Page 1: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话


   张   力

Page 2: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

公益广告Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话深入人心 )

Page 3: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

Warming up ( 5minutes )


1. Why does James shout at the cigarettes?

2. What is James’ problem?

Page 4: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话


Read the passage for five minutes

then answer the following questions:

Page 5: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

1. What kind of person do you think Jam

es’ grandfather is?

He is fit and healthy and leads an active

life. He takes an interest in his daughte

r’s and grandson’s well-being. He is kn

owledgeable. He reads the internet.

He appears to love his grandson.

Page 6: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

2. What are the suggestions James’

grandfather gives to quit smoking?

Page 7: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

Suggestions to quit smoking

1. Prepare yourself

2. Be determined

3. Break the habit

4. Relax

5. Get help if you need it

6. Keep trying

Page 8: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

3. Do you think the information and

advice on the Internet page that James’

grandfather sent is useful for someone

who is trying to give up smoking?

It’s a good summary but a person

wanting to give up should probably look

for more information than what is

presented here.

Page 9: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

4. What else could have been


5. What information could have been

left out?

Page 10: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

Fill in the chart on the next

page with information from

the reading passage.

Page 11: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

Information from the

reading passage.

Different ways

people can become

addicted to


1. physically addicted to


2. addicted through


3. mentally addicted

Page 12: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话


physical effects

for smokers

1. do terrible damage

to heart and lungs

2. have difficulty in

becoming pregnant

3. can not run fast

Page 13: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

Effects that a person’s smoking can have on other people

Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance

1. other people dislike the smell

2. The cigarette smoke may do harm to other people near the smoker.

be unable to enjoy sport

Page 14: Reading 张 力. 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话

Skimming ( 5minutes )

Read the letter, then put the following sentences in the right order according to the structure of the letter.

1. The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James’ problem of smoking.2. Introducing some different ways of becoming addicted.3.Telling the writer’s hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.4. Telling the harmful effects of smoking.5. From the life the writer is leading now, we can know the importance of healthy life.






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