  • (Translated Using Google Translate)

    A journey to the barrier travel places of the eastern Mediterranean area: Souvenirs , customs and mentality of the barrier travel nature. By Vicky Foskolou

    The terms Peregrinus and Peregrinatio, from which the today's words pilgrims and Pilgrimage deduce themselves, meant the journey in the Middle Ages the foreigner and abroad . In the medieval Greek language no appropriate word seems, that the today's term to the Pilgerfahrt (Greek. proskynema) describes. Nevertheless the journey would be allowed to do to a holy place for the purpose of the Anbetung, a practice, which admits from the Jewish and from pagan religions was, already at the beginning 4. Century also in the Christian world spreads been its. Bishop Eusebios von Caesarea mentioned repeated that one was led to its time to the holy places of the old person and new will in Palestine. This information is confirmed by oldest us the received travel description of the anonymous pilgrim from Bordeaux, who had traveled in the year 333 to Palestine. It enumerates a large number of objects of interest with meaning for the Christianity, which it were shown. This clarifies that already at that time a kind of stranger guidance for Christian pilgrims existed.

    The establishment of important churches marks a temporal fixed point for using the massive Christian Pilgerstrme by Konstantin the large one, at the places, which were linked with the highlights of the life Christi, i.e. with the birth, the Auferstehung and the Ascension Day. Jerusalem and in particular the church of the holy grave, which were geweiht with large ceremonies on 14 September 335 and which contained grave Christi, Golgotha as well as later the Kreuzreliquie, was considered as the center of the world and the most important goal to each Christian pilgrim. Since this time up to the beginning 7. Century traveled continuously hundreds of Glubigen from all social layers and parts that at that time admitted world to the Anbetung to the Christian cult places in the eastern Mediterranean area. These cover such in Egypt, Syria and small Asia, which with the

  • graves and Gebeinen were connected with living holy ones by martyrs, or except the places in Palestine and in the Sinai, at which the life Christi on ground connection and events of the old person of will took place, also.

    A characteristic example of the first case was the Pilgerheiligtum in Abu Mina with the grave of the holy Menas in Egypt to the west of Alexandria. For the second case the most famous living Asketen of the epoch is to be called: the two column-holy Symeon in Syria, the so-called Symeon Stylites (stylites is derived from the Greek word stylos = column): Symeon the older one, which rose there in the year 420 to a column on the Qal' RK Sim' to northeast from Antiochia and the further 40 years of its life remained, as well as its name cousin, which so-called younger ones, who followed one century later its example and endured on a column on the Mons Admirabilis (miracle mountain) somewhat outside from Antiochia. (fig. 1)

  • Figure 1: The Kiche of the Hl. Symeon in Qal' RK Sim' on, Syria (approx. 470-90). From:


    Over the crowds of Glubigen of different origin, which the column of the holy Symeon of the older one visited, we are by its contemporary, whom bishop von Cyrrhus informs, very well. He speaks of Ismaeliten, Persern, Armenians, Iberern, Spaniards, the British, Galatern and people from Italy, which came in rivers. Thus it offers to us a lively picture of the massive and multinational character of the Pilgerwesens in the early Byzantine time.

    By the Arab conquest of the east provinces of the Byzantine realm, i.e. Syria, Palestine and Egypt, in 7. Jh. found the measure-moderate and international Pilgerverkehr an end. Afterwards reached the large places of pilgrimage of the east up to in the holy country and in the Sinai never again the fame of the early Byzantine time. An important reason for it is that the Byzantiner strengthens Pilgerorten turned, which had remained within its rule area like e.g. agio Demetrios in Thessaloniki. Konstantinopel, which was

  • proclaimed by the transfer by Reliquien from the east to the new Jerusalem , became in the central Byzantine time for the Byzantiner the place of pilgrimage absolutely. (fig. 2)

    Figure 2: The church of the Hagios Demetrios in Thessaloniki (5.Jh.)

    Palestine and above all Jerusalem however never stopped being destination from Christian pilgrims to. Because the Islamic authorities were quite conscious itself of the economic profit, which could be registered by the pilgrims, and prevented the Pilgerverkehr therefore not. Although the journey could hold unpleasant surprises ready for the barrier drivers, the pilgrims did not frighten back to travel until Jerusalem. Byzantine Heiligenviten 7. Century and later, in which the journey is regarded after Jerusalem as an essential component for the personal record of a holy one, as well as western sources of writing, itself on pilgrims in the holy country up to the end of the 11. Century refer, confirm that the international Pilgerreisen was limited in the area, but did not stop. With the establishment of Latin of kingdom of Jerusalem in the year 1099 by

  • the cross drivers the Wallfahrt experienced a new phase of the upswing into the holy country. During 12. Century the holy grave church was converted by new Latin the rulers of the city and again decorated. The incident masses of Glubigen came now primarily from Western Europe. (Fig. 3)

    Figure 3: The church of the holy grave, Jerusalem. From:


    For the investigation of the medieval Pilgrimage two categories of sources are to us at the disposal: Texts and material remainders. The texts cover historical and theological works, reports of acts and miracles of holy ones, and above all the travel descriptions of the pilgrims themselves. In the second category the monuments themselves are contained, i.e. the Heiligtmer, their monument decoration, the articles, which served pilgrims for as memories and which Votive, which brought the pilgrims to the Heiligtum.

  • Most pilgrims, who conveyed us their travel experiences, came from the west and wrote on Latin. Their texts differ in style and contents from each other, depending upon the interests and the knowledge of its authors. Although they are not characterised straight by literary qualities, they form a singular, alive source, from which we receive information about the holy places and the practical Pilgerreise questions concerned: as e.g. over the circumstances, means of transport, the itineraries and stations.

    Most pilgrims traveled zulande, either to foot or with load animals. Naturally the means of transport depended on their respective economical and social position. Reports over persons of noble origin, primarily women, occupy who had the comfort to travel to their private cars and with their attendants. If one computes the fact that the barrier drivers might have put daily a distance back from 30 to 50 km lasted a journey in each case extremely long. Therefore it is surely no coincidence that they expanded their stay at the Pilgersttten often rather. The case of the Egeria, a nun from Spain, those is

    characteristic at the end 4. Century four years long to all at that time well-known places of pilgrimage pilgerte. The journey might have taken approx. one year, while it stayed to three further years in Jerusalem.

    Not only the long travel duration, but also the large number at holy places, at Reliquien and Asketen, which one could visit in the eastern Mediterranean, caused the extended stay. The travel description of the unknown pilgrim of Piacenza in Italy from that 6. Century reveals the variety of the objects of interest, which the holy country had to offer to us. It reported that it was after its arrival in the port of Ptolemais (the today's Akko) in Diocaesarea, in order to see the chair, on which the nut/mother of God had sat during the Verkndigung, then to Canaan visited, in order to affect the two Hydrien of the famous wedding and Nazareth, in order to see the reader of the Christ child. Only after it it opened itself to the south to its actual Pilgerreiseziel Jerusalem.

    In order to organize their round trip, to reasonable and lurking dangers to meet to be able was it necessarily to have a local well-informed tourist guide. Over the existence of travel guides already in 4. Jh. in Jerusalem, we are informed by the holy Hieronymus, which expresses its annoyance over its inaccuracies and its unawareness. That a Sarazene

  • was paid for a journey from Negev to the mountain Sinai with 3,5 Goldsolidi, i.e. with half of the value at that time for a camel, necessarily for like one shows travel guides held. Later, in 12. Century regarded it the Russian monk Daniel as his large luck an old man to have found, who was very educated, spoke Greek and accompanied him on its round trip in Palestine. In the same time Johannes reports Maria Magdalena in Jerusalem led from peppering castle of a monk, that with much Dramatik and intensive sign language to the monastery.

    In the luggage of each pilgrim also maps with the most important objects of interest of the holy places must have been, like us a mosaic soil have assumed leave except the Bible, which was found in Madaba in Jordanian ones and a topographic map of Palestine shows, as well as travel manuals. (Fig. 4) the Breviarius, i.e. the short description, of Jerusalem from that 6. Century, the knappe topographic information on the city gives, belonged to this category. After the first crusade travel manuals were in circulation in the west, by which the older travel descriptions were brought on the newest conditions. They described the distances between the cities, the monuments and the cult places and reported of the events, which took place there. In that time also catalogs with necessary sentences on Latin and Greek arose, which one needed for surviving and for the communication (like for example, there mihi panem: DOS ME psomi). These two kinds of texts, which probably addressed themselves to pilgrims, mark the again-awaked interest of the west in the holy country after the establishment of the cross driver states in the Levante.

  • Figure 4: The topographic map of Jerusalem, mosaic soil of the George church in Madaba, Jordanian one (6.Jh.). From: (20/02/2007)

    Except the travel guides and the travel manuals also hotels and Hospize, the cumbersome way, facilitated which often developed on imperial and church initiative in places of pilgrimage for the pilgrims. Characteristic examples formed certainly the two Pilgerheiligtmer, which developed on in Abu Mina and on the Qal' RK Sim'. There around the cult center a set of buildings, Hospize and baths as well as large yards for the pilgrims had been furnished approximately. (fig. 5a-b) the stay, perhaps also the food supply, might have been free at the places, which stood under the auspice of the monasteries and the churches, as this comes out from the numerous relevant reports. With security the weak ones and patient, which constituted the majority of the pilgrims, found accommodation in the large Hospizen of the monasteries and churches. The pilgrim of Piacenza reports of a lodging with the Marienkirche of Jerusalem, which was able to

  • accept 3000 persons. and later, in 9. Century, is mentioned a further Hospiz with 2000 beds for the western visitors of the city.

    Figure 5a: Overview of the Pilgerheiligtum of Hl. Symeon in Qal' RK Siman, Syria. From: (20/02/2007)

    5b: Flat the Pilgerheilgtums of Abu Mina, Egypt, source, Grossmann (1998).

  • Such information arouses the impression that the maintenance of a place of pilgrimage was connected with high costs. The traffic and the stay of the pilgrims nevertheless meant plentiful incomes both for the Pilgerort and for the further environment. Imperial donations and such of rich Glubigen, which often left their whole fortune at the holy place, also the gifts of the financially weakest ones might have these

    costs more than balanced. Already in 4. Century accused the holy Hieronymus the bishop of von Jerusalem inadequately many wealth by the faith of the people to have accumulated, and the pilgrim of Piacenza described in 6. Century the Votive, whereby he spoke of precious Geschmeide, hanging on the external wall of the holy grave, belts, an emperor crown and emblems of an empress. Both clarifies the economic use for the Pilgersttten in lively way.

    By the emergence of a kind of propaganda literature since that 5. Century, when which Cyril Mango the so-called shows up miracula i.e. collections of holy miracles to the Pilgersttten, besides, the interest of the institutions, which operated the place of pilgrimage, at always new pilgrims was as large. Also this interest expresses itself by the existence of a soldier guard, which secured the way from Alexandria to the Heiligtum of the holy Minas for the pilgrims.

    This information gives to speak us the opportunity somewhat about the dangers, which the pilgrims were faced with. The sources report among other things of hunger, thirst, weather adversities, wild animals, robbers, Vergewaltigern or simply hostile inhabitants, or in addition, of the danger to get off the way.

    If one considers the expenditure to time, costs and the dangers of the journey, it is justified to ask for the motives which drove as many humans to it, their homeland to leave and for many years at strange places around-mad. Which motivation did they have?

    They and many contemporary texts give us various answers to it. At the end 4. Century writes bishop Paulinus von Nola that no other feeling drove humans after Jerusalem than their mental longing, the places to see and affect, at which the gentleman had suffered, had up-arisen and had driven into the sky. Because, he adds, all makes his

  • presence on ground connection conscious and reveals the deep roots of our current faith. The attendance of a holy place fulfilled thus the mental needs and had didactical meaning. This motive must have exercised on the education and the religiously well-informed ones the largest incentive, thus on those, like Egeria the holy places with the Bible in the hand visited around welfare history in the memory to call and so even quasi again see.

    Most Glubigen might however by the extremely wide-spread faith induced to be the fact that into the Reliquien, in addition, at the holy places, at which the holy ones had worked, their miracle-causative Kraft were alive and that over them the benediction to the Glubigen will transfer could. Characteristic is for example the remark of Basileios the large one that the Glubigen, which affected the Gebeine of martyrs, by whose grace were geweiht. This faith and the desire of the pilgrims the Reliquien to see to affect and their benedictions receive, played a large role both in the development of the religious ceremonies and in the architectural organization of the Heiligtmer.

    In the large places of pilgrimage the Reliquie in the center of a Zentralbaus was kept, which made a comfortable entrance and the optical contact with the holiest place of the Pilgersttte for the pilgrims possible, as on on the Qal' RK Sim', where the column of the Symeon with an octagon was converted and in the Auferstehungskirche, where the holy grave stands in the center of a rotunda. (Fig. 6a-b) often the places were converted, in order to offer the Pilgermassen place, as the underground crypt in Abu Mina with the grave of the holy one, which was increased and stairs for the ascending and descending received.

  • Figure 6a: Reconstruction plan of the church of the holy grave in the 4.Jh. From:


    6b: The column of the Hl. Symeons in Qal' RK Sim' on, Syria. From: (20/02/2007)

  • The Reliquien also into the Liturgie great importance one attached, like for example to the holy cross. Because the Anbetung formed the high point in the process of the Osterwoche in the Auferstehungskirche of set up holy cross for the Glubigen. In accordance with the sources the priests held the holy Reliquie during the ceremony completely and supervised the going past pilgrims strictly. Because in former times it had created once someone to in-bite the cross and steal a piece.

    This mismatching behavior of the unknown pilgrim clarifies us that the contact with a Reliquie was not often sufficient, in order to satisfy the Glubigen. Because they wanted to always retain the memory to this contact and to take therefore a seizable proof of this benediction with itself home. Since it was impossible them, the Reliquie themselves to get, one created gradually a set of Ersatzreliquien, the characteristics wonderful-bringing of the Reliquie, which held holy place or the holy one and which benedictions could transfer. It acted thereby around substances such as oil, Salbl or Weihwasser, which had come either with the Reliquie into contact or in wondrous way from it out-poured, or however it concerned simply worthless material such as earth or stone, which came from the holy place.

    This practice is based on the faith that the holiness of the Reliquie can be passed on also on the material things transferred and in such a way to the Glubigen. A characteristic voucher for this aspect is that Johannes Chrysostomos called its Glubigen to visit the graves of the martyrs since its Gebeine such a large Kraft would have that they weihten the graves and the Reliquiare in it.

    Such Reliquiare is received to us. They are manufactured from marble and have often the form of small Sarkophage. They have two openings, one in the cover and one in the actual container, first served casting in oil, second discharging the geweihten oil. (fig. 7)

  • Figure 7: Marmorreliquiare, eastern Mediterranean area (5. - 7. Jh.), private collection. Source: The world of Byzanz (2004), P. 187 No. 247.

    For the transport of the geweihten substances from the Pilgerort small ampuls (Flschchen) from cheap material, clay/tone or lead were usually used. Characteristic examples of it are the clay/tone ampuls from the Heiligtum of the Menas in Egypt, the

    holy ones in praying attitude illustrate and often the inscription , translated thus: Benedictions of the holy Menas carry. (fig. 8) these ampuls and other clay/tone objects, like Tonstatuetten in woman or animal shape, those were probably likewise intended for the pilgrims probably than Votivgaben, in the workshops of the place of pilgrimage in large quantities were manufactured. (fig. 9)

  • Figure 8: Ampul from clay/tone of Abu Mina (5. - 7. Jh.), source: D. Papanikola Bakirtzi (OD.), Everyday Life in Byzantium (exhibition catalogue, White Tower,

    Thessaloniki, October 2001-January 2002), Athens 2002, P. 174 No. 197.

  • Figure 9: Fraustatuette from clay/tone of Abu Mina, Egypt, (5. - 7. Jh.),

    National museums to Berlin. Source: The world of Byzanz (2004), P. 206, No. 294.

    For the transport of the oil, which the Glubigen took frequently from the lamps, those in the holy grave or of oil, which had come with the Kreuzreliquie into contact, used they burned small lead ampuls, which usually carried them the following inscriptions: (=l of the wood of the life from the holy country) and (=Eulogie i.e. benediction of the gentleman from the holy country). These like also the picture topics, with which they are decorated, i.e. ointment carrier inside at the grave and the Kreuzigung do not leave a doubt about their use and origin. (fig. 10a-b)

  • Figure 10a & 10b: Pilgerampulle from lead tin alloy, Palestine (6/7.

    Jh.), private collection. Source: The world of Byzanz (2004), P. 199, No. 271.

    The most interesting aspect of these articles is that in their pictures concrete

    topographic data are given the holy places of the holy country. The most characteristic case is the grave, which is ointment carrier inside shown in the scene with, in that the researchers a synoptic representation of the actual monument, thus the holy grave

    recognizes. In this way the iconography confirms not only the authenticity of the objects, but strengthened also their function as Pilgerandenken. Thus gradually the picture, which represented the holy place, became even the Eulogie, i.e. the benediction carrier. This occupies a set of simple Medaillons from clay/tone or lead, which show the same topics and which were probably likewise Pilgerandenken. (fig. 11a-b)

  • Figure 11a: Lead trailer, Palestine (6/7. Jh.), private collection. Source: Those

    World of Byzanz (2004), P. 200, nos. 273-274.

  • 11b. Medaillons from earth form-pressed (6. /7. Jh.), private collection. Source: The world of Byzanz (2004), P. 202, nos. 279-282.

    From the two Heiligtmern of the column-holy Symeone in Syria pilgrims got likewise Medaillons from clay/tone, which illustrate the Bste of the holy one on the column as main motive. (fig. 12) you were made of the earth surrounding the columns, since this in accordance with the sources miracle-causing welfare-ends and characteristics in particular had. Already during its lifetimes the holy Symeon the younger one than physician gave to the pilgrim respective suffering according to instructions for the use, i.e. either should the ill place with the earth of the Medaillons be rubbed in, or the earth should be mixed and down-swallowed with water. In another case it offered its clay/tone seal to the Glubigen and explained to it that its picture on it is sufficient, in order to protect it and in emergency help.

  • Figure 12: Erdemedaillons with Stylitendarstellungen, Syria (6. /7. Jh.),

    Private collection. Source: Byzanz (2001), P. 183-4 No. I67.

    This aspect, thus that the picture of a miracle-causative holy one becomes even the benediction carrier and the protecting Amulett, got 7 after the beginning. Century greater importance. It is therefore no coincidence that during the centralByzantine time, i.e. in 10. to 11. Jh., when the Heiligtum of the Symeon of the younger one experienced a phase of the rereviving, which made Pilgerandenken follows the same ikonographischen pattern as the earlier. But now they any more are not from clay/tone, i.e. from the earth surrounding the place of pilgrimage, but from lead. (Fig. 13) this change of the material shows that the authenticity of the Medaillons refers as benediction carrier of the Pilgerorts on the Mons Admirabilis no more to the material separates to the iconography.

  • Figure 13: Bleimedaillon with representation of the Hl. Symeon of the younger one,

    Syria (10. /11. Jh.), Byzantine and Christian museum, Athens. Source: Everyday Life in Byzantium, P. 176-77 No. 200.

    Also the lead ampuls, those clarify us the special meaning, which attained the iconography of the Pilgerandenken in the centralByzantine time, in Jerusalem in 12. Century for the church of the holy grave were made. On them side is shown the Christian scene, like e.g. the women at the grave and on the other one a synoptic illustration of the church on a. (fig. 14a-b) the ikonographischen elements, which were selected to their rendition, like the oil lamps and these three round forms, do not only represent a part of the exterior of the building, but were connected also with the admiration rituals and the

  • experiences of the pilgrims at the place. The oil lamp purchase to the ritual of the holy

    light concretely takes itself, in wondrous way since that 9. Century at each Karsamstag in the grave Christi ignites; the three round forms show the openings in the marble lining around rock, in which the body Christi had lain, by which the pilgrims the Reliquie affect could. A topographic does not concern here allusion, like with the earlyChristian benediction carriers, but around the illustration of the monument that each pilgrim, who could recognize had been once there.

    Figure 14a: Pilgerampulle of the cross driver time, tin - lead alloy,

    Palestine (2. Half of 12. Jh.), national museums to Berlin. Source: The world of Byzanz (2004), P. 200, nos. 276.

  • 14b: Design of the Pilgerampulle. Source: Ktzche (1988) fig. 7.

    A further interesting group of Pilgerandenken from the centralByzantine time the so-called out-stepped koutrouvia, which were intended for the Salbl, in wondrous way from the grave of the holy Demetrios in its church into Thessaloniki. This concerns lead ampuls, which illustrate the holy on a side Demetrios and on the other one a further holy one, which was admired either at the same place, like e.g. the Hl. Nestor, or in another churches Thessalonikis were admired, how for example the holy Theodora (myrovlitria, the so-called smelling, because from its Gebeinen smell oil out-stepped) was thus called. (Abb 15a-b) the different combinations of holy ones on Koutrouvia permit to accept us that they were manufactured not only for the Demetrioskirche and that the production of Pilgerandenken no more via the Pilgerheiligtum were done beyond that, but by the workshops of the city connected with it.

  • Figure 15a: Lead ampul, Pilgerandenken of the Demetrioskirche in

    Thessaloniki, the so-called Koutrouvion, (12. /13. Jh.). Source: Everyday Life in Byzantium, P. 184 No. 203.

  • 15b: Design of a lead ampul from Demetrioskirche in Thessaloniki, Benaki museum, Athens. Source: Bakirtzis (1990), fig. 51.

    This is confirmed also by the find of a workshop in distal extremity, which can be dated due to the excavation findings into the time of the cross driver states. The lead ampuls manufactured there were vegetable, geometrical or with cross-shaped elements decorated. This neutral decoration was for the researchers an indication for the fact that the bottles had not been manufactured for a certain place of pilgrimage. Separate they could by the pilgrims for the admission of geweihter substance from different Pilgerheiligtmern be used, the this on their journey by the holy country visited.

    The last objects, which will treat in this short overview, belong to a large group of Glasmedaillons with both Byzantine and western religious topics. (Fig. 16) due to their simple production way, the cheap raw material and the quantity of received copies, one had first assumed that her in the imitation of Byzantine models in 13. Century in Venice produced and the thesis it were set up that they were used as Pilgerandenken. Particularly regarding the origin of the pieces to this opinion vehement one contradicted. A group of

  • researchers regarded it as Byzantine works, but the question of the function remained so far unaffected.

    Figure 16: Glassmedaillon with the representation of the Hl. Georgios (13. Jh.),

    Benaki museum Athens. Source: Foskolou 2004a, fig. 5.

    Recently the study of the appropriate pieces of the Benaki museum pointed to Athens that some the Medaillons on the basis the ikonographischen analysis with certain holy places in connection can bring, like for example the Medaillon with the holy Jakobus with its Heiligtum in Santiago de Compostela in Spain and the Medaillons with the representation of the birth with the birth church in Bethlehem. (fig. 17,-18)

  • Figure 17: Glassmedaillon with the representation of the Hl. Jakobus (13. Jh.),

    Benaki museum Athens. Source: Foskolou 2004a, fig. 18.

  • Figure 18: Glassmedaillon with birth representation, (13. Jh.), Benaki museum Athens. Source: Foskolou 2004a, fig. 9.

    The objects were made with security everything in only one workshop, as their morphologic similarities occupy, thus the form, the size, the type of inscription, in

    addition, thing in common in the composition of the material and the art of manufacturing. This came out from the analysis of the objects in the Benaki museum.

    The common origin, the mass production and the international spreading of these objects point to a commercial strength from international range, and on organized glass production, so that I came to the conclusion that for it only Venice is applicable. This opinion fits also the analysis of the Medaillons of the Benaki of museum, which lets it attribute to the tradition of Western European glass workshops.

  • As we saw, the Pilgerandenken was manufactured first in workshops, which belonged to the Pilgersttte. They were created from the surrounding earth and contained oil and Salbl from there. Straight ones this aspect of the origin owed it their holyness like also its miracles achieving characteristics. Even if the production of the Pilgerorten had become detached later, the objects were nevertheless still intended for geweihte substances of the holy places. The production of Pilgerandenken at a central place and its spreading by the handels and sea-superpower Venice in the whole at that time well-known world in that time clarify a fundamental change of the Pilgerwesens. Therein also a change in the mentality of the pilgrims reflects itself, as well as a change in the

    organization of the Pilgersttten. We determine appropriate changes also on the basis the information, which we infer from the contemporary sources. For example it is for the

    same epoch, i.e. for the beginning 14. Century, characteristically the fact that by Venice from ship journeys were organized, which addressed themselves exclusively to pilgrims and as if consented and secure solution were publicised, in order to arrive into the holy country. It is likewise this time, in which in the west Pilgerembleme were regarded as profitable enterprise. Large dealer families paid the place of pilgrimage plentifully around the monopoly on their spreading to have.

    The distance, which separates the clay/tone memories of the earlyByzantine time from the glass memories larva into Venice , is very large. It is not only a temporal, but above all also a distance in the value, in the meaning and in the perception of these objects with humans in each epoch. This is finally the impressing at these simple and quite worthless objects. Because if we examine it in connection with sources, they tell us on the one hand much over the Religisitt and the faith and on the other hand over the mentality of medieval humans.

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