"electric vehicles 2020" conference agenda

Electric Vehicles 2020 Michael Cramer - Chair - Committee of Transport and Tourism EU Ketil Solvik Olsen - Minister of Transport Norway Baroness Susan Kramer - Minister of Transport UK Melanie Shultz van Haegen - Minister of Transport Netherlands Helene Carlsson - Head of Communications Miljöbilar i Stockholm, Miljöförvaltningen Stockholms stad Kalle Bartholin - Nielsen - Communications Manager - Nordisk Energiforskning/Nordic Energy Research Michael Rask - Special Consultant - Energiteknologi and Senior Policy Advisor to the Danish Energy Agency Leon Daniels - Managing Director for Surface Vehicles - Transport for London Fredric Cuvillier - Secretary of State for Transport, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries France. President of the 2014 International Transport Forum Philippe Martin - Ecology Minister France Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Transport Denmark (Discuss the failure of the Better Place project) Confirmed Speakers Stockholm, Sweden, 17 th of March 2015 www.electricvehicles2020.org

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This conference is based on the latest directive created by the EU Parliament and the EU Committee for Transport and Tourism for clean vehicles. Focusing on the role electric vehicles can have in reaching various emission targets from previous global and European directives as well as the demands on governments and cities throughout the EU on reaching these latest targets. The event will allow cities and governments from throughout Europe to hear what other member states are doing, initiatives that have shown clear promise and also the reason as to why this directive was introduced. Highlighting major aspects and the most frequently asked questions on financial incentives, safety, commerce and responsibility, after the conference we should all have a clearer understanding of who should be doing what in the push to meet the requirements of the directive. Hear from ministers of transport, city officials and energy experts. The time to start with electric vehicle infrastructure is now. FInd out more: http://electricvehicles2020.org/ Conference is taking place on 17th March in Stockholm


Page 1: "Electric Vehicles 2020" conference agenda

Electric Vehicles 2020

Michael Cramer - Chair - Committee of Transport and Tourism EU

Ketil Solvik Olsen - Minister of Transport Norway

Baroness Susan Kramer - Minister of Transport UK

Melanie Shultz van Haegen - Minister of Transport Netherlands

Helene Carlsson - Head of Communications Miljöbilar i Stockholm,Miljöförvaltningen Stockholms stad

Kalle Bartholin - Nielsen - Communications Manager - Nordisk Energiforskning/Nordic Energy Research

Michael Rask - Special Consultant - Energiteknologi and Senior Policy Advisor to the Danish Energy Agency

Leon Daniels - Managing Director for Surface Vehicles - Transport for London

Fredric Cuvillier - Secretary of State for Transport, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries France. President of the 2014 International Transport Forum

Philippe Martin - Ecology Minister France

Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Transport Denmark (Discuss the failure of the Better Place project)

Confirmed Speakers

Stockholm, Sweden, 17th of March 2015


Page 2: "Electric Vehicles 2020" conference agenda

Editors NoteThis conference is based on the latest directive created by the EU Parliament and the EU Committee for Transport and Tourism for clean vehicles. Focusing on the role electric vehicles can have in reaching various emission targets from previous global and European directives as well as the demands on governments and cities throughout the EU on reaching these latest targets.

The event will allow cities and governments from throughout Europe to hear what other member states are doing, initiatives that have shown clear promise and also the reason as to why this directive was introduced.

Highlighting major aspects and the most frequently asked questions on financial incentives, safety, commerce and responsibility, after the conference we should all have a clearer understanding of who should be doing what in the push to meet the requirements of the directive.

Hear from ministers of transport, city officials and energy experts. The time to start with electric vehicle infrastructure is now.

Stephen Brogarth, Project Director, Copperberg +46 70 885 63 37 [email protected]

9.00 - 9.20 The Clean Fuel Infrastructure Rules as Agreed by the EU Council and the European Parliament (document 8203/14)This session will look at the crux of the agreement, the requirement of all cities within the EU to offer enough charging points and Electric vehicle infrastructure to support the targeted number of one in ten road vehicles being electric by 2020.



Michael Cramer, Chair, Committee of Transport and Tourism EU


9.25 - 9.55 The working document of financial incentive guidelines for clean and energy efficient vehicles as set out by the document SWD(2013)27This session will highlight the success of a non EU member setting their own financial incentives leading them to become the global leader in electric vehicle ownership per capita. What can EU members learn from the success, what other demographic features lead to Norways success.


Ketil Solvik Olsen, Minister of Transport Norway - Norway has the highest take up of EV owners in the world based on a per capita basis, why and how was this achieved

9.55 - 10.25 Break

10.30 - 10.55 The ULEV Project - The decision to invest £5,000,000 in the purchasing of Ultra Low Emission Vehicles to the UK Central Government and Public Sector fleets of vehiclesThe UK Government made the decision that to encourage the move and transition towards ULEVs that they had to lead by example. What are other EU nation governments doing to lead by example and encourage their citizens to make the transition.


Baroness Susan Kramer, Minister for Transport UK

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11.00 - 11.25 Safety Requirements for Electric Vehicles in the EU as set out by the legal framework directive 2007/46/EC replacing the old directive 70/156/EEC to include Electric VehiclesThis session will asses a manner of different requirements that are specific to Electric Vehicles. How to overcome the safety fear of silent vehicles, the dangers of highly toxic batteries and outdoor charging.


Melanie Shultz van Haegen, Minister of Transport Netherlands

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch

11.30 - 12.00 Educating the Public on Electric Vehicle Use. The role EU cities can playHear how Stockholm plans to help its residents move over to electric vehicles. Renting schemes, car pooling opportunities. Also the most frequently asked questions and how cities can avoid these questions through marketing and physical aids.

Helene Carlsson, Head of Communications Miljöbilar i Stockholm, Miljöförvaltningen Stockholms stad

13.30 - 14.30 Panel Discussion - Who is responsible for Infrastructure? Governments, Cities, Counties, the EU? A panel of Transport Ministers, city planners, EU committee members discuss how to share the burden of infrastructure deployment as well as answer audience questions on who and how to proceed with financing and implementing the infrastructure in to your municipality.

Leon Daniels - Managing Director for Surface Vehicles - Transport for London

Fredric Cuvillier - Secretary of State for Transport, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries France. President of the 2014 International Transport Forum

14.35 - 15.00 How to invest your money in Infrastructure

A case study in a large scale investment that did not work out and the legacy it left behind. Going against convention and looking at alternative technologies. Battery exchanging over charging the pros and the cons.

Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Transport Denmark (Discuss the failure of the Better Place project)

14.30 - 15.00 Break

15.30 - 16.15 Panel Discussion - Enterprise fleets. Moving to Electric but remaining competitive. Cost of corporate responsibility, what is in it for businessIf the desired number of Electric Vehicles is going to be reached by 2020 then it is absolutely vital that large corporations begin to include Electric Vehicles in their fleets. For some corporations particularly in the logistics industry this will require a reshaping of their business model. What will the EU, governments and cities do to assist large businesses in their transition.

Ministers of Transport, Ministers of Business, EU business committees, Enterprise representative (Logistics company)

Kalle Bartholin - Nielsen - Communications Manager - Nordisk Energiforskning/Nordic Energy Research

Michael Rask - Special Consultant - Energiteknologi and Senior Policy Advisor to the Danish Energy Agency

Philippe Martin - Ecology Minister France

16.20 - 17.15 Panel Discussion - Are the targets realistic?

This closing question and answer session will overview everything that has been discussed today. Conclusions will need to be made by the attendees, if the first steps are to be taken then the end goal must be an achievable target. What sanctions if any are in place for failing to reach the targets stipulated in the directive

17.15 Closing

17.30 Drinks

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Electric Vehicles 2020Stockholm, Sweden, 17th of March 2015