
......... ~ - ..... 1 - ~ 1-.-. Dobro dostiu svet engleskog jezika! Zelite li da dopunite i svoje znanje engleskog jezika i to saradoscu i motivacijom? Uspesno ste savladaliPONS-ov kurs zapocetnike i zelite danastavite saucenjem engleskogjezika? Ovajkurs Vam omoguCiti dainapredujete i da dostignete 81nivo znanja jezika. Uzpomoc autenticnih dijaloga i tekstova za Citanje, cete da vezbate razumevanje slusanja i Citanja.lstovremeno cete putem raznovrsnih vezbanja pisanje i govor i uevrstiti stecena znanja iz oblasti gramatike,komunikacije i recnika. Zavrsnim testom mozete ispitati Vasa stecena znanja. Kako ovajkurs? Kurs obuhvata 12 lekcija, i 1 zavrsni test. Posle svake cetiri lekcije sve naucene sadrzaje. Svaka lekcija se sastoji od 4 oblasti: Ovo priprema zadijalog i sadrzaje lekcija. Dijalog, odnosno priea u nastavcima, nalazi se u sredistu oaznje lekcije. Ovde se vezbaju razumevanje i :zgovor naosnovu slusanja. Preporuka da se prilikom slusanja ne cita odmah i tekst, kako se osetili zvuk i intonacija stranogjezika. Iz tog -...zloga se tekst lekcije i ne nalazi u lekciji, vecje u dodatku zajedno sa prevodom. f Ovde se sistematskisadrzaji, da rec gramatici, komunikaciji ili recniku;potom slede razliCita vezbanja zautvrdivanje. Lekcija se zavrsava temama specifiCnim zakulturu engleskog govornogpodruCja,kao i savetima zaucenje i dodatnim vezbanjima. Autenticni, zahtevni tekstovi zaokruzuju svaku tekciju. Steknite naviku da se usredsredite na opstu tematiku teksta. Prilikomrazumevanja na osnovu Citanja se ne raditome da se prevede svakarec, vec da se shvati kontekst. Ako Vam se Cinida tekst suvise tezak,pronadite njegov prevodu dodatku. Neka Vamposluzi kao pomoC, zatim pokusajte da jos jednom proCitate tekst naengteskom jeziku. obuhvataju 4 oblasti: .-------. Ovde cete zadatke za Komunikacija ponavljanje komunikativnih ...._ _____,sadrzaja iz prethodne 4lekcije. .-------, Ova oblast nudi vezbe 1Gromatik1/zanajvaznije gramaticke..... 1 Uovoj ?blastijosj:?nom 1Relnik.ponavyate noverea. '-----,------. Ovde mozetejosjednom 1Izgovor1intenzivno dauvefbavate izgovor..._____ _, oznakama nagornjem delu svake stranice cete lakoda odredite u kojojse oblasti nalazite. three1 Uvod Veibanja RadiLaksegsnaLaienja, vezbanja suunutar Lekcije numerisana. Ovo Vam odpomoCii dok proveravate resenja. Ovaj graficki simbol pokazuje kojiCDVam - potreban za ovo vezbanje: rednibroj oznacava brojCD-a koji Vam potreban, donjibroj oznacava rednibroj snimka (TR.01, "tracknumber") na datom CD-u. 15 usedto U kvadratu se naLaze korisne informacije i uputstva vezana za engleski jezik iodredeneengleskog govornog podruCja. Ove smernice upucujuna mestou dodatku gde se mogupronaCi informacije odredenoj obLasti. Dodatak U dodatku cete naCi sledece sadrzaje: Gramatika: Zelite Li dapronadete neko pravilo? Ovde cete naCiobjasnjenja za sve vazne gramaticke sadrzaje koji se uce u okviru ovog kursa. Transkript - tekstoviaudio zapisa: Vezbe sLusanja,kojenisu odstampane u lekciji, ovde mozete daproCitate. Resenja: Daznali sta ste uradili tacno sta pogresno, resenja svih vezbanja su data. ako imanekih nejasnoca vezanih za tekstove, ovde 111uzete da proverite prevod. Recnik: U ovomrecniku cete brzopronaCi sve reCi iz knjige, navedene abecednim redosledom, zajedno s prevodomna srpski. Paket sadrzi 1 udzbenik 1 audio sa kompLetnim tekstovima i dijalozima. 1 audioCD zaslusanje usput sakompletnom pricomu nastavcima, kao i sa odabranim recenicama za vezbanje. Sa ovimCD-ommozete dauCite svugde itako brze savLadatejezik. Punouspehai zadovoLjstvapriLikomucenja engleskog jezika! 1 Slobodno vreme i hobl romuni kadja: Opisivanje yudi :::t""1atika:used to- Glagolska imenica - pridevi - :.ura i pub f'riCau nastavdma: Ponovno videnje 2 - k:Saobraeajna sredstva - Naputovanju Jnikadja: Razgovarati obavezama 1atika: Modalniglagoli- PresentProgressive - Phrasa/verbs :. i oblcaji: Travelling train u nastavdma: Kudatrebalo iti? - k:Pri roda i pejzaz - Vreme i kli ma nikadja: Razgovarativremenu atika: Odredeni clan - Relativne recenice - zamesto i pravac w:; SLovo ra i oblcaji: Canadianc/imate u nastavdma: Avanture sveta : Pridevi za iskazivanje osecanja "'ikadja: Prihvatanje i odbljanje - I.z:raiavanje osecanja 1tika: Gradenje reCi- Predlozi - - Questiontags r: Imenice i How you? -. nastavdma: Avanturase nastavya Sadtiaj 7Ponavtjanje139 15 23 31 Recnik:Klima i vreme- Saobracajna sredstva - Slobodno vreme i hobl Komunikadja: Govoriti vremenu- Prihvatanje i odbljanje Gramatika: Predlozi- Questiontags- Phrasalverbs - Kratka forma 's- Odnosne recenice- Present Progressive- Modalniglagoli lzgovor: Slovo 5u Recnik: Jelo i pice Komunikadja: U restoranu Gramatika: Partidp - Pasiv lzgovor: Nastavak-ed Kultura i oblcaji: RestaurantsinNorthAmerica Pricau nastavdma: Pogledujelovnik 55 Recnik:ljudsko telo- Opisivanje puta Komunikadja: Izraiavanje vestina - Pitati zaput - Razgovarati povredama Imperativ - Modalniglagol can Kultura iExpressionsand sayings Pricau nastavdma: Daliste povredeni? 763 Recnik: Vremenske odrednice Komuni kadja: Razgovarati verovatnoti Gramatika: Dopusne recenice- Predtozi za izrazavanje vremena - Modalni glagoli Kultura i Emergencies- What'sto done? Pricau nastavdma: Gde se Dejvid zadrzao? fivefs Sadriaj 87111103 Reenik: Zdravtje Komunikacija:Uzrok i rezultat Gramatika:Past Simple- Past SimpleProgressive Kultura i obleaji:Thehealthcare system Izgovor:Uopsteno Pricau nastavcima:Kako se todogodilo? Recnik:Biografije- Izrazi sa get Komunikacija:Govoritisebl Gramatika:Present Perfect - Present Perfect Progressive- Prilozi za vreme Kultura i oblcaji: Schoolsond universities Pricau nastavcima: Ispricaj ... Ponavtjanje27912111 Recnik:Ljudsko telo - Jelo i pice -Komunikacija:Razgovarati i verovatnoCi - U restoranu - Opisivanje dogadaja Gramatika:Pasiv - Dopusne recenice- Predlozi i prilozi- Past Progressive lzgovor:Kratke forme - lgra ulogama 9 Recnik: Znamenitosti- Vreme otvaranja Komunikacija:Opisivanje mesta 87 Gramatika:Povratne zamenice- Predlozi za vreme - PresentSimple lzgovor: v i f Kultura i obleaji: Hoursof trading Pricau nastavcima: Uturist blrou 10 Recnik:Prostorije i uredenje Komunikacija:Opisivanje mesta, tegobe Gramatika: Indirektni govor - PastPerfect Kultura i oblcaji: LivinginNorthAmerica 95 Prieau nastavcima: OpustanjeplaninamaRoki Mauntins Recnik: Novac,novac, novac Komunikacija:primedbl -lzraiavanje Gramatika: Dopusne Objekatska zamenica Kultura i obleaji: Notesand coins Pricau nastavcima:Dalineko moze damipozajmi novac? Ponavtjanje119 Recnik: Prostorije i uredenje- Znamenitosti Komunikacija:Biografije- Razgovarati cenama - Opisivanje stanova Gramatika:Present Perfect - Indirektni govor - Povratne zemenice Test Dodatak Gramatika Transkripti- tekstovi audio zapisa Resenja 127 131 148 170 185 PocetakSlusanje Zakraj1 1 SLobodno vreme moze se provesti narazliCite naCine.ProCit.ajte pojmove date 1spod slika i napisite uz svaku sliku odgovarajuce slovo. 2 ofvo i razlicitihmogucnosti da se naengleskom jeziku opise PoveZite tzr.lle sa odgovarajucim prevodom. 1.quite tall and slim medium height and build 3.short and fat 4.very muscular s.straight hair 6.wavy hair 7.curly hair pale skin 9.dark skin 10.beard and moustache seven17 ICadaepo&jesa se korisd glagoltlke fiJI odustane od hoblja, kodstl gllgot........... ................ ., .. ,... :',_r r - ----- - 1PocetakSlusanjeVezbanjeZakraj udodatlw tete& telcsti phyOd dijatoga koji Va111 mogu pomotl ukoUko imatesa tazumevanjem. " Upoznacete EndruaO'Nila i ErinBakster. Endruje marketing menadzer, Dejviddizajnerveb sajtova. zive u Torontu. Erinje novinarka i dolazi iz Londona.Njih troje se druze vec godinama ise nalaze ujednoj kafaniu Torontu.Poslusajte dijalog i Citajte za spikerom. Eri n:I'm sohappy to see you both again. 1 can't believe it has already been two years since 1 washere last.David, youlook the same,but Andrew, youseem taller;Have yougrown? Andrew:Well, 1 was always quite tall, but l've put little weight since 1 started taking cooking Lessons. 1 used to skinny, remember?Now l'm more of man. David:Erin, youlook different, too. Youused to have short, straight hair, but now it's long and wavy. Anyway, tell us what brings you to Toronto. Erin:Well, I'm on an eight-month exchange program with Toronto newspaper. Canadian journalist went over to our office in London, and 1 came over here. boss here is nice and easy-going. Andrew: that sounds cool. So, what do youplan to do while you're here? Erin:Well, as youguys know, 1 love travelling, and 1 enjoy spending time inthe outdoors, so 1 want to do some skiing this winter and I'd like to go cycling and sailing in the Do you guyshave any plans? Andrew:Well, I haven't had real holiday for almost two years.David, what aboutyou? David:holiday! lt's been long time. You'reright!- I need to take vacation. Erin:Great! I think I have the answer. I've always wanted to see more of Canada. What do you think about going trip together somewhere inCanada? just for week? Andrew:Oh yeah ... I could imagine going to out East toNova Scotia or ... ! Erin:... upnorth to the Northwest out to see the Rocky Mountains ... ! Okay Let'sput our heads81eight 4 811 Poslusajte ove i dopunite ih koje nedostaju.glasno reeenice jos jednom i uporedite svoj izgovor sa izgovorom spikera. 1.l'm ____ glad to see youagain! 2.last month 1 started taking _ ___ lessons. Myfriends are really nice and ____ 4.I used to very ____ S.I ____ spending time in the outdoors. 6.I want to do some rock-climblng in the ____ 7.Whatdoyou ____ aboutgoing onholidaytogether? 8.1 could imagine going to see the ____ 5 .. Poslusajte josjednom dijalog i odgovorite na pitanja tako sto cete obeleziti pravilno resenje. Ukolikoniste sigurni, mozete proCitati prevod u dodatku. 1.Andrew 8 has put on some weight. 8 is now skinnier than before. 8 has become fat. Erinsays that David 8 looks different. 8 looks the same. 8 isgood tooking. 5.Erin's hair 8 used to straight. 8 used to curly. 8 is now straight. 7.Erin'snew boss in Toronto is 8 unfriendly. 8 nice but formal. 8 nice and relaxed. 2.Andrew 8 used to shorter. 8 wasalways that tall. 8 has grown. 4.Erin 8 hasn't changed much. 8 now has short hair. 8 has tonger hair now. Andrew 8 thinks he's skinny. 8 doesn't feellike man. 8 is muscular. '.'' ,, ...1PocetakSlusanje Zakraj 15 Gerund Oprez! pmitl ra-ztlku izmedu &er... t ..... ..t ............ plarlag t811111s. (Present lov8 ,....... tnltts. (Gerund) 15 usedto Gerund(gerundium) glagol sanastavkom -ing (glagolska imenica) koji se koristiposle odredenih glagola, izraza ili predloga. usledeCimrecenicama dato nekolikopri mera. Nalinijama napisite u -ingneki od ovih glagola: exercise, visit, cycLe, pLay, drive, heLp . 1. people in Canada enjoy ----- - - ice hockey inwinter. 2.People in London often hatebecause there is so much traffic. Visitors to Toronto Love ----- - - the CNTower. 4.Most Canadians couLdnot imagineto work; the distance is too great. 5.Youcanstayfit by _ __________ 6.Most children hate - - ----- with the housework. 7 Ako zelite daistaknete da nekada nesto bllokoristi seusedto. Erinused to haveshort, straighthair. Erin ranijenosila kratku, ravnukosu. Nowher hair is iongandwavy. Sada kosadugackai talasasta. Negacija od usedto didn'tuse to. Imajte u vidu dakod didn'tuse to, use ne doblja nastavak -d. 8 Jat Vam kratak odlomak izDejvidovog Zivota. Dopunite tekst koristeciused to, odnosno didn' tuse to, i odgovarajuCi glagol u zagradi. : .David _______ computer programmer, now he is web-designer. 2 (own) but now he drives to work every day. Whenhe was student he {play) _______squash, but he doesn't now . ....David(go)_______ jogging every day until he hurt hisknee. (have)small black-and-white Now hehas . Aschild he (like) _______ eating broccoli, but now he loves rt. :=s!usajte dijalog s CD-ai citajte zaspikerom. Zadatak za Vas:izaberite __,mak 4 i u pauzama igrajte Dejvidovuulogu. frin:Youreally do look Like you need hoLiday,David! I think you're right- workhas been very stressful. frin:Well, 1 think it would fun ifthe three of us took trip together, don't you? Dwid:Yeah, 1 liked your idea of going out West to see the Rocky Mountains. &in:Well, I thought we could do something exciting together! Dwid: 1 wouldlike to do some sightseeing in Vancouver.And you? &in:1 wouldn't mind going skiing. 8wid: 1 couLd also imagine going out for Japanese food. &in:Ohyeah, 1 love sushi! .... ele'-nine19 frult fleh

Pomfrit se u Vetikoj Britlntji zove chtps, u SAD fr8nch frtes. (ips se, naprotiv, u SAO zove chtps, u Velikoj Britlnijt crtsps. 7 Svrstajte namirnice u odgovarajucu grupu. .....................

andme!;Oizl\lin!il ..... .......... bn!tad/ divUa{j hampeachporksatmonsweetspineappl.edudttrout mushroomsmetonchicken turkey mitkcheese beanscom fl.akeschocol.atetunadeeretkchipsyogurt bread roUswhote wheatcautiflower whipped creamwhite breadpeas 8 Dopunite recenice nazivom odgovarajuce grupe namirnica. 1.____ such as carrots and beans are important for good health. 2.It is also recommended to eat pieces of _____ per day . . Beef, pork and ham are common types of ____ 4.Chtcken and turkey are part ofthe ____ foodgroup. 5.Tuna and t rout of course types of ____ ____ products such asmHk and cheese also heaLthy part of your diet. 7.Other important groups are the _____ like whole wheat breads, and _____ such as corn flakes. 501ftfty 'li!lri pridevi cesto dolaze uz nazive nekih namirnica. Pogledajte i poslusajte

- fishsirova(sveia)riba .,_ potatoes peceni krompiri .-;ued chicken piletina sarostilja boiLedeggs kuvana toastedbread tost coffee beans barbecuedhamburgers hamburgen sarostilja boiledcabbagekuvanikupus f!\10 i parova .._ meat krtina -.ler meat finomeso sladunjavo llltsh bread svei hleb Ji*Y steak socanbiftek fatty meat masno meso tough meat iilavo meso bltter-tasting gorko stale bread stari hleb dry steak suvi biftek se radinaCinimapripreme hrane. Poveiite pravilno rec sa definicijom. Lcooked inhot water l..prepared in fryingpan 1- cooked in the oven, for example cake cooked in oil in oven, like coffee beans S.cooked in the oven the griiL setting Lnotcooked _ common way to warmup bread for breakfast cooked with very little hot water and nothing else ._ cooked outside on barbecue, usually in the summer roasted raw steamed d. f.griUed g.fried h.toast i.baked - glasi proslo vreme ovih glagola?Oprez!Tuje i par nepravilrph glaglola. 2.bake ___ steam ___ 5.fry ___6.marinate ___ -cat ___ rare - ktvav, medtum..,.ra - crven sredini 1118diURI -tolf!, poiJJpen ftfty-on;151 - ---- --5PocetakSlusanje Zakraj 12Pasiv 12 Aktivnomkaze se sta nekoPasivnom recenicomnaglasava se sama Pasiv se odglagola i participa glavnog glagola. Objekat aktivne postaje subjekat pasivne Subjekat aktivne moze se iskazati + imenica. Aktiv:The chef cooks the potatoes. Pasiv:potatoes cooked the chef. Aktiv:Someone Pasiv: was stolen someone. U pasivnojsubjekat se izostavUa nije znacajan za iskaz. Aktiv:We keep the andwindowslocked. Pasiv:The andwindows kept locked. Pasiv moze da se i sapomocnim glagolima. can 1shouLd 1must+ + 13 Aktiv:Youshould the steak for 7minutes. Pasiv:The steak should for 7 minutes. Napisite glagola da popunili u pasivu. 1.Every day __ baked the 2. Wednesdays sandwichesserved for lunch inthe cafeteria. the cheesebought at the market. 4. eggs canfried boiled. 14 sledece u pasiv. 1.Youshould boil the eggs minutes. ------------2. made the sandwiches. ---- - --------- The waiter takes the orders. ------------ --4.Youcan eat steak medium well-done. -------- - --52 1fifty-two 15 llla bismo opisali tok su reti koje opisuju fjrst (iy) the steak must the fridge. Then the steak should with salt pepper. After that the steak isput the fjnaHy, it is served with baked potato sour cream and some sa-lad. istakli da se dveodvijajukoristi se whHe (dok), (kada) ili just as (upravokada). made the spaghetti sauce whHe Davidcooked the David werethe whenarrived. the door justas David the razgovor Mozete li da brojeve kojipokazuju redosLed ZatimposLusajte dijaLog. After the soup, we ordered some sushi. Right, okay ... So, tell about this great sushi bar you went to! we ordered some Sake, rice So, after that, the sushi was made the sushi chef right in of us! WeLL,first we satat the bar looked at the ,. good. What 1. we ordered Light Miso soup as starter - It was so tasty! Okay, ... ? cooL!So, that was it then? stirvakzaprosLog pravilnih glagola -ed izgovara se tri 11S!OOta PosLusajte primere i svrstajte glagole u odgovarajuce grupe. sa / d/: barbecuedsa jjd/: 6 Pnloll ftfty-three153 18 Savetizaucenje! Prepoznavanje znacenja reCi Ako Citate ili slusate novi tekst, cesto ste u situaciji da pogadate znacenja recikoje su Vamnepoznate.Recnik namnije uvek priruci. Evonekoliko trikova koji mogu da Vampomognu. Postavite sledece pitanje: daliznamneku srpsku rec kojaslicno zvuCi, ili se slicno izgovara? Ili, da li ovarec licinareciz nekog drugogjezikakoji znam? Ponekad mozemorazumeti znacenje strane reCikoja ima istu osnovu kao i poznata. Ako, naprimer, znate sta znaCi message, onda sigurno mozete da pogodite sta znaCi messenger. Restaurants in North America In contrast to fast food restaurants, in normal restaurant in North America you will greeted someone who willshowyou to Normally you will see sign which says Please wait to seated. You will then shown to your unless the restaurant is full oryou havenot made reservation. For this reason, it is to book in advance. The service inmost restaurants is quick and friendly as t he waiters and wai-tresses earn t heir money virtually only fromtips- t he normal hourly wage is extremely low. In many family restaurants the atmosphere is very relaxed and informal. Don't surprised if your waiter comes up to you grinning and greets you saying something like: HeLLo, myname is PhiLand your server this evening. lf there's anything youneed, just ask. For inexperienced travellers this might seem over-exaggerated. If service isnot included in the price, then normally you add 10%- 15% of the net rice as ti p. Phil will ext remely happy as you arefinanci ng his studies! 54fifty1our _- ",,:_

Pocetak- i;3i:, 1 ozete lidapovezete nazive delova tela sa odgovaraju6m prevodom? snimak i gLasno ponavljajte reCi. 1.arm leg 4.knee 5.foot 10.shoulder odgovarajuce izraze koji opisuju pokretenaslikama. shake your foot ra;se Leg bend your knee d. nod your head rotate your neck Oobro znatl: m:mmtt -Mnoge englesk, reCi kaQ knee, hand i armi lice na nemaCke. znate lak1> cete pogooiti njihovQi znacenje fifty-jive155 ozete lidapovezete nazive delova tela sa odgovaraju6m prevodom? snimak i glasno ponavYajte reci. 1.arm 2.hand Leg 4.knee 5.foot 7.head 8.mouth 9.neck 10.shouLder odgovarajuce izraze koji opisuju pokrete predstavYene naslikama. shake your foot taise your leg bend your knee d. nod your head rotate your neck fifty-five155 DokErin i Endru zajedno putuju, Dejvidje unajmio vodicaza izlet naplaninu Kostal.Poslusajte dijalog. 4-Poslusajte jos jednom prvupolovinu dijaloga i odredite dali su ovi iskazi tacni (true) ilinetacni (fa[se). _56 1fifty-six s ft!Dstusajte ove recenice.Daliihmozete prevesti? ..Can youmoveyour legup and down? ------ --- - -2..Does it hurt when youbend your knee? ----------1.Try rotating your neck. --- -------Can you shake your foot fromside to side? ----------- opise pravaca kretanja sa CD-a i dopunite reCikoje nedostaju . ..._Takethefirst ____ get to the corner, turn ____ ____ the street for 100 meters. ____ the intersection. ___ traffic lights. ___ at the pedestrian crossing. ____ in the road. ____ on your right . poslusajte opis puta i brojevima obeleZite pravilan redosled ...cleni h recenica. l>iite se puta. l.2sa dorfetedougla,skrenite levo . dalfe,dok ne stignete doraskrsnice. ulicu pesackom prelazu. lJ:'te prvuu/icudesno. tLtreeakucasa desnestrane. ovomulicom1 metard. &edite semaforu. redosled: -----------fifty-seven 1" Oobro zna: Neke fmenice l". There' s something wrong with lamp. . ..... Irs cold and draughty in . ' i ;;;,;;;-; .,.,.,"se zovu ovidelovinamestaja? PoveZitepravilno slike i tako sto cete . odgovarajuce slovo u kvadratic pored slike. ninety-seven197 20 Past Perfect 13 govor 7 Kada se govori necemu sto se dogodilo u proslosti,koristi sePast Simpie (prosto proslo vreme). Erinbooked the onthe internet. Erin rezervisalakolibuprekoInterneta. Kadase govorinecemu sto se vec dogodilopre neke druge prosle radnje, koristi se PastPerfect (pluskvamperfekat). Erin hadcheckedtheprice before shebookedthe Erinse raspitalazacenuprenego sto rezervisala PastPerfect se gradi od had+partidp giagoia. 8 Napisite ponudene glagole u PastPerfect. 1.Before going grocery shoppingErin list ofthings to buy (make) 2.WhenErinphoned the manaboutthe pillows Andrew __ already __ _the car. (unpack) Before this holiday David __ never ____in log (stay) 4.Erinnever ____Indian art before.(see) 5.Davidnever ____ his armbefor this time. (break) Andrew __ already ____car on other vacations. (rent) 7.Davidnever ___through the mountains car before. (drive) 9 Direkt nf govor se koristi kada tacno navodimo neoje reo. David said: "I am tired." Indfrektnfgovor se koristi kada tacno zelimo daprenesemo sta nekorekao. Davidsaid he was tired. Kodupotrebe indfrektnog govora moraju se imati umu dve stvari: menja se licna zamenica; glagolskise "pomera" unazad, u proslost. Erin: "Weare going to Vancouver." Erfnsaidthey weregoing to Vancouver. Vreme se ne menjajedino kada u recenici upotrebgen Past Perfect , jer ne postoji glagolski koji oznacava jos dubguproslost. David:"Erfn, 1 thought youhadchecked." Davfd saidhe thought Erinhadchecked. 98 1ninety-eight 5c3vite recenice u indi rektni govor tako sto cete ihdopuniti glagolomkoji 'llfdostaje. The chef said: steaks are ready." - The chef said the steaks _ __ ready. Oavidsaid: "1 have hurt my arm." - David said he _ __ hurt his arm. Erin said: "The sun is shining."- Erinsaid the sun _ _ _shining. prijateg otisao nagodisnji odmor i Viste mu obeeali dacete preslusati pozive i poruke.Poslusajte ih sa CD-a i dopunite poruke. ______ _ __ younext week. "rs Simmons said she --- --- - - - next Friday. _ ________new teLevision. ____ ___ __ to london. _ ________new girlfriend. furniture store said your new couch ---------ready. _________how tobake cake. rboss said she - --------to talk to you . .1..JVodniku stoji sayfsaid, objekatska zamenicamoze se izostaviti. Davidsaid(that) he was tired. sa sayfsaid kori sti se to + objekatska zamenica: What didDavidsayto you? i pitanjima sa teLL/ toLduvek se upotrebgava objekatska DavidtoLd.!!!f(that)he was tired. What didDavidteLLXQY? .,. ninety-nine199 13 Endru prica jednomsvom godisnjem odmoru.Upisite say, sUI. teH ili totd dablste dopunili recenice u indirektnom govoru. guide _ _ _us many interesting things about Indian 2. wanted tous about reaL Canadian Indians but we didn't time. _ __ there hadbeen many Indians in Canada. 4.Have I _ __ youabout our t rip to the Rocky Mountains? 5.Let me _ __ something about our Logcabln. owner forgot to ___ us that there werenopiLLows. 7.Erin _ _ _that she had checked when she booked the cabln. 8.She _ _ _us La ter that the owner had forgotten. 14 Povelite iskaz saLeve strane sa odgovarajuCim iskazom sa desne strane tako dadobljete Logican tekst. 1.were no sheets in the cabln. 2.I went to see the doctor. We taLked to the tourist office. 4.1wanted to buy newfurniture. 5.The restaurant service was exceLlent. Andrew wentto rent car. 7.The hoteL guests were very noisy. 1001one hundred recommendid'we take watking tour ofthe dty. asked What kiniJ of cars had. Erin suggested ttiit we the owner. d. 1 compl.ained to tfie hotet manager the noise. She .xptiined to that my toe wasn't broken. ' g.sak!S issistant ldvlseo me on the couches and chairs. '" "'""'" ' 'Pocetak Za 1 15 'lekim engleskim reCimapotreban predlog to, nekimane.Dodajte predlog .. tamo gdeje potrebno. - What didhe suggest __ you? 2..What did they recommend _you? - What did the doctor advise __ you? What did you complain __ him about? Nhat did the hoteL manager offer _ _you? "iow didhe answer _you? e1ir teLefonira vlasniku brvnare da se raspitaLaposte[jini kojanedostaje. snimak 69 i u pauzama izgovarajte njen tekst. Helto, this is ErinBaxter. friends and I rented the cabln from you. owner: HelloMsBaxter. What can 1 do for you? Is somethi ng the mat-ter? WeLL,actually, yes, there is. I don't Liketo complain, but wejust looked around the ca-and well, I'm afraid there are or sheets. owner: Oh, I see. Yes. your website, it said that piltows and sheets would supplied. I'm sure you aLso told me that the phone when I booked. owner: Yes, you're right. and sheets are suppLied.Let mejust ask my wife about that. Hold on one moment,please. -csBaxter? I've just checked withmy wife. She explained to that the sneets are inthe Laundry at the moment. It will ready in an hour. Qh, that's wonderful. We toLd each other it was just 'nisunderstanding. 8Wfler: I do apoLogize for the confusion. bring the sheets.and the :lillows to you in about an hour. :J!Ii:ay,great. again. 8Wfler: one hundred and one101 17 Livfng fnNorth Amer fca Saveti zaucenje! Prelistati gramatiku Gramaticka praviLacesto su veoma sLozena i zbog toga se tesko pamte. Dakle,brinite ako niste zapamtiLi odmah svapraviLa.Pos:Le izvesnog vremena praktiCnog koriscenja, intuintivno cet!! ispravno primenjivati pravila. Medutim, dobro bllo da statno pomaLo obnavUate gramatiku.NaroCito u kojima se osecate nesigurno. Udodatku cete naCiListu svih gramatickih tema koje su obradene u ovom kursu.Iskoristite priliku i proverite sve ono sto VampriLikom vezbanja zadaje teskoce. In Canada and the large amount of peopLe live in the in houses rather than inrented apartments. The most common types of houses are deta-ched, and terraced houses. option which is becoming more popular forthose living in the cities is to buy your own apartment. This is pro-ving to compromise between dty Living and owning your ownproperty. driving force behind the dynamic property market is the desire to own one's own home, together w;th the rather lack ofpriced rented accommodation. The majority of home owners prefer to invest their money in their own property. rather than paying rent to Landlord for years. Ifyou want to buy house, normally you w; need mortgage frombank. why it is important to spend lot of time looking for the best interest rates. it costs lot of time and money,North Americans seUand move house just as often as Europeans move apartment.For many, dealing themarket is the best form of investment for one's future. 102one hundred and two ' ~PocetakSlusanjeV e Z a n j eZakraj11 ~ 18 Ovde vidite nekoLiko Erininih, Dejvidovih i Endruovihporodicnih fotografija. Poslusajte recenice i ponavUajte ih glasno zaspikerom. This is Erin as _ ___ Erin's grandmother is _ _ __ toku zivota covek doZivimnogo toga.Povezite izraze sa odgovarajuCim IJrevodom. one hundr{c/ and three1103

Erin,Endru i Dejvidkonacnomogu da se malo opuste. Posle jednog mirnog dana, onisede ispred kamina. Poslusajte cemurazgovaraju. 4&1 Poslusajte sa CD-a5 recenica Cije prevode vidite ovde. Napisite brojeve odgovarajuCim redosledom. 1.Zelimda imamvelikuporodicujednog dana. 2. prijateUustaje svakog dana u 5:30 daisao naposao. Mojiozenjeni prijateUi nikada nisu imali decu. 4.Proveli smo najveCi deo vremena se sportom. 5.Kadasmo decauvek smo napoqu. Pravilanredosled: - -----------104 1one hundred and four s lil Poslusajte dijalogejosjednom. Procenite dali su recenice tacne (t rue) ili netacne (faLse). friends are in their twentles and thirtles. They taUcing about their childhood for the first time. Erin grew up in London. There was lots to do where Erin grew up. Andrew and David ptayed sports after schoot when tfley were ldds. Erin was 18 years old when she finished school. of Erin's friends are mamed. Erin never wants to get married. li'ozete lirasporeditireCitako da dobljete ispravnu recenicu? flre.ood VampomoCiu tome. teenagers love fell/ in parents were my when they /ltfoji roditelji suse zaljubl/i jedno drugo jos dok su tinejdieri. summer 1 they 1 married 1 in 1 gotl the /1969 of. 't'encali suse leto1969 . .tlen divorced I/ gotj 12 old they was years f&lzveli suse kadasamimao12 godina. wnsed 1 /mother /my /us /herself /. majkanas sve odgajila . .amed 1 my pregnant Kate sister is 1 and !!lt!yo sestraKejt udatai trudna. grandmother /alive /is /my /. . baka jos uvek iiva. Dobro znati:

Da rekll da neko flv, pridev attve. ts stiU attw. iiv. one hund-;d and jive1105 6 Prilozi 7 Glagol get imapuno znacenjau zavisnosti odkonteksta u kojem DaLimozete dapovezete recenice sa odgovarajucimprevodom? 1.l et's get started! 2.I got promoted. I got.. 4.Without map you'LLget Lost. 5.Ito get dressed. 6.I'm getting undressed. 7.Get changed! 8. got to know each other better. 9.How you getting on? 10.Erin gets on wett withher mother. 11.Can I get you something to drink? 12. friend just got married. parents got divorced. 8 Da se odgovorilo napitanje Howoften ... ? (Kolikocesto ... ?) , potrebni su prilozi za vremekao sto su always (uvek), usuaHy (uglavnom) , regularLy (redovno),someti mes (ponekad),occasionatly (povremeno),hardlyever (jedva)ilinever (nikada).RedreCi ovde veoma vazan. Priloziza vreme stoje uvek ispred glavnog glagola, izuzev glagola We usuaHy pLayedhockey.ali: 1 amusuaHy tired. Sometimes,usuaLLy i occasionaLLymogu da stoje i pocetku recenice. Pokusajte daodgovorite naovapitanja tako sto cete priloge za vreme. 1.How oftendo yougoout for di nner? 2.How often do youeat pizza? How often did you watch as kid? 4.How often do you read the newspaper? 106 1one hundred and six PocetakStusanje Zakraj11

9 118 Poslusajte kakoErinprica svom zivotu i svojimroditegima. Zatimnumerisite slike odgovarajucem redosledu. lllravi lanredosled: _ ___ __ 10 :na ti mozete dadopunite Erininopis? li::I"Jtekstje-znacajan pokazateU koja Vamrec nedostaje. friend Mary is 35 years old, so she's inher _ _ __ "tary just had _ ___girl. She is only 10 weeks old. 14ary's father doesn't work anymore. is ____ "-ary's grandmother is still alive but she is quite ____ '1yother friendSusan ismarried and they have two__ ___, Scott i1'1dKyle. 5mtt is 10 years old and Kyle is 14, so Kyle's already _ _ __ one hundred and seven1107 ', :11", PocetakSlusanje Zakraj soon - uskoro some day- jednom one day- jednog dana lately- pos/ednje vreme long time ago -premnogo vremena the other day - neki dan recently - nedavno

ll liiD Poslusajte sta kaze Dejvid i 1._____ I would like to sail the world. 2.We should go because I the bus leaves _____ I broke my arm _ ____ while 4.The weather has really _____ 5. took me to _____ 6.1 met ir1the bar _____ 7.1 to get married _____ have kids. 12 Da se istaklo da se vec dogodilo, u se koristi a[ready: I've a[readyseenthemuseum. Muzej samvec video. U i koristi se yet. 1 haven't seenthe museumyet. Jos nisamvideoj-la muzej. Haveyouseenthemuseumyet? Dali si vec videoj-lamuzej? A[ready stoji izmedu pomocnog i glavnog glagola, yet krajurecenice. Napisite a[ready ili yet nalinijama. 1.David,have you gone to the dentist ____ ? 2.No, 1 haven't been _ ___ Erin _ _ _phoned the owner of the cabln. 4.pillowsready _ ___ . still inthe 5.Andrew ____ visited the United States, England and Australia. 6.However, he hasn't been to the Bahamas ____ 7.Erin _ ___ sent three postcards to her friends.Have you sent any ____ ? 108 1one hundred and eight .._.,t Perfect se koristi dase reklokoliko sevec dugonesto desava. U jeziku za to se koristiprezent. How [onghave theybeenat the cabln? Kolikoveconi brvanari? reccajos ovde se prevodi sa since, ukoliko se radiodredenom trenutku Monday - od ponedeljka, since4 o'c[ock - od 4 sata), sa for kaqa -adi vremenskomperiodu (for three days- vec tri dana,for year - vec -m" dana). They have been at the cablnsince12o'c[ock. Onikolibl od 12 sati. ErinhasbeeninCanada formonth. Erin Kanadi vec mesec dana. llillllriSi1te nalinijama prevode vremenskih odrednica koje su date u zagradama. Erin, David and Andrew have been atthe cabln - --- - -- have been at the cabln ___ _ __ . (vec jedandan) ___ _ __ . (od 10 sati) :I:has been raining ___ ___ _ . (vec 4 sata) ___ ___he was child.(od kada) parents have been married _ _ ___ __ . (vec 30 godina) and Davidhave known each other _ _ _ ____ if!C godinama) Erin has come to Canada _ _ _ ___. dana) ..,_ ,. PerfectProgressive se upotrebYava dase izraziLaradnja kojaje u proslosti i jos uvek traje. Erinhasbeen [iving inCanadaformonth. Eriniivi Kanadi vec mesec dana. lt has beensnowingsince2 o'c[ock. Sneg pada od 14 seod: Hasfhavebeen+ -ing g[avnog g[ago[a. 19 Present Perfect herfor have: I have had this fl)r s 1 here for 2 hOurs. one and nine1109 16 SchooLs anduniversities 15 Dopunite recenice u Present Perfect iliPresent Perfect Progressive. Oprez!Nekerecenice su odricne. 1.The weatheris It _ ____ ____ for week. (rain) 2.___ you ______ forthe bus for long time? (wait) We _ ________ yet, because there's no snow. (ski) 4.I _ ________ French forfiveyears.(learn) 5.Shethe hotel roomalready. (book) Saveti zaucenje! Govontigiasno Dobar izgovor postize se cestim govorom. Prilikomsvog izgovora nemojtese ogranicavati samo naodredena vezbanja, vec izgovarajte giasno i onda kada se toizriCito ne traZiod Vas. After kindergarten, chiidren move on to primary school. Then,between the ages of 11 and13, they go secondary school. In Gre at Britain, there are comprehensive schootsand grammar scf1oo1s. In America, this levei of schooiing is called either highschooi secondary schoot. In Great Britain, youcan leave school at 16 and go to vocational coUege to learn trade to gain lifications you need for particular career. Alternatively, you can stay at school another two which is the same inNorth America. After finishing school, pupils can either start continue witll their studies at university college. In to study, in Engiand you A-levels and inNorth rica high-school diploma. The majority of pupils inNorth America go to schools, which are financed taxes. it not unusual parents to send their children to private schools. These can very expensive and to everyone. In Britain, state schoots funded the state. Privately financed schools called independent schoots private schoots. schoots elite independent schools. majority of financedpartly taxes andpartlv fees. and privatewhere students high fees the privilege ;>f studying there. 110 hundred and ten se sve mozeuCiniti sa novcem?Pogtedajte stike i procitajte reCina desnoj 1Do1eiit:e recenice naengteskom jeziku sa odgovarajucim prevodom. Zatim recenice i ponavtjajte ih gtasno za spikerom. v1allet- novcanik cheque - cek nk rd - kortica bank machine - automat za podizanje novca ban knotes - novcanice coins - metalni novac, sitan novac bank accol!nt- racun banci credit card - kreditna kartica one hundred and efeven1111 l)().brojt se izvinjavarno ce$W koristlmo priloge koji se izgovar;Uu 1'111reaU1 Veomami iaa. I'm so .sony. Taka mi zao. rm terrtbly sorry. StraSnoml fi iao. rmsony. 2.1 PosLe dvadana odmora,provedena u brvnari u RokiMauntins, troje prijatet;li odLazi.Oninajpre zeLe da se odjave i da se zatim iznajmLjenimkoLima .11. Vankuver.PosLusajtekoje probleme imaju priLikompLacanjaracuna. Overecenice su ispreturane. DaLimozete da ihdovedete u red?PosLusajte zatim recenice i izgovarajte ihgLasno za spikerom. 1.l've forgotten I'm afraid my waLLet 2.any cash I'm terribly sorry, me but 1 don't have 1 have to the bank machine I'm afraid to run 4.but I've run I'm really sorry, out of money. 5.I'm awfully sorry, until next week butl don't get paid 112 1one hundred and twelve -Pocetak VezbanjeZakraj12 4 &1 Evo nekoliko izraza koje mozemo dauputimo sebl ili drugima.Poslusajte ove reeenice i ubadte rec kojanedostaje. l_1____ I had saved some money. ____ I hadn't bought that new _____ have withdrawn money from the bank. - You shouldn't ____ spent allyour money so quickly. -----waited longer, it wouldhave cost less. Ifi hadn't wasted so muchmoney, I ____ rich today. 1 wa5reallygood.and1 dldn't;(2.) onanyt;hing. l:>eforeweleft for Vancouver1 hatlt;o(3.)____ enoughGa5hfor ____ lat;cf for that when1 l:>rol:e 1 hadto(5.)____ the l:>ill,and wa5when1 (6.} ----cf ThanlHello. This is Mrs. Simmons. I can visit you Friday. t>Hi ! lt's Mark.Listen, I've bought new televisi-on. lt's great! 1>Hi.It's your mom.Guess what! I'm going to London! 1>Hi. It's Mike. I've got new girlfriend! Youhave to meet her. t>Hi. This is the furniture store. Your new couch is ready. 1>Hi.It's Steve. 1 don't know how to bake cake. Can youhelp me? 1>Hi.It's your boss. I have to talk to you!It's real-ly important! Vezbanje 5 David:Guys, we're all in our late twenties and early thirties, and we've knowneach other for couple of years now,but 1 don't think we've ever talked about our childhood,have we? Andrew:No, we haven't.Erin, what was it like growing up inEngland? Erin:Well, 1 grew up in small town. There wasnever anything to do there. As tee-nagers we took the train into London week. What about you guys? David:Askids weplayed street hockey bas-ketball every day after school. We spent most of our time outside. lt was always fun. Andrew:Erin,how old were you when you finis-hed school? Erin: David: 1 was seventeen. We finishschool earLier than youdo inCanada. ThenI moved to Londonto go to university. What do your friends normally do in England? ..... 11 18 Vezbanje1 1.This is Andrew as 2.This isErin as child. David's middle-aged. 4.Erin's grandmother is elderly. Dejvid: svi smopoznimdvadesetim ranimtridesetim godinama poznajemo sevec nekoliko mislimda jos nismo nasem zar Endru:Ne,nismo.Erin,kako blloEngleskoj? Erin:Odrasla samjednom malom gradu_ nijebllo nicega. smo jednomnedeljnoisli vozom London.Kakojebllo kodvas? Dejvid: decasmo svakog danaigrali Endru: ili posle skole.vremena smo provodili U..w bllo zabavno. Erin,koliko si imala godina kadasi zavrsila Erin:Imalasamsedamnaest godina.Mi ranije zavrsavamonegovi Kanadi.Zatim samotislaLondon Dejvid:Statvoji prijatelji oblcno rade Engleskoj? ..... 164 1 and work, just like us. Many of them married and have already got child-ren. keep asking me why I haven't got married yet. And,do you think you'll get married? Oh,someday perhaps, when I've met Mr Right.At the moment l'm too busy with my career to even think about it. We know how youIt's different inCanada. Wehardly ever have time for ourselves. You get up everyday for work, then, one day youretire, go to the park every afternoon and feedthe ducks. Eri n:Ohwell, one day inour old age we will look back and remember great mo-ments like sitting here in front of the fireplace incabln in the Rockies! Andrew:Absolutely!toast to cool vacations and amazing friends! three:Cheers! Veibanje4 Andrew:When we were kids we were always out-side. Erin: friend gets up at 5:30 every day to go to work. David:We spent most of ourtime playing sports. Erin: married friendsneverhad children. Erin:One day I wouldlike to raise family. Tekstoviaudio zapisa Erin:Oni rade,kaoi mi.Mnogii Stalno zasto se nisamEndru:I da/i daces se Erin:Ah,moida jednog dana,kada pronadem onog pravog. sam svojom karijeromda tome. Dejvid:Miznamokako U Kanadi nije nista Jedvadaimamovremenaza sebe.Svakog dana odlazak posao,zatim jednog danaodemo svakopopodne i patke. Erin: jednog danakada ostarimo, se setjcemo se ovih/epih Kakosmosede/j jspred jednoj bNnari Roki Endru:Tacno!Hajdedanozdrovimo velicanstvenomdivnim Sve troje: iive/i! Vei banje9 parents met each other at school when they were teenagers. father was tall and handsome. mother was beautiful. They fell inlove inthe summer and after school moved to small house in townnear London. father worked in the town. Two years later they started having children and my sister wasborn. I wasborn two years later. sister and I hadlots offun as kids.Weplayed toge-ther all the time. As teenagers there was nothing to do intown, sowe often went to London train. 1 went to university in London. After 1finishedstu-dying 1 stayed in London and started working for newspaper. one hundred and sixty-ftve1165 Tekstoviaudio zapisa Veibanje11 1.Someday I wouldlike to saiL around the world. 2.We shouLdgonow because I think the bus Lea-ves soon. I broke my armrecentLy whiLe on vacation. has been realLy nice LateLy. 12 Veibanje2 Owner:Did youenjoyyour stay? Wehope eve-rything was all right for you. Erin:Yes, it was wonderfuL.Thank you. Owner:Okay,then, the comes to 172.44 including taxes. Andrew:We said, we wouLdspLit it three ways. So that's about $60 person. David:I have an idea. I'LL charge it to my credit card, because I don't have anymore cash on me. Erin:Okay,that makes it easy. We'll payyou back Later then. Owner:Oh!Sorry, I'm afraid your credit card was denied. David:Ohno!I forgot, I paid the hospitaL credit card. It must maxed out. I shouLdhave withdrawn some cashback in Vancouver. Owner:Youcan aLso direct ljust need your bank card. David: good idea. I hope there's en-ough money inmy account. Owner:Ohdear! I'm afraid your bank card was aLsodenied. David:WonderfuL!Guys,I'mreally sorry about this. If onLy I hadn't broken my arm. ..... 1661 hund,.d and My-sO< 5. parents took me to Vancouver Long time ago. I met an interesting person in the bar the day. 7.I want to get married and one day have kids. VLasnik: Li ste Nadomo da sve blloredu. Erin: bllo hvala. VLasni k:Oobro, 172,44, i Endru:Rekli smo dadelimo tri dela. dakleoko60do/ara osobl. Dejvid:Imamideju. tu platiti mojom karticom, kod sebe Erin:U to P/atitemc ti VLasnik:Oh,iao mi a/i p/asim se da Va kartica Dejvid: zaboravio samda samp/atio dasam dostigaolimit.Trebala da VLasnik:Moietedap/atite ikeS karticom.Samomi Vasa platna kartica. Dejvid: dobraideja.Nadamse da imam VLasni k:Oh,p/asim se daVam i kartica Dejvid: stvarno mi iao zbog ovoga!Dasamo slomio. ..... Andrew:Never mind, David. I'll put it my cre-dit card and you can me back later. After all, what friends for? Davfd:Thanks for lending the money. I promise I'U youback as soon as I get my next paycheque. Veibanje 1.l'm afraid l've forgottenmy waUet. 2.I'm sorry,but 1 don't have any cash on l'm really sorry,but l've runout of money. 4.l'm afraid 1 have to run to the bank machine. 5.l'm awfully sorry, but 1 don't get paid until next week. - Vezbanje4 1.1 wish 1 had saved some money. 2.lf only 1 hadn't bought that new 1 should have withdrawn money fromthe bank. 4.You shouldn't have spent all your money so quickly. 5.lfyou had waited longer, it wouldhave cost less. 6.lflwasted so muchmoney, I would rich today. - Vezbanje13 1.If our family hadbeen wealthier,my mom would have ha d happier life. 2.1 could have paid the ifl hadn't broken my arm. lf 1gone 1 woutdn't have bro-kenmyarm. 4.1 wouldhave gone shopping ifl had hadmore money. 5.Ifl hadbeen rock star, 1 wouldhave earned Lots of money. Tekstovfaudio zapisa Endru:Nemaveze,Oejvide.Platicu svojom karticom,ti ces mi novac vratiti kasnije. uopste s/uie prijatelji? Dejvid:Hvalasto ces mi pozajmiti novac. Erin: Andrew: David: Erin: Andrew: David: Erin: Andrew: David: Erin: Erin: David: Obecavamda ti vratiti dobijem s/edecu platu. Andrew, ifyou hadbeen rock star, what would different in your life to-day? lfl hadbeen rock star, 1would loa-ded. Erin,how would your life now, if you hadbeen rich growing up? Oh, 1 think 1 wouldlive in the Bahamas. David, lf youhadn't gone to university, what woutd you doing now? 1wouldownconvenience store, Andrew, if we hadn't come to Vancou-ver, what would you doing right now? That's easy. 1 would working. Okay Erin, would youhave kids now, ifyou had stayed inEngland? No,but 1 might married. And youDavid? Ifyou had got married? lfl hadgotten married, 1 woutdhave 5 children. ... hund"'d ond 1'" :Vezbanje 16 1. parents ownconvenience store and now they loaded. 2. sister is student and she is quite poor. 1 have friend who works inreal estate. She's wealthy. 4.1 also know an artist whomakes sculptures. He's broke. 5. father used to have different store, but he went bankrupt. 1 know many needy families with children. 7. boss at the company where I work ismade of money. .. Vezbanje 7 Erin: guys, that was fantasticparty. Thanks for cheering me up! Andrew:It was our pleasure. We thought you needed little boost after the break-in. David:Although it's only been few days since our trip I missedbeing with you guys. Erin:Yeah,we didhave lot offun together. There were couple of moments though, like when you didn't feellike coming skiing. David:Ok, I can admit it. I'mnot the easiest person to getalong with sometimes. Andrew:You were at times, but. never mind,David.I difficult, too, when I'm inthe mood. Erin:Guys, honest withme now: Was 1 stressful at all? .... Ponavijanje :Vezbanje 1.The master bedroom is quite roomy. 2.The den is nice and light. The diningroom is warm and inviting. 4.The bathroom is too draughty. 5.It is warm and cozy inthe livingroom. hallway is too tiny and cramped. Erin: /judi, to super zabava! Hvalasto ste oraspoloiili. Endru:Bilo zadovoijstvo.Mislili '* ti trebati ovakonesto posle prelom&. Dejvid:Iako od naseg proslo vec ste nedostajali. Erin: Ipak i koo kada hteo daides sa Dejvid:Dobro, Sa ponekoc tako lako. Endru:Ponekad si nedrustven. 1 Dejvide,dabudew teiak kada Erin: budite sa .... 168tone hundred and sixty-eight Andrew:Well, you did freak out Little when we didn't know what happened to David. David:And the mix-up with the sort of got onmy nerves. Andrew:Yeah,but don't worry about it. We won't hotd it against you. David:Listen, guys. We att have our Littte quirks, but so does everyone, right? Erin:Absolutety! Could youguys imagine doing trip li ke that again? Andrew:Wetl, maybe,but perhaps we coutd wait Little whitebefore repeating that. 3:Good idea! Test 'Vezbanje8 1.First the lettuce has to washed. 2.After that it should put in satad bowt. 3. shoutd washed before cutting. Then the are mixed with the lettuce. S.And finatty,the dressing is made andpoured onto salad. Tekstoviaudiozapisa Endru: si bllavansebe kada znali sta se desava sa Dejvid:zbrkavezi sa iznervirala. Endru: ali nebrini. ti prebacivati zbogtoga. Dejvid:Slusajte,ljudi.Svi svoje bublce.Ali zar tonije kod svakoga isto? Erin:Naravno! li da daponovo jedno ovakvo putovanje? Endru: Ali da prenegostoto Sve troje:Oobraideja! one hundred and sixty-nine1169 1 Vezbanje 1 2-g; 4-d; 6-h; 7-f; Vezbanje2 2-h; 3-i; 5-g; 8-f; 9-d; Vezbanje4 1. reaLly;2. skiing; easy-going; 4. thin; 5. enjoy; summer;7. think; 8. mountains Vezbanje 5 Vezbanje 1. playing; 2. driving; visiting; 4. cycling; 5. exercising; helping Vezbanje 8 1. used to 2. didn't use to own; used to play; 4. used to go; 5. used to have; didn'tuse to Like Vezbanje10 1-d; 2-g; 4-h; 6-i; 9-f; Vezbanje12 peopie piay: the drums, card games, board games, the piano; peopie coHect: antiques,porcelain,CDs,books; peopie go: windsurfing, hiking, jogging, skiing Vezbanje13 1. goes; 2. does; 3. playing; 4. collects; 5. go;goes; 7. makes; 8. d.oes Vezbanje14 Vezbanje15 U kafani Kadase u i VelikojBritaniji ide sa u kafanu, trebalo postovati neka pravila. Nesamo za sebe. da turu- svako pice za celu grupu dok svako ne dode red, ili se kafanane zatvori. 1701 hundred ood sewmty Vetina kafana u Engleskoj zatvara se u 23easa. Ipak, novim zakonima, kafane trebalo da budu duze otvorene. U Engleskoj se direktno na sanku i tamo se placa. Oblcnone posluzuju za stolom. Uvecini kafanau Kanadi moze se naruciti za sankom, ali moguce blti usluzen i zaNapojnica u Kanadi i Ameri ci igra veoma veliku ulogu. Ocekuje se da ona iznosi 10-15% od vrednosti zato sto placeno veoma malo satu.U EngleskoJ opet,napojnica u cenu. 2 Vezbanje1 1. train; 2. motorcycle; 3. cruise ship; 4. minivan;5. coach; sports-utili ty-vehicle; 7.hovercraft; 8. helicopter; 9. ferry; 10. jumbo jet Vezbanje2 1. single room;2. en suite; five-star; 4. Bed &Breakfast; 5. full-board; youth hostel Vezbanje 4 1. false;2. false;3. true; 4. true; 5. false; false;7. false Vezbanje 1-d; 2-g; 3-i; 5-f; 9-h; Vezbanje7 drive: SUV, car, truck, minivan; ride: blcycle, horse, motorcycle; take: the train, the ferry, the bus, the coach Vezbanje 8 1. should ought to;2. should ought to; shouldn't/ ought not to; 4. should ought to Vezbanje 11 1.1 amgoing to ask about train tickets.; 2.Next week Andrew is going to the station /An-drew is going to the stationnext week.; 3.Where you going for your holidays?; 4.Aren 't you working early in the morning? Vezbanje13 1. have toneed to; 2. mustn't; 3. has toneeds to; 4. don't have to need to; 5. mustn't Vezbanje 14 1. for;2. look after; 3. take of; 4. in charge of; 5. calls for;6. findout about;7. break up Vezbanje15 take: the train, holiday, photo, shower, the bus, brea k; make: preparations, dinner, meal, friends; do: the shopping, the dishes Vezbanje16 Putovan1je zeteznicom U poredenju sa prilikama u Evropi,u Severnoj Amerid mnogo se rede putuje zeleznicom. U VelikojBritaniji to deo svakodnevice, dokje u Ameri ciprevoz vozom ogranicen regionalni saobracaj. U udaljene krajeve putuje se avionom, iako neki odvazni ljudi idu cak i kolima.U Kanadi situacija slicna kao u Sjedinjenim Americkim Drzavama. Postoji, doduse, regionalnisaobracaj. Zato veCinaKanadanaputuje autom ili avionom. Poznati Canadacross-country-trip vaZi jos uvek kao jedinstveni doZivljaj.Mnogikrecu ovaj put duziod 6000 km. ima odgovaraJuti s1tan novac,moze se voziti kanadskom zeleznicomVIA-Rail i u miruuZivatiu predetimakojioduzimaju dah. Samo trebalo odvojiti nesto vremena - naime, voznja vozom izmedu Toronta i Vankuvera traje t ri d.ana. Vezbanje1 2-d; 4-i; 5-h; 8-f;9-g; Vezbanje2 2-f; 5-d; 7-i; 8-h; 9-g; Vezbanje4 1. true; 2. false; true; 4. false; 5. false; 6. true;7. false Vezbanje 5 Vezbanje1 2-d; 3-d; 6-d; Vezbanje8 1. on; 2. in; in; 4. at; 5. Vezbanje10 1. the; 2. - ; 4. the; 5. the; the; 6. -; 7. -Vezbanje12 1. whojthat; 2.whose; which/that; 4.whose; 5. whojthat; 6. which/that; 7. whose Vezbanje14 1. to; 2. to; at; 4. in; 5. to; 6. in;7. to; 8. at Vezbanje15 1. Ocean; 2. mountain range; rivers;4. Se.a; 5. continents; 6. mountain;7. Lakes; 8.Falls; 9. jungle; 10. Desert;11. countries; 12. island; group of islands Vezbanje11 Kanadskaktima U Kanadi vladaju najrazlititije klimatskeprilike. Nikakvo cudo, se Kanadagraniti sa Pacifikom i severu. Na kanadskuklimuuticuplaninski kao sto RokiMauntins, ali iprerije. Uatlantskim pokrajinama, kao sto suNjufaunlend i Nova vlada mediteranskaklima . Prerije, dakle, pokrajine Saskacevan, Manitoba iAlberta veoma suravne i cesto vetrovito-tornado ovde Na obali Kanade vlada blaga pacifickaklima.Zime su tamo uglavnomblage i kisovite, aliZitegi uZivaju u tome sto mogu da se bave sportom cele godine. Toronto, grad u pokrajini Ontario,leZi skoro istom stepenu geografske sirine kao Leto moie da bude veoma vruce i vreli toplotni talasi nisu poznata cuvenimzimama, kadase domesta moze doCisamo uz pomoc lanaca zasneg ili cuvenim Temperatura moze da 40 Celzijusa.UveCitomledu moze dabudejos hladnije.Kanadani su mestima cak dali zimske nadimke, kao, primer, za i za grad Manitobe. 4 Vezbanje1 1. srecan; 2. tuzan; gut; 4. 5. 7.dobar; 8.9. 10. 11. odusevgen;12: 13.14. 15. veseo;17. Vezbanje2 3-f; 6-d Vezbanje4 1. true; 2. false; false; 4. true; 5. true; false;7. false Vezbanje 5 1. embarassed; 2. proud; 4. anxious Vezbanje 7 4-f;5-g; 7-d Vezbanje 9 1. 2. excited; 4. 5.Vezbanje11 1. of; 2. with; of; 4. with; 5. about Vezbanje 1. That suits me 2.Yes, 1 you're right.; 1 totally disagree with you.; 4. Yes, 1 see you're point.; 5. I agree to l'm sure you're right. Vezbanje15 1. we?; 2. wiltyou?; won'tyou?; 4. have you?; 5. you? Vezbanje 17 1. Is David skiing withus?; 2.Have you to Vancouver before?; Did you visit Tower Bridge your holiday to 4. Wi tlyou go for Sushi with us today? Vezbanje18 4-d 172 1 hundred ond seventy-two Vezbanje19 How are you? U postoji dapitate kako se, s razlikujuu od driave is druge u to koliko situadja Cesto izrazi su, izmedu ostalog: How are you? How are you doing? USevernoj Americi, u preriji ili u regionima, mogu se cuti kao: How y'aLLdoin'today? U se moie cuti pozdrav: Y'aLright,( mate)? da imai verzija koje suu upoznatom kaokoje su kratke, kao sto su ovi pozdravi: what's happening? what's up? Howzit going? PonavLjanje1 Vezbanje1 1-d; 5-f; Vezbanje 2 3-d; 4-g; 7-h; 8-f Vezbanj e 1. She has curly hair.; 2. is very muscular.; is mediumheight built.; 4. has dark 5. She has wavy hair.; is short fat.; 7. She is quite tall s(im.; 8. She has straight hair.; 9. She haspaleVezbanje 4 1. collects; 2. go; plays; 4. go; 5. collects; 6. play; 7.collects; 8. goes; 9. go;10. collects Vezbanje 5 1. for;2. after; of; 4. of; 5. about; 6. for Vezbanje 7 1. 2. 4. have you?; 5. will she?;6. do you?; 7. didthey?; 8.they? Vezbanje 9 1. where; 2. Whose; how; 4. when; 5. where Vezbanj e 10 1.2. hiking; playing; 4. to travel; 5. to play; 6. reading Vezbanj e 11 1.Weforget to reserve seats.; 2.Wehave to at the at 2 o'clock.; You should go to the travel agent.; 4. You late.; 5. should here already.; Weforget the drinks.; 7.She has to work.; 8. Wehave tohurry up. Vezbanje 12 1. 2. motorcycle; ferry;4. 5. coach;7.hovercraft; 8. 9. gasoline; 10. tram;11. horse; 12. cruise ship Vezbanje 1. exdting; 2. shone; 4. hovercraft;5. ferry; cheerful;7. thrilled; 8. Vezbanje14 1. 2. 4.5. Vezbanje 15 1. cool; 2. flood; sleet; 4. summer; 5. breeze; earthquake; 7. storm; 8. drought; 9. rain; 10. hail; 11. thunder; 12. ice; hundred and seventy-three1 Resenja Vezbanje17 izgovarase kao luggage, hungry, much, running; izgovarase kaoi: building, suite, minute, busy 5 Vezbanje1 1. orange; 2. apple; banana; 4. carrot; 5.broccoli; pepper; 7. potato; 8. cucumber; 9. Lettuce; 10. tomato Vezbanje2 1. tasty; 2. sweet; 4. salty; 5. spicy; marinated; 7. fry; 8. seasoned; 9. roasted; 10. grill Vezbanje4 Vezbanje5 2-i; 3-d; 7-g; 9-f; 10-h Vezbanje 1. true; 2. false; false;4. false;5. true; false;7. true; 8. false Vezbanje7 fruit:peach, pineapple, strawberry, melon; : beans,mushrooms, cauliflower, peas; meat andpouitry: beef, pork, ham, bacon, chicken, turkey, duck; game: deer, elk, fish: trout, salmon, bass, tuna; dairy: milk,cheese, yogurt, whipped cream; bread/ cereais: white bread, whole wheat, bread rolls, corn ftakes; junk food: chips, chocolate, sweets Vezbanje8 1. 2. fruit; meat; 4. poultry; 5. fish; dairy; 7. breads, cereals Vezbanje10 1-d; 2-g; 3-i; 5-f; 7-h; Vezbanje11 1. roasted;2. baked; steamed; 4. eaten; 5. fried;7. cut; 8. done Vezbanje13 1. is; 2. are; was;4. Vezbanje14 1.eggs should boiled for minutes.; 2. The sandwiches were/ are made Andrew.; orders are taken the waiter.; 4.steak can eatenmediumor well-done. Vezbanje16 1. - 10.- 8. - 2.- 5.- 4.- 7 9. Vezbanje17 wie ft/: topped; wie jtj: seasoned, steamed; "'! /id/: roasted, toasted Vezbanje18 Restoraniu SevernojAmerici Zarazliku od restorana brze hrane, u restoranima Vasneko pozdravi na ulazu i pokaze Vam Vas moze videti plocica sa natpisom Pleasewait to seated. Ako restor.tfl" pun ili kadaniste rezervisali, pokazace Vamsto ZJ kojicete sesti. Iz tog razloga se savetuje dase stt rezervise unapred. Uslugaje u ve6ni restorana brza i uctiva,jer konobarii konobarice gotovo da zive samo od napojnica - novac koji satu veoma je mali. U mnogimporodicnim restoranima atmosfera opustena i neformalna.Nebudite iznenadeni alca Vamkonobar pride nasmejan i pozdravi Vas Likeovako:HeLLo,myname is PhHandI'H your server this evening.If there's anything youneed, just ask. ..... 1741one liundred and seventy-four (Zdravo,seFili Vas konobar.Ako nesto potrebno, pitajte.) Kada servis nije uracunat u cenu, daje se napojnica, pravilu u visini od 10-15%neto iznosa. Fil se sigurno obradovati, jer time najverovatnije fi nansirate njegove studije. Vezbanje1 1-f; 3-g; 6-d; 8-i; 9-h; Vezbanje2 5-d Vezbanje4 1. false;2. true; false; 4. false;5. false; true; 7. false;8. false Vezbanje5 1.Dali mozes da pokreces nogu gore-dole? 2. Dali te bolikadasavijes koleno? 3.Pokusaj da okrenes glavu? 4. Dali mozes dapomeri s nogu sajedne strane na drugu? Vezbanje 1. right; 2. left; Follow; 4. reach; 5. through; Cross;7.bend; 8. house Vezbanje7 5. - 2.- 7.- 8.- 4.- 1.- Vezbanje8 1. -f; 2. -h; -g; 4. 5. 7. 8. -i; 9. -d Veibanje9 1. chest; 2. bust; hips; 4. bottom; 5. waist; thigh; 7.lungs; 8. brain; 9. 10. heart Resenja Veibanje11 1. Isj Was; 2. arejwere; ArejWere; 4. 5. is; are; 7. 8. is 1was Vezbanje12 1. smacks; 2. frowning; yawns; 4. comb 1 brush; 5. wiggle; 7. brush; 8. breathe Veibanje15 Veibanje17 3-d; Veibanje18 Izraziiizreke Uengleskom jeziku imapuno izrazau kojima su upotrebtieni nazivizadelove tela.Oviizrazi se cesto koriste meduprijatetiima, u neformalnim situacijama i u medijima, kaonasloviu novinama. Zato vazno znati neke odnjih. Budite oprezni sa njihovomupotrebom, su nekineformalni i moguse upotrebtiavati samo pododredenim okolnostima i u posebnim kontekstima. Evo nekoliko primera: Itbrokemyheart to teHblm. srce sto da to She's heartbreaker. srca. Youhave to use some elbow grease. (dosl. Morasdalaktove.) Morasda zavrnesHisctothesraisedaneyebrow. Njegavaodeta bode Don't givemeany cheek! (dosl. da dasobraz.) obraz kaodon! Shegave methecotdshoulder. leda. puthis foot init withhis comment. daim stavio prst oko. Getoff myback! (dosl .. Skini se sa leda!) Ostavi one hundred and seventy-jive, 175 Resenja 7 Vezbanje1 3-f;4-d; 2 1. should; 2.might; will;4. can't; 5. must; should Vezbanje5 Erin: 1. 4. 9. 11. Andrew: 2. 5. 7. 8. 10. Vezbanje 1. are;2.had; wilt; 4. could;5. eat; can;7. will; 8. would Vezbanje 8 1. untilj till; 2. until/ till; 4. 5. till; Vezbanje10 1-f; 2-d; Vezbanje11 1. for;2. ago; for;4. ago Ve.Zbanje13 pot.puno sigurno: 4, prilicno sigurno: 5,7,9; moguce, alinedefinitivno: 1,2, 8; 14 1. must have cooked; 2. might havemissed; should have arrived; 4. have 5.might have could have Vezbanje 1-d; 2-g; 3- h; 7-f; Ve.Zbanje17 1. had; 2. falls; 4. read; 5. was / were; gritls Vezbanje 18 t Nevolja- sta raditi? Zamislite da ste u zemlji govornog podruCja, zabavljate se, lepo vreme i se dogodi Svako se da se odmoru u situaciji, ali evo nekoliko reCikoje vamu takvojprilici mogu od pomo6: U Americipostoji kojimozete da se javite u stucaju svake moguce Birate 911, izgovara se nine-one-one. Povezace Vas sa koji Vamodmah poslati pomoc. Uslucaju da imate prohleme, poslace kola pomo6, koja Vas Ako rec pozaru, kola stizu brzinom. Kada rec zloCinu, stiZepolicija. izgublte pasos, daambasaduili svoje zem lje. ste u dobrimrukama. 8 Vezbanje1 1. cold; 2. flu; itchy eyes; 4. earache; 5. stomachache; cough;7. temperature; 8. sore throat; 9. headache; 10. nose Vezbanje2 1-g; 2-d; 6-h; 7-f; Vezbanje broke, did were, slipped, fell,did caught, took, Vezbanje5 1. twist; 2. get; cut; 4. break; 5. bruise Vezbanje 1. 2. 4.5. cooking one hundred and seventy-six Vezbanje7 1. toothache; 2. ftu; allergy; 4. stomachache; S. cough; temperature; 7. fever; 8. headache; 9. earache Vezbanje8 1. twisted; 2. cut; broke; 4. burnt; 5.bruise; concussion Vezbanje9 John: allergies, itchy eyes, runny nose, earache, toothache; Karen: t emperature, headache, stomach ache, cough, sore throat, the flu Vezbanje11 1. because of; 2. because; because; lt. because of; 5. because of; because Vezbanje 1. was;2. wasn't jwas not; were; 4. weren't jwere not; 5. were; Were; 7. was; 8.wasn'tjwas not Vezbanje15 1. swimming;2.baking; 4. dying; S. getting; cooking; 7.planning Vezbanje17 1. was 2. fell; broke; 4. called; S. was sitting Vezbanje18 Zdravstvenazastita U veCinizemalja engleskog govornog podruCja sistem zdravstvene zastite funkcionise veoma dobro.Kada ste bolesni, idete lekaru.Bolest se uglavnom tretira lekovima. recept koji nosite u apoteku. Posebno u Kanadi i SAD ima puno tzv. over-the-counter medidnes. Mogu se nabaviti i u omiljenimdrug stores. Veoma vazno pitanjejeste finansiranje zdravstvene zastite.UKanadi postoji zdravstveno osiguranje nivou drzave; kanadsko drzavljanstvo automatski omogucava zdravstveno osiguranje. Troskove poseta lekarima, kao i svi h pregleda i potrebnih operacija, preuzima Ima i pregleda i intervencija koje drzavane pokriva, kaosto su redovne posete zubaru, naoeare ili kontaktna sociva. Kanadane ipak mozemo smatrati srecnim, u Sjedinjenim Drzavama uopste ne postoji sistem zdravstvene zastite nanivou drzave. se zakljuCiti ugovor privatnom zdravstvenom osiguranju, cesto astronomskim cenama.Mnogi ljudine mogusebl da priuste osiguranje. Nekome eak moze dabude lekarska nega. Ponavljanje2 Vezbanje1 1. She should have been here now.; 2. Perhaps she got lost.; she couldn't get taxi.; 4. She can't have forgotten.; 5. Chances that nothing bad has happened.; She ought to here soon. Veibanje2 1.I like to eat apples, oranges, peaches, bananas ... ; 2. I don't like peas,beans, broccoli, mushrooms ... ; I like the taste of cheese, ice-cream, strawberries ... ; 4. I like the smell of flowers, fresh coffee, fruit ... ; 5. Ifl could, I wouldlike to visit Canada, China, Jamaica... ; Yesterday I was reading, jogging, working ... hundred qnd seventy-seven1177 Resenja - -,-Veibanje 1. yawn;2. wash; comb; 4. rotate; 5. bend; raise; 7. wash;8. smack; 9. Veibanje 4 1. tasty;2. btand; sweet; 4. salty; 5. spicy; lean; 7. fatty; 8. nice and tender; 9. stale Veibanje 5 3-d; Vezbanje 1. is; 2. is 1are; 3. are; 4. Vezbanje8 1. had;2. wasjwere; grilled; 4. snowed 5. knew; won;7. took; 8. cost Vezbanje9 1. were cooking;2. wasjogging; wasgetting; 4. were swimming; 5. was having; was 7. wasrunning; 8. were drinking ' Vezbanje 10 2 - 5 - 3-1-4 Vezbanje11 1. feels;2. smell; looks; 4. sounds Vezbanje 12 1. absolutely; 2. quite; 4. uncertain; 5. unlikely; fairly;7.really Vezbanje14 1. orange; 2. apple; banana; 4. carrot; 5. broccoli; pepper; 7.potato; 8. cucumber; 9. lettuce; 10. tomato; 11. pineapple; 12. cauliflower; yogurt;14. salmon Vezbanje15 twisted, broken,bruise, concussion, itchy, earache, cough, temperature, fever, constipated, vomit, diarrhea, allergies, hangover

Gz NGv s 1 f w vQN. ..... IRLF uGR ._l $ 8 NGGw5 ' RDDIz 1', RvI1__... 1 w uz GsLzLRD t Nuss1Nl ,a sDRRu1s L RLLRG1stJL_I_R s11 Vezbanje 1. smile; 2. frown; yawn;4. sniffle; 5. smack; L comb; 7. wiggle Vezbanje 17 1. food;2. barbecued 1grilled; 4. cold; S. sniffles; should; 7. bruise; 8. if 9 Vezbanje 1 1. the Chinese temple; 2. the harbour; the museum; 4. the fountain; 5. the old part of town; the statue; 7. the market square; 8. the shopping district Vezbanje 2 2-i; 3-g; 4-d; 9-h; 10-f Vezbanje4 1. nightly;2. from, till; seven days week; 4. everytwo hours; 5. twice day; 24hours Vezbanje5 1. multicultural; 2. crowded; cosmopolitan; 4. touristy; 5. Museum; worth visit; 7. sleepy Vezbanje 1. false;2. true; faLse;4. false;5. true; false; 7. true; 8. false 178 1one hundred and seventy-eight Vezbanje 7 Veibanje 8 1. multicuLturaL;2. crowded; LiveLy; 4. touristy; 5. worth seeing; untouched; 7. sLeepy Vezbanje 9 1. Japan;2. Chinatown; harbour; 4. islands; 5. exhibltion Vezbanje10 1. at; 2. on; in Vezbanje11 Vezbanje13 1. saiLs;2. Leave; start; 4. open; 5. cLoses; run; 7. has; 8. is; 9. arrive; 10. serve Vezbanje15 1. himseLf; 2. herseLf; yourself; 4. themseLves; 5. oneseLf; ourseLves Vezbanje17 Radnovremeprodavnica U Kanadi i SADradno vreme prodavnica drugaCije nego u Evropi.Kupovinanedeljom na primer, moguca vec godinama. Vecina vLasnika prodavnica samostaLno odLucuje kada otvoriti svoju radnju. U poredenju saprilikama u Evropi, to pravi zakupovinu. VeCina trgovackih centara otvorena od ponedeljka do petka od 10 casova do 22 casa, subotom do 18, nedeljom do 17 easova. Povremeno se desava daneke radnje budu otvorene i doponoCi. Zamnoge potrosace ni ovo nije dovolj no. Sveje vise supermarketa kojirade 24 sedam dana u nedelji- u danekome u ujutru zatreba Litar mLeka iLikutija srafova! dosledeceg velikog marketa priticna, u svakoj cetvrti imamaLihradnjiiLi convenience store (dosLovno- prakticna radnja). sumaLeprodavnice u kojimase moze naCi Resenja neoblcan izbor namirnica i kucnihartikala nesto visimcenama. 10 Vezbanj e 1 1. kitchen; 2. den; bathroom; 4. utiLity room;5. Livingroom; 6. master bedroom; 7. spare room; 8. dining room; 9. baLcony; 10. haLlway Vezbanje 2 1. roomy;2. Light; warm and inviting; 4. draughty; 5. dark; 6. heated; 7. cozy and quiet; 8. tiny and cramped Vezbanje4 1. true; 2. faLse;3. faLse;4. true; 5. faLse; faLse;7. true; 8. true Vezbanje 5 1-d; 4-f; Vezbanje6 2-g;3-d; 5-h 7-f; Vezbanje 8 1. hadmade; 2. had unpacked; had stayed; 4. had seen; 5. hadbroken hadrented; 1. had driven Vezbanj e10 1. were; 2. had; was Vezbanje11 1. wouLd phone; 2. couLd visit; hadbought; 4. was going; 5. had; 6. was;7. didn't know; 8. had one hundred and seventy-nine1179 Resenja Veibanje 13 1. told; 2. t ell; said;4. told; 5. say; tetl; 7. said; 8. told Veibanje14 4-g; 5-f; 7 -d Veibanje15 1. to; 2. to; 4. to; 5. to; 7.- ; 8.-Veibanje 17 Stanovanje u Sevemoj Amerid U Kanadi i u SADLjudiu predgradima stanuju radije u kutama nego u stanovima. NajcesCi tip kucasukuce zajednu dupleksi iLi kuceu nizu. Opcijakoja sve kod stanovnika velikihgradova jeste stan u vlasnistvu. Pokretacka snaga dinamicnog nekretninama, porednedostatka stanova za ceni, jesteda se imaju svoja cetiri zida. Sve vise radij e ulaze novac u privatno vlasnistvo, nego dagodinama placa kiriju stanodavcu. zeli dakupikucu, pravilu treba dadoblje kredit od banke uz hipoteku.Potrebno uloZiti mnogo vremena u potragu za kamatnom stopom. Iako to kosta i mnogo vremena i mnogo novca,Severne Amerikeprodaju svoje kuce i sele se onoliko cesto koliko se u Evropimenjaju stanovi. Zamnogeje posao sanekret ninama privatno ulaganje zabuducnost. 11 Veibanje1 1. 2. child; 3. middle-aged; 4. etderly Veibanje2 1-f; 5-d; 6-h; 7-i; 10-g !801 hundred ond eighty Veibanje 4 5-2-4 - 3 - 1 Veibanje 5 1. true; 2. true; fatse; 4. fa tse; 5. t rue; fa tse;7. true; 8. false Veibanje 1. parents fell inlove when they were teenagers. 2. got married in the summer of 1969. got divorced when 1 was twelve years ota. 4. mother raised us herself. 5. sister Kate is married andpregnant. grandmother is stilt alive. Veibanje 7 1-i; 4-m; 7-l; 8-f;9-g; 10-k; 11- 12-d; 13-h Veibanje 8 1.1ever go out for dinner. 2. 1 sometimes ate pizza. 1 never watched as kid. 4. I regularly read the newspaper. Veibanje 9 4-3 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 5 Veibanje10 1. thirties; 2. retired; 4. elderly;5.children; teenager Veibanje11 1. Someday;2. soon; recently; 4. lately; 5. Long time ago; the other day;7. one day Veibanje12 1. yet; 2.yet; already; 4. yet;5. already; yet; 7. already / yet Vezbanje13 1.since yesterday; 2. for one day 1for day; since 10 clock; 4. for four hours; 5. since; 6. for 30 years; 7. for years; 8. for one year Vezbanje15 1. has been raining; 2.Have been waiting; haven't gonel been skiing; 4. have been learning; 5. has booked Vezbanje16 Skole i univerziteti Posle vrtica, decapohadaju osnovnu skolu. U od 11 do13 godina prelaze drugi obrazovanja. U VelikojBritaniji postoje comprehensive schools (osnovne skole); grammar (gimnazije).U Severnoj Americi se za ovaj ti p skolakaze highschool ili secondary school. uVelikojBritaniji skolase moze vec sa 16 godina i pohadati neka strucna skola ili izuCiti neki zanat. Moze se,kao; u Severnoj Americi, ostati u skoli i dve godine duze. zavrsenoj skoli, deca mogupoceti darade ili zapoceti studUe univerzitetu ilikoledzu. Za to u VelikojBritaniji A-levels, uAmerici hi'gh-school diploma (matura). uAmerici ide uskole,koje se finansirajuodporeza.Nije da roditelji salju svoju decu u skole. mogudabudu veoma skupe i zbog toga nisu svima.U Velikoj drzava state schools.Privatno skole zovu se independent schools ili private schools. schools su skole. se delomodporeza, delomodSveje vise na kojima se, zaprivilegiju da se na njima studira, placaju veoma visoke skolarine. Endeder Seitenzah/en Resenja 12 t Vezbanje1 1-h; 6-i; 7 8-f; 9-g; 10-d Vezbanje2 1.I'mafraid I've forgottenmy wallet. 2.I'msorry, but 1 have any cash me. I'm afraid I have to to the 4. I'mreally sorry, but l've runout of 5.I'm awfully sorry, but 1 don't get paid next week. Vezbanje4 1. wish;2. should; 4. have; 5. had; 6. would Vezbanje5 1. waste 1spend; 2. spend 1waste; with draw;4. 5. 6. out; 7. 8. it back Vezbanje6 1. 2. up; from; 4. on; 5. Vezbanje7 rich: wealthy, made of loaded, weLL off; poor:needy, bad off, broke Vezbanje 8 1.1 asked ifl couldborrow some money fromhim. 2. told me he would it to me. I have to it back to him. 4.Oavid will give them some back one day. 5. parents him for Vezbanje9 1-d; 5-f; 1181 Resenja Vezbanje10. 1.hadn't lent; 2. hadbought; hadbooked; 4. hadn't spent; 5. had made; 6. had applied; 7.had gone Vezbanje13 1. would have had; 2. hadn't broken; wouldn't have broken; 4. wouldhave gone; 5. had been Vezbanje15 Andrew: d, David: Erin: f Vezbanje16 1. loaded; 2. poor; wealthy; 4. broke; 5. bankrupt; 6. needy;7.made of money Vezbanje17 Novcanice i sitannovac Valutau SAD americki dolar ($US),u Kanadi kanadski dolar ($CAD)u VelikojBritaniji funta (f). Americki i kanadski dolar se dele na cents.Funta se deli na pence. Uzemgama engleskog govornog podruCja za novcanice se koriste izrazi note ili UKanadi ; SAD se kaze ten dollar UVelikojBritaniji se kaze ten pound note. Sitan novac ponekad moze da imaposebne nazive.U Kanadii u SAD, naprimer, novCic od 5 centi zove se- nickel, novbl od 10 centi - dime, novCiC od 25 centi quarter. U Kanadipostoje dve osobenosti. Novcic odjednog dolara se zove loonei, slid kanadske ptice Loonkoja se moze videti nanovCiCu. NovCiCod dva dolara, koji kasnije uveden, zove se toonie, zbog engleske reCitwo. UEngleskoj se, u zavisnosti od vrednosti, izgovara glas (izgovor: pi). Ono oznacava (jednina) ili pence (mnozina). 1821 Ponavijanje Vezbanje1 1. took; 2. spent; bought; 4. sent; 5. visitec.; L went; 1. enjoyed; 8. amused Vezbanje2 1. How much does the postcard cost? / What does the po'stcard cost? 2.The T-shirts fairly 1quitej pretty Themuseum is free. Vezbanje 1. roomy;2. nice, Light; warm,inviting; 4. draughty; 5. warm, cozy; 6. tiny, cramped Vezbanje4 1. I Like to take pictures, visit museums,buy sou-venirs ... 2. r don't Like to go to touristy areas, take guided tours ... I have couch, coffee reading Lamp an armchair ... 4. I go out to eat once month, every two weelcs 5.I never watch 1V. /I watch 1V every day ... 6.I should have gone grocery shopping. Vezbanje 5 1-f; 3-d; 4-i; 6-g; 9- h Vezbanje 7 1. cheering; 2. thought; been; 4. didhave; 5. were; 6. didn't feel;7. get along; 8. can; 9. Was;10. didn't know; 11. got; 12. won' t ; 13. have; 14. doing;15. could Vezbanje 8 1 .... (that) the salmon was almost ready. 2.... (that) he would sleep on the couch. .... (that) I/we ordertt1e salad. 4 .... get more exerdse. 5.... (that) she had seen the Rocky Mountains. 6. ... (that) the sun wouldshine tomorrow. Vezbanje9 1. himself; 2.herself; ourselves; 4. themselves; 5. yourself; yourselves Vezbanje10 1. Have you ever been; 2. was; have been; 4. haven't booked; 5. visited; has never left; 7. met; 8. went Vezbanje11 1. When were your parents born?; 2. Did yougrow up in the country or in the city?; How old were you when youleft school?; 4. When did you get married? Vezbanje 12 1-d; 2-g;3-f; 5-h; Vezbanje 1. toilet; 2. reading lamp; stove; 4. cupboard; 5. bathtub; mirror; 7. coffee 8. chairs; 9. fireplace;10. sink WRD 11: ,k.AIJ'

N,.Gl!;iA" VDURRQV $,*{DN R'ff, () RDfi i f'J.,SZ1,. 1G"! , R D fHm,1 i FI RR 0 iRi' t ' & r,_ F6fif ".'= Vezbanje14 1. museum; 2. market square; statue; 4. shopping district; 5. souvenir shop; 7.nightclub; 8. tourist office; 9. art exhihition; 10. cobblestone streets 11. guided tour;12. Gastown Vezbanje15 1. cabln; 2. have; fireplace; 4. cozy cosy; 5. Canadian; fortune;7. wish Test Vezbanje 1 Vezbanje2 1. in; 2. at; in; 4. at Vezbanje Resenja 1. shining; 2. fell; blow; 4. flooded;5. errupts Vezbanje4 1.boring; 2. bored; thrillingj exciting; 4. thrilledj excited Vezbanje5 5-d Vezbanje 1. I agree to certain extend.2. I'm sure you're right. 3. I totally disagree with you.4. Youmight right, but ... 5. I see your point, but ... Vezbanje7 1. cooked;2. fatty; 3. tough; 4. juicy; 5. stale Vezbanje8 1. First; 2. After that; before cutting; 4. 5. finally Vezbanje9 1. are; 2. isjwas; 4. cut; 5. washed Vezbanje10 1. 2. nail; 4.cheek Vezbanje11 1. 2. until; Vezbanje12 1. wouldlearn; 2. wanted; will 4. is; 5. wasjwere 1183 ... .. Veibanje13 1. told; 2. tell; .said; 4. say Veibanje14 1. yet; 2. already; .yet; 4. already Veibanje15 1. for 50 years; 2. since this morning; .for 15 minutes; 4. since; 5. since last week Recnik t-:, .# as resultkao as soon asCim,stopre ahsolutely Asia Azija t according to sa askpitati achi ngbolno Atlantic OceanAtlantik acti ng (automated teller za novac activeaktivan, machine) activelyaktivno aunttetka, strina activityaktivnost . AustraliaAustralija adddodati awayda/eko, admirediviti se awfullyadmissionadmitpriznati adultodraslaosoba adventure advisesavetovati back nazad,natrag povoljan baconslanina AfricaAfrika bad offlos agopre baggageprtljag prijatan,prikladan BahamasBahami "' air conditioningbake airline kompanija baker pekar airplaneavion balconybalkon Alberta pokrajinaKanadi bananabanana aliveiiv bank account banci AlpsA/pi bank cardplatna kartica alreadyvec bank machineautomat za podizanje AmazonAmazon novca ambulancekolahitne banknotenovcanica amountiznos bankruptbankrot amusezabavljati barbecue rostll] angerbes barbecued anklezglob,Clanak basketballkosarka answerodgovoriti bass grgec anthropologyantropologija bathroom antiquesantikviteti bathtubkada anxietybriga pain in the necknepodnosljiv anxious apartmentstan(apartman) afraidplaSiti se applejabuka attracted toosecati priv/acnost ArcticArktik somebodyprema nekome armruka bornroditi se armchairfotelja brokebankrotirati arrivaldolazak brokenunisten arnve frightenedup/asen art1185 Recnik in high spirits dobroraspoloienbothersmetati cloud nine sedmom bottompozadinajdno for odgovoran za nesto decak scaredplasiti seboyfriendmladic wrong nematibrainmozak pravobreadhleb wrongne slagati sebread rollzemicka beachplaiabreakpauza,odmor beanc;pasuljbreakrazblti beardbradabreak upprekinutijraskinuti beatudaratibreastgrudi beautifullep,divanbreathedisati because zato stobreezepovetarac because ofzbogbroccolibrokoli becomepostotibrokensiomljen Bed& Breakfastnocenje sbruisemodn'ca,oteklina bedroomspavacasobabruisenagnjeCitijoteCi beefgovedinabrushcetkati begmolitibucketkofa behindiza,pozadibuddyottak BeijingPekingbuildingzgrada/gradevina belong topripadatibumzodnjica belowdole,ispodburngoreti bendsavitiburntizgoreo bendskretanjebus between bustnedrajprsa do(vremenski) bynowdosada,vec novcanicobythendotada milijarder parce,komod gristi taksi zalogajcabbage miocablnkoliba bleedkrvariticalendarkalendar bloodkrvCalgarygradAlberti, board gameigra(npr.sah)pokrajina boilkuvaticall fortraiiti,zahtevati boiling campingkampovati boost bordergranicacannotodn'can od mo6 bored"smoren"cardkarta zaigranje boringdosadancard gameigra sa kartama borrowpozajmiticareerkarijera 186 1 ., CaribbeanKariblCNTowerCNtoranj,prepoznatljivi carrotsargarepaznak Toronta castgipscoachputnicki autobus catchuhvatiti,doblti kaldrma cauliflowerkarfiolcoffeekafa Ceasar saladCezar salatacoffee stoCit CelsiusCelzijuscoin centcentcoldprehlada cerealscerealijejiitaricecollectskup(jati certainizvesni,collegekoledi, visaskola certainsigurnocombceSljati(se) chairstolicaudobno chancesansaComingright up!Odmahdolazim! changepromeniticompanyfirma changesitninacomplainialiti se charge to credit cardplatiti karticomcompletekompletanjpotpun cheapjeftincomprehensive schoolosnovna skola checkracunconcussionpotresmozga check outispitati/proveriticonditionstanje cheekobrazcondominiumstanvlasnistvu cheer uprazvedriti(se)conductorkondukter cheerfulnessraspoloienjeconfesspriznati cheesesirconfidentsamouverenjizvestan chequecekconfusedzbunjen chesssahconfusingzbunjujuce chestgrudiconfusionzbunjenost chestkutijaconnectedpovezan chest of drawerskomodaconstipatedimati zatvor chickenpile(tina)consulatekonzulat childdetecontentmentsrecajzadovoljstvo childhooddetinjstvocontinentkontinent chillyhladnoconvenience storeradnja chinbradacookkuvati ChinaKinacoolsuperjkul chinaporcelancoolhladno Chinatownkineska cetvrtcorn flakeskorn flejks Chinesekineski,-a,-ocornerugao dtycentrecentar gradacouchkauc classrazredcoughkasalj classicalklasican, countryzemlja climberplaninarcouplepar clocksatcouragehrabrost clothingodecacourageoushrabar cloudoblakcoursekurs cloudyoblacnocozyprijatno 1 187 Recnik crampeduskojtesnodifferencerazlika crash in sedifferent creamstagdime10 centi credit cardkreditnakarticadiningobedovanje cross diningroomtrpezarija crowded directdirektno cruise shipkrstarenjebrodomdirect placanje elektronsko". cucumberkrastavackeskarticom cuisinekuhinja directionspravci cupboardvitrinadisagreenebltisaglasan, curLykovrdiavo curtainzavesadishes curvekrivinadishessudovi cutposekotinadistanceudaljenost cut districtrejon,kvart cyclevoziti blcikldivorcedrazveden doctorlekar D doLLardolar doubtsumnjati daiLydnevnodown-and-outsiromasan dairymlecni proizvodidrawerfioka daisykrasuljakdressedobucen damagedostecendroptonutVispustiti dangerousopasandroughtsusa darktamnodrumsbubnjevi deaLposaodrysuvo duiitiduckpatka deer duringzavreme degreestependustprasina denjazblnajjama deniedodbijen deposituplatiti depresseddeprimiraneachsva ki, depressingdeprimirajuceeach otherjedan drugog depressiondepresijaearuho desertpustinjaearacnebolovi usima designdati nacrtearnzaraditi dessertdesertearthzemlja detachedodvojenearthquakezemljotres detached housekucakojoj iivieasy-goingopusten jednaporodicaegg diaLblrati telefonski brojlakat diarrheadijareaelderlystarojostarelo dieumretielementary schoolosnovna skola dietishranaelklos 1881 . ., \ etseinace, josfevergroznica ernbassyambasadafightborba, emergencyhitan fiLL en suitesa i WCfitterftlter enjoyment find out aboutraspitati se entertainmentzabavafinedobro enthusiastic fine equi ppednamestenfingerprst Erie lakeIri jezero(jezeroFintandFinska Kanadi)firevatra eruptizbltifire departmentvatrogasna evencakfiredzapa/jen/ everikadafireptacekamin everysvaki,fishriba exchange programpro_gramrazmenefishingpecanje excited fitformi excitement five-starpet zvezdica exercise ftashsevati exercise fl.oodpoplava izloiitifloodedpoplav/jen expensive FloridaF/orida,driavaSAD explainobjasnitiftugrip exploreotkritiftyleteti extentstepenfogmagla extraekstrafoggymag/ovito extremelyekstremnojkrajnjefotlowslediti okofootstopa/o eyebrowobrvaforvec, od(vremenski) for instance primer F forearmpodlaktica forecastprognoza fa celiceforeheadcelo fairly forests fallvodopadformaLformalno fallpastiforthnapred fa ll in love.sefortunesreca/bogatstvo fa rmfarmafountainfontana fast foodbrzahranafreebesplatno fatdebeofreeze fattymasnofreezingledeno faucetslavinafreshsvei feedhranitifridgefriiider feelosecatifrightening feeszaradajhonorarfrownnaborati celo fe rryskela, camacfrozen 1189 fruitvocegrillspremati rosti(ju frustratedfrustrirangroceriesnamirnice frustratingfrustrirajucegroup of islandsgrupaostNa frustrationfrustracijagrowrasti frypriiti tiganju)grow upporasti full-boardpunpansionguidevodic funnysmesnoguitargitara furiousbesan furniturenamestaj G haiLgrad hailpada grad galeolujahallwayhodnik gamedivljachamsunka gardenvrt,bastahamburgerhamburger gasgashandruka genuinelystvarnojpravohandsomezgodan getrazumetihangokatiti getdobltihappysrecan get changedsehardtesko get divorcedrazvesti sehardlyjedva get dressed sehardware storesprodavnice alata get goingkrenutVnastavitihatemrzeti get hungryogladnetiHawaiian IslandsHavaji get marriedoieniti/udati seheadglava get well withslagati se sanekimheadacheglavobolja someonehealth insuancezdravstvenoget undressed. skinuti sehearcuti getupustatihearingsluh gift 1 poklonheartsrce gladsrecan,radostan srcolomac go aheadnastavitiheatvrelina GoblDesertpustinja Goblheat wavetalasvreline good-lookingzgodanheatedugrejan,zagrejan goodsrobaheelpeta grammar schoolgimnozijahelicopterhelikopter grandmotherbakaherselfsebe,se greaseulje,masthighvisok, Great LakesVelika jezerahighestnajvisi, highschoolskolajsrednja !kOitl highschool diplomamatura highwaydrum,glavni put hike hikersetac HimalayasHima/aji 1901 1 Recnik hi mself # sebe,sein the meantime hi p includedhi p-hophip-hop incomeprimqnje,plata hockeyhokejIndianindijanski hold onizdriatiIndian OceanIndijski okean homeownervlasnik inline skatingvoinjarolera honestiskren,castaninspirationinspiracija honestlyiskrenoinspiredinspirisan horsekonjinspiringinspirativan hospitalbolnicainsurancehost i nterest rateskamatnastopa hostessinternational hotvrucinvitingprimamljiv house islandostrvo household itchykoji izaziva svrab housework posao hovercrafthoverkraft howkako humidvlaino,mokroJamaicaJamajka humidityvlainost Japanesehuntloviti diez hurricane jeans hurtboletijpovreditijointzglob journalist 1 juicysocno jumboveliki I guess soMislim, sam,jumbojetdiambodiet smatramda takojumperdiemper iceledjungle ice hockeyhokej just asbas kao ice tea Iceland ice-skating icy kick ifako, dakidsdeca imaginezamislitikillublti kind of vrsta, in advanceki nderga rtendeqi vrtic incharge ofblti zanestoodgovorankitchen in front ofispredkneein person known L makepreparations pripremati Manisnowba nadimak zalake jezero Manitoba pokrajinaKanadiLakeLouise jezero Kanadi marinated mariniranLake jezero married oienjen/Lake Ontario jezero Ontario master bedroom velikaspavaca sobaLandlord vlasnik late kasno mate ortak maxedout prekoracenoLately poslednjevreme maybe moidalean mrsav leave misliti left levo meat meso left-handed medical medidnski medicopter spasilacki helikopterleg noga Mediterranean Sea Sredozemno lend pozajmiti medium srednjelettuce salata licence licenca mediumbuild srednje grade lie leiati mediumheight srednje visine life iivot medium-rare lifetime iivot melon dinja menu jelovniklightning metropolitan velegradski lip usna liveliness iivost Mexico Meksiko middle-aged srednjimgodinamalively iivahan midnight livingroom dnevna soba might modalni glagollog mild neianLong milk mlekolong-legged dugonog, milionLook izgled millionaire milionerloonie 1 dolar (kanadskimineraL water mineralnavodaLorry kamion mini van love mirror ogledaloluck sreca Misosoup miso luggage prtljag Mississippi Misisipilunchtime misunderstanding lung mixedup modeL model moment momenat madness novac MontreaL grad Kanadimagazine casopis moped mopedmaincourse glavno jelo mortgage hipotekamake raditi, most Likely najverovatnije motorcycle motocikl Mount Everest MontEverest 192 1 Recnik -=- '14ount Hood SADnote Kilimanjaro Nova Scotia t '14ount Robson Roki obali St. Helens saveznojnovelroman Driavi mountainplanina mountain rangeplaninski mountaintopplaninski vrhoccasionalpovremen moustachebrkovioccasionally mouth of movepokretatioffermoveinseold age(duboka)starost Mr. Right Pravion footpeske multi one-way ticketkartajednom multicultural opening hoursvreme otvaranja muscleoperate muscularoperatoroperater mushroom optimistic myself orangeorange juicesok od N organiseorganizovati otherdrugi, nailnokatouch naturalprirodanoughttotrebada/trebaloneckvratourselves needy outdoors neighborhood overnightpreko NepalNepalowe nervous ownposedovati nervousnessnervoza netintemet net never mind vezePacific OceanPadfik Newfoundland packpakovati next packed NiagaraFallsNijagarinivodopadipainbol nickel5 painful nightlife iivotpaintslikati nightly paintingslika nolongernevisepale nod pantiganj normal partdeo normallyoblcnopartly northernseverno,severo- pass nose pass away 1193 Recnik 1 passportpasosprefernestovisevoletijradije pastprosaotiniti pastatesteninepregnant backvratiti (novac)preparationspripreme paychequecek(plata)preparepripremiti grasakpreparedpripremljen peachbreskvaprescriptionrecept pencemnoZina od peniprettylep, -a,-o pennypeniprettyprilicno pepperprimary schooLosnovna skola percentprocenatprivate schoolprivatna skola perhapsmoidaprobabllityverovatnoca permafrostvetiti led verovatan, personaLLyprogrammerprogramer pessimisticpesimisticanpromiseobecati PhilippinesFilipinipromote photographyfotograjijaproperLyispravno pianok/avirpub districtkvart sa picturefotograftja schoolprivatna skola pill Engleskoj) pillow pump pineappleananaspunchlinepLaneavionpupilplayigratipursetasnica pleasurezadovoljstvopush pointput on policepo/icijaPyreneesPirineji poorsiromasan porcelainporcelan porksvinjskomesoquarter25 centi positive quickbrzo possibllity quiettiho verovatanquiteprilicno postposta R pot potatokrompirrabbltzec poultryiivinarainforest Pound Sterling sterlingarainykisovito (britanska raise poursipatiraiseodgajati range rarekNOV,-0,-0 ratherradije 194 1 Recnik ... wsirov,SaharaSohoro reading Lamp zo titonjesailjedriti t readySakejoponskopirincono rokijo real estatenekretninosaladsoloto realise salmonlosos povoljonsaltyslono recentlynedovnoSaskatchewanSoskocevon recommendsaucesos Red SeaCrveno savc regretiolitisave upstedeti regularredovon,saxophonesoksofon regularlyredovnosayreti relaxationscheduledplonironojdogovoreno relaxedsculpture relaxing sea rentkirijoseason rentalzo secondary schoolsrednjaskolo repairpoprovkoseeretirepenzionisati seseemsejdelovoti retiredpenzionisanseLectionizbor retu rn ti cketpovratno kortaseLf-conscious ricepirinocself-consciousnessstidljivost richbogot,semi- ridejohotisendposloti ridevoinjoserveserviroti rightdesnoserverkonoborj-ica right-handed service ringzvonitisettingroastedpeceno rerni)setttedodluceno,dogovoreno Robson Street shaketresti(se) poznata sharpostro rockstenashavebrijati (se) rock cli ngpenjanjesheetcarsav RockiesRoki shinesijati, sjaj rollkotrljatishopping malltrini centor Romeshortnizok rgomyprostronshort of cash dovoljnonovco rotate 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