government gazette - 18 february

Nru./No. 19,384 Prezz/Price 0.72 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette L-Erbgħa, 18 ta’ Frar, 2015 Wednesday, 18th February, 2015 Pubblikata b’Awtorità Published by Authority SOMMARJU — SUMMARY Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 1237 - 1245 Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 1237 - 1245 Avviżi tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 1246 - 1248 Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 1246 - 1248

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  • Nru./No. 19,384Prezz/Price


    Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta MaltaThe Malta Government Gazette

    L-Erbga, 18 ta Frar, 2015Wednesday, 18th February, 2015

    Pubblikata bAwtoritPublished by Authority


    Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 1237 - 1245Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 1237 - 1245

    Avvii tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 1246 - 1248Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 1246 - 1248

  • It-18 ta Frar, 2015 1237



    The following declaration, made by the President of Malta

    in terms of article 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)

    Ordinance (Chapter 88), is published in terms and for the

    purposes of article 9(1) of the said Ordinance.

    18th February, 2015


    I hereby declare that the undermentioned land is required

    by the competent authority for a public purpose in terms of

    the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)

    Ordinance (Chapter 88) and that the acquisition thereof is to

    be by absolute purchase.

    Description of the Land

    The following land at swieqi:

    A plot of land measuring about 209 square metres, bounded

    on the West by Government property, on the North by a public

    road and on the south by property of unknown owners or more

    precise boundaries.

    The abovementioned land is shown marked with the colour

    red on plan P.D. No. 2014_595, which may be viewed on demand

    at the Land Department, Auberge de baviere, Valletta.

    The compensation offered is two hundred and thirty

    thousand euro (230,000) according to the valuation

    published with this declaration as made by of architect Michael

    schembri, A&Ce.

    Nru. 148


    Din id-Dikjarazzjoni li ejja, magmula mill-President ta

    Malta bis-saa tal-artikolu 3 tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta

    Artijiet gal skopijiet Pubblii (Kapitolu 88), hija ppubblikata

    skont u gall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-Ordinanza.

    It-18 ta Frar, 2015

    File No: L273/2014


    jiena hawnhekk niddikjara li l-art hawn tat imsemmija

    hija metiea mill-awtorit kompetenti gal skop pubbliku

    skont id-dispoizzjonijiet tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta

    Artijiet gal skopijiet Pubblii (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-akkwist

    tagha gandu jkun bxiri assolut.

    Deskrizzjoni tal-Art

    L-art li ejja fis-swieqi:

    bia art tal-kejl ta madwar 209 metri kwadri, li tmiss

    mill-Punent ma proprjet tal-Gvern, mit-Tramuntana ma

    triq pubblika u min-Nofsinhar ma proprjet ta sidien mhux

    magrufa jew irjie verjuri.

    L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur amar fuq

    il-pjanta P.D.Nru. 2014_595, li wieed jista jara fuq talba fid-

    Dipartiment tal-Artijiet, Auberge de baviere, Il-belt Valletta.

    Il-kumpens offrut huwa ta mitejn u tletin elf ewro

    (230,000), skont l-istima li hawn ma din id-dikjarazzjoni

    kif din saret mill-perit arkitett Michael schembri, A&Ce.

  • 1238 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,384

    Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tigi ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija.

    (Iff.) MarIe-LouIse CoLeIro PreCaPresident6/2/2015

    Din is-site plan qed tii ppubblikata fpana 1239.

    Stima tal-Perit (Oriinali bil-Malti)

    Art fis-Swieqi

    Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-Kummissarju tal-Artijiet, skont

    l-artiklu 25(3A) tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta Artijiet

    (gal skopijiet Pubblii), Kapitlu 88 tal-Liijiet ta Malta,

    qieged niffissa l-valur liberu u frank tal-proprjet hawn tat

    deskritta fi Triq sant Andrija, Is-swieqi, li hija metiea mill-

    Gvern gal skop pubbliku, u dan wara li kkunsidrajt il-lokalit,

    il-qies, l-gamla, l-istat u l-potenzjal, skont il-pjanijiet u

    l-konfini ta-ona tal-ivilupp kif marua uffijalment mill-

    Awtorit Maltija gall-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar (MePA), kif ukoll

    il-valur ta proprjetajiet ora viini jew simili u wejje ora

    li jista jkollhom effett fuq il-valur tal-istess proprjet.

    bia art tal-kejl ta madwar 209 metri kwadri, li tmiss

    mill-Punent ma proprjet tal-Gvern, mit-Tramuntana ma

    triq pubblika u min-Nofsinhar ma proprjet ta sidien mhux

    magrufa jew irjie verjuri, liem art fit-termini tal-Ordinanza

    dwar l-Akkwist ta Artijiet hija meqjusa bala fi-ona tal-

    ivilupp u hija murija delinjata bl-amar fuq il-pjanta P.D.

    Nru: 2014_595, hija stmata gall-valur ta mitejn u tletin elf

    ewro (230 000).

    Din l-art tinsab fil-konfini ta-ona tal-ivilupp u hija

    metiea b konnessjoni ma titjib gat-traffiku fi Triq sant


    (Iff.) Michael schembri, A&Ce.

    Il-15 ta Ottubru, 2014

    A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is

    being published with this declaration.

    (sgd) MarIe-LouIse CoLeIro PreCa President6/2/2015

    This site plan is being published on page 1239.

    Architects Valuation (original in Maltese)

    Land in Swieqi

    As directed by the Commissioner of Land, in terms of article

    25(3A) of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance,

    Chapter 88 of the Laws of Malta, I hereby assess the free and

    unencumbered value of the property described hereunder in Triq

    sant Andrija, swieqi, which is required by the Government

    for a public purpose, after having considered the locality,

    size, contours, state and potential, in terms of the plans and

    boundaries of the development zone as officially published by

    the Malta environment and Planning Authority (MePA), as

    well as the values of other nearby or similar property and other

    matters which may affect the value of the same property.

    A plot of land measuring about 209 square metres, bounded

    on the West by Government property, on the North by a public

    road and on the south by property of unknown owners or more

    precise boundaries, which land is considered as a building site

    in terms of the Land Acquisition Ordinance, and is shown

    delineated in red on plan P.D. No. 2014_595, is valued for

    two hundred and thirty thousand euro (230,000).

    This land is found in the development zone and is required

    in connection with better traffic management in Triq sant


    (sgd) Michael schembri, A&Ce.

    15th October, 2014

  • It-18 ta Frar, 2015 1239


  • 1240 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,384

    Nru. 149


    Din id-Dikjarazzjoni li ejja, magmula mill-President ta

    Malta bis-saa tal-artikolu 3 tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta

    Artijiet gal skopijiet Pubblii (Kapitolu 88), hija ppubblikata

    skont u gall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-Ordinanza.

    It-18 ta Frar, 2015

    File No: L25/2011/XII


    jiena hawnhekk niddikjara illi l-art hawn tat imsemmija

    hija metiea mill-awtorit kompetenti gal skop pubbliku

    skont id-dispoizzjonijiet tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta

    Artijiet gal skopijiet Pubblii (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-Akkwist

    tagha gandu jkun bxiri assolut.

    Deskrizzjoni tal-Art

    L-art li ejja fAttard:

    bia art tal-kejl ta madwar 814-il metru kwadru, li

    tmiss min-Nofsinhar u mil-Lbi ma proprjet tal-Gvern, u

    mit-Tramuntana ma proprjet ta sidien mhux magrufa jew

    irjie verjuri.

    L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur amar fuq

    il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2014_547, li wieed jista jara fuq talba fid-

    Dipartiment tal-Artijiet, Auberge de baviere, Il-belt Valletta.

    Il-kumpens offrut huwa ta amsa u goxrin elf, mija u

    ames ewro (25,105), skont l-istima li hawn ma din id-

    No. 149


    The following declaration, made by the President of Malta

    in terms of article 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)

    Ordinance (Chapter 88), is published in terms and for the

    purposes of article 9(1) of the said Ordinance.

    18th February, 2015


    I hereby declare that the undermentioned land is required

    by the competent authority for a public purpose in terms of

    the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)

    Ordinance (Chapter 88) and that the acquisition thereof is to

    be by absolute purchase.

    Description of the Land

    The following land in Attard:

    A plot of land measuring about 814 square metres, bounded

    on the south and south-West by Government property, and

    on the North by property of unknown owners or more precise


    The abovementioned land is shown coloured in red on plan

    P.D. No. 2014_547, which may be viewed on demand at the

    Land Department, Auberge de baviere, Valletta.

    The compensation offered is twenty-five thousand, one

    hundred and five euro (25,105) according to the valuation

  • It-18 ta Frar, 2015 1241

    dikjarazzjoni kif din saret mill-Perit Arkitett Fred h.Valentino,


    Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tii ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija.

    (Iff.) MarIe-LouIse CoLeIro PreCaPresident5/2/2015

    Din is-site plan qed tii ppubblikata fpana 1242.

    Stima tal-Perit (Oriinali bil-Malti)

    Art fAttard

    Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-Kummissarju tal-Artijiet, skont

    l-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist taArtijiet (gal skopijiet

    Pubblii), qieged niffissa l-valur liberu u frank tal-proprjet

    hawn tat deskritta fAttard, li hi metiea mill-Gvern gal

    skop pubbliku, u dan wara li adt in konsiderazzjoni l-lokalit,

    kif ukoll wejje ora li jista jkollhom xjaqsmu mal-valur

    tal-istess proprjet.

    bia art tal-kejl ta irka 814-il metru kwadru, li tmiss

    min-Nofsinhar u mil-Lbi ma proprjet tal-Gvern, u mit-

    Tramuntana ma proprjet ta sidien mhux magrufa jew irjie

    verjuri, liema art hija meqjusa bala art agrikola fit-termini

    tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist taArtijiet, u li hija murija

    delinjata bil-kulur amar fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2014_547,

    hija stmata gall-valur ta amsa u goxrin elf, mija u ames

    ewro (25,105).

    (Iff.) Fred h. Valentino, A&Ce.

    L-10 ta Ottubru, 2014

    published with this declaration as made by of architect Fred

    h. Valentino, A&Ce.

    A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is

    being published with this declaration.

    (sgd) MarIe-LouIse CoLeIro PreCaPresident5/2/2015

    This site plan is being published on page 1242.

    Architects Valuation (original in Maltese)

    Land at Attard

    As directed by the Commissioner of Land, in terms of

    the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance, I hereby

    assess the free and unencumbered value of the property

    described hereunder in Attard, which is required by the

    Government for a public purpose, and this after having

    considered the locality, as well as other matters which may

    affect the value of the same property.

    A plot of land measuring about 814 square metres, bounded

    on the south and south-West by Government property,

    and on the North by property of unknown owners or more

    precise boundaries, which land is considered as agricultural

    land in terms of the Land Acquisition Ordinance, and is

    shown with the colour red on plan P.D. no. 2014_547, and

    valued for twenty-five thousand, one hundred and five euro


    (sgd) Fred h. Valentino, A&Ce.

    10th October, 2014

  • 1242 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,384


  • It-18 ta Frar, 2015 1243

    No. 150


    The following declaration, made by the President of Malta

    in terms of article 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)

    Ordinance (Chapter 88), is published in terms and for the

    purposes of article 9(1) of the said Ordinance.

    18th February, 2015


    I hereby declare that the undermentioned land is required

    by the competent authority for a public purpose in terms of

    the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)

    Ordinance (Chapter 88) and that the acquisition thereof is to

    be by absolute purchase.

    Description of the Land

    The following land in birkirkara:

    A plot of land measuring about 16 square metres, bounded

    on the sorth and south-West by Triq i-erniq, and on

    the North by property of unknown owners or more precise


    The abovementioned land is shown coloured in red on plan

    P.D. No. 2014_600, which may be viewed on demand at the

    Land Department, Auberge de baviere, Valletta.

    The compensation offered is twelve thousand and seventy-

    five euro and fifty cents (12,075.50), according to the

    Nru. 150


    Din id-Dikjarazzjoni li ejja, magmula mill-President

    ta Malta bis-saa tal-artikolu 3 tal-Ordinanza dwar

    l-Akkwist ta Artijiet gal skopijiet Pubblii (Kapitolu 88),

    hija ppubblikata skont u gall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik


    It-18 ta Frar, 2015

    File No: L25/2011/XIII


    jiena hawnhekk niddikjara illi l-art hawn tat imsemmija

    hija metiea mill-awtorit kompetenti gal skop pubbliku

    skont id-dispoizzjonijiet tal-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta

    Artijiet gal skopijiet Pubblii (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-Akkwist

    tagha gandu jkun bxiri assolut.

    Deskrizzjoni tal-Art

    L-art li ejja fbirkirkara:

    bia art tal-kejl ta madwar 16-il metru kwadru, li

    tmiss min-Nofsinhar u mil-Lbi ma Triq i-erniq, u mit-

    Tramuntana ma proprjet ta sidien mhux magrufa jew

    irjie verjuri.

    L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur amar fuq

    il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2014_600, li wieed jista jara fuq talba fid-

    Dipartiment tal-Artijiet, Auberge de baviere, Il-belt Valletta.

    Il-kumpens offrut huwa ta tnax-il elf u amsa u sebgin

    ewro u amsin entemu (12,075.50), skont l-istima li hawn

  • 1244 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,384

    ma din id-dikjarazzjoni kif din saret mill-Perit Arkitett Fred

    h.Valentino, A&Ce.

    Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tii ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija.

    (Iff.) MarIe-LouIse CoLeIro PreCaPresident30/1/2015

    Din is-site plan qed tii ppubblikata fpana 1245.

    Stima tal-Perit (Oriinali bil-Malti)

    Art fBirkirkara

    Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-Kummissarju tal-Artijiet, skont

    l-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta Artijiet (gal skopijiet

    Pubblii), qieged niffissa l-valur liberu u frank tal-proprjet

    hawn tat deskritta fbirkirkara, li hi metiea mill-Gvern

    gal skop pubbliku, u dan wara li adt in konsiderazzjoni

    l-lokalit, kif ukoll wejje ora li jista jkollhom xjaqsmu

    mal-valur tal-istess proprjet.

    bia art tal-kejl ta irka 16-il metru kwadru, li tmiss min-

    Nofsinhar u mil-Lbi ma Triq i-erniq, u mit-Tramuntana

    ma proprjet ta sidien mhux magrufa jew irjie verjuri,

    liema art hija meqjusa bala art fabbrikabbli fit-termini tal-

    Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta Artijiet u li hija murija delinjata

    bil-kulur amar fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru.2014_600, hija stmata

    gall-valur ta tnax-il elf u amsa u sebgin ewro u amsin

    entemu 12,075.50).

    (Iff.) Fred h. Valentino, A&Ce.

    Il-25 ta Ottubru, 2014

    valuation published with this declaration as made by of

    architect Fred h. Valentino, A&Ce.

    A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is

    being published with this declaration.

    (sgd) MarIe-LouIse CoLeIro PreCaPresident30/1/2015

    This site plan is being published on page 1245.

    Architects Valuation (original in Maltese)

    Land at Birkirkara

    As directed by the Commissioner of Land, in terms of

    the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance, I hereby

    assess the free and unencumbered value of the property

    described hereunder in birkirkara, which is required by

    the Government for a public purpose, and this after having

    considered the locality, as well as other matters which may

    affect the value of the same property.

    A plot of land measuring about 16 square metres, bounded on

    the south and south-West by Triq i-erniq, and on the North

    by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries,

    which land is considered as agricultural land in terms of the

    Land Acquisition Ordinance, and is shown with the colour red

    on plan P.D. No. 2014_600, and valued for twelve thousand

    and seventy-five euro and fifty cents (12,075.50).

    (sgd) Fred h. Valentino, A&Ce.

    25th October, 2014

  • It-18 ta Frar, 2015 1245


  • 1246 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,384


    AVVII TAL-QOrTI Court NotiCeS

    by means of a decree given on the 20th November, 2014, by the Civil Court (Family section), in the records of the sworn Application, in the names Persico Charles vs Chetcuti Karen, application number 231/14 rGM, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the respondent in terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.

    by means of a sworm Application filed in the Civil Court (Family section), in the names Charles Persico (ID 274777M) vs Karen Chetcuti (ID 22982M), on the 14th October, 2014, the applicant Charles Persico (ID 274777M), asked this honourable Court:

    To declare null and without effect for all intents and purposes of law, the marriage contracted between the parties on the 13th April, 2002.

    With costs and the defendant is summoned so that a reference to her evidence be made.

    Applicant: 121, sisters street, al Tarxien.

    Defendant: 79, Annunzjata, Triq is-sorijiet, al Tarxien.

    The sworn Application in the names Persico Charles vs Chetcuti Karen, application number 231/14 rGM, has been deferred for hearing to Wednesday, 4th March, 2015, at 9.00 a.m.

    registry of the Civil Courts (Family section), today 17th February, 2015.

    ADV. FrANK POrTeLLI, LLDFor the registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

    by means of a decree given by the First hall Civil Court, on the 30th january, 2015, in the records of the sworn Application, in the names bank of Valletta plc vs Pace Kurt Manuel, application number 1151/14 LM, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the defendant in terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.

    by means of a sworn Application filed in the First hall Civil Court, in the names bank of Valletta plc (C 2833) vs Kurt Manuel Pace (ID 65190M), the applicant bank of Valletta plc asked this honourable Court:

    To declare and decide that there occured one or more of the events mentioned in the private writing mentioned in the application, condemn Kurt Manuel Pace to pay the applicant

    bdigriet mogti fl-20 ta Novembru, 2014, mill-Qorti ivili (sezzjoni Familja), fl-atti tar-rikors uramentat, fl-ismijiet Persico Charles vs Chetcuti Karen, rikors numru 231/14 rGM, iet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta notifika fil-konfront tal-intimata a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.

    Permezz ta rikors uramentat ippreentat fil-Qorti ivili (sezzjoni Familja), fl-ismijiet Charles Persico (KI 274777M) vs Karen Chetcuti (KI 22982M), fl-14 ta Ottubru, 2014, ir-rikorrenti Charles Persico (KI 274777M), talab lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti:

    Tiddikjara null u bla effett gall-finijiet u effetti kollha tal-lii, i-wie kontrattat bejn il-partijiet fit-13 ta April, 2002.

    bl-ispejje u l-konvenuta inunta in subizzjoni.

    rikorrent: 121, sisters street, al Tarxien.

    Konvenuta: 79, Annunzjata, Triq is-sorijiet, al Tarxien.

    Ir-rikors uramentat fl-ismijiet Persico Charles vs Chetcuti Karen, rikors numru 231/14 rGM, jinsab differit gall-erbga, 4 ta Marzu, 2015, fid-9.00 a.m.

    reistru tal-Qrati ivili (sezzjoni Familja), illum 17 ta Frar, 2015.

    AVV. FrANK POrTeLLI, LLDGar-reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

    bdigriet mogti mill-PrimAwla tal-Qorti ivili, fit-30 ta jannar, 2015, fl-atti tar-rikors uramentat, fl-ismijiet bank of Valletta plc vs Pace Kurt Manuel, rikors numru 1151/14 LM, iet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta notifika fil-konfront tal-konvenut a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.

    Permezz ta rikors uramentat ippreentat fil-PrimAwla tal-Qorti ivili, fl-ismijiet bank of Valletta plc (C 2833) vs Kurt Manuel Pace (KI 65190M), ir-rikorrenti bank of Valletta plc talab lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti:

    Tiddikjara u tiddeiedi illi seew wada jew aktar mill-rajjiet imsemmija fl-iskrittura privata imsemmija fir-rikors, tikkundanna lil Kurt Manuel Pace iallas lis-sojet attrii,


  • It-18 ta Frar, 2015 1247

    is-somma ta mistax-il elf, sitt mija u sebga u tmenin ewro u disga u erbgin entemu (15,687.49), bilan gad-debitu fil-Loan Account ta Kurt Manuel Pace mal-bank of Valletta plc flimkien mal-imgax ulterjuri, mill-21 ta Ottubru, 2014, sad-data tal-effettiv pagament.

    bl-ispejje kif mitluba kontra l-konvenut inunt in subizzjoni.

    sojet rikorrenti: bank of Valletta plc (C 2833), 1/5, Misra san or, Il-belt Valletta VLT 1190.

    Konvenut: Kurt Manuel Pace, 56, edmar, Flat 3, Triq ruar Mizzi, Il-Mosta.

    Ir-rikors uramentat fl-ismijiet bank of Valletta plc vs Pace Kurt Manuel, rikors numru 1151/14 LM, jinsab differit gas-27 ta Frar, 2015, fid-9.30 a.m.

    reistru tal-Qrati superjuri, illum 17 ta Frar, 2015.

    AVV. FrANK POrTeLLI, LLDGar-reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali

    IKUN jAF KULADD illi bdigriet mogti fis-6 ta Frar, 2015, mill-Qorti tal-Maistrati (Malta) bala Qorti ta udikatura Kriminali (Maistrat Dr Natasha Galea sciberras, LLD), Kumpilazzjoni numru 529/2014 fil-kawa fl-ismijiet:

    Il-Pulizija (spettur Gabriel Micallef)


    sTePheN bONsFIeLD, ta 46 sena, diokkuppat, bin harold u Teres ne Maranci, imwieled Tas-sliema, Malta, fis-17 ta settembru, 1968, residenti fil-fond st Anthony, Flat 4, Triq it-Tamar, san Pawl il-baar, Malta, u detentur tal-karta tal-identit Maltija bin-numru 42069M.

    OrDNAT is-sekwestru fidejn terzi persuni bmod enerali, il-flejjes u l-proprjet mobbli kollha li huma dovuti lil, jew imissu lil sTePheN bONsFIeLD, jew li huma proprjet tiegu, u pprojbietu milli jittrasferixxi, jagti brahan, jipoteka jew xort ora jiddisponi minn xi proprjet mobbli jew immobbli ai termini tal-Artikolu 22A tal-Ordinanza dwar il-Mediini Perikolui, Kap. 101 tal-Liijiet ta Malta, u tal-Artikolu 23A tal-Kodii Kriminali, Kap. 9 tal-Liijiet ta Malta.

    AWTOrIzzAT lill-imputat jista jibqa jirievi l-ammont li ma jeedix it-tlettax-il elf, disa mija u sitta u sebgin ewro u erbga u goxrin entemu (13,976.24) fis-sena.

    company, the sum of fifteen thousand, six hundred and eighty-seven euro and forty nine cents (15,687.49), balance of debt in the Loan Account of Kurt Manuel Pace with the bank of Valletta plc together with further interests, from the 21st October, 2014, till the date of effective payment.

    With costs as demanded against the defendant summoned so that a reference to his evidence be made.

    Applicant company: bank of Valletta plc (C 2833), 1/5, Misra san or, Valletta VLT 1190.

    Defendant: Kurt Manuel Pace, 56, edmar, Flat 3, Triq ruar Mizzi, Mosta.

    The sworn Application in the names bank of Valletta plc vs Pace Kurt Manuel, application number 1151/14 LM, has been deferred for the 27th February, 2015, at 9.30 a.m.

    registry of the superior Courts, today 17th February, 2015.

    ADV. FrANK POrTeLLI, LLDFor the registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

    IT Is beING NOTIFIeD that by a decree dated 6th February, 2015, given by the Court of Magistrates (Malta) as a Court of Criminal judicature (Magistrate Dr Natasha Galea sciberras, LLD), Compilation number 529/2014 in the case:

    The Police(Inspector Gabriel Micallef)


    sTePheN bONsFIeLD, 46 years, unemployed, son of harold and Teres ne Maranci, born in Tas-sliema, Malta, on the 17th september, 1968, residing at st Anthony, Flat 4, Tamar street, st Pauls bay, Malta, and holder of maltese identity card bearing number 42069M.

    OrDereD the attachment in the hands of third parties in general, all monies and other movable property due, or pertaining, or belonging to sTePheN bONsFIeLD, and prohibits the said accused from transferring, pledging, hypothecating, or otherwise disposing of any movable or immovable property, and this according to Article 22A of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, Cap. 101 of the Laws of Malta, and of Article 23A of the Criminal Code, Cap. 9 of the Laws of Malta.

    AUThOrIseD that the accused can receive an amount

    which will not exceed thirteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six euro and twenty-four cents (13,976.24) per year.


  • 1248 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,384

    registry of the Courts of Criminal judicature (Malta), today 16th February, 2015.

    MArVIC PsAILADeputy registrar Criminal Courts and Criminal Tribunals


    by means of a decree given by the First hall Civil Court, on the 29th january, 2015, in the records of the sworn Application, in the names Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited vs Marco Aquilina, application number 923/14 LM, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the respondents Marco Aqulina (ID 105069M), Cocktail Limited (C 35704) and Carisma Limited (C 37961) in terms of Article 187 (3) et. seq. of Cap. 12.

    by means of a sworn Application filed in the First hall Civil Court, in the names Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited (C 476) vs Marco Aquilina (ID 105069M), Cocktail Limited (C 35704) and Carisma Limited (C 37961), on the 23rd October, 2014, the applicant company Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited (C 476), asked this honourable Court:

    To decide this cause without proceeding to a hearing for the purposes of Articles 167 to 170 of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta, declare the respondents Marco Aquilina and Cocktail Limited, or either of whom owe to the applicant company, the sum of thirty-eight thousand, six hundred and seventy-one euro and sixteen cents (38,671.16), besides commercial interests as demanded, and uphold the other demands in the application, the respondents or either of whom are summoned so that a reference to their evidence be made, asked the Court to declare also that Marco Aquilina and Carisma Limited owe to the applicant company, the sum of 3,367.79 besides commercial interests.

    Applicant Company: The brewery, Imrieel.

    service: (1) 116, Antartica, Triq il-Qasam, swieqi. (2) Wied Inita, rabat road, Attard. (3) Wied Inita, rabat road, Attard.

    The sworn Application in the names Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited vs Aquilina Marco et, application number 923/14 LM, has been deferred for hearing to the 4th March, 2015, at 9.45 a.m.

    registry of the superior Courts, today 17th February, 2015.

    ADV. FrANK POrTeLLI, LLDFor the registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

    reistru tal-Qrati ta urisdizzjoni Kriminali (Malta), illum 16 ta Frar, 2015.

    MArVIC PsAILA Deputat reistratur Qrati u Tribunali Kriminali (Malta)

    bdigriet mogti mill-PrimAwla tal-Qorti ivili, fid-29 ta jannar, 2015, fl-atti tar-rikors uramentat, fl-ismijiet Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited vs Marco Aquilina, rikors numru 923/14 LM, iet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta notifika fil-konfront tal-intimati Marco Aquilina (KI 105069M), Cocktail Limited (C 35704) u Carisma Limited (C 37961) a tenur tal-Artikolu 187 (3) et. seq. tal-Kap. 12.

    Permezz ta rikors uramentat ippreentat fil-PrimAwla tal-Qorti ivili, fl-ismijiet Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited (C 476) vs Marco Aquilina (KI 105069M), Cocktail Limited (C 35704) u Carisma Limited (C 37961), fit-23 ta Ottubru, 2014, is-sojet rikorrenti Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited (C 476), talbet lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti:

    Tiddeiedi din il-kawa bid-dispensa tas-smig gall-finijiet tal-Artikoli 167 sa 170 tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liijiet ta Malta, tiddikjara lill-intimati Marco Aquilina u Cocktail Limited, jew min minnhom gandhom jagtu lis-sojet rikorrenti, is-somma ta tmienja u tletin elf, sitt mija u wieed u sebgin ewro u sittax-il entemu (38,671.16), oltre l-imgaxijiet kummerjali kif mitluba, u tilqa t-talbiet l-ora fir-rikors, l-intimati jew min minnhom inunti in subizzjoni, talbet il-Qorti tiddikjara wkoll illi Marco Aquilina u Carisma Limited gandhom jagtu lis-sojet rikorrenti, is-somma ta 3,367.79 oltre l-imgaxijiet kummerjali.

    sojet rikorrenti: The brewery, Imrieel.

    Notifika: (1) 116, Antartica, Triq il-Qasam, Is-swieqi. (2) Wied Inita, rabat road, Attard. (3) Wied Inita, rabat road, Attard.

    Ir-rikors uramentat fl-ismijiet Farsons beverage Imports Company Limited vs Aquilina Marco et, rikors numru 923/14 LM, jinsab differit gas-smig gall-4 ta Marzu, 2015, fl-9.45 a.m.

    reistru tal-Qrati superjuri, illum 17 ta Frar, 2015.

    AVV. FrANK POrTeLLI, LLDGar-reistratur Qrati ivili u Tribunali


  • Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( Valletta Published by the Department of information ( VallettaMitbug fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riiklata Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper