evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...hbf- i '''" '"...

HBF- I ''' " '" "'"' ' " JJ'"' ,'"'l-l- ' X'"" HI'MWiiri M"'w'J3IBimaillWW l'lWlttlllllllJi'JIWIWWl'IIWltwilMlli Vol. XriL No 2088. HONOLULU, II. I., FRIDAY EVENING-- , NOVEMBER 2, 1888. SUBSCRIPTION r r GO OrHTG PER MONTH II rV ?L -- ! fSh Li mi n & K. S& OJV?- S3- - V? V- - itU: Up" llf ? w ? RES'y & i w$ ) &F (h Mf X tf " 7r V t J THE DAILY BULLETIN la primed and published at th office, Quoou Street, ilouolulu, II. I., ovory afternoon (Sundays oxceptcd). Subscription, - - 50 cants par Msnth. Address nil Communications Daily Advertisements, tc cu3uro insertion, VsUould bo Landed in beforo one o'clock I M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor MS Q. CLEVIOR Managor B alio tin Steam Printing Ofllcoft Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorablo terms. lfcll Telephone No. 250 Muluul Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. Au iuterestiug .mil comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper DublUhcd iu the Kingdom to Bund to friends abroad. (Subscription: Island : : : $4 00 year Foielun : : : C 00 " ..., m.f m -- - ConixniBSion MoronantB. IT iXA.CJKtTJLCJL.JO &a Co., General Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MACJFAB.LANE & Co. IJIPOKTEHS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - - 1013 r i - BREWER 6s COMPANY, L' , (Limited) Gknkiux. Mercantile and Commission Aobnts. LIST Olf OFlflOBBB: P. U. Jonbs., Jr. . .President & Manager J. O. Oautbb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary t DiniiCTOits: Hon. 0. K. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. WAtbbhouse. ajs iy T. WATBUHOUSB, JOHN Importer and Healer in General Jleichanuisc, Queen t., Honolulu. -- 1 B. N. Oustle.-- J. 11. Atherton-- G. P. Castle is OOOKB, U"ASTIjE Shipping and Commission Merchant. importers aud Dealers in General Merchandise, o. 80 King et., Honolulu 1 Cluua tipreckels. Wm. Q. Irwin. xxr G. ibwin & Company, VV ' Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu.,, 1 4i CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nulls, Sail und .Building Materials of every kind, cor. Port and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - ohaudiae and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, und I'M California street, 6au Francisco, Cal. B. Lowor.i, K. J. Lowroy O. M. Oooke. St OOOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) mporters and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ol Building Materials, Kurt street, Honolulu. I .GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 80 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! rfHOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing" Jeweler & Watchmaker Has,removcd to one of the New Stores in tho XkomriH Itlock, KIiib .Street, Three doors from Castle & Cookcs, Whore ho is prepared to manufacture all iinds of Jewelry. 00 O IiTJSO IIAYVAUANO. persons who want to communi ALL with tho Foitueucso, either for busluess, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will Und It iho most prulltablu wuy to advertise In tho Lino Jawaiiatio, the new organ of tho Portuguese colony, which 1b pub. llslicd on Hotel Btrtot, and only charges reasonable ratos for advertisements npHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X. M columus, purely local matter Mailed tj foreign countries, $5 per annum.. ProfesBionala. JAXFRHD MAUOON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 178 43 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly T H.SOPER.M.D. Consulting Fhysioian and Surgeon. S. V. Corner Sixth anil Market Erects, opposite nawall Nol Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 SAMUEL K. KAEO, Attorney at 3Lw. Office, : No. 0 Knuhumanu street. ap 24.83-l- y J. M. MONSARRAT, Attorney nml Counsellor nt Law. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for tho States of New York, Cali. fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "Gazetto" Block, Honolulu, H. I. June 0 88 PIONEEK STEAM CANDY FACTOR! A.JX1. UiUCEItT. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pabtry Cook und Buker. 71 Hotel St. -- tSJ2r Telephone 74 II. M. BENSON. O. TV. 81IIT1I. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Scochlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker'a Porfumcs and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTEIt & CO., Druggists & Toliacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono-21- Honolulu, H. I. WENNER & CO. JUanuflictiu'lus Jewellers, JNO. 1)3 FOXVr WX?XtOiJJE3T. Constantly on hand i largo asportmon of every description of Jowelry, Watcheo Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, J F. I. CUTTER, rPrlolore- - Office, 84 King strrct, Telephone No SO. Residence Telephone No. 203. Cron'l 323cireBsln&; !fc DruylnB Piano and Furniture moving a specinlty. Wagons meet nil incoming steamers. july.25 ly Hustace & Robertson. DRAYMEN. A LL orders for Cnrtage promptly at XX. tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in qunntitfes to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. TTXtA-IVfOlD- . Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Hue deDunkerque, - . - Paris. iSxecuteB Indents for ovcry description of French, Belgian, Swls", German, and English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Oommibhlon, lf per cent. All Trade anil Cash Discount allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on dellveiy of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho manager, Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Sells, for Homo uuu Colonial Finns. Piece Goods, Cushnicrcs, Cambrics, Silks. Velvctt,, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Oletlis, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fflngcb, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and hilvur Lace, Flannels, Feathers), Pearls, Boots aud Shoes, GIusb, and China-war- Clocks, Watches, Jewellry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plate- , Musical Instrument), Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys, Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, Books Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery, Ac, &c. 130 ly B M SSSsSS Tho Bost Lunoh In Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brand of Ciprs, gfe Tolacco jVl-vny- s on Jlniitt.-I- I. .T. IVOrCK. gioprictor. Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, Always on hand at the HONOLULU Mm (Succossois to Wm. McCamllcts), Wo. C queen St., : : nli luiltct, Honolulu, n. I. SSTFamily anil Shipping Oiderscare- - fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 THE IgliHotrapoiitaii M Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wliolesalo & Retail Bntchors and NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Meat 5a Intel Foil St.. o;ipo. O. S. S. Co.'u Wharf. P. HILTON, - - - Proprietor. Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton, Suumoeo S; "VoBotubltss. Also a hiipply of On ham! at all timet. Shipping aud Families supplied at shoittst notice and with beat r.ttentiou. 3D. IMCoiEESIVZIES, 93 Manngcr. tf JOS. TgCER, iii)Tc;u;jt. Nuuanu Street. Beef, WM Veal, Lamb, Mutlon, fe'Pork. A1.60 Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. E3?His noted Saus.iges nro mado by the every btsl machinery, und all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with proniptnei4 und dispatch, and his prices are tia low as unywhere in tho city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."a oot G 83 . VRI&HT BROS., sx ?5 Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, Ship's Blacksmithing, Carriage Building & Repairing. Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Spoclally. Every description of work in tho above tines perfoiiucd iu a OrEt-clits- a manner and uxecuUd ut plioit notice. Having srcuied the service of one of tho best Painters in town (ood CnrrliiKO t'r.lutlnt; Guaran. tecil ; Jlxcellciit Ti lumiius aUo tleue. CSf' Mutual Tclephouo, No 0751&1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Orders from tho other Inlands solicited niy.SiJ 88 Tho Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly ,on hund for sale Steam Family and Blackimith Coal and a geueral tiesoi uncut of us. Bar Iron. Full Dress Goods ! Fall Dress Ms ! NEW DESIGNS. -- a X NEW MATERIALS. POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, lOdl Fort Street, Honolulu. IS. . S-OJB- : 3Propvietoi', . . - Wo call special attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT which Iirb been leplonishcd, and we ftio ehowing all the Latest Woolen Dress Materials ! In the Now PlaidB & Fancy Stripes with plum niuterial, to combine with Black Sk Colored Alpacas ! Very stylish and very suitablo for this clininlo. Cashmeres, Nuns Veilings & Dress Flannels In all colors, always on hand. Special Bargains in fcSilks ! Direct importations from tho nianufaotuier. niiadama & Surrah Silks, Illiadania & Surrah Silks, In black and all dcsirablo colors. JBluclc ros Gri-aiu- H and Brocntlea Silltw, At very low prices. Also a few choice patterns of FAftiCYFOULARA&SUiBflgRSBLKS Wo alio have a complolo assortment of FANCY BRAID and SILK TjRIMMING-S- , In sets with panels, iu all colors. New Tinsel, Mixed Trimmings, Hew Jet Trimmings & Handsome Jot Ornaments g"Inflpcction is Solicited.? flpSVInspection h Solicited J33? Hawaiian Business agengt. Ho. 85 FORT STREET, HONOLULU. General A grouts Expert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Life Insurance Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exolicngo Brokers. Departments of Easiness: Books and Accounts accurRtcly kept and propirly adjusted. Collctions will receive special attention and returns promptly mado. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title furnished. Les;al Documents and Papers of every dtscription carefully drawn and hand 8'jRiely engrossed. Copying and Translating In all languages m general mo a this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Pioperty safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fira and Life Insurance eflectcJ in nrst-cla- s Insurance Companies. ' Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Leans negotiated at favorabls rstos. -- Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on mast favorable terms. Intar-Islau- d Orders will receive particular attention. GS All Business entrusted to our ears will racoivo prompt and fsJtlilu) attention at moderato charges. Having had an extensive busiueBs experience for over twenty.llve ycarsin New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all butIne$4 of an Intricite and complicated nature, or requiring taot and discretion, nnd respectfully solicit a trill. BtlliTclephona No. 274. EEa.-vraii(i- ii Unisliiowss Afjouoy. Jan. 8 Just Received at Hollister k Oo.'s A largo assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Comprising the woll-know- n brands of COLGATE & CO., LTJNDBOKGS, LUBE'S, ATKINSON'S, 39ASTMANS ALOIIA, HOYT'S COLOG-N- FAEINA GERMAN COLOGNE, &o. O' - For Sale at DE.eton.ixtle DPrice inh-2- 4j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 187 ERATED tlfATrAO WW il I Wig if il S IL& Steam Works, Sunny South, Waikiki. J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors. Depot, 28 Merchant Streot, Honolulu, ll.iwuiiun Ishuuls. o CAl'AUITY I.OOO MOZHX PK1I DAY. O The Only Apparatus making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, arsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And PURE, STRONG . .PLAIN SODA WATER, Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered. Latest Improved Machinery und Patent Glcn-vah- o Bottles. TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469. " Orders delivered to any part of the city. iBland ordors solicited. April-13-8- 8 Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $Z8,G02,20C.G0 Firo risks taken nt current rates and settlement made In Honolulu. JOHN S. "WALKER, Agont jtily2i)8S'.ly Union Firo A BInrinc Insurance Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Llahfllty. Fire and Murine risks,, takeu at current rates and settlement made iu Honolulu. JOHET S. WALKER, Agent. jnly2S88ly !XT?f- - Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hulls Cargoes rroights. and Commissions at current lateB. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july 2b wiy General Insurance Company. Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and CommiBsloiit at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agont. July 2(iS5-l- THE NEW YORK 15 H Strictly. Mutual Organised 1815. ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 The nctunl (not estimated) lcsults of its matured Tontine policies exceed those of any other Company issuing simllur policies. Tho Xoii forfeiting Eree Tontine Policy With Mortuary Dividend (returning all premiums in addition to face of polity should death occur duting the Tontine period) us isMied by this Company Dim advantages of Tontine accu- mulation, guurnntetd options nt tho end of 'IVntino periuls and peiJtct fircdom after two j tars iu to lesideucc, travel aud occupation, ecept service in wni. Honforfeitaole after 3 Years. K7"For full particulars and estimated results bused upon actual results p.ild in 1SB8 apply to C. O. BERCER, Honolulu, General Agent HaiMiiian JulyJ Islands. 121-8- ja-f- HONOIjUI.n IRON VORKiS, CFSSlsSfflSteain cngiucj, nugar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, biass und lend cist ings; machinorv of over description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blick smithing. Job work exe- cuted ut short notiee. WALKEH & EEBWAltD, Contvnoloi'A fc 72iiliaor. Urick, Btono .ind Wooden Buildings; en. timaies given. Jobbing promptly at- tended t J. 76 King stiecl. J tell Tele- phone No. 2. V. O. IloA, 420. ap P.ly fJJEORGK LUCAS, - vi Contractor jg&fcgKfi, and BuUder,s235 Honolulu Hteam Planing Mills, hspla nude, llouolulti. Manufacture)) nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames', Rltudh, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scioll and Hind Sawing. All Kinds of Sawing and Plan-m- g, Mortlelugund Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other 1s-n- solicited T iS PLAIJIKQ MILL AIuUcc, near Jeen St. TVlepl.oiif ns, Ue J. C. MAIiOIIANT, (Succesor to T. O. Thrum) Bookbinder, Taper-rule- r & Hlank-boo- k Manufacturer. Ftitud Building, Jlcthel street, Hono 02 lulu. tf HPHE BEST PAPER to subscribe X lor is the "Daily Bulletin." B0 cents per mouth. A. II. 11ASEMANN, Bookbinder, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No, 1C Kaahumunu street. Up stairs. y rpHE ONLY PAPER read b all X clabses ThtJDuliy Bulletin." 50 cents p,r inoth. ?VH , sk l? .'". J ... ..' a i,dr :Mi H FffiE, LIFE, A MARINE INSUEANCE. IiarUbrd Piro Imuranc?. Co. . Ajwts, 6,288,600 Commercial Insuraneo Co. (Fire. and Majlno) Assets, $450,00:) Angle-Nevad- a Ataurftnce fJorporatio t (FJro and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,009 iiouth Sritish Fire nnd Marina Ins. fa Capital. $10,000,00 j New York life Insuranoe Co. Assets, $89,000,00 J C.O.BEEGEE HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. lC53 1y 33Q UlTV-KXJ- y. or tn United. EStatos. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Business In 1887 - $!38,023,1'S Applictliorts refused Itr 23,729,3 7 Total Incomo - - 23,240,8 9 Surplus 4 per cent - 18,164,2 S Oain in Assets ilMrinj year B,S03,V J Etc., Etc., Etc., In thp nfcovu and wost lmpartant ps it the Equitable heads tho Hit of Life, Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHV, General Agent for nawaUon Island. June J.88.1y GA&TLS & COOKE, Life, Tire & Marina Insur'oo Aget t. ABTS 70R Thw Weir Uazloud ftlUTUAl LIFE IKS. COMP'Y, of l: in ton. The Stna Firo Insuranoe Co. of Hartloni, Conn. Tho lulon FJro and Marine Insurance Co. of Ban rruiiclseo, Cala. 101 lv Prussian National Insurance Comp'y iarAituiim 1840, Capital, 0,000,080 Relehmnrks pHiC uaderslgnedi baring been ap. X pointed agent of tho above Cow, (ay for tho Ilawnilan Tulamin t nminr. , n acceplTiiks, against Fire, on BuIIdi o$- - Furnlturo.Mcrehrtndiso, Produco.B ar Mills etc., ou the most Favorable T. Lcuos Promptly Adjusted end Payable ' Honolulu. H. IUBMENBCIJNEIDE , jly-H- 7 1y at Wilder &( : Pioneer Shirt Faclo-- y Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St. Tho undersigned boss to Inform the public of these Islands that he Is rani lag lilrtj ly McnMuromont I Directions fortolf.mcasurement wl'l bo given on application. Whllo Shirts, Oversblrts & Nlgbt Go is A lit guarantee by making u tai pie Bhlrt to eery "order, Island order solicited Ball Telsphono 418 60 ly A. 31. aiELIdD'j. ? u f

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...HBF- I '''" '" "'"'' " JJ'"','"'l-l-' X'"" HI'MWiiri M"'w'J3IBimaillWW l'lWlttlllllllJi'JIWIWWl'IIWltwilMlli r r Vol. XriL No 2088. HONOLULU, II. I.,

HBF- I''' " '" "'"' ' " JJ'"' ,'"'l-l- ' X'"" HI'MWiiri M"'w'J3IBimaillWW l'lWlttlllllllJi'JIWIWWl'IIWltwilMlli


rV ?L--!



mi n




OJV?-S3- - V?




? w

? RES'y







tf "





la primed and published at th office,

Quoou Street, ilouolulu, II. I., ovory

afternoon (Sundays oxceptcd).

Subscription, - - 50 cants par Msnth.

Address nil Communications Daily

Advertisements, tc cu3uro insertion,VsUould bo Landed in beforo one o'clockI M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor


B alio tin Steam Printing Ofllcoft

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorabloterms.lfcll Telephone No. 250

Muluul Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.Au iuterestiug .mil comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper DublUhcdiu the Kingdom to Bund to friendsabroad.

(Subscription:Island : : : $4 00 yearFoielun : : : C 00 "

...,m.f m -- -

ConixniBSion MoronantB.


General Commission Agents.070 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - - -1013


i - BREWER 6s COMPANY,L' , (Limited)

Gknkiux. Mercantile andCommission Aobnts.


P. U. Jonbs., Jr. . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oautbb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary



Hon. 0. K. Bishop. S. C. Allen,H. WAtbbhouse.

ajs iy

T. WATBUHOUSB,JOHN Importer and Healer in GeneralJleichanuisc, Queen t., Honolulu. -- 1

B. N. Oustle.-- J. 11. Atherton-- G. P. Castle

is OOOKB,U"ASTIjE Shipping and CommissionMerchant. importers aud Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, o. 80 King et.,Honolulu 1

Cluua tipreckels. Wm. Q. Irwin.xxr G. ibwin & Company,VV ' Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu.,, 1

4i CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nulls, Sail und .Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Port and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer--

ohaudiae and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, und

I'M California street,6au Francisco, Cal.

B. Lowor.i, K. J. Lowroy O. M. Oooke.

St OOOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

mporters and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ol Building Materials, Kurt street,Honolulu. I


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants80 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!


Manufacturing" Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has,removcd to one of the NewStores in tho

XkomriH Itlock, KIiib .Street,Three doors from Castle & Cookcs,

Whore ho is prepared to manufactureall iinds of Jewelry. 00


persons who want to communiALL with tho Foitueucso, eitherfor busluess, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will Und Itiho most prulltablu wuy to advertise Intho Lino Jawaiiatio, the new organ oftho Portuguese colony, which 1b pub.llslicd on Hotel Btrtot, and only chargesreasonable ratos for advertisements

npHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X.M columus, purely local matter

Mailed tj foreign countries, $5 perannum..



178 43 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly


Consulting Fhysioian and Surgeon.S. V. Corner Sixth anil Market Erects,opposite nawall Nol Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


Attorney at 3Lw.Office, : No. 0 Knuhumanu street.

ap 24.83-l- y

J. M. MONSARRAT,Attorney nml Counsellor nt Law.

Notary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for tho States of New York, Cali.fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "Gazetto" Block, Honolulu, H. I.

June 0 88


A.JX1. UiUCEItT.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pabtry Cook und Buker.71 Hotel St. --tSJ2r Telephone 74



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Scochlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker'a Porfumcs and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Toliacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono-21-

Honolulu, H. I.

WENNER & CO.JUanuflictiu'lus Jewellers,

JNO. 1)3 FOXVr WX?XtOiJJE3T.Constantly on hand i largo asportmon

of every description of Jowelry, WatcheoGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, JF. I. CUTTER, rPrlolore- -

Office, 84 King strrct, Telephone No SO.

Residence Telephone No. 203.

Cron'l 323cireBsln&; !fc DruylnBPiano and Furniture moving a specinlty.

Wagons meet nil incoming steamers.july.25 ly

Hustace & Robertson.

DRAYMEN.A LL orders for Cnrtage promptly at

XX. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in qunntitfes to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.


Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

36 Hue deDunkerque, - . - Paris.

iSxecuteB Indents for ovcry descriptionof French, Belgian,Swls", German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Oommibhlon, lf per cent.All Trade anil Cash Discount allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on dellveiy ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomanager,

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Homo uuu Colonial Finns.

Piece Goods, Cushnicrcs, Cambrics,Silks. Velvctt,, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Oletlis,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fflngcb, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and hilvur Lace,Flannels, Feathers), Pearls,Boots aud Shoes, GIusb, andChina-war- Clocks, Watches,Jewellry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plate- , Musical Instrument),Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys,Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, Ac, &c.

130 ly B


Tho Bost Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

The Finest Brand of

Ciprs, gfe Tolacco

jVl-vny- s on Jlniitt.-I- I.

.T. IVOrCK. gioprictor.

Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU Mm(Succossois to Wm. McCamllcts),

Wo. C queen St., : : nli luiltct,Honolulu, n. I.

SSTFamily anil Shipping Oiderscare--

fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8

THEIgliHotrapoiitaii MMeat Company


G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wliolesalo & Retail Bntchors



Meat 5a IntelFoil St.. o;ipo. O. S. S. Co.'u Wharf.

P. HILTON, - - - Proprietor.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton,

Suumoeo S; "VoBotubltss.

Also a hiipply of

On ham! at all timet.

Shipping aud Families supplied atshoittst notice and with beat r.ttentiou.

3D. IMCoiEESIVZIES,93 Manngcr. tf

JOS. TgCER,iii)Tc;u;jt.

Nuuanu Street.

Beef, WM Veal,Lamb, Mutlon, fe'Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

E3?His noted Saus.iges nro mado bythe every btsl machinery, und all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith proniptnei4 und dispatch, and hisprices are tia low as unywhere in thocity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."aoot G 83 .



Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

Ship's Blacksmithing, Carriage

Building & Repairing.

Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Spoclally.

Every description of work in thoabove tines perfoiiucd iu a OrEt-clits- a

manner and uxecuUd ut plioit notice.Having srcuied the service of one of

tho best Painters in town(ood CnrrliiKO t'r.lutlnt; Guaran.tecil ; Jlxcellciit Ti lumiius aUo tleue.

CSf' Mutual Tclephouo, No 0751&1

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Orders from tho other Inlands solicited

niy.SiJ 88

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly ,on hund for sale

Steam Family and Blackimith Coaland a geueral tiesoi uncut of

us. Bar Iron.

Full Dress Goods ! Fall Dress Ms !


POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,lOdl Fort Street, Honolulu.

IS. . S-OJB- : 3Propvietoi',. . -

Wo call special attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT whichIirb been leplonishcd, and we ftio ehowing all the

Latest Woolen Dress Materials !In the Now PlaidB & Fancy Stripes with plum niuterial, to combine with

Black Sk Colored Alpacas !Very stylish and very suitablo for this clininlo.

Cashmeres, Nuns Veilings & Dress FlannelsIn all colors, always on hand.

Special Bargains in fcSilks !Direct importations from tho nianufaotuier.

niiadama & Surrah Silks, Illiadania & Surrah Silks,In black and all dcsirablo colors.

JBluclc ros Gri-aiu- H and Brocntlea Silltw,At very low prices. Also a few choice patterns of

FAftiCYFOULARA&SUiBflgRSBLKSWo alio have a complolo assortment of


In sets with panels, iu all colors.New Tinsel, Mixed Trimmings, Hew Jet Trimmings & Handsome Jot Ornaments

g"Inflpcction is Solicited.? flpSVInspection h Solicited J33?

Hawaiian Business agengt.Ho. 85 FORT STREET, HONOLULU.

General A groutsExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Life Insurance

Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exolicngo Brokers.Departments of Easiness:

Books and Accounts accurRtcly kept and propirly adjusted.Collctions will receive special attention and returns promptly mado.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title

furnished.Les;al Documents and Papers of every dtscription carefully drawn and hand

8'jRiely engrossed.Copying and Translating In all languages m general mo a this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Pioperty safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fira and Life Insurance eflectcJ in nrst-cla- s Insurance Companies. 'Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Leans negotiated at favorabls rstos. --

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on mast favorable terms.Intar-Islau- d Orders will receive particular attention.

GS All Business entrusted to our ears will racoivo prompt and fsJtlilu) attention atmoderato charges.

Having had an extensive busiueBs experience for over twenty.llve ycarsinNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all butIne$4 of anIntricite and complicated nature, or requiring taot and discretion, nnd respectfullysolicit a trill.

BtlliTclephona No. 274. EEa.-vraii(i- ii Unisliiowss Afjouoy.Jan. 8

Just Received at Hollister k Oo.'sA largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the woll-know- n brands of




For Sale at DE.eton.ixtle DPriceinh-2- 4j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 187

ERATED tlfATrAOWW il I Wigif il S IL&

Steam Works, Sunny South, Waikiki.

J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors.Depot, 28 Merchant Streot, Honolulu, ll.iwuiiun Ishuuls.



The Only Apparatus making High Class


arsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd PURE, STRONG .

.PLAIN SODA WATER,Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered.

Latest Improved Machinery und Patent Glcn-vah- o Bottles.

TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469." Orders delivered to any part of the city. iBland ordors solicited.

April-13-8- 8

Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, $Z8,G02,20C.G0

Firo risks taken nt current rates andsettlement made In Honolulu.

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agontjtily2i)8S'.ly

Union Firo A BInrinc

Insurance Company of N. Z.

Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Llahfllty.

Fire and Murine risks,, takeu at currentrates and settlement made iu Honolulu.

JOHET S. WALKER, Agent.jnly2S88ly

!XT?f- -

Insurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hulls Cargoes rroights.and Commissions at current lateB.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july 2b wiy

General Insurance Company.

Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand CommiBsloiit at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agont.July 2(iS5-l-


15 H

Strictly. Mutual Organised 1815.

ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000

The nctunl (not estimated) lcsults of itsmatured Tontine policies exceed thoseof any other Company issuing simllur


Tho Xoii forfeiting

Eree Tontine PolicyWith Mortuary Dividend (returning allpremiums in addition to face of polityshould death occur duting the Tontineperiod) us isMied by this Company

Dim advantages of Tontine accu-mulation, guurnntetd options nt tho endof 'IVntino periuls and peiJtct fircdomafter two j tars iu to lesideucc, travelaud occupation, ecept service in wni.

Honforfeitaole after 3 Years.K7"For full particulars and estimated

results bused upon actual results p.ildin 1SB8 apply to

C. O. BERCER,Honolulu, General Agent HaiMiiian

JulyJ Islands. 121-8-

ja-f- HONOIjUI.n IRON VORKiS,CFSSlsSfflSteain cngiucj, nugar mills, boilers, coolers; iron, biass und lend cistings; machinorv of over descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's blick smithing. Job work exe-cuted ut short notiee.


Contvnoloi'A fc 72iiliaor.Urick, Btono .ind Wooden Buildings; en.timaies given. Jobbing promptly at-tended t J. 76 King stiecl. J tell Tele-phone No. 2. V. O. IloA, 420. ap P.ly


vi Contractor jg&fcgKfi,and BuUder,s235

Honolulu Hteam Planing Mills, hsplanude, llouolulti.

Manufacture)) nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames', Rltudh,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scioll and HindSawing. All Kinds of Sawing and Plan-m- g,

Mortlelugund Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from the other 1s-n-


T iS

PLAIJIKQ MILLAIuUcc, near Jeen St.

TVlepl.oiif ns, Ue

J. C. MAIiOIIANT,(Succesor to T. O. Thrum)

Bookbinder, Taper-rule- r & Hlank-boo- k


Ftitud Building, Jlcthel street, Hono02 lulu. tf

HPHE BEST PAPER to subscribeX lor is the "Daily Bulletin." B0cents per mouth.


Bookbinder, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No, 1C Kaahumunu street. Up stairs.y

rpHE ONLY PAPER read b allX clabses ThtJDuliy Bulletin." 50cents p,r inoth.


,sk l? .'". J ... ..'a i,dr :Mi



MARINEINSUEANCE.IiarUbrd Piro Imuranc?. Co.

. Ajwts, 6,288,600

Commercial Insuraneo Co.(Fire. and Majlno)

Assets, $450,00:)Angle-Nevad- a Ataurftnce fJorporatio t

(FJro and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,009

iiouth Sritish Fire nnd Marina Ins. faCapital. $10,000,00 j

New York life Insuranoe Co.

Assets, $89,000,00 J


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

lC53 1y


y.or tn United. EStatos.


New Business In 1887 - $!38,023,1'SApplictliorts refused Itr 23,729,3 7

Total Incomo - - 23,240,8 9Surplus 4 per cent - 18,164,2 S

Oain in Assets ilMrinj year B,S03,V JEtc., Etc., Etc.,

In thp nfcovu and wost lmpartant ps itthe Equitable heads tho Hit of

Life, Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHV,General Agent for nawaUon


June J.88.1y

GA&TLS & COOKE,Life, Tire & Marina Insur'oo Aget t.

ABTS 70RThw Weir Uazloud

ftlUTUAl LIFE IKS. COMP'Y,of l: in ton.

The Stna Firo Insuranoe Co.of Hartloni, Conn.

Tho lulon FJro andMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban rruiiclseo, Cala.101 lv

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y

iarAituiim 1840,Capital, 0,000,080 RelehmnrkspHiC uaderslgnedi baring been ap.X pointed agent of tho above Cow, (ay

for tho Ilawnilan Tulamin t nminr. , nacceplTiiks, against Fire, on BuIIdi o$- -Furnlturo.Mcrehrtndiso, Produco.B arMills etc., ou the most Favorable T.

Lcuos Promptly Adjusted end Payable 'Honolulu.

H. IUBMENBCIJNEIDE ,jly-H- 7 1y at Wilder &( :

Pioneer Shirt Faclo-- y

Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St.

Tho undersigned boss to Inform thepublic of these Islands that he Is rani lag

lilrtj ly McnMuromont IDirections fortolf.mcasurement wl'l

bo given on application.

Whllo Shirts, Oversblrts & Nlgbt Go isA lit guarantee by making u tai pie

Bhlrt to eery "order,

Island order solicited Ball Telsphono 418

60 ly A. 31. aiELIdD'j.



Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...HBF- I '''" '" "'"'' " JJ'"','"'l-l-' X'"" HI'MWiiri M"'w'J3IBimaillWW l'lWlttlllllllJi'JIWIWWl'IIWltwilMlli r r Vol. XriL No 2088. HONOLULU, II. I.,





BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Island.

Draw Exchange on theRunic ol Culiio vnla, fcj. .IT.

Anil their nuoiils In


Messrs. N. M. Hothsch M & Bon, LondonTho Commercial fia Co., of Sydney,

liunaon.Tho Commercial Jiauh Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,Tho llankof New Zealaudi Auckland,

Chrlstchurch, and Wellington,Tho Bank of British Columbia, Vic

toria, B 0., and Portland, Or.


Transact a l tanking Business.0(19 1 v

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.



The "Planters' Monthly" is notalways accurate in its statements.In an article on "Coffee Growingand Curing," it says that "prior to1876, there was neve a plantationof sugar or rice" (on these islands)"that paid a prolit to its owneisfrom its earnings." Wc are inform-

ed that not lobs than Unee or foursugar plantations weie managed atn profit previous to that lime, andknow for a that Campbelland Turlon's plantation at La-hain- a

was payiug handsomelyyears before 1870. The samearticle refeis to the island cof-

fee as "a product which is incom-

parably superior to that grown inany other country." No one willdeny that our colfee is an excellentarticle, supeiior to that of most cof-

fee countries ; but to say that it is"incomparably superior to thatgrown in any other country," isstretching the tiuth. Experts havepronounced it slightly infeiior to thefamous TMoeha coffee.


The milk shake business seems tocontinue in a prosperous condition.The rattle of the machines by whichthe "shake" is created may be heardall over the town. Travelling out-

fits visit the subuibs by day and bynight, and also peddle the shakestlnough the streets of the city.Wherever the Band gives a concert,there the shaking machines congie-gat- e,

and appear to do a thrivingtrade. Theie were six or eight ofthese noisy machines at the EmmaSquare concert the other night.Judging from the amount of patron-age bestowed upon them, theirpresence must have been appreciat-ed by a considerable portion of thepublic gathering. IJut many othersof the company weie annoyed at thorattle, and gave expression to theirannoyance in plain language, someof them in forcible language. Theywent to the Square to hear the mu-

sic, and the discordant sound of themilk shake machines did not im-

prove its quality. Persons who ap-

preciate the music of the hand,- - andgo to the concerts for the sake ofthe music, cannot be expected toappreciate the discord created bythe milk shake vendors. At leastthe machines should bo kept at adistance, where their rattle cannotspoil the music."



Editou Bulletin: The man Fri-day of the "Adveitiser" if we are tobelieve his own opinion of himself"Advertiser, Nov. 2d as he quotesthe sentence in praiso of Darwin'sdescription of "Missionaries," dif-

fers essentially and radically frommost of the persons who write aboutmissionaries in the Daily Bulletinin being a gentleman and not ablackguard. Just so: the Pharisee.racket again. There's another "re-spect" in which the writer of the"Advertiser" article differs fromsome of the writers in the Bulletin,in this: that the latter are not sala-ried Government ofllcials who shouldhave been kicked out long ago forincompetency, and would have beenbut for the fact of being party heel-ei- s

and "in need of tho salary."Further than this, Mr. Editor, it's

tho same old dodge: drawing tho; proverbial herring ucross the trail,

and urging people to believe thatmissionaries in the abstract, and

. the Hawaiian "missionary political"party" are identical; and thereforethe latter should be praised and

'their opponents anathematized.'"The only fact which tho writer ofthis couiinunicatioii has ever urged'against the missionaries in tho abs-

tract is, that they made themselves'rich whilo serving God on starvationsalaries, at the expense of the abor-

igines whom they "converted." Inthe words ef Evarts, when referringto tho Puritans: "When they Jand- -

oil, thoy praised God, and foil upontheir knees, and then fell upon thenboiigiues." This, however, wns notn political offence, and if they couldmake the act tally with their elasticconsciences, it was nobody's busi-ness but their own, and tho saidaborigines.

Tho "missionary party," however,is quite a different thing. It is theoffshoot and successor of that por-

tion of the missionaries who, as apolitical faction, owned and dominated Hawaiian politics nnd peopleso many years, and developed intoa political family compact whichostracized all and sundry who werenot of tho "faithful." Many origi-nal missionaries withdicw from, ornpver became a part of this politi-cal faction. On the other handmany joined it, who never had anyconnection or nlllliation with a mis-

sionary, except us a political ally,whilo others gravitated to it bymarriage, hence "family compact"which still remains in the vocabu-lary of everybody but the "com-pact" themselves, in close connection with the "missionary party," aname which even they themselvesare ashamed of, and are trying hoenergetically to discard.

But the Pharisee of the "Adver-tiser," while all the time reprobat-ing personal journalism, doesn'thesitate to denounce everybody but"our sweet selves" as blackguards,people of questionable social stand-ing, etc., etc. If wc were to rakeup the hisloiy of these gentlemen ofthe ptescnt missionary party, wcdoubt if a lower slate of blackguard-ism or social morals could anywherebe found than attaches itself to theskirts of some of the moguls of thatpolitical faction. "We have names,facts and figures in our possession,but these people are known of allmen, and besides, we prefer leavingpersonal journalism to the Phari-sees. So far as the writer is con-

cerned, no public discussion hasever occurcd concerning "mission-aiies,- "

except in their public capa-city, and as a political pally. Whenthe Pharisee of the "Advertiser"starts the "blackguardism" racket,he is hereby warned in advance toobserve the old saw about pcoplowho livo in glass houses. But what-ever happens, let not any elector bedrawn from the real question, bythe argument that because the origi-nal and genuine missionary was apeaceful and harmless individual,the people should support their"political descendants," (if theterm may be allowed) in such actsof political treachery, imbecility andpusillanimity which have become apait of their political leign and d.


TilE ELECTION IN IS84.It may be interesting in view of

the coming Presidential election togive the electoral vote as it stood in1884. It is as follows:


Alabama 10Arkansas 7Connecticut C

Delawaie 3Florida . ' '1

Geoigia 12Indiana 15Kentucky 13Louisiana 8

Mar3'land 8Mississippi 0

Mlssomi . 1G

New Jeiscy 0New Yoik 30North Carolina 11South Carolina 0Tennessee 12Texas 13Virginia - 12West Virginia 0

Total 219


California. . 8Colorado.. . 3Illinois... .22Iowa .13Kansas 0Maine G

Massachusetts 11Michigan 13Minnesota 7Nebraska. .......' 5Nevada 3New Hampshire 4Ohio ; 23Oregon.. 3Pennsylvania 30Rhode Island 4Vermont 4Wisconsin 11

Total. ,182


IlEl'OltE l'HESTON, J.

Tiiuhspay, Nov. 1.

In the guardianship of Hattio Tit-com- b

it is ordered that the final ac-

count of August Diicr, guardian, beapproved, and that ho ho dischargedand his bond cancelled. F. A.Schacfer on behalf of guardian.

llEl'Oltl! DOLE, J.

Fhiday, Nov. 2.In the matter of James Brown.

Petition of James Brovn for a writof habeas' coipus. Heard: peti-tioner ordeicd remanded until

at 10 a. in., and decisionreberved, V. V. Ashford for peti-tioner; Attorney-Gener- al C. V.Ashford for tho Marshal, the res-


An Albany physician says ho hasnever known u case pf cancer umongtho Hebrews ami thinks their ex-

emption from tho disease is duo totheir abstinence from pork.


Late Form Ifs.

Forty thousand copies of Dr.Mackenzie's book on Emperor Ficd-erick- 's

case wore seized at Lcipsioby tho police. Tho book is notnilowed to bo sold In Berlin. Thepolj,co are seizing all copies exposedfor sale nt tho book-shop- s in Berlin.Seini-ofllci- papers abuse Macken-zie's book in unmeasured terms, butdo not attempt, however, to rcfutohis statements.

The Brussels Independence Beigesays : The German East Afi ica Company tins received news or a liesudisaster. . The station at Madinolo,on the Kingani, was attack by na-

tives and burned. The employessought refuge in Darcssaalam.

Safe-blowe- placed an enormouschtugo of powder in tho safe ofKiikwood & Co., manufaclureis, onCanal street, Chicago, Oct, l'Jlli,causing a tcnilic explosion, whichcompletely shattered the safe-doo- r,

the ofllce furnituic, Ihe windows,and set lire to the building. Thethieves seemed nothing, having leftbefore tho explosion occurred. Onihe floor were scattcicd burningbills. About 500 were burned.''

A ghastly discovery was made bya couple of boys in a deserted brick-yard at the corner of Thirty-thir- d

and Laurel streets Chioago, Oct.12th. They found an old coal box,opened it and found the dead bodiesof live babies laid side by sidewithin. The Thirty-fift- h street policestation was notified and the remainssent to tho Morgue. The bodies wereexamined and found to be badlydecomposed. Two were males andthe other three females. One of themales and one of the females ap-

peared to hare lived about twoweeks, while the others had diedshortly after birth. A cuisory ex-amination revealed a seeming fiac-tur- e

of the skull in two cases, butthese were the only marks of vio-

lence discovered. The babies hadprobably been dead for about tendays.

A cable dispatch from London,Oct. loth, says a Pacific mail con-'tia- ct

has been signed between thoImperial Government and the Cana-dian Pacific Kailwaj'Companj. Ten-ders for three steamcis will be re-ceived within a week, the stipulatedscivice to commence in eighteenmonths, the company receiving an-

nually 15,000 from the ImperialGovernment in additional to 15,000from the Dominion Government "fora monthly scnicc for ten years,from Vancouver, not only to Yoko-

hama nnd Hongkong, as at first in-

tended, but also calling at Shang-hai.

A tenible accident occurred onthe Lehigh station above PennHaen, Pa., Oct. 10th. A grandparade of Catholic societies tookplace at Ilazlcton and a large excur-sion was run f i om Wilkcsbanu forthe occasion, composed of lodges,bands and sightseers liom Wilkes-barr- e,

Nanticoko and other pointsalong the line. The excursion trainwas run in sections and upon theirreturn trip the rear section ran intoa forward section at Mud Pun about0 o'clock in the evening with disas-trous results. Several cats of theforward section were telescoped. Abulletin issued by the Lehigh Vallej'Raihoad ofllcials states that fifty-fiv- e

were killed and over forty injury inthe disaster. Not a single peisonescaped from the rear car. Thesecond was crowded with maimedbleeding bodies, and tho thiid carhad but few passengers who escaped.Several were scalded to death whilefastened to their seats by the debris.

I ho St. Petcrsbuig newspapersagain say that the entente cordlalewith England is opportune, owing tothe coldness existing between Germany and England. JLlio "Novasti"says that an Anglo-Russin- n alliancewould hasten the solution of thequestions now hindered by the rup-tui- c

between Russia and England.The rearranging of the Russian

troops in the vicinity of the Aus-trian frontier is pioceeding activilyin accordance with tho movementsof the Austiian forces. No specialchange in the relations between thetwo countries has taken place. Themovement of the Russian troops ismerely a precautionary measure.

Acting on tho advice of theItalian and foreign clericals, thePope has decided to instruct thoBishops throughout the world tocontinue to agitate for the lcstora-tio- n

of the temporal powers of thePope.

The losses by the iceeut cyclonein the Quernado dc G nines districtHavana arc estimated at $071,000.The Sagua papers are confident thatthe decrease, in tho sugar crop willhardly reacli.ten per cent.

Tho Walnut-hil- l cable train atChicago collided with a Park-avenu- e

horso car Oct. 12. All the cars werewrecked and fifteen persons weroseriously injured.

A bushel of partly destroyed lot-te- rs

addressed to business firms inBuffalo was found in the stieet Oct.12 rilled of their contents. A NewYoik draft for $250 was found intho street torn in two. Many letterswere merely scorched. John Lock-ct- t,

night watchman at tho Postolllccwas arrested for the robbery whiloattempting to pass a check stolenfioin tho mail. The thief tried tomake a bon fire of tho mail in thestreet after rifling the lottcis, butthe rain extinguished it.

DAILY BULLETIN has thelarircst circulation of any tmncr

printed in this Kingdom, 00 ceuta permonth.


The "British Medical Journal"publishes a synopsis of Sir MorrcllMackenzie's book. The book is divi-ded into three parts, historical, con-troversial and statistical. It containstwciity-on- o Illustrations, showingthe condition of tho Into Emperor'slarynx nt the different pel iodg, ofthe vaiious canulas used in The laterstage and of measurements made byMr. Hovoll, with a view of provingthe symmetrical position of thetracheotomy wound and the lesionswhich aro alleged to have followedthe attemp'ts of Professor Von Bcrg-inan- n

to push the cauula into thewindpipe. The doctor asserts em-

phatically that Empeior Frederickrccelved'his death blow April 12lh,through tho clumsiness of Dr. Beig-ma- n.

Bui for this blunder, Dr.Mackenzie claims that tho Emperorwould have lived at least ten monthslonger. Dn Mackenzie handles theGorman doctors without gloves anddocs not hesitate to accuse lliciu ofincompetency.


"And aro you really so badlybroke, my friend?" he said, as hetendered the tramp a penny.

"Broke?" was the bitter response."I'm as badly bioken as the TenCommandments."

ANNUAL MEETING.'"piIE annual meeting of tho WaiUapuJL dugar Co, will bo held t tlie officiiofO. W. Maefuilane A. Co., cm MUX.DAY, November 0th. ai 12 n'olo"k noun.

War. M. GRAHAM,87 JH Secietaty.


A PAHTXEJtSHIP Ins tl.U day heonmil lo i.urv Tin the Hn;"ii''e

Impress Hiisini'-- s in Hnuoli'ht, utulirtho fl'in Damn of Fislirr A n pain .


Honolulu, ( 2!) IS-- 8 8J lw

NOTICE.frills i "o certify Hint t'p LirpeandJL ( oinmnilimis Dining Room of I lies

Cosmopolitan Restaurant

Will lie shortly extensively altered,whucly g eater onnvcuiince anil coin-fnrtui-


no afforded to patron1-- , whilethe Ik hies vv. ill In- - supplied with everyluvirj o !itinul(i at the niHiUet

with lirt vcrv hut. ofCotlu'. ,Ct Tiims, ?o r,f' vi'e'K.

.JU.V J1RK,83 2w I'r ijiri lor.

Fiill IPC i


arois. fVlTE


The Ship "J. C. Pflacgc


JDST A.JrJTV3i2IDWith uiiiiotner

go of New GoodsV




rJSt&J& IN a nice locality, sur- -jiss loundcd iy Tvuii-hej- iii

fenSaSsSH grounds, two suites of Fur-nished Room?, with bath and dicss-ii- ur

looms, Fiiltable for housekeeping,and if wanted an addltlouul loom canho added' to either. Also, a Cottage,with bath, stable and carriage loom.Address 1 O. Box iiOO. 77 lm


AT tho King's Stable,cm King street, l'a.

lanin, 0 good uuik MuleB,f and lluinus all complete,well lisokei also 0 head of good Amcrlcan IIori.ru; also 1 froh young JeiscyCow, well binketo milking; 1 live yearold Norman Stallion with a good pudi.grce, ft suro, foul getter, and any ladycan ilrivo him, fears nothing. Anyonewishing lo put chase plcae cull andexftminu stock. I liuvo owned ihe stocksometime and hive raised bomo of Iton my own ranch in Hnn Mateo County,Cnl, HENRY WORMINGTON.

84 2

CHAS. KLEfllilDcsiioi to inform his many fiicmlB and

the public of Honolulu in genet al,that lie nus purchased tliu


No expense has been tpaied in com-pletely renovating this establishment.

Whitu labor only will bo employedin much as possible.

Bti let attention will bo paid to wash,ing, to as lo ju event nil Rough Wear orUsage while uudeigoiug tlie cleaningprocess.

Special terms for Families, Hotels,Restaurants, Lotlglug-lioiuc- s and Ship,plug. Small ictialrs will hodonofreoof thargo. Washing will he called forand dellveied free of chaigo at any paitof Honolulu.

Guarantees talibfaotlon and no morocomplaints to bo heard from patrons.

(Mvousa trial ami bo convince 1 thatwe mum business. Bell Telephone 100.

Ofllce, Queen street; Walklki sido ofHackfeld & Co. Roll Telephone 808,

84 1m


N recount of ill lit ilih I Imvi up.J pointed Mr. O. llulle to lip my

age-n- t nwl to tnuiMirl nil my businessunder full power of attorney.

(3. WJEST.Honolulu, October 27, 18S8. 81 lw

TAXES, 1838.

rn!IX .'S

Distriot of Honolulu, Island or Oaliu.

''PAX Viiyois In this dtiltict aro herebyJL notified that the taxes of the cur.

lent year will he due ami piviblc nt thoolllco of the undersigned, No. 88 Mcr.chant street, thin city, on the 1st day ofNovember, A. D. 1838 Oflleo open fiom8a m tool' m. daily. Any peison

to pny Ids taxe hefoio tho ahovomi nticmed dalu can do so at tho colkc.Ioi'h olllco as above Indicated.

Sa3?All amounts remaining unpaidafter tho lfilh day of December next willlie liiib'ci lo an additional JO per rentand cosIb ol collection

CI1A8. T. GUI.IOK.Tux Colli clor, DiMric of Honolulu.Honolulu, Oct. 23, r8tf.


JUST RECEIVEDA barge Assortment of





Galvanized, Conugated ft Plain Iron,

Galvanized Tunc,Galvanised Tubs,

G.ilvaui..d lluckit,

Paint TOe Lead ft Whits Zinc

J oil il A I'nv I,tn (i el Oil,Castor Oil,

PnJl ociw aiifl Rlasswaro

A Large-nm- ! Vaiiul of


eneral Merchandise

T. WAT&3MOUSE,Qui (.Ml IfMl t


$A flfj

(iisi rriJD.)Hco l veilHaeKfcid,"

AmealGci Fence Wire, 4, 5 & 6,

Uah.inis'c.l l'i ing,Con lighted trn, assorted;

Vuliovv Metal berthing,Wire Rope, assorted; Coal Tar,

Giilfd'l Talis k MM I

Roxcs Tin Plnle, Sheet Zinc,Galvanized Shict Iron,

Rags Shot, Castor Oil.

Water Filters,Also, jubt arrived ax Bark 'Amy

Tinner," from Boston,


In their line, including

Plows, Hardware,-- ANU-

83J tSTAll For Sale Uheap.-- a lw



IirruinUohl,t'uuorUraut mit Dratu urate,Kronsbemcn,HlcKhcercn,Eibstn Spargcl, Etc., Etc.

Norwegian Canned Fjshes, Yiz:

Mackerel in Oil,Bui m on in Oil.Trout iu Uutter and on,Anchovip,I'lslifrilcadellcn in Gurry,FlBhhalla iu Lobster Bauce,




rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER laHonolulu "Tho Dally llulleliu.

CO conls per month.

maretro; rx'rie sosivx

-- el-

tar iuiuiAiNs t Mew

At Pri es than cr

I 9 n


Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,Lower


IMovoltloM aiul Ifauo- - CJocxtH, Tn TiiVR'e Variety.nug.'.V'S


Ladies', Gits', I Ciiililreis' Biing Suits,.1IN COTTON


Also, Ladies' Black Diamond Dye Hoseo

Tn future, Mrs. E. Sm:ill will lo prepared to doCulling: and Fitting?.

1751 ly



18 & 30 .Chambers 18 & 30 Chambers

Whlcli lnve proved a irrcit succe'O' n Liliue, llaiMiiriiiln, KoUaha, AVaimea,Koloa, 1 itl'aliri I.'itii ah etc. rie1 , iird which are pio.

viled w li tho I.iilrsi lmprov niefit .



U'iltor 01ytli




Line of CSrHAltaAINS-T- B

New of


I'Olt JSJA.XI3- -



for tine

tiiovel !.


1'icbIi and cif tlio Latent Dchicn, havingwoio fcoleutcd oxpimlv for tho tradef



-- AKl


H. HACKFELD & CO., Agents.831m




Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets;In Plueli cbLcntlior; JJisquo, GlabH k l'aiiuii Win o, Opera &

Marino Glast.es, Toleteones,

IMdisio 33ox:q&, 1H?oy 5, X3ooli, .Allii:ms9And otlior thiiiKH too nunioious to mention. All tlio

Goods will bo oflbicd at tlio


gTTho above Gooelu aro Now,bcon inipoiled ox iceeut arrivals



before. imoico



w. h; oraeihalghlOO JPox'L Slveet, Ilouolulu.



BtiUJite'4&hs;H' mfo'.: '; WM; t fmv f AtW$i-W!fi$- ALAJWttu'ih;jai .ri r

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...HBF- I '''" '" "'"'' " JJ'"','"'l-l-' X'"" HI'MWiiri M"'w'J3IBimaillWW l'lWlttlllllllJi'JIWIWWl'IIWltwilMlli r r Vol. XriL No 2088. HONOLULU, II. I.,




ft: kA A"


1. f;- .-



if V.

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T .'1- -


atlg fuTTitfittFRIDAY, NOV. 2, 1888.


Schr Addle llacltiuc fiotn San Fran-olo-

Nov 2Hsu k J 0 Plhmer from UreinuiiHktno S G Wilder, Dili dayi from Sail

riauciscoStiur Kllauca Hon from HatnnkuaBritish bark John Nicholson from Hong.



Bktno W II Dlmond for San Franciscoat 0 a tn

Stmt- - C H Bishop for Walanae, Wnlaluaand Kooluu ut 0 a m

Echr Haleaknla for Pepeckco


USS Brooklyn, WilsonBk (J O Whltniore, WardBrit bk Lnrniiivonshlic, WilliamsHUMS Cormorant, Jasper NleollsShip Daniel Burnes, StioverIT'S S Alert, UrahainBkU 1 Itiyunt, LeeBktnc Amelia, XowhallBkWBGodfioy, Dabel


For San Francisco, per bktuc W IIDlmond, Nov 2 .u Uonsalves.

From llreineni, per bark J (J Pllugcr,Nov a 40 Germans between the ages of40 years and 7 months.

From San Francisco, per bktno S GWilder, Nov 2 J B Waller, Cant Ills-se- n,

Mrs HUmmi, Mrs Wagner, MisMouny, U L Lrabbe, E L Lrulibe, K 11

Grlbbe and Master Grabbo.


The butne SOW itder arrived thismoining, 124 days fiom Sau Fiaiieiseo

Tuc bktne W ll Diinond took for SauFrancisco y, 2,UG2 bags si g-- 103bunches bananas, 3,022 bags lice, 40bbls of molasses and 1 bag coffee.Value $40,b85.20.


New engagement, T. and F.

Messhs. Brewer it Co. havo gaso-lin- o

for sale.

Snkak thieves havo been at woikat tho Station house

The i'unahou l'leparatory schoolis running a milk bluke.

A notice respecting tho Cosmopo-litan rcstauiaut appeals elsewhere.

ANoniEit tieat in atoie tho com-bined band concert at tho HawaiianHotel.

Tiieke wele bovun deaths fromwhooping cough during the monthof October.

The Post Office dispatched by the"V. H. Dimoud SCO letteis and 05packages of papers.

The Honolulu Aiion Society willhold its regular meeting this eveningat tho usual times and place.

A LAitQE caigo of new goods ar-

rived this mot mug on tho bark J. C.Pllugcr for McbSiri. H. Hackfeld fc


The S. G. Wilder made a quickrun fiom San, Pianoibco, arrivingheio this morning in twelve and ahalf days.

A dividend of two dollars pershine is being paid to the stock-holders of the Hawaiian AgriculturalComxany.

Theke will bo no blue ribbon en-

tertainment on Saturday evening,but in place, a tempeiance meetingfor men only will be held in Brewer'sblock.


Mr. Clunk's Lucas has boughttho well-know- n trotting stallion Al-

bert L. for $500. Ho has a iecord of2:22A, and will bo used for breedingpurposes.

- -It looks as if quite a number of

Chinese would leave tho kingdomduring this month. Tho AmyTurner will tako between 150 and200, and other vessels will carrysome.

Police Justice Dayton came prottyuenrlycarniug a pair of whito kidgloves this morning. There wis onlyono case on tho docket and that was aChinaman charged with maliciousinjury. At tho request of tho pio-sccuti-

it was nolle pros'd.

A nativu named Kalaniala wasyesterduy lined $10 in tho. PoliceCourt for visiting upon u laud setupaitfor isolutiou and confinementof lepers without written permibsion.Tho mini went to the leper receivingstation at ICnkaako to see a friendwithout un order.

Has tho warehouse for tho storageof kerosene oil been removed fromits former locution to Nuuanu street,between Hotel and Ohupluin streets,as uraylouds of oil uro reported tohavo been delivered tlioro yesteiduy?The attention of the Fiio Marshal isrespectfully culled to tho mutter.

A sriitiTKU and interesting ddbatoon capital punishment took place intho Debating Club, last night, Mr.A. Kobertson, one of tho ts

of tho Club, presided, and as nomembers hud volunteered as lenders,appojmted Mr.Tunillnnd Mr.Lail'erlyto discharge thobu functions, Ncaily

' every member present took pint intho debate. The subject announcedfor tho. next meeting is, "lte&olvcd,

. that tho moitguging of land is ancviKo society."

Tin: death rato for October waslower than it has been for five vent a

during tho snmo month.

Mk. Chns. M. Cooko brought withhim u splendid collection of viewswhich ho collected whilo abroad.

Oni: of tho sailors of the bark J.Pflugcr met With a slight accident

this noon. Ono of the men whileworking aloft lot his knifo full, strik-ing tho Bailor on the forehead, inflict-ing n wound which bled considera-bly. It was bandaged up and howont to woik a short time after.


Drill of Co. D Honolulu Rifles nt7:30 o'clock.

Polynesian Encampment No. 1, I.O. O. F. at 7:30 o'clock.

Hawaiian Tribe No. 1, I. O. It.M., ut 7:30 o'clock.

Services at St. Andrew's Cathe-dral at 7 o'clock.

Combined band concert at thoHawaiian Hotel at 7:30.

Arion Musical Society meetingat 7:30.


The regular meeting of the Y.M. C. A. boys was held Thursdayafternoon in the parlors with a goodattendance. After routine businesshad been transacted Prof. M. M.Scott entertained the boys for somotime with an exceedingly interestinglecture on Japan, which was muchenjoyed by all piescnt.


This morning's "Advertiser"states in a. local item that "house-keepers here have to pay S3.50 percase for 150 degrees lest of coaloil." Mr. J. T. Watcrhouse, Queenstreet evidently believes in the motto"Live, and let live" for at hisstore coal oil can be obtained atconsiderably less than 83..50 a case.


The members of Excelsior LodgeNo. 1, 1. O. O. F. are the proudpossessors of a very handsome new.Mason and Hamlin cabinet organwhich recently arrived from Boston,Mass., by way of Cape Horn in asailing vessel. It was in good orderwhen landed and its general appear-ance and tone arc all that could hedesired.


A rope just finished for the Edin-burgh Cable Tramway is 17,000feet long. This is the longest

cable in use in Great Britain, hut for the Melbourne tramwaysropes 20,000 and 20,000 feet inlength, and without splicing havebeen supplied. The latter weighstwenty-fou- r tons.


This Friday evening the third com-

bined concert l)3r the U. S. S. Brok-ly- n

and the Koyal Hawaiian bandswill be given at the Hawaiian Hotelwith the following pregramme :


Oveitine Noitb and (new) ..' Moses

Fantasia Forge in the FoiestJlk'liuelis


Overture Morning and Evening InVienna (new) ,

Selection Erminie "....Sakubor.skyINTEKMJDE THltKE NATIVE SONGS.

Mikloi, Malnma, Waialoha.l'AUT 111 COJ1UINEU UNUS.

March Tho King CamillaSelection Attlla (new) VerdiWaltz ia GItana BucoloiiMedley Combined Brigade Beyer

Star Spangled Banner.God Save tho Queen.

Hawaii Ponoi.


There was a runaway last eveningon the "Waikiki road which fortun-ately was not attended with the re-

sults that might have been expectedfrom aii eye witness. A lady placeda child on the seat of a brake hitch-ed to a horse standiug in the yardat Marshflcld, and was about to getin herself when the horse startedsuddenly and dashed out of theyard. The brake collided with thegate post near the one wheelbeing smashed to pieces, and thelittle child was thrown from theseat into the bottom of the brake.The animal got on the road andstarted off towards Waikiki with thebrake minus one wheel and tho littlechild at the bottom. It was finallystopped near the bathhouse withoutany further damage being done,aud the child was not injured ut all.

tiieI. g. pflucer.Tho German irou bark J. C. Pflu- -

ger, uapt. ll. ivruse, arrived inport this morning, 181 duys fromBremen, with a general cargo ofmerchandise consigned to II. Hack-feld & Co: The Plluger left lire-me- n

June 21st aud experienced badweather in rounding Cape Horn. In80 S. 80 W., in the Paciflo, had tendays hard Spoke twoEnglish ships off Capo Horn home-ward bound. She brings forty-niu- o

German immigrants divided as fol-

lows: 18 men, 12 women and 21children. There were two birthsand one death during tho voyage.

The Pfluger is a lino looking ves-sel aud was formerly the Wttikata,engaged in the Now Zealand trade,After discharging hero she will pro-ceed to Sau Francisco,

Flte Department was held hit ovenitig, First Assistant Engineer Aselipresiding. The attendance was notlargo. Tho comrnitteo on laws re-

ported progress. The offices of FiroMarshal and Survey engineer havingbeen combined in ono by the newlaw passed nt the last session, J. W.McGuiro is without, a position, as J.C. Whito lite suivoy engineer as-

sumes both positions Other busi-ness was of a tontine character.


The" collection of taxes for thedistrict of Honolulu commenced yes-

terday, at tho regular business of-

fice of tho collector, Major Clias. T.Gulick, on Merchant stieet, thisbeing the collecting olllec. Duringscvur.U hours of yesterday the collector and his assistants wcro keptpretty busy in attending to callers.To-da- has been nUo a busy day.During a great part of tho forenoonthe. oflicc was thronged, aud asteady stream of arrivals and

kept up, chiefly of China'men and natives. Tho woik in thoolllce proceeds smoothly and expe-ditiously; but when an idcx of niltho assessments of tho district iscompleted, which index is beingprepared and nearly ready, eachtax-pay- er can be disposed of inmuch less time than now.

MOP.TUABY REPORT.The total number of deaths reported

fortho month of Oclbcr, 1S88, was 31,distributed as follows:Under 1 year... From 30 to 40...From 1 to t. . . . From to to no. . .From 5 to 10... Fiom r0 to (iO...From 10 to 20.. From ;) to 70...Fiuni 20 U GO.. Over 70

Males, 18 Female, 13

Hawaiian 20 Client Biltaiu....Chinese (i AmericansPortuguese 2 Oilier nations.. .

Japanese 0

cause or DEATH.

Asthma 0 Exhaustion 0Aneurism 0 Fever 1

Abeass 0 Fever Brain.... 0Accident 0 llcmonlnigc .... 1

Brights Disease. 0 Inllanimatlon ... 1

lierihen .... 0 Leprosy 0Cancer 0 .o. Exhaustion 0Consumption.. . 5 Opium 0Convulsions..!.. 2 Old Ago 2Cholera Infant.. 0 IMralybU 0Croup ' Pleurisy 0Dropsy 2 .Siphllls 0Dlairhrea 3 Tuiuor uDis. of Heart.... 2 Typhoid Fever. . 0Dls. of Spine 1 UnknownDysentery 0 Ulcer of Stomach 1

Disease of Jirain 0 Whooping Cough 7

Debility 031

Number umiltwU-- 11

COMl'AKATlvr. .MONTHLY MOKTALITY.Ocl. 18S4 3!) Oct. 1S87...-Oet.lSSS..- .48Oct. ISt..". 18 .31Oct. IN-f- 4r.Noii-lU'sidc- ...Annual death rate per 1000 for month



School. Scholars. Sick.Foil fitrcct School...1... 210 5Uovnl School 3(10 20Poimk.iiiia School 120 0tt. Louis College 3y."i 23Pi eparatoiy School SI 0

.1. H. Buown,Aaont Boaul of Iluallh.


The Philadelphia "'Sporting Life"of Oct. 17 devotes .over three col-

umns to an account of the pi ejectedtrip of the base ball tourists to Aus-tralia. The following is clippedfrom it:

The Alameda is a beautiful ship,provided with electric lights, u linetable, commodious htnte rooms andevery convenience known to modernsteamship building. There will bomusical and diamalic talent enoughoir boaul to till in the evenings withentertainments of u dramatic, musi-cal, terpsichorcan or minstrel char-acter, in fact, what one chooses,while opportuiiitias for a good cigaron deck in one's steamer chair, or agame of cards, chess or checkersbelow, will eajiblo one to fill in theJimc pleasanny.

At Honolulu the voyage will bebroken bj' a slop of about fifteenhours. Lynch lias arranged every-thing for the eutortaininent of theparty there, and writes that lie haslixed things sg that tho boys willnever forget their stop-ove- r in theHawaiian Islands. I5e sure," sayshe iu conclusion, "that Spalding cor-

rals all of the boys before thesteamer resumes her trip, for if youhave any deserters at heart in thepait3', they will quit you here, nndI don't know as 1 could blame them,for the Kanaka girls are dangerouslycaptivatiug."

Lynch says that everyone of theparty will be surprised at the highstate of civilization to bo met within Honolulu. The city lias one" ofthe best public elcolric light systemsin the woild, a beautiful climate, afamous hotel aud a line militaryband the King's band whilo thepublic pinks nro beautifully designedand kept.

A drive and horseback ridethrough the suburbs- - of the city,which are mountainous in character,a ball game and other diversions,which Lynch has arranged for, willmake the stop ut tho Hawaiian capi-

tal a memorable one.

Little girls who do not like to goto school should live in China) lit-

tle boys who do not like to go shouldkeep away from the Celestial Um-

pire There the girls do not haveto go at all, and the boys beginwhen tlioy aro six years old. Schoolbegins at daylhrht and closes whenit is too da1; to rmd. Therp aie novacations, no ludi-holida- and, notmuch fun of any sort,

cotud bo found on tho Islands. Hohas been nil inmate of both the

school and Onhu prison.His speciality is thieving and ho hasdone a great deal of it. Mr. Need-ha-

principal of tho UcformatorySchool, has missed a good many ofarticles of late, and amongst themwas a pair of roller skates. Johnthought it would bo nice to practiceroller skating, so took the pair ofskates out of Mr. Neetlliam's housewithout permission. Yesterday hohad to answer before Judje Daytonfor this offence ngainst law, and forthe next six months will have to Nowork at hard labor on tho reef,where roller okatos aro not required.

LATE HiWSlfEMS.Levi, proprietor of the London

Daily Telegraph, is dead. In

A rich petroleum well has beendiscovered at Anderson, Cheshire,bnglaud.

Kerosene oil is responsible for P5

nine-tent- of the fires that takeplace in China.

America now leads tho world inthe manufacture of astronomical in-

struments.An old keg containing $2,700 in

gold was recently unearthed nearFranklin, Ky. 85

It is expected that next season100,000 acres of Florida soil will beplanted in tobacco.

High license has nearly doubledtho receipts of the city of Patterson,N. J., from the liquor business.

Several titled and'aristocratie la-

dies of England have taken to tee--

totaiism and wear the blue ribbon.Bristol Cathedral literally swarms

with rats, which arc to bo seen run-ning boldly about in the nave dur-ing service, and nervous people arogetting afraid to attend.

la China, Japan, the East Indiesand the adjacent islands the annualproduct of rice is estimated to bo250,000,000,000 pounds, of which2,000,000,000 pounds arc annuallyexported.

A new derico has been introducedfor the German Army. Tt is a cloakcut and finished in such a way thattwo of the garments together maybe converted into a tent, the sup-porters for which accompany thecloaks.

It is announced by a cablegramreceived at Ottawa from Londonthat the bontract for the construc-tion of a ship railway from the Bayof Fundy to Bale Verte, on theGulf of St. Lawrence, has beenfinally settled at a cost of $5,000,- -uuu.

Amsterdam claims to havo becomethe chief European tobacco marketon account of the line quality of theSumatra tobacco which is broughtthere. American cigar manufactui-cr- s

arc said to be specially eager toget this tobacco. Sumatra sent toHolland in 1887 138,000 bales,worth about 813,000,000, of which85,800,000 worth was purchased byAmerican buyers.

COTTAGE to LETkN Liliha street, this aide

of School etreut. latelyoccupied by Mr. Wins. Kib.

Win jr. Unit S2 per month.81 lw M. S. GRINBAUM A CO.


'"U!I3 House anil Prcraifri- lately occupied by W. S.

UiHsiw Liu.sc, r.ni,, siiume on unionstreet and Adams Lruc. The Housecoutaius parlor, H bedrooms 2 dressing-room-s

hill way, dining room, p.inlrv amikitchi-n- . There is also a CotWgc in thegrounds with 3 rooiii", stable, carriagehoiiie and servant's rojm. The rlnce isin perfect order. Possession given ntonce. Apply to

J. M. MONSABRAT,87 tf No. 27 Merchant street.

ELECTION of OFFICERS.rpiIE following olllccrs were chosenJL tor the ensuing yctr, ut the animal

meeting of the Kolmfa Suear Co. heldin Honolulu, October 20, 1883:

President S. C.Allen,t. .Hon. J. Mott Bmlth,

Treasurer Hon. . N. Castle.Secretary Hon. J. Ti. Atherton,Auditor C. M. Cooke.

J. B. ATHERTON,Secretary.

Honolulu, October SI, 1888. 85 lw


AT tho adjourned annual mooting orthe Haiku Sugar Co, held in

Honolulu, October HO, 1838, the follow,iujj ofUcurs wero elected for the ensuingyear:

President Hon. n. P. Baldwin,"Vice President. ..Hon, B. M. Damon,Treasurer Hon. H. N. Onstlo,Secretary Hon. J. B. Alhcrton,Auditor U. W. PeterBou.

J. B. ATHERTON,Becrettiry.

II nolulu. October 81,1888. 85 lw


rt a T ARTIES deslrinu' Qood

339 J. II .use Lots and AgriKSfiBl cultural Lauds mny inuuire

of tho undersigned :

There are 10 nouso Lota at Hamohamo,AValUiltl; 0 sf tlicto being near the Got-nnme-

road and cloto to the nea beach.1 Homo Lot ut Palolo, Oahu.1 House Lot nt Kauluwelft, Oahu.1 Lot, a beautiful grovo of trees on the

banks of a running stream above thef.illH of Wuiliahalulu, and iucludmx thenlln.

1 Land at Hauula, Oahu,1 Lund at Ewa, Onhu,A Lota at Polani, Lalmlnn, Maui.1 Lund nt NshiUu, Maul.1 Land at Hatnakua, Hawaii,

tSTThu hoT Lasdfl will heleii'edfor ttio ifriu nf 1Q to ID years. Applyvo J. HKLKLUllE,

At Kiijulunia,Honoltilu, October 25, 1888. 81 2w

for Investment All thoCHANCE and fixing for a lodginghouso of 25 to 30 rooms. Also the leneo

r 17.toomcd lodging house, in a finelocality. Rent very low Leaso SJyears lontjcr to run. Enquire nt thisoffice T fit

Mrs. J. D. STRONG,

of Objeol Diawlug andTEAC1IKH from Nature, wouldlike to ricoWo n fev mora pupils ut

40 Emma streol. Teaching youngchildren a Bpcnlt y. U5 lw


For Sale Cheap.

Cord Wood or Stove Wood Longlbs

-- AT-

ENTERFEISE MILL,Q.iecn Slrcm. pm3r

Horse Clippingy

In FirBt-Clft-- s Stylo, by Expert.cncctl Hun,

J6T" By liana Clipporw -- 8

At the Pantheon Stables.



Life Insurance Co.,OF NEW YORK.

Cath Assets. December 31, 1007$118,806,851 08

Those who desire safe itnil profitableLife Insuranco are iurllcil to apply to

S3. It. JIOSE,Honolulu, General Agent, Ilmvuiian

Islands. oct-- 0 88-l-



NEW GOODSDuring Mr. Pish el's absence, who

wont Et to buy his HolidayGoods, our entiro stoek of

-- AND-

StapleIffti 3 m ?& STs ?& 0

Fancy (Mottling, Shoot, Kntn AC&ii". 33 til lurry, ir

Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices

In ordor to make loom for NowGoods. We will offur tho

Biggest TSjrguins in


In thin country.

Our $5 Hats will bo sold for $2.75 ;

Our $0 Hats will bo hold for $3.75;Our ?:i Hats will bo Fold for $1,75;Our $10 Huts will be sold for ?6.00 j

Our ?15 HaU will bo hold for $8.75.

We lave Remnants'


Goods will bo slaughtered forTHIRTY DAYS ONLY.

Boys' Fine Straw Hats only 25uoru3 each.

Our Linen Lawns take tho eul:e.

Price our Eil)bons !

Our stock of Ribbomtia complete andyon may expect bargains.

We Mubt aud we Will holl in order tomako loom for New Goods.

The Leading

iinery House-- or-

CHA. J. FISHEL.Corner of Tart & Hotel Streets.

July 17-8- 8

rv- - E ONLY RiA"DABLPA- -i-- PER u tVu kinjriMU - "i .e

Haly liulloun," Ui cents per month,

lot see

By the "ZcMiandia," clue hero on tho 27thor 2Sth of this mouth, Mr. Ehrlich will re-

turn to Honolulu with a &vgQ and completestock of Dry Goods, Gents' FurnishingGoods, Ladies',- - Gents', Misses' and Chil-

dren's Boots and Shoes, etc., personally se-

lected by himself hi San fyancisco and thoEast, and which will' only need inspection,to which the public is cordially inyited, tobe appreciated.

.S. EHELICH,6 & G5 Fort Street.2031

"Vf H3E JHHJJ.UIiimiii

--S3? T 3BC




mile akuS ! j

Tfl 1)8 fflli ll I! M i! lb!Sojn -

gga'rau;m: Li5ftfflJIJtf-rlTiiKiVlAl?'-


DUiIImM On,' ti'iuiirnry ah.euco otW,. U Irwin from this

iClnfjdiiin 'i. 'i vt GMftirt'tvill aclformr arm nmlvr pv-- i of uttr.tnt.v.

wm. g in win & co.Hun' lulu, O :i .'.. .bit. 73v

notjci:.DURING the tuaportry dhsence of

Win. G. Ir.vin from thisKingdom Mr. Franli P. Uar.tlngs willnet for our bank in nil matters ot Ijufi.ness.

GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.Honolulu, Oct. W, 1S18. 70 8w

Foreign Paresis Express.

rT"VHE undcrbipn d nie now prepiredX to forward pnicr.lii through PiU &

Scstt's Lomtuti .igiiury to till prls olEurope, Asia null Africa; ami also inAtiHtiwlusia ill reel, ntd ti the Smith SinIslands vjh Austiuliiiu or Kcw Zculnndports. Turin' rates, which tire rcuivrl;.ably moderate, have recently bcn fur-nished and may ho leirncd upon appli.cation.

Parrels or heavy freiuht can also bftsent for nnd brought to Honolulu fiomany phrt nt Europe through Pitt it Spuit'jAtc!wy, and may Ito Iniurcd at the noriot dcpirture if drsireil. Bpclal oultrsfor Kurnpcau ''t'ds can lie plucid bvPitt & ticatt in Eiiglund or thioiish ibrfragents In other parts r.f Euiopej nnd thepackages forwarded by any route that-i- s

best, at reduced freight rate Ifthe packages urn lu'ce

J. 10. HROWN ft CO.,Hawaiian ArW Put & boon's

Expicss. IU lui ft'Jw2t

Whalo Boats.answer to sever.il etinulilca eou- -

JL ceruliit' Whale lloat Piiunes, wehavo now hi oniirso of construction,;LWliiilu lloat Ki nines 74 feet by 32 feetlong. , Tin e frames aro Jient hi onepiece of oak, and held to shape,

hie; llltln tact to tet them up amiIiiillu, Ttio lull Iraino tor sueii lin.iu,iucludlng eantA, r sections In uuinbcr,is sold at C'--S; with larL'osteuirt on keel,and ready to plunk They ai notlntniidud to bo'clinker built, nor as thefrail hnporteil whale boats proper, butaie intended for rough use aud durabl- -lity, yet light withal, fov llfchlug andtradhi"; puiposcs. Ye havu exportedthese fraiiieu and Intend doing ho, imdin.ike this offer 10 amati-ur- s and oiliersdesirous ot trjlng their hand, withplenty of leisure and email cash to makea l)Uhiue&.. Will bond frames to anygiven model from 5 to 25 tons, Also onbaud for sale Surf and Pleasure Itoats,Stems, Kupa and Timbers, MutualTtIopbonHo3'js,

Dt.WKR & Soy.70 U Boat lliii(le;B,

hiCkSt2. i & a



UJ 2g- -


unmk Myalv i.fjuly rilraCa

iililH ! "?17 - SH

iri!:izr-irLS3irea3Z- iFOR AliB

,v v i" a.. - t;ii. r-..e A . r tinr W1IUI1 vr,

. ..rr z .--- iiri tt plyGal&nis :! tin. ButuriN Olllcf



S&?..; J Vr. AthnrtonV. H u acss"iv lioniRso f fi3 feet by 3lirc feet deep. Apply to

73 lni JOHN BOE';."

FOR SALEiS-a- . ilARE and C 'tA ilio Coll (1 mouthsJSL"jesS' "in. r.ie mare laion uypiJ? Ivanhne Apply to

JOHN HOWLER,Cor. Punchbowl eti"ct and Palaeo i ilk.



Ilrn commenced the business of Dreisiutiksug, Outlinj; i.nd Pitting, at her iesl-tieut- e,

No 73 Uerctanla street, oppoulteUiu Jinici. 'I Jim ihtri.nRgu of the ladlesis respectfully solicited, Wail sfactiongu irnnifiHl. sept-M- y

Certificate or Registration or Copy


Ur.fAH'reNT or Tim Istkiiiob.Ilnnolulii, llaT-.iii- nn Islands.

KXOW all V.cu Ijj-- these Pre-.-u-

In r.iwird.ini' with thr pro.vitn.ns of tiicthm 2. Chapter 3,Beion Livwg of 18, J M. Macdi aidits 11 let in the oluce of the Mlnisi r ofthe tute'lor an application for a C: tlfl.cati. of Cup) right for a book en! tied"Thn Hniiniulu Business Directory be.uig a pMfcssioiml commercial and ado

s UonK. of the city nnd sub rb.eon-- i ctt'd up to date of Usue."' icusuiil tpplioilion is nicotnpanltd b theOkiti of the uuld api'lieant that he j thor); lual uud tlru author of said bo .K', therefore, this Certificate itogrunt unto tho i.uld .1 M. Macdouah hisbeirn or uhslgif. for the term ef Tit myYara, m ttm Tenth Dy of Oct her.Ono 'Iliomaud hljjhi llucilred andEighty ;lght, tho uxi,hmive ril toprint, rcpiiut, puhlibh, uso and endtho s lid boo!: liiraughoul tho Han tiaaKiugdon.

In vy lines TVicre'f I have oi nedthU Ceritlleato to be Lsued at Horn a!u.llijn lltli y of October, A. D, aanil tlin 5'njl of the Depjrttncut i th1 tl- - u' ! lit" liercUi fllzed

JOXA. AUSHKMm m r ot Ut (nterlor, aJintit


v ir.j )... ..HiMKT JWM Kill feS,i











Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...HBF- I '''" '" "'"'' " JJ'"','"'l-l-' X'"" HI'MWiiri M"'w'J3IBimaillWW l'lWlttlllllllJi'JIWIWWl'IIWltwilMlli r r Vol. XriL No 2088. HONOLULU, II. I.,

' St

r fJH tWw"MMl'3UUJtU'UUBagas !mfMWi,imwii tMuMMWijaiw'.iuii j .iuu.i nnwu.w rumjivtiMiJtaM.vKnrM iihii nwfi'i'J juijmwwi

WANTED THE DAILY BULLETIN Richard Cayford,BY a Portugese married couplo a place

whero tho man can show his use-fulness

"Weekly Summary." ,as a good and competent servant VETERINARY

around a gentleman's place; lako chnrgo 28 Columns of Mattor.of horses nnd carriage. Wife la a first, Originalclass sower on tho machine, and also a Is now issued ami will be found toperfect housekeeper, willing to do any 7 A 81 Klnc Ntrrct.kind of work. Apply to Mr. Antonio bo an interesting and comprehensiveUNION FEED CO.. lulu.George, tho florist, School street,


lw number, containing 28 columns of Shooing, from $1.50.rending matter on local topics, and M. Tolophonoo, No. 175. Cor, Edinburgh & Queen Sts. NOTICE. a complete resume of Honolulu and Horson and Cattlo Treated foi


Brr- - '


5nA! Jeff "Q7IS

Granite, iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,-




Groceries, Provisions, and Feed,EAST CORNER FOBT AND KING STREETS.

New floods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended tcand Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders poli.cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 02 nov--4 8")


HAS JUSTDupec Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Gcrraea,

Ilnckins & Franco American Co.'s Assort'! Soups,Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham "Wafers, Oaten Wafcis, Snow Flake & CreamCiackcrs, Ginger Wafeis, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, ,Nut3, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,"Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit Times.


Telephone 240..

.J6T Leave your orders, or ring up -- a


Frozen Oysters & Fresh Goods from California




A compicio line oi urossc & uiacxweirs ana j. i. morion's tngusnCanned Goods always on hand.

Sg TNT 3E TV O-- O O 3D gaSmoked Salmon, Edam Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Oregon OrcamCheese, New Yoik Cheese, Cain. Mild Cheese, Now Zealand Cheese, WhltakcrStar Hum & Bacon, Ciciiy Lemons, Smoked Beef, Smoked Foiled Sausage, a fewof the Celebrated Cassiud Hums S; Bacon, Cala. Roll Butter, Furd Dates, Sardinesin Tomatoes, Queen Oliveb in kegs, Cala. Mixed Pickles In kegs, "Wellington Eggtfood, Maple Syrup in J gallon tins, IlucUins Orecu Turtlo boup, Ilnckins Ter-rapin Soup, Cala. Keg" Butter, New Ze.ihmd Keg Butter and a complete lino ofAmerican Canned Goods alwajs on hand; Hue New Zealand Onion and Potatoesnow on hand, by each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.

ap-1- 6 Solicited. 87


Civil Engineer and Surveyor.

Fort Street, : : : Honolulu.oct-1- 0 SS.Um

Starr & Co.9s

NO. 1 FLOURA consignment of the above


-- ny-

Theo. H.Davies&Co.71 lm

Mr. S. ROTH,Merchant Tailor !

"Has just relumed from San I'ran-Cisc- o

with n Lurge block of tho

Finest English & Scotch Goods

Ever brout lit to this oily.

tarTJio Goods were- bought in BondCheap, and he intends to give Ids eustopers the beuellt of thobe puichuses

71 Sm j




XwlanI Ox'tlerta



--P. O. Box 207.


on ICE by each steamer of tho 0. S. S Co.


FOR iSp SALETho Entire Plant of the

Star 111 Oompi, Mala,Is offered For S.ilc. Tho Machinery

is in perfect working orderand consist or

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Dollars 6x20,1 Doublo Effect C and 7 feet Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G foot with Blako Pump,3 Wcslon Centrifugals and Englno,

Together with the usual assortment of

Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Jlachluery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

AUo, a number of

kCane Carts & pen'l Plantation

Implements.Delivery will bo given lifter next crop

has been harvested, say about July 1,1889. .

Cgr For further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.

48 tf

F YOU LOSE ANYTHING,. advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin

MUSIC furnished for balls, partiesscronades by Palmer's String

Hand. Orders left nt C. E. "Williams7,or ring up Mutual Telephone- S:0. 74 tf


CUSTOMERS having our Soda WaterBottlos (empty) on

hand will greatly oblige by notifyingus by telephone or otherwise, and theywill at once bo sent for. Ilottles retainedlonger than one month will be chargedfor. Telephones: Bell, 172; Mutual, 1)00.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Proprietors, Tahiti Lemonade, "Work.

20 tf

Corporation Notice

NOTICE is hereby gSVcu that at aof tho undersigned part,

ners of tho Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Co ,it was resolved to accept tho chartergranted September 27, 1SS8, by thoMinister of Interior lor tho incorpoia-tioiNi- f

tho Ilawniian Fruit & Taro Co.,(Limited ) "V. II. DANIELS,


Walluku, Maul, Oct. 4, 1888. Ci Gw

Dissolution oi Copartner-ship.

hcictoforcTHE between the undersigned, con.stituting the firm of tho Hawaiian Fruit& Tnro Co . in Wniluku, Maui, has thisday been dissolved bv mutual consent;the assets and liabilities of said firmbeing transferred to tho Hawaiian Fruit& Taro Co ,'(Incoiporatcd.)


"Wniluku, Maui, Oct 4, 1SS3 C5 Gw

Election of Oilicers.

NOTICE is hereby given that at nof the stockholders of tho

Hawaiian Fruit & Two Co. hold in "Wal-litk-

Maui, October 4, 1S8S, tho follow-in- n

officers were elected for the ensu-ing year:

John Richardson President,J. D. Holt Vice President,

( Scci clary,W. n. Daniels &

( Treasurer,A. N. Kcpoikai Auditor.

"W. II. DANTELS,Secietary.

Wniluku, Maui, Oct. 5, 1888. G5 Cw


TIIE undcrsiirned having been dulynnd qualified as Admin-

istrators with the will annexed of theEstnto of Samuel Gardner "Wilder, lateof Honolulu, deceased; hereby notifyall persons having claims against saiddeceased to present tho same, duly au-thenticated, with the proper vouchers ifany exist, even if secured by mortgage,to Wm. F. Allen, Esq, al the Bank oflSUhop & Co., Honolulu, within fixmonths f i nui this dale or they will beforever ban ed. A. F. JUDD,

"W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed

of the Estate of S. G. "Wilder,

Honolulu, October 1 1, 1SS8. 70 lm

Some tiling- - Ievv !"Whoso "ad" is it? Why,

nAjaifcY SiVYx-ort'- S

Who has opened aCoffee Saloon, on Hotel Street.

A not Dinner is provided EveryDay fiom 11:30 a. m. to 1 r. jr.

ESTCome and try his Coffee, etc."JCOtf

Alex, Jf Elohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel St., next to General PostOffice, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes &. Scales repaired.Also, feiowlnir 31 nclitncH at reason-

able I'UtUM.Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 490.

Club House Restaurant

King Street A0 Hear Alakea.

sJtom-i- l Si CO I'cr WpcIj.HliiKle aical JJ5 CcntH Knelt.

A first-clas- s Cook has been engaged tosucceed the ono heretofoio employed.The Tables are Marble top and Clean;the Waiters attentive.

C. OHUX HEfi),72 Uni Proprietor.

MUnu&lWiETho Nippon YiiBen Kaisha's Al


"Takasago Maru,"Buown, : : Commanuuh.

Will be duo hoio from Yokohama on orabout tho 13th November and

nill leave for tho aboveports positively on tho

17th of the same Month I.

Chiucso PasscngeiB for Hongkongwill bo transferred nt Yokohama byfirst steamer leaving that port.

IJSyFor Freight or Passage havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm. G. IRWIN & Co.,78td Agents.

I F YOU FIND ANYTHING.X. advertise it iu tho Daily livwuTix,


A$rood Chance to go intoBusiness !

On account of failing health Mr. G-- . "West

will dispose of his entire interest in the busi-

ness known as Gh West & Co., 105 Fortstreet, Honolulu. Liberal Terms will begiven to a responsible party. The firm hasbeen doing a good paying business duringthe 4ast" six months notwithstanding thedull times. For the next Sixty Days wewill'sell Goods at just enough to cover cost.For bargains in Furniture, Toys, FancyG qodSj &c, &c. See us before purchasing.



MANUEL NUKES,So. 4K Hotel Street.

Guitars &. String; IiiBtrnmciitMOf all kinds Mado & Repaired

JiST Inlaid Work, and Initiating inWood a specialty. 70 3m

THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERDallv Bulletin." 50 cents

per ironth.


Can bo found next door lo the P. C. A.Office, Merchant Ftteet.

Macks Wom. 18, H7, G, 75, 180Wnconotto XIO.

Mulual Bell 204Sept-2- 4 83

I UPC! wmmiMSSat



A Specific for

RHEUMATISM,Hcrofuln, Halt Itlieuui,

A'curalRlu, Ulna Worm,And all other Skin & Blood Diseases.

It Regulates tho

JLdver &c "XSiAxiGytsCures Indigestion, and all Diseases

arising fiom an enfeebled con.ditlon of tho system.

Dr. Martino, of London, tho eclehrntedspecialist, says of PARDEE'S REMEDY:"I have used It for twenty years forBlood Diseases, such as Bcrofular, BaitIlbeum, Tetter and Caliper, and I cannotrecommend it too highly."

Tho Ilov. Dr. Thomas, of Hone Kong,China, says: xPAnDEE'S REMEDY is awonderful medicine for tho blood, Iha'vo prescribed it hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in time italways cured the patient. I can safelysay that leprosy will never break out onpersons who toko PARDEE'S REMEDYregularly, and I ndvlso all persons liv.ing in countries whero leprony is pre.valent to toko PARDEE'S REMEDY as apreventive.''

Bfiy-F- or Salo by all Druggists In Honolulu.Aug-2- 88-8-

JOB PRINTING of all kinds exe.at the Daily Bulletin Office.



W mi. O. Atwater,Agent to

Grant Marriage Licenses.Office, Honolulu Iron Works Co.

so y


81 King Street, oppobito the Old StationHouoe.

Mn i uaT "JCelejplioiie ISTo.87 tf


Practical Watchmaker & Repairer

Good work guaranteed. At presentlocated at S. Roth's tailor shop.

Aug-- 1 Om

Hell Tel. U4M, Mutual Tel. 130V o Uox-llG- .

Offlco 38 Merchant St., Honolulu

GUUCK'SGeneral Business Agency.


Convoyanclng a Specially Records search-ed nnd abslracts of title furnished on' shoit notice.

Copying, Translallnn, and engrossing In alllanguages in general uso in tho King,dom.

Custom Homo brokerago Firo and LifeJnsuianco receive piompt attention.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

3R,el Hlastatebought, sold and rented.

Soveiul valuable properties in nndaround iho city now for salo on epsyterms.

Convenient Cottages in dosirablo healthylocal loua in and near tho city to let orlease nt reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted- - -- by several men andboys, who will ma! themselves use- -

ful in performing the various officesand chores required by puvate fami-lies.

Pull partluulars given on applicationat tho agency.

Orders from tho other Islands prompt,ly attended to.

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advertise In tho Daily Bullhtln.

island news. There is no better paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send lofriends abroad.

Buuscmr-TiONB- :

Island $4 00 yearForeign (mailed) C 00 year

To be had from

Hawaiian News Co, Merchantstreet ;

A. M. Hewett, Merchant street ;

W. II. Graenhalgh, Fort trot;Bulletin Ollloc, Qonen street.



Arrivo al Honolulu from San Francisco.Australia November 13Alameda November 22Australia Dcoombor 11

Lcavo Honolulu for San Francisco.Mariposa .November 18Australia November 20Zealandia December 10Australia December 18Alameda (1889") January 13

Anstralian iail Semen.

Vitll SAN I'KAKCISCO,The now and fine Al steel steamship

a ?larirp0sa,Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, wil

bo duo lit Honolulu tium Kvdncyand Auckland on "r about

November 5 8, '88.And will lcavo for the .ibovc port withmails and pnsscngeis on or about thatdate.

For fieight or passage, having SU-


WM. G. HTvTIJHr & CO,, Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,


Tho new and fino Al steel steamship

a Alameda."Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

November 22, '88,And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passengers for the above ports

For freight or p,ivage, having BUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, aj.pljto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Agents

Honolulu LibraryANU

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hole! & Alnkcri KtrcetH.Open cveiy Day and Evening.

Tlio Library consists nt the presenttime of over Five Thousand "Volumes.

The Reading Room is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand peilodiculs.

A Parlor is piovldcd for conveisntlou.nd games.Terms of mcmbciship, fifty cents a

month, payablo qnaiteily in advance.No formality requiied in joining exewptsigning the 10II.

Strangers from foreign countries andvislfors fiom the other islands aie welcome

to the i ooms at all times as guests.This Association having no legulnr

means of suppoit except tho dues ofmembcis, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who deslie to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Prcs.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PAUMELEE, Secietary,A. L. SMITH, Tieasurer,0. T. RODQERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

Gornaieil Iron !

Best Crown ilrnni!.

6, 7, 8, and 9 Feet LengthsJust landed Ex Ship "Cockermouth"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit.

Also, COO Bbls. AVhito Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates,

WILDER & GO.08 tf


3 WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedWhale Boat, 30 feet long, 3 feet

deep; 8 feet wide; 222 feet Suit Boats:1 18 foet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 6 inches wide, S feet6 inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 23 feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Applv to.

E.R.RYAN.Boat Buildor nnd General Jobber, fil tf

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN i"HvoX evening paper. CO cents per month

all DiaeascB.

Residence: Chamberlain IIoupc, nextKawalahno Church.

X. O. UOX 4)S.Ml M""' iSSfe Me.

Yasemite Skating

Skatingl Skating! Skating!Corner Queen XcRlcliard Strcots.

Will bo open every evening from 7 to9:30 1- m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturday?evening for the Public in General.

THOMAS JS. AVvVJCIj,1C01 Proprietor. lyr

Receivetl Her"

Australia "

Two Lirgo Refrigeratois, con.taiuing

liiapes, Pears,Plums, Apples,

Peaches, Cabbage,

Canllwer, Fresh Oysters'

Idle, 3Ete., Etc.CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,00 Kill; btrect, Honolulu, tf




Safe & Lock ClOf Canlon, Ohio,.U.S.A.

Havjng established nn Agency in thisChy for thu Eale of their manu- -

factuies, which are

Surpassed by i3one





In their lino in tho world, opporlu. Bnity is olleied lo all requiring protec-- f& -- Wm-tion of their Valuables from Fire $?8i'Theft to supply themselves terms JhBwhich defy competition. SiBB

tg? particulars inquire XtijB

GuJick's Agency, mM33 Merchant St., Honolulu, H. vSafs

sept-2- 4 88 --JS '


WWtt Bros: Part. Cement .jl:Blacksmith Coal, ."'a ,Fire Bricks, 'r'5ar '

ire Clay, '

Goal Tar, StocKMm Tar :WSteel Rails, 'tawi'Wiro Nails, Si- -

F. Staples, '

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers, 7fjmaIron Tanks, - 4J6H.F. P. Cloth, ' 9Hubbuck'a Paints, -- aBM'

Etc., Etc., EtcH Etc. Etc.FOIl BAti: BY

H. Hackfeld & Co.01) tf

J.Hopp&Go.,74 King st. --dftj U King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

COENICE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Bpeciollty,

CHAIRS TO RENT.opr-1-0 68


,r.(LJlL ?rZ2.i';jptA..'',l ., .,..; 2.. A.L 1 1u. X. Jli - JftBvj. " j'.i. "rrrrwirr ff.

' .';"J'S

O ?

.' i




an .

and 'onr--

For at -- a

No. I.



i iUU