  • 1. LEAN UX Designing Culture Kazumichi Sakata (@mariosakata) | #LeanUXja | Mar. 6th 2014

2. 1 Concent 3. 2IT is a rapidlychanging business IT 4. 3Do not lose thecore essence at the path ahead iStockphoto LP 2013 5. 4We need to be one Yahoo!, and that starts with physically being together. - Merissa Mayer Chip Somodevilla via getty images 6. 5 andrewarchy via Compght cc 7. 6What is coporate culture and why should you care? Kosuke Kato 8. 7Lean UX Mindset kenteedardin via Compght cc 9. 18Building the right it before building it right. 10. 9Removing waste as atotal outcome; not a result iStockphoto LP 2013 11. 210Problem denition than Problem solving 12. 11Are you or your teamsolving the right problem? iStockphoto LP 2013 13. 3Collaborative, Transparent, and Demystify. 12 14. Agility through 13Cross-Functional Collaboration iStockphoto LP 2013 15. 14Lean UX is anEngine of Learning Lean UX iStockphoto LP 2013 16. 15Learn from your mates and customers Kazumichi Sakata 17. C-P-S Hypothesis 16ProblemCustomerSolution iStockphoto LP 2013 18. 17 Livesense, Inc. 19. 18No more of this iStockphoto LP 2013 20. 19THIS! Kazumichi Sakata 21. 20Now, break out yourbusiness silowith Lean UXLean UX iStockphoto LP 2013 22. Thank You Kazumichi Sakata @mariosakata

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