Page 1: HK CMApp CGN Comb 06-19 · marketing communications by telephone or email or to my mailing address for all the marketing purposes listed in paragraph (i) above, (b) provide my name,

Please ensure all the application details are completed in English. Please sign your account signature next to any corrections you make on this application.Send form to: American Express International, Inc., 18/F., 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong.請以英文填寫本表格。如須作出任何刪改,請於刪改之位置旁簽署確認。填妥後交回香港太古城太古灣道12號18樓美國運通。Tel 查詢熱線:(852) 2277 1088 Fax 傳真熱線:(852) 2811 7299 Email 電郵:[email protected]

By ticking this box, I request that my application be given priority handling. I understand that upon supply of all neccessary documents and approval ofthe Corporate Card, a fee of HK$395 will be billed to my Corporate Card Account to cover the additional special handling costs.在此方格劃上 號,是表示本人要求優先處理是次申請。本人亦明白,若本人提供全部所需文件及是次公司卡申請獲得批准後,一筆為港幣395元之手續費將掛賬到本人之公司卡戶口。

Optional 選擇填寫

Home Tel No.住宅電話

Mobile Tel No.手提電話

O�ce Tel No.公司電話O�ce Fax No.公司傳真

Gross Annual Salary HK$年俸總額(港幣)

Given Name in Chinese名 (中文)Date of Birth出生日期Nationality國籍Hong Kong ID/Passport No. (Mandatory)香港身份證/護照號碼 (必須填寫)Position職銜

Family Name in Chinese姓 (中文)

Given Names (Mandatory) Please use English name as it appears on Hong Kong ID名 (必須填寫) 請填寫香港身份證上的英文姓名

姓 (必須填寫) 請填寫香港身份證上的英文姓名Family Name (Mandatory) Please use English name as it appears on Hong Kong ID

Mr 先生 Ms 女士

Employee ID僱員編號Cost Centre Code部門支出編號



Fax No. ofProgram Administrator公司聯絡人傳真Email Address of Program Administrator公司聯絡人電郵地址

Tel No. of ProgramAdministrator公司聯絡人電話Name ofProgram Administrator公司聯絡人名稱

Company Address公司地址

Company Account Number公司賬戶號碼

Company Name in English公司名稱(英文)

Years with Company任職年期

申請人資料 (續)

Home Address in English地址 (英文)

Preferred Mailing Address 月結單地址選擇:Home Address*住宅地址

Company Address公司地址

*Applicable to individual billing accounts and Hong Kong addresses only. 只適用於個別發單賬戶及只寄往香港地址。Copy of permanent residential address proof shall not be dated more than 3 months ago (e.g. utility bills, bank statements, or tax demand notice). Post O�ce address is not accepted. 請附最近三個月內之永久住址證明影印本(如公共機構服務收費單、銀行月結單、或稅務通知)。郵政信箱地址並不適用。Monthly Statement Language Preference 月結單語文選擇:

Please show in English how you want your name to appear on the Card (maximum 20 characters)請以英文正楷填寫申請人擬在公司卡上使用之名字 (全名請勿超過20個英文字母)

English 英文 Chinese 中文




Own Property自置

Company Quarters公司宿舍

Bank Name and Branch 來往銀行及分行名稱

Type of Account戶口類別Account No.賬號

List other credit/charge card account(s), if any.如持有其他信用卡,請填寫名稱及號碼 Card Name(1)信用卡名稱(1)Account No.賬號Card Name(2)信用卡名稱(2)Account No.賬號

Business Email Address (Mandatory)公司電郵地址 (必須填寫)

3. CREDIT REFERENCE (Optional)信用資料 (選擇填寫)




Card Account No.賬號





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American Express®

Cathay Pacific Corporate CardCardmember ApplicationCombined LiabilityHK_CMApp_CGN_Comb_07/20


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Self Emp:App Rcvd:Industry:

Dept Date:Education:


xref 2


xref 1xref 3






(i) American Express International, Inc. (“Amex”) wishes to use your name,telephone number, email address, mailing address, financial background,demographic data, products and services portfolio information and transaction pattern and behavior for direct marketing to you of:

(a) credit/charge card, insurance and travel related products and services;

(b) reward, referral, loyalty or privilege programmes and related products and services; and

(c) Cardmember benifits, promotional o�er* and products and services o�ered by Amex, American Express Company and its subsidiaries and a�liates (collectively, “Amex Group”), and Amex’s merchants, business partners (including third party insurance companies and reward, loyalty, privilege programmes providers), co-brand partners and a�nity groups (such as merchants, buisness partners, co-brand partners and a�nity group collectively, “Amex Partners”)

(ii) Amex also wishes to provide your name, telephone number, email address, mailing address, products and services portfolio information and transaction pattern and behavior to Amex Group companies and Amex Partners, including for Amex’s gain, for direct marketing by them to you of the products, services and subjects mentioned in (i)(a) to (i)(c) above.

(iii) Amex, Amex Group companies and Amex Partners may also, from time to time, engage third parties to provide marketing services on their behalf, and may share your name, telephone number, email address, mailing address, financial background, demographic data, products and services portfolio information and transaction pattern and behavior with them for such purposes.

(iv) Amex may not use or provide your personal data as described above without your consent. Should you find any such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection to the use of your personal data for direct marketing by either checking the box below or calling the telephone number or changing your marketing preferences online as provided for below.

(v) If your application is declined or cancelled, Amex will not use or share your personal data for direct marketing purposes, unless you have previously provided instructions to Amex on marketing in respect of your existing card relationships with Amex (if any).

(i) 美國運通國際股份有限公司(「美國運通」)希望將閣下的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、通信地址、財務背景、人口統計數據、產品及服務組合資料以及交易模式及行為用作向閣下直接促銷;

(a) 信用卡/簽賬卡、保險及旅遊相關產品及服務; (b) 獎賞、轉介、忠誠或優惠計劃及相關產品和服務;及 (c) 由美國運通、美國運通公司及其附屬公司和附屬機構(合稱 為「美國運通集團」)及美國運通的商戶、業務合作夥伴(包括第三方 保險公司及獎賞、忠誠、優惠計劃提供者)、聯合品牌合作夥伴及相關 團體(該等商戶、業務合作夥伴、聯合品牌合作夥伴及相關團體統稱 為「美國運通合作夥伴」)所提供的會員利益、推廣優惠* 及產品和服務。

(ii) 美國運通亦希望將閣下的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、通信地址、產品及服務組合資料以及交易模式及行為提供予美國運通集團公司及美國運通合作夥伴包括為使美國運通得益而作出此資料提供,以供其用作向閣下促銷在上文 (i)(a) 至 (i)(c) 內所述的產品、服務及標的。

(iii) 美國運通、美國運通集團公司及美國運通合作夥伴亦可不時聘用第三方代表其提供促銷服務,並可為該等用途與此等第三方共用閣下的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、通信地址、財務背景、人口統計數據、產品及服務組合資料以及交易模式及行為。

(iv)在沒有閣下同意下,美國運通不可按上文所述使用或提供閣下的個人資料。若閣下對於如此使用閣下的個人資料表示不能接受,請在下文的空格加上剔(「 」)號,或者按下文所規定,致電有關電話號碼或在網上更改閣下的促銷喜好,以表示閣下反對閣下的個人資料被用作直接促銷用途。

(v) 如果閣下的申請被拒絕或被取消,美國運通不會使用或共用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途,但如閣下過往曾就閣下與美國運通的現存運通卡業務關係(如有)的促銷向美國運通發出指示則除外。*By “Cardmember benefits” and “promotional o�ers”, we mean products,services, reward, referral, loyalty or privilege programmes and otherbenefits that may be o�ered by Amex, Amex Group companies andAmex Partners for the purposes of marketing the Amex Card and theamex Group companies and/or Amex Partners’ businesses. It is not possible to be specific about what these products, services, reward, referral, loyalty or privilege programmes and other benefits may be because Amex Partners are involved in a very wide range of commercial enterprises. However, examples of typical Cardmember benefits and promotional o�ers include discount o�ers at hotels, airlines, restaurants, retail and online outlets.




Signed:Lang:Occ: Pres/Prev:

Addit Data:Deal Code:MS:ALT ADDR 1:ALT ADDR 2:ALT ADDR 3: ALT ADDR 4:


Batch Code:Proc Type:Fee Code:Ctry Code:Other Cards:

Team No.: App Source:Delivery:Monitor:Sex:

Product Code: Corp ID:Bill Ind:Rev Code:Own/Rent:





1. Enrolment in Cardmember Rewards Program


5. ASIA MILES ENROLMENT 登記加入 「亞洲萬里通」


Your employer must confirm your eligibility to enrol in the Cardmember rewards program, Asia Miles. 閣下的僱主必須確認閣下符合資格加入公司卡會員獎勵計劃,「亞洲萬里通」。Your Asia Miles Number must be provided before American Express can transfer your accumulated Asia Miles to the Cardmember rewards program. 閣下必須提供您的「亞洲萬里通」會員號碼,美國運通方可將您所累積的里數存入公司卡會員獎勵計劃賬戶。

Yes, please enrol me in the Cardmember rewards program.是,我同意加入公司卡會員獎勵計劃。The annual American Express membership fee for the Cardmember

rewards program of HK$400 will appear on your next statement.


Asia Miles Number (Mandatory and must be 10 digits). If you have not registered with Asia Miles, please visit to create an account and obtain your Asia Miles Number. 「亞洲萬里通」會員號碼(必須填寫10個數位號碼)如閣下尚未成為「亞洲萬里通」會員,請登上 開設賬戶及獲取您的會員號碼。

2. Enrolment in Consolidated Rewards Program


Yes, I consent to enrol in the Consolidated Rewards Program with the Asia Miles transferred to the Corporate Asia Miles account. My company will complete separate application form to facilitate this Asia Miles transfer.I agree that the annual rewards program fee of HK$400 will be charged to the central fee account.


3. Opt-out from Rewards Program


No, please do not enrol me in rewards program.否,我不同意加入獎勵計劃。

Plastic Ind:


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By checking this box, I am instructing Amex not to use my personal data for direct marketing purposes in relation to the Amex product that I am applying for (“my Opt-Out Instruction”).

本人在此空格加上剔(「 」)號,以示本人指示美國運通不得就本人現正申請的美國運通產品使用本人的個人資料作直接促銷用途(「本人的拒收指示」)。

If I have existing relationship(s) with Amex and/or other Amex Group companies, I understand that my Opt-Out Instruction does not override my previous instructions to Amex and/or Amex Group companies on marketing in respect of such existing relationships. This means that Amex may continue to use my personal data for direct marketing purposes in relation to these existing relationships, and that I may continue to receive marketing materials from Amex, Amex Group companies and Amex Parnters,which may include gerneral brand and non product specific marketing material, in relation to these existing relationships after my Opt-Out Instruction. However, I understand that I will not receive any marketing materials listed in paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) above which are directed solely to holders of the Amex product that I am applying for.

If I do not check this box, I agree that Amex may (a) use my name, telephone number, email address, mailing address, financial background, demographic data, products and services portfolio information and transaction pattern and behavior to send me marketing communications by telephone or email or to my mailing address for all the marketing purposes listed in paragraph (i) above, (b) provide my name, telephone number, email address, mailing address, products and services portfolio information and transaction pattern and behavior to all Amex Group companies and Amex Partners for their marketing purposes as mentioned in paragraph (ii) above, and (c) provide my name, telephone number, email address, mailing address, financial background, demographic data, products and services portfolio information and transaction pattern and behavior to other third parties who provide marketing services on behalf of Amex, Amex Group companies and Amex Partners as mentioned in paragraph (ii i) above. I also agree that Amex, Amex Group companies and Amex Partners may carry out “matching procedures” (as such expression is defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) in Hong Kong or overseas in respect of all or any of such purposes. I understand that I am applying for a corporate card product, and that my employer (or the program administrator appointed by my employer) may elect to ‘opt-out’ from the use of its employees’ personal data for direct marketing purposes. In such acase, I agree that my employer’s opt-out instruction will override my marketing preferences in respect of this product which I am applying for. I understand that my employer’s opt-out instruction does not override my previous instructions to Amex and/or Amex Group companies in respect of any other existing relationship(s) I may have with Amex and/or Amex Group companies.

If I wish to opt-out of having my personal data used for direct marketing purposes for ALL my relationships with Amex and not just the product that I am applying for, I can contact Amex at 2277 1010 and give notice of my wish to opt-out. If I am an existing Amex Cardmember, I can also log on to American Express Manage-Your-Card-Account (MYCA) at at anytime to manage or change my marketing preferences for my Amex accounts including to give notice of my wish to opt-out.

如果本人與美國運通及/或其他美國運通集團公司有現存業務關係,本人了解,本人的拒收指示並不凌駕本人過往就該等現存業務關係的促銷而向美國運通及/或美國運通集團公司發出的指示。這表示在本人發出本人的拒收指示之後,美國運通可就此現存業務關係繼續使用本人的個人資料作直接促銷用途,以及在本人發出本人的拒收指示之後,本人可能繼續就此等現存業務關係收到美國運通、美國運通集團公司及美國運通合作夥伴的促銷資料,此等資料可包括一般品牌及非產品特定促銷資料。然而,本人了解,本人不會收到在上文第(i)、(ii) 及 (iii) 段內所列出,只發給持有本人現正申請的美國運通產品的人士的任何促銷資料。

如果本人並不在此空格加上剔(「 」)號,即表示本人同意美國運通可(a) 使用本人的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、通信地址、財務背景、人口統計數據、產品及服務組合資料以及交易模式及行為,以電話或電郵或按本人的通信地址向本人發送促銷通訊,以作在上文第(i) 段內所列出的一切促銷用途,(b) 提供本人的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、通信地址、產品及服務組合資料以及交易模式及行為予所有美國運通集團公司及美國運通合作夥伴,以作其在上文第 (ii) 段內所述的促銷用途,及 (c) 提供本人的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、通信地址、財務背景、人口統計數據、產品及服務組合資料以及交易模式及行為予按上文第 (iii) 段所述,代表美國運通、美國運通集團公司及美國運通合作夥伴提供促銷服務的其他第三方。本人亦同意美國運通、美國運通集團公司和美國運通合作夥伴可在香港或海外為所有或任何該等目的而進行「核對資料程序」(按《個人資料(私隱)條例》的定義)。本人明白,本人正申請公司卡產品,並明白本人的僱主(或本人僱主指定的計劃執行人)可選擇不將其僱員的個人資料用作直銷用途。在該情況下,本人同意本人僱主選擇不將該等資料用作直銷用途的指示將凌駕本人在申請本產品時有關接收宣傳資料的取向。本人明白,本人僱主這項選擇不將資料用作直銷用途的指示將不凌駕本人之前就本人與美國運通及/或美國運通公司之間任何其他現存關係而給予美國運通及/或美國運通集團公司的指示。

如果本人希望拒絕就一切本人與美國運通業務關係而並非僅就本人現正申請的產品而將本人的個人資料用作直接促銷用途,本人可致電2277 1010 聯絡美國運通,並發出本人希望拒絕使用有關資料的通知。如果本人現時是美國運通卡會員,本人亦可登入在的美國運通管理您的運通卡賬戶(Manage-Your-Card-Account)(MYCA),隨時管理或更改本人賬戶的本人促銷喜好,包括發出本人希望拒絕使用有關資料的通知。


We would like to highlight some key terms and conditions you will be accepting when you keep or use the Corporate Card upon approval of your application.

1. The annual fee for the Corporate Card is outlined in the Key Facts Statement.

2. You must sign the Corporate Card as soon as you receive it if you wish to keep and use it.

3. We will send you periodic statements showing your outstanding balance you and the Company need to pay and by when. If you and/ or the Company do not tell us about problems with the statement

within 60 days, then we will treat the statement as correct.

4. If we do not receive payment in full as shown on the monthly statement by the Payment Due Date, the unpaid “Total due” will be

subject to Late Payment Fee of 3.3% of the outstanding “Total due”.

(The minimum Late Payment Fee is HK$100. However, the Late Payment Fee will not exceed the outstanding balance). The Late Payment Fee will be debited to Corporate Card account on the following statement date.

5. Monthly statement will be sent to your o�ce.

6. If your Corporate Card is lost or stolen we ask that you or the Company tell us immediately. If you or the Company fail to do so and/or have acted fraudulently or negligently, you and the Company will be responsible for the Unauthorized Charges.

7. We may suspend your right to use the Corporate Card with or without cause and without notice. We may charge a Corporate Card reinstatement fee if your Corporate Card has been suspended or cancelled and we agree to reinstate it.

8. Either you or the Company may at any time cancel the Corporate Card issued to you. You and/or the Company will remain liable for all Charges incurred before the Corporate Card is destroyed.

9. You will be liable to pay any reasonable costs and legal fees that we incur in using third party collection agencies to recover overdue amounts on your account.

10. We may change the American Express Corporate Cardmember Agreement from time to time. We will assume you agree to the changes if you keep or use the Corporate Card after we have notified you of any changes. If you do not agree, you can cancel your Corporate Card account but you and/or the Company must pay any amount owing on your Corporate Card account.

11. American Express International, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants including applicants who have unsatisfactory credit history or do not meet its credit criteria.

12. For the full Cardmember Agreement, please refer to our website at

I understand that: (a) it is not obligatory for me to allow my information to be used for the above purposes or provided to any Amex Group companies or Amex Partners (or third parties providing marketing services); (b) I may opt-out from the use of my personal data for direct marketing purposes by Amex in relation to the Amex product that I am applying for by checking the box above; and (c) I can also opt-out of ALL Amex marketing by call ing Amex at 2277 1010 and, if I am an existing Amex Cardmember, I can also log on to American Express Manage-Your-Card-Account (MYCA) at at any time to manage or change my marketing preferences for my Amex accounts including to give notice of my wish to opt-out.

本人了解:(a) 本人並非必須准許本人的資料被用作上述用途或被提供予任何美國運通集團公司或美國運通合作夥伴(或提供促銷服務的

人現正申請的美國運通產品使用本人的個人資料作直接促銷用途;及 (c) 本人亦可致電2277 1010聯絡美國運通,以及(如果本人現時是美國運通卡會員)本人亦可登入在 的美國運通管理您的運通卡賬戶(Manage-Your-Card-Account) (MYCA),隨時管理或更改本人美國運通賬戶的本人促銷喜好,包括發出本人希望拒收促銷資料的通知,藉此拒收一切美國運通促銷資料。

第三方);(b) 本人可在上文空格加上剔(「 」)號,藉此拒絕就本

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Declaration by Applicant(1) In this section, “Amex” means American Express International, Inc. Hong Kong Branch, its a�lites and representatives worldwide.(2) I hereby apply for a Corporate Card and I warrant that the information I have given is accurate. I understand that the information I provide is necessary for Amex to decide whether to approve my application and that Amex may refuse or decline this application at its discretion without disclosing any reasons. Failure to provide information may prevent processingof this application. I understand that if I give any incorrect or fasle information,I may commit criminal o�ences under the laws of Hong Kong related todeception and providing false information.(3) Liability: I understand and agree that I will be jointly and severally liable with the Company for all charges made with any Corporate Card issued to me; provided however that the Company shall not be liable for charges: (a) Incurred by me that are personal in nature and which did not accrue a benefit to the Company for legitimate business purposes; (b) for which the Company has already reimbursed me.(4) I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the American Express Corporate Cardmember Agreement. The terms and conditions therein, together with the terms of this application, will govern my use of the Corporate Card(s). I agree to use the Corporate Card(s) for business purposes only.(5) I acknowledge that a copy of Amex’s Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Notice”) has been provided to me and is also available at I understand that the Notice explains how Amex will handle my personal information, sets out the purposes for which my personal information will be used, to whom my personal information may be disclosed, summarizes my rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (including my right to opt-out from the use of my personal information for direct marketingpurposes) and gives details of an Amex o�cer to contact about my personal information. I have read the Notice and I agree that by applying for a Corporate Card, I am agreeing to Amex’s use of my personal information in accordance with the terms of this application form, the American Express Corporate Cardmember Agreement and the Notice, subject to my specific selections in this application form. I understand that I should make the appropriate selection(s) in this form to opt-out if I do not wish for Amex to use my personal information for marketing purposes.(6) I authorize Amex to contact my employer, banks, credit reporting agencies, credit bureau or any other information sources and to obtain, exchange and disclose any information I provided with other information collected about me for checking purpose or to produce more data. Amex may use the results of such comparisons as the basis of any action including actions which may be adverse to my interests, for example declining this application.

以下各項為主要條款及細則,若美國運通國際股份有限公司(本公司)決定發出公司卡予閣下,而閣下保存或使用該公司卡,則閣下同意及接受該些條款。1. 公司卡年費已列於公司卡資料概要。2. 若閣下決定保存或使用公司卡,閣下必須於收取該公司卡後立刻簽署。3. 我們會發出載有閣下之公司賬戶結欠及到期還款日之月結單予閣下, 若閣下及/或公司未能於月結單發出日期 60天內通知本公司有關該 月結單之爭議,則該月結單將被視為正確無誤。4. 若本公司在到期繳款日仍未收到閣下月結單上費用之全部付款,本公司 將會向閣下收取逾期付款費用, 費用為未償還的付款總額的3.3% (最低逾期付款費用為HK$100,而逾期付款費用將不超過閣下之尚欠 結餘。) 逾期付款費用將會從閣下之公司卡賬戶扣除並在翌月之月結單上 列出。5. 月結單將寄往閣下的辦公室地址。6. 若閣下之公司卡被盜用或遺失,閣下或公司必須立刻通知本公司。如 閣下或公司沒有通知本公司及/或作出欺詐或疏忽的行為,閣下及公司 需對該等未授權費用負上法律責任。7. 本公司可在給予或不給予理由及不給予通知的情況下,暫停閣下使用 公司卡的權利。如果閣下的公司卡曾被暫停或取消,而我們同意恢復 公司卡的使用,我們可收取公司卡恢復使用費。8. 閣下或公司可隨時取消已發給閣下的公司卡。閣下及/或公司將仍須就 在公司卡被銷毀之前所產生的一切簽賬負上法律責任。9. 本公司有權使用第三者信貸管理公司向閣下追討公司卡欠款,而閣下 將須要對一切有關之合理費用或法律費用負上責任。10. 本公司可在任何時間更改美國運通公司卡會員協議。若閣下在本公司 發出通知後仍保存或使用公司卡,本公司會假設閣下同意任何更改。 若閣下不接受該(等)條款之任何更改,閣下可取消公司卡,然而,閣下 及/或公司必須償還一切欠款。11. 美國運通國際股份有限公司保留拒絕有不良信貸記錄或未能符合信貸 要求的申請。12. 若要查閱會員協議,請登入 。


(7) I authorize Amex to compare information provided by me, with other information collected about me, for checking purposes or to produce more data. Amex may use the results of such comparisons for the purposes of taking any action including actions which may be adverse to my interests, for example, denying authorization for use of the Corporate Card or cancelling the Corporate Card.

(8) I authorize Amex to contact any persons (including without limitation my employer) and/or credit reference agencies from time to time as Amex considers necessary or appropriate and to provide, obtain or verify such information about me or my financial condition as Amex may deem necessaryor desirable for the purposes of opening, operating or managing my account(s) with Amex.

(9) I acknowledge and agree that any information provided by me in this application, at Amex’s request, or otherwise collected during the operation of my account(s) with Amex may be disclosed to, or used and retained by: (i) Amex and any third party or agent engaged by Amex, to provide services to Amex in its normal course of business for the purpose of operating and performing credit assessments on and managing my Corporate Card account(s), subject to obligations of confidentiality and data security; (ii) any other institution or any debt collection agency, creditreference agency or similar service provider for the purpose of verifying such information or enabling it to provide such information to other institutions: (a) in order that such other institutions may carry out credit and other status checks (whether in relation to the provision of credit or other services by Amex or by such institutions); and (b) to assist them to collect debts; (iii) any third party whose name or logo appears on theCorporate Card: and (iv) the Company and its a�liates and their respective service providers and/or processors. I agree that Amexand Asia Miles Limited (and their related companies) may also exchange my information or information relating to transactions in myaccount(s), including using it to calculate, verify, provide, record anddetermine my eligibility for benefits. Such use and transfer of informationis necessary to ensure acceptability and e�cient provision of CardServices.

(10) I understand that I am entitled at any time to request access to information Amex holds about me or my Account and to update and correct such information. I understand that Amex may impose a modest charge to cover the costs of complying with access requests, and that Imay make such requests in writing to the Amex Data Protection O�cer,18/F, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong.

申請人的聲明(1) 在本條中,「美國運通」指美國運通國際股份有限公司、其於世界各地之聯屬公司及代表。(2) 本人謹此申請一張公司卡,並保證所提供的資料正確無誤。本人明白本人所提供之資料是美國運通決定是否批准本人之申請所必需的,並明白美國運通可自行酌情拒絕或接納此申請而無需披露任何理由。如本人未能提供所需資料,此申請的批核程序可能無法進行。本人明白如本人提供任何不正確或虛假資料,本人可能會觸犯香港有關欺騙及提供虛假資料之刑事罪行。(3) 責任: 本人明白及同意與公司須對貴行共同及個別負責清付本人公司卡之一切掛賬。此外,本公司將不對以下賬項負責:(a) 由本人產生的個人賬項,及並不就本公司之合法商業目的而累積利益之掛賬;(b) 本公司已向本人報銷之掛賬。(4) 本人確認本人已收到一份《美國運通公司卡會員協議》。該協議的條款及細則連同本申請的條款將規管本人對公司卡的使用。本人同意只為業務需要而使用公司卡。(5) 本人確認本人已收到一份美國運通致客戶有關個人資料(私隱)條例通知書(「通知書」),該通知書可於閱覽。本人明白該通知書會解釋美國運通如何處理本人的個人資料,列明使用本人的個人資料所作用途、本人的個人資料會向哪些人披露,以及概述本人根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)的權利(包括本人選擇不將個人資料用作直銷用途的權利),並提供處理本人個人資料的美國運通高級職員的聯絡詳情。本人已閱讀該通知,並同意申請公司卡,即表示本人同意美國運通按照本申請表、《美國運通公司卡會員協議》、及該通知的條款使用本人的個人資料,按本申請表的特定選項而定。本人明白如本人不希望美國運通將本人的個人資料作直銷用途,本人應在本表格的適當處選擇取消項目。 (6) 本人授權美國運通聯絡本人之僱主、銀行、信用報告機構、信用諮詢公司或其他資料來源,以及取得、交換及披露任何為批核是項申請所需之資料,並比對本人提供之資料與收集所得有關本人之其他資料,以作查核之用或產生更多數據。美國運通可將比對之結果作任何行動的理據,包括採取對本人權益不利之行動,例如拒絕是次申請。(7) 本人授權美國運通比對本人提供之資料與收集所得有關本人之其他資料,以作查核之用或產生更多資料。美國運通可將該等比對之結果作任何行動的理據,包括可能對本人權益不利之行動,例如不予授權使用公司卡或取消公司卡。(8) 本人授權美國運通不時按其認為必需或合適的情況聯絡任何人士(包括但不限於本人的僱主)及/或信貸機構,並授權美國運通提供、索取或核實美國運通認為為了開立、操作或管理本人在美國運通的賬戶而必需或合宜的有關本人之個人或財務狀況之資料。

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Page 5: HK CMApp CGN Comb 06-19 · marketing communications by telephone or email or to my mailing address for all the marketing purposes listed in paragraph (i) above, (b) provide my name,

(9) 本人確認及同意美國運通可將本人應美國運通的要求於申請表上提供之任何資料,或在操作本人在美國運通的賬戶時以其他方式收集之任何資料披露給或容許以下之公司使用及保留:(i)美國運通及為運作及進行有關本人的公司卡賬戶的信貸審核及管理公司卡賬戶而在日常業務中向美國運通提供服務的任何第三方或美國運通聘用的代理,惟須受保密和數據保安的責任所約束;(ii)任何其他機構或任何收賬公司、信貸資料公司或類同之服務提供者,以作核實該等資料或使該等公司能向其他機構提供該等資料作下列用途:(a)使該等其他機構可進行信貸及其他狀況查核(不論是否涉及由美國運通或該等機構提供信貸或其他服務);及 (b)協助彼等收集欠賬;及 (iii)其姓名/名稱標誌顯示在公司卡上之任何第三方;以及 (iv)公司、母公司、子公司、關係企業和其他信息處理人士。本人同意美國運通和亞洲萬里通(及其相關公司)亦可交換有關本人賬戶的資料或有關交易的資料,包括將該等資料用作計算、核實、提供、記錄和決定本人是否有資格享有某些福利。以上資料之應用及轉讓對保證會員卡服務條款之認受性及服務效率是重要的。(10) 本人明白本人有權隨時要求查閱美國運通持有有關本人或本人賬戶之資料,以及更新及更正該等資料。本人明白美國運通可徵收適度之費用,以彌補依從該等要求之費用。上述要求應以書面作出,並送交香港太古城太古灣道12號18樓「個人資料保護主任」收。



Declaration by Company SignatoryOn behalf of the company named in this application (the ‘Company’), I hereby request issuance of a Corporate Card to the individual named above andcertify that the named individual is an employee of the Company and thatall payments for the Corporate Card will be settled from outside of the PRC.I confirm that the information given in this application form is, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, true and correct, and that the Company hereby agrees to be bound by the American Express Corporate Card Conditions, with respect to such Corporate Card.


謹代表申請表格上的公司(本公司),本人要求簽發公司卡予上列姓名之人士,並證明該姓名之人士為本公司僱員,以及本公司將於中華人民共和國境外支付所有公司卡款項。本人保證在本申請表格上的公司資料均屬真實及正確,並同意接受美 國運通公司卡的條款所約束。

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the Important Information about the American Express Cathay Pacific Corporate Card and Declaration stated above.


Signature of Applicant申請人簽署

Signature of Authorised O�cer授權人簽署

Name of Authorised O�cer (please print) 授權人姓名(請用正楷)

Y Y Y Y年年年年




Y Y Y Y年年年年




Please enclose the following mandatory document(s) with the application:遞交公司卡申請表格時請務必提供以下文件影印本:

If you are Hong Kong Permanent Resident, please provide a copy of the Permanent HKID for this Card application. If you are NOT a Hong Kong Permanent Resident, please provide a copy of the page of an unexpired passport which contains your photograph and biographical details. 假如閣下為香港永久性居民,請提供香港永久性居民身份證副本以辦理公司卡申請。假如閣下並非香港永久性居民,請提供有效護照上包括您的相片和個人資料一頁的副本。

If ‘Preferred Mailing Address’ is your residential address, copy of permanent residential address proof will be required and shall not be dated more than3 months ago (e.g. utility bills, bank statements or tax demand notice). 如以住宅為月結單郵寄地址,須提供最近三個月內之永久住址證明影印本(如共機構服務收費單、銀行月結單、或稅務通知)。

Position in Company 職銜

Key Facts Statement for American Express Cathay Pacific Corporate Card and

American Express Cathay Pacific Elite Corporate Card


Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance


You are advised to refer to the below URL or QR code with a comprehensive Key Facts Statement associated with this application.請瀏覽下列網頁或掃描二維碼以查閱本申請之資料概要。

As part of our mission to respect and safeguard the privacy of our customers’ personal information, please refer to the below URL or QR Code with our “Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance”.




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American Express International, Inc. (Incorporated with Limited Liability in the USA.)18/F, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong.


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