεν κλαίμε ποτζ, είναι θ πρϊτθ φορά που ζκλαψα και κζλω τα δάκρυα μου να τα δείξω ςτουσ γίγαντεσ τθσ γιγαντοχϊρασ και ςτα γιγαντοπαιδάκια μου.

Πμωσ, θ λιμνοφλα είχε εξαφανιςτεί. Μόνο ζνα βρεγμζνο ςφουγγάρι υπιρχε εκεί κι οφτε ιξεραν που βρζκθκε το νερό και μουςκεφτθκε το ςφουγγάρι

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The giant smiled, wiped his tears, and looked down again to see the small pond of tears. But the pond was gone, there was only a wet sponge. Where did my tears; Cried the giant. I want the pond with my tears to take them with me. It is the first time that I cry and I want to show my wife to her favorite lady, my tears. We giants do not cry ever it is the first time I cried and I want my tears show them the giants of my country and to my children. But the pond had disappeared. Only a damp sponge was there and not even know who found the water and soaked the sponge O gigante sorriu, enxugou as lágrimas e olhou para baixo novamente para ver o

pequeno lago de lágrimas. Mas a lagoa tinha ido embora, havia apenas uma esponja molhada. Onde é que as minhas lágrimas; Gritou o gigante. Eu quero que a lagoa com as minhas lágrimas para levá-los comigo. É a primeira vez que eu choro e eu quero mostrar a minha esposa para sua senhora favorita gigantina minhas lágrimas. Nós, os gigantes não chore nunca, é a primeira vez que eu chorei e eu quero que minhas lágrimas mostrar-lhes os gigantes do meu país e para os meus filhos. Mas o lago havia desaparecido. Apenas uma esponja úmida estava lá e nem sequer sabem que encontrou a água e esponja embebida o

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Ο γίγαντασ, ζκανε μια τελευταία προςπάκεια. Τρίτθ και καλι που λζνε! Ο γίγαντασ, ανζβθκε ξανά τθ ςκάλα, γζμιςε το ζνα δοχείο με κίτρινο χρϊμα, και ςτο άλλο δοχείο, ζβαλε λίγο μπλε και λίγο κόκκινο χρϊμα. Σίγουροσ πωσ όλα πια τα είχε κάνει ςωςτά, κατζβθκε χοροπθδϊντασ τθ ςκάλα, και λζει με περθφάνια ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ. « τϊρα τα ζκανα όλα ςωςτά». όμωσ, ενϊ υπιρχε πράγματι το κίτρινο χρϊμα ςτο ζνα δοχείο, το άλλο δοχείο είχε ζνα μωβ χρϊμα.

O gigante, fez uma última tentativa. Terças e bom para dizer! O gigante, mais uma vez subiu a escada em um recipiente cheio de cor amarela, eo outro recipiente, coloque um pouco de azul e um pouco de vermelho. Confiante de que tudo agora estava certo, salto desceu as escadas, e diz com orgulho de Thumbelina. "Agora eu fiz tudo certo." No entanto, enquanto havia efectivamente a cor amarela num recipiente, um outro recipiente tinha uma cor púrpura.

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The giant, made a last attempt. Tuesdays and good to say! The giant, again climbed the ladder in a container filled with yellow color, and the other container, put a little blue and a little red. Confident that everything now had it right, bounce descended the stairs, and says proudly to Thumbelina. "Now I did everything right." However, while there was actually the yellow color in a container, another container had a purple color.

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Δεν ιξεραν τι άλλο να κάνουν. Αποφάςιςαν να πάνε ςτθν νεράιδα ςτο διπλανό δωμάτιο, να τθσ πουν πωσ δεν τα κατάφεραν να φζρουν τα ςωςτά χρϊματα. Πμωσ φεφγοντασ γλίςτρθςε από το χζρι του γίγαντα θ κανάτα με το νερό, κι άλλθ κανάτα, όςο κι αν ζψαξαν δεν βρικαν ςτο δωμάτιο. Ο γίγαντασ ικελε να ανοίξει θ γθ να τον καταπιεί… ζνιωκε ότι ςε τίποτα δεν τα καταφζρνει. Δεν υπιρχε άλλθ λφςθ, ζπρεπε να πουν όλθ τθν αλικεια ςτθν νεράιδα, και να τθν πείςουν να τουσ ακολουκιςει, αλλιϊσ κα ζμενε για πάντα φυλακιςμζνθ ςτο δωμάτιο τθσ μάγιςςασ. Ζτςι κι ζκαναν. Φόρεςαν τα παποφτςια τουσ, και μπικαν από τθν ανοιχτι πόρτα ξανά ςτο δωμάτιο των χρωμάτων. Θ μικρι νεράιδα, τουσ περίμενε με αγωνία. Χάρθκε πολφ που τουσ είδε. Αργιςατε πολφ εκεί μζςα. Τρεισ μζρεσ και τρεισ νφχτεσ τι κάνατε? Νόμιηα πωσ φφγατε για πάντα και με εγκαταλείψατε… είπε θ μικρι νεράιδα. Ο γίγαντασ δεν μιλοφςε, οφτε κι ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. – τουλάχιςτον μου φζρατε αυτά που ςασ ηιτθςα? ϊτθςε θ νεράιδα. Ο γίγαντασ ζςκυψε το κεφάλι χαμθλά…. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ είπε: « φζραμε το πινζλο, φζραμε το πινζλο… φζραμε ζνα βρεγμζνο ςφουγγάρι και όχι ςτεγνό όπωσ μασ ηιτθςεσ αλλά μπερδζψαμε τα χρϊματα. Βάηαμε κόκκινο και μπλε και γινόταν μωβ, βάηαμε κίτρινο με κόκκινο και γινόταν πορτοκαλί, βάηαμε μπλε και κίτρινο και γινόταν πράςινο. Είχαμε μόνο δφο μικρά πλαςτικά δοχεία και όχι τρία. Ολόκλθρθ περιπζτεια. Ο γίγαντασ ζκλαιγε και χάκθκε θ λιμνοφλα με τα δάκρυα… και και… και… ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, είπε τα πάντα ςτθ μάγιςςα κι ο γίγαντασ, ςυνζχιςε να ζχει τθ μεγάλθ του κεφάλα χαμθλά, ςαν μικρό ντροπιαςμζνο παιδί.

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They did not know what else to do. They decided to go to the fairy in the next room, to tell her that they did not carry the correct colors. But leaving slipped from the hand of the giant jug of water, and another pitcher, looked as though they found in the room. The giant wanted to open the earth to swallow him ... he felt that nothing copes. There was no alternative, I had to tell the whole truth in the fairy, and to persuade to follow them, otherwise he would stay forever imprisoned in the room of the witch. So they did. They wore their shoes and entered through the open door again in color room. The small fairy, waiting for them anxiously. He was delighted to saw them. You took too long there. Three days and three nights what you did; I thought you left forever and abandoned ... said the little fairy. The giant did not speak, not even the Thumbelina. - At least you brought what you asked for; Asked the Fairy. The giant bowed his head down .... The Thumbelina said: "We brought the brush, we brought the brush ... we brought a damp sponge and not dry as we asked but mistook colors. We put red and blue and purple were, we put yellow with red and orange were, we put blue and yellow become green. We only had two small plastic containers, not three. The whole adventure. The giant cried and missed pond with tears and ... and ... and ... the Thumbelina said everything on the witch and the giant, continued to have his big head down, like a child ashamed.

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Eles não sabiam mais o que fazer. Eles decidiram ir para a fada no quarto ao lado, para lhe dizer que eles não carregam as cores corretas. Mas deixando escorregou da mão do jarro gigante de água, e um outro jarro, parecia que eles encontraram no quarto. O gigante queria abrir a terra para engoli-lo ... ele sentiu que nada lida. Não havia alternativa, eu tive que dizer toda a verdade no fada, e persuadir a segui-los, caso contrário ele iria ficar para sempre preso na sala da bruxa. Assim o fizeram. Eles usavam seus sapatos e entrou pela porta aberta novamente na sala de cor. A pequena fada, esperando por eles ansiosamente. Ele ficou encantado ao vê-los. Você demorou muito lá. Três dias e três noites que você fez; Eu pensei que você deixou para sempre e abandonado ... disse a pequena fada. O gigante não falou, nem mesmo o Thumbelina. - Pelo menos você trouxe o que você pediu; Perguntou a Fada. O gigante inclinou a cabeça para baixo .... O Thumbelina disse: "Nós trouxemos a escova, nós trouxemos a escova ... nós trouxemos uma esponja úmida e seca como não pedimos, mas confundiu cores. Nós colocamos vermelho e azul e roxo foram, nós colocamos amarelo com vermelho e laranja foram, nós colocamos azul e amarelo se tornar verde. Temos apenas dois pequenos recipientes de plástico, não três. Toda a aventura. O gigante gritou e perdeu lagoa de lágrimas e ... e ... e ... o Thumbelina disse tudo sobre a bruxa eo gigante, continuou a ter sua grande cabeça para baixo, como uma criança envergonhada.

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Θ νεράιδα ζςκυψε ςτο αυτί του γίγαντα και του είπε απαλά: «δεν πειράηει! Πλα καλά!» Ο γίγαντασ ςικωςε λίγο το κεφάλι του. Θ νεράιδα, πιρε το βρεγμζνο ςφουγγάρι, ζςτυψε λίγο πάνω ςτθν παλζτα τθσ, πάνω από το ξεραμζνο χρϊμα, και ανακάτεψε με το πινζλο τθσ τθν ξερι μπογιά. Τότε, θ μπογιά ζγινε υγρι. Ο γίγαντασ ςικωςε λίγο ακόμα τθ μεγάλθ του κεφάλα. Θ νεράιδα πιρε λίγο χρϊμα με το πινζλο κι άρχιςε να βάφει το ςκοφφο του Τοςοδοφλθ. ο γίγαντασ ςικωςε κι άλλο ψθλά τθ μεγάλθ του κεφάλα. Θ νεράιδα, πιρε ακόμα λίγο χρϊμα με το πινζλο τθσ, κι άρχιςε να βάφει το ςκοφφο του γίγαντα με άςπρο χρϊμα. Τϊρα ο γίγαντασ ςικωςε εντελϊσ ψθλά τθ μεγάλθ του κεφάλα. Θ νεράιδα γζλαςε. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ γζλαςε, ο γίγαντασ γζλαςε.

A fada encostou a orelha gigante e disse baixinho: "nunca mente! Tudo de bom! "O gigante levantou a cabeça. A fada tem esponja molhada, estypse pouco na paleta, acima da tinta seca, e misture com a escova da tinta seca. Em seguida, a pintura estava molhado. O gigante levantou mesmo sua grande cabeça. A fada pegou um pouco de cor com a escova e começou a manchar a tampa de Thumbelina. o gigante levantou ainda mais a sua cabeça grande. A fada, ainda tenho um pouco de cor no pincel e começou a manchar a tampa do branco gigante. Agora o gigante levantou-se completamente sua cabeça grande. A fada riu. O Thumbelina riu, o gigante riu.

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The fairy leaned his ear giant and said softly: "never mind! All good! "The giant lifted up his head. The fairy got wet sponge, put a little on the palette, above the dried paint, and toss with the brush of the dry paint. Then, the paint was wet. The giant lifted up even his great head. The fairy picked up some color with the brush and began to stain the cap of Thumbelina. the giant lifted even further up his big head. The fairy, even got a little color in the brush, and began to stain the cap of the giant white. Now the giant lifted completely up his big head. The fairy laughed. The Thumbelina laughed, the giant laughed.

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Θ νεράιδα, πιρε το βρεγμζνο ςφουγγάρι, και είπε: «εδϊ μζςα είναι τα δάκρυα ςου καλζ μου γίγαντα. Στο ςφουγγάρι. Το ςφουγγάρι απορρόφθςε τα δάκρυά ςου, δεν ζχαςεσ τα δάκρυα ςου». Ο γίγαντασ χάρθκε πολφ. «Κα μείνουν για πάντα ςτο ςφουγγάρι, είπε ο γίγαντασ». «Πχι καλζ μου γίγαντα, όταν ςτεγνϊςει το - ςφουγγάρι, κα ςτεγνϊςουν και τα δάκρυα ςου», είπε θ νεράιδα. « κι ζτςι πρζπει. Τα δάκρυα να ςτεγνϊνουν κάποτε και να χαμογελάμε». Ο γίγαντασ λυπικθκε που κα ζχανε για πάντα τα δάκρυα του. Δεν κλαίνε οι γίγαντεσ τόςο εφκολα. «ςου εφχομαι να κλάψεισ από χαρά, είπε θ νεράιδα. –«υπάρχουν δάκρυα χαράσ? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. « μα φυςικά υπάρχουν», απάντθςε θ νεράιδα.

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The fairy got wet sponge, and said: "here is the tears thy dear giant. In sponge. The sponge absorbed your tears, no lost your tears. " The giant was glad. "We'll stay forever in the sponge, said the giant." "No my dear giant, when dry - Sponge, and will dry your tears, "said the fairy. "So he has. The tears dry up one day and smile. " The giant took pity you lose forever the tears. Not giants cry so easily. "I wish you cry with joy, said the fairy. - "There are tears of joy; Asked the giant. "But of course there are," replied the fairy.

A fada tem esponja molhada, e disse: "aqui está o teu querido lágrimas gigante. Em esponja. A esponja absorvido suas lágrimas, não perdeu as suas lágrimas. " O gigante estava feliz. "Nós vamos ficar para sempre na esponja, disse o gigante." "Não meu caro gigante, quando seca - Sponge, e vai secar suas lágrimas ", disse a fada. "Então, ele tem. As lágrimas de um dia e sorriso secar. " O gigante teve pena você perder para sempre as lágrimas. Não gigantes chorar tão facilmente. "Eu desejo que você chora de alegria, disse a fada. - "Há lágrimas de alegria; Perguntou o gigante. "Mas é claro que existem", respondeu a fada.

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Άφθςα όλα τα παιδιά να βουτοφν το ςφουγγάρι ςτο νερό και να το μεταφζρουν από το πιλινο δοχείο, ςτθν πλαςτικι λεκάνθ και να πειραματιςτοφν με το φαινόμενο τθσ απορρόφθςθσ νεροφ από το ςφουγγάρι. Πταν ζπαιξαν με αυτό το παιχνίδι όλα τα παιδιά, ςυνζχιςα τθν ιςτορία.

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Eu deixei todas as crianças a mergulhar a esponja na água e transportá-lo a partir do vaso de barro em uma bacia de plástico e experiência com o fenômeno de absorção de água da esponja. Quando jogou este jogo todas as crianças, continuou a história. I let all children to dive the sponge in the water and transport it from the clay pot in a plastic basin and experiment with the phenomenon of water absorption of the sponge. When played this game all children, continued the story.

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Τότε ζλα μαηί μασ να ςε ελευκερϊςουμε , είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. « Αποκλείεται! Είπε θ νεράιδα. Ρεριμζνω το μικρό μου περιςτζρι. Πταν ζρκει κα βάψω τα φτερά του λευκά και κανείσ πια δεν κα το κοροϊδεφει», είπε θ νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ. - Ρερίμενζ μασ Ρολυχρϊμθ, κα γυρίςουμε και κα ςε ελευκερϊςουμε, είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - Ρερίμενε μασ Ρολυχρϊμθ, κα γυρίςουμε και κα ςε ελευκερϊςουμε, είπε ο γίγαντασ. - Κα ςασ περιμζνω, ςασ εμπιςτεφομαι, είπε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ.

(Η Συνζχεια του παραμυθιοφ) (Continuity of the story) Then come with us to liberate said Thumbelina. "No way! He said the fairy. I expect my little dove. When it will paint the wings of white and nobody will mock, "said the fairy colorful. - Our Colorful Wait, we come and to liberate said Thumbelina. - Wait our colorful, we come and to liberate said the giant. - I'll wait for you, I trust you, said the colorful.

(Continuidade da história) Em seguida, vêm a nós para libertar disse Thumbelina. "De jeito nenhum! Ele disse que a fada. Espero que minha pombinha. Quando se vai pintar as asas de branco e ninguém vai zombar ", disse a fada colorida. - A nossa espera colorido, viemos e para libertar disse Thumbelina. - Aguarde nosso colorido, viemos e para libertar disse o gigante. - Eu vou esperar por você, eu confio em você, disse que o colorido.

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- Μετά τθν αφιγθςθ τθσ ιςτορίασ, ζκανα ερωτιςεισ κατανόθςθσ ςτα παιδιά. Ερωτιςεισ που ζκανα: - -ςε ποιο δωμάτιο βρίςκονται τϊρα ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ? - -τι ζκαναν ςτθ πόρτα του δωματίου αυτοφ, μόλισ μπικαν μζςα και γιατί? - -φοροφςαν κάλτςεσ οι ιρωεσ και γιατί γζλαςαν με τισ κάλτςεσ? Τι κυμικθκαν και γζλαςαν?- - -πωσ ιταν το δωμάτιο αυτό? Τι είχε μζςα? - -πωσ πρότεινε να δουλζψουν ο Τοςοδοφλθσ για να ζχουν καλφτερα αποτελζςματα και τι απάντθςε ο γίγαντασ? - -βρικαν όλα τα αντικείμενα που ζψαχναν? - -τι ζλειπε? - -το βρικαν τελικά και που το βρικαν? Ρωσ το βρικαν? - -τι τρόπο ςκζφτθκε ο γίγαντασ ? - -κατάφερε ο γίγαντασ να μαηζψει τα ςωςτά χρϊματα? - -τι ςυνζβαινε με τα δφο χρϊματα όταν τα ζβαηε ςτο ίδιο δοχείο? - -γιατί ςυνζβαινε αυτό?

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Depois de contar a história, eu compreensão perguntas em crianças. Perguntas que eu fiz: - Para o quarto são agora o Thumbelina eo Gigante; - O que foi que a porta da sala, apenas fui e por quê; - Usava meias heróis e por que eles riam de suas meias; O que é lembrado e riu; - - - Como foi este quarto; O que estava dentro; - Isso sugeriu ao trabalho Thumbelina a ter melhores resultados e que o gigante respondeu; - Eles encontraram todos os itens que estavam procurando; - O que estava faltando; - Eventualmente, encontrou-o e pensou; Como sentia; - Como ele pensou que o gigante; - O gigante conseguiu escolher as cores certas; - O que aconteceu com as duas cores quando colocadas no mesmo recipiente; - Por que isso aconteceu;

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After telling the story, I comprehension questions in children. Questions I did: - To what room are now the Thumbelina and the Giant; - What did the door of this room, just went in and why; - Wore socks heroes and why they laughed at his socks; What is remembered and laughed; - - - How was this room; What was inside; - That suggested to the work Thumbelina to have better results and what the giant replied; - They found all the items they were looking for; - What was missing; - Eventually found it and thought; How felt; - How he thought the giant; - The giant managed to pick the right colors; - What happened to the two colors when put in the same container; - Why this happened;

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- -ποια χρϊματα μπερδεφονταν και ςτενοχωροφςαν τον γίγαντα? - Ρωσ ζνιωκε ο γίγαντασ? Ρωσ αντζδραςε? - -θ νεράιδα ηιτθςε κακαρό ςτεγνό ςφουγγάρι. Κατάφερε το ςφουγγάρι να μείνει ςτεγνό? Γιατί βράχθκε το ςφουγγάρι? - -τι είπε ο γίγαντασ για τα δάκρυα του? - -που ικελε να δείξει τα δάκρυα του? - Ρόςεσ μζρεσ ζμειναν ςτο δωμάτιο και τι ζκαναν εκεί? - -τι είπε θ νεράιδα μόλισ τουσ είδε? - -ποιοσ εξιγθςε ςτθ νεράιδα? - -πωσ είχε το κεφάλι του ο γίγαντασ όταν ςυνάντθςε τθ νεράιδα και γιατί? - -πωσ ζνιωκε ο γίγαντασ? - -τι είπε θ νεράιδα ςτον γίγαντα? - -πότε ο γίγαντασ ςικωςε το κεφάλι του εντελϊσ? - -πωσ νομίηετε ότι ζνιωκε θ νεράιδα? Ζδειξε τα ςυναιςκιματα τθσ? Γιατί? - -τι εξιγθςε θ νεράιδα ςτον γίγαντα για τα δάκρυά του και τι του ευχικθκε θ νεράιδα? Ροια ιταν θ απορία του γίγαντα? - Εςείσ πιςτεφεται ότι υπάρχουν δάκρυα χαράσ? Ζχετε κλάψει από χαρά εςείσ? Αν ναι, πότε και γιατί?

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which colors confused and unhappy giant; - How he felt the giant; How they reacted; - -the Fairy called clean dry sponge. He sponge to stay dry; Why wetted sponge; - -what Said giant tears; - -which He wanted to show his tears; - How many days left in the room and what they were doing there; - -what He said fairy just saw; - -Who Explained in fairy; - -How Was the head of the giant when he met the fairy and why; - -How Felt the giant; - -what Said the fairy to the giant; - -When The giant lifted his head completely; - -How Do you think he felt the fairy; He showed her feelings; Why? - -what Explained in fairy giant tears and what he wished fairy; What was the question of the giant; - You believed that there are tears of joy; Have you cry with joy; If so, when and why;

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Quais cores confusas e gigantes infeliz; - Como ele sentiu o gigante; Como eles reagiram; - -o Chamado Fada esponja limpa e seca. Ele esponja ficar seco; Por esponja molhada; - Disse -que lágrimas gigantes; - -que Ele queria mostrar suas lágrimas; - Quantos dias à esquerda no quarto e que eles estavam fazendo lá; - Ele disse -o que acabou de ver fadas; - Quem Explicado de fadas; - -Como Era a cabeça do gigante quando ele conheceu a fada e por quê; - Senti -Como o gigante; - -o Que disse a Fada do gigante; - -Quando O gigante levantou a cabeça completamente; - -Como Você acha que ele sentiu a fada; Ele mostrou seus sentimentos; Por; - -o Que Explicado em lágrimas gigantes de fadas e que ele desejava de fadas; Qual foi a pergunta do gigante; - Você acredita que existem lágrimas de alegria; Já chorar de alegria; Em caso afirmativo, quando e por quê;

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- - θ νεράιδα ζφυγε μαηί με τον Τοςοδοφλθ και τον γίγαντα να ελευκερωκεί? Γιατί? - Τι είπαν φεφγοντασ ςτθν νεράιδα ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ? - -τι απάντθςε θ νεράιδα? - -τι ςθμαίνει εμπιςτοςφνθ? Εςείσ εμπιςτεφεςτε? Αν ναι, ποιουσ εμπιςτεφεςτε? Αν όχι, γιατί δεν τουσ εμπιςτεφεςτε? - -ςασ άρεςε θ ιςτορία? Αν ναι γιατί ςασ άρεςε? Αν όχι, γιατί δεν ςασ άρεςε? - - γιατί ονόμαηαν αυτό το δωμάτιο, «δωμάτιο τθσ απορροφθτικότθτασ»? - -εςείσ ξζρετε ποια υλικά ζχουν απορροφθτικότθτα και ποια δεν ζχουν? - -κζλετε να γνωρίςουμε μαηί υλικά που ζχουν απορροφθτικότθτα και υλικά που δεν ζχουν απορροφθτικότθτα?

Fada foi junto com Thumbelina eo gigante para liberar; Por; - O que o abandono em fadas Thumbelina eo Gigante; - O que responder a fada; - Que confiança; Você confia; Se sim, qual a confiança; Se não, por que não confiar neles; - Gostei da história; Se assim for, por que você gostou; Se não, por que não gostava; - - Por que eles chamavam esse quarto ", absorção quarto"; - -eseis Você sabe o que são materiais absorventes e que não; - -Eu Gostaria de encontrar materiais com capacidade de absorção e materiais que têm absorção;

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Fairy went along with Thumbelina and the giant to release; Why? - What did the leaving in fairy Thumbelina and the Giant; - What answer the fairy; - What confidence; You trust; If so, what trust; If not, why not trust them; - Liked the story; If so, why you liked; If not, why did not like; - - Why they called this room, "room absorbency"; - do You know what materials are absorbent and what not; - -I Want to meet with materials having absorbency and materials that have absorption;

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Δραςτθριότθτα - Τα χρϊματα - Στόχοι: να ονομάηουν τα βαςικά χρϊματα (άςπρο, κόκκινο, κίτρινο, μπλε) - Να γνωρίςουν τισ μείξεισ των χρωμάτων - Ρεριγραφι δραςτθριότθτασ. - ϊτθςα τα παιδιά, αν κζλουν να παίξουμε το παιχνίδι του γίγαντα με τον Τοςοδοφλθ και τα χρϊματα που ςυνάντθςαν ςτο δωμάτιο τθσ απορροφθτικότθτασ. Ζβαλα ςε τρία διαφανι ποτιρια , που αναπαριςτοφςαν τα τεράςτια δοχεία με τα χρϊματα τθσ ιςτορίασ, τα τρία διαφορετικά βαςικά χρϊματα, που βρικαν οι ιρωεσ, δθλαδι, κόκκινο, κίτρινο, μπλε. Τα παιδιά μιμικθκαν τισ κινιςεισ του γίγαντα, και παρατιρθςαν τα νζα χρϊματα που παράγονται από τισ μείξεισ των βαςικϊν χρωμάτων. Ζτςι τα παιδιά ανακάλυψαν: Κόκκινο + κίτρινο= πορτοκαλί Κίτρινο+ μπλε = πράςινο Κόκκινο + μπλε = μωβ Ζδωςα ςτα παιδιά και το άςπρο χρϊμα, ενκαρρφνοντασ τα, να ανακαλφψουν, μζςα από τισ μείξεισ των βαςικϊν χρωμάτων, νζα χρϊματα.

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Activity - The Colours - Objectives: to name the primary colors (white, red, yellow, blue) - Get to know the blends of colors - Description of activity. - I asked the children if they want to play the game of giant with Thumbelina and colors encountered in the Room absorbency. I put in three transparent glasses depicting the huge containers with the colors of history, three different basic colors, which were the heroes, namely, red, yellow, blue. The children imitated the movements of the giant, and observed the new colors produced by mixing the primary colors. So the children discovered: Red + yellow = orange Yellow + Blue = Green Red + blue = purple I gave the children and the white color, encouraging, discover, through the mixing of basic colors, new colors.

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Atividade - Cores - Objetivos: para nomear as cores primárias (branco, vermelho, amarelo, azul) - Conheça as misturas de cores - Descrição da atividade. - Perguntei aos filhos se eles querem jogar o jogo de gigante com Thumbelina e cores encontradas na absorção de quarto. Eu coloquei em três vidros transparentes que descreve as enormes contentores com as cores da história, três cores básicas diferentes, que eram os heróis, a saber, vermelho, amarelo, azul. As crianças imitavam os movimentos do gigante, e observou as novas cores produzidas pela mistura das cores primárias. Assim, as crianças descobriram: Red + amarelo = laranja Amarelo + Azul = Verde Vermelho + azul = roxo Eu dei as crianças e os de cor branca, incentivo, descubra, através da mistura de cores básicas, novas cores.

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Δραςτθριότθτα: ο κλζφτθσ των υγρϊν Στόχοι: να ανακαλφψουν τα υλικά που απορροφοφν τα υγρά, και τα υλικά που δεν απορροφοφν τα υγρά. Ρεριγραφι δραςτθριότθτασ Κφμιςα ςτα παιδιά, το ςφουγγάρι που απορρόφθςε τα δάκρυα του γίγαντα. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά, αν κζλουν να παίξουμε ζνα παρόμοιο παιχνίδι. Τα παιδιά, απάντθςαν κετικά κι ζτςι ξεκινιςαμε το παιχνίδι μασ. Γεμίςαμε μια μικρι λεκάνθ με νερό, βάλαμε μζςα το ςφουγγάρι, και τα Ραιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι το ςφουγγάρι τραβάει το νερό. Τα παιδιά, ζφερναν διάφορα αντικείμενα από τθν τάξθ, τα ζβαηαν ςτο νερό, για να διαπιςτϊςουν ποια από αυτά τα υλικά απορροφοφν το νερό και ποια όχι. Κατόπιν, γεμίςαμε τθν λεκάνθ με πορτοκαλάδα. Τα παιδιά, πειραματίςτθκαν και με τθν πορτοκαλάδα και κατζλθξαν ςτο ςυμπζραςμα, πωσ όταν ζνα υλικό είναι απορροφθτικό, είναι απορροφθτικό όχι μόνο ςτο νερό, αλλά και ςτθν πορτοκαλάδα. Ζνα παιδί είπε: το ςφουγγάρι απορροφά όλα τα υγρά, κάτι με το οποίο ςυμφϊνθςαν όλα τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά.

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Actividade: o ladrão de líquidos Objectivos: descobrir materiais que absorvem líquidos, e os materiais que não absorvem líquidos. Descrição da atividade Lembre às crianças, a esponja absorveu as lágrimas do gigante. Perguntei aos filhos se eles querem jogar um jogo similar. As crianças responderam positivo, assim começamos nosso jogo. Nós enchemos uma pequena bacia de água, nós colocamos na esponja, e Infantis da descobriram que a esponja tira água. As crianças trazem objetos de classe, eles colocaram na água para ver qual destes materiais absorvem a água e quais não são. Em seguida, encheu a tigela com o suco de laranja. As crianças experimentado com o sumo de laranja e concluíram que, quando um material é absorvente, absorvente, não só em água mas também na laranja. Uma criança disse: a esponja absorve todo o líquido, algo que concordou todas as outras crianças.

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Activity: the thief of liquids Objectives: to discover materials that absorb liquids, and materials that do not absorb liquids. Activity Description Remind the children, the sponge absorbed the tears of the giant. I asked the children if they want to play a similar game. The children answered positive, so we began our game. We filled a small basin of water, we put into the sponge, and Children's found that the sponge draws water. Children bring objects from class, they put in the water to see which of these materials absorb water and which are not. Then we filled the bowl with orange juice. The children experimented with the orange juice and concluded that when a material is absorbent, absorbent not only in water but also in orange. One child said: the sponge absorbs all the liquid, something we agreed all the other children.

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Δραςτθριότθτα: πείραμα απορρόφθςθσ από το ΕΚΦΕ Θλιοφπολθσ, μαγικό, λαςτιχζνιο αυγό που αναπθδά, Activity: absorption experiment from EKFE Heliopolis, magical, rubber egg bounces, Experimento absorção de EKFE Heliopolis, mágicos, saltos ovo de borracha,: atividade

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Τοποκετιςαμε ζνα αυγό βραςμζνο καλά, ςε ζνα γυάλινο βάηο. Βάλαμε ξφδι μζςα ςτο βάηο, ϊςτε να καλφπτει το αυγό. Κλείςαμε καλά το καπάκι, προςκζτοντασ χαρτοταινία για να μθν μπαίνει αζρασ. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά, ποια είναι θ πρόβλεψθ τουσ. Τι κα ςυμβεί ςτο αυγό αν μείνει 3 μζρεσ ςτο ξφδι. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι το αυγό δεν κα πάκει τίποτα. Μετά από 3 μζρεσ βγάλαμε το αυγό. Τα παιδιά παρατιρθςαν ότι το τςόφλι του αυγοφ είχε εξαφανιςτεί. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να εξθγιςουν το φαινόμενο αυτό. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι το ξφδι ζφαγε το τςόφλι. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι κάτι ζχει μζςα το ξφδι που καταςτρζφει το τςόφλι. Αφοφ τα παιδιά μπόρεςαν να ςκεφτοφν αυτό, τότε εξιγθςα πωσ αυτό που ζχει μζςα το ξφδι και καταςτρζφει το τςόφλι του αυγοφ, ονομάηεται οξφ. το τςόφλι του αυγοφ απορρόφθςε το οξφ. τα παιδιά δεν μπόρεςαν να καταλάβουν πϊσ ζγινε αυτό. προςπάκθςαν να ςυνδυάςουν τθν απορροφθτικότθτα του ςφουγγαριοφ με το τςόφλι του αυγοφ, όμωσ επειδι δεν ζβλεπαν το τςόφλι, δεν μπόρεςαν να εξθγιςουν που πιγε το τςόφλι του αυγοφ. όμωσ, Τα παιδιά ζπαιξαν με το αυγό ςαν να παίηουν με ζνα μικρό μπαλάκι. Το αυγό ιταν ελαςτικό και αναπθδοφςε και ιταν μια ευχάριςτθ ζκπλθξθ για τα παιδιά

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Nós colocado um ovo bem cozido, em uma jarra de vidro. Nós colocar vinagre no frasco para cobrir o ovo. Nós fechou a tampa com firmeza, acrescentando fita adesiva para evitar a entrada de ar. Perguntei às crianças o que sua previsão. O que acontecerá com o ovo se você ficar três dias em vinagre. As crianças disseram que o ovo não é indestrutível. Após 3 dias nós temos o ovo. As crianças notou que a casca de ovo desapareceu. Eu pedi as crianças para explicar esse fenômeno. As crianças disseram que o vinagre comeu a casca. As crianças são informados de que algo está dentro do vinagre destruir o shell. Depois que as crianças poderiam pensar que, em seguida, explicou que o que está dentro do vinagre e destruir a casca de ovo, é chamado de ácido. a casca do ovo absorvido ácido. crianças não conseguia entender como isso aconteceu. Eles tentaram combinar capacidade de absorção da esponja com a casca de ovo, mas porque eles não viram o shell, não poderia explicar de onde fez casca de ovo. No entanto, as crianças brincavam com o ovo como brincar com uma pequena bola. O ovo foi resiliente e saltou e foi uma surpresa agradável para as crianças.

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We placed an egg boiled well, in a glass jar. We put vinegar into the jar to cover the egg. We closed the lid firmly, adding masking tape to prevent air entering. I asked the children what their forecast. What will happen to the egg if you stay three days in vinegar. The children said that the egg is not indestructible. After 3 days we got the egg. The children noticed that the eggshell has disappeared. I asked the children to explain this phenomenon. The children said that vinegar ate the shell. Children are told that something is inside the vinegar destroying the shell. After the children could think it, then explained that what is inside the vinegar and destroying the eggshell, is called acid. the eggshell absorbed acid. children could not understand how this happened. They tried to combine absorbency of the sponge with the eggshell, but because they did not see the shell, could not explain where did eggshell. However, children played with egg like playing with a small ball. The egg was resilient and bounced and it was a pleasant surprise for children.

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Το δωμάτιο τθσ υδατοπερατότθτασ Πταν ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ, αποχαιρζτθςαν τθν Νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ, ιταν πολφ ςκεφτικοί και προβλθματιςμζνοι, για τον τρόπο που κα τθν βοθκοφςαν να ελευκερωκεί. Αποφάςιςαν να ανοίξουν και τθν τελευταία πόρτα ςτο κάςτρο τθσ μάγιςςασ φλθσ, μιπωσ κι εκεί μζςα ανακαλφψουν κάτι από όςα τουσ ηιτθςε θ νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ. Άνοιξαν αργά και προςεχτικά τθν πόρτα που ταμπζλα ζγραφε υδατοπερατότθτα, ζβγαλαν τα παποφτςια τουσ, και τα ζβαλαν ςτθν άκρθ τθσ πόρτασ για να μθ κλείςει, και….. ω! Δεν πρόλαβαν να κάνουν ζνα βιμα! Μζςα ςτο δωμάτιο τθσ υδατοπερατότθτασ, είχε παντοφ νερά! - « βράχθκαν τα μικρά όμορφα ποδαράκια μου! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ! - - βράχθκαν τα τεράςτια, όμορφα ποδάρια μου, είπε ο γίγαντασ!

The room of water permeability When Thumbelina and the giant, said goodbye to Fairy Colorful, was very thoughtful and puzzled on how to help her release. They decided to open the last door in the castle of the witch matter, lest there and discover something than you asked them fairy colorful. Slowly and carefully opened the door sign writing permeability, took off their shoes and put them on the edge of the door not closed, and ... .. oh! Not had time to take a step! Inside the room of water permeability, water was everywhere! - "Small wetted my beautiful feet! Said Thumbelina! - - Wetted huge, my beautiful legs, said the giant!

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A sala de permeabilidade à água Quando Thumbelina eo gigante, disse adeus a Fairy colorido, era muito pensativo e perplexo sobre como ajudar a sua libertação. Eles decidiram abrir a última porta no castelo da questão bruxa, para lá e descobrir algo do que você pediu-lhes fadas colorido. Lenta e cuidadosamente abriu a porta placa escrita permeabilidade, tiraram os sapatos e colocá-los na borda da porta não fechado, e ... .. oh! Não teve tempo de dar um passo! Dentro da sala de permeabilidade à água, a água estava em toda parte! - "Small molhada meus pés bonitos! Disse Thumbelina! - - Molhadas enorme, minhas pernas bonitas, disse o gigante!

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Στο πάτωμα υπιρχαν πολλζσ λακκοφβεσ με νερό. Ππου δεν υπιρχαν λακκοφβεσ, υπιρχε χϊμα και λάςπθ. Από τθν οροφι, ζςταηαν νερά, λεσ και υπιρχαν τρφπεσ που ζμπαινε θ βροχι! « τι δωμάτιο είναι αυτό? Κα γίνουμε χάλια! Είπε ο γίγαντασ! « Και εςφ Τοςοδοφλθ κα κρυϊςεισ! Να βροφμε κάτι να βάλεισ ςτο ποδαράκια ςου να μθν περνάει το νερό και κρυϊςεισ!». Είπε ξανά ο γίγαντασ! Τότε ο γίγαντασ, κοιτϊντασ γφρω του είδε διάφορα αντικείμενα. Είδε: ζνα ηευγάρι κάλτςεσ, ζνα πλαςτικό κουβά, δφο πλαςτικζσ ςακοφλεσ, δφο πινζλα, ζνα ςφουγγάρι, ζνα κουτί γεμάτο άςπρθ κόλλα, ζνα ψαλίδι, λίγα καλάμια, ζνα μεγάλο κομμάτι πλαςτικό τραπεηομάντθλο με λουλοφδια, μια κορδζλα, πολλά υφάςματα, μερικζσ μετάλλινεσ ράβδουσ, μερικζσ ξφλινεσ ράβδουσ και ζνα ηευγάρι γαλότςεσ. Τοςοδοφλθσ για να μθ βραχοφν και κρυϊςει? Αφοφ τα παιδιά είπαν τθν γνϊμθ τουσ, ςυνζχιςα τθν αφιγθςθ. « τισ γαλότςεσ, τισ γαλότςεσ», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. πιρε τισ γαλότςεσ, όμωσ δεν του ζκαναν, γιατί οι γαλότςεσ ιταν τεράςτιεσ ςαν τον γίγαντα. Ο γίγαντασ, δοκίμαςε τισ γαλότςεσ. « μου κάνουν», είπε και τισ φόρεςε εκείνοσ. Ο γίγαντασ, ζδωςε ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ να φορζςει τισ κάλτςεσ.

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No chão havia muitas poças. Onde não havia buracos, havia sujeira e lama. No telhado, pingando água, como se não houvesse buracos que entram na chuva! "O que é este quarto; Nós nos tornaremos uma bagunça! Disse o gigante! "Thumbelina E você vai pegar um resfriado! Para encontrar algo para colocar em seus pés não passa da água e pegar um resfriado! ". Ele disse que a gigante de novo! Em seguida, o gigante, olhando em volta, viu vários objetos. Ele viu: um par de meias, um balde de plástico, dois sacos de plástico, duas escovas, uma esponja, uma caixa cheia de cola branca, tesoura, alguns juncos, um grande pedaço de toalha de plástico, com flores, uma fita, muitos tecidos, algumas hastes de metal, algumas varas de madeira e um par de galochas. Thumbelina para não ficar molhado e frio; Depois que as crianças disseram que sua opinião, eles continuaram dizendo. "As galochas, botas de borracha", disse Thumbelina. Ele tomou as galochas, mas é feito, porque as botas eram enormes como gigante. O gigante, tente as galochas. "Ele faz," ele disse e ele usava. O gigante deu Thumbelina de usar meias.

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On the floor there were many puddles. Where there were no potholes, there was dirt and mud. On the roof, dripping water, as if there were holes entering the rain! "What room is this; We will become a mess! Said the giant! "Thumbelina And you will catch a cold! To find something to put on your feet does not pass the water and catch a cold! ". He said the giant again! Then the giant, looking around him he saw various objects. He saw: a pair of socks, a plastic bucket, two plastic bags, two brushes, a sponge, a box full of white glue, scissors, a few reeds, a large piece of plastic tablecloth with flowers, a ribbon, many fabrics, some metal rods, some wooden sticks and a pair of galoshes. Thumbelina to not get wet and cool; After the children said their opinion, they kept telling. "The galoshes, rubber boots," said Thumbelina. He took the galoshes, but it's made, because the boots were huge like giant. The giant, try the galoshes. "He does," he said and he wore. The giant gave Thumbelina to wear socks.

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Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, φόρεςε τισ κάλτςεσ, και μπικε μζςα ςε μία λακκοφβα με νερό, όμωσ το νερό πζραςε μζςα από τισ κάλτςεσ και τα ποδαράκια του βράχθκαν. Ζνιωκε ςαν παπί, γιατί με τισ βρεγμζνεσ κάλτςεσ, ςαν παπάκι προχωροφςε. - Τότε ο γίγαντασ, του είπε να βγάλει τισ κάλτςεσ και να δοκιμάςει το κουβά. - Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, γοφρλωςε τα μάτια του. «-που να βάλω το κουβά»? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ με απορία τον γίγαντα. - Ο γίγαντασ πιρε το κουβά ζβαλε μζςα τα δυο πόδια του Τοςοδοφλθ και τον ρϊτθςε. «Βρζχονται τϊρα τα πόδια ςου»? όχι δε βρζχονται… αλλά… δε μπορϊ να περπατιςω είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - -αυτό είναι πράγματι ζνα πρόβλθμα, όμωσ , μπορείσ να πθδιξεισ? Να περπατάσ πθδϊντασ? ϊτθςε ο γίγαντασ. - Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ζκανε ζνα πιδο και πλαφ! Ζπεςε μζςα ςτο νερό! «Χα χα χα! Τι ωραίο παιχνίδι»! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ κι άρχιςε να τςαλαβουτά ςτθ λακοφβα με το νερό, πθδϊντασ μζςα ςτο κουβά. Πμωσ τα ποδαράκια του γλυςτροφςαν ζξω από το κουβά και όλο ζπεφτε ςτθ λακοφβα. - Αψοφ! Αψοφ! Ζκανε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!

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O Thumbelina, usava meias, e entrou em uma poça, mas a água passou pelas meias e pés para se molhar. Sentia-se como um pato, porque as meias molhadas, como patinho progrediu. - Então o gigante, disse-lhe para puxar as meias e testar o balde. - O Thumbelina, revirou os olhos. "-o que eu coloquei o balde"; Enviada Thumbelina para consultar o gigante. - O gigante pegou o balde colocado através de ambas as pernas de Thumbelina e perguntou-lhe. "Agora apagar seus pés"; prefere não se molhar ... mas ... eu não posso andar disse Thumbelina. - -Isto É realmente um problema, mas você pode saltar; Andar de salto; Perguntou o gigante. - A Polegarzinha saltou e teto! Ele caiu na água! "Ha ha ha! Que grande jogo! " Ele disse Thumbelina e começou debatendo na água poça, saltando para dentro do balde. Mas seus pés estavam saindo do balde e todos caíram na poça. - Apsou! Apsou! Ele fez Thumbelina!

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The Thumbelina, wore socks, and entered into a puddle, but the water passed through the socks and feet to get wet. He felt like a duck, because the wet socks, like duckling progressed. - Then the giant, told him to pull the socks and test the bucket. - The Thumbelina, rolled his eyes. "-which I put the bucket"; Asked Thumbelina to query the giant. - The giant took the bucket put through both legs of Thumbelina and asked him. "Now douse your feet"; rather not get wet ... but ... I can not walk said Thumbelina. - -this Is indeed a problem, but you can jump; Walking jumping; Asked the giant. - The Thumbelina jumped and ceiling! He fell into the water! "Ha ha ha! What a great game! " He said Thumbelina and began floundering in puddle water, jumping into the bucket. But his feet were coming out of the bucket and all fell in puddle. - Apsou! Apsou! He did Thumbelina!

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Κρφωςεσ παιδί μου»! είπε ο γίγαντασ, και τον πιρε αγκαλιά και τον ζβγαλε από τθ λακκοφβα! - «άςε με μπαμπά να παίξω λίγο ακόμα»! Είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ. - -«οφτε να το ςκζφτεςαι»! απάντθςε ο γίγαντασ, και ζβαλε υφάςματα ςτα πόδια του, τυλίγοντασ τα με κορδζλα που τθν ζκοψε με το ψαλίδι ςε δφο μικρότερεσ κορδζλεσ ζτςι που να μοιάηουν με παποφτςια. Ρϊτηςα τα παιδιά: τι λζτε εςείσ παιδιά? Γιατί το ζκανε αυτό ο γίγαντασ? Θα περνά νερό τϊρα από τα ποδαράκια του Σοςοδοφλη? (όλα τα παιδιά είπαν πωσ θα περνάει νερό από τα πόδια του Σοςοδοφλη) ο γίγαντασ είπε ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ: « πιςτεφω πωσ τα υφάςματα, κα εμποδίςουν τα νερά να περάςουν μζςα, κι ζτςι τα πόδια ςου κα μείνουν ςτεγνά». Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, μπικε ςε μια άλλθ λακκοφβα με νερό, φορϊντασ ςτα ποδαράκια του τα υφάςματα, όμωσ τα ποδαράκια του βράχθκαν γιατί μζςα από τα υφάςματα το νερό περνοφςε και Αψου! Αψοφ! Ζκανε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!

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Cool my child! " the giant said, and took arms and pulled out of the puddle! - "Daddy leave me to play some more!" Said Thumbelina. - -"do not even think about it"! the giant replied, and put cloths on his feet, wrapping them with the ribbon cut with scissors into two smaller ribbons so that they look like shoes. I asked the children: what say you guys; Why did this giant; It now passes water from the feet of Thumbelina; (all children said they will pass water from his feet Thumbelina) the giant told Thumbelina: "I think the fabrics will prevent the water to pass through, so your feet will stay dry." The Thumbelina, entered into another puddle, wearing the feet of fabric, but the little feet get wet because through the fabrics water passing and Apsou! Apsou! He did Thumbelina!

Arrefecer o meu filho! " o gigante disse, e levou os braços e puxou para fora da poça! - "Papai me deixe jogar um pouco mais!" Thumbelina disse. - - "Ou pensar!" o gigante respondeu, e colocar panos sobre os seus pés, envolvendo-os com o corte da fita com uma tesoura em duas fitas menores para que eles se parecem com sapatos. Perguntei aos filhos: o que vocês dizem; Por que esse gigante; Ele agora passa a água dos pés de Thumbelina; (todas as crianças disseram que vão passar a água de seus pés Thumbelina) o gigante disse Thumbelina: "Acho que os tecidos vai impedir que a água passe através, por isso seus pés vão ficar seco". O Thumbelina, entraram em outra poça, usando os pés de tecido, mas os pequenos pés se molhar, porque através da passagem de água e tecidos Apsou! Apsou! Ele fez Thumbelina!

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Τότε ο γίγαντασ ζκανε κάτι άλλο. Ριρε τθ μία πλαςτικι ςακοφλα,

ζβαλε το ποδαράκι του Τοςοδοφλθ μζςα ςτθ ςακοφλα, ζδεςε τα ςακοφλα με τθ κορδζλα. Ζκανε το ίδιο και ςτο άλλο ποδαράκι του Τοςοδοφλθ. «για να δοφμε τϊρα? Ρερνά από τθ ςακοφλα το νερό? Κα βραχοφν τϊρα τα ποδαράκια ςου»? είπε ο γίγαντασ. Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ μπικε ςε μια λακκοφβα… - Εςείσ τι λζτε παιδιά? Θ πλαςτικι ςακοφλα κα αφιςει το νερό να περάςει μζςα? κα βραχοφν τα ποδαράκια του Τοςοδοφλθ ι όχι? Τι λζτε?

Πλα τα παιδιά μου είπαν ότι κα βραχοφν τα πόδια του Τοςοδοφλθ. τότε ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά ζναν εκελοντι για να δοκιμάςει να βάλει τα πόδια του ςε μια πλαςτικι ςακοφλα και να τα ακουμπιςει μζςα ςε μια λεκάνθ με νερό! Θ πρϊτθ αντίδραςθ των παιδιϊν ιταν να γελάςουν. Σίγουρα κυρία δε κα βραχοφν οι κάλτςεσ μασ? Δεν ξζρω απάντθςα. Εγϊ κζλω μόνο ζναν πολφ καρραλζο που να ζχει και κάλτςεσ μζςα ςτθν τςάντα του για να αλλάξει κάλτςεσ, ςε περίπτωςθ που αυτζσ βραχοφν. Ο πολφ καρραλζοσ βρζκθκε. Ζνα κορίτςι νιπιο. Θ Κοκκαλζνια. Ζβαλα μια χοντρι πλαςτικι ςακοφλα ςτο πόδι τθσ, τθν ζδεςα με κορδζλα, και καρραλζα αλλά με κάποιο διςταγμό, ζβαλε το πόδι τθσ ςτθν λεκάνθ.

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Em seguida, o gigante fez outra coisa. Ele pegou um saco de plástico, colocar a perna de Thumbelina no saco, o saco amarrado com fita. Ele fez o mesmo com a outra perna de Thumbelina. "Para ver agora; Cruzando a água saco; Agora eu molhar os pés "; o gigante disse. O Thumbelina veio em uma poça ... - O que você acha das crianças; O saco plástico vai deixar a água passar; Eles vão molhar os pés de Thumbelina ou não; Que tal; Todas as crianças me disse que eles vão obter os pés molhados Thumbelina. então eu perguntei às crianças um voluntário para tentar colocar seus pés em um saco plástico e toque em uma bacia de água! A primeira reação das crianças foi rir. Claro senhora vai molhar nossas meias; Eu não sei respondeu. Eu só quero um muito corajoso para ter meias no saco para mudar meias se molhar. O muito corajoso encontrados. A menina infantil. O Kokkalenia. Coloquei um saco plástico grosso na perna, amarrado com uma fita, e corajoso, mas com alguma hesitação, ele colocou o pé na bacia.

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Then the giant did something else. He took a plastic bag, put the leg of Thumbelina in the bag, the bag tied with ribbon. He did the same to the other leg of Thumbelina. "To see now; Crossing the bag water; I now wet your feet "; the giant said. The Thumbelina came in a puddle ... - What do you think children; The plastic bag will let water pass through; They will wet the feet of Thumbelina or not; What are you talking about? All children told me that they will get wet feet Thumbelina. then I asked the children a volunteer to try to put his feet in a plastic bag and the touch in a basin of water! The first reaction of the children was to laugh. Sure lady will wet our socks; I do not know replied. I just want a very courageous to have socks in the bag to change socks if they get wet. The very courageous found. A girl infant. The Kokkalenia. I put a thick plastic bag in the leg, tied with a ribbon, and courageous but with some hesitation, he put his foot in the basin.

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Οι κάλτςεσ τθσ Κοκκαλζνιασ δεν βράχθκαν! The socks Kokkalenias not get wet! As meias Kokkalenias não se molhar!

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Βρζκθκαν και άλλοι καρραλζοι. Τα περιςςότερα παιδιά! Το νερό δεν περνοφςε μζςα από τθ ςακοφλα. Τα παιδιά κατάλαβαν πωσ κάποια υλικά, δεν μπορεί να περάςει το νερό, όπωσ για παράδειγμα το πλαςτικό. Encontrado e outros corajoso. A maioria das crianças! A água que passa através do saco. Crianças entendido que alguns materiais não pode passar água, por exemplo plástico. Found and other courageous. Most children! The water passed through the bag. Children understood that some materials can not pass water, for example plastic.

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Μετά το παιχνίδι, ςυνζχιςα τθν αφιγθςθ - Πμωσ τα ποδαράκια του Τοςοδοφλθ δεν βράχθκαν. Οι πλαςτικζσ ςακοφλεσ εμπόδιςαν το νερό. Το νερό δεν πζραςε μζςα από τισ πλαςτικζσ ςακοφλεσ κι ζτςι τϊρα δεν βρζχονται τα ποδαράκια του Τοςοδοφλθ. - Χαροφμενοσ ο γίγαντασ είπε ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ «τα καταφζραμε. Τϊρα μποροφμε να περπατάμε ςτα νερά και να μθν βρεχόμαςτε και δεν κα κρυϊςουμε! - «Να πάρουμε μαηί μασ αυτά που βρικαμε, μιπωσ τα χρειαςτοφμε», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ο γίγαντασ κουβάλθςε ςτουσ τεράςτιουσ ϊμουσ του, τισ μεταλλικζσ και τισ ξφλινεσ ράβδουσ, κάποια υφάςματα, λίγα καλάμια, το πλαςτικό τραπεηομάντθλο με τα λουλοφδια, τα δφο πινζλα, τθ κόλλα και το ψαλίδι.

After the game, I kept telling - But the feet of Thumbelina not get wet. Plastic bags prevented the water. The water passed through the plastic bags so far not bordering the feet of Thumbelina. - Cheerful giant told Thumbelina "succeeded. Now we can walk on the waters and not raining and not cool! - "To get us what we found, do need them," said Thumbelina and the giant he carried the huge shoulders, metal and wooden sticks, some fabrics, a few reeds, plastic tablecloth with flowers, two brushes , glue and scissors.

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Depois do jogo, eu dizia - Mas os pés de Thumbelina não se molhar. Os sacos de plástico impediu a água. A água que passa através dos sacos de plástico até agora não fazem fronteira com os pés de Thumbelina. - Gigante alegre disse Thumbelina "bem-sucedida. Agora podemos andar sobre as águas e não chover e não é legal! - "Para nos ver o que encontramos, precisamos deles", disse Thumbelina eo gigante que carregava os ombros enormes, metal e pedaços de madeira, alguns tecidos, algumas palhetas, toalha de plástico, com flores, duas escovas , cola e tesoura.

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- Συνζχιςαν να περπατοφν μζςα ςτο δωμάτιο τθσ υδατοπερατότθτασ, όμωσ το δωμάτιο ιταν μεγάλο κι όςο προχωροφςαν, όλο και πιο πολφ νερό ζςταηε από τισ τρφπεσ τθσ οροφισ. - Τότε ο γίγαντασ, ςκζφτθκε να φτιάξουν μια μεγάλθ ομπρζλα για να μθ βρζχονται. - Εςείσ τι λζτε παιδιά? Με αυτά τα υλικά που ζχουν πωσ μποροφν να φτιάξουν μια ομπρζλα ϊςτε να μην περνά η βροχή. Τα παιδιά είπαν να πάρουν τα μζταλλα και να βάλουν πάνω πλαςτικό. - Συνζχιςα τθν ιςτορία. Ο γίγαντασ, δοκίμαςε διάφορουσ τρόπουσ , ςυνδυάηοντασ τα υλικά για να φτιάξει τθν ομπρζλα. Ζφτιαξε το ςκελετό τθσ ομπρζλασ πρϊτα με ξφλο, μετά με μζταλλο, μετά με καλάμι. Και ζντυςε τουσ ςκελετοφσ κολλϊντασ με κόλλα και πινζλο τα διάφορα υφάςματα ςτισ ράβδουσ. Αφοφ απογοθτεφτθκε πολλζσ φορζσ, γιατί είναι δφςκολο να φτιάξεισ μια ομπρζλα, τελικά με τισ πολλζσ προςπάκειεσ, ζφτιαξε δφο ομπρζλεσ, που θ βροχι δεν περνοφςε. Θ ομπρζλα του Τοςοδοφλθ, ιταν φτιαγμζνθ ολόκλθρθ από καλάμια, και από μζςα με φφαςμα από το πλαςτικό τραπεηομάντθλο. Τα καλάμια, είναι ελαφρφτερα από το ξφλο και το μζταλλο, και ο μικρόσ Τοςοδοφλθσ, μποροφςε να τθν κρατάει. Ο γίγαντασ, που ιταν τεράςτιοσ, ζφτιαξε μια ομπρζλα τεράςτια, από καλαμζνιο επίςθσ ςκελετό, και από το τραπεηομάντθλο με τα υφάςματα, που ιταν πλαςτικό και αδιάβροχο.

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Eles continuaram a entrar na sala de permeabilidade à água, mas o quarto era grande e à medida que avançavam, mais e mais água escorria das buracos no telhado. - Então o gigante pensado para construir um grande guarda-chuva para não-limítrofes. - O que você acha das crianças; Com estes materiais têm que pode fazer um guarda-chuva para evitar os passes de chuva. As crianças foram disse para obter o metal e colocar em plástico. - Continuação da história. O gigante, tentou várias maneiras, combinando materiais para criar o guarda-chuva. Ele construiu o esqueleto do guarda-chuva primeiro com madeira, em seguida, metal, depois de pólo. E esqueletos vestidos degola pincel com cola e vários tecidos em barras. Tendo sido decepcionado muitas vezes, porque é difícil construir um guarda-chuva, depois dos muitos esforços que ele fez dois guarda-chuvas, a chuva passou. O guarda-chuva de Thumbelina foi feito todo de palhetas e no interior do pano toalha de plástico. As hastes são mais leves do que a madeira e metal, eo pequeno Thumbelina, não poderia prendê-lo. O gigante, que foi enorme, fez um enorme guarda-sol a partir de cana também enquadrar, ea toalha de mesa com tecidos que eram de plástico e impermeável.

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They continued to walk into the room of water permeability, but the room was large and as they advanced, more and more water dripped from the holes in the roof. - Then the giant thought to build a large umbrella to non-bordering. - What do you think children; With these materials have that can make an umbrella to avoid the rain passes. The children were told to get the metal and put on plastic. - Continued the story. The giant, tried various ways, combining materials to create the umbrella. He built the skeleton of the umbrella first with wood, then metal, after pole. And clothed skeletons sticking brush with glue and various fabrics in bars. Having been disappointed many times, because it is difficult to build an umbrella, after the many efforts he made two umbrellas, the rain passed. The umbrella of Thumbelina was made whole from reeds and inside cloth from the plastic tablecloth. The rods are lighter than wood and metal, and the little Thumbelina, could not hold it. The giant, which was huge, made a huge umbrella from reed also frame, and the tablecloth with fabrics that were plastic and waterproof.

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- Δφο ςχεδόν ίδιεσ ομπρζλεσ, από ίδια υλικά, διαφορετικζσ όμωσ ςτο μζγεκοσ. - Ρροχωροφςαν πλζον μζςα ςτο παράξενο δωμάτιο τθσ υδατοπερατότθτασ, τςαλαβουτϊντασ μζςα ςε λακκοφβεσ με νερά χωρίσ να βρζχονται, παίηοντασ, χοροπθδϊντασ. - Τότε ςυνάντθςαν πολλά μικρά κουβαδάκια με καπάκια. Τα άνοιξαν και βρικαν μζςα υγρό χρϊμα. Μπλε, κόκκινο, κίτρινο. Χαροφμενοι κι ευτυχιςμζνοι, πιραν τα χρϊματα, και φορϊντασ τα παποφτςια τουσ, βγικαν από το δωμάτιο τθσ υδατοπερατότθτασ, κρατϊντασ ςτα χζρια τουσ όλα τα υλικά που χρειάηονταν θ νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ. - Μπικαν χαροφμενοι ςτο δωμάτιο των χρωμάτων, εκεί που ιταν θ νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ. Βρικαν τθ νεράιδα, τθσ ζδωςαν τα κουτιά με τα χρϊματα, τα δυο πινζλα, τα δφο ςφουγγάρια, και θ νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ ζκανε κάτι μαγικό. Με τα πινζλα, ζβαψε με χρϊμα όλο το δωμάτιο. τα φτερά τθσ, τα ζβαψε γαλάηια, προςκζτοντασ ςτθ παλζτα τθσ με το άςπρο χρϊμα, λίγεσ ςταγόνεσ μπλε χρϊμα. Ζβαλε λίγεσ κόκκινεσ ςταγόνεσ ςτο άςπρο χρϊμα τθσ παλζτασ τθσ και ζβαψε τουσ τοίχουσ και το φόρεμα τθσ, με ροη χρϊμα. Θ νεράιδα, ςαν μαγεία και ανακατεφοντασ χρϊματα, ζβαψε όλο το δωμάτιο πολφχρωμο, ηωγράφιςε κι ζνα ουράνιο τόξο ςτο ταβάνι, πολφχρωμεσ πεταλοφδεσ, λουλοφδι! «Ω! είναι μαγικά όμορφο τϊρα»! Είπε Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ!

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Two almost identical umbrellas from the same materials, but different in size. - Proceed now in weird room of water permeability, floundering in puddles with water without bordering, playing, bounce. - Then they met several small buckets with lids. The opened and found inside moist color. Blue, red, yellow. Cheerful and happy, they took the colors, and wearing their shoes, came out of the water permeability of the room, holding in their hands all the material they needed fairy colorful. - They entered the room happy colors, there were fairy colorful. They found the fairy gave boxes with colors, two brushes, two sponges and colorful fairy did something magical. With paintbrushes, painted in color throughout the room. wings, its painted blue, adding to the palette with white paint, a few drops of blue. He put a few red drops the white color palette and painted the walls and the dress with pink. The fairy like magic and mixing colors, painted the whole room colorful, painted and a rainbow on the ceiling, colorful butterflies, flower! "Oh! It is magically beautiful now! " Said Thumbelina!

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Dois guarda-chuvas quase idênticos a partir dos mesmos materiais, mas diferentes em tamanho. - Prossiga agora na sala estranha de permeabilidade à água, chafurdando em poças com água, sem limitação, jogar, saltar. - Em seguida, eles se encontraram vários pequenos baldes com tampas. O aberto e encontrado dentro de cor úmida. Azul, vermelho, amarelo. Alegre e feliz, eles levaram as cores, e vestindo seus sapatos, saiu da permeabilidade à água da sala, segurando em suas mãos todo o material que precisavam de fadas colorido. - Eles entraram na sala cores felizes, havia fadas colorido. Eles descobriram a fada deu caixas com cores, duas escovas, duas esponjas e colorido fada fez algo mágico. Com pincéis, pintado na cor por toda a sala. asas, seu pintadas de azul, somando-se a paleta com tinta branca, algumas gotas de azul. Ele colocou algumas gotas vermelhas a paleta de cores branca e pintado nas paredes e no vestido com a cor rosa. A fada como cores mágicas e mistura, pintado todo o quarto colorido, pintado e um arco-íris no teto, borboletas coloridas, flor! "Oh! É magicamente bonito agora! " Disse Thumbelina!

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- «Ω! είναι μαγικά όμορφο τϊρα»! Είπε Ο γίγαντασ! - « τϊρα μπορϊ να ζρκω μαηί ςασ!» Είπε θ νεράιδα! Και ςυνζχιςε: «Πταν ζρκει ο αγαπθμζνοσ μου φίλοσ, το πράςινο περιςτζρι, κα δει όλο το δωμάτιο πολφχρωμο και κα καταλάβει ότι ελευκερϊκθκα. Δεν κα ανθςυχεί μιπωσ μου ζκανε κάποιο κακό θ μάγιςςα! Πταν θ μάγιςςα με φυλάκιςε εδϊ πζρα, μου είχε πει πωσ όταν το δωμάτιο γίνει πολφχρωμο, μόνο τότε κα ελευκερωκϊ. Το περιςτζρι το άκουςε αυτό. Πταν ζρκει και δει πωσ το δωμάτιο είναι πολφχρωμο, κα καταλάβει πωσ με κάποιο τρόπο ελευκερϊκθκα. Το δωμάτιο παλιά, λζγονταν άςπρο δωμάτιο. Για αυτό το πράςινο περιςτζρι είχε ζρκει εδϊ, μιπωσ καταφζρει από πράςινο που είναι να γίνει άςπρο, για να μθν το κοροϊδεφουν τα άλλα άςπρα περιςτζρια. Αλλά ποτζ δεν ζγινε άςπρο. Από τθ ςτιγμι που θ μάγιςςα με φυλάκιςε εδϊ μζςα, άλλαξε τθ ταμπζλα τθσ πόρτασ. Κι εκεί που ζγραφε άςπρο δωμάτιο, ζγραψε δωμάτιο χρωμάτων, για να με ειρωνευτεί. Αλλά εςείσ με βοθκιςατε και μπόρεςα να βρω τα χρϊματα να κάνω το δωμάτιο πολφχρωμο! Σασ ευχαριςτϊ πολφ και τουσ δυο ςασ. - Ο γίγαντασ και ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, ευτυχιςμζνοι και περιφανοι που ελευκζρωςαν τθν νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ, ζφυγαν από το κάςτρο. Θ νεράιδα πριν φφγει, ζγραψε ζνα μινυμα για το περιςτζρι με πράςινθ μπογιά «ΚΑ ΜΕ ΒΕΛΣ ΣΤΘΝ ΡΟΛΥΧΩΜΘ ΧΩΑ. ΚΑ ΣΕ ΡΕΛΜΕΝΩ ΕΚΕΛ. ΜΕ ΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΣΑΝ Ο ΓΛΓΑΝΤΑΣ ΚΑΛ Ο ΡΛΓΚΛΨ ΤΟΣΟΔΟΥΛΘΣ, Ο 13οσ ΓΛΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΓΛΓΑΝΤΑ» - «Γιατί διάλεξεσ το πράςινο χρϊμα»? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ τθν Ρολυχρϊμθ. - «το πράςινο χρϊμα ςυμβολίηει τθν ελπίδα», είπε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ - Το αςτείο, και το απαγορεφεται και το προςοχι κίνδυνοσ με ποιο χρϊμα ςυμβολίηεται? ϊτθςε Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ τθν νεράιδα.. - «Με κόκκινο, είπε θ νεράιδα»

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"Oh! É magicamente bonito agora! " Ele disse que a gigante! - "Agora eu posso ir com você" Disse a fada! Ele continuou: "Quando você vir o meu querido amigo, o pombo verde, você vai ver todo o quarto colorido e entender que libertou. Eu não vou em causa que eu era uma bruxa malvada! Quando a bruxa preso aqui, ele me disse que quando fez colorido sala, só então liberar. Pigeon audiência isso. Quando você vir e ver que o quarto é colorido, eu entendo que de alguma forma libertado. O antigo quarto, foram chamados de White Room. Para este pombo verde tinha vindo aqui, seja gerenciado por vegetação que está se tornando branco, não rir dos outros pombos brancos. Mas ele nunca se tornou branco. Uma vez que a bruxa preso aqui, mudou a porta rótulo. E lá ele estava escrevendo o quarto branco, escreveu sala de pintura para um mock. Mas você me ajudou e eu poderia encontrar as cores para fazer o quarto colorido! Muito obrigado a ambos. - O gigante e Thumbelina, feliz e orgulhoso de ser libertado de fadas colorido, deixou o castelo. A fada antes de sair, ele escreveu uma mensagem para o pombo com tinta verde 'ENCONTRARÁ NO PAÍS COLORIDO. VAI esperar lá. Livra-me O gigante eo TOSODOULIS PRÍNCIPE, O gigante FILHO 13 ' - "Por que você escolheu a cor verde"; Enviada Thumbelina colorido. - "A cor verde simboliza a esperança", disse o colorido - O engraçado eo proibida eo risco de atenção que cor simbolizava; Pergunte a fada Thumbelina .. - "Com vermelho, disse a fada"

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"Oh! It is magically beautiful now! " He said the giant! - "Now I can come with you!" Said the fairy! He continued: "When you come my dear friend, the green pigeon, you will see the whole room colorful and understand that freed. I will not concerned that I was an evil witch! When the witch imprisoned here, he told me that when made colorful room, only then will liberate. Pigeon hearing this. When you come and see that the room is colorful, I understand that somehow freed. The room old, were called White Room. For this green pigeon had come here, whether managed by greenery which is becoming white, not laugh at the other white pigeons. But he never became white. Once the witch imprisoned here, changed the label door. And there he was writing white room, wrote paint room to a mock. But you helped me and I could find the colors to make the room colorful! Thank you very much you both. - The giant and Thumbelina, happy and proud to be freed fairy colorful, left the castle. The fairy before he left, he wrote a message for the pigeon with green paint 'WILL FIND IN COLORFUL COUNTRY. WILL WAIT THERE. Deliver me The GIANT AND THE PRINCE TOSODOULIS, The 13th SON giant ' - "Why did you choose the color green"; Asked Thumbelina colorful. - "The green color symbolizes hope," said the colorful - The funny and the prohibited and the risk of attention what color symbolized; Ask The Thumbelina Fairy .. - "With red, said the fairy"

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- Ο Τοςοδοφλθσ, φεφγοντασ, άφθςε επίςθσ ζνα μινυμα με κόκκινθ μπογιά ςτθν μάγιςςα φλθ. - «ΧΑ ΧΑ ΧΑ…. ΧΛ…ΧΛ….ΧΛ….ΧΟ….ΧΟ….ΧΟ…. ΡΟΣΟΧΘ ΚΛΝΔΥΝΟΣ. Θ ΜΡΟΓΛΑ ΕΛΝΑΛ ΥΓΘ.ΜΘΝ ΑΓΓΛΗΕΤΕ. ΚΑ ΛΕΩΚΕΛΤΕ. ΜΑΓΛΣΣΑ ΥΛΘ ΣΕ ΝΛΚΘΣΑ. ΑΡΑΓΟΕΥΕΤΑΛ ΝΑ ΦΥΛΑΚΛΗΕΛΣ. - ΥΡΟΓΑΦΘ ΤΟΣΟΔΟΥΛΘΣ ΡΛΓΚΘΡΑΣ ΤΘΣ ΤΟΣΟΔΟΥΛΟΡΟΛΛΤΕΛΑΣ, Ο 13οσ ΓΛΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΓΛΓΑΝΤΑ Οι ιρωεσ τθσ ιςτορίασ, βγικαν τρζχοντασ από το κάςτρο. Θ νεράιδα πζταξε για τθν πατρίδα τθσ αποχαιρετϊντασ τον Τοςοδοφλθ και τον γίγαντα. «είναι μακριά θ πατρίδα ςου? κα ςε ξαναδοφμε? ϊτθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ «όςοι αγαπιοφνται αλθκινά δεν χωρίηουν ποτζ και όταν οι καρδιζσ είναι κοντά, αποςτάςεισ δεν υπάρχουν», απάντθςε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ «γεια ςου Ρολυχρϊμθ», είπε ο γίγαντασ και ςκοφπιςε τα μάτια του…… «γεια ςου Ρολυχρϊμθ», είπε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ και ςκοφπιςε τα μάτια του…… «γεια ςου κφριε γίγαντα, γεια ςου Τοςοδοφλθ», απάντθςε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ και ςκοφπιςε κι εκείνθ τα μάτια τθσ. κι ζφυγε πετϊντασ, μζςα από το πυκνό δάςοσ…..

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The Thumbelina, leaving also left a message with red paint in matter witch. - "Ha ha ha .... XI XI ... ... ... .CHO .CHI .CHO ... ... ... .CHO. CAUTION DANGER. Paint TOUCH IS YGRI.MIN. WILL dirty. WITCH MATTER OF WINNING. PROHIBITED FYLAKIZEIS. - SIGNATURE TOSODOULIS PRINCE OF TOSODOULOPOLITEIAS, The 13th SON giant The heroes of the story, came running from the castle. The fairy flew her home saying goodbye to Thumbelina and the giant. "Far away your home; We will see him; Asked Thumbelina "Those who love truly do not break ever and when hearts are close, distances do not exist," the colorful replied "Hello colorful," said the giant and wiped his eyes ...... "Hello colorful" said Thumbelina and wiped his eyes ...... "Hello sir giant, hello Thumbelina" replied the colorful and she wiped her eyes. and went flying through the dense forest ... ..

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O Thumbelina, deixando também deixou uma mensagem com tinta vermelha em bruxa assunto. - "Ha ha ha .... XI XI ... ... ... .CHO .chi .CHO ... ... ... .CHO. CUIDADO RISCO. Pintura Touch é YGRI.MIN. WILL sujo. WITCH QUESTÃO DE VENCIMENTO. PROIBIDO FYLAKIZEIS. - ASSINATURA TOSODOULIS PRINCE OF TOSODOULOPOLITEIAS, O FILHO gigante 13th Os heróis da história, veio correndo do castelo. A fada voou de sua casa dizendo adeus a Thumbelina eo gigante. "Longe de sua casa; Vamos vê-lo; Enviada Thumbelina "Aqueles que amam verdadeiramente não quebram sempre e quando os corações estão perto, as distâncias não existem," o colorido respondeu "Olá colorido", disse o gigante e enxugou os olhos ...... "Olá colorido", disse Thumbelina e enxugou os olhos ...... "Olá senhor gigante, Olá Thumbelina", respondeu o colorido e ela enxugou os olhos. e saiu voando através da densa floresta ... ..

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- Πταν τελείωςα τθν αφιγθςθ, ζκανα Ερωτιςεισ κατανόθςθσ ςτα παιδιά, για να διαπιςτϊςω εάν κατανόθςαν τθν ιςτορία. Ερωτιςεισ όπωσ: - -πωσ ιταν το δωμάτιο τθσ υδατοπερατότθτασ? Γιατί νομίηετε ότι λζγεται ζτςι αυτό το δωμάτιο? - -τι ζβαλε ςτα ποδαράκια του Τοςοδοφλθ για να δοκιμάςει αν περνά το νερό? - Από ποια υλικά δεν περνοφςε το νερό? Από ποια υλικά περνοφςε το νερό? - Τι φόρεςε ο γίγαντασ ςτα πόδια του για να μθ περνά το νερό? - -τι φόρεςε τελικά ςτα πόδια του ο Τοςοδοφλθσ για να μθ περνά το νερό? - Τι υλικά και αντικείμενα βρικαν μζςα ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο? - Ρου χρθςίμευςαν όλα αυτά τα υλικά? - Με τι υλικό ζφτιαξαν ομπρζλεσ ο γίγαντασ και ο Τοςοδοφλθσ? - Τι άλλο βρικαν μζςα ςε αυτό το δωμάτιο τθσ υδατοπερατότθτασ ο γίγαντασ και ο Τςοδοφλθσ και ποια υλικά πιραν μαηί τουσ και τα ζδωςαν ςτθν νεράιδα Ρολυχρϊμθ? - Τι ζκανε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ με αυτά τα υλικά? - Ρωσ ελευκερϊκθκε θ Ρολυχρϊμθ? - Τι μινυμα άφθςε θ νεράιδα ςτο περιςτζρι? Με ποιο χρϊμα μπογιάσ και τι ςυμβολίηει αυτό το χρϊμα? - Τι μινυμα άφθςε ο Τοςοδοφλθσ ςτθν μάγιςςα Φλθ? Με ποιο χρϊμα μπογιάσ και τι ςυμβολίηει αυτό το χρϊμα? - -με ποιόν τρόπο αποχαιρετίςτθκαν οι ιρωεσ μασ? - -τι είπε θ νεράιδα ςτον Τοςοδοφλθ για τθν αγάπθ και τισ αποςτάςεισ? Εςείσ ςυμφωνείτε για αυτό? Ζχετε ηιςει κάτι τζτοιο? Ρωσ νιϊκετε όταν αποχωρίηεςτε κάποιο αγαπθμζνο ςασ πρόςωπο? Σασ ζχει τφχει?

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Quando eu terminei a história, eu fazia perguntas para compreender as crianças, para saber se eles entenderam a história. Perguntas como: - -Como Foi o quarto de permeabilidade à água; Por que você acha que disse este quarto; - -O Coloque os pés de Thumbelina para testar se ele passa a água; - Que materiais não estão passando água; Desde que os materiais da passagem de água; - O que o gigante usava em seus pés não passam de água; - Eventualmente -o que usava em seus pés o Thumbelina para não passar água; - Quais os materiais e objectos encontrados nesta sala; - Onde foram usadas todas estas matérias; - Com que material eles construíram o guarda-sóis gigantes e Thumbelina; - O que mais eles encontraram nesta sala da permeabilidade de água gigante e Tsodoulos e quais os materiais que eles levaram com eles e deu a fada colorido; - O que fez colorido com estes materiais; - Como libertado colorido; - Que mensagem deixada pela pomba de fadas; Qual a cor da pintura eo que simboliza essa cor; - Que mensagem deixada por Thumbelina na bruxa Matéria; Qual a cor da pintura eo que simboliza essa cor; - -com Disse adeus como nossos heróis; - -o Que disse a Fada Thumbelina por amor e distâncias; Você concorda com isso; Você tem vivido este; Funilaria Como você se sente quando alguém que você ama; Você recebeu;

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When I finished the story, I asked questions to understand children, to find out whether they understood the story. Questions such as: - -How Was the room of water permeability; Why do you think so said this room; - -what Put the feet of Thumbelina to test if it passes the water; - Which materials are not passing water; From what materials passing water; - What wore the giant on his feet not passing water; - -what Eventually wore on his feet the Thumbelina for not passing water; - What materials and objects found in this room; - Where all these materials were used; - With what material they built the giant umbrellas and Thumbelina; - What else they found in this room of the giant water permeability and Tosodoulos and what materials they took with them and gave the fairy colorful; - What made colorful with these materials; - How freed colorful; - What message left by the fairy dove; What color paint and what symbolizes this color; - What message left by Thumbelina in witch Matter; What color paint and what symbolizes this color; - -with Said goodbye how our heroes; - -what Said the fairy Thumbelina for love and distances; You agree to this; You have lived this; Bodyshop How do you feel when someone you love; You have received;

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πείραμα φλθσ από το ΕΚΦΕ Θλιοφπολθσ –ΡΛΘΩΣΘ ΧΩΟΥ experimento material do EKFE Heliopolis - ÁREA DE PREENCHIMENTO material experiment from EKFE Heliopolis - FILLING AREA

Δραςτθριότθτα. Ρροτείναμε ςτα παιδιά να γεμίςουν ζνα κουβά με τουβλάκια. Κατόπιν ρωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν το δοχείο είναι γεμάτο. Τα παιδιά είπαν: το δοχείο είναι γεμάτο. Activity. We suggested to the children to fill a bucket of bricks. Then we asked the children if the container is full. The children said: the container is full. Atividade.

Sugerimos aos filhos para encher um balde de tijolos. Em seguida, perguntou às crianças se o recipiente estiver cheio. As crianças disseram: o recipiente está cheio.

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Κατόπιν προτείναμε ςτα παιδιά να γεμίςουν το ίδιο κουβά και με πζτρεσ. Τα παιδιά γζμιςαν το κουβά με μικρζσ πζτρεσ. ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν το δοχείο είναι γεμάτο. Οι πζτρεσ ζπεφταν τον κουβά και γζμιηαν το κενό χϊρο ανάμεςα ςτα τουβλάκια. Τα παιδιά είπαν: ο κουβάσ τϊρα είναι γεμάτοσ. Em seguida, sugeriu às crianças para preencher o mesmo balde e pedras. Crianças encheu o balde com pequenas pedras. Pedimos que as crianças se o recipiente estiver cheio. As pedras caiu o balde e enchia o espaço entre os tijolos. As crianças disseram, o balde está cheio.

Then we suggested to the children to fill the same bucket and stones. Children filled the bucket with small stones. We asked the children if the container is full. The stones fell the bucket and filled the space between the bricks. The children said, the bucket is now full.

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Κατόπιν προτείναμε ςτα παιδιά να ρίξουν μζςα ςτο κουβά φακζσ. Τα παιδιά ζριξαν τισ φακζσ και ρωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν τϊρα ο κουβάσ είναι γεμάτοσ. Τα παιδιά είπαν: τϊρα ο κουβάσ είναι γεμάτοσ. ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν χωράει κάποιο άλλο υλικό μζςα ςτο κουβά. Τα παιδιά είπαν: δεν χωράει κάποιο άλλο υλικό . Then we suggested to the children to throw into the lentils bucket. Children threw lentils and asked the children if now the bucket is full. The children said: now the bucket is full. We asked the children if they fit some other material into the bucket. The children said: no other material fit.

Em seguida, sugeriu às crianças para jogar no balde lentilhas. Crianças jogou lentilhas e perguntou às crianças se agora o balde está cheio. As crianças disseram: agora o balde está cheio. Pedimos que as crianças se eles se encaixam algum outro material para o balde. As crianças disseram: nenhum outro ajuste material.

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Κατόπιν προτείναμε ςτα παιδιά να ρίξουν λίγθ άμμο μζςα ςτο κουβά. Τα παιδιά ζριξαν άμμο μζςα ςτο κουβά. Χωράει κάτι άλλο μζςα ςτο κουβά? ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά. Τα παιδιά είπαν χωράει αλάτι, ηάχαρθ, πιπζρι, γιατί είναι πολφ μικρά. Em seguida, sugeriu às crianças para jogar um pouco de areia no balde. As crianças jogou areia no balde. Ele mantém outra coisa no balde; Pedimos crianças. As crianças referido ajuste de sal, açúcar, pimenta, porque é muito pequena. Then we suggested to the children to throw some sand into the bucket. The children threw sand into the bucket. It holds something else in the bucket; We asked children. The children said fit salt, sugar, pepper, because it is very small.

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children painted paper the activity of space-filling and wrote as could the materials used. crianças pintaram papel da atividade do espaço de enchimento e escreveu como poderiam os materiais utilizados.

τα παιδιά ηωγράφιςαν ςτο χαρτί τθν δραςτθριότθτα τθσ πλιρωςθσ χϊρου και ζγραψαν όπωσ μποροφςαν τα υλικά που χρθςιμοποίθςαν.

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Λειτουργικόσ οριςμόσ που ζβγαλαν τα παιδιά. Ρλιρωςθ χϊρου είναι που ζνα βάηο είναι γεμάτο με κάποιο υλικό και το ξαναγεμίηουμε με πολλά υλικά και πάλι γεμίηει. Definição funcional puxado crianças. enchimento espaço é que um vaso é preenchido com algum material e reabastecer com muitos materiais enche novamente. Functional definition pulled children. space filling is that a vase is filled with some material and refill with many materials again fills.

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ΔΑΣΤΘΛΟΤΘΤΑ-ΔΛΑΦΑΝΘ ΚΑΛ ΑΔΛΑΦΑΝΘ ΥΛΛΚΑ Στόχοσ : να ταξινομιςουν τα υλικά, ανάλογα με το αν είναι διαφανι (αφινουν το φωσ να περάςει) ι αδιαφανι (δεν αφινουν το φωσ να περάςει) Για τθν διδαςκαλία τθσ διαφάνειασ των υλικϊν, ϊτθςα τα παιδιά, που μπορεί ο γίγαντασ να κρυφτεί. Ρίςω από τθ ξφλινθ πόρτα ι πίςω από το παράκυρο? Τα παιδιά είπαν πίςω από τθ ξφλινθ πόρτα γιατί πίςω από το παράκυρο κα τον δοφμε. Ραίξαμε κι άλλο ζνα παιχνίδι. Κρφψαμε μια μικρι πζτρα, πίςω από ζνα γυάλινο διαφανζσ ποτιρι και πίςω από ζνα χαρτί και ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά, ςε ποια περίπτωςθ θ πζτρα κρφβεται, πίςω από το χαρτί ι πίςω από το γυαλί? Τα παιδιά είπαν πίςω από το γυαλί.

ACTIVITY-transparent and opaque materials Objective: to classify materials, depending on whether it is transparent (leaving the light to pass through) or opaque (not allow light to pass) For the teaching of the transparency of the materials, I asked the children, which can hide the giant. Behind the wooden door or behind the window; The children said behind the wooden door because behind the window will see him. We played a game more. We hid a small stone, behind a glass transparent glass and behind a paper and asked the children, in which case, the stone is hidden behind the paper or behind glass; The children said behind glass

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Materiais de atividade transparentes e opacas Objectivo: classificar materiais, dependendo se é transparente (deixando que a luz passe através de) ou opaco (não permitir que a luz passe) Para o ensino da transparência dos materiais, pedi as crianças, que podem esconder o gigante. Atrás da porta de madeira ou atrás da janela; As crianças disseram atrás da porta de madeira, porque por trás da janela irá vê-lo. Nós jogamos um jogo a mais. Nós escondemos uma pequena pedra, atrás de um vidro transparente de vidro e atrás de um papel e pediu às crianças, caso em que, a pedra está escondido atrás do papel ou atrás do vidro; As crianças disseram atrás do vidro

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Τα παιδιά ηωγράφιςαν διαφανι και αδιαφανι υλικά Children painted transparent and opaque materials Crianças pintadas materiais transparentes e opacas

Διαφανι υλικά: νερό και γυάλινα ποτιρια γεμάτα νερό. Αδιαφανι υλικά: κόκκινο κραςί και ξφδι ςε ποτιρια.

Materiais transparentes: Vidros de água de vidro cheio de água. Materiais opacos: vinho tinto e vinagre em vidros

Transparent materials: glass water glasses full of water. Opaque materials: red wine and vinegar in glasses

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Διαφανι υλικά: κρυβόμαςτε πίςω από αυτά ( παράκυρο, γυάλινο βάηο, πλαςτικόσ χάρακασ, δοχείο με νερό ), και αδιαφανι υλικά: δεν κρυβόμαςτε πίςω από αυτά. ( τουβλάκι, μαρκαδόροσ, δζντρο ). Transparent materials: hide behind them (box, glass jar, plastic ruler, container with water), and opaque materials: do not hide behind them. (Brick, marker, tree). Materiais transparentes: esconder atrás deles (caixa, jarra de vidro, Régua de plástico, recipiente com água), e materiais opacos: não se esconda por trás deles. (Tijolo, marcador, árvore).

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Διαφανι: αγιαςμόσ, βάηο με μζλι, νερό, οφηο. Διαφανι: βιβλίο, χαρτί, χάρακασ Transparente: santificação, pote de mel, água, ouzo. Opaque: livro, papel, régua Transparent: sanctification, jar of honey, water, ouzo. Opaque: book, paper, ruler

Διαφανι: παράκυρο, γυάλινο βάηο, χάρακασ Αδιαφανι: τουβλάκι, μαρκαδόροσ, δζντρο Transparent: window, glass jar, ruler Opaque: brick, marker, tree Transparente: janela, jarra de vidro, régua Opaque: tijolo, marcador, árvore

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Διαφανι: λειτουργικόσ οριςμόσ που ζδωςε και ζγραψε το παιδί: βλζπουμε τι υπάρχει πίςω από αυτά, ενϊ αδιαφανι δε βλζπουμε πίςω από αυτά. Transparente: definição operacional dado e escreveu a criança: nós vemos o que está por trás deles, enquanto opaco não vê por trás deles. Transparent: operational definition given and wrote the child: we see what is behind them, while opaque do not see behind them.

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Διαφανι: κάλαςςα, γυάλινα βάηα, νερό. Αδιαφανι: παγωτό, δζντρο, χαρταετόσ. Transparent: sea, glass jars, water. Opaque: ice, tree, kite. Transparente: mar, frascos de vidro, água. Opaque: gelo, árvore, kite.

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ζφτιαξαν δικοφσ τουσ λειτουργικοφσ οριςμοφσ και ζγραψαν όπωσ μποροφςαν αυτοφσ. They built their own operational definitions and wrote as those could. Eles construíram suas próprias definições operacionais e escreveu como aqueles podia.

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λειτουργικόσ οριςμόσ : διαφανι, βλζπουμε και κρυβόμαςτε πίςω από αυτά. Αδιαφανι, δεν βλζπουμε και δεν κρυβόμαςτε πίςω από αυτά. definição operacional: transparente, vemos e se esconder por trás deles. Opaco, não vemos e não se esconda por trás deles. operational definition: transparent, we see and hide behind them. Opaque, we do not see and do not hide behind them.

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ΔΑΣΤΘΛΟΤΘΤΑ- ιςχυρά ι αδφναμα υλικά (εφκραυςτα- άκραυςτα) Στόχοι: να αντιλθφκοφν ότι τα υλικά, μπορεί να είναι Λςχυρά (άκραυςτα υλικά) τα οποία είναι πολφ δφςκολο να ςπάςουν, ενϊ κάποια υλικά μπορεί να είναι Αςκενι (εφκραυςτα υλικά) και να ςπάνε εφκολα.

Activity; strong or weak materials ( break easily, not easily broken ) Objectives: To understand that materials can be strong (unbreakable materials) which are very difficult to break, and some materials can be Patient (brittle materials) and break easily.

Atividade; materiais fortes ou fracos ( quebram facilmente, não é facilmente quebrada) Objetivos: compreender que os materiais podem ser fortes (materiais inquebráveis) que são muito difíceis de quebrar, e alguns materiais pode ser de doentes (materiais frágeis) e quebram com facilidade.

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τοποκετιςαμε μπροςτά ςτα παιδιά ζνα ατςάλινο μαχαίρι, ζνα ςαποφνι 2 καρφιά ςιδερζνια, ζνα χάλκινο κουτάλι, ζνα πλαςτικό χάρακα. Ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να χαράξουν με το νφχι τουσ το ςαποφνι για να δουν αν χαράςςεται. Κατόπιν ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να κάνουν το ίδιο με όλα τα άλλα υλικά.

we placed it in front of children a steel knife, a soap two iron nails, a bronze spoon, a plastic ruler. We asked the children to draw with the nail of the soap to see if the soap develops. Then we asked the children to do the same with all other materials.

que o colocou na frente das crianças uma faca de aço, um sabonete dois pregos de ferro, uma colher de bronze, uma régua de plástico. Pedimos as crianças a desenhar com a unha do sabão para ver se o sabão se desenvolve. Então pedimos as crianças a fazer o mesmo com todos os outros materiais.

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Τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι το νφχι τουσ χαράςςει το ςαποφνι. Κατόπιν ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να χαράξουν με το νφχι τουσ το χάρακα πλαςτικό χάρακα. Τα παιδιά μπόρεςαν να χαράξουν το πλαςτικό. Τα παιδιά κατζλθξαν ςτο ςυμπζραςμα ότι το νφχι τουσ είναι πιο ςκλθρό από το πλαςτικό και από το ςαποφνι. Δεν μπόρεςαν όμωσ να χαράξουν με το νφχι τουσ τα υπόλοιπα υλικά.

As crianças descobriram que o sabonete fabricantes de pregos. Então eu perguntei as crianças a desenhar com a unha a régua régua de plástico. As crianças foram capazes de arranhar o plástico. Crianças concluíram que o prego é mais difícil do que o plástico e sabão. Eles não têm sido capazes de desenvolver para os seus ingredientes garra restantes.

Children found that the nail makers soap. Then I asked the children to draw with the nail the ruler plastic ruler. The children were able to scratch the plastic. Children have concluded that the nail is harder than plastic and soap. They have been unable to develop to their claw remaining ingredients.

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Τα παιδιά προςπάκθςαν να ανακαλφψουν τθν ςκλθρότθτα των υλικϊν κάνοντασ προβλζψεισ και πειραματιηόμενοι με τα υλικά , προςπακϊντασ να χαράξουν κάποιο υλικό με κάποιο άλλο υλικό, κρατϊντασ ταυτόχρονα ςθμειϊςεισ για να εξάγουν ςυμπεράςματα.

The children tried to discover the hardness of the materials making forecasts and experimenting with materials, trying to draw some material with another material, while keeping notes to draw conclusions. As crianças tentaram descobrir a dureza dos

materiais que as previsões e experiências com materiais, tentando tirar algum material com outro material, mantendo notas para tirar conclusões.

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Κατόπιν τα παιδιά ζγραψαν όπωσ μποροφςαν τθν κλίμακα ςκλθρότθτασ των υλικϊν Em seguida, as crianças escreveram como poderia a escala de dureza do material Then the children wrote as they could at the material hardness scale

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θ κλίμακα ςκλθρότθτασ των υλικϊν. ςτθ δραςτθριότθτα πρόςκεςα και ζνα μικρό κομμάτι γυαλί, ςτο οποίο πειραματίςτθκα εγϊ τα παιδιά παρατθροφςαν. το πιο ςκλθρό υλικό είναι το ατςάλι, και το ςαποφνι είναι το πιο μαλακό. ατςάλι, ςίδθρο, γυαλί, χαλκόσ, νφχι, πλαςτικό, ξφλο, ςαποφνι. The hardness range of materials. the activity added and a small piece of glass, which I experimented children watched. the harder material is steel, and the soap is more soft. steel, iron, glass, copper, claw, plastic, wood, soap.

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A gama de dureza dos materiais. a atividade adicionada e um pequeno pedaço de vidro, que eu experimentei crianças assistiram. o material mais duro é o aço, e o sabão é mais macio. aço, ferro, vidro, cobre, garra, plástico, madeira, sabão.

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ΔΑΣΤΘΛΟΤΘΤΑ- ΕΥΚΑΜΡΤΑ- ΑΚΑΜΡΤΑ ΥΛΛΚΑ Στόχοι: να αντιλθφκοφν ότι τα Εφκαμπτα υλικά είναι εφκολο να λυγίςουν, ενϊ Τα άκαμπτα υλικά είναι δφςκολο να λυγίςουν. Να δϊςουν παραδείγματα, να ταξινομιςουν, να ηωγραφίςουν να κάνουν κολλάη με εφκαμπτα και άκαμπτα υλικά.

Actividade, materiais de curvatura - materiais que não se dobram. Objetivos: a perceber que alguns materiais são fáceis de dobrar, e alguns materiais são difíceis de dobrar. Para dar exemplos, classificar, materiais de pintura curva e materiais bend Activity; materials bend - materials

that do not bend. Objectives: to realize that some materials are easy to bend, and some materials are hard to bend. To give examples, classify, paint materials bend and materials bend

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Ομαδική εργαςία Αινίγματα Δραςτηριότητα ΒΡΕ ΣΟ ΑΝ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ Κάκε ςχολείο δθμιοφργθςε επιλζγοντασ κάποια από τα υλικά, ζνα αίνιγμα για αυτά τα υλικά. Τα παιδιά των άλλων ςχολείων ζπρεπε να βρουν τα αινίγματα . Βρικαμε όλα τα αινίγματα με μεγάλθ ευκολία αλλά και τα άλλα παιδιά μάντεψαν τα δικά μασ αινίγματα. Φτιάξαμε και ζνα βιβλίο για τα αινίγματα όπου μπορείτε να το βρείτε ςτθν θλεκτρονικι διεφκυνςθ :// 1.Τραγουδιςαμε το τραγοφδι για τθν ραπτομθχανι ωσ υλικό το ςίδερο και το κάναμε βιντεάκι. 2. Ανακαλφψαμε το αίνιγμα τθσ πζτρασ και πιγαμε εκδρομι ςτθν πλατεία Μπροφκ με τισ μαφρεσ πζτρεσ και παίξαμε με αυτζσ

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3. Μαντζψαμε το αίνιγμα του λαδιοφ και τθσ ελιάσ και κάναμε κολλάη

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Το αίνιγμα που εμείσ βάλαμε ςτα παιδιά των άλλων ςχολείων. Επιλζξαμε ςαν υλικό το κερί και το αίνιγμα μασ ιταν: γεννιζται ψιλό και πεκαίνει χαμθλό. Τι είναι?

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Κι ζνα ακόμα δικό μασ αίνιγμα: μικρι μικρι νοικοκυρά μεγάλθ πίτα κάνει. Τι είναι?

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Μαντζψαμε και ηωγραφίςαμε τα υπόλοιπα αινίγματα με τα υλικά που μασ ζβαλαν οι νζοι μασ φίλοι από τα άλλα ςχολεία.

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Ομαδικι δραςτθριότθτα Ραρουςίαςθ υλικϊν Πλα μαηί τα παιδιά των ςχολείων δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα κοινό βίντεο, όπου κάκε ςχολείο επζλεξε κάποια υλικά τα οποία παρουςίαςε. Σασ ςτζλνουμε τθν διεφκυνςθ URL ςτο youtybe group activity presentation materials Together, the schoolchildren created a shared video, where each school chose some materials presented. We send you the URL in youtube atividade de grupo materiais de apresentação Juntos, os escolares criou um vídeo compartilhada, onde cada escola escolheu alguns materiais apresentados. Nós enviar-lhe o URL em youtybe

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Μίγματα – διαλφματα


Ζννοιεσ: μίγμα ονομάηεται το ςϊμα που αποτελείται από δφο ι περιςςότερα υλικά, τα οποία ςυνυπάρχουν. Θ ανάμειξθ των υλικϊν γίνεται ςε τυχαία αναλογία και κάκε υλικό διατθρεί αμετάβλθτεσ τισ αρχικζσ του ιδιότθτεσ. Στθ φφςθ τα πιο πολλά υλικά είναι μίγματα διαφόρων ειδϊν. Τα μίγματα διακρίνονται ςε ομογενι και ετερογενι. Γενικά τα μίγματα διακρίνονται ςε ομογενι και ετερογενι, ανάλογα με το αν διακρίνονται ι όχι τα ςυςτατικά τουσ. Ομογενι ονομάηονται τα μείγματα που ζχουν τθν ίδια ςφςταςθ, ποιοτικι και ποςοτικι, και τισ ίδιεσ ιδιότθτεσ ςε όλθ τθ μάηα τουσ. Τα ομογενι μείγματα ονομάηονται Και διαλφματα. Γενικά ζνα διάλυμα, αποτελείται από τθ διαλυμζνθ ουςία και το διαλφτθ. Το νερό είναι ζνασ πολφ ςθμαντικόσ διαλφτθσ γιατί διαλφει πολλζσ ουςίεσ. Αν ο διαλφτθσ είναι το νερό, τότε το διάλυμα λζγεται υδατικό. Υπάρχουν πολλϊν ειδϊν διαλφματα. Στερεά ςε ςτερεά, ςτερεά ςε υγρά, υγρά ςε υγρά, αζρια ςε υγρά, αζρια ςε αζρια. Ρεριεκτικότθτα ενόσ διαλφματοσ, ονομάηεται θ ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ. Αραιό ονομάηεται το διάλυμα που ζχει μικρι ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ, ενϊ πυκνό, ονομάηεται το διάλυμα που ζχει μεγάλθ ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ. Κορεςμζνο ονομάηεται το διάλυμα ςτο οποίο δεν μποροφμε να προςκζςουμε άλλθ διαλυμζνθ ουςία. Μηθμα ονομάηεται θ επιπλζον ουςία που δεν μπορεί να διαλυκεί και κατακάκεται ςτον πάτο.

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Concepts: mixture called body consisting of two or more materials, which coexist. The mixing of the materials is made at random, and ratio of each material unchanged the original properties. In nature many more materials are mixtures of various species. The mixtures are divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous. Generally mixtures are divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous, depending on whether or not there are the components. They called homogeneous mixtures having the same composition, quality and quantity, and the same properties throughout their mass. Homogeneous mixtures are called and solutions. Generally a solution consisting of solute and solvent. Water is a very important solvent because it dissolves many substances. If the solvent is water, then the aqueous solution is called. There are many types of solutions. Solid to solid, solid to liquid, liquid in liquid, gas in liquid, gaseous. Content of a solution, called the amount of the solute. Dilute called the solution having a small amount of solute, and concentrated, called the solution having a high amount of solute. Saturated called the solution to which we can add another solute. Sediment called the additional substance which can not be dissolved and settles to the bottom.

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Conceitos: mistura chamada corpo constituído por duas ou mais matérias, que coexistem. A mistura dos materiais é feita de forma aleatória, e proporção de cada material inalteradas as propriedades originais. Na natureza muitos mais materiais são misturas de várias espécies. As misturas são divididos em homogéneas e heterogéneas. Geralmente são divididos em misturas homogéneas e heterogéneas, dependendo se existem ou não os componentes. Eles chamaram as misturas homogêneas com a mesma composição, qualidade e quantidade, e as mesmas propriedades em toda a sua massa. Misturas homogêneas são chamados e soluções. Geralmente, uma solução consistindo de soluto e solvente. A água é um solvente muito importante porque se dissolve muitas substâncias. Se o solvente for água, então a solução aquosa é chamado. Existem muitos tipos de soluções. Sólido de sólido, sólido para líquido, líquido em líquido, gás em líquido, gasoso. Conteúdo de uma solução, o chamado quantidade do soluto. Diluir chamada tendo a solução uma pequena quantidade de soluto, e concentrou-se, a chamada solução possuindo uma elevada quantidade de soluto. Saturada chamado a solução para que possamos adicionar outro soluto. Sedimentos chamado a substância adicional, que não pode ser dissolvido e deposita-se no fundo.

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Εμπειρίεσ: ετερογενζσ μίγμα δφο ςτερεϊν και μζκοδοι διαχωριςμοφ των ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ , όπωσ διαλογι με το χζρι, κοςκίνιςμα. Ετερογενζσ μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρά και μζκοδοι διαχωριςμοφ των ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ, φιλτράριςμα, ι διικθςθ - Διάλυμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρό και θ εξάτμιςθ ωσ μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ των

ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ. - Διάλυμα υγροφ ςε υγρό. Υπάρχουν υγρά υλικά που διαλφονται και δεν διαλφονται ςτο νερό.

επιςτθμονικζσ δεξιότθτεσ:

Ραρατιρθςθ, ταξινόμθςθ, επικοινωνία, υποβολι ερωτθμάτων, διατφπωςθ λειτουργικοφ οριςμοφ, ερμθνεία παρατιρθςθσ, πρόβλεψθ, διατφπωςθ υπόκεςθσ, ερμθνεία δεδομζνων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων, αναγνϊριςθ παραγόντων και ζλεγχοσ μεταβλθτϊν, διερεφνθςθ.

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Experiences: heterogeneous mixture of two solids and separation processes of the components of the mixture as hand sorting, sorting magnet, sieving, washing and flotation A heterogeneous mixture of a solid and a liquid separation processes of the components of the mixture, filtration, or filtration A solution of the solid in liquid and evaporation as a method of separating components of a mixture. - A solution of liquid in liquid. There are liquid materials which are dissolved and not dissolved in water

Scientific skills Observation, classification, communication, query, formulating operational definition, interpretation of observation, prediction, hypothesis formulation, interpret data and draw conclusions, identify factors and control variables, investigation.

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Experiências: mistura heterogénea de dois sólidos e processos de separação dos componentes da mistura como triagem lado, a triagem ímã, peneiramento, lavagem e flutuação Uma mistura heterogénea de um sólido e um líquido processos de separação dos componentes da mistura, filtração, ou filtração Uma solução do sólido em líquido e evaporação, como um método para separar componentes de uma mistura. - Uma solução de líquido em líquido. Existem materiais líquidos que são dissolvidos e não dissolvidos em água

Competências científicas Observação, classificação, comunicação, consulta, formulação de definição operacional, interpretação de observação, previsão, formulação de hipóteses, interpretar dados e tirar conclusões, identificar os fatores e variáveis de controle, investigação.

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Διδακτικοί ςτόχοι - Να παραςκευάηουν μίγματα με υλικά κακθμερινισ ηωισ - Να ορίςουν τθν ζννοια του μίγματοσ - Να παραςκευάςουν μίγματα ςτερεϊν με ςτερεά, υγρϊν με ςτερεά

και υγρϊν με υγρά.

Teaching objectives To prepare mixtures with materials of daily life Designate the meaning of the mixture To prepare mixtures of solids with solids, solids with liquids and liquid fluids.

Objetivos de ensino Para preparar misturas com materiais da vida cotidiana Designar o significado da mistura Para preparar misturas de sólidos com sólidos, sólidos com líquidos e fluidos líquidos.

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Στάςεισ: επικυμία για εξερεφνθςθ, επικυμία να ξαναδοκιμάηει ςε περίπτωςθ αποτυχίασ, προςεκτικι εξζταςθ των γεγονότων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων, επιμονι για αναηιτθςθ λφςεων, επιμονι για ολοκλιρωςθ τθσ προςπάκειασ, επικυμία να ςυμμετζχει ςε ομαδικι εργαςία και να ςυνεργάηεται, να ςζβεται τα αποτελζςματα των ερευνϊν του, να αντιλαμβάνεται ότι γίνεται πιο πειςτικόσ όταν τεκμθριϊνει τθν άποψθ του με δεδομζνα, κι όταν εξθγεί το ςυλλογιςμό του. να αποκτιςει τθν επικυμία για αλλαγι προςζγγιςθσ που αφορά ςτθν επίλυςθ ενόσ προβλιματοσ, με βάςθ τισ εμπειρίεσ και τα δεδομζνα μασ..

Pára: desejo de exploração, desejo de novas tentativas em caso de falha, o exame cuidadoso dos fatos e conclusões, a insistência na procura de soluções perseverança para completar o esforço, o desejo de participar no trabalho em equipe e cooperação, a respeitarem os resultados dos seus inquéritos, percebendo que se torna mais convincente para documentar termos com os dados, e ao explicar o raciocínio. para adquirir o desejo de uma mudança de abordagem em relação à solução de um problema, com base em nossas experiências e dados .. Stops: desire for exploration, desire to retries in case of failure, careful examination of the

facts and conclusions, insistence on seeking solutions perseverance to complete the effort, desire to participate in teamwork and cooperate, to respect the results of his inquiries, perceiving that becomes more convincing when documenting terms with data, and when explaining the reasoning. to acquire the desire for a change of approach regarding the solution of a problem, based on our experiences and data ..

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Μζςα από μια αυτοςχζδια ιςτορία εξιγθςα ςτα παιδιά: μίγμα ονομάηεται το ςϊμα που αποτελείται από δφο ι περιςςότερα ςυςτατικά, τα οποία υπάρχουν χωρίσ να ενοχλεί το ζνα το άλλο. Στθ φφςθ υπάρχουν πολλά μίγματα. Τα μίγματα είναι δφο ειδϊν. Ππωσ υπάρχουν αγόρια και κορίτςια, ζτςι και ςτθ φφςθ υπάρχουν τα ετερογενι μίγματα και τα ομογενι μίγματα. Τα ομογενι μίγματα, μποροφμε να τα λζμε και διαλφματα, ακριβϊσ όπωσ τον Κωνςταντίνο μποροφμε να τον λζμε και Κϊςτα, ι τθν Ηαχαροφλα να τθ λζμε οφλα. Τα ετερογενι μίγματα δεν ζχουν χαϊδευτικό όνομα. Τα λζνε απλά ετερογενι μίγματα. - Μίγματα ςχθματίηουν και τα ςτερεά και τα υγρά και τα αζρια. Και τα ςτερεά μαηί, και τα υγρά μαηί, και τα αζρια μαηί. Επίςθσ, μίγματα ςχθματίηουν και τα ςτερεά με τα υγρά, όλων των ειδϊν τα ςτερεά, και οι ςκόνεσ και τα ςτερεά με κρυςταλλικοφσ κόκκουσ. Επίςθσ και τα αζρια με τα υγρά, όλοι οι ςυνδυαςμοί των υλικϊν. - Τα ετερογενι μίγματα δεν μποροφν να κρυφτοφν. Πταν παίηουν κρυφτό και κρφβονται μαηί , μποροφμε εφκολα να τα ξεχωρίςουμε . για παράδειγμα το ρφηι και οι φακζσ. Πταν τα ανακατζψουμε μποροφμε να βροφμε και το ρφηι και τισ φακζσ και να τισ πάμε ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ. Τα ομογενι μίγματα ι διαλφματα, όταν κρφβονται δεν μποροφμε να τα βροφμε και να τα βάλουμε ςτο ςπίτι τουσ, ςτο δοχείο, ςτο ςακοφλι ι ςτο μπουκάλι τουσ. Κζλετε να γνωρίςουμε τα μίγματα και τα διαλφματα? Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν κετικά και ξεκινιςαμε τισ δραςτθριότθτεσ.

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Através de uma história improvisada explicou às crianças: um corpo chamado mistura consistindo de dois ou mais componentes, que existem sem um perturbador outro. Na natureza há muitas misturas. As misturas são duas. Como existem meninos e meninas, então naturalmente há misturas heterogêneas e misturas homogêneas. Os homogeneizados, podemos dizer e soluções, assim como Constantino não pode dizê-lo e Costas, ou o Zacharoula a dizer Roula. Misturas heterogêneas não têm nome apelido. O simplesmente dizer misturas heterogêneas. - Misturas formadas e os sólidos e líquidos e gases. E os sólidos em conjunto e, em conjunto líquidos e os gases em conjunto. Além disso, as misturas de formulário e sólido para líquido, todos os tipos de sólidos, em pó ou em grãos de cristal sólido. Também os gases em líquidos, ou qualquer combinação de materiais. - Misturas heterogêneas não pode se esconder. Quando a brincar às escondidas e se escondendo em conjunto, podemos distinguir facilmente. por exemplo, arroz e lentilhas. Quando o mix podemos encontrar arroz e lentilhas, e levá-los no saco. As misturas ou soluções homogêneas quando escondendo nós não podemos encontrá-los e colocá-los em sua casa, o recipiente, o saco ou a garrafa. Quer saber misturas e soluções; As crianças responderam positivamente e nós Começamos atividades.

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Through an improvised story explained to children: a mixture called body consisting of two or more components, which exist without disturbing one another. In nature there are many mixtures. The mixtures are twofold. As there are boys and girls, so naturally there are heterogeneous mixtures and homogeneous mixtures. The homogenates, we can say and solutions, just as Constantine can not say it and Costas, or the Zacharoula (girl name), to say Roula. Heterogeneous mixtures have no nickname name. The simply say heterogeneous mixtures. - Mixtures formed and the solids and liquids and gases. And the solids together and liquid together, and the gases together. Also, mixtures of form and solid to liquid, all kinds of solid, powder or solid in crystal grains. Also gases to liquids, or any combination of materials. - Heterogeneous mixtures can not hide. When playing hide and seek and hiding together, we can easily distinguish. for example, rice and lentils. When the mix we can find rice and lentils, and get them in the sack. The homogeneous mixtures or solutions when hiding we can not find them and put them in their home, the container, the bag or the bottle. Want to know mixtures and solutions; The children responded positively and we We started activities.

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1θ δραςτθριότθτα: μίγμα ςτερεϊν και μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ του μίγματοσ ( διαλογι με το χζρι ). Τα παιδιά χωρίςτθκαν ςε μικρζσ ομάδεσ. κάκε ομάδα προςπάκθςε να διαχωρίςει τα υλικά που τουσ δόκθκαν, με όποιο τρόπο μποροφςαν. Τα υλικά που δόκθκαν ςτισ ομάδεσ των παιδιϊν, ιταν όςπρια, ρφηι, κόκκοι καφζ. Τα παιδιά με ευκολία, διαχϊριςαν τα ςυςτατικά των μιγμάτων με το χζρι. Εμείσ ρωτιςαμε τα παιδιά, αν μποροφν να διακρίνουν τα ςυςτατικά των μιγμάτων αυτϊν κι αν μποροφν να τα βάλουν ςτο ςπίτι τουσ, γιατί τα ψάχνει θ μαμά τουσ. Δϊςαμε ςτα παιδιά ζνα λευκό χαρτί και τα παιδιά ζκαναν τθ διαλογι με το χζρι. Κατόπιν κόλλθςαν ςτο χαρτί ςε διαφορετικό ςθμείο τα άτακτα μόρια για να τα βρει θ μαμά τουσ. Ζγραψαν όπωσ μποροφςαν διαλογι με το χζρι.

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First activity: a mixture of solid and process mixture separation (sorting by hand). The children were divided into small groups. each team tried to separate the materials given them, in whatever way they could. The materials were given to groups of children, it was beans, rice, coffee beans. Children easily, they separated the components of the mixtures by hand. We asked the children if they can distinguish the components of those mixtures you can put them in their home, because looking their mom. We gave the children a white paper and the guys did sorting by hand. Then the children stuck to the paper in a different place the naughty molecules to find their mom. children wrote as they phrase hand-sorted.

Primeiro actividade: uma mistura de separação de sólido e o processo de mistura (triagem à mão). As crianças foram divididas em pequenos grupos. cada equipe tentou separar os materiais lhes deu, sob qualquer forma que poderia. Os materiais foram entregues a grupos de crianças, era feijão, arroz, grãos de café. Crianças facilmente, separaram-se os componentes da mistura à mão. Pedimos que as crianças se podem distinguir os componentes dessas misturas que você pode colocá-los em sua casa, porque olhando para sua mãe. Nós demos às crianças um papel branco e os caras fizeram triagem com a mão. Em seguida, as crianças preso ao papel em um lugar diferente as moléculas impertinentes para encontrar sua mãe. crianças escreveu como eles frase mão-classificado.

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Μοντελοποίθςαν τθν δραςτθριότθτα ςτο χαρτί. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ηωγραφίςουν ζνα ςακοφλι που μζςα ςε αυτό υπάρχουν όςπρια ( ότι όςπρια κζλουν και όςα κζλουν), που παίηουν όλα μαηί ανακατεμζνα. Μετά είπα ςτα παιδιά ότι τα φωνάηει θ μαμά τουσ και πρζπει να πάνε ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ηωγραφίςουν τα ςακοφλια τουσ ςτο ίδιο χαρτί. Να προςπακιςουν να βάλουν τα όςπρια ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ ςχεδιάηοντασ τα όςπρια ςτα νζα ςακοφλια που ηωγράφιςαν . Να μετριςουν τα όςπρια ξεχωριςτά και να τα ηωγραφίςουν ςτθν ςωςτι κζςθ και να βρουν τον ςωςτό αρικμό, γράφοντασ τον αρικμό όπωσ μποροφν. Να αντιγράψουν όπωσ μποροφν τθν φράςθ … μίγμα ςτερεό ςε ςτερεό, διαλογι με το χζρι.

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Modelando a atividade no papel. Eu pedi as crianças a desenhar uma bolsa que nele há leguminosas (feijão que eles querem eo que eles querem), tocando todos juntos misturados. Depois que eu disse às crianças que a mãe grita e precisa ir para o saco. Eu pedi as crianças a tirar suas malas no mesmo papel. Para tentar colocar feijão no saco projetar legumes em sacos novos que eles pintados. Para contar pulsos separadamente e para desenhar a posição correta e encontrar o número correto de escrever o número que puderem. Para replicar como pode a frase ... sólido na mistura sólida, a triagem com a mão.

Modelling activity in the paper. I asked the children to draw a pouch that in it there are legumes (beans that they want and what they want), playing all together mixed. After I told the children that mom shouts and need to go to the bag. I asked the children to draw their bags on the same paper. To try to put beans in the bag designing legumes in new bags that they painted. To count pulses separately and to draw the correct position and find the correct number by writing the number as they can. To replicate as can the phrase ... solid in solid mixture, sorting by hand.

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2θ δραςτθριότθτα. Μίγμα ςτερεοφ και ςτερεοφ με μικροςκοπικοφσ κόκκουσ ( μικρζσ πζτρεσ και άμμο). 2nd activity. A mixture of solid and solid with tiny grains (small stones and sand). 2a actividade. Uma mistura de sólidos e sólidos com minúsculos grãos (pequenas pedras e areia).

Βάλαμε ςε διαφορετικά δοχεία, τθν άμμο και τισ πζτρεσ και ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να φτιάξουν ζνα μίγμα με αυτά τα δφο υλικά. Nós que colocamos em diferentes recipientes, areia e pedras e pediu às crianças para fazer uma mistura destes dois materiais.

We put in different containers, sand and stones and asked the children to make a mixture of these two materials.

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ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά αυτοφ του μίγματοσ. Τα παιδιά είπαν: ναι, αυτά διακρίνονται. ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν μποροφμε να ξεχωρίςουμε τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ με το χζρι, όπωσ ακριβϊσ κάναμε ςτα όςπρια. Τα παιδιά είπαν: μποροφμε να πάρουμε τισ πζτρεσ με το χζρι, και να μείνει θ άμμοσ. Μπράβο παιδιά. Μιπωσ μπορείτε να ςκεφτείτε και κάποιον άλλον τρόπο? Τα παιδιά δεν μποροφςαν να ςκεφτοφν κάποιον τρόπο. Ζφερα ςτα παιδιά, ζνα πλαςτικό ςουρωτιρι, ςαν αυτό που πάμε ςτθ κάλαςςα και ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν ζχουν ξαναπαίξει με αυτό. Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν αρνθτικά.

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We asked the children if there are the components of this mixture. The children said, yes, they are distinguished. We asked the children if we can distinguish the components of the mixture by hand, just as we did in legumes. The children said, we can get the stones by hand, and leave the sand. Well done kids. Did you think and another way; The children could not think of a way. I brought the children, a plastic strainer, like this we go into the sea and asked the children if they have never played it. Children responded negatively.

Pedimos que as crianças se não são os componentes desta mistura. As crianças disseram, sim, eles são distinguidos. Pedimos que as crianças se podemos distinguir os componentes da mistura à mão, assim como fizemos em leguminosas. As crianças disseram, podemos obter as pedras com a mão, e deixar a areia. Bem feito rapazes. Você acha que e uma outra maneira; As crianças não poderia pensar de uma maneira. Eu trouxe os filhos, um coador de plástico, como este que vão para o mar e pediu às crianças que nunca tenham jogado. As crianças responderam negativamente.

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Απόρθςα που τα παιδιά δεν είχαν παίξει με αυτό το παιχνίδι. Ζδειξα ςτα παιδιά τθν χριςθ του, κι εκείνα ζμειναν ζκπλθκτα. Τουσ άρεςε πάρα πολφ. Τα παιδιά ζριχναν το μίγμα ςτο πλαςτικό κόςκινο και θ άμμοσ ζπεφτε από τισ μικρζσ τρφπεσ, ενϊ το πιο χοντρό χαλίκι που δεν χωροφςε να περάςει από τισ τρφπεσ, ζμενε ςτο κόςκινο. Ονόμαςα αυτόν τον τρόπο διαχωριςμοφ του μίγματοσ, κοςκίνιςμα. Eu surpreendeu as crianças não tinha jogado este jogo. Mostrei as crianças o uso de, e os que ficaram atônitos. Eles gostaram muito. Crianças verteu a mistura em peneiro de plástico e a areia caiu de pequenos orifícios, enquanto que o cascalho mais grosso que poderia acomodar não passam pelos orifícios deixados na peneira. Liguei para essa separação caminho da mistura, britadeira. I surprised the children had not played this game. I showed the children the use of, and those were astonished. They liked it very much. Children poured the mixture into plastic sieve and the sand fell from the small holes, while the more coarse gravel that could accommodate not go through the holes left in the sieve. I called this way separation of the mixture, sieving.

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Μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε ςκόνθ ( αλεφρι ) και ςτερεοφ ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ ( ρφηι ) Μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ κοςκίνιςμα. τα παιδιά καταςκεφαςαν μίγμα από αλεφρι και ρφηι, ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ονοματίςουν τα υλικά. Τα παιδιά είπαν για το αλεφρι ότι είναι ςτερεό ςε ςκόνθ και για το ρφηι ότι είναι ςτερεό ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ. Τα παιδιά ζφτιαξαν το μίγμα και κατόπιν Κάναμε διαχωριςμό του μίγματοσ με κοςκίνιςμα. A mixture of solid powder (flour) and solid in small grain (rice) Method separation sifting. children built a mixture of flour and rice, I asked the children to name materials. The children were told about the flour that is a solid powder and rice that is solid into small granules. We separate the mixture by sieving. Uma mistura de pó sólido (farinha) e sólida no pequeno grão (arroz) Separação método de triagem. crianças construiu uma mistura de farinha e arroz, pedi às crianças que citem materiais. As crianças foram informados sobre a farinha que é um pó sólido e arroz que é sólido em pequenos grânulos. Nós separar a mistura por peneiração.

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Το ρφηι ζμεινε ςτο κόςκινο, ενϊ το αλεφρι χφκθκε ςτθν λεκάνθ. Arroz permaneceu na peneira, enquanto a farinha derramado na bacia. Rice remained on the sieve, while the spilled flour in bowl.

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Κατόπιν προςκζςαμε ρίγανθ ςτο μίγμα. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά τι υλικό είναι θ ρίγανθ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι θ ρίγανθ είναι ςτερεό. Ρροςπακιςαμε να κοςκινίςουμε το μίγμα αλεφρι και ρίγανθ. Then we added oregano in the mix. I asked the children what material is oregano. The children said that oregano is solid. We tried to sift the flour mixture and oregano. Então nós adicionamos orégano na mistura. Perguntei aos filhos o que é material de orégano. As crianças disseram que o orégano é sólido. Tentámos para peneirar a mistura de farinha e orégano

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Το αλεφρι ζμεινε πάνω ςτθν ςιτα, ενϊ θ ρίγανθ πζραςε ςτθν λεκάνθ A farinha foi deixada na tela, enquanto o orégano passou na bacia The flour was left on the screen, while the oregano spent in basin

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Ετερογενζσ Μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρό. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν μποροφν να ξεχωρίςουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ αυτοφ, ι εάν φαίνονται ςαν να είναι ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι ξεχωρίηουν τα ςυςτατικά αυτοφ του μίγματοσ. Ονόμαςα το μίγμα ετερογενζσ. Μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ. Σε μια κατςαρόλα, βάλαμε φφλλα δυόςμου και νερό. ωτιςαμε τι κα γίνει αν το βάλουμε ςτθ φωτιά. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι το νερό κα βράςει και κα πιοφμε ρόφθμα δυόςμου. Ρράγματι, βάλαμε τθν κατςαρόλα ςτθ φωτιά και φτιάξαμε ρόφθμα από δυόςμο. Ρωσ όμωσ μποροφμε να διαχωρίςουμε τα ςυςτατικά του? Τα παιδιά είπαν με ςουρωτιρι. μοιάηει με το κοςκίνιςμα, είπαν τα παιδιά. Μπράβο μικροί επιςτιμονεσ. Το κοςκίνιςμα είναι ςτα ςτερεά. Πταν ζχουμε ζνα υγρό , κι ζνα ςτερεό, αυτι θ μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ ονομάηεται φιλτράριςμα.

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Uma mistura heterogénea de sólido em líquido. Perguntei aos filhos se eles podem distinguir os componentes desta mistura, ou se eles se parecem com eles são um só corpo. As crianças foram disse que separar os componentes desta mistura. Eu nomeei a mistura é heterogênea. Método de separação. Em uma panela, nós colocamos folhas de hortelã e água. Pedimos que vai acontecer se você colocá-lo no fogo. As crianças foram informados de que a água vai ferver e beber bebida hortelã. Na verdade, vamos colocar a panela no fogo e fizemos infusão de menta. Como podemos separar os ingredientes; As crianças disseram com filtro. como triagem, disse que as crianças. Bem feito jovens cientistas. O rastreio é em sólidos. Quando temos um líquido e um sólido, este método de separação é chamado de filtragem.

A heterogeneous mixture of the solid in the liquid. I asked the children if they can distinguish the components of this mixture, or if they look like they are one body. The children were told that separate the components of this mixture. I named the mixture is heterogeneous. Separation method. In a pot, we put mint leaves and water. We asked what will happen if you put it in the fire. The children were told that the water will boil and drink mint. Indeed, we put the pot on the fire and we made brew of mint. How can we separate the ingredients; The children said with strainer. like screening, said children. Well done young scientists. The screening is in solids. When we have a liquid and a solid, this separation method is called filtering.

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Μία από τισ προτάςεισ των παιδιϊν ιταν να ςουρϊςουμε το μίγμα ςε ςουρωτιρι για τα μακαρόνια. Uma das propostas dos filhos foram tensas sucos para a mistura em uma peneira para espaguete. One of the proposals of the children were strained juices to the mixture in a colander for spaghetti.

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Κακαριςμόσ νεροφ με τθ μζκοδο του φιλτραρίςματοσ. Σε ζνα δοχείο, βάλαμε νερό και λίγθ άμμο και ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να διαχωρίςουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ. Τα παιδιά δοκίμαςαν με το ςουρωτιρι, αλλά διαπίςτωςαν πωσ και θ άμμοσ και το νερό ζπεφτε μζςα ςτο δοχείο. Κατόπιν ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν ζχουν δει αυτά τα χαρτιά και τουσ ζδειξα φίλτρα του καφζ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ζχουν δει τουσ γονείσ ςτο ςπίτι να φτιάχνουν με αυτά τα χαρτιά καφζ ςτθν καφετιζρα. Τα παιδιά είπαν γνωρίηουν πωσ γίνεται αυτι θ διαδικαςία και προςπάκθςαν να κακαρίςουν το νερό από τα χϊματα.

A purificação da água pelo processo de filtração. Em um recipiente, colocamos água e um pouco de areia e pediu às crianças para separar os componentes da mistura. Crianças provei o filtro, mas descobriu que a areia ea água cair para dentro do recipiente. Então eu perguntei as crianças se eles viram esses papéis e mostrou-lhes filtros de café. As crianças disseram ter visto seus pais em casa para fazer com estes cartões na máquina de café. As crianças disseram que sabem como fazer este processo e tentou limpar a água do solo. Purification of water by the process of filtration. In a container, we put water and a little sand and asked the children to separate the components of the mixture. Children tasted the strainer, but found that the sand and water fall into the container. Then I asked the children if they have seen these papers and showed them coffee filters. The children said they have seen their parents at home to make with these cards in the coffee maker. The children said they know how to do this process and tried to clear the water from the soil.

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Ζνα παιδί κρατοφςε το ποτιρι, κάποιο άλλο παιδί κρατοφςε το διθκθτικό χαρτί και κάποιο άλλο παιδί κρατοφςε το δοχείο με το βρϊμικο νερό. A child holding cup, another child was holding the filter paper and another child was holding the container with dirty water. Um copo criança segurando, outro filho estava segurando o papel de filtro e outra criança estava segurando o recipiente com água suja.

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Eles deixaram muitos solos de água. ζφυγαν τα πολλά χϊματα από το νερό. many soils left from water

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Τα παιδιά ζβαλαν ρίγανθ ςε χρωματιςτό νερό, και προςπάκθςαν να διαχωρίςουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ με τθ μζκοδο του φιλτραρίςματοσ. Ραρότρυνα τα παιδιά να χρθςιμοποιιςουν βαμβάκι μζςα ςτο χαρτί φιλτραρίςματοσ, και να κάνουν προβλζψεισ για το τι κα μποροφςε να ςυμβεί.

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Children put oregano in colored water, and attempted to separate components of the mixture by the method of filtering. Urge children to use cotton in the filter paper, and make predictions about what might happen. Crianças colocar orégãos em água colorida, e uma tentativa para separar os componentes da mistura pelo método de filtragem. Urge as crianças a usar algodão no papel de filtro, e fazer previsões sobre o que poderia acontecer.

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Τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι θ ρίγανθ κάκεται ςτο βαμβάκι που βρίςκεται μζςα ςτο χαρτί φιλτραρίςματοσ, ενϊ το νερό πζφτει μζςα ςτο ποτιρι. As crianças descobriram que o orégano sentado ao algodão está no papel de filtro, enquanto a água cai no copo Children found that oregano sitting to cotton is in the filter paper, while the water falls into the beaker

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Το πορτοκάλι ζχει μζςα κουκοφτςια. Ρωσ κα πάρουμε το χυμό του πορτοκαλιοφ και κα αφαιρζςουμε τα κουκοφτςια? Orange has seeds inside. How to get the juice of the orange and remove the seeds; Laranja tem sementes dentro. Como obter o suco da laranja e retire as sementes;

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Μίγμα υγροφ με ςτερεό, όπου δεν διαχωρίηονται τα ςυςτατικά του. ( διαλφονται). Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να βάλουν αλεφρι ςε μία λεκάνθ με νερό. Να το ανακατζψουν και να δθμιουργιςουν ζνα μίγμα με νερό και αλεφρι. Liquid mixture to a solid, which does not separate the components. (Dissolve). I asked the children to put flour in a bowl with water. To mingle and create a mixture with water and flour. Mistura líquida a um sólido, que não se separa os componentes. (Dissolver). Eu pedi as crianças a colocar farinha em uma tigela com água. Para se conhecer e criar uma mistura com água e farinha.

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Ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να μασ πουν αν ςε αυτό το μίγμα διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά του ι αν είναι ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά τουσ. Pedimos às crianças que nos dizer se nesta mistura repousar componentes ou se é um corpo. As crianças disseram que eles dividiram seus componentes. We asked the children to tell us if in this mixture stand components or if it is a body. The children said that they divided their components.

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Ρειραματίςτθκαν προςκζτοντασ νερό, άλλοτε λίγο και άλλοτε περιςςότερο και παρότρυνα τα παιδιά να παρατθριςουν τθν διαφορετικι υφι τθσ ηφμθσ, με λίγο ι με περιςςότερο νερό. Τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν πωσ όςο περιςςότερο νερό βάηουν ςτθν ηφμθ, αυτι γίνεται πιο αραιι. children experimented by adding water, sometimes a little, sometimes more, and urge children to observe the different texture of the dough with a little water or more. Children found that the more water they put in the dough, it becomes more sparse. crianças experimentado por adição de água, por vezes, um pouco, por vezes mais, e instar crianças para observar a textura diferente da massa com um pouco de água ou mais. As crianças descobriram que quanto mais água que colocar na massa, ele se torna mais escasso.

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Καταςκευάςαμε αντικείμενα από ηυμάρι και τα πλάςαμε . Κατόπιν τα ψιςαμε ςτο φοφρνο. Είδαμε τθν μεταβολι τθσ φλθσ από εφπλαςτο υλικό ςε ςκλθρότερο . Δεν ξεχωρίηουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ

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Construímos objetos feitos de massa e dobra. Em seguida, o forno psisame. Vimos a mudança na condição do material flexível mais difícil. Não distinguir os componentes da mistura

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We constructed objects made of dough and fold. Then the psisame oven. We saw the change in condition of supple material harder. Not distinguish the components of the mixture

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Συνεχίςαμε τθ δραςτθριότθτα βάφοντασ τισ όμορφεσ καταςκευζσ μασ από ηυμάρι We continued the activity staining our beautiful constructions of dough

Continuamos a atividade coloração nossas belas construções de massa

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Εδϊ θ ηφμθ ζγινε πολφ αραιι κι επειδι δεν υπιρχε άλλο αλεφρι ςτο ςχολείο, μία ομάδα παιδιϊν ςκζφτθκε να ρίξει μζςα ςτθ λεκάνθ χϊμα.

Aqui a massa tornou-se muito fina e porque não havia mais farinha na escola, um grupo de crianças pensado para jogar na bandeja de sujeira

Here the dough became very thin and because there was more flour in school, a group of children thought to throw into the dirt tray

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Τα παιδιά ςκζφτθκαν να χρθςιμοποιιςουν το διθκθτικό χαρτί για να ξεχωρίςουν τθν άμμο από το υπόλοιπο μίγμα. Crianças considerar a utilização do papel de filtro para separar a areia da mistura restante. Children consider using the filter paper to separate the sand from the remaining mixture.

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Ζβαλαν το χαρτί φίλτρου ςε ζνα βάηο κι ζριξαν το μίγμα ςτο χαρτί. Διαπίςτωςαν όμωσ πωσ δεν περνάει το μίγμα από το χαρτί, όπωσ είχε ςυμβεί προθγουμζνωσ με το νερό. They put the filter paper in a vase and threw the mixture into the paper. But found that it does not pass the mixture of the paper, as had happened previously with water. Eles colocaram o papel de filtro em um vaso e jogou a mistura no papel. Mas descobriu que ele não passar a mistura do papel, como havia acontecido anteriormente com água.

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Κάποια ποςότθτα άμμου κάκεται πάνω ςτο χαρτί, όμωσ το υγρό δεν πζφτει από το χαρτί ςτο δοχείο. Alguns de areia assento no papel, mas o líquido não cair do recipiente de papel. Some of sand sitting on the paper, but the liquid does not drop from the paper container.

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Θ ομάδα αυτι ζριξε αλάτι ςτθ ηφμθ. . και πάλι το αλάτι δεν διακρίνεται και ςτο νζο μίγμα που ςχθματίηεται δεν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά του ( ζνα ςϊμα ). The group threw salt in the dough. again the salt is not distinguished and the new mixture is formed not distinguishable components (a body). O grupo jogou sal na massa. novamente o sal não é distinto e a nova mistura é formado não distinguíveis componentes (A) do corpo.

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Ρροςκζςαμε νερό ςτθν πθχτι ατλακόλ και το μίγμα μασ ζγινε αραιότερο. Τα παιδιά ςε ηευγάρια πειραματίςτθκαν ςτο πυκνό και αραιό μίγμα προςκζτοντασ νερό ςτθν ατλακόλ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν μποροφν να διακρίνουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ. Συνεχίςαμε τθν δραςτθριότθτα ωσ εικαςτικά. Τυλίξαμε κλωςτζσ απαλζσ ςε μπαλόνι . Πταν ςτζγνωςαν ςκάςαμε το μπαλόνι και φτιάξαμε καλακάκια.

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Foi adicionada água à atlakol espessura e a mistura tornou-se mais fina. Crianças em casais experimentado na mistura densa e diluída por adição de água para atlakol. As crianças foram informados de que eles não conseguem distinguir os componentes da mistura. Continuamos a atividade como arte. Nós envolvemos tópicos no balão macio. Quando seca estourar o balão e fizemos cestas. Water was added to the thick atlakol and our mixture became thinner. Children in couples experimented in dense and dilute mixture by adding water to atlakol. The children were told that they can not distinguish the components of the mixture. We continued the activity as art. We wrap threads in soft balloon. When they dried pop the balloon and we made baskets.

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Μίγμα υγροφ με υγρό. Ραρότρυνα τα παιδιά να πειραματιςτοφν μόνο με υγρά. Ζριξαν ξφδι μζςα ςε νερό. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά, αν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά ι όχι. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν μποροφμε να διαχωρίςουμε το νερό από το ξφδι. Liquid mixture of liquid. Encourage children to experiment with liquids only. They threw vinegar in water. I asked the children if there are the ingredients or not. The children were told that we can not separate the water from the vinegar. Mistura líquida de líquido. Incentivar as crianças a experimentar com apenas líquidos. Eles jogaram vinagre na água. Perguntei aos filhos, se existem os ingredientes ou não. As crianças foram informados de que não se pode separar a água do vinagre.

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Θ υγρι μπογιά δεν διαλφεται εφκολα ςτο νερό, όμωσ με ζνα πινζλο που ανακατεφει τα υλικά, θ μπογιά διαλφκθκε. A tinta líquida não é facilmente solúvel em água, mas com uma escova que mistura os ingredientes, a tinta dissolvida. The liquid paint is not readily soluble in water, but with a brush that mixes the ingredients, the paint dissolved.

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ϊτθςα τα παιδιά εάν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά, ι εάν δεν διακρίνονται, εάν ζγιναν ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι ζγιναν ζνα ςϊμα. I asked the children if they can see the components, or if not distinguished, if were a body. The children were told that a body Perguntei aos filhos se eles podem ver os componentes, ou se não distingue, se fosse um corpo. As crianças foram informados de que um corpo

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ςε ζνα γυάλινο δοχείο ρίξαμε νερό και λίγθ ηάχαρθ. τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι θ ηάχαρθ διαλφεται ςτο νερό. em um recipiente de vidro jogou água e um pouco de açúcar. crianças descobriram que o açúcar é dissolvido em água. in a glass container threw water and a little sugar. children found that the sugar is dissolved in water.

Κατόπιν προςκζςαμε περιςςότερθ ηάχαρθ αρκετζσ φορζσ μζχρι που θ ηάχαρθ δεν μποροφςε να διαλυκεί. Το νερό κουράςτθκε να διαλφει τόςθ ηάχαρθ, είπα ςτα παιδιά. Είμαι κουραςμζνθ και με λζνε κορεςμζνθ, αςτειεφτθκα. Βγάλαμε ζνα αυτοςχζδιο τραγοφδι. Τα παιδιά τραγουδοφςαν ρυκμικά…. Είμαι κουραςμζνο και με λζνε κορεςμζνο. Δε διαλφω άλλο, φτάνει, ηάχαρθ κανείσ μθ βάλει….

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Then we added more sugar several times until the sugar could not be dissolved. The water dissolves tired of so much sugar, I said to the children. I'm tired and say saturated joked. We took an impromptu song. Children sang rhythmically .... I'm tired and my name is saturated. Not pulverize another arrives, sugar ... not to put anyone.

Em seguida, adicionou mais açúcar várias vezes até que o açúcar não pode ser dissolvida. A água dissolve cansado de tanto açúcar, eu disse aos filhos. Estou cansado e saturado dizer brincou. Nós pegamos uma música improvisada. As crianças cantavam ritmicamente .... Estou cansado e meu nome está saturado. Não pulverizar outro chega, açúcar ... para não colocar ninguém.

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Εξιγθςα ςτα παιδιά πωσ αυτό λζγεται ίηθμα ι κατακάκι. Τα παιδιά γνϊριηαν το κατακάκι από το καφζ που πίνει ο παπποφσ ςτο ςπίτι. Expliquei aos filhos que isso é chamado de sedimentos ou borras. As crianças sabiam a borra de café que ele bebe seu avô em casa. I explained to the children that this is called sediment or dregs. The children knew the dregs of coffee he drinks his grandfather at home.

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ίξαμε άμμο ςτο νερό όμωσ όςο κι αν ανακατεφαμε θ άμμοσ δεν διαλφκθκε. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι ξεχωρίηει θ άμμοσ από το νερό και θ άμμοσ δεν διαλφεται ςτο νερό. We threw sand in the water but as you stir the sand was not dissolved. Children were told that distinguishes the sand from the water and sand does not dissolve in water.

Nós jogou areia na água, mas como você agitar a areia não foi dissolvido. As crianças foram informados de que distingue a areia da água e areia não se dissolve na água.

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Μίγμα υγρό ςε υγρό. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά τι υλικό είναι το γάλα και θ μελάνθ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι είναι υγρά. ϊτθςα τα παιδιά να προβλζψουν εάν το μίγμα αυτϊν είναι ι όχι διάλυμα, δθλαδι εάν ςτο γάλα ρίξουμε μελάνθ και τα ανακατζψουμε κα ξεχωρίηουν τα υλικά ι κα είναι ζνα ςϊμα? Τα παιδιά είπαν κα γίνουν ζνα ςϊμα. Κατόπιν κάναμε το πείραμα. A mixture liquid to liquid. I asked the children what material is milk and ink. The children said they are wet. I asked the children to predict whether their mixture is a solution or not, ie if the milk shed Ink and mix materials will stand out or be a body; The children said will become one body. Then we did the experiment.

Uma mistura líquida para o líquido. Perguntei aos filhos o que é material de leite e tinta. As crianças disseram que estão molhadas. Perguntei aos filhos de prever se a sua mistura é uma solução ou não, ou seja, se a tinta derramado leite e misturar materiais vão se destacar ou ser um corpo; As crianças disseram se tornará um corpo. Então nós fizemos o experimento.

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Τα παιδιά με ζκπλθξθ είδαν τθν μικρι κθλίδα μελάνι να απλϊνεται ςτο γάλα. Ρρότεινα ςτα παιδιά να χρθςιμοποιιςουν μία οδοντογλυφίδα και να ςχεδιάηου πάνω ςτθν μελάνθ. Τα παιδιά ενκουςιάςτθκαν και είπαν: κυρία αυτό είναι ηωγραφικι. Crianças com surpresa viu a pequena mancha de tinta espalhando no leite. Eu sugeri para as crianças a usar um palito e planejar tinta. As crianças estavam animado e disse senhora está pintando Children with surprise saw the small ink stain spreading in milk. I suggested to the children to use a toothpick and plan on ink. The children were excited and said lady is painting

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ίξαμε λάδι ςτο νερό και τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι τα ςυςτατικά ξεχωρίηουν. Δεν είναι διάλυμα αυτό κυρία, είπε ζνα παιδί. Jogou óleo em água e as crianças descobriram que os componentes são distinguidas. Há uma solução que senhora disse uma criança. Threw oil in water and children found that the components are distinguished. There is a solution that lady said one child.

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Το λάδι ζχει και κάποια άλλθ ιδιότθτα που δεν ζχουν άλλα υγρά. Φτιάξαμε καντιλια από λάδι και πορτοκάλι. O óleo também tem algumas outras capacidades que não têm outros líquidos. Fizemos velas de óleo e laranja The oil also has some other capacity who have no other liquids. We made candles from oil and orange

Κακαρίηοντασ το εςωτερικό του πορτοκαλιοφ και προςκζτοντασ λάδι Cleaning the interior and adding orange oil Limpar o interior e adição de óleo de laranja

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Ζτοιμο το καντιλι μασ! Nossa vela está pronto Our candle is ready

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Μοντελοποιιςαμε ςτο χαρτί με κολλάη τα διαλφματα. Σε ζνα ποτιρι τα παιδιά ςχεδίαςαν ζνα υγρό. Στο άλλο ποτιρι ζνα άλλο υγρό, και ςε ζνα άλλο ποτιρι το διάλυμα που προζκυπτε εάν ενωκοφν τα υγρά ςε ζνα τρίτο ποτιρι.

Μοντελοποιιςαμε ςτο χαρτί με κολλάη τα διαλφματα. ε ζνα ποτιρι τα παιδιά ςχεδίαςαν ζνα υγρό. το άλλο ποτιρι ζνα άλλο υγρό, και ςε ζνα άλλο ποτιρι το διάλυμα που προζκυπτε εάν ενωκοφν τα υγρά ςε ζνα τρίτο ποτιρι.

Modelado em soluções de colagem de papel. Em um copo crianças projetado um líquido. Em outro copo outro líquido, e em outro vidro da solução surgir se líquidos unir em um terceiro copo.

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Λάδι και νερό Óleo e água . Oil and water

Νερό και ξφδι Água e vinagre Water and vinegar

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Νερό και κραςί Water and wine Água e vinho

Νερό και λεμονάδα Água e suco de limão Water and lemon juice

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Ξφδι και κραςί Vinegar and wine Vinagre e vinho

Χυμόσ ντομάτασ και ςοκολάτα ρόφθμα Suco de tomate e bebida de chocolate Tomato juice and chocolate drink

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Ομαδικι εργαςία Σο δικό μασ τραγοφδι για τα μίγματα και τα διαλφματα. Τα παιδιά όλων των ςχολείων που ςυμμετείχαμε ςτο πρόγραμμα φτιάξαμε ζνα δικό μασ τραγοφδι για τα μίγματα και τα διαλφματα. Γονείσ από το νθπιαγωγείο τθσ Δράμασ το μελοποίθςαν , προςκζτοντασ νότεσ για να το τραγουδάμε όλοι μαηί. Το νθπιαγωγείο μασ ζφτιαξε το ρεφρζν του τραγουδιοφ

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Σο τραγοφδι των μικρϊν επιςτημόνων Με μίγματα – διαλφματα

με μίγματα διαλφματα

γιοφπι γιοφπι λα

να δϊρο ςτθ Μαρία μου

που με αγαπά...

ρφηι βάλε ςε νερό

που βράηει γιοφπι λα

με γάλα κι ανακάτεψε

γιοφπι λα καλά.

ξφλο κανζλα γιοφπι λα


ςτο τζλοσ λίγθ ηάχαρθ

γεφςθ πολφ γλυκειά.

με μίγματα διαλφματα

γιοφπι γιοφπι λα

να δϊρο ςτθ Μαρία μου

που με αγαπά.

αλάτι και ρίγανθ

γιοφπι γιοφπι λα

μαηί ανακατεφω

γιοφπι γιοφπι λα

νόςτιμο μίγμα κάνω

γιοφπι γιοφπι λα

που το βάηει γιοφπι λα λα θ

Μαρία ςτα ψωμιά.

με μίγματα διαλφματα γιοφπι γιοφπι λα να δϊρο ςτθ Μαρία μου που με αγαπά μζςα ςτο νεράκι γιοφπι γιοφπι λα ρίχνουμε λαδάκι το ζνα πάει ψθλά. γιοφπι γιοφπι λα λα το άλλο χαμθλά ςαν το καντθλάκι κι θ Μαρία μ' αγαπά

με μίγματα διαλφματα γιοφπι γιοφπι λα να δϊρο ςτθ Μαρία μου που με αγαπά. ηάχαρθ μζςα ςτο νερό γιοφπι γιοφπι λα διαλφεται, διαλφεται ςτο λεπτό γιοφπι λα λα και εάν το πιείσ είναι γλυκό γιοφπι γιοφπι λα νόςτιμο ςαν ηαχαρωτό γιοφπι γιοφπι λα λά

με μίγματα διαλφματα γιοφπι γιοφπι λα να δϊρο ςτθ Μαρία μου που με αγαπά. αλεφρι, αλάτι πάρε γιοφπι, γιοφπι λα πρόςκεςε νεράκι γιοφπι, γιοφπι, λα ζτοιμο το ηυμαράκι γιοφπι, γιοφπι λα δϊρο ςτθ Μαρία μου που με αγαπά.

με μίγματα διαλφματα γιοφπι γιοφπι λα να δϊρο ςτθ Μαρία μου που με αγαπά.

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Teamwork Our song mixtures and solutions. Children of all schools that participated in the program we built our own song for mixtures and solutions. Parents from the Drama kindergarten set to music by adding notes to sing together. Our kindergarten made the chorus of the song trabalho em equipe Nossas misturas de música e soluções. Crianças de todas as escolas que participaram no programa nós construímos a nossa própria música para misturas e soluções. Os pais do jardim de infância Drama com música de adicionar notas para cantar juntos. Nosso jardim de infância fez o refrão da música

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υνταγζσ Δραςτθριότθτα Δθμιουργϊντασ μια τοπικι παραδοςιακι ςυνταγι κάκε ςχολείο ζφτιαξε μίγματα μαγειρεφοντασ μια παραδοςιακι ςυνταγι του τόπου και αποςτζλλοντασ τθν ςυνταγι αυτι ςτα παιδιά των άλλων ςχολείων. Γνωρίςαμε τθν ςυνταγι τθσ Βαρβάρασ, τα ποντιακά πιςία, τα ςταφιδωτά Κριτθσ, μθλόπιτα Σερραίικθ, μελομακάρονα Ορεςτιάδασ, ρυηόγαλο Ρορτογαλίασ και το νθπιαγωγείο μασ παρουςίαςε τουσ Σκυριανοφσ λουκουμάδεσ γάμου, με τθν βοικεια τθσ κυρίασ Άννασ. Θ διεφκυνςθ url ςτο youtube για να γνωρίςετε τθν ςυνταγι μασ ςε ζνα μουςικό βιντεάκι.

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receitas atividade Criando uma receita local, cada escola fez misturas cozinhar uma receita tradicional do país e enviando esta receita aos filhos de outras escolas. Nós nos conhecemos receita Barbara, Pontian rodovalho, o stafidota Creta, Serraiiki torta de maçã, Melomakarona Orestiada, pudim de arroz Portugal e da nossa infância apresentaram suas rosquinhas casamento Skyros, com a ajuda de Sra Anna. O endereço URL no youtube para conhecer a receita em um vídeos musicais.

Recipes Activity Creating a local recipe each school made mixtures cooking a traditional recipe of the country and sending this recipe to the children of other schools. We met recipe Barbara, Pontian brill, the stafidota Crete, apple pie Serraiiki, melomakarona Orestiada, rice pudding Portugal and our kindergarten presented their Skyros wedding donuts, with the help of Mrs. Anna. The url address on youtube to get to know the recipe in a musical videos.

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Έχοντασ ήδη αςχοληθεί με τον αζρα ςτην ενότητα των αερίων (καταςτάςεισ τησ φλησ), ςυνεχίςαμε δραςτηριότητεσ για τον αζρα, κυρίωσ ςυνδζοντασ τησ με το αναλυτικό διαθεματικό πρόγραμμα του νηπιαγωγείου. (ποίηςη, λογοτεχνία, μουςική, ιςτορία).

Στόχοι: να αντιλθφκοφν τθν ςχζςθ τθσ κερμότθτασ με τον αζρα - Να πάρουν ςυνζντευξθ από ζναν κακθγθτι φυςικισ και να μάκουν για

τθν δουλειά του - Να δουν πειράματα επίδραςθσ τθσ κερμότθτασ ςε ςχζςθ με τον αζρα - -να αποκτιςουν πειραματιηόμενοι εμπειρίεσ που ζχουν ςχζςθ με τθν

ατμοςφαιρικι πίεςθ - Να γνωρίςουν τθν κοφπα του Ρυκαγόρα και να γνωρίςουν ςθμαντικοφσ

επιςτιμονεσ τθσ αρχαίασ Ελλάδασ - -να ζρκουν ςε επαφι με τθν ελλθνικι μυκολογία - -να προβλθματιςτοφν πωσ πετοφν τα αεροπλάνα - Να γνωρίςουν τουσ ανζμουσ τθσ κάλαςςασ τθσ Μεςογείου - Να ζρκουν ςε επαφι με κείμενα τθσ λογοτεχνίασ ςχετικά με τουσ

ανζμουσ - Να γνωρίςουν τα τζςςερα ςθμεία του ορίηοντα

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dezembro AIR Depois de já ter lidado com o ar na seção de gás (estados da matéria), continuamos actividades para o ar, conectando principalmente com o programa interdisciplinar de análise de jardim de infância. (Poesia, literatura, música, história). Objectivos: Para entender a relação entre o calor do ar Entrevistar um professor de física e aprender a trabalhar Para ver o efeito de experiências de calor relativamente ao ar -para adquirir experimentando experiências relacionadas à pressão atmosférica Saber copo de Pitágoras e aprender importantes cientistas da Grécia antiga -para entrar em contacto com a mitologia grega -para refletir como os aviões voam Para experimentar os ventos do mar Mediterrâneo O contato com os textos de literatura sobre ventos Conheça os quatro pontos cardeais

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DECEMBER AIR Having already dealt with the air in the gas section (states of matter), we continued activities for air, mainly connecting with the analytical interdisciplinary program of kindergarten. (Poetry, literature, music, history). Objectives: To understand the relationship of the air heat Interviewing a professor of physics and learn to work To see the effect of heat experiments relative to air -to acquire experimenting experiences related to atmospheric pressure Know cup of Pythagoras and learn important scientists of ancient Greece -to come into contact with the Greek mythology -to reflect how airplanes fly To experience the winds of the Mediterranean Sea Contact with texts of literature on winds Know the four cardinal points

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Δραςτθριότθτεσ 1. Προςκαλζςαμε τον κακθγθτι Φυςικισ του γυμναςίου κφρου , κφριο Δθμιτρθ, ο

οποίοσ ζκανε πειράματα με τον αζρα ςτα παιδιά. Που βρίςκεται ο αζρασ? Παντοφ, όταν κινοφμε τθν ςακοφλα , εκείνθ γεμίηει αζρα . Νιϊκουμε τθν αντίςταςθ του αζρα ςτθν κίνθςθ τθσ ςακοφλάσ

We invited high school physics teacher Skyros, Mr. Dimitrios, who made the air experiments on children. Where is the air; Everywhere, when we move the bag fills the air atividades Nós convidou o seu ensino médio professor de física Skyros, o Sr. Dimitrios, que fez os experimentos de ar sobre as crianças. Onde está o ar; Em todos os lugares, quando passamos o saco enche o ar

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Το πείραμα του τςαλακωμζνου κουτιοφ όπου θ κερμότθτα τςαλακϊνει το κουτί τθσ πορτοκαλάδασ O experimento da caixa amassado onde a caixa de alumínio de ondulação de calor de suco de laranja The experiment of crumpled box where heat curling aluminum box of orange juice

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Βάηουμε νερό ςτο κουτί, το οποίο κατόπιν κερμαίνουμε. Το ρίχνουμε ςε δοχείο με παγωμζνο νερό και βλζπουμε το κουτί να τςαλακϊνεται.

Put water in the box, which is then heated. Pour into container with cold water and see the box crease Coloque água na caixa, que é então aquecida. Despeje em recipiente com água fria e ver o vinco box

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Το νερό που υπάρχει ςτο καλαμάκι δεν τρζχει όταν κλείςουμε με το χζρι μασ το ζνα άκρο του. Πταν αφιςουμε να μπει αζρασ ςτο καλαμάκι ελευκερϊνοντασ το χζρι μασ , τότε το νερό φεφγει από το καλαμάκι. A água na palha não está sendo executado quando fechamos com a mão uma extremidade. Quando você deixá-lo entrar ar em palha libertar o nosso lado, então a água deixa a palha

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The water in the straw is not running when we close with our hand one end. When you let it get air in straw freeing our hand, then the water leaves the straw

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Το νερό δεν τρζχει από το καλαμάκι όταν κλείνουμε με το χζρι μασ το πάνω μζροσ του και δεν μπαίνει αζρασ για να ςπρϊξει το νερό κάτω και να πζςει

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Water does not run from the straw when we close with our hand on the top and not entering air to push the water down and fall A água não correr a partir da palha quando fechamos com a nossa mão na parte superior e não entrar ar para empurrar a água para baixo e queda

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Ρείραμα: Κάνοντασ μια μικρι τρυποφλα ςτο πλαςτικό μπουκάλι και κλείνοντασ αυτι με πλαςτελίνθ Experiência: Fazendo um pequeno buraco na garrafa de plástico e fechá-lo com plasticina Experiment: Making a small hole in the plastic bottle and closing it with plasticine

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ίχνουμε νερό ςτο μπουκάλι Ρειραματιςτικαμε ςε ποιεσ περιπτϊςεισ το νερό χφνεται και δεν χφνεται Pour water in the bottle We experimented cases in which water is poured and not poured Despeje a água na garrafa Nós experimentamos casos em que a água é despejada e não derramou

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Experiência: A água não é derramado, e sua aplicação aos alimentadores de pássaros Experiment: The water is not poured, and its application to bird feeders

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Το ποτιρι με το νερό που δεν χφνεται όταν το γυρίςουμε ανάποδα The glass of water does not spill when you turn upside down O copo de água não derrame quando você virar de cabeça para baixo

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Κάναμε πειράματα ατμοςφαιρικισ πίεςθσ και μιλιςαμε για τθν δφναμθ του αζρα. Τα παιδιά ανακάλυψαν πωσ ο αζρασ ζχει δφναμθ μζςα από πειράματα.

Ρείραμα: Το νερό που δεν χφνεται και θ εφαρμογι του ςτισ ταΐςτρεσ των πουλιϊν

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Nós experimentos de pressão atmosférica e conversou com a força aérea. As crianças descobriram que o ar tem poder através de experimentos. que repetiu a experiência que nos ensinou o Sr. Dimitris: A água não derrame e sua aplicação aos alimentadores de pássaros We made atmospheric pressure experiments and we talked about the air force. The children discovered that the air has power through experiments. we repeated the experiment that taught us Mr. Dimitris: The water does not spill and its application to bird feeders

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Ρειραματιςτικαμε γνωρίηοντασ τθν κοφπα του Ρυκαγόρα , και ηωγραφίςαμε τθν κοφπα του Ρυκαγόρα We experimented knowing cup of Pythagoras, and drew a cup of Pythagoras. We created a related video on the youtube Nós experimentamos sabendo copo de Pitágoras, e tirou um copo de Pitágoras. Nós criamos um vídeo relacionado no youtube Video on youtube

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Καταςκευάςαμε τθν κοφπα του Ρυκαγόρα με πλαςτικό ποτιρι και καλαμάκι Construímos a taça de Pitágoras com copo e palha de plástico We constructed the cup of Pythagoras with plastic cup and straw

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Πταν το υγρό περάςει το όριο χφνεται όλο , ενϊ μποροφμε να πιοφμε όταν δεν ξεπεραςτεί το όριο When the liquid is poured around the threshold, while we drink when the limit is not exceeded Quando o líquido é vazado em torno do limiar, enquanto que beber quando o limite não é excedido

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Ανάβοντασ ζνα κερί ςε ζνα πιάτο με χρωματιςμζνο νερό μποροφμε να πάρουμε το νόμιςμα χωρίσ να βρζξουμε τα χζρια μασ. Το νερό ανεβαίνει από το πιάτο ςτο ποτιρι. Acender uma vela em um prato com água colorida pode levar a moeda, sem molhar nossas mãos. A água que sobe do prato para o vidro. Lighting a candle on a plate with colored water can take the coin, without wetting our hands. The water rising from the dish into the glass.

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Ρροβλθματιςτικαμε πωσ πετοφν τα αεροπλάνα και καταςκευάςαμε τα δικά μασ αεροπλάνα από χαρτί με διπλωτικι We thought that planes fly and constructed our own planes from paper folding

Nós pensamos que os aviões voam e construídos os nossos próprios planos de dobrar papel

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Βγικαμε ςτθν αυλι και παίξαμε με τον δυνατό αζρα. Ο δυνατόσ αζρασ ανεμίηει τα μαλλιά μασ και δεν μποροφμε να δοφμε, ο δυνατόσ αζρασ δεν μασ επιτρζπει να βαδίςουμε αλλά μασ πθγαίνει προσ τα πίςω. Σθκϊνει τισ μπλοφηεσ μασ , μασ γαργαλάει, μασ ςπρϊχνει , μουγκρίηει , κάνει κόρυβο, μοιάηει πολφ κυμωμζνοσ Nós saiu no quintal e jogado com o vento forte. O vento forte acenando nosso cabelo e não podemos ver, o vento forte não permitiu-nos a caminhar, mas o nosso indo para trás. Levante nossas camisas, nosso cócegas, nos picar, rugidos, faz barulho, ele olha muito irritada We went out in the yard and played with the strong wind. The strong wind waving our hair and we can not see, the strong wind did not allow us to walk but our going backwards. Lift our shirts, our tickling, poking us, roars, makes noise, he looks very angry

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Δραςτθριότθτεσ Γνωρίςαμε το ανεμολόγιο , πίνακα ηωγραφικισ του Τςαροφχθ. Μιλιςαμε για τουσ ανζμουσ , τα ονόματα τουσ και τισ ιδιότθτεσ αυτϊν. Με τα ςχολεία που ςυνεργαηόμαςτε δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα ομαδικό βίντεο, όπου τα παιδιά παρουςιάηουν τουσ ανζμουσ. Τα παιδιά του Νθπιαγωγείου μασ παρουςίαςαν τον άνεμο Σιρόκο. Γνωρίςαμε επίςθσ αποςπάςματα από το ζργο του Ανδρζα Καρκαβίτςα τα λόγια τθσ πλϊρθσ. Σασ αποςτζλλουμε τισ διευκφνςεισ URL ςτο youtube, όπου τα παιδιά παρουςιάηουν τουσ ανζμουσ.. We talked about the winds, their names and their properties. With schools that work group created a video where children have the winds. The children of our kindergarten had the wind Scirocco. also met excerpts from the work of Andreas Karkavitsa words bow. We're sending the URL to youtube, where children show the winds.

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O vento sabia, pintura Tsarouhis. Falamos sobre os ventos, os seus nomes e suas propriedades. Com escolas que grupo de trabalho criou um vídeo onde as crianças têm os ventos. As crianças do nosso jardim de infância tinha o Scirocco vento. também se reuniu trechos da obra de Andreas Karkavitsa palavras arco. Estamos enviando a URL para youtube, onde as crianças mostram os ventos.

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Γνωρίςαμε τα ςθμεία του Ορίηοντα και ςχεδιάςαμε το ανεμολόγιο χρθςιμοποιϊντασ χάρακα για πρϊτθ φορά. Γράψαμε όπωσ μποροφμε τουσ ανζμουσ και ςυμβολίςαμε τθν διεφκυνςθ τουσ με τα αρχικά τουσ γράμματα

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Nós conhecemos os pontos cardeais e projetou o Anemologio usando régua pela primeira vez. Nós escrevemos como vento e simbolizam a resolvê-los com suas iniciais

We met the cardinal points and designed the Anemologio using ruler for the first time. We wrote as we wind and symbolize address them with their initials

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Μάκαμε το τετράςτιχο του προςανατολιςμοφ και το ηωγραφίςαμε ΚΟΛΤΑΗΩ ΤΘΝ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΘ ΡΛΣΩ ΜΟΥ ΕΜΝΑΛ Θ ΔΥΣΘ ΑΛΣΤΕΑ ΜΟΥ Ο ΒΟΑΣ ΚΑΛ ΔΕΞΛΑ ΜΟΥ Ο ΝΟΤΟΣ

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We learned the quatrain orientation and painted LOOK THE EAST BEHIND ME IS THE WEST LEFT MY NORTH RIGHT AND MY SOUTH

Aprendemos a orientação quadra e pintado OLHAR DO ORIENTE ATRÁS DE MIM é o Ocidente Deixei meu NORTH DIREITO E MEU DO SUL

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Κεατρικό παιχνίδι προςανατολιςμοφ ςτο χϊρο προςπακϊντασ να ανακαλφψουμε βιωματικά τα τζςςερα ςθμεία του ορίηοντα Orientação jogo teatral no espaço tentando descobrir experimentalmente os quatro pontos cardeais

Theatrical game orientation in space trying to discover experientially the four cardinal points

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Σχεδιάςαμε με όργανα γυμναςτικισ τα 4 ςθμεία του ορίηοντα και κάναμε αςκιςεισ προςανατολιςμοφ ςτον χϊρο

Designed by fitness equipment the four cardinal points and did exercises in space orientation Projetados por equipamentos de fitness os quatro pontos cardeais e fez exercícios de orientação espacia

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Ραίξαμε κεατρικό παιχνίδι με πλοία που προςπακοφν να βρουν τον προςανατολιςμό τουσ ςτθν κάλαςςα. We played theater games with ships that are trying to find their orientation in the sea. Nós jogamos jogos de teatro com os navios que estão tentando encontrar sua orientação no mar.

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Τα πλοία μασ, ταξίδεψαν με όλουσ τουσ ανζμουσ (κεατρικό παιχνίδι) Nossos navios viajaram para todos os ventos (peça de teatro) Our ships have traveled to all winds (theater play)

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Ηωγραφίςαμε πλοία που ταξιδεφουν με τον άνεμο Σιρόκο και γράψαμε όπωσ μποροφμε τθν λζξθ ΣΛΟΚΟΣ

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We Painted ships sailing with the wind Scirocco and as we wrote the word Sirocco navios pintados à vela com o Scirocco vento e à medida que escreveu a palavra Sirocco

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Αντιγράψαμε αποςπάςματα από τα λόγια τθσ πλϊρθσ του ποιθτι Ανδρζα Καρκαβίτςα και μάκαμε να τα απαγγζλουμε como nós escreveu e desenhou trechos das palavras de proa do poeta Andrea Karkavitsa e recitação destes as we wrote and drew excerpts from the words of the bow of the poet Andrea Karkavitsa and recitation of these

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Ηωγραφίςαμε το καράβι εμπνευςμζνοι από τα λόγια τθσ πλϊρθσ του Ανδρζα Καρκαβίτςα (ομαδικι εργαςία με πινζλο).

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Painted boat inspired by the words of the bow Andreas Karkavitsa (teamwork with brush). Barco pintado inspirado pelas palavras do arco Andreas Karkavitsa (trabalho em equipe com pincel).

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Καταςκευάςαμε φουνφουράκια, μικροφσ ανεμόμυλουσ nós construímos ar pequenos moinhos de vento alimentado we have constructed small windmills powered air

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Σχεδιάςαμε ςτα φουνφουράκια μασ τα ςθμεία του ορίηοντα we have designed the windmills of the horizon nós projetamos os moinhos de vento do horizonte

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Ομαδικι εργαςία Ρειράματα και παιχνίδια με τον αζρα Δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα κοινό βίντεο με τα ςχολεία που ςυνεργαηόμαςτε ςτο πρόγραμμα με παιχνίδια και πειράματα με τον αζρα. Το ςχετικό βιντεάκι μασ ςτο youtube trabalho em equipe Experimentos com brinquedos aéreos Nós criamos um vídeo em conjunto com as escolas a parceira do programa com jogos e experiências de ar. Nossos vídeos relacionados no YouTube Teamwork Experiments with air toys We created a joint video with schools to partner the program with games and air experiments. Our related videos on youtube

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Ρείραμα ατμοςφαιρικισ πίεςθσ Γνωρίςαμε το φαινόμενο τθσ ατμοςφαιρικισ πίεςθσ και ςασ ςτζλνουμε ζνα ςχετικό βιντεάκι που δθμιουργιςαμε ςτο youtube

Experiment atmospheric pressure We met the phenomenon of atmospheric pressure and send you a relevant videos that we created on youtube

Experiência pressão atmosférica Nós conhecemos o fenómeno da pressão atmosférica e enviar-lhe uma vídeos relevantes que criamos no youtube

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Ομαδικι εργαςία Ροίθμα Γεωργίου Δροςίνθ Ο ιλιοσ και ο αζρασ Γνωρίςαμε, ηωγραφίςαμε και δραματοποιιςαμε το ποίθμα. Δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα ςχετικό βίντεο ςτο youtube και αποςτζλλουμε τθν διεφκυνςθ URL trabalho em equipe Poema George Drosini O sol e do vento Nós nos encontramos, nós pintado e dramatizar o poema. Nós criamos um vídeo relacionado no YouTube e enviar a URL de Teamwork Poem George Drosini The sun and wind We met, we painted and dramatize the poem. We created a related video on youtube and send the URL of

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Ηωγραφίηοντασ το ποίθμα του Γεωργίου Δροςίνθ για τον ιλιο και τον αζρα Painting of George Drosini poem about the sun and wind Pintura de George Drosini poema sobre o sol eo vento

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ΛΑΝΟΥΑΛΟΣ ΜΑΓΝΙΤΕΣ Ζννοιεσ: οι μαγνιτεσ αλλθλεπιδροφν, μόνο με μερικά αντικείμενα. Κάποια αντικείμενα τα τραβοφν, και κάποια τα ςπρϊχνουν. -οι μαγνιτεσ, ζλκουν και απωκοφν άλλουσ μαγνιτεσ -απωκϊ ςθμαίνει ςπρϊχνω κάτι μακριά μου -ζλκω, ςθμαίνει, τραβϊ κάτι προσ το μζροσ μου. janeiro GELADEIRA Conceitos: ímãs interagir com apenas alguns objetos. Alguns itens puxar, e alguns dos empurrão. s ímãs atrair e repelir outros ímãs -apotho significa que empurra algo longe de mim meios -elko, arremessar algo para mim. JANUARY MAGNETS Concepts: magnets interact with only a few objects. Some items pull, and some of the push. s magnets attract and repel other magnets -apotho means pushing something away from me -elko means, plunk something to me

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Ζννοιεσ: οι μαγνιτεσ αλλθλεπιδροφν, μόνο με μερικά αντικείμενα. Κάποια αντικείμενα τα τραβοφν, και κάποια τα ςπρϊχνουν. -οι μαγνιτεσ, ζλκουν και απωκοφν άλλουσ μαγνιτεσ -απωκϊ ςθμαίνει ςπρϊχνω κάτι μακριά μου -ζλκω, ςθμαίνει, τραβϊ κάτι προσ το μζροσ μου.


- Θ λειτουργία διαφόρων παιχνιδιϊν, και κάποιων ςυςκευϊν, ςτθρίηεται ςτισ ιδιότθτεσ των μαγνθτϊν - -ςυνικωσ οι μαγνιτεσ, είναι πιο δυνατοί ςτα άκρα, (πόλοι του μαγνιτθ), και πολφ αδφνατοι ςτο κζντρο. - -πόλοι: τα μζρθ του μαγνιτθ, όπου το μαγνθτικό φαινόμενο, είναι ιςχυρότερο. - -οι μαγνιτεσ, ζλκουν, και διαμζςου, άλλων αντικειμζνων. (μαγνιτιςθ από απόςταςθ). - -όλα τα ςιδερζνια αντικείμενα ζλκονται από το μαγνιτθ. Οι μαγνιτεσ δεν ζλκουν όλα τα μζταλλα. - -οι μαγνιτεσ ζλκουν ι απωκοφν, τθ βελόνα μιασ πυξίδασ. - -μια πυξίδα μπορεί να μασ βοθκιςει να εντοπίςει ζνα μαγνιτθ που βρίςκεται κοντά μασ. - -μποροφμε να χρθςιμοποιιςουμε ζνα μαγνιτθ για να φτιάξουμε ζναν καινοφργιο μαγνιτθ - -οι μαγνιτεσ διαφζρουν, ωσ προσ το μζγεκοσ, το όχθμα, και τθ μαγνθτικι δφναμθ που εξαςκοφν ςε άλλο ςϊμα. Οι μεγαλφτεροι μαγνιτεσ, δεν ςθμαίνει ότι είναι και δυνατοί. - Για να διατθριςουμε τισ μαγνθτικζσ ιδιότθτεσ των μαγνθτϊν, τουσ αποκθκεφουμε με κακοριςμζνουσ τρόπουσ.

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Experiences. - The operation of the various games, and some devices, based on the properties of magnets - -usually Magnets is stronger at the ends, (magnet poles), and very thin at the center. - -Very: Parts of the magnet, the magnetic effect is stronger. - S magnets attract, and through, other objects. (Magnetization at a distance). - -all The iron objects are attracted to the magnet. The magnets do not attract all metals. - S magnets attract or repel, the needle of a compass. - -a Compass can help us to detect a magnet near us. - -We Can use a magnet to make a new magnet - S magnets differ in size, the vehicle, and the magnetic force applied to another body. Larger magnets, does not mean it is strong. - To maintain the magnetic properties of magnets, store them in specified ways.

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Experiências. - A operação dos vários jogos, e alguns dispositivos, com base nas propriedades de imans - -normalmente De geladeira é mais forte nas extremidades, (pólos magnéticos), e muito fina no centro. - -muito: Partes do ímã, o efeito magnético é mais forte. - S ímãs atraem, e através de, outros objetos. (Magnetização à distância). - -Todos Os objetos de ferro são atraídos para o ímã. Os ímãs não atraem todos os metais. - S ímãs atrair ou repelir, a agulha de uma bússola. - -a Compass pode nos ajudar a detectar um ímã perto de nós. - -Nós Podemos usar um ímã para fazer um novo íman - S imans diferem em tamanho, do veículo, e a força magnética aplicada a outro corpo. Maiores ímãs, não significa que ele é forte. - Para manter as propriedades magnéticas de ímãs, armazená-los de forma específica.

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Στόχοι: - να γνωρίςουν αντικείμενα που ζλκουν οι μαγνιτεσ - να καταγράψουν με όποιο τρόπο κζλουν (γραφι, ηωγραφικι), τα αντικείμενα που ζλκει, και τα αντικείμενα τα οποία δεν ζλκει ο μαγνιτθσ - Το κάκε παιδί κα πρζπει να εντοπίηει διαφορζσ και ομοιότθτεσ, - να δθμιουργεί απλζσ ομάδεσ αντικειμζνων, με βάςθ ςυγκεκριμζνο κριτιριο και να - είναι ικανό να περιγράψει και να αιτιολογεί τθν ταξινόμθςθ τουσ π.χ. ςιδερζνια αντικείμενα ζλκονται από τον μαγνιτθ, ο μαγνιτθσ δεν ζλκει όλα τα μζταλλα (Στρατι, 2012) - -να προβλθματιςτοφν για τθν χριςθ των μαγνθτϊν ςτθν κακθμερινι ηωι. (βοθκθτικζσ ερωτιςεισ, ερωτιςεισ όπωσ: Γνωρίηετε ότι οι μαγνιτεσ κρατοφν τθν πόρτα του ψυγείου κλειςτι? Γνωρίηετε ότι οι μαγνιτεσ ςτερεϊνουν το κοφμπωμα ςτισ τςάντεσ ; Γνωρίηετε ότι οι μαγνιτεσ χρθςιμοποιοφνται για να ςθκϊνουν τα αυτοκίνθτα ςε μια μάντρα για ανακφκλωςθ; Γνωρίηετε ότι οι γερανοί με γιγαντιαίουσ μαγνιτεσ χρθςιμοποιοφνται για να βγάλουν και να πάρουν τα μζταλλα από τισ χωματερζσ; (Ραναγοφλιασ, 2011) - -να παίξουν το παιχνίδι: «οι πόλοι του μαγνιτθ». (Τα παιδιά φοροφν ςτο κεφάλι τουσ κόκκινο ι μπλε ςτεφάνι και γίνονται βόρειοι και νότιοι πόλοι μαγνθτϊν. Βάηουμε μουςικι και κινοφνται μζςα ςτθν τάξθ χωρίσ να ακουμποφν τα παιδιά τουσ ίδιου χρϊματοσ το ζνα το άλλο. Πταν θ μουςικι ςταματά, κάκε παιδί ζλκεται από ζνα άλλο με αντίκετο πόλο ). (Χουλιάρα, 2012).

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OBJETIVOS: - Conheça os objetos que atraem ímãs - Para gravar em qualquer maneira que eles querem (escrita, pintura), itens de reboque, e os objetos que não rebocar o ímã - Cada criança deve identificar diferenças e semelhanças, - Criar grupos simples de objetos com base em critérios específicos e - É capaz de descrever e justificar a sua classificação eg objetos de ferro são atraídos para o ímã, o ímã não puxa todos os metais (Strati, de 2012) - -para Refletir sobre o uso de ímãs na vida cotidiana. (Questões acessórias, questões como:? Você sabia que os ímãs manter a porta da geladeira fechada, você sabe que os ímãs prender as bolsas fecho Você sabe que os ímãs são utilizados para levantar carros em um ferro-velho para reciclagem Você sabe que guindastes com gigante ímãs são utilizados para fazer e receber metais dos aterros? (Panagoulias, 2011) - -para Jogue o jogo "dos pólos magnéticos." (Roupa infantil em suas cabeças coroa vermelha ou azul e tornam-se os pólos norte e sul de ímãs. Nós colocamos música e mover-se em sala de aula, sem tocar seus filhos da mesma cor cada outra. Quando a música parar, cada criança é atraída para outro com pólo oposto). (Chouliaras, 2012).

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objectives: - Get to know objects that attract magnets - To record in any way they want (writing, painting), items tow, and the objects that do not tow the magnet - Each child should identify differences and similarities, - Create simple groups of objects based on specific criteria and - Is able to describe and justify their classification eg iron objects are attracted to the magnet, the magnet does not pull all metals (Strati, 2012) - -to Reflect on the use of magnets in everyday life. (Ancillary questions, questions like: Did you know that magnets keep the refrigerator door closed; you know that magnets fasten the clasp purses? You know that magnets are used to lift cars in a junkyard for recycling? You know that cranes with giant magnets are used to make and receive metals from landfills? (Panagoulias, 2011) - -to Play the game "of the magnet poles." (Children wear on their heads red or blue crown and become the north and south poles of magnets. We put music and move into the classroom without touching their children the same color each another. When the music stops, each child is attracted to another with opposite pole). (Chouliaras, 2012).

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Εκπαιδευτικό παιχνίδι ςτον υπολογιςτι του ςχολείου jogo educativo no computador da escola Educational game on the school computer

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Γνωρίςαμε διάφορα είδθ μαγνθτϊν και προςπακιςαμε να ανακαλφψουμε τα αντικείμενα που ζλκει ο μαγνιτθσ, τα αντικείμενα που δεν είναι φίλοι με τον μαγνιτθ

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Nós nos encontramos diferentes tipos de ímãs e tentou descobrir objetos que puxa o imã, os objetos não são amigos com o íman

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We met different kinds of magnets and we tried to find out objects that pulls the magnet, the objects are not friends with the magnet

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Καταγράψαμε τα αντικείμενα που ζλκει και απωκεί ο μαγνιτθσ

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Ανακαλφψαμε ότι οι όμοιοι πόλοι απωκοφνται και οι αντίκετοι πόλοι ζλκονται We have found that like poles repel each other and opposite poles attract Descobrimos que pólos semelhantes se repelem e opostos pólos atrair

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Ηωγραφίςαμε τον βόρειο και νότιο πόλο ςε μαγνιτεσ και καταγράψαμε όπωσ μποροφμε μαγνιτεσ του ζλκονται και μαγνιτεσ που απωκοφνται

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Nós pintamos norte e pólo sul ímãs e registados como podem os ímãs atraem e repelem ímãs

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We painted the north and south pole magnets and recorded as can the magnets attract and repel magnets

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Φφλλα εργαςίασ για τοα αντικείμενα που ζλκει και απωκεί ο μαγνιτθσ Worksheets for objects that attracts and repels the magnet

Planilhas para objetos que atrai e repele o íman

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Γνωρίςαμε τθν πυξίδα Nós conhecemos a bússola We met the compass

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Ο μαγνιτθσ και θ βελόνα τθσ πυξίδασ The magnet and the compass needle

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O ímã e a agulha da bússola

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Ραίξαμε με ρινίςματα ςιδιρου Jogamos com limalha de ferro We played with iron filings

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Ηωγραφίηοντασ τον μαγνθτοφλθ painting the magnitouli pintar as magnitouli

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Ραίηοντασ με ρινίςματα ςιδιρου φτιάχνουμε μυτοφλα ςτον μαγνθτοφλθ μασ

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Jogando com limalha de ferro que fazemos em nosso magnitouli nariz

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laying with iron filings we make in our nose magnitouli

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Ανακαλφψαμε τουσ τρόπουσ που ζνα αντικείμενο μπορεί να γίνει μαγνιτθσ και να ζλκει άλλα αντικείμενα We discovered the ways that an object can be a magnet to attract other objects Descobrimos as maneiras que um objeto pode ser um ímã para atrair outros objetos

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Φτιάξαμε ζναν θλεκτρομαγνιτθ Fizemos um eletroímã

We made an electromagnet

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Ραίηοντασ με τον


2th Skyros Kindergarden Shophia Livaditi Anastasia Tsampouniari

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Κυκλϊςαμε αντικείμενα που χρειάηονται ρεφμα για να λειτουργιςουν Encircling objects needed power to operate Circundando objetos potência necessária para operar

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Ηωγραφίςαμε αντικείμενα που χρειάηονται ρεφμα για να λειτουργιςουν We Painted items that need power to operate itens pintados que precisam de energia para funcionar

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Ρροςωποποίθςθ του μορίου , όπου θ καρδιά λζγεται άτομο και μζςα ςτθν καρδιά του είναι οι φίλοι του, αγόρια, κορίτςια, πρωτόνια, νετρόνια και θλεκτρόνια Personalização da molécula, onde o coração é dito pessoa e em seu coração é seus amigos, meninos, meninas, prótons, nêutrons e elétrons Customisation of the molecule, where the heart is said person and in his heart is his friends, boys, girls, protons, neutrons and electrons

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παιχνίδι με πρωτόνια , νετρόνια θλεκτρόνια jogo com prótons, nêutrons, elétrons game with protons, neutrons, electrons

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Θλεκτριςμό ζχουμε όταν ςτο άτομο προςκζςουμε ι αφαιρζςουμε ζνα θλεκτρόνιο. Καταγράψαμε όπωσ μποροφμε το παιχνίδι των θλεκτρονίων Electricity occurs when a person add or remove an electron. Recorded as can the electrons game

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Electricidade ocorre quando uma pessoa adicionar ou remover um elétron. Registrado como pode o jogo elétrons

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Γνωρίςαμε το θλεκτρικό κφκλωμα , και ςχεδιάςαμε όπωσ μποροφμε ζνα απλό θλεκτρικό κφκλωμα με μπαταρία Nós conhecemos o circuito elétrico, e como nós projetamos um circuito elétrico simples, com bateria We met the electrical circuit, and as we have designed a simple electric circuit with battery

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Αξιολόγθςθ: Σε φφλλο εργαςίασ, βάλαμε πρωτόνια, νετρόνια και θλεκτρόνια με τζτοιο τρόπο, ϊςτε να ςχθματιςτεί ζνα άτομο θλεκτριςμζνο κι ζνα άτομο που δεν

είναι θλεκτριςμζνο

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Evaluation: In the worksheet, we put protons, such neutrons and electrons manner, to form an electrifying atom and an atom that is not electrified

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Avaliação: Na planilha, colocamos prótons, nêutrons e elétrons tais forma, para formar um átomo eletrizante e um átomo que não é eletrificada

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Εργαςία κολλάη με θλεκτριςμζνα άτομα colagem de trabalho com atom eletrificadas Work with electrifying collage atom

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Ζνα βιντεάκι μασ ςτο youtube, από το μοτεράκι μασ Ζνα ακόμα βιντεάκι μασ ςτο youtube, από τθ καταςκευι ανεμιςτθράκι, λαμπάκι, ςυναγερμόσ

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Ο μπαμπάσ του Νικθφόρου μασ μίλθςε για τον θλεκτριςμό και μασ ζφτιαξε ζναν ςυναγερμό Nikiforos father told us about electricity and made us an alarm Nikiforos pai disse-nos sobre a electricidade e fez-nos um alarme

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Ζνα βιντεάκι μασ ςτο youtube, από το μοτεράκι μασ Ζνα ακόμα βιντεάκι μασ ςτο youtube, από τθ καταςκευι ανεμιςτθράκι, λαμπάκι, ςυναγερμόσ

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os jovens cientistas conhecer, amar e proteger o meio ambiente

the young scientists know, love and protect the environment

Στόχοι: να ευαιςκθτοποιθκοφν ςτθν προςταςία του περιβάλλοντοσ γνωρίηοντασ τα ςπάνια είδθ που ηουν ςτο νθςί. Να γνωρίςουν τρόπουσ προςταςίασ των ςπάνιων πουλιϊν που βρίςκονται ςτο νθςί Να γνωρίςουν το ςπάνιο ςκυλί και το ςπάνιο άλογο που ηουν μόνο ςτο νθςί τθσ Σκφρου και να ςυνειδθτοποιιςουν τθν ευκφνθ τουσ απζναντι ςτθν προςταςία των ςπάνιων αυτϊν ηϊων. Να αποκτιςουν ενςυναίςκθςθ και να αντιλθφκοφν πωσ όλα τα πλάςματα του πλανιτθ πρζπει να τα ςεβόμαςτε να τα αγαπάμε και να τα προςτατεφουμε

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Objectives: To raise awareness on

environmental protection knowledge of the

rare species that live on the island. Know how to protect rare birds on the island To experience the rare dog and rare horse

that live only on the island of Skyros and

realize their responsibility to protect these

rare animals. Acquire empathy and realize that all the

creatures of the planet must respect them

to cherish and protect

Objectivos: sensibilizar para o conhecimento de protecção ambiental das espécies raras que vivem na ilha. Saber como proteger espécies raras de aves na ilha Para experimentar o cão raro e cavalo raro que vivem apenas na ilha de Skyros e perceber sua responsabilidade de proteger esses animais raros. Adquirir empatia e perceber que todas as criaturas do planeta deve respeitá-los a valorizar e proteger

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Program LIFE SKYROU Στο περιβαλλοντικό μασ κζμα οι μικροί επιςτιμονεσ γνϊριςαν τα ςπάνια είδθ πουλιϊν που ηουν ςτο νθςί, κακϊσ το ςπάνιο ςκυλί κολοδοφρι Σκφρου και το Σκυριανό αλογάκι, είδθ που ηουν μόνο ςτο νθςί μασ Em nossa questão ambiental pequenos cientistas sabiam as espécies raras de aves que vivem na ilha, assim como o cão raro kolodouri e cavalo Skyros Skyros, espécies que vivem apenas em nossa ilha on our environmental subject small scientists knew the rare species of birds that live on the island, as well as the rare dog kolodouri and Skyros Skyros horse, species living only on our island

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Φτιάξαμε μάςκεσ πουλιϊν και παίξαμε κεατρικό παιχνίδι We made bird masks and played theater games Fizemos máscaras de aves e jogos teatrais jogado

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Γνωρίςαμε τον χϊρο που το κάκε πουλί φτιάχνει τθν φωλιά του, τουσ κινδφνουσ που διατρζχει, το φαγθτό του, τον ιχο τθσ φωνισ του.

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Nós conhecemos o espaço de cada ave constrói o seu ninho, os seus próprios riscos, a comida dele, o som de sua voz. We met the space each bird builds its nest, its own risks, his food, the sound of his voice.

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Ηωγραφίςαμε ςταβλοχελίδονα και κάναμε κολλάη. Τα ςταυλοχελίδονα που ζρχονται ςτο νθςί, αποτελοφν τον μεγαλφτερο πλθκυςμό ςταβλοχελίδονων που ζρχονται ςτθν χϊρα μασ

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We Painted stavlochelidona (kind of swallows) and made collages. The staflochelidona coming to the island, constitute the largest population stavlochelidonon coming to our country but also in Europe

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stavlochelidona pintada (tipo de andorinhas) e fez colagens. O staflochelidona chegar à ilha, constituem o maior stavlochelidonon população chegando ao nosso país, mas também na Europa

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Ραιχνίδι με καρτζλεσ για να γνωρίςουμε τα ςπάνια πουλιά που βρίςκουν καταφφγιο ςτο νθςί μασ Jogar com abas para atender às aves raras que encontram refúgio na nossa ilha Play with tabs to meet the rare birds that find refuge in our island

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Μερικζσ από τισ καρτζλεσ του παιχνιδιοφ Some of the tabs of the game Alguns dos guias do jogo

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Δθμιουργιςαμε βίντεο και ςασ ςτζλνουμε τθν διεφκυνςθ url We created video The url of vídeo criado O url do

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Ραίξαμε κεατρικό παιχνίδι για τα ςπάνια πουλιά

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We played theater games for rare birds

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Κάναμε ιππαςία με το ςπάνιο Σκυριανό αλογάκι, μικρόςωμο είδοσ αλόγου που ηει μόνο ςτο νθςί μασ και γνωρίςαμε τθν ιςτορία του από τουσ αρχαίουσ χρόνουσ. Δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα ςχετικό βιντεάκι . Θ διεφκυνςθ url Nós montamos com o cavalo Skyros raro, tipo cavalo anã que vive apenas na ilha e sabia a história de tempos antigos. Criamos uma vídeos relacionados O url do

We ride with the rare Skyros horse, bantam type horse that lives only on the island and knew the story of ancient times. We created a related videos The url

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Ρροςκαλζςαμε ειδικό τθσ φιλοηωικισ , ο οποίοσ ιρκε ςχολείο μασ φζρνοντασ μαηί του το ςπάνιο ςκυλί Κολοδοφρι τθσ Σκφρου και μασ μίλθςε για το ςπάνιο αυτό τςομπανόςκυλο του νθςιοφ. Δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα ςχετικό βιντεάκι Θ διεφκυνςθ url We invited expert of animal welfare, which came our school bringing with him the rare dog Kolodouri Skyros and we talked about this rare tsompanoskylo island. We created a related videos The url of Convidamos especialistas de bem-estar animal, que veio a nossa escola trazendo com ele o cão raro Kolodouri Skyros e nós conversamos sobre esta ilha tsompanoskylo raro. Criamos uma vídeos relacionados O url do

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Δθμιουργιςαμε μία αφίςα για το περιβάλλον. Μαηί με τα υπόλοιπα ςχολεία δθμιουργιςαμε μία ομαδικι αφίςα με κζμα οι μικροί επιςτιμονεσ αγαποφν και προςτατεφουν το περιβάλλον Nós criamos um cartaz para o meio ambiente. Juntamente com as outras escolas criou um cartaz grupo sobre os jovens cientistas amar e proteger o meio ambiente We created a poster for the environment. Together with the other schools created a group poster on the young scientists love and protect the environment

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