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Sephiroth Care

Sephiroth Care energy system is for the cleansing and replenishing of each

Sephirah Tree of Life energy center in your body.

Imagine the image on this page, moving toward you and the white dots

overlaying energy centers on the corresponding areas of your body.

The Sephiroth Tree of Life depicts Creation.

Energy at the top is the most undifferentiated beginning in Source.

As energy moves down from Eternal Sacred Source various attributes of

Divinity are more prominent. Eventually energy has reached Malkhut,

Kingdom and is here in this reality on Earth.

I believe that our bodies are physical embodiments of Divinity and a

microcosm of Creation. When our Sephiroth energy centers flow clean and

strong, it is key to synergy with Eternal Sacred Source. Now we are more

likely to manifest here in physicality with increased speed and accuracy.

The corresponding Hebrew Names of God open and infuse each Sephira

with the resonant Divine frequencies from the Higher Dimensions.

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Accept your attunement to Sephiroth Care in the manner directed by your

teacher, allowing the energies to integrate with your for about ten minutes.

Then say with intent out loud or in your mind:

“Sephiroth Care on!” or “Sephiroth Care Activate!”

Immediately a cleansing and replenishing to each Sephirah shall occur in

accordance with your Higher Self and Source’s will.

(Sephiroth is the plural term for the energy centers that comprise the

Sephiroth Tree of Life, Sephirah is singular.)

Those simple commands are great for quick spiritual hygiene times.

The next version is in three steps and provides more detailed care:

Say out loud with intent or think: 1) “Sephiroth Care On!” (or Activate)

Then in a moment, say: 2) “Sephiroth Cleanse!”

Pause, then say: 3) “Sephiroth, Align and Infuse!”

Wait a few minutes.

The next version is the strongest because it includes the Hebrew Names of

God. Hebrew is thought by some people to be the language God thinks in.

Hebrew is one of the languages that many sacred texts have been written in.

Yes, these are English letters and not the Hebrew Aleph-Beth that are typed

here to assist you to verbalize the various attributes of Divinity.

These names of God bring high Divine energy frequencies into your body in

alignment with the Eternal Divine Blueprint. When you are in alignment

with Divinity everything goes smoother in your life. First however, there

may be a re-adjustment period in your life while what no longer resonates

with you drops away or changes its place within your life.

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Say out loud with intent or think: 1) “Sephiroth Care On!” (or Activate)

Then in a moment, say: 2) “Sephiroth Cleanse!”

Pause, then say: 3) “Sephiroth, Align and Infuse!”

Now say each name of God three times from Malkhut, Kingdom up to Keter. (The C in both Chesed and Chaim is silent when you say them.)

Yehezekel Malkuth -Kingdom, Feet chakra

Yesod Yesha’iahu -Foundation, groin area

Hod Ha-Melek Zedek, Melchizedek Meshiakh -Splendor, left hip

Netzakh Merkavah Eliahu -Victory, right hip

Yoiel Kohel’et Tiphareth -Beauty, upper middle of torso

Shem Shel Geburah -Severity, Justice, right shoulder

Chesed Tushiyyah Shilioh -Mercy, left shoulder

Eloha Vau Da’at -Void of potential, throat

Binah Ruach Devekut -Understanding, right side of head

Chokhmah Michaelilu -Widsom, left side of head

Kether Etz Chaim Yehu -Crown, above head

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You may activate Sephiroth Care for other people if you are asked to assist

their spiritual hygiene needs. It is wise to do the strongest version because

simply doing this technique does not give the person the ability to call on the

energies themselves. So, be responsible and do a proper Sephiroth Care

session if you agree to assist a person using this energy system.

You may pass this attunement on to other people if you are accustomed to

sending attunements for various energy systems.

It is important that you intend who is to receive the attunement and then

activate the energy of Sephiroth Care. Intend that Sephiroth Cleanse and

Sephirot align and infuse functions are also included in this attunement.

Then say each of the Hebrew Names of God three times, from Malkut up to

Keter. Seal the attunement asking for an Angel of Eternal Sacred Source to

arrive and protect this attunement until the recipient calls for it.

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Sephiroth Care is for self enrichment purposes only and does not diagnose

nor treat any illness. If you are not well, please seek the immediate attention

of a properly licensed professional.

Always include this manual fully intact with no changes anytime you do a

Sephiroth Care attunement for a student or client. I prefer that this system be

passed along freely to all sincere seekers. Do not sell this manual, however,

you may charge fairly for your sacred preparation and attunement sending

time if you choose to.

Sephiroth Care is part of the CARE Series that to date already includes:

Hand Care, Foot Care, Nadi Care and Wing Care.

CARE means: “Calling All Responsive Eternals”

The Responsive Eternal Beings of Eternal Sacred Source provide their

energies to do the CARE series spiritual hygiene of each energy system.

There are some Eternal Beings who simply ARE. They hold the various

attributes of Divinity yet are not always the ones who are responsive to the

requests of humans. The responsive Eternal Divine Beings are the ones we

are calling.

System channeled by: Mariah Windsong Napieralski

Manual assistance by: Storm

April 2nd

, 2010

These Hebrew Names of God were among many permutations I memorized while receiving Aliyah

Ziondra’s Bennu Synergy sessions in 2005.

Photos are from Google Images.

Except this diagram of the Sephirot Tree of Life on this page is from

Cover Painting by Patricia Waldygo

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From Wikepedia:

Kabbalists believe the Tree of Life to be a diagrammatic representation of the process by which the

Universe came into being. On the Tree of Life, the beginning of the Universe is placed at a space above the

first Sephirah, named Kether ("crown" in English).

It is not always pictured in reproductions of the Tree of Life, but is referred to universally as Ain Soph Aur

(Ain - Without, Soph - End, Aur - Light). To the Kabbalists, it symbolises that point beyond which our

comprehension of the origins of Being cannot go; it is considered to be an infinite nothingness out of which

the first 'thing' (thought of in science and the Kabbalah to be energy) exploded to create a Universe of

multiple things.

Kabbalists also do not envision time and space as pre-existing, and place them at the next three stages on

the Tree of Life. First is Kether, or the Crown in English, which is thought of as the product of the

contraction of Ain Soph Aur into a singularity of infinite energy or limitless light. In the Kabbalah, it is the

primordial energy out of which all things are created. The next stage is Chokmah, or Wisdom, which is

considered to be a stage at which the infinitely hot and contracted singularity expanded forth into space and

time. It is often thought of as pure dynamic energy of an infinite intensity forever propelled forth at a speed

faster than light. It is considered to be the primordial masculine energy, which is also referred to in Chinese

Taoist philosophy as Yang. Next comes Binah, or Understanding, which is thought of as the primordial

feminine energy, the Supernal Mother of the Universe which receives the energy of Chokmah, cooling and

nourishing it into the multitudinous forms present throughout the whole cosmos. It is also seen as the

beginning of Time itself. It is analogous to the Chinese concept of Yin, which together with Yang are

considered to be the basis of all of Creation. There are many parallels between Taoist philosophy and the

Kabbalistic conceptions of the Tree of Life.

Numbers are very important to Kabbalists, and the Hebrew letters of the alphabet also have a numerical

value for the Kabbalists. Each stage of the emanation of the Universe on the Tree of Life is numbered

meaningfully from one, or the Sephiroth of Kether to ten, or the Sephiroth of Malkuth. The nature of each

number is thought to express the nature of its Sephirah.

The first three Sephiroth, called the Supernal Sephiroth, are considered to be the primordial energies of the

Universe. The next stages of evolution on the Tree of Life are considered to exist beyond a space on the

tree, called the Abyss, between the Supernals and the other Sephiroth, because their levels of being are so

distinct from each other that they appear to exist in two totally different realities. The Supernal Sephiroth

exist on a plane of divine energy. This is why another correspondence for Binah is the idea of suffering,

because the Supernal Maternal energy gives birth to a world that is inherently excluded from that Divine

Union. After Binah, the Universe gets down to the business of building the materials it will need to fulfill

its evolution, and creating new combinations of those materials until it is so dense that, by the stage of

Malkuth, the initial pure limitless energy has 'solidified' into the physical Universe. Since its energies are

the basis of all Creation, the Tree of Life can potentially be applied to any area of life, especially the inner

world of Man, from the subconscious all the way to what Kabbalists call the higher self.

But the Tree of Life does not only speak of the origins of the physical Universe out of the unimaginable,

but also of Man's place in the Universe. Since Man is invested with Mind, consciousness in the Kabbalah is

thought of as the fruit of the physical world, through whom the original infinite energy can experience and

express itself as a finite entity. After the energy of Creation has condensed into matter, it is thought to

reverse its course back up the Tree until it is once again united with its true nature. Thus, the kabbalist

seeks to know himself and the Universe as an expression of God, and to make the journey of Return by

stages charted by the Sephiroth, until he has come to the realization he sought.

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