Page 1: The Battle of Yamaamah...4 and people continue to speak in praise of him and sacrifices up until this very day, even the Kuffaar themselves. During the time of Akbar Shah, who invented


Page 2: The Battle of Yamaamah...4 and people continue to speak in praise of him and sacrifices up until this very day, even the Kuffaar themselves. During the time of Akbar Shah, who invented


The Battle of Yamaamah

Written by: Muhammad Huzaifah ibn Adam aal-Ebrahim.

(Completed: 27th of Shawwaal, 1435 – 23

rd of August, 2014.)

Translation edited by

Mufti A. H. Elias

May Allaah protect him

A Nidaa-ul-Haqq Publication.

Page 3: The Battle of Yamaamah...4 and people continue to speak in praise of him and sacrifices up until this very day, even the Kuffaar themselves. During the time of Akbar Shah, who invented



عاىا, أفسا سآت أ اىحذ هلل حذ سبحا سحع سحذ سحغفش, عر باهلل ششس إ

سذا أشذ ال هللا حذ ال ششل ى إى إ ال أذ هللا فال ضو ى ضيي فال اد ى, شذ

ذا عبذ سسى با شفعا الا ح

حسا اى اىذإجع, جبع بأصحاب أاى عي عي صي هللا

For every time and place, since the inception of this Ummah of Rasoolullaah للاه صل ه سلم و عل , Allaah Ta`aalaa has chosen such people, such slaves of His, who are best

suited for carrying out the needs of that time. During the time of the early `Abbaasiyyoon (Abbasids), the believers in the Creed of I`tizaal (i.e. the Mu`tazilah), their scholars fabricated the dangerous and Kufr concept of the Qur'aan – the Kalaam of Allaah `Azza wa Jall – being created. The majority, as will always be the case, kept silent; `Ulamaa and laymen. Allaah Ta`aalaa has never aided this Deen using the “majority”. Rather, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aalaa selected one man, one very special `Abd of His, to carry out the magnanimous task of defending the very `Aqeedah of the Muslimeen, which is the foundation of Islaam, from the sinister plot of these agents of Shaytaan. The name of this man was Hadhrat Ahmad ibn Hanbal, so rightfully awarded the title of “Imaamu Ahlis Sunnah” (The Imaam of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa`ah). Were it not for this great Imaam and the tremendous sacrifices he made for the sake of Allaah, the people today would have believed in a “Created Qur'aan”, a belief the Kufr of which is so severe, the `Ulamaa have ruled that it takes one out from the fold of Islaam (i.e. renders him a Kaafir). During the time of the Mongols, their invasions of the Muslim lands and their destruction of countless Kutub of Deen, we once again see the “majority” in cowardly submission; too afraid, on account of weakness of Imaan, to stand up to the Mongols even to save their own selves. `Ulamaa concerned themselves with petty, insignificant matters, others with bringing different Bid`aat (innovations) and false beliefs into the Ummah, and thus let the Kuffaar do as they please; were the situation to be left like this, Islaamic rule might have been effaced from the earth to be replaced by the Taaghooti “Al-Yaasiq” constitution of Genghis Khan. Allaah Ta`aalaa would never allow this to take place, and raised up an Imaam, Haafiz, `Aalim, `Aabid, Zaahid, Mujaahid, Mujtahid, Mujaddid, the likes of which the world had never seen: “Shaykh-ul-Islaam” ibn Taymiyyah. He waged Jihaad against the Kuffaar and purified the Deen from the false ideas and practices of the Ahl-ul-Baatil. During the time of the Christian Crusades, Allaah Ta`aalaa raised up Salaah-ud-Deen Ayyoobi who, along with the help of Noor-ud-Deen Zangki, wiped them out,

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and people continue to speak in praise of him and sacrifices up until this very day, even the Kuffaar themselves. During the time of Akbar Shah, who invented a false Deen of his own which he named “Deen-e-Ilaahi”, and the Muslims in India were drowned in Kufr, Shirk and Bid`aat too numerous to make mention of, Allaah Ta`aalaa raised up a man who would be like a beacon of light, bringing illumination in a place previously engulfed in darkness; the darkness of Kufr. This man was Shaykh Ahmad Sirhind ه للا رحمةه عل , famously known and referred to as “Mujaddid Alf-e-Thaani” (The Mujaddid of the Second Millennium). Through him, Akbar's wish of a “new Deen” came to nought and every facet of the Deen was restored by Imaam ar-Rabbaani (i.e. Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi ه للا رحمةه عل ) to the way it had been in the beginning, purged from the false beliefs and practices which had been attached to it by the `Ulamaa-e-Soo' and even the laymen themselves. He pulled the masses away from the Kufr and ignorance of their forefathers and drew them to the only two sources by which success, Hidaayah and protection from deviation can be attained: the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. After his demise, the Zhulm (Darkness) of Jahaalat once again returned, and the Muslims were so far from the true Deen of Islaam that to tell the difference between them and the Mushrikeen was a nigh impossible task. They were brothers in their commision of Shirk. The time and place once again called for a “reformer”. Allaah Ta`aalaa sent to them a man whose methodology would continue to be followed for hundreds of years: Shah Waliyullaah, Muhaddith Dehlvi. With Shah Waliyullaah came also all of his descendants who continued imparting to the people the Noor which Shah Saheb brought; the likes of Shah Ismail Shaheed (who later on became the student of another Imaam of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent, Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed ه للا رحمةه عل ), Shah `Abdul `Azeez, Shah `Abdul Ghani, etc. This “Waliyullaah” Maslak was taken up by another movement which Allaah Ta`aalaa raised for the spreading of Islaam: Deoband, which produced such great luminaries, the likes of Shaykh-ul-Hind, Maulana Mahmood Hasan Deobandi, Maulana Madni, Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, Maulana Qaasim Nanotwi, Maulana Badre Aaalam, `Allaamah Yusuf Binnoori, Mufti Mahmood-ul-Hasan Gangohi, Mufti Kifaayatullaah, Hadhrat Thanvi, Maulana Abraar-ul-Haqq, Hadhratji Maulana Maseehullaah, etc., etc. م للا رحمةه ه عل .

Kitaabs could – and have been – written on their lives and their contributions to the Deen of Islaam. The whole of Deoband itself was a “Mujaddid” and the only source of true Islaam in India, and this fact is testified to by numerous `Ulamaa, Arabs and others, from various parts of the world.

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However, the purport of this Kitaab is not any of them; not the sacrifices they made nor the evil they put an end to. The aim of this Kitaab is to give the reader an understanding of a Fitnah much greater than the Fitnah they faced, of an evil much worse than the evil they fought, of sacrifices much greater than the sacrifices they made, of people much greater than the people they were. This Fitnah was that of the “Riddah” (Apostasy) which had spread like wild-fire immediately following the demise of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , the evil of the original and worst false claimant of Nubuwwah, imposter, the Mujaahideen had to deal with, the sacrifices of giving blood, wealth and lives for the sake of this Deen, that it and its people may be supreme and Kufr and its people be subjected, and the people are the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam, this Ummat's “Shining Stars”. To confront and destroy this Fitnah and wipe out this evil, Allaah Ta`aalaa chose the very best of His servants: Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq

عنهه للاه رض , the greatest person to live in this Ummah or any other, excluding the Ambiyaa `Alayhimus Salaam. With him were the very best of the Sahaabah, the cream of the crop. With a general to lead the Mujaahideen like Sayfullaah (The Sword of Allaah), Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض , in all honesty, what chance could Shaytaan and his people ever have?

Who Was Musaylamah?

Musaylamah ibn Habeeb (other Mu'arrikheen say the name of his father was Thumaamah) al-Hanafi, best known as “Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab” (Musaylamah the Liar), was the first of the “False Prophets”, those who falsely claimed Nubuwwah after the demise of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل and were fought and killed by Sahaabah-e-Kiraam. As can be seen from this Kunyah “Al-Hanafi”, he was from the tribe of Banu Haneefah, which was one of the largest Arab tribes and inhabited the city of Najd. The Banu Haneefah were Christians (prior to Islaam), and were a sub-branch of the larger Banu Bakr tribe. He is described by some Mu'arrikheen as having been short in stature, yellowish in complexion, ugly and had a flat nose. Imaam as-Suyooti ه للا رحمةه عل mentions in Taareekh-ul-Khulafaa that he was born many years before the father of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , so during the lifetime of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل he was already an old man.

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He was born in Yamaamah, which lies east of Najd in Saudi Arabia. The current Saudi headquarters in Riyaadh is called “The Palace of Yamaamah”. The first mention of this man, Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, is in what was called “The Year of the Delegations” (due to the large amount of tribes coming into Madeenah to accept Islaam at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , after the Conquest of Makkah). Musaylamah went with a delegation of his tribe (Banu Haneefah) to Madeenah, to accept Islaam. When they arrived, the rest went in to Madeenah whilst he was left behind to look after the camels, which had been tied up in a traveller's camp. Those who met with Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل from the delegation all accepted Islaam, and upon returning to their tribe of Banu Haneefah, converted them to Islaam. During the latter part of the life of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab began setting himself up in Yamaamah (east of Najd) as a false “Nabi”. He said to his people one day, “O Banu Haneefah! I want you to tell me what makes Quraysh more worthy of Nubuwwah and Imaamah (leadership) than you? Neither are they greater than you in number nor are they braver. Also, your lands are vaster than their lands, and your wealth is greater than their wealth. And, Jibreel comes to me every day with what he intends from the affairs. He brings revelation to me as he had brought revelation to Muhammad ibn `Abdullaah ( ه للاه صل سلم و عل ) from before. Thereafter, here is Rajjaal ibn Nahshal and Muhkam ibn at-Tufayl, who are from the chiefs of the people of Yamaamah, and both of whom bear witness that I am a partner to Muhammad ibn `Abdullaah ( ه عل للاه صل سلم و ) in his Nubuwwah, before his demise. “ So the tribe of Banu Haneefah went to these two men, Rajjaal ibn Nahshal and Muhkam ibn at-Tufayl and asked them, “Look, Musaylamah ibn Habeeb has now been claiming to be a Nabi since such-and-such a time, that Muhammad ibn `Abdullaah ( ه للاه صل سلم و عل ) had made him a partner in Nubuwwah prior to his demise, and he says that you two are his witnesses. What do you have to say, both of you being truthful old men?” Rajjaal ibn Nahshal said, “Musaylamah has spoken the truth in what he said; I testify that Muhammad ibn `Abdillaah ( ه للاه صل سلم و عل ) had made him a partner in the Nubuwwah prior to his demise.” Muhkam ibn at-Tufayl said, “I testify to the same.” So Banu Haneefah began flocking to Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab and believing that

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he is a Nabi, except a few from amongst them. At the same time Musaylamah started acquiring followers, another false claimant to Nubuwwah appeared on the scene: a female by the name of Sajaah bint al-Mundhir. Two men from her people followed her: Ghaylaan ibn Kharshanah and al-Haarith ibn al-Ahtam. Along with the two of them, she also had a following from the tribe of Banu Tameem. She had also hired a Mu'adh-dhin whose job it was to give the Adhaan for her but add on to it, “I testify that Sajaah is the Nabiyyah (female Nabi) of Allaah.” Hearing about Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, she travelled to meet him in Yamaamah. When she met him, she said, “I have heard about your Nubuwwah and have travelled to meet you, and desire to get married to you. However, tell me what is revealed to you from your Rabb.” So the Kadh-dhaab Musaylamah recited:

مه ال البلد ب هذا أهقس

البلد هذا تبرح وال

وولد مال ذا تكهون حتى

وصفد ووفر

ل وعدد وخ

األبد آخ ر إ لى

ن رغم على حسد م He had copied the first Aayah of Soorah al-Balad, “Laa Uqsimu bi-Haadhal Balad”, and tried to imitate the style of the Soorah, but failed miserably, producing a few meaningless lines which he called a “Soorah”. The translation is as follows: “Nay, I take an oath by this city, And do not leave this city, Until you have some money and children, And savings and gifts,

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And horses and numbers (i.e. a following), Until the end of eternity, Despite the jealousy.” Sajaah said, “I bear witness that you are a true Nabi and am pleased with you, and have married you to myself. However, I want you to give me a dowry which is befitting of me.” Musaylamah said, “I will do so.” He called one of his “Mu'adh-dhins” and said to him, “Go to this woman's tribe and tell them, 'Your Nabi, Musaylamah, has cancelled two of the five Salaahs which Muhammad ibn `Abdullaah ( ه للاه صل و عل ”.had come with, and they are Salaat-ul-Fajr and Salaat-ul-`Ishaa (سلم Hearing this, Sajaah said, “I bear witness that you have come with what is correct.” During the latter part of the life of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab had written a letter to him saying:

ولكن نصفها ول األرض نصف فلك معك األمر أوتت إن اال: للا رسول محمد إلى للا رسول مسلمة منعتدون قوم قرش

“From Musalaymah Rasoolullaah to Muhammad Rasoolullaah ( سلم و ه عل للاه صل ): The earth is split in two parts: one part is for you and one part is for me. However, the Quraysh are a transgressing people.” Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل wrote back to him a very concise letter:



شاءمنعبادهوالعاقبةللمتقن “Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

From Muhammad Rasoolullaah ( ه للاه صل سلم و عل ) to Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab (The Liar).

Salaam upon all those who follow the Hidaayah (i.e. Islaam). Indeed, the earth belongs to Allaah; He gives it to whoever He desires from His slaves, and the end result is for the Muttaqeen.”

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Thus was he (Musaylamah) dismissed with contempt. Rasoolullaah ه للاه لص سلم و عل neither wrote back to him a long letter nor worried with a refutation, as Kufr and Baatil of this kind is not worthy of being refuted. Before Hadhrat `Amr ibn al-`Aas عنهه للاه رض had accepted Islaam, he had paid a visit to Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, who asked him, “What has been revealed to your companion (i.e. Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل )?” Hadhrat `Amr ibn al-`Aas عنهه للاه رض said, “A concise, most eloquent Soorah was revealed to him.” Musaylamah asked, “And what is it?” Hadhrat `Amr ibn al-`Aas عنهه للاه رض recited:

{“By Al-`Asr (The Time)! Verily, mankind is in loss, except those who have Imaan and do good deeds, and recommend one another to the Haqq (i.e. order good (Amr bil-Ma`roof) and forbid evil – Nahi `Anil Munkar) and recommend one another to Sabr.”}

Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab sat in thought for a while and then said, “Something similar has been revealed to me.” Hadhrat `Amr ibn al-`Aas عنهه للاه رض asked him,

“And what is it?” Musaylamah said:

اوبر اوبر

ماأنتأذنانوصدر إ ن

وسائ ركحفرنقر “O Wabr (Dassie)! O Wabr (Dassie)! You are only two ears and a chest, and the rest of you is digging.” His Ghabaawah (rubbish; bunkum; trash) which he named a “Soorah” was meaningless and served no purpose other than to disgrace him. Allaah Ta`aalaa promised that no person will ever bring a similitude of the Qur'aan, and no one ever did (or ever will). After having read out his meaningless rhyme, Musaylamah asked, “What do you think, `Amr?” Hadhrat `Amr ibn al-`Aas عنهه للاه رض said, “Wallaahi (By Allaah!), you know that I know that you are a liar.” At times al Kadh-dhaab tried to imitate a Soorah of the Qur'aan, and other times he would try to make his own so-called “Soorah”, such as:

ابنةضفدع فدعه اض

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ن قماتن قن

ن الط ف وأسفلهك الماء ف أعالك

ن بتمنع ار الالش

ن ر والالماءتهكد “O Frog, daughter of a frog, croak as you croak. Your top half is in water, and your bottom half is in dirt. Neither do you stop the drinker, nor do you muddy the water.” And also:

الف له

الف له ما أدراك وما

وب ل ذنب لهه

وم رطه ل وخه طو “The elephant, and what will make you know what is the elephant? It has an unhealthy tail and a long trunk.” Those who knew Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab La`natullaahi `Alayhi all knew him to be a liar. Those who followed him did not do so whilst believing in him; rather they were aware of him being an imposter, but followed himself for their own Nafsaani agendas.

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His tribe of Banu Haneefah, for example, (many of them) followed him saying, “The liar of Banu Haneefah (i.e. Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab) is more beloved to us than the Truthful One of Quraysh (i.e. Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل ).” Musaylamah was only the first out of a long line of imposters who have popped up over the centuries, professing Nubuwwah. Their lies died with them. Their Baatil fooled only a handful of people in their lifetimes, and with their deaths it faded away. They were forgotten, their “revelations” were forgotten, their “religions” they brought were forgotten. On the contrary, the Haqq brought by Rasoolullaah للاه صل

ه سلم و عل has remained until the present time. The Kalimah of Allaah is the Highest, was the Highest, and will always be the Highest. The Haqq (Islaam) brought by Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل is here and will never be destroyed by anyone nor will it ever fade away into non-existence, like the Baatil of the imposters. This is so because the Haqq is “Baaqiyah” (it will remain). This Deen of Allaah Ta`aalaa is “Baaqiyah” - it will remain forever.

Heroes of the Battle

Hadhrat Baraa' ibn Maalik al-Ansaari للاه عنهه :رض

“In your army is Baraa bin Maalik. Do not put him in any position of leadership, because he will cause the death of everyone around him.” [- Hadhrat `Umar ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض , in a letter to Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض .] Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik ibn an-Nadhr ibn Dham-Dham ibn Zayd ibn Haraam ibn Jundub ibn `Aamir ibn Ghanam ibn `Adiyy ibn an-Najjaar عنهه للاه رض was the brother of Hadhrat Anas ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض , and their mother was Hadhrat Umm Sulaym bint Milhaan ر عنها للاه ض . Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض was from the Ansaar, and he was one of As-haabus Suffah. He was amongst the bravest of the Sahaabah, and his fearlessness was so renowned the Kuffaar used to refer to him as “the Daredevil”, for his manner of fighting. Whilst some people fight seeking victory, he used to fight seeking Shahaadah (Martyrdom). He had taken part in the Battles of Uhud and Khandaq, and most of the battles alongside Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل .

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لوأقسمعلىللا ن مر يط ذ ف تضع مه ف المه:كمضع ه الس للا عل وله قال:قالرسه ،عنأنس قسمهه ألبرمال ك بنه نههمهالبراءه م

Hadhrat Anas ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض narrated that Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل said, “There are some people (in this Ummah) who are weak 1, wearing worn out rags; if they were to take an Oath by Allaah, Allaah would fulfil his oath. Amongst them is Baraa ibn Maalik.” [Narrated in Sharh Mushkil al-Aathaar of Imaam at-Tahaawi ه للا رحمةه عل .] Hadhrat Anas عنهه للاه رض narrated that when Hadhrat Abu Moosaa al-Ash`ari للاه رض was sent to Basrah to be the governor, Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه عنهه للاه رض was amongst those Sahaabah sent with him. So Hadhrat Abu Moosaa عنهه للاه رض said to him, “Ask me anything you need.” Hadhrat Baraa عنهه للاه رض replied, “And you will give me what I ask for?” He said, “Yes.” Hadhrat Baraa Radhiyallahu `Anhu said, “In that case, I do not want to be placed in charge as leader of any city nor do I want to be assigned as a collector of taxes. Just give me my bow, my horse, my spear and my sword, and leave me to fight in Jihaad fee Sabeelillaah.” So Hadhrat Abu Moosaa al-Ash`ari عنهه للاه رض would send him with every army which would go out, and he would always be the first to begin fighting.” *Narrated in the Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shaybah.] Hadhrat Anas ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض met him one day whilst he was lying on his back, so Hadhrat Anas عنهه للاه رض said, “Mention the name of Allaah, brother.” So Hadhrat Baraa عنهه للاه رض sat up and said, “Anas, do you think I will die on my bed, whilst I have personally killed 100 of the Mushrikeen, which is besides all of those whom I helped to kill?” He was confident that Allaah Ta`aalaa would not let him die a death in bed, but would grant him Shahaadah in His Path, and Allaah Ta`aalaa made it as such. During the Battle of Tustar against the Persians, the Muslims were wreaking havoc against their Persian armies which terrorised and caused them to become desperate, and they started throwing down from the walls of their fort chains with hooks attached, and they would impale the Muslims on these boiling chains, and, due to the burning, it was difficult for them to free themselves. One of the Muslims who were caught by these hooks was Hadhrat Anas ibn Maalik

عنهه للاه رض .

1 “Weak” here need not necessarily refer to physically being weak, as Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض was

known to be exceptionally strong, despite being extremely thin. “Weak” here can also refer to being poor, not of

high-status in society and a person to whom people do not pay much attention.

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The Mujaahideen said to Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض , who was in the heat of the battle, crushing the enemy lines, “Rush to the aid of your brother”, so he hastened to the wall of the fort and began scaling it, until he caught hold of the chain and broke it, the burning of which caused the flesh on his hands to melt away, leaving only the bones behind. With the chain broken, Hadhrat Anas عنهه للاه رض fell to the ground and Hadhrat Baraa عنهه للاه رض was able to remove the hook from his body. In this way, Hadhrat Anas عنهه للاه رض was saved and lived on for many years after this battle. He died at the age of 99, and this was because of the Du`aa Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل had made for him, that he would have a long life with many children. Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض , however, became Shaheed in this battle, and it had been his Du`aa at the start of the battle that he would finally get the Shahaadah he had always been seeking. At the commencement of the battle, the Mujaahideen had gone to Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض and said to him, “O Baraa! Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل had said that (you are such a person that) if you take an Oath by Allaah, He will fulfill your oath, so take an Oath by your Rabb.” He said, “O Allaah! Grant us victory over them!” So the Muslim and Persian armies clashed in battle, and soldiers on both sides were wounded. The Muslimeen again said to Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض , “O Baraa! Take an Oath by your Rabb!” He said, “O Allaah! Grant us victory over them and join me with Your Nabi ه للاه صل سلم و عل !” So the Kuffaar forces were crushed and Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض became Shaheed.

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Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah للاه عنهه رض

“If Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah was alive today, I would have made him the Khaleefah.”

[- Hadhrat `Umar ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض , on his death bed.]

لةبعد وسلمل ه هعلصلىللا للا ول علىرسه هعنهاقالتأبطأته

للا ,فقالعنعائ شةرض العشاءثمج ئتهنته كه ؟قهلته نت نكه ولهأ ,قالتفقامرسه نأحد م وصوت ه ثلق راءت ه نأصحاب كلمأسمعم م ل ق راءةرجه أسمعه

فقالهذاسال م التفتإ ل ,ثهم حتىاستمعلهه معهه وسلموقهمته ه هعل مولللا صلىللا هلل فة,الحمده ذ حه ىأب

ثلهذا م ت أهم يجعلف الذ Hadhrat `Aa'ishah عنها للاه رض narrates, “I was late in returning to Rasoolullaah صل

ه للاه سلم و عل , after `Ishaa one night, so he asked me, 'Where were you?' I said, 'I was listening to the Qiraa'ah of a man from your companions; Qiraa'ah and voice the likes of which I have never heard from anyone else.” Hadhrat `Aa'ishah عنها للاه رض said, “So Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل stood up (to listen to the Qiraa'ah of Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض ) and I stood with him, listening. He turned to me and said, 'This is Saalim Mowaa Abi Huzaifah. All praises are due to Allaah Who made people like this part of my Ummah.” 2 Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض was amongst the foremost Huffaaz of the Qur'aan, and he was known for being an extremely eloquent speaker. Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Umar عنهه للاه رض narrates that Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض used to lead the Sahaabah in Salaah in Masjid Qubaa, and amongst them was Hadhrat Abu Bakr عنهه للاه رض and Hadhrat `Umar عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض was made the Imaam as he knew the most Qur'aan. Hadhrat `Ubaadah ibn Nasiyy narrated from Hadhrat `Abdur Rahmaan ibn Ghanam, who said, 'I heard `Abdullaah ibn al-Arqam saying, 'I heard Hadhrat `Umar ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض saying, 'I heard Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل saying, and he was speaking about Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض , 'Indeed, Saalim has extreme love for Allaah `Azza wa Jall.” Hadhrat `Umar ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض once said, “If I was to appoint Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah as Khaleefah after me, and Allaah Ta`aalaa should question me as to why I had done so, I would say 'O my Rabb, I have heard Your Nabi ه للاه صل عل

2 Ma`aarij-ul-Qubool bi-Sharhi Sullam-il-Wusool, lish-Shaykh Haafiz ibn Ahmad ibn `Ali al-Hakami.

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سلم و saying about Saalim that he loved Allaah with all his heart.” Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Amr عنهه للاه رض narrates, “I heard Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل عل

سلم و saying, 'Learn the Qur'aan from four people', and he mentioned (`Abdullaah) ibn Mas`ood, Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah, Ubayy ibn Ka`b and Mu`aadh ibn Jabal.”

The Battle of Yamaamah

After the demise of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , some of the Arab tribes became Murtaddeen (Apostates) and revolted against Islaam and the Khaleefah of the Muslimeen, Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض mobilized the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam into eleven groups and sent these groups out to deal with the Riddah menace which had spread amongst the Arabs. The worst of those who opposed Islaam and the enemy, which fought the fiercest, was Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab (Musaylamah the Liar) and his tribe of Banu Haneefah, which he had managed to win over on to his side. It is not that the tribe of Banu Haneefah followed Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab due to having any real belief in him, as they knew for themselves that he was a Kadh-dhaab and an imposter. However, they used to say, “The Liar of Banu Haneefah is more beloved to us than the Truthful One of Quraysh.” So they followed al Kadh-dhaab out of `Asabiyyah (Nationalism), and claimed to believe in him as a Nabi, and fought, killed and died for him. Seeing that Musaylamah was the biggest threat, Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq رض

عنهه للاه appointed Hadhrat `Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl عنهه للاه رض as commander of one of these eleven Mujaahideen groups and sent him out to deal with Musaylamah. However, the plan was not for Hadhrat `Ikrimah عنهه للاه رض to fight with Musaylamah and defeat him, but rather, Hadhrat Abu Bakr عنهه للاه رض had sent him to keep Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab at bay whilst Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed

عنهه للاه رض dealt with others from the Murtaddeen in North Arabia. Hadhrat `Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl عنهه للاه رض set up camp within the region of Yamaamah, onlooking Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab and his forces, which were enormous in number, well-equipped and well-trained. With Hadhrat `Ikrimah عنهه للاه رض on the horizon, Musaylamah was left in a state of

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anxiety, constantly expecting an attack from his side, and thus kept all of his soldiers with him. Through this strategy, Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض , who had been placed as overall commander of all the eleven corps was able to deal freely with the smaller Murtadd tribes within Jazeerat-ul-`Arab, exterminating them, as there would be no sudden attack forthcoming from Musaylamah's side. Hadhrat `Ikrimah عنهه للاه رض had been waiting for further orders from the Khaleefah, Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض , but when he heard of the crushing defeat Tulayhah ibn Khuwaylid suffered at the hands of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض and the Mujaahideen with him, Hadhrat `Ikrimah عنهه للاه رض , who had always been a fearless and forceful general, became impatient for Jihaad and Shahaadah, and became tired of waiting. When news reached Hadhrat `Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl عنهه للاه رض that Hadhrat Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah عنهه للاه رض had been sent by Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq

عنهه للاه رض to join him, along with a Mujaahideen group of his own, and heard about how Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض had just destroyed another army of the Murtaddeen, he decided to rally the Mujaahideen with him and go forward against Musaylamah. This was towards the end of Rajab, 11 years after Hijrah. However, it was the Taqdeer of Allaah Ta`aalaa that the forces of Musaylamah defeated Hadhrat `Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl عنهه للاه رض and the Mujaahideen with him, and they returned. Hadhrat Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah عنهه للاه رض had still been on his way to meet up with Hadhrat `Ikrimah عنهه للاه رض when this news of the defeat of the Mujaahideen reached him, and he stopped with his army where he was. Hadhrat `Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl عنهه للاه رض wrote to Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq رض

عنهه للاه , informing him of what he had done and what had taken place. Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radhiyallaanhu `Anhu became angry upon hearing the news, and wrote back to him: “Do not return (to Madeenah) right now as this will cause the morale of the people to weaken. Rather, go to where Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض and `Arfajah عنهه للاه رض are fighting against the people of `Umaan and Mahrah, and help them there. Go, you with your army, until you meet Muhaajir ibn Abi Umayyah in Yemen. Thereafter, Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض wrote to Hadhrat Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah عنهه للاه رض and ordered him to wait with his Mujaahideen for the

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arrival of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض . However, it so happened that Hadhrat Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah عنهه للاه رض also went forth and clashed with the army of Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, and were similarly defeated. Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض wrote to Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض , ordering him to now march on Musaylamah, as the time was right. Hadhrat Abu Bakr عنهه للاه رض sent Mujaahideen from the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar out to join him. Amongst the Ansaar was Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays ibn Shammaas عنهه للاه رض , and amongst the Muhaajireen was Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض and Hadhrat Zaid ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض , the brother of Hadhrat `Umar ibn al-Khattaab رض

عنهه للاه . With Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab was a man by the name of Nahaar ar-Rajjaal ibn `Unfuwah, who had years previously made Hijrah to Madeenah, accepted Islaam at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , learnt the Qur'aan, studied the Deen and was sent as a teacher to the people of Yamaamah. However, he fell into the trap of Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab and became Murtadd. He was the greatest Fitnah for Banu Haneefah, as he would say that he testifies that Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل had made Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab a partner in Nubuwwah, and so Banu Haneefah followed him. Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab had made him one of the top commanders in his army. Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض received news that Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab was camped in the plains of `Aqrabaa 3 in Yamaamah, with an army of 40,000 soldiers. The defeat of both Hadhrat `Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl عنهه للاه رض and Hadhrat Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah عنهه للاه رض had made Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab and his soldiers imagine that they are invincible, and so when they heard the news of the approach of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض , they were not worried. They thought they would win against Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض as they had won in the past, but Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض was a general unlike any other general; he was the greatest Mujaahid and greatest general the Ummah of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل و عل .had ever seen, and Musaylamah would be soon to realise that سلم The Mujaahideen stood in Saffs, straightened, as Allaah Ta`aalaa says in the Qur'aan: {“Indeed, Allaah loves those who fight in His Path in Saffs (Rows), as thought they

3 Historians mention two pronunciations of this name: `Uqrabaa and `Aqrabaa.

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were a solid structure.”} *Soorah as-Saff, 61:4] The Huffaaz amongst the Mujaahideen, many of whom were leaders, paced in front of the Muslim army, reciting Aayaat of the Qur'aan, reminding the Muslimeen of the great status of Jihaad, the reward for the Shuhadaa, the bounties of Jannah, and the terrors of Jahannam, which await those who flee the battle. In the beginning of Shawwaal, 11 years after Hijrah (632 CE), early, on a cold morning, in the third week of December, the Battle of Yamaamah began; the fiercest battle ever fought against the Murtaddeen. Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض gave the command and the Mujaahideen surged forward with the shouts of Takbeer. He himself took charge of the centre and placed Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض and Hadhrat Zaid ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض in charge of the right and left flanks. The Mujaahideen were arranged in two groups: the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar. Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays عنهه للاه رض was placed in charge of the Ansaar and Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض was placed in charge of the Muhaajireen. The two armies, the Army of Allaah Ta`aalaa and the Army of Shaytaan, clashed and the sky was rent with the shouts of the soldiers and the clashing of the swords. Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض caused devastation in the Kuffaar army, cutting down every man in his path. The Mujaahideen were at their peak and Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض thought that the defeat of the Kuffaar force would soon arrive. However, the army of Musaylamah stood as a rock; firm, unmoving, and the clash with the army of Islaam had not broken their ranks. Many of them were killed and despatched to Jahannam, but they remained firm, fighting frantically, not giving away an inch of ground, and the Muslims found to their surprise that despite what they had thought earlier, they were not making headway against the Kuffaar army. After a long time passed in this manner, with the Mujaahideen fighting tirelessly, some lack or order became apparent in the ranks of the Muslimeen as a result of their attempt to pierce through the front of the Kuffaar army and reach

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Musaylamah. However, it was not of concern yet to Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض , so long as the Muslimeen continued to remain the ones doing the attacking and the Kuffaar remained on the defensive, the slight disorder was of no consequence. Thereafter, Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab realised that if he and his army continued to remain on the defensive like this whilst the Muslim army pounded them relentlessly, the chances that the Mujaahideen would break through and get to him became very real. He ordered a counter-attack along the front of his army, and they closed ranks and surged forward, like a tidal wave against the Mujaahideen, who now found that they were in fact being pushed back and were now themselves on the defensive; the situation was reversed. The fighting between the two armies intensified as the Mujaahideen struggled to repel the advance of the Kuffaar, many of whom were being slaughtered as a price to pay for the ground they were gaining. The lack of order became more apparent amongst the Muslim army, as a result of the tribes not having been accustomed to fighting side-by-side as they were now doing. As the battle wore on, the Kuffaar army took advantage of the disorder amongst the Mujaahideen to increase the pressure, as they (the Kuffaar) were fighting in compact rows whilst the Muslimeen were much fewer in number and there was disorder in the ranks. The Muslims, still on the defensive, went back further and further, and the Kuffaar pushed further and further on, until the withdrawal of the Muslim army turned into a retreat. First one or two from the Mujaahideen began retreating, then more and more followed this example, and those Mujaahideen who stood firm were being pushed back by those who were retreating, with the Kuffaar army following hot in pursuit. The Mujaahideen retreated, some distance beyond their camp. As the Muslimeen left the plain of `Aqrabaa, the Kuffaar followed them, thinking this was their chance to wipe out the Muslim army.

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However, when the Mujaahideen had retreated beyond their own camp, the Kuffaar forces first took the opportunity to plunder the camp, and this was to be their biggest strategical mistake yet. Their stopping over to loot the camp of the Muslims gave Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض time to re-group the Muslims and devise a new strategy against them. The army of Musaylamah did not think of this, but ran blindly into the camp, plundering, and some entered the tent which had belonged to Hadhrat Khaalid رض

عنهه للاه . Inside the tent was his latest wife, whose name was Layla, as well as a man by the name of Mujaa`ah. Mujaa`ah was from the same town as Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, and had spent some time in the company of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل . When Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض was sent to fight those tribes who rebelled against Islaam, he captured 20 people, and Mujaa`ah was one of them. Mujaa`ah said to him, “Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah.” Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض replied, “Now you give Salaam to me?” Mujaa`ah said, “O Khaalid, you know me. I was one of those who accepted Islaam at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , and I still believe now what I had believed then (i.e. I am still a Muslim).” Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض rejected this and told him, “You do not believe what you had believed in the past. Your acceptance to live under this Kadh-dhaab (Liar; imposter) and your silence is your consent (i.e. and a sign that you believe in him). You are the most noble man in Yamaamah; you knew very well what my assignment was for coming to Yamaamah, yet you stayed with him and did not come out to join the Muslimeen. There is no excuse for you. You stayed where you were and said nothing, yet, there were people who were less than you who spoke out against Musaylamah (while you kept silent), and were tortured and killed for speaking out.” Mujaa`ah replied, “I was afraid of my people (i.e. afraid of being killed).”

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Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض said, “Why did you not then come to me or send a letter to me? I will not kill you; however, I will not let you go free either. I will take the middle path between killing you and letting you go free; I will imprison you until Allaah finds us a way.” Nevertheless, when the Kuffaar entered the tent of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed

عنهه للاه رض , they recognised Mujaa`ah, who was tied up in chains. They intended to seize Layla, the wife of Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض , but Mujaa`ah, who was one of the chiefs of Yamaamah, told them, “I am her protector! Go deal with the men!” Complying with the order of their chief, they left her, but their desire for plundering was so great that they forgot to release him from the chains. The Kuffaar continued to ravage the camp; snatching whatever they could lay their hands on and destroying whatever they could not carry away with them. The tents were cut to shreds and, with nothing further for the Kuffaar to take, the looting stopped. The army of Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, now sober after the plundering, saw for the first time the Muslim army in the south, regrouped, in solid rows, advancing towards them. They rushed back to the plain of `Aqrabaa. On their part, the Muslims were in no state of fear, but there was great anger at the disorganisation and the resultant retreat. They could not understand how it could have happened, after the enormous losses they had inflicted on the Kuffaar army. The tribes began fighting amongst themselves, each blaming the other for what had occurred, and each claiming to be the most knowledgeable with regards to warfare. The arguments intensified, and they wanted to split up, each tribe fighting separately, to prove which one was really the strongest. Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض knew that the initial defeat of the Muslimeen was not a result of lack of strength of bravery, but a lack of organisation within the ranks, and hence decided that to separate the tribes for the forthcoming fight would be best.

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The rivalry between them would do them good and help in the fight, as each tribe would strive its hardest to outdo the other tribes, and this kind of rivalry is permissible. Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض re-grouped the army with the same battle formation and the same commanders, only now the Mujaahideen were formed into their various tribes. The commands of the Muslimeen went about the army, encouraging them, strenghtening their resolve and their determination to take revenge against Musaylamah. Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض chose a handful of Mujaahideen who, along with himself, would form an elite group. He was determined to set an example for the rest of the Mujaahideen by himself fighting fiercer than all the rest, throwing himself into the fighting. The two armies clashed a second time and almost the entire front line of Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab's army was slaughtered, but also many of the Muslimeen. The blood soaked the earth and ran like water into a valley, which became known as “Shu`ayb-ud-Dam” (The Valley of Blood). Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض turned to the Mujaahideen and said, “O People! Grit your teeth, strike your enemy and advance. Wallaahi! I will not speak again until I meet Allaah!” So he took an oath that he would not speak unless Allaah Ta`aalaa granted the Mu'mineen vicotry against the Kuffaar army, or he became Shaheed in this battle. Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض gathered a group of Sahaabah around him and went forward, attacking severely, ripping the Kuffaar soldiers apart until Allaah Ta`aalaa allowed him to reach Nahhaar ar-Rajjaal, Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab's main commander. The two duelled and Haqq (the Truth) destroyed Baatil (Falsehood); Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض killed Nahhaar ar-Rajjaal, and so he (Nahhaar) died upon Riddah (apostasy), after having been a person who had accepted Islaam at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل and learnt from him. Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض continued fighting, and due to the killing of Nahhaar, the morale of Musaylamah's army was severely weakened. Hadhrat Zayd

عنهه للاه رض continued fighting until he reached the heart of the Kaafir army, and there he encountered a man by the name of Abu Maryam al-Hanafi, from the tribe

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of Banu Haneefah. The two fought and Allaah Ta`aalaa decreed that Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض should get what he had always desired: Shahaadah (Martyrdom) fee Sabeelillaah. This man, Abu Maryam al-Hanafi, later on became Muslim. With the killing of Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض , what had taken place in the army of Musaylamaha al Kadh-dhaab and with the killing of Nahhaar now took place within the Muslim army; one of the leaders of the Mujaahideen was killed, so the Kuffaar soldiers seized the opportunity to throw themselves against the Muslim army, fighting to the point that they pushed the Mujaahideen back until they reached the tent of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض . At that point, Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays عنهه للاه رض , Ameer of the Ansaar in this battle, stood up, and shouted, “Yaa lil-Ansaar!” (O Ansaar!) The Ansaar responded, “Labbayk!” (We are here!) And intensified their fighting against the Mushrikeen. Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays نههع للاه رض was fighting whilst carrying the banner (of the Ansaar) until one of his legs were cut off. He fell to the ground and the banner dropped from his hand. In this condition, he heard another of the Mujaahideen shout “Yaa lil-Ansaar!” (O Ansaar!) So he began crawling towards the battle. Hadhrat Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri عنهه للاه رض asked him, “What are you doing?” He said, “I will answer the call (to fight), even if I have to do so crawling.” So he continued fighting even in this condition, until he was killed, and so he became Shaheed in this battle; Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays عنهه للاه رض , the “Khateeb” (Speaker) of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , and about whom Rasoolullaah للاه صل

ه سلم و عل said, “What an excellent man is Thaabit ibn Qays.” The army of Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab continued their onslaught against the Muslimeen, until Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض stood up, and he was amongst those who had memorised Soorah al-Baqarah, so he said, “O People of Al-Baqarah!” So those amongst the Mujaahideen who had memorised Soorah al-Baqarah stood up and threw themselves into the fight against the Kuffaar, fighting until Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض became Shaheed, attaining what he had wanted. The Kaafir army continued pushing the Muslim army back. Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض , who was carrying the flag of the Muhaajireen, now took charge of the right flank of the army, and he was a person

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not known to be physically strong. The Muslims said to him, “We fear that the Kuffaar army will overcome us from your side.” He said, “You will be overcome from my side?! What a bad Carrier of the Qur'aan (i.e. Haafiz) I would be in that case.” Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض fought the Kuffaar until his left arm, which had been carrying the flag, was cut off. He picked the flag back up with his right hand, and that arm too got cut off and he fell to the ground, the flag falling down as well. Moments prior to him passing away, Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Umar عنهه للاه رض came to him and found him reciting the Aayah: {“And many a Nabi (from amongst the Ambiyaa) fought and along with him (fought) many pious men, learned (in Deen). Never did they lose heart over what befell them in the Path of Allaah. Never did they weaken or surrender themselves, and Allaah is with those who have Sabr.”} *Soorah Aal-e-Imraan, 3:146] Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض asked, “Where is Abu Huzaifah?” The Muslims said to him, “He has become Shaheed in such-and-such place.” He said, “Bury me next to him.” After this, the power of the Muslims strengthened and the situation reversed; while previously the Kuffaar had been pushing them back, the Mujaahideen now began pounding the army of Musaylamah until they pierced through the rows of the Mushrikeen.” When a group of the Muslimeen would be surrounded and attacked by the Kuffaar they would shout, “Help us, O Khaalid!” Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض would gather the elite of the Mujaahideen around him and rescue those Muslims. Only the most powerful and bravest of the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam would be part of this “Elite Corps” of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض , which fought separately to the rest of the army, in the thickest of the battles. The Muslims rent the Kaafir army asunder and Hadhrat Khaalid عنهه للاه رض rode to

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Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab. He first called Musaylamah to Islaam, telling him, “Come back to Islaam, and the blood of all of these (soldiers) will be protected.” Musaylamah refused and persisted upon his Riddah. Once again the Kuffaar managed to break the Muslim army and push them back, until they again reached the tent of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض , whereupon Hadhrat `Ammaar ibn Yaasir عنهه للاه رض , who was amongst the Huffaaz of the Qur'aan, stood up and said, “O People of the Qur'aan! Beautify the Qur'aan with your actions!” Hadhrat Abu Sa`eed al-Khudhri عنهه للاه رض narrates, “Wallaahi, I saw `Ammaar ibn Yaasir standing on a hill, on the day of Yamaamah, shouting, 'O People of the Qur'aan! Beautify the Qur'aan with your actions!” It was as though this command of Hadhrat `Ammaar ibn Yaasir عنهه للاه رض rekindled the flame in the hearts of the Mujaahideen, who struck the Kuffaar so fiercely that they pulled back, and Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض said, “Waa Muhammadaah!” (O Muhammad * ه للاه صل سلم و عل ]!) 4 Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض turned to Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik رض

عنهه للاه and said to him, “Lead the assault against them, Knight of the Ansaar!” Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض turned to the Mujaahideen and said to them, “Let no one amongst you think you will return to Madeenah. There is no Madeenah for you today. You have no place to go home. There is only Allaah and Jannah!” So saying, he and the Mujaahideen charged the Kuffaar soldiers and cut through them until the tide of the battle turned; the Muslims had the upper hand, smashing them and the Kuffaar wanted to retreat. Imaam ibn Seereen ه للا رحمةه عل narrates that Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض encountered a man on the day of Yamaamah who was called “Himaar-ul-Yamaamah” (The Donkey of Yamaamah), and he was an extremely tall man, carrying in his hand a white sword.

4 This saying “Waa Muhammadaah!” is different to the saying of the Ahl-ul-Bid`ah “Yaa Muhammad!” As they do

so with the `Aqeedah that Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل is listening (as they believe he is all-hearing), while

Hadhrat Khalaid عنهه للاه رض was saying this out of the love for Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , remembering

him and reminding Sahaabah-e-Kiraam of him.

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Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض was a relatively short man, so he struck the legs of this “Himaar-ul-Yamaamah” with his sword, and the Himaar fell onto his back, and thus Hadhrat Baraa عنهه للاه رض was free to finish the job. Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض said, “So I took his sword and sheathed my one.” Every time Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض would say “Waa Muhammadaah!”, the zeal of the Mujaahideen would increase and they would know that this man, Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, was not helped by Allaah Ta`aalaa whilst they (the Mujaahideen) were, and that when they (the Mujaahideen) would be killed, they would be killed upon Imaan, whilst Musaylamah and those in his army would be killed upon Riddah, and so the Mujaahideen intensified their efforts, and the words of Hadhrat `Ammaar ibn Yaasir عنهه للاه رض and Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed عنهه للاه رض had such an effect upon them that they began smashing the army of Musaylamah worse than ever before. Muhkim ibn at-Tufayl, one of the commanders in Musaylamah's army, could find no solution for the situation they were now trapped in other than to find a place of refuge in which to fortify themselves, so he shouted to the army while running, “Go to the Garden!” So all of the Kuffaar ran to the Garden (on the plain of `Aqrabaa) to take refuge in it, with the Muslims chasing behind them, swords, and spears flashing. They made it to the Garden of Yamaamah, which was known for its massive walls and gate, and shut it behind them. There were now approximately 9,000 of Musaylamah's soldiers within the Garden, waiting. The Mujaahideen tried scaling the walls, but they were much too high as well as the gate, and so they could find no way in. At this crucial time, Allaah Ta`aalaa aided the Muslimeen with this great Sahaabi, about whom Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل had said these great words:

ب هه للا على أقسم لو له هؤذنه ال استأذن إ ذا ب ه هؤبهه ال أغبر عثأش ره نههمه ألبر مال ك بنه البراءه م “There are such people (in this Ummah) who look dishevelled, covered in dust; no concern is given to them. If they ask permission (from people), they will not be granted permission. (However, these people have such a status by Allaah that) If

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they were to take an Oath by Allaah, Allaah would fulfil their oath. Amongst them is al-Baraa ibn Maalik.” Hadhrat Baraa عنهه للاه رض said to the Sahaabah, “Put me on a shield. Raise the shield with your spears until they reach the top of the walls, then throw me into the fort. Once inside, I will open the gate and the Muslim army can come through.” The Mujaahideen initially refused, as there were over 9,000 soldiers waiting in the fort with their spears and swords at the ready, to slaughter anyone daring enough to jump over. He said, “Put me on a shield and throw me into the fort.” The Sahaabah-e-Kiraam knew that there was no way to reach Musaylamah and his men except by this way, so they raised Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض up to the top of the walls of the fort with their spears. Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض , being Mustajaab-ud-Da`wah (One whose Du`aas are always accepted) made Du`aa that Allaah Ta`aalaa helps him to carry out this duty of his, and the Mujaahideen threw him into the fort. According to the logic of people, it is impossible for one man to single-handedly fight back 9,000 fully armed soldiers to get to the gate of a fort and throw it open; Hadhrat Baraa عنهه للاه رض did so, suffering more than 80 wounds in the process, some from swords, some from spears and some from arrows. This is as Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aalaa said in the Qur'aan: {“It is was not you who killed them, but it was Allaah (Himself) who killed them. And you did not throw when you threw, but Allaah threw, so that He might test the Mu'mineen with a good test from him. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the Knower of all things.”} *Soorah al-Anfaal, 8:17] This action of Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض had such an effect on the Kuffaar army that they became almost petrified out of fear of the Mujaahideen, as they knew that these people (the Muslimeen) were receiving Help from Allaah Ta`aalaa. Yet, they continued to fight. Hadhrat Baraa ibn Maalik عنهه للاه رض loosened the bolts on the gate of the fort and threw it open, and the Muslim army swarmed in, striking down the Kuffaar soldiers until their commander, Muhkim ibn at-Tufayl, the Wazeer of Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, was killed and dispatched to Jahannam.

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The killer of Muhkim ibn at-Tufayl was Hadhrat `Abdur Rahmaan ibn Abi Bakr رض عنهه للاه , the son of Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض .

The Kuffaar army now no longer had any commanders except Musaylamah himself, who was right at the back, hoping for his soldiers to defend him. But as the Muslim army approached closer and closer, he had no choice and himself joined in the fighting. One Muslim managed to reach Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab. This Muslim was one who had been wanting to make compensations for a sin he had commited during the time of Jaahiliyyah. He took his spear and threw it into the heart of Musaylamah, who fell to the floor. The name of this person was Wahshi ibn Harb. He had martyred Hadhrat Hamza ibn `Abdil Muttalib عنهه للاه رض during Ayyaam-ul-Jaahiliyyah (The Days of Ignorance), and lived for some time after that as a Kaafir until Allaah Ta`aalaa blessed him with Islaam. He became Muslim at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل and took an oath with himself that he would compensate for the martydom of Hadhrat Hamza للاه رض .عنهه When this opportunity had presented itself before him, he said, “I wish that this (the killing of Musaylamah) can be a compensation for that (the martydom of Hadhrat Hamza عنهه للاه رض ).” As Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab fell to the ground, Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah للاه رض ,whose real name was Simaak ibn Kharashah, struck his neck with a sword ,عنههsevering it from his body. No sooner had Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah عنهه للاه رض chopped off the head of Musaylamah, when one of the Kuffaar fired an arrow at him, which struck him and he was made a Shaheed. Wahshi used to say after this, “I killed the best of people (i.e. Hadhrat Hamza ibn `Abdil Muttalib عنهه للاه رض ) and the worst of people (i.e. Musaylamah ibn Habeeb al Kadh-dhaab).” When the Kuffaar learnt of the killing of their leader, their false prophet, the imposter Musaylamah, their will to fight vanished, but the Sahaabah had

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surrounded them and began slaughtering them from all sides. With no more Musaylamah and thus no more reason to fight, the remaining Kuffaar surrendered to the Mujaahideen. From the 40,000 of Musaylamah's men who fought at the Battle of Yamaamah, or, as it was also known, the “Battle of `Aqrabaa”, 21,000 were dispatched to Jahannam. The number of Mujaahideen who fought in this battle were 12,000, and of those, 1,200 became Shaheed. Of the 1,200, 58 were Badriyyeen (Sahaabah who had fought at Badr), and 500 were Huffaaz of the Qur'aan. It was as a result of this battle that Hadhrat Abu Bakr عنهه للاه رض ordered the compilation of the Qur'aan into a book form, because at that time Huffaaz were very few in number. Due to the fact that 500 of the Huffaaz became Shaheed in one day alone, the Sahaabah feared that the Qur'aan might not be compiled as, prior to the compilation by Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض , the Qur'aan was not compiled into a single book form; rather, some Aayaat would be written on leaves, some on bones, some on loose pages, etc., so the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam understood the importance for the Qur'aan together, and Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aalaa chose Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض for this great task. This was the most important of those battles which became known as the “Riddah Wars”, as Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, was the first, the strongest and most well-known of the imposters claiming Nubuwwah, both in his time and those who would come after. Were it not for this battle, and the destruction of these Kuffaar by the Fadhl of Allaah Rabbul `Izzah at the hands of the Muslimeen, the entire Jazeerat-ul-`Arab would have become Murtaddeen as the tribe of Banu Haneefah and some other tribes had done, and Islaam would not have reached the Muslims today. Those were the worst of the Murtaddeen, and Allaah Ta`aalaa chose the best of His Servants to put an end to them. The Garden which Musaylamah and his men ran to for refuge belonged to him and used to be known as, “Hadeeqat-ur-Rahmaan” (The Garden of The Beneficent); after

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this battle and the slaughtering which took place there, it became known as “Hadeeqat-ul-Mowt” (The Garden of Death). Map of Yamaamah:

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Map of `Aqrabaa:

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Shuhadaa of Yamaamah:

Below is a list of some of the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam who became Shaheed at the Battle of Yamaamah: Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays ibn Shammaas عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat as-Saa'ib ibn `Uthmaan ibn Mazh`oon al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Shujaa` ibn Wahb al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Tufayl ibn `Amr ad-Dowsi عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat `Aamir ibn al-Bukayr al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat `Abbaad ibn Bishr al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn Sahl عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn Makhramah al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Maalik ibn `Amr as-Sulami al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Ma`n ibn `Adiyy al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Yazeed ibn Qays عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah ibn `Utbah al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah, Simaak ibn Kharashah al-Badri عنهه للاه رض . *Note: “al-Badri” signifies that the Sahaabi had participated in the Battle of Badr with Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل .] Hadhrat Habeeb ibn Zayd ibn `Aasim عنهه للاه رض became Shaheed some time before the Battle of Yamaamah.

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He was martyred by Musaylamah al Kadh-dhaab, who ordered his people to have Hadhrat Habeeb ibn Zayd عنهه للاه رض cut up in pieces for rejecting his lie of being a “Nabi”. Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض was the brother of Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen Hadhrat `Umar ibn al-Khattaab عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat `Umar عنهه للاه رض used to say, “Zayd ibn al-Khattaab preceded me in accepting Islaam and preceded me in Shahaadah (Martyrdom).” Once, when Hadhrat `Umar عنهه للاه رض was sitting with the Sahaabah, the East Wind blew, so he began crying. The Sahaabah enquired the reason, so he said, “Whenever the East Wind 5 blows, I remember Zayd ibn al-Khattaab.” Hadhrat Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah للاه عنهه .رض

“Mowlaa” means “the freed slave”; Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض was the freed slave of Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض was amongst the first to accept Islaam, as well as Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض . Both of them were from the Muhaajireen. Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض used to be the slave of Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض prior to their accepting Islaam; after both Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض and himself accepted Islaam at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah عنهه للاه رض freed him, and thereafter adopted him. His name then became “Saalim ibn Abi Huzaifah” (Saalim, the son of Abu Huzaifah). However, Allaah Ta`aalaa revealed an Aayah of the Qur'aan prohibiting taking the name of other than one's own father, and hence his name went back to “Saalim ibn Abi `Ubayd”, but he became famously known as “Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah” (Saalim, the Freed Slave of Abu Huzaifah).

5 The “East Wind” Hadhrat `Umar عنهه للاه رض was referring to was the wind which blew from the direction of the

tribe of Banu Haneefah, in Yamaamah. It reminded him of Hadhrat Zayd عنهه للاه رض because that is where he

became Shaheed.

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When the Muslims of Makkah made Hijrah to Madeenah, Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل و عل paired between the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar; one Muhaajir would become سلمthe brother of one Ansaari. However, Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل paired between Hadhrat Abu Huzaifah رض

عنهه للاه and Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض , despite the fact that both of them were from the Muhaajireen. The great status of Hadhrat Saalim عنهه للاه رض can be gauged from the following words of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل to him: ثلك م ت أهم يجعلف الذ هلل الحمده

All praises are due to Allaah Who made people like you part of my Ummah.” In another Hadeeth Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل said:

وعبد كعب بن ،وأهب جبل بن عاذ فة،ومه ذ حه مولىأب رآنعلىأربعة :سال م واالقه ود للا اقرءه مسعه بن

“Recite the Qur'aan to four people: Saalim Mowlaa Abi Huzaifah, Mu`aadh ibn Jabal, Ubayy ibn Ka`b and `Abdullaah ibn Mas`ood.” Radhiyallaahu Ta`aalaa `Anhum. Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat Thaabit ibn Qays ر عنهه للاه ض was amongst the first of the Ansaar to accept Islaam. Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل said about him:

قس بن ثابت الرجل نعم “What an excellent man is Thaabit ibn Qays.” Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat Simaak ibn Kharashah عنهه للاه رض , famously known as “The Red-Turbaned Warrior”, for his habit of tying a red turban in battle when he intended to fight to the death. He was from the Ansaar and belonged to the Banu Saa`idah tribe.

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He took part in the battles of Badr, Uhud, and many other Ghazawaat (Battles) with Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل . ؤخز أحذ فقاه: ف ا أخز س سي صي هللا عي سسه هللا أس أ , زا؟ فبسطا أ ع ذ

, ف اىق ؟ قاه: فؤحج ؤخز بحق قه: أا أا , فقاه: سا اك أب دجاة: أا آخز فجعو مو إ قاه س

ششم اى ا , قاه: فؤخز , ففيق ب بحق Hadhrat Anas عنهه للاه رض narrates that Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل drew a sword on the day of Uhud, (held it out to the Muslimeen) and asked, “Who will take this sword from me?” Everyone began stretching their hands forward (to take it), saying, “I will! I will!” Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل then said, “Who will take it (and fulfil) its right?” So all the people kept quiet. Hadhrat Simaak, Abu Dujaanah عنهه للاه رض said, “I will take it (and fulfil) its right.” So he took it and split with it the heads of the Mushrikeen. [Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah.] In another narration of this event, it is mentioned that Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل asked, “Who will take it and fulfil its right?” Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah عنهه للاه رض enquired, “And what is its right, Yaa Rasoolallaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل ?” Rasoolullaah

ه للاه صل سلم و عل said, “(Its right is) that you strike with it the faces of the Mushrikeen until it breaks.” Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah عنهه للاه رض took the sword from Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل و عل and he was known for tying his red turban when he intended fighting to the ,سلمdeath, so he tied the turban and began strutting in front of the Saffs of the Mujaahideen, facing the Kuffaar. Watching this, Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل commented:

اىط زا ف إال هللا بغضا ىشة ز إ “Indeed, this is a kind of walking which Allaah hates, except in such a situation (i.e. Jihaad).” During the battle of Uhud, Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah عنهه للاه رض sustained numerous wounds whilst defending Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل from the arrows of the Kuffaar, by using his body as a shield. Hadhrat Zubayr ibn al-Awwaam عنهه للاه رض , who was present in this battle of Uhud,

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felt disappointed when Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah عنهه للاه رض took the sword as he had wanted it, so he said, “I will watch how he uses this sword.” He narrates that not a single Kaafir who stood in the way of Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah

عنهه للاه رض was left alive; he left a trail of corpses behind as he made his way through the ranks of the Kuffaar army. قاه صذ ب أسي دخو عي أب دجاة شض ما ج حيو فقو ى ا ىجل حيو فقاه ا

اعي شء أثق ع ذ اثح مث ال أجني فا ال ع أا األخش فنا قيب ىيسي سي . Hadhrat Zayd ibn Aslam عنهه للاه رض narrates that he visited Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah

عنهه للاه رض when he (Hadhrat Abu Dujaanah) was very sick, and his face was beaming with joy. He was asked, “For what reason is your face beaming with joy?” He replied, “There is nothing from my (good) deeds which I have more trust in (i.e. to attain the Maghfirah and Rahmah of Allaah Ta`aalaa) than two: I never speak in anything which does not concern me, and as for the second, my heart is clean (i.e. free from malice, envy, hatred, anger) towards every Muslim.” Hadhrat Tufayl ibn `Amr ad-Dowsi للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat Tufayl ibn `Amr ad-Dowsi عنهه للاه رض was from the tribe of Dows, and was their chief during Ayyaam-ul-Jaahiliyyah (The Days of Ignorance). He accepted Islaam in the early stages at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , and thereafter sought permission to return to his tribe and invite them towards Islaam. Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل gave him permission to return to his tribe, and he spent a long time there, however, from all of the tribe of Dows, only his own family accepted Islaam. He returned to Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , informed him of this and requested, “Make Du`aa for the tribe of Dows.” So Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل made Du`aa to Allaah Ta`aalaa, “O Allaah, guide (the tribe of) Dows.” Thereafter he said, “Return to your people.” Hadhrat Tufayl ibn `Amr عنهه للاه رض returned to his tribe and again invited them to Islaam. This time, he had hardly begun giving Da`wah when 90 families from the tribe of

Page 37: The Battle of Yamaamah...4 and people continue to speak in praise of him and sacrifices up until this very day, even the Kuffaar themselves. During the time of Akbar Shah, who invented


Dows accepted Islaam at his hands. From amongst the people of Dows who accepted Islaam at the hands of Hadhrat Tufayl ibn `Amr ad-Dowsi عنهه للاه رض , was the famous Sahaabi, narrator of the most Ahaadeeth, amongst those with the best of memories, Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah, `Abdur Rahmaan ibn Sakhr عنهه للاه رض . Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abdullaah ibn Ubayy ibn Salool للاه عنهه .رض

He was amongst the greatest Sahaabah, despite the fact that his father, `Abdullaah ibn Ubayy ibn Salool, was “Ra'ees-ul-Munaafiqeen” (The Leader of the Munaafiqeen). Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn `Abdullaah ibn Ubayy ibn Salool عنهه للاه رض was amongst the first of the Sahaabah to accept Islaam, and participated in numerous battles along with Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل , from the great Battle of Badr, and so he was very fortunate. He sought permission from Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل to kill his father, due to him being the leader of the Munaafiqeen, but Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل prevented him, saying he does not want the people to say that “Muhammad ( للاه صل

ه سلم و عل ) kills his companions.” Hadhrat `Abbaad ibn Bishr للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat `Abbaad ibn Bishr عنهه للاه رض was amongst the foremost of the Sahaabah to accept Islaam, and he participated in many Ghazawaat alongside Rasoolullaah صل

ه للاه سلم و عل . He was known for his great piety as well as love for `Ibaadah. On one occasion, whilst Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل was performing Salaat-ut-Tahajjud, he heard the voice of Hadhrat `Abbaad ibn Bishr عنهه للاه رض likewise reciting the Qur'aan in Tahajjud Salaah, so Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل سلم و عل made Du`aa for him, saying “O Allaah, have mercy on `Abbaad. O Allaah, have mercy on `Abbaad.” On another occasion, when he and Hadhrat `Ammaar ibn Yaasir عنهه للاه رض was guarding the Muslim army, they decided to take turns: one would guard whilst the other would sleep, and then switch when half the night had passed. Hadhrat `Abbaad عنهه للاه رض took first watch, and decided to take the opportunity

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to spend it standing in Salaah, and began reciting Soorah al-Kahf. Whilst he was performing Salaah, one of the enemy approached and, seeing his silhouette from a distance, fired an arrow at him, which hit its mark. Hadhrat `Abbaad عنهه للاه رض removed it and continued to perform Salaah. A second arrow hit him, and again he removed it and continued with his Salaah. When the third arrow struck, he removed it and performed the Rukoo` and Sujood. During the Tashah-hud, he awoke Hadhrat `Ammaar ibn Yaasir عنهه للاه رض . He completed his Salaah and said to Hadhrat `Ammaar, “Stand in my place; I have been wounded.” Hadhrat `Ammaar عنهه للاه رض saw the attacker and charged him, but he fled. Returning, he asked Hadhrat `Abbaad عنهه للاه رض , “Why did you not wake me up earlier?” Hadhrat `Abbaad عنهه للاه رض replied, “I was reciting such Aayaat of the Qur'aan which I love very much, and thus did not wish to cut short the recitation. Were it not for my concern that harm would befall the Muslim army, I would not have cut it short whatsoever.” Hadhrat as-Saa'ib ibn `Uthmaan ibn Mazh`oon للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat Saa'ib ibn `Uthmaan عنهه للاه رض was amongst the earliest of the Sahaabah to accept Islaam, and he did so whilst he was still a very young child. Thereafter, he made Hijrah with Hadhrat `Uthmaan ibn Mazh`oon عنهه للاه رض to Abyssinia and grew up there. Thereafter, he returned to Madeenah, and years later became Shaheed in this Battle of Yamaamah. Hadhrat as-Saa'ib ibn al-`Awwaam للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat Saa'ib ibn al-`Awwaam عنهه للاه رض was the brother of Hadhrat Zubayr ibn al-`Awwaam عنهه للاه رض . He accepted Islaam at the hands of Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل عل

سلم و when he was still young. He became Shaheed in the Battle of Yamaamah. Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn Abi Bakr as-Siddeeq للاه عنهه .رض

Hadhrat Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq عنهه للاه رض sent two of his sons to fight Musaylamah at the Battle of Yamaamah: one was Hadhrat `Abdur Rahmaan عنهه للاه رض , who survived the battle and lived on to fight for many more years and conquer vast lands for Islaam, and the other was Hadhrat `Abdullaah عنهه للاه رض , who became Shaheed. Hadhrat Ma`n ibn `Adiyy للاه عنهه .رض

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Hadhrat Ma`n ibn `Adiyy عنهه للاه رض was from the Ansaar. Rasoolullaah ه للاه صل و عل had paired between him and Hadhrat Zayd ibn al-Khattaab سلم عنهه للاه رض . Both of them had taken an oath to fight in the Path of Allaah and be killed in the Path of Allaah. Prior to the battle of Yamaamah, both renewed their oaths, and Allaah Ta`aalaa granted Shahaadah to both of them in the same battle. References

Al-Kaamil fit-Taareekh, lil-Imaam ibn al-Atheer ه للا رحمةه عل . Kitaab-ur-Riddah, lil-Imaam al-Waaqidi ه للا رحمةه عل . Ma`rakat-ul-Yamaamah, lid-Duktoor Raaghib as-Sirjaani. Siyar A`laam an-Nubalaa, lil-Haafiz adh-Dhahabi ه للا رحمةه عل . Hilyat-ul-Awliyaa wa Tabaqaat-ul-Asfiyaa, lil-Imaam al-Asfahaani ه للا رحمةه عل . Ma`aarij-ul-Qubool bi-Sharhi Sullam-il-Wusool, Sharh Mushkil al-Aathaar, lil-Imaam at-Tahaawi ه للا رحمةه عل . Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah. Taareekh-ul-Khulafaa, lil-Imaam as-Suyooti ه للا رحمةه عل .

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