Download - Phobos Mk2.pdf

  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


    Phobos Interstellar fantasyKontakt instrument.


    1) How to load/install instrument and presets.


    3) 3 Layer synth section.

    4) Effects section.

    5) Sequencer.

    6) Credits.

  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


    Thank you for buying our latest Kontakt instrument.

    To install is easy. Simply unzip the zip file called PhobosMK2 to an area on your computers hard drive.

    f you have a specific drive which you use to store audio, then it is usually best practice to use that drive.

    Please note, it is really important that none of the files contained within the folder PhobosMK2are movedaround to other locations: They have to stay where I have placed them. If the files are moved around it could cause afile not found dialogue when loading.


    To load a preset, click the browse folder icon on the top row of Kontakt - This will open up the browser window to the leftleft of the main Kontakt screen.You will see the various tabs called Files, Libraries, Database, Monitor, Modules and Auto.Select the Files tab and then navigate to the Presetsfolder inside the PhobosmkII/Instrumentfolder which is now on yourcomputers hard drive.

    Click into one of the folders (in the image below I have clicked 1 finger arp hypnosis) and you will now see the list ofpreset displayed in the bottom file browser window.

    Keys in green represent the normal sample playback range.Keys in black After C6 are Arpeggiator support keys and allow theArpeggiator to play notes above the normal range of supplied samples.

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    Now all you have to do is double click one of the presets and this will load the preset into Kontakt.

    Once you have a preset loaded you can load the next preset by simply clicking the left and right arrow head pointersin the Kontakt window. (See image below)

    To select another preset from another folder such as strings and pads, you would click on the strings folder and this willdisplay the selection of presets in that folder. Again, just double click a preset and it will load into Kontakt.

    Phobos Arpeggiator.

    To activate the Arpeggiator simply click ARPMODE ON - in this mode Arpeggiator will only play when keys are held.To keep Arpeggiator playing after keys have been released, press the HOLD button.

    The amount of octaves can be selected by pressing octave 1, 2 or Full.

    Patterns are UP, indicated by a upwards pointing arrow, DOWN indicated by a downwards pointing arrow or UP and DOWN.Arpeggiator speed is selected by clicking your mouse pointer on the green speed display (1/8) and scrolling through thevarious speeds.

    Velocity is used to set how much velocity controls volume.

    Pitch bend sets the amount of pitch bend - dial turned fully to the right is max pitch bend.


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


    The main synth engine of Phobos has 3 PODS as I like to call them - POD I, POD II and POD III.Each Pod has the usual sections of a synth such as amp adsr etc.


    The layer synth section





    This section is used to adjust filter cutoff and resonance.

    The cutoff and resonance can also be controlled viavelocity and there are dials to set the amount of velocityeffect.

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    Selecting samples from the menu -Simply click on the menu button and then click on the sample you want to use.

    To switch on layer simply press the layer on button next to thewaveform menu. See green button.

    Lots of waveforms to choose from which can then be layered with waveforms from the other 2 PODS.

  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf



    Each synth section POD has it's own effects section.


    The effects controls are self explanatory.

    To change LFO waveform just click and move mouse pointer up or down.

    LFOAMT is BI-Polar and centre position is no LFO applied.


    Phobos effects also has a master out section.

    All 3 Synth Pods are routed to this master out section.

    BASS EQ has 3 dials, one for each synth pod and turning them anticlockwise reduces bass and clockwise increasesbass.

    Chorus, Reverb and Delay can be turned off by turning AMT fully anticlockwise.

    Reverb type can be changed by clicking on the green graphic(in this example image PLATE 2) and thenmoving your mouse up or down to scroll through reverb types.

    Fine and Coarse tune are used to adjust the tuning of each synth Pod.Coarse tune increments in intervals and finetunecan then be used to adjust in small amounts.

    Spinner has two main speeds: slow and fast and has a range from 0 to 100 which also controls accel rate.Below 55 is slow and then lower values slows accel rate and above 55 selects fast and higher valuesincreases accel rate.

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    The Sequencer.

    Steps can be turned on or off by clicking the 16 step buttons across the bottom of the sequencer. The sequencer is used to sequence filter cutoff and resonance on each of the 16 steps.

    The sequencer can run in two modes - manual mode (not synced to master DAW) and host sync modewhich will clock to your master sequencer such as Cubase, Logic etc.

    To activate the sequencer in manual mode simply press the sequencer button so the button lights.

    The sequencer will now sweep from left to rightCheck sequencer length is more than 1)

    The vertical green bars indicate the positions of the cutoff and resonance controls.To adjust them click on one of them and hold the mouse button whilst scrolling up and down.

    To synchronise the sequencer with your host sequencer is easy : Press Sync first and then sequencer. Sequenceris now waiting for you to press play on your master sequencer such as Cubase etc.

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    The next three controls are RATE, SPEED and LENGTH.

    ateis used only if the sequencer is not in manual mode and is being synced to your master sequencer such as Cubase.A setting of 1/16, 1/8 or 1/4 will step the sequencer in 16th, 8th or quarter, respectively.

    engthis used to set the length of the sequence. To change length, click on the length number and move mouse pointer up or down.

    Sequencer Speedis used only when running the sequencer in standalone mode(not synced from host).

    Notice the buttons VOC.1, VOC.2 and VOC.3 - These are used to switch on the filter cutoff and resonancemodulation for each of the 3 synth sections.

    For example: Pressing VOC.1 will cause the various green vertical barsin the sequencer window to alter the filter cutoff and resonance for synthsection 1(POD 1).

    It is possible to have all 3 synth sections filters being modulated by simplypressing VOC.2 and VOC.3.

    The Button above VOC.1 is the random pattern generator.

    Adjusting speed and host sync

    VOC.1, VOC.2 and VOC.3 on/off status are also stored as part of thestore pattern procedure. This will allow for you to build complex filter

    cutoff and resonance modulations and have them switch on or offat various sections of your master track in your host sequencer such asCubase etc.

    IMPORTANT The synth sections will have the last known filter cutoff setting applied by the sequencer.

    So, if you switch the sequencer off and it has just taken the filter cutoff to a low setting as set by the green vertical dials

    then the filter will have this new filter setting regardless of the filter sections dial position in the synth section.

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    toring patterns

    Ok, so you have created a pattern and want to be able to save it for recall and to allow you to move on to making anew pattern.

    To store a pattern is really simple - Just press one of the seven buttons under WRITE TO MEMORY and the button will light(yellow) and then return to off - Thats it! Pattern saved :)So, if you store your pattern in 1 and now you want to recall your pattern just press PLAY FROM MEMORY button 1.

    You may ask, what happens if I want to automate the selection of patterns to select the patterns in various stages of mytrack that is running in Cubase etc.

    To do this you create a midi track connected to the instance of Kontakt that is running Phobos, you can thenplace notes C0 to F#0This will then select patterns from 1 to ( C0triggering pattern 1 and F#0triggering pattern ).Keys on the Kontakt keyboard are coloured RED to show which keys select patterns.

    So, by placing notes C0 to F#0 in various stages of your track in your DAW(Cubase etc) you will be able to change patternsat specific points in your musical arrangement in your master sequencer such as Cubase.



    Kontakt scripting and audio - Stephen Porter.

    User interface design and graphics - Anders Hedstrom.

    Thanks to Ingo Weidner for providing PPG and Virus TI hyper saw waveforms and to Anders for designing the interfaces and graphics.

    Thanks to everyone who buys our products and supports us.

  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


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  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


  • 7/24/2019 Phobos Mk2.pdf


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