  • Lexika Kiad 8000 Szkesfehrvr, Martinovics u. 9.

    Tel., fax: [22] 501-993

    [email protected]

    Horvth Mikls Nagy ORIG nyelvvizsgaknyv. Angol kzpfok

    Els kiads: 2012

    Kiadi kd: LX-0052 ISBN 978 615 5200 02 1

    Lexika Kiad

    Horvth Mikls

    Minden jog fenntartva, belertve a sokszorosts,

    a nyilvnos elads, a rdi- s televziads, valamint a fordts jogt, az egyes fejezeteket illeten

    Szerkeszt: Mayer Ingrid

    Felels kiad: Szalai Elek

    Nyelvi lektor:Paul Titchmarsh

    Szakrtk, tancsadk:Bolhy Krisztina, Eils Weyhmller

    Bort terv:Magstdi Design Kft.

    Tipogrfia:Mohai Istvn

    Hangmrnk:Pl Sndor

    A hanganyag elksztsben kzremkdtek: Paul Titchmarsh, Eils Weyhmller

    Nyomta s kttte: Sd Nyomda Kft., 2012

  • ElszE gyakorlknyv az ORIG angol kzpfok (B2 szint) nyelvvizsga sikeres lettelhez kvn segtsget nyjtani.

    A ktet a sorozat cmnek megfelelen nagy mennyisg vizsgaanyagot tartalmaz, amely a szerz tbb vtizedes vizsga-felkszt s vizsgztati tapasztalatn alapul.

    A knyv nem csupn hen bemutatja, hogy milyen feladatok vrnak a vizsgzra, s knl ezltal bsges s megbzhat gyakorlanyagot a vizsgra trtn felkszlshez, hanem bevezetskppen rszletes tjkoztatst ad magrl a vizsgrl is. E tudnivalk kztt szmos olyan nlklzhetetlen tancsot, aranyszablyt" megoszt a vizsgra kszl nyelvtanulval, amelyek gazdag nyelvpedaggiai s nyelwizsgztati-tapasztalat eredmnyeknt kristlyosodtak ki a szerzben, s amelyek segtsgvel a vizsgz sokat javthat felkszlse hatkonysgn s vizsgja eredmnyn.

    E felkszt s gyakorlknyv tanr nlkl is eredmnyesen hasznlhat, mivel valamennyi teszthez, fordtshoz, fogalmazshoz s szvegrtsi feladathoz megoldkulcsot knl, s rtkes informcikkal szolgl a javts sorn kvetett eljrsrl, az rtkels szempontjairl is.

    A halls utni szvegrts CD-n meghallgathat szvegei rott vltozatban ingyenesen letlthetk a Lexika Kiad honlapjrl [].

    A vizsgra val felkszlshez kitart s eredmnyes munkt kvn:

    a Szerz


  • Az ORIG kzpfok rsbeli nyelwizsga - tancsok s tudnivalk

    Az Orig kzpfok rsbeli nyelwizsga t feladatbl ll. Az els fl rban feleletvlaszts tesztet kell megoldani sztr hasznlata nlkl, majd hrom ra ll rendelkezsre a maradk ngy feladat elvgzsre, ezttal sztr segtsgvel. Az t feladatra sszesen 100 pontot lehet kapni:

    a feleletvlaszts tesztrt 15, a magyarrl angolra s az angolrl magyarra fordtsrt 20-20, az olvass utni szvegrtsrt 25, mg a fogalmazsrt 20 pont jr. A sikeres nyelvvizsghoz 60%- os teljestmny, azaz 60 pont elrse szksges, de a feleletvlaszts teszt kivtelvel valamennyi vizsgarszt legalbb 40%-on kell teljesteni. Most nzzk a feladatokat rszletesen!

    1. Feleletvlaszts tesztAz ide tartoz feladatsor 50 krdsbl ll, a megoldst kln vlaszlapon kell megjellni. A javts s a pontozs a kvetkez tblzat szerint trtnik:

    helyes vlasz pontszm

    0-15 0 pont

    16-18 1 pont

    19-21 2 pont

    22-24 3 pont

    25-27 4 pont

    28-30 5 pont

    31-32 6 pont

    33-34 7 pont

    helyes vlasz pontszm

    35-36 8 pont

    37-38 9 pont

    39-40 10 pont

    41-42 11 pont

    43-44 12 pont

    45-46 13 pont

    47-48 14 pont

    49-50 15 pont

    A tesztkrdsek mintegy fele (kb. 25 db] az igkkel kapcsolatos. Ide tartoznak: az igeidk, cselekv s szenved szerkezet, a feltteles md, az igenevek, a segdigk, a fgg beszd s a mveltets. A fnevekre s ms nvszkra mintegy 10 tesztkrds vonatkozik; ide tartoznak a megszmllhatsgot, a nvmsokat, a nvelket, valamint a fnevek s mellknevek sszehasonltst rint krdsek. Hozzvetleg 7 krds irnyul a vonzatos igkre, igevonzatok- ra s elljrszkra. Elfordulhat nhny olyan tesztkrds is, amely a szkincset ellenrzi, de a

    lexikai tesztkrdsek inkbb felsfokon jellemzk.


    Vigyzzunk, nehogy kifussunk az idbl! Alig tbb, mint fl perc van egy-egy krds megvlaszolsra. Gyakori hiba, hogy a vizsgz sokig gondolkodik olyan krdseken, amelyeket hosszas gondolkods utn sem tud helyesen megoldani, mikzben nem marad ideje a knny krdsek megvlaszolsra.

    A helytelen vlaszrt nem jr pontlevons, gy a vlasz bizonytalansga esetn is clszer, ha tippelnk!

    Prbljunk meg a teszt sszelltjnak fejvel gondolkodni! Minden tesztkrdsnek clja van, valamilyen nyelvtani vagy lexikai terletre vonatkozik. Ha kitalljuk, hogy melyikre, tbb eslynk van a helyes vlaszra. Keressnk olyan rulkod szerkezeteket, amelyek segtenek kiszrni, milyen terletre vonatkozhat a krds! (Pl. said: fgg beszd, asked:

    fgg krds, //: feltteles md stb.)

    Igen hasznos segdeszkz lehet e vizsgarsz eredmnyes teljestshez Horvth Mikls: Tematikus tesztek (Lexika Kiad, LX-0096) cm gyakorlknyve, ahol a tesztfeladatok


  • az egyes nyelvtani szerkezeteket egymstl elklntve gyakoroltatjk, s gy jobban rgzlhetnek bennnk azok a fogsok s tudnivalk, amelyekre egy adott nyelvtani jelensg kapcsn figyelnnk kell.

    2. Fordts magyarrl angolraEz a feladattpus hozzvetleg 500 karakter terjedelemben ellenrzi a vizsgz nyelvtani, lexikai s nyelvhasznlati kpessgeit. Mivel e viszonylag kis terjedelm szveg szmos nyelvtani nehzsget igyekszik egyszerre felvonultatni", a vizsgznak meglehetsen bonyolult mondatokat kell lefordtania, mgpedig pontosan.A javts sorn a fordtst nem plusz, hanem mnusz pontokkal rtkelik. A legslyosabb hibkrt3 pont (nem ltez igealak, rtelemzavar nyelvtani hiba], a kevsb slyosakrt 2 pont (a legtbb hiba ide tartozik, pl. feltteles mondat helytelen szerkesztse, ragozs elhagysa, tbbes szm elhagysa, hibs fgg beszd stb.), a kisebb hibkrt pedig 1 pont (stilisztikai hiba, rtelmet nem zavar helyesrsi tveszts, helytelen nvelhasznlat stb.] levons jr.


    A sztr hasznlatrl. A magyar-angol sztrban ltalunk helyesnek vlt szt felttlenl keressk vissza az angol-magyar sztrban is, itt ugyanis a szmos megadott jelents segt pontosan meghatrozni a sz jelentst rnyalataival egytt. A szvegtl idegen sz hasznlata ltalban 1 pont levonst jelent, rdemes teht megbizonyosodnunk rla, hogy

    j kifejezst vlasztottunk-e.

    Ha bizonytalanok vagyunk egy-egy mondat fordtsnl, rdemes megfontolni, hogy rjunk-e egyltaln valamit, mivel az sszesen 2 pontot r mondatba akr kett 2 pontos hiba is becsszhat, s akkor tbbet vesztnk a rven, mint amit nyerhettnk volna a vmon.

    Nagy fordtsi bizonytalansg esetn jobb, ha kihagyjuk a mondatot! Msfell: amennyiben az adott mondatnak legalbb egy rszt le tudjuk fordtani, akkor azt rjuk le, mert a mondat rszleges fordtsrt is pont jr!

    Gondolkozzunk itt is a feladatkszt fejvel, mieltt nekiveselkednk egy mondat lefordtsnak. Minden mondat egy-egy nyelvtani csapda" - ha felismerjk, tudni fogjuk, hogyan kerlhetjk ki. Itt is keressnk rulkod" szerkezeteket, mint pl. azt mondta/

    krdezte/akarta tudni" (fgg beszd), ha" ill. volna" (feltteles mondat), -tat/-tet" (mveltets), kellett volna" (should have] stb.

    rdemes lehet elre sajt hibakalauzt kszteni. Mindenkinek megvannak a jellemz hibi. Sok pontot megsprolhatunk, ha ezekbl listt ksztnk, s a szveg lefordtsa utn gondosan leellenrizzk azt egy-egy tpushiba utn kutatva. Ha pldul tudjuk magunkrl, hogy gyakran felejtnk el ragozni, fordts utn keressk meg azokat a mondatokat, ahol egyes szm harmadik szemly az igealak, s ellenrizzkle, mindenhol kitettk-e a ragot! Ha gyakran hasznlunk rossz szrendet, fordts utn nzzk meg pldul, hogy a mondataink az alannyal kezddnek-e, s minden tekintetben j-e az a szrend, amit hasznltunk.

    Nhny mondat nem a szk rtelemben vett nyelvtani tudst, hanem a nyelvhasznlat sajtossgainak ismerett teszteli. Szmos magyar kifejezsnek, szerkezetnek nem ltezik sz szerinti megfelelje az angolban. Ilyenkor sz szerinti lefordtsuk helyett rjuk a bevett, azonos rtelm angol kifejezst vagy szerkezetet. Pldul: a Ne mondd!" mondat fordtsa nem *Don't say, hanem: Really? Hasznos mdszer lehet, ha tfogalmazzuk magunkban a mondatot gy, hogy a jelentse ne vltozzon meg, s ezt fordtjuk le angolra. Pldul: a Mibl gondolod ezt?" mondat helytelen fordtsa: *From what doyou think this?, m a magyar mondatot tfogalmazva helyes angol fordtshoz jutunk: Mirt mondod ezt? vagy Szerinted ez mirt van gy?" = Why are you saying this? vagy What makes you say that?

  • 3. Fordts angolrl magyarraA feladat egy kb. 1000-1200 letsbl ll angol szveg - tbbnyire jsgbl szrmaz autentikus cikk vagy cikkrszlet - lefordtsbl ll. Komoly kihvst jelenthet itt az angol nyelv sajtnak a magyar nyelvhez kpest klnsen is tmr, helyenknt bonyolult fogalmazsmdja, stlusa; e nehzsg thidalsban sokat segthet az olvass s a fordtsi feladatok gyakorlsa.


    Mindenekeltt olvassuk vgig a szveget! Amennyiben esetleg feleslegesnek reznnk e tancsot mondvn, hogy mi rtelme van vgigolvasnom a szveget, ha gysem rtem sztr nlkl?, szvleljk meg a nyelvtanrok idevg tapasztalatait. Ezek egyrtelmen azt mutatjk, hogy rdemes elzetesen vgigfutnunk a szvegen, mert a tma megismerse s a szvegrl szerzett els benyomsaink rvn a sztrhasznlatnl knnyebben s

    biztosabban ki tudjuk vlasztani a megfelel jelentst.

    A j fordts nem okvetlenl sz szerinti s szerkezeth, hanem igazodik a magyar nyelv- hasznlathoz is, azaz: szabatos. A fordtsnak ugyanakkor pontosan vissza kell adnia az angol szveg jelentst s stlust: nem mondhat mst, nem mondhat sem tbbet, sem kevesebbet. Mindezekbl kifolylag szksges lehet pldul, hogy egy mondatot tbb mondatra tagoljunk, vagy tbb mondatbl egyet alkossunk, ha gy magyarosabb a fordts. Pldul: Ecstasy, said to be used by halfa millin people every weekend in Britain's dance clubs, should no longer be treated as a class-A drug such as heroin, bt insteadshould be downgraded and classed as a soft drug such as cannabis, a Police Federation Inquiry will recommend next month. Fordtsa: A htvgente Anglia diszkiban lltlag mintegy flmilli ember ltal hasznlt ecstasy tablettt nem szabadna most mr olyan A osztly, ers kbtszerknt kezelni, mint pldul a heroint. A rendrszvetsg ltal vgzett felmrs alapjn a jv hnapban indtvnyozni fogjk, hogy az ecstasyt soroljk t inkbb az olyan gyengbb

    kbtszerek kz, mint a cannabis."

    sszetettebb szerkezeteknl olykor hasznos lehet a mondat vgtl az eleje fel haladva fordtani, a fordts gy gyakran magyarosabb. Pldul: Ecstasy, said to be used by half a millin people every weekend in Britain's dance clubs... A htvgente Anglia diszkiban lltlag mintegy flmilli ember ltal hasznlt ecstasy tabletta..."

    Kerljk a mellkmondatok s a vonatkoz nvmsok halmozst! A mellkmondatokbl igenevek segtsgvel szksg esetn jelzket kpezhetnk, ami magyarosabb teszi a fordtst. Pldul: a conference to discuss the Carnegie enquiry int 'third agers' szveg fordtsa helytelenl: konferencia, amelyen megvitatjk azt a Carnegie kutatst, amely a harmadik korosztlyt vizsglja", helyesen: a harmadik korosztly vizsglatt clz Carnegie

    kutatst megvitat konferencia".

    Clszer ezzel a feladattal kezdeni a msodik rszt. Fordtsuk le a szveget, mj d a vizsga vgn hagyjunk nhny percet arra, hogy tolvassuk a fordtst! Addigra mr rendszerint elfelejtjk, pontosan mi is volt az angol szvegben, s gy ki tudjuk javtani a kevss magyaros szvegrszeket. Ha valamit elsre nem tudunk magyarosan megfogalmazni, rjuk le csnya" - rtsd: nem szabatos - nyersfordtsban. A feladatra ksbb visszatrve immr el tudunk vonatkoztatni az angol szvegtl, s magyaross tudjuk tenni fordtsunkat. Ne felejtsk el azonban az gy kijavtott rszt ismt sszeegyeztetni az angol szveggel, nehogy a magyarts vltoztasson a szveg jelentsn!

    Olvassuk vgig a szveget, mindent lefordtottunk-e! Sok vizsgz veszt pontot azzal, hogy puszta figyelmetlensgbl elfelejt lefordtani egy-egy szerkezetet vagy mondatot.

    A cm helyes lefordtsa gyakran nehz feladat. Jellemz angol nyelvhasznlati sajtossgok pldul, hogy a to nlkli infinitv szerkezet s az egyszer jelen idej alak a cmben mlt idvel fordtand, a to + infinitv szerkezet pedig tbbnyire jv idt jelent. Pldul: Gulls move in = Bekltztek a sirlyok"; Medicare to pay those who try Ornish diet = A Medicare


  • fizet azoknak, akik kiprbljk az Ornish ditt". Szksg esetn hagyjuk a cmet a fordts vgre, ekkor azonban gyeljnk arra, hogy ne feledkezznk meg rla!

    A sztrazs sorn figyeljnk arra, hogy adott sz milyen szfaj (fnv, mellknv, ige stb.], s mi a mondatban betlttt szerepe (jelz, hatroz, alany, lltmny stb.].

    4. Irnytott fogalmazsAz irnytott fogalmazs 20 pontja hrom szempont - tartalom, nyelvhelyessg s kifejezsmd- szerinti rtkelsbl addik ssze.

    Aranyszablyok a tartalomra vonatkozan:

    Ne trjnk el lnyegesen a kvnt terjedelemtl! A tl rvid s a tl hossz fogalmazs egyarnt pontlevonssal jr. Kzpfokon a levl trgyalsi rsze (sorkihagysok s megszlts nlkl) 17-20 sor legyen!

    Figyeljnk arra, kinek rjuk a levelet ill. a fogalmazst, s annak megfelel szerkezeteket hasznljunk! Pldul: a bartunknak ne rjunk hivatalos zleti nyelvezettel, s ne hasznljunk a htkznapi nyelvben, beszdben nem hasznlatos szerkezeteket. Pl. In vain did I teli her this vagy You are obliged to answer soon.

    Tartsuk be a formai elrsokat (cmzs, megszlts, dtum stb.), hiszen erre ugyancsak pontot kapunk. Clszer, ha van egy-egy ksz bevezet s zr mondatunk (pl. I'm sorry I haven't writtenfor so long bt I have been terribly busy lately vagy / tinink I'd better go now otherwise I'll be lat fr schoo], amelyek biztosan helyesek, s hasznljuk ezeket!

    Figyeljnk arra, hogy minden megadott szempontra s tmra trjnk ki: ne hagyjunk egyet sem figyelmen kvl!

    Aranyszably a kifejezsre vonatkozan:

    Fogalmazzunk egyszeren, ne rjunk tl vlasztkos stlusban, aminek ismerete klnsen nagy nyelvi jrtassgot ignyel. Hasznljuk a rgta s biztonsggal hasznlt kifejezse

    ket, s lehetleg kerljk azokat, amelyeket csupn a vizsga sorn, a sztrbl ismertnk meg.

    Aranyszablyok a nyelvhelyessgre vonatkozan:

    A kifejezsmdnl emltett tancs itt is rvnyes: ne bonyoltsuk tl a nyelvtani szerkezetek alkalmazst, ne akarjuk az angol nyelvtan minden szpsgt 20 sorban felvonultatni. Tudsunk bizonytsra clszer nhny alkalmas szerkezetet elhelyeznnk a szvegben (pl. If only; should have; suggest ige + that one should mellkmondat), a szveg tbbi rsze azonban legyen biztonsgosan" egyszer. Veszlyes ugyanakkor a msik vglet is: a tl egyszer szveg lehet akrmilyen hibtlan, a nyelvhelyessgre ilyen esetben nem kap 5 pontot.

    Itt is ejtsnk meg egy ellenrzst hibakalauzunk szerint! Ne maradjon olyan hiba a fogalmazsban, amirl tudjuk, hogy gyakran elkvetjk.

    5. Olvass utni szvegrtsAz utols feladat egy 3000-3200 letsbl ll autentikus angol szveg elolvassa, s az utna feltett, magyar nyelv krdsek megvlaszolsa magyarul. A krdsek vonatkozhatnak a szveg egy meghatrozott rszre, de lehetnek ltalnosabb jellegek is. Elfordulhat teht, hogy a vlaszt a szveg egsznek ttekintse utn, annak klnbz rszeibl kell sszeraknunk". A krdsek utn zrjelben szerepel a helyes vlaszrt jr pontszm. A feladatra sszesen 25 pont kaphat.

  • Aranyszablyok:

    Az rtkels itt nem mnusz, hanem plusz pontokkal trtnik. Mivel minden helyes informci pontot r, rdemes inkbb tbbet rni a vlaszban, mint kevesebbet. Adott krds megvlaszolsakor rdemes a szvegben fellelhet valamennyi vonatkoz informcit belefoglalnunk a vlaszba, spedig olyanokat is, amelyekre a feladat konkrtan nem krdezett r. A krdsek utn szerepl pontszm egybknt informcit ad arrl, milyen terjedelm legyen a krdsre adand vlasz. Egy-egy pont utalhat egy sznyi, de akr egy tagmondatnyi

    terjedelemre is.

    Olvassuk el elszr a krdseket! Ezek segtenek meghatrozni, hogy nagyjbl mirl

    szl a szveg, s csak ezutn olvassuk el magt a szveget.

    Ne kezdjnk sztrazni az els ismeretlen sznl! Gyzdjnk meg rla, hogy vonatkozik-e egyltaln valamelyik krds a szt tartalmaz szvegrszre. Amennyiben

    nem, a szvegrsz lefordtsa felesleges idvesztesget jelent.

    Az ORIG kzpfok szbeli nyelvvizsga - tancsok s tudnivalk

    1. Halls utni szvegrtsA vizsgz feladata egy norml beszdtempj angol szveg hromszori meghallgatsa s a r vonatkoz, magyar nyelv krdsek ugyancsak magyarul trtn megvlaszolsa. A vlaszokra

    sszesen 20 pont kaphat.


    Akrcsak az olvass utni szvegrtsnl, a szveggel val megismerkeds eltt itt is olvassuk el elszr a krdseket! Ezek nmagukban is rulkodnak a szveg tartalmrl,

    s rirnytjk a figyelmnket a szveg vizsga szempontjbl lnyeges rszeire.

    A szveg els meghallgatsa sorn trekedjnk tfog szvegrtsre: ne ragadjunk le a

    meg nem rtett rszleteknl!

    Sokan megijednek, amint meghalljk a magnrl elhangz szveget: mi ne essnk ebbe a hibba! A gyakorls sorn mindig koncentrljunk arra, amit rtnk. Sokat jelent a sikerlmny szempontjbl az is, ha egy ht elteltvel jra meghallgatjuk az adott szveget. Ezzel a hozzllssal elrhetjk, hogy mire valsgban is a vizsgn fogunk lni, j lmnyeink lesznek a magnhallgatssal kapcsolatban, s az eredmnynk is sokkal

    jobb lesz.

    2. BeszlgetsEz a vizsgarsz egy vizsgabizottsg eltt zajlik. Egy rvid szemlyes beszlgetst kveten egy vagy tbb kp, illetve egy kpsorozat alapjn folytatdik a trsalgs. Vgl egy szitucis feladatot kell megoldani, amelyben az egyik fl maga a vizsgz, a msik pedig az egyik vizsgztat tanr.


    Sokan flnek ettl a vizsgarsztl, pedig sok szempontbl knnyebb helyzetben vagyunk itt, mint az rsbelinl. A vizsga tmakrei adottak, s ezekre elre fel lehet kszlni. Maguk a vizsgztatk sem fognak olyan tmakrben krdseket feltenni, amelyekrl nem tudhattunk

    mr elre.

    A felkszlst kezdjk azzal, hogy minden tmakrben legalbb 2 perc erejig kpesek vagyunk nllan beszlni. Ebben segtsget nyjt Nmethn Hock Ildik: Trsalgs, szitucik, kplersok s halls utni szvegrts angolul. [j kiads, CD-mellklettel;


  • LX-0030] cm knyvnek trsalgsi rsze. Az egyes tmakrkben val jrtassg elmlytshez ugyanezen szerz 1000 Questions 1000 Answers. Trsalgsi gyakorlatok az angol A tpus nyelvvizsgkra (CDmellklettel; LX-0049] cm knyvt ajnljuk. Mindkt knyv lefedi a szbeli vizsgk tmakreit, a CD-k pedig segtenek a memorizls mellett a helyes kiejts s az intonci elsajttsban is.

    A kplersra s a szitucis beszlgetsre val felkszlshez is a Trsalgs, szitucik, kplersok s halls utni szvegrts angolul cm knyvet ajnljuk, amely 80 kidolgozott szitucijval, s tovbbi 80 j szitucijval hatkonyan kszt fel a szbeli vizsgnak erre a rszre is. A knyvben szerepl 32 sznes kp lersn tl a kplersokhoz ltalnosan hasznlhat kifejezsek gyjtemnye is segt abban, hogy gy kszlhessnk fel a vizsgra, hogy mr nem rhet minket meglepets. Mivel a szitucik a CD-n is meghallgathatak, ezek elsajttsa sem okozhat gondot.

    s ha mr ilyen alaposan felkszltnk, mindig beszljnk arrl, amit tudunk!

    Az rsbeli vizsga felptsnek ttekintse

    Max. pontszm

    Id: 30 perc NEM HASZNLHAT SZTR

    Nyelvismeret Feleletvlaszts teszt 15 pont


    Kzvetts I.

    Kzvetts 11.


    Olvass utni szvegrts

    Fordts magyar nyelvrl angol nyelvre

    Fordts angol nyelvrl magyar nyelvre

    Irnytott fogalmazs (levl, fogalmazs)

    Magyar nyelv krdsekre magyar nyelv vlaszads

    20 pont

    20 pont

    20 pont

    25 pont

    A sikeres vizsga lettelhez az sszpontszm 60%-t (60 pontot) kell legalbb elrni, s (a feleletvlaszts teszt kivtelvel) egy feladattpus pontszma sem mehet 40% al.

    A szbeli vizsga felptsnek ttekintse

    Max. pontszm



    Szemlyes beszlgets

    nll tmakifejts kp(ek) alapjn

    Szitucis feladat

    50 pont

    Halls utni szvegrts


    Magyar nyelv krdsekre magyar nyelv vlaszads 20 pont

    A sikeres vizsga lettelhez itt is a maximlis sszpontszm 60%-t (42 pontot) kell elrni legalbb, s sem a beszdkszsgre, sem pedig a hallott szveg rtsre kapott pontszm nem mehet 40%



    aA feleletvlaszts tesztfeladatokhoz 30 perc ll rendelkezsre. Sztrt nem hasznlhat.

    1. Feleletvlaszts teszt perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    Vlassza ki a helyes megoldst!

    1. It was....... party.a] such good c) so a goodb] a so good d] such a good

    2. A lot of beautiful monuments....... in my city.a) can be found c] could be finedb) can be founded d) could be founded

    3. to school when you were a schoolboy?a) took c] did takeb) did you took d) did you take

    4...........some terribly cold winters in the past few years.

    a] There has been c) It has beenb) There have been d) It have been

    5. I can never remember.......names but I usually remember........ faces.a] the ... - c] - ... theb) - ... - d) the ... the

    6. If you had listened carefully you.......what was going on.a) had understood c) would have understandb) would understood d) 'd have understood

    7. I ....... the house since you........ to watch TV.a) have been cleaning ... started c) clean ... startedb) clean ... have started d) have been cleaning ... have started

    8. It's too bad we will not get there on time. We.......earlier.a) ought to have left c] should leftb) could leave d) should have to leave

    9. Do you think it is too late for a boy....... to start studying a language?a] of 16 c) at age of 16b] age 16 d) aged at 16 years

    10. She speaks....... languages. She would make an excellent guide.a] a number c] fewb] quite a few d) more

    11. Unfortunately I didn't hear her.........a] that she was singing c) while she sangb] singing d} to sing


  • 12. He wanted to know....... stay.a] how long I was going to c] how long time was I going tob] how long was I going to d] how long time I was going to

    13. She did answer the phone but in two seconds she simply.........a] put it up c] hung upb) put down d) hung down

    14. Can you afford....... that much every day?a] having spent c) to spendb)spending d)spend

    15. Just when I was about to leave, the floor....... to shake.a] has begun c) was beginningb] began d] had begun

    16. He came too late,.......made me upset.a) what c] -b] that d) which

    17. They're said....... very good students.a} have been c] to beb) that they were d] that they are

    18.1 am sure I can run....... than you.a] much more faster c) much fasterb] more faster d] much more fast

    19. When she was only 20 she already had....... own house.a) an c] herb) - d]the

    20. I've only....... about him.a] a few informations c] little informationb] few information d) a little information

    21. She.......yes if she had known what........ happen.a) wouldn't say ...'s going to c] wouldn't have said ... haveb) wouldn't have said ... would d) wouldn't have said ... had

    22. 'I have lost my handbag?' 'Really, When....... it?'a) were you losing c) have you lostb] did you lose d] have you lose

    23. 'They don't like to dance to slow music.'' their parents.'a) Either c] Sob) Too d] Neither

    24.1 didn't want to tell her that I ....... her parents.a] have forgotten calling c] have forgotten to callb] had forgotten calling d] had forgotten to call


    25. I'll buy some beer in case he.........a) comesb] would come

    26. I'm going to the dentist's.........a] to have my tooth pull outb) to have my tooth pulling out

    27. She.......walk again since the operation.

    a] canb) could

    28. My father has got.........a) short brown hairb) brown short hair

    29.1 couldn't see....... furniture in the room.

    a) ab] some

    30.1 hoped to get a pink pullover but they...

    a] have soldb) had sold

    31. Why do you she doesn't loveb] doesn't she love

    32. Which sentence is correct?a] I have been at home last Easter.b) I've had flu for the last week.

    33. There was....... I could say.a) someb) everything

    34. I'd rather the whole truth.

    a] tellingb] are telling

    35.1 can't decide. It'] up tob) up with

    36. She didnt really care; just went on ....

    stories.a] talkingb) to talk

    c] will comed) was going to come

    c) to have my tooth pulled outd) having my tooth pulled out

    c) has able tod) has been able to

    c) a short brown haird) a brown short hair

    c] no

    d) any

    them all.c) did selld] were sold

    c] she isn't loved] doesn't she loves

    c] I saw her in the last month, d} We talked about this the last week.

    c] nothingd] anything

    c) toldd] have told

    c] down tod] down with

    although everyone had had enough of her silly

    c) to be talkingd) talk

    37. 'I'm going to the cinema tonight.' 'That's a good idea. I ....... you as well, if you don't mind.'

    a] am going to join c] am joiningb) would join d) will join

  • 38. Before....... to bed I forgot to switch off the light.

    a) I go c) gob] going d) to go

    39.1 do not think I ....... either my father or my mother.a} take after c) seem likeb) look to d] put after

    40. If you park here you.........a) might be fined c] should be made to fineb] would be fined d) would have to be fined

    41. Why did you want me to pay....... the flowers you'd bought?

    a] - c) onb] for d) at

    42. We seem to have run out of petrol. I ....... it before we left.a) should have checked c) could have checkb) ought to check d) could check

    43.1 swear nobody helped us. We did it a ll.........a) on ourself c) on ourselvesb) by ourselves d] by myself

    44.........I am thinking about is a holiday in Australia.a] Which c] Whatb] That d] -

    45. 'Why didn't you give her advice?' 'I did, but she didn't take....... .'a] it c] themb) either of them d) any one of them

    46.1 couldn't buy....... I needed.a) as much bread as c] as many breads asb) so much bread than d) so much bread then

    47. I'm not kidding. I was truly good.......maths at school.a) to c} inb) with d) at

    48.1 didn't dare to ask her.........a) don't leave c) not to leaveb) for not leaving d) not leave

    49.........many times that she........ a dangerous enemy?a) Didn't I tell you ... is c) Haven't I told you ... can meanb) Didn't I tell you ... can be d) Haven't I told you ... is

    50.1 won't tell you what has happened until you.......down.a] don't sit c) have sitb] didn't sit d) sit



    A vizsga vgig sszesen 180 perc ll rendelkezsre, am it ignyeinek megfelelen ______________________ oszthat el. Sztr hasznlata megengedett. _________________

    2. Fordts magyarrl angolra

    Fordtsa angolra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    - Azt mondtad a telefonban, hogy valamire meg akarsz krni. Nos, mirl lenne sz?

    - Tudod, az egyik ismersm, aki Svjcban l, meghvott, hogy tltsk nluk nhny napot a karcsonyi sznetben. Eddig nem mertem elmenni, mert nem talltam senkit, aki vigyzni tudna a kutymra, amg tvol leszek. De mita Jane elmondta nekem, te mennyire szereted a kutykat, gy gondolom, te tudnl segteni.

    - Mirt nem mondtad mr elbb, mit szeretnl? Mr rg elmehettl volna. grem, minden tlem telhett megteszek, hogy a kutyus is legalbb annyira lvezze a karcsonyt, mint te. Mondd, mit kell tennem! Szerinted hnyszor vigyem stlni? Mindent, amit mondasz, felrok egy paprra, nehogy elfelejtsek valamit.



    3. Fordts angolrl magyarra

    Fordtsa magyarra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    r Alcoholism drug has no effect on long-term drinkers -------------------------

    ! The drug most used to treat alcoholics in this country has no effect on long-term heavy drinkers,

    i a Veterans Administration study found. The study looked at more than 600 veterans, almost all

    I of them men. They were about 49 years old on average, had been getting drunk regularly since

    ; their early 20s, and when the study began they were drinking about three days out of four,

    j downing an average of 13 drinks on those days.

    ; One group took the drug naltrexone for three months, one took it for a year, and one took look-

    j alike pills with no medical effect.

    ; In all three groups, the patients went an average of 4 1/2 months without drinking. After 13

    I weeks and after a year, they were drinking less, and on far fewer days, than they had when the

    I study began - but the reduction was about the same for all three groups.

    : More than 8.1 million U.S. residents are alcoholics, and it costs the nation an estimated $185

    i billion and 100,000 deaths a year.

    : Naltrexone, approved in 1995, blocks chemicals that make alcoholics feel good after a drink.

    I Other studies have found that naltrexone is moderately effective, and this study may just show

    : that it does not work for severe alcoholics.

    4. Irnytott fogalmazs perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    rjon fogalmazst angolul 17-20 sor terjedelemben az albbi tmrl! n dnti el, hogy melyik krdseket fejti ki rszletesebben, s melyikekre ad rvidebb vlaszt. Fontos, hogy a fogalmazs egysges szveget alkosson, ezrt krjk, hogy az egyes gondolatkrk kzti tmenetet biztostsa! gyeljen arra, hogy ne lpje tl az elrt terjedelmet!

    n vagy bartja balesetet szenvedett autjval. rja le a kvetkezket:

    1. Pontosan hol s mi trtnt?

    2. Mik voltak a baleset krlmnyei? (forgalom, idjrs]

    3. Melyik aut milyen krt okozott?

    4. Hogy lehetett volna elkerlni a balesetet?

    5. Hogy lte meg az esetet?

    6. Milyen tanulsgokat vont le az esetbl?



    5. Olvass utni szvegrts perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    r Global wedding rush marks 11-11-11 -- ------------- ------------------

    What does 11 November signify? For the UK and many other nations it is, of course,I Remembrance Day, the occasion of silence to commemorate the dead of all wars. But this year,: as Im sure you've realised by now, there's another, if more trivial, significance to it: yes, it's ; 11 November 2011, or 11/11/11. Very soon it will be (in the UK) 11.11 am on that date. It is,: apparently, the last palindromic date for a century. I have to confess that I've not personally

    | taken the time to check that.

    : Fans of palindromes or numerology (or, if you're more sceptical, those experiencing apophenia,| the phenomenon of seeing non-existent patterns or significance in meaningless data) are j understandably excited. My colleagues, Hannah Waldram and Laura Oliver, have already I compiled an exhaustive list of the various non-Remembrance signifiers of the date, from The i Date That Most Resembles Corduroy - I should mention here that I'm wearing some corduroy | trousers myself today - to Nigel Tufnel Day. But in the non-internet world, pretty much the only ; thing taking place is weddings. Lots of them. This is particularly the case in East Asia, where

    j numerology is more commonly followed.

    : The AFP news agency has put together a rundown of wedding fever across Asia, including 5,000 i weddings in Shanghai alone. I didn't realise this, but apparently in recent years 11 November has been regarded in China as "singles' day anyway because it is made up entirely of ones,; thus making it a good date anyway to shed that status. There have also been a number of mass i weddings, including in the Philippines and Vietnam. And if there's wedding fever going on, i Las Vegas will feature. According to the Las Vegas Sun newspaper, the Chapel of the Flowers ; is running 15 hours of back-to-back weddings in its three chapels from 8am to 11.11pm.: Meanwhile the Viva Las Vegas wedding chapel has 200 bookings, four times the norm, according

    j to another report.

    ; And while births can't be similarly planned - although South Korea officials had to deny that j some couples were deliberately planning caesarians for the date - in some countries it is also i seen as a very auspicious birth date. Even the UK is not immune, with the Press Association i reporting a higher number of weddings than would normally be expected. The agency has even | better news - if only it was believable - from a numerologist. According to Sonia Ducie, from the ; Connaissance School of Numerology in Hertfordshire, this is not just a good day to get hitched, i but a good day to solve the euro crisis. Eleven is the number for inspiration and passion. It's an j aspirational number which has extremely uplifting energy. 11 November 2011 is a reference ; point to remind us that we are all one world and we are here to help each other. She thinks the

    : 11th is a very good day for negotiation and making peace. Great things could happen in Europe,

    : creating more stability.



    1. Mit nnepelnek hagyomnyosan november 11-n az Egyeslt Kirlysgban? (3 pont)

    2. Minek tartottk az utbbi vekben november 11-t Knban? Mirt? (4 pont)

    3. Mi bizonytja, hogy Las Vegasban is rezhet az ehhez a naphoz kthet eskvi lz?

    (5 pont)

    4. Milyen jelentsggel br a dtum a szletsek tekintetben? (6 pont)

    5. Miben rezhet a dtum hatsa az Egyeslt Kirlysgban? (1 pont)

    6. Mit lehet idelisan megoldani Sonia Duci szerint ezen a napon? (3 pont)

    7. Mit jelkpez a 11-es szm? (3 pont)




    A feleletvlaszts tesztfeladatokhoz 30 perc ll rendelkezsre. Sztrt nem hasznlhat.

    1. Feleletvlaszts teszt perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    Vlassza ki a helyes megoldst!

    1. I found out where....... only when her phone........ to ring.a) was she ... started c] she was ... had start

    b) was she ... had started d] she was ... started

    2. Your hair....... be so greasy if you........ it more often.a) won't... will wash c) wouldn't... would washb) won't... washed d] wouldn't... washed

    3. They....... a taxi. A bus would have done.a] needn't take c] needn't have takenb) didn't need to taken d] oughtn't have taken

    4. I have no idea how....... the exam.a] he could pass c] could he passb) he could have passed d) could he have passed

    5. I can't believe that....... paid for the dinner.a) it was he c) he was that whob) it was him d] it was he who

    6. The government is faced....... the problems of several strikes.a) with c) tob) by d} in

    7. The Chairman....... the conference that tomorrow's program has been put off.

    a] has told c] was saidb) told d) was told

    8. The doctor suggested....... in bed all week.a] me staying c) stayb) me to stay d] that I should stay

    9. He didn't understand....... I was saying,........ surprised me.a] what... which c) what... thatb] which ... what d) that... which

    10. My wife,....... home from work, was stopped by the police.a] while was driving c] who drivingb] was driving d) driving

    11. These are really nice oranges. How....... in a kilo?a) much are they c) much are thereb] many are there d) many are they


  • 12. She........very hard since she has had this job.

    a] has workb) has been working rather badly.

    a] Both of studentsb] The both students

    c) had been workingd] was working

    c) Both studentsd] Both them

    14. During the seven years she spent in England she....... the Tower.a] has never visited c] had never visitedb] never visited d) has never been visited

    15. You were crazy to swim across the channel, you.........

    a) would have drownedb] could drowned

    16. 'She is never impolite.''...... .'a] Neither is he.b) Neither is him.

    c) might have drownedd] may have drawn

    c] He is neither so.d) He isn't neither.

    17.1 swear I didn't hear her....... that.a) to sayb] saying

    18. Jane always does....... she likes.a] such way

    b) so

    19.1 bet they have away of

    b) out off

    20. By the time she got there theya) were leftb] had left

    21. The factory....... closed down long ago.a] has been

    b) was

    c) saidd) to be say

    c] asd) such

    c) out fromd] out of

    c) have leftd) left

    c] had beend) was being

    22.1 think she will call you when she....... back from England.a] comes c] will comeb] have come d] would come study........ you are to pass the exam.a] The more ... the more likely c) The more ... the likelyb) The most... the more likely d] The most... the likelier

    24. On my way home I ran....... a dog.a] offb] over

    c] throughd] across


    25.1 forgot to watch my favourite programme. I

    a) needed to have setb) would have had to set

    ....... the tape recorder.c] could setd) should have set

    26. The prize is so high that it w ill........a) make a lot of people gamblingb) make a lot of people gambled

    c) make a lot of people gambled] have a lot of people gambled

    27. Many of the old buildings in the city.........a) will pull downb) had pulled down

    c) have been pulled downd) are pulling down

    28.1 can't believe she has.........a) an own houseb] her own house

    c] a house on her ownd) a house of hers

    29. I'm going to the service station to .........a) have my car washedb) make my car wash

    c) have my car washd) make my car washed

    30. She wishes she....... in the capital.a] could livedb] lived

    c] would lived) would have lived

    31. Under normal circumstances i t 100C.a] boiles c] will be boilingb) boils d] has boiled

    32. She used.......a lot but now she doesn't.a] to drinkingb) drinking

    c) drinkd) to drink

    33. If she hadn't watched Harry Potter before going to bed may have slept c] would have sleepb) might have been sleeping d] could sleep

    34. I'm sorry the house was so expensive. We don't have money for....... furniture.a) a c] many

    b) some d] -

    35. I'm sure they would have arrived already if they....... lost.a] wouldn't have got c) hadn't gotb) wouldn't get d) didn't get

    36.1 met him walking....... the street.

    a) tob) upwards

    c) down

    d] at

    37.........of them seemed to know the answer.a] No oneb) None

    c] Every

    d] Any



    38. That was....... I had to write.a) one of the most difficult testb) a most difficult test

    c) a difficult test of myd] difficult a test of mine

    39. They will never be able to get home before midnight unless you....... them a lift.

    a) will give c) giveb) would give d] gave

    40. This is the car.......driver gestured at the policeman.

    a) of whatb] of that

    41.........when I rang the bell?a) Did you really sleepb) Have you really been sleeping

    42. This book is well wortha) readb) reading

    43. Mr. Huffnager was....... than Mr. Mezga.a) more richerb) much more richer

    44.........don't mind the rain.a) The Englishb) English

    45.1 don't remember....... to my party or not.a) if he will come b} if he had come

    c) whosed) of which

    c) Were you really sleepingd] Did you really asleep

    c] being readd) to read

    c) much more richd] much richer

    c] Englishmand] The Englishmen

    c) whether he comed) if he come

    46. You....... remember her name. You have never met her.a) shouldn't c) needn't tob] oughtn't d) don't need to

    47. She had....... interest in maths.a) any

    b) fewc] littled] a few

    48. The Prime Minister promised that he .......his best to make the strikers change their mind.a) hadn't doneb] has done

    49. Everybody hates....... that they are stupid.a] being toldb] telling

    50. Many of the....... failed.

    a) yesterday test taking studentsb) students to take yesterday the test

    c) would do

    d) did

    c) to have toldd] to have been told

    c] students taking the test yesterdayd) students who take the test yesterday


    A vizsga vgig sszesen 180 perc ll rendelkezsre, am it ignyeinek megfelelen oszthat el. Sztr hasznlata megengedett.

    2. Fordts magyarrl angolra

    Fordtsa angolra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    ; - Mit szeretnl szombaton este csinlni? Csak nem diszkba msz?; - Mg nem gondolkodtam rajta, de lehet, hogy este elmegyek egy kicsit szrakozni a

    bartaimmal. Mit gondolsz, hova menjnk?; - Ht, nem is tudom. Azt mondjk, a diszk, ami a mlt hten nyitott, elg j. Valjban nem : hiszem, hogy olyan j, mint amilyennek mondjk. Ott voltam az egyik bartommal a nyitsnl,: s mikzben tncoltunk, elloptk a pnztrcmat.i - Ne mondd! Sajnlom. Taln jobb, ha akkor mi is valamilyen msik helyet vlasztunk. Nem i szeretnm, ha vasrnap hajnalban a rendrsgen ktnnk ki. Taln neked sem kellett volna

    j oda menned az els este.i - Persze ha tudtam volna, hogy mi fog trtnni, n sem mentem volna el. Nem hagytam volna,: hogy a bartom rbeszljen, prbljuk ki azt az j diszkt. Brcsak mshova mentnk volna!

    i Most nem kellene j pnztrct vennem.

  • 3. Fordts angolrl magyarra

    Fordtsa magyarra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    World's aging population challenges societies -----------------------------

    WASHINGTON [AP] - The number of people age 65 and older more than tripled over the past

    half-century to a record 420 million worldwide. In general, seniors are better educated, retiring

    earlier and living longer.

    Vast differences in quality of life exist between older people living in the United States and

    Japan, for example, and those in Malaysia, Costa Rica and other developing countries where the

    biggest increases in this population are expected.

    The U.S. government study being released Thursday also shows the predicted increase will test

    governments' ability to address health care, retirement benefits and other issues that affect

    seniors, experts say.

    In the United States, the 2000 census showed about 12%, or 35 million of the nation's 281.4

    million people, were at least 65. That compares with 13% of the countrys 248.7 million people

    a decade ago. By 2030, one in every five American will be 65 as the baby boom generation ages,

    the study projects.

    Demographers said better health care means people are living longer. The old are accounting

    for a larger percentage of the population because the birth rate has declined in most countries,

    said John Haaga, an analyst with the Population Reference Bureau, a research organization.

    4. Irnytott fogalmazs Perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    rjon levelet angolul 17-20 sor terjedelemben az albbi tmrl gy, hogy minden irnytsi szempontra trjen ki! Fontos, hogy a fogalmazs egysges szveget alkosson, ezrt krjk, hogy az egyes gondolatkrk kzti tmenetet biztostsa! gyeljen arra, hogy ne lpje tl az elrt terjedelmet! Az angol levlforma jellemzit tartsa be! (dtum, megszlts, dvzl forma, alrs)

    Szmoljon be bartjnak arrl, hogy ptkezst tervez! rjon a kvetkezkrl:

    1. Hol tallhat a telek? Milyen a fekvse, elhelyezkedse?

    2. Mekkora terletre mekkora hzat tervez? Mirt?

    3. Hogy fog kinzni a hz? Mihez ragaszkodik? Mit nem szeretne?

    4. Mibl fogjk fedezni az ptkezs kltsgeit?

    5. Terveznek-e hitelt felvenni? Mirt [nem]?


  • r- Shell must pay $lbn to deal with Niger Delta oil spills, Amnesty urges ............ .......

    | Royal Dutch Shell's failure to mop up two oil spills in the Niger Delta has caused huge suffering ; to locals whose fisheries and farmland were poisoned, and the firm and its partners must pay ; $lbn to start cleaning up the region, Amnesty International said on Thursday.

    ; A spokesman for Shell said the company and its partners had already acknowledged the two oil : spills and started cleaning up, adding it had been hampered by oil theft, which was responsible : for most spills in the Delta. The report by the human rights group to mark the 16th anniversary

    | of the execution of environmental activist Ken Saro-Wiwa by Nigerian authorities said the ; two spills in 2008 in Bodo, Ogoniland, had wrecked the livelihoods of 69,000 people. "The : prolonged failure of the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria to clean up the oil that was spilled, continues to have catastrophic consequences," it said. The SPDC is a Shell-run ; joint venture between the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, which holds 55%, Shell,

    ; which holds 30%, EPNL 10% and Agip, with 5%.

    ; Amnesty said the community's UK lawyers suggested the spill had leaked 4,000 barrels a day ; for 10 weeks, which would make it bigger than the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska. "Those

    ! who used to rely on fishing for a living have lost their incomes and livelihoods. Farmers say ; their harvests are smaller than before. Overall, people in Bodo are now much less able to ; grow their own food or catch fish," the report said. Shell agreed in August that a Nigerian

    : community affected by the spill can claim compensation in a British court setting a precedent | for such claims. The Amnesty report urged implementation of a United Nations Environment i Programme report in August that was critical of both Shell and the Nigerian government for ! contributing to 50 years of pollution in Ogoniland, a region in the labyrinthine creeks, swamps ; and rivers of the oil-rich Niger Delta. The Unep said the region needs the world's largest ever ; oil clean-up, costing an initial $lbn and taking 30 years - proposing that each of the partners ; of the SPDC pay its share, based on their stake in the operator. Amnesty urged SPDC to set up a

    j $lbn clean up fund, citing Bodo as an example of a place needing urgent attention.

    : Shell stopped pumping oil from most of Ogoniland after a campaign led by Saro-Wiwa, a writer

    | and activist, but it continues to be the dominant player in the Niger Delta. "SPDC has publicly ; acknowledged that two oil spills that affected the Bodo community in 2008 were caused by ; operational issues," Shell spokesman Precious Okolobo said, adding Shell estimated the total l size of the spill to be 4,000 barrels. "The reality is that our efforts to undertake cleanup in Bodo

    have been hampered by the repeated impact of sabotage and bunkering spills," he added.

    | Oil is often spilled during sabotage attacks on facilities and bunkering - tapping pipelines to I steal crude. Okolobo said 150,000 barrels of oil are stolen each day in the Delta. "If Amnesty ; really wanted to make a difference ... it would join with us in calling for more action to address : this criminal activity, which is responsible for the majority of spills." But Amnesty said even if some spills were caused by theft, "this does not justify a failure to clean up after an oil spill - all i oil companies are required to do so, regardless of cause."



    1. Mit okozott a Niger deltjban az Amnesty International cstrtki jelentse szerint a Shell mulasztsa? (3 pont]

    2. Mi okozta a Shell szvivje szerint a mulasztst? (3 pont]


    3. Milyen apropbl rdott a jelents? (2 pont]

    4. Mi az SPDC? (2 pont]

    5. A jelents szerint milyen kvetkezmnyekkel jrt a katasztrfa az ott lk meglhetsre?

    (6 pont]

    6. Kik, mely szervezetek okolhatak az ogonilandi szennyezsrt a jelents szerint? (1 pont]

    7. Mi lenne a Shell szerint a vals segtsg az Amnesty International rszrl, s mit gondol

    errl az Amnesty International? (8 pont]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- -----

    ____ ______________ ______________

    ----------------------------------------- ------- ------ ---------- |


    aA feleletvlaszts tesztfeladatokhoz 30 perc ll rendelkezsre. Sztrt nem hasznlhat.

    1. Feleletvlaszts teszt

    Vlassza ki a helyes megoldst!

    perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    1. The teacher suggested....... the exam seriously.a] to take c] takeb] that we should take d] us to take

    2. The deadline....... again.a) will have to be changedb) will have to exchange

    c] is expected changingd) is expected to be change

    3. I was shocked to see him there. I .......he........ on holiday.a) had been told ... had gone c) had been told ... wentb) was told ... went d] was told ... had gone

    4. If she had had more money she....... to sell her car.a] wouldn't have c) wouldn't have hadb) didn't have d] 'd not had had

    5...........some friends of yours so far from home, I'm sure they would help.a) Should you meet c] When you will meetb) If you will meet d] If you meet

    6. Being a plumber he .........a) got the dripping tap to repairb) had the dripping tap repair

    7. What a terrible week it's been,....... ?a] has not itb) wasn't it

    8...........since I last saw her.a) It's been a long timeb) It's long time

    c] made the dripping tap repaird] was made to repair the dripping tap

    c] hasn't itd] isn't it

    c) It has gone a long timed] It was a long time ago

    9. My grandmother never....... into the room in shoes.a] allowed us going c] allowed us gob] permitted us to go d) let us go

    10. She....... alone.a) isn't at all used to workb] isn't at all use to working

    c] didn't at all used to workingd) is not at all used to working

    11. The milkman asked.......any milk the next day.a] whether we want c] if we would likeb] if we will want d) would we like



    12.1 heard the postman....... , but I didn't open the door.a] ringing c] rangb) to ring d] be ringing

    13.1 seem....... this cold for ages. How can I get rid of it?a] to have had c) havingb) having had d) to be having

    14. In a teenager's life, Saturday night is ....... to the disco.a) for to go c] good for that to gob) for going d) good to going

    15. My fianc bought a car and asked me.........a] whether I like it or not c) if it liked me or notb) if I liked it or not d) if or not I liked it

    16. 'I don't think it is worth that much.' 'I am sure i t .........'a] is worth c] does

    b] doesn't d] is

    17.1 didn't manage.........a] getting them apologizing c) to get them apologizeb) to get them apologizing d] to get them to apologize

    18......... I buy the more I seem to lose.a] The more pen c) The more pensb] The many pens d] More the pens

    19. You don't want to tell her that you saw me kissing another girl,....... ?a] want you c) do youb) aren't you d) didn't you

    20. You won't tell them what you saw,....... ?a) didn't you c) do youb) wouldn't you d) will you

    21. I'm sure she'd rather I ....... about it.a] didn't talk c) shouldn't talkb) mustn't to talk d) needn't to talk

    22. My mother insisted....... her share of the expenses.a] to paying c) on having to payb] for us paying d] on paying

    23.1 think she forgot promising that she would call us as soon as she....... back from London.a) should get c] will getb) would get d] got

    24. You'll find it more and more difficult unless you....... every day.a) will practise c) practicedb) don't practise d] practise



    25. No one had a precise idea how the problem was.........a] tackling c) tackleb) have tackled d) to be tackled take,........ confused you will be.a) The more advice ... the more c] More advices ... moreb) The more advices ... the more d] The most advice ... the most

    27. When I finally found the hotel in which I ....... a room, it was dawn already.

    a) had booked c) bookedb) have booked d] had been booking

    28. You never feel like....... to the cinema with me. How come?a] coming c] comeb] to come d] having come

    29. It's no use....... the necessary information before that.a) get c] I gotb] getting d) to get

    30. A new policy has been.......down by the government.a) laid c) ledb) lain d] lied

    31. Let's help her,....... ?a) won't we c] do web) should I d] shall we

    32. The.......hit area was the valley.a) most hardly c) more badlyb) hardliest d] hardest

    33. She'd rather I ....... her car.a) drove c) driveb] driven d) 'd have had to drive

    34. There ought to ....... some fire-extinguishers in the corridor.a) be have c) have beenb] have been had d) have had

    35. The doctor....... about an hour.a) kept me waiting c] kept me to waitb) made me to wait d) made me waiting

    36. She is .......a letter from him, but I bet she will be disappointed.a) looking forward to receive c) looked forward to receiveb) forward to receiving d] looking forward to receiving

    37. It was....... that I started to learn English.a] for two years c] two years agob) for two year d] two years before



    38. It's time you....... to work finally.a) would start c] startedb] to start d) had started

    39. Can you really.......out that much?a] allow to pay c] afford payingb] be allowed to pay d] afford to pay

    40.1 won't tell you the truth until you....... to me.a) don't apologise c] will apologiseb] won't apologise d) apologise

    41. Do you think you could give me.......milk?

    a] a lot c] littleb} many d] some

    42. He hasn't trained lately so he can't run....... than the others.a) much faster c} much more fastlyb] much more fast d] more fast

    43. It wasn't so easy to enter....... the room.

    a) in c] intob) - d] to

    44.1 want to buy something.......will make her change her mind.a] what c] whichb) - d) that

    45.1 think....... you bought was worth its price.a) that car c) the car whatb] that car which d) the car

    46.1 can't picture myself....... from the same glass as he is.a) to be drink c] to drinkb) having drink d] drinking

    47. How could I believe you if you....... there?a) weren't c) haven't to beb] hadn't been d) wouldnt be

    48. We could've got home on time if we....... immediately.a) could leave c) had leftb) would've left d] have left

    49. He is ....... to buy a car for you.a] quite rich c) enough richb} fairly rich d} rich enough

    50. By the time we....... there the congress will be over.a) are getting c) will getb] get d] would get



    A vizsga vgig sszesen 180 perc ll rendelkezsre, am it ignyeinek megfelelen oszthat el. Sztr hasznlata megengedett. ______________

    2. Fordts magyarrl angolra

    Fordtsa angolra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    - Emlkszel, hogy ma van a hzassgi vfordulnk? Menjnk el vacsorzni, j?- Nagyszer tlet. Mr nem tudom ki volt, de valaki beszlt nekem egy tteremrl itt a

    vrosban, ahol lltlag nagyszer egyedi teleket szolglnak fel.- Mr a mltkor, a szletsnapomon is mondtam neked, hogy nem nagyon szeretem az j

    zeket. Inkbb valami hagyomnyosabb helyre kellett volna mennnk, akkor biztos jobban

    reztem volna magam.- Szerintem az tel j volt, csak az bosszantott, hogy vagy egy rt vrattak minket, mire

    vgre kihoztk az tlapot. Akkor megkrtem a pincrt, nyissa ki egy kicsit az ablakot, mivel nhnyan dohnyoztak a helyisgben. A szomszd asztalnl l n addigra mr vagy egy

    doboz cigit elszvott.- Vigyl el egy j magyar tterembe! Ott biztos jt fogunk enni.- Te mr most nagyon hes lehetsz. Nem is ebdeltl ma, ugye?

  • 3. Fordts angolrl magyarra

    Fordtsa magyarra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    r Walking, dropping weight cuts diabetes risk in half -- ---------------------- ,

    ; Researchers have stopped a large diabetes-prevention study a year ahead of schedule because

    : it became clear that what they suspected is true: Moderate exercise and diet changes can reduce

    ; the chance of developing the most common form of diabetes, even in people at highest risk.

    : The study, whose early termination was announced Wednesday by Health and Human Services

    ; Secretary Tommy Thompson, also found that treatment with the insulin-sensitizing drug

    i metformin reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, though to a lesser degree.

    ! The results offer hope to the estimated 10 million Americans who are "not diabetic, yet are

    ; perilously poised on the brink," says Allen Spiegel, director of the National Institute of Diabetes

    | and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, which sponsored the Diabetes Prevention Program, or DPP.

    ; Two smaller studies, done in Finland and in China, showed diet and exercise can delay diabetes,

    I but these studies only involved single ethnic groups. The study, in which 45% of participants

    ; were black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American, is the first trial to enroll a large number of

    : minorities, says study chair David Nathan of Harvard Medical School.

    ________________________________________________________________________ __________________3. FELADATSOR

    4. Irnytott fogalmazs perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    rjon levelet angolul 17-20 sor terjedelemben az albbi tmrl gy, hogy minden irnytsi szempontra trjen ki! Fontos, hogy a fogalmazs egysges szveget alkosson, ezrt krjk, hogy az egyes gondolatkrk kzti tmenetet biztostsa! gyeljen arra, hogy ne lpje tl az elrt terjedelmet! Az angol levlforma jellemzit tartsa be! (dtum, megszlts, dvzl forma, alrs)

    Szmoljon be levlben bartjnak arrl, vrosban megint kiraboltak egy bankot! Rszletesen rja le, mikor s hogyan trtnt a dolog!

    1. Ki vette szre az esetet? Milyen hatssal volt r?

    2. Hogy vettk r a pnztrost a pnz tadsra?

    3. Vajon mirt pont azt a bankot vlasztottk?

    4. Milyen lpseket tett a rendrsg a bankrablk elfogsa rdekben?

    5. Milyen tanulsgokat lehet levonni az esetbl a tovbbi rablsok elkerlst illeten?


    5. Olvass utni szvegrts perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    - Gambling has drug-like effect on brain ----------------------------------

    WASHINGTON [AP]The brains of people anticipating a win at the roulette table appear to react much like those taking euphoria-inducing drugs.

    A team of investigators reports in the May 24 issue of the journal Neuron that the parts of the brain that respond to the prospects of winning and losing money while gambling are the same as those that appear to respond to cocaine and morphine.

    The overlap of brain activity seen in the gambling experiment with that found in earlier studies of drug use indicates, the researchers said, that the brain uses the same circuitry for "the

    processing of diverse rewards."

    "The results of our gaming experiment, coupled with findings from prior studies of the anticipation and experience of positive and negative outcomes in humans and laboratory animals, suggest that a network of interrelated structures ... coordinate the processing of goal-

    related stimuli," the team led by Dr. Hans C. Breiter of Massachusetts General Hospital said.

    A challenge for the future, he said, is to determine how different parts of these brain circuits affect the thinking, emotion and motivation involved in anticipation, evaluation, and decision


    "Identifying these regions of the brain and mapping the neural pathways that process the anticipation and 'rewards' associated with drug abuse would be a tremendous boost to the development of medications or interventions that could block these circuits and provide other treatment approaches," said Dr. Alan I. Leshner, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The research was supported by NIDA, a division of the National Institutes of Health.

    The research team led by Breiter used magnetic resonance imaging to map the brain responses of 12 men while they participated in a game of chance involving winning or losing money.

    They found that in the gambling experiment, blood flow to the brain changed in ways similar to that seen in other experiments during an infusion of cocaine in subjects addicted to that drug

    and to low doses of morphine in drug-free individuals.

    The changes varied in accordance with the amount of money involved, and a broadly distributed set of brain regions were involved in anticipating a win. The more money involved, the more

    excited the person became.

    The primary response to winning, or the prospect of winning, was seen in the right hemisphere of the brain, while the left hemisphere was more active in response to losing, the researchers


    Besides Breiter, the research team included Peter Shizgal of Concordia University in Montreal, Daniel Kahneman of Princeton University and Anders Dale and Itzhak Aharon, both of

    Massachusetts General Hospital.


  • 1. Milyen rdekes tnyre jttek r mjusban a kutatk? (6 pont]


    2. Milyen kihvst llt ez a tudsok el a jvben? (4 pont)

    3. Hny embert vizsgltak? (1 pont] Mi volt a vizsglat lnyege? (4 pont]

    4. Mivel s hogyan ll sszefggsben a kockztatott pnz mennyisge? (2 pont]

    5. Milyen egyb kutatsok tmasztottk al a kutatk vizsglatainak eredmnyeit? (5 pont)

    6. M ilyen klnbsget trtak fel a kutatk a kt agyflteke kztt? (3 pont)


    aA feleletvlaszts tesztfeladatokhoz 30 perc ll rendelkezsre. Sztrt nem hasznlhat.

    1 . Feleletvlaszts teszt perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    Vlassza ki a helyes megoldst!

    1. I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid your suitcase is filled.......duty-payable goods.a) with c) ofb) by d) from

    2. The receptionist didn't know.........a) if anyone had called c) if anyone has calledb] if has anyone called d) whether anyone has called

    3. How come you have a number of....... on your coat. I have black hair.a] blond hair pieces c] blond hairb} pieces of blond hairs d) blond hairs

    4. I have never been to .........a] Bahamas c) the Bahamab] the Bahamas d) the Bahamas'

    5...........oranges that I wanted. Not lemons.a) This was c) It wasb) It were d) These were

    6. Have you got....... about the robber?a] much information c] a lots of informationb] many informations d] a lot of informations

    7. I'm sure they....... pay it back.a) - c] aren't going tob) are to d) won't

    8. It's really nice....... to us so nice and slow. At least we understand him.a} of him to be talking c) from him to be talkingb) of him talk d) from him to talk

    9. If you....... . why did you ask me to?a] didn't want my helping c] didnt want me helpb) didn't want me to help d] not wanted my help

    10. As soon as I .......what they promised, I can pay you as well.a) was paid c) have been paid

    b] have been obtained d) will pay

    11. This is something to open a tin .........a] with this c] with whichb] with d] with it


  • 12. As we were the last.......we shouldn't be the first..........a) coming ... leaving c) to come ... leavingb) coming ... to leave d) to come ... to leave

    13.1 should have....... for what he ..

    a] made him to pay ... had doneb) had him pay ... did

    14. Tim....... come before midnight.a] is likely tob) will be likely to

    15.........that he loves most in the world.a] The money isb) Money is

    c] made him pay ... had doned) had him to pay ... had done

    c) may bed] probably

    c) It is money

    d) This is the money

    16. He was unable to pass the exam although the teacher.......what the questionsa) had told them ... would be c] have told them ... will beb) had told them ... may be d] told them ... will be

    17. I'm afraid a difficulty hasa] risedb) raised

    c] arisen

    d] arosen

    18.........she wasn't very pretty, a lot of men wanted to marry her.a) Despite of that c) In spite the fact thatb) However d] Although

    19. This country is a couple of decades behind. The telephone network .a] is just being installing c] is just installing

    b} has just been installed d] was just install

    20. A ll.......want to come to the party.a) of colleaguesb) of colleague

    21. As I was cleaning the window Ia) heard ... have screamedb] could hear ... screams

    22.1 forgot to warn h im dog.a) not to teaseb] to not tease

    c) of the colleagued) colleagues

    someone....... some name.c) could hear ... to screamd] heard ... scream

    c] that not to teased] not teasing

    23. She....... not to do anything like that again.a] ought to tellb) should be told

    c] should telld] ought not to be telling

    24. 'Would you mind looking after my plants while I am on holiday?''....a) Sorry, I wouldn't c] Of course notb) Yes, with pleasure d) Never mind, I would


    25. This milk has gone off. We....... pour it out in the sink.a) should have to c] had better tob) had better d) 'd rather

    2 6 the payment, there is nothing to worry about.

    a] Concerned c) As forb) As far d) As far as considering

    2 7 got in trouble because of her.a] A brother of her c] A brother of her'sb) The brother of hers d] A brother of hers

    28. While they....... to reach her on the phone she arrived.a] were trying c] had triedb) tried d) have tried

    29. A teenager's mind isn't always easy.........a] to be understood c] for understandingb) to understand d) of understanding

    30.1 left....... at work, so I couldn't get in.a] the houses key c) the key to the houseb) the house's key d] the house' key

    31. How happy she'd be if you....... to marry you after ten years of waiting.a] ask her c] would askb) will ask her d] asked her

    32. 'You're not using your pen, are you?' 'No, I'm not. You can take....... .'a) anyone of them c) if you wantb) this red pen of my d) this red one

    33. If I ....... his number, I ........ him to my party.a] would know ... invited c) hadn't known -would have invitedb] would have known ... had invited d) had known ... would have invited

    34. The nurse promised she would mum's hand.

    a) after c] overb] across d) to

    35. I'm sorry but I am studying now, so I can't go. I ....... five words every day ever since I started

    to study seriously.a) have studied c) am studying

    b) have been studying d} study

    36. Which do you like....... - English, chemistry or P.E.?

    a] more c] most

    b] better d) less

    37. Help her,.......?a) shouldn't you c] do youb] don't you d) will you


  • 38. This is not....... I've been looking for.a] thatb] which

    39. We decided to go on holiday.......Hawaii.a) ontob] to

    40. She was exhausted but kept climbinga] highly and highlyb] higher and higher


    A vizsga vgig sszesen 180 perc ll rendelkezsre, am it ignyeinek megfelelen oszthat el. Sztr hasznlata megengedett. _____________

    2. Fordts magyarrl angolra

    Fordtsa angolra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    \ - risten! A kicsi mg mindig nem alszik? Mr akkor letetted aludni, amikor n pp indultam, ;

    i nem? Azta itt lsz s hallgatod, ahogy ggicsl (to gurgle)? :\ - Nem volt mit tenni, egyszeren nem akart elaludni. Ltnod kellett volna, milyen aranyos volt, j amikor bementnk a szobba. Olyan aranyosan cumizott, hogy nem tudtam megllni nevets

    : nlkl.: - Biztos nagyon aranyos volt. Sajnlom, hogy nem lttam. Engem is gyakran megnevettet, pont :| ezrt olyan nehz elmenni itthonrl, amikor jszaka kell dolgoznom. De taln jvre mr \; mshogy lesz. Brcsak tallnk egy msik llst! ; : - Tudod, n minl tbbet gondolkodom rajta, annl kevsb rtem, mirt dolgozol mg mindig : ! annl a cgnl. Ha elkezdenl j llst keresni, biztos hamar tallnl msikat. Olyan j |

    ; szakember vagy! i : - Igazad lehet. Ideje, hogy msik munka utn nzzek. Mit gondolsz, hogyan kezdjek neki?

  • 3. Fordts angolrl magyarra

    Fordtsa magyarra a kvetkez szveget!


    perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    - Party leader too boring to be a waxwork ......... ....................... ................... ..........-......

    Madame Tussaud's thinks Iain Duncan Smith is too dull to be worth a waxwork.

    The creation of a waxwork image has been a rite of passage for every leading politician since

    the gallery was founded in 1884, a symbol of the importance of politics in national life. Every

    opposition leader could be guaranteed an unchallenging photo opportunity with his or her

    effigy, and the bewildered attention of thousands of tourists.

    But now that more people will vote for their Pop Idol than for the leader of a political party,

    Madame Tussauds is reviewing its approach to politics. As a result, it will be largely confined

    to history.

    Mr Duncan Smith's predecessor, William Hague, has lost his body. It is being recycled, while his

    head has been relegated to the "interesting has-been" category.

    So far has the passion gone out of politics that for the first time for 60 years Hitler has been

    removed from his protective case. He is to stand nose to nose with Winston Churchill.

    The Tories are playing it cool. "Iain Duncan Smith has better things to do than sit for a waxwork,"

    Central Office said last night.

    Madame Tussaud's said it was not an irreversible decision. "We may make a waxwork if he

    does something interesting."

    4. Irnytott fogalmazs perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    rjon fogalmazst angolul 17-20 sor terjedelemben az albbi tmrl! n dnti el, hogy melyik krdseket fejti ki rszletesebben, s melyikekre ad rvidebb vlaszt. Fontos, hogy a fogalmazs egysges szveget alkosson, ezrt krjk, hogy az egyes gondolatkrk kzti tmenetet biztostsa! gyeljen arra, hogy ne lpje tl az elrt terjedelmet!

    Kzeleg a hsvt. n szp emlkeket riz gyermekkori hsvti nnepekrl. rjon fogalmazst a kvetkezkrl!

    1. Mit jelent ma nnek a hsvt? (vrja-e, fontos-e, vagy csak megmosolyogja a hagyomnyt]

    2. Emltsen nhny pldt a hsvti szoksok kzl, hozztve vlemnyt az elmondottakhoz!

    3. Melyik hagyomnyt folytatn csaldjban? Mirt?

    4. Melyiken mit vltoztatna? Mirt?

    5. Ma mit krne a Hsvti Nyuszitl? Mirt?



    5. Olvass Utni szvegrts perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    Vegetarian diet on solid ground, experts say ------------------------- ----

    Lots of people these days are dabbling with a vegetarian diet. Whatever the reason cholesterol consciousness, a yearning to be fashionably thin, or a newfound concern for cows and other living creaturesmore Americans are taking the plunge and making the switch to a flesh-free existence.But how safe is this experiment? Without meat in their diet, do vegetarians miss out on important nutrients?Probably not, diet experts say. As long as vegetarians take care to eat a variety of foods, they can be just as healthyand usually more healthythan meat eaters.The federal government and the American Dietetic Association have reported that vegetarian diets are nutritionally sound," says Neal Barnard, president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine [PCRM], a non-profit organization that focuses on preventive medicine.Studies have found that vegetarians actually get far better nutrition than non-vegetarians, Barnard says. And vegetarians get larger amounts of fiber, iron, many vitamins and other cancer-fighting compounds than meat eaters."Almost all of our essential nutrients come from plants," says John McDougall, a physician and founder of the McDougall Plan for Healthy Living. "Plants make 11 of 13 known vitamins. B-12 made by bacteria is the only vitamin inadequately supplied by a plant-based diet." McDougall, who is on the PCRM advisory board, is the founder of a 12-day, live-in plan at St. Helena Hospital that uses a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. McDougall says his plant-based diet promotes weight loss, but more importantly, it can reverse some serious illnesses such as heart disease without drugs. McDougall points to a recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine that looked at Seventh-Day Adventists in California, a group made up mostly of vegetarians. The 12-year of study of 34,192 people found that on average, group members lived 10 years longer than the general population.Barnard adds that Americans suffer from having too much to eat, not too little. The typical American eats too much fat, cholesterol

    and animal protein, which contributes to high rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and kidney disease."Vegetarians have a 40% less risk of cancer and much less risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease and other problems that are common among meat eaters," Barnard says. "Vegetarians also live several years longer and enjoy better health." Meanwhile, Barnard says, "Americans are surprisingly undernourished when it comes to the protective nutrients that are in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans."So swapping meat for vegetables is OK. But what about dairy products and eggs?"Dairy is liquid meat/" McDougall says. "Compare the macronutrients of cheese and beefthey are the same. Both contain similar amounts of cholesterol, fat and animal protein, and both are deficient in fiber, vitamin C and carbohydrates."McDougall also asserts that milk and egg proteins are the most common causes of food allergies.So what does the would-be vegetarian need to know to get started on a new eating regimen? First of all, the person should be educated about basic nutritional requirements, says Samuel Klein, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis."They need to be sure that they are getting adequate amounts of calcium, zinc, iron and vitamin D and are taking a supplement if needed," Klein says. "Fortified cereals, breads and orange juice could all be sources of these minerals and vitamins."Klein, an expert on obesity, says less than 30% of calories in a person's diet should come from fat and less than 10% should be from saturated fat.Barnard adds that vegetarians should take a B-12 vitamin supplement.In short, new vegetarians can rest easy that their change in dietary direction is a safe one, experts say."Anyone planning to remain on a meaty diet should certainly see their doctor and perhaps a dietitian to try to plan for better nutrition," Barnard says.


  • 1. Milyen okokat emlt a cikk, amelyek miatt sokan lemondanak a hsevsrl? (5 pont)

    ___________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________ 4. FELADATSOR

    2. Mi bizonyosodott be a vegetrinus trendrl? (7 pont)

    3. Milyen kedvez hatsa s eredmnye van a 12 napos bentlaksos krnak? (5 pont)

    4. Mit kell szednik a vegetrinusoknak? (1 pont)

    5. Mit tegyen, aki kptelen megszabadulni a hstl? (2 pont)

    6. Mit kell tennie annak, aki elhatrozza, hogy mostantl vegetrinus lesz? (5 pont)

  • yiiM*5. FELADATSOR

    aA feleletvlaszts tesztfeladatokhoz 30 perc ll rendelkezsre. Sztrt nem hasznlhat.

    1. Feleletvlaszts teszt

    Vlassza ki a helyes megoldst!

    perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    1. Did you....... ?a] have your car washedb) get your car to wash

    2. Don't hesitate to contact me,....... you?a) shouldb) do

    3. He can swim.......a fish.a] asb) like

    4. It's too bad but I have no

    a) byb] at

    c] have your car washd) make your car wash

    c) shall

    d) will

    c] similar thand] the same that

    c] ond] of

    5. They decided to hand in their notice and join....... the dole queue.a) for c) tob) after d) -

    6. They thought they....... pay duty on those articles.a) will not have to c] wouldn't have tob) hadn't have to d] are not going to have to

    7. They suggested....... immediately.a] them leavingb) that we will leave

    c) to leaved) that they should leave

    8. He was so thirsty that he gulped down.......bottle.a) the whole of c) the completeb] the all d) all the

    9. She was angry but I wasa] even angrierb] even more angry

    c] much more angryd) yet angrier

    10. His handwriting is so terrible that I can never.......what he wrote.a} make out c) find outb) find up d] make up

    11. She....... in Europe for weeks but she hasn't come to Hungary yet.

    a] has been travelling c) travelb] had been travelling d] was travelling



    12.1 can't believe you can put....... his behaviour.a] up with c] onb) away d] up

    13.1 haven't met him for ages. What do you think....... recently?a) has he been doing c] he has been doingb) he was doing d) was he doing

    14. Peter Smith,....... is the cleverest guy in class, decided not to go to university.a) that c] -b) which d] who

    15. Jane couldn't believe that Peter....... her ex-classmate the next day.a] has married c) marriedb} was marrying d) had married

    16. She wished I ....... yes.

    a) would have say c) have saidb) would say d] didn't said

    17.1 didn't really she lived when she was a child.a) in that c] where was theb] in which d] which

    18. I'm not sure whether she was there or not. She....... there.a) could have been c) mustn't beb] ought not to have been d] can have been

    19. If the manager....... that terrible plan, the company........ in a terrible situation now.a) hadn't refused ... would be c) hadn't refused ... would've beenb] had refused ... would be d) had refused ... would've been

    20. Her husband is likely.......of the murder.a) to have been convicted c] being convictedb] to convict d] convicted

    21. She is fond.......every soap opera but can't stand........ the theatre.a) of ...up c]of...-b] on ... out d) on ... -

    22.1 think the play was great. I ....... anything like it before.a) haven't seen c] hadnt seenb) had ever seen d) haven't see

    23.........more and more beggars in the streets these days.

    a} There seem to be c] It's seem to beb) There's seem to be d) It seems to be

    24. We must get out of the building before i t ....... up. The fire is spreading really fast.a) will blow c] doesn't blowb] blows d] wont blow



    25. Most of the....... rubbish.a) today published news are c) published news today isb) news published today are d) news published today is

    26. My daughter thinks that....... teachers are lenient at school.a) all of c] eachb) all the d) every

    27. This is something we....... at yesterdays meeting.a] discussed c) were discussedb) have discussed d) hadnt discussed

    28. This car is really terrible. Sometimes I can.........a) hardly start it c] start it hardb] start it hardly d) hard start it

    29. She didn't answer my letter....... she had forgotten me.a] so as I would think c) in order I think

    b) so that I would think d) so as I think

    30. Two days ago she....... on her computer when it suddenly........ off.a) was working ... was switching c) worked ... was switchingb] was working ... switched d] worked ... switched

    31. Hungary's best quality porcelain is manufactured in Herend. This town is well worth

    a) be visited c] to visitb] visiting d) being visited

    32. That's a ll....... I can do for you.a] that c) whoseb] which d) what

    33. 1 with my mum since my birth and I ........ used to her moods.a) have lived ... grew c] lived ... grewb) have lived ... have grown d) lived ... have grown

    34. 'She never has breakfast.''...... .'a) So have I. c) Neither do I.b) Neither have I. d) Nor I have.

    35. 'She simply won't come to my birthday party.''....... 'a) Why not? c] Why won't?b] Why for? d) Why don't?

    36. 'I can't tell you whose this coat is.' 'Really? It's....... .'a} his' c) herb) her's d) hers

    37.1 don't want to decide. It is up with c) onb) hanging on d] up to



    38. The factory will surely be closed down unless the government....... the necessary steps.a) will take c] can'tb) won't take d] takes

    3 9 pity she failed.a) What's a c) It'sb) How d) It's a

    4 0 never stop talking about the weather.a) An Englishman c] The Englishesb) The English d) English

    4 1 she felt sick, the competition turned out to be really successful.a) In spite of c] Howeverb) Despite of the fact that d] Although

    42. You didn't admit that you had never seen a computer and would only start going to a computer course next week,] did c) hadn'tb] would d) had

    43. They have.......books at home. I suspect they read a lot, that's why they are so clever.a) number c) fewb) more d] quite a few

    44.1 have never doubted that you.......clever.a] would be c) wereb) have been d] are

    45. 'It's too dark in here.' ' I ....... on the light, shall I?'a) shall be switching c] will switchb) switch d] am switching

    46. There are some newspapers on the table. Will you give me....... ? I'd like to ........ a bit.a] any ... write c) any ... readb) some ... write d) some ... read

    47.1 was afraid this was the last opportunity I would ever have of....... Jordan..........a) seeing ... to play c) seeing ... playingb] having seen ... playing d] see ... play

    48. This task is ....... that I don't think I can finish it by noon.

    a) so heavy c) too difficultb) rather difficult d] so difficult

    49.........her don't forget to remind her that she still owes me some money.a) If you met c] If you will meetb] Should you meet d) If you would meet

    50. that long. They can leave before midnight.

    a) needn't have stayed c] needn't to stayb] mustn't have stayed d) don't need to stay


    A vizsga vgig sszesen 180 perc ll rendelkezsre, am it ignyeinek megfelelenoszthat el. Sztr hasznlata megengedett. _______________

    2. Fordts magyarrl angolra

    Fordtsa angolra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    | - Azt hiszen, nagyon nagy szksgnk lenne mr egy kis kikapcsoldsra. Mr elegem van; ebbl az ptkezsbl. Kptelenek vagyunk eleget pihenni, s anyagilag is nagyon rosszul

    ! llunk.| - Mi lenne, ha klcsn krnnk a nagybtydtl? biztos adna klcsn, nem?j - Valsznleg nem mondana nemet. De most nem akarom felhvni, mert nem szeretnm, ha; azt hinn, hogy csak azrt hvom, mert pnz kell.I - Minl tovbb halogatod, annl nehezebb lesz beszlni vele. Nem beszlve arrl, hogy mire te; felhvod, addigra mr taln a hz is elkszl. A helyedben n nem halogatnm tovbb,i - Tudod, az a baj, hogy mr legalbb egy ve nem is beszltem vele. Ha legalbb egy kpeslapot! kldtem volna a nvnapjra, most egy percig sem haboznk. De most nem tehetnk mst,

    : bankklcsnt kell felvennnk.


    3. Fordts angolrl magyarra

    Fordtsa magyarra a kvetkez szveget! perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    r Arranged immigration ...............---......................................... ................................ ......

    | David Blunkett's White Paper is only a beginning

    : Visit a shop, listen to a record, eat a meal, read a book, study at a university, watch a game of

    | football, turn in any direction and you will see how Britain has become a better place because

    i it has welcomed economic migrants and the displaced. It is not surprising that this should

    : be the case. Those who take the trouble to make their way to this country are often the most

    ; ambitious, creative and effective people of their native countries and are also prepared to

    I work extraordinarily hard. So much of the debate about immigration has been concerned with

    i how best to exclude unwelcome people, yet the ability to attract capable people from diverse

    I backgrounds is increasingly important. Britain will not be as economically successful as it

    : should be if it relies on home-grown talent.

    ! The greatest strength of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum White Paper published

    i yesterday is its recognition of the advantages of controlled immigration. Opening this country's

    I borders to skilled workers currently unable to come here is not only economically sound, it

    I also allows the rest of David Blunketts proposals for tackling problems with immigration to be

    I seen as fair and reasonable rather than mean-spirited and isolationist.

    4. Irnytott fogalmazs perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    rjon levelet angolul 17-20 sor terjedelemben az albbi tmrl gy, hogy minden irnytsi szempontra trjen ki! Fontos, hogy a fogalmazs egysges szveget alkosson, ezrt krjk, hogy az egyes gondolatkrk kzti tmenetet biztostsa! gyeljen arra, hogy ne lpje tl az elrt terjedelmet! Az angol levlforma jellemzit tartsa be! (dtum, megszlts, dvzl forma, alrs)

    Mlt htvgn laksszentel sszejvetelt tartott laksn. Szmoljon be angol bartjnak a trtntekrl!

    1. Kiket hvott meg? Hnyan jttek el vgl?

    2. Mirt nem jtt el, aki otthon maradt?

    3. Milyen teleket s italokat szolglt fel?

    4. Ki biztostotta a zent? Milyen zent jtszott? Tetszett-e a zene a vendgeknek?

    5. Kik hogyan segdkeztek az elkszletekben?

    6. jra megrendezn-e az sszejvetelt? Mirt [nem]?



    5. Olvass Utni szvegrts perc alatt vgeztem ezzel a feladattal

    Feds debate driving risks of common medicines

    WASHINGTON (AP) Some common medications for colds, allergies or anxiety can impair driving ability as much as alcohol does but in ways so subtle that people may not know they're zonked behind the wheel. The government is debating how to warn people about medicating before driving cars, boats, trains or airplanes. It's also considering whether it's time to test crash victims' blood for legal medications.It's a sticky issue. Today, fine-print warnings on dozens of over-the-counter medications say they can cause sedation. But new research using driving simulators and other

    sophisticated tests suggests sedation is the wrong word: You may not feel sleepy even as the drug slows your reaction time or leaves you weaving across the road.Consequently, people who aren't yawning

    may falsely assume it's OK to drive, critics told a joint meeting of the nation's top drug regulators and driving safety experts last week.As for prescription drugs, experts say doctors hardly ever warn against driving, even though some anxiety remedies in particular double the risk of a crash.So what should consumers do before taking the wheel?"I'm a consumer, too, and even I find it

    very confusing," says Dr. John Weiler of the University of Iowa, whose tests in a state-of- the-art driving simulator found a common cold remedy, diphenhydramine, can impair

    driving as much as alcohol."Unfortunately, there is no list" of drugs to avoid while driving, he says. "We are not there

    yet. We are not even close."Indeed, here's the rub: Despite sophisticated research showing some medications impair driving, little data exist from actual car crashes to prove how risky the drugs are in everyday use.

    "Where are the crashes?" asks William Soller of the drug industry's Consumer Healthcare Products Association. He contends consumers already read warning labels and thus know not to drive under the influence of sedation- causing nonprescription antihistamines and

    other remedies.The National Transportation Safety Board insists medications are a seriously underrecognized threat, because hardly any drivers are tested for legal drugs after a

    crash.Since 1987, the safety board cites more than 150 accidents car, truck, bus, boat, plane or train caused at least partially by over-the- counter or prescription drugs. Pilots killed are routinely tested for common medications, which NTSB says caused or contributed to more than 72 fatal aviation accidents since 1987. And after a 1998 Greyhound bus crash that killed seven, the board said diphenhydramine impaired the driver's alertness."We ... believe that the numbers may be even higher," says NTSB vice chairman Carol Carmody.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates 100,000 crashes occur each year when drivers fall asleep, injuring 76,000 and killing 1,500. How many are due to sedation-causing drugs is not known.

    Regardless, the NTSB wants drug regulators to develop stronger consumer warnings. Sweden, for instance, labels drugs that may impair driving with an easy-to-spot red

    triangle.The Food and Drug Administration hasn't decided, but FDA drug chief Dr. Robert Temple suggests it may be time to test the blood of thousands of drivers and their passengers after car crashes to determine what medications cause tragedy.



    1. Milyen veszlyhelyzetre hvja fel a cikk a figyelmet? (5 pont}

    2. Milyen lpseket tervez a kormny? (5 pont]

    3. Milyen tves kvetkeztetst hajlamosak levonni a sofrk? (2 pont]

    4. Minek a hinya miatt tartja szmos szakember mg felfedezetlennek a problmt? (5 pont)

    5. Melyik orszgban s milyen elhrt lpst tettek mr a veszly elhrtsra? (3 pont)

    6. Milyen lpseket tartanak a szakemberek idszernek? [4 pont)

    7. Milyen hibt kvetnek el az orvosok a vnykteles gygyszerek esetben? [1 pont)



    A feleletvlaszts tesztfeladatokhoz 30 perc ll rendelkezsre. Sztrt nem hasznlhat.

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