european hs law

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  • 7/24/2019 European HS Law


    2B2: Developments2B2: Developments

    in H&S Lawin H&S Law

    Institutions of the EUInstitutions of the EU

    Role of the EU in UK LawRole of the EU in UK Law

  • 7/24/2019 European HS Law


    Main Institutions

    Council of Ministers

    European Commission

    European Parliament

    European Court of Justice

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    Council of Ministers

    One member from each member state

    Meet usually in Brussels Presidency rotates on 6-monthly basis

    2 types of meeting

    ! "eneral Council meeting of #oreign ministers of each state$ and

    ! %pecial Council meeting of national ministers of sub&ect underdiscussion e'g' finance( transport etc'

    Most important po)ers

    ! Ensure co-ordination of general economic policies of member states

    ! *a+e decisions and delegate implementing po)ers to commission

    Principal decision ma+ing institution in EC

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    European Commission Consists of 2, Commissioners - 2 from each larger member

    states plus . each from others

    Presidency is nominated for 2 years

    /oting is by simple ma&ority


    ! #ormulate and implement policy decisions

    ! Promote and represent interests of E0

    ! Implement E0 policy

    ! Institute proceedings before the ECJ for 1iolations of Community

    obligation by member states or against any Community institution

    considered to ha1e eceeded its po)ers

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    European Parliament

    Members 3MEPs4 elected for years from memberstates

    626 seats distributed in proportion to population of

    member states 305 has 74

    8o go1ernment and opposition

    Co-opeation po!e"uega1e EP more po)ers

    Co-"e!isionprocedure 3Maastricht *reaty4 ma+es

    EP a co-decision ma+er )ith the Council ofMinisters

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    European Court of Justice

    Based in 9uembourg Judges appointed from member states for term of 6 years(

    )hich may be rene)ed

    8o' of &udges is al)ays odd to pro1ide a ma&ority )hen 1oting

    . Judges and : ;d1ocates-"eneral appointed from memberstates

    ;d1ocate "eneral

    ! "i1es impartial and measured legal opinion as to facts of a case before

    &udge decides

    ! Judges do not ha1e to abide by opinion!

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    European Court of Justice

    Most cases deal )ith interpretation or application

    of E0 legislation as it affects indi1idual rights

    If an indi1idual person can sho) that the

    member state is in breach of E0 la)( s=he can

    bring the case before the ECJ

    >o)e1er( the indi1idual cannot ma+e a direct

    approach to the ECJ -the case must commence ina national court

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    European Court of Justice

    ?here there is conflict bet)een E0 and national la)( E0 la)

    ta+es precedence

    ECJ has no &urisdiction in purely internal cases

    If during the course of a case in a national court a point of E0

    9a) is raised and disputed( the indi1idual may as+ the court to

    refer the matter to the ECJ for interpretation 8ot an appeals procedure

    @eAuests for rulings may be made by any court or tribunal but

    must be made only by the final court of appeal if reAuested by

    an indi1idual @uling of the ECJ is binding on referring court

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    Instruments in EC 9a)


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    ;pply directly in member states

    ?here conflict arises )ith national la)(

    regulation pre1ails

    8o reAuirement to assimilate into national


    @arely used in practice

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  • 7/24/2019 European HS Law


  • 7/24/2019 European HS Law



    E0 legislation ta+es precedent o1er la)s of

    all member states

    *reaties and @egulations are directly

    applicable in 05 )ithout further action

    from British Parliament

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    9egislati1e Procedures


    ! Old procedure )as simple process! In1ol1ed proposal from Commission to Council )ho accepted or re&ected by

    unanimous or DM/

    ! Parliament had little say

    Co-operation Procedure

    ! Introduced by %ingle European ;ct of .:6! "a1e EP much greater influence in shaping legislation

    ! Council of Ministers still has final say and Parliament had no po)er of 1eto

    Co-decision Procedure

    ! Introduced by Maastricht *reaty in .::

    ! ;rranged to achie1e consensus bet)een Council and Parliament

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    9egislati1e Procedures

    Dualified Ma&ority /oting 3DM/4

    !Introduced to speed passing of legislation by

    dispensing )ith need for unanimousagreement

    !Each member state has proportion of a1ailable

    1otes allocated according to relati1e siFe 305

    has ., 1otes4

    !62 3out of the 7 a1ailable4 is usually enough

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    ;rticles of *reaty of @ome

    ;rticle :

    ! Intended to remo1e barriers to trade= ensure unrestricted mo1ement

    and sale

    ! >armonised product standards

    ! 0nanimous 1ote reAuired= no po)er of 1eto by EP

    ! Eample Machinery armonisation 3and impro1ement4 of )or+place hGs standards

    ! Co-operation procedure=DM/! Eample #rame)or+

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  • 7/24/2019 European HS Law


    Pre1ious Eam Duestions

    Identify 2 types of proceedings dealt )ith by the ECJ that could ha1erele1ance to the regulation of h(s and the en1ironment )ithin E0

    member states' 3H mar+s4