高原沙城七日神秘之旅 2013 as7joyholiday.biz/pdf/tw/as7_web2013.pdf · center, an ancient...

灣區 Bay Area 哈瓦蘇湖 尼斗鎮 Lake Havasu or Needles 展開啟發心靈的旅程,由知識豐富的專業導遊帶領,奔向沙漠,傍晚抵達哈 瓦蘇湖,或尼斗鎮。 Depart the Bay Area, led by our professional guide, begin the spiritual journey to the wilderness. Head to the Lake Havasu or Needles, and spend the night. 倫敦橋 London Bridge 鳳凰城 Phoenix 仙人掌國家公園 Saguaro 土森 Tucson 造訪世界最大的古董,由英國倫敦海運來美的花崗石倫敦橋!前往亞利桑那 州首府鳳凰城,爾後參觀仙人掌國家公園,一個令人難以置信的奇觀!數不盡 Saguaro仙人掌個個高大無比,它們成為了亞利桑那州的地標! Visit the largest antique in the world, direct from London England, the world famous London Bridge. Visit Saguaro National Park. The beautiful Saguaro Cactus is also the landmark or icon of Arizona. 石碑西部歷史古鎮 Tombstone 白沙公園 White Sands 探訪因百年前(1881年) O.K Corral. 圍欄的一場槍戰而聞名於世的石碑小鎮, 這裡仍保留著最原汁原味的西部小鎮風情,也因此成為不少好萊塢影片的拍 攝場地。繼而抵達1933年設立白沙國家紀念公園,見證貨真價實的純白色沙 子。這片世界最大的白石膏質風化沙漠,因神秘的特殊成份而使得沙子雪白 耀眼得甚至難以用肉眼直視,仿佛置身於乾燥炎熱的雪海中。 Visit historical western town Tombstone, the shooting scene of the famous movie “Tombstone”. It is most-well known as the site of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and draws most of its revenue from tourism. Then visit the glistening White Sands National Monument of New Mexico. Great wave-like dunes of gypsum sand have engulfed 275 square miles of desert, creating the world's largest gypsum dunefield. 卡爾斯貝巨洞 Carlsbad Caverns 羅斯維爾 Roswell 聖塔沸 Santa Fe 到達世界最大最深的天然巨大洞穴,這裡既高且深,面積廣闊得仿佛地下宮 闕。舉目望去,洞內覆滿鐘乳石,就連深不可測高不可攀的地方都不例外。 乘電梯深入七十層樓地下,主要的幾個洞穴系統自成一脈,一路走來酣暢淋 漓。隨後途經羅斯維爾,一個充滿傳奇的地方!傳說1947年曾有外星不明飛 行物體再次墜落卻被聯邦政府抹滅證據。繼而來到極俱特色的新墨西哥州首 都聖塔沸,這裡仍保存著原始的印第安泥磚式特殊土坯建築,奇景也使得此 地成為美國集聚藝術家與畫廊第二多的城市。 Visit the largest and deepest cave in America, the Carlsbad Caverns (elevators available). Pass through the town of Roswell with the famous UFO Incident of 1947. Then visit the beautiful Santa Fe. If time permits, have a city tour and visit the historic plaza, winding streets, covered arcades, hidden gardens and courtyards, etc. Spend the night in Santa Fe, the capitol of New Mexico. 陶思土坯城 Taos 奇跡旋梯 The Miraculous Staircase 阿伯克奇 Albuquerque 天空城市 Sky City Pueblo 窗石 Window Rock 來到1000年前保存至今的陶思史前土坯村落 Taos Pueblo,親身體驗神秘而與 眾不同的珍藏!(自費)。這座古印第安人村落的房子是通過傳統建築方式, 全部用水、沙、粘土和稻草建成。這些保存千年的房屋是全美最大的印第安 人多層建築群,已被聯合國定為世界文化遺產。隨後探訪拉瑞多教堂中的奇 跡旋梯,見證令人不可思議的空中旋梯,沒有一釘一鉚,無需中樑支撐,旋梯 “憑空”向上攀升20呎。這座似不可能存在的旋梯傳說是由一位不知從何而來 的木匠修建而成,而完工便消失的木匠與其所用的神秘木材從此成為無人知曉 的一個謎。繼而抵達Albuquerque,此城最有名的是熱汽球,(每年十月初是 全美最大型的熱汽球大會,此時去可安排觀賞高達600多個熱汽球同時升空的 動人畫面!)這裡的舊城廣場 Old Town Plaza 成為文藝中心,有美術館、手工 藝品店及1706年由阿伯克奇公爵立的古城及結合維多利亞和地中海與印第安 風格獨特的 San Felipe de Neri 教堂等。繼而遊覽印第安保留區天空城市,更 深入地品味數千年前原汁原味的印第安文明(自費)。夜宿納瓦霍保留地。 Visit Taos Pueblo, an ancient pueblo belonging to a Taos (Northern Tiwa) speaking Native American tribe of Pueblo people. Taos Pueblo is the only living Native American community designated both a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a National Historic Landmark. The multi-storied adobe buildings have been continu- ously inhabited for over 1000 years. (Optional Fees) Then visit the Loretto Chapel, known for its spectacular helix shaped spiral staircase (the "Miraculous Staircase"). According to the legend, the staircase has been built by a mysterious carpenter in answer to the prayers. After the staircase was completed, he disappeared without any trace to be found. Then Visit the Old Town of Albuquerque. (During the first week of October, we can arrange for you to witness the largest air balloon festival and be moved by the hundreds of hot air balloons rise to the sky in the morning.) Then discover the tradition and history of the Acoma Pueblo in the Sky City Cultural Center, an ancient pueblo village atop a 367-foot sandstone bluff. (Optional Fees) 古印第安石窟峽谷 Canyon De Chelly 濱河賭城 Laughlin 納瓦霍保留地是現今美國面積最大的印第安保留地,擁有自治權,首府便設在 以一塊神奇的“天窗”岩石命名的窗岩鎮。參觀那瓦伙族人國家的行政國會大 廈管理中心、國家市政廳等。繼而參觀擁有近百個史前文化遺址的古印地安石 窟峽谷國家保護區。峽谷中至今仍居住著印第安土著,懸崖峭壁上還可見原著 居民祖先留下的房屋以及史前壁畫(一些寬達25公尺的牆面,稱為報紙石),峽 谷底是人稱 "白宮" 的 安納沙茲印第安人遺址。參觀鑒於大約1200年前的懸 崖廢墟(自費乘坐吉普車),壯觀的蜘蛛眼讓人歎為觀止。您還可自費品嘗印 第安烤肉(自費)。傍晚抵達拉福林濱河賭城。 Visit Window Rock, the capital of the Navajo Nation. Led by the Navajo Indian guide, enter the mysterious land of Canyon De Chelly. You may join the Jeep Tour arranged by the Navajo Indians and enjoy the beautiful canyon and its ancient stories (Optional Fees). Reflecting one of the longest continuously inhabited landscapes of North America, it preserves ruins of the early indigenous tribes that lived in the area. Notable sites are White House Ruin, one of the best known and most dramatic of the Anasazi cliff dwellings. Spend the colorful night in a Laughlin casino. 拉福林濱河賭城 Laughlin 灣區 Bay Area 踏上歸途,為滿載而歸的行程畫上美麗的句點,於傍晚抵達灣區,道別團友。 Head back to the Bay Area with everlasting memories. 請攜帶身份證件(美國護照,合法在美居留證,或美國駕駛執照)行程雖不離境美國,但近鄰美墨邊境將有移民關卡臨檢。 Please bring passport, green card, or valid US ID, although will not exit USA borders, tour is subject to immigration border patrol inspection. Laughlin London Bridge London Bridge Phoenix Tucson White Sands Carlsbad Caverns Rosewell Santa Fe Taos Pueblo Albuquerque Window Rock Canyon De Chelly Canyon De Chelly Saguaro NP Laughlin Phoenix Tucson White Sands Carlsbad Caverns Rosewell Santa Fe Taos Pueblo Albuquerque Window Rock Saguaro NP Bay Area Bay Area CALIFORNIA UTAH NEVADA COLORADO ARIZONA NEW MEXICO MEXICO TEXAS AS7 2013 白沙公園 卡爾斯貝巨洞 古印第安石窟峽谷 阿爾伯克基 石碑西部歷史古鎮 奇跡旋梯 陶思土坯城 天空城市 聖塔沸 仙人掌公園 倫敦橋 LAND OF ENCHANTMENT 7 DAYS WHITE SANDS CARLSBAD CAVERNS CANYON DE CHELLY ALBUQUERQUE THE MIRACULOUS STAIRCASE TOMBSTONE TAOS PUEBLO SKY CITY SANTA FE SAGUARO LONDON BRIDGE 高原沙城 七日神秘之旅 西南線/ Southwest Routes 7 am 7:30 am 8 am 8:15 am 8:45 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 9:45 am Oakland San Francisco Millbrae San Mateo Cupertino San Jose Milpitas Fremont 718 Franklin St./夾8街 (金寶石餅家門口) 291 Geary & Powell, Union Square (聯合廣場面對Macys門口) 199 California Dr. #199 (Millbrae 火車站/Bart站旁, 喜悅假期門口) 2992 S. Norfolk St. (永和超市Marina Foods-生記麵包門口) 10122 Bandley Dr. (永和超市Marina Foods-品客多門口) 1698 Hostetter & Lundy, (Goldilocks-金鎖糕餅店門口) 333 Barber Lane (環球廣場-大華超市 Ranch 99 Market 門口) 46196 Warm Springs Blvd. (永和超市 Marina Foods 門口) 屋崙 舊金山 密爾布瑞 聖馬刁 庫比梯諾 聖荷西 苗比達市 佛利蒙 *為維護行程之順暢 , 本公司保有改變行程之權利. *2011 為維護團體最高利益, 任何旅客若妨礙團體正常活動及利益情況, 包括反覆影響他人情緒, 本公司導遊有權利取消其繼續參加之資格旅費恕不奉還, 一切行為自行負責均與本公司無涉. * WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ADJUST ITINERARY *2011 We reserve the right to cancel the tour of any person who displays disruptive behavior which repeatedly hinders the enjoyment and comfort of other tour members, at any time any where. No refund will be given and we will not be responsible of the consequences of their conduct. Agent 請注意 : Attention: 出發日期: 特定假日 Departure Date: Special Holidays Holiday Inn Tucson (或同級酒店 or Similar) 酒店 Hotels Golden Nugget Laughlin Santa Fe Sage Inn Santa Fe 4 5 7 6 2 3 1

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灣區 Bay Area 哈瓦蘇湖 或 尼斗鎮 Lake Havasu or Needles 展開啟發心靈的旅程,由知識豐富的專業導遊帶領,奔向沙漠,傍晚抵達哈瓦蘇湖,或尼斗鎮。Depart the Bay Area, led by our professional guide, begin the spiritual journey to the wilderness. Head to the Lake Havasu or Needles, and spend the night. 倫敦橋 London Bridge 鳳凰城 Phoenix 仙人掌國家公園 Saguaro 土森 Tucson造訪世界最大的古董,由英國倫敦海運來美的花崗石倫敦橋!前往亞利桑那州首府鳳凰城,爾後參觀仙人掌國家公園,一個令人難以置信的奇觀!數不盡的Saguaro仙人掌個個高大無比,它們成為了亞利桑那州的地標! Visit the largest antique in the world, direct from London England, the world famous London Bridge. Visit Saguaro National Park. The beautiful Saguaro Cactus is also the landmark or icon of Arizona. 石碑西部歷史古鎮 Tombstone 白沙公園 White Sands 探訪因百年前(1881年) O.K Corral. 圍欄的一場槍戰而聞名於世的石碑小鎮,這裡仍保留著最原汁原味的西部小鎮風情,也因此成為不少好萊塢影片的拍攝場地。繼而抵達1933年設立白沙國家紀念公園,見證貨真價實的純白色沙子。這片世界最大的白石膏質風化沙漠,因神秘的特殊成份而使得沙子雪白耀眼得甚至難以用肉眼直視,仿佛置身於乾燥炎熱的雪海中。Visit historical western town Tombstone, the shooting scene of the famous movie “Tombstone”. It is most-well known as the site of the Gun�ght at the O.K. Corral and draws most of its revenue from tourism. Then visit the glistening White Sands National Monument of New Mexico. Great wave-like dunes of gypsum sand have engulfed 275 square miles of desert, creating the world's largest gypsum dune�eld. 卡爾斯貝巨洞 Carlsbad Caverns 羅斯維爾 Roswell 聖塔沸 Santa Fe到達世界最大最深的天然巨大洞穴,這裡既高且深,面積廣闊得仿佛地下宮闕。舉目望去,洞內覆滿鐘乳石,就連深不可測高不可攀的地方都不例外。乘電梯深入七十層樓地下,主要的幾個洞穴系統自成一脈,一路走來酣暢淋漓。隨後途經羅斯維爾,一個充滿傳奇的地方!傳說1947年曾有外星不明飛行物體再次墜落卻被聯邦政府抹滅證據。繼而來到極俱特色的新墨西哥州首都聖塔沸,這裡仍保存著原始的印第安泥磚式特殊土坯建築,奇景也使得此地成為美國集聚藝術家與畫廊第二多的城市。Visit the largest and deepest cave in America, the Carlsbad Caverns (elevators available). Pass through the town of Roswell with the famous UFO Incident of 1947. Then visit the beautiful Santa Fe. If time permits, have a city tour and visit the historic plaza, winding streets, covered arcades, hidden gardens and courtyards, etc. Spend the night in Santa Fe, the capitol of New Mexico. 陶思土坯城 Taos 奇跡旋梯 The Miraculous Staircase 阿伯克奇 Albuquerque 天空城市 Sky City Pueblo 窗石 Window Rock來到1000年前保存至今的陶思史前土坯村落 Taos Pueblo,親身體驗神秘而與眾不同的珍藏!(自費)。這座古印第安人村落的房子是通過傳統建築方式,全部用水、沙、粘土和稻草建成。這些保存千年的房屋是全美最大的印第安人多層建築群,已被聯合國定為世界文化遺產。隨後探訪拉瑞多教堂中的奇

跡旋梯,見證令人不可思議的空中旋梯,沒有一釘一鉚,無需中樑支撐,旋梯“憑空”向上攀升20呎。這座似不可能存在的旋梯傳說是由一位不知從何而來的木匠修建而成,而完工便消失的木匠與其所用的神秘木材從此成為無人知曉的一個謎。繼而抵達Albuquerque,此城最有名的是熱汽球,(每年十月初是全美最大型的熱汽球大會,此時去可安排觀賞高達600多個熱汽球同時升空的動人畫面!)這裡的舊城廣場 Old Town Plaza 成為文藝中心,有美術館、手工藝品店及1706年由阿伯克奇公爵立的古城及結合維多利亞和地中海與印第安風格獨特的 San Felipe de Neri 教堂等。繼而遊覽印第安保留區天空城市,更深入地品味數千年前原汁原味的印第安文明(自費)。夜宿納瓦霍保留地。 Visit Taos Pueblo, an ancient pueblo belonging to a Taos (Northern Tiwa) speaking Native American tribe of Pueblo people. Taos Pueblo is the only living Native American community designated both a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a National Historic Landmark. The multi-storied adobe buildings have been continu-ously inhabited for over 1000 years. (Optional Fees) Then visit the Loretto Chapel, known for its spectacular helix shaped spiral staircase (the "Miraculous Staircase"). According to the legend, the staircase has been built by a mysterious carpenter in answer to the prayers. After the staircase was completed, he disappeared without any trace to be found. Then Visit the Old Town of Albuquerque. (During the �rst week of October, we can arrange for you to witness the largest air balloon festival and be moved by the hundreds of hot air balloons rise to the sky in the morning.) Then discover the tradition and history of the Acoma Pueblo in the Sky City Cultural Center, an ancient pueblo village atop a 367-foot sandstone blu�. (Optional Fees) 古印第安石窟峽谷 Canyon De Chelly 濱河賭城 Laughlin納瓦霍保留地是現今美國面積最大的印第安保留地,擁有自治權,首府便設在以一塊神奇的“天窗”岩石命名的窗岩鎮。參觀那瓦伙族人國家的行政國會大廈管理中心、國家市政廳等。繼而參觀擁有近百個史前文化遺址的古印地安石窟峽谷國家保護區。峽谷中至今仍居住著印第安土著,懸崖峭壁上還可見原著居民祖先留下的房屋以及史前壁畫(一些寬達25公尺的牆面,稱為報紙石),峽谷底是人稱 "白宮" 的 安納沙茲印第安人遺址。參觀鑒於大約1200年前的懸崖廢墟(自費乘坐吉普車),壯觀的蜘蛛眼讓人歎為觀止。您還可自費品嘗印第安烤肉(自費)。傍晚抵達拉福林濱河賭城。Visit Window Rock, the capital of the Navajo Nation. Led by the Navajo Indian guide, enter the mysterious land of Canyon De Chelly. You may join the Jeep Tour arranged by the Navajo Indians and enjoy the beautiful canyon and its ancient stories (Optional Fees). Re�ecting one of the longest continuously inhabited landscapes of North America, it preserves ruins of the early indigenous tribes that lived in the area. Notable sites are White House Ruin, one of the best known and most dramatic of the Anasazi cli� dwellings. Spend the colorful night in a Laughlin casino. 拉福林濱河賭城 Laughlin 灣區 Bay Area踏上歸途,為滿載而歸的行程畫上美麗的句點,於傍晚抵達灣區,道別團友。Head back to the Bay Area with everlasting memories.

請攜帶身份證件(美國護照,合法在美居留證,或美國駕駛執照)行程雖不離境美國,但近鄰美墨邊境將有移民關卡臨檢。Please bring passport, green card, or valid US ID, although will not exit USA borders, tour is subject to immigration border patrol inspection.




PhoenixTucson White



Santa Fe

Taos Pueblo



CanyonDe ChellyCanyon

De Chelly

Saguaro NP


PhoenixTucson White



Santa Fe

Taos Pueblo



Saguaro NP

Bay AreaBay Area









白沙公園 卡爾斯貝巨洞 古印第安石窟峽谷 阿爾伯克基 石碑西部歷史古鎮 奇跡旋梯 陶思土坯城 天空城市 聖塔沸 仙人掌公園 倫敦橋



西南線/S outhwest Routes7 am

7:30 am

8 am

8:15 am

8:45 am

9:15 am

9:30 am

9:45 am


San Francisco


San Mateo


San Jose



718 Franklin St./夾8街 (金寶石餅家門口)

291 Geary & Powell, Union Square (聯合廣場面對Macys門口)

199 California Dr. #199 (Millbrae 火車站/Bart站旁, 喜悅假期門口)

2992 S. Norfolk St. (永和超市Marina Foods-生記麵包門口)

10122 Bandley Dr. (永和超市Marina Foods-品客多門口)

1698 Hostetter & Lundy, (Goldilocks-金鎖糕餅店門口)

333 Barber Lane (環球廣場-大華超市 Ranch 99 Market 門口)

46196 Warm Springs Blvd. (永和超市 Marina Foods 門口)









*為維護行程之順暢 , 本公司保有改變行程之權利. *2011 為維護團體最高利益, 任何旅客若妨礙團體正常活動及利益情況, 包括反覆影響他人情緒, 本公司導遊有權利取消其繼續參加之資格旅費恕不奉還, 一切行為自行負責均與本公司無涉. * WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ADJUST ITINERARY *2011 We reserve the right to cancel the tour of any person who displays disruptive behavior which repeatedly hinders the enjoyment and comfort of other tour members, at any time any where. No refund will be given and we will not be responsible of the consequences of their conduct.


請 注 意 :Attention:

出發日期: 特定假日 Departure Date: Special Holidays

Holiday Inn Tucson

(或同級酒店 or Similar)酒店 Hotels

Golden Nugget Laughlin Santa Fe Sage Inn Santa Fe