Page 1: Curriculum Vitae - · 06.09.2017 · I was not available for work in Finland in years 1991 and 1992 due to living in Singapore, and years 1995 and 1996 due to living

Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

Curriculum Vitae

Pirkko Tellervo Siklander


Name and dob Pirkko Tellervo Siklander (ent. Hyvönen, synt. Rapakko) Married, four adult children

Contact information Mobile phone: 040 4844 268 email: [email protected]; [email protected] Home address: Onnelantie 3 E, 90230 Oulu (teaching portfolio)

Nationality Finnish

Language skills Finnish, native; English, fluent; Swedish, fair

Communication, negotiation and presentation skills Excellent

Completed degrees

Adjunct Professor, Technology-enhanced learning and teaching, University of Lapland, 2014

PhD, Education, University of Lapland, 2008 Compiled thesis of articles: Affordances of playful learning environment for tutoring playing and learning. Grade: Eximia cum laude approbatur

MA, Education University of Lapland, 2002 Tietoverkot ikääntyneen oppijan voimaantumisprosessissa. [Networks in the process of empowerment of elderly people] Grade: Magna cum laude approbatur

Bachelor of hotel, restaurant and tourism management, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, 2000. Ruoka modernin ajan elämäntapana [Food culture as a lifestyle in a modern era]. Grade 5/5.

Teacher in hotel, catering and home economics, Teacher Education College, Jyväskylä, 1986. Hotel, restaurant and catering service manager, Oulu Vocational College, 1982 Chef, EduLappi, 1980 Matriculation examination, Ounasvaara Highschool, 1978

Other education (selected) Leadership in a science community. The Extension School at the University of Oulu,

19.9.2014. Portfolio course (6 ects). The Extension School at the University of Oulu, 2003. Cultures meet (9 ects). The Extension School at the University of Oulu, 1999.

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341


Associate Professor (apulaisprofessori), Collaborative learning and diverse learning environments, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, 1.8.2015 -currently

Assistant Professor (tutkijatohtori), Leader of the international LET master’s degree programme, Principal Investigator in collaborative learning, University of Oulu, Learning and Educational Technology Research Unit, 10.10.2007–31.7.2015

Researcher InnoPlay Project, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Centre for Media

pedagogy, 1.6.2007–9.10.2007 LEVIKE Project, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Centre for Media

pedagogy, 1.4.2007–21.5.2007 The Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning Environments,

University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Centre for Media pedagogy, 1.4.2006–31.3.2007

Project Manager Let’s Play Project, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Centre for Media

pedagogy, 1.8.2003–31.3.2006 Planning Officer

Connet Cognition Science Network, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Centre for Media pedagogy, 1.8.2002–31.7.2003

Teacher in home economics and hotel and catering, 1984-2002 Secondary schools: Tyrnävä, Maikkula and Haukipudas in Oulu area Vocational schools (both basic degree and adult education): Rovaniemi Catering

School, Oulu Vocational School, Salo Vocational School, Oulu College of Services

I was not available for work in Finland in years 1991 and 1992 due to living in Singapore, and years 1995 and 1996 due to living in the USA. During those years I run many courses, eg., cooking courses for Filipina maids and worked as a teacher in Suomi-school. In addition, I have been four times on maternity leave. As a young student, I worked three summer holidays, the total of eight months, as a pre-primary instructor in playgrounds for children appointed by City of Rovaniemi.


Competent for the position of associate professor in collaborative learning and diverse learning environments, 2017, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education.

Competent for the position of university researcher/associate professor (yliopistotutkija), 2017, University of Oulu, Learning and Educational Technology Research Group (LET)

International expert visits and invited lectures given as an expert

Invited visitor in the Masaryk University in Czech. We – with Marjaana Kangas – were invited to establish collaboration in three levels between University Lapland and University Masaryk. 21.5-24-5.2017.

Expert work shop: The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), Sevilla, Spain (2008).

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

M. Bacigalupo (Ed.)., (2009). Learning 2.0. The Impact of Web 2.0 Innovation on Education and Training in Europe. Workshop report.

Lecturer: University of Barcelona, Spain (2010), Lecture and workshop about playful and creative collaboration for doctoral students. Erasmus.

Recent national invited lectures given as an expert

Siklander, P. (2017). “Digital technologies in early learning and teaching” Lectures and workshops Regional State Administrative Agencies of Lapland. Forthcoming: 20-21.11.2017.

Siklander, P. (2016). “Good teaching practices”. University of Lapland, Personnel in the Faculty of Education,12.10. 2016.

Siklander, P. (2016). ”Exposing working life lively for students in higher education” [Työn elämä eläväksi korkea-asteen opiskelijoille], TYYLI Työelämäyhteistyö yliopistossa-hanke, University of Oulu, 16.9.2016

Hyvönen, P. (2016). ”New learning environments and collaborative and self-regulated learning” [Uudet oppimisympäristöt ja yhteisöllinen ja itsesäätöinen oppiminen] Educators in Suolahti elementary schools and architecs who design new learning environments. 28.4.2016, Suolahti.

Hyvönen, P. (2016). ”New learning environments and collaborative and self-regulated learning” [Uudet oppimisympäristöt ja yhteisöllinen ja itsesäätöinen oppiminen]: City of Oulu, Business Oulu personnel, architects, educators, constructors of schools and learning environments. Oulun Liikelaitos Tilakeskuksen henkilöstö, uusia oppimisympäristöjä suunnittelevat arkkitehdit, rakennusliikkeen toimijat sekä Pitkäkankaan koulun edustajat. 2.2.2016, Oulu.

Hyvönen, P. (2016). New environments and methods for developing distant and virtual rehabilitation [Etäkuntoutuksen kehittämisen uudet ympäristöt ja menetelmät] KELA, Verve. 11.1.2016. Oulu, Lasaretti.

Hyvönen, P. (2014). ”Technologies and services in teaching: What is needed?” [Teknologia ja palvelut opetuksessa: Mitä tarvitaan?] Pedagogical information management seminar. City of Oulu and University of Oulu. Ministry of Education, 7.5.2014

Hyvönen, P. (2014). ”As a teacher in university” Educational Programme Leader-koulutus, University of Oulu 4.4.2014.

Hyvönen, P. & Impiö, N. (2013). ”Teachers and teaching in changing world”, Rectors and representatives from a bureau of education from Emmen Netherlands. University of Oulu 4.4.2013.


Research funding

Rector’s funding for finalizing the doctoral thesis, University of Lapland, 2008, 1000 € The Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning Environments, for doctoral thesis,

2006-2007, 30 000 €

Successful funding applications in research groups

TEKES, New business from research ideas: Playful Learning Lapland The final decision will be informed in June 2017. By Heli Ruokamo, Marjaana Kangas and Pirkko Siklander, University of Lapland.

Ministry of Culture and Education, OpenDigi – Teachers for developing learning skills and digital pedagogies. Consortium leader is University of OULU, LET/Sanna Järvelä. The decision has not informed yet. 2017. By Pirkko Siklander, Marjaana Kangas and Heli Ruokamo, University of Lapland.

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

TEKES: HURMOS – Developing Humour as a Strategic Tool for Creating Innovative Business. (2015-2017) University of Oulu/Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Oulu Business School, Faculty of Education/ School of Business and Information Management, School of Culture. Funding: 543 392 €. In the consortium, Professor Eila Estola and me acted as co-writers from the faculty of education.

University of Oulu / Faculty of Education: PROMO – Promoting teacher students’ 21th century learning and interaction skills with collaborative ICT tools (2011-2014) Funding: 40 000 €. I wrote the application with a help by professor Sanna Järvelä.

European Commission, Life Long Learning Programme. CoCreat Project – Enabling Creative Collaboration through Supportive Technologies (2010-2013) Funding: 500 000 €. Essi Vuopala, Niina Impiö and me together worked the application, professor Sanna Järvelä as a leader. CoCreat in the Facebook

Academy of Finland SkidiKids Programme Agents – Towards children’s efficacious agency in formal and informal contexts (2010-2013) Funding: 300 000 €. Professor Sanna Järvelä led, and my role was to assist in creating the application.

EU: ICI Education Cooperation Programme, Joint Mobility project between Republic of Korea and EU. KE-LeGe (Kor-EU Leaders for Global Education) (2010-2013) Funding: 310 000€. I was a responsible writer for the application from the site of our faculty.

DevelOPE: University teachers develop collaborative working methods by using social media. University of Oulu, Campus Futurus (2008-2009) Funding: 49 500 €. Niina Impiö was responsible for writing the application, and I was responsible for the project, starting from 2007.

TEKES InnoPlay (2007-2008) Funding: 226 000€. Professor Heli Ruokamo was responsible, I assisted.

ESR and Regional State Administrative Agency Let’s Play (2003-2006) Funding: 535 €. The funding was due to work of professors Heli Ruokamo and Raimo Rajala, but my role was to lead the project and be responsible person for the budget.

Research leadership

Principal Investigator (PI) One of the three PIs in the LET, besides Sanna Järvelä and Hanna Järvenoja. Principal Investigator in ”computer-supported collaborative learning and teaching” in the Learning and Educational Technology Research Group (LET) University of Oulu. PI area is defined in the RAE assessment (Research Assessment Exercise 2014) in which LET was evaluated as 5,5/6.

PROMO Leading a group of ”Promoting teacher students’ 21th century learning and interaction skills with collaborative ICT tools” research group. The group comprises of research for exploring collaborative learning and teaching, creative collaboration, technology-enhanced learning, collaborative problem-solving and learning of expertise.


Total number of 66 (published or in print) (Appendix 1) Publish or perish h-index is 8.

A: 41 B: 4 C: 6 D: 4 E: 8 G: 3

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

The most relevant publications in the field of early learning and teaching from children’s, teachers’ and playful learning environments’ perspective.

1. Hyvönen, P. Helenius, A., & Hujala, E. (2016). Enhancing children’s competencies in playful learning and teaching In M. Ebbeck & M. Waniganayake (Eds.), Play in early childhood education: Learning in diverse contexts (pp. 99–116). Australia: Oxford University Press. (JUFO 3)

2. Hyvönen, P., Kronqvist. E-L., Järvelä, S., Määttä, E., Mykkänen, A., & Kurki, K. (2014). Interactive and child-centred research methods for investigating efficacious agency of children. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 3(1), 82–107. (JUFO1)

3. Hyvönen, P. (2008). Affordances of playful learning environment for tutoring playing and learning. Doctoral dissertation. Acta Universitatis Lappoensis 152. University of Lapland, Faculty of education, Finland. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland Printing Centre.

4. Hujala, E., Helenius, A. & Hyvönen, P. (2010). Play for learning and transition to school. In M. Ebbeck & M. Waniganayake (Eds.), Children's play in early childhood education: Facilitating learning in diverse contexts (pp. 89–102). Australia: Oxford University Press. (JUFO3).

5. Hyvönen, P. & Kangas, M. (2007). From bogey mountains to funny houses: Children’s desires for play environment. Australian Journal of Early Childhood (AJEC), 32(3), 39–47. JUFO1

6. Hyvönen, P. (2008). Teachers’ perceptions of boys’ and girls’ shared activities in the school context: towards a theory of collaborative play. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 14(5–6), 391–409. (JUFO2)

7. Hyvönen, P. (2011). Play in the School Context? The Perspectives of Finnish Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (AJTE). 36 Iss. 8, Article 5. (JUFO1) Available at: (JUFO1)

8. Kangas, M., Siklander, P., Randolph, J., & Ruokamo, H. (2017). Teachers’ engagement and students’ satisfaction with a playful learning environment. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63, 274–284. (JUFO2)

9. Hyvönen, P. & Kangas, M. (2010). Children as experts in designing play environment. In E-L Kronqvist & P. Hyvönen (Eds.), Insights and outlouds: Childhood research in the North, (pp. 143–170). Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E 107. Oulu: Oulu University Press.

10. Kangas, M., Randolph, J. Ruokamo, H., & Hyvönen, P. (2016). Academic achievement and creative and playful learning on technology-enriched playgrounds: An international investigation. Interactive Learning Environments,24(3), 409–422. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2013.860902 (Published first online 2014) (JUFO1)

Committee membership or editor in scientific publication Editorial Board member 2017: Journal of Education and Training Studies, ISSN 2324-805X (Print) ISSN

2324-8068 (Online) IF: 0,99.

Kronqvist, E-L & Hyvönen, P. (Eds.), (2010). Insights and outlouds: Childhood research in the North. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E 107. Oulu: Oulu University Press.

o Book review: Wong, L. H. (2013) Insights and outlouds: Childhood research in the North. International Journal of early childhood education and care, 1, (85–86)

Cerratto-Pargman, T., Hyvönen, P., Järvelä, S., & Mildrad, M. (Eds), (2010). The first Nordic symposium on technology-enhanced learning (TEL), Norditel. 26–27.8.2010 Växjö, Sweden. Conference proceeding.

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

Hyvönen, P., Kangas, M., Kultima, A. & Latva, S. (2007). Let’s Play! Research of playful learning environments. 2nd revised edition. Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press.

Hyvönen, P., Kangas, M., Kultima, A. & Latva, S. (2006). Let’s Play! Research of playful learning environments. Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press.

Ruokamo, H., Hyvönen, P., Lehtonen, M. & Tella, S. (2005). (Toim.) Teaching-Studying-Learning (TSL) Processes and Mobile Technologies – Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinary (MIT) Research Approaches. Proceedings of the 12th International Network-Based Education (NBE) Conference (Former PEG) 2005.

Hyvönen, P., Lehtonen, M., & Rajala, R. (2004). (Eds.) Proceedings of the Children seminar 2004. [Lapset -seminaarin artikkelijulkaisu 2004] Centre for Media Pedagogy. Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press.

Referee of scientific publications

Reviewer for scientific journals o Computers & Education (2015-) (JUFO 3) o Vocations and Learning (2015-) (JUFO 1) o Seminar.Net (2015-) (JUFO 1) o European Physical Education Review (2015-) (JUFO 1) o Internet and Higher Education (2014-) (JUFO 1) o Kasvatus (2014-) (JUFO 2) o Computers in Human Behavior (2013-) (JUFO 2) o Sex Roles: A Journal of Research (2009-2011)

Reviewer for scientific books o Ropo, E., Sormunen, E., & Heinström, J. (2016). “Tavoitteena itsenäinen oppija: identiteetin

ja informaatiolukutaitojen vahvistaminen koulutuksessa”. Tampere University Press o Mikk, J., Luik, P., & Veisson, M. (2009). Estonian Studies in Education. Peter Lang Publishing

Company Reviewer for conference presentations and proceedings

o MEC2017, Media Education Conference, University of Lapland o The 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, 2017

Track 16: Humor & Joy & Playfulness creating wellbeing inside and outside organizations o The 4th International Symposium on New Issues in Teacher Education 2016 o 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF) 2015 o Media Education Conference – MEC 2015 o Network-Based Education (NBE) 2011 and 2013 o The 1st International Workshop on Creative Collaboration through Supportive Technologies

in Education 2012 o International (CWBL) Conference on Web-based Learning 2012

Official appointments as principal dissertation supervisor

Miguel Santiago, “Facebook use and its problematic dark side: Cyberbullying victimization associated to negative emotional consequences among university students” (2014-) University of Oulu.

Kirsi Korkealehto, “Gamification in language learning” (2014-) University of Oulu.

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

Salvador Dukuzumuremyi, “Predicting student engagement in multicultural classrooms collaborative settings” (2015-) University of Oulu.

Pavithiran Thangaperumal, “The spectrum of successful collaborative learning: Defining creative collaboration within socially-shared knowledge construction” (2015-) University of Oulu.

Sanna Brauer, ”Competence-based evaluation - design research in vocational teachers education” [Osaamisperusteinen arviointi digiajassa – Design-tutkimus osaamisperusteisuudesta ammatillisessa opettajankoulutuksessa] (2016-). University of Lapland.

Riitta Karusaari, ”Custom-oriented pedagogy in the reform of vocational education” [Asiakaslähtöinen pedagogiikka ammatillisen koulutuksen reformin toimeenpanossa] (2016-) University of Lapland.

Liping Sung, ” Using ICT to promote students’ motivation in mathematics learning” (autumn 2017-). University of Lapland.

Mikko Kellokumpu (2017-) “Yhteisö kansalaisvaikuttamisen resurssina: tarkastelussa kansalaisraadissa tuotetut kehitysesitykset edustuksellisen demokratian päätöksentekojärjestelmässä” University of Lapland.

Chair of the follow-up group of doctoral students Arttu Mykkänen, “Young children’s success in learning situations – actions, beliefs and attributions in

learning contexts” –defended 4/2016 Jaana Juutinen, “Inside or outside? – The politics of belonging in day care centers” Tuija Väyrynen, “The impact of cultural differences on workers goals and strategies in computer-

supported learning”

Member of the follow-up group of doctoral students

Kristiina Kurki, “Young children’s emotion regulation in socio-emotionally challenging situations”

Keynote lectures

Siklander, P. & Kangas, M. “Triggering playful learning and teaching”, LIFE 2018 Conference. Forthcoming: 16-20.1.2018. University of Lapland and VisitEDUfinn.

Hyvönen, P. & Laru, J. ”Researcher and social media” Finnish Educational Research Pre-Conference 2014 University of Oulu, Saalastinsali, 20.11.2014.

Conference organization LIFE2018 Conference, University of Finland and VisitEDUFinn “Learning should be fun! Finnish

perspectives on playful learning for all ages”. FERA: Finnish Educational Research Conference 2017, University of Lapland, Finland. “Take part to

play a part: Towards professional development” FERA 2017; Pre-conference 1, U-Arctic. University of Lapland, Finland FERA 2017; Pre-conference 2, FinEd. University of Lapland, Finland MEC: International Media Education Conference 2017, University of Lapland, Finland. FERA: Finnish Educational Research Conference 2014, University of Oulu, Finland 20-21.11.2014.

“Environments for learning and growing, how about values?”

FERA 2014; Pre-conference. 19.11.2014. Kasvatuksen ja oppimisen ympäristöt, entä arvot? University of Oulu, Finland.

The first Nordic LEAF International Conference 2010, 26-27.8.2010. Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.

o Publication: Cerratto-Barckman, T., Hyvönen, P., Järvelä, S., & Milrad, M. (2010). The first Nordic Symposium on Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL). Norditel.

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

NBE2005 international Network-Based Education, 14-17.9.2005. University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.

o Publication: Ruokamo, H., Hyvönen, P., Lehtonen, M., & Tella, S. (2005). Teaching-Studying-Learning (TSL) Processes and mobile technologies – multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary (MIT) research approaches. Proceedings of the 12th international Network-Based Education (NBE) Conference 2005. University of Lapland Publications in Education 11.

LAPSET-seminar 2004, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland. o Publication: Hyvönen, P., Lehtonen, M. & Rajala, R. (2004). LAPSET-seminaarin

artikkelijulkaisu 2004. Lapin yliopiston kasvatustieteellisiä julkaisuja 7.

Conference presentations past five years Siklander, P., Kangas, M., Randolph, J., & Ruokamo, H. I like to make people laugh: Adult playfulness

among educators. Earli 2017, Tampere. Forthcoming Impiö, N., Siklander, P. Järvelä, S. A longitudinal perspective to the improvement of teachers'

collaborative knowledge and skills. Earli 2017 Tampere. Forthcoming Kangas, M., Vuojärvi, H., Siklander, P. Nature as a setting and resource to promote learners’ agency

and competences in education. Earli 2017. Tampere. Forthcoming Siklander, P. Kangas, M., Ruhalahti, S. Korva, S. (2017). Exploring triggers for arousing interest in the

online learning. INTED2017 Conference 5.3.-8.3.2017, Valencia Spain. o Chair: e-Learning Experiences.

Rasi, P., & Hyvönen, P. (2016). How to support senior citizens’ media literacies: A review of existing research literature. ICLS 2016 – 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, June 20–24, Singapore.

FERA 2016 Conference, Turku, Finland o Chair: Research in Media Education

Rasi, P., Vuojärvi, H., & Hyvönen, P. (2016). A review of adults’ and older people’s media literacies and their promotion. The Finnish Society for Research on Adult Education Conference, February 18-19, 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Impiö, N. Hyvönen, P. & Järvelä, S. (2015). Three dimensions of teachers’ collaborative skills in a master’s degree programme: A longitudinal evaluation. Earli 2015. Limassol, Cyprys.

Vuopala, E., Hyvönen, P. & Järvelä, S. (2014). Collaborative learning skills and development experienced by university students. FERA, 2014. Oulu.

Vuopala, E., Hyvönen, P. & Järvelä, S. (2014). Higher education students’ perceptions about collaborative learning skills. Eapril 25.-29.11.2014. Nicosia, Cyprus.

Impiö, N. Hyvönen, P. & Järvelä, S. (2015). How teachers improve their collaborative learning skills in master’s degree programme studies? EAPRIL 25.-29.11.2014. Nicosia, Cyprus.

Hyvönen, P., Romero, M., & Barbera, E. (2013). ”The more you use it, the more you learn it.” Older adults’ strategies in self- and co-regulated learning to use tablet technologies. ECER Conference, in a symposium “ICT in education: Technology-enhanced learning”. Istanbul Turkey 9.-13.9.2013.

Eagle, S. & Hyvönen, P. (2013). Creative Hut: an open learning context for elderly people in a remote rural community. ECER Conference, in a paper session “Learning through video production”. Istanbul Turkey 9.-13.9.2013.

Hyvönen, P., Romero, M., Hakkarainen, P. & Impiö, N. (2013). Creative collaboration for enhancing older adult’s ICT use. Earli Biennial Conference, in a papers session “Problem solving and collaboration”. Munchen Germany 27–31 August 2013.

Impiö, N., Kaisto, J., Hyvönen, P. Järvelä, S. (2013). Collaborative learning in university studies: development of teachers’ collaborative skills during two-year masters’ programme. FERA 2013, Jyväskylä.

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Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

Hyvönen, P. Kronqvist, E., Järvelä, S., Määttä, E, & Mykkänen, A. (2012). Using multiple methods for studying children’s efficacious agency in formal and informal contexts. AERA 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

Kangas, M. & Hyvönen, P. (2012). A qualitative playfulness-based research method as a tool for crossing boundaries and involving children in research. AERA 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

o NordiTel 2012 Conference. Chair: ”Creative learning spaces” pecha kucha. University of Oulu, Oulu.

Research networks

Member of the NAPLES (Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences) International Society of the Learning Sciences

Member of EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Member of AERA(American Educational Research Association) Member of ICSL (International Conference of the Learning Sciences) Member of Kaleidoscope Excellence (Concepts and methods for exploring the future of learning with

digital technologies) Network of Excellence (NoE). Member of the Nordic LEAF research network (Learning Ecosystems and Activities of the Future) Member of the Northern Childhood research network, University of Oulu Member of the Living Stories research group, University of Oulu


Teaching portfolio: APPENDIX 3.

Instruction and learning

My aim is to educate pedagogical experts, who has a repertoire of skills and tools to excel in changing situations in working life, and who also gain competencies for life-long learning. My teaching is grounded on the research in the learning sciences, emphasizing collaborative learning and technology-enhanced learning. I favor multimodal and interactive teaching and learning processes, with creativity, playfulness, problem-solving, collaboration and working life relevance. I put a strong effort for creating inspiring and goal-oriented atmosphere, where students are willing to go beyond their limits. I constantly try to understand more deeply, which triggers are potential for our students to get inspired and motivated in their learning activities. While learning, in addition the contents, many of the 21st century skills will be practiced, reflected and learned. According to my experience, teaching and learning can be effective and fun, and it can open new interesting insights for students and for myself as well. I have explored playful learning and teaching and playful learning environments since 2003, and developed and designed teaching and learning processes

My students already are or they become after graduation: Early childhood teachers Class teachers Media educators Art teachers Educators in different levels and fields My colleagues in the universities Other people who design schools and learning environments (architects) or are responsible of their

development (principals/rectors)

Experience as a teacher, supervisor and trainer

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My teaching experiences over 25 years covers formal education in secondary schools, vocational schools and universities. In the universities (Oulu and Lapland) I provide training for the research and teaching personnel about eg., designing flipped classroom, motivation and technology-enhanced learning. I also act as teacher tutor and supervisor for teacher education students in their advanced training. As informal and nonformal education, my teaching experience include continuing training for teachers and rectors. I have been active in teaching teachers for designing technology-enhanced teaching and learning processes. In addition I provided together with my colleague Marjaana Kangas an international Playful Learning Lapland work shop for educator, many of them working in early learning and teaching. The work shop was a part of LIFE 2017 Conference. The next Playful Learning Lapland will be held in 2018.

My courses in my current post in the University of Lapland are for example: Designing learning and teaching (for all faculty students) Developing communities and organizations Learning, interaction and tutoring Digital technologies in teaching and learning in early learning (according to Uni Oulu) Digital media in teaching in early learning (according to Uni Oulu) Play, games and playfulness in teaching and learning New learning environments Masters’ thesis studies Current research in media education (partly) Introduction for media education (partly)

Students in these courses will be teachers, media educators, art educators and kindergarten teachers. My courses in the University of Oulu were for example:

Computer-supported collaborative learning (in collaboration with University of Saarland, Germany), Educational projects Learning of expertise Creative collaboration Thesis studies Design-based research (in collaboration with University of LMU, Germany) Qualitative research Orientation studies Learning theory and pedagogical use of technology Designing learning, teaching and assessment Building business through creative collaboration

Funded educational projects

ICT and digital competence in teaching. Ministry of Education. Early childhood and primary school teachers’ training 2017. Funding: 30 000. University of Lapland, Unit of Continuing Education.

DevelOPE: University teachers develop collaborative working methods by using social media. University of Oulu, Campus Futurus (2008-2009) Funding: 49 500 €. Niina Impiö was responsible for writing the application, and I was responsible for the project.

Supervisor Tutor teacher, educational sciences, 2015-2016, University of Lapland. Supervisor, teacher education, advanced training, 2017, University of Lapland.

Page 11: Curriculum Vitae - · 06.09.2017 · I was not available for work in Finland in years 1991 and 1992 due to living in Singapore, and years 1995 and 1996 due to living

Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

Supervision of thesis I have supervised 29 master’s thesis, in which 7 is international and 4 in co-operation, and evaluated 14 (Appendix 2). Currently I am supervising six theses. I am supervising eight doctoral students, four of them international. Official assessment of teaching

Associate Professor 11.5.2017, University of Lapland: excellent (5/5). Titled as “What inspires for collaborative learning?”

Adjunct Professor 2014, University of Lapland: good (4/5). Titled as “Creative collaboration”

Merits related to planning

Responsible person for “Media and digital technologies in teaching and learning”, 25 ects, 2017- including curriculum development

Responsible person for international masters’ degree programme LET 2011-2015, including curriculum development

Responsible person for national masters’ degree programme EDUTOOL 2007-2011, including curriculum development

LeaForum, Infrastructure for learning and interaction research UniOulu, My role was to be a member of the group for developing new instruction technology.

LS2 UniOulu, new type of lecture hall, which affords collaboration and use of technologies. My role was to be a member in the planning team.

Curriculum development / Faculty of education. UniLapland, My role is to lead a group “monialaiset opinnot” and organize training about methods: how to renew teaching and learning methods and how to use technologies pedagogically.

Building Business through Creative Collaboration, UniOulu: The one week intensive course which integrates entrepreneurship and creative collaboration for international students in different faculties. In the last day (5th) the students organize art exhibition, where they sell their pieces of art. This is one example how I design courses differently. It was realized in collaboration with the Oulu Business School and Business Kitchen.

Produced learning materials The following publications include in the kindergarten teachers’ programme in Australian universities. Hyvönen, P. Helenius, A., & Hujala, E. (2016). Enhancing children’s competencies in playful learning and

teaching In M. Ebbeck & M. Waniganayake (Eds.), Children's play in early childhood education: Facilitating learning in diverse contexts (pp. 99–116). Australia: Oxford University Press. (JUFO 3).

Hujala, E., Helenius, A. & Hyvönen, P. (2010). Play for learning and transition to school. In M. Ebbeck & M. Waniganayake (Eds.), Children’s play in early childhood education: Facilitating learning in diverse contexts (pp. 89–102). Australia: Oxford University Press. (JUFO3).

Playful learning, playful learning environments and children Kronqvist, E-L & Hyvönen, P. (Eds.), (2010). Insights and outlouds: Childhood research in the North. Acta

Universitatis Ouluensis E 107. Oulu: Oulu University Press.

Page 12: Curriculum Vitae - · 06.09.2017 · I was not available for work in Finland in years 1991 and 1992 due to living in Singapore, and years 1995 and 1996 due to living

Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

Hyvönen, P. (2011). Do play environments afford adequately action possibilities? Teoksessa E-L. Kronqvist & K. Kumpulainen (Toim.), Lapsuuden oppimisympäristöt, (ss. 52–56). Helsinki: WSOYpro.

Hyvönen, P., Kangas, M., Kultima, A. & Latva, S. (2006; 2007). Let’s Play! Studies about playful learning environments. Lapin yliopiston kasvatustieteellisiä raportteja 2. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopistopaino.

In the international Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) course the students produce collaboratively written scientific article. These articles comprises a book, which will be used as a learning material next year. Here is one example: Hurme, T-R., Hyvönen, P., Weinberger, A. (2013). Motivation, metacognition and scripting in CSCL. LET

Masters’ degree programme, University of Oulu. Media education Rasi, P., Vuojärvi, H., & Hyvönen, P. (2016). Media education of adults and older adults. Teoksessa L.

Pekkala, S. Salomaa, & S. Spisak (Toim.)., Monimuotoinen mediakasvatus (pp. 198–212). Kansallisen audiovisuaalisen instituutin julkaisuja, 1/2016. (JUFO 1)

Cognitive science Lehtonen, M., Hyvönen, P. & Ruokamo, H. (2005). ”What you learn without joy, you forget without

regrets. Meaning of emotional experiences in teaching, studying and learning processes". Teoksessa E. Marjomaa & M. Marttunen (Toim.), Kognitiivisen verkkopedagogiikan erityiskysymyksiä (ss. 91–116). Joensuu: Joensuu University Press.


Vice member of the steering group of the thematic doctoral programme: Societies and changing work, 2017-2018. University of Lapland. 2017-2018.

Expert Member in the research “DIGAM” Effects of the digitalization for learning in vocational competence and education. Ministry of Education, Finland. 2016-2017.

Member of the steering group for the Teaching and education continuing training unit. University of Lapland, 2016-

Vice member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Education, University of Lapland, 2015- Member of the SUUNTAA; Osaamisen suuntaaminen –toimintamalli –group jäsen University of

Lapland, 2015- Member of the educational dean’s steering board, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu,

1.1.2010–31.7. 2015. Responsible for developing the curricula of master’s degree programmes in the faculty. Faculty of

Education, University of Oulu 2014–2015. Vice member of the steering board University teacher training school, Faculty of Education,

University of Oulu, 2014–2015. Responsible person for the Pedagogical use of ICT group, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu,

2013–2014. Member of the group for developing Research and interaction infrastructure, Faculty of Education,

University of Oulu 2012-2014. Member of the Media pedagogy steering board, University of Lapland, 2006–2007.

Page 13: Curriculum Vitae - · 06.09.2017 · I was not available for work in Finland in years 1991 and 1992 due to living in Singapore, and years 1995 and 1996 due to living

Yliopistonkatu 8 PL 122 / PO Box 122, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND puh. (016) 341 341 / tel. +358 16 341 341

Expert blogger of the topic: Playfulness and playful learning. Lappset Group, 2016-

Expert blogger of the topic: Senior citizens, playfulness, and the use of digital technologies, Lähiverkko. 2017-

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