Download - ECDA진단방법

  • ECDA 2005. 3. 29.


  • ILI


    PIAM feed-back

  • 1995-2002 DCVG

  • DCVG DCVG . .

    DCVG IP , .


    (m)Metal loss (mm)DCVGCIPSDepth(%)1-412.6421329( )- 26029.31186859 3-8115.7--- 49751.9999859 5-13049.82213222--- 615010.38851858 -- 715129.014018042 --817341.751623 ()-9-23991.016814127 10-42384.936932534 11-24007.023444436

  • and/or/ /

  • Piggable line: ILI Unpiggable line: DCVG

    ILI ECDA(External Corrosion Direct Assessment) KOGAS-ECDA 2005

  • KOGAS () /

  • ()- 2- CIS ?OFF -850-950 PIAM %IR > 16% ?
  • DCVG

    CIPS ( 15-20 m 2~3 m ) ILI/ECDA

    OFF : -850mV / : -950 mVcf. SRB : -950mV () : -1700mV (On, TGC)

  • 2 ON/OFF 1 ON 1

    CIS : ECDA

    ( )

  • ECDA , , -, - (2005. 3. )


  • KOGAS Pipeline

    (km) (km) 10 kg/cm220 kg/cm250 kg/cm270 kg/cm2 561231842,0722,435ILI -941841,6561,934ILI 56(100%)29(23.5%)0(0%)416(20.0%)501(20.5%)ILI -(0%)79(64.2%)165(89.7%)906(43.7%)1,150(47.2%)(98km)

  • Unpiggable Lines in KOGAS

    (Inch) (km) -20121987-20231988-20132000-20101992 -20191993-20121993-20201995-30531998-30691999 -30341999-30192000-30191997-30982002-30792002

  • ILI (GRI-02/0087) 33% ILI (2002)

    75% ILI 40 ( )

    25% unpiggableILI ECDA . (25% + (42%))

  • Pressure Test

    In Line Inspection (ILI-MFL)

    Direct Assessment (DA)


  • ILI-MFL ()T. Morrison et al, IPC 2000ILI-MFL ILI .

  • ILI-MFL 10% , 80% 5 10% 50% reasonable, 50%

    . (threshold value) .

  • ECDA (External Corrosion Direct Assessment) (CP) , , / /

    knowhow: : (external corrosion) (pre-assessment), (indirect inspection), (direct examination), (post assessment) 4

  • ECDA ///Guideline49CFR192.923 - 931 ( )

    ASME B31.8S Section 6.4ASME B31.8S Appendix B2 & A3

    NACE RP0502 (Methodology)Shall/MustShould Statements

    GTI 04/0071 (Implementation Protocol)

  • ECDA () NACE RP0502 , , ,


  • (INDIRECT INSPECTION)ECDA Implementation Protocol, GTI 04/0071, Gas Technology Institute (2004)

  • CIS (25 ft to 5 ft)5 ft interval25 ft interval


    % IR

    5 ft interval25 ft interval

  • DCVG - %iR5 ft interval25 ft interval

  • DCVG - %iR5 ft interval25 ft interval

  • CP On/Off CIS (ECDA Step 2) (ECDA Step 3) corrosion active/passive .. . . . pH .

  • CASE 1: Active corrosionCASE 2: Passive corrosionOFF

  • (, off) ( , cm) 40cm ( ) .

  • active/passive corrosion

  • (RP0502, GTI-04/0071)

  • - (CIS)

  • DIRECT EXAMINATION (urgency of excavation) (Immediate action required) (Schedule for action required)(Suitable for monitoring)

    / feedback

  • Taken from NACE RP0502 Table 4

  • ()

    1: CIS + CI(P)SSevereModerateMinorNI(cm)< 3,000I*S*S*M*3,000 7,000I*S*M*M*7,000 20,000I*S*M*NI*> 20,000S*M*M*NI*

  • KOGAS / pH


  • FOR:SM (safety margin) = 0.6GR () = 10 mil/yT () = 0.330 1/2 ECDA !!!

  • Maximum pit depth/burial time 0.4 mm/y*10.3 mm/y at least 40mV CP

    LPR measurement (ASTM G59) + pitting indexCorrosion coupon*1. Upper 80% confidence level of maximum pitting rates for long term (up to 17y) underground corrosion tests of bare pipe coupons without CP in a variety of soils including native and non-native backfill.

  • ECDA ()Selection CriteriaIdentified by Risk Management ProgramPrimary Threat External CorrosionNot piggable8 OD changes10 plug valves

  • ECDA ()20 mile section in study area24-34 inch, 400# MAOP, 20 to 40% SMYS, 1944 HAA, 1974 Tape13 Integrity Management Areas (IMAs)6300 under streets, 6000 under concrete, 4950 under soil, 2300 in paved parking, 2150 in backyards

  • EXAMPLE Result of ClassificationGood alignment between techniquesCP was protecting poorly coated section of pipeResults appear rational

  • EXAMPLE Poor Condition

  • EXAMPLE Excavation dataData ElementDig 1Dig 2ECDA Region132-1132-2Coating TypeWrapHAAPipe-to-Soil (mV)-1051-971Soil Resistivity 684684Coating Condition Partially Disbonded Partially DisbondedLiquid underneath coatingYesYesSoil pH5.56.0Pipe pH7.48.0CorrosionNoYesPit Depth (inches)0.015 to 0.031

  • EXAMPLE Corrosion Morphology

  • ILI/ECDA () GTI 04/0071


    .DCVG ECDA .

    ECDA , , feedback

  • - ECDA , , , 2 feedback


    ECDA (-, -) NACE RP0502 , .

    . . ILI , , . ILI / , / . . ., . . ILI . 2 ., ILI ILI . , ILI . PIAM( ) . , , . , , . . ILI / . , 90 . . ILI piggability . .

    ILI ECDA( ) . KOGAS ECDA . 05 .

    . .

    . .DCVG , ILI .CIPS 15~20m . -850 mV , - 950mV . EDCA .ECDA , , , . NACE , . ECDA . CIS DCVG DCVG . . -850mV ., . ., . , . , pH , .

    . , , . , . . .ECDA DCVG DCVG . ECDA . . DCVG , ECDA , . . DCVG ECDA .

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