

You Only Need Plan A

By: Honorée Corder

I’ve been on podcast after podcast, radio show after radio show and even a few tele summits…and almost every interviewer asks me about my stance on not having a Plan B.

A successful person is meant to have Plan A and only Plan A.

Your plan, which I call Plan A, is the only plan you have. You don’t have a Plan B, or “chicken exit” in mind….just in case things

don’t work out.

I believe you must have a solid plan and you must commit 100% to that


You can’t think about the job you’ll take if the company tanks.

You can’t pack your getaway car “just in case.”

You must prepare a solid plan that supports your desired outcome.

Next you MUST take colossal and committed action until you succeed.

In Vision to Reality, I tell the story of The Successful Single Mom book.

That project has turned out even bigger and better than I had ever dared to dream, BUT that isn’t the whole story.

The book {and now series, Single Mom Transformation Program, and much

more} could have happened sooner and could be much bigger by now if I didn’t

make two critical errors:

1. I forgot how long it takes to become successful.

2. I {practically} gave up on my plan.

It takes years to become an overnight success.

Even though I took my focus off of helping the 11 million single moms that exist in the

US alone, I kept the book up for sale on Amazon and my website.

Success doesn’t happen over night. Ever.

Over the years my book kept selling and selling…without my loving touch or devoted attention.

Imagine my surprise when I did an assessment and realized the book had sold more than 20,000 copies just shy of three years! {Keep in mind, without a blog post or tweet about it.}

Had I kept my focus on Plan A {help single moms}, I could

have helped more single moms much sooner.

1. Create Your Plan A.2. Work your Plan A until…until you


My advice to you?

“I’m sure you can guess what happens when you have only Plan A? That’s right, sparky! Plan A works out. Part of success is, as I mentioned, committing 100%. What I often see is professionals create a Plan A, ‘Coach, this is what I truly want.’ Then they create a Plan B, ‘But, I’m willing to settle for this.’

No, no, no, no. When there is no Plan B, Plan A tends to work out…Having Plan A, and only Plan A, and working that plan like your life depends on it, is the golden key to your success.”

As I say in Vision to Reality:

You deserve the success you desire. You’re just one executed

Plan A* away from having it!

Download your FREE 100-Day Plan here.

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