game programming 09 - ai (i)

Game Programming AI Nick Prühs, Christian Oeing

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Game ProgrammingAI

Nick Prühs, Christian Oeing


• To understand the importance of AI in games

• To learn about different approaches to game AI architectures

• To take a closer look at behavior trees in particular

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Why AI?

• Enemies

• Allies

• Challanges

• Vivid game world

• Toy

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Early Example: Pac Man

“This is the heart of the game. I wanted each ghostly enemy to have a

specific character and its own particular movements, so they weren’t all

just chasing after Pac Man in single file, which would have been

tiresome and flat.”

- Toru Iwatani, Pac-Man creator

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Early Example: Pac Man

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Left 4 Dead

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Naive Approach: Hard-Coded Rules

• If-Then-Else

• Hard-coded

• Fast to implement

• Access to whole data model

• No fixed structure

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Finite State Machine

• Splitting AI into different states

• Arbitrary number of states

• Well-defined state transitions

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Hierarchical FSM

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• Hierarchical Structure

• Allows transitions at same level, only

• Drastically reduces the total number

of transitions


• Goal-oriented

• Specific AI not defined by developer

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• Action-based, similar to planner

• No goal, thus no action chains

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Neural Networks

• Improving AI through training data

• No way of modifying the AI after training

• Further reinforces the disadvantages of action-based architectures

• Rarely applied in games

• Exceptions:

▪ Creatures

▪ Supreme Commander 2

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Behaviour Trees: History

• Became popular in 2005 with Halo 2

• Successfully implemented in

▪ Halo 2 + 3

▪ Spore

▪ Swords & Soldiers

▪ GTA: Chinatown Wars

▪ The Bourne Conspiracy

▪ SWAT 4

▪ Bioshock

▪ Dark Sector

▪ … and more

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Behaviour Trees: What‘s new?

• Similar to Finite State Machines

• Split decision logic from actual actions

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Behaviour Tree Structure

• Directed tree

▪ Single root node

▪ Inner nodes = decision logic

▪ Leafs = Actions

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Behaviour Tree Ticks

• Tick starts at root node

• Current node executes its logic

• Node state is reported back to parent node:

▪ Success

▪ Running

▪ Failure

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Behaviour Tree Tick Example

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Prioritized Structure

• Children are executed left-to-right

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Modular Structure

• Adding new nodes possible everywhere

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Parametrized Structure

• Node defines parameters and their types

• Parameters definie actual execution

• Increases reusability

• Example: Move to position

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Data Exchange

• Achieved thorugh a blackboard

• Dynamically defines parameters of other nodes

• Nodes remain independent of each other

• Simple implementation, e.g. Dictionary or Hashtable

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Node: Selector

• Arbitrary number of children

• Only one child node active at the same time

• Selects first child that doesn‘t return Failure

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Node: Sequence

• Arbitrary number of children

• Only one child node active at the same time

• Selects children one after another until one returns Failure

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Combining Sequences and Selectors

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Node: Decorator

• Single child

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• AI memory

• Exchanges data between nodes

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• Keys need to be unique

• May cause conflicts

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• Easiest way to enter building: Open door!

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• Not always that easy

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• Generic way of entering a building through any kind of entrance

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• There are many ways to get in

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• Using ingredients to create new items

• Ingredients need to be available

• What to do, if missing any ingredients?

• Ingredients might be crafted as well

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More Examples

• Combat: Fighting, healing, running, taking cover

• Survival: Running, guarding, fighting, eating

• Strategy: Training workers, building structures, training fighters

• Dialogues: Conditional answers, linked answers

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Data Driven

• Structure allows building a generic visual editor

• Usable by game designers as well

• Can be used in multiple projects

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Available Tools

• Unity3D

▪ Behave 2 (Angry Ant)

▪ Behavior Designer (Opsive)

• Unreal Engine

▪ Built-in

• Cry Engine

▪ Built-in

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Custom Tools

• Define data structure

▪ e.g. XML, easy to read and edit

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<BehaviorTree Name="CraftItem"><Sequence>

<Action Type="HasRecipe" List="Ingredients" /><Decorator Type="Iteration" List="Ingredients" Iterator="Ingredient" >


<Action Type="TakeItemFromInventory" ItemRef="Ingredient" StoreIn="IngredientItem" /><Action Type="SearchItem" ItemRef="Ingredient" Distance="50" StoreIn="IngredientItem" /><BehaviorTreeRef Name="CraftItem" ItemRef="Ingredient" StoreIn="IngredientItem" /><Action Type="SearchItem" ItemRef="Ingredient" Distance="500" StoreIn="IngredientItem" />

</Selector><Action Type="PutItemInList" ItemRef="IngredientItem" List="IngredientItems" />

</Sequence></Decorator><Action Type="MixIngredients" List="IngredientItems" />


Custom Tools

• Generic approach

• How to make game-specific actions available to generic editor?

▪ Use editor to add actions

▪ Export from game and import in editor

▪ Generic actions

▪ Import from DLL using reflection

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Behaviour Tree Summary

• Generic structure leads to many applications

▪ Reuse of decision logic and game-specific actions

▪ Common editor for multiple projects

▪ Learn once, apply again and again

• Strictly follows rules

▪ No dynamic AI, such as when using Planner

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• Many different architectures

▪ (Hierarchical) Finite State Machines

▪ Planner

▪ Utility-based

▪ Neural Network

▪ Behavior Trees

• Choice depends on actual game

• Each architecture is better than no architecture!

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• Heiko Klinge. Warum KI in Spielen stagniert.

• Chad Birch. Pac Man AI.

• Don Hodges. Pac Man AI Bug.

• Alex Champandard. Top AI Games.

• Mike Robbins. Neural Network in Supreme Commander 2.

• Mike Booth. The AI systems of Left 4 Dead.

• Damian Isla. Handling Complexity in the Halo 2 AI.

• Alex Champandard. Behavior Trees: Three Ways of Cultivating AI.


• Chris Simpson. Behavior Trees for AI.


• Cry Engine. Coordinating Agents with Behavior Trees.

• Chris Hecker. My Liner Notes for Spore.

• Joost "Oogst" van Dongen. AI in Swords & Soldiers.


• Unreal Engine. Behavior Trees.

• Cry Engine. Modular Behavior Tree.

Thank you!


[email protected]

5 Minute Review Session

• Name a few applications of AI in general!

• How do finite state machines work?

• How do hierarchical state machines improve on that?

• What other AI architectures do you know?

• What’s the basic structure of a behavior tree?

• How do sequences and selectors work?

• What’s a decorator node?

• How do nodes exchange data?