
EDITOR:     TRISH  FLOYD   103A  Stock  Road,  Attadale      6156  EMAIL:       [email protected]    

MARCH  edition  closes  on  15th  February,  2016  



VOL  6  ISSUE  4  DECEMBER  2015  


Private and Confidential for Probus use only and not to be used for any other purpose  

KOJONUP PROBUS members were presented with their 25th Anniversary Certificate

Kojonup is a small club and is congratulated on reaching 25 years in Probus. The meeting was well attended, with Katanning members joining in the celebration. The photo shows Graham Kirkwood and June Watts, President of the Kojonup Club.

THE PORT OF ALBANY LADIES’ CLUB celebrated their birthday on the 29th of July followed by a lunch at Frenchies restaurant. Edna Vaux the club’s first Life Member, gave a talk on the history of the club.


WOW!!!! WHAT A FEAT!!! Jane Laws of the Karrinyup & North Beach Probus Club recently took part in the Central Park Plunge to raise money for the Fiona Woods Foundation. On the windy and rainy morning of 8 August Jane buckled on the harness and started her abseil down the 220 metres from one of the tallest buildings in the City. On the way down she could feel her feet slipping on the building and at one time she was spun round by the wind - but she made it!!! Not only did Jane complete the drop but she also raised over $2,200 for the Foundation. And all this after two knee replacements and waiting surgery for a hip replacement. Wonderful example of the Probus spirit.




Probians then took off to explore the Zoo – either in a Zebra Car or on a walking tour, lead by a passionate and informative Zoo Docent. Some wandered through the grounds, and enjoyed seeing the animals, reptiles and birds in lovely surroundings, so different to memories of zoo visits in our childhood. The meerkats were a delight to watch, as was the crocodile enjoying the sun in his pool. Some got close up and personal with the giraffe, or took a stroll with Tricia the Elephant. Two dingos were being walked with their docents and we were amused when one decided he had had enough, and was carried by the Docent, just like a child! During the day Probians could be seen returning from visiting the different areas, with wide smiles and interesting stories to tell. Probians could be heard commenting favourably on the lovely Zoo habitat, and the many and varied “occupants”.

The weather was particularly helpful in making this picnic very enjoyable. Many probians said how much they had enjoyed it, and appreciated that PAWA had arranged the event, which also provided a good opportunity to meet up with Probus members from other clubs. Many members from City clubs came by public transport, using their Senior cards for free transport. The Transperth bus stopped at the entrance of the Zoo. Car parking was available very close to the Zoo for those to chose to drive.

At around 2.15pm, as Probians were starting to leave, President Elizabeth arranged the drawing of the remainder of the door prizes and presented the gift vouchers. Before saying farewell, she reiterated her thanks for arranging the lovely event to Jenny McCaughan and Trish Floyd, with great support from Barbara and Greg Thomasson, Sharon Larcombe, Rob Floyd and Fairley Watson.



One hundred and forty Probus members gathered happily together to enjoy a lovely day at the Zoo Picnic arranged by PAWA on the 29th October. Chairs and tables were arranged in a “private fenced off’ area of the main lawn for the Probus picnic. Yellow Villa bags filled with goodies paid for by PAWA, were given to participants as they arrived. These bags could be seen everywhere.

President Elizabeth Hardy welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. The 20 members of the Eaton Club who made a long journey to attend were welcomed. Jenny McCaughan and Trish Floyd were thanked for arranging the picnic, and for filling the Villa bags with PAWA goodies. Barbara Thomasson, Zoo Docent and Thornlie Club member, gave a short introductory talk. Door prize tickets were in the goodie bag and the first round of prizes were drawn. The happy winners were presented with $20 vouchers.



BOORAGOON MENS’ CLUB CELEBRATES 25TH YEARS The 19th August 2015 represented a most important milestone in the history of the Booragoon Men's Club, namely our 25th Anniversary. Our Club was inaugurated in August 1990 with 52 Foundation Members. Since then it has grown to its current membership, which hovers around the 100 mark. A good indication that the Club has been very well managed by the hard work of so many individuals for a quarter of a century. Unfortunately, the PAWA President, Elizabeth Hardy, could not attend the celebration because of health issues. Hopefully she is now on the mend. The good news is that she was most capably represented by Trish Floyd, the Probus West Editor. Trish did an outstanding job on behalf of PAWA. Thank you Trish. After normal business, the celebration commenced with President Maurie Foster calling up all present Foundation and Life Members, who were then individually introduced to Trish. Following this, Foundation Committee Members, Doug Stokes and Ray Ranford (who are also Life Members) had the honour of cutting the beautiful 25th Anniversary Cake. Foundation Member John Deacon, in his usual dry humorous manner, gave a brief outline of the early days of the Club. Trish Floyd then addressed the Club and presented the 25th Anniversary Certificate to President Maurie. Trish carried out a final official duty by drawing winning numbers in a special raffle held for the event. These activities are illustrated in the photos. During our usual excellent morning tea, supplemented on this occasion by the delicious Anniversary Cake, members had the opportunity to study a pictorial display of the Club's history. We now look forward to the next 25 years but we are not too sure how many of us will be around to see them all.





Champions at the

Northern Shores Ladies Club Annual Probus Quiz Day

Noranda Combined Probus Club swept the pool at the annual Probus Quiz day held on Thursday 13 August by the Northern Shores Ladies Probus Club. Although the numbers were slightly down on previous years there were still plenty of brainy Probus members keen to pit their wits against the range of general knowledge questions set by the Quiz mistress from Northern Shores. Noranda Probus Club was represented by two tables, one of which was successful in gaining second prize, while the other table came first, assisted by two representatives from Wembley Ladies Club, Lyn and Rob Stirling. The two tables were able to celebrate with the traditional afternoon tea of scones, jam and cream provided by the hosts.

-­‐  The  winning  table  

Left: The entire team from the Noranda Combined Probus Club


A CAPPELLA WEST (ACW), a Perth based women’s’ barbershop chorus competed in the Sweet Adelines regional convention in Hobart this year, and came away with the Gold Medal. The chorus will represent Australia in the 2016 International World Championships in Las Vegas. One of the group, Jill O’Donnell is a member of the Canning Vale Probus Club. As part of their fundraising, the group will be appearing at various locations. Show your support by contacting Jill through Canning Vale Probus Club or www.acappellawestinfro. Mobile 0406030727.  


SHOALWATER LADIES’ PROBUS CLUB VISITS THE SWAN VALLEY In September Paula, the outings organiser for the Shoalwater Ladies Probus Club arranged a trip to the Swan Valley. A few members from the Wellard Probus also joined us to fill the empty seats in the bus. We left Rockingham on a bright but chilly morning and by the time we reached our first destination, Guildford, the hot coffee and cake we had in the park was very welcome. Afterwards there was time to look around the pottery and other interesting places in the lovely old town. We continued to Houghton’s Winery where we tasted a variety of wines then on to lunch at the Valley View Reception Centre - a magnificent room in a beautiful setting. A delicious meal was enjoyed by all. Nearby we were able to sample many different sauces, jams and more wines. Some of the sauces were far more popular than others and we spent a happy half an hour trying out new flavours. On the way home, we stopped at the ever popular chocolate factory where it is impossible to resist the big bowls of chocolate drops. There were so many different products based on chocolate and most members had extra packages to take home. We arrived back at our starting point after a most interesting and enjoyable day. Thank you Paula.  






There were 34 members and 3 guests who enjoyed the day with Bryan Casey Tours. The first stop was at Mundaring Weir for morning tea. The brilliant engineer Charles Yelverton O’Connor was recruited by Premier John Forrest in 1891 to design and build Fremantle Harbour. His next task was to establish a railway system for WA. As gold had been discovered in the Coolgardie and then Kalgoorlie regions, there was a desperate need for water. Once more O’Connor defied conventional engineers as he had done during building Fremantle Harbour when “the world’s leading marine engineer” Sir John Coode stated that the river harbour would not work. The concept of a pipeline was not O’Connor’s idea, but he designed and started building in 1898 the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme. The water had to be pumped over 500km and raised 390m, plus another 434m to allow for the friction in the pipes, giving a total of 824m. There were a total of eight steam powered pumping stations.

The Editor F. Vosper of the Perth Sunday Times was an arch political opponent of Premier Forrest, but the Premier was such a favourite of the people of WA, it was politically foolish to attack him. Instead the Editor decided to attack the Premier’s loyal engineer. Most thought it was an impossible task to pump water the required distance. There was a continual campaign in the paper and Parliament to denounce the scheme and heap initially criticism, and then eventually, claims of dishonesty against O’Connor. Finally the attacks all became too much for the brilliant engineer and he committed suicide at South Beach in March 1902. Later an inquiry completely exonerated O’Connor and also his foreman (the next target) of any dishonesty. For petty political gains, a gifted engineer was lost. The scheme was opened in January 1903.

Casey Australia Tours name their coaches after notable Australians who developed our country. The coach we used was named after O’Connor with his name on the door.

In 1830 Ensign Robert Dale explored east of the Darling scarp and located suitable agricultural land. The first settlers arrived in the area, later named York after the English city, in September 1831. An army barracks and stores were built in 1836 and the town evolved around these buildings. By the late 1880s the town was teeming with miners on their way to the eastern goldfields. It was between 1885 and 1900 that most of the town’s impressive buildings were erected.

The 2011 census indicated that 3,395 people were in the shire. York’s population is steadily increasing due to retirees and working commuters wanting to live there.

Our Christmas in July lunch was held at the Castle Hotel, established facing Avon Terrace in 1853. It is the longest continuously licensed hotel in WA. The exterior of the later hotel erected on the site has been maintained as it looked when built, but the interior has been modernized. We were served a traditional roast meal followed by Christmas pudding Once again all enjoyed the day with our host Bryan Casey.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOORAGOON LADIES’ CLUB The Ladies Probus Club of Booragoon celebrated its 28th birthday in October. One of our longest serving members, Dolly Miller, cut the Birthday Cake with the help of Vice President Meredith Cziesche. Our special guest for the morning was Elizabeth Hardy. It was a pleasure to have her with us. We were entertained by "The Southside Harmony Mens' Barbershop Chorus”. They gave a most enjoyable performance.  





There were 20 members and guests who went to the Tuesday free lunch time concert at WAAPA for a wind and brass chamber music recitals. Richard Wagner, Francis Poulenc, Henri Tomasi and Antonin Dvorak were the four composers featured. Parts of the presentation may not have been the preferred genre for some of our members. However, all were amazed at the extremely high level of skill and the enthusiasm of the performers, as well as at times humour in the preparation. It was interesting to see the theatre and the equipment used.

After the performance, most of our group made their way to the Seafood and Grill Bar at Coventry Village. Leon, realizing the immense difficulty ahead, had copies of the route map prepared and his role as pathfinder would have made our WW II airman very proud of him. At the grill bar we had a wide choice of dishes in the $14.99 special bracket, including a choice of drinks, with the red wine appearing to be the favourite.

By now, most of the group were well and truly outside their comfort zones in the northern suburbs, having ventured to beyond the known universe for south of the river dwellers. Vasco de Gama and Captain James Cook were in awe of the bravery and audacity of the group as they explored the new world. Finally it was time to make their way through the wilds of Dianella, Inglewood and Mount Lawley and retrace their steps to the Narrows Bridge and once crossed, to the safety of the known universe. By the count of heads at the club meeting next day, all had been far more successful than Captain Scott of Antarctica or poor Vasco in returning to their home base. There was some talk at the meeting that a shrine should be erected near the Old Mill to travellers returning from outer space, or the frontiers of the known world north of the river.

MANDURAH PEEL PROBUS CLUB NEWS At the August 2015 meeting, the President Carol Morritt presented four Foundation Members of the Probus Club of Mandurah Peel with their Induction Certificates.

Tides Café has closed to reassess its future and it has been necessary for our Club to find another venue to meet each month. At our last Probus Club meeting members were provided with details of four alternative venues for future meetings and asked to vote on their preference of venues. President Carol has since advised that there was an overwhelming response by members that future meetings of the Club be held at the Bendigo Bank Stadium (Mandurah/Peel Football Club), Dower Street, Mandurah.

BOORAGOON MENS’ CLUB VISITS THE PINES The Men's Probus Club of Booragoon (WA) has a tradition of patronising the TAFE Pines Restaurant in Bentley at least once a year. In September a group of members and partners did so once again and thoroughly enjoyed excellent food, service, ambience and company. The staff and students must be congratulated on the first rate standards which are maintained year by year. The photo shows our participants enjoying themselves.




At our August meeting, we had a very enjoyable “Bad Taste Dress Parade”. This was well organised and great fun, with all participants getting into the swing of things. The attached photos show all “dressed up” members. Morley is a friendly club, and we have good outings and social events on a monthly basis.


The Denmark River Probus Club had their birthday celebrations recently and was extremely well attended. This marked their first birthday since its beginning last year. This club has grown quite rapidly in membership resulting in the club having to find new premises. The Denmark River PC now meets at the Denmark Country Club.  


The Past Presidents’ Lunch was held at The Garrison café in Albany. Thirty-six Past Presidents attended from local Albany clubs as well as from Denmark and Mt Barker. Unfortunately Esperance clubs could not attend. Garrison Café is situated within the historic Forts precinct atop Mt Clarence and next to the National Anzac Centre. Views are extraordinary and look over the harbour and parts of Albany.  

WHITFORD LADIES’ AND SORRENTO VISIT ARALUEN Rae, Whitford’s Outings Officer kindly contacted Norman Prince, Sorrento Probus Outings Officer, and asked if any of our members would like to share a coach trip to Araluen with them! This was a super idea and a small group of us jumped at the chance for a day’s outing. We left from outside Whitford’s Library early in the morning on 15th September. The driver, Jim of Mindarie Bus Charter did a wonderful commentary all along the way, chatting about most things we passed - he was a wealth of information. We stayed at Araluen for just over 2 hours then went off to lunch and a visit to a Winery. We had a wonderful day and highly recommend Jim, our driver. Thanks go to Rae from Whitfords Ladies Probus for putting in such a lot of work for a wonderful day. She went to all the trouble of giving everyone a Bookmark with a Tulip on as a memento of our trip - such a thoughtful thing to do. Hopefully we shall share outings again as neither club has the numbers to fill a full coach.




BOORAGOON MEN’S CLUB VISITS DONGARA AND GERALDTON On October 13th our intrepid Outings Officer (and Vice President), Paul Simpson, led 31 members and partners from the Men's Booragoon Probus Club (WA) on a 4 day getaway to Dongara and surrounds. Transport was by luxury coach and accommodation each night was provided at the Dongara Hotel/Motel. All meals and morning teas (except one in Geraldton) excursions and conducted tours were included. Highlights included:

• A visit to the Pinnacles near Cervantes to view these ancient limestone formations located in an alien type landscape within Nambung National Park. • A visit to Greenough Pioneer Museum, Historic Village and tearooms • Conducted tour of an early settlers' home ' Russ Cottage' and adjacent

Priory • Conducted tour of Irwin District Museum with its possibly oldest police

station and cells in WA. • A visit and conducted tour of Geraldton Museum to learn about and view

artifacts from historic ship wrecks of the Batavia and the Gilt Dragon etc. • A particularly interesting and moving conducted tour at the Geraldton

HMAS Sydney Memorial Gardens - a must see. • Tours of the area's beautiful scenery including Lesueur National Park and the Chapman River Valley.

SORRENTO PROBUS had a picnic in Korrela Park, Mullaloo on Monday 26th October. It was a very pleasant outing, chatting and enjoying the company of like-minded people. The weather was perfect with a warm sun and gentle breeze off the ocean. Plenty of shady trees protected those that did not want to get a sun tan. The local Primary school came out on the grass for a run and it was nice to see the youngsters covered up with hats protecting them from the sun’s rays. Those at the picnic were:- Elizabeth, Peter,Valerie, Dale, Gerardine, Hazel, Ted, Heather, Barry our President, Norman and Carol. We were there three hours! Time went very quickly and before we knew it was time to make our way home.  

BOORAGOON CLUB’S INTERSTATE TOUR DIRECTOR RETIRES Life Member of the Men's Probus Club of Booragoon (WA), Alan Marsh, has recently retired as "Interstate Getaway Tour Director" of the Club. He arranged many highly successful interstate tours in the past. In addition, he had also organised a number of Musical Evenings held in our usual meeting hall. On 6th November Alan came out of "retirement" so that a number of members and partners could enjoy a relaxing evening of musical videos, fellowship and light refreshments. The photo shows Alan introducing the evening's varied entertainment.

  On Wednesday, 23rd September, the Willetton Ladies Probus Club shared a trip with Applecross/Attadale Ladies Club. Twentyfive members went to Dwellingup and then took a train journey on the Hotham Valley Steam Ranger. The train meandered down the Darling Scarp at a leisurely pace to Isandra Siding, where we disembarked, and watched as the steam engine turned around ready for the return journey.




MURDOCH PROBUS CLUB’S AUSTRALIND GETAWAY In September, 39 Combined Probus Club of Murdoch members went on a getaway arranged by Giff & Yvonne Lindsay. We set off on a Monday 21st September, driving south to Harvey Dam for a picnic lunch, then to the Harvey cheese factory where it seemed ice cream was more in favour than cheese. Finally we arrived at the Australind tourist park, our home for 4 nights. Everyone gathered for the fellowship Happy Hour at 5.00 pm before starting our BBQ dinner. On Tuesday morning a convoy of 11 cars headed to the Greenbushes Discovery Centre. Interestingly, tour leader Giff Lindsay’s Dad owned the original large general store that is now the Discovery Centre. Giff was born and grew up in the house that remains adjacent to the Centre. Hosts Mary and Sonya told us about the fascinating history of Greenbushes community and the mine, before a self- guided tour through the remarkable displays built into the Discovery Centre of underground mining, the timber industry, the wildlife of the area and the Indigenous Heritage. The view of the Greenbushes mine from the viewing area was great. The open pit is not quite as big as the Kalgoorlie Super Pit but it’s are working on it. A few visited the swimming hole before driving to Balingup for lunch and to spend a little money in the shops.

A picturesque drive through undulating country side took us to the Solar Fruit factory where owner Steve Collis explained the intricacies of his process of drying fruit pulp in the sun to produce a tasty fruit pad used in a range of delights. Then back to fellowship at Happy Hour. On Wednesday we drove to the Dardanup Heritage Park where we spent about 2 hours browsing through many sheds full of old tractors, trucks, old machinery and an interesting Military

display which included a leopard tank. Most engines and machines on display are in working order. A lot of history was on display. We had lunch at the Park before moving on to the 5th Element Glass and Pottery studio, which was close by, with a lovely collection of coloured glass objects that soon had the purses open and little gifts purchased. Thursday was an early start to drive through the Ferguson Valley to Gnomesville where we installed our own gnome, complete with caravan, in memory of our late member and get-a-way founder, John Genoni.

Gnomesville is amazing with many different gnomes installed by groups and individuals complete with some clever sayings. From here we visited Lyndendale Gallery to view work by several local artists and to enjoy morning tea provided by Solarus Care, a local cancer support group. Next stop was the Moody Cow brewery for lunch and a talk by owner Grant on the brewing process. After lunch many members visited the various attractions in the Valley including The King Jarrah tree, Wellington Dam, Honeymoon pool and the old Wellington Mill site before returning to the Park. Only a few starters attended the Happy Hour before we met for our final dinner together at the Australind Tavern.


Members of Marmion Probus enjoy morning tea at Noble Falls en route to Toodyay. Along the way members were treated to a spectacular display of wildflowers, in particular many of the 400 or so types of wattles that grow in our South West. Blue lechenaultia were also in full bloom providing a spectacular contrast. An excellent lunch was enjoyed in Toodyay followed by some free time to browse, the main attraction being the Christmas shop, a 'must see' for anyone visiting this town. A stop at a local winery on the way home was a delightful end to a great day.  






The venue was ideal for the day, with room for all of us to mingle and make new friends and meet up with long lost ones. Coffee and tea was available all day in a separate room, with ample seating available. We were entertained by the Mandurah Island Singing Group – “the Islanders”, a highly talented choir.

Terry, our MC, introduced Marina Vergone, Mayor of Mandurah, and she welcomed us to Mandurah. She joined us for a delicious lunch prepared by the chef at the Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club. We were entertained by “Leather and Lace”, a local duo during lunch and the afternoon. Many of us were lucky enough to win a door prize. Vice President of PAWA, Judy Davies addressed the meeting and South West representative Don Faulks gave a vote of thanks.

To conclude the day, MC Terry read a self-written poem – “What’s this thing called Probus” and President Enid Holt, of the Mandurah Island Probus Club read the Probus Closing Verse.

One cannot speak highly enough of this day – Mandurah Island will be a hard act to follow. The organization, venue, food, and entertainment were all top class. The three F’s – Friendship, Fellowship and Fun were evident all day. The Committee and members of Mandurah Island Probus Club were perfect hosts and we thank you all for your efforts. Don Faulks is also thanked for his input on making this day such a success. The two clubs, which did not attend, missed a magnificent day, but hopefully all South West clubs will support Dunsborough next year.





The South West Probus Club Get Together was held on the 17th November at the Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club and what a great day it was. The Mandurah Island Club did a superb job of organizing the day and it was enjoyed by all 245 probians in attendance, from 17 clubs from Mandurah to Manjimup. Master of Ceremony Terry introduced Commodore Leigh Cox, who welcomed us to the venue and told us about the Mandurah Offshore and Sailing Club.

The weather was mild and the light rain in the afternoon did not interrupt the programme, as the train ride and canal cruise had taken place in the morning. How well planned was that! The train was a great way to see Mandurah, while it chugged along the streets. The Canal cruise, commencing from the jetty at the venue, showed us the beautiful homes of the rich and famous – for when we win Lotto? Probians were able to meet with representatives of Mandurah Mobility, RSM, Villa, Department of Fisheries and see the Disabled Fisheries Vessel. These were very popular and were well supported. RSM are thanked for their sponsorship again this year, and this will continue in 2016 for the Dunsborough Club’s South West Get Together.  



Probus West – edited by Trish Floyd. Please send contributions to Trish by email: [email protected]

103a Stock Road, Attadale, 6156.



With our monthly general meeting falling on the 11th of November this year, we included a short Remembrance Day observance and displays of memorabilia.

Led by President Ron Armstrong, our short observance included a minute’s silence, the playing of the Last Post and a reading of the Ode.

KINGSLEY MENS’ CLUB BOTANIC GOLF DAY Recently the Kingsley Men’s Club met for a social outing at Botanic Golf at Wanneroo. This event included ladies who are wives and/or friends of members past and present. The event was attended by 11 people, who had a very enjoyable morning, including the necessary coffee and cake after the golf. Golfers played for trophies that have been kindly donated by club members over the years and  the  winners will be presented with their trophies at the upcoming Christmas lunch on Dec 14th at the Kingsley Tavern.  

It’s nice to receive a thank you, so I had to share this! “Dear Trish I noticed you are doing a story about the PAWA visit to the Zoo. I attach 2 photos. Twelve 12 members from Leeming Combined spent a most enjoyable few hours with everyone and all keen to return next year! We loved our surprise Villa bag, generously filled with goodies from PAWA. Thank you for a wonderful day out. We think these endangered species (in photos) are worth preserving! Kind regards” Bronwyn Pozzecco

May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of contentment, health, wealth and joy.

Have a Merry Christmas.


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