  • 1. The Candidate Experience Awards - 2011
    Engage Them or
    Enrage ThemYour Choice

2. Evolution of the Candidate Experience
Past: Perception = reality
(If Any)
Black hole
Source and apologies: Non Sequitur, Wiley Miller 8/28/10
3. Evolution of the Candidate Experience
Compelling reason for change > availability
100,000 - 68,000 40,000 18,000 800 125 15
4. Candidate Experience Awards by the #s

  • 2011

5. 100s 6. 58 7. 33 8. 25 9. 11,500 10. 6 11. 5China Gorman
Libby Sartain
Sarah White
Mark Stelzner
Katherine Jones
12. Monster
Could be You
In 2012
13. Candidate Experience Survey Results Summary
14. What is your organization's total North American employee population?
15. What were your total North American new hire numbers in 2010?
16. How many people are [directly] involved in North American recruiting?
17. In the categories below have you implemented a third party solution to enhance your recruiting efforts?
18. How many Candidates apply and how many are NOT qualified?
19. How do you communicate with your Candidates?
20. Below is a partial list of the ways that organizations reach out to communicate with candidates applied.
21. Which statements below accurately describe your application process?
22. What communication takes place between your company/recruiter and candidates who submitted UNQUALIFIED applications.
23. If candidates who are NOT selected as Finalists inquire about their status which of the following statements would be characteristic of your process.
24. Which of the following statements most closely represents your experience?
25. Evolution of the Candidate Experience
Present & Future States:
Medium is [an important part of] the message
Reality-show data about jobs, employers, talent [transparency]
Crowd-source Coaching
2-way Feedback
Investment in pipelines that are years in the making.

  • Remember the golden rule

27. Treat every candidate the way youd like to be treated 28. Avoid the black hole syndrome 29. No matter how many inquires you receive, acknowledge the receipt of a persons submission or question. 30. Use technology for what it does best 31. Give the candidates what they want most timely feedback. Use text, twitter, SMS for frequent, short communication. 32. Dont send mixed messages 33. Describe the job and the organization candidly and accurately. 34. Create a comfortable atmosphere 35. Candidates who are at ease are more likely to provide the information needed to drive accurate selection decisions. 36. Recognize that small things lead to big impressions 37. Be attuned to professional details. 38. Create your own talent pools for future recruiting needsBuild a Better Social Relationships Today

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