Page 1: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

周 年 校 務 報 告


2014‐2015 保良局李城璧中學


保良精神 願景使命價值觀


相互尊重 團結合力 延展愛心 行善助人 感恩知德 造福社群


願景 幼有所育少有所學 壯有所為老有所依


使命 成為 傑出

具承擔的慈善公益機構 發揮保良精神以善心建善業

致力保赤安良護老扶弱 助寡健診培德育才 揚康樂眾實踐環保 承傳文化造福社群

價值觀 秉承傳統 與時並進 以人為本 關愛感恩 優良管治 務實創新 廉潔奉公 安不忘危 善用資源 注重本益 專業團隊 愛心服務



本校秉承保良局的辦學方針和政策以社會的利益為 大依歸配合時代的需要提供「全


1 培養學生的學習興趣

2 讓學生掌握學習技能使其具備自學的能力

3 引導學生作全面而具個性的發展

4 培養學生對家庭和社群的責任感

5 使學生擁有健康身心


1 學校簡介

李城璧中學於 1982 年創立至今已踏入第三十三載本校座落於荃灣西柴灣角為一所

設備完善之政府津貼男女文法中學目前開設中一至中六級共 26 班

2 學校管理

(a) 法團校董會的組合

法團校董會成員1 位校監3 位辦學團體校董行政總監教育總主任財務總主


(b) 各持分者在法團校董會內所佔席位 (2014-2015)

成員 辦學團體 校長 家長 教師 校友 獨立人士

12 人 7 人 1 人 1 人 1 人 1 人 1 人


3 學校組織架構圖

4 實際上課日數


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

供授課用的上課日數 151 日 152 日 150 日

考試及正規測驗日數 26 日 26 日 28 日

其他學習活動日數 13 日 12 日 12 日

校曆表上的上課日數共 190 日 190 日 190 日



校長 資源協調委員會 健康教育委員會

學務部 發展部 成長教育部 學生活動部 學校行政部
























































5 八個學習領域的課時 中一至中三時間表中分配給八個主要學習領域的課時






























2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中國語文教育 178 178 178

英國語文教育 178 178 178

數學教育 133 133 133

科學教育 111 111 111

科技教育 133 133 133

個人社會及人文教育 133 133 133

藝術教育 89 89 89

體育教育 44 44 44



1 班級組織

(a) 2014-2015 學年各級開設的班別數目及學生人數

級別 中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六 總數

班 數 4 4 4 5 5 5 26

組 數 4 4 4 4 6 6 29

男生人數 67 71 61 71 80 85 436

女生人數 62 63 78 68 84 86 441

學生人數 129 135 139 139 164 171 877

(b) 2013-2014 學年中三升中四學生的數目百分比 97









2 出席率









中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六




3 學生退學情況


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

退學百分比 079 052 07













2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一 987 989 989

中二 984 976 985

中三 982 982 987

中四 979 977 979

中五 978 976 979

中六 978 974 979



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

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  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
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      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
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          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
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Page 2: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


保良精神 願景使命價值觀


相互尊重 團結合力 延展愛心 行善助人 感恩知德 造福社群


願景 幼有所育少有所學 壯有所為老有所依


使命 成為 傑出

具承擔的慈善公益機構 發揮保良精神以善心建善業

致力保赤安良護老扶弱 助寡健診培德育才 揚康樂眾實踐環保 承傳文化造福社群

價值觀 秉承傳統 與時並進 以人為本 關愛感恩 優良管治 務實創新 廉潔奉公 安不忘危 善用資源 注重本益 專業團隊 愛心服務



本校秉承保良局的辦學方針和政策以社會的利益為 大依歸配合時代的需要提供「全


1 培養學生的學習興趣

2 讓學生掌握學習技能使其具備自學的能力

3 引導學生作全面而具個性的發展

4 培養學生對家庭和社群的責任感

5 使學生擁有健康身心


1 學校簡介

李城璧中學於 1982 年創立至今已踏入第三十三載本校座落於荃灣西柴灣角為一所

設備完善之政府津貼男女文法中學目前開設中一至中六級共 26 班

2 學校管理

(a) 法團校董會的組合

法團校董會成員1 位校監3 位辦學團體校董行政總監教育總主任財務總主


(b) 各持分者在法團校董會內所佔席位 (2014-2015)

成員 辦學團體 校長 家長 教師 校友 獨立人士

12 人 7 人 1 人 1 人 1 人 1 人 1 人


3 學校組織架構圖

4 實際上課日數


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

供授課用的上課日數 151 日 152 日 150 日

考試及正規測驗日數 26 日 26 日 28 日

其他學習活動日數 13 日 12 日 12 日

校曆表上的上課日數共 190 日 190 日 190 日



校長 資源協調委員會 健康教育委員會

學務部 發展部 成長教育部 學生活動部 學校行政部
























































5 八個學習領域的課時 中一至中三時間表中分配給八個主要學習領域的課時






























2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中國語文教育 178 178 178

英國語文教育 178 178 178

數學教育 133 133 133

科學教育 111 111 111

科技教育 133 133 133

個人社會及人文教育 133 133 133

藝術教育 89 89 89

體育教育 44 44 44



1 班級組織

(a) 2014-2015 學年各級開設的班別數目及學生人數

級別 中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六 總數

班 數 4 4 4 5 5 5 26

組 數 4 4 4 4 6 6 29

男生人數 67 71 61 71 80 85 436

女生人數 62 63 78 68 84 86 441

學生人數 129 135 139 139 164 171 877

(b) 2013-2014 學年中三升中四學生的數目百分比 97









2 出席率









中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六




3 學生退學情況


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

退學百分比 079 052 07













2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一 987 989 989

中二 984 976 985

中三 982 982 987

中四 979 977 979

中五 978 976 979

中六 978 974 979



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 3: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



本校秉承保良局的辦學方針和政策以社會的利益為 大依歸配合時代的需要提供「全


1 培養學生的學習興趣

2 讓學生掌握學習技能使其具備自學的能力

3 引導學生作全面而具個性的發展

4 培養學生對家庭和社群的責任感

5 使學生擁有健康身心


1 學校簡介

李城璧中學於 1982 年創立至今已踏入第三十三載本校座落於荃灣西柴灣角為一所

設備完善之政府津貼男女文法中學目前開設中一至中六級共 26 班

2 學校管理

(a) 法團校董會的組合

法團校董會成員1 位校監3 位辦學團體校董行政總監教育總主任財務總主


(b) 各持分者在法團校董會內所佔席位 (2014-2015)

成員 辦學團體 校長 家長 教師 校友 獨立人士

12 人 7 人 1 人 1 人 1 人 1 人 1 人


3 學校組織架構圖

4 實際上課日數


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

供授課用的上課日數 151 日 152 日 150 日

考試及正規測驗日數 26 日 26 日 28 日

其他學習活動日數 13 日 12 日 12 日

校曆表上的上課日數共 190 日 190 日 190 日



校長 資源協調委員會 健康教育委員會

學務部 發展部 成長教育部 學生活動部 學校行政部
























































5 八個學習領域的課時 中一至中三時間表中分配給八個主要學習領域的課時






























2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中國語文教育 178 178 178

英國語文教育 178 178 178

數學教育 133 133 133

科學教育 111 111 111

科技教育 133 133 133

個人社會及人文教育 133 133 133

藝術教育 89 89 89

體育教育 44 44 44



1 班級組織

(a) 2014-2015 學年各級開設的班別數目及學生人數

級別 中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六 總數

班 數 4 4 4 5 5 5 26

組 數 4 4 4 4 6 6 29

男生人數 67 71 61 71 80 85 436

女生人數 62 63 78 68 84 86 441

學生人數 129 135 139 139 164 171 877

(b) 2013-2014 學年中三升中四學生的數目百分比 97









2 出席率









中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六




3 學生退學情況


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

退學百分比 079 052 07













2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一 987 989 989

中二 984 976 985

中三 982 982 987

中四 979 977 979

中五 978 976 979

中六 978 974 979



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

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    • AnnualSchoolReport
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      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
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          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
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Page 4: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


3 學校組織架構圖

4 實際上課日數


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

供授課用的上課日數 151 日 152 日 150 日

考試及正規測驗日數 26 日 26 日 28 日

其他學習活動日數 13 日 12 日 12 日

校曆表上的上課日數共 190 日 190 日 190 日



校長 資源協調委員會 健康教育委員會

學務部 發展部 成長教育部 學生活動部 學校行政部
























































5 八個學習領域的課時 中一至中三時間表中分配給八個主要學習領域的課時






























2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中國語文教育 178 178 178

英國語文教育 178 178 178

數學教育 133 133 133

科學教育 111 111 111

科技教育 133 133 133

個人社會及人文教育 133 133 133

藝術教育 89 89 89

體育教育 44 44 44



1 班級組織

(a) 2014-2015 學年各級開設的班別數目及學生人數

級別 中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六 總數

班 數 4 4 4 5 5 5 26

組 數 4 4 4 4 6 6 29

男生人數 67 71 61 71 80 85 436

女生人數 62 63 78 68 84 86 441

學生人數 129 135 139 139 164 171 877

(b) 2013-2014 學年中三升中四學生的數目百分比 97









2 出席率









中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六




3 學生退學情況


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

退學百分比 079 052 07













2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一 987 989 989

中二 984 976 985

中三 982 982 987

中四 979 977 979

中五 978 976 979

中六 978 974 979



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 5: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



























5 八個學習領域的課時 中一至中三時間表中分配給八個主要學習領域的課時






























2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中國語文教育 178 178 178

英國語文教育 178 178 178

數學教育 133 133 133

科學教育 111 111 111

科技教育 133 133 133

個人社會及人文教育 133 133 133

藝術教育 89 89 89

體育教育 44 44 44



1 班級組織

(a) 2014-2015 學年各級開設的班別數目及學生人數

級別 中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六 總數

班 數 4 4 4 5 5 5 26

組 數 4 4 4 4 6 6 29

男生人數 67 71 61 71 80 85 436

女生人數 62 63 78 68 84 86 441

學生人數 129 135 139 139 164 171 877

(b) 2013-2014 學年中三升中四學生的數目百分比 97









2 出席率









中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六




3 學生退學情況


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

退學百分比 079 052 07













2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一 987 989 989

中二 984 976 985

中三 982 982 987

中四 979 977 979

中五 978 976 979

中六 978 974 979



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 6: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



1 班級組織

(a) 2014-2015 學年各級開設的班別數目及學生人數

級別 中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六 總數

班 數 4 4 4 5 5 5 26

組 數 4 4 4 4 6 6 29

男生人數 67 71 61 71 80 85 436

女生人數 62 63 78 68 84 86 441

學生人數 129 135 139 139 164 171 877

(b) 2013-2014 學年中三升中四學生的數目百分比 97









2 出席率









中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六




3 學生退學情況


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

退學百分比 079 052 07













2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一 987 989 989

中二 984 976 985

中三 982 982 987

中四 979 977 979

中五 978 976 979

中六 978 974 979



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 7: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


2 出席率









中一 中二 中三 中四 中五 中六




3 學生退學情況


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

退學百分比 079 052 07













2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一 987 989 989

中二 984 976 985

中三 982 982 987

中四 979 977 979

中五 978 976 979

中六 978 974 979



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 8: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



1 教師資歷

(a) 學校常額教師數目

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

教師人數 59 59 59


(b) 教師持有 高學歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

碩士學位或以上 32 542 29 4915 30 5085

學士學位 26 441 29 4915 28 4828

大專 (非學位) 1 17 1 17 1 172

中六 中七 0 0 0 0 0 0

中五或以下 0 0 0 0 0 0

其他 0 0 0 0 0 0

教師持有 高學歷



















(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 9: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


(c) 教師各項資歷的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

資歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

專業資歷 (教育深造證書文憑教育學士教育證書在



5959 100 5959 100 5959 100

已接受本科訓練(中文) 1010 100 1010 100 1010 100

已接受本科訓練(英文) 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100

已接受本科訓練(數學) 912 75 912 75 912 75


文科教師 1111 100 1111 100 1111 100


通話科教師 9 9 100 99 100 99 100








































(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 10: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


(d) 常額教師資訊科技能力水平的百分率

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學歷 人數 百分率 人數 百分率 人數 百分率

基本資訊科技能力水平 58 100 58 100 58 100

中級資訊科技能力水平 51 88 51 8966 51 896

中上級資訊科技能力水平 25 431 25 431 25 431

高級資訊科技能力水平 1 172 1 172 1 173










2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

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網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 11: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


2 教師經驗


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

0-2 年 2 2 1

3-5 年 2 2 4

6-10 年 10 11 12

11 年或以上 45 44 42







0-2年 3-5年 6-10年 11年或以上




3 教師專業發展

(a) 校長參與專業發展的時數











2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

系統學習 (時數) 149 小時 277 小時 176 小時

行動學習 (時數) 63 小時 72 小時 29 小時



24 小時 23 小時 29 小時

總時數 236 小時 372 小時 234 小時


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 12: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


(b) 教師在專業發展的進行情況

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

每位教師接受有系統模式培訓的平均時數 229 小時 43 小時 846 小時

每位教師接受其他模式培訓的平均時數 23 小時 261 小時 242 小時

每位教師平均受訓時數 46 小時 691 小時 109 小時













主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 13: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


主要關注事項 (成就與反思)

1 關注事項的成就反思與跟進

(A) 關注事項(一)提升初中學生的中英文語文能力


1 提升中等水平的初中學生的語文能力

英文科在透過初中的閱讀課節針對中游學生需要加強拼讀法(phonic skills)及建構英語詞





2 提升初中學生的英語能力使他們能更有效地以適切的語文適應高中階段的學習










1 初次將提升焦點放於中游學生惟一些老師仍希望優先處理補底工作支援 弱勢的學


2 提升初中學生語文能力的資源仍較集中在中一級升上中二後的提升活動比較中一為少




1 透過學務及課程委員會會議各科對未來的初中教學語言政策有更深入的共識也對發展





2 小部份「各科皆弱」的學生需個別診斷跟進將繼續由訓輔導組及升學就業輔導組等跨



(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 14: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


(B) 關注事項二營造促進學習的課堂氣氛及秩序




1 輔導組


聯繫及協調的工作本學年各級由班主任主持的班主任節增至 8 節讓班主任能有更多時







2 訓育組








3 發展組





1 班主任節協調工作初見成效班主任能較有計劃地在班主任節進行班級經營及學生關顧工


2 促進學生學習及行為紀律的規則與政策必須不斷檢討以切合學生的需要短期成效亦需



1 繼續維持班主任節 少 8 節理念為開首兩周及各統測及考試前後進行除有助透過活動


2 各項獎勵計劃初見成效學生即時反應正面也有明顯進步惟如何在活動完結後令學生


3 生涯規劃活動亦能從生活目標方面建立學生的學習動機在高中學生方面尤其重要因


4 教師發展活動方面本年以整體班級經營特殊學習需要與及生涯規劃為題建議來年可



2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 15: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


2 下學年重點關注

建基於 2013-2016 學校三年發展計劃的精神2015-2016 學年的重點關注將延續上學年


「全校語文政策」年度報告 (一) 政策內容


1 課室環境的配套包括在學術角及課室的壁報上展示學生作品設計多元化的閱讀活


2 校外活動參與校際朗誦辯論徵文等比賽善用傳媒增加學生的接觸面藉以提升


3 其他支援分組小班教學高低年級語文增善課程安排共同備課節組織學生編



1 為語文科目老師提供教學及行政助理

2 鼓勵老師報讀專業發展課程參加工作坊及與語文教育有關的活動等

3 創造空間促進本校與友校教師的專業交流及協作

4 改善校園視聽設備促進有效及多元化的教與學策略



分班準則使學生可運用他們 適切的語文學習有關科目

學校為加強各科在英語教學上的合作性設立「跨學科語文協作委員會」(Language Across the

Curriculum Committee)聯繫各科進行跨學科語文教學協作本學年已進行的跨學科協作活


(二) 政策推行

1 跨學科協作活動

(a) 中一級跨學科英語專題研習周



習周能讓學生應用不同學科的詞彙與知識 後研習主題訂定為ldquoExotic Placesrdquo

讓學生從多角度研習幾個陌生但有趣的國家例如古巴冰島等等 研習周4天





(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 16: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


(b) 早會各級跨學科英語廣播節目








2 跨學科協調安排




3 英語學習數學科





4 課堂教學

(a) 教學模式









(b) 授課模式





(c) 英語詞彙培訓





5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 17: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


5 小結






(三) 展望

1 加強初中學生的語文能力

學校將繼續促進中等水平的初中學生的中英語文能力使他們在高中階段能以 合適









2 加強教師的專業培訓





3 加強對學生學習的支援









捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 18: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



捐贈物品 捐贈日期 數量 捐贈總

用途 捐贈者機構 價值($)




9102014 4 本 $400 放於學校圖書館給





《胡桃夾子》 17112014 13 張 (非賣品) 給學生觀賞

香港芭蕾舞團 (經


漱口水樣板 4122014 169 支 (非賣品)口腔護理講座後給


The Puzzle

Marketing amp PR Ltd

第 12 屆香港冬季購物節及

冬日美食節入場贈劵 13122014 300 張 (非賣品) 供師生及家人享用



跑步計時器 22012015 4 個 $1200 提升學生對跑步興

趣 New Balance

屆 IDTA 杯香港國際體

育舞蹈公開賽門票25032015 10 張




興趣 國際舞蹈聯會

吉星傳說 23062015 (1 套 5 冊) $183 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

吉星傳說繽紛大地 23062015 1 冊 $75 存放圖書館作參閱 吉星作坊有限公司

糕餅 1072015 共 10 盒 $960 送給校長教職員




乾花擺設 1072015 約 70 瓶自製品







基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期




3 位隨團老師旅費津

$12642 2015 年 4 月 2-8 日



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 19: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



21 學生在 7天的旅途中有 2 次晚間分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回




22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續舉辦


1 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登名為「車廂


2 整個考察經歷分享透過 2015 年 5 月出版的學生報「冇愁報」向全校同學派發

基金名稱 計劃名稱 獲批款項 舉辦日期



2015 台灣通識考察團

3 位隨團老師團費津

$14169 2015 年 4 月 1-7 日


1 從學生於考察過程中的分享檢討會表現回港後的反思文章帶隊老師的回饋等等皆反




2 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯絡

3 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建議來年繼續



1 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已在 2015 年 5 月 8


2 廣播後短片放於校園電視台頻道公眾可以隨時收看

培育學生成長的工作 輔導與訓育

(一) 輔導方面

10 月與香港家庭福利會合辦「朋輩調解訓練計劃」6 至 7 月中四級學員參加兩日


3 月參加公益少年團周年主題活動及 Amazing Teens 滙報4 月駐校社工梁志光先

生主持家長小組活動講解「正面管教」的手法並分享親子管教模式4 月至 5 月



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

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網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 20: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



(二) 訓育方面

為培育同學之紀律精神及提升公民意識本校繼續參與「保良局領袖紀律訓練營」4 月




(一)家長教師會第 14 屆執行委員會「聚忻閣」劉鄭淑萍女士任主席1 月 30 日完成


替代家長校董11 月舉辦家長講座屈偉豪博士主講講題為「親 子 理 財 mdash講 金

也 講 心 」5 月舉辦「鹽田梓一日遊」參加人數 120 人

(二)舊生會委員會進入第 13 年趙恩來先生任主席4 月完成「法團校董會校友校董」



(一) 課外活動統籌委員會9 月舉辦高級領袖訓練工作坊10 月舉行高級領袖訓練營

2 月舉辦中級領袖訓練工作坊3 月在西貢小童群益會白普理訓練營舉行中級領袖





(三)學會及社際活動本校 32 個學術服務體育和興趣小組活動包括周年旅行資




參加課程的同學由專業導師指導進行粵劇基礎訓練學期終結7 月 10 日在高山




1 輔導組 12 月到石圍角邨進行關懷社區探訪長者活動5 月與通識科參加「廣



2 少年警訊校支會9 月協助籌辦「荃灣區模範行人表揚日」 10 月在「香港女



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 21: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



3 公益少年團3 月參加 Amazing Teens 滙報活動

4 紅十字會 YU154 青年團在校內進行愛心義賣籌款協助發展中國家紅十字會的醫


5 訓導組12 月參加荃灣警署「千人冬防滅罪抗毒運動」協助派發宣傳品

6 管樂團及手鈴隊

12 月合唱團參與香港電台及青年協會主辦的「譜 teen 同唱萬人音樂會」與樂

手於紅磡體育館同唱《歡樂頌》刷新健力士「 多人在電台現場直播中合唱」



4 月合唱團參加音樂事務處「精彩音樂滿人生學校聯演」在荃灣大會堂演奏廳


5 月管樂團參加「港安慈善行暨嘉年華」在荃灣公園中央廣場演出

7 舞蹈隊

11 月獲荃灣區議會邀請參與「荃灣區防火嘉年華」綜合表演在荃灣公園中央


同月獲香港青年協會青年空間邀請參與「荃城 Viva 藝趣樂 2014」在荃灣公園


12 月獲 50 屆工展會邀請參加「工展會開幕禮暨文藝表演」在維多利亞公園


4 月參加「第 51 屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮」在沙田大會堂演出

5 月應匈牙利「野玫瑰民族舞蹈團」邀請參加於布達佩斯舉行之「慶祝舞蹈

團成立 65 周年」匯演表演匈牙利民族舞促進兩地文化交流


4 月舉辦「聯校北京上海考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中四中五級同學與

北京姐妹學校三里屯一中及上海師範大學第三附屬實驗中學進行交流全程 7 日

同月舉辦「台灣通識考察團」通識科教師率領 20 名中五級同學與台北「國立

海洋大學」及台中「東海大學」進行交流全程 7 日


10 月舉辦「高中基本升學資訊」家長講座

12 月舉辦「模擬中學文憑試放榜日工作坊」

1 月至 2 月舉辦「My Choice」工作坊


2 月至 3 月為中二級同學舉辦「My Path」工作坊

3 月舉辦「SDS 職志評估工作坊」讓中五同學探索個人性格特質從而規劃未來






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 22: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report






4 月為中四級同學舉辦「青年就業起點」(YES)Mr Work 模擬工作世界處境及互



1 離校學生出路

(a) 中六畢業學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

本地大學課程 34 193 38 200 37 216

全日制中六課程 5 28 7 37 0 00


職業訓練課程 96 545 62 326 75 439

外地升學 10 57 18 95 16 94

內地升學 4 23 1 05 1 06

自修中六 10 57 7 37 14 82

其他 2 11 5 26 0 00

全職就業 3 17 7 37 2 12

不清楚 12 68 45 237 26 152

總人數 176 100 190 100 171 1000
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 23: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report
































(c) 中三學生升學及其他出路

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

人數 百分比 人數 百分比 人數 百分比

升讀普通學校 168 944 136 951 136 97

職業訓練中心 0 0 0 0 0 0

重讀中三 6 34 5 34 2 14

離校 4 22 2 13 2 14

總人數 178 100 143 100 140 100






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

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網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 24: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report






















2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 25: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


2 學生閱讀習慣


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五 中一至中三 中四至中五

每星期一次或以上 100 893 100 886 100 810

每兩星期一次 0 2120 0 2313 0 2320

每月一次 0 1827 0 1781 0 1610

少於每月一次 0 5160 0 5020 0 5260

從不 0 0 0 0 0 0


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015


學期 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數 中文書 英文書 學期總數


(9-1 月) 6206 1214 7420 6125 1288 7413 6262 1251 7513


(2-5 月) 5933 1598 7531 5865 1602 7467 5726 1530 7256

總數 12139 2812 14951 11990 2890 14880 11988 2781 14769

3 香港學科測驗成績[入讀中一前]


2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

中文 5391 5768 5503

英文 5838 5073 5585

數學 6876 6708 6557



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 26: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



5 獎學金項目及獲獎學生名單

(a) 保良局中學成績優異獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Scholarships for Academic Achievement 1D 曾月怡

2A 李詠嵐

3B 歐卓瑩

4A 朱穎芝

5A 蕭子淢

6A 周駿華

(b) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金獎學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund Scholarship

4A 劉奇超

(c) 保良局何玉清兒童及教育基金助學金

Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching Children amp Education Fund

3D 葉莎莉

(d) 保良局伍何永貞紀念教育基金

Po Leung Kuk Ng Ho Wing Ching Education Fund ndash Scholarships

成績優異獎學金 1D 曾月怡 2A 李詠嵐 4A 朱穎芝

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校) 學校 全港 (日校)

考生人數 176 69750 191 65270 171 61136




534 387 476 402 474 401




915 686 859 679 806 691



852 676 838 668 813 682



956 927 931


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 27: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


成績有顯著進步獎學金 3C 鄭詠霖 2C 梁家俊 1C 陳映渝

助學金 2A 余雯欣 3A 賀嘉俊

(e) 保良局黎麗卿進步獎學金 Po Leung Kuk Lai Li Hing Best Improved Scholarship

6C 徐兆君

5A 梁凱沂

4B 鄭詠茵

(f) 保良局吳辛靜珊紀念獎助學金 Po Leung Kuk Ng Sun Chink Sarn Memorial Scholarship

5A 黃家寶

(g) 保良局王月仙助學金

Po Leung Kuk Wong Yat Sin Scholarship

1C 黃慧娟

2B 施海權

3A 梁綺珊

4A 楊蔓婷

5A 何美燕

8 公開比賽



參加第 66 屆校際朗誦節

1 英詩集誦(荃葵區)中一二級混聲集誦2A 班獲季軍中三四級混聲集誦

3A 班獲冠軍3B 班獲季軍

2 二人話劇﹝英語﹞(荃葵區)梁綺珊﹝3A﹞鄧瑋妍﹝3A﹞獲季軍

3 散文獨誦﹝粵語﹞(荃葵區)中一男子組葉琛彥﹝1D﹞獲冠軍


1 數學解題技能展示比賽黃天輝﹝3D﹞獲三等獎

2 「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽周暄朗﹝2B﹞獲總決賽二等獎陳泓睿


3 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽施海權﹝2B﹞陳文焯﹝2C﹞獲晉級賽銀獎陳



1 香港青少年表演藝術節鋼琴精英賽八級翁羨晴﹝1A﹞獲銀獎

2 第 67 屆香港學校音樂節粵曲獨唱 子喉獨唱葉穎沂﹝3A﹞獲初級組季軍

3 香港國際手鈴奧林匹克比賽手鈴隊獲金獎



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 28: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



1 第 51 屆學校舞蹈節成績如下





波蘭舞 雙人舞﹝斯洛伐克﹞華達鄉村旋轉舞﹝匈牙利﹞獲甲級獎


2 荃灣區康樂及文化事務主辦荃灣區舞蹈大賽匈牙利華達鄉村舞蹈獲金獎 佳

服裝獎及 佳合作獎


1 香港學界體育聯會主辦之荃灣及離島區校際比賽成績如下





2 荃灣各界慶祝國慶籃球挑戰盃獲亞軍


1 荃灣中心「 美的一角」繪畫比賽郭岱珊﹝1B﹞獲冠軍

2 「繪出你至 LIKE 荃灣」繪畫比賽劉綽淇﹝2A﹞獲中學組冠軍

3 徐悲鴻盃國際青少年兒童美術比賽姚小倩﹝6C﹞獲一等獎吳婉聰﹝6C﹞獲二


4 基督教香港崇真會年曆卡設計比賽賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞獲亞軍

5 保良局美術質素圈蘇寶熙﹝4B﹞鄭詠茵﹝4B﹞曹德瑜﹝5D﹞吳婉聰﹝6C﹞


6 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(世界賽)丘愷駿﹝4D﹞獲一等獎鄭湘


7 保良局主辦「國際美術設計創作比賽」(香港賽)賀嘉俊﹝3A﹞陳嘉文﹝3D﹞



8 愛滋寧養服務協會舉辦的「面具設計比賽 2015」2A 劉綽淇﹝2A﹞及許諾﹝3B﹞






蠶蟲吐絲的規律和多少」實驗獲 佳創意隊伍獎



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 29: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report



紅十字會青年及義工服務累積計劃﹝新界西總部﹞本校 YU154 青年團獲服務


1 荃灣區警民關係組「少年警訊」黃景維﹝3A﹞余智慧﹝4A﹞獲 2014 年 優秀


2 教育局「學生大使跳躍生命」計劃徐樂潼﹝1B﹞獲白金獎

3 屈臣氏集團舉辦第十屆「香港學生運動員獎」陳學軒﹝6B﹞獲香港學生運動員獎

9 處於可接受體重範圍的學生百分比

男生 2014-2015 女生 2014-2015

中一 97 中一 97

中二 92 中二 97

中三 94 中三 97

中四 95 中四 100

中五 100 中五 100

中六 97 中六 100

10 其他學生表現

參與全港性比賽的學生 參與制服團體或社會服務活動的學生

中一至中三 23 20

中四至中六 25 30


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 30: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


財務報告 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

Income amp Expenditure Statement for 20142015



Grant Received

- Salaries Grant 4242208256

- EOEBG 662231643

- Grant outside EOEBG 399746465

Total Government Fund Income 5304186364


Government Fund

- Salaries Grant 4241677304

- EOEBG 659357606

- Grant outside EOEBG 401951664

Total Government Fund Expenses 5302986574

Surplus(Deficit) for the period 1199790

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 550721613

SCHOOL FUND (Included donation

PLK QEF Fund and school activities)

School Fund Income



School Fund Expenses



Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 31: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report


Surplus(Deficit) for the period 12006152

Accumulated surplus bf


Accumulated surplus cf 231924853









Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

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網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 32: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Evaluation Report on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Service

Name of school Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School Year 2014-2015

1 Programmes and Activities

Objectives Strategies Monitoring Evaluation Report and Evaluation on performance and activities

1 To provide

career and life



guidance and

advice to all

students in


1 The Career and Life Planning (CLP)

Coordinator and Career Mistress will

work together to oversee the career

guidance team and the related

parties and to review and revise the

career and life planning education

curriculum the career projects etc

for all form levels

1 Scrutiny of the CLP

education curriculum

materials etc Over

85 the career

teachers are satisfied

with them

1 F5 and F6 school-based Career Education (CE)

materials are revised thoroughly Powerpoint

presentations are prepared to support class teachers to

conduct Career Education lessons

85 class teachers are satisfied with them A few F5

teachers found that there was a lot of information to


2 The CLP Coordinator Career

Mistress and career teachers will

work together to design and update

school-based career and life planning

education materials to cater needs of

individual classes

2 Collection of feedbacks

from participants on

the effectiveness of the

programmes Over

85 of them indicate

that the programmes

help improve their


understanding skills

etc of the related areas

2 The following statistics reported studentsrsquo feedback on

the degree of effectiveness of the CE lessons Most of

them are satisfied with the CE lessons and the related


F1 85

F2 912

F 3 90

F4 912

F5 722

F6 905


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 33: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `2

3 Mega career guidance programmes

will be organized and conducted for

students by collaborating with

relevant service providers

3 On-site observation

and discussion among

relevant teachers on the

quality of the

programmes and the

performance of service

providers Over 85 of

them are satisfied with

the quality and


3 The overall rating of studentsrsquo feedback on the degree of

effectiveness of individual Career Guidance programmes

are as follows

F2 My Path 785

(Useful and interesting activities)

F3 行業秘聞 50

(Not much information facilitated subject selection)

F4 Soci Game 95

(Useful and insightful activity)

F5 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI ) workshop 94

(Help students understand the relationships between

personality and life planning)

F6 DSE Simulation 75

(Provide practical experience to students)

F6 Interview workshop 80

(Help enrich students relevant skills)

2 To help

students in

need to


their career

aspirations and



1 Teachers take part in relevant

professional development

programmes and activities to

enhance their knowledge and skills

in this aspect

1 Over 50 of career

teachers have attended

ISP training


1 No teachers attended ISP training programme

But a Career Talk on Career Life Planning was conducted

on the first Staff Development Day

The talk enriches teachersrsquo knowledge on the importance

of CLP for secondary students

2 Plan and arrange individual

guidance sessions to provide

guidance advice on subject

2a Counting the number of

guidance sessions

provided to students in

2a A total of 60 after school sessions were arranged to

interview F6 Students to review their JUPAS choices

Many came in pairs and most of them found that such

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 34: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `3




selection programme choice

selection study and career

planning etc for those F3 and F6

students in need

need At least 60

individual guidance

sessions for F3 and F6

students can be


individual consultations were useful and facilitated their

programme choice

Majority of participants reported that they further

understood themselves and the requirements of the

programmes and 85 revised their programme choices

after the consultations

2b Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

guidance sessions

Over 85 of them

indicate that the sessions

help enhance their

understanding on

themselves and the ways

to plan ahead

2b Individual interviews were arranged to meet all F3

repeaters and those less motivated students with problems

in subject selections

All students agreed that the interviews raised their

awareness on the importance of career planning They all

agreed to work hard for the coming examinations

3 To help low


students to

develop career


1 Career teachers will work together

with class teachers subject

teachers etc to identify target

groups in F3-F6 They will plan

and organize career programmes

for different target groups

according to different

developmental stages Career

Guidance programmes such as

1 Collection of feedbacks

from students on the

effectiveness of the

career programmes

Over 85 of them

indicate that the

programmes help

enhance their

determination to

1 Career related workshop and seminars were arranged for

different groups of students including

(a) visiting to Tsing Yi IVE

(b) attending workshop at HKTT

(c) and participating in BSPP programmes organized by


2 A Day camp「志在必得」創路達人日營 was organized

for 50 F3 students The overall rating of studentsrsquo

feedback on the degree of effectiveness of the programme

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 35: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `4

interest building goal setting

capacity building etc will be

planned and arranged for the low

motivated students

lower-achievers etc by

collaborating with service


develop career plans was above 90

3 Students shared their learning experience both in their

class and in the morning assembly

Similar programme can be organized for all F3 classes to

facilitate F4 subject selection

4 To organize


training and

promote career


among students

1 Career teacher(s) will work as school

coordinator of the Peer Career

Development Counseling Scheme

1 Collection of feedbacks

from relevant teacher(s)

on the effectiveness of

the Scheme Over 85

of them are satisfied

with the help and

support provided by the


1 To facilitate the training of career prefects some F4 and

F5 career prefects attended a QEF Peer Career

Development Counselling Scheme organized by HK

Polytechnic University The career team advisor acted

as the coordinator of this programme

2 Workshops activities for career

prefects (selected students) will be

organized to enrich their career

knowledge and skills

2 Collection of feedbacks

from career prefects on

the effectiveness of the

workshops activities

Over 85 of them

indicate that they help

enhance their knowledge

and skills in career


2 All students reported that they have benefited a lot from

the lectures and workshops since they have acquired

useful counselling skills and had a clearer picture of how

they plan their life

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 36: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `5

3 Student career team will be

encouraged to organize

career-related activities at school

level for example Career Days

with the guidance and support

from career teachers

3 Collection of feedback

from teachers on the

performance of career

prefects Over 80 of

them are satisfied with

their performance

3 The teacher-in-charge reported that the sharing conducted

by the students in the class periods was successful

The careers prefects conducted activities for F1 to F4 on

the lunch time and afterschool of April 29 They organized

different activities for different levels

Form 1- interesting jobs

Form 2 ndash aptitude test

Form 3 ndash subject selection and

Form 4 ndash local further studies

Careers prefects expressed that they not only learnt a lot

but also obtained much satisfaction from organizing the

activities More promotion can be done next year

2 Use of the Career and Life Planning Grant

Allocation of the CLP Grant Report and Evaluation on resources manipulated

1 A CM teacher was employed to release the workload of the

career mistress (Budget $380000)

Actual Expenditure $59461 (from September to October

2014) The CM teacher then got an establishment post in our

school after 31st October

1 Reducing the teaching load of the Career Mistress enables her to

(a) Conduct individual career guidance sessions with students in need

(b) Deal with the administrative and logistic work in relation to career and life


(c) Study and understand more on the running of career and life planning in school

2 An Administrative Assistant (AA) was employed to help

career teachers to organize the career programs and activities

2 The Administrative Assistant rendered limited assistance in career programmes and


PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 37: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CLP Report 2014-15 `6

(Budget $164000)

Actual Expenditure $149947

The AA mainly helps revising the CE materials preparing the survey report of

school leavers posting careers related messages on Career Guidance Counselling

(CGC) webpage and Facebook etc

In the long term the CLP Admin Assistant should not only handle routine

administrative work but also be able to involve in both planning and organizing

career programmes and activities andor be able to contribute or conduct individual

guidance sessions

3 An Office Assistant was employed to support the required

logistic administrative and clerical work

(Budget $140000)

Actual Expenditure $119093

3 The Office Assistant only renders help on all administration work related to Applied

Learning (ApL) In long term the Office Assistant can offer other clerical support to

CLP related work

4 Relevant career and life planning programmes activities

workshops training etc have been organized for students

(Budget $160000)

Actual Expenditure $123400

4 Collaboration with service providers to conduct Career Guidance programmes for

different target groups was good But detailed discussions with relevant providers is


Career and Life Planning Grant for 2014-2015 amounts to HK$844000 We used HK$451901 only

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 38: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 2014-2015

Evaluations have been done in the relevant committee meetings and presented in the Resource Coordination Committee meeting and the General Staff Meeting This is an overall summary of the use of the CEG in 2014-2015

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Task Area Curriculum Development

1 Camping Curriculum

Junior Leadership Training Programme

a Adventure-based Camp for aspiring student-leaders

b Leadership workshops for committeesrsquo aspiring student-leaders

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $24000 Actual Expenditure $21564

a Over 90 of participants indicate that the camp enhances their leadership abilities and skills

b Over 90 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

a Junior Leadership Training Program i When the campers were asked how confident they

were in mastering the leadership conceptsteam workcommunication skills 318 out of 328 felt confident (969) The odd one claimed that she felt fairly confident

ii In evaluating the performance of the service provider 969 were pleased with its service 31 felt fairly satisfied

b Leadership workshop i Data from questionnaire survey showed that the

cooperation among group mates was enhanced (36 out of 37 campers 973) 34 out of 37 participants indicated that their problem solving skills were improved (919)

ii Regarding the performance of the service provider 37 out of 37 (100) felt satisfied in which 35 rated lsquovery satisfiedrsquo

Both the program and the workshop are worth continuing


Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

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  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 39: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 2

2 Liberal Studies (LS) and Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

Employ one teacher assistant so that she can release the present teaching workloads of the LS teachers and teachers of PDS

(Mr Cheung Y F)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $138600

a Teaching materials are well prepared filed and organized for future use

b The teacher assistantrsquos positive contribution in teaching the subject and panelrsquos development

c Study tours are well organized with effective planning and efficient administration

d Satisfactory meeting minutes are completed within a week (without too much grammatical mistakes and errors) and administration support offered is reliable

a Daily observation to collect qualitative data of his her performance

b Lesson observation and book inspection

c Feedback through questionnaire or discussion from students and teachers who join the exchange program

d Punctuality and quality of minutes prepared and questionnaire survey of hisher performance

All panel members give positive comments on his performance and they are all satisfied with his work a He is responsible for curriculum development teaching

material preparation leading and organizing study tours and other LS learning activities etc He can follow the curriculum development well and ease the burden of LS teachers by sharing the work of making school-based teaching materials

b In the 2nd term he conducted IES progress conference with all F5 students and also took up teaching 4C LS lessons from mid-April to mid-May He has good relationship with students He actively contacts F5 students for their IES progress He is also well-liked by 4C students

c He is responsible for organizing the joint school Shanghai-Beijing Study Tour in April 2015 and helps the administrative work The learning outcome of the tour is excellent

d He is the secretary of the Subject Panel and the Academic and Curriculum Committee All committee documentation is well-organized and tasks are completed on time

The post is recommended to be continued next year

Task Area Studentsrsquo language proficiency

1 Chinese Language

Employ a full time assistant teacher to teach Putonghua and

Budget $202000 Actual Expenditure $144759

a Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the teacher-assistantrsquos performance in teaching Putonghua

Collection of feedback from all teachers of the Chinese Language

Over 85 of panel members are satisfied with the performance of the assistant teacher a He is always well-prepared for the lessons and has strong

communication skills with the students He is able to draw studentsrsquo attention during the lessons He is well-liked by junior form students In marking studentsrsquo work he is able to point out studentsrsquo mistakes clearly

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 40: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 3

support curriculum work and administrative work of the Department

(Ms Yu W M)

preparing the teaching materials and hisher support in relation to curriculum development and administrative work of the Department

Department b He also helps the teachers by preparing the teaching materials

He can finish all tasks efficiently

c He is a good teacher who cares the students with patience and he is enthusiastic to discuss the curriculum with subject teachers

The post is recommended to be continued next year

2 Group Discussion Training for students

(Ms Yu W M)

Budget $28350 Actual Expenditure $24255

a Over 90 of teachers who are involved in this activity are satisfied with the performance of the tutors

b Over 90 of participants reflect that the training is useful to them

c Participants with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from teachers and students

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Those teachers who are involved in this training activity are all satisfied with the performance of the tutors They found that the tutors were dedicated to their work and they gave students helpful feedback to improve their performance

b Over 90 of the participants believed that their confidence in speaking had been improved and they learned how to correct their own mistakes 85 of them claimed that they had learnt a lot of speaking skills in the training sessions

c Attendance rate of 91 was recorded This course is recommended to be continued next year

3 Trainers for verse-speaking (Junior secondary -gifted students)

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $16000 Actual Expenditure $10500

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a 90-100 attendance was recorded in the S1 group in the first 5 sessions ie before HKSSF competition In S2-4 groups all S2 students attained 100 attendance while S3-S4 students 50-80 in the first 5 sessions It was found that S3-S4 students took leave more often as they had many other engagements

b There was auite positive feedback from instructor and participants Results in the HKSSF was pleasing with the majority scoring higher than 80 marks After the first 2

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


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傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 41: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 4

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

sessions the service provider was asked to put more emphasis on giving practical help to participants than general knowledge and skills on verse speaking

c Most of the participants indicate that the course classes help improve their verse-speaking knowledge and skills

This course for S1 is recommended to be continued next year For S2-S4 students English teachers will take up the training instead when more flexible time can be arranged with the students (As there will be 1group for solo verse speaking an request will be made to allocate funding to launch an English Cooking Cafeacute in2015-16)

4 S1-S3 After School Remedial English Classes

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $40000 Actual Expenditure $18000

a Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

c Over 85 of participants indicate that the course classes help improve their English proficiency and skills

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a Over 80 of attendance was attained To accommodate the needs of weaker students to attend remedial work of other subjects only 8 sessions were arranged this year between November 18 2014 and March 3 2015 on Tuesday The programme was intercepted by holidays resulting in students attending class intermittently especially in January- March Extra effort was needed to sustain the participantsrsquo interest and maintain the continuity

b There was very good feedback from studentsrsquo evaluation regarding the content and the instructors Most students indicated that the course helped them with their English enhancement

Teacher-in-charge and teachers of remedial classes would pay attention to the continuity of the programme next year

5 S1 Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Day Camp

(Ms Lai Y L)

Budget $60000 Actual Expenditure $48000

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a From day-to-day observation of students and verbal feedback from some participants and English teachers most of them were satisfied with the programme and the instructors There were some problems in intelligibility owing to the strong Indian accent of some instructors English teachers rendered more help to students in such cases

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 42: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 5

that the camp training helps improve their oral proficiency and apply cross-curricular knowledge and skills

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

b Most of the participants showed the ability to communicate and participate in activities in English All participants were given opportunities to practice their spoken English through interaction with the Native English Teachers (NETs) and the drama activities The programme design (ldquoExotic placesrdquo) also facilitated the review and application of cross curricular knowledge and skills

c There was full attendance throughout the Day Camp

Task Area Diverse and special learning needs of students

1 Activity Instructors

(Mr Yeung K Y)

Budget $145950 Actual Expenditure $89050

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutorsinstructors help improve their skills required for the activity

Collection of feedback from participants

TapJazz Dancing a Despite the diversity of ability we noticed that students

enjoyed the lesson very much The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all very good particularly the Form 5 class although students responses might vary in different semesters The participation rate was high too In average over 85 of the students indicated that they were interested in the activity

b The instructor is patient showing good teaching pace Each class was well-planned and clear teaching progression was seen Music was carefully chosen Dance routines were different in every semester indicating sufficient preparation prior to lesson In average over 85 of the participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The instructor possesses a pleasant character plus a pleasing

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 43: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 6

style of teaching In order to arouse studentsrsquo interest in class and draw their attention she deliberately chose hit and popular music for her teaching The attentiveness and involvement of participants was very good Over 85 of the participants indicated that they were interested in the activity

b From the verbal interview with the students over 90 reflected that they were happy to have a try on pop jazz dancing and more than 85 claimed that they improved in picking up the style of dancing

TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Basketball a The coach is well-experienced and responsible He is very

nice and welcomed by students Over 85 students said he helped enhancing their interest in basketball and their skills are improved

b The coach always provides extra skills trainings and fitness exercises outside schools practices In addition he encouraged students to participate in different district basketball competitions and got very good results For example the team got the first runner-up in the 荃灣各界慶

回歸委員會籃球比賽 and a merit in the Nike Kyrie Irving

Hong Kong tour 3 on 3 Basketball Competition

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

Badminton a Over 85 attendance was recorded in every training It

showed that participants especially Junior Form teammates enjoyed the training The instructor is well experienced and nice He is well prepared before starting the training He is

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 44: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 7

enthusiastic in training our students with clear objectives and plan He will point out the mistakes of the students and told them the way to improve He is always punctual Over 85 of participants indicated that they were interested in badminton training

b Boys grade A and grade B got 3rd and 2nd runner-up in Inter schools Badminton Competition (Tsuen Wan and Island District) this year Over 85 of participants agreed that the instructor was able to improve their badminton skills as well as their physical fitness

It is recommended that the training could be continued next year and the coach is strongly recommended for another year of service Table Tennis a The coach is responsible enthusiastic and experienced All

Students said that their interest in playing table- tennis could be sustained after joining the training program

b This year both boys grade B and grade C won the first runner up in the Inter-schools Table-tennis Competition Over 85 of the team members believed that their skills in playing table-tennis have been improved It is recommended that the training could be continued next year

Handbells and Hand chimes a The instructor is well-experienced and responsible in teaching

handbell 90 of students participated actively and some commented that their interest in handbell was raised and would like to join the school handbell team

b The course was well-planned and the students learnt handbell ringing techniques and did a lot of cooperative work They are able to perform songs at the end of the course Most students indicated that their skills and knowledge in playing handbell have been improved a lot

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 45: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 8

The course is recommended to be continued next year

Football a The coach is very responsible and skillful in training Boys A

B and C grades football team members He is well-received by students and most of them said that he helped enhance their interest in playing football

b All participants admitted that they learned useful football skills and strategies through the trainings The coach also organised friendly matches with other schools outside school practices

It is recommended the training could be continued next year and the coach is recommended to run the training course for our school

2 Administrative Assistant

(Mr Lee S L Mr Cheng W M and Ms Lo P S)

Budget $164000 Actual Expenditure $121275

Over 85 of the teachers from the related Boards and Committees are satisfied with the performance and support given by the Administrative Assistant

Collection of feedback from teachers and the related colleagues

a Over 85 of the teachers from Guidance Discipline and Academic Committee are satisfied with his performance and support given by him

b He is a responsible assistant He is punctual with no late record He is nice and good in communication He always hands in the meeting minutes before deadline The quality of his work is good He is also good at caring the students He always offer help to those students who have difficulties in doing homework assignments

c He is assigned to take over the academic administrative work throughout the year These include data entry and processing for SSPA and HKDSE administrative work Also he is assigned to take care of the students in the after-school homework detention class His performance is satisfactory and all the tasks given could always be completed on time

The post is strongly recommended to be continued for another year

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 46: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Major area of Concern (Teacher-in-charge)

Resources required (Expense)

Performance Indicators

Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash CEG Report 2014-15 9

3 After-school Mathematics enhancement classes for S1 students

(Mr Cheng W M)

Budget $25000 Actual Expenditure $23668

a Over 85 of participants are satisfied with the performance of the service provider

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the classes help improve their basic understanding in the selected Mathematics topics

c Participants with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of learning

a Collection of feedback from participants

b Collection of data on the attendance of participants

a The attendance was good and promising 95 of attendance rate was recorded in these tutorial classes 85 of the students were satisfied with the performance of the service provider The provider was well experienced in holding school-based tutorial classes and their tutors were well trained in this aspect They were all nice energetic and teaching in a helpful manner Well-prepared notes with class exercises helped students learn effectively

b 85 of the students reflected that the program was useful in helping them improve their basic understanding in the selected topics As the curriculum was tailor-made for students and conducted in Chinese it acted as an effective assistance to help students learn the mathematical concepts more thoroughly

The program is worth continuing for the next academic year

The total budget for CEG in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$869300 We used HK$639671 only

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 47: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

保 良 局 李 城 璧 中 學

校 本 課 後 學 習 及 支 援 計 劃 報 告 (2014-2015)

甲 活動一京滬國情考察團報告

1 活動內容

11 與本校交流的姊妹學校北京市三里屯一中

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往內地考察日期2015 年 4 月 2 日至 4 月 8 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往內地中四及五級學生 15 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生1 人

133 受惠總金額$2830

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 讓學生親身踏足中國土地作深入的體驗及知識觀察掌握當今中國的


142 學生透過跟內地市民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和內地城市的不同


143 藉考察民企及參觀北京的國家級名勝古蹟了解中國經濟發展及文


144 到民間團體進行義工服務既培養學生的服務精神亦建立對內地人


15 活動前的學習準備

本校在活動前即 3 月 12 日及 28 日前舉行兩次考察團工作坊向學生簡介





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 48: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 2

16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗國家最新發展方向同時



162 交流接觸與當地市民學生交流更能體會國民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

18 日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿

2015-4-2(四) 中午沙田

















上海市 1-2


2015-4-4(六) 參觀大眾



車上認識中國地理 北京市 1-2


2015-4-5(日) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-6(一) 自由行活

自由行活動 小組分享與匯報第二


2015-4-7(二) 到三里屯



走訪民間組織 晚上到學生家中作客

2015-4-8(三) 上午參觀長城下午由北京乘飛機返回香港


2 自我評鑑計劃成效





保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
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          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 49: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 3

22 兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保持聯

23 活動對高中學生的高階思維國情教育價值培育等均有莫大裨益建


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 學生都願意把旅行見聞一一寫下其中一篇分享更獲 2015412 明報刊登




32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

乙 活 動 二 台 灣 考 察 團 報 告

1 活 動 內 容

11 與本校交流的學校桃園市立平鎮高級中學國立台灣海洋大學

12 交流活動日期

121 香港學生往台灣考察日期2015 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 7 日

13 考察人數

131 香港往台灣中五級學生 20 人老師 3 人

132 獲資助學生7 人

133 受惠總金額$33040

14 考察計劃目標及主題

141 學生透過跟台灣人民及學生的交流接觸比較香港和台灣的文化生


142 藉考察焚化廠廢物分類工作文創保育區等等讓學生了解台灣的



保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
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          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
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保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 4

143 讓學生親身踏足台灣作深入的體驗及知識觀察並透過中學及大學的


144 考察台灣民主運動發展的歷史並拜訪政黨及民間團體思考作為公


15 活動前的學習準備



16 行程路線設計活動內容設計

161 親身體驗 學生親自計劃行程親身體驗台灣民生民情同時反思


162 交流接觸與當地市民中學及大學生交流更能體會人民生活

163 深層反思自我反思集體分享並化成不同形式的回應貫穿活動鞏


17 具體的行程

日期 早上 下午 晚上 住宿





休息 新北市三重


品旅店 2015-4-2












考察松菸文創區 夜遊誠品書店










瑞芳侯硐十分平溪 小組分享












往桃園機場 航機


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 51: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 5

2 自我評鑑計劃成效






22 台港兩地學生透過是次交流接觸建立兩地學生的友誼不少更繼續保


23 活動對高中學生的高階思維可持續發展教育價值培育等均有莫大裨


3 成果及經驗推廣

31 參與學生製作一系列的短片分類介紹及分享台灣考察內容及感受已

在 2015 年 5 月 8 日的廣播早會開始每周五均向全校師生分享

32 將於 2015 年 9 月安排全校周會更詳細地將考察經驗與全校學生分享

丙 活 動 三 廣 東 城 鄉 生 活 考 察 團 (2014-15)


保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 52: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 6

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College

School‐based After‐school Learning and Support Program (2014‐2015)

Activity Music Instrumental classes

1 Activity Content

11 Objective

To let students acquire instrument performing skills and broaden their

experience in performing arts

12 Target students

F1‐6 interested students

13 Details of classes

Types of Instrumental classes Activity PeriodNo of students


Symphonic band Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 37

Handbell team Oct 14 ndash Jul 15 23

Pop band Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 34

Acoustic guitar class Sep 14 ndash Jul 15 18

Total no of students participated 112

14 Subsidy

Amount of subsidy $33330

No of students subsidized 9

15 Content of classes

151 Symphonic band

Students have to study a wind or brass instrument and join the symphonic

band practice for 2 hours every week They can choose among flute oboe

bassoon clarinet saxophone trumpet French horn trombone tuba or

percussion instruments to learn

Students give a symphonic band performance after a certain period of

study and practice The following is the list of their performances and


Organizer Event Venue Date

School Flag rising ceremony School hall

playground Every month

School Lunchtime concerts School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 53: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 7

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Hong Kong School

Music and Speech


Hong Kong School

Music Festival Contest

Tsuen Wan Town

Hall 832015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

Tsuen Wan Adventist

Hosptial Walkathon Ceremony Tsuen Wan Park 1752015

152 Handbell team

Students participate in handbell class for 15 hours every week During the

class they will have to learn various handbell and handchime ringing

techniques basic music theory and knowledge As handbell playing

requires high demand of teamwork the class also enhances their generic

skills such as cooperation and communication

Students have to perform regularly during the period of study The

following is the list of their performances and contest

Organizer Event Venue Date

School Music Orientation Days School hall Sep 2014

MTR Malls Christmas show Maritime Square 7122014

Sino Group Christmas show Citywalk II 14122014

Asian International

Handbell Association

(Hong Kong)

International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015

Hong Kong Cultural

Centre 2342015

School Annual Music

performance School Hall 1352015

153 Pop band and acoustic guitar class

Students joining pop band can either choose jazz drum or electric guitar to

learn They have regular class of 4 hours a month It is the same for

acoustic guitar class As the pop band and acoustic guitar class are not

school team students usually perform inside school such as lunchtime

concerts and singing contest

2 Activity evaluation

21 Class evaluation

211 Over 90 of students participated showed 80 or above of

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 54: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

保良局李城璧中學 ndash 校本課後學習及支援計劃報告 2014-2015 8

attendance rate Tutors commented the students showed good attitude

towards learning Skilled students were selected and recommended to take

the public music examination such as Associated Board of Royal Music

Schools and competed in contests

212 In this school year students were awarded Merit certificate from

HK School Music Festival and gold medal in International Handbell

Olympics contest 2015 This shows a high quality of their learning


22 Performance evaluation

221 Students always like to have a chance to perform It enhances

their performing skills and boosts their confidence They gained much

experience in performing in public and their teamwork and interpersonal

skill improved

222 Most of the performances were recorded by videos and pictures

Students would review their performances and evaluate their results with

tutors afterwards They could further improve their instrumental skills

223 In school schoolmates appreciated the music performances It

helped to promote music atmosphere inside school

224 Positive feedbacks were received from the audience and the

organizers The audiences were usually Tsuen Wan residents and parents

They praised the symphonic band and handbell team for giving a decent

and well‐prepared performance And the organizers would like to invite the

students to perform again These performances helped to promote the


3 Activity Promotion

31 The recording and pictures were shown in music display board and

academic corner of Co‐curricular Activities Committee of the school

32 Parents and schoolmates were invited to watch the studentsrsquo


33 Instrumental class students will perform to F1 new schoolmates during

orientation day and lunchtime concerts in coming August and September

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 55: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Report on the Use of the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) 2014-2015

Program Course


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

Gifted education in science tertiary courses workshops seminars or competitions for gifted students (Mr Lam KW Mr Chow CF and Mr Chan TT)

Actual Expenditure (Activity 1) $800 (Activity 2) $2100 (Activity 3) $5000

a Students successfully complete the courses seminars or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of their learning

b Over 85 of the students successfully run through the courses seminars or programmes with valuable product and reflection on knowledge attitude and skills

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Secondary School Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015 (by Mr Lam KW) a Ten F5 students were nominated for ldquoSecondary School

Mathematics amp Science Competition 2015rdquo held by the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong on 26 April 2015

b All students fully participated in the individual written competition and learnt a lot of scientific knowledge and skills They could also meet students from other schools and know more about their academic standard in the overall HK level

Activity 2 Tutorial classes for NSS Physics (by Mr Chow CF) a Three tutorial lessons (totally 6 hours) have been organised for

the selected physics students between February and March However the average attendance rate is only 57

b Three tutorial lessons (totally 5 hours) have been organised for F5 gifted students before the final examination 16 students were nominated to attend the course The attendance rate is over 90

Activity 3 University summer course -2014 (by Mr Chan TT) a Two F5 students were nominated for lsquoAcademy for Young

Talent ndash summer courses 2015rsquo held by the Chinese University of Hong Kong One Form 4 student was nominated for the course rsquoScience Talent 50 培訓計劃rsquo held by HK Federation of Youth Groups

b All students fully participated in the courses and learnt a lot of knowledge skills and attitude related to different scientific areas

c Students will be arranged to share what they have learnt in the morning assembly of the new academic year


Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 56: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 2

Gifted education in senior leadership training programs (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $33040

a Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 90 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their leadership knowledge and skills

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes and performance of the service provider

Leadership Training Camp and Workshop have been organized for students Senior form students with special leadership potential were selected to join the activities so as to equip them with appropriate knowledge and skills to take up leadership posts for the coming semesters DLG was used to subsidize the logistic expenses such as hiring services from NGO hiring of projector and related equipment in the camp renting bus service etc We chose a new camp site in Lantau Island which gave a quiet and peaceful environment for participants to undergo training a 85 of the students nominated by teachers-in-charge successfully

attended the workshops whereas 98 completed the training camp due to clash with other activities such as tutorials

b When the campers were asked how confident they were in mastering the leadership skills and concepts over 961 felt confident and very confident In evaluating the performance of the service provider 100 were pleased with it (765 very pleased 235 pleased)

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 57: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 3

Gifted education in Activity Lessons provision of different varieties of activities for students (Mr Yeung K Y)

Actual Expenditure $31515 (tuition fee and workshop for the courses of Activity Lessons)

a Over 85 of participants indicate that they are interested in the activities

b Over 85 of participants indicate that the tutors help improve their skills required for the activities

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

a The following senior form activity lessons were organized for selected gifted students in order to develop their potentials pop jazz class jazz and tap dance class The attendance rate of the lessons was almost 100 as they were conducted in the activity lessons scheduled within the school timetable

b Through oral response from students in the interviews over 85 of the students enjoyed the lessons very much particularly the Form 6 class Since dance activity was first introduced in Form 4 and then Form 5 to 6 the Form 4 students tended to be hesitant while the Form 6 participants were thrilled to join the class This indicated long-term education would be fruitful and richer than short-term program 9 out of 10 interview respondents reflected that the lessons and activities helped enrich their knowledge and skills on the related areas Such effectiveness was gained because the tutors were graduates from HK Academy for Performing Arts and they were experienced They graded the exercises into different levels so as to meet the learning diversities of students in class

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 58: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 4

TapJazz Dancing a The responses from Form 4 and 5 were all quite good The

participation rate was high too Since tap dance was first introduced in Form 4 level and then Jazz in Form 5 improvement in response was noted Although some of the students are sedentary in lifestyle the instructor was patient enough to demonstrate slowly and let them try and let them grow in encouragements So most of the students (1618 students) indicated that they were interested in the activity

b Each lesson was well-planned and clear teaching progression was shown Short dance sequence was taught every lesson and the instructor intentionally accumulated these short sequences together to form a long one good enough for the students to show off at the lesson 16 out of 18 participants said that the instructor helped them improve their skills required for the activity

c TapJazz dancing is worth continuing for the next academic year Pop Jazz Class a The attentiveness of the F6 participants was remarkable probably

because they have been experiencing Activity Lesson since Form 1and most of them have attended either Form 4 andor Form 5 dance module It was also believed that pop jazz was their cup of tea and additionally the instructor was dressed trendily creating an appealing image Students formed lines in columns and rows tidily and they picked up the sequence quite well

b In order to cater for the weak students the instructor repeated every dance motif before she went on to the new steps and motif At the end of the module assessment was conducted and students would show off the skills with ease and grace

c Since the lesson was conducted in the 6th lesson of the timetable a lesson before lunch time and it is a 30-minute lesson the teaching time was too short for more drilling

d From verbal interview with the students 10 out of 10 reflected that they did not mind having a try on pop jazz dancing and 10 out of 10 claimed that they had good improvement in dancing

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 59: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 5

Gifted education in Liberal Studies

(Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$500 (Tour fee HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour) $800 (Transportation fee Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition) $60 (Registration fee Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015) $3248 (Curation fee Mapopo Community Farm)

a) Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

b) Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 HKCSS ndash Pro-poor Network To Kwa Wan Study Tour (Tour fee)

a Seven Form 5 students participated in the programme All students attended all the courses and tour

b All students showed great interest in the study tour and produced painting as their reflection on the tour

c The paintings were shared with Form 3 students and displayed in the school premises

Activity 2 Po Leung Kuk Debating Competition (Transportation fee)

a Students interested in debating were selected to watch the final match of the interschool debating competition All students selected attended the activity

b Over 85 of the students expressed that their debating skills had been improved by watching a high quality trophy The Chief Executive also acted as the guest of honour so students could have more exposure other than debating

Activity 3 Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 2015 (Registration fee)

a One Form 5 student was selected to join the Olympiad b The student has just completed the first round but could not

enter the second round However valuable experience has been gained

Activity 4 Mapopo Community Farm (Curation fee)

a Two classes with better academic results were organized to have a two hours tour in the Community farm All selected students attended the activities

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
        • DLG_report_2014_to_2015_finalized_version_20_Aug_2015
        • AnnualSchoolReport
          • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)
Page 60: 學校週年報告書Annual School Report

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 6

b Over 90 of students showed that they know more about the agricultural policy in Hong Kong and the conflict between urban development and rural life All students enjoyed knowing how to carry out organic farming and practice sustainable living style in Hong Kong

Gifted education in cross-curricular activities exploration and enrichment on studentsrsquo multiple intelligence

(Ms Lo PS and Mr Cheung YF)

Actual Expenditure

$1026 (Curation fee Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall) $1000 (Subsidy on the students participating in the service tour to Myanmar organized by Oxfam in Aug2015)

Students successfully complete the courses or programmes with at least 85 of attendance rate shown in the record of student learning

Over 85 of the students indicate that the activities enhance their knowledge and skills in their specific areas of intelligences

Collection of data on the attendance of participants

Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

Collection of feedback from students

Activity 1 Ma Wan Fong Yuen Study hall (Curation fee )

Students knew more about the local culture of Ma Wan eg fishing industry heritage etc After the visit students took part in the Mingpao Student Reporter Project Competition Even though they could not get any prize they could consolidate what they have learnt from the participation

Activity 2 Service Tour to Myanmar organized by ldquoHouse of Learningrdquo in Aug2015 (Transportation subsidies on student participants)

One Form 4 student was chosen by the organization to participate in a one month project in a Thailand- Myanmar border town Maesot She helped repairing a local primary school teaching and lived together with volunteers from other countries etc After the trip she will share her experience in the morning assemblies next school term

Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

  • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
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Subject Concerned (Teacher-in-


Resources required


Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanism

Report and Evaluation

PLK Lee Shing Pik College ndash DLG Report 2014‐15 7

Applied Learning (ApL) (Dr Cheng M Y)

Actual Expenditure 2013-15 Cohort $403060 ($3238683 was financed by EDB while $791917 was financed by our school) 2014-16 Cohort $ 0 (all subsidized by EDB) Total $791917 was supported by DLG

a Students successfully complete the ApL courses with at least 85 of the attendance rate

b Over 85 of the students indicate that the training enhances their knowledge and skills in the related areas

a Collection of data on the attendance of participants

b Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of studentsrsquo learning outcomes

c Collection of feedback from students

2013-15 Cohort (F6) a A total of thirty-two students enrolled They all completed the

courses According to the attendance record provided by the course providers all students met the attendance requirement

b Almost all students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

c The learning progress report from EDB indicated that 188 students obtained grade A 531 obtained grade B 188 obtained grade C and 94 obtained grade D

2014-16 Cohort (F5) a A total of nine students enrolled According to the attendance

record provided by the course providers all nine students met the attendance requirement

b All students reported the ApL programmes were useful They were satisfied with the course providers

The total budget for the Diversity Learning Grant in 2014-2015 amounts to HK$100370 The total expenditure on subjectcommittee activities is HK$79089 only For Applied Learning courses the school is responsible to contribute HK$791917 which will be covered by the surplus of the Extended Operating Expenses Block Grant


電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

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    • AnnualSchoolReport
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      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
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電話號碼 2498-3393

傳真號碼 2414-2077

電郵 plklsp1982yahoocomhk

網址 wwwplklspeduhk

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  • AnnualSchoolReport
    • AnnualSchoolReport
      • AnnuelReport (Cover Page)
      • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
      • CLP report 2014 to 2015
      • CEG report 2014 to 2015
      • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
      • Annual Report Cover (Back)
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          • Annual Report 2014 to 2015
          • CLP report 2014 to 2015
          • CEG report 2014 to 2015
          • SBASLSG report 2014 to 2015
          • Annual Report Cover (Back)

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