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1. Good morning everybody! Today we have guests. Good morning! Will you greet them? We’re fine. Thank you. Is anybody absent? Who is missing? I’m happy all are present. How are you? I’m glad to hear it. Look at the blackboard. What is the theme of the lesson? The theme is Yes, you are right, “Take a close Be attentive and active. Absorb all information you look at your own will hear in order to discover and describe you self.” personalities. The way to success would be exciting for you.

2. What are you? We are pupils. Yes, you are people first of all. We are children. “And God went on to say: ”Let us make man in our image We are people. according to our likeness and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26., 27 We live among People, their characters. people. It is very Is this topic interesting for you? important to Is it difficult to speak on this topic? know their traits, I’ll help you to recollect some necessary adjectives. habits. Name kinds of persons I’ll describe . Which of them are negative and which are positive? Fill in ’’the personality’s flower“.

How do we call a person who is unable to control his fair? COWARDLY A man with a strong desire to be successful in life, he is….. AMBITIOUS If you are regular in behaviour and habits, people call you….. BALANCED What person demonstrates hostility toward other people? ANGRY This adjective is a synonym to lazy. IDLE When someone works hard with energy, this person is….. ENERGETIC How do we call a person taking pleasure in shocking people? NAUGHTY If you are full of life and spirit, you are….. LIVELY

Good for you! Well done.

3. Spell the capital letters of the positive adjectives. Read them. ABELDo the same with the negative ones. CAINDo you know these names? Who are they?Have you read the Bible story about two sons? Card 1.

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Let’s do it now.Be ready to answer the questions. You’ll stop reading whenmusic is over. -2- We all sometimes stop and think what is right and what is wrong. Life usually shows us the right way through circumstances. Pupils’ reports But some people try to make their own path in the wood of life. on the topic. Think and tell what qualities do you consider absolutely necessary for every one to survive nowadays?

4. What are your main bricks in the building called “Personality”. Card 2 The English proverb says: “Show me your company and I’ll tell you We’ve come to what you are.” conclusion that Pupils are divided into two groups. The pupils of the group A are Ukrainian Ukrainian teenagers. The group B represents the British scientists. teenagers have The situation is: the delegation of British psychlogists has arrived personalities. to Ukraine. to find out the moral values of Ukrainian teenagers. Such your Listen to the interview attentively, study the students’ answers. qualities as … Fill in the personal cards. The leader of the group B will comment attract the results of your investigations. everybody. Much is connected with our attitude to people. If you are You value… Communicative, people would appreciate you and you would have in people. lot’s of friends. On contrary, false and selfish people are doomed to As real person stay alone. you have some

faults. They are… We wish you…

5. Everyone has two personalities – the one that they show to the world and their secret, real personality. You don’t show your secret personality when you are awake, because you can control your behaviour. But when you are asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their position. The important is the one that you go to sleep in. Listen to the tape and match the personality’s traits to the correct position. Write a paragraph about your own sleeping position and your Card 3 personality.

6. There are no ideal persons in reality. Each of us has positive and negative traits. Very often the distinction between them is rather comperative. To demonstrate this, play a game “ Optimistic Palm”. Name the P1- I’m greedy negative quality you have and pass the Palm to your partner. He P2- As I see it, has to discover the positive side of your short-comings. you are not What do you feel when people praise you? greedy. You Do you like to be criticised? are economic. It would be useful for you to know the words of S. Maugham: “People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.” Do you agree with a great writer?

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Let this aphorism be the motto of the following task: choose Pupils’ the most active pupil in your group. Take a close look at his speech in a personality. Could you answer: “What is he like?” “snake” manner. -3- 7. You are observant pupils and good psychologists. You Society have much in common. influences on But for all that you are so different our personalities.

What moulds your personalities? Parents and Who influences on them? teachers do this.Write down these factors into our “Mind Map”. Books and TV-As far back as18 century the great German writer Lichtenbery programssaid: “All people are the same by nature, but it is circumstances mould traits and that make them differ”. habits of us.Let’s us prove the truth of these words by the following task. Youare given the conditional sentences. Fill in the gaps with suitable adjectives and nouns. Card 4

8. Like yourself, perfect yourself, discover your personality. Has our lesson helped to do this?Let’s remind the main points we’ve discussed. Make the conclusionusing our “Mind Map”. According to different traits of personality, what are you? We are …persons.What moulds your so bright personalities? We’ve come toWhat qualities help us to survive nowadays? conclusion that... mould our I’m satisfied with your work at the lesson. personalities. WeDo your best to develop your positive qualities and eradicate can’t liveyour negative traits. without…Always remember that well-being of the world we live in depends only on us.

9. People, people everywhere.Some of them are silly and others are cleverI’ve seen a lot, so many personsHonest and liars in different places.Open your mind, the world is not simple.Set your soul free whileWe are talking about people.

Your hometask is to write a composition on the proverb “Show me yourcompany and I’ll tell you what you are”.

I wish you: Good luck! Good-bye!

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-спонукати учнів до невимушеного спілкування іноземною мовою,використовуючи лексику,пов”язану з описом характеру людини;-розвивати в учнів мовленеву здогадку та пізнавальні інтереси, розвивати вміння та навички працювати в команді;-тренувати учнів у використанні мовних структур, вчити підлітків визначати риси характеру людини і її взаємовідносини з колективом;-виховувати почуття поваги до товаришів, тактовність у спілкуванні з людьми.

МАТЕРІАЛИ ТА ОБЛАДНАННЯ: плакат “Mind Map”, узагальнююча таблиця “Moral Values Of Ukrainian Teenagers”, картки з афоризмами, дидактичний роздатковий матеріал для учнів, аудіокасета з записами класичної музики та текстом для аудіювання; магнітофон, паперова долоня, указка.


1. Оганізаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та цілей уроку.2. Активізація тематичної лексики. Робота з “Mind Map”.3. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення на базі прочитаного тексту “A Good

Son And A Bad One”. Висловлювання учнів за темою “These Qualities Help Us TO Survive”.

4. Практика діалогічного мовлення. Рольова гра “Interview”.5. Аудіювання тексту “Your Secret Personality”. Контроль розуміння прослуханої

інформації.6. Розвиток монологічного мовлення “What Are You Like?” Гра “Optimistic Palm”.7. Письмо. Опрацювання матеріалу “Live And Learn To Be”.8. Підведення підсумків уроку.9. Домашне завдання.

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