100 Fairway Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050 (516) 944-3180 ~
Clergy: Fr. John Lardas, Fr. Michael Palamara, Fr. Dennis Strouzas
χος δ /Fourth Tone ~ ωθινν Ε / 5th Morning Gospel July 12th, 2020 ~ 5th Sunday of Matthew – Saint Paisios
The Holy Apostles Over the past four weeks, including today, we have covered the 12 disciples who became the Holy Apostles on Pentecost, plus St Paul who converted soon afterward. Their names together are Peter, An- drew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Jude, Simon, and Matthias.
St John the Theologian is commemorated on September 26th, is also called the Beloved, the Apostles, the Evangelist, or the Divine, but the Orthodox Church primarily recognizes him as the Theologian. He is known as the beloved because Christ had a very special relationship with Him and John was utterly devoted as a disciple. He is the one who at the Mystical Supper leaned on Christ’s chest and asked who would betray Him. He is the one who stayed at the foot of the Cross when all the other disciples fled for cover from the mob. He is the one who was entrusted with the treatment of the Lord’s mother which is perhaps the greatest honor. He is the only one of all these Apostles who was not martyred in a violent death. He is one of the very few male saints who we lift up his ever-virginity as a
counter balance to the Panagia at the Cross. He is the one who witnessed the revelations in his cave in Patmos and wrote the Book of Revelation. He is the one who wrote the three beautiful Epistles or letters where we have the glorious confession “God is Love.” He is the one who wrote the loftiest of the four Gospels which includes in the first chapter the Prologue that we read on Pascha night begin-
ning with the words “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.” This professed the eternality and the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ and earned his the title the Theologian. Saint James the son of Zebedee, or the greater we commemorate on Apr il 30th. He is the brother of St John the Theologian who we speak of above. He was called at the same time as his brother as they were fishing with their father Zebe- dee and immediately they left their nets to follow the Lord. The Lord chose to re- veal Himself to James along with his brother John and the disciple Peter at the Transfiguration which we celebrate August 6th on Mount Tabor. This was quite an honor and he was also selected by the Lord to pray with Him in Gethsemane be- fore the crucifixion. The story of James’s martyrdom is written briefly in Acts 12 by King Herod Agrippa. It is believed his relics were taken to Spain where he is remembered and beloved. Saint Matthew the Evangelist we commemorate on November 16th. He was likely the brother of Saint Jude who we read three weeks ago. He was a tax collec- tor which was a despised position (not unlike today) and known to self-enrich as most of the tax collectors of that day through dishonestly over collecting. Howev- er, when the Lord came to Him all it took were the words “Follow Me”, for him to repent and change his ways. Learned from his career, he was able to track and write the Life of Christ in his Gospel that likely was the first written.
O Holy Apostles, intercede with the Merciful
God, that He grant unto our souls forgiveness of
Θε, να πταισμτων φεσιν, παρσχ τας
ψυχας μν.
(πολυτκιον τν ποστλων )
Σ Υ Ν Α Ξ Α Ρ Ι Ο Ν Τν γων Μαρτρων Πρκλου κα λαρου. Το σου Πατρς μν Μιχαλ το Μαλενου. Το σου Πατρς μν Πασου το νου το γιορετου
πολυτκιον Τ φαιδρν τς ναστσεως κρυγμα, κ το γγλου μαθοσαι α το Κυρου Μαθτριαι, κα τν προγονικν πφασιν ποψασαι, τος ποστλοις καυχμεναι λεγον σκλευται θνατος, γρθη Χριστς Θες, δωρομενος τ κσμ τ μγα λεος.
Κοντκιον του Μνημοσνου
Μνσθητι Κριε, ς γαθς το (τς, τν) δολου (ης, ων) σου, κα σα ν β μαρτ (εν) (εν) (ον) συγχρησον* οδες γρ ναμρτητος, εμ σ δυνμενος κα τ() () (ος) μεταστ(ντι) (ση) (σι) δοναι τν νπαυση
Απολυτκιον Των Ταξιαρχν Τν ορανων στρατιν ρχιστρτηγοι, δυσωπομεν μς μες ο νξιοι, να τας μν δεσεσι, τειχσητε μς, σκπ τν πτεργων, τς λου μν δξης, φρουροντες μς προσππτοντας, κτενς κα βοντας κ τν κινδνων λυτρσασθε μς, ς Ταξιρχαι τν νω Δυνμεων.
Απολυτκιον Αικατερνης Μεγαλομρτυρος
Τν πανεφημον νμφην Χριστο υμνσωμεν, Αικατερναν τν θεαν κα πολιοχον Σιν, τν βοθειαν ημν κα αντληψιν, τι εφμωσε λαμπρς, τος κομψος τν ασεβν, το Πνεματος τ μαχαρα, κα νν ως Μρτυς στεφθεσα, αιτεται πσι τ μγα λεος.
Κοντκιον Προστασα τν Χριστιανν κατασχυντε, μεσιτεα, πρς τν Ποιητν μετθετε, μ παρδς, μαρτωλν δεσεων φωνς, λλ πρφθασον, ς γαθ, ες τν βοθειαν μν, τν πιστς κραυγαζντων σοι Τχυνον ες πρεσβεαν, κα σπεσον ες κεσαν, προστατεουσα ε, Θεοτκε, τν τιμντων σε.
SYNAXARION We commemorate the holy Martyrs Proclus and Hilary. Ωe also commemorate our de- vout Father Michael Maleinus. The Right- eous Martyrs Gerasimos of Byzantium and Akakios the young ascetic. We also com- memorate our devout father Paisios the New of the Holy Mountain Athos.
Apolytikion of Fourth Mode
When the tidings of the resurrection from the glorious angel, was proclaimed unto the women disciples and our ancestral sentence also had been abolished, to the Apostles with boasting did they proclaim that death is van- quished evermore and Christ Our God has risen from the dead, and granted to the world His great mercy.
Kontakion of the Memorial Remember, You ascended in glory, O Christ our God, after You filled the Disciples with joy, by promising to send them the Holy Spirit, and You blessed them and established their faith, that You are the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.
Hymn of the Archangels (4th Mode) Supreme Commanders of the Hosts of the Heavens, * we, the unworthy, importune and beseech you * that by your supplications ye encircle us * in the shelter of the wings * of your immaterial glory, * guarding us who now fall down * and cry to you with fervor: * Deliver us from dangers of all kinds, * as the Great Marshals of the heavenly hosts on high.
Apolytikion of Great Martyr Catherine Let us praise the all-lauded and noble bride of Christ, * the godly Catherine, the guardi- an of Sinai and its defense, * who is also our support and succor and our help; * for with the Holy Spirit’s sword * she hath silenced brilliantly the clever among the godless; * and being crowned as a Martyr, she now doth ask great mercy for us all.
Kontakion ( 2nd Mode) A protection of Christians unshamable, Inter- cessor to our Holy Maker, unwavering, Please reject not, the prayerful cries of those who are in sin. Instead, come to us, for you are good; Your loving help bring unto us, who are crying in faith to you: Hasten to intercede, and speed now to supplicate, as a protection for all time, Theotokos, for those who honor you.
Scripture Readings 5th Sunday of Matthew
Πρς Ρωμαους 10:1-10 δελφο, μν εδοκα τς μς καρδας κα δησις πρς τν θεν πρ το σραλ στιν ες σωτηραν. Μαρτυρ γρ ατος τι ζλον θεο χουσιν, λλ ο κατ πγνωσιν. γνοοντες γρ τν το θεο δικαιοσνην, κα τν δαν δικαιοσνην ζητοντες στσαι, τ δικαιοσν το θεο οχ πετγησαν. Τλος γρ νμου Χριστς ες δικαιοσνην παντ τ πιστεοντι. Μωσς γρ γρφει τν δικαιοσνην τν κ το νμου, τι ποισας ατ νθρωπος ζσεται ν ατος. δ κ πστεως δικαιοσνη οτως λγει, Μ επς ν τ καρδ σου, Τς ναβσεται ες τν ορανν; - τοτ στιν Χριστν καταγαγεν - , Τς καταβσεται ες τν βυσσον; - τοτ στιν Χριστν κ νεκρν ναγαγεν. λλ τ λγει; γγς σου τ μ στιν, ν τ στματ σου κα ν τ καρδ σου· τοτ στιν τ μα τς πστεως κηρσσομεν· τι ν μολογσς ν τ στματ σου κριον ησον, κα πιστεσς ν τ καρδ σου τι θες ατν γειρεν κ νεκρν, σωθσ· καρδ γρ πιστεεται ες δικαιοσνην, στματι δ μολογεται ες σωτηραν.
St. Paul's Letter to the Romans 10:1-10 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but it is not enlightened. For, being ignorant of the right- eousness that comes from God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law, that every one who has faith may be justified. Moses writes that the man who practices the righteousness which is based on the law shall live by it. But the righteousness based on faith says, Do not say in your heart, "Who will ascend into heaven?" (that is, to bring Christ down) or "Who will descend into the abyss?" (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart (that is, the word of faith which we preach); because, if you confess with your lips that Je- sus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For man believes with his heart and so is justified, and he confesses with his lips and so is saved. κ το Κατ Ματθαον 8:28-34, 9:1 Εαγγελου τ νγνωσμα Τ καιρ κεν, λθντος τ ησο ες τ πραν ες τν χραν τν Γεργεσηνν πντησαν ατ δο δαιμονιζμενοι κ τν μνημεων ξερχμενοι, χαλεπο λαν, στε μ σχειν τιν παρελθεν δι τς δο κενης. κα δο κραξαν λγοντες τ μν κα σο, Ιησο υ το Θεο; λθες δε πρ καιρο βασανσαι μς; ν δ μακρν π ατν γλη χορων πολλν βοσκομνη. ο δ δαμονες παρεκλουν ατν λγοντες ε κβλλεις μς, πτρεψον μν πελθεν ες τν γλην τν χορων. κα επεν ατος πγετε. ο δ ξελθντες πλθον ες τν γλην τν χορων κα δο ρμησε πσα γλη τν χορων κατ το κρημνο ες τν θλασσαν κα πθανον ν τος δασιν. ο δ βσκοντες φυγον, κα πελθντες ες τν πλιν πγγειλαν πντα κα τ τν δαιμονιζομνων. κα δο πσα πλις ξλθεν ες συνντησιν τ Ιησο, κα δντες ατν παρεκλεσαν πως μεταβ π τν ρων ατν. Κα μβς ες πλοον διεπρασε κα λθεν ες τν δαν πλιν.
The Gospel According to Matthew 8:28-34; 9:1 At that time, when Jesus came to the country of the Gergesenes, two demoniacs met him, com- ing out of the tombs, so fierce that no one would pass that way. And behold, they cried out, "What have you to do with us, O Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?" Now a herd of many swine was feeding at some distance from them. And the demons begged him, "If you cast us out, send us away into the herd of swine." And he said to them, "Go." So they came out and went into the swine; and behold, the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea, and perished in the waters. The herdsmen fled, and going into the city they told everything, and what had happened to the demoniacs. And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus; and when they saw him, they begged him to leave their neighborhood. And getting into a boat he crossed over and came to his own city.
Today’s 40 day Baby Blessing:
Today we welcome for the first time,
Damian Christos Herman Bueving Tsiatis,
son of George & Judith Tsiatis. May God bless!
We also welcome for the first time, Connor Alexander,
Son of Edward & Konstantina Tsiokris-Galazka. May God bless!
Upcoming Worship Services:
July 17th ~ Feast of St. Marina
Orthros 8:30 am, Divine Liturgy 9:30 am
July 18th ~ Challenge Liturgy
"Light a Candle and View the Divine Services Live-Streamed"
Please continue to support our Church by lighting candles for our
Sunday and weekday services
which you can also view using the above link.
Please look for our email blasts to sign-up for upcoming Services.
Saints of the Week:
Sunday, July 12th ~ St. Paisios of Mt. Athos, Sts. Proklos & Hilar ios of Ancyra, St. Michael Maleinus
Monday, July 13th ~ Synaxis of Archangel Gabriel, St. Stephanos of Savvas Monastery
Tuesday, July 14th ~ St. Aquila of the 70, St. Joseph the Confessor
Wednesday, July 15th ~ Sts. Juliette & Kyrikos the Martyrs, St. Vladimir , Equal-to-the-Apostles
Thursday, July 16th ~ St. Athenogenes of Heracleopolis, St. Julia of Carthage
Friday, July 17th ~ St. Marina of Antioch, Sts. Veronika & Speratos the Martyrs
Saturday, July 18th ~ Sts. Emilianos of Bulgaria; Sts. Paul, Thea, and Oulalentine
Sunday, July 19th ~ Fathers of 4th Ecumenical Council, St. Macrina, sister of St. Basil, St. Dios, Abbot of Antioch
Upcoming Events:
~ Save the Date: July 26th, 1:30 pm - Baptism of Melania Palamara
~ Save the Date: Thursday, October 22nd - The Annual Watsonian Golf Outing
~ Save the Date: Friday, March 5th, 2021 - The 40th Anniversary of Archangel Michael Church Dinner Dance!
~ 3 Month Memorial for:
Stelios Kerveros & Eleni Kombos
May their memory be eternal!

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