english · 2018-04-13 · 2 english the screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow...


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Page 1: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind
Page 2: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


ENGLISHThe screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind of material they are to be used with. Contact your local specialist hardware store if you are uncertain.

DEUTSCHSchrauben zur Befestigung am Fenster/im Rahmen liegen nicht bei. Nur Schrauben benutzen, die für das Material geeignet sind. Ggf. beim Eisenwarenfachhan-del nachfragen.

FRANÇAISLes ferrures nécessaires pour fixer le bloque-fenêtre sur les fenêtres/cadres de fenêtre ne sont pas incluses. Veillez à toujours choisir des ferrures adaptées au matériau dans lequel elles seront fixées. En cas de doute, adressez-vous à un revendeur spécialisé.

NEDERLANDSSchroeven om het slot in het raam/raamkozijn te schroeven zijn niet inbegrepen. Denk eraan dat de schroeven die je kiest, bestemd moeten zijn voor het materiaal waarin ze moeten worden bevestigd. Neem bij twijfel contact op met de vakhandel.

DANSKEkskl. skruer til montering af spærren til vindue/vindu-esramme. Vælg altid skruer, der passer til det materi-ale, de skal skrues i. Hvis du er i tvivl om, hvilken type skruer du skal bruge, skal du kontakte et byggemar-ked.

ÍSLENSKASkrúfurnar sem nota þarf til að festa krækjurnar við gluggann/gluggakarm. Notið alltaf skrúfur sem henta viðkomandi byggingarefni. Leitaðu ráða í byggingavöruverslun ef þú ert í vafa.

NORSKSkruene som trengs for å feste vindussperren til vindu-er/vinduskarmer er ikke inkludert. Husk å alltid velge skruer som er egnet for det materialet de skal brukes til.


Page 3: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


SUOMIPakkaus ei sisällä salvan kiinnittämiseen tarvittavia ruuveja. Muista valita ruuvit materiaalin mukaan. Apua oikeanlaisten ruuvien valintaan saat paikallisesta rau-takaupasta.

SVENSKASkruvar för att fästa låset i fönster/karm medföljer ej. Tänk på att skruvarna du väljer ska vara avsedda för materialet de ska fästa i. Är du osäker kontakta din lokala fackhandel.

ČESKYŠrouby nutné na uchycení okenních rámů nejsou součástí balení. Nezapomeňte si vždy vybrat takové šrouby, které se hodí na materiál, s kterým budete pracovat. Pokud si nevíte rady, poraďte se s odborní-kem.

ESPAÑOLNo se incluyen los tornillos necesarios para fijar el tope de seguridad a la ventana/marco de la ventana. Recuerda: elige siempre tornillos que sean adecuados para tipo de material donde van a ser usados. Si no estás seguro, pregunta en tu ferretería habitual.

ITALIANOLe viti per fissare il fermafinestre non sono incluse. Scegli sempre viti adatte al materiale a cui vanno fissate. Se hai dubbi, contatta un rivenditore locale specializzato.

MAGYARAz ablakhoz/ablakkerethez való rögzítéshez szükséges csavarok nincsenek a csomagban. Ne felejtsd el, hogy mindig az anyaghoz megfelelő csavarokat használj. Ha nem vagy biztos a dolgodban, kérd szakember segít-ségét.

POLSKIŚruby potrzebne do zamontowania blokady do ramy okiennej są do kupienia osobno. Pamiętaj żeby zawsze używać śrub odpowiednich do typu materiału. Jeśli nie masz pewności co do właściwości materiału skontaktuj się ze specjalistą.

Page 4: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


EESTIKinnitusvahendeid akna/aknaraamide sulguri kinnitamiseks pole lisatud. Valige need vastavalt sellele materjalile, kuhu kinnitate. Lisateabe saamiseks võtke ühendust kohaliku tööriistapoega.

LATVIEŠUSkrūves piestiprināšanai fiksatoru pie logiem/logu rāmjiem nav iekļautas komplektā. Izvēlieties skrūves, kas ir piemērotas materiālam, ar ko tās paredzēts izmantot. Šaubu gadījumā konsultējieties ar speciālistu.

LIETUVIŲStabdiklio tvirtinimo prie langų/lango rėmų varžtai nepridedami. Visada rinkitės varžtus pagal apdailos medžiagas. Jei kyla abejonių, kreipkitės į statybinių medžiagų pardavėjus.

PORTUGUÊSOs parafusos necessários para fixar o batente à jane-la/ estrutura da janela não estão incluídos. Import-ante: escolha sempre os parafusos adequados para o tipo de material onde vai fixar. Se não tiver a certeza, consulte a sua loja de ferragens habitual.

ROMÂNAŞuruburile folosite pentru fixarea cârligului pe fe-reastră sau pe cadrul acesteia nu sunt incluse. Nu uita să alegi întotdeauna şuruburile potrivite pentru materialul pe care fixezi dispozitivul. Pentru mai multe detalii sau dacă ai întrebări, contactează un specialist.

SLOVENSKYSkrutky potrebné na uchytenie okenných rámov nie sú súčasťou balenia. Pozor, vyberajte vždy skrutky vhodné na materiál, pre ktorý sú vyrobené.

БЪЛГАРСКИКомплектът не включва винтове за прикрепяне към прозорците/рамките на прозорците. Не забравяйте винаги да подбирате винтове, подходящи за вида на материала, върху който ги използвате. Ако имате въпроси, свържете се със специализиран железарски магазин.


Page 5: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


HRVATSKIVijci potrebni za pričvršćivanje dječje zaštite na pro-zore / prozorske okvire nisu priloženi. Uvijek odabe-rite vijke koji su prikladni za vrstu materijala s kojom će se koristiti. Ako niste sigurni koju vrstu vijaka upotrijebiti, kontaktirajte lokalnu prodavaonicu alata.

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑΟι βίδες που χρειάζονται για να στερεωθεί το μάνταλο στα παράθυρα/πλαίσια των παραθύρων δεν περιλαμβάνονται. Θυμηθείτε να επιλέγετε πάντα βίδες, οι οποίες να είναι οι κατάλληλες για το υλικό που θα χρησιμοποιηθούν. Εάν δεν είστε σίγουρος, επικοινωνήστε με το ειδικό κατάστημα κιγκαλερίας της περιοχής σας.

РУССКИЙШурупы, необходимые для установки оконного фиксатора, не прилагаются. Всегда выбирайте крепежные средства, которые подходят к материалу, с которым они будут использоваться. Если Вы не уверены, какой тип креплений подходит к данному материалу, обратитесь в специализированный магазин.

УКРАЇНСЬКАШурупи для кріплення віконного фіксатора не додаються. Завжди вибирайте шурупи відповідно до матеріалу. За консультацією зверніться до найближчої спеціалізованої крамниці.

SRPSKIZavrtnji potrebni za fiksiranje držača na prozorske okvire i same prozore ne dobijaju se uz proizvod. Zapamti, zavrtnje uvek biraj prema vrsti materijala za koji će biti upotrebljeni. Ako si u nedoumici, raspitaj se u specijalizovanoj radnji.

SLOVENŠČINAVijaki za pritrditev zapirala na okenska krila/okenske okvirje niso priloženi. Vedno uporabi vijake, ki so primerni za določen material. Za nasvet se obrni na najbližjo specializirano trgovino.

Page 6: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


TÜRKÇEGüvenlik mandalını, pencere/pencere çerçevesine sa-bitlemek için gereken vidalar ürüne dahil değildir. Her zaman kullanmak istediğiniz yapı malzemesine uygun bağlantı parçaları kullanmayı unutmayınız. Tereddüt ettiğiniz konuda en yakın nalbur ya da yapı malzeme-leri satan bir dükkan ile temasa geçebilirsiniz.

عربيالمسامير المطلوبة لتثبيت ذراع اإلمساك بهيكل النوافذ/نافذة غير

متضمنة .تذكّري، اختاري دائماً مسامير مناسبة لنوعية المادة التي ستستخدم معها .اتصلي بفني متخصص محلي إذا لم تكوني متأكدة.


Page 7: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 8: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

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Page 9: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 10: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

10 AA-1113320-4

Page 11: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 12: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

12 AA-1113320-4

Page 13: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 14: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

14 AA-1113320-4

Page 15: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 16: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

16 AA-1113320-4

Page 17: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 18: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

18 AA-1113320-4

Page 19: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 20: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

20 AA-1113320-4

Page 21: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 22: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

22 AA-1113320-4

Page 23: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 24: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

24 AA-1113320-4

Page 25: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 26: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

26 AA-1113320-4

Page 27: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind


Page 28: ENGLISH · 2018-04-13 · 2 ENGLISH The screws needed for fixing the catch to windows/win-dow frames are not included. Remember, always choo-se screws which are suitable for the kind

28 © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 20142018-02-28
