Page 1: Grønn kriminologi og kritisk kriminologi · kriminologi •‘Eco-global criminology refers to a framework of analysis where the emphasis is on the ecological, the transnational

Grønn kriminologi og kritisk kriminologi

• Felles fokus: Konstruksjonen av skade; Hva anses som skade (men akseptabelt?) (Hillyard et al 2004, Hillyard and Tombs 2007, Walters 2010)

• Og som kriminalitet - og hvorfor? (Christie 1994)

• En forpliktelse til sosial rettferdighet

• Et fokus på hvordan avvik konstrueres og kontrolleres (og på hva som ikke kriminaliseres)

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Crime and Justice

Conventional Criminology-legal conceptions

Ecological Conceptions-ecological wellbeing

Green Criminology- justice conceptions

Critical criminology approach

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Conventional Criminology:Focus on crime

• Illegal taking of flora and fauna – which includes activities such as illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, illegal logging and trade in timber, and illegal trade in wild plants and animals

• Pollution offences – which relates to issues such as flytipping (illegal dumping) through to air, water and land pollution associated with industry

• Transportation of banned substances – which refers to illegal transport of radioactive materials and the illegal transfer of hazardous waste

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Hva er grønn (øko-global) kriminologi??

The study of harms aganist humanity, environment, (including space), and non-

human animals by powerful institutions and ordinary people (Beirne and South 2007:


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Rob Whites definisjon av øko-global kriminologi

• ‘Eco-global criminology refers to a framework of analysis where the emphasis is on the ecological, the transnational and questions of justice. The substantive focus of eco-global criminology is transgressions against ecosystems, humans and animals’ (2012).

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• -Defineres som en fordom eller en holdning som favoriserer interessene til en art - mennesket - på bekostning av andre arter, fordi de anses som mindreverdige. Spesiesisme er en ideologi, som rasisme, seksisme og klassisme, og er et sett av vidt utbredte delte overbevisninger som har sitt utspring i og støtter eksisterende eller ønskede undertrykkende regimer. (Ryder 1975 her i Regan 2007: 138). Og se P. Singer og D. Nibert 2002, 2003:8).

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Grunnlaget for øko-global kriminologi

(White 2012)

• Miljøkriminalitet/skade (crime/v. harm)

• Fusjonen mellom det lokale og det globale, f.eks. Ulovlig trafficking og dumping av giftig avfall, inkl. E-avfall, og radioaktivt avfall, grenseoverskridende forurensning som enten er systematisk (f.eks. fra fabrikkker), ulovlig handel med truede arter , ulovlig fiske og tømmerhogst,

• eller tilknyttet ulykker (som kjemiske utslipp, oleutslipp),

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Geografisk omfang og miljøskade (White 2007, 2012)

• Skala/omfang Eksempler • Lokalt: Lobster poaching in Nova Scotia, Canada,


• Nasjonalt Issues of drinking water in Palestine, Israel and Jordan

• Regionalt Logging in the forests of the Amazon, oil drilling in the rainforest, Mountaintop removal mining (MTR),

Killing of elephants for their tusks in Africa, rhino for their horn

• Globalt Global warming and natural disasters

Formation of huge plastic dumps in oceans

• Transnasjonalt Global trade in toxic waste

Shifting of dirty industries to developing countries

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Eco-Global Criminology and Horizon Scanning

• Horizon scanning: White (2007) sier at nødvendige fremtidsanalyser må konseptualisere miljøskade bredt ifht tid, rom og omfang, mer spesifikt i hht en spesiell vinkling eller orientering. I fht dette teoretiske rammeverket er det tre komponenter:

• Substansiell orientering,

• rettferdighetsorientering, og

• fremtidsorientering.

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Substansiell orientering

Risiko a prediction or expectation that includes the perspectives of those affected about what is important to

them, concerning a hazard or danger in which there is uncertainty over occurrence but which may

involve adverse consequences as the possible outcome within a certain time period

Skade an actual danger or adverse effect, stemming from direct and indirect social processes, that negatively

impinges upon the health and wellbeing and ecological integrity of humans, specific biospheres and

nonhuman animals

Årsak analysis of causal chains that may involve many interrelated variables but which ultimately are linked

to specific practices and human responsibility for environmental harm


Miljø in which environmental rights are seen as an extension of human or social rights so as to enhance the

quality of human life, now and into the future


in which it is acknowledged that human beings are merely one component of complex ecosystems

that should be preserved for their own sake via the notion of the rights of the environment


in which harm is constructed in relation to the place of nonhuman animals within environments and

their intrinsic right to not suffer abuse, whether this be one-on-one harm, institutionalised harm or

harm arising from human actions that affect climates and environments on a global scale





refers to the principle of ensuring that the generations to follow have at least the same or preferably

better environments in which to live than those of the present generation



when an activity raises threats of harm to human health, nonhuman animals or the environment,

precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully

established scientifically

Overføring over


in this context refers to the transfer of harm over time, involving both cumulative impacts and

compounding effects

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Økologiske forståelser

• Problem of Climate Change – in which the concern is to investigate those activities that contribute to global warming, such as the replacement of forests with cropland

• Problem of Waste & Pollution – in which the concern is with those activities that defile the environment, leading to things such as the diminishment of clean water

• Problem of Biodiversity – in which the concern is to stem the tide of species extinction and the overall reduction in species through application of certain forms of human production, including use of genetically modified organisms

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Rettferdighetsperspektiver innenfor grønn kriminologi

• Miljørettigheter og miljørettferdighet, miljørettigheter sees som en forlengelse av menneskerettigheter og sosiale rettigheter, for å styrke kvaliteten på menneskelivet.

• Økologisk statsborgerskap og økologisk rettferdighet –anerkjenner at mennesker kun er en del av komplekse økosystemer som skal bevares for sin egen skyld, ifht miljøets rettigheter.

• Dyrerettigheter og artsrettferdighet – skade ses i forhold til den plass dyr har i sine økosystemer og deres rett til å ikke bli ofre for mishandling, være seg én til én , institusjonalisert, eller forårsaket av skade fra menneskelige handlinger som påvirker klima og miljø i et globalt omfang.

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Forskjellige perspektiver:

• Anthroposentrisme, menneske I sentrum (konvensjonell krim)

• Biosentrisme, eller artssentrert; (alle arter samme hensyn)

• Økosentrisme (Hensyn til mennesker og andre arter, som mennesker har et spesielt ansvar for)

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I fht miljørettigheter - Environmental justice

• Environmental justice refers to peoples’ access to natural resources, as fresh water, and the impact of social and environmental hazards on specific populations, e.g focusing on their gender, age and ethnicity.

• Some harms are equally distributed, as global warming.

• while other harm specific groups, (e.g. pollution harming inuits, oil extraction in Ecuadorian and Peruvian forest harming indigenous groups) Differential victimisation.

• F.eks: Urfolk, kvinner og barn hyppigst ofre, se E. Gaarder, Vandana Shiva og Maria Mies

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UN conventions:

• In 1990 the UNCHR adopted the first resolution on human rights and the environment which affirmed the relationship between preservation of the environment and the protection of human rights.

• By 1998, the Environmental rights convention had been developed, that is: The convention on access to Information, Public Participation and Decision Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters.

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Ecological justice

• Refers to the relationship of human beings generally to the rest of the natural world, and includes health of the biosphere and those populating it, non human animals and plants.

• The main concern is that of planetary well being and the rights also of non human animals to live their lives free from abuse, torture, premature death and destruction of habitat.

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Species justice/Animal rights

• Skade, konstrueres i relasjon til den plass ikke-menneskelige dyr har I sine miljøer og deres iboende rett til å ikke måtte lide som følge av mishandling,

• -være seg en til en , institusjonalisert, eller forårsaket av skade fra menneskelige handlinger som påvirker klima og miljø i et globalt omfang.

• Skade/mishandling kan være intendert eller av vanvare, skyldes hensikt eller vanskjøtsel

• Viktig felt i kriminologien fordi det er kriminalisert, og fordi det er skadelig (Beirne 1999, 2007)

• Er forklart psykologisk av Robert Agnew (1998)

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Det økosentriske perspektivet

• Anerkjenner forskjellige sosiale interesser, forskjellige former for sosial makt, og skiller tydelig mellom undertrykker og undertrykket, utbytter og utbyttet,

• Anerkjenner en følelse av helhet og sammenheng (mellom mennesker og natur), selv om det er menneskesentrert. (White 2007).

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Different types of harms

Brown, green and white issues • Brown: Urban settings, e.g. oil spills, air


• Green: habitat destruction, toxic algea, acid rain

• White: Genetically modified organisms, in vitro processes, cloning of human tissue (biopiracy) (White 2007)

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Content: chapters concerning:

• Illegal logging in Liberia and Indonesia, (T. Boekhount van Solinge)

• The scampi industry (M. O’Brien)

• Animal abuse (experimentation, food industry, pet industry) (L.Gålmark, P.a. Svärd, S. Hallsworth, S. Stephenson, R. Sollund)

• Empirical and theoretical contributions (N. South)

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Characteristics of environmental harm/crime

• Difficult to investigate, hard to prove (South 2006, Ruggiero 1996)

• ”Invisible victims”

• Silent victims who cannot protest (Animals and ecosystems cannot protest, as is often the case with women and children) (e.g. Gaarder 2013)

• Slow, indirect consequences (global warming)

• As consumers and polluters, we all corraborate to more or less degree

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Explanations for speciesism

• Difference

• -Legitimates difference in value and therefore

• -Legitimates abuse

• Discourse

• Hides the through character of acts harming animals. (e.g. meat rather than dead animal corps)

• Social Distance

• Physical distance (We do not see the consequences of our choices, e.g. research laboratories, ”meat” factories and slaughteries). Habitats going empty.

• Techniques of neutralization: “The denial of the victim” (Sykes and Matza 1957)

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”Naturalised practices and ideologies

• Slavery

• Racism

• Classism

• Sexism

• Speciesism

-The ”natural” order?

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Martin O’Brien:

Criminal degradations of consumer culture

Two agendas:

• Argues for the concept of social harm

• On basis of the empirical example of the scampi industri and its consequences

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Scampi og skjell

• Underkommunisering av konsekvensene av scampikonsumet

• Case: 21 kinesiske skjellplukkere som var irregulære innvandrere fra Kina druknet i tidevannet i Morecomb Bay

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Effects on the environment

• Destroys mangrove forests and ecosystems

• Pollutes (A large number of toxins also spread to the sea and poison marine life)

• For the production of one kilo scampi, 20 kilos of marine life is destroyed ( like in salmon production)

• Garbage

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Social harm/skade

• En konsumentkultur basert på kapitalistisk og post-imperialistisk utnyttelse kan kun foregå på basis av at noen betaler prisen for andres konsumvalg, gjennom identifiserbar skade (harm)

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Det internasjonale pengefondet og Verdensbanken

• Thailand: Fra 10 000 tonn i 1980 til 300 000 tonn i 2000.

• Indonesia: Fra 5000 til 138 000

• ”Trade - not aid”

• ”Bærekraftig utvikling” (ikke så bærekraftig…)

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Crime, conflicts and ecology in Africa Tim Boekhout van Solinge

• ”Legal” and illegal deforestation in West-Africa

• Trade in bushmeat

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Ulovlig avskoging

• I noen land er 59-90% av avskogingen illegal.

• Ulovlig hogst:

Uten tillatelse

Utenfor tillatt område

I nasjonalparker

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Konflikter i Afrika

-Opprettholdes pga landenes ressursrikdom

• Angola, borgerkrigen etter løsrivelse fra Portugal varte i 27 år

• Kongo: ”Afrikas 2.verdenskrig”, fire millioner døde, ni land involvert

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Liberias to borgerkriger

1989-1996, 1999-2003

Opprørsleder Charles Taylor ble valgt til president i 1997.

Tømmer: hovedinntekskilde

Legalisering: Taylor endret loven til å gi ham full tilgang til landets ressurser, gjennom:

The strategic commodities act

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• Handelen i liberisk tømmer forlenget konflikten i Vest-Afrika

• I Liberia: Den unike regnskogen ble halvert på fem år.

• Konsekvensene av avskoging:

• Dyr (individer og arter) fortrenges, jaktes på og utryddes

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Ressursplyndring og dyreliv

• ”Bushmeat”; hjort, chimpanser, krokodiller, elefanter, store aper (som er utrydningstruet)

• Veier forenkler fangsten/jakten,

• Øker etterspørselen

• Fragmenterer landskapet

• Ødelegger habitater

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Tropisk avskoging for forskjellig formål:

• Afrika; tømmer = penger

• Latin-Amerika og Sørøstasia: Omgjøring til landbruk (soyaprduksjon, kyr (kjøttproduksjon), palmeoljeproduksjon

• Fordriving av urfolk

• En økologisk katastrofe (Den sjette utryddelse)

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Liberia et biologisk ”hotspot”

• Rikt på arter som ikke finnes noen andre steder, som dvergflodhesten, skogselefanten

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Økologisk bevissthet

Vis frem ofrene (miljø, folk og dyr)

Ecocrime: ”mer catchy og intutivt enn ’environmental crime’, ’green crime’ environmental harm?

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Nature, difference and the rejection of harm: Expanding the agenda for green criminology

Nigel South

• Harm - inkluderer:

– Miljømoral

– Miljøetikk

– Dyrerettigheter

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Fire kategorier harm (skade)

1. Skade og kriminalitet tilknyttet luftforurensning

2. Skade og kriminalitet tilknyttet avskoging

3. Skade og kriminalitet tilknyttet artsutryddelse og dyremishandling

4. Skade og kriminalitet tilknyttet vannforurensning og ressursutarming

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Grønn kriminologis agenda: Avdekke sammenhenger

• Akademía og ikke minst kriminologien må ta miljøødeleggelse langt mer alvorlig enn før.

• Peke på at natur, dyr og mennesker ikke har tilstrekkelig beskyttelse gjennom lovverket.

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Content, chapters about:

• Eco-Global Crimes is split into three chapters discussing the nature of Eco-Global Criminology (Part 1), Speciesism, Animal Abuse and Social Movements (Part II) and Biodiversity, Environmental and Species Justice (Part III). According to reviewer Angus Nurse; The book’s strength is in bringing these potentially disparate ideas together to develop a coherent examination of eco-global criminology’s discourse on animal protection (species justice), environmental harm and law enforcement (environmental justice), and socio-political discourse on the interaction between man and nature (ecological justice).

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Conclusion: A holistic perspective including individual and species justice

Conclusion: Green criminology is a necessarry field of criminology because it addresses harms which are often not criminalised and

how they can be prevented and acknowledges the victimisation of the environment and of human as well as non human species .


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