draft2 essay fildzah

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  • 8/10/2019 Draft2 Essay Fildzah


    Fildzah (081115003)

    Trasendence is one of scientic fiction movie. On the movie Will Casey is

    a professor who has a research called trasendence. A radical terorrist think his

    reasearch is dangerous for world therefore they want to kill dr will. One day the

    radical terorist shot Dr. Will with a bullets that had been coated with isotop of

    polanium. There are many question at there, what is isotop of Polanium, the

    dengereous of isotopes that they used for kill Dr. Will, and in it has been used at

    the real life.

    Polanonium has about 33 isotopes which are radioactive. The polonium

    isotopes are very short-lived and decay rapidly. Of the 33 known isotopes, there

    are three that have longer halflives. Those isotopes are polonium-208, polonium-

    209, and polonium-210. The most widely used and the one occurring most in

    nature is polonium-210 and the largest possibility Dr Will had been shot with a

    bullet which coated a polonium-210.

    Polonium has a high radioactive which has a half-life of 138 days, and it

    decays to stable lead-206 by emitting an alpha particle . With a specific activity of

    166 TBq/g, one microgram of ingested polonium would deliver a committed

    effective dose equivalent of approximately 40 Sv (4,000 rem). This value is based

    on human and animal studies conducted in the 1950s that showed that

    approximately 10 percent of ingested polonium is absorbed by blood (Harrison et

    al. 2007). A lethal dose of polonium 210 can be caused by ingesting just 50

  • 8/10/2019 Draft2 Essay Fildzah


    nanograms or inhaling an even smaller amout of 10 nanograms, which means that

    only one gram of polonium 210 could in theory poison and kill about 10 million


    Polonium-21 has many function although it has a high radioactive which is

    dangerous for human or animal. Polonium-210 is used in static eliminators, which

    are devices designed to eliminate static electricity in machinery where it can be

    caused by processes such as paper rolling, manufacturing sheet plastics, and

    spinning. . It is also used in brushes that remove accumulated dust from

    photographic films and lensessynthetic fibers. The polonium-210 is generally

    electroplated onto a backing foil and inserted into a brush, tube, or other holder.

    But there are some people to abuse the radioactive properties of polanium . For

    example in trasendence, we can found a radical terrorist kill Dr Will with a bullet

    which had been coated with polonium isotopes. In real life Yasser Arafat who is

    palestenian leader has been killed with isotopes Polanium. Although Polonium

    has high radioactive and dengerous for human , Polonium can used and help in


    Polonium found naturaly at world and it has 33 isotopes which has high

    radioactive. Isotopes polonium not only fiction which used at trasendence movie

    but also we can found that at real life. And it has many function in real life but

    there are some people use it for criminality to kill someone who they are hate and

    a terrorist kills someone who they are hate not only in movie but Yasser Arafat

    has been killed with isotopes Polonium .