english services emblem guidebook

目錄 / Contents Foreword 臺南市英語服務標章認證簡介 A Handbook to the English Services Emblem Certified Businesses in Tainan City 2011-2012 購物消費 Consumer Products & Services 住宿餐飲 Food, Beverage & Accommodation 觀光遊憩 Travel & Entertainment 醫療服務 Medical Services 交通運輸 Public Transportation 2 3 20 56 58 59

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English Services Emblem Guidebook


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目 錄 / Contents

前 言


臺南市英語服務標章認證簡介A Handbook to the English Services Emblem Certified Businesses in Tainan City 2011-2012

購物消費Consumer Products & Services

住宿餐飲Food, Beverage & Accommodation

觀光遊憩Travel & Entertainment

醫療服務Medical Services

交通運輸Public Transportation







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  資訊流通快速,國際交流成為生活必要的今天,臺灣更是國際的小小縮影,有著來自各國的朋友,在這裏工作、生活、旅行…,以各種形式參與我們的社會,成為日常風景的一部分。而臺南,因為悠遠的文化氣息、雋永的人文風采,以及迷人的風景名勝,成為國際友人心中的臺灣第一寶地。當這些國際朋友來到這裡,他們努力試著說不夠流利的中文,想體驗臺南本土文化,想和我們一樣擁有對這片土地的熱情,但語言不通,常常是他們體驗在地生活的最大障礙。   臺南市政府之所以參與行政院研考會年度英語服務標章計畫的推動,就是希望輔導本市店家改善雙語標示環境,及提升店員英語服務能力,讓外國朋友看到掛有英語服務標章標示的店家,都可以放心的走進店家,安心的消費,就算中文不好也能勇於嘗試,不怕吃錯食物或買不到想要的東西,可以盡情享受臺南的美好

  除了店家的實體輔導之外,也同步建置了「英語服務標章認證業者」宣傳網站,結合網路電子地圖Google Maps平台、線上互動學習系統和觀光景點介紹等,方便遊客輕鬆找到提供英語服務的店家。


With the increasing speed of information flow, international exchanges have become a necessity of modern life. Taiwan is a microcosm of the international, with visitors from all over the world coming to work, live, and travel. Participating in our society in every conceivable way, such foreign visitors have become part of our daily experience. Tainan’s exotic cultural atmosphere, the timeless aura of its historical treasures and its famed, fascinating scenic attractions, have made the city the top destination for foreign travelers in Taiwan. When foreign visitors come to Tainan, they work hard to make themselves understood in their awkward Chinese in order to experience firsthand the warmth of Tainan’s local culture. They want to have the same passion for this land as we do, but the language barrier remains the biggest obstacle to experience life here in Taiwan.The annual English Services Emblem program carried out jointly by the Tainan City Government and the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) of the Executive Yuan, seeks to guide local businesses and other organizations in improving their English language signs and environments, as well as enhancing the ability of individual staff to provide service in English. When visitors in Tainan see the English Services Emblem affixed to the door or window of a local organization, they can carry out their business without worrying that they will have trouble communicating. In this way, our international guests need not fear they will order the wrong food or purchase the wrong item, and can enjoy the beauty of Tainan.In addition to the concrete guidance given to shop owners and managers, we also erected a website for promoting local businesses which have received English Services Emblem certification. The platform combines Google Maps, an online interactive learning system, and tourism information, making it more convenient for travelers to find businesses offering English services.We also want to encourage each and every shop owner: when you see foreigners here, bring into full play the friendliness, the hallmark of Tainan. Welcome your guests with sincere hearts and smiles, and make good use of tools like bilingual signs, menus and catalogs. In this way, you can make visitors feel at home when they are in Tainan.


Mayor’s Foreword


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玉井之門食品有限公司創立於民國89年,由台南玉井地區50位農民所創立,突破傳統,專門製造天然果乾,讓果乾也可以變得很健康,其中以芒果乾為主打產品,其他熱賣產品包括蕃茄乾、茶葉梅、情人果乾、甜乾梅等數種,相當適合當作伴手禮。 創辦人本著客家人淳樸務實的精神,以夫家玉井為名,玉井的特產為始,將各類水果,以最簡單無防腐添加物的加工方式,保有水果的原味,製作成各類水果乾,以期將產地 的農特產推薦給台灣消費者,甚至行銷到全世界;創造另一個台灣之光。


Yu Jing Meng Foods Ltd. Corp was formed in 2000 by 50 independent farmers of the Yujing area in Tainan. They seek to break with tradition and specialize in the production of healthy, natural preserved fruit. Though mango is their mainstay, other hot selling items include dried tomatoes, tea plums, dried green mangoes, and sweet dried plums, these all make perfect travel gifts. The founders have retained the pragmatic and sincere spirit of the Hakka people in introducing the specialties of Yujing. Yu Jing Meng's wide variety of preserved fruit are made without any additives, maintaining their original flavor. These dried fruits, made seasonally, are offered to the Taiwanese consumer and marketed world-wide as the pride of Taiwan.

The Jilihou Mullet Roe has passed on its tradition and skills for three generations spanning sixty years. Their manufacturing techniques were originally taught to them by Japanese experts. First, following the highest standards, they select the mullet roe. The roe is then sun dried in the traditional fashion, cooled, and dry pressed. This is the reason why Jilihou mullet roe is especially chewy, sweet and sticky, making it a choice item for gifts or meals.



Yu Jing Meng Foods

Jilihou Mullet Roe

70849臺南市安平區安平路500巷12號No. 12, Ln. 500, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2289709 09:00~21:00www.karasumi.com.tw銀質級Silver Award


No. 125, Jiaba Rd., Nansi Dist., Tainan City 71542, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-5755918 08:00~19:00www.5755918.com.tw/zh/news.html銀質級Silver Award

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Wu’s Shrimp Cracker does not have a luxury store or delicate packaging, but a truly unforgettable tasty and crispy texture. The big “Wu” as its logo on the packaging allows for easy recognition and to distinguish. The store owner is Indonesian Chinese, and she uses baked shelled shrimps to make paste. After deep-fried, it provides a rich flavour, crispy and slightly sweet yet not greasy at all. It makes one to keep eating. The customers always purchase a lot at once to fulfill their food cravings.

Tainan Chou’s Shrimp Roll, with fifty years of tradition, has been handed down to its second generation of owners in order to improve the image of traditional snack foods in the eyes of locals and to promote modern methods of management. Chou's Travel Gifts Store allows tourists to bring something back for their friends, including the always-welcomed frozen shrimp rolls and seafood pie.



Wu's Shrimp Cracker

Chou’s Travel Gifts Store

70842臺南市安平區運河路23巷23弄3號No. 3, Aly. 23, Ln. 23, Yunhe Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3912256 09:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

70850臺南市安平區安平路730號No. 730, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2284902 Weekdays 11:00~19:30 Weekend 11:00~20:30www.chous.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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West Well Cuisine Honey Stewed Food uses Longan nectar in its recipes. Thanks to the media, food products from West Well are now hot selling items on the Internet. West Well has a central kitchen, occupying over 300 square meters and preparing high quality food. By automated packaging and flash freezing, their products can be kept for longer and maintain consistent quality.


West Well Cuisine Honey Stewed Food

安中門市 Anjhong Store70964臺南市安南區安中路一段568-5號No. 568-5, Sec. 1, Anjhong Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 70964, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2478866 週一至週六 Mon-Sat 09:00~19:00;週日Sun 11:00~18:00銀質級Silver Award

安平門市 Anping Store70849臺南市安平區安平路418號No. 418, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2478866 09:00~21:30銀質級Silver Award


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Song Ling Sugar Smoked Stewed Food is a famous snack food that one must try when he visits Tainan. The reason why Song Ling's Stewed Food is famous is its special taste. The special taste comes from how Song Ling prepares their stewed food. Fresh ingredients are first stewed in their special stock, and then smoked with sugar. The sweet aroma created during the smoking process doubles the taste of stewed food. One will be able to taste rich and layered flavor in every bite.Song Ling has been recognized as one of the top ten travel gifts of Fucheng (Tainan) for three year in a row, winning the approval of judges and the online public alike. This exquisite travel gift is well suited for group and company ordering and will win you praise whenever you have to prepare a gift.

Golden Spring Grocery Store has been operating on Yanping Street in Tainan, Taiwan's first street, for four generations. Its sixty years of history has made it a tradition! The act of parents bringing their kids out on the street for a snack brings back fond memories for many, including historians. They will visit the store to find reference materials for their researches. Marbles, slingshots, tops, puppets, and even Prince instant noodles as well as a wide range of preserved fruits may also be found in this decades-old grocery store.



Song Ling Sugar Smoked Stewed Food

Golden Spring Grocery Store

70842臺南市安平區延平街77號No. 77, Yanping St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2239217 www.treasurehouse.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70849臺南市安平區安平路368號No. 368, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3507327 10:00~21:00www.songling.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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Deyi Shrimp Cracker has been wholesaling shrimp crackers since 1971, and is now in the hands of its second generation of owners, who established their own shrimp cracker central processing plant in 2007 in order to better control the flavor and texture of their products. By completely following traditional methods in shrimp cracker production, Deyi has made the ideas of traditional, hand-made and natural the basis of their company’s philosophy, abandoning time saving methods in production and returning to traditional time consuming and labor intensive methods in shrimp cracker production.

Zhang Cheng Foods was founded in the year 2000 and the most significant feature and the demand is one-bite-size cookies with maltose that are chewy but won't stick to your teeth. At first, they were focusing on researching new methods for making maltose that can change the traditional image that most of the people will have on maltose, which is sticky and hard; then they came out with new maltose that is soft and will not stick to your teeth. Zhang Cheng insists using traditional maltose with its specially made cookies, which provide various flavors to customers. Zhang Cheng provides freshly made maltose cookies. It’s guaranteed all the orders are made at present.



Deyi Shrimp Cracker

Zhang Cheng Foods

70849臺南市安平區安平路123號No. 123, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2205858 www.deyi-xiabing.tw銀質級Silver Award

70849臺南市安平區安平路518號No. 518, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-5956688 www.ccfood.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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The reason we named our store Imaginary Space Gourmet House is that we hope this store can provide a variety of quality products for our friends. Since we are from Tainan, we market both local specialty products and several unusual products in to satisfy the taste buds of our customers. We have just recently begun our internet business and our current staple is Papa Jhuang's Kimchi. This was personally developed and produced by Papa Jhuang himself. Your support and patronage are welcomed!

Fan Wang Bo Anping Old Street Preserved Fruits, which moved from Anping Old Street to Anping Road, uses healthiness as their core idea in picking in-season choice fruits for its preserved fruits. Thus, different products are produced as the seasons change. At its peak, nearly a hundred different preserved fruits may be introduced in a season. Fan Wang Bo Preserved Fruits serve as ideal travel gifts for the traveler to Anping. The preserved fruits come in a convenient zipper bag that enables customers to choose their own portions.



Papa Jhuang's Kimchi Imaginary Space Gourmet House

Fan Wang Bo Anping Old Street Preserved Fruits

70846臺南市安平區府平路247號No. 247, Fuping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70846, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2934338 www.agezb.com銀質級Silver Award

70849臺南市安平區安平路392號No. 392, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3583688 銀質級Silver Award

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In 1957, the founder of Black Bridge Foods, Mr. Chen Wenhui established the Black Bridge meat processing shop beside the Tainan canal in a place commonly known as Wu Qiao Zi (Black Bridge). Black Bridge has always been known for making great sausages and believes that only through good intentions can great sausages be made. Driven by this idea, Black Bridge is committed to the three principles: using only hind leg meat to make its sausages, marinating for 6 hours, and absolutely no fillers. This is how Black Bridge sausages have become known far and wide for maintaining a flavor that is authentic and honest.


Black Bridge Foods

中正店 Jhongjheng Store70055臺南市中西區中正路220號No. 220, Jhongjheng Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70055, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2295248 09:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award

公園店 Gongyuan Store70050臺南市中西區公園路50號No. 50, Gongyuan Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70050, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2260518 09:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award

東山專櫃 Dongshan Store73352臺南市東山區科里里枋子林74號之6(臺南市東山區南二高東山休息站)No.74-6, Fangzihlin, Dongshan Dist., Tainan City 73352, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (Dongshan Service Area, Freeway No. 3) 06-6230642 09:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award


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Mama Yang’s Bakery has gained a foothold in the local gourmet snack market through its dedication to natural ingredients and hand processing. It attracts tourists to this world of homegrown foods with the flavor of its number one ranked dessert. Here we provide bicycles paired with our detailed introductions to local sites of interest for a journey that allows you to roam the countryside at leisure, relive the past, and enjoy our complimentary tea and desserts. We hope that you have fun and leave with a memorable experience.


Chun You Pastry Shop

Mama Yang's Bakery

Tsai Renhui, the person who is in charge of the Chun You Pastry Shop, was graduated from the Department of Home Economics, Tainan University of Technology. She has been working in the travel business for 30 years so she has been to many countries around the world and tasted the local cuisines in those countries. She found out that foreign people’s favorite dessert is pineapple cakes, so she opened a bakery based on what she had learned, and then she did a further research on other fruit cakes. She follows traditional hand-made methods, adds no preservatives or butter, and reduces the use of oil and sugar in order to make the cakes more healthy for people. The cakes are made by their exclusive stuffing recipe with fresh fruits, which are full of minerals, fibers, enzymes and vitamin C. This allows Chun You to stand out from other bakeries that use canned fruits in their cakes.

70044臺南市中西區民權路一段73號No. 73, Sec. 1, Mincyuan Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70044, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2290357 www.062290357.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

73143臺南市後壁區後壁村99號No. 99, Houbi, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 73143, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6871929 09:00~12:00;14:00~18:00www.yangmama.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

【楊媽媽 子工坊】

楊媽媽 子坊是本地特有的美食小品據點,本著天然食材、手工製作"的原則,以第一名小點心的風味,帶引遊客走進這個原鄉原味的鏡頭愛戀世界。我們在這裡提供自由無拘的腳踏車、配合我們的詳盡介紹,一路暢遊,讓您閒逛鄉情、緬懷古意,並在我們希心奉茶的款待下,品嘗精美健康的點心,帶走令人回味的伴手禮。

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Our store’s distinction: Insistence on using all natural ingredients, no preservatives or coloring added, freshly served everyday with freshness you can see! We guarantee our crackers won't be greasy and we provide wide delivery service.

Lotus Orchard is managed by the Baihe pastry fixture, Sheng Sing Pastries. It has introduced a line of over 40 lotus products including mushroom lotus seeds, lotus root coffee and and lotus rejuvenation powder, and all these local specialties are warmly welcomed as ideal travel gifts.



Ming Feng Shrimp Cracker

Lotus Orchard

70850臺南市安平區安平路742號No. 742, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2287807 09:00~21:00tw.myblog.yahoo.com/a2975485/銀質級Silver Award

73241臺南市白河區中正路12鄰36號No. 36, 12th Neighborhood, Jhongjheng Rd., Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73241, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6841188 銀質級Silver Award

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麻豆鎮位於台南縣中央,原名 荳,平埔族語意為,美麗的眼睛,因此麻豆又可稱為「南瀛之眼」。 荳商行柚子系列商品聞名各地,將麻豆所產的文旦原料,透過加工技術,延長文旦的保存年限,製作成風味特殊的文創產品,也成為民眾過節送禮的新選擇!無論是柚子糕、柚子茶、柚子蔘,淡淡的柚香味都令人喜愛!台灣南瀛--柚城文創!"荳商行給您不一樣的創意點心!


Madou Township is located in central Tainan. In the language of the Pingpu tribe, “Madou” means "beautiful eyes". Madou is also known as “The Eyes of the Southern Sea.” Madou Trading Company’s series of pomelo products are renowned throughout Taiwan. Using locally grown pomelo as the raw material and specialized processing techniques to extend its shelf life, their products have become a local specialty as well as a new choice for holiday gift!Whether it is pomelo tea, pomelo cake, or pomelo lozenges, the light fragrance of the pomelo is loved by all! Off the southern sea of Taiwan a pomelo city stands: Madou Trading Company offers you a distinctively creative dessert!

Tang Jiao Chikan Sugar Trading Company adheres to ancient refining methods to produce its brown sugar directly from sugar cane without additives, additional processing or removal of molasses. It is 100% real brown sugar that has been certified to contain 61 nutrients and natural multi-vitamins. It is qualified with HACCP standard, passing the 226-item international SGS safety inspection for fertilizers, radiation, preservatives and SO2.

【 荳商行】


Madou Trading Company

Tang Jiao Chikan Sugar Trading Company

70253臺南市南區美南街182巷3號No. 3, Ln. 182, Meinan St., South Dist., Tainan City 70253, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2605028 週二至週日 Tue-Sun 10:00~18:00www.red-brick.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

72142臺南市麻豆區信義路1-1號No. 1-1, Sinyi Rd., Madou Dist., Tainan City 72142, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-5710334 08:00~22:00www.madou888.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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It has been more than seven years since this store opened. We continue to uphold our belief in respect for the customers each day. Our products are made from fresh shrimp with the eyes removed. And then egg white, corn starch, sugar, and other seasonings are added. The products are entirely hand-made and no preservatives are added. When transporting and storing shrimp cracker, please make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight as direct sunlight ruins the taste of deep fried food.

Ying Chung Fang is a well-known company that produces local Madou products.Both its development in new techniques and flavors, and its choice in fruit and nuts have made them known as the king of fruits and nuts. In recent years, Ying Chuan Fang Foods spared no effort in popularizing retailing industry, and diversified from retail fruit and nut sales to preserved fruit gift boxes and dried meat products. Whether dried or moist, its burgeoning line of meat products has taken the top selling crown. Gift boxes featuring a wide range of wholesome seeds, nuts and fruits make excellent souvenirs for regular customers and tourists.



Su's Shrimp Cracker

Ying Chuan Fang Foods

72145臺南市麻豆區興中路211-1號No. 211-1, Singjhong Rd., Madou Dist., Tainan City 72145, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5711936www.yingchuan.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70850臺南市安平區安平路163號No. 163, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2214092 週一至週五 Mon-Fri 11:00~21:00;週六、週日 Sat, Sun 09:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

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總店 Main Store70160臺南市東區東寧路51號No. 51, Dongning Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70160, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2371467週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award

中華店 Jhonghua Store70168臺南市東區中華東路三段196號No. 196, Sec. 3, Jhonghua E. Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70168, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-3357696 週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award

安平店 Anping Store70842臺南市安平區慶平路569號No. 569, Cingping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2952785 週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award

安南店 Annan Store770970臺南市安南區海佃路一段52號No. 52, Sec. 1, Haidian Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 70970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2803775 週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award

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Minsin Foods started up in 1962 in the neighborhood of National Cheng Kung University and National Tainan First Senior High School. At first, it was a grocery store that sold daily items. Then, with an inkling that western bread would come to change the eating habits of his countrymen, the founder, Hsu Junhsiung, left for Nankang, Taipei to attend bakery school. Upon his return, he gradually began to transform the grocery store into a specialty bakery. With the development of the eastern district of Tainan, in 1986 he regrouped and founded the Minsin Food Enterprise Ltd. Corp.In 1990, the second and third branches were established at the end of Dongning Road and Siaodong Road. Currently, there are nine branch stores. In the forty years of its existence, it has acquired quite a reputation in southern Taiwan. Major products include breads and cakes as well as western and traditional Chinese wedding cakes and pastries. The spirit of innovation and perseverance in creating quality products wins them the trust from well-known companies.

Minsin Foods

佳里店 Jiali Store72257臺南市佳里區光復路239號No. 239, Guangfu Rd., Jiali Dist., Tainan City 72257, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-7233131週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award

東寧二店 Dongning Second Store70165臺南市東區東寧路500號No. 500, Dongning Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70165, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2740011 週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award

金華店 Jinhua Store70254臺南市南區金華路二段234號No. 234, Sec. 2, Jinhua Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 70254, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2645558 週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award

歸仁店 Gueiren Store71146臺南市歸仁區中山路二段255號No. 255, Sec. 2, Jhongshan Rd., Gueiren Dist., Tainan City 71146, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2305785 週一至週四 Mon-Thu 10:00~23:00;週五、週六 Fri, Sat 08:30~24:00;週日 Sun 08:30~21:00銀質級Silver Award


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70044臺南市中西區民權路一段73號No. 73, Sec. 1, Minquan Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70044, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2290357 www.062290357.com.tw銀質級Silver Award



Ruhfu Bakery was originally a traditional bakery. As Anping developed into a tourist attraction, the owner of Ruhfu decided to transform it into a souvenir bakery shop. The store has been running for 37 years. This store features ox-tongue-shaped biscuit as well as Husband Cake, Wife Cake and shrimp chips. Don’t forget the fusion product of local culture and pastry - Sword Lion Cookies and Castle Cake. These items make the perfect gifts for you to bring back home to share with friends and family.

The Anping Sword Lion 5 Senses Okdiy Museum develops a variety of creative amulets made from nonwoven fabrics. Besides selling finished products, they also offer DIY amulets. DIY amulets, as souvenirs, hold more meaning than regular amulets. Not only does it keep away bad luck, but it also becomes a symbol of friendship or familial affection. Don’t miss out the chance to deliver your care and thoughtfulness.



Rehfu Bakery

Anping Sword Lion Five Senses Okdiy Museum

70850臺南市安平區安平路133號No. 133, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2243729 06:00~24:00www.ruhfu.com銀質級Silver Award

70841臺南市安平區安北路143號No. 143, Anbei Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2210092 09:00~19:00www.okdiy.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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安平陶坊是由一對酷愛陶瓷藝術的兄妹所經營的一家陶藝DIY店,並且極力推廣陶藝普及,達成「生活藝術化,藝術生活化」之共同信念,讓現代人一探陶瓷藝術奧妙。擺脫舊有陶藝形象,以年輕化、充滿活力的教學方式,不論是大人或小孩都能讓你體會第六感生死戀的情節! 安平陶坊是專營美陶的陶坊,有各種陶藝、美勞、樹脂土等等的材料包零售批發,歡迎美術老師、學校單位、或是想要享受玩陶樂趣的您。


Anping Pottery Workshop is run by two ceramic art lovers, who are brother and sister. They sell their hand-made pottery, and they also offer DIY pottery session. They want to aestheticize daily life while bring aesthetics into daily life, so they have been promoting ceramic art actively. By teaching lively with a youthful energy, They allow both children and adults to enjoy the experience of creating an art piece by themselves. Besides providing DIY pottery session, they also sells raw materials for pottery; therefore, schools and ceramic art lovers are all welcomed.

On the first floor of Nonglin Cypress Boutique, you can take a good look of all kinds of Taiwanese Cypresses, creative furniture made of cypresses, and lots of fine works of art. The second floor is an archive, where the owner of Nonglin Cypress Boutique puts on his collection of artistic pieces, and shows the history of cypress. Tourists will cherish the timbers and forests in Taiwan once they learn knowledge related to cypress here. What’s more, they will see that cypress is not expensive and unreachable. Those collections of art works and furniture exhibited are all made of excellent cypresses, selected by Nonglin Cypress Boutique. Everyone is welcomed to visit.



Anping Pottery Workshop

Nonglin Cypress Boutique

70842臺南市安平區延平街53號No. 53, Yanping St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2952780 10:00~18:00blog.xuite.net/song2588金質級Gold Award

721臺南市麻豆區麻口里1-1號No. 1-1, Makou Vil., Madou Dist., Tainan City 721, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-5702303 10:00~19:00銀質級Silver Award

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The shop features folk style clothing, jewelry, shoes, incense and other products from Thailand, India, and Nepal. These products are picked by the owner personally from his trips. People who love folk style are welcome to take a look.


Maharaja Clothing Store

台糖購物中心店 Sugar Mall Store71746台南市仁德區仁愛村仁愛路1211號No. 1211, Ren’ai Rd., Ren’ai Vil., Rende Dist., Tainan City 71746, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 10:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award

奇美醫院店 Chimei Hospital Store3659臺南市柳營區太康里義士路5段201號No. 201, Sec. 5, Yishih Rd., Taikang Vil., Liouying Dist., Tainan City 73659, Taiwan (R.O.C.)10:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award

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The workshop’s products include: oil paintings, quilted works and hand-made soaps. Hand-made soaps are the main products and they are made by physically - challenged people who have spinal cord injury but wish to win the approval and support from the public.

Mentor Hair possesses an incredible design team, professional excellent skills, and cordial services. If you want to find the way to beauty, go to Mentor Hair, where cheers and beauty find home.



Affiliated Workshop of Tainan City Spinal Cord Injury Organization

Mentor Hair Stylist--Chenggong Store

70050臺南市中西區成功路25之1號No. 25-1, Chenggong Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70050, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2276666 9:30~21:00www.mentor-hair.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70850臺南市安平區湖內二街7號No. 7, Hunei 2nd St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2290669 週一至週六Mon-Sat 09:30~17:00www.tncsci.org.tw銀質級Silver Award

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Speaking of the name Boat on Wheels, we must start from the board itself. When a snake board accelerates, it is like a boat on the road, surfing on land. That is the birth of Boat on Wheels!Both children and adults have great pressures in modern living, but especially so for students of today. Most of them, under the pressure of advancement, have to attend cram schools after their regular schools are over. Their preoccupation with school works makes them lack exercise.Boat on Wheels Club’s promotion of the sports of Snake Boarding and Free Line skating is just fitting of modern healthful exercising needs. We hope that all may come and join the club that makes all healthy and happy through these family oriented sports! And this is the aspiration behind the establishment of the Boat on Wheels Health Club.

Domo Pasta & Spaghetti is located on Dongning Road in Tainan City. Its low prices attract many students and families. Its seafood marinara uses imported tomatoes, coupled with fresh shrimp, octopus and clams. The red, sweet and tangy sauce that is creamy in texture not only satisfies customers’ eyes but also their taste buds. As low as $168NT, one will be able to enjoy a meal which includes a salad, soup, bread, and beverage. One can choose from marinara, pesto, Alfredo, and pumpkin for his spaghetti.



Boat On Wheels Snake Boarding

Domo Pasta & Spaghetti

70850臺南市安平區安平路702-2號No. 702-2, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2211341 www.舟結輪.tw銀質級Silver Award

70160臺南市東區東寧路201巷121號No. 121, Ln. 201, Dongning Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70160, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2366121 11:30~21:30金質級Gold Award

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料理」每一季即更新菜單,並以日本四季分明的『春櫻、夏薰、秋楓、冬雪』來作菜單命名,讓消費者在不同的季節裏,品嚐到季節性美味料理;在「Toka 東加和漢創作料理」只要花少少的錢即能嚐鮮到不一樣且風味的精緻佳餚,就如同品牌理念「和漢融合、品味出眾」的意義。



Among many all-you-can-eat restaurants out on the market, “Toka Fusion Cuisine" uses its creation and high standard on food quality to refine the image for all-you-can-eat restaurant. Apart from this, “Toka” introduces different sets of menu for every season, and names them with “Cherry Spring, Fragrant Summer, Maple Autumn and Snow Winter.” Customers will be able to enjoy seasonal dishes in different seasons. Moreover, it is an economical choice for such delicious food and fine services.

Looking just like those sake house one can see in Japan, the first floor of Japanese Kebab Bar is split into general seating area and private room. One will be able to watch the cooks showing their skills. Seats on the second floor, tatami seats, are even more Japanese-style.Japanese Kebab Bar insists on using only fresh local ingredients and fresh caught seafood. And they use Japanese charcoal, which produce higher temperature, to shorten the cooking time which retains ingredients’ original flavors. Morevoer, by using Japan imported rice, sea salt, rose salt, as well as other high-end ingredients allows customers feel the restaurant’s attentiveness and insistence in every dish.



Toka Fusion Cuisine

70142臺南市東區林森路二段59號No. 59, Sec. 2, Linsen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70142, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2367399 11:00~01:00銀質級Silver Award

70848臺南市安平區永華路二段41號No. 41, Sec. 2, Yonghua Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70848, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2936988 toka.dondom.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

Japanese Kebab Bar

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In order for the customers to enjoy delicious and fresh food while eating healthy, menu of Deli Farm mainly consists of light food. Its food is made from a selection of high class imported ingredients. Additionally, its interior space is spaciously cozy and has a comfortable atmosphere that allows you to enjoy your leisure time while enjoying a delicious meal.

Forever Poem Italian Cuisine has a group of high quality professional people who carefully select ingredients and prepare natural and healthy dishes. Moreover, they offer outstanding services that provide customers with the most comfortable dining environment. Their ultimate objective is to let their esteemed guests to relax and enjoy thoroughly their cuisine and go home with feeling of happiness and satisfactions. Whether it is a meal or a cup of coffee in a busy day, one is always welcomed and the door to simple happiness is always open.



Deli Farm

Forever Poem

70848臺南市安平區永華路二段812號No. 812, Sec. 2, Yonghua Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70848, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2935001 11:30~22:00forevercafe.dondom.com.tw金質級Gold Award

70154臺南市東區東安路298號之1No. 298-1, Dong’an Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70154, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2082211 週一至週五Mon-Fri 09:00~18:30;週六、週日Sat, Sun 09:00~21:00 金質級Gold Award

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The restaurant has been open for 30 years. They insist on serving freshly caught seafood from neighboring fish markets, which earns them great reputation and support from people in Tainan. Recommended dishes are fish rice noodles, grilled squid, oyster with bean paste, sea cucumber salad, and Sanbei Chicken (Basil Chicken).

Village Chief ’s Garden Café, combined with Mama Tian’s, provides not only coffee, but also delicious local dishes. It is located at foothills of Gaoyuan village in Dongshan Township, Tainan County. Chen Shuilian, village chief of Gaoyuan village, carries the expectations of his fellow people to boost local regional development, so he puts a great amount of efforts. Ever since he took office, he has been combining coffee industry of Gaoyuan village and tourism, and indeed, there are more and more tourists visiting the village. His wife, the cook of the café, has created many coffee cuisines, The most famous of which is her “Herbal coffee chicken.” This “Herbal coffee chicken” uses local coffee beans, red dates, wolfberries, and some other Chinese medicinal herbs as the soup base. Along with pieces of chicken, it creates slightly sweet taste. Its subtle and delicate flavors make it one of the tourists' favorite.



Anping Harbor Seafood Restaurant

Village Chief ’s Garden Café

73353臺南市東山區高原里100之9號No. 100-9, Gaoyuan, Dongshan Dist., Tainan City 73353, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6861885 9:00~20:006861885.youtw.tw銀質級Silver Award

70841臺南市安平區安億路466號No. 466, Anyi Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2987496 11:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

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Tainan was once Taiwan’s political and financial center, as well as the source of the long established Taiwanese culture. Tainan City has given births to many unique cultural customs. The most famous one is its cuisine. Both the snack food and fine dining are fitting to Tainan’s unique culture. In order to help visitors better understand Tainan's gastronomic culture, "Traditional Tainan Feast" gathers many items that represents its local culture and cuisine. Along with traditional interior design, not only are taste buds satisfied, but also eyes. Please allow yourself to be thoroughly immersed in the cultural atmosphere of Tainan City.

“Tung Tung International Enterprise” takes advantage of its rich experience in operating restaurants to create a Korean style, smokeless grilled cuisine, which gives Korean cuisine a brand new look. With traditional Korean style interior designs, one will feel he’s now eating in Seoul. “Tongdaemum Korean Cuisine” boasts of cooks with ample experience in preparing Korean cuisine. Dishes such as Ginseng Chicken, Bibimbap, Kimchi hotpot…etc., could be found here. And they are not only delicious, but also economical because one can have unlimited portion. This restaurant is definitely the best place to taste authentic Korean cuisine.



Traditional Tainan Feast

Tongdaemum Korean CuisineYonghua Store

70848臺南市安平區永華路二段131號No. 131, Sec. 2, Yonghua Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70848, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2935118 11:00~14:00;17:00~22:00korea-t.dondom.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70846臺南市安平區華平路152號No. 152, Huaping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70846, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2951000 11:00~14:00;17:00~21:00tncr.dondom.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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With abundant experience in making Cantonese cuisine, “Tung Tung Cantonese Cuisine” has accumulated enumerable loyal customers, and in order to fulfill their never-satisfied stomachs and taste buds, the chefs continue to develop new dishes. For the past 16 years, loyal customers wouldn’t miss any new dishes. “Tung Tung” will keep creating more Cantonese gourmet and try their best to satisfy everyone’s stomachs.

Orthodox Cantonese Dim Sum cuisine is carefully crafted by chefs who specialize in Cantonese Dim Sum, stews, various Cantonese seafood cuisine, stir-fry, cold-cuts, and cured meats. Those are sure to leave you savoring for more and praising of affordble price, while you enjoy its hotel grade furnishing and service.



Tung-Tung Cantonese Cuisine

Tung Yat Cantonese Restaurant

70465臺南市北區北安路一段145-2號No. 145-2, Sec. 1, Bei’an Rd., North Dist., Tainan City 70465, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2515577 11:00~14:00;17:00~21:30cantonese.dondom.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70842臺南市安平區慶平路539號B1B1, No. 539, Cingping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2997755 11:00~14:00 17:00~21:00tungyat.dondom.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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想念在1994年時,我們夫婦倆懷抱著理想的,帶著安平人獨有的堅持,終究在經營松霖的前一刻,還是不斷的學習與請教,追求的不是完美,是立志自己給客戶一份回憶的味道。 這一年,一直不斷虛心領教餐廳師傅的教悔,唯有基本功堅持絕不打折扣,就算甘苦就算疲憊,經營松霖只有做好準備我們才願意開始,也許無法滿足所有的客戶味蕾,但是我們延續努力、延續堅持,就是我們的最好的招牌。

府城有六十多年歷史的「阿霞飯店」,為了將傳統手藝延續,餐廳目前由吳榮燦、曹淑華夫婦經營。 他們跟隨老闆吳錦霞(阿霞)和大廚吳壽春姐弟倆近二十年,依自己所學手藝融入現代經營方式。 為因應往昔常有人數不多或份量過多的問題,阿霞飯店重新設計菜單,推出份量少又精緻的料理,而想吃絕品鮑翅及高檔菜


I always think about the moment when we dreamed about the tea shop. With the perseverance that is unique to Anping people, we continued to learn and ask for guidance in pursuit of perfection and a savory memory given by us to our dear customers even just before we opened the shop. We ceaselessly and modestly learn the fundamentals from kitchen chefs. It didn’t matter if we were exhausted from tribulations; we wanted to open the shop after we could handle every different detail. We might not satisfy every customer, but through our perseverance and hard work, we have made our best signage.

A-Sha Restaurant has been open for over six decades in Fucheng. The restaurant is now operated by the husband, Wu Rongcan, and his wife, Cao Shuhua. They have been following the first-era operator and chefs for nearly twenty years. They redesign the menu, changing from big portion with normal quality to well-proportioned but with much high quality. This place is perfect for any occasion, from small reunion with friends or family to wedding. Moreover, with price ranging from NTD6, 000 a table to NTD10, 000 a table, one will be able to find a price that fit him the best.



Song Lin Tea Shop

A-Sha Restaurant

70050臺南市中西區忠義路二段84巷7號No. 7, Ln. 84, Sec. 2, Jhongyi Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70050, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-225-6789 11:00~14:30;16:30~21:00www.a-sha.tw銀質級Silver Award

70841臺南市安平區安北路431號No. 431, Anbei Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3915057 www.song-lin.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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綠屋美式餐廳Green House異國料理餐廳,由孔廟府中街搬遷至現址,全新舒適裝潢,在地15年招牌,口味依舊不變。招牌培根牛肉起士漢堡,上頭擺上經由師傅數十次拋摔的牛肉餡,嚐起來厚實且份量十足。新鮮牛肉,美式風味原汁原味呈現。另外綠屋也提供美式早餐、美式三明治、義大利麵、焗烤和各式套餐,來這兒放鬆心情,和朋友享用餐點。

The chairperson of Tung Tung International Enterprise, Li Ridong, recognizes people from southern Taiwan like the cuisine from the southeast Asia. Therefore, he recruited the professional Thai cuisine chef, Li Wenfu, to bring authentic cuisines of Thailand, Vietnam and Burma to his restaurant. Full selections of dishes are available, such as Vietnamese pho, satay skewers, Singaporean Hainanese Chicken Rice…etc. Moreover, imported beer from Thailand and Vietnam are made available by the manager Cindy, and they are sold at incredibly low prices. The chairperson insists on using the best ingredients while keeping prices affordable to everyone. Want to have 5 star services but can’t afford much? This is the place to be!

Green House was moved to its current address from Fujhong Street. It has been operating for 15 years. Moving to the new location with new interior decoration, Green House always serves its food with consistent quality. The signature Bacon Cheeseburger uses fresh beefsteak that have been hammered over and over again for the tenderness. Other than its famous burger, Green House also offers other American food, such as spaghetti, sandwiches…etc., for customers to relax and enjoy.



Southeast Asian Cuisine

Green House

70842臺南市安平區慶平路539號No. 539, Cingping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2997760 06:30~09:30;11:30~14:00;17:30~21:00tungtai.dondom.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70141臺南市東區府連路370號No. 370, Fulian Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70141, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2365828 10:00~22:00金質級Gold Award

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Baihe Drunken Moon Pavilion Restaurant (Drunken Moon Dining Hall) was established in 1925. When it was first established, the Dining Hall focused on snack food and catering service as the father and the grandfather of current owner toiled through the difficulties from scratch. Mr. Wei Zhiyou, the current owner, had taken advantage of the booming economy and transformed the Drunken Moon dining Hall into the Drunken Moon Pavilion, and focused on catering services. In 1995, when the “Lotus Flower Festival” was first held in Baihe, Mr. Wei was entrusted to design the menu for the festival by using lotus roots, flowers, and seeds. These dishes quickly became popular as Mr. Wei introduced them to the public.

In order to better promote cultural arts, the Tainan City Government, its Bureau of Cultural Affairs, and the Tainan Cultural Center, in cooperation with Tung Tung International Enterprise, put together a space for arts performances at the corner of Jiankang Rd. and Datong Rd., and it is called the “Art Corner.” There is not only a stage and seats for show and performances, but also dining services. There is even lighting in the evening to create romantic atmospheres.



Drunken Moon Pavilion Restaurant

Art Corner

70263臺南市南區健康路一段77號No. 77, Sec. 1, Jiankang Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 70263, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2133355 10:00~14:30; 17:00~22:00artcorner.dondom.com.tw金質級Gold Award

73256臺南市白河區草店里10-75號No. 10-75, Caodian, Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73256, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6817156; 06-6816026 www.1888.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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A glass of Da Shuei Gang Plum Juice makes perfect match with any food. The owner of Da Shuei Gang was influenced by his father and followed the directions given in Chinese medicine to make the healthy beverage. Moreover, he insists on not adding any preservations or artificial additives. He hopes that his customers may enjoy this healthy drink and taste the care which he took to craft Da Shuei Gang plum juice with.

Located in Madou, Tainan and famous for its barley, the Madou Barley King serves sweet soup made with barley, which has unique flavor and texture. Its signature is sweet green bean soup with barley. Green beans are refreshing and relaxing while barley seeds improve the health. There are total of 48 kinds of sweet desserts offered, including sweet barley soup, tofu pudding, shaved ice…etc. They also have noodles and thick toast for non-dessert selection.



Da Shuei Gang Plum Juice

Madou Barley King

72149臺南市麻豆區穀興里中山路69號No. 69, Jhongshan Rd., Gusing Vil., Madou Dist., Tainan City 72149, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5719318 10:00~22:005719318.wunme.com銀質級Silver Award

70253臺南市南區文南路325號No. 325, Wunnan Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 70253, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2921316 10:00~23:0017748473.ec2000.tw銀質級Silver Award

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Anping Bean Jelly is famous for the refined texture and dense aroma of its soy bean jelly. Mr. Huang Qingtong, the owner, once expressed that a lot of soy bean jelly, currently out on the market, has been thickened with agar powder, which destroys the texture and fragrance of traditional soy bean jelly. Intent on bringing out the original smell and taste of soy bean jelly,

he continues to use traditional methods, with no artificial additives added, and chooses only non-GM and organic soy beans. This guarantees his soy bean jelly is the most healthy and delicious dessert.


Anping Bean Jelly

安平總店 Anping Main Store70841臺南市安平區安北路433號No. 433, Anbei Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3915385 09:00~23:00銀質級Silver Award

安平2店 Anping Second Store70841臺南市安平區安北路141~6號No. 141~6, Anbei Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 09:00~23:00銀質級Silver Award

中山店 Jhongshan Store70043臺南市中西區中山路125-58號No. 125-58, Jhongshan Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70043, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2256685 09:00~23:00銀質級Silver Award

新光店 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Store770051臺南市中西區西門路一段658號B2B2, No. 658, Sec. 1, Simen Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70051, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 09:00~23:00銀質級Silver Award


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Chun’s Flavour has been on Anping Road in Tainan for over a decade and is a renowned food of Tainan. Chun’s Flavour upholds the standard of healthiness for its customers to consume without worries. It uses quality Southeast Asian barley of the current season in its slow stew after the husk have been removed. This process causes the barley to release their starch to create a natural and aromatic creamy texture. Each cup is sure to satisfy.Chun's Flavour insists on adding no preservatives or thickeners, and emphasizes retention of the nutritional value of the barley that is low in sugar and calories. Chun’s Flavour’s signature dish is the Milk and red bean barley; it is a must for the young ladies who want to stay slim.

Mr. Lu, the proprietor of the shop, upholds the idea of healing and uses the food to share a common origin in his management. He provides brown sugar beverages that are rich in nutritional value through an insistence on tradition. They are produced by exclusively healthy methods with no additives. His products retain the true natural taste of brown sugar that allows consumers to enjoy the healthy deliciousness of brown sugar beverages. Other ingredients used in the store such as red beans, green beans, and tapioca contain no chemicals or preservatives. In addition, its farm-fresh milk is made from 100% whole milk, allowing the consumer relaxed enjoyment of its delicious flavor.



Chun's Flavour

Donejoy Brown Sugar Tea Shop

70849臺南市安平區安平路372號No. 372, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-3585107 9:30~22:00www.chuns.com.tw金質級Gold Award

70143臺南市東區長榮路二段318號No. 318, Sec. 2, Changrong Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2095416 10:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award

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Two Silver Cents Winter Melon Tea is the last remaining traditional winter melon tea shop in Tainan, Taiwan. This old shop produces winter melon sugar and other winter melon products through purely hand-made methods using wholesome materials. This is why its tea is especially rich and sweet. Two Silver Cents Winter Melon Tea has been

recognized as a special Tainan product. It has been named one of the Top Ten Travel Gifts of Tainan. Thus, it makes a generous gift. Two Silver Cents uses no preservatives and represents modern healthy eating. If you pass through Tainan, try this famous local beverage out. And don't forget to bring back some winter melon candy and condensed tea for family and friends to enjoy back home.


Two Silver Cents Winter Melon Tea

安平店 Anping Store70849臺南市安平區安平路366號No. 366, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2503699 10:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

赤崁店 Chihkan Store70048臺南市中西區永福路二段227巷51號No. 51, Ln. 227, Sec. 2, Yongfu Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70048, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2216818 10:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

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活飲子複合式餐飲提供各式各樣的健康茶飲、飲品和輕食系列,並且也不斷在產品上求新求變,以鮮芋為主題,帶給大家全方位複合式茶飲新概念。 尤其活飲子招牌「鮮奶三寶」,包含芋頭球、仙草凍和波霸三種食材。選用大甲芋頭的芋心部位,經過一連串熬煮和悶煮的嚴謹過程,使芋頭的自然甜味香氣散發出,經過冰鎮過後口感更是香Q。 再加上自己熬煮的滑溜嫩仙草和新鮮波霸,不加果糖,以鮮奶作為搭配,紮實綿密的口感和芋香,讓你有不同層次的味蕾享受。

我們用冰淇淋為商品主軸,傳達美味‧創意‧滿足‧幸福‧享受五大特色為訴求,也就是品牌名稱的來源,D是Delicious,I是innovation,S是Satisfy,H是Happiness,E是Enjoy,而Ge則是取義式冰淇淋Gelato的前兩個字母組成,因此我們可以認定Dishege品牌使命即是「創意美味,享受幸福,真是滿足」。更希望讓每一位顧客「來得意吉,真是得意極了」做為精神口號 !

Life Drinks provides a wide variety of healthy teas, beverages and light meals. It has ceaselessly sought change and renewal in its products, which are themed around fresh taro, creating new concepts in fusion tea beverages. This is especially apparent in their signature product: No.3 Taro Milk, which includes taro balls, frozen grass jelly and tapioca balls. Using the heart of Dajia taro and rigorous process of stewing and steaming to release the natural and thick aroma of taro. Taro balls are then quick refrigerated to give them chewy texture. Homemade smooth grass jelly and fresh tapioca are added to pair with fresh milk. This wholesome, velvety taro drink will give your taste buds a entirely new level of enjoyment.

Ice cream products are our specialty. Passing on deliciousness, creativity, satisfaction and enjoyment are the store's five distinctive appeals and the origin of our name. D is for delicious, I is for innovation, S is for satisfaction, H is for happiness, E is for enjoyment, and GE are the first two letters of gelato. The mission of Dishege is to create deliciousness, happiness and true satisfaction for customers. We hope that every customer who has been to our shop will take our slogan as their own.



Life Drinks

Dishege Gelato

70165臺南市東區林森路二段236號No. 236, Sec. 2, Linsen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70165, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-5115353 08:00~02:00銀質級Silver Award

70457臺南市北區東豐路323號No. 323, Dongfong Rd., North Dist., Tainan City 70457, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2365377 11:00~22:00www.dishege.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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In the early days of Amao shop, they were selling Dongshan Duck Heads. After two months, he began to reminisce about the velvety cotton texture of tofu pudding from a bygone generation and decided to return to selling traditional tofu pudding even if making tofu pudding meant more hard work than duck. Amao has seen many hardships since childhood and has the spirit of fearlessness in the face of difficulty akin to that of a marine training. He felt that no matter how painstakingly hard it is, he must create a bowl of local, traditional tofu pudding for his customers to taste. Amao followed this by daring to break with tradition, and in 2010, he invented the unique and delicious black tofu pudding made from wholesome black soybeans, naming it Mao. Thus, the black tofu pudding king of Anping was born. Amao was once a shoe polishing boy who endured a road of hardship to attain his current success. How else could he have established the kingdom of the Mao Black Tofu Pudding King with its realm in Tainan without an aromatic black tofu pudding produced through a refined tofu pudding production technique by a family with history in Tainan of over a century? At present, Mao is continuing this three-generation old legend by offering his


Mao's Anping Black Tofu Pudding

老店 Original Store70841臺南市安平區安北路443號No. 443, Anbei Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-3911373銀質級Silver Award

古堡店 Anping Fort Store70841臺南市安平區安北路147-1號No. 147-1, Anbei Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 銀質級Silver Award

民權店 Mincyuan Store70849臺南市安平區民權路四段851號No. 851, Sec. 4, Mincyuan Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 銀質級Silver Award

安平店Anping Store70849臺南市安平區安平路466號No. 466, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 銀質級Silver Award


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One of the remaining shops that produce traditional winter melon sugar, Yi Feng Winter Melon, which is established in 1911, sits on Yongfu Road, across from the State Temple of the Martial God. The third generation owner, Mr. Lin Songshan, who is now 80 years old, has seen first hand the rise and fall of winter melon sugar. In his over half a century of operating this heirloom winter melon factory, he has insisted on adhering to traditional methods of preparing by hand to produce winter melon sugar, syrup and crystal sugar. For him, this is his respect to this heirloom craft as well as the highest expression of authentic flavor.


Yi Feng Winter Melon Tea

70842臺南市安平區安平路768號No. 768, Anping St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2219197 銀質級Silver Award


Across from the Tainan Wu Fei Temple there is a simple, rustic looking snack food shop called “Nostalgia Stand”. Its reputation was created through five and a half years of hard work by Cheng Wenchuan and his wife. They produced a tofu ice that is rich, fragrant and honest. Squads of students are its regular customers, but once in a while, someone will come from far and wide on account of its reputation. The store features an almond tofu that is brightly white which the owner emphasizes that it is the product of his daily handiwork and contains no artificial flavoring, coloring, or preservatives. This fragrantly rich almond tofu lacks a sting to the nose precisely because it is produced through a purely natural cooking process. The almond tofu is delicious, so much so that those who normally shun almonds have come to savor this repast.


70052臺南市中西區五妃街206號No. 206, Wufei St., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70052, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2158157 10:30~22:00銀質級Silver Award

Nostalgia Stand

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Han Jin Grandma’s Chi Kan headquarters and its Anping branch are located near Tainan's major tourist attractions. Its main product is flan, which is refreshing and not at all greasy. Flan is not a bean product or a dessert made from tofu, but it has the silky texture refinement of tofu and tofu pudding as well as the rich fragrance of pudding and cheese. During

the Japanese era, a Japanese master maker conferred upon Grandma Han Jin an exclusive recipe that uses no spices or emulsifiers while meeting the needs for good health. In this flan, desserts have developed beyond more than just a sweet snack; instead, it becomes a new choice in healthy living, winning the distinction of being one of the top ten gourmet travel gifts of Tainan as well as being one of Taiwan’s top hundred specialty locally made products. It is also highly recommended by numerous celebrities!


Han Jin Grandma's Flan

安平店 Anping Store70850臺南市安平區安平路760號No. 760, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2216580週一至週五Mon-Fri 10:00~21:00;週六、週日 Sat, Sun 10:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

赤崁店 Chihkan Store70042臺南市中西區赤崁街1號No. 1, Chihkan St., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70042, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2220237週一至週五Mon-Fri 10:00~21:00;週六、週日 Sat, Sun 10:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award


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INPO Pudding has been operating in Tainan for 70 years. Throughout these years, it has been a local fixture of Tainan. Headed by its youthful owner Huang Kunzhi, who inherited the hands-on spirit of bygone Japanese master makers, it has garnered the support and affirmation of people from all walks of life. In 2010 it received the award that was most representative of Tainan,

the Tainan Top 10 Local Specialties & Traditional Delicacies. Thus, this nostalgia-laden, heavily local flavor has become even more popular. To the people of Tainan, INPO Pudding is not only a dessert but also an unforgettable memory from a page in history. Every single refined wholesome pudding has unusual pores on its surface that are a distinguishing characteristic of the INPO Pudding. These pores are created when eggs are heated and begin to percolate excess air, like the rhythm of breathing. Gradually the pudding begins to cook as it absorbs more heat. Finally the caramel topping wins the praises of all and it is added to complete this traditional pudding. This lengthy process of high temperature cooking creates a crimson color and not just dissimilar to red wine. The pudding entices the tongue with layers of slightly bitter sweetness that is unforgettable to many old Tainan mouths.


INPO Pudding

民族總公司 Minzu Main Store70042臺南市中西區民族路二段112-3號No. 112-3, Sec. 2, Minzu Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70042, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2214273 10:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award

安平銷售 Anping Store70849臺南市安平區安平路400號No. 400, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3580260 10:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award


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While you are walking along the winding little road, you might doubt that you are on the wrong way as the road leads to more and more remote field. But this is the unrivaled hidden character of the Thousand Clouds Garden B&B. We ensure that our clients can enjoy themselves to the fullest without worries, with a boundless hot spring source that even renders the air here slightly fragrant, making Thousand Clouds Garden B&B a priceless treasure.


Thousand Clouds Garden B&B

73252臺南市白河區六溪里六重溪123號No. 123, Liouchongsi, Liousi Vil., Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73252, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6842123 08:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award


One of the remaining shops that produce traditional winter melon sugar, Yi Feng Winter Melon, which is established in 1911, sits on Yongfu Road, across from the State Temple of the Martial God. The third generation owner, Mr. Lin Songshan, who is now 80 years old, has seen first hand the rise and fall of winter melon sugar. In his over half a century of operating this heirloom winter melon factory, he has insisted on adhering to traditional methods of preparing by hand to produce winter melon sugar, syrup and crystal sugar. For him, this is his respect to this heirloom craft as well as the highest expression of authentic flavor.


Yi Feng A Chi Winter Melon Tea

70849臺南市安平區安平路436號No. 436, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2220802 10:00~19:00銀質級Silver Award

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Located at Dongshan District, Tainan City, the Lake of Heaven B&B is on a separate mount of Kantou Mountain in Alishan Mountains. With the special geographical conditions, you can see all the sceneries around it. Between November and May, there is often cloud and mist around the mount when there is sharp decrease of temperature. When the top of mount is surrounded by the cloud, it looks a solitary isle in cloud lake. That is why it is called the Heaven Lake. The Lake of Heaven B&B has maintained the original landscape and natural ecology. We offer special guides in order to provide a health and knowledgeable trip.

Chengsiang Yuan B&B is near the Guanzhling scenic area, which also boasts the Daxian Temple, the Fire and Water Holes, the Baihe Reservoir, and the Taiwan Sugar Railway Station. The shared bath guestrooms at our ranch are clean, comfortable and give you a feeling of being at home. There is a spacious yard for enjoying a pot of tea, playing chess, chatting, or just taking in the starry night sky. There is also toy DIY sessions for children and parents to experience an alternative leisure tour. Additionally, we provide a safe, hygienic, and reasonably priced hot spring. It is an ideal place to enjoy the simplicity of country life. Ease the pressures of daily life when you visit Baihe, the town of lotus.



Lake of Heaven B&B

Chengsiang Yuan B&B

73257臺南市白河區虎山里木屐寮78-6號No. 78-6, Mujiliao, Hushan Vil., Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73257, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6854089 進房 Check in 14:00、退房 Check out 11:00judith.myweb.hinet.net銀質級Silver Award

733臺南市東山區南勢里1鄰6-2號No. 6-2, 1st Neighborhood, Nanshih Vil., Dongshan Dist., Tainan City 733, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6863635 進房 Check in 15:00;退房Check out 11:00銀質級Silver Award

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荷蘭井湧泉民宿是典型的三合院建築,每一間客房依原有建築格局略有差異,但全是通鋪房,衛浴全都在外頭。南台灣的夏天陽光耀眼,為免天氣燠熱住客難以入眠,民宿全都加裝了冷氣,讓遊客在體驗傳統農村生活的同時,也能舒適好眠。 這棟特別的傳統古厝民宿,也附設菁寮農村生活體驗博物館,不僅提供無米樂故鄉遊程和導覽,並提供染布、彩繪斗笠、碾米DIY、綁稻草人、草編和挑扁擔等體驗,也可以品嘗農村割稻仔飯。

Dutch Well B&B is a traditional Taiwan courtyard style building. Each room is unique and maintains the original floor plan. However, all rooms have an open layout and the bathroom facilities are all outside. The dazzling sun of southern Taiwan makes for hot weather. To avoid sleepless nights, all rooms are equipped with air conditioning so that visitors may enjoy a traditional farming village life without loss of sleep. This exceptional landmark B&B also boasts the Jingliao Village Life Hands On Museum, which offers guided rural village tours, fabric dyeing, hat painting, DIY rice grinding, scarecrow making, straw weaving and shoulder pole activities.

The Pomelo Garden B&B is located near the Lotus Flower Park in Baihe Township amidst a pomelo orchard, tangerine orchard, and a vegetable garden. Its wooden rooms are spacious yet cozy and elegantly decorated. With a scenic vista facing the neighboring fields from the balcony, one may take in the view over a brew of tea during the day or enjoy a cool evening under a starry sky. In February and March, the delicate white petals of pomelo and tangerine flowers and sweet fragrance stop the visitors to embrace the nature. As the day progresses, the gentle breeze wafts the fragrant scent of the flowers to each guest room, bringing a restful night of sleep. The B&B also provides wooden juniper bathtubs for guests to wash away the worries and exhaustion of the day.



Pomelo Garden B&B

Dutch Well B&B

73251臺南市白河區蓮潭里北埔10-10號No. 10-10, Beipu, Liantan Vil., Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6876427 www.hipomelo.com銀質級Silver Award

73146臺南市後壁區菁寮里菁寮129號No. 129, Jingliao, Jingliao Vil., Houbi Dist., Tainan City 73146, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6622705tw.myblog.yahoo.com/cnlceramists/article?mid=2308銀質級Silver Award

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The Country Story Inn is located on the Jianan plain, an area that is rich in production and full of sunshine. No stifling clamor or dizzying neon lights of the city may be found here. Instead, only a boundless expanse of fields dotted by frolicking migratory birds that nourishes this simple country existence meets the eye. This is the key that frees you from the fetters of work and enables you to leave the worry and care of the world behind. Everything is waiting for you to experience.

The Cicada Garden, your first choice in B&B, is located in the foothills among farms in Baihe Township, Tainan City. Do you wish to experience the friendliest vacation in southern Taiwan? Do you wish to retreat to nature? If you wish to experience the charm of Tainan's best B&B, you can’t go wrong by coming to the Cicada Garden B&B.



Country Story Inn

Cicada Garden B&B

73252臺南市白河區六溪里六重溪76-15號No. 76-15, Liouchongsi, Liousi Vil., Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73252, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6857388 進房 Check in 14:00、退房 Check out 11:00icada.ho.net.tw銀質級Silver Award

72043臺南市官田區西庄里4-22號No. 4-22, Sijhuang, Guantian Dist., Tainan City 72043, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5792838 01:00~24:00www.country-story.com銀質級Silver Award

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On the surroundings of Salt House B&B, there are homemade pavilion and hammock, and behind that you are able to find a grassy field as well as a garden for a leisurely stroll or more active pursuits. During the morning in Tainan's salt town, you are able to enjoy the scenic beauty of the traditional Tile Plate salt pan. In the afternoon, you can recline in a hammock looking out towards the gleaming waters where fishermen lie in wait, followed by a chat and a pot of tea in the elegant garden. As night falls, take in a beautiful starry sky lit bright by the shimmering lights of the stars and the moon. In the surroundings of this cozy lodging, nature's beauty is here for all to see. You’re welcomed to come and enjoy the pleasures of country living and share the unique beauty of the salt pans with us by staying in this down to earth, Salt House B&B.

Located where tea shops throng on Hai'an Road, Brown attracts many consumers through its cozy yet strikingly vast environment. It combines a seemingly ordinary restaurant with a diverse menu that features a spacious interior design on its 1st and 2nd floors as well as an al fresco coffee area. The cuisine is fusion, offering a variety of flavors to satisfy each customer’s needs.



Salt House B&B

BROWN Café Bar

72742臺南市北門區永華里井仔腳57號No. 57, Jingzihjiao, Yonghua Vil., Beimen Dist., Tainan City 72742, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-7862643www.salt-house.net銀質級Silver Award

70055臺南市中西區海安路一段209號No. 209, Sec. 1, Hai’an Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70055, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2292395週日至週四 Sun-Thu 11:00~03:00 週五,週六 Fri, Sat 10:30~04:00 銀質級Silver Award

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The Safe& Sound restaurant, located on Anbei Road, has a special way to take orders. For the sake of the environment, ordering cards have replaced the menu and these cards have pictures in order to provide a better service for foreign visitors. Since the restaurant is located in the area where temples are most concentrated in Taiwan, its ordering cards are fashioned after protective talismans and on the reverse are inscribed poems of the Tianhou Temple and Guanyin Pavilion. This unique ordering card is a slice of Anping culture, bringing added interest to the meal and ingeniously complementing the name of the establishment, Safe & Sound.

On Mincyuan Road in Tainan City, an avenue steeped in history, No.10 Downing Street London was opened in 1996. Over the years, the proprietor has infused her service with a kind hearted simplicity and her guidance to her servers is to allow each visitor to eat and read in an intimate space without pressure. During the Japanese colonial era, Mincyuan Road and its surroundings was the gathering place and residence of dignitaries and officials. From time to time, elderly patrons may appear, searching for their roots, and share with her the area’s historical background and the changes that have taken place on its streets. Listening to her passing on these narratives makes one lament the disappearance of these traces of the past. On her wall hang numerous movie posters that are irregularly replaced according to her liking and with a point of the finger, she can recount the story of each movie.



Safe & Sound Restaurant

No.10 Downing Street London

70841臺南市安平區安北路169號No. 169, Anbei Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2280959 11:00~21:00tw.myblog.yahoo.com/pp-nn/銀質級Silver Award

70042臺南市中西區民權路二段180號No. 180, Sec. 2, Mincyuan Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70042, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2203241 08:30~23:00銀質級Silver Award

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With light meal-ism as its ideology, the Cermado Café provides lunch, light meals, sandwiches, coffee and juice as light cheerful breakfast. It boasts of a fresh, natural, healthy and burden-less repast.With the changing lifestyles, more and more people are taking to this light meal instead of a full meal to maintain their health. The newest

research of healthiness in this generation is a diet of less oil, sugar and salt, low in calories, and high in nutrition, to maintain a healthy, graceful body. The Cermado Café provides the trendiest light meals in a variety of flavors for the consumer to live well and lightly.


Cermado Café

中成店 Jhongcheng Store70050臺南市中西區中成路25號No. 25, Jhongcheng Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70050, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2202866 08:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

立賢店 Lisian Store70450臺南市北區立賢路一段569號No. 569, Sec. 1, Lisian Rd., North Dist., Tainan City 70450, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2527027 08:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award


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According to legend, the sword lion came to Taiwan with the troops of Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga). In the past, every household in Anping would hang up the "sword lion symbol" on their front doors. The sword lion can be different in its color, shape, as well as materials. However, it is believed to have powers of good fortune and luck while warding off evil spirits.The sword lion of Anping is a cultural relic that best represents Anping’s tourist culture. The “Sword Lion Garden” follows this idea in creating a new cultural activity that combines outdoor education with tourism. They also provide series of creative sword lion products that are edible and have ornamental value.

Like a home away from home, Green Ataman provides the same level of comfort for vegetarians. This environment provides free wireless internet, resting area for cyclists and is also pet friendly. Exhibitions and art events are also held here. Renovation has made this old warehouse into a modern, comfortable, and luxurious place for all vegetarian lovers.

【劍獅埕 庭園咖啡】


Anping Sword Lion Garden Café

Green Atman

70059臺南市中西區海安路二段11號No. 118, Sec. 2, Hai’an Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70059, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2216085 週日至週四 Sun-Thu 11:30~24:00 週五週六 Fri, Sat 11:30~01:00greenatman.blogspot.com金質級Gold Award

70842臺南市安平區延平街35號No. 35, Yanping St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2800301 www.slion.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

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The main store of Mother Dong Pork Burger is located on Yule Street in Tainan City near the campus of National Cheng Kung University. The appeal of their Pork Chop Burger is its “jumbo size” which consists of thick chops weighing at about 150g each. Together with tasty buns, this satisfying pork chop,which comes in many flavors, makes a satisfying meal that will be loved at first bite. The Thick Cheese Pork Chop is the store’s signature dish, winning acclaim at the moment it was introduced. The chops are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Coupled with an intense layer of cheese, in a portion that can satisfy the deepest hunger, it is the best choice for an afternoon tea for students and office workers alike. Supply is limited to 100 per day.

The well-loved Subber located on Shengli Road in Tainan city is currently the only franchise store in southern Taiwan. It serves customers of the Tainan and Kaohsiung area with a variety of sub sandwiches. It also provides homemade cookies and cheese products. Subber currently serves six different kinds of freshly baked bread that possess their own unique flavor and texture. During preparation, under an open bright kitchen counter, fresh rich ingredients are added with exclusive sauces and condiments to make this delicious sub sandwich non-greasy, healthy and low fat as possible.



Mother Dong Pork Burger


70146臺南市東區勝利路115號No. 115, Shengli Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70146, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2754928 07:00~22:00twsubber.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70146臺南市東區勝利路177巷12-1號No. 12-1, Ln. 177, Shengli Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70146, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 0986-756013 銀質級Silver Award

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The Siaonan Sticky Rice Cake was started in 1907 by the current owner's grandfather, Mr. Huang Qing Zhen. These Rice Cakes are on the list of the Top Ten Travel Gifts of Tainan. In 1977, Mr. Huang took over the helm. The Siaonan Sticky Rice Cake is a traditional Tainan delicacy that has a hundred year old history that spans three generations. It has moved from its original location on the East Gate traffic circle to its current location on Datong Road. It pays particular attention to traditional methods of production using only specially selected Huatan long grain glutinous rice, and environmentally friendly bamboo leaf wraps. These sticky rice cakes, brimming with a fragrant aroma, use specially prepared minced pork made from Cishan black pork. Their incredible aroma makes the mouth water.

Taizu Squid Soup was launched on May 14th, 1991, at a time when there were only few shops in the area. This small urban area has morphed into the well-known Anping commercial district under the promotion of the city government. Our shop began to rise from mere domestic popularity to international fame over the last decades. The owner, who chose the food industry with a zealous heart, has been through thick and thin, making something from nothing. Although it has not been a meteoric rise, along the way three kids were raised. Some bitterness along this road was unimaginable, yet what is most gratifying were the caring friendships that developed and the mutual encouragement that was given. We are indebted to the support of everyone in these past ten years and we want our loved ones to know that Taizu Squid Soup will continue ahead bravely.



Siaonan Sticky Rice Cake

Taizu Squid Soup

70150臺南市東區大同路一段189號No. 189, Sec. 1, Datong Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70150, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2137718 11:00~23:00www.2137718.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70850臺南市安平區安平路762號No. 762, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2256986 10:00~21:00銀質級Silver Award

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The Chihkan Eatery, renowned across Taiwan, has a history of close to 70 years. The Coffin Toast was invented by its first generation chef, Syu Liuyi, and has since been passed down to the current third generation. It was originally named Chicken Liver Plank as a sudden inspiration to create a westernized dessert. Its novelty was spread quickly by the word of mouth and became the shop’s signature dish. It is currently one of the three major snack foods of Tainan. Its satiny crisp-fried stuffing is paired with a crispy golden crust to leave a lingering, unforgettable taste.

Dongsing Fried Oyster Cake has been in Anping for over forty years and is considered a local fixture. Not only does Dongsing make a delicious Pork Intestine Herbal Soup, they also prepare rice sausage homemade by the matriarch of the family herself. The chewy, glutinous rice treat with peanuts, leaving every customer who has had a bite singing her praises, is their secret. Additionally, her large, juicy, deep-fried squid are made from fresh and large squids. Lastly, they offer a crispy shrimp roll that is different from shrimp rolls sold by other businesses in the way that the shell is deep fried to a golden crispiness, offering fresh morsels of shrimp in every bite. Only those who have the chance to taste them will truly know how delicious they are.



Chihkan Eatery

Donsing Fried Oyster Cake

70055臺南市中西區康樂市場180號No.180, Kangle Market, West Central Dist., Tainan City 700, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2240014 10:30~22:00www.guan-tsai-ban.com.tw銀質級Silver Award

70842臺南市安平區古堡街1號No. 1, Gubao St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2290249 週一至週五 Mon-Fri 12:30~19:30;週六、週日 Sat, Sun 10:00~19:30銀質級Silver Award

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With fifty years of history, the Chou’s Shrimp Roll insists on traditional flavors made from the selection of the finest fresh ingredients. The shrimp roll stuffing is made with hundreds of grilledshrimp, along with minced pork, fish paste, celery, and onions. The outer skin is made of pig stomach membrane coated with a special blend of flour and fried to perfection. Due to Chou’s use of ingredients such as large fresh juicy shrimps, the wonderful flavor of delicate sweet shrimp meat is guaranteed in every bite.Chou’s Shrimp Roll is currently in the hands of its second generation of operators. To improve the impression that people have of traditional snack food, its methodshave been fully modernized while its flavors have remained traditional. It uses modern kitchen equipment such as a water-oil separator fryer that replaces the traditional quick fryer which eliminates the problem of old frying oil and ensures that customers may eat without worry. In addition to shrimp rolls, Chou’s Shrimp Roll also serves thick fish soup, Tainan Dan Zai noodle, shrimp balls, and milkfish ball soups, which are all customers’ favorites.


Chou's Shrimp Roll

老店 Original Store70850臺南市安平區安平路125號No. 125, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70850, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2292618 07:00~19:30銀質級Silver Award

總店 Main Store70850臺南市安平區安平路408號-1No. 408-1, Anping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70849, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2801304 10:00~22:00銀質級Silver Award

中山店 Jhongshan Store70043臺南市中西區中山路125之57號 No. 125-57, Jhongshan Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70043, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2252270 10:00~23:00銀質級Silver Award


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西門店 Simen Store70042臺南市中西區西門路二段412-1號No. 412-1, Sec. 2, Simen Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70042, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2206969 銀質級Silver Award

大同店 Datong Store70150臺南市東區大同路一段111號No. 111, Sec. 1, Datong Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70150, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2155533 銀質級Silver Award

大橋店 Daciao Store71048臺南市永康區大橋二街36號No. 36, Daciao 2nd St., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71048, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3038669 銀質級Silver Award

中華店 Jhonghua Store71079臺南市永康區中華路491號No. 491, Jhonghua Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71079, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3026858 銀質級Silver Award

大灣店 Dawan Store71087臺南市永康區崑山里大仁街32-4號No. 32-4, Daren St., Kunshan Vil., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71087, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2710198 銀質級Silver Award

永康店 Yongkang Store71089臺南市永康區中山路33號No. 33, Jhongshan Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71089, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2041588 銀質級Silver Award

安中店 Anjhong Store70960臺南市安南區安中路三段310號No. 310, Sec. 3, Anjhong Rd., Annan Dist . , Tainan City 70960, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2452317 銀質級Silver Award

安和二店 Anhe Second Store70941臺南市安南區安和路一段68號No. 68, Sec. 1, Anhe Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 70941, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2824747 銀質級Silver Award

安南店 Annan Store70962臺南市安南區海佃路一段355號No. 355, Sec. 1, Haidian Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 70962, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2587899 銀質級Silver Award

西港店 Sigang Store72341臺南市西港區中山路319號No. 319, Jhongshan Rd., Sigang Dist., Tainan City 72341, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-7957756 銀質級Silver Award

佳里店 Jiali Store72254臺南市佳里區新生路363號No. 363, Sinsheng Rd., Jiali Dist., Tainan City 72254, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-7221897 銀質級Silver Award

白河店 Baihe Store73242臺南市白河區中正路72-1號No. 72-1, Jhongjheng Rd., Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73242, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6850207 銀質級Silver Award

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金華店 Jinhua Store70251臺南市南區金華路一段550號No. 550, Sec. 1, Jinhua Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 70251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2635099 銀質級Silver Award

崇德店 Chongde Store70173臺南市東區崇德路659-1號No. 659-1, Chongde Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70173, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2900511 銀質級Silver Award

麻豆店 Madou Store72142臺南市麻豆區民權路10號之14No. 10-14, Mincyuan Rd., Madou Dist., Tainan City 72142, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5715657 銀質級Silver Award

復國店 Fuguo Store71085臺南市永康區復國一路462號No. 462, Fuguo 1st Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71085, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2325699 銀質級Silver Award

新化店 Sinhua Store71251臺南市新化區忠孝路103號No. 103, Jhongsiao Rd., Sinhua Dist., Tainan City 71251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5800008 銀質級Silver Award

新市店 Sinshih Store74447臺南市新市區中興街45號No. 45, Jhongsing St., Sinshih Dist., Tainan City 74447, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5898889 銀質級Silver Award

新營店 Sinying Store73047臺南市新營區民治路355號No. 8-7, Minjhih Rd., Sinying Dist., Tainan City 73047, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6323358銀質級Silver Award

學甲店 Syuejia Store72645臺南市學甲區華宗路363號No. 363, Huazong Rd., Syuejia Dist., Tainan City 72645, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-7830189 銀質級Silver Award

鹽水店 Yanshuei Store72341臺南市鹽水區三福路9號No. 9, Sanfu Rd., Yanshuei Dist., Tainan City 73741, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6528228 銀質級Silver Award

灣裡店 Wanli Store70267臺南市南區灣裡路174號No. 174, Wanli Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 70267, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2626409 銀質級Silver Award

Yummy To Go provides loving care through their service and uses Guanshan rice that is strictly selected to make their lunchboxes that “move people with deliciousness on the go”. They provide one hundred percent assurance, healthiness, and deliciousness. Yummy To Go’s motto is “benevolent responsibility to the society, forever trustworthy”. Yummy To Go aims for the qualities of healthiness through the fragrance of natural rice, and a flavor just like mom's. It is a lunchbox chain store that is esteemed by its numerous customers.

Yummy To Go

善化店 Shanhua Store74154臺南市善化區中山路207號No. 207, Jhongshan Rd., Shanhua Dist.,Tainan City 74154, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5833355 銀質級Silver Award


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Madou Rice & Meat Pudding is the earliest distributor of rice & meat pudding in the Madou area. It follows three generations of tradition in the craftsmanship of its recipe. It is made from pure Indica rice and accompanied by specially made gravy that represents the traditional flavor of Madou. Madou Rice & Meat Pudding insists that its rice & meat pudding are served fresh and that it has a responsibility to be attentive to hygiene and healthy eating while providing a friendly and cozy eating environment. Madou Rice & Meat Pudding also provides refrigerated delivery services to bring its delicious rice & meat pudding to your door step.

This restaurant’s theme is duck and its signature dish is the duck stew, a very authentically Taiwanese snack food. Founded by the great grandfather of the current owner, this eatery has been in operation for seventy years. It is now a local landmark. Here, you will taste a very special soup made of duck, noodles of southern Taiwan, and stewed food cooked in Tainan soy sauce. This old-aged Tainan flavor may be served alongside with a cup of orchid black tea. The reason why this shop enjoys the welcome and esteem of the locals is that it has been operated by the same family for four generations and with their generosity, they have kept an old flavor that is wholly Tainan alive.



Madou Rice & Meat Pudding

Hua Wei Xiang

72152臺南市麻豆區小碑里苓子林1-10號No. 1-10, Lingzihlin, Madou Dist., Tainan City 72152, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 09:00~17:00 我愛碗粿.tw銀質級Silver Award

7014173061臺南市新營區新進路二段474號No. 474, Sec. 2, Sinjin Rd., Sinying Dist., Tainan City 73061, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6565948 9:00~21:00www.amage.com.tw 金質級Gold Award

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Yang's Rice Dumpling, located on Cingjhong Street in Tainan City, was established in 1970 and is now 40 years old. It received the Tainan Top Ten Gourmet Products Award for three consecutive years, from 2008 to 2010. This eatery insists on using fresh wholesome ingredients, and has focused on creating a variety of rice dumplings for different customers. In addition to its signature award-winning Champion Rice Dumpling and traditional rice dumpling, there are multigrain, black glutinous rice, green bean, and peanut dumpling among its creative offerings. Vegetarians may choose the Aucuba Leaf Rice Dumpling. Yang's Rice Dumpling is the only traditional rice dumpling shop with modern environment and management style in Tainan.

The name Ai Zai Cheng, meaning "shorty", comes from Mr. Yeh’s nickname based on his obvious physical characteristics and from his surname, which is a homophone for "short". Thus his customers named him Ai Zai Cheng. This nickname stuck, becoming today's well known shorty shrimp rice. Ai Zai Cheng Shrimp Rice began in 1922 during the Japanese colonial era, when the first generation Mr. Yeh worked as an apprentice in the Ming Yue House to learn Japanese cuisine. Following this experience, he started a stall featuring Japanese cuisine which developed the uniquely delicious shrimp rice. The stall has moved several times since it was first set up at the Simen Market. Currently, it bases in the commonly known Sinding area on Jhongjheng Road and Hai'an Road.



Yang's Rice Dumpling

Ai Zai Cheng Shrimp Rice

70056臺南市中西區海安路一段66號No. 66, Sec. 1, Hai’an Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 70056, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2201897 07:00~19:30銀質級Silver Award

70854臺南市安平區慶平路412號No. 412, Cingping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70845, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2930317 07:00~21:00www.2141742.com.tw金質級Gold Award

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麻豆裕益碗粿王創立於民國60年,迄今已有三十多年歷史,道地的口味沿襲至今已是第二代家族經營。三十多年來,碗粿王賣的東西除了又Q又香的碗粿之外,還有讓人回味無窮的肉粽、炒飯及炒麵,除此之外自製的肉羹湯、豬血湯、金針湯、花生湯及豬腳湯也是贏得客人好評的佳餚。碗粿王的特色在於選米、磨漿、做料、炊蒸的階段,不僅風味獨特而且又講究衛生。首先,選用一年以上的在來米浸泡,泡後磨成米漿,在米漿中加入糖、鹽、味素攪拌均勻;其次,炊蒸時先將豐富的餡料香菇、蛋、肉、蔥酥等放進碗中、再將調好的米漿倒入碗內稍加攪拌混合均勻,蒸煮時特別注意時間及火侯;最後,以蒸氣控溫,大約35分鐘之後,香噴噴、熱騰騰的碗粿即可出爐。因為完全堅持於自家傳統的風味,甚至是碗粿上澆的醬料也有獨家的調理法,不假他人之手完全自製,務必要求每一碗碗粿都是又Q又好吃,當日 現磨米漿,當日做當日賣完,不僅有獨特的風味而且講究衛生。

Madou Yuyi Savory Rice Pudding was founded in 1971, and now has forty years of history. It is currently operated by the second generation of family members who continue to provide this authentic local flavor. Over those four decades, not only has Yuyi Savory Rice Pudding provided chewy and fragrant savory rice puddings, it has also served up memorable rice dumplings, fried

rice, and fried noodles as well as meat soup, pig’s blood soup, orange day-lily soup, peanut soup and ham hocks, all loved by its many customers.Yuyi Savory Rice Pudding’s distinction lies in its selection and grinding of rice, its sauce, and its steaming stages that create a unique flavor through attentiveness to hygiene. First, one year old rice is selected for soaking. After soaking, it is ground to paste and sugar, salt and MSG are added. The mixture is stirred into a paste. Next, prior to steaming, a copious amount of meat stuffing, shitake, scallion flakes and an egg are added to the rice paste and well mixed. The savory rice pudding mixture is then steamed. During the steaming stages, special attention is given to time and temperature by controlling the steam. Finally, about 35 minute later, the fragrant, piping hot savory rice puddings are ready to leave the steamer. Because of their insistence on family tradition, even the sauce dressed on the savory rice puddings adheres to a special family recipe which is fully homemade and whose secret has never left the family. The store insists that each bowl is made from same-day ground rice paste that is not only unique in flavor but also chewy, delicious, and hygienic. These bowls are sold out at the same day that they are made.


Yuyi Savory Rice Pudding

總店 Main Store721臺南市麻豆區麻口里10-6號No. 10-6, Makou Vil., Madou Dist., Tainan City 721, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-5702687 08:30~19:00金質級Gold Award

分店 Sinsheng Store72141臺南市麻豆區新生北路48號No. 48, Sinsheng N. Rd., Madou Dist., Tainan City 72141, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-5723687 08:30~19:00銀質級Silver Award


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Jheng’s Oyster Omelet and Jheng’s Clam headquarters are located on old Anping Road. Within 100 meters on Gubao St. and Anping Road, they've also opened a new branch in order to provide a spacious new environment. The Jheng’s became renowned for their quick sauté cuisine of fresh products and peacock clams as

well as offering delicious snacks and stir-fries that can be savored. The wild oysters and peacock clams offered are all fresh-caught from the deep sea by the owner himself. The restaurant also offers economical prices as the owner welcomes all to taste the cuisine he presents with a spirited heart.


Jheng’s Oyster Omelet & Clam

鄭家孔雀蛤大王 Jheng's Clam70842臺南市安平區古堡街15號No. 15, Gubao St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2287200 11:00~24:00銀質級Silver Award

鄭家蚵仔煎-延平總店 Jheng's Oyster Omelet70842臺南市安平區延平街117號No. 117, Yanping St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2206088 11:00~24:00銀質級Silver Award

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憩 Travel &





In 2010 the Tainan City Government entrusted the care of the city landmark Anping Branch Office to a local company. The new management in care for the landmark is named Huang Sun Enterprise. The company rejuvenated the local landmark and combined its own business in beauty products with the fragrant cypress of the Anping Branch Office. The beauty spa is the first in Taiwan to locate in a historic landmark. The Anping Branch Office was then renamed to “Sio House”, adopting the long history of “salt” in this station’s former life. Salt is pronounced “sio” in Japanese and Evening Stroll (Si Yu) is a translation of that word.

【夕遊出張所 安平分室】

Sio House

70841臺南市安平區古堡街196號No. 196, Gubao St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70841, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-3911088 週一至週五 Mon-Fri 11:00~20:00;週六、週日Sat, Sun 10:00~21:00www.sio-house.com.tw銀質級Silver Award


Our shop supplies rental services for bicycles, tandems, tricycles and electric bicycles.


Little Travel Dragon Bike Rental

70842臺南市安平區中興街37巷7號No. 7, Ln. 37, Jhongsing St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70842, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2285472 迵一至週五 Mon-Fri 10:00~19:00 ;週六、週日Sat, Sun 09:00~19:00銀質級Silver Award

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The Gueidan Leisure Farm has prepared a gift that is local and most natural: the carbonated beautifying hot spring for traveling guests to enjoy a cozy and relaxing experience. In addition to guest rooms, we also serve deliciously healthy meals, and provide interactive nocturnal ecological tours. Guests may pick the fruit grown in our orchard or hike the hot spring trail. Thus, Gueidan Leisure Farm offers relaxation and learning. Its owner would like to share with you the correct method and etiquette in the enjoyment of a good soaking. You are welcomed to enjoy this luscious, relaxing personal experience at our hot spring.


Gueidan Leisure Farm


The scenic, boundless beauty of a lotus farm is the map of beautiful Baihe. To experience the exquisite beauty of Baihe, bicycles are hands down the most fitting transportation. Lohas Bicycle Rental Center provides a variety of bicycles from children's to professionals'. Whether for a family, corporate, or backpacker outings, one will find a suitable bicycle to begin a romantic Baihe outing.


LOHAS Bicycle Rental Center

73242臺南市白河區大德街33號No. 33, Dade St., Baihe Dist., Tainan City 73242, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-6850858 08:00~18:00www.lohasbike.tw銀質級Silver Award

71541臺南市梓西區龜丹里59-6號No. 59-6, Gueidan Vil., Zihsi Dist., Tainan City 715, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5746989 www.wretch.cc/blog/vpsky2001銀質級Silver Award

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務 Med

ical Services



Sunrider was established in 1982 and sells brand name products well known in over 42 countries. Sunrider develops and produces healthy herbal foodstuff and beverages for nutrition and weight management, as well as anti-aging supplements, skincare products, personal protection, makeup, and household cleaning products. Sunrider products are not only safe but remarkably effective. Currently, there are millions of satisfied consumers who are improving their lives while enjoying healthy and happy living through the use of Sunrider products. Our store also provides facial maintenance service and consultation for health and beauty.

Chi Mei Hospital has been serving patients in the greater Tainan area, including Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan regions since 1968. In addition to meeting the needs of the community, we are committed to teaching, research and quality of patient care. In order to advance residency training and enhance quality care, professional seminars featuring domestic and overseas guest speakers and continuous educational programs are held on a regular basis. And our physicians are encouraged to pursue advanced degrees and continuing education programs abroad so they gain advanced training in the latest and most innovative techniques. Chi Mei Hospital is proud that it has built a strong reputation in delivering high quality health care and service.



Sunrider--Yujian Store

Chi Mei Hospital--Liuying

73657臺南市柳營區太康村201號No. 201, Taikang, Liouying Dist., Tainan City 73657, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6226999 www.chimei.org.tw/銀質級Silver Award

70462臺南市北區公園路375-3號No. 375-3, Gongyuan Rd., North Dist., Tainan City 70462, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2519672 9:30~20:30銀質級Silver Award

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務 Med

ical Services



Cristal Aesthetic Medical Center’s group of doctors and professional cosmetic team provide its clients with various top notch anti-aging services. These services such as micro plastic treatment, laser spot remover, weight loss counseling service, aromatherapy, and body sculpting to allow you to reverse the process of aging, regaining your original brilliance and almost go back in time.

YE Fongchao, the taxi driver, provides customers with short-distance taxi services and 8-hour chauffeur services. YE Fongchao is a Tainan local. He is able to offer customers details on the local sights and sceneries. Moreover, YE Fongchao is always willing to share his local stories with you.



Cristal Aesthetic Medical Center

Taxi--YE, Fongchao

71055臺南市永康區南工街247巷17號No. 17, Ln. 247, Nangong St., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71055, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 0986-317704; 0932-706868 銀質級Silver Award

70845臺南市安平區華平路672巷6號No. 6, Ln. 672, Huaping Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 70845, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2951522 12:30~20:30(採預約制By appointment)www.cristal.com.tw金質級Gold Award

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輸 Pu

blic T




Our company is the nation's first privately operated highway passenger transportation c o m p a n y. O u r m i s s i o n i s t o p r ov i d e " t ranspor ta t ion convenience and loca l prosperity”. In recent years, due to the rapid increase in private cars, major arteries have experienced serious congestion, resulting in an unprecedented cha l lenge for the mass transportation industry. It is our wish that we increase the areas of future cooperation with government and reward cooperative measures within the industry, thereby ensuring our coexistence the face of new challenges. Our ability to turn this crisis into an opportunity will help to create new heights in the mass transportation industry. Hand in hand with the public we aim to reach our goal of sustainable development in our operations.



仁德站 Rende Station71742臺南市仁德區中山路578號 No. 578, Jhongshan Rd., Rende Dist., Tainan City 71742, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2794472 銀質級Silver Award

北門站 Beimen Station70449臺南市北區北門路二段73號No. 73, Sec. 2, Beimen Rd., North Dist., Tainan City 70449, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 06-2281552 銀質級Silver Award

麻豆站 Madou Station72152臺南市麻豆區小埤里苓子林16號之3No. 16-3, Lingzihlin, Siaopi Vil., Madou Dist., Tainan City 72152, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-5714331 銀質級Silver Award

新營站 Sinying Station73052臺南市新營區復興路642號No. 642 Fusing Rd., Sinying Dist., Tainan City 73052, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-6590449 銀質級Silver Award

鹽行站 Yanhang Station71047臺南市永康區中正南路792號No. 792, Jhongjheng S. Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 71047, Taiwan (R.O.C.)06-2426940 銀質級Silver Award
