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竵晊 : 莹檂 瘉23癝 瘉3荚甭 嫢璖籕荡 寥玽 惭草 櫡溮由 檂杍晉煕 荅憱晊 瘂荅嫍 畵惑. 挝敩漉 璖籕荡畅 審婝姭 檂杍晉 瘂荡瘹惑桡 寥玽 惭草 櫡溮憱 檂杍晉 瘂荡瘥獩 荅嫍, 畡 櫡溮甭 琱痱草 溮畡玡獩 草惑悁 婰畡 莹檂痮 璁窚畡敩 畵惑. 寥旙庅 璝枙庅敩畅 潽烑櫡溮瘉憱悁 嫢璖瘉草嫩 葉櫡溮 葂惭戉 珮珚畅 櫡溮玽 惭荡 瘂荅瞭 猷婝庅, 櫡溮畅 孙窡痮略 庡璖畡 歵箖歱草 媪璝姭 枻惑. 潽烑櫡溮瘉憱玽 嫭草 嫢樞畡 畵由 玡推婹 婰略瞭玽 嫭草 畡晍痮 彩畅姭 畵玵甩庅, 畡 荅庅畅 畲疒由 篕荅悁 婰枹甩晉悁 椥瘉 溮葖玽 惭草 烑窉痮 荡媝樖猵甩晉 溩尝玽 歭癞荅惑. 烑椡玽漉悁 尝悒畡 甍尝痮甩晉 溮营畾璖由 荅珙 莹檂痮 璁窚玽 歭荖荅悁 樖莒甩晉 瘉憱杩 漑媱荅嫍 璡璖荡 茱璁姭 畵惑. 畡琭 嫭昕荅珙 菱烑畅 茱璁杩 惑姮憱晉 樅珮荍 畵悁 葉樉草 畲檂葉懆, 檂籅荶瘂畅 畡弽由 烑菱荅嫍 櫡溮寉瘂由 櫡琱荅悁 悒懆痮 荶瘂葉懆, 檂昦畅 甍箁荡漊嫩 溵晉璡 檂枙娉樉由 羢荡 嫢樞由 櫡箖荅嫍 孚槩畅 孹枙杩 孙瘉荅悁 痮實痮 溙檂葉懆, 寥枙嫍 珮珚畅 畾璖由 競瞱荅嫍 樖莒由 瘉烉荅悁 莹檂疙能畅 茱璁漞由 溡膡櫥惑. 莹檂痮 嫭痽玽漉 潽烑櫡溮玽 惭草 璽籆由 疙瘂枪荕甩晉煕 烑櫡溮畅 莹檂菱烑畡 莹檂寉檁玽 姭尹璹瞵 畵由 婰畡惑. Abstract : Clause 3 of Article 23 of the Korean Constitution stipulates that public violation and compensation shall be governed by legislation. Therefore, if the basis for public violation is established by legislation, compensation should be made by legislation, and full compensation shall be paid. However, in Korea, the compensation system does not specify the compensation for extended domains such as public use restriction and cost of living compensation, and there are many cases where the details for compensation are insufficient. There has been theoretical discussion about what to do when there is a loophole in the structure for compensatory damages, but taking one of these positions is rather insufficient to make a practical solution to the problem. In practice, it is necessary to design and operate systems in accordance with the constitutional demands, with each country functioning in an interactive way. As such, active legislative activities that can reflect the needs of the real world in various ways, active administrative activities that complement the rule of law and fulfill the ideology of the rule of law, active judicial activity to supplement the gaps and to maintain the rights of the people through an analogical interpretation of law and new legal logic, and lastly a constitutional court are categories that require expedition Constitutional view on administrative loss compensation Bo-Young, Park Attorney at law [JIPYONG LLC], A visiting professor [Constitutional Court of Korea Constitutional Research Institute]

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Post on 06-Feb-2021




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