ferri nativi e immigranti diglitali

Nativi e immigranti digitali una nuova sfida per la scuola Paolo Ferri Università degli Studi milano Bicocca [email protected]

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Presentazione a Innovation Circus 13 Ottobre 2007


Page 1: Ferri Nativi e Immigranti diglitali

Nativi e immigranti digitali una nuova sfida per la scuola

Paolo Ferri

Università degli Studi milano Bicocca

[email protected]

Page 2: Ferri Nativi e Immigranti diglitali

Ferri, P. (2004), La fine dei Mass Media. Nuove tencologie e trasformazioni dell’industria della cultura, Guerini e Associati, MilanoPrensky, M. (2001), Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants in On the Horizon (NCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001)

Page 3: Ferri Nativi e Immigranti diglitali

Il mega-cambiamento nel content providing e nell’educazione

Single-user tools

Multi-user VirtualLearning Environment

Online CompoundLearning Systems

1980 20202000


Computer BasedTraining

Substitution Transformation

On-line Learning

Learning on-demand


Distributed ElectronicVirtual Knowledge Centers

Learning Mall

Creative destruction

ICT uses

quote Veen, W. & Vrakking, B. (2006). Homo Zappiens, Growing up in a Digital Age. London, Network Continuum Ed

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Una società multischermo

Page 5: Ferri Nativi e Immigranti diglitali

Immigranti e nativi digitali: Capacità comunicative e stili di ammprendimento

Digital immigrants

Codice alfabetico

Apprendimento lineare

Stile comunicativo uno a molti

Apprendimento per assorbimento

Internalizzazione riflessione

Autorità del testo

Primo leggere

Digital nativeCodice digitaleApprendimento MultitaskingCondividere e creare la conoscenza (Mp3 Wikipedia)Apprendere ricercando giocando esplorando Esternalizzazionie dell’apprendimentoComunicazione versus riflessioneNo autorità del testo multicodicalitàConnettersi navigare ed esplorare

Page 6: Ferri Nativi e Immigranti diglitali

How learn digital native

• The Net is an extension of the body mind complex

• Cooperating and Sharing is an habit

• expressing themselves versus assimilate knowledge

• Peers are reference You matter in an organization

Research Project “Children and Computer” State University Milano- Bicocca

The design of research the methods and the first findings are published in the book Susanna Mantovani, Paolo Ferri, Bambini e computer, RCS Etas, Milano 2006, pp. 212

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And what about schools?

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The web 2.0 and UCG in changing again the rules:active and cooperating prosumers millions of potentialgenerators of science content: the problem of LLL and consistency of contents

• Mass cooperation economy

Wikinomics (Tapscott/Williams)

• Informational society (Castells)

• Gift economy (Deridda)

Page 9: Ferri Nativi e Immigranti diglitali

Digital native in Italy: data form our research

• children use a multitasking approach in gaming, playing and learning.

• Cooperative learning is the way children adopt also when they are very young, 3-6 years, in approaching computers and ICT.

• They very rarely stay alone when they are using a computer al school.

• Learning by doing the ICT and with the ICT is strongly preferred by the children we observed.

•On-line communication, especially instant messaging, messaging ecc. are very spread pattern of use ICT (mobile phone Instant messaging) also in the 6-10 range of age. •In Italy parents use mobile phone with children not only to communicate but also as control/care tool.

• Mobile phone, in Italy has became a mediated tool for parental care but not in school.

•The children at home, learn from parents using a modelling style, at school this style is very rarely adopted by the teacher.

• In Italy, children form extra-European countries are particularly found on ICT because ICT (Skype at the internet café, e-mail ecc.) is useful for them to keep in touch with parents.

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An Italian example of cooperative on-line teaching of science www.bambinoautore.it

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How to make science on the web with children

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