
Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

اإلسالمية التربية لتعليم العامة األهداف1.. اإلسالمي دينه بمباديء الطالب تعليم2.. ربه نحو عليه يجب الذي ما الطالب معرفةنفس .3 في القويم السلوك و الكريمة األخالق روح غرس

الطالب.4.. المؤمنين و ورسوله الله حب على الطالب تربية5.. نافعا ومواطنا صالحا إنسانا يكون أن على الطالب إعداد6.. المضلة التيارات و االنحرافات عن بعيد طالب إيجاد7.. رسوله و الله لحكم االنقياد وجوب الطالب تعليمو .8 األجنبية الحضارات لمظاهر باالغترار الطالب تحذير

الضارة . وعاداتها سلوكهاالمجتمع ..9 بين التضامن و األلفة و المحبة روح نشر

10.. حوله يدور لما وفهمه العامة وثقافته الطالب معرفة رفعوالصعوبات .11 المشاكل تحليل قدرة على الطالب تدريب

تواجهه . التي12.. العالمية و المحلية بالجامعات لاللتحاق الطالب تأهيل

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

من .13 بعدها وما الحياة في وجوده بغاية الطالب تعريف. الجزاء و الحساب

من .14 االستفادة و الله نعم على بالشكر الطالب تعريف. الهائلة الطبيعية بالده ثروات

التي .15 السيئة العادات و االجتماعية األمراض الطالب تعليم. اإلسالم تخالف

على .16 تأثيرها و اإلسالمية الحضارة أهمية الطالب تعليمالعالم.

اإلسالمية التربية لمواضيع العامة األهدافللقرآن العامة :أألهداف

تالوته .-1 يجيد وان الكريم القرآن قراءة الطالب يحسن أناألقل .-2 على اآليات من يتلو ما معني الطالب يدرك أنالمتلوة .-3 اآليات في الرئيسة الفكرة على الطالب يركز أن4-. الطالب لدى منه والخوف فيه واألمل له والخضوع لله الخشوع تحقيق5-. الكريم القرآن بتالوة التعبدالطالب .-6 لدى الديني الوعي تنمية7-. وعمال ً وفهما ً وتدبرا تالوة تعالى الله بكتاب العناية8- . ومكان , زمان لكل صالح اإلسالم ألن مشكالتها لحل الواقعية بالحياة الطالب ربطوبالغته .-9 القرآني األسلوب جمال الطالب تذوق

10- . الطالب نفس في الكريم القرآن حب ترسيخ11-. الكريم القرآن هجر خطورة من الطالب تحذير12- . الحياة منهج و الكون في الله دستور هو الكريم القرآن أن الطالب تعليم13-. نزولها مواقع و القران آيات نزول وأسباب التفسير أهمية الطالب معرفة

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

للحديث العامة -:األهداف

1-. وروايتها ومصدرها وأنواعها طبيعتها حيث من النبوية األحاديث مفهوم الطالب يتعرف أن2-. للتشريع الثاني المصدر وأنه الشريف الحديث مكانة على الطالب يقف أنالكريم . -3 والقرآن الحديث بين بالفروق الطالب يلم أنوالموضوعة .-4 الضعيفة األحاديث من الصحيحة األحاديث تمييز على القدرة الطالب لدى تكون أن5- . ومنهجه وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول بشخصية الطالب يقتدي أن6-. الطالب لدى واللغوية العلمية الثروة تنمية في الحديث دراسة تسهم أن7-. النبوية األحاديث من والفوائد األحكام استنتاج كيفية على الطالب يتدرب أن8-. وصحته الحديث صدق من التحري سبيل في رواته الحديث علماء من أسالفنا بذلها التي العظيمة الجهود الطالب يتعرف أن9-. الطالب لدى الديني الوازع تنمية في الحديث دراسة تسهم أن

وفصاحته .-10 وبالغته وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي أخالق الطالب يتعرف أن

للعقيدة العامة -: األهداف

الصحيحة .-1 اإلسالمية العقيدة ترسيختعالى .-2 لله ثبت ما الطالب تعريف3-. اإلسالم في مكانتهم و عليهم الله رضوان الصحابة حب الطالب تعريف4-. المخلوقين وصفات تعالى الله صفات بين الفرق الطالب تعريف5- . الحسنى الله بأسماء الطالب تعريفوأنواعه .-6 وأهميته التوحيد بحقيقة الطالب إدراكالهدامة .-7 واألفكار بالمبادئ الطالب تعريف8-. الصحيحة اإلسالمية العقيدة تخالف التي االجتماعية المظاهر من الطالب تحذير9-. الشريفة النبوية والسنة الكريم القرآن هو للعقيدة الوحيد المصدر بأن الطالب تعريف

10-. والقدر بالقضاء باإليمان يتصل فيما الصحيحة بالعقيدة الطالب تعريف11-. ونواقضه االيمان باركان الطالب تعريف

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

للفقه العامة أألهدافوشروطها .-1 وأحكامها بالعبادات الطالب تعريف2-. عليها وتعويده العبادات ممارسة على الطالب تربية3-. بمدلوالتها والعمل الفقهية األحكام استيعابوضوابطه .-4 اإلسالم في بالجهاد الطالب تعريفاليومية .-5 حياته في به تمر التي الفقهية بالمعامالت الطالب تعريف6-. الشريفة النبوية والسنة الكريم القرآن من الفقهية األحكام استنتاج على الطالب تدريب7-. واألخالق والعبادات المعامالت من الصحيحة بالمعلومات الطالب تزويدالمعتمدة .-8 الفقهية بالمراجع الطالب ربط9-. االجتهاد حب على وتشجيعه الفقه كتب في العلماء مصطلحات على الطالب تعريف

10 . البلد- في المعتمد المذهب أنه و الشافعي المذهب على الطالب تعريف

لألخالق العامة -: أالهداف

1-. األخالق ومكارم الفضائل من كثيرا الطالب إكتساب2-. األخالق بمكارم الطاب تعويد3-. األخالق في لآلخرين حسنة قدوة الطالب يكون أن4-. العليا المثل و األخالقية بالقيم التمسك على الطالب تدريب5-. واألفعال األقوال جميع في اإلسالمي بالدين الطالب يعتز أنالمسلمة .-6 الشخصية تكوين على العمل7-. السيئة واألخالق الرذائل عن االبتعاد8- . الطالب بين الحميدة الشمائل نشرالطالب . -9 نفس في العمل أخالقيات غرس

واآلخرة . -10 الدنيا خيري تحقق الحسنة األخالق بان الطالب تعريف

للسيرة العامة -: أالهداف

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

اإلسالمي .-1 والتاريخ النبوية السيرة دراسة أهمية الطالب معرفةبيته .-2 آل وفضل وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول بنسب الطالب تعليم3-. بدايتها منذ واجهتها التي والعقبات اإلسالمية الدعوة مراحل الطالب فهماإلسالم . -4 في وتضحياتهم الصحابة فضل الطالب تفهيم5-. الطالب نفس في عليهم الله رضوان صحابته و وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول محبة غرس6-. والدنيويىة الدينية االمور في التدرج على الطالب تدريب7-. به التأسي و وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول بأخالق الطالب تعويدكتابتها .-8 وطرق السيرة اسلوب جمال الطالب تذوق9-. الله الى الدعوة أهمية الطالب معرفة

10-. الله إلى الدعوة في الصبر أهمية مدى الطالب تفهيم11-. الشريفة النبوية السيرة من المستفادة العبر و بالدروس الطالب تعريف

الثانوي المقرر مفرداتالموض


الله -1القرآن عبادةالصحابة -2 فضلالتعامل -3 آداباليمين -4 يسر)كفارة

وكفارة اإلسالم

اليمين(اإلستذان -5 آداب


الشعار- 1 آيةاإلسالم- 2 دين سماحةإمتاع ) دين اإلسالم

للروح(إجتماعية- 3 توجيهات() إجتماعي توجيهالعمل- 4الحجاب- 5

1. اإلسالم- في القتال حول2. المعامالت-

. اإلسالم نظر في الربا3. الدين- كتابةو- 4 النفاق خطورة

المنافقين.و- 5 الكريم القرآن فضل

. هجرانه من التحذير

الحكم- 1 ونظام األمانات أداء

. اإلسالم فيودعم- 2 للفرد التربية مبادئ

. االجتماعي النظامورسوله- 3 بالله اإليمان

. سبيله في وإلنفاق4. والبراء- الوالءالقرآن- 5 في العلمي اإلعجاز

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

سواسية - الكريم.الناسالحدي

ثالسنة من تمهيد

يحفظك- 1 الله إحفظالغش- 2 من التحذيرالحق- 3 إظهارالنفاق- 4 من التحذيرالتشبه- 5 تحريم

النفس إذالل عن النهي

بالقدر- 1 اإليمانالمساعدة- 2المسلم- 3 أخو المسلم منالله ) يظل من -4


) األمر أولي طاعة- 5

الثالث (من

الزواج- على الحث

() الرابع الىالزوجة - الى) إختيار

الرابع( -( الطالق الىكراهية


اإلجتماعية- 1 المسئوليةوالجهاد - 2 من )اإلسالم

الرابع(المسلمة - 3 المرأة جهاد

() الرابع منبالحق- 4 المجاهرة وجوب

الزواج- ) 1 على منالحث


الزوجة- ) 2 منإختيار


الطالق- ) 3 منكراهية


للمرأة- 4 اإلسالم رعايةاإلنتحار- 5 جزاءالربا- 6 تحريم

الله- 1العقيد إال إله ال الله- 1معنى سب اإلسالم- 1 حكم الله- 1نواقض عبادة في الشرك

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

الشهادتين - 2ة معنىالله - 3 إال إله ال شروط

الصالة عليه والرسول

( ، الدين السالم و

، المالئكة ، الصحابة

الرسل ( ، القرآنالله- 2 بآيات اإلستهزاء

وحق- 2 العباد على الله حق

الله على العباد

المريض -1الفقه صالةالمسافر -2 صالةالجماعة -3 صالةالسهو -4 سجود

النبي صالة صفةالصيام- 1 أحكام

األسرة-1حقوق) ، الزوجة حقوق

التكافل ، األوالد تربية ، الزوج


اإلسالم- 2 في وأهميته األمن


البحو) ث(

الصدق-1الزنا -2 تحريماللسان -3 حفظالحسد-4

الرسول- 1 محبةالقات- 2الدخان- 3الوالدين- 4 برالكذب- 5

الحلم- 1العفة- 2الخمر- 3 تحريمالعدالة- 4القبلية- 5

الرشوة- 1الصبر- 2الوطن- 3 حبالقذف- 4 تحريم


رضي -1 الصديق بكر أبي

عنه اللهبدر -2 غزوةوالمعراج -3 اإلسراء

الخطاب- 1 بن عمر

عنه الله رضيالملوك- 2 مكاتبةمؤته- 3 معركة

رضي- 1 عفان بن عثمان

عنه اللهأحد- 2 غزوةعنها- 3 الله رضي عائشة

األحزاب- 1 غزوةمكة- 2 فتحرضي- 3 طالب أبي بن علي

عنه الله

اإلسالمية / التربية الثانوي األول للصف المقرر

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المالحظاتالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم القرآنالكريم


الله عبادة





و : للحفظ األول النصتعالى قوله من التفسير

أعبدوا) الناس أيه ياإلى خلقكم الذي ربكم

فيها وهم تعالى قولهخالدون

للحفظ : الثاني النصقوله من والتفسير

والسابقونتعالى ) المهاجرين من األولون

...تعالى قوله ُ ذلكإلى

العظيم اآلية ( الفوز

و : للحفظ الثالث النصتعالى قال التفسير

ربهم) يدعون الذينيريدون والعشي بالغداةقوله إلى نهفأوجهه

اآلية( غفوررحيم

قوله : من الرابع النصالذين ) أيها يا تعالى

ل طيبات اتحرمو اأمنواإلى لكم الله أحل ما

تشكرون ( لعلكم قولهاآلية

للحفظ : الخامس النصقوله من التفسير والذين ) أيها يا تعالى

الذين ليستئذنكم أمنواوالذين أيمانكم ملكت

منكم الحلم يبلغوا لم(إلى حكيم عليم قولهسورةالنور 59اآلية

لهذه التدريس بعدأن و البد الدروس

مايلي الطالب يجيد:

التالوة إتقانشروطهاب

اإلسالم ربطالواقعية بالحياة

مشكالتها لحل

اإلعجاز إظهارفي سلوباالبالغي

الكريم القرآن

كالم معاني فهمبه والتأثر الله

المشاكل حلللحياة الواقعية

مايلي : وتشمل


األسئلة نماذجلجميع التلخيصية


الفوائد بعضمن المستفادة


الواجب تحديدالبيتي

أيسر التفاسير

بكر ألبيالجزائري

صفوة التفاسيرلصابوي


أضفنا و زدناالمقرر اب لهذا

خامسا نصارأينا بعدهاهذا مهمة

في الموضوعالحاضر وقتنا

تعالى قوله وهو والسابقون

من األولون المهاجرينالى.. واألنصار

اآلية آخرغيرنا وكذلك

العناوين بعضفهم لتقريبالطالب

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

اإلسالمية / التربية الثانوي األول للصف المقرر

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المالحظاتالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىوضوعالمالقسم التمهيد:األحاديث


التحذيرالغش من




الله إحفظيحفظك

هريرة : أبي عن األول الحديثرسول أن قال عنه الله رضي

مر وسلم عليه الله صلى اللهطعام صبرة على السوق في

منا فليس غشنا من قوله إلى

الله : عبد عن الثاني الحديثقال عنه الله رضي عمر بن

عليه الله صلى الله رسول قالمنافقا كان فيه كن من أربعة

الحديث . خالصا

رسول : قال الثالث الحديثال ) وسلم عليه الله صلى الله

.. الناس هيبة رجال يمنعنالحديث

أبي : عن الرابع الحديثقال عنه الله رضي هرجيرة

عليه الله صلى الله رسول لعنلباس يلبس الرجل وسلم

لباس تلبس والمرأة المرأةالرجل .

عبد : عن الخامس الحديثعنهما الله رضي عباس بن الله

الله صلى النبي خلف كنت قالقوله . إلى يوما وسلم عليه

لهذه التدريس بعدأن بد ال الدروس

الطالب يتقنمايلي :

قراءة .1 إتقانالحديث .

فهمه .2 سالمةمشكالته وحل

في الواقعيةالحياة .

بالغة .3 إظهارفيه . التعبير

على .4 التأكيدالتوافق روعة وسحر

بين االنسجامو المثالية


يلي : ما تشمل


األسئلة نماذجو التلخيصيةلجميع اإلختباريةالوحدات .

على التأشيراألحاديث بعض



سنننداود أبي


إعادة نرىالحديث هذا

ال ) وهو ينبغي

ان للمؤمننفسه ( يذل

الن المواضيع

كثيرة ليست.

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

اإلسالمية / التربية الثانوي األول للصف المقررالمالحظاتالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم

المريض الفقه صالةالمسافر صالةالجماعة صالة

السهو سجود

المريض صالة كيفيةالمسافر صالة كيفية

الجماعة صالة كيفيةالسهو سجود كيفية

صالة أداء طريقة فهموالمسافر المريض

والجماعة .

. السهو سجود كيفية

عرضالدرس محادثهوحواروحل نقاش


كتاب الجنائز للشيخ

األلبانيصفة كتاب الصالة

لأللباني. كفاية


على أضفناالمتسوى مقررهذين األول

الموضوعينجماعة) صالة

وسجودلما( السهومن فيهما الفوائد

العظيمة..السيرة الصديق بكر شخصية أبو على األحداث التعرف ابن معرفة سيرة

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015


. بدر غزوة

بكر . ابيو اإلسالمي التاريخ

. أحداثه أهم من بعضعبر . و دروس

اإلسالمية بدينهم الصحابة وتمسك

عقيدتهم ورسوخالدعوة لعقبات وتصديهم


الهشام , الرحيق


معنى-العقيدةالشهادتين) (

اال اله ال شروط


الشهادتين كثيرة معرفة أهداف لها العقيدةومنها :

تعالى .1 الله اختصاصو بالعبادة وحده

التشريع .والبدع .2 الخرافات نبذرسل .3 بجميع اإليمان

وبرساالتهم اللهوتوقيرهم .


الصدقالزنا تحريماللسان حفظ


بعض على التعرفاألخالقيات

النفس- 1 صفاءوإكتساب وطمأنينتها

األخالق . مكارم

رياض كتاب الصلحين


هذه اضفنا المواضيعمن فيها لما


اإلسالمية التربية الثانوي الثاني للصف المقرر

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

اإلسالمية / التربية الثانوي الثاني للصف المقرر

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المالحظاالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم ت


سماحة دين



العمل للدنيا



و* : للحفظ األول النصالتفسير

السماوات} خلق في إنصم تعالى قوله إلى واألرض

} اليعقلون فهم عمي بكم

و : للحفظ الثاني النص والقربى } ذآ وآت التفسير

ذلك كل تعالى قوله إلى حقهربك عند سيئه كان

مكروها{ .

يا : للحفظ الثالث النص ونودي إذا أمنوا الذين أيها

الله و تعالى قوله إلى للصالةالرازقين خيرللحفظ : الرابع النص

والتفسيرألزواجك) قل النبي ياءيها

وبناتك ..الله وكان تعالى قوله الى

اآلية ( رحيما غفورا

هذه تدريس بعدأن البد الدروس

الطالب يجيدمايلي :

التالوة إتقانبشروطهما

لكتاب الفهم سالمةالله

بالحياة اإلسالم ربطلحل الواقعية


اإلعجاز إظهارإسلوب في البالغي

الكريم القرآن

الله كالم معاني فهمبه والتأثر

يلي : ما وتشمل


األسئلة نماذج التلخيصية

الوحدات لجميع

العلمية الفوائدو العقيدية


الواجب تحديدالبيتي




في غيرنا هذا

القسم عنوانين

فيهما لما من


واضفنا الى

عنوار الحجابألهميته

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المالحظاالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم ت




المسلم أخو


يظلهم منالله

طاعةاألمر أولى

األول : الحديثقال قال عنه الله رضي هريرة أبي عنالمؤمن وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول

الحديث خير القوي

الثاني : الحديثالله رسول قال قال الخدري سعيد أبي عن

فضل معه كان من وسلم عليه الله صلىالحديث له ظهر ال من فليعن ظهر

الثالث : الحديثوسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول قال

) يحقره) وال يظلمه ال المسلم أخو المسلمالحديث

الله : رضي هريرة ابي عن الرابع الحديث: قال عنه

سبعة وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول قال . .. الحديث بظله تعالى الله يظلهم

الخامس : الحديثرسول قال قال عنه الله رضي أنس عن

واطيعوا ) اسمعوا وسلم عليه الله صلى الله) .. عبد عليكم استعمل وان


تدريس بعدالدورس هذه

يجيد أن البد الطالبمايلي :

قراءة إتقانالحديث

فهمه سالمة حال

لمشاكالته الواقعية

نحياها وحياةبه

بالغة إظهارفيه التعبير

على التأكيدالتوافق روعة وسحر

بين اإلنسجام المثالية


مايلي وتشمل:


األسئلة نماذج التلخيصية


بعض ذكر الفوائد

المستفادةالدرس من

الواجب تحديدالبيتي

أبي سننداود



ثالثة نقلنا أحاديث

من الثالث

الى الثاني وثالثة أخرى

من الثاني

الى الرابع

لترتيب مناسبة

األحاديث في


Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

اإلسالمية التربية الثانوي الثاني للصف المقرر

اإلسالمية التربية الثانوي الثالث للصف المقرر

المالحظاالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم ت


القتال حولاإلسالم في

و : للحفظ األول النصقوله من التفسير

في ) وقاتلوا تعالىقوله إلى الله سبيليحب الله إن تعالى


الدروس هذه تدريس بعدما الطالب يجيد أن البد

يلي التالوة .1 إتقان

بشروطها لكتاب .2 الفهم سالمة

اللهبالحياة .3 اإلسالم ربط

لحل الواقعيةمشكالتها

البالغي .4 اإلعجاز إظهارالقرآن إسلوب في

الكريمالله .5 كالم معاني تفهم

به والتأثرحلول .6 فهم سالمة

الواقعة المشكالت. نحياها التي بحياتنا

صفات .7 عن البعدالمنافقين .

بالقرآن .8 العمل


نماذج األسئلة

التلخيصية واإلختبارية


على التأثيراآليات بعض


أيسر التفاسير

بكر ألبيالجزائري

سفوة التفاسيرلصابوي


غيرناعنوانين لتسهيل


المعامالت كتابة-1


للتفسير الثاني النصأيها ) يأ تعالى قوله من

تداينتم إذا أمنوا الذينالله و تعالى قوله إلىعليم ( تعملون بما

المعامالت الربا -2

للحفظ : الثالث النصأيها ) يأ تعالى قوله من

الله إتقوا أمنوا الذينقوله إلى مابقي وذروا

بما نفس كل تعالىال وهم كسبت


القرآن للحفظ هجر الرابع النصوالتفسير

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المراجاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم ع



الرسول محبةالقات أضرارالدخان أضرار

الوالدين برالكذب تحريم

محبة وجوب الرسول

أضرارهماعلى السيئة

المجتمع حقوق


محبة فائدة الطالب فهمالرسول

القات أضرار الطالب فهموالدخان

الوالدين عقوق يحرم اإلسالموالكذب

ما وتشمليلي

الخالصة نماذج

األسئلة التلخيصية

لجميع الوحدات

الفوائد العقيدية والعملية

واإلجتماعيوالخلقية ة

زاد المعاد



هذه في اضفناالمواضيع الفقرة


صالة الفقه صفةالله صلى النبي

وسلم عليه

صفة معرفةالصالة

صالة صفة التالميذ تعرفوسلم عليه الله صلى النبي

صفة الصالة


في الفقه أضفناالمقرر هذه

الماسة لحاجتهللتالميذ

بن السيرة عمررضي الخطاب. عنه الله

الملوك مكاتبةواألمراء

مؤتة معركةاألولى جمادي

(8سنة )

على التعرفعمر شخصية

الخطاب . بن التاريخ

و اإلسالميأهم من بعض

أحداثه.عبر . و دروس

تاريخي : هدف التي اإلسالمية األحداث معرفة

الله صلى النبي عهد في وقعت. وسلم عليه

صدر في الدعوة عراقيل فهماإلسالم

ورسوخ بدينهم الصحابة تمسكعقيدتهم.

سيرة إبن


سب العقيدة من حكمورسوله الله

وكتبه ومالئكته. وصحابته ودينه

االستهزاء حكم. الله بآيات

األحكام بعضالمهمة

ومنها : كثيرة أهداف لها العقيدةوحده .1 تعالى الله اختصاص

التشريع . و بالعبادة2. . والبدع الخرافات نبذالله .3 رسل بجميع اإليمان

وتوقيرهم . وبرساالتهم




هذه في حدفناالعنوان الفقرة

) اإلسالم) نواقض

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

وقال ) تعالى قولهان ربي يا الرسول

هذا اتخذوا قوميالى مهجورا القرآن

.) ترتيال رتلناه و قوله


و النفاقالمنافقون

للحفظ الخامس النصوالتفسير.

المنافقين سورة بدايةتعالى قوله الي

المنافقين) ولكناليعلمون(

اإلسالمية التربية الثانوي الثالث للصف المقرر

المالحظاالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم ت


إبن : عن األول الحديثعنهما الله رضي عمرصلى الله رسول أن

قال : وسلم عليه اللهوكلكم ، راع كلكم

رعيته عن مسؤولومسؤول راع اإلمام

قوله إلى رعيته عنراع ومسؤول –وكلكمرعيته ( عن

الدروس هذه تدريس بعدما الطالب يجيد أن البد

يلي الحديث .1 قراءة إتقانلمشكالته .2 فهمه سالمة

نحياها وحياة الواقعيةبه

فيه .3 التعبير بالغة إظهارروعة .4 على التأكيد

وسحر التوافق


نماذج األسئلة

التلخيصية واإلختبارية


داود أبو





أضفنا الحديثين

وحدفنا واحد ونقلنا واحدا


Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المثالية بين اإلنسجامالواقعية و

اإلسالم مكانةوالجهاد

الثاني : الحديثجبل بن معاذ عن

قال عنه الله رضيصلى الله رسول قال

أال : وسلم عليه الله.. األمر برأس اخبرك

الحديث المرأة جهاد

المسلمةالثالث : الحديث

بنت الربيع عنعنها الله معوذرضي

مع ) نغزوا كنا قالتنسقي الله رسول


وجوب المجاهرة


الرابع : الحديثرضي سعيد أبي عنقال قال عنه الله

الله صلى الله رسولأعظم أن وسلم عليه

عدل كلمة الجهادالحديث


اإلسالمية التربية الثانوي الثالث للصف المقرر

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المالحظاتالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم األخالقيا

تالحلم -1 تحريم-2

الخمر العدالة-3العفة-4القبلية -5

الخلق-التي الحسنة يحتاجهافي التالميذ والوقتالحاضر

السيئة - الخلقيجتنبها التي

في التالميذ الوقت


البد المواضيع هذه دراسة بعدمايلي : الطالب يفهم أن

الحلم .1 معنيالعفة .2 معنيالعدالة .3 معنىالمحرمات .4 اجتناب

. السيئة واألخالق

عرضالدرس مناقشة

وحوارالتمارين حل



السلوك اإلجتماعي


في أضفناالكتاب هذا

هذه المقررالمواضيع


الصيام الفقه أحكام أحكام معرفةالصيام

البد المواضيع هذه دراسة بعدمايلي : الطالب يفهم أن

الصيام -1 معنىالصيام -2 أحكام

التذهيبمتن في

و الغاية التقريب.ابي) لشرحشجاع (

في أضفناالكتاب هذا

هذا المقررالموضوع



اإلسالم نواقض

على الله حقوحق العباد

الله على العباد

نواقض شرحاإلسالم

على الله حقعباده

وطمأنينتها ..1 النفس كتابصفاءالمقرر

سيدنا السيرة سيرةعفان بن عثمان

عنه . الله رضيالمؤمنين أم

رضي عائشة. عنها الله

أحد غزوة

تاريخي : هدف اإلسالمية األحداث معرفة

النبي عهد في وقعت التي. وسلم عليه الله صلى

في الدعوة عراقيل فهم. اإلسالم صدر

بدينهم الصحابة تمسك. عقيدتهم ورسوخ

ابن سيرةكثير


في أضفناالكتاب هذا

المقررموضوع عائشةالله رضي


Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

اإلسالمية التربية الثانوي الرابع للصف المقرر

المالحظاالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم ت


األمانات أداءالحكم ونظام

اإلسالم في

األول النصوالتفسير) للحفظتعالى قوله منيأمركم) الله إناألمانات تؤدوا أن

إلى ( أهلها إلىتعالى قوله

تسليما) ( ويسلموا

هذه دراسة بعديفهم أن البد الدروسمايلي : الطالب

التالوة .1 إتقانبشروطهما

لكتاب .2 الفهم سالمةالله

اإلسالم .3 ربطالواقعية بالحياة

مشاكلها . لحلاألعجاز .4 إظهار

إسلوب في البالغيالكريم القرآن

كالم .5 معاني تفهمبه التأثر و الله

مايلي وتشمل


األسئلة نماذجلجيمع التلخيصية


و العلمية الفوائدوالخلقية العقيدة

الواجب تحديدالبيتي


أيسر التفاسير

بكر ألبيالجزائري

مختصر تفسير


تربية مبادئودعم الفرد النظام


لحفظ الثاني النصقوله في والتفسير

أوتيتم ) فما تعالىفمتاع شيئ من

إلى الدنيا الحياةو صبر ولمن قوله

ذلك إن إستغفراألمور ( عزم لمن

بالله اإليمانورسوله في واإلنفاق

الله سبيل

الثالث النصوالتفسير للحفظ

تعالى الله قالبالله) وأمنوا

قوله إلى ورسولهأجر وله تعالى

كريم(البراء و من : الوالء الرابع النص

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

أيها يا تعالى قولهال أمنوا الذين

اليهود تتخذواأولياء والنصارى

بعض أولياء بعضهمفأصبحوا قوله إلىخاسرين

الثانوي الرابع للصف اإلسالمية المقرر التربية المادة

المالحظاتالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوع القسماألحادي

ثعلى الحثالزواج


رعاية اإلسالمللمرأة

بين العدلاألوالد

الله صلى الله رسول قال األول الحديثمن ) الشباب معشر يا وسلم عليه

الحديث ... استطاع

الثاني : الحديثقال قال عنه الله رضي هريرة ابي عنتنكح وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول

... الحديث ألربع المرأة

الثالث : الحديثالله صلى الله رسول إلى إمرأة جاءت

آخره . إلى وسلم عليهبشير : ) بن النعمان حديث الرابع الحديث

) اوالدكم بين واعدلوا الله اتقو

هذه دراسة بعدأن البد المواضيع

الطالب يجيدمايلي :

قراءة (1 إتقانالحديث

فهمه (2 سالمة لحلول


بالغة (3 إظهارفيه التفسير

على (4 التأكيد

مايلي تمثيلالخالصا.ة نماذجب.

األسئلة التلخيصية واإلختبارية


التأشيج.على ر

بعض األحاديث المختارة





في أضفناالكتاب هذا

ثالثة المقرر مواضيع

وهي: الحث-1



ة كراية-3


Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015



الربا تحريم

الله : رضي عمر ابن عن الخامس الحديثعليه الله صلى الله رسول قال قال عنهمامن ) اليه أبقض شيئا الله أحل ما وسلم

الحديث .. الطالق

: إلى جبل من تردى من السادس الحديثأبدا فيها مخلدا خالدا قوله

صلى : الله رسول لعن السابع الحديثقوله إلى الربا أكل وسلم عليه هم –الله


روعة التوافق وسحر

اإلنسجامالمثالية بين

الواقعية و

للحفظ تحديدد.


من منقولةالثاني

اإلسالمية التربية المادة الثانوي الرابع للصف المقرر

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

المالحظاتالمراجعاألنشطةاألهدافالمحتوىالموضوعالقسم عبادة العقيدة في الشرك

الله معرفةالشرك

الموضوع هذا دراسة بعدالطالب يجيد أن البد

مايلي :وأنواعه الشرك معني


على وتشتملمايلي:


األسئلة التلخيصية


الفوائد العلمية

والعقيدية واإلجتماعية



التوحيد عنوان كتاب غيرنا الموضوع


األسرة الفقه حقوق) -1

الزوجةالزوج حقوق

تربية, األوالد,


وأهميته- 2 األمناإلسالم في

عناية األسرة


الموضوع هذا دراسة بعدالطالب يجيد أن البد

مايلي :الزوجية الحياة حقيقة

في التذهيبو الغاية متن

التقريب.ابي) لشرحشجاع (

هذا في زدناالمقرر الكتابالرابع للصف

الموضوع هذاهذه في الهميته



الرشوة-1الصبر-2الوطن -3 حبالقذف -4 تحريم

ذكرمعني :



: الطالب معرفةهذه شرح أهمية

المواضيع. رياض


هذا في زدناالمقرر الكتابالرابع للصف


أبي السيرة بن علي سيدناطالب

. عنه الله رضي

مكة فتح

األحزاب غزوة

تاريخي : هدف األحداث معرفة

وقعت التي اإلسالميةصلى النبي عهد في

. وسلم عليه الله الدعوة عراقيل فهم

. اإلسالم صدر في بدينهم الصحابة تمسك

. عقيدتهم ورسوخ

الرحيق المختوم

للمباركفوري. إبن وسيرةهشام

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

SECONDARY SCHOOL BIOLOGY SYLLABUSIntroductionThe Objective based Somaliland Biology Syllabus was reviewed by experts from ministry of Education and Higher studies. In order to develop successful future, syllabus must prepare candidates to actively continue their learning throughout their lives.The syllabus covers key knowledge, skills, attitudes and activities required for the students to effectively perform in topics of the curriculumThe experts have successfully finalized the last version of the Somaliland Biology syllabus.Biology syllabus outline has been added and omitted as suitable with the context in terms of time and resources. Experts identified important cross cutting issues of Agriculture syllabus and we eventually integrated in to both syllabus )Biology and Agriculture(Here bellow are shown the omitted and added items to every academic yearIn form 1:- Two topics from agriculture is added

Chapter 3 which is Introduction to agriculture Chapter 4 which is land preparation for crop production

In form 2:- Two topics from agriculture is added one topics is elaborated Chapter 2:- Essential plant nutrients Chapter 3:- Manures and fertilizers Chapter 7 & 8 :- modified and elaborated which is

Taxonomy Classification )biodiversity(

In form 3:- Three chapters from agriculture is added Chapter 2:- Crop planting Chapter 6:-Bee Keeping Chapter 7- Poultry keeping

In form 4:- three chapters from agriculture was added Chapter 2:-Livestock health and disease Chapter 4:-Livestock Parasites Chapter 6 :-Livestock Selection and Breeding

In addition to that all chapters was rephrased

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Objectives of biology syllabus focus on A) Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in relation to the use of:

1. language: terms, symbols, quantities and units; 2. facts, concepts, principles, patterns, models and theories; 3. the techniques, procedures and principles of good practice.

B) Students should be able, using oral, written, symbolic, graphical and numerical forms of presentation, to: 1. locate, select, organise and present information from a variety of sources; 2. translate information from one form to another; 3. use information to identify patterns, report trends and draw inferences; 4. present reasoned explanations for phenomena, patterns and relationships; 5. make predictions and propose hypotheses; 6. solve problems, including some of a quantitative nature.

C) Students should be able to: 1. use and organise techniques, apparatus and materials; 2. make and record observations and measurements; 3. interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data; 4. plan investigations (and, where appropriate, make predictions and propose hypotheses).

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Form I Form II Form III Form IV



1. Introduction to Biology1.1. Definition of Biology1.2. Characteristics of living thingsThe cellClassification of living thingsRespiration Movement of substances across membraneOsmosis Diffusion 2. Introduction to Green Plants2.1. Structure and functions2.2. TransportationNutrition plantsPhotosynthesis 2.4. Tropism2.5. Reproduction in plants3. introduction to agriculture3.1. Agriculture 3.2. Branches of agriculture 3.3. farming system4. land preparation for crop production4.1. land preparation4.2. drainage 4.3. agricultural tools 5. The Human Machine 5.1. The skeleton5.2. Joints, muscles and movement

1. Cells 1.1. Cells and tissues1.2. Chemicals and living cells1.3. Energy from respiration 1.4. passive )diffusion, osmosis( and active transport, Bulk transport )phagocytes pinocytosis &exocytose(

2. Essential plant nutrients2.1 Essential nutrients 2.2. Macronutrients 2.3. Deficiency symptoms of macronutrients in plants2.4. Soil PH2.5. soil fertility

3. Manures and fertilizers 3.1. Organic matter , manure , humus and fertilizers 3.2. Manures 3.3 Fertilizers 4. Animal and plant nutrition4.1. Photosynthesis and nutrition in plants 4.2. Nutrition in animals4.3. Digestion5.1. Sensitivity and Coordination 5.2. Skin and temperature

1. Flowering plants1.1. Plant structure and function1.2. Transport in plants1.3. Reproduction1.4. Seed formation and germination

2. Crop planting2.1.Types planting material 2.2. Seeds2.3. Vegetative material 2.4 Preparation of plant material

3. Human physiology 3.1. Circulatory and lymphatic system3.2. Respiratory system3.3. Excretory system3.4. Skeleton and Muscular system3.5. Reproductive system

1. Micro-organisms and humans 1.1. Human diseases2.0 Livestock health and disease

Health and disease causes of livestock

diseases Classification of livestock

disease General methods of

disease control control and management


3. Immunity3.1. Biotechnology

4. Livestock Parasites4.1. Definition Parasites4.2. Identification and selection4.3. Signs of parasite

4.4. infestation4.5. Losses caused by parasites4.6. Dangers posed to human beings and how to avoid them4.7. Life cycles of parasites

Tsetse Fly Tape Warms Liver Flukes

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Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

)Unit 3 continued in Term 2( control 5.3. The senses5.4 Coordination

Parasite control Hygeine in Field, housing

and water, handling. Drainage

5. Genetics and heredity5.1. DNA and RNA5.2. Genetic engineeringCell divisionInheritanceVariation, selection and evolution6. Livestock Selection and Breeding6.1. Meaning and Selection of Livestock6.2. Factors to Consider in Livestock Selection6.3. Method Of Selection6.4. Breeding




Unit 3 continued fromTerm 1(5.3. Food and dietDigestion and Excretion Breathing5.4. Transport5.5. Reproduction in animal

6. Environmental education 6.1. Different types of environment6.2. Food chains and webs6.3. Populations6.4. Humans and their environment

7. Health Education


6. Introduction to Inheritance and Genetics6.1. Cell division, DNA & RNA inheritance 6.2. Variation6.3. Mutation6.4. Evolution

7. Taxonomy taxonomic hierarchy dichotomous keys

8. Classification )biodiversity(8.1 Virus 8.2 Five kingdom system

kingdom prokaryotae


4. Diversity of organisms4.1. Characteristics of living things4.2. Feeding4.3. Breathing4.4. Reproduction4.5. Growth and change4.6. Movement and locomotion4.7. Sensitivity

5. Ecology and Ecosystems5.1. Interdependence 5.2. Human impact 5.3. Ecosystems


7. Cell Biology7.1. Cell structure7.2. Carbohydrates7.3. Lipids and proteins7.4. Water and inorganic ionsEnzymesCell membranes8. Nutrition and Respiration8.1. Autotrophic nutrition8.2. Heterotrophic nutrition8.3. Respiration and gaseous exchange

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7.1. Microbes and diseases7.2. Drugs and health7.3. Personal Health

kingdom protoctista kingdom fungi kingdom plantae Animal kingdom

7. Classification of living things6.1. Classification6.2. Animal kingdom6.3. Plant kingdom6.4. Micro-organisms6.5. Bacteria6.6. Viruses6.7. Fungi

5.4. Populations6. Bee Keeping6.1Importance of bee keeping6.2.Colony in the Hive6.3. Sitting of the Apiary and hive6.4. Management6.5. Honey7. Poultry keeping 7,1 Brooder7.2 Extensive systems of poultry keeping7.3. Semi-intensive7.4. Intensive Systems

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Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015


Topic Expected Outcomes: By the end of each topic, the learner should be able to : Activity

1.Introduction to Biology1.1.Definition of Biology

Define Biology State the origin of biology List branches of biology Explain branches of biology Appreciate the applications of biology in everyday life.

1.2 Character of living things

State the main characteristics of living things. Collect various materials and classify into living and non-living Identify how animals and plants perform these characteristics. Point the localized movements of plants


1.3. The cell and the microscope

Define the cell

Describe the phenomenon of cell theory

list the organelles of the cell and their functions )not in detail(

state the difference between the animal cell and the plant cell

classify tissues in organisms

explain the link between cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms

State the purpose of a light microscope

Identify the parts of a light microscope and their functions)include hand lens(,


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Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Use and care for the light microscope,

Explain how to calculate magnification.

1.4. Classification living things

Review the use of magnifying lens Necessity and significance of classification show the difference among the living organisms & classify their characteristics give a brief history of classification explain the process of binomial nomenclature


1.5 Respiration explain that the process of respiration releases energy from food and that this process takes place in cells

distinguish between the process of aerobic and anaerobic respiration explain the mechanism of which substance accesses the cell membrane

Practical i( Observe, draw, and state functions of light microscopeii( Prepare and observe temporary slides of plant cells.iii( Estimate plant cell sizeiv( Diffusion demonstration using available substances e.g. KMNO4, coloured plant

extract.v( Osmosis demonstration using leaf petioles, Irish potatoes )any other appropriate

locally available plant tissues can be used(.vi( Turgidity and Plasmolysis)using potatoes strips or onion epidermal cells (

Experimental measuring amount of food

Experimental of movement of solutes/water

2.Introduction to Green Plants2.1 Structure and functions

differentiate component parts of the green plants Compare flowering and non-flowering plant parts Illustrate the types and structure of roots Give the function of each


2.2. Transportation Compare vascular plants and non-vascular plants Demonstrate that plants take in water and mineral salts from roots to the leaves

through xylem. State that the phloem carries the food.

Demonstrate & practical activity

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Do improvisation by collecting vascular and non-vascular plants Demonstrate water streaming from root to leaves Differentiate between diffusion, osmosis and active transport State and describe factors affecting diffusion, osmosis and active transport

2.3 Nutrition in plants Photosynthesis

Define nutrition State types of nutrition ) autotrophic and heterotrophic ( Identify the requirements of plant growth. Describe photosynthesis and show its importance in nature State with illustrations the site of photosynthesis Show that plants need light, water and carbon dioxide to produce food for growth.

Practical activities

2.4. Tropism Define tropism and stimuli. State types of tropism Identify external stimuli. Explain plant responses to external stimuli Movement of plant parts to stimulus e.g. phototropism

Practical activities

2.5.Reproduction in plants

State types of reproduction in living organisms Mention the reproductive part of plants. Describe the process of sexual reproduction in plants including pollination and

germination3 Introduction to Agriculture

Observation and investigation

3.1 Agriculture Explain the meaning of agriculture State, describe and classify branches of Agriculture Describe farming systems identify agriculture equipment and tools show importance and correct usage of tools explain drainage and its method

Observation and investigation

Field trips and practical activity

4.Land Preparation for crop production

Field trips and practical activity

4.1 land preparation To explain the meaning of agriculture Field trips and practical activity

4.2 Drainage To explain drainage and its method Field trips and practical

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4.3 Agriculture tools To identify agriculture equipment and tools To show important and correct usage of tools

Practical activity

5. The Human Machine 5.1 The skeleton and Joints

State types of skeleton in living organisms Identify the components of human skeleton Describe the main parts of the skeleton. Give the functions of skeleton and how the framework supports, defends the body Classify and describe the major types of joints )ball and socket, hinge, fixed( and

their functions Observation – field study

Observation and demonstration

5.2 Muscles and movement

Mention the number of muscles in humans State that muscles are arranged in pairs Explain the meaning of antagonistic pair of muscles Explain the process in which muscles move bones Demonstrate in front of the class

Demonstration,searching and fetching

5.3 Food and diet Explain the importance of food for the human body Appreciate the advantages of a balanced diet for a healthy body Identify the main types of food )carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals,

water and roughage/cellulose( and examples of foods containing each food type Test foods for the presence of starch, glucose, protein and fat

Practical activities

5.4 Digestion and Excretion

Illustrate the digestive system Explain digestion State the two types of digestion State the main parts of the digestion system and the alimentary canal of food describe why food undergoes a process of digestion Illustrate the excretory system state the structure and function the excretory organs compare and contrast egestion of waste products from the body

Observation and investigation

5.5 Breathing differentiate breathing and respiration state the main parts of the respiratory system

Experiment and demonstration

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describe the process of breathing in and breathing out describe gaseous exchange between alveoli and blood capillaries

5.6 Transport state the main parts of the blood )plasma, red cells, white cells and platelets( and the function of each part

state the main parts of the circulatory system describe how blood transports substances throughout the body


5.7 Reproduction in animals

State types of reproduction in living organisms Mention the reproductive part of plants. Describe the process of sexual reproduction in plants including pollination and



6.EnvironmentEducation 6.1 Different types of environment

explain the meaning of the terms environment, habitat, population, community, ecosystem

explain the living and non-living factors that surround living thing and their influence on each other

discuss the importance of environmental living things discuss the impact of environmental pollution discuss how to have control of environmental integrity )stop erosion( discuss urban environmental health hazards: Garbage, industrial waste, water


Practical )field visits(

6.2. Food chains and webs

learn about food chains and webs and the energy flow through a food chain use the terms consumer, producer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore describe the advantage and importance of scavengers and decomposers in an



6.3. Populations show why animals and plants must compete for resources describe what animals and plants will compete for in their environment describe the environmental pressures which can prevent a growth in population describe predator-prey relationship between different populations

Practical work about counting population

6.4.Humans and their environment

Describe the impact of humans on their environment by considering population, using pesticides , fertilisers, natural resources, and pollution in your region.

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Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

7.Health Education7.1.Microbes and disease

identify the different types of microbes that can cause disease )viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa(

describe how disease can be spread and prevented learn the symptoms of common diseases )dysentery, diarrhoea, T.B., skin

disease, malaria, typhoid, influenza, venereal disease, trachoma( be aware of the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including


Demonstrate by using chart, diagrams,

7.2. Drugs and health describe the effects of smoking on health show that drugs )non-medical( can affect a person’s health be aware of “kat” chewing effects among the population and its hazards to

human being

Visits of hospitals & police stations

7.3. Personal health learn the importance of a healthy diet, healthy teeth, personal hygiene and exercise in maintaining personal health

have a personal and community awareness of health issues in Somaliland

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Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

FORM II Topic Expected Outcomes: By the end of each topic, the learner should be able to: Activity1. Cells 1.1. Cells and tissues Describe the structure and function of each part of a plant and animal cell) in details (

Prepare, observe and draw plant and animal cells Describe how the cells of an organism are organised )cell – tissue – organ( Define and give examples of tissues, organs and systems Recognise that cells are specialised to have different functions Describe different types of specialised cell with illustrations

Experiments observations

1.2. Chemicals and living cells

Describe the chemical composition of the cell in terms of water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, salts and vitamins

Describe how enzymes work and the effects of temperature and pH on an enzyme Describe enzyme specificity


1.3. Energy from respiration Explain the process by which energy is derived from respiration Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration Calculate the amount of energy from different food

Experiment and practical activities

1.4. Passive transport )Diffusion, osmosis (, Active transport And Bulk transport )Endocytosis, Phagocytises, pinocytosis, and exocytosis(

Compare by showing differences between passive transport and active transport Explain the processes of diffusion and osmosis. Demonstrate how substances enter and leave cells through the cell membrane by

diffusion and osmosis Compare by showing difference between Endocytosis) phagocytosis, pinocytosis( and


Experiment & observation

2. Essential plant nutrients Observation 2.1 Essential nutrients Describe the meaning and important of essential elements for healthy growth

List the essential elements and classify 2.2 Macro nutrient State the role of macronutrient )-CHO, -fertilizer element, -limiting element (2.3 Deficiency Symptoms of macro-nutrients in plants

Describe the deficiency symptoms of macro nutrients

2.4 Soil PH Define meaning of Soil PH Explain important of soil PH and its influence on crop rotation

2.5 Soil Fertility Define meaning and importance of soil fertility Explain the state how to improve soil fertility

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3. Manures and Fertilizers 3.1 Organic matter ,manure, humus and fertilizers

Define and distinguish organic matter manures and fertilizer State source of soil organic matter in soil

3.2 Manures State different organic manures Prepare composite manure

3.3 Fertilizers Identify and classify fertilizers Describe the preparation of humus fertilizers and related them to method of

application Compare advantage and disadvantage organic and in organic fertilizers

4.Animal and Plant nutrition4.1. Photosynthesis in plants Describe the process of photosynthesis and write the equation

Explore that the rate of photosynthesis may be limited by light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration or temperature

Describe how leaves are adapted for photosynthesis Explain gaseous exchange in plants in terms of respiration and photosynthesis appreciate how the products of photosynthesis are utilised by the living plant Observe and describe experiments to test photosynthesis Show the effect of light, CO2 , chlorophyll on photosynthesis

Practical work

4.2. Biological molecules and balanced diet

Describe what food is used for in animals Illustrate the structure and biochemistry and function of macromolecules) carbohydrate,

proteins, lipids and nucleic acids Discover the important micro-molecules such as minerals )iron, calcium, iodine,

phosphorus( and vitamins required and their functions Explain the importance of dietary fibre and water in the diet Discuss the need for a balanced diet and for special dietary requirements for some

groups of people Describe food processing and preservation Explain why food additives are added to food and why they can be harmful

Observation & practical work

4.3. Enzymes Describe the function of enzymes Identify factors that affect enzyme activity Clarify the effects of temperature and pH on an enzyme Describe enzyme specificity

4.4 Digestion Describe the structure of the human digestive system Describe the structure and function of the alimentary canal Describe the structure and function of teeth

Practical & observation

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Describe the process of digestion, including the role of enzymes, stomach acid and bile Explain the process of absorption of digestive materials Describe the use and storage of digested food Explain the role of the liver in body regulation

5. Sensitivity and Coordination5.1. Skin and temperature control

Specify the structure and function of the skin Explain regulation of body temperature by the skin

Practical work

5.2. The senses State the structures which detect stimuli are called sense receptors and where these are found

State difference between stimulus , receptors, impulse and response Illustrate the structure of human eye, ear, tongue and nose using in diagram

models and describe their functions Describe image formation and accommodation of eye Demonstrate blind spot of eye State eye defect, cause and corrective measures Explain mechanisms of hearing Explain process of maintaining balance by inner ear Identify taste areas of the tongue


5.3.Coordination Endocrine systemNervous System

To determine the structure & function of endocrine glands. To name the main glands of the endocrine system & the hormones they produce. To describe the function of some hormones )adrenaline, progesterone, estrogens,

testosterone, insulin, throxine ADH( To recall the structure & function of nervous system To distinguish between the central nervous system & peripheral nervous system To describe the structure & function of nerve cells explain synapsis & how the massage travel through the nerve cells. Define the reflex action Describe reflex arc and mention structure involved Compare simple and conditional reflexes

Practical Demonstration about transmission of impulse Demonstration about knee-jerk

6 Introduction to Inheritance and Genetics6.1. Variation Define variation

Describe continuous and discontinuous variations with examplesObservation

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State causes of variation6.2 Cell division, DNA & RNAInheritance

Describe a chromosome Explain the behaviour of chromosomes during cell division and gamete formation define gene Locate the position of gene and chromosomes Describe the inheritance explain the meaning of alleles, dominant, recessive, phenotype, genotype, heterozygous ,

homozygous explain mechanisms of inheritance and pass information from parent to offspring

describe the structure and functions of DNA & RNA describe the process of DNA replications

Observation experiment

6.3. Mutation show that mutation is a source of genetic variation and it has a number of causes6.4. Evolution explain how new species can be formed

explain what is meant by evolution appreciate that fossils are evidence of evolution and that Natural Selection provides a

mechanism for evolution


7. Taxonomy

7.1 Importance of taxonomy define taxonomy describe importance of classification of organisms state branches of taxonomy

7.2. classification system compare and contract two types of classification schemes describe phonetic classification of natural classification scheme describe phylogenetic of natural classification

7.3 taxonomic hierarchy define taxonomic hierarchy ) rank( define taxon outline taxonomic ranks of animal and plants as an example

7.4 dichotomous keys understand methods of constructing dichotomous keys use dichotomous key for the purpose of identification of organs construct examples of dichotomous keys

8. classification ) biodiversity(

8.1 virus explain reasons of classifying it on the border between living and non-living organisms describe characteristics of virus distinguish according to the genetic material

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define viroids and virons 8.2 five kingdom system describe brief history of classification system

binomial nomenclature construct desponding order of hierarchy of organism using ic.b.w

8.3. kingdom prokaryotae )monera(

define prokaryotae describe morphological characteristics using generalized cell of rod-shaped bacteria list the characteristics of prokaryotae compare by showing difference between prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cells

8.4. kingdom protoctista

identify protoctista with examples list morphological characteristics of Protista state sub-kingdoms and some common phyla

8.4.1 sub-kingdom of algae list characteristics of algae state morphological characteristics, habitat and feeding phylum chlorophyta green algae( class chlorophyeae

state morphological characteristics and habitat illustrate vertical structure of chlamydomonus and structure and conjugation of

spirogyra 8.4.2. sub-kingdom protozoa state the characteristics of protozoa

mention some phyla which includes8.4.2.1 phylum Rhizopoda ) Rhizopods(

describe visible structure of amoeba under light microscope state and define morphological characteristics

8.4.2 phylum ciliophora ) ciliates(

state morphological structure of ciliate describe and label paramecium caudata

8.4.3 phylum flagellates ) zoomostigophora (

state characteristics of flagellates illustrate Euglena with help of discretion

8.5 kingdom fungi define mycology mention characteristics of fungi distinguish Asexual and sexual reproduction of fungi compare phylum zygomycota, phylum Ascomycota and phylum basediomycota by

showing their difference8.6 kingdom plantae mention morphological characteristics

define mode of nutrition ,reproduction and habitat found

8.6.1 phylum Bryophta describe morphological characteristics define mode of reproduction and mention habitat found class Hepaticae ) liverworsts(

define structure describe the life cycle of liverworts

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Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015 class music )mosses( describe structure of mosses and ther lifecycle8.6.2 phylum filicinophyta describe morphological structure of filicinophta class filicidae )ferns ( define structure of ferns describe the life cycle of ferns

8.7 phylum coniferophyta mention morphological characteristics describe reproduction process and structure involves

8.8 phylum Angiospermophyta) flowering plants(

describe characteristics of Angiosperms describe reproduction process and structure involves compare by show difference between diocotyledons and monocotyledons

9. Animal kingdom state morphological characteristics of animal describe reproduction of animals differentiate invertebrates and vertebrates

9.1 phylum porifera )sponges( mention characteristics of sponges

identify their habitat describe reproduction of sponges

9.2. phylum Cnidarians state morphological characteristics distinguish body forms of cnidarians

9.3 phylum Platyhelminthes ) flat worm(

describe the characteristics of body plan state features of flat worm describe structure life cycle of flat worm

9.4 phylum nematodes define the characteristics of nematodes describe their habitat describe life-cycle of round worms

9.5 Phylum Annelida ) segmented worms(

define the characteristics describe structure life cycle of round worm

9.6 phylum Arthropods define the characteristics of arthrapoda describe habitat , features, of major classes of arthrapoda

9.7 phylum Mollusca define characteristics and body plan of mollusca

9.8. phylum chordate define the characteristics of chordate describe features of major classes of chordate describe external and internal anatomy of major class with the help of illustration fish,

amphibian, reptiles, aves and mammals

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FORM IIIAdded 3 chapters

Topic Expected Outcomes: By the end of each topic, the learner should be able to : Activity1. Flowering plants1.1. Plant structure and function

describe the structure and function of the leaves )including epidermis, stomata, mesophyll and veins(

explain the structure and function of the stem )including epidermis and vascular bundles( analyse the structure and function of the roots )including the outer layer and root hairs( explain the structure and function of buds )including bud formation and growth(


1.2. Transport in plants explain mechanisms of water transported by transpiration explain the function of the vascular bundles of a plant )xylem and phloem( explain the mechanism of mineral uptake explain the functions of water and minerals )e.g. magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium(

in plants understand the mechanism involved in the distribution of photosynthetic products through the


Practical activity

1.3. Reproduction in plants describe the reproductive parts of the flower understand the mechanism of pollination and fertilisation explain how plants are adapted to wind and insect pollination describe how fruit and seeds are formed describe how fruit and seeds can be dispersed by wind, animal and explosive methods

1.5. Seed formation and germination

distinguish between cotyledons and dicotyledons describe the structure of a seed describe the process of germination including the factors which affect germination )water,

oxygen, temperature( explain phototropism and geotropism show the advantages of tropic responses

2. Crop Planting 2.1 Types Planting material identify correct planting material for various crops Experiment

2.2 Seeds describe good plants seeds )seed purity, germination percentage, certified seeds( show advantage and disadvantage of plant seeds


2.3 Propagation and Vegetative material

describe vegetative and artificial propagation show plant parts used for vegetative propagation with examples of crop planted using each.

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2.4 preparation of planting material

show plant crop using appropriate material, method and depth

3. Human physiology3.1. Circulatory and lymphatic system

describe the function of the blood state the composition of the blood and the function of the different types of blood cells explain the diagrammatic structure of the heart chambers and main blood vessels connected to

the heart describe the mechanism of the circulation of blood )with a diagram( explain the organs of the lymphatic system and their functions describe how blood transfusions can be made safely

3.2. Respiratory system describe the structure of the lungs explain the processes of inhaling ad exhaling describe how gas exchange takes place and the factors that affect the mechanism

Experiments and observations

3.3. Excretory system differentiate between the excretory organs and their roles )lungs, kidneys, liver, skin( describe the structure and function of the kidney show how the kidney regulates the water content of the body )osmo-regulation( appreciate the importance of maintaining constant internal environment and the process of


Field visit

3.4. Skeleton and Muscular system

describe and understand the structure and function of the skeleton describe and understand the structure and function of muscles name the different types of muscles in the human body explain the mechanism of muscle contraction and relaxation demonstrate how muscles aid in movement and the antagonistic action involved in it

3.5. Reproductive system in humans

describe the male and female reproductive systems explain how the male and female gametes are produced explain the process of fertilisation describe the development of the embryo from conception to birth describe the changes that take place in boys and girls at puberty

3.Diversity of organisms3.1.Characteristics of living things

state the basic activities of life which all living organisms carry out.

3.2. Feeding explain the ways in which organisms can get their food )autotrophs, heterotrophs, saprotrophs, and parasites(

3.3. Breathing explain the different mechanisms by which living things breathe

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describe the importance of the surface area to volume ratio in breathing3.4. Reproduction describe sexual and asexual reproduction with examples

recognise that fertilisation can be internal or external3.5. Growth and change state the phases of growth of organisms can involve cell division, enlargement, changes i

shape and metamorphosis 3.6. Movement describe how an organism can move

name the means for locomotion )flagella, cilia, appendages, muscles, and wings(3.7. Sensitivity describe how organisms respond to stimuli 4. Ecology and Ecosystems


4.1 Interdependence explain how the organisms depend on each other for energy flow and recycling of organic materials

explain how food chains may be described quantitatively using pyramids of numbers and pyramids of biomass

describe the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle4.2 Human impact discuss how population size, economic factors and industrial requirements impact on the

environment describe how humans can affect food webs )hunting, agriculture, pesticides, eutrophication describe the causes and affect of pollution )air, water, agriculture( explain how pollution can be reduced )through reducing pollution, waste disposal, recycling,

biological control(4.3. Ecosystems describe different ecosystems such as terrestrial and aquatic

describe how the distribution and relative abundance of organisms in a habitat can be explained in terms of adaptation, competition and predator-prey relationships

4.4. Populations describe how populations can grow and the limits to growth5. Bee Keeping Experiments

and observations

5.1Importance of bee keeping discuss importance of Bee Keeping

5.2.Colony in the Hive describe colony and the role of each sector 5.3. Sitting of the Apiary and hive

discuss sitting of the apiary and hive select an appropriate site for bee keeping

5.4. Management identify outline management of bee keeping identify how bees feed flowers, trees, bushes and other plants grown around identify how to control predators and pests


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5.5. Honey identify how honey is harvesting illustrate the processing of honey state uses of honey state the uses of beeswax

6. Poultry keeping Experiments 6,1 Brooder identify brooder management Experiments6.2. Extensive systems of

poultry keeping describe management of extensive system of poultry keeping identify the free range

6.3. Semi-intensive describe fold system Experiments6.4. Intensive Systems show deep litter

build battery cage system Experiments

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Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

FORM IVTopic Expected Outcomes: By the end of each topic, the learner should be able to : Activity1. Micro-organisms and humans1.1 Diseases explain what is meant by the terms health and disease

name the different categories of disease and to give one example of each explain the terms pandemic, epidemic and endemic state that infectious diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or protozoa state the ways that diseases can be transmitted )through air, contamination of food and water,

by vectors, contagion( and controlled describe the causes of cholera, malaria, AIDS and TB and explain how these diseases are

transmitted discuss the roles of social, economic and biological factors in the prevention and control of

cholera, malaria, AIDS and TB be aware of the world-wide importance of infectious diseases outline the role of antibiotics in the treatment of infectious disease



2.1 Health and disease

Define health and disease- give Importance of keeping livestock healthy-state Pre-disposing factors of livestock diseases-describe Signs of ill-health in livestockExplain Dangers posed to human beings

Field trip

2.2. causes of livestock diseases

State cause and vector)where applicable(, livestock attacked and signs and symptoms

2.3 Classification of livestock disease

Able to classify according to the pathogen and vector that causes disease

2.3.1. Protozoan diseases

Name causal agents, symptoms ,transition and control measures East cost fever m Anaplasmosis Trypanosomiasis )Nagana(

2.3.2. Bacterial Name causal agents, symptoms ,transition and control measures

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diseases Fowl typhoid Contagious abortion )Brucellosis( Scours Black quarter Mastitis Anthrax

2.3.3. Viral diseases Name causal agents, symptoms ,transition and control measures Rinderpest Foot and mouth Fowl pox New castle disease

2.3.4. Nutritional diseases

Name causal agents, symptoms ,transition and control measures Bloat Mineral deficiencies /effects

2.4 General methods of disease control

Name and describe the general methods of disease control such as Vaccination Quarantine/Isolation Housing Hygiene Controlled breeding Nutrition/classes of feeds/balanced rations proper for different categories and ages of


Field observation

2.5 control and management practice

Able to mention control and management practice such as Hoof trimming Dehorning Castration Culling

3.1 Livestock Parasites

Field observation

3.2 Definition Parasites

define the term parasite describe parasitism

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3.3 Identification and selection

identify parasites illustrate how to select parasites

3.4. Signs of parasite 3.5infestation

identify signs of parasite infestation describe signs of parasite infestation

3.6 Losses caused by parasites

explain losses caused by parasites discuss losses caused by parasites

3.7. Dangers posed to human beings and how to avoid them

name dangers posed to human beings and how to avoid them discuss dangers posed to human beings and how to avoid them

3.8 Life cycles of parasites

draw life cycles of parasites describe life cycles of parasites identify ticks )1,2,3 host(

Tsetse Fly identify tsetse fly describe tsetse fly


Tape Warms name types of tape warms identify tape warms describe diseases caused by tape warms

Liver Flukes identify liver flukes identify diseases caused by liver flukes

3.9 Parasite control describe methods of parasite control in livestock Hygeine in

Field, housing and water, handling

describe hygiene in field, housing and water, handling

Drainage define the meaning of term drainage describe drainage

Ticks )1,2,3, host( 4. immunity 4.1 immune response explain the meaning of the term immune response

explain the difference between the terms antibody and antigen describe the role of phagocytes and lymphocytes in defence against pathogens distinguish between B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes in fighting infection distinguish between active, passive, natural and artificial immunity

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

describe the function of antibodies explain how vaccination can control disease

4.2 Biotechnology define biotechnology as the application of living organisms, systems or processes in industry state the traditional uses of biotechnology in the region e.g. souring of milk, production of

ghee from milk, fermentation of dough, the rotting of hides and skins for making leather, the sisal fibre production

describe the processes involved in producing fermentation products, antibiotics, single-cell proteins, enzymes and sludge digestion

Practical demonstration

5. Genetics and Heredity5.1. DNA and RNA explain the terms chromosome, gene, genome

describe the structure and function of DNA and RNA describe the process of DNA replication to state that a gene is part of a DNA molecule, made of a sequence of nucleotides which codes

for the construction of a polypeptide describe the way in which the nucleotide sequence codes for the amino acid sequence in the

polypeptide describe how transcription and translation take place during protein synthesis appreciate that the synthesis of enzymes is controlled by DNA


5.2. Genetic Engineering

outline the principles of genetic engineering discuss the applications, hazards and ethics of genetic engineering


5.3 Cell division explain the function and process of cell division )mitosis and meiosis( explain the meaning of the terms haploid, diploid, zygote, homologous pair of chromosomes,

centromere, autosome and chromatid5.4. Inheritance explain that genetics is the study of inheritance of characteristics by offspring from their

parents explain the meaning of the terms allele, single factor inheritance, dominant and recessive,

genotype and phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous describe inheritance patterns between parents of the same genotype and of different genotypes,

including the occurrence of the 3:1 ratio give some examples of hereditary diseases explain how sex in mammals is determined by X and Y chromosomes describe the process and benefits of selective breeding

Practical activities

5.5. Variation, selection and evolution

state that variations within a species may be inherited or acquired and to give examples of each case

describe how, during meiosis, the maternal and paternal chromosomes are randomly distributed between the gametes

Observation and demonstration

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

explain how new combinations of genes can arise at fertilisation explain the terms discontinuous and continuous variation and give examples of each

6. Livestock Selection and Breeding

Field trip and observation

6.1 Meaning and Selection of Livestock

identify meaning of livestock selection and breading explain livestock selection and breading

6.2 Factors to Consider in Livestock Selection

7 list factors to consider in livestock Selection 8 Describe factors to consider livestock selection 9 analyse factors to consider livestock selection

Field trip and observation

6.3 Method of Selection

7 name methods of selection 8 explain method of selection 9 discuss methods of selection

Field trip and observation

6.4 Breeding 7 define the meaning of breading 8 identify terms used in breeding 9 differentiate between dominant and recessive genes 10 illustrate heterozygous )hybrid vigour (11 illustrate epitasis

Field trip and observation

7. Cell Biology7.1. Cell structure describe and interpret the structure of typical animal and plant cells as seen using the light

microscope and the electron microscope describe the differences and similarities between animal and plant cells recognise and explain the functions of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum )ER(, Golgi

apparatus, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, chloroplasts, plasma )cell surface( membrane, centrioles, cilia and the nucleus )including nuclear envelope and nucleolus(

compare and contrast the structure of a prokaryote cell and the structure of a eukaryotic cell explain how cells are organised into tissues and give examples of tissues )including squamous

epithelium and ciliated epithelium, xylem and phloem

Practical activities

7.2. Carbohydrates use and understand the terms macromolecule and polymer describe the importance of and basic structure of carbohydrates )monosaccharaides,

disaccharides and polysaccharides describe the formation and breaking of a glycosidic bond by condensation and hydrolysis

respectively relate the structures of the polysaccharides starch, glycogen and cellulose to their functions in

living organisms

Practical activities

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

7.3. Lipids and proteins

describe the structure and formation of the most common type of lipid, the triglyceride relate the structures of triglycerides and phospholipids to their functions in living things use and understand the terms hydrophobic and hydrophilic, unsaturated and polysaturated as

they apply to lipids describe the basic structure of amino acids, the basic component of proteins describe the formation and importance of the peptide bond describe the primary structure of polypeptides and proteins and how it affects their secondary

and tertiary structure describe the importance of hydrogen bonds, disulphide bonds, ionic bonds and hydrophobic

interactions in maintaining the three-dimensional structure of proteins describe how the structures of globular )e.g. haemoglobin( and fibrous )e.g. collagen( proteins

are related to their functions

Practical activities

7.4. Water and inorganic ions

explain the properties of water and its importance in cell biology describe the functions of some inorganic ions required by living organisms e.g. Ca2+, Na+, K+,

Mg2+, Cl-, NO3-, PO4

3-, Fe2

7.5. Enzymes explain that enzymes as globular proteins which act as catalysts describe the significance of the active site in an enzyme describe how enzymes catalyse a reaction by reducing the activation energy give some examples of enzyme catalysed reactions describe how enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, temperature, pH and competitive

inhibitors can affect the rate of an enzyme catalysed reactions

Practical activities

7.6. Cell membranes describe and explain the structure of a cell membrane in terms of the fluid mosaic model explain the functions of the components of the cell membrane )phospholipids, cholesterol,

proteins, glycolipids and glycoproteins outline the role of the plasma membrane and the roles of membranes within cells describe the four basic mechanisms of transport across the plasma membrane )diffusion,

osmosis, active and bulk transport describe the effects on animal and plant cells of immersion in solutions of different water


Practical activities

8. Nutrition and Respiration8.1. Autotrophic nutrition

explain that photosynthesis is a form of autotrophic nutrition describe the significance of photosynthesis in terms of its effect on plant metabolism, food

chains and composition of the air outline the process of photosynthesis in terms of the process that takes place in the specialised

organelles, the chloroplasts describe and explain the conditions required for photosynthesis )light, chlorophyll in

Practical activities

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

chloroplasts, carbon dioxide, water, suitable temperature( to explain why the leaf can be described as ‘the factory for photosynthesis’ in terms of leaf

structure describe, in detail, the mechanism of photosynthesis as a set of reactions in two stages - the

light-dependent stage and the light-independent stage name the products of photosynthesis )glucose, starch, amino acids and proteins, nucleic acids

and lipids( describe and explain the differences between C3 and C4 plants in terms of photosynthesis

8.2 Heterotrophic nutrition

define and use the terms heterotrophic, holozoic, saprotrophic and parasitic nutrition describe holozoic nutrition of mammals describe the essential nutrients required by the body and their functions describe the structure and function of the human gut, including the structure and functions of

the mouth, teeth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine describe the process by which digested food is absorbed and assimilated

Practical activities

8.2. Respiration and gaseous exchange

describe how the process of respiration releases energy differentiate and describe the two types of respiration )aerobic and anaerobic( explain the function and importance of the respiratory surface describe the process of gaseous exchange in plants, small animals and large organisms explain the process of tissue respiration which involves reduction reactions in which sugar is

typically oxidised to carbon dioxide, and oxygen is reduced to water describe the 3 major phases of respiration of glucose – glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, the

electron-transport system explain the occurrence and process of anaerobic respiration

Practical activities


The Somaliland Chemistry Syllabus 2000 has been prepared in consultation with Somaliland science experts, the Ministry of Education, the Head of Curriculum, and with advisors from CfBT under the European Union funded Institutional Support for Secondary Education in Somaliland project. Reviews were subsequently made in 2001 and in 2006 )with advice from UNESCO(. And 2015 AET

The syllabus outlines the learning outcomes for each topic. References are given to the key textbooks generally available in schools. Teachers are encouraged to use these textbooks to assist them achieve the learning outcomes. They are also encouraged to use additional materials, books and particularly experimental work where appropriate. The overview of the syllabus on page 5 also provides a guide as to which topics should be taught in Terms 1 and 2.

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

The first review of the syllabus took place in January 2001. Following this review some minor amendments were made to the syllabus and the Form IV syllabus developed.

The last review )2015( some minor amendments were made to the syllabus and new chapters was introduced in form one, but some sub topics was transferred from form 1 to form2 and form2 to form 3During the last review more emphasis was made on the following points:

Upgrading the syllabus content Reinforced with more environmental aspects of chemistry Reinforced with more skills based on the syllabus Reinforced with clear objectives and assessments

From September 2015, the new syllabus will lead to upgrade the way of teaching in secondary schools and will increase a number of specific practical skills: Improving estimating, measuring, recording and graph drawing skills Improve observational and manipulating skills Made deductions which develop critical thinking skills Improve calculating skills from experiment results

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Structure of the syllabus Content Learning Outcomes Skills Topic Subtopic and Details

This column clarifies the content by describing the level of knowledge and type of performance required the learning outcomes. Limits to depth and breadth of the topics and sub topics

This column clarifies the teaching approaches to be used in delivering the content)mostly learners centred approach( the skills developed defines the limits to the type of assessment to be carried out

Estimating teaching contactThis syllabus recommended 108 lessons for each year of the four years of secondary school Aims of Somaliland Chemistry Syllabus

To develop the scientific language and chemical terminology required to enable students to study chemistry effectively in English.

To develop the abilities, skills and appropriate knowledge relevant to chemistry that will empower the students to realize their full potential and to specialize in this discipline.

To develop students’ ability to use experimental chemistry and to enable students to use experimental techniques as a means to acquire scientific knowledge, understanding and skills.

To enable students to communicate their ideas effectively through appropriate means )including diagrams, tables, graphs, charts( and using appropriate scientific and mathematical conventions.

To develop in students critical thinking and problem solving abilities.

To enable students to relate and apply their scientific knowledge and skills so as to increase their understanding of the environment and their everyday life so they can make positive contributions to the development of society.

Emphasize chemistry as a way to meet the human resource needs of the country.

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Crucial Cross Cutting Issues to be studied Health Education )e.g. HIV/AIDS awareness(.,Khat chewing, Environmental Education, Gender issuesEmphasize environmental issues such as:- Water supplies Non biodegradable plastic bag pollution Fossil fuel burning )more pollution as car numbers increase( Recycling to reduce waste and pollution Burning trees )firewood and limestone(

In chemistry all physical things can be taken as examples of chemical structures and systems. Some examples taken from everyday life:- Human beings as individual chemical systems- e.g. reducing acidity in the stomach to combat indigestion. Rusting and corrosion Car batteries Aluminium sheet production Making dough )CO2 production( Cooking Salt making Burning kerosene Biogas Khat chewing as an example of drug abuse )amphetamine intake(

Practical skills development:: Increase the number of specific practical exercises to:-

Improve estimating, measuring, recording and graph drawing skills Improve observational and manipulative skills Make deductions which develop critical thinking when interpreting results to make conclusions. Improve calculating skills from experimental results

Reviewed Secondary School Syllabus July – August 2015

Form I Form II Form III Form IV



1. Introduction to Chemistry 1.1.Chemistry laboratory

Pure substances and mixtures 1.2. Matter 1.3. Physical and chemical changes 1.4. Separating mixtures

2. Mixtures, elements and compounds2.1. Mixtures, elements and compounds2.2. Structure of the atom

2.3. Combining elements

3. Materials 3.1. Metals and their ores3.2. Reactions of Metals3.3. Rusting3.4. Recycling 3.5. Using materials)to be completed in Term 2(

1. More about matter 1.1. Pure substances 1.2. Gases 1.3. Solutions and solubility

2. Using the periodic table 2.1. More about the atom2.2 Periodic table2.3. Trends within a group 2.4. Trends across a period

3. Bonding3.1. Compounds 3.2. Ionic bonding and ionic compounds 3.3. Covalent bonding and covalent compounds

4. Air, Earth and Water4.1. Air and its usesAir pollution4.3. Water and the water cycle4.4. Hard and soft water

1. Acids, bases and salts 1.1. Acids 1.2. Alkalis 1.3. Neutralisation 1.4. Making salts

2. Metals2.1. Properties of metals and Non-metals2.2. Reactivity and the reactivity series2.3. Using metals

3. Electrolysis3.1. Redox reactions3.2. Electrolysis3.3. Uses of electrolysis3.4. Electrolysis calculations

1. Atomic Structure1.1. Composition of matter1.2. Electrons in atoms1.3. Periodic patterns

2. Bonding and structure2.1. Ionic and covalent bonding2.2. ElectronegativityShapes and structuresMetallic bondingIntermolecular forces

3. Moles and stoichiometry3.1. Reacting masses3.2. Volumetric calculations3.3. Gas volumes


Form I Form II Form III Form IV



)Unit 3 from Term 1 to be completed(

4. More about physical and chemical changes4.1. The kinetic theory of matter4.2. Changing state4.3. Combustion and oxidation4.4. Thermal decomposition4.5. Equations4.6. Rates of reaction

5. Acids and bases5.1. Introduction to acids5.2. Acids and indicators5.3. Properties of acids5.4. Properties of bases and alkalis

5. The mole5.1. Masses of atoms 5.2. The mole5.3. Formula 5.4. Concentration of solutions5.5. Molar gas volume

6. Chemical reactions and equations6.1. Molecular equations and calculations6.2. Making and breaking compounds6.3. Oxidation and reduction6.4. Precipitation6.5. Neutralisation6.6. Energy changes

7. Introduction to Carbon and organic compounds7.1. Carbon and its compounds7.2. The carbon cycle 7.3. Fossil fuels7.4. Chemicals from oil7.5. Plastics

4. Non-metals 4.1. Hydrogen 4.2. Nitrogen4.3. Oxygen4.4. Sulphur4.5. Chlorine, bromine and Iodine

5. Organic chemistry5.1. Alkanes5.2. Alkenes5.3. Alcohols5.4. Carboxylic acids

6. Rate of Reactions and Chemical Chemical Equilibrium6.1. Rates of reaction and measuring rates6.2. Changing the rate of a reaction6.3. Collision theory6.4. Catalysts6.5. Reversible reactions

4. Energy in Chemistry4.1. Enthalpy changes4.2. Bond enthalpies4.3. Measuring and calculating bond enthalpies

5. Organic chemistry5.1. Basic concepts5.2. Reaction mechanisms5.3. Polymers5.4. Halogenalkanes


FORM 1Topic Learning Outcomes, the student will be able:- Skills1. Introduction to Chemistry to describe the meaning of chemistry and how chemistry relates to everyday life,

environment and society to describe the different branches of chemistry

1.1 Chemistry laboratory To identify and state the uses of all the apparatus in the laboratory To classify and apply heating apparatus , measuring apparatus etc

To identify laboratory safety rules.

identifying equipmentObservations and manipulating

1.2. Pure substances and mixtures

to distinguish between pure substances and mixtures to describe characteristics of pure substances and mixtures

1.3. Matter to understand the concept of matter to state the physical states of matter, their properties and their inter-relationship

Practical examples on daily life

1.4. Physical and chemical changes

to identify simple physical and chemical changes to state the properties of physical and chemical changes

Practical examples on daily life

1.5. Separating mixtures to separate mixtures using an appropriate technique )including filtration, distillation, evaporation, fractional distillation and chromatography( based on simple practical exercises

on daily life for example weaving etc

Observation, handling equipmentAnd innovations

2. Mixtures, Elements and Compounds

2.1. Mixtures, elements and compounds

to define and identify elements, mixture and compound to distinguish between mixtures and compounds to state that elements can be represented by symbols and know the names and

symbols of at least 30 common elements(learning games)

Practical examples

2.2. Structure of the atom to describe the structure of an atom in terms of the nucleus, protons, neutrons and electrons

to draw diagrams to represent simple atoms to define the meaning of atomic and mass numbers in terms of protons, neutrons and

electrons to arrange electrons in the energy levels of an atom

Drawing diagrams Atomic model construction


2.4. Combining elements to give a definition of a molecule to give some examples of elements that consist of molecules )H2, O2, N2( to describe that elements can combine together to form compounds to describe that compounds can be represented by formulae which indicate the

elements that make up that compound to introduce the concept of valency and apply it to write correct molecular formulae

of simple compounds.

Drawing diagrams

3. Materials to identify sources of materials, for example the air, earth, fuels3.1. Metals and their ores to state that metals are found in nature combined with other elements as a metal ore

to describe some uses of common metals, for example aluminium, iron and copper3.2. Reactions of Metals to identify and observe the reactions of metals with acids, water and air

to be aware that some metals are more reactive than others to identify and observe that a more reactive metal will displace a less reactive one in

solution by using the reactions of metals, be able to relate metals to their uses simple practical exercises to illustrate these properties

Observation, handling equipmentSimple practical experiments

3.3. Rusting environmental issues

to observe and be able to identify the conditions necessary for rusting to describe how to prevent rusting

Daily life examples

3.4. Recycling environmental issues

to explain the advantages of recycling to give examples of materials which can be recycled to describe the factors that influence whether a materials is recycled

Daily life examples

Using materialseveryday life examples

to explain why certain materials are suitable for uses, e.g. certain metals for construction purposes because they are strong or light, electrical conductors & insulators, etc.

Daily life examples

4. More about physical & chemical changes4.1. The kinetic theory of matter

to describe solids, liquids and gases in terms of particles to describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases in terms of moving particles to explain diffusion in terms of the kinetic theory of matter

Models and diagrams

4.2. Changing state to explain changes of state in terms of the kinetic theory of matter Daily life examples4.3. Combustion and oxidation

to identify that combustion and respiration are chemical changes that involve the addition of oxygen

Practical examples On daily life

4.4. Thermal decomposition to state that some substances break down with heat into 2 or more simpler substances Practical examples


Demonstrations, e.g. heating of CuSO4.5H2O, CuCO3, Cu(NO3)2, ZnCO3, etc. On daily life4.5. Equations to write word equations for familiar reactions4.6. Rates of reaction to state that reactions can take place at different speeds

to observe some of the factors that can affect the speed of a reaction )temperature, concentration, surface area, catalysts(

Simple test-tube based practical to illustrate this, e.g. Mg + HCl of various concentrations, action of heat on Fe + HCl, etc.

Observation, handling equipment,Graphs

5. Acids and Bases5.1. Introduction to acids to identify some everyday substances as acids

To identify Uses of acids and basesPractical examples On daily life

5.2. Acids and indicators to use indicators to classify solutions as acidic, neutral or alkaline to state that pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution Demonstrations of various indicators

5.3. Properties of acids to identify the properties of acids perform simple practical test-tube exercises to show these properties

Observation, handling equipment,interpretation

5.4. Properties of bases and alkalis

to give a definition of a base and an alkali to identify the properties of bases and alkalis perform simple practical test-tube exercises to show these properties

Observation, handling equipment


Form II

Topic Learning Outcomes, the student will be able to:- Skills

1. More about matter1.1. Pure substances to describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases in terms of kinetic

theory to identify that the melting point and boiling point of a substance depends on

the particles in it and the presence of impurities can affect the melting and boiling points

Practical examples On daily lifeTesting for impurity of substance

1.2. Gases to demonstrate how the pressure of a gas changes with volume and temperature

to investigate how the volume of a gas changes with temperature) for example car tyres on hot days

Practical examples On daily lifeSimple experiments

1.3. Solutions and solubility to identify and be able to use the terms ‘solution’, ‘solute’, ‘solvent’ and suspension

to distiguish the terms ‘miscible’ and ‘immiscible’ to compare the difference between a soluble substance and an insoluble

substance to know that substances have different solubilities and the solubility increases

with temperature to interpret solubility curves

Simple experiments on solutions,Practical examples of solubility and Graph interpretations

2. The periodic table2.1. More about the atom to know the three fundamental particles, protons, neutrons and electrons and

their relative charges and masses to know that every atom has equal numbers of protons and electrons to use atomic and mass numbers to determine the structure of an atom to differentiate between an atom, ion and molecule to know that isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers

of neutrons

Drawing models of the atom, group discussion and presentation

2.2. Periodic table to understand the terms ‘group’ and ‘period’ as they relate to the periodic table

To know the names and positions of groups I, II, VII, O and the transition

Drawing diagrams , group discussion and presentation


elements. to understand the arrangement of elements in the periodic table in terms of

their arrangement of electrons to use the periodic table to identify atomic and mass numbers to know the position of metals and non-metals in the periodic table to use the properties of metals and non-metals to identify a substance as a

metal or non-metal2.3. Trends within a group to show the physical and chemical properties of Groups I, II, VII and 0

to understand that elements within one group have similar properties and show gradual changes in physical and chemical properties through the group

Group work and presentation

2.4. Trends across a period to use Period 3 to discuss the trends across a period Skills3. Bonding3.1. Compounds to identify why elements form compounds

to state what an ion is and be able to write the formula of an ion3.2. Ionic bonding and ionic compounds

to identify that ionic bonds are formed as result of a transfer of electrons to represent the formation of ionic bonds using diagrams to write the formula of ionic compounds

Drawing simple diagrams

3.3. Covalent bonding and covalent compounds

to understand that covalent bonds are formed as a result of sharing of electrons

to represent the formation of covalent bonds using diagrams to write the formula of covalent compounds


4. Air, Earth and Water4.1. Air and its uses to mention how the composition of the atmosphere and how it is maintained

to describe how to measure the percentage composition of oxygen in the air to describe some uses of air

Example of daily life

4.2. Air pollution environmental issues

to identify the causes of air pollution to know some ways to reduce air pollution Identification of common pollutants of Air from local sources and

suggesting their control

practical examples , collecting information from the environment

4.3. Water and the water cycle environmental issues

to state the importance of water to living things to describe and how water is recycled in the water cycle Identification of common pollutants of water from local sources and

suggesting their control to describe the process of water treatment to ensure a safe supply of drinking

Testing pure water by simple experiments.Collecting information about water pollution


water to describe how sewage can be treated

4.4. Hard and soft water environmental issues

to explain the difference between hard and soft water and the difference between permanent and temporary hardness

to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of hard and soft water to describe methods of softening water

To compare practical examples and simple experiments

5. The mole5.1. Masses of atoms to recognize and be able to use Relative Atomic Masses )RAM( and Relative

Molecular Masses )RMM(Skills

5.2. The mole to understand what a mole is in terms of Avogadro’s number to calculate the mass of 1 mole a substance to calculate the number of moles of a substance

Brain storming and calculations

5.3. Formula to develop and understanding of valence of ions and radicals to perform exercises of chemical formula compounds to recognize the formulae of compounds in terms of how many moles of the

different atoms combine together and how many grams of the different elements combine together

to compare the difference between empirical and molecular formula to calculate empirical and molecular formula

Group work and presentations, more exercise on chemical formula

5.4. Concentration of solutions to calculate the concentration of a solution in terms of the number of grams of a solute dissolved in 1 dm3 of solution

Practical demonstration by preparing various solutions of different concentrations

Simple experiments and calculations

5.5. Molar gas volume to calculate the molar gas volume of any gas at r.t.p. is 24 dm3 to calculate the volume of any gas given the mass of gas or number of moles


6. Chemical reactions and equations6.1. Symbol equations and calculations

to write balanced molecular equations for a large sample of familiar reactions

to use equations to calculate the number of moles, the mass and the volume )for gases( of substances taking part in a reaction

Group work, presentations andCalculation

6.2. Making and breaking compounds

to classify that there are reactions which can be used to break down compounds )decomposition, electrolysis, fermentation and cracking(

to state that there are combination reactions which can be used to make compounds

Simple experiments on types of reaction


6.3. Oxidation and reduction to explain oxidation and reduction reactions in terms of gaining and losing oxygen and hydrogen

to demonstrate practical activities on different types of reactions

Daily life examples

6.4. Precipitation to describe what a precipitate is and how it is formed and perform simple practical test-tube exercises to show a range of precipitation reactions

to describe some uses of precipitation reactions Solubility rules

Observation handling equipmentAnd hazards and disposal methods

6.5. Neutralisation reducing stomach acidity

to describe neutralisation as a type of chemical reaction in which an acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water

Observation handling equipment

6.6. Energy changes to identify reactions as exothermic or endothermic to calculate the energy change in a reaction to explain the energy changes that take place in a reaction in terms of bond

energies Simple experiment to calculate the heat given out by methylated spirit in a

spirit lamp

Simple experiment Observationhandling equipmentInterpretation,Calculation

8. Introduction to Carbon and organic compounds

7.1. Carbon and its compounds to to describe the importance of carbon and its compounds )carbon dioxide, carbonates, organic compounds(

Group work and discussion

7.2. The carbon cycle to describe and explain the importance of the carbon cycle To be familiar the daily life examples such as Soft drinks manufacture and Fire extinguishers

Practical examples

7.3. Fossil fuels environmental issues

to describe the formation of coal, oil and natural gases to describe the problems associated with fossil fuels, pollution increases with

more cars on the road to give some examples associated with pollution(oil coal etc)

Examples from daily life

7.4. Chemicals from oil to identify a hydrocarbon is formed from hydrogen and carbon only to explain how compounds can be obtained from oil by fractional distillation

Examples from daily life

FORM 3Topic Learning Outcomes, the student will be able to:- Skills

1. Acids, bases and salts


1.1. Acids to define acids. Such as; Arrhenius definition of acid and Bronsted – lowery definition of acids

to use the pH scale to measure the strength of acids, use pH = -log[H+(aq)] to classify acids according to their strength to write equations for the reactions of acids with metals, bases and

carbonates to understand that acids produce hydrogen ions when dissolved in water to construct ionic equations from molecular equations to describe that acids dissociate in different ways according to its strength to demonstrate the reactions of acid in the laboratory to describe the effects on indicators by the acids to describe vinegar and its acidity

Group work, report writing and handling equipments and doing simple experiments

1.2. Alkalis to define bases. Such as; Arrhenius definition of base and Bronsted – lowery definition of base

to understand that alkalis produce hydroxide ions in solutions to understand why bases can be called proton acceptors to classify alkalis according to their strength to write equations for the reactions of alkalis with ammonium compounds to understand alkalis dissociate in different ways according to their

strength to describe the effects on indicators by the alkalis

Practical experiments

Group work, report writing and handling equipments

1.3. Neutralisation everyday life; stomach indigestion

to explain that neutralization reactions involve the reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions to form water

to describe some everyday neutralization reactions, e.g. action of anti acid tablet in the stomach

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

1.4. Making salts to demonstrate that a salt is formed when an acid reacts with a base to prepare a soluble salt from a suitable acid and an insoluble salt by

precipitation to describe methods of preparing a soluble salt )acid with metal, acid with

Simple Practical experiments in the laboratory and group work


insoluble base or acid with alkali and acid with carbonates( to describe how to prepare an insoluble salt by precipitation to give some examples the preparation of salts in the laboratory to show the difference between normal salts and acidic salts Simple practical exercise to prepare a solid sample of a salt

2. Metals2.1. Properties of metals & Non-metals

to describe the physical and chemical properties of metals to compare the properties of metals and non-metals

2.2 Reactivity and the Reactivity series

to describe the reactions of some metals with oxygen, water and acids to rank metals in order of reactivity according to their reactions with

oxygen, water and acids to understand that metals can act as reducing agents to understand that carbon can reduce some metals to their ores to understand that a more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal

from solutions of its compounds to explain and be able to apply the reactivity series to describe a chemical cell and the importance of the reactivity series to

choosing the two metals in a chemical cell

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

2.3 Using metalseveryday life examplesaluminium sheet production, local crafts to make axes, knives etc. from Fe

to relate the uses of a metal to its properties to explain what an alloy is and give some uses of common alloys to describe the difference between iron and steel according to their

strength and composition to describe in detail the extraction, properties, uses of aluminium, copper

and iron

Examples on daily life

3. Electrolysis To clarify Valency electrons and Oxidation numbers Calculations


3.1. Redox reactions to describe that oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously in a same

reaction and are called redox reaction to describe redox reactions in terms of electron transfer. To write half reactions that occur on different electrodes )Cathode and

anode( To calculate problems related redox reactions

3.2 Electrolysiseveryday life examplescar batteries, dry cells

to identify substances as conductors or insulators to describe electrolysis as the breaking down of a compound by the

passage of a direct electric current to describe the apparatus required for electrolysis and be able to identify

the anode and cathode to define that an electrolyte is a liquid which allows a current to pass

through it to compare electrolyte and non-electrolyte according to their solubility and

conductivity to explain what happens during the electrolysis of a given electrolyte

)molten and solutions(, including writing half equations for the reactions at the cathode and anode

to describe electrolysis in terms of oxidation and reduction to describe the factors that affect the products of electrolysis )selective

discharge, concentration(

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

3.3. Uses of electrolysis to describe some uses of electrolysis, such as; extracting metals, purifying metals, electroplating, anodizing and so on.

to produce new chemicals from their compounds by decomposition caused electricity

everyday life examples

3.4. Electrolysis calculations to understand that the amount of substance formed during electrolysis is directly proportional to the

Calculations and group work


size of the current and how long it flows to calculate the amount of a substance deposited on the cathode during

electrolysis to solve other problems related electrolysis to familiarize the relationship between charge )C(, current )A( and time )s

4. Non-metals4.1. Hydrogen to describe the properties and uses of hydrogen

to prepare hydrogen gas in the laboratory and test for hydrogen to describe how hydrogen gas is collected after preparation to explain how and why hydrogen could be used as a fuel in the future to describe that hydrogen forms hydrides with metals. For example NaH

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

4.2 Nitrogen

everyday life fertilizers

to describe the properties and uses of nitrogen to prepare nitrogen gas in the laboratory to describe the nitrogen cycle to describe the properties and uses of ammonia to prepare ammonia gas in the laboratory to clarify the basicity of ammonia to describe the manufacture of ammonia in industry by the Haber Process to identify effects of temperatures and pressure on Haber process to state that nitrates are best fertilizers to understand some of the problems associated with fertilizers to explain the lack of reactivity of nitrogen to state the environmental consequence of controlled use of nitrate

fertilizer to explain why atmospheric oxides of nitrogen are pollutants

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

4.3 Oxygeneveryday life, respiration, rusting

to describe the laboratory preparation of oxygen and test for oxygen to describe the properties and uses of oxygen to explain when basic oxides, acidic oxides and neutral oxides are

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report


produced to prepare some oxides in the laboratory. For example, MgO


4.4. Sulphur to describe the extraction of sulphur from their underground deposited to understand that sulphur has several allotropes to describe the properties and uses of sulphur to describe the properties and uses of sulphur dioxide describe the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the Contact process to describe the properties and uses of sulphuric acid to prepare some sulphates in the laboratory to clarify the role of sulpher dioxide in the formation acid rain to describe the environmental consequences of acidic rain to describe the use of sulpher dioxide in food reservation

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

4.5 Chlorine, bromine and iodine everyday life, OCl- ion for bleachin , Iodine for woundsAntisceptic.

to describe the manufacture of chlorine in industry to describe the properties and uses of chlorine to understand some common compounds of chlorine to describe the properties and uses of bromine and iodine and their

compounds to make laboratory preparation of Chlorine, bromine and iodine to describe the extraction of bromine from sea water

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

5. Organic chemistry 5.1 Saturated Hydrocarbons - )Alkanes(Everyday life, burning of kerosene, candles, butane and petrol as a fuel or to produce light. Cigarette lighters.

to classify saturated hydrocarbons as alkanes to name simple alkanes and give their structures to understand that members of a homologous series have the same general

formula, similar chemical properties and show a gradual change in physical properties to describe hydrocarbons burn in air to produce water and carbon dioxide

)with excess oxygen( and water and carbon monoxide )with limited oxygen(

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing


to describe some properties of alkanes to explain that isomers are compounds with the same formula but different

structures and give examples to describe reactions of alkanes )for example, combustion reaction and

substitution reaction(

5.2 Unsaturated hydrocarbons )Alkenes and alkynes( everyday life, source of plastics through polymers PVC, polythene, etc.

to classify unsaturated hydrocarbons as alkenes and alkynes to name simple alkenes and give their structures to describe some properties of alkenes to explain that saturated hydrocarbons are less reactive than unsaturated to describe a test of unsaturation using bromine water )bromine solution( to describe reactions of alkenes )for example, combustion reaction and

addition reactions(

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

5.3 AlcoholsEveryday life drinking of alcohol as drug abuse against Islamic values.

to identify alcohols as organic compounds containing the –OH functional group

to name simple alcohols and give their structures to identify alcohols as primary, secondary or tertiary to describe that alcohols exhibit isomerism to describe the properties alcohols ) e.g ethanol( to explain the importance of ethanol to describe two methods of producing ethanol, by fermentation and from

ethane to describe reactions of alcohols

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

5.4. Carboxylic acids everyday life lemon juice, vinegar, fruits

to identify carboxylic acids as organic compounds containing the –COOH functional group

to name simple carboxylic acids and give their structures to describe some properties of carboxylic acids to describe reactions of carboxylic acids )for example; neutralization


Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing


6. Reaction Rates and Chemical equilibria

6.1. Rates of reaction and Measuring rate

to understand that reactions take place at different rates to measure of fast a reaction occur to interpret graphs relating to the rate of a reaction

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing

6.2 Changing the rate of a reaction.Everyday life, slow rusting and corrosion, temperature affects fermentation of dough.

to describe that the rate of a given reaction can be changed by changing the conditions of the reaction

to state conditions that affect rate of reactions. i,e; temperature, concentration, surface area and presence of catalyst.

to understand the effects of temperature change, concentration of a solution, and particle size of a solid, on the rate of a reaction

to understand that a catalyst increases the rate of a reaction without itself being changed chemically

Practical exercises to show how temperature, concentration, surface area and catalysts affect reaction rate

Everyday life, slow rusting and corrosion, temperature affects fermentation of dough.

6.3. Collision theory to understand that reactions can only occur when particles collide with each other

to use the collision theory to explain why changing the temperature, concentration and surface area can change the rate of a reaction

6.4 Catalystseveryday life, biochemical reactions of plants & animals need enzymes

to explain how catalysts work to give some example of the use of catalysts

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report


to understand that enzymes are biological catalysts to explain how enzymes work to give some examples of the uses of enzymes


6.5 Reversible reactions Everyday life, photo chromatic lenses in spectacles.

to understand that some reactions are reversible to understand that reversible reactions can reach a state of dynamic

equilibrium in a closed system. That is forward reaction and backward reaction occurs in a same rate.

to describe that certain reactions can be reversed if the conditions are changed

to use Le Chatelier’s principle to increase the yield of products for reversible reactions

Simple Practical experiments, group work , discussions and report writing



Form 4Main topic Learning outcomes Skills

1. Atomic structure

1.1 composition of matter

To describe the distribution of mass and charge with in an atom to use atomic and mass numbers to deduce the numbers of protons ,

electrons and neutrons in atoms , ions and isotopes . to identify isotopes of an element .

Application and deduction

1.2 electrons in atoms To describe the terms first ionization energy and successive ionization energies of an element

to show how ionization are influenced by nuclear charge , atomic radius and electron shielding to use successive energies ionization

to identify the number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom to draw the shapes of S and p orbitals to design the order in which electrons fill up the shells and orbitals to deduce and write the electronic configuration of atoms to Z=36 and ions given the atomic number and charge

Interpretation of graph

1.3 periodic patterns To classify the elements s,p,d and f block . to describe a periodic patterns of electronic configurations , atomic size ,

electrical conductivities , melting point and boiling point . to describe the periodic patterns of first ionization energies including

interpreting graphs , atomic number and ionization energy .

Analysis and synthesis

2. Bonding andstructure

2.1 Ionic and covalent bonding

To describe ionic bonding in terms of the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions .

to describe covalent bonding in terms of a pair of electrons shared between two atoms .

to state that in molecules atomic orbitals combine to produce O and Λ molecular orbitals .

Drawing and shapes


to use dot and cross diagrams to describe the formation of ionic bonds , covalent bonding and dative covalent )co-ordinate( bonds .

2.2 Electronegativity To describe ionic bonds and covalent bonds in terms of polarization . to identify that electronegativity is the ability of bonded atoms to attract

electron charge . to describe changes in electronegativity across the periodic table . to use Pauling’s electronegativity to show bond polarity and to deduce the

type of bonding present in a substances .

Application and deduction

2.3 Shapes and structures

To describe and illustrate structure and state properties of ions and covalent compounds .

to describe and draw the shapes of simple molecules using the electron-pair repulsion theory .

Application and deduction

2.4 Metallic bonding to state the atoms in a metal are held together by metallic bonds which are the forces between delocalized electrons and positive ions .

to attribute that properties of metals are due to metallic bonds . 2.5 Intermolecular forces everyday life, unique properties of water

To describe the giant molecular structures of diamond , graphite and silicon dioxide .

to describe hydrogen bonding between molecules containing _ OH . _ NH and F _ H .

to use hydrogen bonding to describe and to state the properties of water . to use kinetic theory and bonding to describe the physical properties and

structures of elements and compounds .

Brain storming

3. Moles & stoichiometry

3.1 Reacting masses Inform meanings of the terms relative atomic mass , isotopes mass , relative molecular mass and relative formula mass , based on the 12 C scale .

to give the definition of mole in terms of Avogadro’s constants and molar mass as the mass od mole of a substances .

to perform calculations involving reacting masses and use those calculations .

Calculation and brain storming

3.2 Volumetric calculations )practical expriments)

To express concentrations of solutions in one mole dm-3 or molarities .

to use titrations to determine the reacting volumes of two solutions using an indicator to show the end-point of the reaction .

Practical experiments


to use titrations to determine an unknown concentration of one of the reactants .

to perform calculations involving volumes and concentrations of solutions in simple acid-bases titrations , and use those calculation to deduce stoichiometric relation ships do practical exercise _ acid-base titration

3.3 Gas volumes examples on every day life

To express that equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecule under the same conditions

to mention that at room temperature and pressure one mole of any gas occupies approximately 24.0dm3

to use reacting volumes of gases to determine the stoichiometry of a reaction .

4. Energy and chemistry

4.1 Enthalpy changes To know all chemical reactions involve a transfer of energy , usually in the form of heat energy , which can be described as an enthalpy change .

to define and identify enthalpy changes as exothermic )ΔH + ve ( or endothermic ) ΔH – ve (.

to construct enthalpy profile for a reaction . to define and use the terms standard enthalpy changes , standard enthalpy

change of reaction )ΔHƟr ( standard enthalpy of combustion ) ΔHƟ

C ( and standard enthalpy of formation ) ΔHƟ

F ( .

Calculation and brain storming

4.2 Bond enthalpies To describe reaction in terms of the bonds being broken and the bonds being formed .

to define and use the terms bond energy and bond enthalpy . to use bond energies to calculate enthalpy changes for chemical reactions by

considering the enthalpy of the bonds broken and the enthalpy of the bonds formed .

Calculation and brain storming

4.3 measuring and calculating enthalpy changesApplication on daily life

To perform and describe experiments to calculate enthalpy changes to use experimental data to calculate enthalpy changes .to state and use Hess’s Law to calculate enthalpy changes .

do practical exercise _ heat of neutralization and heat of solutions . to discuss f ossil fuels and effects of the climate . to discus energy alternatives . to compare the available energy of various fuels .

Application on daily life

5. More about 92

organic chemistry

5.1 Halogeno-alkanesEnvironmental pollution

To classify the halogenoalkanes as primary , secondary and tertiary halogenoalkanes .

to explain the rates af hydrolysis of primary halogenoalkanes in terms of relative bond enthalpies of the C-Hal bond .

to describe the halogen compounds . to describe the environmental impact of the use of CFCs and the measures

being taken to reduce the damage caused by CFCs .

Practical examples on daily life

5.2 Reaction mechanisms

To apply the two ways in which a bond can be broken ) homolytic fission and heterolytic fission ( .

to explain the terms free radical , electrophile and be able to identify each one . to describe how homolytic fission leads to the mechanism of free radical

substitution in alkanes typified by methane and chlorine in terms of initiation , propagation and termination reactions .

to describe simply how heterolytic fission leads to the mechanism of electrophilic addition typified by bromine and ethane to form 1 , 2 dibromoethane .

a. Polymers Practicl examples on daily life

to give examples of synthetic and natural polymers . to explain the influenced of chain length , intermolecular forces , branching

and cross – linking on the properties of polymers . to describe addition polymerization of alkanes , for example ethane and

propene . to identify in a given section of polymer , the monomer from it was obtained

. to describe the condensation polymerization as involving a condensation

reaction between two monomers

Practical examples on daily life

5.4. Halogenoalkanes to classify the halogenoalkanes as primary, secondary and tertiary halogenoalkanes

to explain the rates of hydrolysis of primary halogenoalkanes in terms of relative bond enthalpies of the C-Hal bond

to describe the uses of halogen compounds to describe the environmental impact of the use of CFCs and the measures

being taken to reduce the damage caused by CFCs


SECONDARY SCHOOL PHYSICS SYLLABUSIntroduction The physics syllabus was not revised for many years and it needed as time factor is very important for catching physics syllabi of other countries and nations. The last review in 2015, some minor amendments were made to the physics syllabus and new chapters was introduced in form one, two, three and four, but some sub topics was transferred from one level to an otherDuring the last review more emphasis was made on the following points:

Upgrading the syllabus content Reinforced with more skills based on the syllabus Reinforced with clear objectives and assessments

New chapters introduced in the physics syllabus New chapter was introduced form one physics which is called introduction to physics that will give form one students a refreshing experience and knowledge of physics as a science. In form 2 physics syllabus was also added a new topic called fluid in motion which will give form 2 students more insight in fluid mechanics as an introduction.In form 3 physics syllabus was introduced which is called electronics and thermionic emission which will provide knowledge to form 3 students in relation to electronic and technological ages.Telecommunication as new chapter was also introduced to form 4 physics syllabus which will enable form 4 leavers to understand more modes of communications.In addition, some necessary movements of some topics and mini chapters from one form to other to make it agree the sought sequence of brick building method syllabi are made :-A sound wave from form 3 was shifted to form 4 waves. Electromagnetic wave from form 4 was shifted to form 3. And light part one )Reflection of light( from form 3 was shifted to form 2 which appears more appropriate in sequencing light studies and Refraction of light remains in form 3. Again KE and PE was shifted from form 2 to form 1. From September 2015, the new physics syllabus will lead to upgrade the way of teaching in secondary schools and will increase a number of specific practical skills:

Improving estimating, measuring, recording and graph drawing skills Improve observational and manipulating skills Made deductions which develop critical thinking skills Improve calculating skills from experiment results


Aims of Somaliland Physics Syllabus is reviewed 2015 To develop the scientific language and physics terminology required to enable students to study physics effectively in English. To develop abilities and skills relevant to physics. To develop student’s ability to use experimental physics and to enable students to use experimental techniques as a means to acquire

scientific knowledge, understanding and applying skills. To enable students to communicate their ideas effectively through appropriate means )including diagrams, tables, graphs, charts( and

using appropriate scientific and mathematical conventions. To enable students to relate and apply their scientific knowledge and skills so as to increase their understanding of the environment and

their everyday life. To provide a broad academic as well as practical and pre-vocational skills. To provide the student with general ideas of all the below mentioned topics in order to equip students with sufficient knowledge to use in

the real world of work. As to the review of 2015 revised physics syllabus at the Curriculum Development Centre in August, 2015, we incorporated the additions,

omissions, replacements and pra-phrasings done by the international consultants and put it to make the final draft of the physics syllabus.





1. Introduction to Physics1.1. Physics as a science1.2. Physics and technology1.3. career opportunities related to physics1.4. Basic laboratory

practises 2.Measurement and Units

2.1.Length, time, scales and volume2.2. Mass2.3. Density2.4. Temperature

3. Force3.1. Types and effects of

force3.2. Scalars and vectors 3.3. Weight

1.Properties of matter 1.1 The particular nature of matter 1.2 Properties of a material

2. Heat and temperature2.1 Heat 2.2 Thermal expansion 2.3 Heat transfer 2.4 Temperature

3.Magnetism3.1. Properties of magnets3.2. Temporary And Permanent Magnets3.3. Magnetic Fields3.4. Making Magnets3.5. Domain Theory3.6. Electromagnetism 3.7. Application of

Electromagnet3.8. Motor Effect

1.Quantity of heat1.1. Heat capacity1.2. Latent heat1.3. Gas laws

2. Electrostatics2.1. Electric charge2.2. Electric fields2.3.Applications of electrostatics2.4. Capacitors

3 Electrical circuits3.1 Resistance 3.2 Electromotive force and

internal resistance of cell 3.3 Series and parallel

circuits3.4 Direct current and

alternating current3.5 Heating effect of electric

current 3.6 Domestic wiring 3.7 Safety Cost of electricity

1. Forces and Motion1.1. Kinematics1.2. Dynamics1.3. Projectiles and Using vectors1.4. Motion in a circle1.5. Motion and energy1.6. Forces and solids

2. Waves and sound2.1. Behaviour of waves2.2. Sound waves2.2.1. Transmission of sound2.2.2. Properties of sound2.2.3. Musical instruments3. Telecommunication3.1. Early history of Telecommunication3.2. Digital and analogue methods 3.3. Basic communication system 3.4. Electrical oscillation 3.5. Turning circuit 3.6. Simple radio receiver 3.7. Television


Form I Form II Form III Form IV



4. Motion4.1. Types of motion4.2. Measuring speed and

velocity4.3. Simple calculation of

motion4.4. Distance-time graph4.5. Friction and air

resistance5. Energy 5.1. Types of energy 5.2. Sources of energy 5.3. KE and PE

6. Electrostatics and simple circuits: treated practically.

6.1. Electrostatics6.2. Simple circuits6.3. Current6.4. Voltage6.5. Resistance6.6. Electricity in the home

4. Oscillations and introduction to waves 4.1. Pendulum 4.2. Spring oscillation 4.3. introduction to wave

5. Reflection of light5.1. propagation of light5.2. Reflection of light)plane and curved mirrors( 5.3. Image formations of curved mirrors and calculations5.4. Applications

6. More about forces 5.1 Newton’s Laws of motion )simple way(5.2 Moment and levers 5.3 Equilibrium and stability5.4 Pressure5.5 Fluid in Motion


4. Electronics and thermionic emission

4.1. Electronics4.1.1. Energy band theory 4.1.2. Types of semiconductors 4.1.3. P-N junction Diode and rectification 4.1.4. Functions of some basic electronic components

4.1.5. Transistor switches4.1.6. Logic gates4.2. Thermionic emission 4.2.1. Electron beams 4.2.2. Oscilloscope5. Electromagnetic spectrum5.1. Nature, detection and uses of electromagnetic radiations5.2. Hazards and safety precautions of radiations6. Refraction of light 6.1. Effects of refraction

6.2. Real and apparent depths 6.3. Total internal reflection and its application 6.4. Lenses 6.5. Colour

4. Radioactivity4.1. The nature of radioactivity4.2. Effects of nuclear radiation4.3. application of radioactivity 4.4. Hazards of radioactivity

5. Electromagnetic induction

5.1. Electromagnetic induction5.2. Applications of electromagnetic induction5.3. Mutual induction5.4. Power transmission



Form IYou can use ANY Physics textbook which provides topics from the syllabus and can be used in teaching or for reference. Topic Objectives

By the end of each topic, the learner should be able to:Teaching and learning resource/ activities

1. Introduction to physics

explain what the study of physics involves. relate physics to other subjects and to technology. identify career opportunities related to physics state and explain the basic laboratory rules. identify common mistakes made in the laboratory.

Laboratory rules and regulations, orientation in a laboratory set up, store and tools, safety features in laboratory

2. Measurement and units

2.1. Length, time, volume, Scales

define length, area, volume, mass and state their symbols and SI units. convert units of measurement to SI units. estimate the measurement of a quantity within a given accuracy. use rulers, measuring cylinders and stopwatches or digital hand watches be familiar with the S.I. units of measurement for length, time and volumeto learn how to read and understand many examples of scales used in different

apparatus )this must be taught thoroughly before instruments and apparatus are used(

Scales of Measuring cylinders, rulers,ammeters,voltmeters,galvanometers,micrometers, bealers, thermometers.Measure heights of students;use stopwatches,syringes for volume or petrol litres,coke bottles

2.2. Mass show familiarity with the idea of the mass of a body use a balance to measure the mass of a body be familiar with the units of measurement of mass kg, gram

Kg mass NOT kg weight,eg in rice,sugar in market and shops.

2.3. Density define density determine experimentally the density of substances. work out density of mixtures. calculate the density of a solid and liquid find the density of an irregular object, for example a stone solve numerical problems on density

Air, water, iron. Why wood floats on water. Displacement .Flour or tea greater volume than sugar.

2.4.Temperature define temperature and state its units appreciate how physical temperature varies use a mercury and alcohol thermometer to measure temperature be familiar with the units of measurement of temperature, 0F, 0C,0K understand the difference between heat and temperature

Temperature underground and on a mountain and 10km above and below where you are standing. Body and Room temperatures.Boiling and ice

3. Force


3.1. Types and Effects of force

Define force and describe the effect of force and that it is measured in Newton Describe types of forces. describe a force as a push or pull that may produce a change in the size and

shape of a body Define a force to use a newton- meter balance to measure force

Find many examples of forces in real life. Get the students to give examples. Collapse of weak building, forces in vehicles, plants

3.2. scalars and vectors Define scalar and vector quantities Distinguish scalar and vector quantities.

3.3. Weight State that weight is the force due to gravity and is measured in Newtons. State and explain the relationship between mass and weight Measure weight using spring balance. Solve numerical problems involving W=mg

Difference between the mass and weight of a man on the Moon or Jupiter and on the Earth. Newton. Your own weight in Newtons;weight limit

4.Motion4.1.types of motion Define distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration.

Identify the type of motion and show their relation in real life Speed of walking, Bicycle,car,ship,plane, rocket

4.2. Measuring speed and velocity

explain that an object in motion will change its speed or direction when pulled by a force which is not balanced by other forces

state that changing the speed of an object results in acceleration or deceleration of the object

Newton’s first Law in simple language and examples of an object sliding on glass.Observe cars going round a bend

4.3.Simple calculation of motion

calculate speed of a bullet, a tortoise, light, athlete, watching a speedometer

4.4.Distance-time graph plot and explain distance-time graphs. calculate slope of dist-time graph

Students journeys by foot, bus, taxi etc.

4.5.Friction and air resistance

define friction state the ways in which force of friction can affect motion describe the effects of air resistance )friction of air(on a feather or a stone describe methods of reducing frictional force describe advantage and disadvantage of friction solve numerical problems of friction

Walking, shoes soles and car tyres made from rubber; heat from friction, sliding objects, car engines and lubrication,Shapes of vehicles especially cars and planes

5. Energy5.1. Types of energy explain how and where we use energy

identify different types of energy )potential, kinetic, elastic, chemical, electrical, gravitational, sound, heat, light, solar, and wind(

state the units of energy, joules, kilojoules, Nm describe energy transformations such that one type of energy can be

Cooking, Heat in a home, Generator, hydroelectric power, dynamo, torch alternator, human body, pulley, car engine


converted from one form to another5.2. Sources of energy identify some common fuels

state that energy is released when fuels are burnt describe the formation of coal, oil and gas discuss some problems associated with the use of fossil fuels)non-renewable( emphasize environmental issues such as:- Combating pollution eg using alternative energy sources, and to identify

and discuss some sources of energy other than fossil fuels Dumping plastic bags Using wind, solar, sea, geothermal energies instead of burning fossil

fuels Stop dumping radioactive waste Stop Global warming

Charcoal used in the kitchen, electricity from where?

Plastic bags in HARGEISA

6.Electrostatics and simple circuits

6.1 Electrostatics treated practically

differentiate electrostatic and electric current state the difference between a conductor and an insulator show that an insulating material can be charged by friction state that there are forces of attraction between positive and negative

charges, and forces of repulsion between like charges state the unit of charge state basic low of charge

Nylon materials eg sparks when removing clothes, combing hair, plastic comb or ruler near water, rubber balloonConductors: most metals, water Insulators: wood,, plastic, paper, rubber

6.2.Simple circuits assemble simple circuits eg torch )bulb, battery, switch( identify circuit symbols draw simple circuit diagrams using appropriate symbols show that a circuit must be complete for an electric current to flow

Torch, car lights, compare with water flow, current thru thick and thin conductors

6.3 Current define electric current state that current is related to the flow of charge define an ampere use an ammeter to measure current state the source of continuous or direct current construct simple series and parallel circuits measure and explain the current flow in series and parallel circuits

Show by doing practical:electric circuits. Compare circuits with water pressure.

6.4.Voltage introduce the idea of voltage or potential difference use a voltmeter to measure potential difference

Show by doing practical: electric circuits


6.5.Resistance relate resistance to potential difference and current by Ohm’s Law relate )without calculation( the resistance of a wire to its length and its

diameter measure the resistance of a bulb or similar using Ohm’s Law

Show by doing practical: electric circuits

6.6.Electricity in the home

recognise the difference between supplying electricity using a battery and a mains supply

recognise some dangers of electricity in the home

fridge, ironing and ask students to research this in those homes with electricity.


FORM 2 any textbook can be used in teaching or for reference. Topic Objectives

By the end of each topic, the learner should be able to:Teaching and learning resource/activities

1. Properties of Matter1.1. The particular

nature of matter

explain that matter is composed of particles in order to describe the three states of matter )solids, liquids and gases( in terms of particles )molecules(

state the kinetic theory of matter )with appropriate models( use the kinetic theory of matter to describe the processes of changing state, diffusion

and give an idea of Brownian motion explain that solids have a definite shape where as gases take the shape of the


Small stones, beans, maize, Air, water, coca cola, stone.Ice melting, water boiling, steam condensing, clouds, bad smells and perfume, incense, at a distance

1.2.Properties of a material

explain the difference between cohesion and adhesion forces give examples of surface tension and give an explanation in terms of intermolecular

forces describe experiments to illustrate cohesion, adhesion and surface tension. state the factors affecting surface tension, its consequences and importance. describe and explain the effect of capillarity using water and mercury thermometer as

examples show that the use of a material for a particular job depends on the properties of a

material )strength, ductility, elasticity, brittleness, and stiffness(

water insects, needle or razor on water, small seeds on water, straw for capillary action

2. Heat and temperature2.1 Heat define heat and state that Joules are the units of heat

State the difference between heat and temperature. discuss heat and its effects )heat sources eg sun, fire, gas, nuclear, geothermal

Examples of a match )high temp little heat(and a large container of hot water )low temp much heat( to show the difference between heat and temp.

2.2.Thermal expansion

explain the expansion and contraction in solids, liquids and gases demonstrate expansions in solids and liquids explain forces due to expansion and contraction explain the applications of expansion and contraction in solids and liquids describe the anomalous expansion of water and its effects.

Metals, heat rods, railway lines thermometer, blown tyres due to expansion; cold glass container breaks if hot water is poured onto it;


2.3. Heat transfer describe conduction, convection and radiation as processes of heat transfer explain the factors that affect conduction describe the properties of, and know which are, good and bad conductors of heat demonstrate convection in liquids. explain the molecular application of convection in fluids. explain the working of hot water systems, car engine, cooling system and land and

sea breezes compare absorption and emission of radiant heat. explain the working of solar concentrators, heat traps and solar heaters. explain the working of a thermos flask

Kitchen and cooking; metal cutlery heat by conduction; heat of classroom, wooden or plastic handles;Copper and insulators

2.4.Temperature state that temperature is a measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of an object show that temperature can be measured using alcohol, mercury and a thermocouple

and a bi metallic strip be familiar with the Celsius and Kelvin scales state the fixed points for a thermometer )Celsius and Kelvin scales( describe the structure and action of liquid-in-glass thermometers

Thermometer o f magnet

describe early history magnetism )lodestone( identify magnetic and non-magnetic materials describe the properties of magnets. state and observe that like poles repel and unlike poles attract)basic law of

magnetism( construct a simple compass.

Iron filings, attraction and repulsion with magnetic compasses and materials;shoemaker uses a magnet to store nails

3.2.Temporary and permanent magnets

show the difference between a temporary )eg soft iron( and a permanent magnet )eg steel( and an electromagnet

Use practical examples. collecting scrap iron by large electromagnetism.

3.3.Magnetic fields understand that a magnetic field is regions of space where magnetic material experience magnetic forces

describe magnetic field patterns show the field pattern produced by a bar magnet and proper use of the terms

‘magnetic flux or lines of force ’, ‘neutral points’, magnetic induction, and ‘magnetic shields’

show that the earth possess a magnetic field.

Suspending magnet by a string.; iron filings paper on top of magnet or using a compass

3.4.Making magnets and demagnetisation

describe methods of magnetisation show how to make magnets

Use practical examples. Refer to textbook


describe the methods of demagnetization. describe how to care for magnets

3.5. Domain theory have a basic idea of the ‘domain theory’ of magnetism describe the uses of magnets

3.6. ElectromagnetismAnd their applications

describe the magnetic field surrounding a current-carrying conductor or wire using the corkscrew rule

perform and describe an experiment to determine the direction of a magnetic field round a current carrying conductor.

determine the magnetic field patterns on solenoid construct a simple electromagnet. experimentally determine the factors affecting the strength of an electromagnet describe an electromagnet and some application )electric bell, telephone, moving-

coil loudspeaker( describe some simple uses of electromagnets

Experiment on magnetic field patterns on straight conductor, coil and Solenoid.Constructing a simple Electromagnet. Investigating the factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet

3.7. Motor effect state that the interaction of magnetic fields produce motion and is called the motor effect

state and use Fleming’s Left Hand rule explain and show how a simple D.C. motor works explain factors effect speed of simple D.C. motor

Experiments on motor effect. Flemings rules illustration. Relation between current, magnetism and force Constructing an electronic motor

4.Oscillations and introduction to waves

4.1 Pendulum state that an ‘oscillation’ )or vibration( is a forward and backwards movement use pendulums )clock in mosque( to illustrate amplitude, frequency and period. demonstrate experiment about the factors that influence the period

Stone hung on stand; ruler vibrating on desk spring vibrating back and forth, childrens swings; Sea, water in a pond,or in a washing bowl

4.2. spring oscillation demonstrate basic experiments of spring oscillation identify the factors that effects period of simple spring oscillator perform basic calculations of frequency and period of spring oscillation

4.3. introduction to waves

state the two types of waves )longitudinal )a rope( and transverse( define the characteristics of waves and solve some basic calculations. give a simple explanation of a wave and some examples, e.g. ripples on water, using


a slinky spring5.Reflection of light

5.1. Propagation of Light

state that light rays enters our eyes from luminous sources show that in a uniform medium, light travels in straight lines state that light travels at a finite speed)this you cannot show( state sources of light and recognise luminous and opaque objects )lamps, fire etc( show how shadows are formed show how light travels in different matter ) transparent, translucent and opaque( explain that non-luminous objects are seen because the light scattered from them

enters the eye.

Practical eg sunbeams, go behind a door; or go round a corner, torch at night , 3 pieces of cardboard in line with a beam of light.; pinhole camera Make a loud banging sound with two pieces of wood 100m away and see the bang first before hearing the sound

5.2. Reflection of light

define reflection of light state and use the law of reflection observe and describe the images formed in plane mirrors. show the positions of virtual images of plane mirrors using ray diagrams describe how periscope works and state its applications describe types of curved mirrors determine the radius of curvature ) curved mirrors(, centre of curvature, centre of

the mirror, principal axis, and focal length of curved mirrors

Use a ray or beam of light and Plane and curved mirrors to show the laws of light; in water, in mirrors, in shiny surfaces.

5.3. Image formation of curved mirrors and their calculations

locate the position of images of curved mirrors with ray diagrams use and solve problems with the mirror formula

5.4. Applications describe some application of curved mirrors

6. More about forces6.1.Newton’s Laws of Motion

describe Newton’s Laws of Motion in simple language give simple examples of ‘inertia’ and as ‘reluctance to change its state of motion’

see also form 4 state that zero acceleration =constant velocity= no resultant force. explain further )see form 1( what is meant by friction, air resistance and surface


seat belts, acceleration in a vehicle and braking; baseball bat; bouncing /kicking a ball; car accidents; parachute, planes, cars; razor blade on water; smooth


state that acceleration is caused by a resultant force acting on the accelerating object objects –no friction6.2. Moment and levers.

define the moment of a force about a point and state its SI unit state that the moment of a force is a measure of its turning effect use the principle of moments and solve problems explain the action of common tools and as levers. a simple machines as a force multiplier or distance multiplier define the terms mechanical advantage )MA( and Velocity ratio )VR( a machine

and solve problems using them. define center of gravity. determine center of gravity of lamina objects.

Give many practical examples eg Lever , Arm, wheelbarrow, door, spanner, hammer, using stones to balance load on camels, loading ships

6.3. Equilibrium and stability

explain the conditions for an object to be in equilibrium identify and explain the states of equilibrium. state and explain the factors affecting stability of an object describe some application of stability.

Unstable and stable objects Ships, wood on water.

6.4. Pressure define pressure and state the units of pressure determine pressure exerted by solids of different surface areas calculate pressure problems show how to measure pressure of a gas and air )e.g. manometer, barometer( investigate experimentally the factors that affect pressure in liquids)fluids( state Pascal’s Principle explain that pressure in liquids increases with depth )divers; mine; mountain( show how hydraulic machines are able to use a small effort to lift a heavy load state the conditions required for an object to float or sink )include density and

specific gravity( state Archimede’s principle and use it in real life examples

An elephant and a camels feet and a lady wearing high heel shoes, syringe; wind caused by high and low pressure;

6.5. Fluid in Motion describe streamline and turbulent flow. derive the equation of continuity. describe experiments to illustrate Bernoulli’s effect. describe where Bernoulli’s effect is applied such as in the Bunsen burner, spray

gun, carburetor, aerofoil and spinning ball.7. REVISION Revision of form 1 and form 2 work and using past question papers: questions and

answers; discuss and study student’s content difficulties; sample tests and exams. Get students to talk about their revision

Form III106

Any Physics textbook can be used in teaching or for reference.

Topic ObjectivesBy the end of each topic, the learner should be able to:

Teaching and learning resource/ activities

1.Quantity of Heat1.1.Heat capacity explain what is meant by ‘heat capacity’ and ‘specific heat capacity’

solve problems involving heat capacity and specific heat capacity give examples of the importance of the high specific heat capacity of water measure specific heat capacity of a solid, water, etc. )experiment(

Water, sand, aluminium and sea water, less heat needed to heat up sand than water.

1.2.Latent heat explain the cooling and heating curves of substances changing their state define the word ‘latent’ )of heat( explain what is meant by specific latent heat of fusion )melting( and

vaporisation describe how to measure specific latent heat )experiment( describe some applications of latent heat )e.g. fridge, sweating( describe what is meant by condensing, freezing or solidifying,

Heating, Melting, , boiling, vaporisation

1.3.Gas laws explain how the volume of a gas at constant temperature is affected by changes in pressure )Boyle’s Law(

explain how the volume of a gas at constant temperature is affected by changes in temperature )Charles’s Law(

explain how the pressure of a gas at constant volume is affected by changes in temperature )Pressure Law(

use the general gas equation and the ideal gas law to solve problems

Tyres, balloons,Bicycle pump, syringes, sealed box of air decreasing in volume, air will increase in pressure.

2. Electrostatics 2.1.Electric charge

describe how to detect and show ‘electric charge’, charged objects, and ‘electric fields’

state the unit of quantity of electric charge is the coulomb and one coulomb is the charge on 6.25 x 1018 electrons

describe what happens when two like charges or two unlike charges are brought close together and when a charged object is brought close to an uncharged object

state Coulomb’s Law and use it to determine the force between two charges F=k q1 q2/r2

demonstrate electrostatic induction

Suspended rods charged positively and negatively, using an Electroscope, charged rod near hair, water, balloon; a magnet has no attraction to charged object, comb picking up paper

2.2.Electric fields state that there are electric fields around charged objects charge distribution on conductors; spherical and pear shaped action at point: lightening arrestors


calculate electric field strength and know that electric field becomes weaker as the distance from a charge increases., using E = F/Q and E = KQ/d2

2.3.Applications of electrostatics

describe some applications of static electricity )paint spraying, electrostatic precipitations, photocopying etc.(

2.4.Capacitors describe a capacitor )condenser( and where and why they are used. describe what happens when a capacitor is charged and discharged calculate the capacitance of capacitors connected in parallel and series show that dielectrics can affect the amount of charge stored state the application of capacitors

Examples-used in most integrated electronic circuits in almost all hi-tech electrical equipment.

3. Electrical circuits3.1.Series and parallel circuits

state main types of resistors and their uses define resistance and state the factors on which it depends

derive resistivity formula ) ƥ = (

use Ohm’s Law to solve electrical problems )experiment( calculate the combined resistance of resistors in series and parallel state and show experimentally Kirchhoff’s First and Second laws

Simple electric circuits

3.2.Direct current draw and describe the construction of a simple cell, a zinc-carbon cell and a lead-acid cell.

distinguish between primary and secondary cells describe the function of a galvanometer and how it can be converted to an

ammeter and a voltmeter explain what is meant by direct DC and alternating voltage AC

Use batteries, galvanometer ammeter, voltmeter,

3.3.Safety position a switch correctly in a circuit show what is meant by short-circuit and overloading show how safety devices in electrical circuits function )including fuses,

earthing( explain the wiring in a domestic plug including symbols/codes used

Home, offices, school electrical equipment and wiring

3.4. Power and electrical energy

describe heating effect of an electric current describe electric lamps, heating elements etc. define and calculate electrical power calculate the cost of electrical energy

Home, offices, school electrical equipment and wiring

4. Electronics and thermionic emission 4.1.Electronics state the importance of electronics

state the main types of semiconductors All hi tech electronic circuits


describe the functions and symbols of basic electronic components - diode, reeds, thermistor, ldr and photodiode etc.

explain what is meant by diode being forward biased and reverse biased describe how a transistor can be used as switch. identify and use not, and, nand, or, nor gates. construct and recognise truth tables for these gates and simple combinations

of them with up to three inputs.

4.2. thermionic emission

explain the terms thermionic emission and cathode rays. describe how cathode rays are deflected by magnetic field and electric field describe with the aid of a diagrams the jobs done in a cro by electron gun, the

x- and y-plates, the fluorescent screen and the time base. describe how cro is used to measure p.ds, to display waveforms and to

measure the time intervals and frequency. explain the functioning of a T.V tube

5. Electromagnetic waves

describe and learn the main regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and their nature.

describe the effects of waves in each region of the spectrum and their uses describe detection, hazards and safety precautions of electromagnetic


Relate to everyday life e.g. X-ray, gamma rays from the atomic bomb, microwave oven, radio waves, light waves, infra-red heating, dangerous ultra violet radiation etc.

6. Light part two6.1 Refraction describe an experimental demonstration of refraction of light

state and apply the snell’s law use diagrams and experiments to show the passage of light through

rectangular blocks, semi-circular blocks and a prism. describe some examples of refraction of light )prism, real and apparent depth,

etc.( explain total internal reflection and some uses of total internal reflection )e.g.

optical fibres, binoculars etc.( state types of lenses and explain their effects on refraction of incident parallel

rays of light describe an experiment to measure the focal length of a convex lens observe and to be able to describe the images formed by concave and convex

Use a ray or beam of light and blocks and lenses; a long stick in water; apparent depth of a pool and diving into it and finding it is deeper.Rainbows, mirages.


lenses locate and calculate the positions of images of concave and convex lenses

using lens formula) ( and graphical solution on scale drawings.

explain the meaning of linear magnification. calculate the power of a lens describe how the eye works and correction of defects of vision. describe some uses of lenses )e.g. camera, microscope, telescope etc. (

6.2. Colours show what a visual spectrum is and how it is formed state the primary colours, secondary colours and complementary colours describe how colours can be produced demonstrate mixing and subtracting colours using pigments and filters

Rainbow, examples in glass.

Form IVAny PHYSICS textbook can be used in teaching or for reference.

Topic ObjectivesBy the end of each topic, the learners should be able to:

Real life examples

1. Forces and Motion1.1. Kinematics Describe motion in terms of distance, displacement, speed, velocity and

acceleration and understand the difference. draw and interpret displacement- time, velocity-time graphs in order to find

distance travelled, displacement, velocity and acceleration use gradients of line graphs to calculate velocity and acceleration and use the equations of motion for uniform accelerated motion in a straight lines,

5cm is a scalar and 5cm drawn as a line at a bearing is 0780 is a vector.mass, time, distance. Speed, pressure, length, volume and density etc are all scalars.


v = u + at, , s = ut +1/2 at2, v2=u2 +2as and any combination

)s = distance/displacement( u = initial velocity and v = final velocity(

Weight, displacement, velocity, force, acceleration )can be both!( are all vectorsPractical examples of movement of vehicles, running, walking, etc to explain use of all these terms

1.2. Dynamics describe motion in terms of forces describe and use Newton’s laws of motion in practical examples describe terminal velocities in terms of Newton’s laws of motion define the Newton as 1 kilogram ‘force’ is equivalent to 1 Newton explain mass as a measure of an object’s ‘inertia’ define and use momentum in practical examples and calculations. show by formulae that the impulse of a force is equal to the change of momentum

produced by the force demonstrate the law of conservation of momentum understand elastic and in elastic collisions by giving practical examples

Real life Practical examples see form 2 syllabus: cars and ‘pool’ balls hitting each other,

1.3. Using vectors and projectile motion

use vectors to solve problems involving more than one force Resolve vectors into two components and solve problems by resolving forces and

velocities and accelerations. calculate the resultant force of two forces at 900 and less than 900

describe the motion of an object under gravity describe quantitatively the motion of a projectile given adequate data calculate some problems about trajectory motion with graphs

Practical examples, use students pushing and pulling each other, pulling a camel or a donkey etc. stones in the air, pool balls, football

1.4. Motion in a circle explain what is meant by centripetal force explain why a cyclist or aeroplane banks over when turning define angular velocity and compare with linear velocity state some applications of angular and circular motions state newton’s law of universal gravitation where g is the universal gravitational

constant ) f = g m1m2( r


explain satellite motion around the earth

Give real life examples such as the banking of helicopters, cars, cyclists etc.

1.5. Motion and energy

explain the concept of work and energy calculate work done and define the joule in terms of work done explain and calculate gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy )PE and


Practical examples, moving objects: on the horizontal, vertically, on a slope, moving up and down.


define and calculate power as work done/time1.6. Forces and solids explain the forces which can affect a material )compression, tension, bending,

torsion and shear( describe the behaviour of springs and wires in terms of load, extension, the spring

constant and Hooke’s Law explain what is meant by elastic limit and to identify the elastic limit of a material

using a graph calculate the stress and strain acting on a material understand how Young’s Modulus is related to the stress and strain of a material relate the properties of a material to its use in construction

Experiment to show Hooke’s LawForces acting in buildings and vehicles especially in trucks.Springs, elastic material,

2. Waves 2.1. Behaviour of waves

describe what is meant by wave motion distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves. use a model to show the nature and behaviour of waves )transverse and

longitudinal( define and identify the wavelength, frequency, amplitude and period of a wave define the speed of a wave and use the wave equation observe and explain the effects of properties of waves )reflection, refraction,

interference and diffraction of waves.( understand polarisation of waves. describe standing waves and compare with a progressive waves

Give many practical examplesSee sound notes etc. using ripple tank to demonstrate properties of waves, )Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction, and Interference,(

2.2. Sound explain/demonstrate how sound is produced and transmitted show an experiment that sound is not transmitted through a vacuum. give examples of sound reflection, refraction, explain simply what is meant by an echo and do some calculations about it. state some practical uses of echo such as echo sounder )sonar( in ships, Bats etc. demonstrate how to measure the speeds of sound in air using direct method and

an echo method. demonstrate experiments to show diffraction and interference of sound waves. describe and explain the Doppler effect give some uses of ultrasonic waves describe how sound is produced in musical instruments )stringed, percussion and

wind( define pitch, loudness and quality of sound; explain simply what is meant by ‘resonance ‘and its effects

Real life examples of sound like drum, some wind instruments,Practical example The khat car racing past )‘kabem’(

3. Telecommunication describe the early history of telecommunications,


explain how information can be represented electrically in digital and analogue forms

describe with the aid of the diagram the main parts of communication system explain that radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, their ranges of

frequency and wavelength and the various uses of different bands. observe ways in which radio waves travel outline a radio system using amplitude modulation describe how electrical oscillations are produced. explain the action of the tuning and detector circuit in a radio receiver. describe how black and white and colour television receivers work.

4. Radioactivity

4.1. The nature of radioactivity

explain what is meant by ‘radioactivity’ distinguish between alpha, beta and gamma radiation by using their properties describe the effects on a nucleus when alpha, beta or gamma radiation is emitted

)including writing equations( explain and use the idea of half life explain what is meant by a radioactive decay series describe the detection of radiation using photographic plates, a gm tube and a

cloud chamber

NO experiment should be performed with radioactive material. Half life can be demonstrated by lots of small stones; radioactive emission from the ground

4.2. Effects of nuclear radiation

describe some uses of radioactivity discuss the dangers of radioactivity and the safety precautions necessary

4.3. Applications and Hazards of radioactivity

state the applications of radioactivity. explain the dangers of radioactive emissions

5. Electromagnetic Induction5.1 Electromagnetic induction

explain the conditions necessary for electromagnetic induction to produce electricity

state and use Fleming’s Right Hand rule state and use Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Law

Movement of a strong bar magnet inside a coil, or vice versa a coil moving inside a strong U magnet to produce electricity.

5.2. Applications of electromagnetic induction

explain some large scale applications )generators( and demonstrate small scale applications )microphone, play back record cassete( of electromagnetic induction

Practical daily life in generators, mobile phone, and many high tech equipment

5.3. Mutual induction and power transmission

explain what is meant by mutual induction especially in transformers state the principle of the transformer and solve problems involving transformers show how power is transmitted to houses and long distance electricity



Revision of form 1 to form 4 work and using past question papers: questions and answers; discuss and study student’s difficulties; sample tests and exams. Let students see the syllabus and exam papers.



History teachers when teaching the revised History syllabus should enhance the development of skills that will harmonise classroom teaching

with real life situations. The teacher should encourage student-involvement in their own learning process by way of collecting data and

information particularly through oral history and traditions- a very rich legacy in Somaliland. Topics on Somali History should therefore be

taught to develop such skills.

The revised syllabus when taught also aims to sharpen the students’ critical and analytical skills through class debates on histocal issues and

concerns such as Khat, HIV/AIDS and environmental degradation.

In addition, the teachers should encourage the students’ research skills and analysis of data through projects related to local historical issues

such as environmental change and degradation, and histories of local landmarks and towns.

The syllabus incorporates topics that encourage students to view first- hand operations of local government, historical sites, parliament and

other institutions.

Teachers are advised to adopt a practical approach by using real-life examples for topics and use any locally available materials

Comments of the international consultants have been incorporated into this document.


General Objectives

By the end of the course the student learner should be able to:-

Recognize and appreciate the importance of studying History.

Acquire knowledge, ability and show appreciation for critical historical analysis of socio-economic and political organizations of

African societies.

Promote a sense of nationalism, patriotism and national unity.

Encourage and sustain moral and mutual social responsibility.

Identify, assess and appreciate the rich and varied cultures of Somali people and other peoples of the world.

Promote a sense of awareness and need for a functional democracy of the Somaliland people and other nations.

Promote an understanding and appreciation of intra-national and international consciousness and relationships.

Derive and encourage through the study of History an interest in further learning.

Appreciate the importance of interdependence among people and among nations.

Identify, assess and have respect for different ways of life influencing development at local, national and international levels.

Demonstrate the acquisition of positive attitudes, values, and skills for self-reliance.

Acquire appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Value history as a basis for technological and industrial development.

Encourage and sustain Islamic Religious and cultural values and mutual social responsibility



1. Main Topic & sub-topics Learning Outcomes, students will be able to: Skills and learning activities


1. Introduction to History and Government

1.1 The Meaning of History1.2 Sources of History, i.e., oral traditions, written sources, languages, archaeology 1.3 Meaning of Government1.4 Importance of government1.5 Types of government

Define the term ‘history’. Identify sources of information of History Explain the importance of studying History Acquire the basic skills of data collection in

History Define the meaning of the term ‘government’. Show the importance of government for

community organization Identify types of government and give

examples to each.

Group work Class discussion Role play

2. Early History of the Somaliland people

2.1 Origins of Somaliland People2.2 Movements, expansion and migrations of the people2.3 Final settlements of the Somaliland people2.4 Modes of life of the people2.5 Culture and belief of the Somaliland people

Discuss and determine origins of the Somali society before the arrival of Islam

Locate lines and places of movements and give reasons behind these historical trends

Group work Presentations Class discussion Develop

methods of historical enquiry


3. Ancient African History3.1 Traditional economy of African: Hunting, Gathering and pastoralism3.2 Indigenous industries3.3 Meaning and importance of Agriculture3.4 Why Early civilizations started near the great Rivers

State modes of life and their impact on early African societies

Trace the history of agriculture Describe and relate the possible causes for the

establishment of early civilizations along the banks of the great rivers

Group work presentations Class discussion

and reaching conclusion

4. Ancient African civilizations4.1 Importance of the Nile to Egyptian Civilization4.2 Unification of the upper & lower Egypt4.3 The Old Kingdom4.4 The Middle Kingdom4.5 The Hyksos Invasion4.6 The New Kingdom4.7 Achievements of the Egyptian civilization

Identify the main contributions of ancient African civilizations

Identify factors that contributed to the rise of ancient African civilizations

Use a comparative approach in understanding these

Explain the role of River Nile in the rise of Egyptian civilization

Demonstrate the relationship between History and Geography

Explain the role and significance of the pharaohs and pyramids

Outline the links in the growth and development of these civilisations

Describe the role of political factors in empire building.

Group work Class plenary

discussion Question and

answer Class discussion Role play


5. Other World Ancient Civilizations5.1 Rise of the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia5.2 The Kingdom of Babylon5.3 Achievements of the Mesopotamian civilization

Explain factors that contributed to the rise of Mesopotamian civilization

Appreciate why civilizations began near river valleys

Describe how civilisation began, developed and spread in Mesopotamia

State the contributions the Sumerian civilization.

Individual activities

Group work Home


6. The Persian Empire6.1 Rise of the Persian Empire6.2 Expansion 6.3 Achievements of the Empire

State factors helped the rise of the Persian Empire

Appreciate contributions and achievements Analyse linkages and cultural contributions of

other world civilizations

7. Greek Civilization 7.1 Greek city states, e.g. Athens and Sparta 7.2 Greek intellectual thought

7.3 Rise of Alexander the Great and his Conquests7.3 Achievements of the

Greek civilization

Describe the political evolution in Greece. State the contributions of the great

philosophers and thinkers of ancient Greece Evaluate the Greek contribution to Art and


Group work Class discussion Role play



Main Topic & sub-topics Learning Outcomes, students will be able to: Skills and learning activities1.The rise of Islam

1.1 Arabs before Islam

1.2 Biography of Prophet Mohammed

1.3 Prophet’s Hijra to Medina

1.4 The prophet’s Holy wars and Expansion of Islam

1.5 The death of the Prophet and the Era of the Caliphs

1.6 The Umayyad Caliphate: Rise. expansion and achievements

1.7 The Abbasid Caliphate: Rise. expansion and achievements

Explain the life/conditions of the Arabs before the rise of Islam

Describe the biography of the Prophet )May Allah’s peace and Blessings be upon him(

Identify and recognize the importance of the Prophet’s holy battles

Describe the rise and expansion of Islam and the social and cultural changes it brought to the Arabian Peninsula during the Prophet’s life time )May Allah’s Peace & Blessings be upon him(

Describe the biographies of the Four Caliphs and their roles in saving and expanding the Islamic Religion beyond the borders of Arabia

Explain how the other three Caliphs expanded Islamic religion beyond the borders of Arabia

Analyze and judge the difference between Ali & Mu’awiya and it divided the Muslim community

Identify and discuss the factors that facilitated the rise and decline of the Umayyad dynasty

Describe the factors that contributed to the rise and decline of the Abbasid Caliphate

Explain how Islam affected the history of the Muslims and identify today’s Muslim countries

Identify and discuss reasons for the decline of the Abbasid dynasty

Group work Analysis of events Discussion research group activities as

an assignment


3. Arrival of Islam in Somaliland territory

2.1 Before the introduction of Islam Life of the Somali people

before Islam culturally, economically and socially

2.2 First Arab settlements along the coast of Somaliland and interaction the new comers 2.3 Islamization of Somaliland society

Explain the causes and consequences of Muslim -Arab settlements along the coast of Somaliland

Appreciate and assess the influence of the historical trends of the Arab settlements along the coast of Somaliland socially, economically, culturally and politically

Examine the influence of Islam on the rise of Muslim Emirates along the coast of Somaliland, i.e., Adal Empire.

Group work Interpretation of historical

events Link causes and consequences

Analysis of events Plenary class discussions Assignments and

3. Arab settlements on the coast of East Africa3.1 the Rise of city states, i.e. Mombasa and Kilwa3.2 Rise of Muslim Emirates along the coast of Somaliland, i.e., Adal Empire3.3 Islam and its impact on Somaliland Society3.4 Arrival of the Portuguese along the coasts of East Africa and their impact3.5 Omani rule along the coast of East Africa and its impact

Explain the causes and consequences of Muslim -Arab settlements along the coasts of East Africa

Identify reasons for the arrival of the Portuguese along the coasts of East Africa and their impact

Explain impact of Islam on Somaliland Society Assess the influence of the historical trends of the Arab

settlements along the coasts of East Africa socially, economically, culturally and politically

Trace the Omani rule along the coasts of East Africa and & their impact.

Appreciate historical trading links with the outside world and the impact in the Somaliland Society.

research group activities

4. African before colonial rule 4.1 The Sudanic States in West Africa: Ghana, Mali and Songhai4.2 The Forest states of West

Identify causes and consequences of the development of the Sudanic states and appreciate their achievements and contributions to the region;

Analyze influence of trade on the development of the Sudanic

Group work Presentations and class

plenary discussions Case study )Dahomey(


Africa, Asante and Dahomey.3 Kingdoms of East Africa, i.e., Buganda Kingdom

states and the spread of new religious ideas; Describe causes and consequences of the rise and fall of the

Forest kingdoms.

5. Triangular Slave Trade5.1 Causes 5.2 Course of the Trade and problems encountered slaves5.3 Abolition of the Slave Trade 5.4 Impact of the Slave Trade on

African societies

Identify causes of the slave trade State the effects of slave trade on affected communities Explain factors that contributed to the abolition of slave trade.

Class discussion and role play

Produce charts that indicate negative acts on slaves

6. National integration6.1 Factors promoting national unity 6.2 Factors limiting national

unity 6.3 Causes of conflicts6.4 Methods and processes of resolving conflicts

Identify factors that promote and those that limit national unity

Identify factors that cause conflicts Propose ways of resolving conflicts peacefully.

DiscussionsCase StudiesGroup research activities )conflict resolution(



Main topic and sub-topics Learning outcomes, students will be able to Skills & objectives1. Age of European exploration and

Discovery1.1 Enlightenment and Revolution1.2 The Scientific Revolution 1.3 the political Revolution1.4 Industrial revolution1.5 Expansion of European power1.6 The birth of modern society

Recognize key ideas political and economic changes in Europe

Analyze the causes and consequences of the indicated Revolutions

Explain factors leading to the development of science and technology, the inter-relations of new inventions that led to the scientific revolution in Europe.

Relate advances in agriculture and manufacturing leading to higher standards of living.

Group discussions Question and answer Interpreting implication of

historical events

2. Unification of Germany and Italy2.1 the process of unification of Italy2.2 The Process of unification of


Analyze causes and effects of the unification of German states

Analyze causes and effects of the unification of Italian states.

Discussions Group research activities

)Bismarck’s leadership towards German unification(

3. European Scramble and Partition of Africa 3.1 Reasons for the scramble 3.2 The Berlin Conference and the Partition of Africa3.3 European conquest and Colonial policies of administration 3.4 African Reaction against colonial intrusion )Resistance and Collaboration( 3.5 Christianity and the impact on African societies

Describe reasons behind the scramble of Africa Identify and analyze factors that helped

Europeans to colonize Africa Chart European possessions after 1884-1885 Analyse events that led to the Berlin conference

of 1884-1885 and evaluate its impact. Assess colonial resistance and collaboration and

evaluate its consequences Discuss impact of Christianity on African


Group work Presentations Class discussion

4.The First World War Explain the causes of the First World Wa. Locate warring powers on the 123

4.1 Causes of the War4.2 Consequences of the War

Evaluate the consequences of the wa State the key terms of the Versailles peace

treaty Assess the effects of the Versailles peace treaty.

map of Europe Interpret major events of the

war analyse historical events

5. Nationalism in Africa5.1 Factors that led to the rise of African nationalism5.2 Factors that strengthened African nationalism, e.g., Nationalism in Ghana, Algeria, Somaliland )the wars of Mohamed Abdullah Hassan against colonialism(

Trace the causes and consequences of growing nationalism in Africa, especially after the Second World War

Recognize importance of resisting colonial domination in Africa, specifically, Somaliland, Algeria, Ghana, etc.

Group discussions Question and answers Interpreting implication of

historical events t

6. Democracy and Human rights6.1 Definition, types and principles of Democracy 6.2 Definition of human rights 6.3 The Bill of Rights 6.4 UN Charter on Human Rights 6.5 The Rights of the child 6.5 Classification of Human Rights

Explain the meaning of Human Rights and Democracy

Identify types of Democracy Explain the principles of democracy Enlist the Rights of child Classify and discuss Human Rights Explain the importance of human rights.

Group discussions Question and answers Interpreting implication of

historical events


FORM FOUR1. Nationalism in Somaliland and Somalia since

the First World War 1.1 The effects of the world wars on the rise of

Somaliland Nationalism1.2 SL Nationalist Organizations 1.3 Personalities, e.g. Farah Omaar & Sh. Bashir 1.4 Independence and Union

with Somalia1.5 Results of two colonial

legacies1.6 Referendum of 1961 and

the abortive coup1.7 Strains between the North and South and the role of SYL

Describe the impact of world wars on people’s thinking and its effects on the birth of nationalism

Identify the Pan-Somali issue and the isolation of the Republic of Somalia within a historical context

Identify national feelings and recognition of the role of administration and mal-administration within the Republic of former Somalia

Identify nationalist personalities and organizations which struggled for the independence of Somaliland before 1960

Describe causes of strains between the North and South after independence and loose union.

Group discussionsQuestion and answers Interpreting implication of historical even

2. The Military coup of 19692.1 Dictatorship and Scientific Socialism2.2 Suppression of the North2.3 The war of 1977 against Ethiopia2.4 The attempted Coup of 1978

Analyze the causes and consequences of the military coup and dictatorship

Compare and contrast why the military coup of 1969 won and that of 1978 failed.

Describe causes and consequences of the 1977-78 war with Ethiopia

Group discussionsQuestion and answers Interpreting implication of historical events

3. The Formation of SNM3.1 Reasons behind Formation 3.2 Armed Struggle and victory3.3 Somaliland since 1991 3.4 Four Presidents: implementation of democratic elections and achievements3.5 Challenges and pursuit for the recognition by different political leaders

Describe reasons for the mass struggle and consequences of a dictatorial rule

Analyse the problems faced by a newly proclaimed independent state - Somaliland

Compare and contrast achievements and challenges faced by the four leaders and their deputies in Somaliland

Comment on possible barriers hindering political recognition of Somaliland

Propose strategies that can facilitate international recognition of Somaliland.

4. The aftermath of the First World War4.1 The problems of making a peace settlement, i.e.,

Analyse causes and consequences of the Treaty signed at Versailles

Group discussionsQuestion and answers


Versailles Peace Treaty and its impact 4.2 Self-determination 4.3 The League of Nations

Achievements and failures of the League of Nations

Describe problems of war and its effects on social order

Determine achievements and failures of the League of Nations.

Interpreting implications of historical events

5.The Second World War5.1 Causes: Rivalry and competition The rise of dictators Mussolini’s prgramme Hitler’s foreign policy aims Hitler violates the

Versailles Peace Treaty The Spanish civil war Japan’s aggressions and the weakness of the League of Nations Italy’s annexation of

Ethiopia5.2 Course: major battles

- The Lightning War- Japanese surrender

5.3 Consequences of the war Effects of the war on eastern Africa

Analyze the causes of the Second World War Describe the effects of the Second World War Analyse the rise of Fascism and Communism as political

ideas, recognizing their effects on history Determine how the rise of dictators worsened international

relations in the 1930s Analyze factors leading to the formation of the United

Nations Organization Identify events that facilitated the end of the war Determine effects of the war on eastern Africa.


Group discussionsQuestion and answers Interpreting implications of historical events

6.The United Nations 6.1 Organization )UNO(6.2 Aims, Structure and responsibility 6.3 Successes and Failures

Analyze issues behind the formation of the UNO Identify and discuss aims, structure and responsibilities of

the UNO Identify the successes and failures of the UNO Determine critical current issues solved by the UNO in the

Horn of Africa, between Djibouti and Eretria, and between Ethiopia and Eretria

Group discussionsQuestion and answers Interpreting implications of historical events


7.The Cold War 7.1 post war agreements7.2 problems of international relations7.3 spread of Communism

7.4 What caused the Cold War?7.3 Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe

Study about the rise of two superPowers

Outline the causes of the Cold War Describe how Communism spread in and outside Europe Recognize factors that led to the collapse of Communism

in Eastern Europe.

Group discussionsQuestion and answers Interpreting implication of historical events

8. African History since 19608.2 Organisations of African Unity

Organization of African Unity )OAU( African Union )AU(

- Objectives, Charter, Structure and Achievements

8.3 Common problems faced by Africans after independence:

Tribalism, Corruption, Military coup, Foreign intervention, )Socialists and capitalists(

Compare militarism and democracy as well as socialism and capitalism in Africa after independence

Explain the principles of Pan-Africanism and the creation of the OAU , and the African Union

Make a comparative assessment between the impact of the OAU and AU.

Group discussionsQuestion and answers Interpreting implications of historical events

9. Conflict in the Middle East9.1 The creation of Israel and Arab Israel wars9.2 The Palestine Issue9.3 The Road map of the peace settlement9.4 Palestine rebellion – Intifada 9.5 Deadlock of the Israeli-Arab peace Negotiations9.6 Iran-Iraq war )1981-19889.7 The Gulf war of 1993 9.8 The second Gulf war of 2003

The Iraqi Invasion and destruction by the Western countries

9.9 The Arab Spring – Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen

Describe causes and consequences of the of the creation of Israel in Palestine Homeland

Analyze the invasion of the West on Iraq in 2003

Discuss Causes and consequences of the Arab Spring.

Identify the role of foreign countries which are involved in the wars of the Arab spring and their aims

Identify factors which facilitated the creation of the Islamic government in many parts of the world


10. Trade 10.1 Methods of Trade10.2 Local and International Trade10.3 Origins and development of KHAT trade.

Define the meaning of the term trade Identify and explain methods of trade Discuss the origin, development, and impact of

organization of different types of trade.

Group discussionsQuestion and answers Interpreting implications of historical events




Geography, which should have been the most interested subject in secondary schools, became the most bored. Geography is only subject that can explain the daily physical experience of a student. It can explain why the sun rises in the east and when it rises in the four different seasons. It can also enlighten why it is hot or rainy in a day and not in another. And so on and so on.

However we came to know that geography is the most uninterested subject in secondary school. Less than 8 % of the student who sat for secondary examination was arts. The reason for such low student enrollment in art subjects and low interest is mainly for two reasons; bad teachers and poor and irrelevant curriculum.

The panel addressed the latter point by eliminating almost half of physical geography, such as mountain formation, landforms, volcanic activities and earth quakes, and introducing more interesting and relevant topics. In addition we took crop production, fruits, farm tools and equipments, and livestock rearing from Agriculture and as entrepreneurship and international trade from business. Topics such as energy, wild life and tourism and transportation and communication that were in the last curriculum are brought in.

Furthermore we distributed the curriculum equally in the four years and at the same time rearranged the sequences of topics in a more efficient way.

The implementation of this revised curriculum will be effective and more relevant if the following recommendations are fulfilled:

1. Train geographic teacher in the new content and methodology2. To develop a curriculum based on outcome and child-centered methodology3. To develop text books afterward

More general recommendations

1. To formulate the academic calendar more in line with neighboring countries and the rest of the world. In some countries, for instance, the academic year is 10-11 monthsBut we recommend 9 months

` 2. The daily contact hours should be increased to”a( From 7:30 am to 1:00 pm for primary schoolsb( From 7:30 am to 1:30 pm for secondary schools



TOPIC SUB-TOPIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:


Geography Themes

Location Position Human & Environmental Interaction Movement )of people & Goods( Regions

Identify important geographic themes Locate places and features using four and six figure

grid references Locate places and figures using longitudes and

latitudes Describe reasons for peoples movement Identify where Somaliland’s imports come from


The Solar System

The size and position of the solar system in our galaxy and the greater universe.

The composition of the solar system The earth’s structure. )Size and position in the solar

system.(. Rotation and the movement of the earth. Solar and Lunar eclipses

Calculate the size of the universe Describe the composition of the solar system Describe the structure of the earth Describe the structure of the atmosphere. Explain the effects of the rotation of the earth. How many seasons Somaliland experience Explain the relationship between the revolution of the

earth and the season Describe how solar and lunar eclipses occur.


The Earth

Earth’s shape and size Earth’s structure Rocks: Sedimentary Igneous, and metamorphic The Lithosphere Earth’s movements

Describe the shape, size and structure of the earth. Illustrate the thickness and composition of the

Lithosphere. Draw and describe the composition of the concentric

layers of the earth. 4.


Elements of weather Measurements Factors affecting weather

Explain the factors influencing weather. Describe with the aid of diagrams how elements of

weather are measured Analyze and interpret data on Weather conditions. Describe the general pressure and wind circulation




The Atmosphere

Composition Layers Altitude and temperature Ozone Other gases

Describe the composition of the atmosphere. Analyse why temperature increases and decreases in

the different layers of atmosphere



Distribution of water in, on and above the earth. The hydrologic cycle

Describe the distribution of land and water bodies on the earth’s surface.

Explain the processes involved in the hydrological cycle. Distinguish between lakes, oceans and seas. Understand the processes involved water in infiltration in

different soils. Identify the sources of underground water and its uses.


FORM 27.

Map Works

Types Scale Grid system Directions )compass bearing(

Explain the difference between pictures, plans and maps. Discuss the uses of different types of maps. Identify the types and uses of scales. Explain how to measure distance on a map Calculate distance between two points using map scale Calculate and express the compass bearing of one place in

reference to another.8.


Ecosystem. Food chain.

Explain the meaning of the terms environment, habitat, population, community, and ecosystem.

Explain the living and non-living factors that surround living thing and their influence on each other

Explain the importance of ecosystem. 9.

The Environment

Degradation Management and conservation Environmental Hazards

a( Natural: Earth quakes & volcanic activities

b( Human: Pollution and desertification

Describe causes of degradation Identify ways of conserving the environment Assess the impact of human activities on the environment

such as char coal and garbage and plastic bags. Discuss what have been done so far in environmental



Drainage Pattern

Description of Drainages Types of drainages Significance Positive & Negative influence

Describe the process involving in drainage erosion, transportation and deposition

Distinguish the difference between drainage patterns of : dendrite, radial, and centripetal

Identify the sources of underground water and its uses11.

Somaliland Geography

Topography Climate Farming and livestock herding Importance of Marine resources Transportation and


Identify and locate key topographic features of Somaliland Describe the climatic characteristics of Somaliland Identify factors affecting Farming and livestock herding Describe the nature of transport and communication

network in Somaliland


Descriptive Statistics

Types of statistics Sources of statistical data. Data collection. Data recording. Data analysing and interpreting

Differentiate between descriptive and inferential statistics Identify sources of statistical data Explain how data is collected and recorded Describe how data is analysed



Map work

Map interpretation Street plan GIS

Read all types of maps Navigate through cities by using street plan Read and interpret aerial photographs


Climate )Africa and world( and vegetation

Hot climates of the world Warm temperate climates. Cool temperate climates Tundra region Mountain

Describe the climatic and vegetation characteristics of the selected climatic types.

Account for the causes of aridity and desertification.

Explain the effects and possible solutions to aridity and desertification.

Describe the climatic and vegetation characteristics of all climatic regions in the world.



Definition of soil Structure and composition of the soil. Types of soils Properties and texture of soil Significance of soils Soil erosion Conservation of soils.

Explain the terms: soil, soil profile, and soil catena and soil erosion.

Discuss the factors responsible for soil formation. Classify soils according to their formation. Discuss the composition of soil. Explain the importance of soils. Explain the causes of soil erosion



Types of settlements Functions of settlement Factors that attract settlements

Explain the factors that led to the settlement of your city/town/village

Rationalize the causes of temporary and permanent settlements

Portray the importance of accessibility of settlements


Marine production

Definition of fishing and fisheries. Factors influencing fishing

Distribution of world fishing grounds Types and methods of fishing Fishing industry in Somaliland Significance of fishing industry in Somaliland. Problems facing fishing industry in Somaliland

and their possible solutions. Management and conservation of fishing

Explain the term fishing and fisheries State factors influencing fishing. Account for the location of the major fishing

grounds of the world Describe types and methods of fishing. Discus the marine fisheries in Somaliland. Explain the importance of fishing industry in

Somaliland. Discuss the problems facing fishing industry in

Somaliland and suggest possible solutions. 133

grounds. Explain ways and means of managing and conserving marine fisheries of the world.


Wildlife and Tourism

Factors influencing the distribution of wildlife.

Problems facing wildlife in east Africa/Somaliland

Management and conservation of wildlife.

Explain the importance of the tourist industry Explain the factors influencing the distribution

of wildlife. Describe the main problems facing wildlife in

Somaliland Propose solutions to problems facing wildlife

in Somaliland19


Explain the meaning of entrepreneur Name the qualities of an entrepreneur Explain the nature and rewards of risk taking Identify business opportunities in their local

area Name government and other support for risk

taking State reasons for success and failure of

enterprises Explain local and central government taxes

required for business operation Describe factors that influence location of a


List qualities of an entrepreneurship Explain how to conduct a marker survey Identify factors that contribute to successful

Entrepreneurship Identify factors that lead to business failure Explain the role of government in creating an

environment conducive to businesses Explain the factors that influence in locating

business enterprise

FORM 420 Factors influencing agriculture.

Types of agriculture Crop farming

Explain the meaning of the word agriculture. Discuss factors affecting agriculture. Describe the salient features of different types of



Animal farming )cattle, sheep, poultry( Pastoralism in Somaliland

Problems facing pastoralism in Somaliland.

Plant and animal fibers )cotton, wool, sisal, silk, etc(

Tools and equipments of agriculture.

agriculture. Describe the necessary growing conditions for the

selected crops. Describe the necessary growing conditions for oil

crops. . Explain the growing conditions for each of the

named fruit. Explain problems facing fruit and Horticulture farming

in developing countries. Explain animal farming. Understand Significance of livestock rearing. Explain characteristics of pastoralism Describe problems facing pastoral communities in

Somaliland. Identify types of fibres.


Energy sources

sources and types of energy Renewable and non-renewable energy. Significance of energy. Energy crisis. Management and conservation of


Identify the different sources of energy. Explain the importance of energy. Understand existing crisis of energy in the world. Describe exhausted/ non exhausted energies. Explain the differences of renewable and non-

renewable energies22

Transport, communication, and trade

Modes of transport. Roles of transport. Problems facing transport Types of communication. Types of trade. Factors influencing trade

Differentiate between transport and communication Identify problems facing transport and propose

solutions Identify the types of trade.


Political Geography

Types of governments Structure of a government The three branches of the government

of Somaliland

Explain characteristics of different types of governments

Describe the three branches of the model of western governments



Population growth rate Distribution and density Over and under population Population pyramid Dependency ratio

Explain population growth rate,Fertility rate.

Explain problem facing over/under populated countries

Analyse demographic trends in Somaliland


Family plan Analyse and interpret population pyramids.



Mining types Factors that influence mining

occurrence Effects of mining types on the ground

Explain different types of minerals Determine their characteristics



This Mathematics Syllabus is a product of two curriculum review workshops held by Ministry of Education in collaboration with UNESCO and AET in March and November 2006. In July - August 2015 again AET reviewed this syllabus. It addresses the recommendations of the review workshops by:Restructuring the syllabus into what it was before the review. It hopes to address some terminal objectives for all forms. It has been restructured to enable the Ministry of Education, through the Somaliland National Examination and Certification Board, to examine Secondary Mathematics as one group of students; no science and arts. mathematics concentrates on the basic skills essential to general applications in life and as a continuity to other tertiary courses like Nursing, Banking, Cashiers, Businesses, Teaching, Building, Electronics, Telecommunications, Industrial Processing, Mechanics, Plumbers, Carpenters, Artisans, Fitters, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and General trade as well as Engineering courses at degree level etc. Some new topics including financial, analytic Geometry, Boolean Algebra , logic and complex numbers were added and some chapters were rearrangedInfusing some cross – cutting issues in society including Health education )HIV / AIDS(, Khat Chewing, Environmental Education, Gender and others in the teaching of Mathematics. To this end, teachers should introduce these issues in their teaching to impart knowledge to students on the effects of these crosscutting issues in society. These issues can be infused in Mathematics topics like Probability, Statistics, Ratio, Percentages, Financial Mathematics, Matrices and Similarity in Geometry, among others.Relevant comments was considered and added to the document.

General Outcomes of Mathematics Syllabus By the end of the course, the learners should be able to:

1. Appreciate the role of mathematics in daily life2. Perform mathematical operations and manipulations with confidence, speed and accuracy.3. Applying mathematics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts4. Demonstrate logical reasoning in mathematical modelling5. Demonstrate statistical skills in organization and manipulation of data. 6. Develop investigative skills in Mathematics7. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning mathematics8. Acquire knowledge and skills for further education, training and lifelong learning9. Demonstrate ability to communicate mathematical ideas10. Acquire mathematical concepts and skills for use as tools in study, work, leisure and everyday transactions;11. Develop sound mathematical skills that will enable them to interact more meaningfully with their environment;12. Demonstrate ability to understand word problems and develop skills to do problem solving in any form


AIMS AND SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR FORMS 1, 2, 3 and 4Aims for form 1, 2,3 and 4 Learning Specific Outcomes

The learners should be able to: Carry out calculations based on the four operations of numbers. Examine patterns, make abstractions and generalize Identify shapes by their usual and abstract properties, calculate area

and volume of solids Demonstrate plotting skills on the Cartesian plane and solve

geometrical problems through plotting graphs. Demonstrate statistical skills in organization and manipulation of

data. Illustrate problem-solving skills in financial mathematics Obtain geometrical and trigonometric solutions through drawing and

calculations. Calculate the banking problems of interest rate and depreciation of

articles in the market.

Learners equipped with knowledge and skills of: Manipulating numbers and identifying relationships

among numbers. Applying mathematics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts Problem solving skills Calculating skills Deductive skills Interpretation of discrete and grouped data Logical reasoning in mathematical modelling Communicating mathematically using symbols Skills of measurement and estimation Work out simple interest and compound interest on money

invested or borrowed. Estimate and calculate depreciation and appreciation.

Interpret the causes of inflation. The learners should be able to:

Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts related to number theory

Demonstrate the skills of differentiation and integration of elementary functions and their various applications.

Illustrate the skills of graphing linear and non-linear graphs and their applications

Carry out operations on matrices and solve real life problems using matrices

Demonstrate statistical skills in a variety of situations Formulate and solve problems in trigonometry Apply laws of probability in solving probability problems. Apply sine law & cosine law to problem. Use sine & and day light Prove single & two angle identities Solve more financial and taxation problems Solve digit logical circuit )gates(. Solve equations of complex numbers. Formulate equations of straight line of the normal nature.

The learners equipped with knowledge and skills to: Handle mathematical equipment in geometry and

trigonometry Organise, present and interpret statistical data in graphical

and tabular form. Estimate, measure and calculate to a given degree of

accuracy. Interpret, discuss and synthesise geometrical information

presented in a variety of forms Think critically in three dimensions and in abstract ways. Solve and apply differential calculus in practical problems Formulate and solve linear programming equations in

daily life situations. Calculate inaccessible heights and distance Apply logic in order to work out circuit's gates in

telephones & switching circuits. Apply complex numbers to the solution of equations. Differentiate general equation and normal equation of the

straight line.


Form equations of a circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Construct the equation and graphs of circles, parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas.


HIV / AIDS in Statistics: - Relate to rate of spread / death within the community, compare the ratio of affected men to women and draw graphs to compare the trends. Actual figures from the hospitals can change behaviour among the youth.Khat Chewing in Ratio, Financial Mathematics and Statistics:- Cost chewing on the domestic and national economy, Health issues like lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and restlessness, Family issues like divorce i.e. discuss the rate of divorce among the chewing population, working culture of the chewing population and the percentage of families supported by women within the population due to bad chewing habits of husbands.Environmental Education in Rates and Proportions- Discuss the rate of deforestation, desertification and afforestation, rate of reduction of pasture lands and water catchments areas’.Gender Issues in Statistics, Proportions, Percentages, and Rates of Work:- Compare the ratio of boys to girls in class, male to female in white colour jobs other work areas and in politics.


Forms I – IVForm I Form II Form III Form IV



1. Numbers 11.1. Directed numbers1.2. Number properties 1.3. Indices, standard form, and logarithms1.4. Percentages1.5. Patterns in mathematics1.6. Ratio, rate and proportion2. Algebra 2.1 Simplifying2.2. Solving equations2.3. Simultaneous equations2.4 Inequality2.5 Quadratic equations3. Geometry3.1 Points and lines3.2 Parallel lines and Angles between them3.3 Plane shapes3.4 Pythagoras theorem3.5. Solids 3.6. Scale drawing3.7. Analytical geometry3.8 Geometrical constructions3.9 Similar triangles3.10 Similarity3.11 Congruent triangles3.12 Area and volumes of Similar figures

1. Number 21.1. Rational and irrational numbers1.2. Arithmetic and geometric progressions

2. Algebra 2

2.1. factorisation and fractions2.2. Graphs in practical situations2.3. Straight line graphs2.4. Matrix and determinant 2.5 Inequality 3. Geometry )mensuration(

3.1. Plane shapes.3.2. Solid shapes3.3. Volume and capacity.3.4. Circle geometry3.5. loci.3.6. Geometrical relationship Of similar figures..

1. Number 41.1. Limits of accuracy1.2 ratio ,proportion2. Relation and Function.2.1 Concept of relations.2.2 Equivalence relations 2.3 Concept of function.2.4 Types of functions.2.5 Operations of functions.2.6 Composition of functions2.7 Inverse functions.2.8. Graphs of quadratic function 2.9 linear programing3. Statistics and probability

3.1. Handling data3.2. Probability

4. Trigonometry 3

4.1. Circular function4.2. Graphs of sine & cosine & applied to tides and day Light. 4.3. Single angle identities4.4. Elevations and depressions of in accessible heights and distances4,5 Sine and cosine law4.6 3D trig .

1. Trigonometry

1.1. Radian measure and conversions 1.2. Sketch trig. ratios1.3. Identities of Two angles.1.4. Trig. Equations.1.5. inverse trigonometry 1.6. Trig. in polar Coordinates

2. Calculus

2.1. Limits2.2. derivatives 2.3. Application2.4. anti derivatives2.5. Application of Integration.





4. Trigonometry 4.1. Trigonometric ratios.4.2. Right angled triangles

5. Financial mathematics 15.1. Sales and currencies conversions. 5.2 commission and discount.5.3 Wages and salaries.

6. Statistics6.1 Collecting data6.2. Averages

4. Set4.1. Sets notatin4.2 Set operation4.3 Set representation4,4 Application of sets

5. Financial Mathematics 25.1 Simple interest.5.2 Compound interest.5.3 Depreciation.5.4 Appreciations.5.5 Inflation.

6. Coordinate geometry

6.1. Equation of straight line6.2. Parallel and perpendicular Lines and their equations.

7. Transformation geometry7.1. Vectors 7.2. Symmetry7.3. Transformations

5. Analytical geometry 5.1 Normal equation of straight line5.2 Distance between two points 5.3. Circle 5.4. Parabola5.5. Ellipse5.6. Hyperbola.

6. Logic and Set theory6.1 Boollean algebra 6 .2 Logic.6.3 Comparison of sets and logic6.4. Proof by truth tables and algebra of propositions6.5. Digital logical circuits

7. financial mathematics 37.1 Bills 7.2 Invoices 7.3 Cash Accounts.7.4 Hire purchase & mortgages 7.5 Taxation.

3. Statistics3.1. Measures of central tendency3.2. Presentation of data 3.3. Ogives.3.4. Measures of dispersion3.5. Distributions and shapes3.6. Interpretation of data.3.7. correlation4. Binomial and Probability5. Complex numbers 5.1ntroductory remark5.2 the complex number 5.3 operation of complex number 5.4. Solving quadratic equations with imaginary roots .5.5 Complex numbers in a polar form . 5.5 product and quiotient of complex numbers5.6 De Moivres' theorem 5.7 powers and roots of complex numbers 6. Revision61. Revision of Form one6.2. Revision of form two6.3. Revision of form three6.4.exam papers.


Form I Topic Expected Outcomes:

Students should be able to:1. Numbers 11.1. Directed numbers

add, subtract, multiply and divide by directed numbers

1.2. Number properties. Classify numbers as even, odd or prime numbers Solve word problems involving natural numbers. Factors of composite numbers, prime factors, factors in power form Divisibility tests by 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 G.C.D/HCF L.C.M Fractions Decimals Squares and square roots Property of numbers Order of operations

1.3. Indices, standard form, and logarithms

use laws of indices round off numbers to nearest 10, 100 or 1000 express numbers and decimal fractions in standard form apply significant figures in everyday life express logarithms of numbers in base 10 use the theory of logarithms

1.4. Percentages calculate a given percentage of a quantity calculate percentage increase or decrease carry out calculate on involving reverse percentages

1.5. Patterns in mathematics

identify number patterns in a row or sequence draw the graphs of number patterns write expressions of patterns in algebra recognise patterns with shapes

1.6. Ratio, rate, and proportion

compare two ratios show relationship between ratio and percentage solve problems involving rates and rate of exchange divide quantities into given ratio

2. Algebra 1


2.1 simplifying2.2. Solving equations

define the terms equation and unknowns add and subtract like terms multiply one term by two terms and more divide two or more terms by one term solve linear equations with one unknown substitute numbers for letters or words in equations draw graphs to represent equations Solving problems involving application of linear equation in one variable

2.3. Simultaneous equations

solve by elimination method, solve substitution method solve comparison method plot the graph of a given equation choose an appropriate scale to draw a graph apply simultaneous equation in problem solving solve simultaneous linear equations graphically, solve the word problems using simultaneous equations solve by graph

2.4 Inequality solve linear inequalities in one variable show the solution of inequalities on a number line

2.5 Quadratic equations

factorise quadratic equation solve quadratic equations by factorisation solve quadratic equation by completing square solve quadratic equation by quadratic formula solve word problems and real life situations using quadratic equations

3. Geometry3.1 Points and lines define a point, line and an angle

3.2 Parallel lines and angles between them

define vertical opposite angles and angles meeting at a point calculate the size of angles define parallel lines recognise alternate angles, corresponding angles calculate the interior and exterior angles in triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons

3.3 Plane shapes recognise the shapes of triangle, parallelogram, polygons rhombus etc calculate the measurements of angles

3.4 Pythagoras theorem

recognize Pythagoras triples calculate the square roots in manual


3.5. Solids differentiate between regular and irregular shapes recognise and draw cuboids, cube, cylinder, prism, cone and pyramid, sphere identify a cuboids, cube, cylinder, prism, cone and pyramid, face, edge and vertex and planes

of symmetry draw and assemble the net of a cuboids and other shapes

3.6. Scale drawing draw scale drawings know the points of a compass use compass bearings define surveying

3.7. Analytical geometry

define Cartesian coordinates understand how to plot points on a graph draw the line graph of a given equation

3.8 Geometrical constructions

define concurrent lines, circumscribed circles, inscribed circles and circumscribed circles construct a circumscribed circle, inscribed circle and circumscribed circle

3.9 Similar triangles3.10 Similarity

3.11 Congruent triangles

identify the conditions that the two triangles are similar find the missing sides of similar triangle solve a problem using similar triangle define similarity and identify similar figures know the ratio of the corresponding sides in similar figures is the same calculate the missing sides or angles in two similar figures apply the similarity concept to plane shapes and solids define enlargement and scale factor calculate the scale factor of an enlargement define and recognize congruent triangles know four conditions that two triangles can be congruent )SAS, ASA,SSS,RHS(

3.12 Area and volumes of Similar figures.

recognise scale factor of similar figures find the ratio of two similar figures find the ratio of the volumes of two similar shapes

4. Trigonometry

4.1. trigonometric ratios

recognise, name angles convert degrees into minutes and seconds manipulate the basic trigonometric ratios


4.2 Right angled triangles

prove Pythagoras’ theorem use tan, sin and cos of angles 45o, 60o, and 30o to solve problems

5. Financial math

5.1 Sales and currencies Conversions. 5.2 commission and Discount.5.3 Wages & Salaries.

calculate profit and loss in Somaliland Shillings and other currencies define and calculate commission and discount in Somaliland Shillings and other currencies Use exchange rates to convert currencies. Differentiate wages and salaries and calculate each.

6. Statistics6.1 Collection data Collect data and to present data by bar chart, by pie chart 6.2. Averages differentiate between mean , media

find the average, mean, median and the mode construct a grouped frequency table and use it to find the mean of the grouped data identify the modal class of given data


Somaliland Mathematics Syllabus Form II Topic Expected Outcomes:

Students should be able to:

1. Number 2

1.1. Rational and irrational numbers

define rational and irrational numbers classify rational numbers and irrational in )written in decimals ( find square roots change the repeating decimals in fractions add, subtract, multiply, divide and evaluate surds

1.2. Arithmetic and geometric progressions

define sequence and series find the sum of arithmetic and geometric progressions solve problems involving arithmetic and geometric progressions

2. Algebra II

2.1 Factorisation and fractions perform factorization by taking the common factors relate equivalent fractions to add and subtract algebraic fractions

2.2. Graphs in practical situation

Solve problems by graph like conversion graphs..

2.3. Straight line graphs calculate the gradient of a straight line from the coordinates of two points on the graph calculate the length of a straight line segment from the coordinates of its ends points interpret and obtain the equation of a straight line graph in the form of y = mx + c to use graphs to solve simultaneous equations

2.4. Matrices and determinants display information in the form a of a matrix of any order add, subtract and multiply matrices multiply a matrix by scalar quantity use the algebra of 2 x 2 matrices including the additive and multiplicative identities. calculate the determinant and inverse of a non-singular of 2x2 matrixes calculate determinant of using diagonal expansion method solve systems of equations by using Grammer's rule and argumented matrices )2x2 and 3x3 matrices

2.5. Inequality solve linear inequalities in two variables


Solve quadratic inequalities.. Show the solution of inequalities on the number line or the plane.

3. Geometry1

3.1. Mensuration )plane shapes( recognise chords, arcs and segmentscarry out calculations involving the circumference of a circle carry out calculations involving the area of a circle. know the meaning of an arc and sector of circle. solve problems involving the arc length and sector area as fractions of the circumference and area of a

circle find the length of an arc and the angle that the arc subtends at the centre of a circle. find the area of parallelogram and trapezium use trigonometry to calculate areas

3.2. Solid shapes find the volume of common solids )cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid sphere and prism( find out the surface area of common solids )cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid sphere and prism( identify the frustum of a cone or pyramid find the volume of frustum of a cone and a prism

3.3. Volume and capacity define, compare and calculate the volume and capacity of cuboids, prisms, cylinders etc

3.4. Circle geometry calculate unknown angles using the angle properties of regular polygons, use the angle properties of irregular polygons. calculate unknown angles using the angle in a semi-circle calculate unknown angles using the angle between tangent and radius of a circle use the angle properties at the centre of a circle is twice the angle of the circumference use the angles in the same segment are equal use the angles in opposite segments are supplementary

define a cyclic quadrilateral use the theorem of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral

3.5.Loci to use loci which are at a given distance from a given point; at a given distance from a given straight line; equidistant from two given points

to use the method of intersection loci for sets of points in two dimensions


3.6. Geometrical relations of similar figures..

use the relationships between the areas of similar triangles calculate the scale factor and area factor for similar triangles use relationships between similar figures use relationships between volumes of similar solids

4. Sets4.1. Set notation.

Define and use the terms of set, elements and subset. Use set language, set notation and Venn diagrams to describe sets. Display subsets and power sets.

4.2. set operations. Do set operations of union and intersection. Represent universal sets and complement sets

4.3. Set representation. Draw venn diagram4.4. Application of sets. Apply sets to daily life problems.5.Financial Mathematics 25.1.Simple interest.5.2.Compound interest5.3. Depreciation.5.4. Appreciation.5.5. Inflation

Calculate simple interest paid on money invested or borrowed from banks in fixed time interval. Work out compound interest on money invested or lent. Calculate the value lost when articles remain too long in the market before they are sold. Measure and find out the value increment of some articles like land. Understand and calculate the inflation rates of sale prices

6..Coordinate geometry

6.1. Equation of a straight line

6.2 Parallel and perpendicular lines

find the coordinates of the mid –point and the length of the line segment between two points. Define and find gradient of a straight line. find the equation of the straight line given slope and a point , slope and intercept, two points or two

intercepts, sketch the graphs of straight lines by using slopes and intercepts. Recognize parallel and perpendicular lines by using the gradient concepts. Write the equation of a parallel line given a point and a parallel line. Find the equation of a line through a point and perpendicular to the given line.

7. Transformation Geometry 7.1.Vectors describe a translation using a column vector.

calculate the magnitude of a column vector. represent vectors by directed line segments. multiply vectors by scalar quantities. find the result of two or more vectors.


use sum and difference to express given vectors in terms of two coplanar vectors. use position vectors, null vector and unit vector. recognise parallel and equal vectors. apply vector methods for simple geometrical proofs.

7.2.Symmetry recognise line symmetry and summarise the properties of symmetrical shapes recognise and explain the properties of point symmetry identify lines of symmetry and planes of symmetry, identify shapes which have reflective symmetry and rotational symmetry recognise symmetry properties of prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones use the symmetry properties of circles

7.3. Transformation recognise and describe reflections, rotations, translations and enlargement. transformations of the plane )reflection, rotation, translation, enlargement, shear ,stretching and their

combinations( Identify and describe transformations connecting given figure. describe transformations using coordinates and matrices. show that the transformed figures )images( are congruent identify the three basic congruencies: translations, reflections and rotations

7.3. Transformations recognise and describe reflections, rotations, translations and enlargements


Form III

Topic Expected OutcomesStudents should be able to:

1. Numbers 4

1.1. Limits of accuracy write numbers to different degrees of accuracy identify the upper and lower bounds for data given to a specified accuracy obtain upper and lower bounds to solutions of simple problems for data to a specified accuracy find the lower and upper bounds of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two numbers

1.2. Ratio, proportion and measures of rate

calculate direct proportion and inverse proportion use the ratio method or unitary method to solve problems increase and decrease a quantity by a given ratio express direct and inverse variation in algebraic terms

2. Relations and functions

2.1 Relations define relation find Cartesian product identify domains and range of any relation of function

2.2. Equivalence relations define an equivalent relation determine the properties of equivalent relation classify the relations are symmetric, reflexive , transitive or no give examples in daily life know when the relation is a equivalent relation

2.3. Functions define a function apply a function in a daily life determine whether the given relation is a function or not find domains & Range of the function

2.4.Types of functions 2.5 Operation of functions

classify the function 1-1, many to one, onto, into and 1-1 correspondence perform operation with functions


2.6. Composition of function To find composite function

2.7. Inverse functions To find and recognize inverse function

2.8. Graphs of quadratic function construct tables of values for quadratic functions draw and interpret graphs of quadratic functions solve linear and quadratic equations approximately by graphical methods

2.9. Linear programming represent inequalities graphically use graphs of inequalities to solve simple linear programming problems

3. Statistics and Probability

3.1. Handling data understand and use mean, medium and mode construct and read histograms with equal and unequal intervals. construct and use cumulative frequency diagrams identify the modal class from a grouped frequency distribution. estimate the median, percentiles, quartiles and inter-quartile range calculate an estimate of the mean for grouped and continuous date

3.2. Probability calculate the probability of an event calculate the probability of simple combined events using possibility diagrams and tree diagrams


4.1. circular functions define wrapping functions define the circular functions find the value of the six trigonometric functions find the exact value of particular real functions Learn the special angles.

4.2. Graphs of sine & cosine & application to tides.4.3. Single angle identities.4.4. Elevations and Depressions of in accessible heights and distances.

apply Pythagoras’ theorem use the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for acute angles to calculate the side or angle of right-

angled triangle solve two dimensional trigonometric problems involving angles of elevation and depression extend the sine and cosine functions to angles between 90o and 360o

solve problems using the sine and cosine rules and the area of a triangle. Find the heights of tides and the period of day light. solve simple three dimensional trigonometric problems including angle between a line and a


4.5. Sine law and cosine law.4.6. 3D trigonometry.


5. Analytical geometry

5.1 Normal equation of straight line5.2 Distance between two points 5.3 circle 5.4 parabola5.5 Ellipses5.6 Hyperbola

identify the normal equation and construct it when given inclination and the directed line segment .

obtain the directed distance by coordinate substitution. find equation of circle )both standard and general forms( given centre and radius. find centre and radius given equation of circle of both forms. find the equation of circle given three points. draw and write the equation of the tangents and normal's to the conic sections Write the equation of the tangent line and its length.. Construct the graph and equation of a parabola, an ellipse and hyperbola. Find the lotus rectum, focus, directrix and vertex of the parabola. determine the foci , vertices , major and minor axes and eccentricity of a given equation of

ellipse find the foci , vertices , eccentricity and asymptotes of a given equation of hyperbola.


6. Logic and Set theory 6.1. Boolean Algebra Identify set operations and its algebra.

Show that operations of sets ) Union and Intersection( are commutative and associative To know there is a two identities ) empty set and universal set( in the set there is exist complement in the set simplify given propositions apply algebra of sets in Aristolean philosophy

6.2. Logic know informal logic of sets write the algebra of proposition of logic using negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication and

equivalence know the three basic principles of logic )law of excluded middle, law of contradiction and law of

transitivity(. to write converse, inverse and contra positive of conditional propositions.

6.3. Comparison of sets and logic

compare the postulates of algebra of sets and algebra of propositions of logic.

6.4. Proof by truth tables and algebra of propositions

Prove the truth of logical propositions by the technique of truth tables. Prove the equality of equivalent propositions, tautologies and contradictions by truth tables or

algebra of propositions.6.5. Digital logical circuits Apply logic in order to work out circuits gates in telephones & switching circuits. 7. Financial Mathematics 37.1. Bills 7.2 Invoices7.3. Cash accounts7.4. Hire purchase and mortgages7.5. Taxation.

Recognise and write bills of water, gas and electricity. Write invoices as business documents. prepare simple cash accounts alculate repayments for mortgages and hire purchases apply some types of taxation such as income tax and Value Added Tax


Form IVTopic Expected Outcomes

Students should be able to:1. Trigonometry

1.1. Radian measure and conversions 1.2. sketch trig. ratios1.3. Identities of two angles.1.4. trig. equations .1.5. inverse trigonometry 1.6. Trig. in polar coordinates

Know radian measure and be able to convert to degrees and vice versa. Sketch and use the graphs of sine, cosine, tangent graphs up to 4πc or 7200 Solve simple trigonometric equations in the range 00 ≤ x ≤ 3600. Use the exact values of the sine, cosine and tangent of 300,450 and 600 )eg. sin 150 = -√3/2 for angles > 900( Sketch & use the graphs of sec, cosec and cotan.

Use the identities ≡ tanx, sin2x +cos2x ≡ 1, sec2x -tan2x ≡ 1 in proofs and equations.

Use the expansions of sin )A±B(, cos )A ± B( tan )A±B(, sin 2A, cos2A, tan2A , asinx±bsinx ≡ Rsin)x±α( or Rcos)x±α( in proofs and equations

Use the principal values of inverse trig. functions, sin-1, cos-1, tan-1

Write. the trigonometry into polar form2. Calculus2.1. Limits2.2. derivatives 2.3. Application2.4. anti- derivatives2.5. Application of Integration.

define the main concept of calculus know the concept of limit calculate the limit of polynomial function, rational functions and trigonometric functions Differentiate algebraic functions and trigonometry functions. use the product, quotient and chain rule in derivative find first and second derivative know the properties of the first and second derivative sketch graph by using the derivative find a maximum and minimum )critical point( find an inflection point. Integrate polynomial functions and simple rational functions. Integrate sine, cosine and tangent Find the area under the curve. find out the area between two curves. find volume.

3. Statistics3.1. Measures of central tendency

Understand why, how and where we use mean, median, and mode in discrete and continuous data. Draw and know how and where to use: pictograms, bar charts, pie charts, line charts, histograms with


3.2. Presentation of data 3.3. Ogives.3.4. Measures of dispersion3.5. Distributions and shapes3.6. Interpretation of data.3.7. correlation

unequal intervals, frequency & cumulative frequency graphs. Understand and use dispersion statistics i.e. Mean deviation, standard deviation )in the normal distribution(,

and range, percentiles and quartiles in frequency and cumulative frequency distributions. Recognize that shapes are either symmetric or skewed. Identify different data presentations and interpret them. Compare related data as poor, medium and high correlation.

4. Binomial and Probability

Use the Binomial Theorem and Pascal’s triangle in expansions eg )a ± b(n where n is a positive integer. Use of Combinations in the Binomial Theorem. The probability tree and associated applications.

5. Complex numbers

5.1. Introductory remark define the complex numbers Show that the real and complex number is a field. Know that the complex number is not an order field.

5.2. The complex number system

display different parts of complex numbers

5.3. Operations of complex numbers in rectangular form

to add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers in rectangular form to simplify complex numbers

5.4. Solving quadratic equation with imaginary roots.

To solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula especially imaginary roots

5.5. Complex number in a polar form

To change complex numbers from rectangular to polar form and vice versa

5.6. Product and quotient of complex number in a polar form

To find product and quotient of complex number in polar form

5.7. De morives theorem

To prove de moivres theorem

5.8. Powers and roots of complex numbers in a polar form

To find powers and roots of complex numbers in polar form using de moivres theorem

6. Revision6.1. Revision of Form one6.2. Revision of form two

Revise of all work done in FORMS ONE, TWO AND THREE. especially those found by the pupils to be difficult to understand and remember


6.3. Revision of form three6.4.past exam papers.

“ learning only comes with understanding.” Give plenty of exercises and their solutions for all topics in forms1, 2& 3. Discuss the students methods of revision and advise how and help them to study for the exam. Let them make mistakes and show the pupils how to correct the mistakes. Go over the past exam papers and do them thoroughly at the end of the year.


Muqararka Luqadda Afka Soomaaliga ee Dugsiyadda Sare

Hordhac Dhammaan buugta suugaanta fasallada kowaad ilaa afraad ee dugsiyadda sare waxa aannu ka sinnay.

b. Sheekooyin dhaqameed nuxur leh.t. Maanso kala qoys ah.j. Maahmaaho kala darajo ah.x. Laamaha kale ee suugaanta sida carrab-jalqin, halxidhaale, heeso hawleedyo, iwm.Kh. Xubnaha afka qurxiya ama ku maldaha qaybo ka mid ah.d. Sababaha deegaanka xaalufiya sida, daaqsin xad dhaaf ah, dhuxulaysi dhir goyn iwm.r. raadadka abaaruhu ka tagaan.Sh. Naxwe saf kasta loo qoondeeyay.

Maadaama bartayaashu, fil ahaan iyo garaad ahaanba ay koreen, waa ay habboon tahay inay dhex mushaaxaan suugaan u cuntami karta oo ay ku naaloodaan, kuna yididiishaan, heerkooda waxbarasho ee la jaan-qaadaya maaddooyinka kala ee garab socda. Haddaba, baraha dhigaya suugaanta waxa aannu ka codsanaynaa in uu wax badan oo qoraalkan oo ka dhiman oo heerkooda noqon kara, oo xiisona leh ku biirayo. Waxa weliba sii fiican in baraha dhigaya suugaanta laftiisu yahay mid xiiso weyn u haya dhigista iyo soo ururinta laamaheeda kala duwan, si ay bartayaashuna xiiso ugu yeeshaan barashada maaddaddan.

Maxaa ay bartayaashu ka faa’iidayaan qoraallada buugta suugaanta?1. Inay wax ka ogaadaan sooyaalka deegaammadooda.2. Inay la soo bixi karaan dulucda iyo ujeeddada dahsoon ee ku ladhan dhammaan laamaha suugaanta.3. Inay adeegsadaan suugaan garada leh marka ay hadlayaan ama wax qorayaan.4. Inay barbardhigaan luqadooda luqadaha caalamka lagaga hadlo, ogaadaanna in uu dhinac walba la siman yahay siiba dhinaca

tayada iyo qiimayntaba.



FORM 1[Xirfada luqaddu waa joogto]

1. Gogoldhiga Suugaanta 1.1. Sharaxa suugaanta 1.2. Tix iyo tiraab 1.3. Tix )maanso(1.4. Tiraab qeexid )sheekooyin, odhaah iyo murti(

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:

2.1.1. Qayaashmaash2.1.2. Allahayow nin ii daran 2.1.3. Arrligaa la kala boobayaa2.1.4. Sidii geel haraday

2.2. Geeraar:2.2.1. Hido iyo dhaqan2.2.2. Aabo geela ha dhaafin2.2.3. Amaan faras )cali j. haabiil2.2.4. Majaajilo

2.3. Heeso (casriga ah):2.3.1. Hooyo

3. Maahmaah 3.1. Qeexid 3.2. Nooca haley: Qeexid

3.2.1. Danta 3.2.2. Dhaqanka 3.2.3. Cadaalada3.2.4. Runta 3.2.5. Waanada3.2.6. Xoolaha 3.2.7. Ugaaddha 3.2.8. Dugaaga

4. Hees hawleed 4.1. Heesta adhiga:

4.1.1. Waraabka adhiga 4.1.2. Foofinta adhiga 4.1.3. Soon hoynta adhiga

4.2. Heesta lo’da:4.2.1. Waraabka 4.2.2. Daajinta 4.2.3. Caraynta 4.2.4. Foofinta 4.2.5. Soo hoynta

4.3. Heesta geela:4.3.1. Waraabka 4.3.2. Durduurida 4.3.3. Carraynta 4.3.4. Foofinta 4.3.5. Soo hoynta

5. Ciyaaraha dhaqanka

CUTUB NATIIJADA Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxay baranayaan:


1. Gogoldhigga Suugaanta 1.1. Sharaxa suugaanta 1.2. Tix iyo tiraab 1.3. Tix )maanso(1.4. Tiraab )Waa inta ka soo hadha maanso(

Qeexayaan suugaanta iyo qaybaheeda. Kala saaridda tix iyo tiraab. Qeexidda tixda iyo qaybihiisa. Qeexidda tiraabta iyo qaybaheeda

Si foolka fool ah ayaa ay u kala saarayaan qaybaha afka soomaaliga

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:

2.1.1. Sharax gabay2.1.2. Qayaashmaash2.1.3. Allahayow nin ii daran 2.1.4. Arrligaa la kala boobayaa2.1.5. Sidii geel harraaday 2.1.6. Qaadka 2.1.7. Qabyaaladda

Sharaxa guud ee maansada erey ahaan iyo aqoon ahaanba.

Qeexidda gabayga, miisaankiisa, qaafiyaddiisa, madasha loo adeegsado, waxa uu kaga duwanyahay badaha kale, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada somaaliyeed iyo qiimihiisa gaarka ah.

Dhibaatada caddaalad darrada iyo xeeladaha maamulka.

Dulqaadka iyo faa’iidooyinkiisa iyo dhibaatada degdega

Wadaniyadda, in umadkastaa leedahay dhul u gaar ah.

Waayaha iyo duruufaha kalgacaylka ee ku xeeran naflayda.

Soo bandhigga ereyo micnahooda ay kutartamayaanJilidda maamulka iyo dulqaadka, Soo bandhigga waayaha jacaylka

2.2. Geeraar:2.2.1. Hiddo iyo dhaqan2.2.2. Aabbo geela ha dhaafin2.2.3. Ammaan faras )Cali Bucul(

2.3.5 Majaajilo ay metelaan

Qeexidda geeraarka, jaanta, jiibta iyo luuqayntiisa, madasha loo adeegsado, cidda adeegsata, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada iyo waxa uu kaga duwanyahay badaha kale ee maansada.

Qaayaha iyo qiimaha hidaha iyo dhaqanka soomaaliyeed, barashada qaab nololeedkii dadkii hore iyo qalabkay isticmaalijireen.

Ammaanta geela, faa’iidada geela duruufaha adag ee uu u adkaysto iyo kaalinta uu kaga jiro nolosha bulshada

Waxa ay ku muujinayaan ciyaaro, faallo ku saabsan gaadiidka nool


soomaaliyeed. Ammaanta fardaha iyo qaayahooda

2.3. Heeso (casriga ah):2.3.1. Hooyo 2.3.2. Dhib la-aan mala dhergaa

Qeexidda heesaha, jaanta, jiibta iyo luuqayntiisa, madasha iyo munaasaabada loo adeegsado, cidda adeegsata, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada iyo waxa uu kaga duwanyahay badaha kale ee maansadda barashada ereyada qarada leh ee afka soomaaliga.

Maamuuska iyo milgaha hooyada, waxa uu xasuusanayaa sidii loo soo koriyey iyo sidii loo soo kaalin geliyey,Kaalinta muhiimka ah ee hooyadu kaga jirto bulshada soomaalieed lafdhabarna u tahay umadda.

Waxa ay durbaan ku tumayaan heesaha

3. Maahmaah 3.1. Qeexid 3.2. halley: Qeexid

3.2.1. Danta 3.2.2. Dhaqanka 3.2.3. Cadaaladda3.2.4. Runta 3.2.5. Waanada3.2.6. Xoolaha 3.2.7. Ugaaddha 3.2.8. Dugaagga

Dhamaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxay garanayaan:

Qeexidda maahmaah iyo qaybaheeda. Qeexidda maahmaahda halley. Adeegsiga maahmaahaha danta ku

saabsan Adeegsiga maahmaahaha dhaqanka ku

saabsan adeegsiga maahmaahaha runta ku

saabsan adeegsiga maahmaahaha waanada ah adeegsiga maahmaahaha xoolaha ku

saabsan adeegsiga maahmaahaha ugaadha ku

saabsan adeegsiga maahmaahaha dugaagga ku


Waxa ay kooxkoox ku tartamayaan maahmaahda afka soomaaliga

4. Hees hawleed Hees hawleedka xoolaha noocyadooda, Jilidda hees hawleedada xoolaha soofa


4.1. Heesta adhiga:4.1.1. Waraabka adhiga 4.1.2. Foofinta adhiga 4.1.3. Soo hoynta adhiga

qaafiyaddooda, jaanta iyo jiibta iyo ereyada qarada leh.

Sharaxaada qaabka iyo qaafiyadda heesta adhiga iyo sida loogu luuqeeyo.

Heessta loo qaado adhiga marka la waraabinayo.

Heesta loo qaado adhiga marka la soofinaayo

Heesta loo qaado adhiga marka la soo hoynayo

4.2. Heesta lo’da:4.2.1. Waraabka 4.2.2. Daajinta 4.2.3. Carraynta 4.2.4. Foofinta 4.2.5. Soo hoynta

4.3. Heesta geela:4.3.1. Waraabka 4.3.2. Durduuridda 4.3.3. Carraynta 4.3.4. Foofinta 4.3.5. Soo hoynta

Hees hawleedka lo’da qaafiyadeda, jaanta iyo jiibta, qaabka loogu luuqeeyo iyo ereyada qarrada leh.

Heesta waraabka lo’da. Heesta daajinta lo’da Heesta carraynta lo’da Heesta foofinta lo’da Heesta soohoynta lo’da

Hees hawleedka geela qaafiyaddeeda, jaanta iyo jiibta, qaabka loogu luuqeeyo iyo ereyada qarrada leh.

Heesta warabka geela Heesta durduurka geela Heesta carraynta geela Heesta foofinta geela Heesta soohoynta geela

Waaxa ay soo bandhigayaan hees hawleedyada xoolaha.

5. Ciyaaraha dhaqanka 5.1. Heellada 5.2. Balwada5.3. Saarka )baarcadde(5.4. Wiglada

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaygu wuxu baranayaa:Qaybaha ciyaaraha dhaqanka madadsha iyo munaasabaddooda, jaanta iyo jiibtooda qaabka loo ciyaaro, meelaha laga ciyaaro iyo faa’iidooyinkooda.

Qaabka loo ciyaaro heelada iyo

Waxa ay jilayaan oday faneed kii balwadda Asaga oo garaacaya baangad gaadhi


naaxiyaddeeda Qaabka loociyaaro balwada iyo

naaxiyaddeeda Qaabka loo ciyaaro baarcaddaha iyo

naaxiyadiisa Qaabka loo ciyaaro wiglada iyo

naaxiyaddiisa.6. Halxidhaale

6.1. Farriimeed 6.2. Xisaabeeed

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaygu waxa uu baranayaa:

Qeexidda halxidhaalaha, madasha iyo munaasabadaha loo adeegsado, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada.

Qeexidda iyo adeegsiga halxidhaale fariimeedka.

Qeexidda iyo adeegsiga halxidhaale xisaabeedka

Waxa ay is waydiinayaan halxidhaalayaal

7. Afka maldahan7.1. Buunbuunin 7.2. Qofayn

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaygu waxa uu baranayaa:

Qeexidda afka maldahan noocyadiisa kala duwan kaalinta uu kaga jiro afka soomaaliga ah.

Qeexidda buunbuuninta, qaabka loo adeegsado iyo doorkiisa.

Qeexidda qofaynta qaabka loo adeegsado iyo doorkiisa.

Waxa ay iswaydiinayaan habka qofaynta

8. Sheekooyinka: 8.1. Gurac madobe iyo guurkiisii8.2. Deeqsi ma iisho8.3. Waddaniyada 8.4. Xaddaaradda 8.5. Alle ka cabsi

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaygu wuxu baranayaa:Akhiska sheekooyinka, soogaabinta sheekada, fahanka degdegga ah, dhuuxidda ujeeddada sheekada, adeedsiga ereyada iyo qoraalka.

Guurka iyo dhaqankii hore ee reer miyiga barashada farta,dhegaysiga, qoraalka iyo akhriska.

Deeqsinimada iyo milgaheeda,

Waxa ay metelayaaan habka ugu habboon ee guurka geed/ardaa dhig

Isdhacsiiyeen qiimaha deeqsinimada, qurxiyeen farta, qoraalka akhriska, si hufanna wax u dhageysteen.

Garteen qiimaha waddaniyadda. Si fiican ugu baraarugeen diinta.


barashad farta,dhegaysiga, qoraalka iyo akhrinta.

Wadanigaya iyo qiimaheeda barashad farta,dhegaysiga, qoraalka iyo akhrinta.

Ilbxnimada aduunka iyo dhaqanka soomaalida barashad farta,dhegaysiga, qoraalka iyo akhrinta.

In diintu nolosheena halbawle u tahay, barashad farta,dhegaysiga, qoraalka iyo akhrinta.

9. Qoraalka 9.1. Warqad qorista

9.1.1. Warqad saaxiibtinimo9.1.2. Warqad shaqo

9.2. Astaamaynta qoraalka 9.2.1. hakadka9.2.2. joogsiga 9.2.3. kolmo9.2.4. Bilo

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaygu waxa uu baranayaa:

Faa’iidada qoraal, qaababka kala duwan ee qoraal qurxinta, astaamaynta, gaabinta iyo fidinta qoraalka.

Qoritaanka qoraallo gaagaaban. Qoritaanka sheekooyin gaagaaban Qoritaanka warbixin gaaban Adeegsiga astaamaha qoraalka ee

kaladuwan iyo meelaha loo adeegsado. Qeexidda hakadyada adeegsigooda. Qeexidda joojis iyo adeegsigeeda. Qeexidda kolmaha iyo adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda bilahaiyo adeegsigooda.

Waxay is dhaafsanayaan waraaqo ay isu qoreen

10. Naxwe: 10.1. Ereyeynta

10.1.1. Weedhaynta 10.1.2. Weedh dhan 10.1.3. Weedh dhiman 10.1.4. Qaybaha weedhaha sameeya

10.2. Falka 10.2.1. Fal qummane 10.2.2. Fal ma qummane

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxay ogaanayaan:

Faa’iidada naxwaha afka soomaaliga Qeexidda ereyeynta iyo

adeegsigeedda . Macnaha weedh iyo qaybaheeda Macnaha weedh dhan iyo adeegsigeeda Macnaha weedh dhimn iyo

adeegsigeeda Maxaa ay weedhu ka kobantahay Qeexidda falka, qaybihiisa iyo

Xarfo ay isla doonteen ayaa ay ereyo ka samaynayaan


adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda falka qumman iyo

adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda falka ma qummane iyo




FORM 2 [Xirfada luqaddu waa joogto]

1. Gogoldhiga suugaanta 1.1. Qeexida qaybaha maansada1.2. Toox dheer 1.3. Toox gaab

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:

2.1.1. Dhudi2.1.2. Aduun qaale bixiwaa 2.1.3. Dhaqasho waa geel2.1.4. Hammi2.1.5. Cilmigaa martaba weyn leh2.1.6. Guuguule 2.1.7. Tolow hala Idhoofsho2.1.8. Dhirta 2.1.9. Todobaatan iyo toban 2.1.10. Riwaayada yar

2.2. Geeraar:2.2.1. Amaan faras2.2.2. Maxaa iiga gidhiish ah

2.3. Hees(casri)2.3.1. Dhoomaha sanaag 2.3.2. Qaayo Badan

3. Maahmaah3.1. Nooca sadexley

3.1.1. Qeeexid3.1.2. Geesinimada3.1.3. Deeqsinimada 3.1.4. Bakhaylnimada3.1.5. Fulanimada 3.1.6. Fariidnimada 3.1.7. Iskashiga 3.1.8. Dhiiri galinta 3.1.9. Dardaaranka 3.1.10. Diinta3.1.11. Aqal Soomaali/Agabkiisa

4. Hees hawleed )guriga(4.1. Aloolka 4.2. Kebeda4.3. Cawska )hararka(4.4. Mooyaha 4.5. Haanta

5. Ciyaaraha dhaqanka 5.1. Sayliciga 5.2. Botorka 5.3. Jaandheerta 5.4. Wilwilaha 5.5. Ceerigaabaawi

CUTUB NATIIJADA BARASHADA, dhammaad ka cutubkan ardaydu waxa ay garanayaann


1. Gogoldhiga suugaanta 1.1. Qeexidda 1.2. qaybaha maansada1.3. Toox dheer 1.4. Toox gaab

Qeexidda sugaanta, qaybaha maansada . Qeexidda tooxdheer, qaybaheeda, madasha iyo munaasabadda loo adeegsado

qaafiyaddeeda iyo jaanteeda. Qeexidda tooxgaab, madasha iyo munaasabada loo adeegsado qaybaheeda

qaafiyadeeda iyo jaanteeda.

Dood kala duwanaanta Badaha maansda

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:2.1.1. Dhudi2.1.2. Adduun qaale bixiwaa 2.1.3. Dhaqasho waa geel2.1.4. Hammi2.1.5. Cilmigaa martabad weyn

leh2.1.6. Guuguule 2.1.7. Tolow halla Idhoofsho2.1.8. Dhirta 2.1.9. Toddobaatan iyo toban

2.1.10 Ruwayad Yar.

Qeexidda gabayga, miisaankiisa, qaafiyaddiisa, munaasabadaha loo adeegsado, waxa uu kaga duwanyahay badaha kale, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada somaaliyeed iyo qiimihiisa gaarka ah.

Quruxda dumarka iyo qiimahooda iyo ereyada qarrada leh.. Qabyanimada adduunka, adduunyo ma tobnowdo iyo ereyada qarrada leh. Qiimha geelu ku leeyahay bulshada soomaaliyeed dhexdeeda, jacaylka geela, iyo

adkaysigiisa, ereyada qarada leh.. Hammiga iyo hiigsiga fog iyo ka dhaw, adeegsiga afka maldhan iyo ereyada

qarada leh. Faa’iidada cilmiga, martabadda iyo maamuuska aqoonta dhibaatada iyo dhalliilaha

jahliga ereyada qarrada leh . Dhibaatada abaarta iyo saamaynta dalka, dunayada, ugaadha iyo dadkaba. Waayo aragnimada dhabta ah, dhibaatada tahriibka, boholyowga dhulkaaga hooyo

iyo dhibaatada dalka shisheeye. Faa’iidada dhirta iyo noocyadeda. Gabawga iyo dhibaatadiisa

Hadalo kulkul oo ay ku kala qaybsamaan yaa dhexmaraya oo ku saabsan jacaylka, dhaqanka xoolaha IWM

2.2. Geeraar:2.2.1. Amaan faras2.2.2. Maxaa iiga gidhiish ah

Qeexidda geeraarka, jaanta, jiibta iyo luuqayntiisa, madasha loo adeegsado, cidda adeegsata, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada iyo waxa uu kaga duwanyahay badaha kale ee maansada.

Ammaanta fardaha iyo qiimaha iyo qaayaha ay leeyihiin. Iska ilaalinta godobta iyo hubsashada.

Waxa ay qiimaynayaan kaalintii faraska

2.3. Hees(casri)2.3.1. Dhoomaha sanaag 2.3.2. Qaayo Badan

Qeexidda heesaha, jaanta, jiibta iyo luuqayntiisa, madasha iyo munaasaabadda loo adeegsado, cidda adeegsata, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada iyo waxa uu kaga duwanyahay badaha kale ee maansada barashada ereyda qarada leh ee afka soomaaliga.

Ammaanta iyo quruxda dumarka. Qaabka hufan ee loo tilmaamo quruxda iyo qaayaha haweenka.

Waxa ay is waydiinayaan aragtida buuraha sanaag Iyo qaabka hufan ee wax loo sheego


3. Maahmaah3.1. Saddexley3.1.1. Qeeexid3.1.2. Geesinimada3.1.3. Deeqsinimada 3.1.4. Bakhaylnimada3.1.5. Fulanimada 3.1.6. Iskaashiga 3.1.7. Dhiirri galinta 3.1.8. Dardaaranka 3.1.9. Diinta3.1.10. Aqal Soomali

Qeexidda maahmaahda sadexleyda ah, madhasha iyo munaasabada loo adeegsado, doorkeeda iyo waxa ay kagaduwantahay maahmaahaha kale.

Qaabka geesiga loogu maahmaaho iyo doorkiisa. Maahmaahda deeqsiga iyo kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada. Maahmaahda bakhaylka iyo ceebtiisa. Maahmaahda fulaha iyo ceebta fulanimada. Wax wada qabsiga iyo faa’iidooyinkiisa. Qaabka wax loo dhiirri geliyo Sida la isugu dardaarmo Maahmaahda diiniga ah iyo doorka ay ku leedahay bulshadeenna islaamka ah.

Waxa ay isku qaybinayaan saddex kooxood oo kala ah deeqsi, bakhayl iyo fulaySi ay u dareemaan qaybaha bulshada

4. Hees hawleed )guriga(4.1. Aloolka 4.2. Kebedda4.3. Cawska )hararka(4.4. Mooyaha 4.5. Haanta

Hees hawleedka guriga gaar ahaan haweenku ku heesaan, noocyadooda, qaafiyadooda, jaanta iyo jiibta iyo ereyada qarrada leh.

Heesaha loogu heeso samaynta aloolka iyo naaxiyadeed. Heesaha loogu heeso samaynta kebeda iyo naaxiyadeeda. Heesta loogu heeso cawska samayntiisa iyo naaxiyadiisa Heesta la qaado marka wax lagu tumaayo mooyaha iyo naaxiyaddeeda. Heesaha marka la lulaayo haanta caanaha iyo naaxiyadeeda.

Waxay soo casuumeen dumar agab guri sameeya oo ku luuqeeya heesaha

5. Ciyaaraha dhaqanka 5.1. Sayliciga 5.2. Botorka 5.3. Jaandheerta 5.4. Wilwilaha 5.5. Ceerigaabaawi5.6. Magac Bixinta Soomaalida

Noocyada ciyaaraha dhaqanka madadsha iyo munaasabaddooda, jaanta iyo jiibtooda qaabka loo ciyaaro, meelaha laga ciyaaro iyo faa’iidooyinkooda.

Qaabka loo ciyaaro sayliciga Qaabka loociyaaro botorka Qaabka loo ciyaaro jaandheerta Qaabka loo ciyaaro wilwilaha. Qaabka loo ciyaro ceerigaabaawida.

Ciyaaraha kala duwan ayaa ay garoonka ula baxeen si ay u bartaan

6. Halxidhaale6.1. Maanseed6.2. Jirrabeed

Qeexidda halxidhaalaha, madasha iyo munaasabadaha loo adeegsado, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada.

Qeexidda halxidhaale maanseed, adeegsigiisa, qaabkiisa iyo doorkiisa Qeexidda halxidhaale jirrabeed adeegsigiisa, qaabkiisa iyo doorkiisa.

Waxa ay is waydaarsanayaan halxidhaale xisaabeed


7. Afka maldahan 7.1. Ekeeye 7.2. Yamxeero

Qeexidda afka maldahan noocyadiisa kala duwan kaalinta uu kaga jiro afka soomaaliga ah.

Qeexidda ekeeyaha, qaabka isu ekaysiinta, loo ekesiiyo, u eke iyo sifada ekaanshaha.

Qeexidda yamxeerada, adeegsigeeda iyo qaabkeeda.

Humaagyo ayaa ay sharaxayaan

8. Sheekooyin:8.1. Cadaaladda8.2. Muruqmaal )shaqo(8.3. Dulqaadka 8.4. Geesinimada8.5. Kalsoonida8.6. Astaamaynta

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxa ay fahmayaan:

Akhiska sheekooyinka, buugaagta, soogaabinta sheekada, fahanka degdegga ah, dhuuxidda ujeedada sheekada, adeedsiga ereyada iyo qoraalka.

Milgaha iyo martabadda cadaaladda dhibta iyo dhabdarrada cadaalad darrada inay sal u tahay nabadgelyada gayiga.

Qaayaha iyo qiimaha dulqaadku leeyahay iyo dulqaadku markasta guusha laga dhaxlo.

Geesinimada iyo kaalinta ay kaga jirto dhaqanka soomaalida. Faa’iidada kalsoonida iyo go’aan qaadashada iyo dhibaatada go’aan qaadasha

la’aanta iyo kalsooni darrada ka dhasha.

Waxa ay ku dardarayaan codadka iyo warqado ay isu diraan

9. Qoraalka:9.1. Warqad qorista 9.2. Astaanta qoraalka:9.2.1. Dhibic hakad 9.2.2. Jiitinta 9.2.3. Sumadda yaabka 9.2.4. Sumadda weydiinta9.2.5. Dhibco

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaygu waxa uu baranayaa:Faa’iidada qoraal, qaababka kala duwan ee qoraalka qurxinta, astaamaynta, gaabinta iyo fidinta qoraalka.

Qoritaanka qoraallo gaagaaban. Qoritaanka sheekooyin gaaban Qoritaanka warbixin gaabn Adeegsiga astaamaha qoraalka ee kaladuwan iyo meelaha loo adeegsado. Qeexidda dhibic hakad iyo adeegsigeeda. Qeexidda jiitinta iyo adeegsigeeda. Qeexidda sumadda yaabka iyo adeegsigeeda Qeexidda sumadda warsiga iyo adeegsigeeda. Qeexidda dhibco iyo adeegsigeeda.

Waxa ay tartan kulul ugu jiraan warqada qoraalka fiican


10. Naxwe:

10.1. Magac10.1.1. Keli 10.1.2. Wadar 10.1.3. Lab10.1.4. Dheddig 10.2.Magac u yaal10.3.Yeele 10.4.La yeele 10.5.Isrog-rogga fudud ee falalka

Dhamaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxa ay ogaanayaan: Faa’iidada naxwaha afka soomaaliga Qeexidda magaca iyo qaybihiisa. Macnaha magaca keliya iyo noocyadiisa Macnaha magaca wadarta ah iyo noocyadiisa Macnaha magaca lab iyo adeegsigiisa. Macnaha magaca dheddig iyo adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda magac uyaaka qaybihiisa iyo adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda yeelaha iyo adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda layeelaha iyo adeegsigiisa. Isrogrogga fudud ee falalka.

Waxa ay kala saarayaan noocyada naxwaha afka soomaaliga sida magac u yaalka,yeelaha, iyo xidhiidhka ka dhexeeya



FORM 3 [Xirfadaha luqaddu waa joogto]

1. Gogoldhiga Suugaanta

1.1. Qeexida qaybaha maansada1.2. Maanso guri:1.3. Maanso gole 1.4. Maanso geed

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:

2.1.1. Maandeeq2.1.2. Dayax2.1.3. Hadii dunida lagu waarayo2.1.4. Sinaan 2.1.5. Afku wuxu la xoogyahay 2.1.6. Xumaanta qabyaalada 2.1.7. Qodka guban ka soo kacay2.1.8. Hadhka Nabada

2.2. Geeraar:2.2.1. Rag sabaan kasabaan 2.2.2. Shabaabnimo2.2.3. Maxamed daalin

2.3. Heeso (casriga ah):2.3.1. Gamaan faras 2.3.2. Haboon

3. Maahmaah: 3.1. Nooca : Labaalay

3.1.1. Qeexid3.1.2. Tusaalayaal

4. Afka maldahan4.1. Silan-sugan4.2. Quusin 4.3. Jilid

5. Sheekooyinka: 5.1. Hawl iyo hogol kaliileed5.2. Dhibaatooyinka abaaraha 5.3. Adventure

6. Qoraalka:6.1. Warqad casuumadeed6.2. Qoraal dhacdo6.3. Astaamaynta

7. Riwaayad: shabeel naagood

1.1 Ugaadhii hore ee Tagtay

CUTUBKA NATIJADDA Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxa uu awood u yeelan:


1. Gogoldhigga Suugaanta

1.1. Qeexidda1.2. qaybaha maansada1.3. Maanso guri:1.4. Maanso geed )gole(1.5. Maanso gurmad iyo galab carow

Qeexidda iyo sharraxaadda waxa ay kala yihiin suugaan iyo maanso.

Qaybaha maansada loo qaybiyo marka loo eego madasha maansada lagu curiyo.

Waxa qaybahaasi ku kala duwan yihiin. Qeexidda maanso guri, madasha, laga

tiriyo,sababta loo curiyo cida tirisa iyo tusaalaheedda.

Qeexidda maanso gole, madasha laga tiriyo, sababta loo curiyo, cida tirisa iyo tusaalaheeda.

Qeexidda maanso geed, madasha laga tiriyo, sababta loo curiyo, cida tirisa iyo tusaalaheeda.

Kala qeexeen suugaan iyo maanso, qaybaha goorta iyo goobta ay ku habboon tahay.

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:

2.1.1. Maandeeq2.1.2. Dayax2.1.3. Haddii dunida lagu waarayo2.1.4. Sinnaan 2.1.5. Afku wuxu la xoogyahay 2.1.6. Xumaanta qabyaaladda 2.1.7. Qodka guban ka soo kacay2.1.8. Hadhka Nabadda

Qeexidda gabayga, miisaankiisa, qaafiyadiisa, dhalashada loo adeegsaday, waxa uu kaga duwan yahay badaha kale, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada soomaaliyed iyo qiimihiisa gaarka ah.

Qiimaha xorriyadda iyo dawladnimada Horumarka, adduunyadu in ay gaadhay

martabo sare, dhinaca horumarka la innooga baahan yahay inaan ku dayanno kana dheerayno.

In adduunkan ciddina ku waarayn oo qof kasta ka tegi doono loona baahan yahay in aakhiro la xasuusnaado, loona tabcado nolosha baaqiga ah ee aakhiro.

Sinaanta iyo caddaaladda. Dhibaatada ay leedahay caddaalad darradu.

- Qeexeen gabayga iyo qaybihiisa iyo tilmaamaha u gaarka ah isaga oo haddana suugaanta hoos yimaadda, qiimaha madax bannaanida, adduunyadu halka ay maanta marayso, isla markaana aan lagu negaanayn, dhibaatooyinka eexda iyo cidhib darrada qabyaaladda, nabad gelyada iyo raaxadeeda.


Dhibaatada qabyaalada, farqiga u dhaxeeya qabiil iyo qabyaalada.

Nabadda iyo faa’iidadeeda. Dhibaatada ay leedahay nabad gelyo la’aantu, Ilaalinta nabada iyo faaiidada dulqaadka.

2.2. Geeraar:2.2.1. Rag sabaan kasabaan2.2.2. Dhalinyaranimo.2.2.3. Maxamed daalin

Qeexidda geeraarka iyo luuqayntiisa, madasha loo adeegsado, cidda adeegsata, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada iyo waxa uu kaga duwan yahay badaha kale ee maansada.

Dulqaad ka iyo heerarka uu maro, xumaanta in wanaag lagaga dayanaayo jawaab, samirka, iyo qaabka bulshada soomaaliyeed isgu dulqaataan iyo jaranjarada uu maro la dhowro markasta.

Qiimaha dhallinyarnimada, doorka dhallintu ku leedahay bulshada, kaalinta looga baahan yahay, iyo dhibta ay ku dambayso cidii dhallinyarnimada ku li’ata.

Qeexeen macnaha geeraar iyo tilmaamahiisa, faa’iiada dulqaadka iyo cawaaqibka ka dhasha haddii dulqaadka la tix gelin waayo, doorka dhallintu bulshada ku leeadahay, iyo cidhib darrada uu ku danbeeyo qofka lumiya xilligiisa barbaarka.

2.3. Heeso(casriga ah):

2.3.1. Gamaan faras2.3.2. Haboon 2.3.3. Geed jooge

Qeexidda heesaha, jaanta, jiibta iyo luuqayntiisa, madasha iyo munaasaabada loo adeegsado, cidda adeegsata, kaalinta uu kaga jiro bulshada iyo waxa uu kaga duwan yahay badaha kale ee maansada barashada ereyda qarrada leh ee afka soomaaliga.

Ammaanta iyo quruxda dumarka qaabka loogu ekaysiiyo waxyaaalaha quruxda leh ee dabeeciga ah.

Awoodeen jiibta iyo jaanta heesaha kala ujeeddada ah iyo ujeeddada ay heestu xanbaarsan tahay iyo arrimaha loo adeegsado, sida qurux dumar, iwm.

3. Maahmaah: 3.1. Labaaley

Qeexidda maahmaahda labaaleyda ah, madasha iyo munaasibadda loo

Qeexidda maahmaahda labaleyda tii oo la barbar dhigayo maahmaaho kala ahmiyadda


3.2. Qeexid3.3. Tusaaleyaal

adeegsado, waxa ay kaga duwantahay maahmaaha kale iyo tusaaleyaal waafi ah oo ku filan.

iyo munaasabad ah.

4. Afka maldahan4.1 Silan-sugan4.2.Quusin)Legaado( 4.3. Yamxeero

Qeexidda afka maldahan noocyadiisa kala duwan. Maanta kaalinta uu kaga jiro afka soomaaliga.

Qeexidda sillan-sugan madasha iyo munaasabadda loo adeegsado, kaalinta uu kaga jiro afka soomaaligaaliga, tusaaleyaal, ereyada qarrada leh ee afka soomaaliga.

Qeexidda quusinta )legaadada( madasha iyo munaasabada loo adeegsado, kaalinta uu kaga jiro afka soomaaliga, tusaaleyaal, ereyada qarrada leh ee afka soomaaliga.

Garteen afka maldahan, iyo quruxda uu ku biiriyo afka )luqadda(

5. Sheekooyinka: 5.1.Hawl iyo hogol kaliileed5.2. Dhibaatooyinka abaaraha 5.3.Adventure )U badheedh dhibaatooyin(

Dhammaad ka cutubkan ardaygu waxa ay ku waayo-arkayaan:

Akhrinta sheekooyinka, buugaanta, soo gaabinta sheekada, fahanka degdega ah, dhuuxida ujeeddada sheekada, adeegsiga ereyada iyo qoraalka.

Hawsha xilliyada kala duwan la qabto xilli adag akhriska, qoraalka iyo dhegeysiga.

Dhibaatooyinka abaarta, waxyaabaha keena abaarta ka hortaga waxyaabaha abaarta keena.

Dhibaatooyinka tahriibka dhacdooyinka naxdinta leh ee sida joogtada ah ku dhaca.

Aqoonsadeen kaalinta ay sheekooyinku ku leeyihiin waxbarashada iyo waayo-aragnimada laga dhaxlo iyo saamaynta ay ku leedahay koboca maskaxda B/Aadamka.

6. Qoraalka:6.1.Warqad casuumadeed6.2. Qoraal dhacdo6.3.Astaamayn

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaygu wuxuu adeegsanayaa waraaqaha martiqaadka:

Faa’iidada qoraal, qaababka kala duwan ee qoraalka qurxinta,

Kala soocaan qoraalka kala ujeeddada ah ee waraaqaha siiba bilowga – dhexda iyo dhammaadka warqadda


astaamaynta, gaabinta iyo fidinta qoraalka.

Qaabka loo qoro waraaqaha casuumadaha iyo waxa ay kaga duwan yihiin warqadaha kale.

Qaabka loo qoro maqaalada, ama looga warbixiyo dhacdo loogana dhigo qoraal dhab ah.

7. Riwaayad: shabeel naagood8. Ugaadhii hore

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxay baranayaan:

Faaiidada riwaayadaha Qaabka loo jilo riwaayadaha Fahanka muuqaalada Dhegeysiga hadallada, gabayada iyo

heesaha Kala duwanaanshaha aragtida

daawadayaasha Macnaha heesaha Muuqaallo kala duwan Farxad, naxdin,

cadho, dhaqan. Ujeeddooyinka kala duwan ee

muuqaallada Ujeeddada culus ee guud ahaan

riwaayadu faraha ku fiiqayso. Talooyinka iyo tusaaleyaasha dhaxal

galka ah ee riwaayaddu xambaarsantahay.

Raad reeb muddo la xasuusnaan karo. Erey qaro leh U fiirinnayaan dhaqammada kala

duwan ee ugaadha.

Ogaadeen faa’iidada riwaayadaha, qaabka loo jilo iyo kaalinta ay kaga jirto dhaqanka soomaalida.

9. Naxwe: 9.1. Sifo 9.2. Fal kaab 9.3. Meeleeye 9.4. Qodob

Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxay baranayaan:

Qeexidda sifada, qaybaha sifada iyo adeegsigeeda.

Qeexidda falkaabka qaybaha falkaabka

Qeexeen qaybaha naxwaha kuna saleeyeen weedho kala duwan.


9.5. Xidhiidhiye iyo adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda meeleeyayaasha qaybaha

meeleeyaha iyo adeegsigiisa. Qeexidda qodobka qaybaha qodobka

iyo adeegsigiisa. Qeexiddada xidhiidhiyaha qaybaha

xidhiidhiyaha iyo adeegsigiisa.


Cutub Dhammaadka cutubkan ardaydu waxay aqoonsanayaan: waxqabad

1. Gogoldhigga suugaanta

1.1. Taariikhda Maansada 1.2. Miisaanka maansada 1.2.1. Qaafiyadda 1.2.2. Jaanta & Jiibta

Taariikhda maansada soomaaliyeed xilligii hore,xilli dhexe, xilliga casriga ah

Miisaanka maansada . jaanta iyo jiibta

Kala qeexeen suugaan iyo maanso, qaybaha goorta iyo goobta ay ku habboon tahay.


FORM 4 Xirfadaha luqaddu waa joogto]

1. Gogoldhiga suugaanta

1.1. Taariikhda maansada 1.2. Miisaanka maansada

1.2.1. Qaafiyada 1.2.2. Jaanta

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:

2.1.1. Macaan iyo Qadhaadh2.1.2. Amaanta riyaha 2.1.3. Macaliiinta 2.1.4. Waano2.1.5. Geela iyo Riyaha 2.1.6. Orod xoogso2.1.7. Gabow iyo geeri2.1.8. Bilihii iyo Malmihii Hore

2.2. Geeraar:

2.2.1. Casiisow waa mahadaa 2.2.2. Dalxiis 2.2.3. Sayidka 2.2.4. Af iyo Hadal

2.3. Hees(casri)2.3.1. Beledweyn 2.3.2. Qaayo badan2.3.3. Umul baa ilow dee

3. Maahmaah3.1. Nooca: garta iyo baanaha )sagaalay(

3.1.1. Qeexid 3.1.2. Tusaalayaal3.1.3. Astaamaynta

4. Afka maldahan:4.1. Duurxul4.2. shareere4.3. sarbeeb

1. Hees hawleed 1.1. Kalluunka 1.2. Beeyada iyo fooxa 1.3. Beeraha

1.3.1. Dibida 1.3.2. Hadhuudhka 1.3.3. Qalebka qodaalka

5. Sheekooyin:5.1. Calaf iyo Cawoba Negi

2. Maanso 2.1. Gabay:2.1.1. Macaan iyo Qadhaadh2.1.2. Ammaanta riyaha 2.1.3. Waano2.1.4. Geela iyo Riyaha 2.1.5. Orod xoogso2.1.6. Gabow iyo geeri2.1.7. Bilihii Hore/Maalmihii


Qeexidda maansada silan sugan iyo nuxurka is-bedbedelka aadmiga

Maansada ammaanta riyaha, faaiidadooda iyo qiimahooda Faaiidada cilmiga iyo qiimahiisa. Qaabka maansada dadka loogu waaniyo amaba qaabka raggu u

waaniyaan xaaskooda, caruurta IWM Kala doorbidka dhaqashada geela iyo riyaha iyo mid kastaba

dhinaca uu ku fiican yahay Xoogsiga iyo in dhaqashada la isugu dhaafay, waalidkuna mar

kasta kula dardaarmo ilmihiisa dhaqashada Gabowga dhibaatadiisa iyo geeriddu cidna daynayn

Qeexeen gabayga iyo qaybihiisa iyo tilmaamaha u gaarka ah isaga o haddana suugaanta hoos yimaadda, qiimaha madax bannaanida, adduunyadu halka ay maanta marayso..

2.1.8. Casiisow waa mahaddaa

2.1.9. Dalxiis 2.1.10. Sayidka 2.1.11. Af iyo Hadal

In ilaahay loogu mahadiyo guul kasta oo la gaadho iyo nimca kasta iyo fahanka qiimaha xorriyadda

Dadka dalka ka yaacaya een dalalka ay tegeen ka shaqaysan

Qeexeen macnaha geeraar iyo tilmaamahiisa, faa’iiadada dulqaadka iyo cawaaqibka ka dhasha haddii dulqaadka la tixgelin waayo, doorka dhallintu bulshada ku leeadahay, iyo cidhib darrada uu ku danbeeyo qofka lumiya xilligiisa barbaarnimada.

Heesaha1.1.1. Beledweyn 1.1.2. Qaayo badan

1.1.3. Umul baa illow dee

Qaababka kala duwan ee heesaha loo sameeyo iyo qaabka loo qurxiyo

Ammaanta dumarka iyaga oo lagu hal qabsanayo quruxda dabeeciga ah sida roobka , dhirta, qoraxda iyo qaabka hufan ee loo tilmaamo quruxda gabdhaha

Waayo aragnimada degdegga laga dhaxlo iyo in laga fiirsado intaanad falin

Awoodeen jiibta iyo jaanta heesaha kala ujeeddada ah iyo ujeeddada ay heestu xambaarsan tahay iyo arrimaha loo adeegsado sida qurux dumar iwm.

2. Maahmaah 1.1. Nooca: garta iyo baanaha

)sagaalay( 1.1.1. Qeexid 1.1.2. Tusaalayaal1.1.3. Astaamaynta

Qeexidda maahmaahaha sagaaleyda ah Tusaaleyaal kala duwan oo ku saabsan maahmaahaha sagaalka

ah iyo qaabka loo adeegsado

Ku baratameen keenista maah maahaha kala duwan, ka dibna sagaaleyda koox koox u faalleeyaan, markaa ka dib, soo bandhigeen)presentation(


3. Afka maldahan:3.1. Duurxul3.2. shareere3.3. sarbeeb

Qeexidda afka maldahan iyo adeegsigiisa Qeexidda duurxulka,adeegsigiisa iyo tusaaleyaashiisaba qeexidda shareeraha ,adeegsigiisa iyo tusaalihiisa Qeexidda sarbeebta, adeegsigeeda iyo tusaalaheeda

Faaleeyeen afka maldahan iyo qaayihiisa, qaybta libaax ee uu af-soomaaliga ka qaato iyo quruxda uu ku dheeho luqadda.

11. Hees hawleed 11.1. Kalluunka 11.2. Beeyada iyo fooxa 11.3. Beeraha

11.3.1. Dibida 11.3.2. Hadhuudhka 11.3.3. Qalabka qodaalka11.3.4. Tawaawac

Qeexidda hees hawleedka Tusaaleyaasha heesaha kalluunka iyo habdhacooda Tusaaleyaasha heesaha beeyada, fooxa, habdhacooda iyo goorta

la qaado Tusaaleyaasha heesta dibida, habdhacooda iyo goorta la qaado Tusaalaha heesta hadhuudhka ,habdhacooda iyo goorta la qaado Qalabka beeraha lagu qodo oo dhammaystiran

Ka faalloodeen hees hawleedyo kala duwan, koox kooxna uga bartaan iyaga oo sida ay u kala badiyaan, barahoodu u kala siiyey dhibco, kala tilmaameen qalabka beeraha lagu qodo mid kastabana magiciisa sugeen, iyo waxa lagu qabto

4. Sheekooyin:

4.1. Calaf iyo Cawoba Negi4.2. Caynba Cayn4.3. Habaar waalid & Hansi

gabadheed4.4. Kala maan

Akhrista sheekooyinka, aaminaadda calafka iyo nasiibka Akhrinta qoraallada iyo kala doorashada sheekooyinka Waalid adeeca, ixtiraamka iyo qaddarinta. Akhri qoraallada, kala doorashada sheekooyinka iyo kala

duwanaashaha aadmiga

Garteen tebinta sheekooyinka kala duwan iyo ujeeddadooda iyo nasiibka uu qof kastaaba ku leeyahay adduunka, guulaha laga dhaxlo ka danbaynta waalidka iyo caarka)haweenka( ku tartameen gebagebihiina is-dhacsiiyeen sinnaan la’aanta ragga iyo haweenka.

5. Qaybaha curiska:

5.1. Sifayn )descriptive(5.2. Tebin )narrative(5.3. Qeexid )Explanative(5.4. Isbarbardhig )comparative(5.5. Soo jiidasho )persuasive(5.6. Maan abuur )creative(

Qoraalka sifaynta iyo qurxintiisa. Qoraalka tebinta qaabkiisa iyo qurxintiisa. Qoraalka Qeexidda qaabkiisa iyo qurxintiisa. Qoraalka isbarbardhiga iyo qurxintiisa.Qoraalka soojiidashada iyo qurxintiisa. Qoraalka maan abuurka iyo qurxintiisa.

Soo bandhigeen curisyada kala duwan iyaga oo mid kastaaba ku salaynaaya tilmaamaha gaarka u leeyahay.

6. Qoraalka: 6.1. Qoraal xigasho

Qaabka loo soo xigto qoraalka, loo kala xusho iyo qurxintiisa Qaabka loo qoro qoraallada dhaadheer ama warbixinta

Ku tartameen qoraallada kala duwan iyo tilmaamaha ay kala leeyihiin iyaga


6.2. Qoraal dheer )warbixin(6.3. Qoraal )C.V(

Qaabka loo qoro )C.V( iyo qurxintiisa oo qoraalka culays gaara u saaray lana kaashaday barahooda

7. Naxwe:7.1. Nakhtiin guud dhammaan

Qaybaha Hadalka.7.2. Habka qoraalka ee fidsan 7.3. Habka ku hadalka ee

kooban7.4. Horgale 7.5. Daba gale

Dib u nakhtiino dhammaan naxwaha fasallada 1 aad, 2 aad iyo 3 aad

Qaabka qoraalka fidsan Qaabka hadalka kooban Qeexidda horgalaha, tusaalihiisa iyo adeegsigiisa Qeexidda dabagalaha, tusaalihiisa iyo adeegsigiisa

Koox-koox u soo bandhigeen naxwihii ay ka soo gudbeen iyo qaybihiisa. Qoraalka fidsan iyo hadalka kooban nuxurka looga gol leeyahay ee uu xambaarsan yahay.


Secondary School English Language Syllabus


These courses seek and intended to equip Secondary School studeints with the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes deemed critical in the acquisition of academic competencies. The teachers should ensure that the courses are learners-outcome based, by letting the studeints participate instead of only listening and should be focused on practical knowledge that can be used immediately in the daily life of the students. The courses’ contents are tailored to empower students with competentcies that will help them engage in various activities for personal and social development.

The learning areas are developed following the spiral concept such that knowledge and skills acquired in one grade becomes the basis for learning new and more advanced concepts in the next grades/levels.

Comments from the international consultants have been incorporated into this document.

Time Allocation

Course will have duration of nine )9( months or 36 weeks in a year of all grades; from form one to form four.


Over all aims of English Language Syllabus

To enable students to use English as a medium of education as a means of access s to higher education after they leave school.

To make possible for students to communicate in English To be able to express view and respond views expressed by others in a wide variety of topics relevant to their life and to the

development of Somaliland context including.

Peace and stability Protection of environment Health issues Respect for others in society


Form 1

Listening and Speaking

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of this year, the students will be able to:

1. Produce sentences and chunks of discourse in speech of 150-200 words on assigned topics.2. Respond to questions and discuss topics addressed in class and/or related to his/her own life in comprehensible speech.3. Identify main ideas and isolate specific detail in listening passages appropriate for students at this level of English proficiency.4.

Methods of Evaluation:

1. Listening tests that include objective items such as multiple choice, true/false, matching, and completion.2. Dictation3. Oral presentations4. Speaking tests may include role plays, one-on-one interviews, etc.

Reading and Writing

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of this year, the students will be able to:

1. Produce simple sentences with level-appropriate accuracy in basic sentence structure, sentence mechanics, verb tenses, and essential modal verbs.

2. Produce paragraphs of 80-120 words on assigned topics )related to course themes or the student's life( with level-appropriate accuracy in sentence structure, mechanics, verb tenses, and essential modal verbs.

3. Identify main ideas and isolate specific detail in reading passages appropriate for students at this level of English proficiency.


Methods of Evaluation:

1. Timed paragraph writing )in class(2. Paragraphs/homework done out of class3. Written portfolio4. Reading, vocabulary, and grammar tests/quizzes including objective items such as multiple choice, true/false, matching, and sentence


English Form 1

Topic Sub-topic OutcomesListening and speaking Introductions Understand spoken information and

convey with other forms take notes or summaries what they hear

Introduction to English Course Language skills Integrate the uses of four skills in a real life situations

Listening Pronunciation Pronounce English words correctly Reading comprehension Find specific information from the

reading text

Grammar Parts of the speech Use the different parts of speech correctly.

Grammar Articles use articles correctly in sentencesWriting Spelling spell given words correctly Writing Sentences Put the ideas in logical order in the

form of the sentencesWriting Types of sentences Construct sentences using linking

words.Reading comprehension Derive the meaning of the word from

contextual use.Listening and speaking /l/ and /r/ sounds Pronounce /l/ and /r/ sounds well Grammar Nouns Use the different types of nouns in a

sentences.Grammar Pronouns Practice the pronouns in sentences


Writing Punctuations )full stop and comma( and capitalization

Uses capital letter in given lessons and exercises.

Writing Short paragraph Write short paragraph correctlyReading Short story Gain the theme of the story easily.Speaking Let’s talk Describe his family members well.reading Comprehensions Explain how tone and choice of

words can be used to show respect when speaking on telephone.

Listening Sounds /k/ and /g/ to pronounce words with the two sounds correctly.

Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns to write out given exercises


Listening and speaking /tʃ/ and /d/ sounds pronounce the /t/ and /d/sounds correctly

Grammar Plural nouns to use plural and irregular nouns.

Writing Short, simple sentences and long compound sentences

to use a variety of sentences in writing.

Speaking Close shave to tell similar stories

Reading Forms of literature· Written Literature forms of Literature.· Plays· Novels· Short stories· Poetry

identify and describe the different forms of literature

to act the activities in class

Listening and speaking Trickster stories To identify the features of


narratives.Listening and speaking /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ sounds To distinguish between the two


Reading Comprehensions To answer questions on the passage

Grammar Adjectives To classify the types of adjectivesWriting Short paragraph To write using paragraphs and

topicsentences correctly.

Writing Short paragraph Write short paragraph correctlyListening and speaking /f/ and /v/ sounds To pronounce the two sounds

correctly.Reading comprehensions To read and give correct



Form 2

Listening and Speaking

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of this year, the students will be able to:

1. Respond to questions and discuss topics addressed in class and/or related to his/her own life in comprehensible speech.2. Produce sentences and chunks of discourse in speech of 200-250 words on assigned topics and/or topics of the student's own choosing.3. Identify main ideas and isolate specific detail in listening passages appropriate for students at this level of English proficiency 4. Grow in grammatical accuracy of speech and/or be able to recognize and correct some of his/her own speech errors in the process of

speaking )self-correction(.

Methods of Evaluation:

1. Listening tests that include objective items such as multiple choice, true/false, matching, and completion.2. Speeches3. Speaking performances such as role plays4. Speaking tests )one-on-one interviews with instructor(

Reading and Writing

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of this year, the students will be able to:

1. Produce sentences and chunks of discourse in writing of 150-200 words on assigned topics with a particular focus on verb tenses, use of modal verbs, noun forms, and basic sentence combining.

2. Identify main ideas and isolate specific detail in reading passages appropriate for students at this level of English proficiency. Be able to use the grammar learned in with increasing accuracy and fluency.


Methods of Evaluation:

1. Timed, in-class essay tests2. Objective tests including multiple choice, true/false, matching, and sentence completion3. Written homework4. Portfolio of work completed


Topic Sub-topic Outcomes

1 Listening and speaking

/r/ and /l/ sounds The learner should be able topronounce the sounds /r/ and /l/correctly

2Reading Comprehension The learner should be able to

answer questions on the givenpassage

3 Grammar Collective nouns The learner should be able to usecollective nouns with verbs.

4 Writing Spellings The learner should be able towrite commonly miss pelt wordscorrectly

5 Reading Close shave The learner should be able todiscuss and list various ways inwhich people receive messages intheir home areas.

6 Listening and speaking

Rhyme The learner should be able toidentify rhyme in poetry andexplain its function

1 Reading Comprehension The learner should be able to read the passage and state acceptable social habits. · Speaking

2 Writing Discussion The learner should be able to write a composition on solutions to Anti-social behavior.

3 Grammar

Compound nouns The learner should be able to discuss compound nouns and their use


sentences4 Writing Rhetorical

ParagraphsThe learner should be able towrite out a coherent rhetorical paragraph

5 Listening and Irregular Speaki

Rhyme The learner should be able toidentify an irregular rhymepattern.

6 Reading Comprehension The learner should be able toanswer questions correctly.

1 Grammar Quantifier phrases The learner should be able to usequantifier phrases correctly insentences.

2 Writing Paragraphdevelopment

The learner should be able todevelop a paragraph giving factsto support the points.

3 Listening and speaking

Legends The learner should be able todiscuss the characteristics oflegends



ComprehensionThe learner should be able to answer

questions on the passage

5 Grammar Paragraphdevelopment

The learner should be able to develop a paragraph using reasons and examples

6 Writing Paragraphdevelopment

The learner should be able to develop a paragraph using reasons and examples.

1 Listening and speaking

Themes in legends The learner should be able toidentify the recurrent themes inlegends.

2 Reading Comprehension The learner should be able to


answer questions on the givenpassage

3Grammar Possessives as

modifiersThe learner should be able to:identify possessives used asadjectives.

4 Writing Paragraphdevelopment

The learner should be able todevelop a paragraph comparingand contrasting things, situationsor people.

5 Listening and speaking

Dramatization The learner should be able to readand dramatize the given play.

6 Reading Comprehension The learner should be able to useinterjections and punctuate givenspeeches appropriately.

1 Grammar Interjections andQuotation marks

The learner should be able toanswer questions on the givenpassage.

2Listening and speaking

Possessives asmodifiers

The learner should be able toidentify possessives used asadjectives.

3 Writing Paragraphdevelopment

The learner should be able todevelop a paragraph comparingand contrasting things, situationsor people.

4 Listening and speaking

Dramatization The learner should be able to readand dramatize the given play.

1 Reading comprehension The learner should be able to use:interjections and punctuate given speeches appropriately.

2 Grammar Interjections andQuotation marks

To use Interjections andQuotation marks


3 Writing Punctuation:Apostrophe andhyphen

to usethe correct punctuation marks ingiven exercises.

4Listening and speaking

Irony in short stories

to define and identify irony in a short story.

1 Writing Irony To narrate and write a story withirony.

2 Reading comprehension To answer questions on the givenPassage.

3 Speaking Discussion To demonstrate ability to thinkcritically.

4 Grammar Indefinite pronouns The learner should be able to useindefinite pronouns correctly insentences

5 Writing Personal journal To write a personal journal.

6 Speaking stressTo use stress correctly.

1 Reading comprehension The learner should be able toanswer questions on the passagecorrectly.

2 Grammar Order of adjectives The learner should be able to usethe correct order of adjectives insentences.

3 Writing Making lists The learner should be able to write shopping lists correctly.

4 Listening and speaking

Etiquette: Table manners The learner should be able to state acceptable behaviour at the dining table.


5 Poetry A freedom song’ by Marjorie .Macgoye

The learner should be able to discuss issues raised in poem

6 Speaking and listening

Debate: child labour To discuss child labour in the society

1 Speaking Trickster narratives The learner should be able to state the characteristics of a trickster story.

2 Writing Discussion:Gender

The learner should be able to writeon the given topic.

3 Study skills plays The learner should be able toidentify characteristics of a play.

4 listening and speaking Etiquette: Polite conversations To speak politely and have a good conversation with others.

5 Speaking Songs on the common man The learner should be able toanalyze and answer questions onthe poem.

6 The learner should be able to write paragraph with supporting reasonsand examples.


Form 3

Listening Speaking

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of this year, the students will be able to:

1. Produce sentences and chunks of discourse in speech of 250-350 words in assigned topics with a particular focus on verb tenses, correct word form choice, intermediate level sentence patterns, and subordination and coordination in sentence combining.

2. Respond to questions and discuss topics addressed in class and or related to his/her own life with increasing comprehensibility.3. Identify main ideas and isolate specific details in a variety of types of listening passages including one on one conversation, small group

discussions, and short lectures.4. Successfully accomplish given authentic tasks and projects requiring oral/aural communication skills out in the campus and local


Methods of Evaluation:

1. At least 70% accuracy on listening tasks 2. Successful communication of messages in assigned projects and tasks as evidenced by completed project/task products--e.g., surveys or

videos 3. Listening tests4. Speeches or other oral presentations in class

Reading and Writing

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of this year, the students will be able to:

1. Read and analyze texts appropriate for students at this level of English proficiency Summarize, respond to, and analyze assigned reading materials in comprehensible written English.

2. Write a coherent and organized paragraph/short essay of 250 words or more, in class, based on reading material and/or topics appropriate for students at this level of English proficiency.


3. Review the grammar covered in with increased accuracy and fluency4. Use the grammar covered with increased accuracy and fluency.

Methods of Evaluation:

1. In-class essays / essay exams2. Out-of-class essays3. Objective reading/vocabulary tests4. Grammar/editing quizzes5. Homework )written exercises of various types


Form ThreeTopic Learning outcome









At the end of the topic learners should be able to describe common scenes people

activities and processes in clear simple English

Express feelings clearly.

Use simple present and present continuous correctly from the text silently.

Read the text silently, extensively and intensively within and outside the classroom,

Guess the meaning of words from the text.

Description of people and clothes.






A Listening/ speaking




Describe features and photographs in pairs,

Listen and respond.

Use simple past and present perfect correctly,

Use adjectives to describe things.

Understand the meaning of words from the context,

Read using different strategies to match different purposes e.g. skim, scan, etc.

Write informal letter.3.1








Discuss and respond the questions Write about themselves their life and

their Environment. Use past continuous and past simple


Guess the meaning of new words from context,

Read and then respond the questions clearly.

Narrate stories and clearly indicate Chronological order.

4. 1






Listen to poems and discuss with partners

Listen and take notes or summarize what they hear.

Use phrase and verbs correctly based on different particles.

Read and make predication, Read and find specific information from











Listening/ speaking







the reading text, Read and enjoy a range of different

novels, stories and plays that have not been simplified and are set in familiar cultures e.g. African writers’ series.

Write a letter at several different levels of formality appropriately,

Write a letter advice, postcards, advertisements.

Understand spoken information and covers it in other forms,

Listen and take notes.

Use the sentences with If that will refer to present and future

If that will refer to present and future.

Read and take notes, Read and understand the events in


Write letters, postcards etc. Listen and then answer questions, Listen and complete the sentences with

correct words.

Use passive voice sentences correctly, Transform into passive voice following

four simple rules.

Explain the meaning of new words, understand the meaning of new words

from context,







8. 1












Read silently and then answer the questions.

Write to describe a process.

Listen and then answer questions, Recognize attitudes and opinions of the

speaker, Listen to take notes.

Tell the meaning of phrasal verbs based on cake,

Use it correctly in sentences.

Read and understand a variety of different types of texts including public notices, advertisements, etc.

present information logically, Express views and opinions logically in


Distinguish facts from opinions, Listen and transfer information, Discuss certain issues with a partner.

Use present perfect and present perfect continuous correctly.

Understand information and transfer it to other forms,

Read and summarize what have read.















Grammar: Model verbs



Report events that they have heard with reasonable accurately,

Write brief clear instruction and give directions.

Listen and answer to listening comprehension questions,

Discuss main issues with a partner.

Understand how to use relative pronouns,

Differentiate between defining and non-defining relative clauses.

Infer and understand the meaning of words from context,

Find information from the reading text. Complete forms, write postcards,

advertisements, etc Communicate ideas effectively.

listen and respond to questions, Select information from speech or

lecture that is relevant to the purpose.

Use model verbs correctly.

Guess the new words from the context, Read and enjoy a range of different

levels, stories plays etc.

Record ideas appropriately with an essay format,


10.4 Write a variety of compositions of one or two pages in length expressing opinion on range of issues including peace.


Form four

Learning outcomes By the end of form four learners will be able to:

Have sufficient English to be able to follow further studies in institutions of higher learning after leaving school. Be confident using English with Somali speakers when required by circumstance. Be able to use English as the language of communication in any study or academic situation. Reach the level of proficiency in all four skills required by overseas universities and other institutions of higher education for study

purpose. Develop critical analytic approach to issues and things they read or hear. Appreciate and differentiate a variety literary works.

A) ReadingBy the end of form four, students should be able to:

Read texts silently extensively and intensively both within and outside the classroom independently of any teacher or teaching aid;

Read to make notes locate information efficiently summarize and interpret charts diagrams and tables;

Read using different strategies to match different purpose e. g. Skim, scan and read intensively; Read and distinguish facts from opinions; Read and enjoy a range of different novels, stories and plays e. g. African writers series; Read and guess the meaning of the new words; Read and understand implied meaning; Read to improve reading speed; Read and recognize the discourse pattern.

B) Writing By the end of form four, students should be able to:

1. Present information logically 2. Write at several levels of formality appropriately3. Express view s and opinions in writing


4. Narrate stories and clearly indicate chronological order 5. Write about themselves ,their life and their environment 6. Write brief but clear instruction and give direction s7. Write a variety of compositions of one or two pages in length expressing opinions on range of issues including peace conflict resolution, gender and

respect for other and for hard work, environment and health issues.

c) Listening /Speaking By the end of form four, students should be able to:

1. Understand spoken information and convey it other forms.2. Speak intelligibly and pronounce words and sentence accurately and fluently.3. Listen and take notes or summarize what they hear 4. Distinguish facts from opinion 5. Express feelings appropriately6. 6 .Present a longer speech from prepared notes7. Recognize attitude and opinions of speaker 8. Maintain appropriate dialogues9. Ask and answer higher Oral question10. Describe common senses, activities and processes in clear simple language

D) Grammar By the end of form four, students should be able to:

Use past simple and past continuous correctlyUse past perfect tenseDistinguish past perfect tense from past perfect continuousUse phrasal verbs based on call stand, take, break cut etc.Revise conditional sentences e. g. first type , second and third type of conditional Transfer direct speech into indirect speechUse gerund and infinitive correctly Join sentences using connectors e. g. incase as if, but also, whether etc.Use adverbs of mannerRevise punctuations


E) Vocabulary

Words expressingEmotion and feeling ,accidents ,whether and climate ,crimes , sense of achievement, lies ,trick, deceit national heroes and heroines natural catastrophes, criminal acts, biography autobiography )creative writing( global warming etc.


Form Four

Topic Learning outcome11.1









Grammar: Past perfect







Listen and understand spoken information and convey it in other forms,

Distinguish fact form opinions.

Use past perfect correctly.

Read textbook to find out necessary information,

Use the school library to access information.

Write about degradation of environment,

Write/re-arrange ideas in correct order, Make notes as pre-writing technique.

Listen and explain meaning of words, Listen and communicate effectively.

Use the third type of conditional sentences correctly.

Read and infer the meaning of words from context,

Read and take notes, Evaluate what is read and select what is

relevant to a particular reading purpose.

Communicate ideas effectively and clearly in written form,

Present information logically.


13.1 Listening/ Speaking The learners should be able to - listen to find specific information - recognize and understand the discourse pattern - give short presentation and lectures orally from notes.

13.2 Grammar -Revise first type of conditional sentences 13.3 Reading -Read and obtain A general understanding --

read and understand implied meaning. - read and improve reading speed

13.4 Writing -Practice writing biographies communicate ideas effectively and clearly in a written form

14.1 Listening/speaking Learners should be able to -select information from speech or lecture that’s isrelevant to their purpose. - listen and narrate stories clearly

14.2 Grammar -Change direct speech to indirect speech correctly

14.3 Reading - Understand word from context- Answer comprehension questions

14.4 Writing -write variety of compositions expressing range of issues

15.1 Listening/Speaking -listen and infer meaning of new words - recognize the attitude of the speaker

15.2 Grammar -use phrasal verbs correctly15.3 Reading -read and understand different a variety of

different types of texts-read and extract specific information

15.4 Writing -express views and opinions logically16.1 Listening/Speaking - listen intensively for full information

- listen to take notes 16.2 Grammar -revise direct & indirect speech16.3 Reading -read and answer comprehension questions


16.4 Writing - write reports formal letters etc.17.1 Listening/Speaking - listen interactively responding appropriately17.2 Grammar -use gerund and infinitive correctly17.3 Reading -Read between the lines to find out implied

meaning17.4 Writing -Write job application reports letters etc18.1 Listening /Speaking -listen and extract information

-Summarize or take notes 18.2 Grammar -revise gerund and infinitive 18.3 Reading -Read and recognize the discourse pattern

-read for study purpose18.4 Writing -write different kind of essays19.1 Listening/Speaking -listen to complete a given table19.2 Grammar -Combine sentences using linking words19.3 Reading -Explain the meaning of the words

-present information logically -complete forms write postcard advertisement etc.

20.1 Listening/speaking -Maintain appropriate social dialogue- ask information ,give information and present opinion clearly.

20.2 Grammar: Adverbs -Identify the adverbs and use them correctly20.3 Reading -Summarize short passages correctly

-understand order, specific facts and distinguish from ideas or opinions .

20.4 Writing -record ideas appropriately with an essay format given -punctuate passages correctly


العربية اللغة تعليم أهداف

بأشقائه ارتباطه و الخالد اإلسالمي وتراثه الحنيف بدينه يعتني مسلم شعب صوماليالند جمهورية شعب ألن نظراالكبير العربي القطر أبناء مع الحضارية و الثقافية و االجتماعية عالقاته جانب إلى اللغة و الدين و الدم بعناصر العرب

في وثقافته العربية اللغة أركان إثبات في العريضة وطموحاته ورغباته آلماله وتحقيقا الدينية مقدساته على وحفاظاالجامعة . وحتى االبتدائية من المعرفية والمستويات المراحل جميع في نطاقها وتوسيع ، المدارس

الصومالية اللغة بجانب للدولة الرسمية الثانية اللغة هي العربية اللغة بأن الوطني الدستور بنود عليه تنص مما وانطالقا.

جامعات في العالية التخصصية الدراسات و المعلومات الكتساب ووسيلة عالمية لغة العربية اللغة كون إلى ونظراأحكامه . و الحنيف اإلسالمي الدين لفهم أداة و ، الشقيقة العربية الدول

يستهدف المنهج هذا العربية –فإن اللغة تعليم يلي :–في ما الثقافية المجاالت شتى في اللغة واستخدام الكتابة و ، القراءة و ، االستماع و الكالم مهارات الطالب يجيد أن

االستيعاب . و الفهم مع الحياتية. / المختلفة المطبوعات و الجرائد و الكتب في القراءة الطالبة الطالب يستطيع أن في البشرية الخبرات من المستمدة خبراته واستخدام ، اللغة في تعلمه ما توظيف على القدرة الطالب اكتساب

بحياته . يتصل ما وكل السكانية و والبيئية ، االجتماعية المشكالت من يواجهه ما حل. فصيح عربي بلسان صدره في يختلج أو خلده في يدور عما يعبر أن. منه الجوهرية األفكار واستخالص يسمعه ما تتبع على بالقدرة الطالب تزويد. اللغة فروع كل في السليمة اللغوية الممارسة و التطبيقي الجانب على التركيز التعبير و البالغة من اللغة فروع كل على الواحد المقرر يشتمل أن على مقررات صورة في المادة –وضع

األدب و .–المطالعة ذلك إلى وما اللغة و النحو. العربية النصوص و األدب ويتذوق الطالبة و الطالب يفهم أن. العربية باللغة تلقى التي المحاضرات مضمون ويفهم يستوعب أن اإلعراب النحو –ربط مادة التدريبات .–في و العرض أمثلة خالل من بالمعنى. المطالعة و األدب موضوعات خالل من ثابتة قوالب تشكل التي النحوية الموضوعات بعض معالجة. الفرعية و األساسية التعليم مهارات يطور أن. عنها اإلجابة و األسئلة إلقاء طريقة يجيد أن


. العربية باللغة اآلخرين مع التخاطب و التحدث على يتعود أن. العالية الدراسية بالمنح أبنائنا على تجود التي الشقيقة العربية بالدول بالجامعات لاللتحاق مؤهال يكون أن: كالتالي وهي الثانوية المرحلة خالل الطالب يكتسبها التي العربية اللغوية المهارات صحيح بشكل يستخدم أن

القراءة :القراءة ..1 نص من محددة معلومات استخراجالصحف ..2 و المؤلفات و الكتب من المعلومات وتحصيل اإلطالع على قدرته تنمية خالل من معرفته زيادةالحقيقة ..3 و الرأي بين التمييزالمالحظات ..4 وتدوين القراءةالمقروءة ..5 النص من المعلومات على الحصول على قدرته تنمية6.. المقروء النص من الجديدة الكلمات معاني استخالص في مهاراته تنمية

الكتابة :اإلمالء .-1 و الكتابة في مهاراته تنمية2-. البطاقات و االستمارات وملئ اإلدارية و الخاصة الرسائل و التقارير كتابة على القدرة إعطاءهالحياتية .-3 والمواقف المظاهر وصف على قدرته تنميةاآلخر -4 للطرف وواضح كامل بشكل الشخص وراية أفكاره إيصال على قدرته زيادةفيها .-5 يعيش التي بيئته تجاه أفكاره كتابة على القدرة إعطاءه

االستماع :سمعه .-1 لما التلخيص و االستماعاالستماع .-2 طريق عن للمعلومة إدراكهاآلراء .-3 من الحقائق تمييز

التكلم :وواضح .-1 صحيح بشكل الحوار و الحديث في مهارته تنميةالمناقشة .-2 في االشتراك و األسئلة توجيهواضح .-3 بشكل مشاعره عن التعبيروواضح .-4 كامل بشكل الحياتية للمواقف األنشطة و األحداث وصف


الثانوي الأول الصفالأولى الفترة

الثانوي الثاني الصفالأولى الفترة

الثانوي الثالث الصفالأولى الفترة

الثانوي الرابع الصفالأولى الفترة

القراءة:التعاون-1حياة -2 العمل فيالضبع -3 حماقةال -4 افعيشاإلمام

النصوص :و -1 العلم و المال

لحافظ األخالق

إبراهيمالبن -2 الطن حب

الروميالنحو :

المعرب -1 و المبنيوالمبني -2 المعرب

األفعال منالمبني -3 و المعرب

األسماء من

مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاءالنظافة -1 أهميةالوالدين -2 بر

القراءة :والحرب -1 السالم دستور من

اإلسالم منسيرة -2 من مختصرة نبذة

حربي أحمدمدرسة -3 األمهذا؟ -4 لك أين من

النصوص :بن 1 لكعب ومدح اعتذار

زهيرللبحتري 2 عاصفة وصف

النحو :وأخواتها -1 كانأخواتها -2 و إنباال -3 المستثنى

البالغة :االستعارة-1

مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاءوفضله -1 العلمأهميتها -2 و الصالة

القراءةدرس -3 الهجرة في

وعبرفي شم-4 القات كلة

المجتمعسعادة -5 العمل في

وخيرنادر -6 وفاء

النصوص :للنابغة -1 اعتذارللخنساء -2 أسى لوعةأمثال -3 الجاهلي النثر

والوصايا وحكمالنحو :

والرجاء -1 المقاربة أفعال

روعشوالال -2 التي شأدوات رط

فعلين تجزمال -3 غير شأدوات رط

الجازمةال -4 جواب رطشاقتران

القراءة :القرآن -1 من آيات

سورة من الكريم

اآلية من التوبة



صنع -2 من حياتكم

أيديكمالله !-3 أنت أنتاإلسالم -4 في الرجولة

النصوص :ألبي -1 الفخر في

الحمداني فراستدريب -2 سر في

للباروديالمرضع -3 األرملة

الرصافي لمعروفالنحو :

الصرف -1 من الممنوعوإعرابه -2 العددالعدد -3 تميز


بالفاءالبالغة :


مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاءاإلتصال -1 وسائل

وآثارها اإلجتماعية

والسلبية . اإليجابيةوالدك -2 إلى رسالة أكتب

البالغة :واإلنشاء -1 الخبر

و ) الطلبي اإلنشاء أنواع

األمر (مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاء

التلفاز -1 إيجابيات

وسلبياتهفي -2 أثرها و العدالة

المجتمع الثانوي األول الصف

الثانية الفترةالثانوي الثاني الصف

الثانية الفترةالثانوي الثالث الصف

الثانية الفترةالثانوي الرابع الصف

الثانية الفترةالقراءة :

القراءة -1 فوائداألم ش-2 فقةفكاهات-3االيدز -4 مرض خطورة

النصوص :للفنيوري -1 أفريقياألحمد -2 والديك الثعلب

شوقيالنحو :

المطلق -1 المفعولألجله -2 المفعولالمنقوص -3 و المقصور

القراءة :زيلع -1 مدينةفي -2 خالدات مسلمات

التاريخفي -3 الحيوانية الثروة

بالدناأثره -4 و المتوازن الغذاء

الصحة فيالنصوص :

لشابي -1 الشعب إدارةالدين -2 لصفي األخالقللمتنبي -3 الحمىلإلمام -4 حكم قصيدة

القراءة :الغزالي -1 اإلماماالدخار -2 أهميةو -3 اإلسالمية الحضارة

األمم نهضة في أثرهاالحق -4 بين الصراع

والباطلالنصوص :

معمر -1 بن لجميل غزلالصديق -2 بكر أبي خطبة

للخالفة توليته عندلمحمد -3 المرور حوار


القراءة :معتصماه هوا-1ومرض -2 اإلنسولين

السكروطنك -3 أعرفالتدخين -4 أضرار من

النصوص : العالم -1 طغاة إلى

للشابيإللياس -2 فكرة الغبطة

الماضي أبيالنحو :

المنقوص -1 ، المقصور


البالغة :الت بيهشأركان

مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاءالصدق -1 أهميةالناس -2 إلى اإلحسان

والتي الشافعي

األيام ) دع مطلعها

تشاء ....( ما تفعلالنحو :

المصادر-1الفاعل -2 اسمبه -3 المفعول

البالغة :الكتابة

مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاءفي -1 أهميته و الوقت

الناس حياةالحياة -2 أساس الماء

النحو :المثنى -1 إعرابالمذكر -2 جمع إعراب

السالمالمؤنث -3 جمع إعراب

السالم الخمسة -4 األسماء

وإعرابهاوالمتعدي -5 الالزم الفعل

مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاءفي -1 أهميتها و الزراعة

بالدناو -2 البحرية الثروات

بالدنا في البرية

وتثنيها الممدود و

سالما جمعا وجمعهاوالذم -2 المدح أفعالالنعت-3

البالغة :الطلبي .-1 اإلنشاء أنواعالنهي .-2االستفهام .-3

مختارة : مواضيع اإلنشاءوخطورته -1 التهريبفي -2 السيئة العدات

والحالقة المالبس

الدخيلة اللون وتغيير

المجتمع على

األولى الفترةالرقم



فوائد ويفهم األنشطة في اآلخرين مع التعاون على قادرا الطالب يكون

اإلسالم عليها يحث فضيلة كونه التعاونحياة -2 العمل نحو في الطالب لدى الدافعية وإزدياد المفيدة وثماره العمل أهمية إدراك

المتقن. و الجاد بالعمل يأمر دين اإلسالم بأن التيقن العمل


الضبع - 3 والبعيد .-حماقة القريب بالمستقبل التفكير أهمية الطالب يدرك أن ينبغيالحاجة .- وقت في منه واإلستفادة التوفير وفوائد العمل أهمية إدراك

الشافعي - 4 وعلومه اإلمام الدين لهذا خدمة عظيمة جهود من اإلمام هذا بذله ما على التعرف

إلخ به وعمال ويستخدمها .فقها الدرس مفردا من كثير ويستوعبواإلبتكار . اإلجتهاد نحو التقدم الطالب يعطي اإلمام بهذا اإلقتداء

النصوص- 5و العمل و المال

لحافظ األخالق


نافع .- غير حسن خلق بدون العلم أن و الفاضلة األخالق أهمية إدراكغاية .- ال وسيلة المال بأن إدراك

إلبن - 6 الوطن حب

الروميعنه - للدفاع اإلستعداد و التلميذ نفسية في الوطن حب غرسبه .- اإلعتزاز و فيه للعيش مكان أفضل الوطن أن إدراك

المعرب - 7 و ويراعي -المبني األفعال و األسماء من والمعرب المبني بين ما الفرق معرفة

الكتابية و القولية إستخدامته في ذلكوالمبني - 8 المعرب

األفعال منوبنائه .- إعرابه وأنواع المضارع الفعل على التعرف-. المبنيين الماضي و األمر فعلي على التعرف

المبني - 9 و المعرب

األسماء مناإلشارة - أسماء و كالضمائر وأنواعها المبنية األسماء على التعرف

. وكتابته كالمه في ذلك ويراعي والموصولةأهيمة اإلن-10 مثل شاء

النظافة الختام : - ثم الموضوع ولب اإلنشاء بمقدمة الطالب عرف


الوالدين بر

الثاني الصف مقرراألولى الفترة



القراءة 1دستور- 1 من

الحرب و السالم

اإلسالم في

ويكون- اإلسالم في الحرب قوانين يعرف األمن و السالم قيمة الطالب يدرك

على قادرا

مختصرة- 2 نبذة

أحمد سيرة من

أحمد ) صفات جري

البطولية (

جري- أحمد شخصية على الطالب يتعرفالحرية- أجل من الكفاح قيمة يدرك

المعالي- سبيل في الجرأة و الشجاعة حب الطالب نفس في تغرس

مدرسة- 3 التربية -األم في األم دور الطالب يفهم-. ويحترمها مشاعرها ويقدر األم يحبإليها - واإلساءة عنادها عن ويبتعد ألوامرها يستجيب

هذا- 4 لك اين جيدة- من بمعلومات الطالب يتزودخياله- ويتوسع إليها ويتشوق القصص يجب

القصص- تأليف ويحاول القصصية المهارات يكتسباألدبية -النصوص-2 النصوص يتذوق


ومدح- 1 إعتذار

زهير بن لكعبسامية - أخالق من فيه وما النص مضمون الطالب يفهم-. إستخدامها ويحسن الجديدة المفردات على يتعرف

عاصفة- 2 وصف

إبراهيم لحافظاألدبي - العمل في الخيال دور الطالب يدركخاطرة - في يجول عما التعبير و الوصف مهارة الطالب يكتسباللغوية - حصيلته تزيد

الربيع- 3 وصف

للبحتريبالطبيعة - الخاصة الجميلة األوصاف على ويتعرف الطالب خيال يتوسع

من الشعر هذا من يكتسبه ما ويستخدم الجمالية المناظر على ويتعرف

. الفخمة واألساليب الرائعة التعبيرات


الثانوي الثاني الصفاألولى الفترة



القراءة- 1أمثال- 1 و حكم

الحكمة- و المثل بين الفرق يدركوموردها- . مصدرها وحكمهم العرب أمثال من عدد على يتعرف

الناس- حياة في الحكمة و المثل قيمة يفهممعرفته- وتزيد أفقه يتوسع

النحو - 2أخواتها- 1 و كان

الخبر- . و المبتدأ على تدخل األفعال هذه أن يدركخبرها- ويسمى الخبر وتنصب إسمها ويسمى المبتدأ ترفع األفعال هذه أن يعرف

وكتاباته كالمه في إستخدامها ويحسنأخواتها- و كان إعراب يفهم

أخواتها- 2 و الخبر .-إن و المبتدأ على تدخل الحروف هذه أن يدركالناسخة - األفعال وبين الناسخة الحروف هذه عمل بين يفرق

أخواتها ) ( و كان مثلأخواتها - و إن إعراب يفهم

باال- 3 المستثنى- المستثنى أركان على الطالب يتعرفالمستثنى أنواع على الطالب يتعرف

المستثنى حكم الطالب يفهمالمنعوت .-النعت- 4 و النعت على يتعرف


إعرابه - في المنعوف يتبع النعت أن يدرك األفعال- 5

الخمسة-. بالحروف إعرابها و الخمسة األفعال على يتعرف

البالغة-3اإلستعارة- 1

أقسامها في الخوض دون العام بمفهومها اإلستعارة على يتعرف

الثاني الصفالثانية الفترة



القراءة- 1زيلع- 1 مدينة

حضارة- ذات تاريخية مدينة كانت زيلع مدينة أن على الطالب يتعرفاإلفريقي- القرن إلى اإلسالم مدخل كانت أنها الطالب يدرك

مسلمات- 2

التاريخ في خالداتالظاهرات- المسلمات سيرة على الطالب يتعرف

أخالقهم- . على إيجابا ينعكس مما بسلوكياتهن ويتأثر بهؤالء الطالب يقتديالحيوانية- 3 الثروة

بالدنا فيالبالد - تنمية في تساهم هائلة حيوانية بثروة تتمتع بالدنا أن الطالب يدرك

إقتصاديا بالده - ثروات على التعرف و الطالب نفس في الوطن حب غرس

المتوازن- 4 الغذاء

الصحة في أهمية ولإلنسان- الغذاء أهمية الطالب يدرك

وبناءه- الجسم نمو في نوع كل ودور الغذاء أنواع على الطالب يتعرفومفيدة- جيدة غذائية عادات الطالب يكتسب

المصدر -النحو-2 على الطالب يتعرف


القياسية -المصدر- 1 الثالثية وغير السماعية الثالثية المصادر الطالب يدركوبالعكس - األفعال من المصادر صياغة على الطالب يقدر

الفاعل- 2 الفاعل -اسم إسم على الطالب يتعرفالثالثي - وغير الثالثي الفعل من الفاعل إسم صياغة الطالب يقدر

المفعول- 3 المفعول- اسم اسم على الطالب يتعرفالثالثي- وغير الثالثي الفعل من المفعول اسم صياغة الطالب يستطيع

البالغة- 3الكناية- 1

. أنواعها- و الكناية على الطالب يتعرفكناية- فيها أساليب إستخدام الطالب يستطيع

الثاني الصف

الثانية الفترةالرقم


النصوصالشعب إرادة


لإلنسان- الحرية قيمة الطالب يدركاألدبي- النص الطالب يتذوق

األدبية- العبارات مفاهيم من عدد على الطالب يتعرفإستخدامها- وكيفية الجديدة المفرادات على يتعرف

لصفي- 2 األخالق

الدينبناء في األخالق دور على الطالب يتعرف الحميدة األخالق الطالب يكتسب

إتحادها . وتقوية المجتمعاتاللغوية ثروته تزيد وبذلك جديدة مفردات على الطالب يتعرف


للمتنبي- 3 األدبي -الحمى العمل في الخيال دور على الطالب يتعرفويحسن - جديدة مفردات ويكتسب التعبير و التحليل حسن على يتعرف

إستخدامهالإلمام- 4 حكم

الشافعيالتي- الحكم الطالب ويستفيد الشافعي اإلمام شخصيته على الطالب يتعرف

اليومية . حياته في القصيدة تضمنتهاإنشائية مواضيع

مختارةمايلي : منها متعدده إنشائية مواضيع على الطلبة المعلم يدرب

وأهميته- 1 الوقت

الناس حياة في. صحيح- بشكل ويوظفه منه ويستفيد الوقت أهمية التلميذ يدرك

( مقدمة- أقسام ثالثة إلى ينقسم اإلنشاء بأن للطلبة المعلم ولب –يوضح

والخاتمة ( –الموضوع أساس-- 2 الماء

الحياةبه- ويعتني المخلوقات حياة في الماء أهمية التلميذ يدرك

األولى الفترة الثانوي الثالث الفصل العربية اللغةرفم


القراءة1وعبر دروس الهجرة في

أثناء الصحابة و وسلم عليه الله صلى الرسول عانها التي المتاعب الطالب يستوعبالمدينة إلى هجرتهم

من- يالقيه ما ويتحمل وصحابته وسلم عليه الله صلى بالرسول الطالب يقتديدينه . بمبادئ اإللتزام سبيل في مشقات

في -2 القات مشكلةالمجتمع

القات- تعاطي يسببها التي اإلقتصادية والمشاكل الصحية و النفسية األمراض يدركللمجتمع .


القات- تعاطي يتجنبتعاطيه عن يتوقف بأن وينصحه يأكله من يكره

وخير -3 سعادة الجاد -العمل العمل فوائد يدركوإتقان .- وجدية بإخالص أعماله جميع يؤدي

نادر -4 يتصف- وفاء أن أولى وهي الحيوانات بعض لدى موجود الوفاء و اإلخالص أن على يتعرف. اإلنسان بها

السالمة- التأني وفي ندامة اإلستعجال في أن يدركالنصوص -5

للنابغة- 1 ومدح اعتذاربحقهم - خطأ إرتكب إن الناس من العفو التماس حسن على يتعرف- . عطفهم يستدر الناس مدح أن يدرك- . عليه بغضهم يثير ال ألن الناس مع التعامل حسن يتعودالشعر - قراءة حب الطالب لدى يزداد

للخنساء- 2- 6 أسى و الخنساء -لوعة قدرة على ويتعرف المتوفي ألخيها الخنساء حب من الطالب يتيقناللغة في العالية

بها - اإلقتداء ويحاول بها ويعجب الخالق الخنساء خيال يدركالجاهلي - 3 -7 النثر

وحكم أمثالومغزاها - فحواها ويفهم الوصايا و الحكم و األمثال تلك قراءة يرددقيمة .- معلومات الحكم و األمثال تلك من الطالب يكتسبلمواردها - الشعبية الواقعية اإلجتماعية المواقف في األمثال تلك يستخدم

لمصادرها . الشبيهةاللغوية .- ثروته زيادة

النحو : -8و- 1 المقاربة أفعال

الشروع و الرجاء

فعلية .- جملة خبرها ويكون أسماءها تنصب األفعال تلك أن يدركاآلخرين .- مع وتحدثه وكتاباته قراءته على األفعال تلك معايير الطالب يطبقأخبارها .- و أسمائها و األفعال يعرب

التي- 2 -9 الشرط أداةفعلين تجزم

األدوات- تلك على الطالب يتعرفصحيح- . بشكل ويستخدمها عملها يدرك

غير- 3 الشرط أدواتالجازمة

وكتابته- . وتحدثه قراته في صحيح بشكل ويستخدمها الطالب عليها يتعرف

الشرط جواب إقترانبالفاء

وكتاباته- بتحدثه بها ويلتزم بالفاء الشرط جواب بإقتران الطالب يتعرف


ويستخدمه- الطباق- 4 ويفهمه الطباق يذكرالكتب- الجناس- 5 و الكريم القرآن قراءته أثناء ويعرفه الناقص الجناس و التام الجناس يفهم

األدبيةاإلتصال وسائل اإلنشاء

وآثارها اإلجتماعيةالسلبية- و اإليجابية األثار تلك على الطالب يتعرف

الثانوي الثالث للصف العربية اللغة مقررالثانية الفترة



القراءة 1الغزال- 1 اإلمام

اإلسالم- تجاه الغزالي بها قام التي العظيمة األعمال على يتعرفبه- ويقتدي التقدير و الحب يظهر

تخلف- 2 أسباباإلفريقية الدول

التخلف- هذا أسباب يدركعاتقه- على التخلف هذا مسئولية تقع من على يتعرف

ثروات- ونهب الفساد و بالظلم القائمين لهؤالء البغض و الكراهية يظهرالمجتمع

والطغاة- المفسدين أفعال بمثل الوقوع يتجنباإلسالمية- 3 الحضارة

نهضة في وأثرهااألمم

المجاالت - في للعالم القيادي اإلسالمية األمة ماضي يستوعبالنظامية و العلمية

اإلسالمية .- األمة تخلف إلى أدت التي األسباب يذكرالحق- 4 بين الصراع

والباطلعن- تخلى إذا وخسارته وضعفه بمبدئه التمسك قوة فوائد تماما يدرك

مبدئهعنه- تخليه وعدم مبدئه على التثبت إلى الطالب يميل

النصوص-2بن- 1 لجميل غزل


يتم - التي الرائعة واألساليب العبارات على الطالب يتعرفالجميل والوصف العفيف الغزل في إستخدامها

بكر- 2 أبي خطبةتولية عند الصديق


-. الجميل ومغزاها الخطبة مفاهيم يفهمالصديق - بكر ألبي اإلجالل و التعجب يظهربه .- لإلقتداء األعلى مثله الصديق بكر أبي من يتخذ


المرور- 3 حوادثالمعيتيق لمحمد

سائقي - أخطاء من المتسببه األليمة العديدة المآسي على يتعرفالسيارات

والنفيس - للنفس المهلكة األخطاء تلك بمثل الوقوع من يحذر-النحو-3

المثنى -1 إعرابالمذكر -2 جمع

السالمالمؤنث -3 جمع

السالم األسماء-4


وتثنيهم - السالم المؤنث و المذكر وجمع المثنى صياغة كيفية يدركوجمعهم

وتحدثه - كتاباته في إستخدامهم يحسنبالحروف - اإلعراب الطالب يدرك

و- 4 الالزم الفعلالمتعدي الفعل

مع - تخاطبه في ويستخدمه المتعدي الفعل و الالزم الفعل بين يميزاآلخرين .

عديدة اإلنشاء إنشائية مواضيع على التالميذ يدرب أن المعلم علىأهميتها- 1 و الزراعة

ببالدناالزراعة - أهمية يدرك

البحرية- 2 الثرواتببالدنا والبرية

بها - ويهتم اإلقتصادية مصادرنا الطالب يعرف

الرابع الصف مقرراألولى الفترة



القرآن 1 من آيات

سورة من الكريم

وتوجيهات وأحكام معاني من اآليات تضمنته ما ويفهم القرآن بقراءة يهتم


من 22إلى 17التوبة

صنع -2 من حياتكم

أيديكموبلده . أهله و لنفسه نافعا ويكون اإلنتاج و العمل أهمية الطالب يعرف

الله - 3 أنت مخلوقاته -أنت في صنعه وعجائب الله قدرة يعرفالعالنية - و السر في الله بأوامر يتقيد

اإلسالم - 4 في الشجاعة- الرجولة و الرجولة أهمية يدرك. الحزم- إلى الداعية المواقف عند وخاصة اليومية الحياة في الجرأة يترجم

ألبي - 5 الفخر في

الحمداني فراسواليأس - والمهانة المذلة عن ويبتعد الحياة في الشجاعة و الجرأة دور يدرك

واإلستسالم.سرنديب - 6 في

للباروديوإدراك - األمور في رفيع حس له ويكون اإلستقرار و الحرية قيمة يدرك

كنههاالمرضع - 7 األرملة

الرصافي لمعروفويعينهم .- عليهم ويعطف للمحتاجين الرحمة يظهر

النحو :الصرف - 1 من ويستخدم -الممنوع يطبق الجمل بين ي المنصرف و الصرف من الممنوع بين يقارن

اليومية حياته في الصرف عن بالممنوع صحيحا إستخداموإعرابه - 2 العدد

العدد وتمييزبه - السليم النطق و العدد كتابة يفهمتترجمها - كلمات إلى األرقام بتحول يعرفوتمييزها - المعدود و العدد إعراب يمارس



اإلنشاء - 1 و الخبر

اإلنشاء وأنواع

) األمر ) الطلبي

اإلنشائية - الجملة و الخبرية الجملة بين الفرق يدركاليومية - حياته في الخبرية و اإلسمية الجمل إستخدام يطبقاإلنشائية - و الخبرية الجمل أغراض يذكر


التلفاز- 1 إيجابيات

وسلبياتهوالسلبيات - اإليجابيات تلك على الطالب يتعرف

وأثرها- 2 العدالة

المجتمع فيالظلم - ويتجنب بالعدالة يلتزم


الثانية الفترةالرقم


القراءة-1وامعتصماه- 1

وعزته المسلم إباء يدركواجب المسلم ألخية المسلم نصرة وأن

األنسلين- 2السكر مرض

حياة - في األنسلين أهمية ويعرف منه الحذر و السكر مرض خطورة يدرك

اإلنسان .اإلنسان - حياة في أهميتها و األنسلين دور على يتعرف

التدخين- 3 لإلنسان -أضرار خطيرة أمراض من يسببه وما الصحة على التدخين أضرار يدرك


النصوص-2العالم- 1 طغاة إلى

للشابيواإلرشاد - التوجيه في ودورها الكلمة أهمية يدرك و العربي الشعر يتذوق


أبي- 2 أليليا الغبطة

الماضيالقديم - الشعر وبين بينه ويميز المعاصر األدب على يتعرف

النحو- 3المنقوص- 1 و المقصور

وتثنيهما الممدود و

سالما جمعا وجمعها

الممدود - و المقصور و المنقوص بين الفرق يدركوحديثه - كتاباته في إستخدامهم يطبق

الذم- 2 و المدح وكتابة -أفعال قوال فعليا ويطبق ويمارس الذم و المدح أفعال يفهم


واستخداماته -النعت- 3 النعت يفهمالطلبي- 4-1 والحديث -اإلنشاء الكتابة في يستخدمه كيف ويدرك الطلبي اإلنشاء يفهم

النهي -النهي أن ويعرف اليومية أحاديثه في ويستخدم النهي على يتعرف

ترك طلبمعانيها -اإلستفهام وتنوع اإلستفهام أدوات على يتعرف

اليومية - حياته في إستخداماتها وتطبيق إستخدام يمارس-اإلنشاء-5

في- 1 وخطورته التهريب

الحياةويتجنبها - التهريب على المترتبة األخطار على يتعرف

الدخيلة- 2 السيئة العادات

الملبس في مجتمعنا على

لون وتغيير والحالقة

بالكيماويات البشرة

من - ويتقزز بها ويلتزم والحالقة الملبس في األصيلة عاداتنا على يتعرف

الخليعة العادات

الثانوي األول للصف العربية اللغة مادة مقررالثانية الفترة



القراءة1 فوائد

الطالب - حياة بناء في المستقبلية وآثارها القراءة فوائد معرفةومستقبليا - األكاديمية النجاح وسيلة القراءة بأن إدراك


القراءةاألم -2 حياته -شفق وفي تنشئته سبيل في أمه تلعبه الذي العظيم الدور على التلميذ يتعرف

عموما .وهذا - جسمها من لحم كأنهم كانت شفقة أية تعادلها ال أطفالها على األم شفق

لها اإلحسان و األم لحب يؤدينشاطه -فكاهات- 3 لتجديد التلميذ عقول ترويح

جديدة - مفردات يكتسب خاللها من والترفيه اإلضحاك سبل الطالب يستفيداأليدز - 4 حتى -مرض اإلنسان لدى يتوفر لم الذي القاتل الفيروس و المرض هذا خطورة يدرك

ويتجنبه . المرض عدوى طرق ويدرك ، له دواء اآلنالمرض .- لهذا المسببة اآلخرى والسبل الزنى عن اإلبتعاد

النصوص : - 5 إفريقيا


وخيراتها - يجمالها إفريقيا قارة على التلميذ يتعرفإليها .- ينتمي التي القارة بهذه إرتباطه تقوية

و - 6 الثعلب

ألحمد الديك


يمكنه - ال أصال يمتلكها ال وعمله بشرفه يستهتر الذي المخادع أن على يتعرف

شراكه حبال في ليوقعه الماكر أصله يعرف من استمالة

النحو - 7 المفعول


بشكل - المصادر من النوع هذا استخدام مع وإعرابه المطلق المفعول على يتعرف

تعبيره في صحيح

صحيح - المفعول- 8 بشكل واستخدامه إعرابه و ألجله المفعول على يتعرف


ألجلهو - 9 المقصور

المنقوص-. المنقوص و المقصور بين الذي الفرق على يتعرفإستخدامه - لدى اإلعرابية وأحوالهما المنقوص و المقصور إعراب يستطيع


وأركانهمع - وتخاطبه تعامالته في ويستخدمها ويستوعبها التشبيه أركان على يتعرف



العربية اللغة منهج عن موجز تقريرالثانوية المرحلة في

مقدمة :

الثانوية . المرحلة في العربية اللغة منهج لمراجعة العالي التعليم و التربية وزارة قبل من المعنية اللجنة نحنعديدة مناقشات هنالك دارت حيث أمبيريال فندق في المنعقدة التدريبية الدورة في المناهج خبراء مع إشتركنا فقد

السلوكية اإلتجاهات وتنمية المختلفة المهارات و المعرفة الطالب الكتساب وتطويرها التعليمية المناهج أهمية حولونهضته . مجتمعه لبناء نافعا عضو ليكون الفرد وتهيئة ، وثقافيا إجتماعيا و إقتصاديا المجتمع وتطوير البناءة

الكل بأن مؤمنين النظير منقطع وإخالص وجدية عالية بنية إلينا المسند عملنا باشرنا التدريبية الدورة هذه إنتهاء وبعدالطالب ميول مع ومتوائمة وسليمة واضحة أهداف و أسس دون من منهج أي ينجح فال أسس بناء ولكل جذور غرس

معا . العالمية و المحلية الحياة واقع ومتطلبات وقدراتهم وعقولهم

المقرر : تجاه به قمنا ما

في المدروسة العربية اللغوية المفردات في متناهية بدقة فاحصات نظرات القينا المقدمة في ذكرناه مما وانطالقامن : المكتوبة الثانوية المرحلة

القراءة :-1واألدب :-2والنحو :-3والبالغة :-4

في الواردة الدروس مفاهيم في وتناقشنا الثانوية المرحلة في لتدريسها المقررة األربعة الطالب كتب كذلك وتفحصناوقيم . ومعرفية لغوية مهارات من منها الطالب يكتسبه وما ، الكتب تلك

التالية . بالتعديالت قمنا ذلك من إنتهائنا وبعدللطالب .-1 المحذوفة من مالئمة أكثر جديدة أخرى دروسا مكانها ووضعنا المقررات من الدروس بعض حذفناللتدريس .-2 المحدد الزمن مع ليتناسب للمقرر إختصارا تعويض دون من المقررات من الدروس بعض ألغينامفاهيمها .-3 لتقارب المقررات في الدروس بعض ترتيب بإعادة قمنا


الصف .-4 لذلك مناسبة أنها إلعتقادنا آخر صف إلى صف من الدروس بعض نقلناوبشكل -5 وغيرها والبالغة النحو و األدب و القراءة تشمل التي المقررات إلى الجديدة الدروس بعض أضفنا

األربعة . الصفوف مع تناسبها بحسب تدريجي

أسبوعيا . فصل كل في العربية اللغة لتدريس المقررة بالحصص معرفتنا بعد إال المراجعة بتلك قمنا وماقمنا وبذلك ، لكثرتها الفترتين كآل في تغطيتها تتم أن يمكن ال الحالية المقررات محتوى أن ذلك جراء من علمنا وقد

المقرر : على التعديالت بتلك

هي : المقرر إلى المضافة المواضيع

القراءة : فيالتدخين -1 أضراروعالجها -2 اإلفريقية الدول تخلف أسباب

النصوص : فيالشافعي -1 لإلمام وإرشاد حكمشوقي -2 ألحمد الديك و الثعلبأمثال -3 و حكمالرصافي -4 لمعروف المرض األرملةالمعيتيق -5 لمحمد المرور حوادث

النحو : فيالمصدر -1إعرابها .-2 و السالم المؤنث وجمع السالم المذكر وجمع المثنىأخواتها .-3 و كانأخواتها .-4 و إن


النعت .-5

البالغة : فيالكناية-1

يأتي فيما التعليم و التربية وزارة مسئولي على ونقترح

لذلك -1 لهم سانحة فرصة أقرب في الثانوية للمرحلة العربية اللغة كتب تأليفالعربية -2 اللغة معلمي وتأهيل تدريبالثانوية .-3 المرحلة في العربية اللغة حصص زيادة

حياتها . لتتحسن أمتنا خدمة على ويقوينا يعيننا والله هذا


تنبيه** **

تدريبات يجري أن المعلم على المقررات تلك من درس كل نهاية بعدجمل في األدبية التعابير و الصعبة المفردات مستخدما للطلبة عديدة

والمتضادات المترادفات تبيين مع واضح بشكل معانيها توضح وعباراتيجريه . نشاط كل مناقشة في الطالب وإشتراك ، الدرس في الواردة

وأخرى منزلية تدريبات درسه درس كل في الطلبة يعطي أن وعليهالفصل في وتحريرية شفوية

مدى لمعرفة الطلبة على درس كل بعد عديدة أسئلة يلقي أن كذلك وعليهومفرداته . الدرس لفحوى إستيعابهم


Secondary School PE Syllabus

Introduction Bringing all students to the secondary schools, retaining them in the schools and ensuring that they attain at least the minimum levels of learning is the major concern today in the national context of education in Somaliland. The desire to improve educational quality both in extent and scope is increasingly felt today.The efforts being made to improve educational are all encouraging. One of the means of improving appropriate the quality of education is by introducing teachers with new innovations and providing appropriate materials for various disciplines.Physical education can help student’s life toward worthwhile goals, it can provide training for job it can develop skills ,it enables a person to utilize his/her abilities to the fullest, it helps him/her to develop physically, mentally and psychologically, and also gives him/her knowledge and habits that will contribute to good health.The aim of enhancing physical education in secondary schools is a process to contribute to the achievements of maximum sport performance by a student on the basis of balanced development of his/her entire personality. Physical education program under qualified leadership aids in the enrichment of an individual’s life and in this respect, the program should be developed qualitatively to meet new and growing demand of the education system of Somaliland.The principles in teaching physical education are reflected above all in the content, means, methods, planning, and in the organization of the teaching/learning processes in the schools.The physical education syllabus is prepared to be used as a basic syllabus for teachers in order to perform properly the sports and other recreational activities in their schools. Therefore it is hoped that Secondary School teachers will teach P/E in their schools and that they will find this syllabus in planning and creating a student centered, joyful learning environment for the secondary school students when they come to the schools which will in turn develop, for the required motivation and interest in teaching/learning processes in their future career.


FORM 1Unit 1 Topic Learning Outcomes :Learners should be

able to:Teaching and Learning Activities

Teaching and learning resources

Methods Assessment

I. 1.Track &field Perform skills full and efficient movement through the use of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Competently use movement and medium of expression. Use his/her leisure time to occupy his/her and other positively by creating performing and appreciating sperlising.

Enjoy and appreciate movement for its own sake with or without apparatus.

Perform physical activities so as to secure and maintain high standard of body health strengthen and fitness and to contribute to physical development.

Learns develop the habit of regular exercises .

Warm – up exercise 1. Sprint -race2. Middle distance race 3. Horizontal jump

Playground Uniform Measuring

tape Whistle

Practice Demonstration Discussion

II. 2.Ball games valley ball

Master the different skills of ball games

Reform skillful and efficient movement through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance

Warm-up exercise1.Basic rules of the game2. Play ground dimensions3.Position of the players and rotation of the players4.How the game starts

Playground Uniform Balls Net Poles Whistle stands

demonstration practice


of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

3. Ball games Football

Master the different skills of ball games

Reform skillful and efficient movement through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

Warm-up exercise1.kicking2. stopping trapping 3.passing4. throw-in5. Heading6.Goal keeping

Playground Uniform Balls Net Goals

Poles Whistle

demonstration practice

4.Ball games Basket ball

Master the different skills of ball games

Reform skillful and efficient movement through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

Warm-up exercise 1. Basic rules of Basket ball game2. Dribbling3.Shooting4. Defense5.Play ground dimensions6. Passing

Playground Uniform Balls Net Ring Board Whistle

demonstration practice


III. 5.Racket games Table tense

Trace the development of the game To acquire and develop skills To apply the learnt skills in game

situation To play the game for game


Warm-up exercise 1. Basic rules of the game2. The Racket3. The net 4. Position5. Serving

Table for tennis

Tennis Net racket

demonstration practice

IV. 6.Swimming Describe safety measures during swimming and fundamental of hygiene

To explain self confidence and skills of swimming.

To describe skills of body balance by poise, leg actions, arm actions, breathing , body coordination and duration with the water and the recovery period

Explain skills of surface diving

Warm- up exerciseBasic rules equipments 1.Entry into the pool 2.Exist from the pool3. Development confidence in water.

Swimming clothes


demonstration practice


FORM 2Unit 2 Topic Learning Outcomes :Learners should be able

to:Teaching and Learning Activities

Teaching and learning resources

Methods of Assessment

I. 1.Track &field Perform skills full and efficient movement through the use of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Competently use movement and medium of expression.

Learn tolerance and team work. Enjoy and appreciate movement for its

own sake with or without apparatus. Perform physical activities so as to secure

and maintain high standard of body health strengthen and fitness and to contribute to physical development.

Understand, participate in and develop both national and international sports.

Leaner’s will do regular exercise and appreciate the value of fitness.

Warm-up1.Middle distance race2.Triple jump3.Shot put

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

Practice Demonstration Discussion

II. 1. Ball games Master the different skills of ball games Reform skillful and efficient movement

through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

1. Serving 2. Volleying3. Digging4. Setting5. Smash spike6. Blocking

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

Practice Demonstration Discussion

2. Ball games Master the different skills of ball games Reform skillful and efficient movement

through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Warm-up exercise1.Kicking )using the in step of the foot(2.Kicking )using the

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

Practice Demonstration Discussion


Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

sole of the foot(3.Kicking )using inside of the foot(4.Stopping by foot, high and chest

3. Ball games Master the different skills of ball games Reform skillful and efficient movement

through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

Warm-up exercise1. Chest pass2. Bounce pass3. over-arm pass4. Under-arm pass5. Movement of the ball

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

Practice Demonstration Discussion

III. 4. Racket games

Trace the development of the game

To acquire and develop skills To apply the learnt skills in game

situation To play the game for game


Warm- up exercise1.Table tense2.Back hand drive )stroke(3.Spins

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

Practice Demonstration Discussion

IV. 5.Swimming Describe safety measures during swimming and fundamental of hygiene

To explain self confidence and skills of swimming.

To describe skills of body balance by poise, leg actions, arm actions, breathing , body coordination and duration with the water and the recovery period

Warm- up exerciseSafety & Hygiene 1. Floating objects2. Confidence in water Trenching the

floor of the water Passing between

Swimming clothes


Practice Demonstration Discussion


Explain skills of surface diving partner’s feet.3.Strokes using swimming Front crawl Back crawl Diving


FORM 3Unit 3 Topic Learning Outcomes :Learners

should be able to:Teaching and Learning Activities

Teaching and learning resources

Methods of Assessment

Track &field Perform skills full and efficient movement through the use of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Competently use movement and medium of expression.

Learn phycial challenges to exercises within their limitations and gain confidence in physical activities.

Enjoy and appreciate movement for its own sake with or without apparatus.

Perform physical activities so as to secure and maintain high standard of body health strengthen and fitness and to contribute to physical development.

Understand, participate in and develop both national and international sports.

Be self disciplined by understanding the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for competitions.

Warm-up exercise1.Long distance race2.Long jump3.Discuss

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

demonstration practice

Ball games1. Valley ball

Master the different skills of ball games

War-up exercise1. Scoring

Playground Uniform

demonstration practice


Reform skillful and efficient movement through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

2. Fouls3. Ball – out 4. Ball – in

Measuring tape Whistle

Ball games2.Football

Master the different skills of ball games

Reform skillful and efficient movement through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self -disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and

serious training for completion.

Warm-up exercise1.Heading2.Goal shouting 3.Scoring4.Ball positioning

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

demonstration practice

Ball games3.Basket ball

Master the different skills of ball games

Reform skillful and efficient movement through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Warm-up exercise1. lay-up shot2. Set-up shot3. Jump shot4. Man to man defense5. Zone defense6. Movement of the opponent

Playground Uniform Balls Net Ring Board Whistle

demonstration practice


Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion

3.Racket games Trace the development of the game

To acquire and develop skills To apply the learnt skills in

game situation To play the game for game


Warm- up exercise1. Spins Under spin Top spin2. Forehand smash )crosscourt(3. Block

Playground Uniform Measuring tape Whistle

demonstration practice

4.Swimming Describe safety measures during swimming and fundamental of hygiene

To explain self confidence and skills of swimming.

To describe skills of body balance by poise, leg actions, arm actions, breathing , body coordination and duration with the water and the recovery period

Explain skills of surface diving

Warm- up exerciseBouyancy1. Tension & Tendency to high the water2. Exhaling and in inhaling while swimming 3. Eyes through waterMoving through4. Moving through water5. Stipples of moving through water Front glide Back glide Diving

Swimming clothes


demonstration practice

FORM 4Unit 4 Topic Learning Outcomes :Learners should be able Teaching and Learning Teaching and Methods of Assessment


to: Activities learning resources1. Track&

field Perform skills full and efficient movement

through the use of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Competently use movement and medium of expression.

Be able to apply the rules of a range of sports and practice.

Have acquired competitiveness and assertiveness in the field of sport.

Perform physical activities so as to secure and maintain high standard of body health strengthen and fitness and to contribute to physical development.

Disciplined of fair play and teamwork. Be self disciplined by understanding the

importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for competitions.

Warm-up exercise1.Cross-country race2.High jump3.Javelin

Playground Uniform Measuring

tape Whistle

demonstration practice


Ball Games1 Valley ball

Master the different skills of ball games Reform skillful and efficient movement

through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

Warm-up exercise1. Uniform2. Team work3. Passing 4. Defencing5. Attacking

Playground Uniform Measuring

tape Whistle

demonstration practice

Ball games2. football

Master the different skills of ball games Reform skillful and efficient movement

through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

Warm-up exercise1. Uniform 2. Tournament setting3. Scheduling4. Different types of scheduals

Playground Uniform Measuring

tape Whistle

demonstration practice


Ball games2. Basket ball

Master the different skills of ball games Reform skillful and efficient movement

through the uses of physical and mental coordination and body control.

Can measure the dimensions of playground of the ball games.

Be acquainted with ball games equipment and facilities.

Be self – disciplined the importance of rules and regulations of sports and serious training for completion.

Warm-up exercise1. uniform2. Tournament preparation3. Scheduling 4. Different types of tournament5. Movement of the opponent

Playground Uniform Balls Net Ring Board Whistle

demonstration practice

3.Racket games

Trace the development of the game To acquire and develop skills To apply the learnt skills in game situation To play the game for game enjoyment

Warm- up exercise1. Block )Chop block(2. Topspin3. Side spin4. Prepare competition 5. Schedual

Playground Uniform Measuring

tape Whistle

demonstration practice

4.Swimming Describe safety measures during swimming and fundamental of hygiene

To explain self confidence and skills of swimming.

To describe skills of body balance by poise, leg actions, arm actions, breathing , body coordination and duration with the water and the recovery period

Explain skills of surface diving

1. Exhaling under the water through the mouse2. Inhaling above the water. Moving through

water3. Moving through water 4. Styles of moving through water Breast stroke Butter fly dolphin

stroke Treading water diving

Swimming clothes


demonstration practice


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