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  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu



    24. The fifth band of a colored-banding coded capacitor indicate___A. fist digit B. number of zeros followingC. tolerance D. voltage @

    25. Carbon resistors are _____compressed graphite which is formed into small tubesA. made of @ B. made inC. made from D. made to

    UNIT 3: RADIO26. Based on the way of travel, how many kinds of radio waves ?

    A. One kind: surface or ground waveA. Two kinds: surface wave and sky waveC. Three kinds: surface or ground wave, sky wave and space wave. @D. Four kinds: surface wave, ground wave, sky wave and space wave.

    27. Surface or ground wave travels along the ground, following the ____of the earthssurface.A. curvature @ B. cultureC. line D. picture

    28. Which material (vt liu) has poor conductor?A. water B. sand @C. A&B is correct D. A&B is incorrect

    29. Poor conductors absorb surface or ground wave more ____than good conductor.A. weakly B. easilyC. strongly @ D. hardly

    30. _____ travels skywards and, if it is below a certain critical frequency (typically300MHz), is returned to earth by the ionosphere.A. surface or ground wave B. space waveC. surface or ground wave and sky wave D. sky wave @

    31. ______ consists of layers of air molecules stretching from about 80km above theearth to 500km.A. atmosphere B. troposphereC. ionosphere @ D. stratosphere

    32. VHF, UHF, and microwave signals are the _____A. space wave @ B. sky waveC. ground wave D. surface wave.

    33. When _____quickly, A cell may become hotA. discharge B. dischargedC. discharging@ D. A cell dischange

    34. The related noun(s) of the verb Absorb is/areA. absorber B. absorbtionC. absorption D. A&C are correct@

    35. The related noun of the verb conduct is/areA. conducter B. conductedC. conductivity@ D. conducty

    36. AF is the abbreviation of_____A. Audio Function B. Audition FanC. Audio Frequency@ D. Audible Food


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu



    A. data bus B. control busC. address bus@ D. processor bus

    64. What is used to change AC voltages from small to large or from large to small?A. transformer@ B. diodeC. resistor D. capacity

    65. What is used to measure very small current?

    A. voltmeter B. [email protected] D. meter

    66. What is used to check the logic level in the pins of ICs?A. VOM B. OscilloscopeC. logic probe@ D. Amp meter

    67. What is used as a part of a burglar alarm to detect movement?A. motion sensor@ B. automatic cut-offC. entry and exit relay D. battery backup

    68. What is used for the transmission of RF signal?A. detector B. radio setC. aerial @ D. receiver

    69. What is used for protecting circuits from surge in voltage?A. Diode B. Fuse@C. Resistor D. Switch

    70. What is used to master down different recordings to make a master tape?A. Microphone B. CDC. multi-track recorder D. mixer @

    71. What is used to find buried metal?A. Radio B. Radar C. detector@ D. TV

    72. What is the meaning of prefix semi-?A. haft@ B. full

    C. all D. not thing73. What is the meaning of prefix de-?A. opposite of B. reverse of the action@C. far D. across

    74. What is the meaning of prefix dis-?A. opposite of@ B. reverse of the actionC. far D. across

    75. What is the meaning of prefix tele-?A. opposite of B. reverse of the actionC. far @ D. across

    76. What is the meaning of prefix tras-?

    A. opposite of B. reverse of the actionC. far D. across @77. What is the meaning of prefix micro-?

    A. small @ B. manyC. big D. large

    78. What is the meaning of prefix multi-?A. small B. many @C. big D. large


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu



    79. _____ is the digital switching circuit.A. logic gate @ B. VOMC. delay D. CB

    80. _____ is the logic gates whose output depends on the combination of its input.A. Flip-Flop B. combinational logic@C. IC D. CMOS

    81. _____ is the number of ICs used in a computer.A. chip count@ B. count chipC. scale of integration D. BJT

    82. ___ is an indication of the number of components used in an IC.A. chip count B. count chipC. scale of integration @ D. BJT

    83. What is another name for a NOT gate?A. inventor B. converter C. inter D. inverter@

    84. What are two common families of logic ICs?A. TTL and CMOS @ B. BJT and CMOS

    C. TTL and FET D. BJT and FET85. TTL is the abbreviation of _____A. Transistor Transfer logic B. Transistor transistor LocationC. Transistor Transfer Location D. Transistor transistor Logic@

    86. CMOS is the abbreviation of _____A. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. @B. Common Metal Oxide Semiconductor.C. Complementary Means Oxide Semiconductor.D. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiresistor.

    87. VLSI is the abbreviation of _____A. Very Large Signal of Integration

    B. Very Large Scale of Integration @C. Very Long Scale of IntegrationD. Very Long Signal of Integration

    88. MSI is the abbreviation of _____A. Middle Scale of IntegrationB. Medium Scale of Integration @C. Medium Signal of IntegrationD. Middle Signal of Integration

    89. What is shown in a truth table?A. The output for all possible inputs@B. the arrangement of the gates and the function of each pin on the chip

    C. Basic gatesD. logic symbol90. Which logic gate whose output is only high when all its inputs are high?


    91. What is shown in an IC pin-out diagram?A. The output for all possible inputsB. the arrangement of the gates and the function of each pin on the chip@


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu



    104. The frequency of the oscillator is set by the _____ timing components R1,R2,and C1A. internal B. internationalC. external @ D. externally

    105. The current output of the amplifier is controlled by the resistor R3 which isconnect in _____with theLED

    A. series @ B. seryC. serial d. serially

    UNIT 7: ALARM SYSTEM106. A magnet mounted on the moving part of the window or door ______a switch

    mounted on the frame when the window or door is opened.A. trip B. trippedC. trips @ D. would trip

    107. Which devices respond to the shock of the glass being broken?A. Radios B. vibration sensors @

    C. pressure mats D. magnetic witches108. ______ are fitted under the carpet-at the bottom of the stairs.

    A. magnetic switch B. break detector C. pressure mats @ D. motion sensor

    109. Why should pressure mats be regularly tested and replaced if necessary?A. Because theyre constantly being walked on @B. Because they arent constantly being walked onC. Because they are easy to be brokenD. another reason

    110. Motion sensors may use passive infra-red, ultrasonic or microwave energy todetect _____within their range

    A. sound B. lightC. heat D. movement @

    111. When light falls on the LDR, its resistance ___A. decreases @ B. decreaseC. increases D. increase

    112. The transistor switches between cut-off and ____as the input resistance changes.A. cut-on B. cut-outC. saturation @ D. interference

    113. A diode is connected in reverse bias across the relay to prevent large back ___A. EMF B. FMEC. electromotive force D. A and C are correct @

    114. ___material is easily magnetized and demagnetizedA. magnetic B. FerricC. Ferromagnetic @ D. iron

    115. The envelope contains____, which helps to prevent corrosion of the contacts.A. nitrogen @ B. hydrogenC. oxygen B. water

    116. You wont set off the alarm when leaving or returning to the house. This is the _____ feature of alarm system


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  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu



    129. Metals are ____.A. semiconductors B. not conductorsC. conductors@ D. liquid

    130. A coin buried horizontally is ________ to detect than the same coin buriedvertically.A. harder B. easier @

    C. more harder D. more easy131. When an AC voltage is applied to the search coil, a ____field is produce

    A. magnetic @ B. electronicC. electrical D. electric

    132. The __ voltage is converted into audible note by the circuitry in the control box.A. inducing B. induced @B. be induced D. be inducing

    133. A microphone may be used to ___ soundA. detect @ B. induceC. generate D. make

    134. Electrical pulsed are fist ____at a frequency in the upper audio range by the

    audio oscillator.A. generated @ B. inducedC. detected D. generating

    135. The oscillator ____ pulses at a fixed frequency of 32 786 HzA. generate B. generates @C. induce D. induced

    136. What is used to convert digital signal into analogue signal?A. DAC converter @ B. ADC converter.C. DCA converter D. ACD converter

    137. What is used to convert analogue signal into digital signal?A. DAC converter B. ADC converter @

    C. DCA converter D. ACD converter 138. What is used to convert AC into DC?A. rectifier @ B. ADC converterC. transformer D. relay

    139. What is used to convert electronic pulse into infra-red pulse?A. LED @ B. LDRC. LCD D. relay

    140. special detectors are used in at airport to screen passengers for ___weapon (vkh)A. conceal B. concealed (n du) @C. concealing D. be concealed

    UNIT 9: CAREERS IN ELECTRONICS141. We are now ____the midst of the technological evolution which started with the

    introduction of the micro chip in the 1970s.A. at B. in@C. on D. into

    142. More and _____electronic goods are being sold, especially computers, radiotelephones, and leisure products.


  • 7/30/2019 decuong_avcn_dientu


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