

婆罗浮屠18 - 22 OCTOBER 2017

Borobudur Study Trip Members

Photo Credits: YZT Borobudur Study Trip Group


Brief History � Situated in Megelang, Central Java.位于印度尼西亚中爪哇。

� Borobudur Temple = Borobudur Candi 印尼语中庙宇又被称为禅邸

� Estimated to be completed in 825 CE during the Sailendra Dynasty。预计在夏连特拉王朝统治者兴建建于公元825年完成

� Took estimated 75 years to completed its construction. 估计用了75 年完工。



Brief History 历史简介

� The Sailendra Dynasty gave the World the Largest Stupa in the world – Borobudur. 夏连特拉王朝给了世界最大的佛塔。

• Ruled Central Java – 760 to 830 (over a century) 统治中爪哇一个多世纪

� Defeated the Hindu Sanjya Dynasty。他们打败了之前统治中爪哇 ,信奉印度教的三亚皇朝。

� Panangkaran became the 1st Sailendra rule of the Mataram Kingdom夏连特拉王朝的第一个国王是Panangkaran。

• Agents of Buddhism

� Made Buddhism the state religion.从此佛教变成夏连特拉王朝的国教。

� Commissioned the building of Buddhist temples。这个皇朝也在统治期间建了很多佛寺。

� In 778, ordered the construction of the Candi Kalasan (Tara Temple) (a Candi dedicated to the

female Bodhisattva Tara)。绿度母庙就是其中之一。

� Resume the construction of Borobudur。她也恢复了婆罗浮屠的建筑项目. 由此可推论婆罗浮屠可能在更早之前已开始建设。

Brief History 历史简介

� Return of Hindu Sanjaya 三亚皇朝回返

� To ensure the survival of the Sailendra dynasty, religion and temples like

Borobudur. 为了保护她的皇朝,佛教及佛寺。。。。。

� The leader of the Sanjaya, Rakai Pikatan, married the daughter of the

Sailendra Maharaja Samaratunnga Pramodhawardhani。夏连特拉王朝当时的国王把他的女儿嫁给三亚皇朝的领袖。(政治连婚)。

� According to history, in the 14th century, the Hindu Dynasty starts to decline.

With this Buddhism becomes less popular and Borobudur was forgotten. The

people of Java converted to Muslims. 根据历史记载,在十四世纪,随着印度皇朝的衰弱,佛教也逐渐退隐。婆罗浮屠这座雄伟的建筑物也慢慢地被人遗忘。也因这些缘故,爪哇的人民也逐渐转向信奉回教。

� In 1814, Sir Stamford Raffles became the British Mayor of Java. He discovered

Borobudur and started the restoration works there. 但在1814年,当莱佛士成为爪哇的市长时,他发现了婆罗浮屠. 也因此婆罗浮屠的修复重启。

The Sailendar Dynasty夏连特拉皇朝以下浮雕描述夏连特拉皇朝的宫廷生活。

Overview - BOROBUDUR 婆罗浮屠

� Greatest Buddhist monument in the world.

� UNESCO Monument

� World’s largest Buddhist Temple

� 3 zones

� 9 stacked platforms

� 6 squares, 3 circular

� Topped by a central dome

� 2672 relief panels, 504 Buddhas

� 世界上最伟大的佛教佛遗迹

� 被例为世界文化遗产之一

� 世界上最大的佛教寺庙

� 3个区域

� 9个堆叠平台

� 六层是正方形,上面三层是圆

� 顶层的中心是一座圆形佛塔 曼陀罗

� 2672 浮雕, 504 佛像


Architectural Structure建筑结构3 zones - 3个区域� Zone 1 : Kamadhatu 欲界

� Zone 2 : Rapudhatu 色界� Zone 3 : Arupadhatu 无色界




Zone 1 : Kamadhatu 欲界This level consists of 160 hidden reliefs depicting the scenes of Mahakarmawibhangga Sutra, the law

of cause and effect. 在此界是由物質主導,以追求欲樂為主. The reliefs depicts the human behaviour

of desire and ignorance – the 2nd Noble Truth – The Truth to the Cause of the Dukkha (集谛)

Relief O 109 on a hidden panel with two scene in

one frame read from right to left:

- the right scene depicting two deer and

monkey watching four fishermen catching

fish with the net, while other two fishmonger

carry the caught fish with a pole probably to

the market

- on the left describe six men being cooked

alive by an asura demon in hell. This scene

describes cause-and-effect law, that people

who kill creatures for living, such as hunters

and fishermen in the afterlife will be put in

hell and must endure torture by being cooked

or boiled alive.

Photo Credits: Wikipedia


Zone 1 : Kamadhatu 欲界

Relief O 119 on a hidden panel, the scene

describing adulterous and promiscuous

behavior would lead to dirty gossip and

scandal, yet it is also describes the harm

of spreading lies, rumors and false gossip.

Photo Credits: Wikipedia

Zone 1 : Kamadhatu 欲界

There are also scenes of daily life, complete with description of samsara (the endless cycle of

birth and death). 也有日常生活场景,完整的描述轮回(无休止的生死循环)

12 Nidanas (十二因缘)

Avidya (indifference) – blind woman Avidya(无明) - 盲女

Samskara (basic impulse) – Pottery being made by artisans Samskara(行) - 由工匠制作的陶器

Vijnana (Consciousness) – Monkeys picking fruit Vijnana(识) - 猴子采摘水果

Namarupa (personality) – Boat in a journey Namarupa(明色) - 乘船旅行

Sadayatana (6 senses) – House with many windows Sadayatana(6入) - 有很多窗户的房子

Sparsa (relationship) – A kiss Sparsa(触) - 一个吻

Vedana (feeling) – A man with arrow in his eye Vedana(受) - 一个眼睛里有箭头的人

Trsna (desire) – A drinking scene Trsna(爱) - 一个饮酒场景

Upadana (clinging) – Picking fruit from a tree Upadana(取) - 从树上采摘水果

Bhava (becoming) – Pregnant woman Bhava(有) - 孕妇 杰蒂

Jati (Birth) – Scene of birth Jati(生) - 出生的场景

Jaramaranam (old age and death) – Corpse for cremation Jaramaranam(老死) - 尸体火化

Zone 2 : Rapudhatu 色界� The 4 square levels of Rapudhatu contains galleries of carved stone

reliefs, as well as a chain of niches containing status of Buddha.

� In total there is a total of 328 Buddhas on these balustrade levels which also have a great deal of purely ornate reliefs. 328 佛像, 6 个形象。

Photo Credits: YZT Borobudur Study Trip Group and

Borobudur Museum

Zone 2 : Rapudhatu 色界

� There are over 1300 reliefs 浮雕, :

- Gandhawyuha (华严经 -善财童子五十三参)

- Lalitawistara (普曜经)

- Jataka (the stories of Buddha’s Previous Life记录佛陀还未成佛的前生故事)

- Awadana (Other Legendary Persons) 其他传奇人物

Master Lian Zhi explaining the reliefs

Photo Credits: YZT Borobudur Study Trip Group

Zone 2 : Rapudhatu 色界

Sudhanakumara (善财童子) seeking the Truth. He had no less than 53 teachers.

Photo Credits: YZT Borobudur Study Trip Group and Borobudur Museum

Zone 3 : Arupadhatu 无色界

Photo Credits: YZT Borobudur Study Trip Group

Zone 3 : Arupadhatu 无色界

� 3 circular terraces leading to a

central stupa.

� The terraces contain circles of

perforate stupas, an inverted bell

shape, containing sculptures of

Buddha, who faced outward from thetemple. There are 72 of them in


Photo Credits: YZT Borobudur Study Trip Group


聖尊蓮生法王盧勝彥婆羅浮屠的原貌應為密集金剛曼陀羅,塔頂原為 阿閦佛



聖尊闡釋 :




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