exactuniverse vedic code

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    Parallel UniversesMay 27th, 2011 | Posted by Donovan | Category: Feature | Tags: consciousness, einstein, elements,fire, life code, lifecode, parallel universe, quantum math, reality, relativity, theories, vedic code, ve dic ma th, vedic science, vib rat ion s, wa te r | No Comment s

    Parallel universes do exit and are seen constantly. Todays scientist however is barking up the wrong tree whe n it comes to the ir unde rst andi ng of them. These para lle l univ erses are wha t wecall in Vedanta many parallel sections to karma, each xxx action creates many possible paths of existence which are presented to the consciousness or element creating that karma (action).

    Parallel paths or parallel universes or Isaac Newtons laws of action verses reaction, have to do wit h Karma. These paths present the msel ves at every moment of our lif e. Take for example ourlove life. A woman or man may have several choices of which universe they want to be independing on who they choose to marry. In the example of Susan, (below), if she chooses, aHollywood star, then her whole universe will change. She will experience a whole new universe of Hollywood fame, bright lights and media frenzy. If she chooses instead to marry an Arabian kingthen the universe now experienced is a completely different universe of experience as is shown inthe following diagram.

    As you can see, a sing le person chooses whic h universe of experience he or she wants to have and wit h tha t cho ice of universes the re are more parall el universes which deve lop . For example, if Susan marries a Hollywood star, then jealousy or popularity may become some of the universes of experience being presented. On the other hand, if she marries the Arabian King, theparalleluniverses that will develop are royalty, luxury and so on. If she marries a mafia hit manshe may see such universes as death, fear and quarrels develop on their path.

    The confusion which arises by scientists over the Schrdinger cat, half dead or half alive withregard to the moving particles theory of light energy can be explained by the above mentionedexamples. (This theory is an illustration of the principle of quantum theory of superposition, which was put for ward by Erw in Schrd inger in 193 5. It demons tra ted the appa ren t confl ict on wha tquantum theory tells us is true about the nature and behaviour of matter on the microscopic leveland what we see in the behaviour of matter at the macroscopic level). This duality presented by thecat theory can demonstrate in the choice made by the observer that makes the cat dead or alive.

    This quantum duality cannot be separated from the observer. It that was possible, then their will be onl y si ngul ari ty and the re wor ld be no wave lik e act ion and all part icl es wou ld have to moveis a straight line. Such a universe would be non-existent and Hindu Vedic Science calls this state of the universe Brahman or absolute state of existence.

    The foundation of the entire universe is duality or vibration which has only two directions positive or negative or if you wish to say it in a different way up or down. The particle whether isa photon an electron, a meson, a neutrino, or neutron, does not have any effect unless it connects

    wit h an oppo sit e or second part icle to create a dua l nature. Thi s dual nature is cal led a wave , whichcarries the qualities of positive or negative the upward movement of the wave is positive, whereasthe sown ward movement of the wave is negative.


  • 8/10/2019 Exactuniverse Vedic Code


    Fourth Dimension Relativity Diagrams 2

    Fourth Dimension Relativity Diagrams 1

    Swami Ram interviewed on radiostation



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    This duality I the very foundation of our whole Universe and in Vedic Science this is referred to as the SerpentEnergy or Kundalini Energy it is the very life force of the Universe that exists in every human bod y and eve ry liv ing th ing as wel l as non -li ving thi ngs .It is the exact element referred to as Ether in Vedanta Physics Vedic Science refers to this vib ratory ele ment as the Ether because it perv ades the who le Univers e. Look arou nd you is the reanything that does not vibrate. Everything vibrates everything is a frequency. It is the very foundation up which all of our scientific theories and application are based on. Not only that reachelement or object in the universe vibrates at a different frequency, which is unequal. Like every snowflake, every see-shell or like every human, every one of these elements carry a finger print of its own.

    The Ether or the Serpent Energy or the vibration energy which forms the foundation of theuniverse can never end and will only expand in nature. If a person could calculate this Ether

    energy present in all elements and come up with a mathematical code for each element then thatperson would have considerable control over that element. Such a calculation is possible and this is wha t exac t universe and exact science is abou t in thi s book.

    If the value of the Ether can be calculated, then definitely with the proper type of mathematicalsystem, the life and death of elements can be predicted accurately. Not only will be able to measurethe consciousness the experience, the circulation of the life of the element, but we will be able toimprove its nature considerably harness its nature for beneficial use.In the next chapter we will endeavor to find this mathematical system that can measure thisEther.

    Ether The Nature of all Things

    Whethe r, is magnet ic, har moni c, electr onic, lig ht ener gy, sound ener gy, or words is made up of vib rat ions. Everyt hing in the universe is made of vib rat ion. If the re were no up or dow n move mentof all particles in the universe, nothings will exist at zero or absolute state, the universe is like an

    egg and at that moment there is no ether or movement. It is interaction with time the universeachieves a singular state and everything begins to move into its own in a straight path withoutinteraction.

    Whe n int eract ing tak es pla ce the universe ach ieves a dua lit y sta te whi ch all ows the univ ers e toexpand and create vibration or Ether is born and the triplicity state of the universe begins tocreate new elements.

    Th euniverse constantly moves and vibration in this duality state. Between + 2and 1 to 0 down to 2and then back toward 0, back to 1 and back to + 2. We all know tha t 1 or -1 is alw ays the same, and the n zero is no time, no move ment or wha t we cal lthe sleep state. When it reaches the peak of duality state the element will reach its potential andthen of back to absolute sate before entering the spiritual state and then returning. This state of existence will apply to all elements.If this duality state examined as the Ether element of reality vibration and a base system isdeveloped then no material intelligence such as simple computer could not be develop. The binary system or what is also the duality or base 2 state of reality is when intelligent design begins to takeon a reality form. From duality Simple intelligence of 1 and 0 is formed. On off switches begins tocreate a higher consciousness.

    As the 1 0 base duality system is develop, then knowledge of duality expands into triplicity and higherforms of reality are developed and the expression o higher bases and foundations are developmaterial mirrors spirituality.

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    At base10, 9 begin to act like the number 1 or 0 again. If 9 is added to anything, I set like zero. If multiplied by any oth er number , it act s lik e 1. For exa mpl e if you add 9 + 3 you get 12, which is 3 aga in. 9 x 3= 21 and this is also 3 (1 + 2 = 3). The # 9 sets as a duality number, since its base is one higher whi ch is bas e 10.

    Because of this duality of 9, any number multiply by 9 has a value of -1 in the last figure; there areinstead of substituting for 9, the last one is 10. This mathematical system is known as QuantumMathematics or the Vedanta Sciences refer as to Vedic mathematics. This mathematical system is wha t we wil l use to cal cul ate the Et her val ues or the bas ic vib rat ion of all wat er. Eac h ele menthas an ethereal beginning and end. If its ethereal value will start at 0 and will end at 9. We willfirst consider the values of the house.

    Part 2

    Finding the value of the Ether is important and the value of this ether or universal frequency is ver y import ant to the unders tan ding of how the universe is made up mec han ica l. Ord inary mathematics we know if now will not be able to provide the solution to such values of ethernecessary. In our mind we need a more advanced mathematical system; Vedic mathematics offersthis solution. Let take the magic square of 81 cells of 9 rows and columns and then convert the values of tha t square to bas ic Vedic mathematical values . You wil l noti ce tha t the re is and order of numbers not readily encounter in the regular mathematics.

    In a 9 magic square 5 rules the center Narayan.South East ruled the 9.North West ruled by 1.North is Kali.South is Rudra / Ganesh.

    Titles of Books

    1. Challenging God2. Equation of Life3. The Power of Woman4. Exact Universe5. Life Mathematics6. Vedic Code of Prosperity 7. Sexual Death8. Perfect health Perfect Diet and Perfect Life9. Patra 100 Yr. Volume 310. Patra 100 Yr. Volume 411. The Vedic Name Code12. Vedic Book of The Death

    Destination is really creation nothing is ever destroyed.

    If the universal ether is sound, then I should be able to change the universe by changing the sounda vibration of anything. Each element or entity or article in the universe would have its identify by its frequen cy or vibr atio n or its name soun d. If I can find out the vibration iden tity of an item orelement, I can determine how to affect it by a counteractive vibration.In reality if something has a code of 6 then the counteractive code is 9. Since a 9 would reverse a 6then Kali and Indra women destroy each other. Since 6 is destruction then 4 would destroy 2 and 3 would des troy 3. Sinc e 5 and 4 = 9, the n 5 or 4 would separat e perm anen tly at some poin t itseparate and came back together in powerful way.Fire is 6 and 9 is end or death. If a combination is finalized as 9 then death is a must. If acombination is finalize with 6 then destruction in imminent. Birth or multiplication happens whe re the fin al number is 3, but att rac tio n mus t occ ur fir st whe n the fin al num ber 2.

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    If the final number is 5 then change will occur, and if the final number is 4 then stress and strainoccurs. 7 as the final number is at rest and will not move physically but will have inner strengthand energy. 8 is the final number will be shaped beautiful and enjoy for its physical attraction.

    Fire is 6, water is 9 so they will destroy each other, water can be used to destroy fire and fire can beused to destroy water. When boiled water is destroy into vapor when cool by the air it will return to wa te r ag ai n.The equation is 6 9 = 3 (steam is born) or 6 4 9.

    To heat the fire, a medium is needed which is steel, iron or earthen pot. To make and earthen potair is needed as and water. And the equation is 6 + 4 + 9 = 1

    Modern Science Upholds the Principles of Swami Ram Charrans Vedic Science

    Apr il 20t h, 2011 | Pos ted by Donovan | C ategory : B log | Tags : vedic code, vedi c science | NoComments

    Modern Science Upholds the Principles of SWAMI RAM CHARRANs VedicScience

    Scientific Research Verifying that All the Qualities of the Unified Field of Natural LawTheConstitution of the Universe from the Perspective of Vedic Science and Modern ScienceAreEnlivened in Human Life through SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program

    The following research findings on SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Vedic Code of Sciencedocument the growth of the forty fundamental qualities of the Constitution of the Universeblossoming in individual life and in society.

    For each quality, the first three paragraphs demonstrate the growth of the respective quality fromthe physiological, psychological, and sociological perspective of individual life, and the fourthparagraph documents the enlivenment of the respective quality on the collective level of thesociety as a whole.

    The Vedic Code of Sciences Apr il 20t h, 2011 | Pos ted by Donovan | C ategory : B log | Tags : book, consciousness, life code,lifecode, quantum math, success, vedic code, vedic math, vedic science | No Comments

    THE VEDIC CODE OF SCIENCESThe Ultimate Source of Order and Harmony

    Displayed throughout the Universe

    Enlivening this Total Intelligence of Natural Lawin Human Consciousness and Physiology,

    to Raise Human Life and Society out of Problems,leading the world toward Perfection

    Understanding our life and existence from the Perspectiveof SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Vedic Science and its relation to Modern Science

    Acc ordi ng to Physic s all the qual iti es in the univ erse have the ir orig in in the Uni fiedMEASUREMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS, which we IN THE WEST call it a field of natural Law as theConstitution of the Universe from the perspective of modern science. The complete account of theConstitution of the Universe in the form of measured consciousness is available in the ancient andtimeless Vedic Sciences. Throughout time, the eternal Constitution of the Universe in one form oranother of consciousness has been managing the orderly evolution of all levels of manifest creation;it is the non-changing basis of Natural Lawthe ultimate source of order and harmony displayedthroughout the universe.

    In his book, SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Lifecode the Vedic Code of science , SWAMI RAM CHARRANdescribes the symbolic representations of each Consciousness and its value in measuring theconsciousness of each animate or inanimate life form. With the measurement of each individualconsciousness of every living or non living existence in the universe, one can possess the knowledgeof the Gods so to speak. Each person can predict their own existence and path of life as well those of others who influence them. It is an ideal mathematical representation of Karma or the laws of Newton known as Action and Reaction It is the perfect administering intelligence of Nature thatdescribes the Constitution of the Universe. These fundamental codes that represent the Constitutionof the Universe are the measured qualities of consciousness, or intelligence of the individual asavailable in the ancient Vedic Sciences. This is the Vedic Code of science that will help each and

    every person live a successful, fulfilling and prosperous life.

    This timeless knowledge of SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Vedic Code of Science has now also beensubstantiated by recent advances in modern Physics and other disciplines of modern science. In thisscientific age, Quantum Physics has discovered the single, universal field of intelligence as theUnified measurement of Consciousness at the basis of all forms and phenomena in the universe. Thelaws governing the self-interacting dynamics of the Unified Measurement of Consciousnessconstitute the most fundamental level of Natures foundation and the basis of all known Laws of Nature, and therefore can be called the Codified Constitution of the Universe.

    The essential qualities of the Unified Fieldthe fundamental characteristics of the Constitution of

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    the Universehave been derived by quantum physicists from a detailed analysis of Physicists suchas The Self-Aware Universe by Amit and Maggie Goswami, PhD Physicists working at theInstitute of Theoretical sciences at the University of Oregon. In his Book Mr. Goswami proposes thatmatter is not the primary stuff of the universe, but it is consciousness that forms the foundationof the universe that creates matter and everything else. Dr. Goswami uses Modern Physics to show that Consciousness can become measurable and that it is the very foundation of all we know, beli eve and experience. The Vedic Code of Science in the form of Life code by Swami Ram Char ranrepresents the most compact mathematical expression of the detailed structure and dynamics of the Unified Measurement of the Consciousness in all fields; it is the mathematical formulaexpressing the Constitution of the Universe from the perspective of modern science indicating theCosmic activity of the Universe in the form of Constant Creation and Destruction and preservation.

    Thus both SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Vedic Science and modern science have located the sameessential characteristics of the Constitution of the Universe. These same qualities of the Constitutionof the Universe are also expressed in the structure and functioning of the human physiology and

    the entire universe.

    This discovery has led to the formation of the Heendu Learning Center appreciated by many Pundits and scientists throughout the world, including the President of Guyana, Trinidad andTobago, and over 35000 people who have benefited from the Lifecode sciences.

    Lifecode the Vedic Code of Science explains the Constitution of the Universe, and its authority in theinvincible organizing power of Natural Law, which naturally and eternally governs the evolutionof all life everywhere.

    As the consciou s mind ident ifie s more and more ful ly with the Unif ied Consciousness of Natu ral Law the Constitution of the Universethrough SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Lifecode sciences, the beau tiful, evol utio nary qual iti es of the Consti tut ion of the Univ erse are enl ivened in all aspe cts of lifephysiological, psychological, sociological, and the collective level of the whole society.

    When large groups pract ice SWAMI RAM CHARR ANs Lifec ode Sciences toge ther in one place , thequalities of the Constitution of the Universe become enlivened in the whole society, and, if thegroup is large enough, in the entire nation and world.

    These results have been documented by more than 35000 scientific research studies on SWAMIRAM CHARRANs Lifecode Sciences, conducted at over 30 research locations in various countries.

    The Vedic Code of Science Laws Apr il 20t h, 2011 | Pos ted by Donovan | C ategory : B log | Tags : book, einste in, happiness, qu an tu mmath, reality, theories, vedic code, vedic math, vedic science | No Comments



    Free will is determined by the choice and action we take at the moment the choice is given. Thereaction to the action we have taken is the result of the choice that was freely chosen in a previousmoment is the essence of free will.

    Many times we say, Well, if I had not been there, it would not have happened. Did you everconsider the fact that it was a previous action or moment that lead you to this important moment? A closer look at thi s would reve al a cha in of even ts tha t led to tha t important mome nt in time. It isobvious that each moment of action predetermines the next moment of experience.

    Hence I have come up with the following rules about future events:

    The Vedic Code of Science Rule #1

    1. All our actions determine the path toward future experiences.

    2. The moment of an experience or event is either negative or positive, preceded by a negative or

    positive decision, according to the path taken prior to that moment of event or experience.

    3. Even though, at any given space, time or moment of experience, there is a design in whichany arrangement of atomic particles is possible, it is true that no pattern of arrangement willappear exactly the same way twice. Ever.

    But, sometimes, even though events bring good or bad experiences in our lives, we sometimes wishthat we had made a different decision in one of the moments of actions previous to the one made jus t mome nts ear lie r. Henc e, we expe rience regret or disa ppointment , which coul d lead to fur the rnegative moments.

    For example, a man decides to get drunk after being disappointed. However, if at that moment hedecides not to drink, but to be positive about what had happened that led to his disappointment, hecould change his future moments of experiences or events.

    The Vedic Code of Science Rule #2

    1. Time is not arbitrary. At every moment in a creatures life or progress, many crossroads areconfronted with a free choice as to which one to take. A different future experience or event lies onthe path of each crossroad.

    Each crossroad leads to a different future, all of them fixed and all of them possible, ready to becomepart of ones experience or path of events. Many times people cannot decide on a path because, based on the ir pas t act ions, they wil l not make a dec ision as to which path to fol low next . A decision, whether correct or not, will lead to a whole number of future events or experiences thatmay turn out to be beneficial or not, i.e., negative or positive.

    The Vedic Code of Science Rule #3

  • 8/10/2019 Exactuniverse Vedic Code


    1. The future is an infinite reservoir of an infinite number of future events numberswiki.com

    or experiences, each of them fixed, yet malleable or changeable, depending on the path chosen by the body or mass intended for that experience.

    2. Your layer of experience, as a result of your decision, will be along a certain path, which will bea completely different layer of experience than if you had chosen a different path or made adifferent decision.

    Each of us has a vision of the world that belongs to us alone. Others will share in some parts of it, but none wil l see it exactl y as you do, nor wil l ever yone expe rien ce it the same way . Each pers ons vision of real ity is base d upon his or her lif e experience, the infl uence of peopl e, the envir onment, books, dreams, etc . Our thinking has been channeled into path s assumed to be the only avenues of progress. However, if there were other paths that were better, of which we do not know or did notchoose somewhere in time, we might be quite unaware of different methodologies or experiences of progress, which may be more advantageous. We could have chosen any one of those paths.

    The Vedic Code of Science Rule #4

    The Isaac Newton concept of physics, for example, was completely affected and revised by AlbertEinsteins theories. Now quantum theories indicate that some of Einsteins theories were incorrect.No doubt what is accepted as truth today could very well be proven tomorrow to be only amusing.Prevailing opinions often affect established theories. No one goes to his or her death willingly. Eachof us believes in a selfish way that he or she will survive. Each of us is not only a participant, butalso an observer.

    Ours is a world that has developed along mechanistic lines, but is it possible that there may beother ways. Perhaps dozens of other ways, unknown because of the one that we found that worked.

    The quantum theory injects strange new possibilities into our narrow world. In a more prospectivesense, our three dimensional world is so comfortable that the possibility of a much greater reality isdisturbing to us. Quantum theory shows that our school of general thinking is cluttered with beliefslong proved absurd by contemporary knowledge. Man has demonstrated over and over again thatthe last thing he needs are new ideas, even when they are desperately needed!

    Most theories are merely dancing shadows against a hard wall of reality. How few answers wepossess of phenomena that go beyond our reality to explain it or understand it! Thus Earths orbitaround the Sun is not equal to one year. There is a 0.25 difference. The circle of 360 degrees is notequal to one revolution of the Earth in 24 hours. Last but not least, the orbit of the Moon is notexactly 30 days. What time is it, really? You decide for yourself.

    Swami Rams Lifecode and Vedic

    Mathematics Apr il 20t h, 2011 | Pos ted by Donovan | C ategory : B log | Tags : lif e code, lifecode, qu an tu m ma th, vedic code, vedi c ma th, vedi c sci ence | 2 Com men ts


    SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Vedic Mathematics, Mathematics of the Absolute Numberthe field of Unity, taught in SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Heendu Learning Centers, is a major contribution to thefield of knowledge which immeasurably enriches all approaches to gaining knowledgeancient andmodern:

    All s treams of knowledge studied today in modern science must be studied in terms of Vedic Sc ience inorder that the knowledge of modern science can be spontaneously utilized in all the different aspects of daily life and living.

    Modern Mathematics is the field of steps, whereas Vedic Mathematics is the field of pure intelligencethat gets what it wants instantly without steps. It is the field of infinite correlation, the field of

    simultaneity of all steps, because it functions in the frictionless field of infinite correlationthe field of self-referral intelligence where the results are available for immediate analysis.

    Vedic Mathematics is a field completely beyond mistakes, because it is the display of absolute, fullyawakened intelligence, the state of enlightenment. Its cosmic status is displayed in the absolute order of the definite measurements of creativity that spontaneously maintains diversity of the universe.

    SWAMI RAM CHARRAN SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Absolute Science of Lifecode

    The Unified Measurement Field of

    Consciousness Apr il 20t h, 2011 | Pos ted by Donovan | C ategory : B log | Tags : consciousness, happ iness, life code,lifecode, quantum math, reality, success, vedic code, vedic math, vedic science, vibrations | NoComments



    SWAMI RAM CHARRAN has organized the thousands-of-years-old scattered Vedic Literature into aperfect science and has revealed that there is a VEDIC CODE OF SCIENCE that has infinite

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    knowledge with definite organizing power. Its source is the most fundamental level of Naturesintelligence, identified by quantum physicists as the Unified Field of Natural Law, which SWAMIRAM CHARRAN has brought to light as the Unified MEASUREMENT of Consciousness.

    The Unified measurement of Consciousness is a definite field of pure mathematical intelligenceaclear understanding of the codes of consciousness in the motion of creative continuity. Following itschosen paths wit hin its elf , creati ng a dyna mic str ucture of a vari ety of measured cons ciousne ss tochoose from within its internal and eternal silence. This structure is the vibrancy of SupremeIntelligence in the use of creative consciousness of action and reaction that uses the mediums in theform of sound, expressing itself in the forms and phenomena of the universe throughout all eternity of time and space. It is these sounds that are the most basic value of the Laws of Natureadministering creation. It is these vibrations that form the notes, the letters, the numbers and thesubtle music of our creative consciousness that creates continuity in the universe which has noending, and in which the beginning cannot be found except when it takes new forms and begin new paths.

    The discovery of the Unified Measurement of Consciousness and its structuring dynamics withinevery man represents the most significant finding of our timeindeed of any timefor as SWAMIRAM CHARRAN points out, through proper use of the sounds of the Vedic Code of Science and VedicLiterature of symbolism, the total measurement of the potential effects of Natural Law and thetotal potential effects of human experiences in life is available to all, so that we can use it to live aperfect and happy life and create a perfect world around us.

    SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Vedic Science includes technologies to bring individual and collective lifein harmony with Vedic Science Codes designed by Natural Laws to raise every area of life toperfection. Foremost among these is SWAMI RAM CHARRANs Vedic Code of Life referred to asLIFECODE the most direct way of measuring consciousness for the fulfillment of the supremedesires and philosophy of life, where the individual lives life in enlightenment as well as in CosmicReality, enjoying all material as well as spiritual in joy and success.

    This profound technology enables the awareness to effortlessly and naturally settle to its least

    excited state, the transcendental field underlying all of creationand thereby to actualize thehighest Vedic ideals of life. Over 35000 scientific studies and experiments , conducted during thepast twenty five years at more than 200 independent research locations in more than 10 countries, validate the immens e benef its of SWAMI RAM CHARR ANs lifecode sciences that benef it theindividual and all areas of society, including health, education, business, industry, rehabilitation,defense, agriculture, government and more.

    Swami Ram says:

    Now, if progress in science is to continue, research has to be in the fie ld of consciousness, the fie ld of pure subjectivity, and the approach has to be subjective or sel f-referral. My Lifecode Sciences offers that desirable subjective approach to research in the field of consciousness, the field of pure subjectivity, theself-referral Unified Field of Natural Law, whose scope ranges from a measured point to a calculation of many possibilities to infinity or a direct measurement of future events using the values of connectingconsciousness values.

    Infinite is the scope of possibilities for everyone individually, and every nation collectively, through myVedic Science and Technology, which is the science and technology of the self-interacting dynamics of consciousnessthe Science and Technology of the very Constitution of the Universe that we live in and experience ever changing differences constantly.


    WORKS!March 1st, 2011 | Posted by Donovan | Category: Blog, Feature, Promotions | Tags: book,consciousness, einstein, happiness, quantum math, relativity, vedic code, vedic math, vedicscience | 2 Comments

  • 8/10/2019 Exactuniverse Vedic Code



    God does not play dice with the world

    Schrodingers Cat Revealed


    Scientists have been searching a long time for the answer. Why do we exist? Where are we headed?and what is going to happen to us?..What are we made of and how can we live a better life? Who or what is God? Does he differ from Science? Can we live like Gods? How can we beco meim mortal? Will w e ever find fountains of youth? All this and more are the quest of Science today?and now this book will provide the answer to all these and more..

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