globality yougenio world premium tables · die versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche gebühren...

Globality YouGenio ® World Premium Tables Beitragstabellen. Tablas de primas. Tableaux des primes. Premietabellen. 01/2018 EUR

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Page 1: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality YouGenio® WorldPremium TablesBeitragstabellen. Tablas de primas. Tableaux des primes. Premietabellen.01/2018


Page 2: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 2

WelcomeWillkommen. Bienvenue. Bienvenido. Welkom.

EN Globality YouGenio® World gives your clients increased flexibility and options. To accurately reflect the cost of your client’s future country of residence we have split the world into 5 pricing zones. This means that premiums are relative

to the cost of local treatment and are not influenced by other countries that have higher medical costs and would therefore lead to higher or less stable premiums. We offer the right plan for your client’s budget and needs. You identify the cost of their cover by the plan level they have chosen, the deductibles your clients want to pay before the insurance covers the costs and the age of each person on the plan. To select the right premium simply follow the 3 steps shown on next page.

Please note: Prices are indicated as montly or yearly premiums in EUR per insured person. Insurance premium tax and other governmental levies are not included within these rates, as they vary from country to country. Please also note that individual eligibility for insurance cover in certain countries may depend upon our compliance evaluation.

DE Globality YouGenio® World bietet Ihren Kunden höhere Flexibilität und mehr Optionen. Um die Kostensituation im künftigen Aufenthaltsland Ihres Kunden konkret berücksichtigen zu können, haben wir fünf internationale Preiszonen

gebildet. Das hat den Vorteil, dass die Beiträge den jeweiligen Behandlungskosten vor Ort angepasst sind. So sind sie von denen anderer Staaten abgekoppelt, deren höhere Behandlungskosten die Prämien teurer und weniger stabil machen würden. Wir bieten Ihren Kunden für jedes Budget und jeden Bedarf die richtigen Tarifstufen. Sie ermitteln die anfallenden Beiträge anhand der gewählten Tarifstufe, des Selbstbehalts, den Ihre Kunden bis zum Eintreten der Versicherung zu zahlen bereit sind, und des Alters jeder versicherten Person. Wie Sie den korrekten Beitrag in nur drei Schritten ermitteln, ist auf der folgenden Seite erläutert.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Preise als monatliche oder jährliche Beiträge in EUR pro versicherte Person angegeben sind. Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind. Bitte beachten Sie außerdem, dass eine endgültige Zusage über die Versicherbarkeit in den einzelnen Zielländern erst nach einer individuellen Compliance Prüfung erfolgen kann.

FR Globality YouGenio® World procure à vos clients davantage de flexibilité et d’options. Pour rendre compte avec pré-cision des coûts correspondant au futur pays de résidence de vos clients, nous avons divisé le monde en cinq zones de

tarification. Ce qui veut dire que les primes sont en rapport avec les coûts locaux de traitement et ne sont pas influencées par les pratiques d’autres pays où les frais médicaux sont plus élevés, avec pour conséquence des primes plus onéreuses ou moins stables. Nous proposons le plan d’assurance adapté au budget et aux besoins de vos clients. Vous déterminez les coûts de leur couverture en fonction de la formule qu’ils ont choisie, de la franchise qu’ils souhaitent payer avant que l’assurance rembourse, et de l’âge de chaque personne couverte. Pour sélectionner la prime adéquate, suivez simplement les trois étapes figurant à la page suivante.

Rappel : Les prix sont indiqués sous forme de primes mensuelles ou annuelles en EUR par personne assurée. La taxe sur les primes d’assurance et autres prélèvements gouvernementaux ne sont pas inclus dans ces tarifs étant donné qu’ils varient d’un pays à l’autre. Veuillez noter que l’admissibilité individuelle à la couverture d’assurance peut dans certains pays dépendre de notre évaluation par rapport à la conformité de la législation.

ES Globality YouGenio® World ofrece a sus clientes más flexibilidad y más opciones. Para reflejar exactamente el coste en el futuro país de residencia de su cliente, hemos dividido el mundo en cinco zonas de precios. Eso significa que las

primas van en consonancia con el coste del tratamiento local, y no están influidas por las tarifas de otros países con costes médicos superiores, lo que daría lugar a primas más elevadas o más variables. Ofrecemos el plan más ajustado al presupuesto y a las necesidades de sus clientes. Usted identifica el coste de sus coberturas por el nivel de plan que han elegido, los elementos deducibles que sus clientes desean abonar antes de que su seguro cubra los costes, y la edad de cada persona incluida en el plan. Para seleccionar la prima adecuada, siga los tres pasos que se indican en la página siguiente.

Tenga en cuenta que los precios aparecen indicados como primas mensuales o anuales en euros por cada persona asegu- rada. En estas tasas no se incluyen los impuestos y otros gravámenes estatales de la prima del seguro, pues pueden variar en función del país. Tenga en cuenta que la admisión individual a la cobertura de seguro puede depender en algunos países de nuestra evaluación de la conformidad con la legislación local vigente.

NL Globality YouGenio® World biedt uw klanten meer flexibiliteit en meer opties. Om de kosten van het toekomstige vestigingsland van uw klant nauwkeurig te kunnen aangeven, hebben wij de wereld in 5 prijszones onderverdeeld. Dat

houdt in dat de premies afhankelijk zijn van de kosten van lokale behandeling en niet worden beïnvloed door andere landen waar hogere medische kosten bestaan, wat zou leiden tot hogere of minder stabiele premies. Wij bieden de juiste polis voor het budget en de behoeften van uw klant. U stelt de kosten van hun dekking vast op basis van het polistype dat ze hebben gekozen, het eigen risico dat uw klanten willen betalen voordat de verzekering de kosten gaat dekken en de leeftijd van elke persoon binnen de polis. Voor het kiezen van de juiste premie volgt u de 3 stappen op de volgende pagina.

Let op: Prijzen worden vermeld als maand- of jaarpremies in EUR per verzekerde persoon. Belasting over de verzekerings-premie en andere overheidsheffingen zijn niet in deze tarieven opgenomen, omdat ze van land tot land verschillen. Gelieve op te merken dat het in aanmerking komen voor een verzekeringsdekking onderhevig is aan een compliance beoordeling (het navolgen van de lokale wetgeving).

Page 3: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 3

How to find the right premium within 3 stepsIn 3 Schritten zur richtigen Beitragshöhe. Comment trouver la prime appropriée en trois étapes. Cómo encontrar la prima adecuada en tres sencillos pasos. De juiste premie vinden in 3 stappen.

1 2 3

ENTo identify the Pricing Zone, please look for the future country of residence within the list of countries (p.4/5).

Go to the relevant “Pricing Zone” table for Zones 1 to 5 (p.6ff.).

Choose the right premium out of the tables considerung age group, plan level (Essential, Classic, Plus or Top) and deductible.

DEIdentifizieren Sie anhand der Länderliste die Preiszone für das Aufenthaltsland (S. 4/5).

Gehen Sie in der Tabelle „Preiszone“ zur entsprechenden Zone (Zonen 1 bis 5; S. 6ff.).

Ermitteln Sie in der Tabelle den jeweiligen Beitrag für die Alters-gruppe, Tarifstufe (Essential, Classic, Plus oder Top) und den gewünschten Selbstbe-halt.

FRPour identifier la zone de tarification, cher-chez le futur pays de résidence dans la liste des pays (p. 4/5).

Allez au tableau «Zone de tarification» des zones 1 à 5 (p. 5 et suiv.).

Choisissez la prime adéquate dans les tableaux en tenant compte de la tranche d’âge, de la formule (Essential, Classic, Plus ou Top) et de la fran-chise.

ESPara identificar la zona de precios corres-pondiente, busque el futuro país de residen-cia en la lista de países (p. 4/5).

Vaya a la tabla de “Zona de precios” correspondiente para las zonas 1 a 5 (p. 6 y sig.).

Elija la prima ade-cuada en las tablasteniendo en cuenta el grupo de edad, el ni-vel del plan (Essential, Classic, Plus o Top) y los elementos deducibles.

NLVoor het vaststellen van de prijszone zoekt u het toekomstige ves-tigingsland op inde lijst met landen (pag.4/5).

Ga naar de betreffende tabel “Prijszone” voor zones 1 t/m 5 (pag. 6 e.v.).

Kies de juiste premie in de tabellen op basis van leeftijdsgroep en polistype (Essential, Classic, Plus of Top) en het eigen risico.

Page 4: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 4

Country of Residence ISO Code ZoneAfghanistan AF 4Åland Islands AX 4Albania AL 5Algeria DZ 4American Samoa AS 1Andorra AD 4Angola AO 4Anguilla AI 4Antarctica AQ 4Antigua And Barbuda AG 4Argentina AR 4Armenia AM 5Aruba AW 4Australia AU 4Austria AT 4Azerbaijan AZ 5Bahamas BS 4Bahrain BH 4Bangladesh BD 4Barbados BB 4Belarus BY 5Belgium BE 4Belize BZ 4Benin BJ 4Bermuda BM 4Bhutan BT 4Bolivia BO 4Bosnia And Herzegowina BA 5Botswana BW 4Bouvet Island BV 4Brazil BR 3Brunei Darussalam BN 4Bulgaria BG 5Burkina Faso BF 4Burundi BI 4Cambodia KH 4Cameroon CM 4Canada CA 3Cape Verde CV 4Cayman Islands KY 1Central African Republic CF 4Chad TD 4Chile CL 4China CN 2Christmas Island CX 4Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC 4Colombia CO 4Comoros KM 4Congo CD 4Congo CG 4Cook Islands CK 4Costa Rica CR 4Croatia (Hrvatska) HR 5Cuba CU 4

Country of Residence ISO Code ZoneCyprus CY 4Czech Republic CZ 5Denmark DK 4Djibouti DJ 4Dominica DM 4Dominican Republic DO 4East Timor TL 4Ecuador EC 4Egypt EG 4El Salvador SV 4Equatorial Guinea GQ 4Eritrea ER 4Estonia EE 5Ethiopia ET 4Europe (SSGFI only) EU 4Falkland Islands FK 4Faroe Islands FO 4Fiji FJ 4Finland FI 4France FR 4French Guiana GF 4French Polynesia PF 4Gabon GA 4Gambia GM 4Georgia GE 5Germany DE 4Ghana GH 4Gibraltar GI 4Greece GR 4Greenland GL 4Grenada GD 4Guadeloupe GP 4Guam GU 1Guatemala GT 4Guernsey GG 4Guinea GN 4Guinea-Bissau GW 4Guyana GY 4Haiti HT 4Heard And Mc Donald Islands HM 4Honduras HN 4Hong Kong HK 2Hungary HU 5Iceland IS 4India IN 4Indonesia ID 4Iran (Islamic Republic Of) IR 4Iraq IQ 4Ireland IE 4Isle of Man IM 4Israel IL 3Italy IT 4Ivory Coast CI 4

Countries and Pricing Zones

Please chose the Country of Residence to identify the relating Pricing Zone (from 1 to 5).In der Länderliste finden Sie für das künftige Aufenthaltsland Ihres Kunden die entsprechende Preiszone (1 bis 5).Sélectionnez le pays de résidence pour identifier la zone de tarification correspondante (de 1 à 5).Seleccione el país de residencia para identificar la zona de precios correspondiente (del 1 al 5).Kies het toekomstige vestigingsland om de bijbehorende prijszone (van 1 t/m 5) vast te stellen.

Länder und Preiszonen. Pays et zones de tarification. Países y zonas de precios. Landen en prijszones.

Country of Aufenthaltsland. Pays de résidence. Residence: País de residencia. Vestigingsland. Zone: Zone. Zone. Zona. Zone.

Page 5: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 5

Country of Residence ISO Code ZoneJamaica JM 4Japan JP 3Jersey JE 4Jordan JO 4Kazakhstan KZ 4Kenya KE 4Kiribati KI 4Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of KP 4Korea, Republic Of KR 4Kuwait KW 4Kyrgyzstan KG 4Lao People's Democratic Republic LA 4Latvia LV 5Lebanon LB 4Lesotho LS 4Liberia LR 4Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY 4Liechtenstein LI 4Lithuania LT 5Luxembourg LU 4Macau MO 2Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Rep. Of MK 5Madagascar MG 4Malawi MW 4Malaysia MY 4Maldives MV 4Mali ML 4Malta MT 4Marshall Islands MH 1Martinique MQ 4Mauritania MR 4Mauritius MU 4Mayotte YT 4Mexico MX 4Micronesia, Federated States Of FM 1Moldova, Republic Of MD 5Monaco MC 4Mongolia MN 4Montenegro ME 5Montserrat MS 4Morocco MA 4Mozambique MZ 4Myanmar MM 4Namibia NA 4Nauru NR 4Nepal NP 4Netherlands NL 4Netherlands Antilles AN 4New Caledonia NC 4New Zealand NZ 4Nicaragua NI 4Niger NE 4Nigeria NG 4Niue NU 4Norfolk Island NF 4Northern Mariana Islands MP 1Norway NO 4Oman OM 4Pakistan PK 4Palau PW 1Palestinian Territories PS 4Panama PA 4Papua New Guinea PG 4Paraguay PY 4Peru PE 4Philippines PH 4Pitcairn PN 4Poland PL 5

Country of Residence ISO Code ZonePortugal PT 4Puerto Rico PR 1Qatar QA 4Romania RO 5Russian Federation RU 3Rwanda RW 4Saint Barthélemy BL 4Saint Kitts And Nevis KN 4Saint Lucia LC 4Saint Vincent And The Grenadines VC 4Samoa WS 4San Marino SM 4Sao Tome And Principe ST 4Saudi Arabia SA 4Senegal SN 4Serbia (Republic of Serbia) RS 5Seychelles SC 4Sierra Leone SL 4Singapore SG 2Slovakia (Slovak Republic) SK 5Slovenia SI 5Solomon Islands SB 4Somalia SO 4South Africa ZA 4South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands GS 4 Spain ES 4Sri Lanka LK 4St. Helena SH 4St. Pierre And Miquelon PM 4Sudan SD 4Suriname SR 4Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ 4Swaziland SZ 4Sweden SE 4Switzerland CH 3Syrian Arab Republic SY 4Taiwan, Province Of China TW 2Tajikistan TJ 4Tanzania, United Republic Of TZ 4Thailand TH 3Togo TG 4Tokelau TK 4Tonga TO 4Trinidad And Tobago TT 4Tunisia TN 4Turkey TR 4Turkmenistan TM 4Turks And Caicos Islands TC 4Tuvalu TV 4Uganda UG 4Ukraine UA 5United Arab Emirates AE 4United Kingdom (UK) GB 3United States US 1Uruguay UY 4Uzbekistan UZ 4Vanuatu VU 4Vatican City State (Holy See) VA 4Venezuela VE 4Vietnam VN 4Virgin Islands (British) VG 4Virgin Islands (U.S.) VI 1Wallis And Futuna Islands WF 4Western Sahara EH 4Yemen YE 4Zaire ZR 4Zambia ZM 4Zimbabwe ZW 4

Country of Aufenthaltsland. Pays de résidence. Residence: País de residencia. Vestigingsland. Zone: Zone. Zone. Zona. Zone.

Page 6: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 6

Essential Classic Plus Top156.00 313.00 627.00 784.00156.00 313.00 627.00 784.00156.00 313.00 627.00 784.00156.00 313.00 627.00 784.00162.00 326.00 656.00 819.00187.00 375.00 829.00 1,036.00209.00 418.00 888.00 1,110.00216.00 434.00 888.00 1,110.00254.00 510.00 1,021.00 1,277.00295.00 591.00 1,109.00 1,387.00349.00 700.00 1,241.00 1,550.00420.00 842.00 1,768.00 2,210.00568.00 1,137.00 2,205.00 2,756.00725.00 1,450.00 3,082.00 3,853.00

1,029.00 2,059.00 3,522.00 4,402.001,233.00 2,467.00 4,399.00 5,499.001,639.00 3,279.00 4,399.00 5,499.001,748.00 3,496.00 4,399.00 5,499.00

Classic Plus Top295.00 576.00 721.00295.00 576.00 721.00295.00 576.00 721.00295.00 576.00 721.00309.00 610.00 762.00356.00 771.00 964.00397.00 826.00 1,033.00412.00 826.00 1,033.00483.00 950.00 1,188.00562.00 1,037.00 1,296.00669.00 1,166.00 1,457.00817.00 1,697.00 2,122.00

1,112.00 2,138.00 2,674.001,429.00 3,021.00 3,775.002,027.00 3,451.00 4,314.002,439.00 4,333.00 5,416.003,242.00 4,333.00 5,416.003,456.00 4,333.00 5,416.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top281.00 542.00 677.00281.00 542.00 677.00281.00 542.00 677.00281.00 542.00 677.00297.00 577.00 721.00342.00 730.00 913.00381.00 783.00 978.00396.00 783.00 978.00464.00 900.00 1,126.00542.00 987.00 1,233.00646.00 1,114.00 1,392.00799.00 1,648.00 2,060.00

1,094.00 2,092.00 2,615.001,414.00 2,978.00 3,722.002,006.00 3,402.00 4,253.002,420.00 4,287.00 5,359.003,216.00 4,287.00 5,359.003,429.00 4,287.00 5,359.00

Classic Plus Top266.00 483.00 627.00266.00 483.00 627.00266.00 483.00 627.00266.00 483.00 627.00283.00 524.00 676.00326.00 662.00 855.00363.00 710.00 916.00377.00 710.00 916.00443.00 816.00 1,054.00519.00 902.00 1,161.00621.00 1,027.00 1,318.00778.00 1,565.00 1,989.00

1,073.00 2,015.00 2,550.001,395.00 2,905.00 3,660.001,981.00 3,320.00 4,182.002,397.00 4,210.00 5,292.003,186.00 4,210.00 5,292.003,398.00 4,210.00 5,292.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top373.00 530.00373.00 530.00373.00 530.00373.00 530.00424.00 587.00535.00 743.00573.00 796.00573.00 796.00659.00 915.00744.00 1,021.00863.00 1,174.00

1,410.00 1,852.001,871.00 2,421.002,770.00 3,541.003,165.00 4,045.004,065.00 5,164.004,065.00 5,164.004,065.00 5,164.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 1 / Monthly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 1. Zone tarifaire 1. Zona tarifaria 1. Tarief zone 1. Monatlicher Beitrag. Primes mensuelles. Primas mensuales. Maandpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 7: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 7

Essential Classic Plus Top1,872.00 3,756.00 7,524.00 9,408.001,872.00 3,756.00 7,524.00 9,408.001,872.00 3,756.00 7,524.00 9,408.001,872.00 3,756.00 7,524.00 9,408.001,944.00 3,912.00 7,872.00 9,828.002,244.00 4,500.00 9,948.00 12,432.002,508.00 5,016.00 10,656.00 13,320.002,592.00 5,208.00 10,656.00 13,320.003,048.00 6,120.00 12,252.00 15,324.003,540.00 7,092.00 13,308.00 16,644.004,188.00 8,400.00 14,892.00 18,600.005,040.00 10,104.00 21,216.00 26,520.006,816.00 13,644.00 26,460.00 33,072.008,700.00 17,400.00 36,984.00 46,236.00

12,348.00 24,708.00 42,264.00 52,824.0014,796.00 29,604.00 52,788.00 65,988.0019,668.00 39,348.00 52,788.00 65,988.0020,976.00 41,952.00 52,788.00 65,988.00

Classic Plus Top3,540.00 6,912.00 8,652.003,540.00 6,912.00 8,652.003,540.00 6,912.00 8,652.003,540.00 6,912.00 8,652.003,708.00 7,320.00 9,144.004,272.00 9,252.00 11,568.004,764.00 9,912.00 12,396.004,944.00 9,912.00 12,396.005,796.00 11,400.00 14,256.006,744.00 12,444.00 15,552.008,028.00 13,992.00 17,484.009,804.00 20,364.00 25,464.00

13,344.00 25,656.00 32,088.0017,148.00 36,252.00 45,300.0024,324.00 41,412.00 51,768.0029,268.00 51,996.00 64,992.0038,904.00 51,996.00 64,992.0041,472.00 51,996.00 64,992.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top3,372.00 6,504.00 8,124.003,372.00 6,504.00 8,124.003,372.00 6,504.00 8,124.003,372.00 6,504.00 8,124.003,564.00 6,924.00 8,652.004,104.00 8,760.00 10,956.004,572.00 9,396.00 11,736.004,752.00 9,396.00 11,736.005,568.00 10,800.00 13,512.006,504.00 11,844.00 14,796.007,752.00 13,368.00 16,704.009,588.00 19,776.00 24,720.00

13,128.00 25,104.00 31,380.0016,968.00 35,736.00 44,664.0024,072.00 40,824.00 51,036.0029,040.00 51,444.00 64,308.0038,592.00 51,444.00 64,308.0041,148.00 51,444.00 64,308.00

Classic Plus Top3,192.00 5,796.00 7,524.003,192.00 5,796.00 7,524.003,192.00 5,796.00 7,524.003,192.00 5,796.00 7,524.003,396.00 6,288.00 8,112.003,912.00 7,944.00 10,260.004,356.00 8,520.00 10,992.004,524.00 8,520.00 10,992.005,316.00 9,792.00 12,648.006,228.00 10,824.00 13,932.007,452.00 12,324.00 15,816.009,336.00 18,780.00 23,868.00

12,876.00 24,180.00 30,600.0016,740.00 34,860.00 43,920.0023,772.00 39,840.00 50,184.0028,764.00 50,520.00 63,504.0038,232.00 50,520.00 63,504.0040,776.00 50,520.00 63,504.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top4,476.00 6,360.004,476.00 6,360.004,476.00 6,360.004,476.00 6,360.005,088.00 7,044.006,420.00 8,916.006,876.00 9,552.006,876.00 9,552.007,908.00 10,980.008,928.00 12,252.00

10,356.00 14,088.0016,920.00 22,224.0022,452.00 29,052.0033,240.00 42,492.0037,980.00 48,540.0048,780.00 61,968.0048,780.00 61,968.0048,780.00 61,968.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 1 / Yearly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 1. Zone tarifaire 1. Zona tarifaria 1. Tarief zone 1. Jährlicher Beitrag. Primes anuelles. Primas anuales. Jaarpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 8: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 8

Essential Classic Plus Top80.00 172.00 490.00 613.0080.00 172.00 490.00 613.0080.00 172.00 490.00 613.0080.00 172.00 490.00 613.0082.00 181.00 512.00 641.0095.00 206.00 648.00 811.00

106.00 230.00 694.00 868.00110.00 240.00 694.00 868.00129.00 281.00 799.00 999.00151.00 326.00 866.00 1,084.00178.00 386.00 970.00 1,213.00214.00 464.00 1,382.00 1,728.00290.00 628.00 1,724.00 2,155.00370.00 800.00 2,409.00 3,011.00525.00 1,136.00 2,753.00 3,441.00629.00 1,361.00 3,439.00 4,299.00836.00 1,809.00 3,439.00 4,299.00892.00 1,930.00 3,439.00 4,299.00

Classic Plus Top152.00 450.00 564.00152.00 450.00 564.00152.00 450.00 564.00152.00 450.00 564.00162.00 476.00 596.00185.00 603.00 754.00205.00 646.00 806.00214.00 646.00 806.00250.00 743.00 929.00295.00 811.00 1,014.00352.00 912.00 1,140.00436.00 1,327.00 1,659.00600.00 1,673.00 2,091.00775.00 2,361.00 2,952.00

1,103.00 2,697.00 3,372.001,330.00 3,387.00 4,234.001,769.00 3,387.00 4,234.001,886.00 3,387.00 4,234.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top138.00 422.00 529.00138.00 422.00 529.00138.00 422.00 529.00138.00 422.00 529.00148.00 450.00 564.00170.00 571.00 714.00188.00 612.00 765.00197.00 612.00 765.00231.00 704.00 879.00272.00 771.00 964.00327.00 870.00 1,089.00417.00 1,289.00 1,609.00579.00 1,636.00 2,046.00759.00 2,327.00 2,909.00

1,078.00 2,660.00 3,325.001,309.00 3,352.00 4,189.001,740.00 3,352.00 4,189.001,855.00 3,352.00 4,189.00

Classic Plus Top120.00 376.00 490.00120.00 376.00 490.00120.00 376.00 490.00120.00 376.00 490.00133.00 410.00 528.00153.00 518.00 668.00170.00 555.00 717.00176.00 555.00 717.00206.00 637.00 823.00246.00 705.00 908.00299.00 802.00 1,031.00396.00 1,222.00 1,556.00557.00 1,575.00 1,993.00740.00 2,270.00 2,862.00

1,050.00 2,594.00 3,269.001,285.00 3,292.00 4,139.001,708.00 3,292.00 4,139.001,821.00 3,292.00 4,139.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 2 / Monthly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 2. Zone tarifaire 2. Zona tarifaria 2. Tarief zone 2.Monatlicher Beitrag. Primes mensuelles. Primas mensuales. Maandpremies.

Plus Top291.00 414.00291.00 414.00291.00 414.00291.00 414.00330.00 459.00418.00 581.00448.00 621.00448.00 621.00515.00 715.00582.00 799.00675.00 918.00

1,103.00 1,448.001,462.00 1,893.002,166.00 2,768.002,475.00 3,163.003,178.00 4,038.003,178.00 4,038.003,178.00 4,038.00

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 9: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 9

Essential Classic Plus Top960.00 2,064.00 5,880.00 7,356.00960.00 2,064.00 5,880.00 7,356.00960.00 2,064.00 5,880.00 7,356.00960.00 2,064.00 5,880.00 7,356.00984.00 2,172.00 6,144.00 7,692.00

1,140.00 2,472.00 7,776.00 9,732.001,272.00 2,760.00 8,328.00 10,416.001,320.00 2,880.00 8,328.00 10,416.001,548.00 3,372.00 9,588.00 11,988.001,812.00 3,912.00 10,392.00 13,008.002,136.00 4,632.00 11,640.00 14,556.002,568.00 5,568.00 16,584.00 20,736.003,480.00 7,536.00 20,688.00 25,860.004,440.00 9,600.00 28,908.00 36,132.006,300.00 13,632.00 33,036.00 41,292.007,548.00 16,332.00 41,268.00 51,588.00

10,032.00 21,708.00 41,268.00 51,588.0010,704.00 23,160.00 41,268.00 51,588.00

Classic Plus Top1,824.00 5,400.00 6,768.001,824.00 5,400.00 6,768.001,824.00 5,400.00 6,768.001,824.00 5,400.00 6,768.001,944.00 5,712.00 7,152.002,220.00 7,236.00 9,048.002,460.00 7,752.00 9,672.002,568.00 7,752.00 9,672.003,000.00 8,916.00 11,148.003,540.00 9,732.00 12,168.004,224.00 10,944.00 13,680.005,232.00 15,924.00 19,908.007,200.00 20,076.00 25,092.009,300.00 28,332.00 35,424.00

13,236.00 32,364.00 40,464.0015,960.00 40,644.00 50,808.0021,228.00 40,644.00 50,808.0022,632.00 40,644.00 50,808.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top1,656.00 5,064.00 6,348.001,656.00 5,064.00 6,348.001,656.00 5,064.00 6,348.001,656.00 5,064.00 6,348.001,776.00 5,400.00 6,768.002,040.00 6,852.00 8,568.002,256.00 7,344.00 9,180.002,364.00 7,344.00 9,180.002,772.00 8,448.00 10,548.003,264.00 9,252.00 11,568.003,924.00 10,440.00 13,068.005,004.00 15,468.00 19,308.006,948.00 19,632.00 24,552.009,108.00 27,924.00 34,908.00

12,936.00 31,920.00 39,900.0015,708.00 40,224.00 50,268.0020,880.00 40,224.00 50,268.0022,260.00 40,224.00 50,268.00

Classic Plus Top1,440.00 4,512.00 5,880.001,440.00 4,512.00 5,880.001,440.00 4,512.00 5,880.001,440.00 4,512.00 5,880.001,596.00 4,920.00 6,336.001,836.00 6,216.00 8,016.002,040.00 6,660.00 8,604.002,112.00 6,660.00 8,604.002,472.00 7,644.00 9,876.002,952.00 8,460.00 10,896.003,588.00 9,624.00 12,372.004,752.00 14,664.00 18,672.006,684.00 18,900.00 23,916.008,880.00 27,240.00 34,344.00

12,600.00 31,128.00 39,228.0015,420.00 39,504.00 49,668.0020,496.00 39,504.00 49,668.0021,852.00 39,504.00 49,668.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 2 / Yearly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 2. Zone tarifaire 2. Zona tarifaria 2. Tarief zone 2. Jährlicher Beitrag. Primes anuelles. Primas anuales. Jaarpremies.

Plus Top3,492.00 4,968.003,492.00 4,968.003,492.00 4,968.003,492.00 4,968.003,960.00 5,508.005,016.00 6,972.005,376.00 7,452.005,376.00 7,452.006,180.00 8,580.006,984.00 9,588.008,100.00 11,016.00

13,236.00 17,376.0017,544.00 22,716.0025,992.00 33,216.0029,700.00 37,956.0038,136.00 48,456.0038,136.00 48,456.0038,136.00 48,456.00

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 10: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 10

Essential Classic Plus Top58.00 131.00 286.00 357.0058.00 131.00 286.00 357.0058.00 131.00 286.00 357.0058.00 131.00 286.00 357.0060.00 137.00 299.00 373.0069.00 157.00 376.00 471.0077.00 174.00 404.00 505.0081.00 182.00 404.00 505.0095.00 213.00 464.00 581.00

110.00 247.00 505.00 631.00130.00 292.00 564.00 705.00157.00 352.00 804.00 1,005.00212.00 474.00 1,003.00 1,253.00270.00 605.00 1,401.00 1,751.00384.00 859.00 1,602.00 2,002.00460.00 1,029.00 2,000.00 2,499.00612.00 1,367.00 2,000.00 2,499.00651.00 1,459.00 2,000.00 2,499.00

Classic Plus Top115.00 255.00 318.00115.00 255.00 318.00115.00 255.00 318.00115.00 255.00 318.00121.00 271.00 338.00140.00 341.00 427.00155.00 366.00 458.00162.00 366.00 458.00189.00 420.00 526.00223.00 461.00 575.00266.00 518.00 648.00330.00 761.00 951.00452.00 962.00 1,203.00587.00 1,363.00 1,704.00832.00 1,559.00 1,948.00

1,005.00 1,959.00 2,449.001,335.00 1,959.00 2,449.001,424.00 1,959.00 2,449.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top103.00 233.00 291.00103.00 233.00 291.00103.00 233.00 291.00103.00 233.00 291.00112.00 250.00 313.00128.00 316.00 396.00142.00 340.00 424.00148.00 340.00 424.00173.00 390.00 487.00205.00 430.00 536.00246.00 487.00 608.00314.00 730.00 913.00436.00 934.00 1,167.00573.00 1,336.00 1,671.00814.00 1,529.00 1,910.00988.00 1,931.00 2,413.00

1,314.00 1,931.00 2,413.001,401.00 1,931.00 2,413.00

Classic Plus Top90.00 197.00 260.0090.00 197.00 260.0090.00 197.00 260.0090.00 197.00 260.0099.00 217.00 285.00

114.00 274.00 360.00127.00 295.00 386.00132.00 295.00 386.00155.00 339.00 443.00185.00 377.00 492.00225.00 433.00 562.00297.00 679.00 870.00419.00 886.00 1,127.00558.00 1,292.00 1,633.00792.00 1,477.00 1,866.00969.00 1,883.00 2,373.00

1,288.00 1,883.00 2,373.001,374.00 1,883.00 2,373.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top130.00 201.00130.00 201.00130.00 201.00130.00 201.00156.00 230.00197.00 290.00211.00 312.00211.00 312.00242.00 358.00281.00 406.00333.00 474.00585.00 786.00798.00 1,048.00

1,209.00 1,560.001,382.00 1,782.001,794.00 2,294.001,794.00 2,294.001,794.00 2,294.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 3 / Monthly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 3. Zone tarifaire 3. Zona tarifaria 3. Tarief zone 3.Monatlicher Beitrag. Primes mensuelles. Primas mensuales. Maandpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 11: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 11

Essential Classic Plus Top696.00 1,572.00 3,432.00 4,284.00696.00 1,572.00 3,432.00 4,284.00696.00 1,572.00 3,432.00 4,284.00696.00 1,572.00 3,432.00 4,284.00720.00 1,644.00 3,588.00 4,476.00828.00 1,884.00 4,512.00 5,652.00924.00 2,088.00 4,848.00 6,060.00972.00 2,184.00 4,848.00 6,060.00

1,140.00 2,556.00 5,568.00 6,972.001,320.00 2,964.00 6,060.00 7,572.001,560.00 3,504.00 6,768.00 8,460.001,884.00 4,224.00 9,648.00 12,060.002,544.00 5,688.00 12,036.00 15,036.003,240.00 7,260.00 16,812.00 21,012.004,608.00 10,308.00 19,224.00 24,024.005,520.00 12,348.00 24,000.00 29,988.007,344.00 16,404.00 24,000.00 29,988.007,812.00 17,508.00 24,000.00 29,988.00

Classic Plus Top1,380.00 3,060.00 3,816.001,380.00 3,060.00 3,816.001,380.00 3,060.00 3,816.001,380.00 3,060.00 3,816.001,452.00 3,252.00 4,056.001,680.00 4,092.00 5,124.001,860.00 4,392.00 5,496.001,944.00 4,392.00 5,496.002,268.00 5,040.00 6,312.002,676.00 5,532.00 6,900.003,192.00 6,216.00 7,776.003,960.00 9,132.00 11,412.005,424.00 11,544.00 14,436.007,044.00 16,356.00 20,448.009,984.00 18,708.00 23,376.00

12,060.00 23,508.00 29,388.0016,020.00 23,508.00 29,388.0017,088.00 23,508.00 29,388.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top1,236.00 2,796.00 3,492.001,236.00 2,796.00 3,492.001,236.00 2,796.00 3,492.001,236.00 2,796.00 3,492.001,344.00 3,000.00 3,756.001,536.00 3,792.00 4,752.001,704.00 4,080.00 5,088.001,776.00 4,080.00 5,088.002,076.00 4,680.00 5,844.002,460.00 5,160.00 6,432.002,952.00 5,844.00 7,296.003,768.00 8,760.00 10,956.005,232.00 11,208.00 14,004.006,876.00 16,032.00 20,052.009,768.00 18,348.00 22,920.00

11,856.00 23,172.00 28,956.0015,768.00 23,172.00 28,956.0016,812.00 23,172.00 28,956.00

Classic Plus Top1,080.00 2,364.00 3,120.001,080.00 2,364.00 3,120.001,080.00 2,364.00 3,120.001,080.00 2,364.00 3,120.001,188.00 2,604.00 3,420.001,368.00 3,288.00 4,320.001,524.00 3,540.00 4,632.001,584.00 3,540.00 4,632.001,860.00 4,068.00 5,316.002,220.00 4,524.00 5,904.002,700.00 5,196.00 6,744.003,564.00 8,148.00 10,440.005,028.00 10,632.00 13,524.006,696.00 15,504.00 19,596.009,504.00 17,724.00 22,392.00

11,628.00 22,596.00 28,476.0015,456.00 22,596.00 28,476.0016,488.00 22,596.00 28,476.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top1,560.00 2,412.001,560.00 2,412.001,560.00 2,412.001,560.00 2,412.001,872.00 2,760.002,364.00 3,480.002,532.00 3,744.002,532.00 3,744.002,904.00 4,296.003,372.00 4,872.003,996.00 5,688.007,020.00 9,432.009,576.00 12,576.00

14,508.00 18,720.0016,584.00 21,384.0021,528.00 27,528.0021,528.00 27,528.0021,528.00 27,528.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 3 / Yearly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 3. Zone tarifaire 3. Zona tarifaria 3. Tarief zone 3. Jährlicher Beitrag. Primes anuelles. Primas anuales. Jaarpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 12: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 12

Essential Classic Plus Top52.00 113.00 190.00 238.0052.00 113.00 190.00 238.0052.00 113.00 190.00 238.0052.00 113.00 190.00 238.0054.00 117.00 199.00 248.0061.00 135.00 252.00 314.0069.00 151.00 269.00 336.0072.00 156.00 269.00 336.0084.00 184.00 310.00 387.0098.00 213.00 336.00 420.00

116.00 252.00 376.00 470.00140.00 303.00 535.00 670.00189.00 410.00 669.00 835.00242.00 522.00 934.00 1,167.00344.00 742.00 1,067.00 1,334.00412.00 888.00 1,333.00 1,666.00548.00 1,180.00 1,333.00 1,666.00584.00 1,259.00 1,333.00 1,666.00

Classic Plus Top99.00 167.00 209.0099.00 167.00 209.0099.00 167.00 209.0099.00 167.00 209.00

104.00 177.00 221.00120.00 225.00 281.00133.00 240.00 301.00139.00 240.00 301.00163.00 276.00 346.00190.00 303.00 378.00228.00 342.00 427.00284.00 503.00 629.00390.00 639.00 798.00505.00 906.00 1,132.00718.00 1,035.00 1,293.00866.00 1,303.00 1,629.00

1,152.00 1,303.00 1,629.001,229.00 1,303.00 1,629.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top88.00 151.00 188.0088.00 151.00 188.0088.00 151.00 188.0088.00 151.00 188.0095.00 163.00 203.00

110.00 206.00 257.00121.00 220.00 275.00126.00 220.00 275.00149.00 254.00 317.00175.00 280.00 349.00211.00 318.00 397.00270.00 481.00 601.00376.00 617.00 771.00495.00 886.00 1,107.00702.00 1,013.00 1,265.00851.00 1,281.00 1,602.00

1,132.00 1,281.00 1,602.001,207.00 1,281.00 1,602.00

Classic Plus Top76.00 124.00 166.0076.00 124.00 166.0076.00 124.00 166.0076.00 124.00 166.0085.00 138.00 183.0098.00 174.00 230.00

109.00 187.00 247.00113.00 187.00 247.00132.00 215.00 284.00158.00 241.00 316.00191.00 277.00 362.00255.00 442.00 568.00360.00 581.00 740.00481.00 852.00 1,078.00683.00 974.00 1,233.00835.00 1,246.00 1,572.00

1,109.00 1,246.00 1,572.001,184.00 1,246.00 1,572.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top73.00 120.0073.00 120.0073.00 120.0073.00 120.0091.00 141.00

116.00 178.00124.00 191.00124.00 191.00143.00 220.00168.00 253.00202.00 297.00371.00 505.00514.00 682.00790.00 1,023.00903.00 1,170.00

1,179.00 1,513.001,179.00 1,513.001,179.00 1,513.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 4 / Monthly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 4. Zone tarifaire 4. Zona tarifaria 4. Tarief zone 4.Monatlicher Beitrag. Primes mensuelles. Primas mensuales. Maandpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 13: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 13

Essential Classic Plus Top624.00 1,356.00 2,280.00 2,856.00624.00 1,356.00 2,280.00 2,856.00624.00 1,356.00 2,280.00 2,856.00624.00 1,356.00 2,280.00 2,856.00648.00 1,404.00 2,388.00 2,976.00732.00 1,620.00 3,024.00 3,768.00828.00 1,812.00 3,228.00 4,032.00864.00 1,872.00 3,228.00 4,032.00

1,008.00 2,208.00 3,720.00 4,644.001,176.00 2,556.00 4,032.00 5,040.001,392.00 3,024.00 4,512.00 5,640.001,680.00 3,636.00 6,420.00 8,040.002,268.00 4,920.00 8,028.00 10,020.002,904.00 6,264.00 11,208.00 14,004.004,128.00 8,904.00 12,804.00 16,008.004,944.00 10,656.00 15,996.00 19,992.006,576.00 14,160.00 15,996.00 19,992.007,008.00 15,108.00 15,996.00 19,992.00

Classic Plus Top1,188.00 2,004.00 2,508.001,188.00 2,004.00 2,508.001,188.00 2,004.00 2,508.001,188.00 2,004.00 2,508.001,248.00 2,124.00 2,652.001,440.00 2,700.00 3,372.001,596.00 2,880.00 3,612.001,668.00 2,880.00 3,612.001,956.00 3,312.00 4,152.002,280.00 3,636.00 4,536.002,736.00 4,104.00 5,124.003,408.00 6,036.00 7,548.004,680.00 7,668.00 9,576.006,060.00 10,872.00 13,584.008,616.00 12,420.00 15,516.00

10,392.00 15,636.00 19,548.0013,824.00 15,636.00 19,548.0014,748.00 15,636.00 19,548.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top1,056.00 1,812.00 2,256.001,056.00 1,812.00 2,256.001,056.00 1,812.00 2,256.001,056.00 1,812.00 2,256.001,140.00 1,956.00 2,436.001,320.00 2,472.00 3,084.001,452.00 2,640.00 3,300.001,512.00 2,640.00 3,300.001,788.00 3,048.00 3,804.002,100.00 3,360.00 4,188.002,532.00 3,816.00 4,764.003,240.00 5,772.00 7,212.004,512.00 7,404.00 9,252.005,940.00 10,632.00 13,284.008,424.00 12,156.00 15,180.00

10,212.00 15,372.00 19,224.0013,584.00 15,372.00 19,224.0014,484.00 15,372.00 19,224.00

Classic Plus Top912.00 1,488.00 1,992.00912.00 1,488.00 1,992.00912.00 1,488.00 1,992.00912.00 1,488.00 1,992.00

1,020.00 1,656.00 2,196.001,176.00 2,088.00 2,760.001,308.00 2,244.00 2,964.001,356.00 2,244.00 2,964.001,584.00 2,580.00 3,408.001,896.00 2,892.00 3,792.002,292.00 3,324.00 4,344.003,060.00 5,304.00 6,816.004,320.00 6,972.00 8,880.005,772.00 10,224.00 12,936.008,196.00 11,688.00 14,796.00

10,020.00 14,952.00 18,864.0013,308.00 14,952.00 18,864.0014,208.00 14,952.00 18,864.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top876.00 1,440.00876.00 1,440.00876.00 1,440.00876.00 1,440.00

1,092.00 1,692.001,392.00 2,136.001,488.00 2,292.001,488.00 2,292.001,716.00 2,640.002,016.00 3,036.002,424.00 3,564.004,452.00 6,060.006,168.00 8,184.009,480.00 12,276.00

10,836.00 14,040.0014,148.00 18,156.0014,148.00 18,156.0014,148.00 18,156.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 4 / Yearly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 4. Zone tarifaire 4. Zona tarifaria 4. Tarief zone 4. Jährlicher Beitrag. Primes anuelles. Primas anuales. Jaarpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 14: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 14

Essential Classic Plus Top39.00 85.00 143.00 178.0039.00 85.00 143.00 178.0039.00 85.00 143.00 178.0039.00 85.00 143.00 178.0040.00 88.00 148.00 186.0046.00 101.00 188.00 235.0052.00 113.00 202.00 253.0054.00 117.00 202.00 253.0062.00 138.00 232.00 290.0073.00 160.00 252.00 315.0087.00 189.00 282.00 353.00

104.00 227.00 402.00 502.00142.00 307.00 501.00 627.00182.00 391.00 701.00 876.00258.00 556.00 801.00 1,001.00309.00 667.00 1,000.00 1,250.00411.00 886.00 1,000.00 1,250.00438.00 945.00 1,000.00 1,250.00

Classic Plus Top71.00 121.00 152.0071.00 121.00 152.0071.00 121.00 152.0071.00 121.00 152.0075.00 129.00 161.0086.00 163.00 204.0097.00 175.00 219.00

100.00 175.00 219.00117.00 201.00 252.00139.00 220.00 276.00166.00 249.00 313.00207.00 372.00 464.00288.00 472.00 591.00375.00 674.00 843.00532.00 771.00 963.00646.00 971.00 1,215.00858.00 971.00 1,215.00915.00 971.00 1,215.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top61.00 106.00 132.0061.00 106.00 132.0061.00 106.00 132.0061.00 106.00 132.0067.00 115.00 144.0076.00 145.00 182.0085.00 156.00 196.0088.00 156.00 196.00

103.00 180.00 225.00124.00 199.00 248.00148.00 227.00 284.00195.00 350.00 438.00275.00 453.00 567.00363.00 656.00 819.00516.00 749.00 936.00631.00 951.00 1,190.00839.00 951.00 1,190.00894.00 951.00 1,190.00

Classic Plus Top49.00 81.00 111.0049.00 81.00 111.0049.00 81.00 111.0049.00 81.00 111.0056.00 91.00 124.0065.00 116.00 157.0072.00 125.00 169.0074.00 125.00 169.0087.00 143.00 194.00

105.00 162.00 218.00130.00 189.00 253.00180.00 314.00 406.00259.00 419.00 538.00350.00 625.00 793.00498.00 714.00 906.00614.00 918.00 1,161.00816.00 918.00 1,161.00871.00 918.00 1,161.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top33.00 69.0033.00 69.0033.00 69.0033.00 69.0048.00 86.0061.00 109.0066.00 116.0066.00 116.0076.00 134.0095.00 157.00

119.00 190.00247.00 347.00357.00 482.00567.00 742.00647.00 847.00856.00 1,106.00856.00 1,106.00856.00 1,106.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 5 / Monthly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 5. Zone tarifaire 5. Zona tarifaria 5. Tarief zone 5.Monatlicher Beitrag. Primes mensuelles. Primas mensuales. Maandpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.


Page 15: Globality YouGenio World Premium Tables · Die Versicherungssteuer und andere gesetzliche Gebühren sind dabei noch nicht berücksichtigt, weil sie von Land zu Land verschieden sind

Globality S.A. | Premium Tables EUR Page 15

Essential Classic Plus Top468.00 1,020.00 1,716.00 2,136.00468.00 1,020.00 1,716.00 2,136.00468.00 1,020.00 1,716.00 2,136.00468.00 1,020.00 1,716.00 2,136.00480.00 1,056.00 1,776.00 2,232.00552.00 1,212.00 2,256.00 2,820.00624.00 1,356.00 2,424.00 3,036.00648.00 1,404.00 2,424.00 3,036.00744.00 1,656.00 2,784.00 3,480.00876.00 1,920.00 3,024.00 3,780.00

1,044.00 2,268.00 3,384.00 4,236.001,248.00 2,724.00 4,824.00 6,024.001,704.00 3,684.00 6,012.00 7,524.002,184.00 4,692.00 8,412.00 10,512.003,096.00 6,672.00 9,612.00 12,012.003,708.00 8,004.00 12,000.00 15,000.004,932.00 10,632.00 12,000.00 15,000.005,256.00 11,340.00 12,000.00 15,000.00

Classic Plus Top852.00 1,452.00 1,824.00852.00 1,452.00 1,824.00852.00 1,452.00 1,824.00852.00 1,452.00 1,824.00900.00 1,548.00 1,932.00

1,032.00 1,956.00 2,448.001,164.00 2,100.00 2,628.001,200.00 2,100.00 2,628.001,404.00 2,412.00 3,024.001,668.00 2,640.00 3,312.001,992.00 2,988.00 3,756.002,484.00 4,464.00 5,568.003,456.00 5,664.00 7,092.004,500.00 8,088.00 10,116.006,384.00 9,252.00 11,556.007,752.00 11,652.00 14,580.00

10,296.00 11,652.00 14,580.0010,980.00 11,652.00 14,580.00

Deductible: 0 Euro Deductible: 250 Euro

Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Age groups0–45–9


Classic Plus Top732.00 1,272.00 1,584.00732.00 1,272.00 1,584.00732.00 1,272.00 1,584.00732.00 1,272.00 1,584.00804.00 1,380.00 1,728.00912.00 1,740.00 2,184.00

1,020.00 1,872.00 2,352.001,056.00 1,872.00 2,352.001,236.00 2,160.00 2,700.001,488.00 2,388.00 2,976.001,776.00 2,724.00 3,408.002,340.00 4,200.00 5,256.003,300.00 5,436.00 6,804.004,356.00 7,872.00 9,828.006,192.00 8,988.00 11,232.007,572.00 11,412.00 14,280.00

10,068.00 11,412.00 14,280.0010,728.00 11,412.00 14,280.00

Classic Plus Top588.00 972.00 1,332.00588.00 972.00 1,332.00588.00 972.00 1,332.00588.00 972.00 1,332.00672.00 1,092.00 1,488.00780.00 1,392.00 1,884.00864.00 1,500.00 2,028.00888.00 1,500.00 2,028.00

1,044.00 1,716.00 2,328.001,260.00 1,944.00 2,616.001,560.00 2,268.00 3,036.002,160.00 3,768.00 4,872.003,108.00 5,028.00 6,456.004,200.00 7,500.00 9,516.005,976.00 8,568.00 10,872.007,368.00 11,016.00 13,932.009,792.00 11,016.00 13,932.00

10,452.00 11,016.00 13,932.00

Deductible: 500 Euro Deductible: 1,000 Euro

Plus Top396.00 828.00396.00 828.00396.00 828.00396.00 828.00576.00 1,032.00732.00 1,308.00792.00 1,392.00792.00 1,392.00912.00 1,608.00

1,140.00 1,884.001,428.00 2,280.002,964.00 4,164.004,284.00 5,784.006,804.00 8,904.007,764.00 10,164.00

10,272.00 13,272.0010,272.00 13,272.0010,272.00 13,272.00

Deductible: 2,500 Euro

Pricing Zone 5 / Yearly Premium

Globality YouGenio® World 01/2018

Preiszone 5. Zone tarifaire 5. Zona tarifaria 5. Tarief zone 5. Jährlicher Beitrag. Primes anuelles. Primas anuales. Jaarpremies.

Deductible: Selbstbeteiligung. Franchises. Franquicias. Eigen risico.Age groups: Altersstufen. Âge. Tramos de edad. Leeftijdsgroep.