elp 3311d

ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFIENCY BI3311D Thank to God because give me an effort to do and finish assignment on our English Language Proficiency. I have been given a task from my lecture that is, I have to write a formal letter of complaint. Our expository writing letter of complaint is based on the “ Vandalism are occurred in our housing area”. All we need to do is searching the information and using the information that is given by our lecture, Dr. Rashidah Begam Bt.O.A Rajak ,thank a lot to her because she already give many information and advice that very useful. Also, when the time we all stress when getting so many assignment at the same time, she give us advice and concern to us just relax, stay cool when facing this kind of situation. She help us a lot in order to finish the assignment.I also want to thank to my entire friend who help we all in the process of making and finishing our assignment. Thank to their information and advice in order to helpout to make our assignment better.By doing this assignment we have learned many thing about the local issue are written as formal letter of complaint.Including, the causes and implication about “Vandalism”. Thing are maybe are getting better but some time it may be very dangerous and can cause fatal. The things, if we follow the law and regulation we can overcome this problem. We making this project not only for marks but to also increase our knowledge . THANKS AGAIN TO ALL WHO HELPED . Bhavanii d/o Rajasegar 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

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Thank to God because give me an effort to do and finish assignment on our English Language Proficiency. I have been given a task from my lecture that is, I have to write a formal letter of complaint. Our expository writing letter of complaint is based on the Vandalism are occurred in our housing area. All we need to do is searching the information and using the information that is given by our lecture, Dr. Rashidah Begam Bt.O.A Rajak ,thank a lot to her because she already give many information and advice that very useful. Also, when the time we all stress when getting so many assignment at the same time, she give us advice and concern to us just relax, stay cool when facing this kind of situation. She help us a lot in order to finish the assignment.I also want to thank to my entire friend who help we all in the process of making and finishing our assignment. Thank to their information and advice in order to helpout to make our assignment better.By doing this assignment we have learned many thing about the local issue are written as formal letter of complaint.Including, the causes and implication about Vandalism. Thing are maybe are getting better but some time it may be very dangerous and can cause fatal. The things, if we follow the law and regulation we can overcome this problem. We making this project not only for marks but to also increase our knowledge .

THANKS AGAIN TO ALL WHO HELPED .Bhavanii d/o RajasegarDorrithy Ak Clement LabangJumaalrina binti Sulaiman


INTRODUCTION A problem that occurs in most states is vandalism. Vandalism is a growing national problem. Last year this senseless crime cost United States Citizens over one billion dollars. Vandalism is a problem that gets to everyone in some form or another. It can affect your family, friends, property, community, and your pocketbook. The more you know about vandalism, the more you can make it a crime that is more trouble than it's worth. Over one half of all the crimes associated with vandalism occurs in high schools. There is no typical vandal. Vandals can be good or bad students, girls or boys, whites or blacks, rich or poor. The largest age group arrested for vandalism is between 13 and 14. However, children as young six and seven vandalize schools and park areas. Teenagers with growing-up problems act destructively by destroying vehicles, spray-painting graffiti on public places, etc. Older youths often commit more serious acts such as damaging vehicles or machinery, burglary, arson or theft. Although most vandals do not have a clear motive for their acts, studies show that basic social problems and attitudes are at the root of the vandalism. Among the many explanations for the crime are anger against society, boredom, drug and alcohol abuse, disciplinary problems, personal problems and racial/political conflicts. Police, fire and emergency services are affected by increased workloads and false alarms. Also, facilities, such as parks and public rest rooms which everyone in the community uses, become vandalized. Vandalism affects your pocketbook too. People pay their taxes for a reason, to build a better community for the future generation. When the community is vandalized, the people are the ones who have to pay for someone elses damage. Vandalism is still and will always be a growing problem unless we do something about it. We need to keep our kids off the streets, make sure you educate them about vandalism by telling then that is wrong and can lead to prison. Also be aware of who your kids are hanging out with, give them enough attention and love as much as discipline and also encourage activities outside of school. With this information we will be able to succeed and stop vandalism from happening. Vandalism is a growing national problem. Vandalism is costing tax payers a lot of money. It can affect your property, friends, family, community, and pocketbook. The more you know about vandalism, the more you can make it a crime that is more trouble than it's worth.


Title : The Vandalism Are Occurred Among Resident Living in Taman SentosaBhavanii D/O RajasegarNo : 856 Taman Sentosa 59100 Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur.___________________________________________________________________________ 19 March 2013 The Director Federal Municapal Council,Aras 5 Bangunan Muhibbah,59100 Lembah Pantai,Kuala LumpurDear Sir/Madam,Re : Complaint On Vandalism Are Occurred Among Resident Living In Taman Sentosa

With references to the above, I Bhavanii d/o Rajasegar writing this letter is to attract your attention to the above title. As representative of the community, I am calling to tell you that the 300 odd residents living in Taman Sentosa are extremely unhappy about the activity of vandalism.2. Nowdays, vandalism is a widespread problem that infuriates both the public and authorities in Taman Sentosa. This vandalism occurred since last two weeks ago and become increasingly in Taman Sentosa. Because some of irresponsible people were damage the public property and people things, 300 odd residents living members are very disappointed and frustrated. As example,they are destroying people vehicles are parked outside, spray-painting graffiti on children playground, public telephone both, and private toilet of Taman Sentosa. They feel that destruction of public or private property is usual things like they didnt feel guilty about this. They just want to have fun with others but they didnt think what might , others feel about them. 3. Vandalism is the conspicuous defacement or destruction of a structure or symbol against the will of the owner or the governing body. In others words, vandalism destroys the property of other publics. In our resident living, especially children playground were damage extreme until children cant play. Toys were on the playground was broken up. The public telephone booth were destroyed and wire was disconnected. If any emerceny, people in Taman Sentosa couldnt make call from public telephone booth. Its in very bad condition. The public toilet walls in Taman Sentosa were defaced and sketched with obscene languages to the detriment of the beauty of Taman Sentosa. This vandalism is increasingly becoming a serious matter among the residents of Taman Sentosa.4. It is a known fact that the problem that cause people involve in the vandalism is they desire to express themselves. It may happen because they are having a problem in their life and they do not have self-esteem to face the problem. Sometimes parents are not concern to them and it might cause the teenager involve in a bad behaviour. So that, they want to express their feeling by get involve in vandalism. It can result the bad problem to the teenager and also can considered bad in the eye of society. It became more serious when the teenagers rebel in the society. Next problem is teenagers tend to follow their friends behaviour. If they are friends with the person who has a bad attitude, they will be influence by the negative things. For example, nowadays we can see most of the public amenities had been destroy because of vandalism. Although the criminal had been caught they still do the same things.5. There are many effects that can be seen by the physical and emotional. Vandalism effects not felt by individuals and communities around the country but also adversely impacted as a result of acts immoral and inconvenience for all parties. Vandalism can affect individuals, communities, and nations.Most people who have done vandalism just to release their tension and some to meet satisfaction. It thus gives effect to the individual to commit the same act again if the problem persists. This will indirectly lead to worse things will happen such as robbery or murder.6. To stop vandalism, we do something about it .If not it will always be a growing problem. Firstly ,parents must need to keep kids off the streets, make sure educate them about vandalism by telling then that is wrong and can lead to prison. Parents also watchout their kids are hanging out with, give them enough attention and love as much as discipline and also encourage activities outside of school. With this information we will be able to succeed and stop vandalism from happening. One way to solve this problem is government should provide an event for teenager to guide them and give them explanation what the effect to the teenager when they get involve in bad behaviour such as vandalism.7. Symptoms of this vandalism, causing much distress among residents of Taman Sentosa. Therefore, it is hoped that immediate action will be taken by the authorities to rectify the situation. I hope the council will look into our complaints and take prompt action to solve our problem.Thank you.

Your sincerely,



NAME: BHAVANII D/O RAJASEGARIC NUMBER: 831206-02-5586When my lecturer Dr.Rashidah Begam Bt O.A.Rajak has been given this task, I am started to search any resources to complete this assignment. In the beginning, this assignment is challenging but the lecturer help us to overcome these problem. I has been face off with a lot of challenges and problem especially to get the information but my lecturer help me to complete this assignment. I work hard to find the references and collect the information about the task given to complete this assignment. Then, I discuss with team member and the other friends to find the correct information that can be used in this assignment. Dr.Rashidah Begam Bt O.A.Rajak help us a lot during finishing this assignment. She guide us to write a better a formal letter of complaint and make a nice presentation about our assignments.These assignments also awaken me that are in our life that are a lot of challenges and problems that we must face off. I realize that we need to sacrifice to done any work. This assignment also teach me that the important the team work. Without friends, I found that to finish this assignment is too difficult in a short period of the time given. I and my friends work together to finish this assignment. My friends have me a lot during finishing this assignment. They help me to check the drafts and give me more information the title are we choose and give some suggestions about the presentation.In my opinion, the task that has been given by our lecturers can help us improved our knowledge about English language and speaking skills. This is because we also need read a lot of articles to find the information. At the end of this assignment, I found that I have been gain a lot of knowledge about the writing formal letter of complaint and it also gains my knowledge about the vandalism among the people especially teenagers. This assignment also help me to memorise some information about widespread of vandalism in during secondary school.In the end, I also found out that making a mind map for the graphic organisers is the best way to manage ideas and gives me more understanding about the information given. By making a mind map, I can do the summary neatly without much hassle. It is more difficult to look out for main ideas in the article without proper ways of organising it. Mind map of course is the best method, and it is suitable way for organising information. Thanks to all people that directly or indirectly in helping me to complete my assignment.REFLECTIONNAME: DORRTHY AK CLEMENT LABANGIC NUMBER: 860427 52 6328The task that my friends and I received is to write a working paper for starting a club.This is a group work. Firstly, of course I look up for my team. We are allow three person in a group. There are three person in my group including me. Honestly, I couldnt understand about the task. It is because it was last semester I hear about it. Luckily, Dr.Rashidah Begam Bt O.A.Rajak give my friends and I am clearly explanation about the task and what type is the working paper. I can understand and get a clue how to make a writing letter and the items. Certainly before start the work, we had a disscussion. Then, we divided the work appropriately and started doing our task. My teams and I had agree to produce the working paper about title of vandalism are occurred among resident living inTaman Sentosa . The first thing we do, we choose ours title . We surf to the internet to find out informations about the contents . Besides, we also insert true format of writing letter, who Dr.Rashidah Begam Bt O.A.Rajak give explanation. As long as we doing this task, I have learnt about how to writing a formal letter of complaint. I think it is interesting project because the task is type of formal letter about local issue as usual .So, from there is no knowledge how to do writing a letter of complaint , I get the knowledge and know how touse it from this project.I enjoyed working with my teams. This project exciting and interesting because more information i can get and relationship between each other can be close. All of them are very kind, helpful and tolerance. When it is time to disscussion, we are seat together and start the disscussion. I feel very comfortable with them.By this project we give a chance to anyone that wants to tell theirs opinion and we accept it if it is suitable. On our good cooperation, we succeesfully finished this task on the time.This project was a good learning exprience. The knowledge that I get from this project, I can use it in the future. As a teacher to be, it can give me more benefit and I can give the knowledge to my students. I would like to say thanks you to my team especially Bhavanii d/o Rajasegar that give full of commitment while doing this task. Not forget to Dr.Rashidah Begam Bt O.A.Rajak. Thank you very much for your guidence and explanation that help me so much. I hope Dr.Rashidah Begam Bt O.A.Rajak will satisfy with our task.

REFLECTIONNAME: JUMAALRINA BINTI SULAIMANIC NUMBER: 870904 52 6064I am very grateful to God to be able to complete this task successfully. While receiving this assignment I have found a number of barriers in terms of time and resources. But after being assured by Dr.Rashidah Begam Bt O.A.Rajak Lecturer English Language Profiency I can better understand and easier for me to develop each process to perform the tasks given by the lecturers. In addition, I can know about writing formal letter of complaint with help of friends. Next, I can able write the formal letter with my own knowledge.

Additionally, through processing course work assignments, I have had various experiences. Tolerance and cooperation with lecturers and all team friends especially Bhavanii and Dorrithy can also be enhanced through processing complete this short course work assignments. I can recognize the attitude and personality of friends and lecturers teaching method and this while strengthening lateral relations.

In addition, the experience of communicating with lecturers and colleagues for performing this assignment allowed me to improve and enhance the way I interact. It can be trained me to communicate well and to prepare to be a quality teacher.Finally, the assignment of a short course of this work has given me a lot of interest and increase my passion to become a teacher quality in order to produce excellenthuman capital.


By: by April J.( October 20, 2009) Teen aggression: How to cope with teen vandalism Retrieved from http://www.edarticle.com/article.php.

By : Joseph Petrocelli & Author ( October 01, 2007 ) School Vandalism: Work with the community to create an anti-graffiti environment on local campuses.(1pages), Retrieved from http://www.edarticle.com/article.php

2 Lynne Van Luven, rev. of Vandalism In School, by Anita Rau Badami, Quill & Quire June 1996, 15 June 2004 http://www. quillandquire. com/reviews/review. cfm?review_ id=939> par. 9.3 Shazia Rahman, Teen Vandalism in Public Road Toronto Review of Contemporary Writing Abroad 18.1 (1999): 95.Curran, J. (2006). Hyman R (Ed) 1971, How to overcome the Vandalism Issue, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. 2 Dunbar R 1995, The trouble with science, Faber & Faber, London.)Salman Rushdie, The Indian Writer in England, The Vandalism: Indian Writing in English, ed. Maggie Butcher (London: Commonwealth Institute, 1983) 75.Http:// www. Edarticle.com/ article.php.http://www.ehow.com/how_8417630_write-were-not-responsible-vandalism.htmlhttp://rapgenius.com/9th-prince-vandalism-lyrics#lyrichttp://rapgenius.com/9th-prince-vandalism-lyrics#lyric



Flat 303 Lucky Mansions 856 Cheung Sha Wan Road Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon8 March 2013 The Administrative Officer Exhibition ServicesExhibitions International 33 Kadoorie AvenueKowloonDear Sir/MadamNeighbourhood SafetyOn behalf of the residents in Taman Bunga Baru, I would like to call your attention to the safety of our neighbourhood. In recent months, several abandoned houses in our neighbourhood are visited by gangs of suspicious youths on motorcycles. This development has caused a great deal of concern among us as we have reason to believe that these youths are the cause of several problems.2. Numerous houses have been broken into within the past month. We, the residents, are truly worried about the safety of our families. Cash, valuables and various electrical appliances have been stolen from these houses. Although police reports have been made, the problem still persists.3. Apart from the burglaries, we have also found various items missing from the outside of our homes. These items include water meters, flower pots, shoes, bicycles and even the laundry which has been hung to dry. Not only do these petty thefts cause financial loss but also a great deal of inconvenience to us. 4. Vandalism has also become rampant in our neighbourhood. The walls of many houses have been spray-painted with obscene graffiti. Numerous public telephone booths have also been rendered useless by vandals.5. Loud music from the abandoned houses can also be heard on a daily basis. This occurs practically every day and goes on until the wee hours of the morning. As a result, many residents have been disturbed from their sleep.6. The irresponsible youths constantly organize illegal motorcycle races within our neighbourhood. We are concerned because illegal racing poses a danger to the residents, especially children. Moreover, such activities are usually associated with unhealthy activities such as drug abuse and gangsterism.7. The presence of the delinquent youths has caused much distress among the residents of Taman Bunga Baru. Therefore, it is hoped that immediate action will be taken by the authorities to rectify the situation. Thank you.Yours faithfully----------------------TAN AH BENGPresident


Introduction Letters of complaint usually include the following stages: 1.Background2.Problem - cause and effect3.Solution4.Warning (optional)5.Closing 1.Background This section describes the situation; e.g.I am writing to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly.I attended your exhibition Sound Systems 2013 at the Fortune Hotel (22-25 January) and found it informative and interesting. Unfortunately, my enjoyment of the event was spoiled by a number of organisational problems.I am a shareholder of Sunshine Bank and I am very concerned regarding recent newspaper reports on the financial situation of the bank. Your company is listed as the auditor in the latest annual report of the bank, so I am writing to you to ask for an explanation of the following issues.I am writing to inform you of my dissatisfaction with the food and drinks at the 'European Restaurant' on 18 January this year. 2.Problem Cause:On 4 March 2013 we placed an order with your firm for 12,000 ultra super long-life batteries. The consignment arrived yesterday but contained only 1,200 batteries.Firstly, I had difficulty in registering to attend the event. You set up an on-line registration facility, but I found the facility totally unworkable.You sent us an invoice for $10,532, but did not deduct our usual 10% discount.We have found 16 spelling errors and 2 mis-labelled diagrams in the sample book. Effect:This error put our firm in a difficult position, as we had to make some emergency purchases to fulfil our commitments to all our customers. This caused us considerable inconvenience.Even after spending several wasted hours trying to register in this way, the computer would not accept my application.I am therefore returning the invoice to you for correction.This large number of errors is unacceptable to our customers, and we are therefore unable to sell these books.3.SolutionI am writing to ask you to please make up the shortfall immediately and to ensure that such errors do not happen again.Could I please ask you to look into these matters.Please send us a corrected invoice for $9,479I enclose a copy of the book with the errors highlighted. Please re-print the book and send it to us by next Friday. 4.Warning (optional)Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our supplies.I'm afraid that if these conditions are not met, we may be forced to take legal action.If the outstanding fees are not paid by Wednesday, 20 March 2013, you will incur a 10% late payment fee. 5.Closing I look forward to receiving your explanation of these matters.I look forward to receiving your payment.I look forward to hearing from you shortly. Politeness The tone of complaint letters should not be aggressive or insulting, as this would annoy the reader and not encourage them to solve the problem. In addition, questions such as 'Why can't you get this right?' should not be included.Content The content should contain enough details so that the receiver does not have to write back requesting more. Legal action is not normally threatened in the first letter of complaint, unless the situation is very serious

ARTICLEARTICLE :1Teen aggression: How to cope with teen vandalismby April J.Created on: October 20, 2009 The teen years are a time of change and transition, when a young adult begins to seek to define who they are and how they will choose to make their mark upon the world. Unfortunately, during this time some teens choose to "make their mark" a little too literally... Teen vandalism is a problem that can arise when a frustrated or bored teen begins to experiment with pushing their boundaries or venting their emotions in unhealthy ways. This article will explore the issue of teen vandalism, some of the reasons that it happens, and what a parent can do to help a teen express themselves in less destructive ways.TEEN AGGRESSION Considering the stresses of teen life in today's world, it is not surprising that some teens find it hard to deal, and that we sometimes see these types of behaviors as a result. Some of the daily stressors in a teen's life include their bodies producing new cocktails of raging hormones (for example testosterone, often linked in research to aggression), body image issues, pressure to fit in, pressure to have the nicest clothes and gadgets, acne, homework, exams, first relationships, first job, first car, college preparation, plans for the future... the list goes on.Sometimes stress can lead to frustration, and if a young person doesn't have the communication skills yet to give words to what they are feeling and try to seek a resolution in a healthy way, they may resort to other tactics, some of which can be aggressive. One of the most basic human responses when frustrated for a human sometimes is... well... breaking something (or worse - fighting someone). It all goes back to our built-in "fight-or-flight response". This can sometimes be behind teen aggression.Another reason that can be behind teen vandalism stems from a teen's new-found desire to assert themselves in the world as an adult. In modern society, for financial reasons, young people are kept in a dependent, child-like role for much longer than they ever were throughout human history. This can cause conflict as the young person becomes an adult physically and seeks to assert their independence and individuality. What does this all have to do with vandalism? Sometimes teens are not the best at picking out which behaviors are best at asserting their presence - they just want to stake out new experience and territory. Have you ever seen notes like "Jane was here" on bathroom walls? The act of young people seeking to make themselves known and heard can sometimes manifest itself.ARTICLE : 2Departments : Patrol Response To...School VandalismWork with the community to create an anti-graffiti environment on local campuses.October 01, 2007 | by Joseph Petrocelli - Also by this authorThe start of the school year brings unique challenges to students, parents, and school administrators, as well as law enforcement. Once a symbol of discipline and order, many of today's schools are overcrowded, poorly maintained, and serve as magnets for criminal activity. One particular crime that presents special challenges for law enforcement is school vandalism, which can take a variety of forms from broken windows to graffiti to the total destruction of property.While such acts are rarely reported in the media, one in three schools has reported acts of vandalism each year. In 1990 more than $600 million in damage to school property was caused by vandals. By understanding the nuances of vandalistic acts, patrol officers can develop specialized responses to help minimize future attacks.Easy TargetSchools present a unique target for vandals. They are easily accessible and everyone knows when schools are busy and when they are empty. Unfortunately, vandalism is often under reported because school officials may view the crimes as inconsequential, they may prefer to handle the repairs in house, or they may fear that reports of vandalism reflect negatively on their management skills.If you and your police department aim to reduce school vandalism, you must first get a clear picture of the offense and help to ensure that all vandalism incidents are properly reported. To facilitate easy reporting, develop a form that school administrators can fill out without police assistance or allow tipsters to report crimes of vandalism over the phone. If all incidents are not being reported, find out why.Consider the MotivesOnce you have a clear picture of the prevalence of these crimes in your area, develop theories as to why the vandalism occurs. It may be helpful to recognize that most acts of vandalism provide no financial gain for the actor; they are merely vehicles for the actor to gain status in the eyes of his or her peers.In an effort to gain social status without causing real financial damage, an actor may spray hate-motivated or gang-related graffiti on school grounds. This act gets the actor's name around school. In contrast, secretly dropping cherry bombs into toilets or vandalizing laboratories causes a great deal of financial damage, but doesn't do much for the reputation of the clandestine actor. Establishing the motive of the actor will go a long way toward developing a criminal profile.Next, try to develop a profile of the events and the perpetrators. Spontaneous events such as throwing rocks or bottles through windows, seem relatively random. Other acts, like drawing elaborate, multi-colored gang graffiti high off the ground, indicate some level of planning. How the incidents are groupedmany small incidents with no apparent pattern or a few large incidents that coincide with sporting events or concertscan provide valuable clues.Obtain additional information by interviewing non-offending students or by debriefing offenders who have been apprehended. Find out the general age of the perpetrators, level of criminal sophistication, proximity to the crime scene, modes of transportation, and the number of offenders involved.Prior to initiating proactive enforcement steps, gauge the community's reaction to the vandalism. Is it viewed as a serious, expensive offense or a harmless act that everyone in the town engaged in when they were in high school? How does the media portray the vandals: as gang members marking their territory or as harmless kids committing juvenile pranks? A police response that is out of sync with the community's feelings could cause more problems than it solves.Tackling the ProblemAs school and police officials begin to tackle the problem of school vandalism, the first step will be to conduct a security walk through the campus. Sprawling campuses that cover many acres are more susceptible to vandalism than smaller facilities. Burned out lights and large bushes can create hiding spots that give vandals a sense of secrecy. Look out for any trees that may lend easy access to the roof. Also pay special attention to large, smooth walls, especially those painted a light color. Such walls can be painted with a mixture of colors (camouflage print) that doesn't allow graffiti to stand out, making them much less tempting to vandals.If the vandalism problem continues to escalate, look into organizing a task force that invites a free exchange of ideas from students, teachers, administrators, custodians, and members of the community. Make every effort to include marginalized students whose voices may not be heard in an organized setting. Input from these varied sources will lead to a vigorous discourse, as well as new ideas and responses.If graffiti is the main problem, schools might choose to erect a "graffiti board," a wall where non-offensive graffiti is permitted. This means of expression allows students to have an outlet for their creativity while preventing widespread damage to school grounds.Finally, work with the courts to develop creative sentences for those who are caught vandalizing schools. Using a restorative justice model, you can encourage judges to sentence offenders to cleaning the school's hallways or scrubbing graffiti from the walls instead of giving them time in juvie. This way, the offenders will serve a punishment that returns the school to its prior condition.School vandalism plagues almost every community in the country. Police want to develop a measured response that reflects the community's view of the offense and creates an environment wherein the crimes will ultimately be eliminated. By working with students, faculty, and members of the community, your agency can develop creative and successful responses to school vandalism.Det. Joseph Petrocelli is a 20-year veteran of New Jersey law enforcement. He can be contacted through SAFECOPS.com.

Tags: Campus Safety, Graffiti, Juveniles, Vandalism8