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Тема 1. История научно-технического прогресса.Прочитайте текст и выполните заданияAs you know Bill Gates created the first software – the programs that help personal computers process different information. As founder of Microsoft  Inc., he is now one of the richest men in America. Read  the  text and  find the information  about:- Bill  Gates was active in his teenage  years.- He and his friend developed disk operating system.- Bill Gates foresaw the significance of computers in the future.- Binary number system has only two digits.- Bill  Gates’ predictions came true. Bill Gates, The Software KingMost of the computers in the world use software invented by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Inc. of Redmond, Wash. Software is the set of programs that make computers – whether business or personal – perform various tasks.Gates was born in Seattle, Wash., in 1955. As a boy, he was bright and curious. He was active in Scouting, reaching Life Scout rank in Troop 186. He especially loved hiking, camping and other outdoor adventures.But Gates was obsessed with computers. While a student at Harvard University in 1975, Gates and a friend, Paul Allen, developed a computer language for an early version of the personal computer. Microsoft was born. Gates went on to develop operating systems, such as MS-DOS, and software programs.Thanks to Microsoft, Gates is now one of the richest men in America. He is worth more than $8 billion.A technical wizard and a fierce business competitor, Gates sees great things ahead for computers. He says they «are really going to change a lot of things in the world – the way we work, the way we play and entertain ourselves and even the way we are educated».  The Binary Number SystemEarly digital computers inspired by Howard Aiken’s Mark 1 were huge, sometimes filling an entire room. That was because thousands of switches were needed to compute his binary number system.In the binary number system, only two digits are recognized by the computer: 0 when a switch is off, and 1 when the switch is on. Different combinations of those two digits can represent thousands of letters and numbers.

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The binary number system is still used in today’s computers. The difference is that the thousands of electrical switches have been replaced by one tiny, solid-state chip that does the translations electronically. That’s why your computer only fills up part of your desk, not your whole bedroom. Computers in your FutureMicrosoft’s Bill Gates and other computer experts saw great things ahead. They said that in the next few years, you would be able to sit at your computer and see high-quality video sent from any place on earth.They predicted you would also have a wallet-size personal computer. With it you would be able to store photographs, pay bills, get the news, send messages, see movies and open locks with digital keys.At home on your TV-size PC you would be able to see and talk with friends in other states, get medical advice, check magazine articles and pictures in a far-off library and order a pizza.A computerized control system at home would regulate your lighting, temperature and security system.Big dreams? Are these dreams or facts? Perhaps. But engineers have done a lot  to make it reality.New words: To perform – выполнятьLife Scout rank – пожизненный титул бойскаутаTroop – отрядTo be obsessed – быть одержимымOperating system – система функционированияWorth – обладающийFierce – неистовыйTo inspire – вдохновлятьSolid-state – твердыйWallet-size – величиной с бумажникSecurity system – система безопасности Задание 2.  Do you know the famous inventors of the world?  Заполните пропуски в предложении. Выберите один правильный ответ а), в) или с) 1. Alexander Bell worked at inventing ………….2. a) radio-set b) tape-recorder c) telephone3. ……………….. was a Scottish engineer and inventor of the world's first

working television system.

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4. a) John Logie Baird b) Benjamin Franklin                            c) Edward Jenner

5. Karl Benz produced the wold’s first petrol-driven motorcar in ………in 1885.

6. a) Italy b)      Japan         c)       Germany7. The Lumière brothers patented the cinematograph in ……………8. a) 1844                   b) 1885                c)  19259. The phonograph, the motion picture camera, light bulb are ……….

inventions.10.a) Michael Faraday’s b) Thomas Edison’s           c) William Gilbert’s11.In 1945 the Nobel Prize was given to Alexander Fleming for ……………12.a) solar cell       b) penicillin           c) telescope13.The first Russsian’s …………. was designed by P. Frez and E. Yakovlev.14.a) camera       b) electric cell                c) automobile15.…….. …….. was an American inventor, salesman and janitor who invented

the first commercially successful portable electric vacuum cleaner.16.a) James Murray Spangler      b) Ian Wilmut      c) Humphry Davy17.…………… mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer

in the mid-1830s.18.a) French b) German           c) British19.………….. was the first to use assembly line production for his Model T car

in 1908.20.a) Ernest Rutherford        b) Henry Ford               c) Robert Hooke21.Nicéphore Niépce was a French inventor, now usually credited as the

inventor of ……. and a pioneer in that field.22.a) photography        b) airplane          c) motorcar23.Sergei Korolev designed the first artificial satellite in ……………24.a) 1947 b) 1957                c) 197025.Alexander Mozhaysky was aviation pioneer, researcher and designer of first

…………………26.a) aeroplane       b) steamship        c) steam locomotive27.Satori Kato was a ………….. chemist and inventor of the first soluble

instant coffee.28.a) American        b) Brazilian          c) Japanese 15.Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was a German physicist, who produced and

detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today that was known as ……………. or Röntgen rays.

16.a) X-rays        b) Y-rays                       c) Z-rays Задание   3.   Put  each  of the  following  words  in its  place in the  passage  below. (Вставьте пропущенные слова в текст) software      computers      peripherals      calculator     ports monitor        keyboard      configuration    hardware     printer

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So  you  only  have  a  pocket (1)_____to do  addition, multiplication and so  on, you  want to  know  about  real (2)_____? Right. Well,  the  machines  themselves are  called  the (3)_____ and  the  programs that  you  feed into  them  are  called the (4)_____. If  you  want  to  see   the  results  of  what  you  are  doing,  you’ll  need a (5)____or  you’ll  have to  plug  into a  television  set.  You’ll  operate  your  machine  like  a  typewriter  by  pressing   keys  on  the (6)______. If  you  want  to  record  on  the  paper of  what  you  are  doing, you’ll  need   a (7)______. On  the  rear  panel of  the  computer there  several (8)_______into  which  you  can  plug a  wide  range  of  (9)______-- modems,  fax  machines  and  scanners.  The  main  physical  units  of  a  computer  system   are  generally  known  as  the  (10)______.Задание 4.   Translate     into     English . 1. Удобно пользоваться электронной почтой, чтобы контактировать с

друзьями.2. Благодаря компьютеру я могу получать и отправлять сообщения в

любое время.3. Компьютерная терминология не очень трудная. Многие слова пришли

из английского языка.4. Он интересуется компьютерами, знает, как ими пользоваться и владеет

основами компьютерного общения.5. Когда работаешь с компьютером, возникают проблемы, которые

необходимо решить.  6. Мы купили компьютер только два года назад, и он уже устарел.7. Интепесно, он пользуется компьютером сейчас или пишет книги

ручкой?8. «Майкрософт» стала крупнейшей фирмой в мире, разрабатывающей

программное обеспечение для компьютеров. Задание 5. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова в скобках   так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. What Can Computers Do?Computers and microchips  (1) ____ (become) part of our everyday lives.We read magazines which (2) ____ (produce) on computer, we buy things with the help of computer; we pay bills prepared by computers.Just (3) ____ (dial) a phone number involves the use of a sophisticated computer system.In the past, life without computers was much (4) ____ (difficult) than it is today.The first computers were able to multiply long numbers, but they (5) ____ (not can) do anything else.

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Nobody (6) ___ (believe) stories about robots and space travel, but now computers are able to do almost all difficult jobs.What makes your computer such a miraculous device? It is a personal communicator that (7) ____ (enable) you to interact with other computers and with people around the world. And you can even use your PC to relax with computer games. Задание 6. Подбери к слову перевод.1.scientist a) ветеринар2.secretary b) инспектор assistant c) переводчик4.tailor d) мойщик окон5.translator e) секретарь6.warden f) продавец agent g) официант h) ученый9.waiter i) портной10.window cleaner j) тур агент

Задание 7. Прочитайте текст. Подберите название к тексту из предложенных вариантов. Правильныйответ оценивается в 1 балл.Not everyone knows the rules of courtesy. There are also many people who have bad manners. For example, they talk or laugh loudly in public places, which is not acceptable. They litter in the streets or cause inconvenience to other people. They stare at people they don’t know and never say “Sorry!” or “Thank you!” Such behavior should be avoided if we want to be a part of civilized society.1. Table manners2. Public behavior3. Good manners4. Courtesy5. Bad manners

Тема 2. Человек и природа.

Переведите текст , выполните заданияANIMALS IN DANGERAt present a thousand species are almost extinct because we hunt them or damage their environment. Here are some of the animals in danger. The World Wildlife Fund is fighting to save them.The French priest, Pierre David, was the first European to see a giant panda in China in 1869. Today the giant panda is one of the rarest species in the world. There are perhaps only 300 of them left. It likes to live in bamboo forests, but these are slowly disappearing.

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The giant panda can live for up to 20 years, and a big male can weigh 150 kilograms. A new-born panda weighs only 125 grams and measures less than 15 centimetres. The female panda is 800 times heavier than the baby at birth and the baby is 3–4 months old before it can crawl. It is pinkish-white at birth without dark markings and the familiar black eyes.Fortunately the Chinese government now protects the panda, so it should survive. The World Wildlife Fund uses the panda as its symbol.The story of the whale has been another great wildlife tragedy. Some of these are the largest animals that have ever lived. A blue whale can weigh over 125 tonnes. Whales are mammals, not fish and they are highly intelligent. They send messages to each other over very long distances with high-pitched sounds.Whales are now in great danger because hunters have killed too many of them. Modern ships and machines have made it easy to hunt these animals, and they are often killed in a very painful and cruel way. Some countries have agreed to protect the whale, but others have not and still kill too many.

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Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.1. The World Wildlife Fund is an organization fighting to save animals

in danger.2. It uses the whale and the panda as its symbols.3. At present about ten hundred species are almost extinct.4. It happens because people hunt them.5. Today the panda is one of the rarest species in the world.6. Whales and giant pandas are in great danger.7. A whale is a giant fish: a blue whale can weigh over 125 tonnes.8. Whales communicate with each other with high-pitched sounds.9. Fortunately the Chinese government now protects whales.10.Nevertheless, other countries still kill too many of them.

Выпишите новые слова, выучить :

Study the following words and expressions.danger — опасностьspecies — вид, видыextinct — вымирающийto hunt — охотитьсяto damage — наносить ущерб, разрушатьthe World Wildlife Fund — Всемирный фонд дикой природыpriest — священникgiant panda — большая пандаrare — редкий

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to disappear — исчезатьto survive — выживатьwhale — китto weigh — веситьmammal — млекопитающееhigh-pitched — высокочастотныйcruel — жестокий

Тема 3. Загрязнение окружающей среды, радиация.

1. Переведите текст, выполните задания после текста.Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, and it is so far the only place where human beings can live.We always polluted our surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a huge problem. People lived in the countryside and couldn’t produce such amount of pollution that would lead to a dangerous situation on a global scale. With the development of industrial cities, which create huge amounts of pollutants, the problem has become real. Nowadays our planet is in serious danger. Global warming, acid rains, air and water pollution, overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth. Every year world industry pollutes the air that we breathe with. A great number of cities suffer from smog. Rainforests are cut down. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result, some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants are extinct. A lot of seas, rivers and lakes are filled with poison like industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crisis. People should consider their attitude to the environment. Some progress has already been made in this direction. Numerous conferences have been held by a lot of agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass and Chernobyl. Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment. What can we do to save our planet? First of all, people should switch to alternative forms of power, such as solar power or wind power. Secondly, the use of atomic power must be banned. Thirdly, we need to recycle. It’s the art of turning waste into new products. It would be a good idea if people started riding bicycles instead of driving cars. We are obliged to protect nature. If everybody cares, it will make a difference.

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Задания :1. Написать перевод текста2. Выписать новые слова из текста, перевести их используя англо-

русский словарь3. Написать мини-сочинение «Влияние радиации на окружающую среду»

Тема 4. Экосистема.

Ecosystems    An ecosystem (EK-oh-sis-tuhm) is made up of groups of living things, and the environment in which they live.  In an ecosystem, the living things are able to get the things that they need in order to survive.  Healthy ecosystems are in balance. In other words, there is enough food, water, and shelter for all of the species that live within the ecosystem.    Ecosystems are made up of several different populations.  A population is a group of the same species of plant or animal living together in the same place and time.  Populations live in environments that meet their specific needs.  For example, there are many species of tropical plants and animals that thrive in rain forest ecosystems, but would not be able to survive in other places.    Plant and animal populations interact with each other in many different ways. Animals tend to use plants for food and shelter.  Animals carry seeds from place to place, and help to fertilize the soil.  Insects find their food while hiding in or around plants.  Insects also help pollinate plants so that they can grow and produce fruit.  When plant and animal populations work together, they function as communities.  A community is made up of all the populations found in a specific area.    Food webs and food chains can be used to illustrate the ways that plants and animals interact within ecosystems.  Each food chain is comprised or made up of three basic parts.  Food chains always begin with a green plant.  These plants are known as producers because they use photosynthesis to make their own food.  The next level is made up of consumers, or animals that eat other plants or animals in order to obtain energy.  The last level of a food chain is made up of decomposers which consume non living things, and help to break down organic material into nutrients for the soil.    There are many different types of ecosystems.  Ecosystems can be found in tropical rain forests, saltwater marshes, coral reefs, kelp forests, and deep in the ocean.  Each ecosystem is unique, but each also requires a delicate balance between the plant and animal species in order for the ecosystem to remain healthy. Pollution, rapid deforestation, natural disasters, and slow environmental changes over time can all threaten the health of our earth's ecosystems.  We should do everything we can to preserve nature's delicate balance so that its wonders can be enjoyed by generations to come. 

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Word boxEnvironment - 1) окружение, окружающая обстановка a healthy environment — здоровое окружение 2) окружающая средаInteract - взаимодействовать; влиять друг на другаFertilize - удобрять, обогащать почву, вносить удобрениеPollinate - опылятьFunction - функция; функционироватьFood web - пищевая "сеть" (в биологическом сообществе)Food chain - пищевая цепь (в биологическом сообществе)Made up – состоит изProducer - продуцентPhotosynthesis – фотосинтезConsumer  -  потребительObtain - получать; добывать; приобретатьDecomposer - редуцент, деструктор, биоредуктор (организм, разлагающий органические вещества)Nutrient - питательное веществоRequire - требовать; нуждаться (в чём-л.)Threaten - 1) угрожать, грозить 2) предвещать (беду, опасность)Preserve - 1) заповедник; заказник 2) сохранять, оберегать 3) фиксироватьPollution – загрязнениеDeforestation – исчезновение лесовDisaster – беда, бедствие, несчастьеEnvironmental changes – изменения окружающей среды3. Answer the questions:4. What is an ecosystem consists of?5. Healthy ecosystems are in balance, aren’t they?6. What are ecosystems made up?7. What is a population?8. How do plant and animal populations interact with each other?9. What is a community made up?10.What do food webs and food chains illustrate?11.What is each food chain comprised of?12.What types of ecosystems do you know?13.What can threaten the health of our earth's ecosystems?Задания :1. Перевести тест2. Выписать новые слова после текста3. Ответить на вопросы4. Подготовить презентацию на английском языке «Экологические

проблемы, виды и пути их решения » Не менее 10-15 слайдов, используя текст и картинки, шрифт 14, Times New Roman

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Тема 5 Влияние человека на окружающую среду.

Read the text and find the equivalents. You have 7 equivalents, find them in the text during the reading. You may use topical vocabulary. Man has been trying to make his life easier for many centuries. In doing so, he invented machines and instruments. They have been working and polluting the world we live in.In this world around us, there are two things that do not belong to any one country: air and ocean water. In both the air and the water, there is much pollution. People are concerned about the air and the water used by everyone, and they are also concerned about the future of the Earth.One of the most important pollution problems is in the oceans. Many ships sail in the ocean water – fishing ships, some ships carrying people, some carrying oil. If a ship loses some of the oil in the water, or trash from the ships is put into the ocean, the water becomes dirty. Many birds and fish die because of the polluted water. Many fish are dying in the sea, others are getting contaminated. Fishermen catch contaminated fish which may be sold in markets and people may get sick from eating them. Fish may also move to another part of the ocean. Lakes and rivers are getting polluted, too. Some beaches are considered dangerous for swimming.The second important problem is air pollution. Cars and factories pollute the air we use. It also destroys the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun.Another problem is that our forests are dying from acid rain. This, in turn, affects the balance of nature.If we want our children to live in the same world we live in, or in a better and healthier world, we must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution. Переведите текст Topical vocabulary переписать в тетрадь новые словаto make one’s life easier – облегчить чью-либо жизньto invent machines and instruments- изобретать машины и инструментыto pollute – загрязнятьto be concerned about smth. – беспокоиться о чем-либоto put trash into smth. – сбрасывать мусор во что-либоthe polluted water – загрязненная водаto get contaminated – быть отравленнымair pollution – загрязнение воздуха

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to destroy the ozone layer – разрушать озоновый слойto die from acid rain – погибать из-за кислотных дождейto affect the balance of nature – оказывать влияние на гармонию в природеto protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution- защищать воду, воздух и землю от загрязнения  

The equivalents- найдите к тексте и переведите на английский язык1. Чтобы облегчить свою жизнь, люди изобретали машины и

инструменты.2. Люди озабочены загрязнением воды и воздуха.3. Суда, сбрасывая отходы в океан, загрязняют воду.4. Рыба в загрязненной воде умирает или становится ядовитой.5. Машины и фабрики загрязняют воздух и разрушают озоновый слой

Земли.6. Кислотный дождь нарушает баланс в природе.7. Люди должны научиться защищать землю и воздух от загрязнения. And now, answer the questions.-письменно ответьте на вопросы1. Why are people concerned about air and water?2. What are the consequences (последствия) of water pollution?3. What are the consequences of air pollution?4. What should people do if they want to live on the Earth?Сделать сообщение   на тему «Влияние человека на окружающую среду»   (Титульный лист- Предмет, курс, группа, ФИО,Шрифт 14, Times New Roman, междустрочный интервал 1,15) Тема 6 Согласование временОзнакомьтесь  с теоретическим материалом и выполните   задания.Согласование времен в английском языке – это определенная зависимость времени глагола придаточного предложения от времени глагола в главном предложении.Правила согласования времен часто используются для передачи косвенной речи. В русском языке правила согласования времен отсутствуют, поэтому такие английские предложения переводятся по нормам русского языка.Правило согласования времен заключается в том, что если в сложноподчиненном предложении глагол главного предложения стоит в одном из прошедших времен (чаще всего в Past Simple), то и глагол придаточного предложения должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен или во времени Future in the Past. I thoughtyou knew – Я думал, что ты знаешь его.

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Chris said he couldn’t find– Крис сказал, что не может найти тебя. He didn’t knowwhether Ann would come or

not. – Он не знал, придет ли Энн или нет.Модальные глаголы can, may, will при согласовании времен используются в формах could, might и would, must часто заменяется на had to, а модальные глаголы сould, might, ought to, should, would не изменяются. Mike saidhe could help us. – Майк сказал, что он может помочь нам. I thoughtI had to do everything by myself. – Я думал, что я должен

делать все в одиночку. The teacher saidyou might come in. – Учитель сказал, что ты можешь

войти. I didn’t knowwhat I should – Я не знал, что мне делать.  Если в сложноподчиненном предложении глагол главного предложения используется в одном из настоящих или будущих времен, то в придаточном предложении может использоваться любое время и времена не согласовываются между собой. I don’t think it will rain – Я не думаю, что завтра будет дождь. Ann knowsyou are a nice guy. – Энн знает, что ты хороший парень. She saysshe went shopping yesterday. – Она говорит, что прошлась

вчера по магазинам. I have heard Jane will beat the

party. – Я слышал, что Джейн будет на вечеринке.

Указательные местоимения и наречия места и времени также претерпевают некоторые изменения в косвенной речи, что вполне соответствует логике языка: 

this – that = этот – тот these – those = эти – те here – there = здесь – там now – then = сейчас – тогда yesterday – the day before = вчера – за день до того today – that day = сегодня – в (э)тот день tomorrow – the next (following) day = завтра – на следующий день ago – before = тому назад – до этого (до того) last week / year – the previous week /year = прошлый год (неделя) – предыдущий год (неделя) next week / year – the following week / year – здесь перевод на русский не меняется = следующий год (неделя) Существуют общие правила согласования времен в английском языке, без которых не обойтись в любой письменной работе.

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Правило 1: Не переключайтесь с одного времени на другое, если два действия происходят в одних временных рамках.Рассмотрим несколько примеров для данного правила.Пример:1. The old man narrates stories about the World War II to children who

asked questions during his speech. – Старик рассказывает о Второй мировой войне детям, которые во время его речи задавали ему вопросы.

Глагол narrates (рассказывает) относится к настоящему времени, а asked (задавали) к прошедшему, хотя должен быть тоже в настоящем (ask). Дети задавали и продолжают задавать вопросы старику во время его выступления.Исправление:2. The old man narrates stories about the World War II to children who

ask questions during his speech.Пример:3. Last Friday we go to the Zoo and then visited our Circus. – В

прошлую пятницу мы идем в зоопарк и потом зашли в наш цирк.Здесь глагол go (идем) в настоящем времени, хотя, с учетом обстоятельств времени (last Friday), должен быть в прошедшем (went), равно как и глагол visited (зашли, посетили).Исправление:4. Last Friday we went to the Zoo and then visited our Circus.Правило 2 согласования времен в английском: Переключайте глагол с одного времени на другое, чтобы показать разные временные рамки двух событий.Рассмотрим примеры для данного правила:5. Tom enjoys his new beautiful car that he bought. – Том

наслаждается своей новой великолепной машиной, которую он купил.Здесь глагол enjoys(наслаждается) говорит о настоящем, а глагол bought (купил) – о действии, законченном к моменту начала первого действия.

6. Before the bus reached the resort, many tourists had got hungry. – До того, как автобус доехал до места отдыха, многие туристы проголодались.

Глагол reached (доехал, добрался) относится к действию в   прошлом , а had got (составная часть сказуемого в Past Perfect) показывает действие, которое произошло еще раньше, чем первое действие в прошлом.7. Mother is preparing additional food because the journey will last for

a week. – Мать готовит дополнительный запас еды, потому что путешествие продлится неделю.

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Глагол is preparing показывает действие, происходящее на глазах говорящего в настоящем. Will last относится к будущему действию, которое начнется в других временных рамках после настоящего.

Execise 1. Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи.8. I said to my friend: «Where are you going?»9. I said to him: «How long are you going to stay there?»10.I said to him: «How long will it take you to get there?»11.Peter said to his friends: «Why are you looking at the picture?»12.He said to them: «Who will you see before you leave here?»    Execise 2. Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного (взято из учебника Ю.В.Голицынского).13.Mike says he is sure Ann and Kate will be excellent guides. 2. He

says they have made good progress in English. 3. Oleg says that some English students will come to pay a visit to their school and he will probably have to act as an interpreter. 4. Ann says she has just met Boris in the street. 5. She says Boris told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the South. 6. Nick says he is going to the hotel to see his friends, who have just arrived in St Petersburg from the United States of America. 7. He says they have not been in their beloved city for a long time. 8. He says they were friends at school. 9. He says he will take them to the theatre on Sunday. 10. They say they will write him a letter when they return home.

Execise 3. Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи (взято из учебника Ю.В.Голицынского).1.Mother said to me, «Who has brought this parcel?» 2. He said to her, «Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?» 3. Ann said to Mike, «When did you leave London?» 4. She said to Boris, «When will you be back home?» 5. Boris said to them, «How can I get to the railway station?» 6. Mary asked Tom, «What time will you come here tomorrow?» 7. She asked me, «Why didn’t you come here yesterday?» 8. She asked me, «What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?» 9. I said to Nick, «Where are you going?» 10. I said to him, «How long are уou going to stay there?» 11.I said to him, «How long will it take you to get there?» 12. Pete said to his friends, «When are you leaving St. Petersburg? 13. He said to them, «Who will you see before you leave here?» 14. They said to him, «What time does the train start?

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Execise 6. Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного. 14.Mike says he is sure Ann and Kate will be excellent guides. 2. He

says they have made good progress in English. 3. Oleg says that in a day or two several English students will come to pay a visit to their school and he will probably have to act as an interpreter. 4. Ann says she has just met Boris in the street. 5. She says Boris told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the south. 6. Nick says he is going to the hotel to see his friends, who have just arrived in St. Petersburg from the United States of America. 7. He says they have not been here for a long time. 8. He says they were friends at school. 9. He says he will take them to the theatre on Sunday. 10. They say they will write me a letter when they return home.

 Выписать и выучить   25   первых неправильных глаголов(3 формы)!СПИСОК НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВLIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS                                                                                                                            



Past ParticipleV3


1 arise arose arisen arising2 be was/were been being3 bear bore born bearing4 become became become becoming5 begin began begun beginning6 bend bent bent bending7 bind bound bound binding8 bite bit bit biting9 bleed bled bled bleeding10 blow blew blown blowing11 break broke broken breaking12 breed bred bred breeding13 bring brought brought bringing14 build built built building15 burn burnt burnt burning16 buy bought bought buying17 cast cast cast casting18 catch caught caught catching19 choose chose chosen choosing20 come came come coming21 cost cost cost costing

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22 cut cut cut cutting23 dig dug dug digging24 do did done doing25 draw drew drawn drawing26 dream dreamt dreamt dreaming27 drink drank drunk drinking28 drive drove driven driving29 eat ate eaten eating30 fall fell fallen falling31 feed fed fed feeding32 feel felt felt feeling33 fight fought fought fighting34 find found found finding35 flee fled fled fleeing36 fly flew flown flying37 forget forgot forgotten forgetting38 get got got getting39 give gave given giving40 go went gone going

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