Download - ETC 2013 LISTS

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team Russia

    Evgeny Kovrov (C), DwarfsDwarf Lord on Shieldbearers: General, Great Weapon, Gromril Armor, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Resistance,Rune of Stone, Rune of Furnace, !

    Runelord: Gromril Armor, Anvil of Doom, Rune of Spellbrea"in#, Rune of Spellbrea"in#, $!%&hane: 'S', Great Weapon, Gromril Armor, (aster Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, )**

    (aster +n#ineer, Great Weapon, Gromril Armor, Rune of Stone, -Dra#on Rune of Fire, %%

    $/ Lon#beards: F0G, Great Weapon, 1eav. Armor, Ancestor Rune, Rune of Determination, **%)/ &hunderers: (usician, Shield, )%%

    2 1ammerers: F0G, (aster Rune of Grun#ni, *)!) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer, Rune of Accurac., Rune of Penetratin#, Rune of Penetratin#, )/

    ) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer, Rune of 'urnin#, Rune of Accurac., Rune of Penetratin#, )%/) 0annon: +n#ineer, Rune of For#in#, )*/

    % (iners: %%&otal: *//

    Sergey Kovrov, Dark ElvesSupreme Sorcerer: General, Level *, Death, Dar"star 0loa", 3ull &alisman, $)%

    Supreme Sorceress: Level *, 45tal, Dispell Scroll, 2%Death 1a# on 0auldron of 'lood: //

    (aster: 'S', Soulrender, Armor of Dar"ness, Luc"stone, )%/$6 ) Assassin: A1W, (anban5, Rune of 7haine, )*!

    8 % 1arpies: %%

    )/ Repeater 0rossbowmen: (usician, Shield, ))%)/ Repeater 0rossbowmen, (usician, 0hampion, Shield, )/

    $% 'lac" Ar" 0orsairs: F0G, Standard of Discipline, $-/) 0old 9ne 0hariot: )//

    ) War 1.dra: )%&otal: $-2

    Dmitry Korovin, Skaven

    Gre. Seer on Screamin# 'ell: General, Level *, Fencers 'lades, Sceptre of Stabilit., Warpstone &o"en,Dra#onbane Gem, S"alm, %*/

    Assassin: Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/0hieftain: 'attle Standard, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 'anner of ;erminous, 2

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Warp

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Anton Saturin, !i"ardmenSlann (a#eroncurse >con, $/%

    Slann (a#e

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team $elgium

    Alex Touet (C), DwarfsDwarf Lord on Shieldbearers: General, Shield, (aster Rune of Spite, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Resistance, 6Rune of 0leavin#, -2

    Runelord: Great Weapon, Shield, (aster Rune of 'alance, 6 Rune of Spellbrea"in#, Rune of Preservation, Rune ofResistance, Rune of Stone, -*

    &hane: 'S', (aster Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, (aster Rune of 0hallen#e, )!%(aster +n#ineer: Dwarf 1and#un, 2/

    6 uarrellers: Standard, (usician, Great Weapon, $/)) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer: Dwarf 1and#un, Rune of Accurac., 6 Rune of Penetratin#, )%

    ) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer: Dwarf 1and#un, Rune of Accurac., Rune of 'urnin#, Rune of Penetratin#, )%%) 0annon: Rune of For#in#, )%

    * 1ammerers: Standard, (usician, Shield, (aster Rune of Gru#ni, $2/) 9r#an Gun: )/

    &otal: $-*

    Alexandre aumann, &am#ire Counts;ampire Lord: General, Level ), ;ampires, 1orror, Red Fur., Sword of Swift, Armour of Silvered

    Steel, Dawn Stone, $-%

    (aster 3ecromancer: Level *, ;ampires, Dra#onbane Gem, /%3ecromancer: Level , ;ampires, Dispel Scroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, )%/

    &omb 'anshee: -%&omb 'anshee: -%

    */ Ghouls: Ghast, *)/

    % Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf, %/* @ombies: (usician,

    * @ombies: (usician, 6 - 1orrors: 1aunter, $%

    ) Spirit 1osts: *%$6 Fell 'ats: $

    &otal: $--

    St#ane Derdi, $eastmenGreat 'ra. Shaman: General, Level *, 'east, Additional 1and Weapon, S"ull of Rar"os, Dra#onbane Gem, $/*

    Doombull: 1eav. Armour, Shield, Gnarled 1ide, Bncann. Senses, Dawn Stone, &he 9ther &ric"sters Shard, Swordof Swift, Dra#onhelm, $%$

    War#or: 'S', Shield, 1eav. Armour, Standard of Discipline, )$)'ra. Shaman: Level , 'east, Additional 1and Weapon, 9bsidian Amulet, 1a#tree Fetish, )!

    'ra. Shaman: Level , 'east, Additional 1and Weapon, 1erdstone Shard, )!'ra. Shaman: Level , 'east, Additional 1and Weapon, Dispel Scroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, )!

    %/ Gors: F0G, Additional 1and Weapon, *%

    $/ Gors: Standard, (usician, Additional 1and Weapon, %%$$ 'esti#ors: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, **)

    6 ) Ra=or#or: %%

    6 % 1arpies: Scout,

    % 1arpies: %%&otal: //

    *ran+ois &andersande, $retonnia'retonnian Lord on Pe#asus: General, ;irtue of 1eroism, Shield, Sword of Swift, Gromril Great

    1elm, Dra#onbane Gem, !$Prophetess of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level *, Life, Dispel Scroll, 0rown of 0ommand, $//

    Paladin on 'arded Warhorse: 'S', Shield, (ornin# Star, Dra#onhelm, Dawn Stone, ))$Damsel of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level ), 'east, Silver (irror, )/

    )/ Peason 'owmen: (usician, !%)/ Peason 'owmen: !/

    )) 7ni#hts of the Realm: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, $/$)) 7ni#hts +rrant: F0G, Lichebone Standard, %!

    $6 $ Pe#asus 7ni#hts: *-%) &rebuchet: -/

    2 Grail 7ni#hts: Standard, 'anner of the +ternal Flame, $$*

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $--

    eoffrey Dutranoit, ig ElvesArchma#e: General, Level *, Fire, 'oo" of 1oeth, %

    Archma#e: Level *, Death, Power Scroll, %%3oble: 'S', 1alberd, Armour of 0aledor, )*

    $6 )/ Archers: (usician, ))/

    ) Spearmen: (usician, Standard, Standard of Discipline, )*$6 % +ll.rian Reavers: 'ow Cswap, (usician, -%% +ll.rian Reavers: (usician, -/

    - White Lions of 0hrace: (usician, Standard, 'anner of the World Dra#on, **6 ) Great +a#le: %/

    *6 ) 'olt &hrower: /

    6 % Sisters of Avelorn: )*/

    &otal: $-

    Allan -a./Cord, Tom0 KingsLiche 1i#h Priest: General, (a#ic Level *, Li#ht, Sceptre of Stabilit., >roncurse >con, $/

    Liche 1i#h Priest: 1ierophant, (a#ic Level *, 3ehe"hara, Dispel Scroll, Dra#onbane Gem, */Liche Priest: Level ), Li#ht, /

    / S"eleton Warriors: Standard, 0hampion, )//$6 / S"eleton Archers: 0hampion, )$/

    6 % S"eleton 1orse Archers: 0hampion, 2/) Warsphin6: Fier. Roar, $/

    * 3ecropolis 7ni#hts: Standard, 0hampion, 2/$/ &omb Guard: Standard, 0hampion, 1alberd, *)/

    ) 0as"et of Souls: )$%) 1ierotitan: )%

    6 ) Screamin# S"ull 0atapult: -/&otal: !//

    Ra#a1l Sta0ellini, Dark ElvesSupreme Sorceress: General, (a#ic Level *, Shadow, Seal of Ghrond, Sacrificial Da##er, $)%

    (aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Shield, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Sword of (i#ht, Pendant of 7haeleth,)%

    (aster on Dar" Pe#asus: Lance, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 0loa" of 1a# Graef, Dawn Stone, )-/

    Sorceress: Level ), Fire, Pearl of >nfinite 'lea"ness, Dispel Scroll, )%/$) 'lac" Ar" 0orsairs: F0G, Sea Serpent Standard, $!/

    $! Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, Standard of Discipline, *!6 % 1arpies: ))/

    )/ 0old 9ne 7ni#hts: Standard, (usician, 'anner of (urder, $)-6 Shades: ))

    ! Shades: -!) War 1.dra: )%

    &otal: *//

    2ulien Smal, 3gre Kingdoms&.rant: General, Great Weapon, Armour of Destin., 0rown of 0ommand, Dra#onbane Gem, $)

    'ruiser: 'S', Great Weapon, &alisman of Preservation, >roncurse >con, )-)'utcher: Level , Great (aw, Dispel Scroll, &ormentor Sword, )!%

    'utcher: Level , 'east, Warrior 'ane, )*/ >ron#uts: F0G, Loo"ron#uts: (usician, !2* (ournfan# 0avalr.: (usician, Standard, >ronfist, 1eav. Armour, Dra#onhide 'anner, $%/

    * (ournfan# 0avalr.: (usician, >ronfist, 1eav. Armour, -/

    $6 ) Sabretus" Pac": )% (aneaters: (usician, %6 Additional 1and Weapons, >mmune to Ps.cholo#., Scouts, /

    &otal: *//

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team 4eterlands

    Alex Roos (C)

    Edwin de &ries, %arriors of .aosSorcerer lord on Disc of &=eentch: Level *, &=eentch, 0haos Familiar, &alisman of Preservation, +nchanted Shield,Warrior 'ane, $-%

    +6alted hero on 'arded Deamonic (ount: General, &=eentch, GW, &alisman of +ndurance, Dra#onhelm, &hird +.eof &=eentch, !

    +6alted hero on 'arded Deamonic (ount: 'S', &=eentch, GW, Armour of Destin., Scaled S"in, ))/ 0haos Warriors of Slaanesh: Shields, (usician, )/

    $6 ) 0hariot of Slaanesh, ))%% Warhounds: ;an#uard, */

    ! Warhounds: ;an#uard, *2$6 ) Gorebeast 0hariot of 3ur#le: )*/

    ) 0himera: Re#eneratin# Flesh, Flamin# 'reath, %) 1ellcanon, )/

    &otal: *//

    $art Ri5k, !i"ardmen

    Slann (a#eroncurse >con, $)/Slann (a#enferal Guard: Great Weapons, F0G, *$6 / 1ob#oblin 0utthroats, Shield, (usician, )22

    ) >ron Daemon War +n#ine: 1ellbound, $)/

    ) Deathshrie"er Roc"et Launcher: )//

    ) 1ellcannon: )/&otal: *//

    Sander odes, 3r.s and o0lins'lac" 9rc Warboss: General, 0rown of 0ommand, &alisman of +ndurance, Sword of Antiheros, +nchanted Shield,

    !/Sava#e 9rc Great Shaman: Level *, 'i# Waa#h, Luc". Shrun"en 1ead, 9bsidian Loadstone, $//

    Sava#e 9rc Shaman: Level , 'i# Waa#h, Dispell Scroll, )$/Sava#e 9rc 'i# 'oss: 'S', GW, Armour of Silvered Steel, Luc"stone, )%*

    Goblin 'i# 'oss: LA, Giant Wolf, Dra#onbane #em, Warrior 'ane, Potion of Foolhardiness, !*$! Sava#e 9rcs 'i# Bns: F0G, E1W, *$)

    6 / 3i#ht Goblins: (usician, 'ows, Fanatics, */! &rolls: )/

    6 ) &roll: /6 ) Wolf 0hariot: )//

    6 ) 'oar 0hariot: +6tra 0rew, -/

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    6 ) (an#ler S?ui#s: !%6 ) Doom Diver: 2/

    6 ) Roc" Lobber: 2%&otal: %--

    Reinier ouverneur, 3gre KingdomsSlau#htermaster: General, Level *, Death, GW, Gruts Sic"le, Armour of Destin., $-%

    'ruiser: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Loo"out Gnoblar, &alisman of Preservation, Warrior 'ane, )2-'utcher: Level ), Great (aw, GW, 1ellhearth, )%-- >ron#uts: F0G, *)

    * 9r#res: (usican, A1W, )$*)/ Gnoblars: (usican, $%

    )/ Gnoblars: %

    $ (ourfan# 0avalr.: Standard, (usican, 1eav. Armour, >ron Fist, Gleamin# Pendant, $%

    $ (ournfan# 0avalr.: (usican, 1eav. Armour, >ron Fist, / (ournfan# 0avalr.: (usican, 1eav. Armour, >ron Fist, )%/

    ) Sabretus" Pac": )) >ronblaster: )/

    ) Stonehorn: %/&otal: *//

    Ral# van Cal.k, Daemons of CaosGreat Bnclean 9ne: General, Level *, Death, +6alted Gift, %%%1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Locus of Fecundit., )!/

    $) Pla#uebearers, F0, banner of swiftness, **2) 1orrors of &=eentch: (usican, )!!

    6 % Furies of 3ur#le: /! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/

    6 ) 'easts of 3ur#le: !/) Soul#rinder of 3ur#le: Daemonbone 0law, Phle#m 'ombardment: $)%

    ) S"ull 0annon of 7horne: )$%&otal: $--

    2a.6ues van der 'uil, &am#ire Counts;ampire Lord: General, Level *, ;ampires, Red Fur., 1orror, 1eav. armour, Sword of Stri"in#, 0harmedShield, &alisman of Preservation, Potion of Stren#th, Scroll of Shieldin#, %))

    3ecromancer: Death, Level , )//3ecromancer: ;ampire, Level ), Dispel Scroll, -/

    $* Ghouls: 0hampion, $%/6 / @ombies: (usician, !%

    $6 % Dire Wolves: */6 1e6wraiths: 0hampion, /

    6 * ;ar#heists: 0hampion, )-*) Spirit 1osts: *%

    ) &error#heist: %&otal: $--

    Alexander *ren"el, Dark ElvesDreadLord on 0old 9ne: General, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 0loa" of 1a# Graef, &alisman of Preservation, Whip ofA#on., *

    Supreme Sorceress: Level *, Death, Lifeta"er, Sacrificial Da##er, $)%(aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Great Weapon, Dra#onhelm, Pendant of

    7haeleth, )(aster on Dar" Pe#asus: Sea Dra#on 0loa", Shield, Armour of +ternal Servitude, Dra#on 'ane Gem, 'itin# 'lade,


    Sorceress: Level , Fire, Dispel Scroll, )!/$ Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, Standard of Discipline,

    )% Dar" +lf Repeater 0rossbowmen: (usician, 0hampion, )!/

    6 % Dar" Riders: Repeater 0rossbows, ))/

    6 % 1arpies: %%6 % Shades: ahw, 2%6 ) Dar" +lf 0hariot: )//

    ) Warh.dra: )%

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $--

    Team7 4ew 8ealand

    Cris %ill.ox (C)

    Simon Turner, $eastmenGreater 'ra. Shaman: General, Level *, 'easts, &alisman of Preservation, 1a#tree Fetish, 0rown of 0ommand, $$%

    Greater 'ra. Shaman: Level *, Wild, Shard of the 1erdstone, Staff of Dar"oth, $$%War#or: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Shield, Gnarled 1ide, 'east 'anner, /!

    'ra. Shaman: Level ), Shadows, Dispel Scroll, )//* Gor: (usician, Standard 'earer, +6tra 1and Weapons, $-)

    $6 % Bn#or Raiders: $/- Bn#or Raiders: %*

    6 ) &us"#or chariot: 2/ 'esti#ors: F0G, 'anner of Discipline, $!-

    2 Ra=or#ors: **/6) Ra=or#or: %%

    6 % 1arpies: %%&otal: //

    David -ea.en, Daemons of CaosGreat Bnclean 9ne: General, Level *, Death, +6alted Gift, Lesser Gift, %2/

    1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Greater Locus of Fecundit., )!/$) Pla#uebearers of 3ur#le: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, **2

    )) 1orrors of &=eentch: (usician, )%$

    6 % 0haos Furies: !/6 ) 'east of 3ur#le: !/

    ! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/% Pla#ue Drones of 3ur#le: Standard 'earer, Pla#ue Probosics, 'anner of the +ternal Flame, $/

    ) S"ull 0annon of 7horne: )$%&otal: $-!

    -i.ael Stewart, Te Em#ire

    Arch Lector on War Altar: General, Armour of Destin., Shield, $/*'attle Wi=ard Lord: Level *, Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, %

    0aptain of the +mpire: 'S', &alisman of Preservation, Full Plate Armour, Shield, )$2Warrior Priest on 'arded Warhorse: &he White 0loa" of Blric, 1eav. armour, Shield, )$%

    0aptain of the +mpire on 'arded Warhorse: Full Plate Armour, Shield, 9#re 'lade, )*'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, !%

    )/ 7ni#htl. 9rders: F0G, >nner 0ircle, Steel Standard, $)%$2 1alberdiers: F0G, %2

    D): 2 Archers, %!

    D: 2 Archers, %!6 * 7ni#hts: (usician, *

    6 ) Great 0annon: )/

    &otal: *//

    -ark Audley, $retonnia'retonnian Lord on Pe#asus: General, uestin# ;ow, ;irtue of 1eroism, 0harmed Shield, Sword of Swift, >nsi#nia of the uest, Prophetess of the Lad. on 'retonnian Warhorse: Level *, 1eavens, Dispel Scroll, 0rown of 0ommand, $//

    Paladin on 'arded 'retonnian Warhorse: 'S', Shrie"in# 'lade, Gromril Great 1elm, ))*Paladin on Pe#asus: Shield, Dra#onhelm, W.rmlance, Gauntlet of the Dual, )%

    Damsel of the Lad. on 'retonnian Warhorse: Level ), 'easts, Silver (irror, )/6 % 7ni#hts of the Realm: 0hampion, )/

    2 7ni#hts of the Realm: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, $)2 7ni#hts of the Realm: F0G, Standard of Discipline, $)

    )/ Peasant 'owmen: 'ra=ier, !%6 $ Pe#asus 7ni#hts: 0hampion, )!%

    6 % (ounted eomen: (usician, 26 ) Field &rebuchet: -/

    &otal: $--

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    2ames um#ries, %arriors of CaosSorcerer Lord on 'arded Daemonic (ount: General, Level *, &=eentch, (ar" of &=eentch, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse

    >con, Warrior 'ane, Armour of Destin., 9bsidian &rin"et, Scaled S"in, *%%+6alted 1ero on 'arded Daemonic (ount: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, Great Weapon, 0harmed Shield, &alisman of

    Preservation, %)

    $6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%6 % 0haos Warhounds: ;an#uard, */)/ 0haos Warhounds: !/

    6 % (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, avelin, 2/6 2 0haos &rolls: 2/

    6 $ S"ullcrushers of 7horne: +nsorcelled Weapons, (usician, **

    &otal: $--

    Tim 2oss, !egion of A"gor Caos DwarfsSorcerer Prophet on 'ale &aurus: General, Level *, Death, 0harmed Shield, +arthin# Rod, &alisman ofPreservation, !//

    'ull 0entaur &aurHru": GW, 'lac"shard Armour, Dawnstone, Dra#onhelm, &he other &ric"ster Shard, $%Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Level , Fire, Dispel Scroll, +nchanted Shield, )!/

    1ob#oblin 7han on Giant Wolf: Spear, Li#ht Armour, %21ob#oblin 7han on Giant Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Sword of Stri"in#, !-

    / 1ob#oblin 0uttthroats: (usician, 'ows, )/*/ 1ob#oblin 0uttthroats: (usician, 'ows, Shields, ))*

    $/ 0haos Dwarf >nfernal Guard: (usician, Standard 'earer, Gleamin# Pendant, $2%$ 'ull 0entaur Renders: (usician, Shields, )*/

    ) 1ellcannon: )/) 7HDaai $%

    &otal: *//

    aig -.!isky, 3r.s and o0lins'lac" 9rc Warboss: General, 'ashas A6e of Stunt. Smashin, +nchanted Shield, &alisman of +ndurance, &he 9ther

    &ric"sters Shard, !/

    Sava#e 9rc Great Shaman: Level *, 'i# Waaar#hI, Fencers 'lades, Luc". Shrun"en 1ead, Dra#onbane Gem, -%'lac" 9rc 'i# 'oss: 'S', Shield, Armour of Fortune, )%

    3i#ht Goblin Shaman: Level ), Little Waaar#hI, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse >con, 2/

    3i#ht Goblin Shaman: Level ), Little Waaar#hI, 9bsidian &rin"et, !%Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: Short 'ow, Li#ht Armour, Shield, Shrie"in# 'lade, Dra#onhelm, $

    - Sava#e 9rc 'i#Bns: F0G, 'i# Bns, +6tra 1and Weapons, $%*% Goblin Wolf Riders: (usician, Standard 'earer, Short 'ow, Spear, Li#ht Armour, Shield, 2%

    )/ 9rc Arrer 'o.=: /* 3i#ht Goblins: (usician, Standard 'earer, Shields, 6 Fanatics, )*

    )- 'lac" 9rcs: F0G, Shields, Standard of Discipline, -6 ) Goblin Wolf 0hariot: %/

    6 ) 'oar 0hariot: 2%) Goblin Spear 0hu""a: $%

    6 ) Goblin Doom Diver 0atapult: 2/) Goblin Roc" Lobber: 2%

    6 ) (an#ler S?ui#: !%) Snotlin# Pump Wa#on: *%

    &otal: %-2

    -al 'atel, !i"ardmenSlann (a#e Priest: General, 'S', Level *, (etal, Soul of Stone, Focused Rumination, 'anner of Discipline, Divine

    Pla?ue of Protection, Scroll of Shieldin#, Aura of uet=l, *%/

    Scar ;eteran on 0old

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $-*

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team Sweden

    am#us $erg (C)

    Dennis 'almkvist, ig ElvesLoremaster of 1oeth: General, Level , 1eav. Armour, Great weapon, +arthin# Rod, Sword of Antinner 0ircle: F0G, Steel Standard, **/)$ Archers: )!)

    D): % Archers $%

    D: % Archers $%

    ! 7ni#hts: (usician $%26 ) Great 0annon: )/) 1elblaster ;olle. Gun: )/

    ) Steam &an": %/$-2

    Cristian %enn0erg, %arriors of CaosDaemon Prince: General, (ar" of 3ur#le, Daemonic Fli#ht, Scaled S"in, 0haos Armour, Dra#onbane Gem,Warrior bane, 0harmed Shield, $*/

    Sorcerer Lord: Level $, Death, 0haos Armour, Dispel Scroll, !/+6alted 1ero on 'arded Daemonic (ount: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, &hird +.e of &=eentch, 0haos Armour, Great

    Weapon, Dra#onhelm, &alisman of +ndurance, %)0haos Sorcerer on Disc of &=eentch: Level , &=eentch, (ar" of &=eentch, 0haos Armour, &alisman of

    Preservation, +nchanted Shield, 0haos Familiar, !%) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%

    6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of 3ur#le, )%

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    )) 0haos (arauders: (usician, (ar" of Slaanesh, 26 % (aurader 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, %

    ) Gorebeast 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, )$%* S"ullcrushers of 7horne: (usician, Standard, +nsorcelled Weapons, Gleamin# Pendant, $$

    ) 1ellcannon: )/&otal: *//

    Anders ustavsson, !i"ardmenSlann (a#e

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: *//

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team Singa#ore

    !am Coon &oon (C)

    2ared !aw, %arriors of CaosDaemon Prince: General, Daemon of 3ur#le, Scaled S"in, 3ur#les Rot, Soul Feeder, 0haos Armour, 0harmed

    Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, 'itin# 'lade, $%

    Daemon Prince: Daemon of 3ur#le, 0haos Armour, +nchanted Shield, Warrior 'ane, %+6alted 1ero on u##ernaut of 7horne: 'S', (ar" of 7horne, Great Weapon, &alisman of Preservation, %)

    0haos Sorcerer on 'arded Daemonic (ount: Level , Slaanesh, (ar" of Slaanesh, Dra#onhelm, Dispel Scroll, 9palAmulet, %/

    $6 % (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, Flail, 2%$6 0haos 0hariots: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%

    Gorebeast 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, )$%* S"ullcrushers of 7horne: F0G, Lances, 'anner of Swiftness, $%$

    ) 1ellcannon: )/&otal: $--

    2ustin 'ua, Daemons of CaosGreat Bnclean 9ne: General, Level *, Death, Greater Gift, 6 Lesser Gift, %2/1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Level ), Death, Greater Locus of Fecundit., )-%

    6 )/ Pin" 1orrors: )$/$ Pla#uebearers of 3ur#le: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, $**

    6 % 0haos Furies: Daemons of 3ur#le, /! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/

    6 ) 'easts of 3ur#le: !/* Pla#ue Drones of 3ur#le: Standard, 0hampion, Pla#ue Proboscis, !/

    ) S"ull 0annon of 7horne: )$%&otal: $-*

    Slur#y Tan, SkavenGre. Seer: General, Level *, Pla#ueJRuin, Power Scroll, Foul Pendant, $/%

    Warlord: Shield, Fellblade, )-$0hieftain: 'S', Shield, Standard of Discipline, 20hieftain: 1alberd, 9bsidian Lodestone, -

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Ruin, Dispel Scroll, )%Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Ruin, Doomroc"et, -%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: )%Assassin: Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/

    */ Stormvermin: F0G, Storm 'anner, $%%$6 $2 S"avenslaves: 0hampion, (usician, 2

    6 % Giant Rats and ) Pac"master: $6 % Gutter Runners: Slin#s, Poisoned Attac"s, -/

    ) Warp Li#htnin# 0annon: -/) 1ell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spi"es, %/

    ) Doomwheel: )%/&otal: $--

    David %ong, Caos DwarfsSorcererroncurse>con, $2/

    >nfernal 0astellan: 'S', Shield, (as" of the Furnance, )-Daemonsmith Sorceror: Level ), Fire, 0harmed Shield, )//

    1ob#oblin 7han on Giant Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, Warrior 'ane, !!'ull 0entaur &aurru": 'lac"shard Armour, Great Weapon, Dra#onhelm, Dawnstone, /

    ! >nfernal Guard: F0G, Great Weapons, Deathmas": Pistol, 'anner of Swiftness, *$-6 / 1ob#oblin 0utthroats: (usician, 'ows, )/*

    $ 'ull 0entaur Renders: (usician, Great Weapons, )%%

    ) Deathshrie"er Roc"et Launcher: )//) 1ellcannon: )/) 7daai $%

    &otal: *//

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    2on %ang, $retonnia'retonnian Lord on 'arded Warhorse: ;irtue of 1eroism, 1eartwood Lance, Armour of A#ilulf, $)

    Prophetess on Warhorse: Level *, Life, &he Silver (irror, 0rown of 0ommand, $)%Paladin on 'arded Warhorse: 'S', Shield, W.rmlance, Gromril Great 1elm, )!

    Paladin on 'arded Warhorse: +nchanted Shield, Sword of Anti

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $-2

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team C"e. Re#u0li.

    2an 9ern: (C)3nd;e5 -:tina, !i"ardmenSlann (a#e

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS



  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team %ales

    -att ?eo (C), 3r.s and o0lins'lac" 9rc Warboss: General, Shield, &alisman of Preservation, Dra#onhelm, 0rown of 0ommand, %$Sava#e 9rc Great Shaman: Level *, 'i# Waa#hI, Luc". Shrun"en 1ead, 9bsidian Lodestone, $//

    Sava#e 9rc 'i# 'oss: 'S', Great Weapon, Standard of Discipline, ))-3i#ht Goblin Shaman: Level , Little Waa#hI, Dispel Scroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, )$%

    Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: li#ht armour, Shield, Warrior 'ane, Dra#onbane Gem, Potion of Foolhardiness, !!Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: li#ht armour, Shield, Shrie"in# 'lade, !)

    Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: li#ht armour, Spear, 0harmed Shield, %!Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: li#ht armour, *-

    $% Sava#e 9rcs: F0G, 'i# Bns, Additional 1and Weapon, */6 / 3i#ht Goblins: (usician, Short 'ows, Fanatics, )/

    ) &rolls: */6 ) Doom Diver: 2/

    6 ) Roc" Lobber: 'ull., -%6 ) (an#ler S?ui#: !%

    &otal: %--

    Andrew !ewis, !i"ardmen

    Slann (a#e Priest: General, 'S', Level *, (etal, Soul of Stone, $//Slann (a#e Priest: Level *, 1eavens, Focused Rumination, Pla?ue of &epo", -/

    Scar ;eteran on 0old 9ne: Li#ht Armour, Sword of (i#ht, 0harmed Shield, Dawnstone, )!/Scar ;eteran on 0old 9ne: Li#ht Armour, Great Weapon, Amulet of >t=l, Dra#on 1elm, ;enom of the Firefl. Fro#,


    S"in" Priest: Level ), 1eavens, Dispel Scroll, -/!6 / S"in"s: (usician, )/!

    6 )/ S"in" S"irmishers: avelins, 2/6 2 0hameleon S"in"s: -!

    6 $ &erradons: -/$ Salamanders: %

    &otal: $--

    2oel Smit, Daemons 3f Caos1erald 9f &=eentch: General, Level , (etal, )%

    1erald 9f &=eentch: 'S', Level , (etal, )%/!6 )/ Pin" 1orrors 9f &=eentch: )$/

    $6 % See"ers 9f Slaanesh: )//$6 ) 'east 9f 3ur#le: !/

    $6 % 0haos Furies: !/% Flesh 1ounds 9f 7horne: Ambush, )!%

    ) S"ull 0annon 9f 7horne: )$%

    6 $ Pla#ue Drones 9f 3ur#le: 0hampion, Pla#ue Proboscis, )-/&otal: $-%

    Tomas ale, $retonnians'retonnian Lord on 'arded 'retonnian Warhorse: General, ;irtue of 1eroism, Shield, Gromril Great 1elm, (antleof the Damsel +lena, Potion of Foolhardiness, Warrior 'ane $*Prophetess of the Lad. on 'retonnian Warhorse: Level *, 1eavens, &he Silver (irror, 0rown of 0ommand $)%

    Paladin on 'arded 'retonnian Warhorse: 'S', Lance, Dawnstone, +nchanted Shield, ))$Paladin on 'arded 'retonnian Warhorse: ;irtue of the >mpetuous 7ni#ht, Lance, Shield, Luc"stone, Dra#onhelm,

    )$/Paladin on 'arded 'retonnian Warhorse: Lance, Shield, Falcon

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    aret Stoneam, ig ElvesArchma#e: Level *, 1i#h, &alisman of Preservation, 'oo" of 1oeth, $/Loremaster of 1oeth: General, &alisman of +ndurance, >roncurse >con, !%

    3oble: 'S', Great Weapon, Dra#on Armour, 7haines Rin# of Fur., )$*

    )% Silver 1elms: F0G, Shields, $%

    $6 % +ll.rian Reavers: 2/% Swordmasters of 1oeth: F0G, 'anner of the World Dra#on, */%6 Shadow Warriors, -2

    ) Phoeni6: %) Frostheart Phoeni6: */

    &otal: *//

    Craig 2ones, SkavenGre. Seer on Screamin# 'ell: General, Level *, RuinJPla#ue, D$ Warpstone &o"ens, Fencers 'lades, Dra#onbane

    Gem, +arthin# Rod, %/%0hieftain: 'S', Standard of Discipline, 2%

    Assassin: Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/Pla#ue Priest on Pla#ue Furnace: Level ), Pla#ue, Flail, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse >con, 9pal Amulet, --

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Doomroc"et, *%*/ Stormvermin: F0G, Storm 'anner, $%%

    $6 */ S"avenslaves: (usician, 2% Giant Rats: Pac"master, $

    $) Pla#uemon"s: F0G, Pla#ue 'anner,

    ) 1ellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spi"es, %/) Doomwheel: )%/

    &otal: *//

    -i.ael 'rit.ard, DwarfsDwarf lord on Shield 'earers: General, Shield, (aster Rune of Steel, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Preservation,Rune of the Furnace, Rune of (i#ht, Rune of Speed, -2

    &hane: 'S', Great Weapon, (aster Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Rreservation, Rune of the

    Furnace, )!*Runesmith: Shield, Rune of Spellbrea"in#, Rune of Spellbrea"in#, Rune of Spellbrea"in#, )*6 uarrellers: (usician, 0hampion, Great Weapons, $/)

    $/ 1ammerers: F0G, (aster Rune of Grun#i, **/) 0annon: +n#ineer, Rune of For#in#, Rune of 'urnin#, )*%

    ) 0annon: +n#ineer, Rune of For#in#, )*/) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer, Rune of Accurac., Rune of Penetratin#, Rune of Penetratin#, )/

    ) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer, Rune of Accurac., Rune of Penetratin#, Rune of 'urnin#, )%/) G.rocopter: )*/

    &otal: $-!

    Tomas !oyn, Tom0 KingsLiche 1i#h Priest: 1ierophant, Level *, 3ehe"ara, Dispel Scroll, $%

    Liche 1i#h Priest: General, Level *, Li#ht, )/Liche Priest: Level ), Li#ht, /

    Liche Priest: Level ), Li#ht, /Liche Priest: Level ), Li#ht, /

    Liche Priest: Level ), Li#ht, // S"eleton Archers: 0hampion, (usician, )*/

    6 )S"eleton Archers: 0hampion, (usician, -$6 % S"eleton 1orse Archers: /

    6 % S"eleton 1orsemen: Li#ht Armour, !%% 3ecropolis 7ni#hts: $%

    * 3ecropolis 7ni#hts: !/6 ) 0as"et of Souls: )$%

    6 ) Screamin# S"ull 0atapult: -/

    ) 1ierotitan: )%&otal: !//

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team S#ain

    2orge ar.@a (C)

    -iguel Caldern, ig ElvesPrince on Star Dra#on: General, Shield, Star Lance, Dra#onhelm, Golden 0rown of Atra=ar, &he other &ric"stersShard, %-2

    3oble on >thilmar 'arded +lven Steed: 'S', Lance, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 'anner of the World Dra#on, )3oble on >thilmar 'arded +lven Steed: Lance, 1eav. Armour, +nchanted Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, 0rown of

    0ommand, )*/(a#e on +lven Steed: Level , 1i#h (a#ic, Dispel Scroll, )%%

    (a#e on +lven Steed: Level , 1i#h (a#ic, )$/)2 Silver 1elms: F0G, Shield, ***

    6 % +ll.rian Reavers: 0hampion, 'ow Swaps, -%*6 ) +a#le 0law 'olt &hrower: /

    ) Great +a#le: %/) Frostheart Phoeni6: */

    &otal: $--

    2uan 'a0lo ar.@a, !i"ardmen

    Slann (a#e

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $--

    Al0erto ernande", Te Em#ireGrand (aster on 'arded Warhorse: General, GW, 1elm of the S", &he White 0loa" of Blric, !

    'attle Wi=ard Lord on Warhorse: Level *, Li#ht, 9bsidian Lodestone, +arthin# Rod, 220aptain of &he +mpire on 'arded Warhorse: 'S', Great Weapon, Full Plate Armour, Dra#onhelm, Dawnstone, )*2

    'attle Wi=ard on Warhorse: Level ), Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, )/

    'attle Wi=ard on Warhorse: Level ), Li#ht, Warrior Priest on 'arded Warhorse: 1eav. Armour, Shield, Warrior 'ane, Dra#onbane Gem, -%)$ 7ni#hts of the >nner 0ircle: F0G, Standard of Discipline, $/

    )/ 7ni#htl. 9rders: (usician, $/6 ) Great 0annon: )/

    ! 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard, Gleamin# Pendant, $$

    ) Steam &an": %/


    2avier $u5anda $ravo, 3r.s and o0lins'lac" 9rc Warboss: General, 0harmed Shield, &alisman of Preservation, 0rown of 0ommand, *%

    Sava#e 9rc Great Shaman: Level *, 'i# Waaa#hI, +arthin# Rod, $/Sava#e 9rc 'i# 'oss: 'S', Great Weapon, (or"Hs War 'anner, /*

    Sava#e 9rc Shaman: Level ), 'i# Waaa#hI, Luc". Shrun"en 1ead, )/3i#ht Goblin Shaman: Level ), Little Waaa#hI, Dispel Scroll, %

    Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: Spear, Li#ht Armour, +nchanted Shield, %!Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Shield, Warrior 'ane, Dra#onhelm, Potion of Foolhardiness, )

    Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Shield, &ormentor Sword, Dra#onbane Gem, !)Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: *

    $ Sava#e 9rcs: F0G, 'i#HBns, Additional 1and Weapon, ***2 3i#ht Goblins: F0G, 3etters, Shield, )-

    2 &rolls: 2/6 ) &roll: $%

    6 ) (an#ler S?ui#s: !%6 ) Goblin Doom Diver 0atapult: 2/

    6 ) Goblin Roc" Lobber: 9rc 'ull.: -%

    &otal: !//

    -anuel Eduardo Dato Torres, %arriors of Caos0haos Lord on 'arded Daemonic (ount: General, (ar" of &=eentch, Soul Feeder, Great Weapon, Dra#on 1elm,&alisman of Preservation, 0rown of 0ommand, $2

    +6alted 1ero on 'arded Daemonic (ount: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, Scaled S"in, Great Weapon, Armour ofDestin., )

    0haos Sorcerer on 'arded 0haos Steed: Level , Death, 0harmed Shield, &he 9ther &ric"sterHs Shard, DispelScroll, /!

    6 % (arauder 1orsemen: 0hampion, (ar" of Slaanesh, 2%$6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%

    $6 % 0haos Warhounds: $/6$- 0haos 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard, (ar" of &=eentch, +nsorcelled Weapons, 'lasted Standard, *%/

    6 $ S"ullcrushers of 7horne: (usician, +nsorcelled Weapons, **&otal: $-2

    $or5a $arroso, $retonnia'retonnian Lord on 'arded Warhorse: General, ;irtue of 1eroism, Shield, Sword of Swift, Dra#onhelm,Dawnstone, $*

    Prophetess of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level *, Life, Falcon

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team 'oland

    Stanislaw BCrusaderB S.einer (C), $eastmenGreat 'ra.

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Steam &an": %/6 ) 1elblaster ;olle. Gun: )/

    &otal: *//

    Kr"ys"tof *, !i"ardmanSlann (a#enfinite 'lea"ness, Dispel Scroll, )2%(aster on Pe#asus: 'S', Great Weapon, 1eav. Armour, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Dra#onhelm, Pendant of 7haeleth,

    Potion of Foolhardiness, )(aster on Pe#asus: Lance, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 0loa" of 1a# Graef, Dawnstone, )-/

    6 ) Assassin: Additional 1and Weapon, Rendin# Stars, (anbane, )%)$$ Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, Standard of D.scipline, 2

    * Dar" +lf Repeater 0rossbowmen: Shield, (usician, 0hampion, *6 % Dar" Riders: 2%

    6 % 1arpies: %%)) Shades: Additional 1and Weapon, )2

    ) 1.dra: )%&otal Arm. 0ost: $-2

    ukas" olonka, 3r.s and o0lins'lac" 9rc Warboss: General, 0hoppa, 1eav. Armour, &alisman of +ndurance, +nchanted Shield, )-%Sava#e 9rc Great Shaman: Level *, 'i# Waa#hI, Fencers 'lades, Luc". Shrun"en 1ead, -/

    3i#ht Goblin Great Shaman: Level $, Little Waa#hI, Dispel Scroll, )!%Sava#e 9rc 'i# 'oss: 'S', Great Weapon, (or"s War 'anner, /*

    Goblin 'i# 'oss on Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Shield, %)Goblin 'i# 'oss on Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Shield, %)

    Goblin 'i# 'oss on Gi#antic Spider: Spear, Shield, Armour of Destin., )-Goblin 'i# 'oss on Gi#antic Spider: Li#ht Armour, Shield, Dra#onhelm, Dawnstone, 'itin# 'lade, )*

    6 ) 3i#ht Goblins: (usician, Shield, $ Fanatics, )*2- Sava#e 9rc 'i# Bns: F0G, ndWeapon, $%*

    2 &roll: 2/6 ) (an#ler S?ui#: !%

    6 ) Goblin Roc" Lobber: 2%6 ) Doom Diver: 2/

    &otal: %-- BCauliflowerB S", Daemons of Caos1erald of &=eentch: General, (a#ic Level , (etal, )%

    1erald of &=eentch: Level , (etal, )%1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Level ), Death, )%/

    )% Pla#uebearers of 3ur#le: F0G, %

    $6 )/ Pin" 1orrors of &=eentch: Level ), &=eentch, )$/! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/

    % Flesh 1ounds of 7horne: Ambushers, )!%

    6 ) 'easts of 3ur#le: !/

    6 % 0haos Furies of &=eentch: Daemon of &=eentch, /* Pla#ue Drones of 3ur#le: Standard, (usician, Pla#ue Proboscis, Gleamin# Pendant, !%$ Pla#ue Drones of 3ur#le: Standard, (usician, Pla#ue Proboscis, //

    ) S"ull 0annon of 7horne, )$%

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: *//

    Team Austria

    %olfgang ansal (C)

    *lorian $iasto., ig ElvesArchma#e: General, Level *, Death, Power Scroll, %%

    Archma#e: Level *, 1i#h (a#ic, 'oo" of 1oeth, 7haines Rin# of Fur., $//3oble: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Shield, &he Reaver 'ow, Potion of Stren#h, )*!

    6 % Silver 1elms: Shields, ))%6 % +ll.rian Reavers: 'ows, 2%

    )- Archers: (usician, // White Lions of 0hrace: F0G, 'anner of the World Dra#on, *$)

    ) Lothern S".cutter: +a#le +.e 'olt &hrower, )/6 ) Great +a#les: %/

    *6 ) +a#le 0law 'olt &hrower: /6 ! Sisters of Avelorn: 2*

    &otal: *//

    'ili## 2ost, Skaven

    Gre. Seer on Screamin# 'ell: Level *, Ruin, Pla#ue, D$ Warpstone &o"ens, Fencers 'lades, S"alm, Dra#onbaneGem, Scroll of Shieldin#, %%

    0hieftain: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Shield, 'anner of +ternal Flame, 20hieftain: 1eav. Armour, *%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: 'rass 9rb, !%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Ruin, Dispel Scroll, -/Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Ruin, Warp

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    $ S"ullcrusher of 7horne: (usician, +nsorcelled Weapons, **&otal: $-2

    !ukas *antl, $eastmenGreat 'ra. Shaman: General, Level *, Shadow, 'ra.staff, Shard of the 1erdstone, Power Scroll, $/Great 'ra. Shaman: Level *, Death, 'ra.staff, Warrior 'ane, 9bsidian Amulet, S"ull of Rar"os, $$/

    War#or: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Shield, Standard of Discipline, )$)

    'ra. Shaman: Level , Shadow, 'ra.staff, Scroll of Shieldin#, >roncurse >con, )$/'ra. Shaman: Level , the 'easts, 'ra.staff, Dispel Scroll, )$%** Gor 1erd: F0G, Additional 1and Weapon, $

    *- Gor 1erd: F0G, Additional 1and Weapon, *))% Gor 1erd: (usician, ))/

    6 % Bn#or Raiders: $/

    % 0haos Warhounds: $/

    6 % 1arpies: Scouts, /) Ra=or#or 1erd: %%

    $% 'esti#or 1erd: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, *!%&otal: //

    'ili# ollmann, &am#ire Counts

    ;ampire Lord: General, Level ), ;ampires, 1orror, Great Weapon, 1eav. Armour, &alisman ofPreservation, Dra#onhelm, &he 'oo" of Ar"han, Potion of Foolhardiness, $%)

    3ecromancer Lord: Level *, Death, 9bsidian Lodestone, *%3ecromancer: Level , ;ampires, Dispel Scroll, )%

    3ecromancer: Level , ;ampires, Scroll of Shieldin#, ))%3ecromancer: Level ), Death, !%

    $! S"eleton Warriors: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, %$6 % @ombies: Standard, (usician, 2%

    $6 % Dire Wolves: */)/ 1e6wraiths: 0hampion, $)/

    )/ 1e6wraiths: $//6 Fell 'ats: $

    ) &error#heist: %

    &otal: *//

    Tomas %ild, Te Em#ireArch Lector on War Altar: General, 1eav. Armour, Warrior 'ane, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, !-Wi=ard Lord: Level *, Li#ht, Scroll of Shieldin#, )%

    0aptain of the +mpire: 'S', Full Plate Armour, +nchanted Shield, Luc"stone, )/)'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, -/

    'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, !%'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, !%

    */ 1alberdiers: F0G, Detachment % Archer, Detachment % Archer, $*/)! Archer: Detachment % Archer, )*

    % 7ni#hl. 9rders: (usician, )/! 7ni#hts: Standard, (usician, $!2

    6 ) Great 0annon, )/) Steam &an": %/

    ) 0elestial 1urricanum: )$/&otal: *//

    'atri.k E0ner, Dark ElvesSurpreme Sorceress: General, Level *, Death, %6 3ull &alisman, Sacrificial Da##er, $!/(aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', Great Weapon, 1eav. Armour, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Pendant of 7haeleth,

    Dra#onhelm, )

    Sorceress: Level , Shadow, &he Guidin# +.e, Dispel Scroll, )2%Sorceress: Level , Shadow, 0rown of 0ommand, &ome of Furion, )2%

    Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1andweapon, (anbane, Rendin# Stars, )%)

    Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1andweapon, (anbane, Rendin# Stars, )%)

    $/ Dar" +lf Warriors: 0hampion, (usician, )2-2 Dar" +lf Repeater 0rossbowmen: (usician, 2%6 % Dar" Riders: 2%

    6 % 1arpies: %%

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    *6 Reaper 'olt &hrower: )//&otal: $-2

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team7 Australia

    Akter Kan (C), &am#ire CountsStri#oi Ghoul 7in#: General, Level ), ;ampires, Red Fur., 9#re 'lade, &alisman of Preservation, $-%(aster 3ecromancer: Level *, ;ampires, //

    3ecromancer: Level , Death, Dispel Scroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, )%/3ecromancer: Level , Death, 9bsidian Lodestone, )*%

    &omb 'anshee: -%&omb 'anshee: -%

    */ S"eletons: Full 0ommand, 'anner of Swiftness, *% @ombie 1orde: Standard, (usician, !

    6 / @ombie 1orde: Standard, (usician, /6 2 Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf, *

    )/ 1e6wraiths: 1ellwraith, $)/2 1orrors: $/*

    $6 Fell 'ats: $&otal: $--

    Roy Di#rose, Daemons of Caos1erald of 3ur#le: General, Level ), Death, Greater Locus of Feeundit., )/

    1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Level ), Death, 'anner of Swiftness, )!%1erald of &=eentch: Level , (etal, )%

    1erald of &=eentch: Level , &=eentch, )% Pla#uebearers: F0G, Standard of Discipline, $-!

    6 )/ Pin" 1orrors: musician )*/

    ! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/6 ) 'east of 3ur#le: !/

    6 % Furies: (ar" of 3ur#le, /! Pla#ue Drones: Standard, Gleamin# Pendant, Pla#ue Proboscis, $%

    S"ull 0annon: )$%&otal: $-)

    Aaron raam, ig Elves

    Archma#e on (oon Dra#on: General, Level *, Death, &alisman of Preservation, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse >con, %-%3oble on Great +a#le: 'S', Dra#on Armour, +nchanted Shield, 9#re 'lade, //

    Dra#onma#e: Level , Fire, Dra#on Armour, 0harmed Shield, *//$6 )/ Archers: (usician, ))/

    )% Archers: (usician, )!/% Silver 1elms: (usician, Shields, )%

    *6 +a#le 0law 'olt &hrowers: /% Sisters of Avelorn: /

    ) Frostheart Phoeni6: */

    &otal: *//

    Casey Ta0ner, SkavenGre. Seer: General, Lores of Ruin and Pla#ue, 'ell, Fencers 'lades, Dispel Scroll, S"alm, %$/

    0hieftain: 'S', +nchanted Shield, Luc"stone, 2%Assassin: Weepin# 'lades, Potion of Stren#th, )/Warloc" +n#ineer: 'rass 9rb, !%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: )%Warloc" +n#ineer: )%

    */ Stormvermin: Fan#leader, (usician, Standard, Stormbanner, $%%$6 */ Slaves: (usician, 2

    6 % Giant Rats: ) Pac"master, $6 ! Gutter Runners: Slin#s, Poisoned Attac"s, )/2

    */ Pla#ue (on"s: (usician, Standard, Pla#ue 'anner, $%) 1ellpit Abomination: $%

    ) Warp Li#htnin# 0annon: -/&otal: $-$

    Cris Cousens, %arriors of CaosDaemon Prince: General, (ar" of 3ur#le, 0haos Armour, Daemonic Fli#ht, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onbane Gem,

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Sword of Stri"in#, Flamin# 'reath, Scaled S"in, $2/+6alted 1ero on Steed of Slaanesh: 'S', (ar" of Slaanesh, &alisman of Preservation, +nchanted Shield, 'urnin#

    'od., %+6alted 1ero on Steed of Slaanesh: (ar" of Slaanesh, Dra#onhelm, Dawnstone, Shield, 1alberd, )2*

    Sorcerer on 'arded Daemonic Steed: Level ), (etal, Dispel Scroll, Luc"stone, )-// Forsa"en: Forsa"en of Slaanesh, */

    6 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%

    ) 0himera: Flamin# 'reath, Re#eneratin# Flesh, %6 $ S"ullcrushers of 7horne: (usician, +nsorcelled Weapons, **&otal: $-

    Samuel -oore, Caos DwarfsSorceror Prophet: General, Level *, Death, +nchanted Shield, &alisman of Preservation, +arthin# Rod, $%

    Dar" 0astellain: 'S', Great Weapon, (as" of the Furnace, Luc"stone, /%

    Daemonsmith Sorceror: Level ), (etal, Dispel Scroll, )/Daemonsmith Sorceror: Level ), Fire, Feedbac" Scroll, )*%

    1ob#oblin 7han on Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Spear, %21ob#oblin 7han on Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Shield, Dra#onhelm, Warrior 'ane, )

    6 / 1ob#oblin 0utthroats: (usician, 'ow, Shield, ))*) 6 ! 0haos Dwarf >nfernal Guard: F0G, Great Weapon, Lichebone Pendant, *$

    6 0haos Dwarf (a#ma 0annon: )*%) 6 0haos Dwarf Deathshrie"er Roc"et: )//

    ) 6 $ 'ull 0entaur Renders: 0hampion, Great Weapon, )!/) 6 0haos Dwarf 1ellcannon: )/

    &otal: $--

    4i.k oen , Tom0 KingsLiche 1i#h Priest : General, Level *, Death, 9bsidian Amulet, Dispel Scroll, !%

    Liche 1i#h Priest : 1ierophant, Level *, 3ehe"hara, &alisman of +ndurance, +arthin# Rod, !% 6 )- S"eleton Archers: (usician, )*

    $ S"eleton 0hariots: (usician, Standard 'earer, 'anner of the +ternal Flame, )-%$ S"eleton 0hariots: (usician, )%

    )2 S"eleton Warriors: (usician, 0hampion, -

    % 3ecropolis 7ni#hts: F0G, +ntombed 'eneath the Sands, $2/$ 6 $ Sepulchral Stal"ers: )!%

    6 ) &omb Scorpion: 2%

    6 ) Screamin# S"ull 0atapult: -/) 0as"et of Souls: )$%

    &otal: !//

    Adam %onderley, %ood Elves1i#hborn on +lven Steed: General, Anno.ance of 3etlin#s, Arcane 'od"ins, 'ow of Loren, Dra#onhelm,Great

    Weapon, !*3oble: 'S', Dra#onbane Gem, 1ail of Doom Arrow, )%

    Spellweaver: Level *, Life, Dispel Scroll, (oonstone of the 1idden Wa.s, Pid#eon Pluc"er Pendant, $)%3oble: 1unters &alon, )//

    6 2 -!)$ Glade Guard: (usician, Standard, 'anner of +ternal Flame, )2*

    %6 )/ Glade Guard: (usician, )!6 % Wardancers: -/

    % Wild Riders: )$/$ &ree"in: )-%

    6 Great +a#le: %/) &reeman: 2%

    &otal: //

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team Ser0ia

    Andri5a Gerfe"e (C)

    $ogdan HKiwiH 30radoviI, !i"ardmenSlann (a#e Priest: General, 'S', Level *, (etal, Soul of Stone, Focussed Rumination, Focus of (.ster., 1i#herState of 0onsciousness, Divine Pla?ue of Protection, >t6i Grubs, Warbanner, %$/

    Saurus Scar ;eteran on 0old 9ne: Li#ht Armour, Sword of (i#ht, 0harmed Shield, Dawnstone, )!/Saurus Scar ;eteran on 0old 9ne: #reat weapon, LA, ;enom of &he Firefl. Fro#, Amulet 9f >t=l, Dra#onhelm, )!!

    S"in" Priest: Level ), 1eaven, Displl Scroll, 0ursed 0harm of &epo", ))/$ 6 / S"in" 0ohort: (usician, )/!

    / S"in" 0ohort: (usician, 0hampion, ))*$ 6 )/ S"in" S"irmishers: /

    6 % &erradon Riders: )%/ 6 0hameleon S"in"s: 2*

    2 0hameleon S"in"s: -!$ Slamander 1untin# Pac": %

    &otal: $-

    -ari5an *loigl, Skaven

    Gre. Seer: General, Level *, Pla#ueJRuin, Power Scroll, Warpstone &o"ens, Warpstone &o"ens, $/%Warlord on 'onebrea"er Rat 9#re: GW, Shield, S"alm, &alisman of Preservation, WorldHs +d#e Armour, !*

    Assassin: Potion of Stren#th, Weepin# 'lade )/Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Ruin, Warproncurse >con, %*/ 0lanrats: F0G, )2/

    6 $% S"avenslaves: (usician, $% Stormvermin: F0G, Shield, Storm 'anner, $%%

    6 Gutter Runners: Slin#, Poisoned Attac"s, )!) 1ell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spi"es, %/

    ) Doomwheel: )%/) Warp Li#htenin# 0annon: -/

    &otal: *//

    2osi# H2oskeH 2akiI, ig ElvesArchma#e on +lven Steed: General, Lvl *, 'easts, Power Stone, &alisman of Preservation, 0rown of 0ommand, $*/

    3oble on +lven Steed: 'S', Dra#on Armour, >thilmar 'ardin#, Sword of (i#ht, +nchanted Shield, Dawnstone, )/3oble on Great +a#le: 1alberd, Dra#on Armour, Star Lance, 0harmed Shield, Golden 0rown of Atra=ar, Potion of

    Foolhardines, )2(a#e on +lven Steed: Level , 1i#h (a#ic, 7haines Rin# of Fur., Dispel Scroll, )2/

    $6 ! Silver 1elms: (usician, Shield, )*2

    6 % +ll.rian Reavers: 'ows, 2%)) Dra#on Princes of 0aledor: F0G, 'anner of the World Dra#on, $--

    ) Great +a#le: %/

    ) Phoeni6: %

    ) Frosthart Phoeni6: */&otal: *//

    JorJe HTe.lisH RatkoviI, Te Em#ireArch Lector on War Altar: General, Shield, Armor of Destin., 9bsidian Amulet, $$*

    'attle Wi=ard Lord: Level *, Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, %'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, !%

    'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, !%0aptain of the +mpire on Pe#asus: 'S', Full Plate Armour, Shield, Dawnstone, Dra#onhelm, 'itin# 'lade, )2$

    0aptain of the +mpire on Pe#asus: Full Plate Armour, +nchanted Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, ))*/ 1alberdiers: F0G, /

    D): )/ Archers, /6 % +mpire 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard )$/

    % 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard, Gleamin# Pendant $)%6 ) Great 0annon: )/

    ) Steam &an": %/

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $-2

    2ago= skokoviI, &am#ire Counts;ampire Lord: General, Level *, ;ampires, 1eav. Armour, Great Weapon, 1orror, Aura of Dar" (aKest.,

    'e#uile, &ric"sterHs 1elm, &alisman of Preservation, Potion of Foolhardiness, %))3ecromancer: Level , ;ampires, 0ursed 'oo", )$%

    */ Ghouls: *//

    $6 / @ombies: !/% Dire Wolves: */) 0orpse 0art: 'alefire, )/%

    Fell 'ats: $6 ) Spirit 1osts: *%

    2 1orrors: $/*

    $ ;ar#heists: )$2

    ) &error#heist: %) (ortis +n#ine: 'lasphemous &ome, */

    &otal: *//

    -laden 2oviI, 3gre Kingdoms&.rant: Great Weapon, &ric"sters 1elm, &alisman of Preservation, Potion of Foolhardines, $

    'ruiser: 'S', Great Weapon, Armor of Destin., )-)Firebell.: Level , Fire, +6tra 1and Weapon, Dispel Scroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, /

    Firebell.: Level , Fire, Fencers 'lades, )-/- >ron#uts: F0G, Loo"out Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, *$

    % >ron#uts: Standard, (usician, Loo"out Gnoblar, */6 * (ournfan# 0avalr.: (usician, 1eav. Armour, >ron Fist, -/

    $6 ) Sabertus"s, )) >ronblaster: )/

    &otal: *//

    Aleksandar HKirganH &ilotiI, %arriors of CaosSorcerer Lord on Disc: General, Level *, &=eentch, (ar" of &=eentch, &alisman of Preservation, 0haos Familiar,

    +nchanted Shield, Warrior 'ane, 0rown of 0ommand, *$/

    +6alted 1ero on Daemonic Steed: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, Great Weapon, 'ardin#, &alisman of +ndurance,Dra#onhelm, &hird +.e of &=eentch, Soul Feeder, !)

    $6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of 3ur#le, )%

    6 % Warhounds: $/% Warhounds: ;an#urad, */

    6 % (arauder 1orsemen: /6 ) 0himera: Flamin# 'reath, Re#eneratin# Flesh, %

    ) 1ellcannon: )/* S"ullcrushers: (usician, Standard 'earer, +nsorcelled Weapons, $$

    &otal: $-2

    Dragomir Do#uLa, $retonnia'retonnian Lord on Warhorse: General, Shield, Sword of Strife, ;irtue of 1eroism, Dra#on 1elm, Luc"stone,

    Potion of Foolhardiness, $*Prophetess of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level *, 'easts, &he Silver (irror, 0rown of 0ommand, $)%

    Paladin on Warhorse: 'S', Lance, Shield, 'anner of Defense, ))/Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, Shield, Gromril Great 1elm, ))/

    Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, +nchanted Shield, Dawn Stone, ))$Paladin on Warhorse: (ornin#star, Shield, ;irtue of 3oble Disdain, Warrior 'ane, )/$

    Damsel of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level ), 'easts, Dispel Scroll, )/%)/ 7ni#hts of the Realm: F0G, Standard of Discipline, -

    )$ 7ni#hts +rrant: F0G, 'anner of +ternal Flame, -)

    $6 % 7ni#hts of the Realm: (usician, )2$ Pe#asus 7ni#hts: (usician, )%

    6 ) Field &rebuchet: -/

    &otal: $--

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team *ran.e

    2A$ER Sylvain (C), $retonnia'retonnian Lord on 'arded Warhorse: General,7ni#hts ;ow, ;irtue of 1eroism, 1eav. Armour, Shield, Sword ofSwift, Dra#on 1elm, Dawnstone, $*

    Prophetess of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level *, 1eaven, Falconroncurse >con, )*/

    - >ron#uts: F0G, Standard of Swiftness, *$$ 9#res: Additional 1andweapons, -$

    $6 )/ Gnoblars: % (aneaters: Stubborn, Poisoned, (usician, 6 'races of 9#re Pistols, ***

    $6 ) Sabretus": )6 Gor#er: -/

    ) >ronblaster: )/&otal: *//

    3MK4M4E Carles, ig ElvesArchma#e: General, Level*, Death, +arthin# Rod, *%Archma#e: Level*, 1eaven, 'oo" of 1oeth, %

    3oble: 'S', Shield, 0rown of 0ommand, 9bsidian &rin"et, )**6 )/ Archers: (usician, ))/

    6 % +ll.rian Reaver, 2/

    ! White Lion: F0G, 'anner of World Dra#on, *)2* Phoeni6 Guards : F0G, 'anner of Discipline, */%

    $6 ) 'olt thrower: /

    6 ) Great +a#le: %/

    &otal: *//

    !E?ADER uillaume, Dark ElvesSupreme Sorceress: Level *, Death, Lifeta"er, $6 3ull &alisman, Sacrificial Da##er, $!/Dreadlord: General, +6ecutioners A6e, 'lood Armor, Dra#onbane Gem, */

    Sorceress: Level , Death, Dispel Scroll, Pearl of >nfinite Dar"ness, )2%(aster: 'S', Shield, Standart of 1a# Graef, Repetition 0rossbow, )%

    Death 1a#: 0auldron of 'lood, //6 )/ Dar" +lf Warriors: (usician, !$

    $% Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, */$% Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, 'anner of the +ternal Flame, $%

    6 % 1arpies: %%Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1andweapon, (anbane, Rendin# Star, )%)

    *6 Repeater 'olt &hrower: )//&otal: $--

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    DE?4AR3 2ean Erwan, %arriors of CaosSorcerer Lord on Slaanesh Steed : General, (ar" of Slaanesh, Level *, Slaanesh, Dispel Scroll, 0harmed Shield $$/+6alted 1ero on 'arded Deamonic (ount : 'S' , (ar" of &=eentch, Shield, Great Weapon, &alisman of

    Preservation, Potion of Foolhardiness, Soul Feeder, !*

    +6alted 1ero on 'arded Deamonic (ount : (ar" of &=eentch, Great Weapon, Armor of Destin., Scall. S"in, *!

    6 % 0haos Warhounds: $/6 % (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, Shields, 2/- (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, )$%

    $6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%$6 ) Gorebeast 0hariots : (ar" of Slaanesh, )$%

    ) 0himera: Re#eneratin# Flesh, *%) 1ellcannon: )/

    &otal: *//

    RM3!ET Ti0ault, Te Em#ireGrand (aster: General, Great Weapon, Dra#on1elm, 9bsidian Lodestone, )!

    Wi=ard lord on Warhorse: Level*, 1eaven, Dispel Scroll, *$0aptain on 'arded Steed: 'S', Full plate armour, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onban Gem ))

    0aptain on 'arded Steed: Full Plate Armour, shield, Dawnstone, Warrior 'ane, ))*(aster +n#ineer: !%

    $6 )/ Spearmen: %/D) : % Free 0ompan., $/

    D : % Free 0ompan., $/

    - 7ni#hts of >nner 0ircle: F0G, Standard of Discipline, /% 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard, Gleamin# Pendant $)%

    6 ) Great 0annon: )/

    ) Steam tan": %/6 ) Luminar" of )/

    &9&AL: *//

    -ARCA! Sylvain, Skavens

    Gre. Seer: Level *, General, Pla#ueJRuin , D$ Warpstone &o"ens, +arthin# Rod, &alisman of +ndurance, -%Gre. Seer: Level *, Pla#ueJRuin, D$ Warpstone &o"ens, Dispel Scroll, Foul Pendant, -%0hieftain: 'S', Armor of Fortune, )/%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Warp +ner#. 0ondenser, 2%Warloc" +n#ineer: 'rass 9rb, !%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: 9bsidian Lodestone, !/$6 $- s"avenslaves: (usician, 0hampion, 2*

    6 % Giants Rats and ) Pac"master: $$- Stormvermins: F0G, Storm 'anner, $*2

    6 - Gutter Runners: Slin#s, Poisonned Attac"s, )!% Poisonned Wind Globadiers: %/

    ) Warpli#htnin# 0annon: -/

    ) Doomwheel: )%/

    ) 1ellpit Abomination: $%&otal: *//

    MTME uilem, Caos dwarvesSorcerernfernal 0astellan: 'S', Shield, &he (as" of the Furnace, )-

    Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Level ), Fire, -%Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Level , Death, Dispel scroll, +nchanted Shield )!/

    1ob#oblin 7han on Giant Wolf : Li#ht Armour, %*1ob#oblin 7han on Giant Wolf : Li#ht Armour, %*

    ! 0haos Dwarfs >nfernal Guard : Full 0ommand, Great Weapons, Lichebone Pendant, *$*/ 1ob#oblins 0utthroat: (usician, (urder 'oss, Shields, )-*

    / 1ob#oblins 0utthroat: (usician, Shields, 'ows, ))*

    6) (a#ma 0annon : )*%) Deathshrie"er Roc"et : )//6 % 1ob#oblins Riders : !/

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    ) 1ellcanon : )/&otal: *//

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team -alta

    4iki -agri, Coa.-ark Attard (C), Caos DwarfsSorceror Prophet on Great &aurus: General, Level *, 1ashut, 0harmed Shield, &alisman of Preservation, DispelScroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, %*%

    'ull 0entaur &aurru": Great Weapon, Dra#onhelm, Dawnstone, /%1ob#oblin 7han on Giant Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Warrior 'ane, Dra#onbane Gem, !*

    $ >nfernal Guards: F0G, Great Weapons, 'anner of Swiftness, $-6 / 1ob#oblin 0utthroats: (usician, 'ows, )/*

    $ 'ull 0entaur Renders: (usician, Shields, )*/) >ron Daemon: 1ellbound, $)/

    ) 7Daai $%) 1ellcannon: )/

    &otal: $--

    Antoine $ilo..a, SkavenGre. Seer on Screamin# 'ell: General, Level *, RuinJPla#ue, Sceptre of Stabilit., Warpstone &o"ens, Dra#onbane

    Gem, *%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: )%Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Doomroc"et, Warp

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Daniel Degiorgio, &am#ire Counts;ampire Lord: General, Level *, ;ampires, Red Fur., 1orror, 'oo" of Ar"han, Dra#onhelm, Potion ofFoolhardiness, &alisman of Preservation, Great weapon, 1eav. Armour, %/!

    3ecromancer: Level , ;ampires, Dispell Scroll, >roncurse >con )$/) @ombies: !$

    / @ombies: !/

    6 Dire Wolves: %!$! Ghouls: Ghast, $/6 )/ 1e6Wraiths: 1ellwraith, $)/

    2 1orrors: 1aunter, $)%) &error#heist: %

    &otal: *//

    Man $org $ona.i, Te Em#ire'attle Wi=ard Lord on barded Warhorse: General, Level *, 'easts, Sceptre of Stabilit., FencerHs 'lades, &he White

    0loa" of Blric, $)20aptain of the +mpire on barded Warhorse: 'S', Shield, Full Plate Armour, Dra#onhelm, Sword of Stri"in#,

    Dawnstone, )%-0aptain of the +mpire on barded Warhorse: Full Plate Armour, 0harmed Shield, Golden Si#il Sword, 9bsidian

    Amulet, )$'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, !%

    'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, -/(aster +n#ineer: !%

    $/ 1albardiers: (usician, Standard 'earer, /D): % Archers, $%

    D: % Archers, $%) 7ni#htl. 9rders of >nner 0ircle: F0G, Standard of Discipline, $*%

    6 * 7ni#hts: $) Great cannon: )/

    ) 1ellblaster ;olle. Gun: )/) Steam tan": %/

    &otal: $-2

    2ose# S#iteri, Dark ElvesDreadlord on 'lac" Dra#on: General, 1eav. Armour, Shield, Soulrender, &alisman of Protection, &he other

    &ric"sterHs Shard, 0loa" of 1a# Graef, %!-(aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', Sea Dra#on 0loa", Shield, Lance, Armour of +ternal Servitude, Dra#onbane Gem,

    Potion of Foolhardiness, )/Sorceress: Level , (etal, Dispel Scroll, )!/

    Sorceress: Level ), Fire, Seal of Ghrond, &ome of Furion, )*%$6 )/ 0rossbowmen: (usician, 0hampion, ))/

    $6 % Dar" Riders: (usician, -% 1arpies: %%

    $6 ) 0old one chariot: )//6 ) War 1.dra: )%

    &otal: $-%

    Daniele Ca##itta, ig ElvesPrince on barded +lven Steed: General, Dra#on Armour, Giant 'lade, 0harmed Shield, Golden 0rown of Atra=ar,

    Potion of Foolhardiness, !3oble on barded +lf Steed: 'S', Lance, Dra#on Armour, Shield, 'anner of the World Dra#on, )2

    Archma#e on barded +lf Steed: Level *, Shadow, 'oo" of 1oeth, &alisman of +ndurance, $$)% Silver 1elms: F0G, Shields, $%

    $6 % +ll.rian Reavers: 2/

    6 ) Lion 0hariot of 0hrace: )/6 ) Lothern S".cutter: +a#le +.e 'olt &hrower, )/

    6 ) Great +a#le: %/

    $6 ) +a#le 0law 'olt &hrower: /

    )$ Sisters of Averlorn: 1i#h Sister, Reaver 'ow, )&otal: $--

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team England

    Dan eelan (.), Te Em#ire'attle Wi=ard Lord: General, Level *, 1eavens, Dispel Scroll, &alisman of Protection, */

    'attle Wi=ard Lord: Level *, Li#ht, //0aptain of the +mpire: 'S', Full Plate Armour, Shield, Standard of Discipline, )/2

    'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, 9bsidian Lodestone, ))/'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, Scroll of Shieldin#, 2/

    */ 1alberdiers: Ser#eant, (usician, Standard 'earer, /D): % Archers, $%

    )! 1alberdiers: (usician, )/!6 % +mpire 7ni#hts: (usician, )/

    * 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard 'earer, Gleamin# Pendant, %* 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard 'earer, %

    ) Great 0annon: )/) 0elestial 1urricanum: )$/

    ) Steam &an": %/&otal: $-2

    $en Curry, Dark ElvesSupreme Sorceress: General, Level *, Death, Lifeta"er, Sacrificial Da##er, $6 3ull &alisman, $!/

    (aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', Lance, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 0loa" of 1a# Graef, Dawnstone, )%(aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 1eav. Armour, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Shield, 'itin# 'lade, Dra#onhelm, Pendant of

    7haeleth, )-/

    Sorceress: Level , (etal, Dispel Scroll, )!/6 Assassin: +6tra 1and Weapon, (anbane, Rendin# Stars, )%)

    % Dar" +lf Warriors, F0G, Standard of Discipline, )2/6 )/ Dar" +lf Repeater 0rossbowmen: (usician, )/%

    $6 % Dar" Riders: 2%6 % 1arpies: %%

    $6 % Shades: 2/) War 1.dra: )%

    &otal: $-

    $en 2onson, SkavenGre. Seer: General, Level *, Screamin# 'ell, Dra#onbane Gem, +arthin# Rod, S"alm, Fencers 'lades, %$%

    0hieftain: 'S', Standard of Discipline, 2%Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Doom Roc"et, Warp +ner#. 0ondenser, ))%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Pid#eon Pluc"er Pendant, >roncurse >con, Dispel Scroll, )//$- Stormvermin: Fan#leader, (usician, Standard 'earer, Storm 'anner, Doom, */$

    6 */ S"avenslaves: Pawleader, (usician, 2!

    $- S"avenslaves: Pawleader, (usician, 2*$6 Rat Swarms: %/

    6 ! Gutter Runners: Slin#s, Poisoned Attac"s, )/2

    ) 1ell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spi"es, %/

    6 Pla#ueclaw 0atapult: )//) Warp Li#htnin# 0annon: -/&otal: *//

    Cris !egg, &am#ire Counts;ampire Lord: General, Level *, ;ampires, Red Fur., 'e#uile, 1eav. Armour, &alisman of Preservation, Sword of(i#ht, 0harmed Shield, Sceptre of Stabilit., &he other &ric"sters Shard, *-!

    ;ampire: Level ), ;ampires, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 'attle Standard, 'oo" of Ar"han, >roncurse >con, )!!3ecromancer: Level , Death, Dispel Scroll, )%

    3ecromancer: Level , Death, Scroll of Shieldin#, 9bsidian Amulet, )*%0airn Wraith: !/

    0airn Wraith: !/$- S"eletons: Full 0ommand, 'anner of Swiftness, */

    $6 % Direwolves: Direwolf, %/$6 / @ombies: Standard, (usician, /

    )/ 1orrors: $2/

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    $6 Fell 'ats: $) Spirit 1ost: *%

    ) &error#heist: %&otal: $-2

    2a.k Armstrong, !i"ardmenSlann (a#e Priest: General, 'S', Level *, Li#ht, Soul of Stone, $//

    Slann (a#e Priest: Level *, Death, +arthin# Rod, Focussed Rumination, $//S"in" Priest: Level ), Dispel Scroll, -/Scar ;eteran: Li#ht Armour, 0old 9ne, Sword of (i#ht, 0harmed Shield, Dawnstone, )!/

    6 * S"in"s 0ohort: $ 7ro6i#or, (usician, -)$6 / S"in"s 0ohort: (usician, )/!

    6 )/ S"in" S"irmishers: avelins, 2/

    )/ S"in" S"irmishers: /

    $6 $ &erradons: -/ Salamanders: )%/

    &otal: *//

    4i.k 'ym, Daemons of CaosGreat Bnclean 9ne: General, Level *, Death, 6 Greater Gift, %2/

    1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Greater Locus of Fecundit., )!/$ Pla#uebearers of 3ur#le: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, $**

    6 )/ Pin" 1orrors of &=eentch: )$/! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/

    6 ) 'east of 3ur#le: !/6 % 0haos Furies: Daemons of 3ur#le, /

    % 0haos Furies: !/* Pla#ue Drones of 3ur#le: Pla#ue Proboscis, */

    ) S"ull 0annon of 7horne: )$%&otal: $--

    Russ &eal, %arriors of CaosDaemon Prince: General, (ar" of 3ur#le, 0haos Armour, Scaled S"in, Daemonic Fli#ht, 0harmed Shield,

    Dra#onbane Gem, $$%0haos Sorcerer Lord: Level $, (etal, Dispel Scroll, !/

    +6alted 0hampion on Disc of &=eentch: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, 1alberd, Shield, Soul Feeder, &alisman of

    +ndurance, &hird +.e of &=eentch, Dra#onhelm, **+6alted 0hampion on Disc of &=eentch: (ar" of &=eentch, 1alberd, Shield, &alisman of Presevation, 'urnin#

    'od., )*$6 ) 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%

    )) (arauders: (ar" of Slaanesh, 6 % (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, Flails, avelins, -/

    ) 0himera: Re#eneratin# Flesh, Flamin# 'reath %6 $ S"ull 0rushers: +nsorcelled Weapons, $*

    &otal: $-2

    Tom -awdsley, Caos DwarfsSorcerer Prophet: General, Level *, Death, +arthin# Rod, 0harmed Shield, 9bsidian Amulet, Rub. Rin# of Ruin

    $2%>nfernal 0astellan: 'S', )$/

    Daemonsmith: Level , Fire, Dispel Scroll, )%%'ull 0entaur &auHru": 'lac"shard Armour, Great Weapon, Dawnstone, 9ther &ric"sters Shard, Dra#onhelm, $%

    1ob#oblin 7han: Wolf, Li#ht Armour, %*! >nfernal Guard: Standard, (usician, 0hampion, Great Weapons, Standard of Swiftness, *$

    $* 1ob#oblins: (usician, 0hampion, +6tra 1and Weapons, )!

    $ 'ull 0entaurs: (usician, Shields, )*/) Deathshrie"er Roc"et Launcher: )//

    ) 1ellcannon: )/

    ) 7HDaai $%

    % 1ob#oblin Wolf Riders: !/&otal: $-2

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team SA

    Keit $onneau (C), SkavenGre. Seer on Screamin# 'ell: General, Level *, Pla#ueJRuin, S"alm, Rival 1ide &alisman, Scroll of Shieldin#, %//Assassin: Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/

    0hieftain: 'S', Shield, 'anner of +ternal Flame, 2Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Ruin, Warp 0ondenser, )/

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Ruin, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse >con, )$/Warloc" +n#ineer: 'rass 9rb, !%

    $- Storm ;ermin: F0G, Storm 'anner, Poison Wind (ortar, *)$6 % S"avenslaves: (usician, Pawleader, %*

    */S"avenslaves: (usician, Pawleader, 2!$6 % Poison Wind Globadiers: %/

    Gutter Runners: Poison, Slin#s, )!! Gutter Runners: Poison, Slin#s, )/2

    ) Warp Li#htnin# 0annon: -/) 1ellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spi"es, %/

    &otal: $-2

    !arry -ottola, &am#ire Counts

    ;ampire Lord on barded 3i#htmare: General, Level *, ;ampires, 1eav. Armour, uic"blood, Red Fur., 9#re'lade, 0harmed Shield, &alisman of Preservation, Potion of Speed, %$/

    ;ampire on barded 3i#htmare: 'S', Level ), ;ampires, Lance, 1A, Shield, 3i#htshroud, Dra#onbane Gem, /%;ampire on barded 3i#htmare: Level , Death, Lance, 1eav. Armor, Shield, Dispel Scroll, &he other &ric"sterHs

    Shard, Dra#onhelm, /

    3ecromancer on 3i#htmare: Level , Death, 9bsidian Amulet, Scroll of Shieldin#, >roncurse >con, )!%$) @ombies: (usician, -2

    6 $/ @ombies: (usician, -%$/ S"eleton Warriors: F0G, Standard of Swiftness, )-%

    $6 % Dire Wolves: */$6 Fell 'ats: $

    ! ;ar#heists: !)) 'lac" 7ni#hts: F0G, 'ardin#, 'anner of +ternal Flame, $/*

    &otal: $--

    2arrett -essing, $retonnians'retonnian Lord on Warhorse: Gen, ;irtue of 1eroism, +nchanted Shield, Dawnstone, Sword of Swift, $)

    Prophetess of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level *, 1eaven, Falcon 1orn of Fredemund, &he Silver (irror, $%Paladin on Warhorse: 'S', Lance, Shield, Gromril Great 1elm, ))/

    Paladin on Pe#asus: Lance, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, )*Paladin on Pe#asus: Lance, Shield, Dra#onhelm, &o"en of the Damsel, Warrior 'ane, )!!

    Damsel of the Lad. on Warhorse: Level ), 'east, Dispel Scroll, )/%

    )) 7ni#hts of the Realm on Warhorse: F0G, Standard of Discipline, $/$)) 7ni#hts of the Realm on Warhorse: F0G, War 'anner, $)$

    % Pe#asus 7ni#hts on Pe#asus: Gallant, (usician, 2%

    ! Grail 7ni#hts on Warhorse: Standard, 'anner of +ternal Flame, %2

    6 ) Field &rebuchet: -/&otal: *//

    Alex S.mid, Dark Elves1i#h Sorceress: General, Level *, Death, Sacrificial Da##er, %6 3ullstone, $!/

    Sorceress: Level , (etal, Pearl of >nfinite 'lea"ness, Dispel Scroll, )2%(aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', GW, 1eav. Armor, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Dra#on 1elm, Pendant of 7haeleth, )

    (aster on Dar" Pe#asus: Lance, 1eav. Armor, Shield, 0loa" of 1a# Graef, Dawnstone, )-/Assassin: +6tra 1and Weapon, Rendin# Stars, (anbane, )%)

    Assassin: +6tra 1and Weapon, Rendin# Stars, (anbane, )%)$/ Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, 'anner of +ternal Flame, /%

    * Dar" +lf 0rossbows: F0G, !/)/ Dar" +lf 0rossbows: (usician, )/%

    % Dar" Riders: (usician, -6 % 1arpies: %%

    6 Repeater 'olt &hrower: )//

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    ) Warh.dra: )%&otal: $-!

    2os ankin, %arriors of CaosDaemon Prince: General, (ar" of 3ur#le, 0haos Armor, Fl., Sword of Stri"in#, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onbane

    Gem, Scaled S"in, Flamin# 'reath, 3ur#les Rot, $-/0haos Sorcerer on Slaanesh Steed: Level , Slaanesh, (ar" of Slaanesh, Dra#onhelm, 0haos Familiar, )/

    0haos Sorcerer on 0haos Steed: Level ), Shadow, (ar" of Slaanesh, Dispel Scrol, )%!

    +6alted 1ero on Disc of &=eentch: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, Great Weapon, Shield, &alisman of Preservation, -$6 ) 0haos 0hariot (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%6 % (arauder 1orsemen: (usician, (ar" of Slaanesh, Spear, -/

    6 % 0haos Warhounds: ;an#uard, */0himera: Re#eneratin# Flesh, *%

    $ S"ullcrushers of 7horne: (usician, Standard, 'anner of +ternal Flame, +nsorcelled Weapons, !*

    $ S"ullcrushers of 7horne: (usician, Standard, Ra=or Standard, +nsorcelled Weapons, --

    &otal: $-2

    !ee orn, 3r.s and o0linsSava#e 9rc Warboss: General, +6tra 1and Weapon, Armour of Silvered Steel, Dawnstone, Potion of Stren#th, *$

    Sava#e 9rc Great Shaman: Level *, +arthin# Rod, 9bsidian Lodestone, %'lac" 9rc 'i# 'oss: 'S', +nchanted Shield, 0rown of 0ommand, )%%

    Sava#e 9rc Shaman: Level ), Luc". Shrun"en 1ead, )/Goblin 'i# 'oss on Giant Wolf: Spear, Li#ht Armour, %)

    3i#ht Goblin Shaman: Dispel Scroll, %$! Sava#e 9rc 'i#Bns: +6tra 1and Weapon, F0G, *$)

    / 3i#ht Goblins: Shields, 6 Fanatics, ))/

    6 % Goblin Wolf Riders: Spears, %%$6 ) Goblin Wolf 0hariot: %/

    6 ) &roll: $%

    )/ &rolls: $%/6 ) Goblin Doom Diver 0atapult: 2/

    6 ) Goblin Roc" Lobber: 2%6 ) (an#ler S?ui#: !%

    &otal: !//

    -att Cassidy, Te Em#ireArch Lector on War Altar of Si#mar: General, 1eav. Armour, 9pal Amulet, Warrior 'ane, 0harmed Shield, -

    'attle Wi=ard Lord on Warhorse: level *, li#ht, scroll of Shieldin#, $$

    0aptain of the +mpire on >mperial Pe#asus: Full Plate Armour, lance, +nchanted Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, Potionof Foolhardiness, )$$

    0aptain of the +mpire on >mperial Pe#asus: 'S', FPA, Shield, Sword of Stri"in#, Dra#onhelm, Dawnstone, )22

    'attle Wi=ard on Warhorse: Level ), Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, )/'attle Wi=ard on Warhorse: Level ), Li#ht,

    % +mpire 7ni#hts: (usician, )/% +mpire 7ni#hts: Great Weapon, (usician, )/

    )$ >nner 0ircle 7ni#hts: F0G, 'anner of +ternal Flame, $!%% 7ni#hts: Standard, (usician, Steel Standard, $*%

    $ 7ni#hts: (usician, )2*) Luminar" of )/

    ) 0elestial 1urricanum: )$/&otal: $-!

    Travis %eyfort, ig ElvesLoremaster: General, 'oo" of 1oeth, 2%Archma#e: Level *, Death, /

    3oble: 'S', Dra#on Armour, Reaver 'ow, Potion of Stren#th, )%/3oble on Great +a#le: Dra#on Armor, Golden 0rown of Atra=ar, +nchanted Shield, Sword of (i#ht, )!%

    2 Archers: (usician, 0hampion, $//6 % +ll.rian Reavers: (usician, -/

    % Silver 1elms: Shield, (usician, )%% White Lions: F0G, 'anner of the World Dra#on, */%

    ) Great +a#le: %/) Frostheart Phoeni6: */

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    *6 ) +a#le 0law 'olt &hrower: /&otal: *//

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team Mtaly

    ianlu.a Cara#ellese, SkavenGre. Seer on Screamin# 'ell: General, Level *, Pla#ueJRuin, Fencers 'lades, Dra#onbane Gem, S"alm, AdditionalWarpstone &o"en, Scroll of Shieldin#, %*/

    Assassin: Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/0hieftain: 1alberd, 'attle Standard, 'anner of +ternal Flame, 2

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Dispel Scroll, )%Warloc" +n#ineer: Level , Warp

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    3oble on barded +lven Steed: Lance, 1eav. Armour, +nchanted Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, )/%(a#e on +lven Steed: Level , 1i#h, 0rown of 0ommand, )!%

    (a#e on +lven Steed: Level , 1i#h, Dispel Scroll, )%%% +ll.rian Reavers: 0hampion, -/

    6 % +ll.rian Reavers: 'ow Cswap, 2%)% Silver 1elms: F0G, Shield, $%

    *6 ) +a#le 0law 'olt &hrower: /

    ) Frostheart Phoeni6: */) Great +a#le: %/&otal: *//

    *ederi.o $rausi, Te !egion of A"gorSorcerer

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team *inland

    Sami 2Nrvinen (C)

    &ille Rantanen, SkavenGre. Seer on Screamin# 'ell: General, Level *, Pla#ue and Ruin, Fencers 'lades, S"alm, Dispel Scroll,

    Dra#onbane Gem, %$%Assassin: Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/

    0hieftain: 'S', 1alberd, Standard of Discipline, 2Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), SiveKirs 1e6 Scroll, ))%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Warproncurse >con, -/Warloc" +n#ineer: 'rass 9rb, !%

    */ Stormvermin: F0G, Storm 'anner, $%%$6 */ S"avenslaves: 0hampion, (usician, 2!

    6 Rat Swarms: %/6 % Gutter Runners: Slin#s, Poisoned Attac"s, -/

    ! Warploc" e==ails: )/) 1ell Pit Abomination: $%

    ) Warp Li#htnin# 0annon: -/

    &otal: *//

    2ua 'NNkkFnen, Dark ElvesSupreme Sorceress: General, Level *, Death, %6 3ull &alisman, Sacrificial Da##er, $!/

    Sorceress: Level , (etal, Dispel Scroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, )2%

    (aster 9n Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', Great Weapon, 1eav. Armour, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Dra#onhelm, Pendant of7haeleth, >roncurse >con )

    Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1andweapon, (anbane, Rendin# Star, )%)Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1andweapon, (anbane, Rendin# Star, )%)

    % 'lac" Ar" 0orsairs: F0G, Repeater 1andbows, Sea Serpent Standard, $//$6 % Dar" Riders: Repeater 0rossbows, ))/

    6 % 1arpies: %%6 )/ Shades: )!/

    ) 0old 9ne 0hariot: )//) War 1.dra: )%

    &otal: $--

    3lli -ikkanen, %arriors of CaosDaemon Prince: General, Daemon of 3ur#le, Scaled S"in, 0haos Armour, Dra#onhelm, Luc"stone, $//

    Daemon Prince: Daemon of 3ur#le, 3ur#leHs Rot, 0haos Armour, Dra#onbane Gem, +nchanted Shield, &he other&ric"sterHs Shard, $//

    +6alted 1ero on barded Daemonic Steed: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, Soul Feeder, Great Weapon, Shield, &alisman of

    Preservation, %-0haos Sorcerer on barded Daemonic Steed: Level , Death, (ar" of 3ur#le, 'urnin# 'od., 0harmed Shield, Dispel

    Scroll, 0halice of 0haos, Seeds of Rebirth, !%

    $6 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%

    6 % 0haos (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, avelins, Flails, -/$6 % 0haos Warhounds: ;an#uard, */) 0haos &rolls: */

    ) 1ellcannon: )/&otal: $--

    2uuso !Ndekor#i, 3gre Kingdoms&.rant: General, Great Weapon, &alisman of Preservation, !Slau#htermaster: Level *, Death, Great Weapon, 0harmed Shield, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse >con, $$/

    'ruiser: 'S', Great Weapon, 1eav. Armour, Loo"

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    ) >ronblaster: )/&otal: *//

    2ua Tuominen, ig ElvesArchma#e: General, Level *, Shadow, &alisman of Preservation, 'oo" of 1oeth, $/

    Lothern Sea 1elm: 'S', Shield of the (erw.rm, 7haines Rin# of Fur., Golden 0rown of Atra=ar, )%% Silver 1elms: (usician, Shields, )%

    $/ Archers: (usician, $)/

    % +ll.rian Reavers: 2/% +ll.rian Reavers: Replace spears with bows, 2%2 White Lions of 0hrace: F0G, 'anner of &he World Dra#on, ***

    $) White Lions of 0hrace: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, **2% Sisters of Avelorn: /

    6 ) Great +a#les: )//

    ) Frostheart Phoeni6: */

    &otal: $-

    Mridian Kiiskinen, Te Em#ireWi=ard Lord on Warhorse: General, Level *, Li#ht, 9pal Amulet, SiveKirs 1e6 Scroll, 2$

    0aptain of the +mpire on >mperial Pe#asus: 'S', Great Weapon, Full Plate Armour, Shield, Dra#onhelm,Dawnstone, >roncurse >con, )2*

    'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, -/'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, Scroll of Shieldin#, 2/

    (aster +n#ineer: !% >nner 0ircle 7ni#hts: (usician, Standard, Standard of Discipline, )/

    6 % 7ni#htl. 9rders: (usician, Standard, )$/)/ Archers: /

    D):% Free 0ompan. (ilitia, $/D:% Free 0ompan. (ilitia, $/

    ! 7ni#hts: (usician, $%26 ) Great 0annon: )/

    ) 1elblaster ;olle. Gun: )/) 0elestial 1urricanum: )$/

    ) Steam &an": %/

    &otal: *//

    2ulius Castrn, Caos DwarfsSorcerer

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    6 Doom Diver 0atapult: 2/&otal: !//

    Team $ulgariaristo 4ikolov (C), DwarfsDwarf Lord on Shieldbearers: General, Shield, (aster Rune of Steel, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Preservation,Rune of (i#ht, 22

    Dwarf Lord: Great Weapon, (aster Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, (aster Rune of 7ra## the Grimm, Runeof Snorri, Rune of Fur., )

    &hane: 'S', Shield, (aster Rune of 0hallen#e, ))Runesmith: Great Weapon, $6 Spellbrea"er, )*-

    2 Lon#beards: F0G, Great Weapon, (aster Rune of Gru#ni, *$-) uarrellers: (usician, Great Weapon, )!)

    $ 1ammerers: F0G, *)*0annon: Rune of For#in#, )%

    0annon: Rune of For#in#, Rune of 'urnin#, )$/0annon: Rune of For#in#, Rune of Reloadin#, )$%

    Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer, Rune of Accurac., 6 Rune of Penetratin#, )/&otal $--

    eorgi Sariev, $retonnia'retonnian Lord on barded 'retonnian Warhorse: General, ;irtue of 1eroism, Shield, Sword of Swift,

    Gromril Great 1elm, Potion of Foolhardiness, $*Prophetess of the Lad. on 'retonnian Warhorse: Level *, Life, 0rown of 0ommand, &he Silver (irror, $)%

    Paladin on barded 'retonnian Warhorse: 'S', Lance, +nchanted Shield, Dawnstone, ))$

    Paladin on Pe#asus: ;irtue of the >mpetuous 7ni#ht, Lance, (ornin# Star, Dra#onbane Gem, 0harmedShield, )!)

    Paladin on Pe#asus: uestin# ;ow, Shield, Great Weapon, (ornin# Star, Dra#onhelm, Gauntlet of the Duel,>nsi#nia of the uest, )!

    Damsel of the Lad. on 'retonnian Warhorse: Level , 'easts, Dispel Scroll, )*/6 )/ Peasant 'owmen: !/

    % 7ni#hts of the Realm: (usician, )2)/ 7ni#hts of the Realm: F0G, !*

    )% 7ni#hts of the Realm: F0G, 'anner of Discipline, $--$ Pe#asus 7ni#hts: )!%

    6 &rebuchet, -/&otal: *//

    'avel 2ana.kov, SkavenGre. Seer: General, Level *, Pla#ueJRuin, D$ Warpstone &o"ens, 9bsidian Lodestone, Dispel Scroll, $)/Warlord on 'onebrea"er: Great Weapon, WorldHs +d#e Armor, &alisman of Preservation, S"alm, !)

    0hieftain: 'S', Great Weapon, Storm 'anner, )*

    Assassin: nd Weapon, Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/Warloc" +n#ineer: Level ), Scroll of Shieldin#, 2/

    Warloc" +n#ineer: 'rass 9rb, !%

    Warloc" +n#ineer: &he other &ric"sterHs Shard, $/

    */ 0lan Rats: F0G, )2/*/ Stormvermin: F0G, Ra=or Standard, $%/6 */ S"avenslaves: 2/

    6 % Gutter Runners: ndweapon, Poisoned Attac"s, Slin#, &hrowin# Stars, -/) Warp

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &iktor 'enelski, &am#ire CountsStri#oi Ghoul 7in#: General, Level ), ;ampires, 'e#uile, Aura of Dar" (aKest., Red Fur., Giant 'lade,

    Dra#onbane Gem, Potion of &ou#hness, *$%(aster 3ecromancer: Level $, Death, )!%

    Wi#ht 7in#: 'S', Shield, 3i#htshroud, Seeds of Rebirth, )!*

    0airn Wraith: !/0airn Wraith: !/3ecromancer: Level , ;ampires, Dispel Scroll, &he other &ric"sterHs Shard, )*/

    3ecromancer: Level , Death, 0ursed 'oo", >roncurse >con, )*/*/ Ghouls: 0hampion, *)/

    */ S"eletons: F0G, Spears, 'anner of Swiftness, *%

    ) Spirit 1osts: *%

    $6 Fell 'ats: $6 ) (ortis +n#ine: /

    &otal: *// !ake, Te Em#ireArchlector on War Altar: General, 1eav. Armour, 0harmed Shield, Warrior 'ane, &alisman of Preservation, $/-

    Wi=ard Lord: Level *, Li#ht, Sceptre of Stabilit., )%0aptain on >mperial Pe#asus: 'S', Full Plate Armour, Shield, Lance, Dra#onhelm, Luc"stone, )!/

    'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, !%'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, -/

    6 % 7ni#hts: (usician, )/) Archers: 2*

    D): % Archers, $%D): % Archers, $%

    $ 1alberdiers: Standard, (usician, )D): % Archers, $%

    % 7ni#hts: (usician, $//6 ) Great 0annon: )/

    ) Steamtan": %/

    ) 0elestial 1urricanum : )$/&otal: *//

    ?avor $id"ov, %arriors of CaosDaemon Prince: General, (ar" of 3ur#le, Scaled S"in, Soul Feeder, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, $/%

    0haos Sorcerer: Level *, (etal, Dispell Scroll, -%+6alted 1ero on Disc of &=eentch: 'S', (ar" of &=eentch, 1alberd, Shield, Dra#onhelm, &alisman of +ndurance,

    Potion of Foolhardiness, &hird +.e of &=eentch $-+6alted 1ero on Disc of &=eentch: (ar" of &=eentch, 1alberd, &alisman of Preservation, +nchanted Shield,

    'urnin# 'od., )!$6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaneesh, ))%

    % (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaneesh, Flails, 2%% (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaneesh, Flails, avelins, -/

    )/ (arauders: (ar" of Slaneesh, 0hieftan, (usician -/) 0himera: Re#eneratin# Flesh, *%

    6 $ S"ullcrushers of 7horne: (usician, +nsorcelled Weapons **&otal: $-2

    ?ordan Deliyski, Dark ElvesDreadlord on Dar" Pe#asus: General, 1eav. Armor, Shield, Whip of A#on., 0loa" of 1a# Graef, Dawnstone, *Supreme Sorceress: Level *, Death, Lifeta"er, Dispel Scroll, $)%

    Death 1a#: 'S', 0auldron of 'lood, %

    (aster on Dar" Pe#asus: Great Weapon, 1eav. Armor, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Dra#onhelm, Pendant of 7haeleth, )2Sorceress: Level , Death, $6 3ull &alisman, )2/

    Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1and Weapon, Rendin# Stars, (anbane, )%)

    Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1and Weapon, Rendin# Stars, (anbane, )%)

    - Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, Shields, 'anner of (urder, *$2 Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, Shields, 'anner of the +ternal Flame, )6 % 1arpies: %%

    6 % Dar" Riders: 2%

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    6 % Shades: Additional 1and Weapon, 2%&otal: $-

    Ri.ard Cou#land, Caos DwarfsSorcerernfernal Guard: F0G, Ra=or Standard, *%

    $!1ob#oblin 0utthroats: F0G, 'ows, Shields, /

    ) Deathshrie"er Death Roc"et: )//

    ) 0haos Dwarf 1ellcannon: )/) 7Daai $%

    % 1ob#oblin Wolf Riders: !/&otal: $-)

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team Mreland

    -artin Kenny (C)

    Alan H%oodyH %oodsConway, Caos DwarfsSorcerer Prophet: Level *, Death, +arthin# Rod, 0harmed Shield, 9bsidian Lodestone, $%>nfernal 0astellan: 'S', Shield, &alisman of Protection, )*

    Daemonsmith: Death, Dispel Scroll, Rub. Rin# of Ruin, )*%'ull 0entaur &auHru": 'lac"shard Armour, GW, Dawnstone, &he other &ric"sterHs Shard, Dra#onhelm, $%

    1ob#oblin 7han on Wolf: Li#ht Armour, Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, !)$ 0haos Dwarf >nfernal Guard: F0G, Great Weapons, 'anner of Swiftness, $-

    6 / 1ob#oblin 0utthroats: (usician, 'ows, )/*$ 'ull 0entaurs: (usician, Shields, )*/

    ) Deathshrie"er Roc"et Launcher: )//) 1ellcannon: )/

    ) 7HDaai $%% 1ob#oblin Wolf Raiders: !/

    &otal: $-2

    2ames Bte fit"uationB *it"simons, %arriors of Caos

    Demon Prince: General, (ar" of &=eentch, Level *, (etal, 0haos Armour, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onbane Gem,Scaled S"in, 0haos Familiar, *!%

    +6alted 1ero on Disc of &=eentch: 'attle Standard 'earer, (ar" of &=eentch, +nchanted Shield, &alisman ofPreservation, 'urnin# 'od., $%

    0haos Sorcerer on Disc of &=eentch: (ar" of &=eentch, Level , &=eentch, Dispel Scroll, &alisman of Protection,

    $/$6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%

    $6 % (arauder 1orsemen: (ar" of Slaanesh, Flails, 2%)/ 0haos &rolls: Additional 1and Weapons, $2/

    6 $ S"ullcrushers of 7horne: +nsorcelled Weapons, (usician, **&otal: $-2

    -al.olm Cooney H'rin.e *a0ulasH, Dark Elves

    Dreadlord on 'lac" Dra#on: General, Armour of Dar"ness, Soulrender, &alisman of Preservation, &he other&ric"sters Shard, %!/

    (aster on Dar" Pe#asus: 'S', 1eav. Armour, Sea Dra#on 0loa", Great Weapon, Dra#onhelm, Pendant of7haeleth, )

    Sorceress: Level , Death, &ome of Furion, Lifeta"er )2/Sorceress: Level , Death, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse >con,)!%

    6 ) Dar" +lf Assassin: Additional 1and Weapon, (anbane, Rendin# Stars )%)/ Dar" +lf Warriors: F0G, 'anner of +ternal Flame )*%

    6 )/ Repeater 0rossbowmen: (usician, 0hampion ))/

    $6 % Dar" Riders: Repeater 0rossbows ))/6 % 1arpies: %%

    ) War 1.dra: )%

    &otal: $--

    Cris HEggsH -in.e, &am#ire Counts;ampire Lord: General, Level *, ;ampires, uic"blood, Red Fur., 'e#uile, 1eav. Armour, Shield, 9#re 'lade,

    &alisman of Preservation, &he other &ric"sters Shard, %-;ampire: 'S', Level , Death, Aura of Dar" (aKest., 1eav. Armour, 0harmed Shield, 9bsidian Amulet, Scroll of

    Shieldin#, **3ecromancer: Level , Death, Dispel Scroll, >roncurse >con, )$/

    &omb 'anshee: -%&omb 'anshee: -%

    */ S"eleton Warriors: F0G, 'anner of Swiftness, *%*/ @ombies: Standard, (usician, )$/

    / @ombies: Standard, (usician, /! @ombies: 2

    6 % Dire Wolves: */6 2 1orrors: $/*

    $6 Fell 'ats: $

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: *//2on 2on Twomey, Daemons of CaosGreat Bnclean 9ne: General, Level *, Death, 6 Greater Gifts, %2/1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Greater Locus of Fecundit., )!/

    Pla#uebearers, F0G, Standard of Swiftness, $-!6 )/ Pin" 1orrors: )$/

    ! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/

    6 ) 'easts of 3ur#le: !/6 % 0haos Furies: Daemons of 3ur#le, /* Pla#ue Drones: Pla#ue Proboscis, */

    ) S"ull 0annon: )$%&otal: $-)

    Ken Cam0ers, Te Em#ireArch Lector on War Altar of Si#ismund: General, 1eav. Armour, 1orn of Si#ismund, 'itin# 'lade, 0harmedShield, &alisman of Preservation, $*

    'attle Wi=ard Lord: Level *, Li#ht, Sceptre of Stabilit., >ron 0urse >con, /'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, 9bsidian Lodestone, ))/

    'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, Dispel Scroll, -/'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, Scroll of Shieldin#, 2/

    0aptain of the +mpire: 'S', Full Plate Armour, Shield, Dra#on 1elm, Dawnstone, )2*/ 1alberdiers: F0G, /

    D): % Archers, $%D: % Archers, $%

    6 % 7ni#htl. 9rders: (usician, 0hampion, )$/! 7ni#hts: (usician, $%2

    6 ) Great 0annon: )/) Steam &an": %/

    &otal: *//

    Colin 'ower, !i"ardmenSlann (a#eron 0urse >con, 2*Assassin: Weepin# 'lade, Potion of Stren#th, )/

    Warloc" +n#ineer: Doomroc"et, *%*/ Stormvermin: F0G, Storm 'anner, $%%

    6 */ Slaves: 0hampion, (usician, 2!

    $% Slaves: 0hampion, (usician, !6 % Giant Rats: ) Pac" (aster, $

    2 Pla#ue (on"s: F0G, Pla#ue 'anner, !%

    % Gutter Runners: Slin#s, Poison Attac"s, -/

    ) 1ell Pit Abomination: $%) Doomwheel: )%/) Warp Li#htnin# 0annon: -/

    &otal: $--

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team ermany

    4ils HSir'roxA!otH Reinke (.), DwarfsRunelord on Anvil of Doom: General, Shield, Rune of the Furnace, Spelleater Rune, Rune of Stone, Rune ofStri"in#, $22

    &hane: 'S', (aster Rune of Gromril, (aster Rune of 0hallen#e, Rune of 'rotherhood, Rune of Fire, )!%$6 ) Dra#on %/

    (aster +n#ineer: Rune of the Furnace, Rune of Speed, 2/2 Lon#beard Ran#ers: F0G, Ancestor Rune, Rune of Determination, **

    ) uarrellers: (usician, Great Weapon, )!)2 (iners: F0G, Steamdrill, $%2

    6 % (iners: %%% &roll Sla.ers: (usician, Giant, !

    ) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer, Rune of Accurac., Rune of Penetratin#, Rune of Penetratin#, )/) Grud#e &hrower: +n#ineer, Rune of Accurac., Rune of Penetratin#, Rune of 'urnin#, )%/

    ) 0annon: +n#ineer, Rune of For#in#, )*/&otal: $-%

    *riedemann HdirtyO#layerH %al"er, Daemons of CaosGreat Bnclean 9ne: General, Level *, Death, 6 Greater Gifts, %2/

    1erald of 3ur#le: 'S', Greater Locus of Fecundit., )!/$ Pla#uebearers: F0G, Standard of Swiftness, $**

    6 )/ Pin" 1orrors: )$/! 'easts of 3ur#le: $!/

    6 ) 'easts of 3ur#le: !/

    6 % 0haos Furies: Daemons o, 3ur#le, /% 0haos Furies: !/

    * Pla#ue Drones: Pla#ue Proboscis, */) S"ull 0annon: )$%

    &otal: $--

    Tore H!ang0artH 'lennis, Te Em#ireArch Lector on War Altar: General, 1eav. Armour, Dra#onbane Gem, 0harmed Shield, !*

    Wi=ard Lord: Level *, Li#ht, 9bsidian Lodestone, Sceptre of Stabilit., !/0aptain of the +mpire on Pe#asus: 'S', Lance, FPA, Shield, Dawnstone, Dra#onhelm, )2/

    'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, Scroll, -/'attle Wi=ard: Level ), Li#ht, Scroll of Shieldin#, 2/

    'attle Wi=ard: Li#ht, !%$ 1alberdiers: F0G, %

    D): % Archers, $%$% 1alberdiers: (usician, 0hampion, $/

    D): ) Archers, 2*

    ! 7ni#hts: (usician, $%2) Great 0annon: )/

    ) Steam &an": %/

    ) 0elestial 1urricanum: )$/

    &otal: $-2

    *elix H-onstao0linH Dalke, &am#ire Counts;ampire Lord: General, Level*, GW, 1A, &he other &ric"sters Shard, &alisman of Preservation, charmed Shield,&he 'oo" of Ar"han, Red Fur., Summon 0reatures of the 3i#ht,Aura of Dar" (aKest., ;ampires, %)!

    ;ampire: Shield, 1A, 'S', 9bsidian Amulet, Scroll of Shieldin#, ;ampires, )2)3ecromancer: Level , Dispell Scroll, Death, )%

    3ecromancer: Level , Death, )//6 ) 0airn Wraith: !/

    $6 / @ombies: (usician, Standard, /$- S"eleton Warriors: F0G Standard of Swiftness, */

    $6 % Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf, %/$6 Fell 'ats: $

    ) Spirit 1osts: *%)/ 1orrors: 0hampion, $-/

    ) &error#eist: %

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $-2

    -i.ael H-orteH Klostermann, !i"ardmanSlann (a#e

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    &otal: $-!

    Team ungary

    a0or Kova.s (C), Caos DwarfsSorcererroncurse >con, Dispel Scroll, -/

    (aster on 0old 9ne 0hariot: Lance, Sea Dra#on 0loa", 1eav. Armour, 'lac" Dra#on +##, Luc"stone, +nchantedShield, $

    / 'lac" Ar" 0orsair: F0G, Sea Serpent Standard, 1andbow, Reaver: Pair of 1andbow, %$* Dar" +lf Repeater 0rossbowmen: F0G, Shield, 2*

    % Dar" Rider: Repeater 0rossbow, (usician, ))

    6 % harpies: ))/$6 ) 0old 9ne 0hariot: $//

    ! Shade: Additional 1and Weapon, Li#ht Armour, )/2

    ) Warh.dra: )%

    &otal: $-*

    Ri.mperial Pe#asus: Full Plate Armor, Sword of (i#ht, Dra#onbane Gem, +nchanted Shield,>roncurse >con, )*!

    )/ Archers: 0hampion, 2/)/ Archers: /

    )% 7ni#hts of the >nner 0ircle: F0G, Lance, Ra=or Standard, *%/* 7ni#hts: F0G, Lance, 'anner of +ternal Flame,

    * 7ni#hts: 0hampion, (usician, Lance, %) Great 0annon: )/

    ) 0elestial 1urricanum: )$/

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    ) Steam &an": %/&otal: *//

    S"a0ol.s *ekete'

  • 8/13/2019 ETC 2013 LISTS


    Team S.otland

    Andy 'otter (C), %arriors of Caos0haos Lord on Disc of &=eentch: General, (ar" of &=eentch, 1ellfire Sword, +nchanted Shield, &alisman of+ndurance, Flamin# 'reath, &hird +.e of &=eentch, Soul Feeder, *//

    +6alted 1ero 93 Daemonic (ount: 'S', (o&, GW, 0harmed Shield, &alisman of Preservation, Scal. S"in, %!0haos Sorcerer: Level , Death, >roncurse >con, Dispel Scroll, Spellshield, )-%

    )2 0haos Warriors: (ar" of &=eentch, F0G, Shields, 'lasted Standard, $!)% (arauder 1orsemen: avelins, %

    % 0haos 1ounds: ;an#uard, */% 0haos 1ounds: $/

    6 ) 0haos 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, ))%) 0haos Warshrine: (ar" of &=eentch, )$%

    ) Gorebeast 0hariot: (ar" of Slaanesh, )$%) 1ellcannon: )/

    * S"ullcrushers: +nsorcelled Weapons, (usician, 0hampion, $$&otal: $--

    2ames Esland, Te Em#ireGrandmaster: General, Runefan#, 0harmed Shield, Dra#onbane Gem, Potion of Speed, %%

    Wi=ard Lord on Steed: Level *, Li#ht, Fencers 'lades, Dispel Scroll, ;an 1orstmanns Speculum, $)20aptain on Pe#asus: Full Plate Armour, Dawnstone, +nchanted Shield, Sword of (i#ht, Pistol, )!!

    0aptain on 'arded Steed: 'attle Standard 'earer, Full Plate, Shield, 9bsidian Lodestone, >roncurse >con, )%-

    7ni#hts: Great Weapons, (usician, )!*)! >nner 0ircle 7ni#hts: Great Weapons, Full 0ommand, 'anner of Discipline, **%

    $ 7ni#hts: 'anner, (usician, Gleamin# Pendant, )--$ 7ni#hts: 'anner, (usician, )-*

    ) Great 0annon: )/) Steam &an": %/


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