
Московский государственный университет

имени М.В. Ломоносова

Факультет иностранных языков и регионоведения

Факультет политологии

Социологический факультет

Философский факультет

VIII Межфакультетская


студенческая конференция

на английском языке

«Гуманитарные проблемы современного общества»

(12 - 17 ноября 2018 г.)


Организатор: Кафедра английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова

Программный комитет:

Молчанова Галина Георгиевна (председатель) – д.ф.н., профессор, и.о. декана факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения, зав. кафедрой лингвистики, перевода и межкультурной коммуникации факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Тер-Минасова Светлана Григорьевна – д.ф.н., профессор, президент факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения, зав. кафедрой теории преподавания иностранных языков факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Полубиченко Лидия Валериановна – д.ф.н., профессор, зам. декана по научной работе, зав. кафедрой английского языка для естественных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Левицкий Андрей Эдуардович – д.ф.н., профессор, зам. декана по научной работе факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Козырев Алексей Павлович – к.ф.н., доцент, зам. декана по научной работе философского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Демчук Артур Леонович – к.ф.н., доцент, зам. декана по научной работе факультета политологии МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Каневский Павел Сергеевич – к.п.н., доцент, зам. декана по научной работе социологического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Кочетова Мария Германовна – к.ф.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Организационный комитет:

Кочетова Мария Германовна (председатель) – к.ф.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Перцев Евгений Михайлович – к.ф.н., доцент кафедры английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Рассошенко Жаннетта Викторовна – старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Сергиенко Полина Игоревна – к.ф.н., преподаватель кафедры английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Шмараева Анастасия Александровна – преподаватель кафедры английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Яковлева Ирина Олеговна – старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка для гуманитарных факультетов факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Факультет иностранных языков и регионоведения

МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова


14 ноября 2018 г. 12.30 – 14.30 Шуваловский корпус,

(Ломоносовский проспект, д.27, корп. 4), ауд. Г-510

1. Philippa Rose Humphreys

The University of Leeds/ Университет г. Лидс, Великобритания, Центр международного образования МГУ

Reflections on Animals in British Literature/ Размышления о животных в британской литературе

The report explores how animals are presented in various works and what these representations signify about British cultural attitudes towards animals from an ecocentric perspective. Of course, literature strives to explore the world around us and as animals are part of this world, animals are present in literature. The question here is whether animals are present as representatives of human constructs, or more realistically, as animals living as animals in the natural world. Alternatively, it can be seen that as they are not members of human society, animal characters have been used by writers as devices with which to create distance between the reader and society to subvert and so critique this society. Finally, attention is drawn to how animals have been depicted in a more compassionate and natural way in the last two centuries, in tandem with changes in British society.

2. Roxanne Petra Alexandra Elson

The University of Leeds/Университет г.Лидс, Великобритания Leeds, Центр международного образования МГУ

Brexit and political parties. An analysis of how it has changed British politics/ Брексит и британские политические партии. Анализ изменений британской политики

The presentation is about Brexit and the political intrigue which surrounds the decisions being made by British Parliament. The report focuses on the ideological split between the parties of Britain and why each party feels the way they do on the decisions of the EU. The final part of the presentation focusses on the public perception of Brexit and what we as a country could do moving forward with the decision of the referenda. The conclusion is that it must be a cross party alliance of decision making to believe, through public opinion and research, that this would yield better results for the countries future.

3. Kozubov Artem/ Козубов Артем

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии МГУ

The New Silk Road: a Political Marketing Concept for World Dominance/ Новый Шелковый Путь: политическая маркетинговая концепция мирового господства

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road (simply known as The New Silk Road) was a Chinese initiative aimed at promoting the bilateral relations of China and its neighbors; however, the initiative had since then traversed the region’s borders and become a global project. It had evolved from a speech given by Chinese premier Xi Jinping in Kazakhstan in 2013.

4. Nasyrova Anna/ Насырова Анна

Faculty of Philosophy/ Философский факультет МГУ

The commemorative practices in the communities of Russian-speakers abroad (analyzed as per research of relevant student societies in the various universities in the UK)/ Коммеморативные практики в русскоговорящих сообществах за рубежом (анализ на основе исследования релевантных студенческих клубов в различных университетах в Соединенном Королевстве)

This message is based on the results of a study held among Russian speakers studying in different universities in the UK. The target was to investigate the popular commemorative practices that Russian speaking students support and transmit. Analyzing the data gives an idea of how the identity of Russian-speaking communities abroad is constituted and distributed, what is defined as “purely Russian” or nostalgically “home”, and how particular selection of commemorative practices reflects collective memory and common values of participants of the community.

5. Vulokov Alexander/ Вуколов Александр

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии МГУ

The Issue of National Identity in Modern Portugal/ Проблема национальной идентичности в современной Португалии

The goals of the research are to trace the evolution of the national identity of Portugal until 1974 when the country had the status of a colonial power; and to reveal the challenges to the national identity that the Portuguese society had to face against the background of the democratization processes. There are three interrelated aspects here:

· the attitude of Portugal towards its colonial past;

· the integration to the European Union and active participation in resolving the international issues;

· the international activity within the Community of Portuguese Language Countries.


Cекция № 1

12 ноября 2018 г. понедельник 10.45-12.30,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652

Ведущие: Ананьев Иван и Шуранова Дарья

1. Golikov Petr/ Голиков Петр, George Anaskin/Георгий Анаскин

Faculty of Political Science, 2nd year students/ Факультет политологии, студенты, 2 курс

The issue of unprepared independence for Cyprus/ Проблема неподготовленной независимости на Кипре

Cyprus once was one of the most important port in the Mediterranean Sea for trade and military purposes. This island has been ruled by many different countries for more than 450 years and suddenly after the short-term independence movements, gained its freedom in 1960. Nobody cared about the idea of various people with their own cultures and traditions living in Cyprus. As well as for what they can do and create with no overlord above them.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна.

2. Mokretsova Ekaterina/ Мокрецова Екатерина, Abdullaeva Tatyana/ Абдуллаева Татьяна

Faculty of Political Science, 2nd year students/ Факультет политологии, студенты, 2 курс

State policy in the field of preserving mental health/ Государственная политика в области охраны психического здоровья

Mental disorders are the plague of the 21st century. Our research is aimed at revealing actual government’s ideological and practical position towards this phenomenon and how it changes nowadays. The article deals with methods and strategies state undertake to reduce or at least control level of population`s psychic illnesses and proof the necessity of competent policy in this paramount importance sphere. The report is based on statistical and analytical papers of the World Health Organization published in last decade. It is hoped this study will inform both people who are in risk group and who can provide help for them in our university.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна.

3. Amrakhov Emil and Sergey Starushko/ Амрахов Эмиль и Сергей СтарушкоFaculty of Political science, 2nd year students/ Факультет политологии, 2 курс

Creativity as a way of expressing political protest/ Творчество как способ выражения политического протеста

Since the 1960s we can observe such a curios tendency as rising of so called protest music. Of course, there were many authors who were expressing their political views via art but only from this period it acquired a mass scale. We would like to talk mostly about music because rock and then rap became the most popular way to show the disagreement. This led to emergence of subcultures which opposed themselves to state and politics in general. We would like to analyze the history of these tendencies from that time to nowadays and compare two ways of expression of political activity: direct (meetings, revolution) and indirect (via art).

Консультанты по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна; Цинпаева Разият Шамиловна

4. Ananyev Ivan/ Ананьев Иван, Popov Dmitry/ Попов Дмитрий

Faculty of Political Science 2 year students / Факультет политологии, студенты 2 курса.

Analyzing and comparing pension systems in European countries/ Сравнительный анализ пенсионных систем европейских стран

The research is strived to analyze the features of pension systems in Europe. Reporters identify the ways Europe has created and inherited the system which now divides people into different groups, classes, how it influences their views on politics and life as a whole process. Although this system has been brought from the history of the world, nowadays it is as relevant as it never was due to the fact that several countries of European Union and one outside of the coalition have made some serious amendments to their pension systems. Reporters will examine the situation and give their estimations for the future.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна.

5. Bryusova Anastasia, Tsarik Alexandr/ Брюсова Анастасия, Царик Александр

Faculty of Political Science 2 year students/ Факультет политологии, студенты 2 курса

The problem of drug trafficking in Latin America: economic reasons/ Проблема распространения наркотиков в странах Латинской Америки: экономические причины

Since the middle of 20th century Latin America has faced acute problems connected with drug trafficking. Because of the rise and an increased access to new types of narcotic substances, the range of users has widened significantly. Furthermore, there appeared a number of social and economic problems, such as poverty, unemployment, enormous social stratification, the lack of sustainable income, the lack of leisure activities, corruption of higher and lower echelons of the government, the lack of adequate legislation to regulate problems concerning criminal proceedings on issues relating to drug trafficking. Hence, the issue draws adolescents and the young into the drug business and pushes forward forbidden actions. The authors sum up that futile struggle of the Latin America governments cooperating with the U.S. intelligence against drug trafficking is due to the economic problems and if this problem cannot be solved, further countering will be useless and ineffective.

Консультанты по английскому языку: Дзгоева Ольга Муратовна, Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

6. Vakhrusheva Alexandra/ Вахрушева Александра

Faculty of Political Science, 2nd year student/ Факультет политологии, студентка, 2 курс

Positive and negative consequences of today’s migrations: a socio-political analysis/ Миграция сегодня: позитивные и негативные последствия. Социо-политический анализ проблемы

This report considers history and the origins of the problem of migration processes in Russia and in Europe. It gives examples of positives and negatives consequences that depend on social and political factors in a particular territory. Linking the national mentality of the country, policy of the government and the general reaction to the phenomenon of migration, the author analyzes migration trends in Russia and in Europe.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

7. Grubaya Tatyana/ Грубая Татьяна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The power of language: how language influences thought/ Власть языка: влияние языка на мышление

For a long time, the idea that language might shape thought was considered wrong. In the 21st century scientists at Stanford University have collected data from different countries all over the world. They learned that people who speak different languages think differently and that even various aspects of grammar can deeply influence on how we see the world. Language is a unique human gift, which can bring us one step closer to understanding the nature of humanity.

Консультант по английскому языку: Мурза Александра Борисовна

Cекция № 2

12 ноября 2018г. понедельник 13.00-14.30,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652

Ведущие: Попов Дмитрий и Шуранова Дарья

1. Andreychikova Elizaveta, Chetverikova Daria/ Андрейчикова Елизавета, Четверикова Дарья

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The issue of mutual influence of art and consumer society/ Проблема взаимного влияние искусства и общества потребления

The report presents a two-sided view of the relationship between contemporary art and consumer society in the modern world. This report tries to understand complicated relationship between art, artists and consumerism, by showing various examples of art works that represent the artists’ views on the issue of constantly increasing consumption and people being absolutely obsessed with consumption of goods. In addition, the report does not only show this issue in the US, where the problem rose originally, but in different parts of the world, including China and Russia. In conclusion, this report proves that art market plays an important role in shaping consumer society and consumer choices of art dealers, museums and collectors. Moreover, it is stated that art market is also part of consumer society, as it is defined by the same main principles as the phenomena of consumerism.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

2. Gerovskaya Darya, Kvyatkovsky Ilya/ Геровская Дарья, Квятковский Илья

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

World crisis of national identity: an analysis / Анализ мирового кризиса национальной идентичности

The report addresses the problem of national identity by the examples of European countries, the USA and the Russian Federation. The reasons for the crisis of national identity are revealed and the state of this problem in modern society is analyzed. Authors consider the destructive factor of the era of globalization affecting the suppression of national identity. The report illustrates that the crisis of national identity is a psychosocial syndrome.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

3. Zhivotova Polina, Shuranova Daria/ Животова Полина, Шуранова Дарья

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The shift of values in mass culture: a case study of modern cinematography / Сдвиг ценностных ориентиров в массовой культуре на примере современного кинематографа

This research aims to investigate the reversal of public morals in terms of modern society. This phenomenon is rooted in the shift of social priorities, which is illustrated in contemporary mass culture. The purpose of our report is to examine how the realm of cinema influences consciousness of the young, shaping new values and behavioral patterns.

Консультанты по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна, Дзгоева Ольга Муратовна

4. Karpova Daria, Platonova Anastasia/ Карпова Дарья, Платонова Анастасия

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Вмешательство технологий в конфиденциальную жизнь граждан/ Technical interference into modern civil privacy

Nowadays humanitarian issues are getting more and more current in politics and civil society. Especially, the technical ones have now become the order of the day. Thanks to the abilities of the latest and newest computer data banks, collecting and processing multiple information becomes a commonplace. We would like to discuss the situation when people are increasingly dependent on a computer intrusion into their privacy. What is it - the right to privacy in the age of computer technologies? Are there any issues in the field of morality, considering this question? What are the types of computer crime? We will talk about all these things and many others in our report.

Консультанты по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна, Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

5. Martynov Nikita/ Мартынов Никита

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Social credit system/ Система социального кредита

Social credit system (SCS) is a technological breakthrough of the 21st century. It represents a system of bonuses and sanctions for almost every human action. SCS has all the information about a particular person, whether it is age, gender, place of residence, or other. This system involves spying on every resident of the country or city where it will be implemented. Obviously, this will lead to stability and unbiased execution of laws. Yet is freedom the price you really want to pay?

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

6. Minenko Ekaterina/ Миненко Екатерина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Forecasts and their role in modern society/ Прогнозы и их роль в современном обществе

This research is devoted to investigation of forecasts. The tradition of prediction originated in the beginning of human existence because of the necessity of survival. Today this phenomenon occurs in almost every sphere of life. For example, choosing the president we try to predict what the country would become after his victory. What is the meaning of forecasts? What are their consequences? What role do they play in modern society? I will try to answer these questions.

Moreover, this research is going to be based mostly on civilization theories, book “The Wanting Seed” by A. Burgess and film “Ex machina”.

Консультант по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна

7. Nedikova Ekaterina, Kuznetcova Valeria/ Недикова Екатерина, Кузнецова ВалерияFaculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии. The influence of media on public opinion/ Влияние СМИ на общественное мнение

In the modern society, the mass media are very important to all people. The products of their working are all around us. Because there is a lot of information, it is hard to find the truth. That is why the mass media often consciously or unconsciously from the opinion of society.

Секция №3

13 ноября 2018 г., вторник,

Шуваловский корпус, ауд. Г-622


Ведущий: Ревазашвили Григорий

1. Dzhankezov Batyr/ Джанкезов Батыр

Faculty of Political Science / Факультет политологии

Conflictogenic potential of the modern Russian federal process: a case study of the ethnic conflict in the village of Kendelen in the Kabardino-Balkarian republic / Конфликтогенный потенциал современного российского федеративного процесса (на примере этнического конфликта в селе Кенделен Кабардино-Балкарской республики)

The report analyzes the causes and conditions of the ethnic conflict in the village of Kendelen, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, on September 17-20, 2018. Revealed the historical, political and legal causes of the conflict. Conflict research was conducted using Conflict-Related Development Analysis (CDA) methodology developed by the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery within the framework of the United Nations Development Program. Prepared a recommendation to resolve the conflict.

Консультант по английскому языку: Никитина Юлия Александровна (МГИМО)

2. Ivanenko Yuri/ Иваненко Юрий

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The phenomenon of contemporary Russian nationalism in the context of mental and political studies/ Феномен современного русского национализма в контексте ментально-политических исследований

The relevance of the announced theme is defined by the necessity of critical comprehension of the phenomenon of Russian nationalism in the context of its mental aspects. In particular, there is a lack of the Russian nationalistic thought studies that intend to reveal its essence by perceiving it as a specific way of understanding and arranging the social reality which is intrinsic for distinct representatives of the Russian nationalistic movement.

Консультант по английскому языку: Егорова Елена Геннадиевна

3. Kazaryan Susanna/ Казарян Сусанна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The impact of transnational corporations on migration processes / Влияние деятельности транснациональных корпораций на миграционные процессы

The article analyzes the general and current conditions of global migration processes. This issue is one of the most important ones on the political agenda. Migration has become a crucial issue for global society, one that is likely to dominate policy for many years to come. Migration is also increasingly presented, both in public and expert discourse, as a challenge requiring coordinated response of international community, involving both states and transnational corporations. For both of these institutions migration has as positive, as well as negative outcome. The article studies not only ways how transnational corporations use the migration processes to get benefit, but also diverse aspects of migration phenomenon existing today.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

4. Laguzova Maria/ Лагузова Мария Андреевна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Family demographic problems of the modern world/ Семейно-демографические проблемы современного мира

In the recent time, we can observe the crisis of the institution of family and marriage. Unfortunately, the tendencies that are popular in Europe and the USA are forced upon Russian society as progressive patterns of behavior. The aim of the government and society is to resist these destructive ideas. One of the global problems is dealing with the degradation of family-marriage relations.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

5. Matyusova Anastasia/ Матюсова Анастасия

Faculty of political science/ Факультет политологии

Youth forums as a platform for self-realization for Russian youth/ Молодежные форумы как платформа для самореализации российской молодежи

The article describes such public youth political events as forums. The author of the article resumes that youth forums are a platform for interaction that promotes self-realization of young people who are interested in career growth and personal development. The article also analyzes the legal acts of the Russian legislation in the field of organizing youth forums, examines specific examples of successful self-fulfillment in the framework of such events and declares the importance of grant support for youth.

Консультант по английскому языку: Перцев Евгений Михайлович

6. Revazashvili Grigory/Ревазашвили Григорий

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Chequers Plan and "no deal" Brexit: peculiarities and their possible impact on post-Brexit UK / План Чекерс и Брексит без сделки: их особенности и возможное влияние на жизнь Великобритании после выхода из ЕС

This report is devoted to the analysis of the main points of Chequers Plan and the content of “no deal” Brexit but the main emphasis is made on their impact on the future life of the UK after Brexit. It shows that Chequers Plan suggests the creation of the mutual trade rules with the European Union and as a result it is perceived to be the document which reflects the idea of soft Brexit. In addition, this report touches the issue of "no deal" Brexit which is used as another option of divorce with the European Union. However, such a step may lead to unpredictable financial and economic consequences that will harm the Great Britain seriously and the process of defragmentation of the country will be launched. Finally, this research has revealed that the outcome of any of these two options of Brexit will be very painful for the UK and the adaptation to the post-Brexit life will be very long.

Секция №4

13 ноября 2018 г., вторник,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 668


Ведущий: Головкова Анастасия

1. Baizhumanova Malika/ Байжуманова Малика

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The main social factors that influence our self-esteem: an analysis/ Анализ основных социальных факторов, влияющих на нашу самооценку

The main studies on self- esteem are connected to the problem of building healthy relationships, having positive self-worth, and successful individual development. We examine these studies and the main problems that arise as direct and indirect consequences of suffering low self-esteem, such as eating disorders and other mental health issues.

Консультант по английскому языку: Мурза Александра Борисовна

2. Borisova Veronika, Zinkov Nikita/ Борисова Вероника, Зинков Никита

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The topic of racism in Oscar Academy awards/ Тема расизма в премиях Оскар

Oscar academy awards is one of the most influential and popular awards in the word of cinema. It makes a billion people interested in cinema, that is why attention to scandals is so great. One of the largest was in 2015 and generated public outcry, one of the most popular hashtag in social media in February 2015 was #oscarssowhite. In our project, we would like to analyze the reason why the problem of racism is so controversial in the field of cinematography.

Консультант по английскому языку: Цинпаева Разият Шамиловна

3. Vnukova Irina, Kurdynko Anastasia/ Внукова Ирина, Курдынко Анастасия

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The issue of homeless animals: a case study of the 2018 World Cup/ Проблема бездомных животных на примере Чемпионата Мира 2018

In our study, we are going to analyze the role of the state, the mass media and the social activists in terms of the problem of homeless animals extermination before the World Cup 2018 in Russia. We will consider the reaction of the mass media and public to this topic and the actions of the government and the social activists in this situation.

Консультанты по английскому языку: Шолохова Яна Павловна, Цинпаева Разият Шамиловна

4. Galitsky Dmitry, Chochaeva Elina/ Галицкий Дмитрий, Чочаева Элина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

9/11 attacks: an alternative review/ 9/11: альтернативный взгляд

The report “9/11 attacks: the alternative review” is devoted to the consideration of alternative views on terrorist attacks in September 11, 2001 in the United States. The relevance of the work is connected with the increase in the scale of modem terrorism and its consequences, as well as the US struggle against international terrorism, which began with the attacks of September 11. The topic under consideration allows looking at the events of September 11, 2001 from a different angle. The authors studied the arguments in favor of an alternative opinion about terrorist acts, which criticizes the official version. The possible versions of the events, the criticism of the official version, as well as the consequences of the attacks were examined. While preparing their work news resources, documents, and documentaries that fully or partially touch on the theme of the events of September 11 were used as sources.

Консультант по английскому языку: Панькина Юлия Анатольевна

5. Golovkova Anastasia, Oborin Maxim/ Головкова Анастасия, Оборин Максим

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Cyberwars: key features of government-to-government cooperation. Case studies of Germany, Russia and the USA/ Кибервойны: ключевые особенности межгосударственного сотрудничества на примере Германии, России и США

In the context of increasing role of information for national security provision, specialists manifest growing interest in the phenomenon of cyberwars. However, despite rather high elaboration of the issue, the real-life experience indicates a number of omissions and inaccuracies. In that regard, the report aims to give an overview of the conceptual approaches to information security in Germany, the United States and Russia, investigating methods and techniques of security provision. Comparative analysis of these three systems enables to identify strengths and weaknesses of each.

Консультант по английскому языку: Цынпаева Разият Шамиловна

Секция №5

13 ноября 2018 г., вторник,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652


Ведущие: Смагина Юлия и Костомарова Алёна

1. Antonov Roman, Elizaveta Vakulyuk/ Антонов Роман, Елизавета Вакулюк

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Refugees as a political challenge of the 21st century: an analysis of refugees’ humanitarian problems and their impact on society and the state/ Беженцы как политический вызов 21 века: анализ гуманитарных проблем беженцев и их влияния на общество и государство

According to the numbers, provided by the UN, there are more than 200 million immigrants in various parts of the world, from America to Japan. More than 2/3 of them are refugees. How should we analyze and assess this fact? Are we facing a new Migration Period? It is possible that this phenomenon is characteristic for the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries? How should we deal with difficulties, caused by migrant waves? The study dwells on the theoretical aspect of such a concept as refugee. It is focused on historical examples and background to current events. The authors also analyze the current manifestations of immigration, first of all, in such countries as Germany, France, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, and Japan. The authors of the study try to identify the prerequisites for the phenomenon of refugees in the modern world and give practical recommendation for resolving this situation.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

2. Bakina Marina, Zhdanova Anna/ Бакина Марина, Жданова Анна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

National identity as the factor of Russia’s soft power / Национальная идентичность как фактор «мягкой силы» России

Nowadays Russia is overcoming considerable amount of obstacles connected with poor relation with other countries. It is clear that the world is changing drastically, and we need to develop our methods of diplomacy and external policy. “Soft power” is one of many ways to improve international image of our state and show it from the other side through national character, customs and different symbols that represent Russia.

In our report we will trace the history of two concepts: “identity” and “soft power” and reveal their relevance in the modern society. In addition, we will investigate the interconnection between the meanings of these terms both in scientific sphere and in political practice by an example of the image of the Russian Federation in the current system of international relations.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

3. Voloshina Anna, Kuts Victoria/ Волошина Анна, Куц Виктория

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Mental Health Policy: depression and addiction as a new social problem / Политика в отношении психического здоровья: депрессия и зависимость, как новая проблема общества

Anxiety and depression are isolating illnesses, but sufferers are hardly alone: according to the new researches, the number of young people who have struggled with these mental health issues over the last 80 years has increased steadily. What is more, depression is all too often a gateway into drug and alcohol use. Addiction and depression are inextricably connected problems. Substance abuse is common among people who are battling a depressive disorder. Many depression sufferers, especially ones who have not been properly diagnosed, often turn to alcohol or drugs to escape. Still, researchers say, the problem is underdiagnosed and undertreated. Many sufferers may not even consider that they are depressed, instead seeking help for physical symptoms. Nevertheless, there are some ways to get rid of depression and addiction with the help of mental health policy, which is provided by government.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

4. Golubtsova Darya/ Голубцова Дарья

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The city of tomorrow: problems of urban space in the digital age / Город завтрашнего дня: проблемы городского пространства в цифровую эпоху

Today we are faced with the phenomenon of close collaboration of modern cities with advanced technologies. Smart urban systems are becoming a daily reality. The city is turning into a hybrid space that combines the common things with the digital environment. Big data, smart devices, sensory systems, the “Internet of things” are just a short list of technologies that can solve urban problems and definitely improve the population’s standard of living. The authors propose to consider some cases of modern and advanced cities and to identify the most pressing challenges faced by residents of the “cities of tomorrow”.

Консультант по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна

5. Eremin Vladislav/ Еремин Владислав

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

To the reflection on M. Weber’s “Protestant ethic” - the most ambitious fantasy in historical sociology / К размышлению о «Протестантской этике» М. Вебера – самой грандиозной фантазии исторической социологии

The work considers and criticizes M. Weber’s thesis on Protestantism from the perspective of modern historical sociology. Author uncovers the ideas of R. Collins, G. Derluguian, R. Lachmann and others that rebut Weber’s thesis. The author speaks about the biography causes, connected with family and psychologic state, which give M. Weber an idea of interdependence of Capitalism and Protestantism. In addition, the report allows to look at the process of economic growth connected with capitalism system through the prism of material factors.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

6. Kotelnikov Anton, Zaika Sofia/ Котельников Антон, Заика Софья

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Analyzing challenges and prospects of public health in Africa: a case study of Botswana and Congo / Здравоохранение в Африке на примере Ботсваны и Конго: анализ проблем и перспектив

There are plenty of different problems in Africa, including acute public health issues like HIV, AIDS, ebola and so on. It is important to highlight that Botswana and Congo have made considerable headway in improving the health outcomes of its populations in spite of social challenges. The main aim of our report is to study health care in Botswana and Congo and consider how different countries influence the process of solving these problems.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

Секция №6

13 ноября 2018 г., вторник,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652


Ведущий: Смагина Юлия

1. Zukhba Damir, Sanakoev Aslan/ Зухба Дамир, Санакоев Аслан

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Features of combating corruption: the experience of Singapore/ Особенности борьбы с коррупцией: опыт Сингапура

In the framework of this report, the key aspects of combating and countering corruption are considered. Corruption holds a special place in the destruction of state foundations. This problem impedes the development of democratic institutions and civil society, and poses an immediate threat to the national security of the country. In practice, corruption acts as a complex phenomenon, penetrating into the pores and the foundation of the state mechanism. The subject is of particular scientific interest, since the problem of corruption has currently acquired a systemic and widespread nature in the activities of authority of the State in various countries. The Republic of Singapore has much to be proud of - during the life of one generation, it managed to make a breakthrough and now it is among the advanced countries of the international community. It is also important to note that the essential factor that comes to the fore when discussing this problem is the political will of the country's highest authorities.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

2. Kondratieva Anna/ Кондратьева Анна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Russophobia as a fundamental and integral part of the Western identity / Русофобия как фундаментальная и неотъемлемая часть западной идентичности

The meaning of the word “Russophobia” is very broad and vague. For centuries, the term has been a part of political and cultural discourse and has been used in Russia and in the West for various reasons. The aim of this investigation is to reveal the significance of “Russophobia” in western countries and have a closer look at some of the reasons behind the on-going popularity of it. Experience gleaned from these studies would help to trace the dynamics of this phenomenon in the modern Western world.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

3. Lebedeva Anna/ Лебедева Анна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Processes of democratization in post-communist region/ Процессы демократизации в пост-коммунистическом регионе

The report tells about the features of democratisation in post-communist countries. The author calls in question the so-called J-curve phenomenon during democratic transit made by Charles Tilly. Does J-curve work in East Europe, Central Asia and Russia? Is there any relation between the level of democratisation and the welfare of people in that region? Based on foreign and domestic researchers of democracy, the author comes to surprising conclusions.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

4. Matyukhina Elena, Yurgens Maria/ Матюхина Елена, Юргенс Мария

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The 21st century social problem: possible social and political solutions to Harassment/

Социальная проблема 21 века. Возможные социально-политические пути решения проблемы Домогательства

Harassment covers a wide range of behaviours of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behaviour that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness. In the legal sense, these are behaviours that appear to be disturbing, upsetting or threatening.

Trough the past years harassment became a big problem in different life-areas: police, online, workplace, mobile and many more. We often hear about harassment in politics could be racial or sexual — does not matter, because it is a large social problem yet to solve.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

5. Ravkina Anna, Yutal Maria/ Равкина Анна, Юталь Мария

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии 

Political speech as an influential part of political image / Политическая речь как важная часть политического имиджа

We are going to discuss an issue of public presentation in political sphere. Every politician faces the requirement of being in public and present some group’s interests. The way of a presentation defines his success and the level of society support. What is a power of political speech, how to manipulate the audience using various psychological techniques (for instance, metaphors, such non-verbal signs as gestures, mimics)? Is an ability of successful self-presentation crucial in political sphere? Can a politician be influential and powerful without this skill? We are going to provide historic examples. Moreover, how can we indicate some delicately designed speech of a politician who wants to manipulate us? How can we avoid this influence? Our report is supposed to answer these questions.

Консультант по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна

6. Rudoy Petr/ Рудой Петр

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Macedonia naming dispute/ Спор об именовании Македонии

The use of the name "Macedonia" has caused a heated dispute between Greece and Macedonia, formerly a part of Yugoslavia. The conflict began in 1991 after the signing of the Declaration of independence of Macedonia, in which the state was called “The Republic of Macedonia”. Greece considers that in case this name has been internationally recognised, the Republic of Macedonia may have territorial claims to Greece. On the other hand, it is very important for Macedonia to reach an agreement with the Greek government, since Greece, as a member of NATO and the EU may block Macedonia's attempts to integrate into these organisations.

Cекция № 7

15 ноября 2018г. четверг 9.00-10.30,

Шуваловский корпус, ауд. Г-630

Ведущая: Ершова Евгения

1. Afonin Daniil, Gorobets Vladimir/ Афонин Даниил, Горобец Владимир

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Development and dissemination of volunteer movement in Russia/ Развитие и распространение волонтерского движения в России

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine this country without a volunteer movement. However, where did the term volunteering come from? Where is its homeland? When volunteer movement came to Russia, it did not immediately gain popularity. Many people looked at volunteers with misunderstanding and surprise. Today, volunteering is one of the most common voluntary activities in Russia, which unites many people in a single impulse. Every year it becomes more and more popular. The report is dedicated to the functions and practical work of volunteers.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

2. Belyakov Gleb, Turkov Egor/ Беляков Глеб, Турков Егор Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Political education in Russia: problems and prospects/ Политическое образование в России: проблемы и перспективы

Russia has entered a new historical period, when the position of civil society is creating government`s policy. In the Soviet era, the whole education system was built within the communist ideology whereas now we have pluralism of opinions. Therefore, the question of political education is a hot topic. The aim of our work is to identify problems in the political education and to do an analysis of expected results of the education system reforms in Russia.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

3. Geraskin Ilya and Kalugina Maria / Гераскин Илья и Калугина Мария

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Социальная политика и демография, сопоставление Российской и западной систем/ Parental subsidy and demographics, comparing Russian and Western parental systems

In this work we would like to focus on one of the main challenges Russia is facing today. Demographics has been a problem in all developed countries since the 19th century. Therefore, it is essential to attempt to find a solution to this world population crisis. Our goal is to present a comparative study of the correlation between the parental policies and demographics around the globe and to suggest a durable solution to this problem in Russia.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

4. Iluhina Alexandra/ Илюхина Александра

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Social impact of the economic crisis on the populations in the Far East countries/ Социальное влияние экономического кризиса на жителей Дальнего Востока

The Far East includes about twenty independent countries. Many of these countries have been developing very fast in different spheres, but at the same time, there are some countries which are in situations of social and economic instability. The aim of my research is to study how all this situation has an impact on people from the Far Eastern countries.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

5. Kapsha Valeriya/ Капша Валерия

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Феномен стеклянного потолка в политике/ The phenomenon of glass ceiling in politics

Women continue to be marginalized from the political sphere, facing limitations through discriminatory laws and institutions which restrict them from having a participatory role in society. Whether it is lacking leading positions in all spheres of life, women are continuously restricted from politics. In my research I will treat causes of this issue, show examples of outstanding female politicians and propose some solutions.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

6. Kartunova Angelina/ Картунова Ангелина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Digitalization of economy in modern Russia and in the world/ Цифровизация экономике в России и в мире на современном этапе

The modern economy is drastically changing with the implementation of advanced technologies into production. Digitalization and the inevitable robotization that follows it have both positive and negative repercussions, concerning the quality of people's lives, the income of the state and its citizens, the level of unemployment, and also the alignment of forces on the job market. The influence of informatization is a key cause of many new problems in the modern world.

The purpose of this report is to: 1) Analyze the main stages of the digitalization of the economy in Russia and the world from the 1970s to modern times. 2) To reveal the main tendencies of digitalization in Russia and the world. 3) To reveal and describe the causes of the negative impact of both digitalization and robotization on modern society. 4) To reveal possible solutions to the problems caused by the digitalization of the economy. 5) To predict and analyze, which professions might come under the risk of being redundant due to the introduction of innovative technologies to the modern world.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

Cекция № 8

15 ноября 2018г. четверг 10.45-12.30,

Шуваловский корпус, ауд. Г-630

Ведущая: Ершова Евгения

1. Ovcharenko Polina and Ponamaryova Anna / Овчаренко Полина и Понамарева Анна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Environmental problem: different kinds of pollution and ways of protecting nature/ Экологическая проблема: различные виды загрязнений и способы защиты природы

The report is going to show one of the most essential problems which is connected with negative impact of human’s activity on the nature. We would like to show the damaging influence of different kinds of pollution and to speak about different ways of protecting the nature.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

2. Pinkina Valeriia/ Пинкина Валерия

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Political influence on sponsorship of Russian Olympic athletes/ Влияние политики на спонсорство российских олимпийских спортсменов

In this topic, I want to reveal the main aspects related to the sponsorship of Russian Olympic athletes. I want to show the main problems in the financing of sports. I also have a purpose to explain why some areas of Russian sports are insufficiently sponsored. The influence of politics on sponsorship is growing every day. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to ensure that everything develops evenly and honestly.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

3. Safarov Timur/ Сафаров Тимур

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Between Assad and the opposition: is there a hope for peaceful existence in Syria?/ Ассад и оппозиция: есть ли надежда на мирное урегулирование ситуации в Сирии?

While in some countries the Arab Spring ended with the renovation of the old ruling regimes, in Syria it led to fundamental changes of political progress. Today this country, which is rich of natural resources and culture, is an apple of discord not only among its Middle Eastern neighbors, but also among world powers. The report is aimed at explaining the reasons and essence of one of the biggest conflicts in the 21st century, and at analyzing all different ways of solving it.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

4. Firsov Petr/ Фирсов Петр

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The role of social media in political identity formation / Роль социальных сетей в формировании политической идентичности

Unprecedented growth of social media has led to their widespread use and start of their integration into political process. Social networks make communication and organization of communities easier thus becoming a significant factor of horizontal community formation. The report is a study of characteristics of communication in social networks and the features that make social media different from the traditional ones.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

5. Khatkevich Alexandra/ Хаткевич Александра

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Продвижение русского языка на постсоветском пространстве: роль международных организаций / Promotion of the Russian language in the post-Soviet space: the role of international organizations

The world status of the Russian language is one of the most important humanitarian issues of our time; therefore, the topic of the report is quite relevant. The report covers such points as the historic and current position of the Russian language in the post-Soviet space, the need for active promotion of the Russian language, and the role of international organizations in this process.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

6. Yarosheva Daria/ Ярошева Дарья

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The existence of meritocracy in the United States of America: a made-up proposition or a reasonable fact? / Существование меритократии в США: придуманное суждение или обоснованный факт?

This report will focus on meritocracy. It is a socio-political system in which the position of a person in society is determined by his abilities and merits. In particular, the report will focus on the implementation of this system in the United States. It is widely believed that the principle of meritocracy has already been implemented in the United States. The purpose of my research is to check this judgment by studying the principle of meritocracy itself, as well as the methods of its implementation in the USA. The result of this study should be the confirmation or refutation of the above judgment, as well as the identification of alternatives for the development of the principle of meritocracy in the future.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна.

Секция №9

15 ноября 2018 г., четверг,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652


Ведущий: Смагина Юлия

1. Sazhin Dmitry, Usikova Ekaterina/ Сажин Дмитрий, Усикова Екатерина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Propaganda in modern Russian political science/ Пропаганда в контексте современной политической науки в России

The report deals with the issue of propaganda in the contemporary political system of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the topic is conditioned by the fact that propaganda is an integral element of modern politics. The objective of the report is to identify and analyze some benefits and drawbacks of contemporary propaganda in Russia. As a result of the research, it can be concluded that the mass media is a tool of shaping public opinion and attitudes. Ready-made views translated by the media can come to be decisive in terms of forming political reality.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

2. Spivakov Nikita/ Спиваков Никита

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Trust as a means of increasing the efficiency of public policies/ Доверие как инструмент повышения эффективности государственной политики

There is one thing that is common to every individual, relationship, team, family, organization, nation, economy and civilization throughout the world. That thing is trust. Experience has shown that any collective whether it is a circle of friends or a large firm having trusting relationships between members take more pleasure from business together. However, can these advantages of trust be used to carry out the largest joint activity — public policy? That is why this study is the attempt to analyze the influence of trust on the efficiency of public administration mechanisms. Based on the reviewed conceptions, the author aims to show that confidence-building among decision makers and public figures as well as within civil society and the government is the essential precondition for social development.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

3. Firsanov Danil / Фирсанов Данил

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

A history of local civilizations and its multivariance / История локальных цивилизаций и ее многовариантность

If we look through any history book, we will see a history of different states. There we can see periods of their formation, development, crises, defending from external threat etc. However, if we read the history book from cover to cover, we will come to a certain conclusion: despite all the contradictions, nowadays we have a strong and unified state, which has been forming for centuries from the very beginning. However, is that really so? Of course, there are no what-ifs in history but we still can hypothetically play with some of its outcomes. The thing is that the history of the state is very dynamic and it can be interpreted differently in different times by different political regimes. If the American Civil war was ended by the mutual independence of the northern and southern states, there would be a separate history of Yankees and Dixies which they both were coming to since the Columbus times. That is why the question: “how should we study our history?” remains open and needs further explanation.

Консультант по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна

4. Scheglova Iana/ Щеглова Яна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The e-government in France: the experience and problems of development / Электронное правительство во Франции: опыт и проблемы развития

Nowadays there is a question about the technology implementation in each sphere of life, especially in modern politics. This new way of government, which enhances the role of society in making important government decisions, allows making the entire administrative system transparent. The aim of this report is to show one of the most successful e-government according “The United Nations E-Government Survey”. Moreover, the e-government in France is one of the oldest in the world. It first stood as a policy priority in 1998, in the framework of the strategy to prepare France to become an information society.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

5. Yarovaya Irina/ Яровая Ирина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Features of research into historical memory and commemoration practices of the First World War in Britain in 1918–1939 / Особенности изучения исторической памяти и практик коммеморации Первой мировой войны в Великобритании 1918–1939 гг.

The report is devoted to the research of different forms of the First World War commemoration in Britain during the interwar period. Being divided into three groups according to the level of memory, the commemorative practices and mnemonic sites are analyzed as national sites of memory, commemorative practices of social groups (such as veterans' organizations) and individual acts of remembrance. The concept of "sites of memory" by Pierre Nora is a methodological basis of the article, which supposes the study of objects and subjects that can manage attendance of the past in the present to preserve memory. The processes of constructing collective memory about the war and transforming the commemorative rhetoric from militaristic to peace-minded forms in the late 1920-s are analyzed. In the first decade after the conclusion of peace, the commemoration focused on emphasizing the idea of soldiers’ sacrifice, their courage and heroism in the war. However, since the late 1920s, we can see a gradual transition to the commemoration of rhetoric with appeals to avoid any war in the future.

Консультант по английскому языку: Яковлева Ирина Олеговна

Cекция № 10

15 ноября 2018г. четверг 14.45-16.15,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652

Ведущая: Шуранова Дарья

1. Nesterov Gleb/ Нестеров Глеб

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Political impact on a language: a case study of Welsh/ Влияние политики на язык на примере Валлийского языка

One of the most important questions of multinational states is the issue of national languages. Very often, the culture of the so-called titular nation dominating in the given state prevails over the culture of small nations. This leads to a certain scarcity of culture and the extinction of the language of national minorities. Politics, as the sphere of interaction among people, certainly affects the language processes. The people in a weaker political position, consequently, lose their cultural and linguistic influence, trying to survive in the conditions of the domination of another nation. This research is aimed to consider ways of political influence on the language and the consequences that such a policy leads to. The Welsh language is taken as an example, the history of which is a good historical case in the light of the problem of the position of national languages and the influence of the political sphere on their existence.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

2. Prusov Alexander, Tokmakova Diana/ Прусов Александр, Токмакова Диана

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Hungarian phenomenon in the European Union migration policy / Венгерский феномен в миграционной политике Европейского Союза

Our research is devoted to the investigation of the conflict between the European Union and the Hungarian Parliament (the National Assembly) caused by disagreement in migration policy. Hungary is one of the most involved in the European migrant crisis countries because of its transit geopolitical position. Finding out the perspectives of the clash between conservative Hungarian mentality and tolerant European policy is the aim of our research.

Консультанты по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна, Криштоф Елена Михайловна

3. Samoylov Alexandr, Shirikova Inna/ Самойлов Александр, Ширикова Инна

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Analyzing the role of volunteer movement in Russia/ Анализ роли волонтерского движения в России

In our report we will investigate the topic of the volunteer movement in Russia. First, we will talk about the history of the volunteer movement in general. Secondly, we will tell you how it develops in the Russian Federation. In addition, we will talk about a great event in Russia, in which volunteers participated. Furthermore, we would like to analyze volunteer movements in Russia and other countries. In conclusion, we would like to sum up the positive achievements of the volunteer movement up to the present-day and define its place among other movements.

Ведущий преподаватель по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна

4. Semyonov Egor, Shilin Ivan/ Семенов Егор, Шилин Иван

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The international patent system in global perspective/ Международная патентная система в глобальной перспективе

The project’s aim is to gather information about modern patent system, to reveal its flaws to the public and to analyze its perspective. Patent system is designed to protect intellectual property of inventors and to reward them financially. The system is widely criticised for being an obstacle on the path of technological innovation, for creating monopolies and for distorting the free market. It brought to life the phenomenon of patent trolling. Special attention has to be paid to the problems of interaction between the international and the various national patent systems, especially the Chinese patent system. Our goal is to sum up the general information about international patent regulation practices, to highlight the weak spots of the current system and to analyse its future.

Консультанты по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна, Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

5. Filimonova Helen/ Филимонова Елена

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Description of social and political realities of the Crimean spring from the viewpoint of the natives/ Описание социально-политических реалий «Крымской весны» с точки зрения коренных жителей

In this report I will tell about the chronology of the historical deeds since February till March, explain the psychological state of the inhabitants, give examples of positive and negative consequences. I also consider different types of manipulations, relying on the phenomenon of propaganda. I interrogate various segments of the population and analyze mentioned events in general.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

Секция №11

15 ноября 2018 г., четверг,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652


Ведущий: Мангул Никита

1. Goncharenko Yan/ Гончаренко Ян

Faculty of Public Administration/ Факультет государственного управления

Journalistic culture in Russia: peculiarities and contradictions/ Культура журналистики в России: особенности и противоречия

Journalistic culture is a common way of existence, common ideals and practices of journalists. It determines the essence of journalists’ activities and mass media functions in an exact country. In Russia, journalists aspire to perform social and cultural functions. At the same time, they try to escape from political functions (e.g. the control over business and authorities) and do not appreciate their profession. In general, their professional views are controversial.

Консультант по английскому языку: Сергиенко Полина Игоревна

2. Egorov Stanislav/ Егоров Станислав

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The “right-wing” political parties of Poland and their influence on domestic policy/ Правые политические партии Польши и их влияние на внутреннею политику

Nowadays, we can see how quickly the European policy changes, of course it is transformed for a lot of reasons, but the most unique political reason for that is the rise of the right-wing ideology in Eastern Europe. In my work, I will try to analyze the first and the most powerful right-wing parties of the Republic of Poland; also, I am going to describe the domestic policy of Poland in the modern time and the role of right-wing parties in it.

Консультант по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна

3. Koprov Egor, Stepanova Alexandra/ Копров Егор, Степанова Александра

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

The political biography of A. Zakharchenko/ Политическая биография А. Захарченко

The report is devoted to the research political and psychological features of Mr. Zakharchenko’s activities as a leader and a head of the Donezk Peoples Republic. The purpose of the work is to analyze Mr. Zakharchenko’s activities as a head of the DNR in confrontation against Ukraine. As a result of research, Mr. Zakharchenko’s roles as a head of the DNR in confrontation against Ukraine has been revealed.

Консультант по английскому языку: Панькина Юлия Анатольевна

4. Muzi Hao/ Муцзы Хао

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Ultra-Orthodox Jews in modern Israeli society/ Ультраортодоксальные евреи в современном израильском обществе

The report is devoted to the controversies and conflicts caused by the presence of ultraorthodox Jews in Israel. The topic of this report is relevant as this has not been drawing much attention around the world. The purpose of this report is studying different aspects of the ultra-orthodox Jewish population and analyzing how they contradict the modern society. The object is the ultra-orthodox Jews. The subject of the research are questions concerning the historical origin, the economic, political and cultural situation of ultraorthodox Jews and most current battle between them and secular Jews. The resources on the stated issue are analyzed by sociological method. Joshua Yates’ s paper “Haredim vs. Secular: Israel's Internal Culture War and the Fight for Israeli Identity" and statistical reports from Israeli research institutions are used as sources.

As a result of conducted research the conclusion was formed: Israel's ultra-orthodox Jews have proven themselves to be a very powerful force in Israeli society. They have effectively held the Israeli legal and political systems hostage and became a burden of Israel’s economic development. Essentially, what made the situation so complicated is that their stand against Zionism and modernity is based on religious doctrines, which significantly reduces the possibility of their reconciliation with the state and its secular population. Tensions between secular Israelis and the ultra-orthodox Jews are at all time high, but the future of this conflict is full of uncertainty.

Консультант по английскому языку: Панькина Юлия Анатольевна

5. Tanov Nariman/ Танов Нариман

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Socio-economic position of Boers in South Africa in the post-apartheid period / Социально-экономическое положение буров в ЮАР после апартеида

For a long time, Boers, the white inhabitants of the Republic of South Africa, were the privileged and ruling class in the country, where nationalism and segregation flourished until the end of the 20th century. The policy of Boers was called «the apartheid». However, with the coming to power of the black population and the establishment of a policy of multiculturalism, the white population became a minority, that is, they found themselves under constant pressure from the black majority, whose actions against the «colonists of the past» cause fear among the Boers themselves. But at the same time, the facts of violence against the white minority in South Africa are a forbidden topic to mention on both the state and the world levels. This manifestation of black nationalism became a world phenomenon in the 21st century. It was formed as a reaction to the long rule of white people in «their African country».

Консультант по английскому языку: Криштоф Елена Михайловна

Секция №12

16 ноября 2018 г., пятница,

1 Гуманитарный корпус, ауд. 652


Ведущий: Головкова Анастасия

1. Zhelezniakov Denis, Ponomareva Galina/ Железняков Денис, Пономарева Галина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Ethnic self-identification issue in the collective consciousness of New Zealanders / Проблема этнической самоидентификации в обыденном сознании новозеландцев

The report is devoted to the self-identification issue in the collective consciousness of New Zealanders. This problem is relevant in the context of globalization.

The aim of the work is to find out the causes of self-identification problems among the New Zealanders.

According to the stated problems, a following set of scientific methods has been applied:

- a survey method that reveals directly the causes of self-identification problems;

- the method of semi-standardized individual interviews, which allowed to better delve into the issues of interest, as well as in the understanding of beliefs and emotions.

The conducted study makes it possible to formulate the following conclusion: the problem of ethnic self-identification in the minds of New Zealanders is primarily related to the indigenous population - the Maori, whose symbol they want to take as the basis of the new flag, thereby confirming the contradictory historical past.

Консультант по английскому языку: Панькина Юлия Анатольевна

2. Igoshina Polina, Khavronenko Maxim/ Игошина Полина, Хавроненко Максим

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Тирания выбора в демократическом обществе / The tyranny of choice in the democratic world

The paper examines the phenomenon of “tyranny of choice” – the situation in which a person has many options to choose from, but he or she cannot. The project analyses the impact of such a process on different spheres of human life in democratic society and the overall behavior patterns of a person.

Консультант по английскому языку: Мурза Александра Борисовна

3. Istamulova Sabina/ Истамулова Сабина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Human behavior in war: whether cruelty is epiphenomenon during the hostilities/ Поведение человека на войне: является ли жестокость эпифеноменальным явлением во время боевых действий?

In examining military conflicts, it is hard not to face all the horrors of war, including horrors that are visited upon civilian population. The worst thing is that all of this is not just a matter of the world civilization’s past, but it also concerns the present time, that is the 21st century, seemingly the peak of humanity’s development. This report will try to give an answer to the question if the cruelty is an inevitable consequence of any war.

Консультант по английскому языку: Цинпаева Разият Шамиловна

4. Kireeva Alina, Yuzikova Christina/ Киреева Алина, Юзикова Кристина

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Image of the state in social media: formation features/ Особенности формирования образа государства в социальных сетях

The report is dedicated to the features of the state’s image formation in social media. The topic of the report is relevant, as social media plays a significant role in shaping citizens’ attitudes toward social and political phenomena. The aim of our study is to find out what kind of image of the state is imposed on users of social media by those or other publics. The object of the research is social networks that form the image of the state. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of formation of the state’s image among citizens by means of social networks.

As a result of conducted research, the conclusion was formed. In general, the Internet really has a great impact on the consciousness of citizens, especially today in the age of information communications. Main publics use this and form the opinion of the citizens in relation to the authorities and as it suits them. Moreover, since there are a lot of such information pages on the Internet, the opinion and perception of the state is different for different users.

Консультант по английскому языку: Панькина Юлия Анатольевна

5. Kutaev Yusup, Sinyukov Daniil/ Кутаев Юсуп, Синюков Даниил

Faculty of Political Science/ Факультет политологии

Political and scientific aspects of fight against terrorism/ Политические и научные аспекты борьбы с терроризмом

The report deals with research and analysis of academic literature on extremist activity. The relevance of the topic under discus

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