e-book: Παρεμβατικό πρόγραμμα για την ανάπτυξη της...

1 Μαστροθανάσης Κω/νος Κατσιφή-Χαραλαμπίδη Σπυριδούλα Ζουγανέλη Άννα Εικονογράφηση: Φαρρή Γεωργία Παρεμβατικό πρόγραμμα για την ανάπτυξη της μεταγνώσης στο γραπτό λόγο Οδηγός εκπαιδευτικού & διδακτικό υλικό Για μαθητές ηλικίας 10 – 12 ετών σύμφωνα με το Δ.Ε.Π.Π.Σ. & το Α.Π.Σ. για το γλωσσικό μάθημα

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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E-book Μαστροθανάσης, Κ., Κατσιφή-Χαραλαμπίδη Σπ., Ζουγανέλη, Α. (2015). Παρεμβατικό πρόγραμμα για την ανάπτυξη της μεταγνώσης στο γραπτό λόγο. Οδηγός εκπαιδευτικού και διδακτικό υλικό. Λιβαδειά: Βιβλ. Σύγχρονη ΄Εκφραση.


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    ISBN: 978-960-98900-8-3 2015

    . 49 32100: 2261023136, Fax: [email protected]://sigxroniekfrasi.blogspot.comhttps://www.facebook.com/SigxroniEkfrasi

    Creative Commons 3.0

    (, , , , , ), , . , . cc, : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-ne-nd/3.0.gr/

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    1.1. ..131.2. .171.3.

    ..201.4. .........26

    2. :

    2.1. ......422.2. ....42

    : ....43 .......46 : .........51

  • 5 .......54 : ..58 ...61 : .........63 .......66 : .....69 .............75 : .....78 ..........82 : ....85 ........90 : ........93 .........96 : ....98 .........101 : ....104 ...........107

    2.3. .....109


    3.1. ...1163.1.1. ......1173.1.2. ....1213.1.3. , ....................................123

  • 63.1.4. ...1263.1.5. ..139


  • 7

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  • 12


  • 13


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    , Chamot OMalley (1990), 10. (metacognitive strategies),

    , , , .. , 9 Oxford, R. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher should know.New York: Newbury House Publishers.

    10 Chamot, A.U. & O' Malley, J. M. (1990). Learning Strategies in Second LanguageAcquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • 14

    . (cognitive strategies),

    , .- (social-affective

    strategies), .. , .. .

    . - , .

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  • 15

  • 16



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    14 Wenden, A. (1998). Metacognitive knowledge and language learning. AppliedLinguistics, 19, 515-537 Graham, S. & Harris, K. (1994). The role anddevelopment of self-regulation in the writing process. In D. Schunk & B.Zimmerman (Eds.), Self-regulation of learning and performance: Issues andeducational applications (p.p. 203-228). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Cohen, A.D. (1990). Language learning: insights for learners, teachers and researchers. USA:Newburry House Publishers.

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    16 Geladari, A. & Mastrothanasis, K. (2013). The employment of cognitive andmetacognitive strategies in bilingual pupils creative writing. In N. Lavidas, Th.Alexiou & A. M. Sougari (Eds.), Major Trends in Theoretical and AppliedLinguistics 3:Selected Papers from the 20th International Symposium on Theoreticaland Applied Linguistics (ISTAL 20) (p.p. 97-113). Poland: Versita Griva, E.,Tsakiridou, E. & Nihoritou, I. (2009). Study of FL composing process and writingstrategies employed by young learners. In M. Nikolov (Ed.), Early Learning ofModern Foreign Languages (pp. 132-148). Bristol: Multilingual Matters Goddard,Y. L. & Sendi, C. (2008). Effects of self-monitoring on the narrative and expositorywriting of four Fourth-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities. Reading &Writing Quarterly, 24(4), 408-433.

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    17 , ., , . & , . (2011). : . . , . . , . & . (.), 2 , 27-30 2010, 2 (. 69-78). : Yanyan, Z. (2010). Investigating the role of metacognitive knowledge in englishwriting. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, 14, 25-46 Lane, K. L., Harris,K. R., Graham, S., Weisenbach, J. L., Brindle, M. & Morphy, P. (2008). The effectsof self-regulated strategy development on the writing performance of second-gradestudents with behavioral and writing difficulties. Journal of Special Education, 41 (4),234-253 Graham, S. (2006b). Strategy instruction and the teaching of writing: Ameta-analysis. In Ch. MacArthur, S. Graham & J. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Handbook ofwriting research (pp. 187-207). New York: Guiford press Graham, S., Harris, K. &Mason, L. (2005). Improving the writing performance, knowledge and self-efficacyof struggling young writers: The effects of self-regulated strategy development.Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30, 207-241 Keith, N. & Frese, M. (2005).Self-regulation in error management training: Emotion, control and metacognitionas mediators of performance effects. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 677-691.

    18 Rose, K. & Kasper, G. (2001). Pragmatics in language teaching. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press Kasper, L. F. (1997). Assessing the metacognitivegrowth of ESL student writers. TESL EJ, 3(1), 1-20 Welch, M. (1992). ThePLEASE strategy: A metacognitive learning strategy for improving the paragraphwriting of students with mild disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 15, 119128.

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    19 Reshadi, E. & Aidinlou, N. A. (2012). Investigating the relationship between writingmetacognitive awareness and use of cohesiveties in Iranian EFL context. Journal ofBasic and Applied Scientific Research, 2 (5), 4699-4705 Goddard, Y. L. & Sendi, C.(2008). Effects of self-monitoring on the narrative and expository writing of fourFourth-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities. Reading & Writing Quarterly,24(4), 408-433 Lu, W. J. (2006). Relationship between metacognitive strategies andEnglish writing. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, (9), 25-27 Xu, J. F. &Tang F. (2005). Review of previous research on English writing metacognition inChina and abroad. Foreign Language World, (5), 17-23 De La Paz, S. & Graham, S.(2002). Explicitly teaching strategies, skills, and knowledge: Writing instruction inmiddle school classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 291304 Yarrow,F. & Topping, K. J. (2001). Collaborative writing: The effects of metacognitiveprompting and structured peer interaction. British Journal of EducationalPsychology, 71, 261282

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  • 22

    (process goal) (content goal), .

    CALLA (Cognitive AcademicLanguage Learning Approach). , . 21:

    : , , .

    : . .21 , . (2005). : . , 3, 70-77 Chamot, A. U.(2005). Language Learning Strategy Instruction: Current Issues and Research.Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 25, 112-130 Oxford, R. L. (2001). Languagelearning strategies. In R. Carter, D. Nunan (eds.), The Cambridge guide to speakersof other languages (pp. 166.-172). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • 23

    : . .

    : , , .

    : ( ), 22.

    22 Anderson, J. (1983). The Architecture of Cognition. Cambridge: Harvard UniversityPress.

  • 24

    1: CALLA23.

    , ,

    23 Chamot, A. U., Barnhardt, S., El-Dinary, P. B. & Robbins, J. (1999). The LearningStrategies Handbook. White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman.


  • 25


  • 26


    , , .

    . (self-talk), , .

    :) (

    , , , , , )

    ) ( , , , , , -, .

  • 27

    , , , ,. -

    , . . 24:)

    (, , ) .

    ) ( ).

    ) ( ).


    24 : , .(2011). . : .

  • 28

    . . , 25.

    , , . , , , 26., , . , .

    25 Cohen, A. D. (1987). Studying learner strategies: How we get information. In A.Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.), Learner strategies in language learning, 31-40,Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

    26 Ericsson, K. A. & Simon, H. A. (1987). Verbal reports on thinking. In C. Faerch &G. Kasper (Eds.), Introspection in second language research, 24-53. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters.

  • 29

    , . , , 27.

    , . , , . (verbal reports)

    , . 28.

    27 Chou Hare, V. & Smith, D. C. (1982). Reading to Remember: Studies ofmetacognitive reading skills in elementary school-aged children. Journal ofeducational Research, 75: 157-164.

    28 Ericsson, . . & Simon, H. (1984). Protocol analysis: Verbal reports as data.Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

  • 30

    , . - (self-reports), ,

    , . , 29. . , , , , .


    29 Brown, . D. (1987). Principles of language learning and teaching, New Jersey:Prentice Hall.

  • 31

    . , 30. . , , 31.

    , , (, , ) .

    30 Javeau, Cl, (1996). . : -

    31 , . (2000). .: , .. 246-248 Javeau, Cl, (1996). .: - , .. 129.

  • 32

    , . .




    2. ,

  • 33




    (.. , )


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    : ; ; ; ;; .


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    1. , .

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    , .

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  • 37

    19. .












    , ,




  • 38


    6. ,



    , .

    8. , ,

    , .

    9. ,









  • 39



    , , .

    . .

    . Powney Watts (1984) , 32.

    32 Powney, J. & Watts, M. (1984). Reporting interview: a code of good practice.Research Intelligence, BERA Newsletter, 17.

  • 40

    : , , . .

    . , , . . . , , 33.

    :) ,



    33 Verma, G., & Mallick, K. (2004). . . : . ., .. 245-247.

  • 41

    2. :

  • 42


    , .


    , , :


    . . .

    (2.3.) .

  • 43

    : ..:


  • 44


  • 45







    = !!!



  • 46

    : 2 :



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    , . , , . 10 .



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    , . : ; ; ; .

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    , , , ... (), .

    , (+ )

    (+ )(+ ;)


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    : ..:

  • 52





    = !!! = =

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  • 54

    : 2 :



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    . .


    , . / /; /; ..

  • 56

    , / , .. / . 34.



    , ,

    34 , , , . .

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    : ..:

    . - :

  • 59



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    = !!!



  • 61

    : 2 : ,


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    , , .

    . .

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    , . - . ,

    (, ..) .

    , . , , .. .


  • 63

    : ..:



    , 10 .

  • 64

    . .



  • 65










  • 66

    : 2 :



    . ( ).

    () (), .

    , , .

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    . .

    , . , , . 10 .

    , , , . , .

    , , .

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    , . (



    , , .

  • 69

    : ..:

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    , 2-3 - .





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    . - .




    ! ; , , .. ......


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    .. ..............................................

    . - .

    , :


    , ...

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    (,, , )

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  • 74





  • 75

    : 2 :



    . .

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  • 78

    :.. :

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  • 80



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  • 81









  • 82

    : 2 :



    (). , . .

    , , .

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    . , /. , (). ,

    ( ). , , ( ). , , .

    , , .

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    , . ( ). ,

    , .

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    : ..:


  • 86

  • 87


    ( );


  • 88

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    ; ;



  • 89

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  • 90

    : 2

    : ( )



    . , .


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    . . , ( ) . ( ). ( ).

    , .

    , . , , .

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    , , , Movie maker. . , .

  • 93

    : :

    ; . , .

    8. 130 , 5. 3 . . , , . , ., , .

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    (.. ,

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    : 2 :



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  • 97

    . .

    , 1 . .,

    2 .

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  • 98

    : ..:

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  • 99



  • 100

    o ;

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    . .




  • 101

    : 2 :



    , , . .


    . ,

  • 102

    . ,


    ( ).

    . . . , .

  • 103

    , , , , / .


  • 104

    : ..:

    , 1. ; .2. ; ;....3. ;



  • 105

    4. , ;


  • 106

    , .



    ; / ;



  • 107

    : 2




    , . .

    . , . , .

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    , .

    , , .

  • 109


    , Kyriakides, L., Creemers, B. P. M. Antoniou, P. (2009)35, . , , . :1) T (Orientarion)2) (Structuring)3) (Application)4) (Questioning)5) (Modelling)6) (Management of time)7) (Classroom as a

    learning environment)8) (Assessment).

    35 Kyriakides, L., Creemers, B. P. M. Antoniou, P. (2009). Teacher behaviour andstudents outcomes: Suggestions for research on teacher training and professionaldevelopment. Teaching and Teacher Education 25 (1), 12-23.

  • 110

    . . .


    , .

    : ,..:

  • 111


    , : /

    , (.. )




  • 112

    ( )



    ( ).

    : ,

  • 113


    : ( )


    ( ).

    : ( )

  • 114




    ; ;

    ; , ;


  • 115


  • 116


    . , , , .

    , :1.


    2. ;

    3. ;


  • 117


    . , 36. () () , , (. 1). , , 37, .,

    36 Argyle, A. (1996). The experimental study of relationships. In D. Miell & R. Dallos(Eds.), Social Interaction and Personal Relationships (pp. 343-355). Milton Keynes:Open University Press.

    37 Petric, B. & Czarl, B. (2003). Validating a Writing. Strategy Questionnaire. System,31(2), 187-215.

  • 118

    . , .







    (2 /)


    . .

    , .

  • 119

    , , CALLA(Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach). , 38. , , 39. (. 2) , .

    38 Kontos, S. & Keyes, L. (1999). An ecobehavioral analysis of early childhoodclassrooms. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14 (1), 35-50.

    39 Wenden, A. (1986). Helping language learners think about learning. EnglishLanguage Teaching Journal, 40(1), 3-9.

  • 120

    2: ,

    & ,


  • 121


    , , , .


    445 2012-2013 . 222 (49,9%) 223 (50,1%) . .

  • 122






















    , 129 (, -, , , , ) , (....). 66(51,2%) 63 (48,8%) .

  • 123

    3.1.3. ,

    (pre-test) (post-test) , , 40, .

    41 (2009), :) ,) ,) ,) ) . ,

    , :) ,) ,

    40 , ., , ., , . & , . (2007). - .-.

    41 , . (2009). . : .

  • 124

    ) )

    42,, , :) ,) ,) ) .,

    , , :) ()

    ) ().


    42 , ., , ., , . & , . (2007). - .-.

  • 125

    :) (),) (),) (),) () :) (),) () ) (). (pre-test)

    (post-test) S.P.S.S. 18 . Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.05 (z

  • 126


    Mann-Whitney U,

    , , . 4,



    .. .. Z P

    135,03 49,653 -1,520 0,129 127,11 39,868

    9,91 4,250 -0,140 0,889 10,26 5,037

    1,59 1,650 -0,406 0,685

  • 127

    (z=-1,520, p=0,129), (z=-0,140,p=0,889), (z=-0,406, p=0,685), (z=-1,897, p=0,580) (z=-0,406, p=0,685).

    ( 5) .


    1,52 1,671

    1,27 1,336 -1,897 0,580 1,52 1,454

    1,59 1,650 -0,406 0,685 1,52 1,671

    .. .. Z P

    91,16 10,856 -1,815 0,070 92,67 8,713

    14,42 4,465 -1,830 0,067 15,21 4,072

    21,75 4,354 -0,207 0,836 21,85 4,074

  • 128

    , (z=-1,81520, p=0,070), (z=-1,830,p=0,067), (z=-0,207, p=-0,836), (z=-0,982,p=0,326), .,

    , , (: 6) .


    36,17 8,025 -0,982 0,326 37,06 7,418

    .. .. Z P

    8,38 3,106-1,574 0,115

    8,92 2,710

    24,86 10,310-0,251 0,801

    25,83 8,198

  • 129

    (z=-1,574, p=0,115) (z=-0,251, p=0,801) 5%.

    , , .

    Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test,

    , , , , . , Mann-Whitney U , ,

  • 130


    (z=-0,664, p=0,507) (z=-0,240, p=0,215) (: 7). (z=-2,069, p=0,039) (..=10,424,318) (..=9,914,250), (z=-0,619,p=0,536).

    7: .

    Pre-test Post-test

    Z P.. .. .. ..

    135,03 49,653 137,45 50,580 -0,619* 0,536 127,11 39,868 126,13 40,976 -0,664* 0,507

    9,91 4,250 10,42 4,318 -2,069* 0,039

    10,26 5,037 10,55 4,902 - 0,215

  • 131

    * .** .

    , (: 8) (z=-2,229, p=0,026), (..=137,4550,580). , (z=-2,229, p=0,026).



    1,59 1,650 1,03 1,234 -7,183** 0,000

    1,52 1,671 1,31 1,593 -2,654* 0,008

    1,27 1,336 0,74 1,115 -5,605** 0,000

    1,52 1,454 1,29 1,321 -3,362* 0,001

    1,59 1,650 0,90 1,304 -6,585** 0,000

    1,52 1,671 1,31 1,593 -0,932* 0,003

    .. .. Z P

  • 132

    , , (: 7). (: 8). , (z=-7,881, p=0,000), (z=-5,162, p=0,000) (z=-2,871, p=0,004) .

    , , , ,

    137,45 50,580 -2,229 0,026 126,13 40,976

    10,42 4,3180,108 0,914 10,55 4,902

    1,03 1,234 -7,881 0,000 1,31 1,593

    0,74 1,115 -5,162 0,000 1,29 1,321

    0,90 1,304 -2,871 0,004 1,31 1,593

  • 133

    5% (: 9).

    9: .

    * .

    Mann-Whitney U (: 10), (z=-0,506, p=0,613) (z=-1,623, p=0,104).

    Pre-test Post-testZ P.. .. .. ..

    91,16 10,856 92,65 9,713 -4,323* 0,000

    92,67 8,713 92,88 8,504 -2,017* 0,044

    14,42 4,465 16,05 3,756 -6,421* 0,000

    15,21 4,072 15,46 3,926 -3,157* 0,002

    21,75 4,354 23,46 3,542 -6,706* 0,000

    21,85 4,074 22,52 4,225 -6,422* 0,000

    36,17 8,025 39,51 6,660 -7,624* 0,000

    37,06 7,418 37,98 7,480 -5,124* 0,000

  • 134

    (z=-2,397, p=0,017). (..=23,463,542) (..=22,524,225).


    , , (z=-2,051, p=0,040) . (..=39,516,660) (..=37,987,480). ,


    .. .. Z P

    92,65 9,713-0,506 0,613 92,88 8,504

    16,05 3,756 -1,623 0,104 15,46 3,926

    23,46 3,542-2,397 0,017 22,52 4,225

    39,51 6,660 -2,051 0,040 37,98 7,480

  • 135

    5% (: 11).

    11: .

    * .

    (z=-0,310,p=0,756) , (: 12).

    Pre-test Post-testZ P.. .. .. ..

    8,38 3,106 9,14 2,776 -4,399* 0,000

    8,92 2,710 9,33 2,462 -3,968* 0,000

    24,86 10,310 24,95 9,907 -0,511* -,609

    25,83 8,198 26,11 8,028 -0,673* 0,501

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    , (z=-0,679, p=0,497) .

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    .. .. Z P

    9,14 2,776-0,310 0,756

    9,33 2,462

    24,95 9,907-0,679 0,497

    26,11 8,028

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    .. 28,91 10,175 35,39 6,478 -5,798 ,000.. 33,17 7,519 33,05 7,587 -1,390 ,165

    .. 5,58 2,643 6,98 2,634 -3,824 ,000.. 6,38 2,317 7,48 2,805 -3,874 ,000

    .. 15,70 11,016 18,48 8,970 -3,285 ,001.. 19,65 9,543 20,11 9,407 -1,903 ,057

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    .. 132,77 24,360 145,50 19,634 -4,831 ,000.. 142,82 22,542 144,19 22,415 -,889 ,374

    .. 21,27 12,831 25,47 10,283 -4,592 ,000.. 26,03 11,341 27,59 11,282 -6,920 ,000

    .. 132,77 24,360 145,50 19,634 -5,789 ,000.. 142,82 22,542 144,19 22,415 -,880 ,379

    , (z=-4,831, p=0,000), (z=-4,592, p=0,000) (z=-5,789, p=0,000). , . , ,

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