Page 1: Molluscs as a major part of subtropical shallow-water ... as a major part of subtropical shallow-water carbonate production – an example from a Middle Miocene oolite shoal (Upper

Molluscs as a major part of subtropical shallow-water carbonateproduction – an example from a Middle Miocene oolite shoal(Upper Serravallian, Austria)


�Natural HistoryMuseumVienna, Burgring 7, A-1014Vienna, Austria (E-mail: [email protected])�Institut f€ur Erdwissenschaften, Bereich Geologie und Pal€aontologie, Universit€at Graz, Heinrichstrasse 26, A-8010Graz, Austria


Molluscs are usually subordinate contributors to Cenozoic subtropical carbonate fac-tories. A spectacular exception is represented by the shell-carbonate deposits from theMiddle Miocene of the Vienna Basin (Austria). These strata consist of up to 81% shellsand shell-hashofmarine bivalves and gastropods. These locallywidespreaddeposits fillthe inlet of an Upper Serravallian (¼ Sarmatian regional stage) oolite shoal, formingforesets of 10-13m height and slope angles of 20�.Medium- to small-sized shell dunes of up to 280 cm height and shell ripples of 10 cm

height and up to 190 cm length can be distinguished within the foresets. Due toamalgamation and mechanical nesting of shells, the ripples grew into the direction ofthe flow andwere run over by subsequent ripples. The piling of shells causes stoss sideswithhighpreservationpotentialwithin the ripples. The shells andshell-debris involvedin the dune formation are interpreted to be derived from the surrounding shoal. Thegeometry of the foresets, dunes and ripples documents a dominant current entering ashallow lagoon framed by oolite shoals via an inlet. Based on the palaeogeographicposition, these bedforms are interpreted to indicate the presence of a subaqueous flood-tidal delta marking the entrance into a shallow lagoon.The absence of corals and corallinacean algae and a relatively reduced biotic in-

ventory following a major extinction of marine biota in the enclosed SarmatianSea, allowed a few pioneer mollusc species to settle the coasts in considerablenumbers. Due to the absence of the classical constituents of a shallow-water subtropicalcarbonate factory (i.e. a photozoan association), molluscs came to dominate carbonateproduction.

KeywordsOolite shoal,molluscs, flood-tidal delta, shell dunes,Miocene, ViennaBasin.


The Middle Miocene Sarmatian stage, a regionalequivalent of the Upper Serravallian (Fig. 1),coincides with the last marine phase of the Eur-opean Central Paratethys Sea. Due to the sea-levellow coinciding with the glacio-eustatic isotopeevent MSi-3 at 12.7Ma (Abreu & Haddad, 1998),strong restrictions of the open ocean connectionsof the Central Paratethys occurred (Harzhauser &Piller, 2004a). This induced the development of ahighly endemic marine fauna that lacks any ste-nohaline organisms, pointing to shifts of the waterchemistry (Piller & Harzhauser, 2005). Simulta-neously, changes in ecosystem complexity and

food-webs occurred. Many predators preying onmolluscs, such as crustaceans, carnivorous gastro-pods and durophagous fishes disappeared. Thefully endemic development is reflected in a regio-nal eco/biostratigraphic zonation based on mol-luscs and benthic foraminifera (Fig. 1).

The Lower Sarmatian in the western part of theVienna Basin is generally dominated by fine-grained siliciclastics. Carbonates are rare, except forsmall bryozoans-serpulid-algal-microbial biocon-structions. During the Ervilia Zone, sedimentationswitched from a siliciclastic dominated system to acarbonate depositional environment, characterized bymore than20m thickUpperSarmatian carbonate plat-forms with oolites and foraminiferal (nubeculariid)

� 2010 International Association of Sedimentologists and published for them by Blackwell Publishing Ltd 185

Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. Spec. Publ. (2009) 42, 185–200

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bioconstructions. Piller & Harzhauser (2005) ob-served a contemporaneous increase in shell thick-ness of bivalves. A unique feature related withthe oolite shoals are the rock-forming mollusc-shell-hash deposits at Nexing in the Vienna Basin(Lower Austria). This locality, designated as theholostratotype of the Sarmatian Stage (Papp &Steininger, 1974), is characterized by largelybiogenic sediments. The sedimentologicalsetting of the section was interpreted by Papp &Steininger (1974) as a strongly agitated shallowsublittoral zone close to the mainland. In thepresent study these strata are interpreted assubaqueous tidal deposits that formed along therim of an oolite shoal. The specific environmentalframework allows answers to be given concerningthe important question why molluscs, character-istic of heterozoan carbonates sensu James (1997),can substitute the classical coralgal carbonatefactory (heterozoan carbonates) in shallow-watersubtropical settings.


The study area is situated in the northern ViennaBasin, a pull-apart basin about 200 km long sur-rounded by the EasternAlps, theWest Carpathiansand thewestern part of the Pannonian Basin (1988;Fig. 2). The Sarmatian portion of the 7000 km thickNeogene basin fill attains more than 1000m inthe central Vienna Basin (Harzhauser & Piller,2004a, b).

The deposits at the Nexing section (Fig. 2B) arepart of the Miocene sediment-cover of the Mistel-bach tectonic block. This tectonic unit represents amarginal block of about 60km length and 18kmwidththatisseparatedfromthedeeperViennaBasinby the Steinberg fault zone (Kr€oll &Wessely, 1993).TheSteinbergelevationandthebordering faultzonehave been the target of many geological studiesduring the pioneer-phase of Austrian petroleumexploration (e.g. Friedl, 1936). Generally, most ofthe Sarmatian succession is covered by UpperMio-cene (Pannonian) fluvial and limnic deposits or byPleistocene loess, obscuring the facies relationshipsof the Sarmatian. Nevertheless, age-equivalent de-positsareexposedinseveraloutcropsthathavebeenstudied during the current project (Fig. 2).

According to the regional eco/biostratigraphiczonation, the Nexing section encompasses theUpper Ervilia Zone and lowermost SarmatimactraZone in terms of mollusc zonation (Fig. 1), and theLower Porosononion granosum Zone of thebenthic foraminiferal zonation. The boundary be-tween theUpperErviliaZone and theSarmatimac-tra vitaliana Zone is situated at the base of Unit 3(Fig. 3). The dating is based on the occurrence ofthe cardiid Plicatiforma latisulca (M€unster) andthe evolutionary levels of the gastropod Duplicataduplicata (Sowerby) and of the bivalves Erviliadissita podolica (Eichwald), Venerupis gregarius(Partsch) and Sarmatimactra eichwaldi Laskarev(see Papp, 1956, for details).

Material and methods

The outcrop covers an area of about 0.2 km2

(Fig. 2C). It is currently divided into an active pitin the east and an abandoned quarry in the west.The mined bioclastic sediments have been used asbird food for a long time. The quarry walls areroughly oriented WNW-ESE and SW-NE. Sevensections have been logged, providing an excellentinsight into the facies architecture and the textureof the deposits. Six of these profiles are illustratedin Fig. 3. The total thickness attains about 19m,

Fig. 1. Miocene chronostratigraphy of Europe. Modifiedafter R€ogl (1998) and Harzhauser and Piller (2004a), includ-ing the mollusc-based ecostratigraphic zonation of the Sar-matian. The grey-shaded area indicates the stratigraphicposition of the investigated deposits.

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representing a small part of the Upper SarmatianSkalica Formation (Harzhauser & Piller, 2004a).The stratigraphic succession has been divided intofour main units on the basis of lithology, sedimen-tary structure and biotic content (Fig. 3). Logs canbe correlated laterally by a marker interval (Unit 3in Fig. 3). A granulometric analysis has been per-formed for eight samples. To achieve a reliableranking of quantitatively important mollusc spe-cies, which are the main constituents of the fore-sets and shell dunes (see below), five bulk samples(same numbers as granulometric samples in Fig. 3)were taken at the section covering all importantlithological units. The samples were sievedthrough a 1mm screen, divided into four splits,and all taxa of each split were counted. Additionaldata about the lateral variation and character of theSarmatian carbonates are provided by nine welllogs drilled by the OMV-AG oil company (seeHarzhauser & Piller, 2004a).


Lithofacies units

Unit 1

The lower part of the deposits only crops out atsection Nexing 1. Green silt with scattered plant

debris (1.5m thick) forms the lowermost unit. Thesilt bed dips 15�-16� toward the NW. Any macro-fauna is missing. The scarce microfauna consist offoraminifera, such as Porosononion granosum andvarious elphidiids.

Unit 2

The silty sediment of Unit 1 is overlain by about14m of steeply inclined planar-bedded foresets ofcoarse mollusc shell-hash (Unit 2; Fig. 4A). Thesediment isabioclast-supported,polytaxicskeletalconcentration (Figs 4A-B and 5A-F). The carbonatecontent of the sediment, such as that illustrated inFig. 5A-D, ranges from 78-81%. This content maydecrease to60%inpoorly sorted layerswithhigheramounts of siliciclastics (e.g. Fig. 5E-F).Aside fromthe predominance of biogenic components, thepoorly sorted sediment consists of medium tocoarsequartzsand,associatedwithooids, scatteredpebbles ofCretaceous sandstone and rare reworkedoolite clasts. These coquinas are very poorly sortedbecause the bioclasts (�2-30mm) are generallylarger than the bulk of the siliciclastic components,whilst the pebbles and oolite clasts surpass thebioclasts in size (up to 80mm).

The thickness of the foresets ranges from 80 to280 cm, being separated by fine to medium sandintercalations of 1-30 cm thickness. Occasionally,

Fig. 2. Location of the study sections. (A) Regional location maps of the investigated sections on theMistelbach block alongthe margin of the Vienna Basin. (B) Geographic position of the outcrop at Nexing (Austria). (C) Overview of the outcrop withthe position of the investigated stratigraphic sections (Nexing 1-7). Arrows represent dip directions of the foresets.CZ¼Czech Republic; SK¼Slovakia.

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this siliciclastic intercalation is missing, and re-worked lithoclasts occur in the shell bed. Lowerparts of that unit, as exposed in the Nexing 1 and 3sections, display planar bedding of more or lessparallel foresets. Towards the top, exposed in sec-tions Nexing 2, 4 and 6, the sets are divided byshallow and broad channel-like structures withthick silt to fine sand drapes of up to 40 cm thick-ness. The foresets dip at angles ranging from 21� to36� in awest toNWdirection.A general steepeningof the foresets from base to top occurs, with anglesfrom 21�–28� in the lower part of the unit, and 30�-36� in the upper portion. However, the dip-anglesdistinctly decrease in the uppermost parts of the

shell-hash foresets, where values of 15-25� aremeasured.

Unit 3

This unit represents a marker interval allowing alateral correlation across the outcrop area due tothe marked lithological change. At section Nexing4, it consists of a 20-180 cm thick layer of silty finesand bearing well-rounded pebbles of Cretaceoussandstone, oolite pebbles (Fig. 6A-C) and mud tofine sand clasts of up to 5 cm diameter. Large-sizedmolluscs of up to 6 cm diameter (e.g. Sarmatimac-tra) are embeddedwithin these deposits. Laterally,sections Nexing 6 and 7 show a decrease in theamount of pebbles and 10-30 cm of silt and finesand with well-developed small-scale wave-rip-ples of 6-14 cm length (Fig. 6D). These ripples areoverlain by 100-150 cm inclined planar-beddedmollusc shell sand with sand intercalations andfrequent pebbles and reworked rhizoliths. Thelatter are irregular, tube-like, glossy brown calcitestructures representing reworked root-horizons(Fig. 7). The dip-angle of this bed ranges from15� to 4�. At Nexing 7, another layer of 30-50 cmof silt and fine sand with small-scale ripples fol-lows; the dip-angle is around 4�. Again, this layerof well-sorted sediment changes within 150m to-wards the NW and is replaced by fine sand withwell-rounded oolite pebbles and Cretaceous sand-stone pebbles at section Nexing 4 (Fig. 6C).

Unit 4

Unit 4 has a sharp lower boundary, which is over-lain by a 2-3m thick, steeply inclined, planar-bedded shell-hash. In terms of composition andsedimentary structures, deposits are similar toUnit 2, but dip-angles are lower, with values be-tween 12� and 25�. This Miocene unit grades intovarious silty, sandy and gravelly layers with shell-hash, which are interpreted as reworked depositsof Pleistocene age, as supported by the relation ofthe deposits to the adjoining Pleistocene loess.

Sedimentary structures

Dune and related terms such as sandwave andripple are frequently used in the literature with abroad spectrumofmeanings (Allen, 1980; Boersma& Terwindt, 1981; Dalrymple, 1984; Galloway &Hobday, 1996; Leclair, 2002). Subaqueous dune isused herein according to Ashley (1990), who

N 48° 29.57 - E 16° 39.56

Nexing 7 Nexing 6

Nexing 1

silt/fine sand

fine/medium sand

mollusc sand & ooids

mud/fine sand clastspebbles

oolite clastscrossbedding/ripples



t 2U

nit 2


t 3U

nit 4

Nexing 2

Nexing 3

Nexing 4








le (






Fig. 3. Logs of the sections Nexing 1-4 and 6-7. The sandyintercalations at the base and the top of Unit 3 are used asreference levels to correlate the sections (dashed lines). KSNrefers to samples mentioned in the text.

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pointed out the preference of that term over termssuch as megaripple or sandwave. Many authors,such as Allen (1980), Galloway & Hobday (1996)interpreted dunes/sandwaves as several metreslong, flow-transverse bar macroforms triggered bycurrents of tidal origin. As the structures describedherein are characterized by a composition domi-nated bymollusc shells, the bedform is regarded asbeing a shell dune. Consequently, the low-orderbedforms superimposed on or constituting thestructures are termed shell ripples. A closer exam-ination of the planar-bedded foresets reveals acomplex internal geometry. Three different bed-form types of different hierarchical order can bedefined on the basis of size and texture:

Bedform type 1

The Bedform Type 1 is a composite bedform. Itcomprises foresets (Fig. 4A) that range in thicknessfrom 80 to 280 cm. When optimally preserved,single sets are separated by silt/sand-drapes of 1-30 cm thickness. These drapes became frequentlyerodedduring thedeposition of the subsequent set,but they are usually traceable as clasts in the basalpart of the overlying set. The drapes consistmainlyof silty fine sand with planar bedding and rare cm-scale cross bedding at the top, whilst pure clay andsilt layers are very rare. In some cases, they arereplaced by well-sorted, fine shell-hash.

Bedform type 2

BedformType2 consists of shellydunes,which arebundled into Bedform Type 1 (Fig. 8A). Individual

shell dunes may reach a length of several metres,andmore than 1m in height, They are separated bythin drapes of fine to medium sand (sometimesreplaced by shell-hash). Figure 8 illustrates a partof such a structure being composed of ripples,which represent the third bedform type. The se-parating layers of shell-hash and sand are welldeveloped in Fig. 5B and D.

Bedform type 3

The shell dunes are subdivided into a smaller-scaled bedform type, termed herein shell ripple(Figs 5F and 11.8B). Individual ripples are up to190 cm long and 10 cm high. Hence, the shellripples attain heights ranging from 3.5 – 10% ofthe total height of the foresets. Internally, the rip-ples are composed of shell-hash and molluscshells. Fossils are predominantly abraded frag-ments. Well-preserved valves are only a subordi-nate component. Shells and shell debris areassociated with up to 8 cm large pebbles of well-rounded Cretaceous sandstone and oolites. Fine tocoarse sand and reworked single ooids arecommon.

Due to cementation, only few ripples are appro-priate for granulometric analysis (Fig. 9). Thegrain-size distributions of the measured samplesdisplay two patterns. Samples KSN3, 4, 5 and 6show a distinct bimodal distribution with peaks at0-1W and at 3-4W. In contrast, samplesKSN1, 2 and7 have a unimodal distributionwith a peak around0-1W. The sorting (method of Folk & Ward, 1957)ranges between 1.82 and 2.0 for bimodal samplesand from 1.1 to 1.36 for unimodal samples, thus in

Fig. 4. Steeply inclined planar-bedded foresets of coarse mollusc shell-hash (Unit 2). (A) Lower part of the succession,representing a lateral equivalent of Nexing 1 (total height of outcrop approximately 15m). Up to 80%of the foresets aremadeup of mollusc shells. The dip of the foresets is roughly toward theWNW. (B) Lower bounding of a shell ripple; viewer looksfrom the lee-side. Most of the shells are strongly fragmented and abraded to various degrees. The large shells are Venerupisgregarius. Scale bar units: 1 cm.

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both cases representing poorly sorted sediments.The shell ripples are usually separated by denselypacked, roughly planar-bedded shell-hash, butlack silt - fine sand drapes (Fig. 5A).

The elongated shell ripples display a complexinternal texture: the basal layer of a shell ripple isformed by planar-bedded shell-hash and shells

with admixed sand, ooids and scattered pebbles.At the leeward side of the ripple, the shells andfragments are arranged in a rather chaotic patternbut soon start to become imbricated on the stoss-side (Fig. 5F). This imbrication starts with a low-angle amalgamation of shells with a tendencyfor orientation of the convex sides towards the

Fig. 5. Outcrop photographs of various shell ripples and shell dunes showing the eye-catching imbrication of shells. (A)Detail of two shell ripples separated by a layer of better sorted and planar-bedded shell-hash, indicated by arrow (flow fromright; length of picture¼ 3.2 cm). (B) Distal part of a shell dune, separated from underlying and overlying dunes by poorlydeveloped shell drapes indicated by arrow (flow from right; length of picture¼ 8.7 cm). (C) Shell ripple in the centre of thepicture forming the crest of a shell dune. A drape of sand is well developed (flow from left). Scale bar units: 1 cm. (D) Similarsituation as (C); shell ripple in the centre of the picture with drape separating two dunes. Note the pebble on the right whichfollows the imbrication of the shell along the stoss (flow from left). Scale bar units: 1 cm. (E) Proximal part of shell rippleshowing the increasing imbrication (flow from left). Scale bar units: 1 cm. (F) Centre of an isolated shell ripple that developedwithin two sand drapes. Note the steep-angled imbrication and the tendency of large valves to lie with the convex side in thelee direction (flow from left; length of picture¼ 13 cm).

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lee-direction. This “convex-side down-forward”pattern is most obvious on the bedding planes ofthe ripples (Fig. 4B).

The accretion of shells culminates in imbrica-tions with steep dip-angles of up to 50–70�. Thistexture is best developed in the middle part of theripple and starts to degrade towards the stoss-sidedue to gradual overtilting (Fig. 5E). Thus, shellsand fragments tend to be arranged rather randomlyor more or less parallel to the angle of the stoss.


Up to 81% of the deposits consist of skeletal grainsderived almost exclusively from molluscs.Bivalves are only foundwith disarticulated valves.Abraded shells are typical for both bivalves andgastropods. Based on the collections of the NaturalHistoryMuseumVienna, 21 gastropod species and11 bivalve species are recorded from the current

outcrop (Table 1). In contrast to the 32 speciesknown from museum collections, only 17 specieswere identified in the bulk samples (Fig. 10). Atotal of 1837 mollusc specimens could be identi-fied in these five bulk samples (Fig. 10). The quan-titativelymost important species are the same in allstandardized samples from five different shellbeds. In all samples, a very small number of speciescontribute up to 92–98%of the biogenes. These areGranulolabium bicinctum (batillariid gastropod),Venerupis gregarius (venerid bivalve),Obsoletifor-ma obsoleta vindobonensis (cardiid bivalve),Hydrobia frauenfeldi (rissoid gastropod), Sarma-timactra vitaliana (mactrid bivalve), Ervilia dissitapodolica (mesodesmatid bivalve), and Cerithiumrubiginosum (cerithiid gastropod). Species-sampling curves for the splits level off nearlyimmediately. Thus, the sampling intensity isadequate for the documentation of all importantspecies; even most of the rare taxa are registered.

Fig. 6. Sedimentological characteristics ofmarker Unit 3. (A) Thin-section of an oolite pebble inUnit 3. (1) Large dissolutionvugs are frequent. In addition to quartz grains and shell-hash, (2) miliolid foraminifera and (3) hydrobiid gastropods are themost abundant nuclei in the ooids. Larger bioclasts such as (4) cardiid shells lack the coatings (scale bar: 1mm). (B) SEMphotograph of an oolite clast fromUnit 2; an ooid in the front bears a small-sized gastropod as a nucleus (scale bar: 1mm). (C)Sand-supported conglomerate in the upper part of Unit 3withwell-rounded sandstone pebbles (s), carbonate concretions (c)and reworked oolites (o). Scale bar units: 1 cm. (D)Wave ripples made up of fine to medium sand in the lower part of Unit 3,close to sample KSN10. Shell-hash stringers are frequent. Scale bar units: 1 cm.

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The high angles of the slipfaces of the foresets inUnit 2 seem to be tectonically accentuated. In fact,a back-tilting of about 15� is required if one as-sumes that the thin-bedded, plant-debris bearingsilt of Unit 1 was originally horizontally bedded(Fig. 11). Consequently, the slope angles arearound 6-15� in the lower part of Unit 2, increaseto around 20� in the middle part, and decrease toangles between 10 and 20� towards the top of Unit2. This pattern results from the gradual prograda-tion in western and north-western directions.However, this back-tilting would cause an impos-sible “updipping” if applied to the wave ripple-bearing layers in Unit 3. This points to a tectonicphase prior to the formation ofUnit 3, causing a 15�

tilt of Units 1 and 2.This interpretation is strongly supported by the

deposition of gravel and reworked oolites at thebase of Unit 3. The oolites were weakly lithified bysubmarine isopachous fibrous carbonate cementprior to erosion and transportation. Moreover, thefrequent rhizoliths (Fig. 7), document anepisodeofemergence and vegetation of the area. Afterthat phase, the last Sarmatian flooding during theSarmatimactra Zone (Harzhauser & Piller 2004a)

initiated the development of a second but lessprominent unit of foresets. Therefore, the more orless undisturbed top of the section (Unit 4) wasdepositedwith slope angles fully corresponding tothe (back-tilted) foresets of Unit 2.

The current outcrop situation allows estimatesof the length and width of the sedimentary bodiesto be made. The foresets in the lower part of Unit 2display more or less straight “crests” and planarslopes. The length of the slopes, based on outcropobservations, can be estimated to attain at least 30-40m. Taking the calculated dip-angle of 20� intoconsideration, a height of about 10-13m can bepredicted for that structure. This rough estimationis corroboratedby theoutcrop at sectionNexing1mwhere the base the foresets is exposed. Conse-quently, the lowestdip-angles, observed at the baseof the succession, correspond to very distal parts ofthe slipfaces, indicating early progradation.

The sedimentological interpretation of the de-posits strongly relies on the general palaeogeo-graphic framework. As shown in Fig. 12, the

Fig. 7. Rhizoliths from Unit 3. (A-C) Tangential sections.(A’) Cross-section. Note the characteristic halo of quartzsand. This decalcified zone is interpreted to result fromdissolution by the acidicmicrohabitat surrounding the roots(scale bars: 1mm).

Fig. 8. Bedform Type 2 shelly dunes. (A) Outcrop photo-graph showing Bedform Type 2, a shell dune with mud-drape at the base (arrow). (B) Sketch illustrating the internalstructure of the dune (a), formed by stacked shell ripples (b;BedformType3). (C)Theorientationof shells and fragmentsin one ripple. Steepest angles and maximum imbrication isachieved in the middle part of the ripple, overlying a basallayer of more or less planar-bedded shell hash. A further,faint, subdivision of the ripple is indicated by the dashedlines.

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locality of Nexing is situated in a seaway or chan-nel framed by ooid shoals which connected thenorthern Vienna Basin with the lagoon of theMistelbach Basin. As the stratification indicatesa west-directed progradation of sediment bodies, acurrent entering the lagoon was the main control-ling factor for bedform formation. The huge fore-sets are interpreted, therefore, as flood tidal deltaforesets. During the westward migration of thedelta, the steep foresets gradually buried the pre-ceding ones. At the time of flood tidal delta growth,the relative sea-level in the Vienna Basinwas quitestable (Papp, 1956), and a coinciding loss of ac-commodation space can therefore be predicted.

This assumption is supported by the upsectionchanging geometry of the foresets.

Towards the top of Unit 2, the regular foresetpattern is replaced by a more wavy and partlychannel-like bedding. These structures mighteither represent large lobate foresets or longitudi-nal tidal bars, as described by Lesueur et al. (1990)from the Miocene of the Rhone Basin. However,their internal structure is identical to that of theplanar-bedded foresets. This morphological shiftis interpreted to be caused by a shallowing-upwardtrend. Consequently, current velocity probably in-creased, being reflected in a succession from lower-speed bedforms towards higher-speed bedforms

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-40.020.2




-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4











-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+


stoss lee

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+













-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+







-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4











-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+






-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4






-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4











-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+












-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+






-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4












-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+


pebbles -reworked oolites -








-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4


shell hash stringers











-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5+




-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4-4


Fig. 9. Grain size distributions and cumulative probability curves of selected samples. Within the shell ripples, a bimodalgrain-size distribution of samples KSN3-6 contrasts with a unimodal distribution of samples KSN1, 2 and 7. KSN10 derivesfrom the sandywave ripples illustrated in Fig. 6D. The coarse peak results from admixed shells. The extremely poorly sortedsampleKSN11derives fromUnit 3 andyields amixture of reworked shell dunes, oolites, fluvial pebbles and sand that formedduring the renewed transgression in the latest Sarmatian (cf. Fig. 13E).

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(Rubin & McCullogh, 1980; Costello & Southard,1981; Dalrymple, 1984; Terwindt & Brouwer,1986). Despite the virtual dominance of gravel-sized shells and pebbles, the deposits are mainlycomposed of the sand grain-size class. Even thehigher amount of gravel occasionally observed inthe outcropdoesnot contradict an interpretation asa dune. As demonstrated by Carling (1996), thepredominant sediment grain size is not a majorcontrol for dune formation in coarse sediment; 2-Dand 3-D dunes may even form from coarse gravel.

At first glance the overall geometry is thereforestrongly reminiscent of 2-D dunes (sensuAshley, 1990) and resembles the Class IIIA cate-gory of tidal dunes of Allen (1980). Steep foresetswith downslope angles of 20� develop beneath alarge-scale separated flow. During phases of sub-stantial slackening of currents the foresets becameseparated by thick mud drapes. However, inter-preting the foresets as slipfaces of giant dunes

would result in problematic inferences with pa-laeogeography, namely with the depositionaldepth.

Although there is considerable doubt about astraightforward correlation between dune heightand flow depth (e.g. Stride, 1970; Terwindt &Brouwer, 1986; Allen & Homewood, 1984;Flemming, 2000), several authors including Allen(1980), Yalin (1972), Allen et al. (1985) andMosher& Thomson (2000) have discussed a vague correla-tion between dune height and total water depth.Following the various rules of thumb presented bythementioned authors, a total water depth rangingfrom 40-90m would have to be calculated for the10-13high structures of Nexing. Based on the to-pographic altitude of the correlative littoraldeposits of the shallower oolite shoal, this depthestimation turns out to be much too deep. Espe-cially the marker horizon in Unit 3, suggesting aphase of emersion of the entire shoal, allows a goodcorrelation of the deposits throughout the Mistel-bach block. Hence, a maximum water depth of10-20m is most plausible and an interpretation asa dune field is rejected. Nevertheless, bioclasticsand dunes from Ackers Shoal (Torres Strait, NEAustralia) reach a height between 3-8m in amoderate water depth of around 20m (Keene &Harris, 1995), and therefore an interpretation as“mega”dunes cannot be ruled out completely.

A second possibility is to discuss these struc-tures as washover deposits that formed along theseaward fringe of the shoal. However, this con-trasts with the internal architecture of the shelldunes and ripples, which points to regular short-term high-energy conditions rather than to randomevents. Furthermore, the steep-angled foresets dif-fer distinctly from the subhorizontal to low-angleplanar stratification as described by Schwartz(1982) from washover fan deltas.


The statistically important molluscan species arethe same in all samples, but the predominance ofsingle taxa varies (Fig. 10). Due to the poor sortingof the shell fragments, differences in the composi-tion of the five samples cannot be explained solelyby transport. Thus, the composition might ratherreflect differences in the community structures ofthe source areas. The shell ripple from whichsample KSN4 derives is characterized by a con-spicuous predominance of hydrobiid and batillar-iid gastropods. Therefore, the shell concentration

Table 1. Totalmollusc fauna recorded from the shell dunes,based on museum collections

BivalviaModiolus subincrassatus (d’Orbigny)Obsoletiforma obsoleta vindobonensis (Laskarev)Obsoletiforma ghergutai (Jekelius)Inaequicostata politioanei (Jekelius)Plicatiforma latisulca (M€unster)Sarmatimactra eichwaldi (Laskarev)Solen subfragilis EichwaldDonax dentiger EichwaldErvilia dissita podolica EichwaldMytilopsis sp.Venerupis gregarius (Partsch in Goldfuss)

GastropodaAcmaea soceni JekeliusGibbula podolicum (Dubois)Gibbula poppelacki (H€ornes)Gibbula picta (Eichwald)Theodoxus crenulatus (Klein)Hydrobia frauenfeldi (H€ornes)Hydrobia sp.Granulolabium bicinctum (Brocchi)Potamides nodosoplicatum (H€ornes)Potamides disjunctus (Sowerby)Potamides hartbergensis (Hilber)Cerithium rubiginosum EichwaldMelanopsis impressa KraussEuspira helicina sarmatica (Papp)Ocenebra striata (Eichwald)Mitrella bittneri (H€ornes & Auinger)Duplicata duplicata (Sowerby)Acteocina lajonkaireana (Basterot)Gyraulus vermicularis (Stoliczka)Tropidomphalus gigas PappCepaea gottschicki Wenz

194 M. Harzhauser and W. E. Piller

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seems to have been fed by an intertidal environ-ment where these taxa flourished (Latalet al., 2004). In contrast, samples KSN1 and KSN2,which derive from the base of the succession,contain fewer hydrobiids but yield more foreshoreand shoreface taxa such as venerid,mesodesmatid,donacid, and cardiid bivalves.

Small-sized gastropods such as the hydrobiidsand Acteocina lajonkaireana frequently have anooid-like coating. This points to a time-averagedaccumulation of dead shells, which partly spent a

long time in a wave-swept environment prior totheir incorporation in the shell ripples. Most of thecomparatively rare vertebrate remains also displaytraces of abrasion.

The supposedly high-energy environment of theshell deposits and the lack of bioturbation withinthe ripples as well as within the mud/sand drapesassigns these settings as an extremely unlikely nat-ural habitat of the molluscs. Outcrops to the westand south of the Steinberg elevation document anextended area of very shallow-marine settings





32 6







totaln=183710 taxa>1%=97.55%7 taxa<1%=2.45%




a vi











is g


















um b





es h






a du





na la













ra h





m r


















ita p




ax d





50KSN1n=34010 taxa>1%=98.5%3 taxa<1%=1.5%



50KSN2n=4059 taxa>1%=98.9%3 taxa<1%=1.1%














a vi











is g


















um b





es h






a du





na la













ra h





m r


















ita p




ax d





50KSN4n=39312 taxa>1%=99.4%2 taxa<1%=0.6%



50KSN11n=2328 taxa>1%=98.3%3 taxa<1%=1.7%



50KSN5n=46712 taxa>1%=99.0%2 taxa<1%=1%












21 3 54 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

21 543 6 987 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

21 3 54 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

21 54 11

21 3 54 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

21 3 54 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

21 43 65 87 109 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


21 43 21 43

21 43

21 43

Fig. 10. Taxonomic composition and percentage abundance of mollusc species in five standardized bulk samples and for allsamples (total). The eight quantitativelymost important taxa are illustrated. Determination of bivalves is based onhinges andumbos; fragments are not included. Species-sampling curves for each sample (KSN1, 2, 4, 5, 11) and for all samples (total) aredrawn, documenting a well-balanced sampling quality and quantity.

Molluscs as a major part of subtropical shallow-water carbonate production 195

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characterized by oolite shoals and sand. At theselocalities, many of the bivalves have articulatedshells, pointing to an autochthonous occurrence.

Thus, it is suggested that the molluscs are de-rived from these shallow-marine intertidal to shal-low-subtidal environments. The process behindhow the shells became transported and finally in-corporated into the shell deposits remains un-known. The position of the shell beds of Nexingis, however, immediately south of the topographichigh of the Steinberg. This high zonemay thereforehave acted (temporarily) as island or shoal alongwhich currents transported shells and sedimentsouthwards. At the southern end of this topo-graphic high, a curved island spit probably devel-oped or a tidal inlet connected with a flood-tidaldelta.Functionally this topographichighacted likea barrier island (e.g. Oertel, 1985) surrounded byoolite shoals and sand flats. Themass of shellsmayoriginate from intertidal flats or shallow-subtidalareas as well as from shore erosion along andaround this topographichigh (islandor/andshoal).

Comparable depositional systems

No modern complex shell accumulation in planarforesets, comparable to the Sarmatian example hasyet been described in detail. However, similar gen-eral structures of bioclastic sand dunes with up to95% biogenic carbonate were reported from theTorres Strait by Keene & Harris, (1995). The corestaken in those dunes, as illustrated by Keene &Harris (1995), seem to lack internal shell ripples.The texture of the shells and fragments in the coresreveals a subhorizontal pattern. Nesting and pilingare virtually absent, pointing to a quite differentdepositional environment. Modern dunes of theGerman Bight described by L€uders (1929) displaysome similarities in composition. These dunes aresimilar in their dominance of cardiid, venerid andmytilid bivalves, but differ considerably in theirinternalorganization.Theshellaccumulationthereis caused by winnowing in the crest area, whilstgrowth results from avalanching along the lee side.

A slightly reminiscent fossil example was de-scribed by Portell et al. (1995) from the PleistoceneLeisey shell pits in Florida. There, the so-calledupper shell bed (Fort Thompson Formation) ischaracterized by a high percentage of molluscshells alongwith fine-grained quartz sand compar-able to the deposits in Austria. Abraded shells andfragments are common and Portell et al. (1995)interpreted the depositional environment amongother variants as a tidal channel or inlet. Detailsconcerning the geometry and internal architectureof the sedimentary body are missing.

A lack of comparative information makes it dif-ficult to interpret the complex internal composi-tion of the shell dunes and shell ripples in“standard” terms of hydrodynamics. The unimo-dal and bimodal grain-size distributions detectedin the shell ripple samples (Fig. 9) are reminiscentof grain-size distributions recorded by Allen &Homewood (1984) from a Lower Miocene tidaldune in the Swiss Molasse. In that key study,bimodal distributions occurred during the neaptides and at the transition towards the spring tides,whilst unimodal distributions developed duringthe spring tides. A corresponding trigger mighthave caused thegrain-sizedistributions of the shellripples. Indeed, the bimodal patterns of samplesKSN3-5 were detected in a ripple that developedwithin a thick fine sand drape that points to lowcurrent energy.

In the following, a model will be presentedfor the internal structure of the flood-tidal delta


tilting ofblock300/15





















dip-direction (degrees)slope






le: m





Fig. 11. Composite section for the shoal succession. (A)Idealized composite section. The dip of the foresets isconsistently towards the W and NW. (B) Back-tilted log(�15�) and tectonic phase separating Unit 2 from Units 3and 4 (see text for discussion).

196 M. Harzhauser and W. E. Piller

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foresets, the superimposed shell dunes, and theripples, but this has to remain hypothetical be-cause of the lack of a modern analogue for thesedeposits. It is proposed that the shell ripple bed-form (Type 3) might be equivalent to a sand duneforeset of Allen & Homewood (1984). This inter-pretation is supported by the aforementionedgrain-size distributions. The intervening andsometimes eroded shell-hash layer separating theshell ripples would thus have formed during theweaker ebb flow. Consequently, the sum of ripplesconstituting a shell dune represents tidal bundlesthat formed during one major cycle. This cyclemight well correspond to a spring-neap cycle. Theseparating fine sand drapes developing duringphases of low current energy would thus coincidewith neap-tide deposition. The formation of thethick sand drapes separating the superior foresetsof the flood-tidal delta is thus triggered by a higher-order cyclicity which cannot be predicted withinthis scheme. The slacking might be seasonallyinduced, e.g. by storm seasons.

Palaeogeographic setting of the mollusc-carbonate factory

The palaeogeography illustrated in Fig. 12 showsthat the deposits formed at the seaward margin ofan oolite shoal. In the northeast of the Nexing area,the Steinberg elevation was an island whereas inthe west, there was themainland formed the coast.The island situation is reflected in by rocky littoraldeposits, such as the “Riesenkonglomerat” (giantconglomerate) along the basinward side of theSteinberg elevation (Grill, 1988). This topographicaccentuation is also expressed by strongly differ-ent sedimentation rates at the distinct sides of theisland. About 300m of Sarmatian deposits on theelevated block (well Mistelbach 1) contrast with atotal thickness of up to 1100m of Sarmatian sedi-ments in close-by basinal settings (Grill, 1988).This, and the different sediment types (marls andsandy intercalations in the basin versus mixedsiliciclastic-carbonate systems on the block) docu-ment that the Mistelbach block acted as a sub-marine shoal during the Sarmatian, about 12 Myrago.

Due to the current pattern, inferred from the dip-directions of the foresets, most of the terrigenousmaterial involved in the shell dune formationcould not have been derived from the mainlandat the time of deposition. Its origin is rather relatedto reactivation and reworking of deposits that ac-

cumulated along the Steinberg elevation duringthe earliest Sarmatian. The source for those depos-itswas theMolasseBasin and theWaschbergZone.After the retreat of the Badenian Sea from theMolasse Basin, incised valleys developed in thesubsequent 3rd order lowstand systems tract en-compassing the Badenian/Sarmatian boundary(Harzhauser & Piller, 2004a, b). Drainage from theMolasse Basin via the modern Zaya Valley devel-oped and transported fluvial gravel and varioussiliciclastics onto theMistelbach block. During thefollowing Early Sarmatian transgressive systems

Fig. 12. Palaeogeographic setting. (A) Palaeogeography ofEurasia during the Serravallian, modified from R€ogl (1998).The Paratethys Sea is nearly completely disconnected fromtheMediterranean Sea. (B) TheMistelbach block during theLate Sarmatian (Ervilia Zone) based on sedimentological,palaeontological and tectonic information in Friedl (1936),Grill (1988), Kr€oll &Wessely (1993), andHarzhauser &Piller(2004a, b). The Steinberg elevation acted as an island withattached shoal about 15 km off the coast. The arrow illus-trates the dominant flow direction interpreted from theforesets and subaqueous dunes at Nexing.

Molluscs as a major part of subtropical shallow-water carbonate production 197

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tract, the sea entered the valley and replaced thefluvial system (Papp, 1950) and the fluvial inputceased.

During the transgression, a lagoon filled theshallowMistelbach Basin and silts were depositedin the gateway towards the deeper Vienna Basin(Fig. 13A). The shoals surrounding the Steinbergelevation, settled by enormous masses of shallow-marine molluscs, are thought to have supplied theforesets with the striking amount of shells andshell-hash. These shell masses, as well as thereworked oolites, may have been transported bySSW-directed shoal-parallel currents to the inletwhere they were deposited in the prograding fore-sets (Fig. 13B). Thus, the WNW orientation of thedownslopes of the foresets and shell dunes isinterpreted to result from a dominant flood currententering the shoal via the broad inlet in the area ofNexing. In that inlet, the foresetsmigratedwithin alarge channel. Similar channels with flow-trans-verse bedformsoccur onmodern oolite sand shoalsof the Bahamas (Hine, 1977) and the Persian Gulf(Evans et al., 1973). That channel might have beeninitiated during the lowstand in the earliestSarmatian by the above-mentioned fluvial systemthat structured the Mistelbach block prior tothe Sarmatian flooding, a mechanism frequentlyreported (Davis & FitzGerald, 2004).

A gradual decrease in accommodation spacecoinciding with the westward migration of thedelta front is reflected in a shift from planar-bedded foresets towards either lobate foresets ortidal ridges (Fig. 13B and C). Finally, the shoal onwhich the flood-tidal delta developed became ex-posed during the Late Sarmatian at the boundarybetween the Ervilia Zone and the SarmatimactraZone (Fig. 13D). Fluvial gravel was deposited andvegetation developed. The subsequent floodingmarking the base of the Sarmatimactra Zone re-worked parts of the shell dunes, but also involvedthe fluvial gravel and oolite from the surroundingshoal (Fig. 13E). Roots that penetrated the exposedoolite caused characteristic concretions whichalso became reworked. Terrestrial vertebrates aremost abundant inUnits 3and4,probably as a resultof lag formation and subsequent reworking. In thecourse of that renewed, Late Sarmatian transgres-sion, a second flood-tidal delta developed(Fig. 13F). It, however, is strongly truncated bypost-Sarmatian erosion.


Mollusc shells are rarely rock-forming constituentsof Miocene subtropical shallow-water carbonate

D-F Sarmatimactra Zone


prograding foresetsshallow mudbottom


reduction of accommodation space

Etransgressionlag depositsreworking

Fprograding foresetsreworking

A-C Upper Ervilia Zone

deposition of fluvial gravelemersion


tilting of block

Fig. 13. Simplified evolution of the shoal on the marginal block of the Vienna Basin during the Late Sarmatian. (A-C) Thegrowth of the flood-tidal delta started during the Late Ervilia Zone, with a progradation toward the west across shallow-marine clays. With successive infill of accommodation space under stable sea-level conditions, the foreset dip-anglegradually decreased. (D-F) An emergent phase of the delta, also evident in other parts of the shoal, enabled the developmentof vegetation. A fluvial system, transporting pebbles, spread over the dry shoal. The renewed transgression during theSarmatimactra Zone led to reworking of these deposits and also allowed the re-establishment of a marine environment.

198 M. Harzhauser and W. E. Piller

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factories. In the exampledescribedherein, shells ofbivalves and gastropods produce large foresets ofup to13mheightwith complex internal structures.The consistent dip direction to the W and WNWtowards the palaeoshore suggests the flood currentas the dominant flow that produced the large-scaleforesets and dunes. The weaker counter currentcannot be definitively detected in the sedimentaryrecord. The planar-bedded shell-hash separatingsingle shell ripples could be related with thatweaker counter flow.

Each large-scale foreset is internally structuredby two smaller bedform types. The smallest one isreferred to as a shell ripple, attaining about 10 cm inheight andup to 190 cm in length.Abundle of suchripples constitutes shell dunes of up to 1m heightand several metres length. If these structures es-caped erosion, a thin layer of sand or shell-hashseparates the dunes, being equivalents of the muddrapes of classical sand dunes. The internal tex-ture of single shell ripples indicates that growthwas a functionofpiling andamalgamationof shellsinto the direction of the dominant current. Thus,the stoss within the ripple gradually steepened.This scenario points to a prevalence of stoss-or-iented growth instead of avalanching along theslipface.

The deposits described are an example of theimportance of molluscs as part of Miocene sub-tropical shallow-water carbonate factories. How-ever, the dominance of molluscs evolved within aunique system in which corals and coralline algaewere absent due to palaeo(bio)geographic andadverse environmental factors. Instead, molluscsand ooids provided the carbonate, contributingup to 81% of the dune sediment. Only a verysmall number of 5–7 mollusc species predomi-nate in the spectrum, representing up to 98% ofthe shells.

The unusual accumulation of shelly materialwith a relatively depleted fauna is most probablya result of the Sarmatian ecosystem that allowedonly a small number of specialists to flourish.Hence, high productivity coupled with low diver-sity seems to support the formation of such shellydeposits. Consequently, mollusc-based carbonatefactories and noteworthy shell-accumulationsseem to be unusual in normal marine settings withdiverse faunas. Aside from that biotic prerequisite,such shell-accumulations are linked to hydrody-namically favourable positions such as tidal inletsand channels providing suitable flow conditionsfor the transport of the shells.


We are greatly indebted to Bernhard Krainer andHanns-Peter Schmid (OMV) for providingaccess towell log data of the Vienna Basin. Many thanks toGerhard Niedermayr (NHMW) for the chemicalanalyses of the carbonate concretions and to Gu-drun H€ock (NHMW) and Ortwin Schultz (NHMW)for help with the vertebrates. Gerhard Penz (Vien-na) kindly provided information on the molluscfauna. The paper profited greatly by careful re-views of GiovannaDella Porta (Cardiff University),Christian Betzler (University Hamburg) and anon-ymous reviewers. This work was supported by theFonds zur F€orderung der wissenschaftlichen For-schung in Osterreich (FWF, grants P-13745-Bioand P-14366-Bio).


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