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  • 8/6/2019 Gaon_Kalyan_Samiti



  • 8/6/2019 Gaon_Kalyan_Samiti


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti





    The implementation framework of National Rural Health Mission provides for the orientation of allcommunity level leaders and formation of a Village Health and Sanitation Committee. Village Health andSanitation Committee is named as Gaon Kalyan Samiti in Orissa. Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) is a simple and

    effective management structure at the lowest level comprising of representatives from the village which isenvisaged as a facilitating body for all village level development programmes and reflects the aspirations of the local community.

    Gaon KalyanSamiti (GKS) will be constituted at the revenue villagelevel.After being duly constitutedmembers of GKS shall be oriented and trained to carry out the activities expected of them. The samiti will beregistered under the Societies RegistrationAct 1860 in due courseof time. However, registration will not be aprecondition for opening of the bank account andcarrying out day to dayactivities of GKS.

    The Samiti will be headed by the Ward Member of the village. In case there is more than one wardmember in thevillage:

    a. The women ward member will head the committee,

    b. If there is no women ward member existing, if there is an SC or ST person, he will head thecommittee.

    c. If more than one member of the category (a) or category (b) is available in the village, the wardmember of the larger ward will head the committee.

    d. If none of the members of (a) & (b) are available as ward member, the ward member with the largestward will head thecommittee.

    e. Wherever there is a panchayat consisting of one revenue village only, the sarpanch or NaibSarpanch who so ever is a woman will be the Chairperson of the committee.

    f. The other members of the committee are the following :

    i) Anganwadi Worker of the village- Convener. If there are more than one Anganwadi Worker in thesame village, theseniormostAnganwadi workerwill be theConvenor.

    ii) ASHAs of the village.

    iii) SEM (Self Employed Mechanicsunder RWSS) of thearea.

    iv) President or Secretary of up to three women SHGs(preferably SC / STs) of the village having highest

    own savings.v) The president of the Watershed Development Committee wherever a water shed project is running

    and thePresident reside in thevillage.

    vi) If none of the above is a member of SC or ST, then one member from each category should also benominatedby thechair person if available in the village.

    vii) Representative of any NGO working in the village or in absence of that a representative of a goodfunctioning Yuvak Sangha or any communitybased organization.


  • 8/6/2019 Gaon_Kalyan_Samiti


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    viii) While forming this committee, care should be taken to ensure that each of the hamlets in the revenuevillage is represented in thecommittee.

    To involve the community in planning and implementation of health and other allied activities at thevillage level.

    To create awareness on Maternal Health services, Child Health services, Family Planning services, Adolescent Health, Health& Hygiene, Environmental sanitationetc.

    To initiate action for themanagement of health related issuesand problems at the local level.

    To under take the above activities the Gaon Kalyan Samiti shall receive funds from various sources.The role of the GKS members would be to prioritize activities from the approved list and implement the samethrough differentpersons/CBOs.

    Every such Samiti constituted and registered shall be provided with a grant of Rs.10,000/-by theHealthand FamilyWelfare Deptt.

    The intention of this untied grant is to enable local action and to ensure that public health activities atthevillage level receive priority attention.

    The various activities which could be undertaken by the GKS include the following subject to theprescribed expenditure limits.

    Preparation of village health plan and related activities: Expenditure in this regard to be limited toRs.500/- formeeting expenses onlyother expenditure and formats to be supplied by theMission.

    Promotion of any village level public health activity like cleanliness drive, sanitation drive, schoolhealthactivities etc.: Expenditure to be limited to Rs.200/- per month.

    Disinfecting water sources, wells in the village, promoting activities relating to mosquitoeradication: Expenditure to be limited to Rs.200/- permonth forpurchase of Sanitary kits.

    Organization of Health Mela, Shishu Mela, camp for the handicapped etc: Expenditure to belimited up to Rs.1000/-. This includes organizing expenses, hiring of medical personnel, prizes,medicines etc.

    Providing emergency health services to old, infirm, destitute, orphan or handicapped personsbelonging to poorer households of the village viz. Hiring a vehicle, buying medicine hiring theservices of a doctor : Expenditure to be limited to Rs. 250/- per case with an upper limit of Rs.1000/-during this year under normal circumstances.

    Creating awareness about good sanitary practices amongst adolescent girls and mothers: Groupmeetings and discussion canbe held. Expenditure to be limited to Rs.100/- per month.

    Promotion of use of safe & clean drinking water and conducting water quality survey etc.:Expenditure to be limited to Rs. 500/- pervillageper year for activities such as carrying samples totesting centre, cleaning and repairing thewater source.






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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    Encouraging people to adopt accepted health practices instead of depending on quacks &untrained health care providers: Expenditure to be incurred on group meetings, wall paintings,creating a GKS board limited to Rs.1000/-per year.

    Discuss and Analysis of every maternal death & neonatal death that occurs in the village and

    suggesting necessary action to prevent such deaths & to get them registered in the panchayat.:The expenditure in this regard should be on activities relating to meeting expenses, limited toRs.100/-.

    The payment of Rs.100/- to AWW and Rs.50/- to ASHA per meeting shall also be met out of theabove fund with due approval of theSamitimembers.

    Any other health related activities that are a felt need for the village, with the approval of the Samiti.

    It may be noted that the GKS cannot spend more than 25% of the funds at one instance exceptduring emergencyand with due approval of thecommitteemembers.

    The Chairperson shall have the powers to call for andpreside over all the GKS meetings.

    The Chairperson may himself / herself call, or by a requisition in writing signed by him / her, mayrequire the Convener to call a meeting of this samiti at any time and on the receipt of such requisition,theConvener shall call such a meeting.

    The Chairperson shall have the authority to review periodically the work undertaken at the villagelevel andorder inquiries into theprogrammethat is implemented.

    A copy of the minutes of the proceedings of each meeting shall be furnished to all the members assoon as possible after completion of themeeting.

    She will convene the meetingof the GKS with the permission of the Chairperson.

    Shewill ensure that all members participate in themeeting.

    Shewill record the meeting proceedings, maintain cash book, provide monthly reports and SOE.

    Shewill facilitate theactivity implementation of theGKS.

    She will be assisted by the ASHAin all activities.

    The meetings of the Samiti shall be held once in every month and the proceedings shall be recordedin the prescribed format. The organization of the meeting shall be undertaken by theAWWfacilitatedby theASHA.

    One register shall be provided to record the proceedings of the committee meetings and also for maintaining cash book, reporting formats, SOEformat & Payment Voucher format.

    The meeting shall be held preferably in theAWC / School / Panchayat.








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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti



    Expected Funds Inflow:

    Banking System:

    Joint Signatories:


    Submission of Statementof Expenditure (SoE):

    AdministrativeApproval and Financial Sanction:

    Remuneration :

    Reporting :

    Supportive Supervision Committee :

    Every GKS will receive an untied amount of Rs.10, 000/- every year from the

    Health andFamily Welfare Department which is to be used as per the guidelines issued in this regard.

    GKS shall open a joint bank account of Ward Member and ANGANWADI Worker in any

    scheduled bank/Grameen Bank/PostOffices.

    Ward Member along withAnganwadiWorker shall operate theBankAccount.

    GKS may maintain one simple register for 'Untied Grants to GKS'. This register may be

    maintained by AWW facilitated by the ASHA. This register can be verified by the Panchayat representative

    at the close of each month.

    SoE may be submitted by theAWW on

    to the concerned Block Medical Officer through ANM. It would be desirable if, at the time of submission of

    SoE, AWW reconciles the expenditure with the bank statement. The SoE format / voucher / UC format be

    available in the above register. The SoE should be signed by the two joint signatories GKS account and

    certify this SoE.

    The funds underUntied Grant should be spent after the

    approval of majority members of the Samiti provided the expenditure is made for the activities approved as

    per the prescribed guideline.

    Anganwadi worker may be paid Rs. 100/- and ASHA can be paid Rs. 50/- per month for conduct of meetings, recording proceedings, recording proceedings and for maintenance of accounts by the


    TheAWWwill report in the prescribedformaton the meetings,activities and expenditure of GKS

    to theBlock Medical Officer on a quarterlybasis.

    ASupportive Supervision Committee has to be formed at the block

    level which shall be responsible for establishing and making each and every GKSoperational and functional.

    All difficulties and bottlenecks faced by the GKS with regards to local issues, functioning and membership

    etc. will be sorted out by the Supportive Supervision Committee. It will facilitate the functioning of the GKS

    and ensure the timely submission of reports and implementation of activities undertaken as identified by the


    a quarterly basis


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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    Block Medical Officer (BMO In-charge) ChairmanChild Development Project Officer (CDPO) Co-ChairpersonJunior Engineer, RWSS/Representative of the Block Member BEE Member

    Block Programme Organiser Convener Concerned ICDS supervisor Member Concerned LHV/ANM Member

    Zilla Swasthya Samiti at the district level will monitor the activities of GKS andprovide thestrategicdirection.

    1. Concerned Gram Panchayat and its standing Committee will regularly review the performance of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) in its meeting. The matter shall also be discussed in Palli Sabhas & GramSabhas.

    2. Atblock level, Panchayat Samiti will discuss andreview the activities of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) intheir regular meetings.

    Zilla Parishad as well as District Mission / Zilla Swasthya Samiti / District Water & SanitationCommitteeetc. shall deliberateupon the functioning of Gaon Kalyan Samiti and suggest improvements.

    As a Micro level platform to enable and initiate community level action, it is important to conductcertain community level processes for the formation of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS).The formation of GKSwillbe done as per the following processes.

    A District level sensitization workshop is to be organized to sensitize the stakeholders on theformation of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS).This could be done as a separate agenda in the joint monthly reviewmeeting of the Medical Officers i/c andCDPOsandmonthly meeting of the BDOs.

    IntroductionPresentation on the aims and objectives of GKSFormationof GKS steps and proceduresPlan for theblock level sensitization workshop

    Thedates for theblock level sensitization workshop in each block will be finalized in this meeting.

    A Block level sensitization workshop of the stakeholders on the formation of GKS will be organized at theblock headquarters. Chairman, Panchayat Samiti / Vice Chairman, Panchatay Samiti / BDO will inauguratethe workshop. The participants of the workshop include functionaries from Health (MO, BEE, BPO, LHV,

    ANMs,Ayush doctor), ICDS (CDPO, Supervisors), JE, RWSS andNGOrepresentatives.

    IntroductionPresentationon theaims and objectives of GKS









    Accountability :

    Guideline for the formation of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS)

    District level

    Block level


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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    Name of theSub Centre

    Name of the ANM

    Name of thedesignated BlockNodal Officer

    Name of theRevenue villagewhere GKS is tobe formed.

    Date of the villagelevel meeting for GKS formation



    Formation of GKS steps andprocedurePlan for thevillage level meeting forGKS formation.

    The formation of the GKS will be held under the overall leadership of the Medical Officer in the block. S/he willbe supportedby theBEE, BPO andAyush doctor.

    Thefollowing block level officials will be designated as the nodal officer for the formation of GKS.

    Medical Officer




    Ayush doctor




    Each one of the above officials will be assigned certain number of sub centers in the block to oversee andfacilitate formation of the GKS as the designated Block Nodal Officer. A block level plan will be preparedaccordinglymentioning the following.

    Role of the block level nodal person is to participate in the village level meeting for the formation of GKS,verify the documents and facilitate opening of the bank account in the name of the GKS.

    The formation of the GKS in their respective sub center villages would be the responsibility of the ANM. Thefollowing steps would be followed at the village level for the formation of the GKS.

    ANM in consultation with the Ward member will fix a suitable date and time to organize a village levelmeeting where all the Ward members, President and Secretary of all the SHGs,Members, Presidentand Secretary of Watershed Development Committee, President and Secretary of Youth Clubs,NGORepresentatives and 10-15 influential members of the village will be invited to attend. Minimumattendance will be around 50 persons.




    Information will be shared with the above people with a notice of at least 7 days before the meeting. AWW and ASHAwill assist the ANM to share the information with the people and mobilize the peopleto participate in themeeting.ANM with thehelpofAWWandASHAwillorganize this meeting.

    In the meeting information will be shared regarding the aims, objectives, roles and responsibilities of the office bearers of GKS in the presence of the Block Level NodalOfficer.

    Village level


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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti







    Aresolution will be passed in the meeting for the statutory formation of the GKS and the nomination of the President, Secretary and other members as per the guideline. The resolution will be maintainedin a register called as GKS Register with thesignature of theparticipants.

    The first meeting of the newly constituted GKS members will be held subsequently where the aims

    and objective of the formation of GKS will be further discussed. The Convener will convene themeeting and all the GKS members will participate in the meeting. The Chairperson will preside over themeeting.ANM with thesupport ofAWWandASHAwill facilitate the meeting.

    A resolution will be passed on the opening of the bank account in the name of GKS with the jointsignature of Chairperson (Ward member) andAnganwadi Worker. This will be mentioned in the GKSregister with thesignatureof GKS members,ANM,AWWandASHA.

    A letter of request from the GKS to the Branch Manager in which the bank account will be openedalong with the copy of the resolution will be sent to the Medical Officer through theANM.

    The Block Nodal Officer for the village will facilitate opening of the bank account in the name of theGKS.An amount of Rs.10000/- in the form of anA/Cpayee cheque will be deposited in the account bytheMedical Officer I/C.

    Documentary evidence of the formation of GKS like meeting register, resolution, copy of the requestletter to the bank and bank pass book is to be available at the village level. This has to be ensured bytheconcernedANMswith the support ofASHAandAWW.

    Funds for the formation of each GKS (One Time)

    Designated person Deliverables Amount to be paid

    AWW, ASHA of the concernedvillage.

    o Arrange the meeting in the village, Shareinformation with the villagers and mobilize thecommunity to participate in the meeting.

    o Maintain the resolution of the GKS meeting in theregister.

    Rs.200/- (Amount tobe equallydistributed amongthe ASHAs & AWWsof the village.)

    ANM o Fix the date & time of village meting and fi rstGKS meeting in consultation with the Wardmember of the village.

    o Ensure information sharing with the villagers onthe date and time of the meeting with the supportof AWW and ASHAs.

    o Facilitate the village meeting and first meeting of the GKS. Help the AWW/ASHA to write theresolution of the meetings.

    o Submit the meeting resolution and request letter for bank account opening to the Medical Officer through the block nodal officer of the village.

    o Ensure reaching of the bank passbook with theGKS.



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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    Annexure - 1

    Name of the Revenue Village: ___________________________

    Name of theAnganwadi Center: ___________________________

    Name of theANM sub center: ______________________________

    Name of theBlock: ___________________________________

    Date of the meeting: ____________________________

    A village meeting was held on __________________________ for the formation of Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    (GKS) in the village under the chairpersonship of Sri/Smt _____________________________ , ward

    member. Sri _________________________________ ,BlockNodal Officer and Smt. _______________________________________________________________,

    ANM facilitated the meeting. AWW, ASHA, SEM, SHG members, CBO members along with the villagers

    participated in the meeting. The ANM and Block Nodal Officer discussed the aims, objectives of the GKS in

    the meeting and a discussion was held on the same. It was decided unanimously to form the GKS in the

    village. While following the guideline, the following members were unanimously selected as the members of

    theGaon KalyanSamili (GKS).

    1. ChairpersonSri/Smt _________________________________Ward Member

    2. ConvenerSmt.___________________________________ Anganwadi Worker









    The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.

    Signature of theparticipants



    Resolution of the Village Meeting heldfor the formation of Gaon Kalyan Samili (GKS)


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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    Annexure - 2

    Name of theRevenueVillage : ___________________________

    Name of theAnganwadi Center : ___________________________

    Name of theANM sub center : ___________________________

    Name of the Block : ___________________________

    Date of the meeting : ___________________________

    The first meeting of the Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) of ______________________________ Village washeld on____________ under the chairmanship of Sri/Smt. ___________________________Chairperson,

    GKS. The members of GKS, ANM, AWW, ASHA and Block Nodal Officer participated in the meeting. The

    aims and objectives of GKS was discussed in detail. ANM informed that an amount of Rs.10000/- will be

    sanctioned to the GKS from NRHM to implement different health related activities by the GKS in the village.

    To fac il it at e the same i t was dec ided to open a SB bank account in the nea rest

    ________________________________________ bank.

    It was agreed that the resolution of this meeting along with a letter of request to the Branch Manager,

    ___________________________________will sent to the bank for the opening of the bank account in the

    name of GKS.Thefollowingpersonswill jointly operate theback account

    1. Sri/Smt______________________________Ward Member , Chairperson.

    2. Smt._________________________________Anganwadi member, Convenor.

    It decidedthat the functioning of the GKS would be governed by the guidelines of the NRHM.

    The meting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair

    Signature of themembers present in themeeting

    Resolution of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) meeting


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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    Annexure - 3



    Sub: Opening of theBankAccount in thename of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS),___________________.


    A Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) is formed to implement health related activities in

    _________________________ village. To facilitate the funds transaction it was decided in the village

    meeting to open the SBbankaccount in your bank. The accountwillbe jointly operated by

    1. Sri/Smt______________________________Chairperson

    2. Smt._________________________________Convenor.

    The resolution of the meeting held for the formation of GKS is sent along with this letter. We request

    you to open the bank account in the name of Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) ____________________ in your

    bank. The bank opening form duly filled in is also enclosed with this letter. It is therefore requested to

    immediately open an account in your bank in favour of our committee.

    Yours faithfully

    Recommended by Chairperson

    GKS, ________________

    Name __________________________


    (Medical OfficerI/C or his/her Representative) Convener

    GKS, _________________

    Encl: copy of the resolution of the meeting.


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    Guideline on DistributionandEffectiveUseof Long Lasting InsecticidalNets (LLIN), Orissa, 2009.

    Appropriate vector control measures are essential to control malaria. Indoor residual spray with suitableinsecticide and use of insecticide treated nets (ITMN)/ long lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) are the major

    vector control strategies.The guideline describes the implementation on distribution and effective use of LLIN, the new personalprotection measure nowavailable in themalaria control programme.

    To ensure equitable distribution and use of LLINs in all households in selected contiguous highburdenarea.

    To protect people from malaria infection by preventing the man mosquito contact during the activebiting time in the night.

    To ensuresupplyand proper distribution of LLIN.To increase the knowledge of community and change in behaviour on use and advantage of LLIN inprotecting them from malaria.

    To bring special focus to protect pregnant mothers and children under five who are most vulnerableto malaria infection

    To ensureeffectivemonitoring mechanism for LLIN programme.

    : Plain net not treated with insecticide provide limited protection. It provides limited

    physical barrier between mosquito and the man. Mosquitoes can still bite through the net or get inside the netif it is torn or there are holes or not properly used.

    Ordinary plain net



    Advantages of LLIN over ordinary plain nets andITN:

    ITN LLIN Ordinary mosquito nets treated with insecticide

    provide much more e ffective protection that theordinary plain nets by repelling and killing themosquitoes.

    But these nets need to be re -impregnated after six month (twice a year).

    These nets have insecticide incorporated in their fibre so that the insecticide is not rem oved by asmany as 20 washes. The efficacy of theinsecticide is retained upto 3-5 years.

    These nets are generally more effective thanconventional ITNs.

    It improves the efficacy of the malaria programmewith greater control and sustained behaviour.

    Furthermore LLIN is now available at a price of Rs200-300/- and hence less costly than the netsneeding repeated impregnation with insecticide.


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    Theprincipleof coverage:


    ITMN/ LLIN are now the main methods for control of malaria transmission and a strategy

    adopted worldwide in malaria endemic countries/state.

    The population targeted to be protected by ITN/LLIN must have as close as 100% coverage

    ensuring everybody sleeping under net.


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    conscious to protect the pregnant mother and the children under five as they are most vulnerable and

    affectedby thedangerous variety of malaria i.e. falciparum.

    2) Children inTribal schoolhostels

    The children of tribal school hostels should be provided with LLIN and they may be allowed to take the nets totheir villages during vacations. They should also be sensitised on prevention of malaria through class room

    teachings that can spread through them to their family members and community. Children can work as

    'change agents' in their respective communities in influencing the change in behaviour of the family and

    communitymembers.This canbe integrated in School healthprogrammeunder NRHM.

    If data regarding number of person in a household is not available, it can be

    assumed that an average household has 5 members (2 adults and 3 children). It is then possible for one

    LLIN of to cover an average of 2.5 persons (2 adults or 3 children or 1 adult plus 1-2 children).

    Thus, for a given village the number of LLINs required is usually equal to total population divided by 2.5.

    Example: if a village is havinga population of 1200, then total LLIN (family size) required is 1200/2.5=480.

    This will normally ensurea sufficient quantity of LLIN for the followingschedule:

    1-2 persons: 1 LLIN, 3-5 persons: 2 LLINs, 6-7 persons: 3 LLINs, 8-10 persons:4 LLINs

    Sometimes villagers may complain that the number of nets assessed or supplied by the above schedule is

    not sufficientbecause of householdmemberssleep apart.

    In onearea members of GKS opined that in their houses girl of >13year old sleeps separately andalso the old man and woman sleep separately. There may be many such other instances depending upon the

    culture and traditions. In such cases villagers should be explained that the family may buy an additional LLIN

    or a plain netwhich can be medicated.

    If the family is too poor to buy additional LLIN/net but needs, then GKS may

    provide the same from the 'buffer stock' or supply the same by utilising the contributory fund. GKS should

    decide whether to give the LLIN/Nets with subsidised rate or free considering the economic status of the


    Besides the above arrangement, a buffer stock of 3% of the entire quantity required for the

    village maybe kept reserved to meet any kind of unforeseen additional requirement.This buffer stock maybe

    kept at the block level and given to the concerned GKS after they indent with proper justification.

    Distributionwill be done through the GKS.

    Ideally for a targeted village, the distribution of LLIN should be done in one single day operation but in case it

    isrequired then the GKS may decide toextend itby a day ortwo.

    family size

    Normally the quantity of LLIN required for the family should be considered on the basis of no. of persons in

    the family staying through out the year (some members may be staying away from the family for livelihood


    Quantity required per village:


    In case a family is very poor:

    Buffer stock:

    Distribution mechanism at thevillage level :


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    The date of distribution of LLIN should be intimated to the villagers at least 7 days prior to distribution

    through GKS members and other volunteers. This should be linked with the IEC/BCC campaign


    Required quantity of LLINs needs to be handed over to the GKS at least one day prior to the distribution

    (see the responsibility matrix). While distribution GKS should involve PRIs, SHGs, CBOs and NGO to


    The LLIN packs should be opened before a small committee not less than 3 members of GKS.

    Wherever possible FemaleHealthWorker should be included as a member.

    This committee will certify the number of LLINs received and the same to be intimated to the Health

    Supervisor/ MTSforonwards transmission to theBlock Medical officer.

    A respected person of the village / area may be invited to inaugurate the distribution of LLIN and there

    should be adequate BCC activities during distribution disseminating message on the use of LLIN to the

    community. A register should be maintained in the prescribed format at GKS level to record the details of LLIN


    Drop out households need to be identified after the LLIN distribution is over within two days and LLIN

    shouldbe supplied maximum within 7 days.

    All GKSsneed to be oriented on these aspects by the District/ Block team prior to the distribution.




    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    1. Voluntary contribution by households:

    2. Use ofthe contributoryfund byGKS:

    3. Maintenance of Record& Registers

    LLIN distribution should be free for public health purposes. Practices favour the concept of somevoluntary contribution as a symbol of ownership and building up a self-reliant mechanism at the grass

    root level. This will also strengthen the GKS with additional fund for the village development on malariaand vector control activities.

    District need to decide whether to collect a minimal amount of voluntary contribution from thebeneficiaries as a symbol of ownership. GKS while distributing LLIN may decide to collect Rs 10-15/-from BPLand Rs 20-30/- fromAPL families based on theSocio economic statusof thevillage/hamlet.

    The contributory fund will be deposited in GKS account and will be utilised for malaria control

    measures in the village. In the cash book register of GKS this will be maintained in details.

    It is important that this message should be properly transmitted to the villagers and other stake holdersto avoid anyconfusion or misinformation.

    GKS may decide to providefreeLLIN to the household with low socio economic status.

    will be updated with the status of distribution to help the community monitoringprocess.

    Voluntary contribution fund should be collected with proper money receipt. Uniform money receiptformat /printed money receipt books in Oriya maybe supplied by thedistrict.

    A. Funds generated by voluntary contribution will be deposited in GKS account and maintained in aregister.

    b. Thisfund can be used for following purposes:

    - ICE/BCC activities, village meetings, SHG meetings, awareness by school children for villagecleanness, observing weekly dry day for elimination of breeding sources for preventing breeding of


    - Other activities that would help in prevention of malaria andother vector borne diseases.

    - Reviewand planning meeting byGKSforvector borne disease control.

    VC-3 form will be used forprimary record keeping of LLIN delivery and progress updates.

    VC- 4 form will be used for LLIN output report and progress update

    In thedistribution register following information will be recorded.

    'Swastha Kantha'


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    Name of

    Head of the

    House hold


    Name of



    Code No.*

    Date of


    Sign/Lt. thumb

    impression of

    the HH


    * Code number for each LLIN: There should be a code number for each LLIN which will help in monitoring

    later. The code number should be written on the lefthand corner of the LLIN by a permanent marker pen.Thecode number should be matched withASHAcode number mentionedin the M1 form.

    Involving community with proper communication will achieve a great deal in benefiting thecommunityby LLIN.

    Who can be involved for facilitating the process? they may be the local community representatives,Self Help Groups, CBO/ NGOs, PRI members who should be sensitised and encouraged to promotetransparencyof communication andoptimal useby the community.

    Health Workers and community volunteers can disseminate the correct messages by inter personalcommunication, small group discussions. Messages can be transmitted during Village Health andNutrition Day(VHND), Pustikar Divas and at sector level meeting whereASHAattends.

    - Household contact byASHAs for delivering messageson the use & benefit ofLLIN one weekprior todistribution

    - Display of posters on use and availabilityof LLINat the Sub Centers andAnganwadi Center

    - Wall writings on benefit, use and storage as well as the distribution date on the Swasthya Kanthaunder GKS 7days before thedistribution

    - Announcement through VHND/Pustikar Divas to generate local needs.

    - Announcement and social mobilization campaigns in the religious places of the catchment areassuch as

    Sensitization sessions for IHP/ISP will be conduced at block level in tribal blocks.

    Sensitization of Kalyani Club members



    1. Community involvement and Behaviour Change Communication:

    FollowingIEC/BCC activities to be undertaken at theSub center/Village level


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    Existing IECmaterials like leaflets,posters, video CDscanbe used for thepurpose.

    Key messages on medicatedbednet (LLIN/ITN):

    Use of medicated bed net is safe:


    The most vulnerable should be protected first:

    Use of medicated net should be regular:

    Use of medicated net while in forest:

    Proper use of medicated net:


    but this is notharmful.

    In case of LLIN there is no such smell.

    should be organised for the health staff, GKS and other community levelstakeholders prior to LLIN distribution. In tribalblocks Informal healthservice providers should be sensitised.

    Sensitisation and Training should be done on how to convince regarding the benefit of using LLIN and how touse the net with proper demonstration and use of IEC materials. They should also be communicated on their roles andresponsibilities on counselling,LLIN distribution and monitoring.

    Medicated bednets are safe for all including young babies and pregnant women.

    Direct skin contact with the insecticide on a wet net may cause a tingling sensation-

    In case of ITN there may be smell of insecticide after the treatment, but the smell is not harmful andsubsides after a few days.

    Mosquitoes and other insects are killed with the effect of insecticide, hence vector borne diseasesincluding malaria are prevented.

    As it prevents the entry of insects including mosquitoes, a person gets better sleep inside amedicated mosquito net.

    Pregnant women and young children are most vulnerable for malaria infection and malaria is verydangerous for them.

    However as much as possible all family members should be protected by medicated net aseverybody can be infected by malaria.

    All members of the family should sleep under the medicated net daily round the year even if they do notperceive the existence of mosquitoes in their house or surroundings.

    In forest areas if family members need to go inside forest and sleep there, it is important to carry themedicated nets and sleep under it- otherwise there is all possible chance of a mosquito bite andgetting the infection.

    The medicated net works better if hung & tuck properly in such a way that there are no gaps, whereinsects including mosquitoes can come in.

    If one sleeps in open i.e outside the room one should also use the net hanging with special arrangement


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    (see the picture how they use in a tribal area).

    Medicated nets (LLINs) are special and precious. They are distributed to people living in high riskareas for malaria. These nets should be kept and used in the family till they are replaced by the healthservices or the family can buy a new one.

    LLINs can be washed gently when really necessary (each wash may remove some amount of insecticide).

    It is important to keep the medicated nets safely in the house. In the day time (when nets are not used)all nets should be neatly folded and stacked in one part of the house. If there is little time for hangingthe nets in each evening before sleep they can be folded up in the place where they are hung,

    Demonstration of correct hanging of nets

    Placement of nets in four sticks while sleeping out side

    Reproduced from J.Rozendaal. Vector Control. Geneva, WHO, 1996


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    8. Preparatory activities at different level:

    To have an effective community participation and better impact for LLIN distribution and use in atargeted population the whole activity should be done in a campaign mode starting from district to

    village level.

    To conduct such a campaign effectively, the preparatory activities shouldbe well designed at all level.

    A District level advisory / coordination committee may be formed under the chairmanship of

    District Collector. Chief District Medical officer may be the convener of the committee. Senior officialsfrom Health and other related departments, representatives of civil society organisation, electedrepresentativesmaybe themembers of this committee.At least there should be seven members in thecommittee. The district mayform any other representative body forsmooth implementation of theLLINdistribution and thecampaign along with it.

    Responsibility and functioningof the committee:

    Thecommitteemayapprove thedistrict LLIN distributionplan.

    Review of the distribution progress and the use of LINs on monthly basis.

    Resolve any local conflict that mayoccur during distribution.

    Block level advisory/coordination committee may be formed under the chairmanship of

    Panchayat Samiti Chairman. Block Medical officer may be the convener of the committee. Senior officials from Health and other related departments, representatives of civil society organisation, may

    be the members of this committee.At least there should be five members in the committee. The Blockmay form any other representative body for smooth implementation of the LLIN distribution and thecampaign along with it.

    Responsibility and functioningof the committee:

    Theblock planning forLLIN distribution maybe approved by committee.

    Review of the distribution progress and the use of LLINs on monthly basis.

    Resolve any local conflict that mayoccur during distribution or afterwards.

    The Male Health Worker will facilitate the distribution process through GKS. If there is nowill take the responsibility for the targeted


    the GKS will be the distributing agency of LLIN to the beneficiaries. In addition to

    this GKS will be involved in communitymobilization, awarenessgeneration on LLIN as well monitoring& supervision of pre& post distribution activities.







    Male Health Worker then the Male Health Supervisor








    GaonKalyan Samiti:


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    9. Logisticsand transportation mechanism:

    After receiving the LLIN from GoI, these will be supplied by to District Head Quarters

    with prior intimation of 7days.District must keep their ware house ready for temporary storage facility and action plan for distributionto the high risk villages as per the guideline.

    District will supply the LLINs to Block HQs and from there distribution will be made to concerned GKSand HealthWorkers will be accountable for thesame.

    NVBDCP, Orissa


    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

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    Guideline for Gaon Kalyan Samiti

    8. Financial guideline for LLIN distribution

    1. Logistics including transportation cost is to be met from office expenses under planning and

    administration.2. Sensitisation/training of GKS members and other stake holders is to be met from training cum

    sensitization fund in World Bank districts& Village level awarenesscampaign fund in GFATM districts.

    3. Sensitization of Kalyani club & IHP/ISP on LLIN will be integrated in NRHM RCH II 2009-10 IEC/BCCpackage.

    4. Monitoring and supervision is to be met from the head hiring vehicle/POL and TA/DA

    5. Register, format, money receipt etc .to be met from office expenses.

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